#bc she goes by C and she is an outlier
inkedmyths · 2 years
Hi Ink, i played on Sunday too i was just too sleepy to write, but now i'm supposed to be working so i'm here instead :"D So uhhh lots of things happened, yea fishy activities from our villains. Would be sooo funny if their ominous leader comrade C would be the chancellor actually. i mean they are so so dedicated to bringing that guy down. :") i have a feeling though that i should know that guy (C i mean) anyway keeping an eye on him. hm i'll probably flood u with asks now bc stupid char limit
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Oh this was a delight to wake up to. Congrats anon! You're in deep and there's probably no way out
Laura is indeed absolutely amazing and we all love her. Now her and Fie are unstoppable and could probably take over the world together if they felt like it. We love when girls fight it out in the middle of the night and then become besties
Ahh, yes, the enigmatic C. I won't say much regarding that one for Reasons, but your theorizing is deeply entertaining.
Same with Opera Lady AKA Vita. She's definitely weird but I am not elaborating on how, except that it's probably going to catch you by complete surprise
AND YAAAAY the final two members join the gang!! And yes Crow is great. Now you can be treated to such funny things as the fact that he can be seen dozing off in class scenes. OH and his link victories. I'm begging you his victory bits when linked with the others are so funny, esp Jusis and Millium. AND HIS COOKING please you have to have him fuck up a recipe I love his line when he does that
Ah, Millium... baby child. Spy baby child. Very interesting kiddo, since she vacillates between being Baby and being a competent spy. Her situation is... complicated, for reasons that don't start to become apparent until at least CS2 and is elaborated on in CS3. Anyways yeah now you get to play Baby Leash Holder, have fun
Legram Field Study! This one is so interesting because while Shit Goes Down on every field study, it goes down in a completely different manner and reason than all of the others. It's an outlier, representative of the other side of the plot. It's also one of those that's very interesting in hindsight.
Viscount Arseid is THE coolest guy. I mean if it wasn't already obvious from being called something like The Radiant Blademaster. Genuinely, he is one of the most powerful characters around, and this remains a fact throughout. As far as the nobility goes he's up there with the best. And yeah he's a good dad guy. We love him.
Watching you adore Laura and her dad, there's a character in the later games you are going to LOVE. She doesn't show up for a while so you'll have to wait. But if you love the big sword people, you are going to adore this one.
THE RAILWAY GUNSSS yeah you're coming up on that fast! Exciting. And yes Elliot's dad is there, which is indeed so fun, and I look forward to you meeting him
So, a bit on the bracers, since they're actually a very central group to the series as a whole. In the CS arc you get a better feel for them in the later games, as you meet other members of the guild. Those who came from the Sky and Crossbell games, though, would be more familiar with them. The protagonists of the Sky games are themselves Bracers, and the Crossbell crew works semi-in-tandem, semi-competitively with them. Each arc is fairly good at being played by themselves, but there's your fun background! They're a fun and overall very do-gooder organization. And also a veryyyy colorful bunch lol
And finally, the Chancellor. He's. Well, controversial certainly applies. Politics, child spies... once again, can't say shit, but I will say I want to study this man under a microscope.
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cagedchoice · 2 years
so i may or may not have set up a sideblog (@cutlier) for c/frankie at 2am on this wednesday morning bc i have lost control of my life
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Can I ask for an scenario were the proxies have to interact with Charlie? Like, maybe for example the boss sends the 4 of them to Kate’s old house for some reason, or Charlie just wonders into them because he’s scared
Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
[Proxies and Charlie]
[Warnings: like, none?]
[This is like full fic length bc I kinda liked the idea]
“Kate?” Tim’s soft voice called out from the driver's seat. He sees that she’s gazing out the window, lost in her thoughts. A small sigh escapes his lips as he leans back, hand gently patting at Kate’s shoulder. “Kate, we need to go.”
The dark haired woman stirs, blinking rapidly in response. She pauses. “I’m sorry?”
The men in the car laugh, Toby devolving into giggles as he clicks her seatbelt. “We’re h-h-here,” he smiles.
Kate shifts, slightly uncomfortable in her seat as she reaches to unlock the door. There, down the driveway is the house that used to be hers. She slides out, listening as her teammates do the same. Her shoes rest on the gravel and gently press against the earth. She hasn’t been able to see her house in the daylight for goodness knows how long. In fact, most of the time she’s here, it’s nighttime.
“You okay?” Brian asks as he rests his hand on her shoulder before moving to her upper back. He’s gently guiding her to the house.
She shrugs ever so slightly, a cloud overtaking her eyes. “Not sure.”
Brian hums and gently rubs her back as they walk up to the house. “We’ll be in and out, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Tim suddenly cuts in.
“W-Why exactly a-a-a-are we h-here?” Toby asks as he catches up to his three group members, stretching his arms and cracking his neck as he does so.
“Operator said we needed some files or something,” Tim answers. “Shouldn’t be that hard, yeah?”
Kate feels a little on edge and nostalgic when she sees the brick walls that surround her home. She takes a glance around. The yard needs to be done as there’s tall grass and weeds that have overtaken the once pretty garden. Ivy and vines grow over the windows, the brick needs some upkeep - it’s a mess. But surprisingly enough, the swingset is still intact. She walks down the path to her front door and reaches out for the doorknob, opening it and raises her brows to see that it’s open. “Huh,” she murmurs. “Wonder if there have been any squatters in here.”
“Sure hope not,” Brian says as his gloved hands trail the tall grass’ edges. “Means we gotta go out there and hunt them down.”
Tim and Toby both sigh in agreement, grimaces crossing over their faces. This house is practically a time capsule into Operator behavior and the like. It reeks with his energy. This place is only open to proxies, and even then, they have to be cleared proxies. If any humans made it in here, that means they have to get killed. That’s just how it is.
Kate steps into her old house, slightly displeased to see that the house looks eerily similar to how she left it with the minor additions of Lauren’s snooping as well. It doesn’t feel or smell like someone has been in here for a while. She begins to explore the place, her hand on her weapon just in case as her teammates file in.
‘So,’ Tim begins in the back of his proxies’ heads, ‘just a few files. Apparently we’ll know ‘em when we see ‘em.’
Toby snorts slightly. ‘You don’t have anything more solid than that?’
‘They’re bound to have Lauren on them,’ Kate says. ‘It’s uh, just the feeling I get.’
Hums echo throughout the house from her teammates as they split and scope out the house. Kate stands in the kitchen, looking for the files. Nothing so far. She sighs. She was hoping they’d be in and out.
“Any luck?” Brian calls out after deeming the house safe.
“Nope,” Tim calls out from the TV room.
“N-Not here either,” Toby says from one of the upstairs bedrooms.
Kate hums as she opens up the drawers. “Empty,” she says.
Tim sighs and runs his fingers through his hair as he rounds the house, mindlessly looking for the things the Operator asked of them. He’s a little upset that they’re just not out there in the open, but that would be convenient, far too convenient. He begins to look out the window, watching for the birds and other things, anything to just calm down. He pats absentmindedly at his pocket, feeling his pack of cigarettes. “Goin’ out for a smoke,” he says over his shoulder to Kate who is still searching the kitchen.
Tim steps outside and lights up a cigarette, placing it between his lips before sucking in a slow breath. He watches the clouds as they swim in the sky, the sun as it passes overhead. What a beautiful summer afternoon. He’s honestly zoning out when he hears a rustling in the grass. What is that? His head turns and so too do the hairs on the back of his neck. Something is on the grounds and it doesn’t feel human. Tim immediately drops his cigarettes and crushes it under his boot before palming his gun.
Dark eyes begin to scan over the tall grasses as he remains planted at the doorstep. He’s about to call for his teammates in what they lovingly call ‘head talk’ before he sees something peeking out of the tall grass, just outside the brick gates. It has dark hair and sticks out like a sore thumb amongst the lush green. Before Tim can even make any plan of action, it’s up and stalking towards him. He swears under his breath, raising his gun towards the creature.
It hisses, making clicking noises and snarling as it keeps a distance, large hands get held up defensively as Tim growls back.
Kate, in the kitchen, hears this and internally panics. At first, she thought it was some rabid raccoon or something, but she recognizes those clicks. That’s Charlie! She slams her drawer and then rushes out to the front where Tim, Brian and Toby are locked in a standoff with the poor thing.
“Woah, woah!” She cries out, extending her hands as she does so.
“Kate, get back,” Tim hisses, hand reaching out to grab at her collar. He grows in disapproval when she pushes off of him, quickly coming to the zombified proxy’s side.
Upon seeing Kate, the creature pauses. It purrs lowly and lowers his head.
Kate stands in front of him, arms out. “He’s not gonna hurt you.” She gently pushes Charlie back, wanting to get him as far away from her teammates as she can.
“It c-c--could be an o-outlier,” Toby says with narrowed eyes, hand not loosening its grip on his hatchets.
Kate takes in a deep, frustrated breath and shakes her head. “His name is Charlie.” She explains. “He’s what we are.”
“What we are?” Brian asks with a tilt of his head, brow raising, but gun still pointed. “He can’t be.”
Toby nods in agreement. “P-Proxies don’t l-look like t-t-that,” he murmurs with uncertainty.
Tim sighs deeply as he lowers his gun, holstering it. “This is what happens to proxies if the Operator wills it,” he explains, a small grimace on his lips. “It’s the radiation.”
Uncomfortable chills run up and down the spines of Tim’s teammates as they slowly put their weapons away, frowns on their faces.
Charlie tilts his head, though his body language conveys that he’s clearly still distressed over what’s happened. His hands are waving, ready to strike should he need to, teeth bared and ready to snap.
Kate runs her fingers through her hair and waves off her other teammates. “Go back inside, let me handle this,” she commands. “He’s harmless, but you’ve made a bad impression on him.”
“He shouldn’t have been poking in the grass,” Tim says as he crosses his arms over his chest.
Kate sticks out her tongue at him. “Get inside, and bring me two sandwiches.”
“Excuse you?” Tim says in slight surprise.
She looks over her shoulder as she gently grabs Charlie’s large hand, leading him to the swingset that is surprisingly still intact. “Go take a seat buddy,” she guides in a warm tone, watching as Charlie slowly slumps back over to his most natural pose, quietly walking towards the swingset. “You heard me,” Kate calls back over her shoulder.
Tim rolls his eyes and heads back inside, mentally telling Toby to make two sandwiches.
Toby, who is watching as Charlie sits on the swingset, rolls his eyes at Tim’s command before sauntering off to the kitchen. He’s admittedly surprised to pull open the fridge and see it’s stocked with food and there’s fresh bread. ‘What kind of sandwiches did you guys want?’ Toby hums as he rummages through the fridge.
Kate pauses swinging. ‘PB&J would be fine,’ she replies. ‘Really anything goes though, Charlie just looks hungry.’
Toby obliges and frowns for a moment. ‘Do you think you and Charlie can wait a second?’
‘I have something special in mind.’
Kate hums and then nods. ‘Yeah, take your time, Tobes.’ With Charlie at her side, Kate begins to talk with him, buying Toby some seconds. “So, you feeling alright, buddy?”
Charlie chirps quietly, swinging beside her.
“Did the big guy send you here?”
Charlie nods.
“Is he being mean again?”
Charlie’s eyes lower as he shivers slightly, another solemn nod dragging his head downwards as he focuses on the pretty flowers that grow up from the ground.
Kate furrows her brows with a small frown and stands up from the seat, peeling off her hoodie. She drapes it over Charlie’s shoulders before sitting on the gravel just in front of him, pulling at the pretty pink and blue flowers. “I’m here now, yeah?”
Charlie purrs as he holds the arms of her hoodie, a small smile curling upwards on his face.
Kate hums softly as she weaves him a flower crown.
Inside the house, Toby is almost done with the grilled cheese sandwiches. He’s melting the cheese on the second one when Brian and Tim stroll in, a tad bored from watching Kate and Charlie.
“That’s surprisingly nice of you,” Brian lightly ribs. “Smells good though.”
“Why don’t you ever make these with us?” Tim inquires with a small chuckle.
“I c-c-can make them n-now for u-u-s,” Toby begins, flipping the sandwich. “B-But my s-sister used t-t-to make these w-when I was u-upset. F-Figured C-Charlie needed a p-pick me up,” he explains, a small smile on his lips as he turns off the stove. Toby places it on the plate and grabs it before heading to the front door.
In the front yard, Kate is just finishing placing a flower crown on Charlie’s head. The colors compliment his hair and Kate giggles softly as he coos. “You’re so pretty,” she compliments, gently tapping where his nose should be, making him giggle in response. Her nose picks up the scent of Toby’s cooking and a warm smile spreads over her lips. There he is, in the doorway.
“T-Thought you g-guys would l-like these,” he says as he meets Kate halfway.
“You’re so thoughtful,” Kate smiles as she takes the plate into her hands. “You wanna come say hi to Charlie?”
“I-Is he o-okay with it?” Toby asks, wanting to ensure Charlie won’t get wound up again.
Kate glances over her shoulder to the large cryptid like proxy that is currently playing with the flowers that adorn his head. “He’s fine,” she hums, leading Toby to the swingset. “Hey buddy,” she quietly greets. “Toby made some sandwiches for us.”
Charlie tilts his head curiously at the new scent, both Toby and the grilled cheese. He pokes at it before lifting it.
“It’s s-s-still a little h--hot,” Toby warns as Kate sits him down on one of the swings.
Charlie tilts his head again.
Toby blows a bit on his hand.
Charlie follows in suit before chomping into the sandwich, mouth opening and closing like a dragon due to how hot it is.
Both Kate and Toby laugh.
Brian and Tim watch from the windows as Toby, Kate and Charlie begin to get to know each other, giggles and positive energy flowing between the three of them as they do so.
“Should we let them stay?” Tim hums.
Brian nods, a small smile on his lips. “Yeah, let the kids play.”
Tim chuckles, patting Brian on the back. “You check the basement for those files yet?”
“Nah, did you?”
“Wouldn’t be asking if I did,” Tim grins.
Brian rolls his eyes. “Be right back,” he informs, hazel eyes reluctantly leaving the vision of the swing set.
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fortruechaos-moved · 5 years
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I think I’ve talked about this on Blaze’s blog b/c she deals so heavily with the Sol Emeralds but I wanna touch on it a bit more. This is kind of what I think about when writing about Chaos energy. Of course this is all super headcanon based and really just stuff I came up with for my specific verse and things I wanna play around more bc I’m having fun with it. Feel free to take whatever you like from this and use in your own verse if you think it’s a fun idea.
So there are thousands of different energy signatures out there but the “primary” ones are Chaos energy and Sol energy. Each verse has its own ‘triumphing’ energy signature. Some universes, of course, are outliers and work with their own specific energy. Think anti-universes, which operate with what I simply call “Null Energy” for simplicity’s sake. There’s other energy signatures like the Time Stones and the Phantom Ruby and the Warp Topaz, but they do not dominate entire universes and so aren’t really gonna be touched on here.
Sol energy and Chaos energy are inherently incompatible. They are always at odds with each other and in constant competition. It’s why Blaze always goes back home (princessly duties aside); her energy simply doesn’t BELONG in Sonic’s world. Sol energy has the ability to either dampen or amplify Chaos energy but the user isn’t entirely sure what will happen until they try because it’s simply too inconsistent. Conversely, people with high amounts of Chaos energy are more powerful around people with other high amounts of Chaos energy (I HC that Shadow and Sonic are more powerful around each other because their energy feeds into each other. It’s also why Shadow’s power increases every time he gets another Emerald and the same could be said for Sonic). Same goes for two Sol energy users. But Sol energy isn’t as kind as Chaos energy and tends to be pickier about who can use it by sticking primarily to a bloodline and a guardian.
Null energy is sort of the inverse of Chaos energy, but Sol energy has an equivalent referred to as Null-Sol energy because who fucking cares. Despite the name, the energies don’t cancel each other out; they’re simply two ends of the spectrum. They have absolutely zero impact on the other.
The Master Emerald has the ability to cancel out Chaos energy or amplify it as well, but it’s more easily controlled depending on the user’s wishes. Its energy is easily harnessed. It literally controls the Chaos.
I write all this out to give people an idea of what I’m talking about when I write about Shadow interacting with characters like Blaze, Sonic, Knuckles, etc. etc. I want to make a fan comic someday too and incorporate this idea into it somehow so it’s good to just write it all out and put it somewhere for me to later reference.
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River Song for the character thing?
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First impression
See, Time of Angels was like, the second episode of DW I properly watched bc I was being shown the Weeping Angels, so with my bad memory I’m assuming it was confusion, but “she seems cool”. 
Impression now
I think she’s genuinely my favourite character in the DW universe other than the Doctor. She’s my morally questionable but good at heart wife and I adore her more than words could ever say. 
I think a lot of people don’t appreciate just how much of a standout character she is when you look at female characters in general. 
For a start, she’s an outlier in the ageist/sexist tradition of casting any woman over 40 as a bitch/villain or a mother (River could have been played by a 25 year old with zero difference to the story, but it wouldn’t have been the same, we all know that, they cast Alex and she’s perfect). She’s mature and badass and owns her sexuality. 
And then you have the fact that you just... can’t put her in a box. 
She’s allowed to take charge and flirt and lie and cry and make mistakes and grow, and she’s cruel and kind and cold and warm and playful and lethal and determined loves fiercely and would murder certain kinds of people without a second thought, and she’s able to be all of those things at once and have it still make sense. 
She’s stripped of her agency from birth and spends her life taking it back and creating herself, living on her terms and being no less than the woman she wants to be. 
Also, she’s a great example of a bi/pan character being in a committed relationship and being no less committed for being bi/pan. (Like, alright, anyone with sense knows that it’s an open marriage and that River is obviously very poly, something the show itself does lowkey acknowledge, but really it’s just about as plausible to consider that the marriage IS monogamous as it is to consider that it isn’t, so she’s kind of simultaneously poly representation and committed bi/pan representation,in a way, especially since being poly doesn’t make her less committed��anyway, since her devotion to the Doctor is never in doubt.) 
Favorite moment
Oh god, there’s far too many. I think her speech from Husbands of River Song will always win, though, the “[loving the Doctor] is like loving the stars themselves, you don’t expect a sunset to admire you back”. 
In addition to just being beautiful in the moment and the reveal that came after, it also sheds a whole new light on her character that had only been hinted at before, the realisation that all this time, she’s never believed he loves her back. That she has, in words of a later episode, without hope, without witness, without reward, loved him all that time, because that’s her truth. 
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Her moment of realising it’s him, realising that god, maybe he does love her back, is just so incredible. 
Idea for a story
Anything about Darillium is always fun, or things that involve her flirting with ladies. I’m working on a thing with her and the Doom Coalition audios companion Helen, because they’re really beautiful and gay together and I have a lot of feelings. 
Unpopular opinion
I mean I know a lot of people have dumb opinions about River but I’m pretty sure most of what I’ve already said goes against those, so... yeah. Haters can hate but they’re missing out on one of the best female characters to ever exist in Doctor Who ever so... their loss, really. 
Favorite relationship
Her and the Doctor, obviously. What a fucking power couple did you see how quickly they jumped into action in THoRS once she knew who he was? 
I’ll never be over them, frankly, because they’re heartbreaking from the beginning but also fun and silly and adorable and passionate and devoted and I just.... they cover almost all the bases you could possibly want, they’re hot and cute and silly all at once. 
(Runners up are River and her parents, and River/Helen(/Liv) in Doom Coalition bc g a y c u t i e s) 
Favorite headcanon
Her numerous wives, including Benny, Clara, Helen, Liv, and Quill. (I’d say Missy but like, they’d just murder each other probably imo, lmao)
She 100% helped Helen Sinclair come to terms with being a lesbian and is very soft with her 1960′s wife okay that’s very important to me. 
this got super long but I love River Song so so so so much like fcuk there will never be enough words she’s so important
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