#kate the chaser scenario
whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
From Where the Land Meets the Sea -Chapter 1
[Warnings: Some fighting, wounds described but nothing too major.]
[AN: here's,,,, actual chapter 1,,,,,,, 3393 words <3]
Full Index
Prologue | Chapter 2
Reblogs are appreciated!
Your ears felt as if they were ringing as the sounds of an ongoing fight rang from downstairs. It was a cacophony of violence. Your mother was hissing, curling curse upon curse from her lips as loud thuds from hits landing reverberated around the house. You shot up in the bed and tried hard to avoid the way your body swayed, how your vision blurred and your half awake form struggled to match the adrenaline that began to pool and rush throughout your body. 
Dizzy, you stumbled around your dark, moonlit room and found yourself leaned against your bookshelf. You squinted and moved your hands around and grasped for a weapon. “Fuck, come on,” you hissed to yourself right as your fingers wrapped around smooth glass. You gripped the item. The pads of your fingertips ran over the base that held the outline of skyscrapers and the bubbled letters of ‘Chicago’. Of course, it was a snowglobe your parents had gifted you way back when. It was one of their many random little gifts, something that they wanted you to have ‘just because’. You shook away the doubt of potentially breaking such a pretty gift but decided you needed to intervene more than be sentimental. 
That same adrenaline rushed wildly through your veins as you powered down the hallway. At that moment, you did not care about how much noise you were making. Your mind was focused on your mother and the danger she sounded to be in. When you rounded the banister to the stairs, you almost slipped down and narrowly caught yourself by gripping the rail tight, knuckle bones almost breaking free from the skin due to how taught you’d wound your hand up. Your fingers mused around the snowglobe as you crept down quickly. It’s not like you wanted to take it slow, but you needed to know what you were getting into as well. 
Panting, you watched as your mother’s posture froze for just a moment. She’d just popped up like a bright daisy on the first day of spring when the breath had been stolen from her lungs. She screeched as the hulking figure dashed forwards with murderous intent in his eyes as his strong arms wrapped around her waist and slammed her down onto the coffee table. Your eyes widened when you heard the glass shatter followed by his weight physically bearing down on her to crack the wood, nails splitting unceremoniously from their drilled holes, the creak of the splitting timber and the crisp crackle of glass as it dug deep into her flesh and spilled rubies onto the floor. 
You watched as your mother brushed the pain off and tucked her knees upwards to her chest before kicking swiftly upwards at her attacker’s torso. “God damn it!” She growled as she shoved him roughly off of her. Not wasting another second, she rose to her feet and returned the favor. Screaming something raw and bloodied, your mother jumped on him while the assailant tried to catch his breath. Her nails dug tight into his skin before upwards to his hair. Her fists pounded at him. The assailant was fairly tall. He wore a tan coat and was still panting, now cursing, from behind the white mask that donned a stereotypically female visage. He clawed wildly like a caged animal to get your mother off. 
You had a golden opportunity. He hadn’t noticed you from the darkness of the stairwell. You glanced down at the snowglobe in your hand. Could you really do it? You listened to the sounds of struggle for a few more moments before deciding that it was now or never. You hardly formed a plan while your body took flight, almost as if some greater force had switched on your sense of autopilot. You let out a ferocious battle cry and ran forward before swinging the snowglobe on the crown of his head. The glass burst. Sharp little shards fell across the man’s form like the snowflakes it once housed. Your hands were now covered in the liquid, but he had been soaked by it. Not even registering it was broken, you swung the snowglobe down again and let the jagged edges embed into his skull as he yelled in pain. 
His rough hands reached around and threw you off of him before attempting to pry your mother off of him. 
You caught his gaze for just a moment. Deep, dark brown eyes met your own. They were wide, and his skin looked pale. It was like you were a ghost to him, an apparition that should not be. His body language told you he didn’t think you were worth the trouble physically, but your very presence had somehow changed everything. The masked man slammed his back against the wall, letting your mother take the brunt of it and coughed loudly when she finally slithered off of him like she was boneless. 
“Mom!” You cried out as you rushed forwards. Your fingers curled tight around his bicep as you helped her back up. 
“Reader? What the hell are you doing down here?” She asked in an exasperated tone. It didn’t sound like she was that upset with you, but rather the entirety of the situation. She was exhausted. Her breathing was labored, and much too quick. Her thousand-yard stare told you she was starting to see stars. 
You brushed away the pain that bloomed across your body in order to answer her properly. “Helping you! Where’s dad?” You asked in a hurry. You draped your mother’s arm over your shoulders and began to haul her away from the living room. You just wanted her to be away from the conflict, or at least get a head start from it. 
The man clad in the tan coat narrowed his dark eyes at you. With annoyance, he brushed his fingers through his hair and shook away the glass and flicked away tiny remnants of a city called ‘Chicago’. His shoulders squared like he was going to rush you again. He slowly reached his hand up to dig around in his coat pocket. Gradually, he came closer. His shoes scuffed the hardwood floors. 
You could hear your heart drum in your chest as the barrel of a gun glinted in the light. Is this what it’s like when people say your life flashes before your eyes?
Your mother’s eyes widened as she began to push you out of the way. “N-!” Before the plea could be uttered from her lips, your father swung open the front door. His eyes were burning with a rage you did not know he was capable of holding, pain, and ire, a soft sadness all the same wore themselves on his face. He growled as he took over the masked man, his teeth bared while he snarled curse after curse. “Get them out of here!” He finally boomed as the hurt grew tenfold in his eyes. 
You saw the most curious thing as your mother began to usher you out - the masked man was elated. There was joy and energy in the way he danced for death with your father. 
“Let’s go!” Your mother breathed quickly. She held your arm tightly. It was an interesting feeling, the way her steps became a little more powerful as the two of you made your way to the backdoor. The cuts on her face, they’d looked so much smaller than when you first caught sight of her. Her back didn’t seem to be giving her any problems despite being thrown on top of the coffee table. 
You glanced backwards just to ensure your father’s safety as your mother pushed you closer and closer to the door. Your hand had just barely wrapped around the knob to open it when the masked man kicked your father in the stomach, sending him flying back the wall. “No!” You exclaimed in horror as you attempted to break free from your mother’s grasp to help. 
Your mother pulled the backdoor open and shoved you through it before slipping out herself. Her brows furrowed as she shook her head. This was not your fight. 
The backyard was normally a very welcome sight. In the summer, roses would bloom here. You had a few blueberry bushes, elderberry bushes, hydrangea, a whole vegetable garden you and your parents had lovingly cultivated since you were small but now, the shadows seemed much too dark. The moon was high in the night sky at this point, just barely blue and peered down at the two of you like the watchful eye of a being that had no discernable face. 
The two of you began to hobble towards the back gate. It’s clear now that whatever your mother had acquired physically during her battle with the masked man had finally begun to take its toll on her. The wound on her midsection had split open like the delicate skin of a soup dumpling and spilled red broth from her body. She scowled when you ripped off a piece of your shirt and began to apply pressure. She wanted to quip that she’d just bought it for you when the shadows shifted near the bushes of the back gate. 
Gods, release had seemed so close. 
Your mother’s eyes narrowed as she surveyed the area. The hairs on the back of her neck raised while she fixed her stance to something more confident. It was that of a warrior, not the wounded. It was clear that she did not want to make the first move, but she knew the cowards would not come out first unless provoked. “No more playing games,” she called out, her voice strong and unwavering. “Show yourself.” 
Answering her prayers came a man wielding hatchets. His frame was strong, but relatively wiry. He was tall and just a bit gangly, but the way he looped and twirled the handles of his weapons conveyed a sense of arrogance and joy that mirrored the same energy from the man still fighting with your father in the house. His neck cracked unnaturally to the left, then to the right before he was joined by a… person… wearing a white hoodie. The mask that sat upon their face looked dirty, but planned that way. This was no thoughtless design, but one that gave an eerie edge to its wearer. 
The two of them glanced at each other before sharing a single nod. The one with hatchets stepped forward, cracked his knuckles loudly, and then jumped. 
“Watch it!” Your mother yelled as she pushed you off from her. 
You yelped and tumbled down to the grass. You braced for impact and grunted at how the earth rose roughly upwards to meet you. Cursing under your breath, you attempted to rise and help your mother when the one wearing the white hoodie pounced. “Fuck!” You exclaimed as you unnaturally rolled around the grass to try and get them off. 
Their legs held tight around your midsection as they clawed at you like a wild animal with growling and hiss ign to accompany their actions! Eventually they pried your hands away from your neck and wrapped their rough, calloused hands hard against your throat. Their thumbs dug deep into your windpipe as your eyes rolled upwards. 
Your hands desperately clawed at the earth for anything you could use to avoid getting choked to death. Feeling around, your fingertips just barely clipped the edge of a decorative rock you’d made when you were a child. The paint had rendered some part of it smooth, but you didn’t care. Gripping it tightly for all it was worth, you swung the rock hard and upwards against the attacker’s face. 
They yowled like a wounded animal and rolled off of you. 
You pushed their legs off of your body and looked down at them. You held your breath as you raised your foot and brought it down on their head. It wasn’t hard enough to kill them, but you knew with a force like that that they wouldn’t be getting up anytime soon either. “Mom,” you whispered at the budding realization she had to take someone on by herself. Whipping your head around towards the sound of the outside commotion, you saw your mother. 
In one of her hands was the man’s other hatchet. There was a certain elegance and grace to the way that she blocked and landed hits. You watched her move some more. Her form wasn’t awful, but it wasn’t the cleanest either. She was a bit sloppy, but that could be because of the bloodloss. There was a miniscule, barely present gleam in her eyes from the way they traded hits. 
Where… No, WHEN did mom learn to fight? 
Not having long to dwell on your mother’s fighting skills, the tide changed. Caught just off guard long enough, the hatchet holding man swung the blunt edge of his remaining hatchet on her temple. An awful crack echoed through the night. He raised his leg, wound it up and kicked her hard in the chest to push her back down to the earth. His movements were calculated and quick as he straddled her waist and raised his hatched high. 
The backdoor swung open followed by the familiar face of your father. Relying on reflex, he hurled the remnants of the snowglobe at the hatchet man’s face which clocked him right between the eyes. 
A groan emitted from his lips that sounded like it was the socially polite thing to do rather than an actual physical response as your mother pushed him off of her. She panted deeply and motioned for your father to join her. She was in no state to keep fighting, not like this. The wound on her abdomen was going to weigh her down, and your father’s adrenaline would wear off sooner than later. On the grass laid the man who was hit with the snowglobe. He seemed to be in some form of physical pain due to how good of a fight your mother had put up. 
Seeing he was in a much better physical state than your mother, he did the heavy lifting as he sprinted over and scooped the two of you up. Your parents shared a quick glance with each other as if they conversed without moving their lips as they rolled you towards the back gate. 
“Wait, wait-” you gasped when they launched you over it. Wide eyed, you stared up at them, them and their broken forms. “What about you guys?” You asked, seemingly already aware that they would leave themselves behind for your benefit. 
Your mother shook her head and hushed you. “Look, there’s no time to explain. You just need to go.” She glanced over her shoulder as a precaution and shuddered at how unnaturally the two laid out on the back lawn began to stand up. Through the backdoor, the masked man joined them. Their steps were slow, like they were toying with the three of you as they stalked closer and closer. “We’ll find you later,” she whispered. Her shaking lips connected with your forehead. Her hands were warm, cut up, but warm as they caressed your face like she did when you were small. 
You looked wildly between the two and felt your heart lurch. You turned your attention to your father and tried to find comfort in him. You were still praying, hoping, screaming in your head for this to all be a dream turned into a nightmare. “But-”
“But nothing. Keep your head on a swivel.” He gently reached his hand up to brush your cheek before turning around at the sound of steps growing ever closer. He frowned that the moment with his child had been ruined but focused on keeping that child safe. 
You took in a deep breath and watched as your parents rolled their shoulders and shared a similar glance between each other that the hatchet wielding man and white hoodie wearing person gave one another earlier as if they were mirroring their confidence and power. You looked out at the dark forest that laid ahead of you, and ran. 
Hot, thick tears welled in your eyes as you booked it towards the treeline before finding yourself swallowed whole by the dense forest that lived directly behind your home. You let the tears cascade down your cheeks as you haphazardly ran over roots and foliage. 
“You let them get away? I’ll kill you myself!” One of the three yelled in hot rage. 
You winced at the sound of it but kept running. Fuck, they’d be looking directly for you now. 
You mentally cursed the world for having cried the morning before. The slippery leaves made running safely an impossibility, and the tree tops were so thick here that the light of the moon could not penetrate through them shrouding you in an uncomfortable darkness. It was stupid to keep running during such unsafe conditions. If you kept it up like this, you would be bound to be captured from dumb decision making alone. 
Your body sucked in the oxygen fast as you struggled to get your breathing down to a normal pace. You paused and rested your hands on your knees, bent over slightly and breathed the air greedily. After a brief point of recalibration, you heard the shuffling of the woods around you. It was unnatural to anything else you had heard, so you got down and nestled in the roots of a tree. Your fingers curled around a large rock, but your vision stayed on the faint lights of your house that cut through the cold darkness. 
“Found you,” a low voice says. 
You screech wildly as they wrestle you down to the ground. You wriggle and pull at them, then push some more and repeat the process. You try your hardest to fight your way free. “Let me go, you bastard!” You exclaim, more than upset you can’t see their face to identify them so you can turn them into the cops when you escape. 
While the thick blanket of treetops obscures their face from view, you could feel how annoyed they truly were with you in the moment. It’s that same annoyance that led them to wrapping their hands around your throat and squeezing before you could even try and continue cursing them out. 
You felt your body weaken as your arms grew slack. As you quietly huffed, you listened to your kidnapper take in deep, labored breaths. 
“You are exhausting,” they mumbled. 
“Don’t touch me,” you tiredly wisped out as you absentmindedly pawed at their chest. You groaned in disapproval when they stood and caught their breath, lifting you in their strong arms as if you were a minor inconvenience to their overall plans. They reached one hand under your shoulder, the other under your knee and began to walk. 
You frowned and wiggled. “Put me down,” you half mindedly whispered. 
“Stop,” they warned. 
You wriggled more in a vain attempt to free yourself. 
More than tired of your antics, they knelt down against the earth and rested your lower half on the damp soil. They listened with more than enough grace and patience as you yowled and hissed at them while they reached into their back pocket. “Alright, time to shut up and get some sleep,” they mused more to themself than you as they pressed a neatly folded cloth flush against your face. They made sure every breath you took was filtered by the rag. 
You tried to grab at their wrist to move them off but found in your weakened state you held no real power. With exhaustion washed over your system, you let them carry you again. You sleepily hung onto consciousness while your limbs swayed with each step. Leaves and twigs crunched softly under their boots. Traversing the woods at night seemed to come like second nature to them. 
They smelled of whiskey. They smelled of burning campfires. They smelled just barely of gasoline. They smelled of cigarettes. 
The owls high in the trees cooed softly while the crickets hung up their instruments. This part of the woods grew colder despite the dogs of summer still running high amongst the fields. Something old draped itself over your form. You finally saw the light of the moon again. 
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creepy-friday · 1 year
Just came across your blog and I ended up binge-reading everything! I'm in love with the way you write the characters, specially the Proxies. And the female Proxy is definetly my favourite👌.
How it would be if, instead of being Slender's trusted minion and already a experienced Proxy, she was a newbie and fresh meat? Kinda like Cody, younger and dragged there with little to no choice because the Operator saw potential in them. Would the dynamics change, since she doesn't have a high rank to rely on?
Maybe Brian is appointed as her mentor and he gets advantage of her inexperience by corrupting her?
Creepypasta Proxies x Newbie!Female Proxy
The overbearing silence after the buzzing static faded away was bringing in a new damned life.It's been a month since you were bought here,locked in your room until The Operator decided it was enough for you to settle in
It was time for you to meet again with the masked men that dragged you here-the same killers that were supposed to be your team, "allies" even
Every resident was looking down on you,even EJ that pitied you and looked at you with mercy behind his blue mask.The first time you had to pay a visit to his clinic he even asked if you are scared because deep down,his instinct made him to enjoy it
The harassing is real,but this time it's more dangerous.Remember,you're a helpless outsider in a place full of rapists,killers and awful fantasies.Walking down dark hallways is always in a hurry,same as eating and showering.
Since Brian was assigned to your ass,you're almost totally saved and worry free next to him,but he's also a piece of shit
He sees your potential,after all, if The Operator views you as valuable-then you're most certainly priceless.
He's a gentle guy,takes his sweet sweet time to teach you everything you need to know.
Sure,he respects you,but during training sessions he will do everything in his power to get you under him,sort of helpless.
"See,it's not that hard" he breathed out as he guided your hands on the right places "if you ever happen to find yourself in this position you know what to do now,right?" he smiled in a gentle manner,slowly standing up from above you,taking you by your hand with him."Do you want to reverse the roles?"
He will defend your name even if you are in the wrong during proxy meetings.He will keep on bringing up how fucked up all of them felt when they arrived there,and this point always works.(more or less for Masky)He knows how to pull the strings when he wants to
You already know the drill,Masky is a menace to work with,especially with newbies.Don't get me wrong,he doesn't expect you to be fully prepared to know shit,he enjoys having you dumb,but he will always make you feel like shit,he will try his best to bring a pained expression to your face because it makes him feel better and he's bored of Toby
Definitely uses you as a vent chat,no restrictions for him,from inventing some fucked up story to telling you about his miserable life from before the mansion and during the present since he doesn't expect you to stay
The only time he stops is when his friend gives him the sign.It's crazy,but he respects Brian more than he cares about breaking some of your lovely bones
Toby was more than glad to know another woman "joined in",especially since you're new and vulnerable,he now has the chance to look out for someone and to be needed
Altough Toby was the most unusual individual,Cody was the one to give you the creeps most of the times.And he does it on purpose
Since he's no longer the fresh meat everyone looks down to,he feels superior that now he has you around
He wouldn't bully you or make you feel bad on purpose, but he will definitely baby you around A LOT
Kate is complicated.She doesn't talk,she doesn't look at you,she doesn't make any effort to teach nor to train you.She looks down on you,and the only time she will open her mouth is to either tell you to stop what you're doing or to answer any of your questions with a phrase so vague it will make you have even more questions
Time is precious,so don't waste it.Every hour can be spent becoming stronger,but also every hour goes by terribly slow when around every fucking corner someone is gawking their eyes at you
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elvriuh · 11 months
Ticci Toby pulling pranks on the Proxies || Head Cannons and Scenarios! || MY AU
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Masky hates pranks with a passion, especially when they’re on him.
He’ll lose his mind if someone pranks him, and he’ll swear to the gods that he’ll punch their lights out and maybe snap their neck, nothing harmless. Just a payback.
He’ll track down the prankster and storm into their room to start a rumble. Poor man.
He’s usually pretty smart though, since a lot of pastas, and sometimes even PROXIES- try to prank him (despite them being scared of him), but they usually flop. HEHEHHAHAHAHAAA.
Masky, hidden behind his white mask, let out a yawn that could wake the dead. He was so beat because of the mission; he could’ve snoozed standing up. He ambled into the Mansion, barely noticing anyone else, and made a beeline for his room.
Something was nagging at him… Did he forget something? Eh, it could wait.
Another yawn escaped him as he nudged the door open and stepped inside. But then, he froze. There was someone in his room, holding something light-grey…
Hold up, was that Toby?
And was that a bucke-
Laughter filled the room.
Masky just stood there, wide awake now and fuming.
Toby had just given him an impromptu shower with a bucket.
Nice one, dude.
Masky looked down at his drenched clothes, then back up at Toby.
“YOU!! YOU PATHETIC /PROXY/!” Masky roared, lunging at Toby.
Well… Toby let out a scream that could shatter glass and Masky gave him a thrashing he wouldn’t forget anytime soon… maybe even broke a bone or two…
Jack was not amused.
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Not too bothered, as long as it doesn't mess with his goals.
He finds them entertaining and all, but not into pranks that cause actual harm. That's just not his style.
He might pull some pranks on them, BUT! They'd be more… you know, sly and maybe a little mind-bending? *evil laugh*
Yeah, he's cool with pranks, and truth be told, he's never been pranked himself, what with his sharp eye for details and all.
Hoody and Masky were out for a night walk in the woods.
It was pretty chill, to be honest. A break from the madness of the mansion, soaking in the sights… snapping a few pics here and there… It felt good, made him feel more alive.
And the best part? SUPER SILENT NATURE WALK!! YEAH!!
As he strolled alongside Masky, he felt something heavy in his pocket. Again. But he brushed it off, it had been like that for HOURS…? He was pretty sure he’d put something in there, but he couldn’t remember… too lazy to check anyway.
Hoody scanned the surroundings, Masky just picking up rocks and tossing them around…
One page missing.
Hoody nudged Masky, pointing at a tree with a missing page.
Masky squinted at where Hoody was pointing, then his mouth formed an ‘O’ behind his mask. He grumbled, dropped a rock from his hand and nodded.
Time to deal with the culprits… What a way to ruin a walk.
But before Masky could even split up-
“HEY LOSERS!!! Hehe.” A high-pitched voice echoed inside Hoody, startling both him and Masky.
Masky shot Hoody a look that screamed ‘What the heck, Hoody!?’
Hoody shrugged innocently at Masky. It wasn’t him!
Masky rolled his eyes. Weird… Hoody doesn’t sound like that, but whatever.
“What are you guys up to? Where are youuu.” The high-pitched voice came again and Masky shot Hoody another look.
Hoody just stared back.
Speaking of that random voice, it sounded like it came from his pocket-
Hoody reached into his pocket and pulled out an object.
Oh, a walkie-talkie.
Both Masky and Hoody stared at it.
“Oh, that was rogers…” Masky muttered. Before Hoody could even respond, Masky snatched it from his hand, threw it on the ground and started stomping on it.
The high-pitched voice distorted and glitched out.
Hoody just watched.
Masky grumbled. “Stupid thing.” He said, earning an amused snort from Hoody.
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Absolutely loathes them!
Thinks they're just downright wicked, like, who's got the time to make someone cry for laughs?
Kate's the ultimate prank-avoider. If they ever came her way, she'd be devastated, like, what did she do to deserve this cosmic joke?
She won't go all superhero on the prankster, just... let it slide and sob dramatically in her room.
(Geez, poor Kate needs a hug and a comedy show ASAP!)
Toby was grinning like a Cheshire cat as he swapped pens with Kate… without her knowing, of course… She was out of the room, so it was the perfect opportunity.
He switched the pens, both looking identical. He pocketed the original one and sneaked out of her room.
Kate was strolling down the hallway, watching Jeff yell at Ben about ‘cheating’ or something, when she suddenly yelped.
She heard a familiar male grunt…
She stumbled backwards, landing on her butt. She looked up to see who she’d bumped into.
Hoody was bent over a bit, like he’d been taken by surprise and was trying to balance himself.
Kate nervously pushed herself up with her arms, then a hand reached out- Hoody’s hand.
She looked at him, then at his hand. She placed her gloved hand in his, and he helped her up.
That was … odd. Hoody usually never bumps into things?
‘Maybe Hoody’s just having one of those days.’ She looked up at his masked face, all she could see were sad eyes on a ski mask staring back at her.
Suddenly, it hit her. Oh no! She needed to apologize for bumping into him!
She pulled out her paper and pen, quickly scribbling something… except… her pen wasn’t writing?
Hoody tilted his head, wondering why she’d stopped writing?
Kate grumbled, maybe she wasn’t pressing hard enough. She tried again, but still, it didn’t write.
What the heck?
Again and again, the pen WASN’T writing. She looked at Hoody, did she really have to speak? Oh man, how else was she going to apologize?
Kate quickly turned around at the sound of a thud… Oh, it was Toby on the floor, laughing his head off.
What’s so funn-
Then it dawned on her… oh…invisible ink...
She looked at her pen, and Hoody let out an amused little chuckle. He patted her on the head before leaving her with a hysterical Toby.
Kate took a deep breath. She’d been pranked… And to make matters worse! She hadn’t even apologized to Hoody! ...
Was Hoody in on this too?
Hahaha, oopsie! Sorry for disappearing for, like, ages! I was totally blanking on what to share, you know? But then, while scrolling through my old stuff, I realized Toby's always been quite the little troublemaker! So, yeah, that happened!
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unikron-kitten-kat · 2 years
Starting a prompt list-
Creepypasta Prompt list For S/Os and Scenarios With Those S/Os. If you do decide to use this, would you be so kind as to tag me in it so I could have a read? I would love to see what my prompts inspire!! Also, I will add more prompts to this post, and will even take suggestions if they are not already on here!!
Slender Brothers/Creeps will be used as the nametag)) you can use single or polly relationships. Also, if Offender is not part of your blog, you don't have to use him. And if the Brothers and Creeps are seperate from one another, you can write them as such as well
Dragon S/O
- Slenders/Creeps with a dragon hybrid s/o who doesn't know/understand fhe concept of hoards until they are explained by another dragon/hybrid. After learning of hoards, their s/o starts refering to them as their hoard
- Slenders/Creeps with an older dragon s/o who is also the dominant one in the relationship
- Slenders/Creeps with a younger dragon s/o who is a late-flamer
- Slenders/Creeps with a powerful dragon s/o who is also quite protective
- Slenders/Creeps with a dragon/demon hybrid s/o
- Slenders/Creeps with a dragon s/o who is of a specie long thought to be exinct, which isn't actually extinct, just hiding from the world due to being hunted for their products
- Slenders/Creeps with a dragon s/o who is of the mystical type (look up Haku dragon, Spirited Away)
- Slenders/Creeps with a dragon s/o who uses gentle bites as their love language
- Slenders/Creeps with a dragon s/o who hunts for them as a love language
- Slenders/Creeps with a nightfury dragon hybrid s/o
- Slenders/Creeps with an elemental (fire/ice) dragon s/o
- Slenders/Creeps with a dragon s/o who has rainbow coloured fire
- Slenders/Creeps with a thundering dragon s/o who is surprisingly quiet, and uses cuddling as their love language
- Slenders/Creeps with a dragon s/o who uses nicknames of gems in accordance to their eye colour. (I would use clothing theme, or personality theme for the Brothers. ie, Slender's could be 'Onyx', or 'Quartzite', or smthn)
- Slenders/Creeps with a nature dragon s/o who likes to give them flowers grown off their body
- Slenders/Creeps with a Yggdrasil Tree Dragon s/o who has been stuck on their first s/o's memory(the dragon s/o's late s/o)
- Slenders/Creeps with a space dragon s/o who really like to talk about all the aliens and other planets they have visited
Alien S/O
Just to let you know that Slenders are aliens on my blog, so I may word these scenarios in a way that alludes to that. Also, if there is a movie specific alien not on here, read the first message.
- Slenders/Creeps with an alien s/o who looks like a xenomorph/human hybrid
- Slenders/Creeps with an alien s/o who is of a bug-like specie that is easily drawn to light sources
- Slenders/Creeps with an alien s/o who is bird-like in appearance and nature who like to preen them
- Slenders/Creeps with an alien s/o who crash landed on Earth and is really homesick. They speak of their homeworld a lot, and as time goes on, starts to speak of taking them with to see their homeworld, if they are ever able to return home
- Slenders/Creeps with an alien s/o who is telepathic and sensitive to emotions (ie can feel an emotional aura surrounding someone) and gets very concerned for their well being
- Slenders/Creeps with an alien s/o who wants to learn all there is to know of Earth, despite everyone back home telling them what a dump it is
- Slenders/Creeps with an alien s/o who doesn't have a translator and therefore can't speak english, or any human language for that matter
- Slenders/Creeps with an alien s/o who can change their colours, like a chameleon
- Slenders/Creeps with an alien s/o who does not understand love at first
- Slenders/Creeps with an alien s/o who really wants a kid with them, but is incompatible
- Slenders/Creeps with an alien s/o who feeds off emotions, so they feed off their negative emotion, as their diet is more compatible with the negatives
- Slenders/Creeps with an alien s/o who feeds off the feelings of lust
- Slenders/Creeps with an alien s/o who has a very sweet tooth
- Slenders/Creeps with an alien s/o who has been to Earth before, but was caught by the Government for a short time
- Slenders/Creeps with an alien s/o who wants to meet Earth's leader, but they warn s/o not to as they may be kidnapped and perhaps experimented on
- Slenders/Creeps with an alien s/o who is of a specie that can only die by 'natural' causes. (Natural is put into quotations as natural death to the alien could be very different from the natural deaths Slenders/Creeps are used to)
- Slenders/Creeps with an alien s/o who wants to study them, but not to the point of wanting to strap them down to a table, lol. They just want to watch and see how they go about their day, and often spew questions their way about what they eat, how they age and so on and so forth
- Slenders/Creeps with an alien hybrid s/o who's hybrid halves clash with eachother. The mental anguish
- Slenders/Creeps with an alien s/o who fled to Earth after becoming a convict, but doesn't tell them until they are already in a relationship, for fear of being alone
- Slenders/Creeps with an alien s/o who has come to very much like the animals and plants found on Earth, and wants to visit places all around thd globe with the Slenders/Creeps to obtain, at the very least, seeds of every plant available to gather
Demon S/O
- Slenders/Creeps with a demon s/o who is considerd an 'imp' in The Underworld
- Slenders/Creeps with a demon s/o who is part of the hierarchy of The Underworld (think something like Stolas from Helluva Boss)
- Slenders with a demon s/o who is more powerful than them, and is the dominant partner in the relationship
- Slenders/Creeps with a demon s/o who is the dominant partner in the relationship
- Slenders/Creeps with a succubus/inccubus demon s/o (bonus point for this one if s/o does not plan on leaving the relationship because they were tired of sex-dominant relationships)
- Slenders/Creeps with a demon/slender hybrid s/o (bonus points if, depending on your au, the s/o protects the creep(s) from the slenders)
- Slenders/Creeps with a demon/angel hybrid s/o (bonus points if s/o swears their loyalty and becomes a guardian angel of sorts)
- Slenders/Creeps with a fire demon s/o (in my au, slenders are... sensitive to fire)
- Slenders/Creeps with a fallen-angel/demon hybrid au (bonus points if s/o's position in heaven/the underworld was previously one of high power, ie archangel)
- Slenders/Creeps with a demon s/o who has "frozen" scars from being a front line fighter against angels and easily gets cold, so seek out slenders/creeps for warmth
- Slenders/Creeps with a demon s/o who wants to see what their soul looks like (slender souls are... "impulsive" in my au, meaning people are more likely to try and take one)
- Slenders/Creeps with a demon s/o who was banished to The Overworld(Earth) for crimes they didn't commit
- Slenders/Creeps with a demon s/o who is a descendant of Lucifer or Satan. (They are different people for the sake of this prompt)
- Slenders/Creeps with an angel/demon hybrid who was previously highly regarded in Heaven and among the higher angels of heaven, but cast out once they were found to be half demon
- Slenderman and Offenderman(or anybody) with a moth/spider demon hybrid s/o who is all around bigger than them. Scenario of Creeps/Slenders having a bad day and getting the most amazing snuggles and hugs from s/o to brighten them up. S/o would use mandibles for lil nibbles and kisses too.
Angel S/O
- Slenders/Creeps with an angel s/o who's wing are suspiciously stained black. (Bonus points if s/o is nervous about explaining why)
- Slenders/Creeps with an angel s/o who has a set of large wings, and a set of smaller wings. (Bonus points if the first time slenders/creeps find out about the smaller wings is when s/o is cuddling slenders/creeps with them)
- Slenders/Creeps with an angel s/o who's wings have gone completely black, but they aren't a fallen angel yet
- Slenders with an archangel s/o that do not wish to kill them. (I imagine most slenders au have them as demons and such)
- Slenders/Creeps with a fallen angel s/o who was unfairly cast out of Heaven
- Slenders/Creeps with an angel s/o that accidently fell into The Underworld and was subsequently adopted by demons
- Slenders/Creeps with an angel s/o that is unbelievably pure
- Slenders/Creeps with an angel s/o that doesn't show their true form until slenders/creeps are in a life-endangering situation(true form being 'biblically accurate')
- Slenders/Creeps with an angel s/o who is a front line knight
- Slenders/Creeps with an angel s/o who was their s/o before death, and has fuzzy, but present memories of them and is joyous at finding the subjects of their fuzzy and incomprehensible memories
- Slenders/Creeps with an angel s/o that is an offspring of The Angel of Death
- Slenders/Creeps with an angel s/o who acted as their childhood imaginary friend/guardian child angel
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scary-lasagna · 2 years
And for killing s/o, here's to jump off the first pasta gal one, can you do Clock and Kate for this ask? Also any pasta women I missed, I am very much a lover of women, lesbiens rise up even though I can't spell my own sexuality right
Here's something with Clock and Jane that is similar to this :]
Oh Jesus Christ.
Kate wasn't sure how long she stood at the top of the cliff, staring own at your lifeless body with twisted limbs and a pool of satin textured crimson pooling under your corpse.
But the sun was starting to set, and the last golden rays of the worst day of her life glimmered on the swaying trees and rustling grass.
She walked away without a word.
And the silence continued after she opened the manor doors, and avoided the uncomfortable glances of everyone passing her.
It was supposed to be a nice date on the cliffside. Your idea.
An hour hike through woods, fallen trees, and thorned bushes to get a nice view of the sunset.
Dancing together to the sound of a love song on the radio seemed romantic at the time. But one step out of line cost you your life.
Kate tried to catch you, but tripped, and ended up pushing you off.
She refuses to talk or communicate after the incident, and Slender had to probe her memory in order to get an idea of what was going on.
Kate stayed in her room during funeral planning. And the choosing of the casket clothes you would wear, glaring at Slender and Clockwork who were touching your clothes without asking you first.
But for the funeral, Kate peered from behind a tree during the service. She refused to look into the casket, but wept in silence by herself under the shadow of an oak tree.
The only light that she enjoyed in life was gone, and now, shrouded in darkness, the silence was deafening.
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iicarused · 9 months
##let us adore you
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jeff the killer x reader / eyeless jack x reader / ticci toby x reader / UNEDITED
synopsis: general headcanons in which how you met them
beware: DARK THEMES / yandere traits, stalking, implied manipulation, mentions of murder &&* gore //: if there is any that i missed, please let me know !
envelope from the author: masky, hoodie, and kate chaser will be pt 2 of this:)
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he met you at a convenience store, how funny. this man planned on killing the cashier, take the cash and leave a meal for his cannibal friend out back, then hop to the next town over. yet, you walked through the aisles of the store at the dark of the night. do you know what kind of creeps are out here at this hour?
he waited for you to leave before he got the job done. you should feel relieved, you should feel like the most luckiest person in the world and it’s because he spared you.
“no, i’m staying back.” he would tell his eyeless friend. “it’s my business to know and for you to fuck off,” he’d argue. “i have a… dilemma.” jeff confessed. for someone he only caught a glimpse of, for a voice he only heard a faint whisper from, he didn’t know whether to stay just for you or to leave while he can.
you were a plague in his mind, because he searched for you. it took three days at most to finally find the dorms you stayed in, and another three to know your roommates schedule. everyone in the area was shaken from the murder, everything including you. but why?
he could not understand why you would lock your windows and double check if the door was locked. both of you lived in a secured building where security littered the grounds and constantly checked ID. jeff would know, he stole a carbon copy of himself (in terms of dressing style) just to make sure of your safety on campus.
“hey, watch it!” jeff barked at the random who sped by you. he fixed his mask and came to your aid, a gloved hand coming over yours to help you up from the grass.
“oh, they’re probably just late to class,” you breathed. “it’s fine, but thank you.”
through the thin lens of his sunglasses, jeff drank in your appearance. “they could’ve bumped you on to the curb side — it really ain’t, sweetheart.” you smell great by the way.
“but they didn’t.” you finally looked at him and smiled. “are you a med student?”
you’re so sweet. so pure, and he wanted to corrupt that. he wanted to see those pretty doe eyes flutter up at him like that again, for the sweetness behind your gaze was enough for him to melt. he wants you, no, he needs you.
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you were a curious one, a little too curious in this scenario. a detective in a case of which you were to figure out why bodies were missing organs — or why people were waking up with soreness to their abdomen to only find a stitched up wound.
you took this case as an eager detective who wanted to solve the biggest mystery of north america — but you felt as if you just signed your life away. in the next eight victims that fell to their demise, you made notes of when and where it occurred. it would not be until a night after talking with the sheriff and little too much rum, you found something.
to your horror, the first letter of every street spelled something. two words that nearly sent you running if it weren’t for something stopping you from leaving
“found you.” his voice was a gentle whisper, and almost incoherent if it weren’t for the dead silence in the room. you dared not turn but you felt if you didn’t, it would come closer.
the pistol is on your desk and you’re ready to make a ruckus for anyone on the street to hear. “what? was this just some silly little game for you to show me you could spell?” there were only two regrets you had in your entire life.
the first regret was that you wished you never lied to your mother of who broke the plate that was on the floor. the second regret was turning around and facing a being that was too intricate for you to understand.
“i like playing with my food.” he replied before lunging at you.
you made it out alive — but at the cost of remembering how those sockets were nothing but a void. the liquid that cried on to your face when he was on top of you, and that second, you took your pen and stabbed his side. — but that encounter made you more determined than before
this case turned into a game of cat and mouse, and neither of you know who is cat or who is the mouse. chasing each other became a source of entertainment, and conversations ensued between physical fights
he never intended on killing you, oh no. you were too… fun. the chatting, the hunting each other, the thrill of it all made him go crazy. with time, maybe he can finally sink his teeth into your skin without the murder aspect. he just wants to taste you.
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your name appeared on the file of people to “take care of.” why? he doesn’t know and quite frankly, he cannot care. you were just another name on the list that needed to be gone.
he would not lie that it took him ages to find you. the town you were supposedly at was a total flunk, and when he told the boss, he was told to figure it out. at this rate, he wanted you gone for the sake of his own sanity. yet, after a month and hopping two towns, he finally found you.
everything he had on file sprouted nothing but lies because you were a doll, quiet literally if he fixated on your skin. he watched the way you moved and the way you made it seem effortless to walk on two feet. he often tripped over his when gawking over you. your scent is just how he imagined it when he peered over your sleeping form.
you made him forget why he was in search of you in the first place. toby fantasized a lot about you: your curves, your voice, your walk, your life. he often daydreamed of it when watching from afar, especially when you went through mundane tasks such as grocery shopping. the only time he remembered why he was told to end you was when he questioned why you were such a threat.
turns out you were friends of a friend who was a foe to his boss — the eyeless man. he made it no secret when in turn he went to find jack, but he didn’t expect to meet you so soon! oh, this is way too soon, how does he look? is it okay, this setting isn’t the right place, i mean, you were supposed to be
“toby? just toby? that isn’t quiet threatening for a man like that, isn’t it?” you werent speaking towards him, but instead asking jack who snorted in return.
you were a prize on the shelf, and toby wanted to keep you behind glass doors. “listen — pal, friend — how about we make a deal.”
while jack couldn’t see it, your gaze was locked with toby’s the entire time. there was something behind them, something that you couldn’t quite place. you weren’t sure whether if it was a good or bad thing considering the work you found yourself in.
“i give you a useful warning from a boss, and i... tag a long sometimes.”
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raythekiller · 1 year
my gay ass NEEDS the girl creeps ideal 'types' in a s/o. desperately needs 🙏 plsitspridemonth /j
(p.s your writing is so amazing??? your take on the characters is literally top tier <3 )
🗒 ❛ Their Ideal S/O ༉‧₊˚✧
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Featuring: Clockwork, Kate The Chaser, Nina The Killer, Jane The Killer
#Notes: sigh... just because it's pride month /j
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Honestly, she needs someone who's gentle and caring, but will still give her shit back. She's rude and arrogant, so someone who understands and accepts that part of her instead of trying to "fix" her and loves her the way she is is a must. Someone who can sass her right back and put her in her place when she gets a bit much, but doesn't go too far with it. Also, someone affectionate. She's way more touch starved than people give her credit for, so someone who's constantly clinging on to her and smoldering her in kisses would be perfect.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Kate The Chaser
Someone who doesn't mind her not being too talkitive, mostly. Either they do the talking for her or they just enjoy each other's presence in silence, either way is fine by her. She doesn't have many preferences, but someone who's loyal and dedicated to the relationship is always good in her book. Loyalty goes a gigantic way with her - not because she's possessive, but because she needs to know she can count on you no matter what. Someone who's fine with her being a little absent and doesn't need much attention would also be a huge bonus, as she's often times busy or just needs to be alone.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Nina The Killer
Anyone who doesn't find her annoying is already a win in her book. Kidding, kidding. She wants someone she can romanticize the living shit out of - someone dreamy enough for her to make scenarios in her head about before going to sleep. Brave, romantic, affectionate. A knight in shining armor, if you will. She wants to be pampered to no end, either with gifts, verbal or physical affection, so someone who's not shy and is willing to give her those things, even (or especially) in front of others. She wants to be able to brag about her S/O and how amazing they are and how people wish they were her.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Jane The Killer
Basically, someone she doesn't have to babysit. Not that she minds doing it every once in a while, but having to do it all the time is tiring, especially when she already has so many responsibilities to take care of. Someone who's emotionally mature is also a must. She can't stand mind games or relationship drama, so they have to be willing to talk to her and work things out if there's something bothering either of them. If their main giving love language is acts of service, she might actually cry of relief. Jane has so much on her plate, so someone willing to help her and make things a bit easier is a dream come true.
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miss-multi45 · 9 months
Hello again, peeps.
I'm redoing my intro post.
Hello, I'm Cassiopeia, you can shorten that down to whatever is good for you.
I will write for these Harry Potter characters:
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Hermione Granger
Harry Potter
Ronald Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Draco Malfoy
Cedric Diggory
I will write for these Creepypasta characters:
Jeff the Killer
Homicidal Liu and Sully
Sally Williams
Lifeless Lucy
Ticci Toby
The Hooded Man/Hoodie
The Masked Man/Masky
Rouge/The Prowler and Wilson the Basher
Nurse Ann
Dr Pain
Dr Smiley
Eyeless Jack
Jason the Toymaker
Laughing Jack
Laughing Jill
Papa Grande de Magico
Nathan the Nobody
Nina the Killer
Jane Everlasting/Jane the Killer
Judge Angels
Bloody Painter
The Puppeteer
The Pianist
The Bartender 1941
Dark Link
Glitchy Red
The Cat Hunter
The Black Wolf
Frankie the Undead
The Chessmaster
Vine the Dollmaker
Kate the Chaser
Sam Williams
Suicide Sadie
The Roadwalker
Isaac Grossman
Candy Cane
April Fools
The Item Stealer
Lily Kennent
I will write for these Call of Duty characters:
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
John 'Soap' Mactavish
John Price
Kim 'Horangi' Hong-jin
Alejandro Vargas
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
Rodolfo 'Rudy' Parra
Valeria Garza
Keegan P. Russ
Phillip Graves
Kate Laswell
I will write for these Lockwood and Co. characters:
Anthony Lockwood
Lucy Carlyle
Quill Kipps
George Karim
I will write for these Ghost members:
Swiss Army Ghoul/ Swiss
Cardinal Copia
Any Papas
And era 1 and 2 ghouls
I will write for these Sleep Token members:
The Vesselettes
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Satoru Gojo
Suguru Geto
Nanami Kento
Ino Takuma
Ryomen Sukuna
Toji Fushiguro
Shiu Kong
Shoko Ieiri
Maki Zenin
Nobara Kugisaki
Toge Inumaki
Noritoshi Kamo
Choso Kamo
Megumi Fushiguro
Yuuji Itadori
I will NOT write p*d*philia, zoophilia, rape, b**stiality. Or anything too gory, like, Black Christmas 2006 level gore or Terrifier level gore, because it makes me extremely uncomfortable. Any underage characters (Maki, Toge, Megumi, Yuuji, Nobara.) I will not write smut for. I headcanon BEN_DROWNED to be either 20 or 21.
I WILL write for angst, smut, fluff, crack (funny stuff), Incorrect Quotes, headcanons, scenarios, imagines (same as scenarios??), wholesome shit, and I will write matchups and create a scenario/headcanons with your oc as long as you describe them to me.
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amourluvie · 4 months
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my intro !!
Hii !! Am jia , a new writer <3
Indian | she / her | bisexual
I don't do NSFW because am a minor , i only write headcanons,angst,drabbles,scenarios and fluff.
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Characters I write for
Creepypasta -
Slenderman,Jeff the killer (any version) ,ben drowned (only platonically since he's 10-12 in my au) ,laughing jack,eyeless jack ,nurse ann, proxy rogue,clockwork,Nina the killer,jane the killer (both versions) , zero , laughing jill , kagekao , Kate the chaser ,killing Kate ,hobo heart , the puppeteer, candypop, Jason the toymaker,Lulu, I forgot the others
Jason voorhees,Brahms heelshire,Michael Myers (both versions), billy lenz , ghostface,Harry warden , leatherface (both bubba and Thomas), carrie white, Amanda young, I forgot the others yet again but yeah don't be shy to request for me to write for any slasher out there<3
Dbd killers -
Danny Johnson/Jed Olsen / the ghostface , Evan Macmillan / the trapper , the hag , the nurse , the legion , the pig / Amanda young, the doctor , the oni , etc
marble hornets
masky/Timothy wright , hoodie/brian Thomas , jay Merrick , alex Kralie , Stephanie 🩷
Characters I WILL not write for even if u held me at gunpoint
If u want to be moots don't b shy and text me<3
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necroromantics · 1 year
🪦 . Guidelines and Such
[AN] Ive been getting a lot of asks/requests recently so Im just gonna post this to go over my boundaries
> I WILL WRITE . — ⚰️
Ticci Toby, Clockwork, Nina The Killer (not new version), Jane The Killer (both versions), Liu, Jeff The Killer, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Kate The Chaser, Tim/Masky, Brian/Hoodie, Slenderman, Zalgo, Ben Drowned, Sally, Nurse Ann, Zero, Lulu, X-Virus, Judge Angels, Bloody Painter, Rouge
Dark themes, gore/violence. Please be warned my content may go into dark, but not glorifying, territories with uncomfortable topics. Ill tag if needed
Relationship dynamics (with exceptions, read below)
Headcanons, prompts, one shots with my own spin/takes on them
Any character not listed above
NSFW, smut, sexual themes
Jane x Male Character, Sally x Character, Toby or Clockwork x Character (personal thing. I will openly write for TicciWork though) (I WILL write x character for platonic ships, these are just no for romantic)
x reader
I only write for Tobin and Tali on this account but if you request for other characters on the official account (@ creepedverse), we'll get to it there
I will write TalBin content, headcanons, AUs, angst, fluff, scenarios/one-shots with Tobin or Tali
I wont write NSFW at all, (other character) x Tobin/Tali, or oc interactions if I don't know you/your character
I would like to do a mix of original content and answering asks, so I may take awhile to get to my inbox. I AM NOT IGNORING YOUR MESSAGE. I appreciate requests very much, I promise I will get to it eventually 🙏
I like to put my own spins on things, so I might not be the best person to go to if you want something written for you a certain way/with a certain plotline
If you’re unsure if I’ll write something, just ask anyways, I don’t bite :]
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
From Where the Land Meets the Sea - Chapter 2
[Warnings: Minor wounds described, nothing too bad.]
[AN: 4374 words! <3]
Full Index
Chapter 1 | Chapter 3
Reblogs are appreciated!
Sluggishly, you woke to the sound of thick droplets of rain pattering against the window and roof of the cold place your body laid. You felt a deep pounding near the base of your skull and the back of it, something deep, sharp and unpleasant. Instinctively, you raised your hand to soothe the piercing arche but were halted by the thick cords wrapped around your wrists. You glanced downwards to see the thin white zip ties that accompanied them, and with a heavy sigh, you realized that your ankles were in the same shape. 
The familiar texture of cotton coated your mouth and tongue. It was hell, the lack of moisture. You swallowed on instinct a few times and attempted to garner some spit to wet your mouth by pushing your tongue around your throat. It’s a useless effort though. You’re only met with more dryness. As you slowly came to, you finally took in the unpleasant scent of the room. Iron. Must. Mildew. All of those things at once. Your stomach turned at the recognition. 
On the floor were marks. Not from claws or anything supernatural, but boots, maybe tools at one point. It had been a while since someone really took care of the place, that much you could tell. The scratch marks that you expected to see were adorned and splattered on the walls, most notably around the door and window. The window was clouded in thick condensation around its edges. You slowly sat up to the best of your abilities and peered out of it only to see the woods that peeked through the thick, blanketed fog. You wished you could run off into it, far from this place. 
An eerie creak filled the air and sent your heart racing. Sweat beaded on your brow. There was no way you could fight in such a position as this. You scrambled atop the greasy, cold sheets that you laid on and backed against the wall. You looked like a wild, caged animal. Which really, that’s all you were to them. You huddled into yourself, fearful, but felt a deep sense of anger balled tightly in the back of your throat. 
In front of you, the man who danced death with your mother stepped forward. At his hips hang hatchets, their blades sharp at the tip but dulled from hacking into muscle and bone near the centers. He cracked his neck loudly, inhaled, and moved to the side to give the person trailing just barely behind him some room. He looked exhausted, almost as if he wanted to be anywhere else than playing glorified babysitter to you. He cleared his throat and nudged the person beside him unceremoniously, harshly, with his elbow like they were trying his patience. He cleared his throat again. 
Gingerly, you peeked your eyes upwards to see their face clear through the gnawing fear you felt. Your gaze then met theirs - hers. The woman’s eyes you looked into were so dark, you hardly believed they were real. Dark pools, black holes of the universe that sucked you in further with every lingering second, you couldn't pull away, not even when she moved her hand up to show you that she had brought you something. You pressed further against the wall and bared your teeth in a nasty snarl to scare them away from you. 
The woman stepped forward. Her movements were deliberately slow to not spook you any further. It was like she was attempting to soothe a spooked horse, the way she spoke to you and carefully sat down on the bed. Her face cringed when she felt the seeping, not-quite-wet cold of the sheets before her expression was shifted back to that of neutrality and exhaustion rolled into one. 
“Toby,” she breathed out as her slender, cut up fingers pulled at the tab on the top of the can. There was dirt under her nails, or maybe it was dried blood. Cracked into the crevices of her skin was more dirt. More filth. More evidence her work operated outside of the legal spectrum. Her hoodie was just as dirty. Was it ever that white to begin with? There wasn’t a centimeter of it not caked in the earth or stains of her time rolled around in it. 
The man, now identified as Toby, reached into his back pocket. His brows furrowed for a moment as his fingers shifted around, almost frustrated with how long the simple request had been taking when he finally curled around his smooth prize. He clicked his tongue at the woman before tossing it her way.. A loud exhale sounded from his uncovered nose as she fumbled for a moment but caught it. He leaned back against the wall, popped the bones in his neck and then his wrists, and trained his steely gaze on you. He watched you like a zoo animal, wondering if you’d do any tricks if he poked you hard enough. 
The woman sighed as she lowered her shoulders. She attempted to make her form smaller, less threatening, rounder and to give you a sense of ease. She sighed once more, “c’mere.” The tone matched exactly how she appeared to you. “You need to eat something. Please,” she said as she dipped the spoon into the food. The scent of watery strawberries just barely filled your nostrils. 
You tilted your head, carefully staring down your nose to the contents of the can. Just barely, you caught Toby shaking his head at the woman as she turned her attention back to you. Cautiously, you moved atop the bed inch by inch to the woman. You sniffed a few times. 
“Kate,” Toby warned in a low, taunting voice. 
You watched as ‘Kate’ rolled her dark brown eyes with an amused glint hidden deep within them. You frowned when she pressed the spoon to your lips but opened your mouth slightly regardless, of course accompanied by your equally foul glare. You practically inhaled the food, not caring that the strawberries were waterlogged, not sweet at all and slimy beyond belief. If you were in a better state of mind and a higher position of power, you might have considered it a texture nightmare and outright refused the fruit all together. 
At least your stomach was not rumbling anymore. The thick clouds in your brain were just barely starting to thin. 
Kate stood up, placed the plastic spoon in the now empty can and made a move towards the door. She gave a passing glance towards Toby before the two of them froze. Her shoulders squared, as if she was fixing herself to be presentable and of power and respect. Her eyebrows raised, and her tired expression shifted to the vague notion of surprise. “You take it,” she muttered under her breath. Her calloused hands shoved Toby the can decorated with the plastic spoon before she stepped back. 
Toby rolled his eyes to mock her and pushed off the wall. “I’ll be right back,” he said over his shoulder as he shoved the door open and slid out. 
A pregnant beat of silence passed through the room as Kate settled in Toby’s place. You noticed that she had trained her gaze anywhere rather than looking directly at you and wondered if she was preoccupied. That or she just didn’t like you. You bit your lip and swallowed quietly, still tasting the remnants of watered down strawberries and must. You decided to take a gamble. 
“What have you done with my family?”
Kate could sense the fear in your voice, how it wavered just shy of cracking into a million pieces from the hairline fracture embedded deep within it. She could practically feel your heart seize as if it were her own. Still, humoring you, she curled her brow up on her pale face and raised her left foot to prop against the wall. “What happened to a simple hello?” She started with a loose sigh. “I mean, I’m Kate but you already heard that.” Her eyes bored down on the floor as if it was leagues more interesting than you. Her form contorted slightly, unnatural, arms crossed over her chest and shoulders squared inwards. She was uncomfortable. Deeply so. 
Damn her comfort, you were much more interested in learning all that you could about your situation. You took another gamble and changed your approach. “Please,” you pleaded softly as you raised your eyes upwards to finally align with hers, “just tell me something useful. It can be anything.” Your pleading almost fell on deaf ears given the way you looked at her. Uneasily, as she was your predator. Fear. Exhaustion. And just a hint of understanding that she must be just as tired as you but in a completely different way. 
She sucked in the air around her sharply, practically whistling it when she caught your downtrodden expression and body language. You looked small, genuinely small. Tired and beaten, cold, and uncomfortable beyond belief. Some part of her felt bad for you, and another part of her whispered louder and louder still that you were nothing more than her ward, her victim. The more human part of her began to shout, and unfortunately, she listened. Kate checked the door and honed in on the sounds around her. She couldn’t hear her group members moving around. She felt safe enough to speak. 
“Last night didn’t go as planned,” she whispered softly. Her tall form loomed closer to share the secret with you. “Your parents-”
The door swung open. Toby, accompanied by a man dusted in faded yellow that reminded you of the dust kicked up from the earth stood unimpressed in the doorway. His muscles were tensed underneath his hoodie followed by his equally tense energy. Though he was wearing a black ski mask painted with a comically large red frown, you could tell he was scowling. His hands were balled into fists, steeled to suppress his budding rage. He honed in on Kate, even more unimpressed at how caught-in-the-headlights you two looked before him. 
“Get out,” he commanded plainly. 
“Hoodie, I’m-.”
“Get out, Kate,” he repeated as he accented his words with sharp venom. 
The woman shot him a look - one you couldn’t quite decipher - before she tucked her tail between her legs, head down and tried to scurry past him. 
Hoodie’s gloved hand gripped tightly at her shoulder, enough to make her squeak, as he pulled her uncomfortably close. His teeth grit together under his mask as he whispered a warning before harshly shoving her out of the room. He then turned to you, squared his shoulders, and stalked up. He seemed to take mild joy in how you scrambled back on the bed and pressed pathetically against the wall in a vain attempt to bury inside of it and avoid his presence. If he came any closer, he’d burn you. 
He reached his gloved hand out, the same one that had hurt Kate, and roughly grabbed your chin. He could feel your flesh under his covered nails. “Your parents? The ones that put up that pathetic fight last night?” He watched as fear welled in your eyes. His hand moved your face around so he could get a good look at you. Covered in filth from the woods. You’d seen better days and he knew it. This was not one of them. “They’re fucking dead.” 
You didn’t want to cry or show weakness, but you couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. More and more drops of water braided together into waterfalls that pooled at your chin. The tears that spilled from your eyes were almost enough to fill the seas. You gasped softly when Hoodie pressed you back, his hand letting you go as if you were a piece of trash he’d forgotten to discard before he rolled his eyes at you. 
“Look at me,” he demanded. He crouched down slightly. “Look at me.” He didn’t want to repeat himself. When you finally did as told, he carried on. “I’m only saying this once, so listen up,” he continued, his facial expression largely neutral under the mask. He didn’t seem to want to be bothered with babysitting you, or even spending time in your presence. Though, you did manage to catch a glimpse of regret in his body language due to how harshly he’d handled you. The little nick on your chin caused from the rough seam in his glove… It almost made him pause. “You’ve got fifteen minutes for a shower. When you’re done, come right back to this room. Move it.” 
Hoodie stood up, nodded to Toby, and then left as quickly as he entered. The air felt impossibly warmed from his anger, but uncomfortably cold that chilled your bones from the dreadful news he’d imparted on you.
You hardly managed to register the words through the pain you’d felt. How could you be told such life altering news and expect to go on? Your parents were your entire world. They supported and loved you through everything. They were all you’d ever had in the world, and now, they were gone. You tried to stifle your breathing to force it to something even paced but hitched on every breath. “Oh gods,” you whispered through your pain. Your body began to rock back and forth to soothe and let loose some of the energy bursting from within. 
Toby crossed the distance to meet you at the bed. He crouched down, flicked his pocket knife out and snipped at the binds on your ankles. He then moved upwards to your wrists, not caring that the blade was cold against your skin. He shot a look at you: don’t try anything. 
It’s not like you had that energy to begin with. 
You felt your world had come crashing down around you. You were pieces, no longer whole. There was no other way of putting it. 
Toby’s hand reached around to your bicep. Tired of your crying, he yanked you upwards and guided you out of the stale room. 
You glumly looked around at your surroundings. The place you were in, it was dim. The clouds from the late summer, early autumn rainstorm were blocking the sun’s light. The floor was ill taken care of. When was the last time the wood had been polished? Certain floorboards were rotting away. Others had nails sticking out to show they’d been just barely ‘repaired’. Black mold decorated the corners. This was not a place anyone stayed in for too long, that much you could infer. 
You watched as the dusty floors picked up in boot traffic, and tiredly, you looked up. The living room. You were in the living room. You could tell by how much ‘nicer’ the room appeared. A few mismatched lamps, an overhead light with a burnt out bulb on one side, the furniture didn’t match, again, you could tell this place was not anyone’s true home. It was a crossroads, somewhere for people like… you. 
You could feel the presence of several other people but kept your eyes glued on the floor after sneaking a quick peak. What characters these people were. None of them felt real, or at least, they’d be gawked at in civilized society. Who cuts their face into a smile? Why are several of the people here wearing masks? The only reason you wanted to catalog their faces was not for feeding curiosity, but rather for alerting the authorities when you escaped. 
“You’ve got more like, thirteen minutes,” Toby said as he opened the bathroom door. “Remember, quick. There’s clothes in the cabinet.” And with that, he shut the door. 
From where you stood, confused, scared and alone, you could hear him slide against the wall and settle down. He whistled as he waited, and it brought you a sense of deep unease. It was stupid, but you didn’t want to waste an opportunity to feel just a bit better. You bit your lip, let your mind go blank, stripped and turned on the water. The ice ran circles up and down your back, making your body go numb. But it was a pleasant numb, one that allowed the heavy marks and agitated flesh on your wrists and ankles to soothe for a moment before it shifted to something a bit more lukewarm. 
Your lips pulled downwards as you gingerly traced your fingertips over the marks. You’d have to get that situated. Not wanting to face the world or the situation you were in, you slowly turned off the water as Toby’s whistling began to slow. He was not whistling the jeopardy theme song. How quaint. 
You stepped out into the cold air and rummaged around in the cabinet under the sink. Jeans, some socks, a few shirts… They had a few colors, but you weren’t picky and blindly chose, ending up with the dark grey one. You popped the shirt on and opened the door to the bathroom and readied yourself for whatever evils may come your way. Though, a shower and a fresh change of clothes, that didn’t feel like something a murder victim would be gifted. What on earth had you found yourself in? What did Kate mean by things not going according to plan? 
You winced when Toby grabbed your wrist.
“Sorry,” he apologized as he moved his hand upwards to your forearm. It was almost human, the way he reacted to your display of discomfort and pain. “I’ll send EJ to look at that.” 
Internally, you wondered which one of the monsters in the living room was ‘EJ’ before being shuffled along back through the living room and to the room you knew as your prison. Obediently, you sat back down and waited, absentmindedly nodding when he told you not to do anything stupid in the meantime. You pondered jumping out the window, though it was sealed shut and shattering the glass would make far, far too much noise. Maybe you could use a shard to stab a captor? No, mom and dad never taught you how to fight. Though, apparently they’d learned themselves. 
You weren’t allowed to be consumed by your thoughts as a polite knock sounded on the door. It’s not like it was your place to answer, so you didn’t. You held your breath as you watched the next monster waltz into your prison. 
He was tall, but not gangly. In fact, it looked like he was strong, much too strong. His true face was obscured by a mask, something deep blue like the pools of twilight decorated by an oil spill from a black hole. He smelled faintly of citrus and even more so of tar. 
“Eyeless Jack. Just call me EJ,” he greeted - and you took note of his relatively thick Polish accent - as he softly closed the door. For such a large, imposing figure, he was so even mannered and gentle with precise movements. In his other hand was a first aid kit. It looked tattered in some places, falling apart at the hinges due to its heavy usage. Huh, even monsters need first aid from time to time, don’t they? Eyeless Jack drew closer to you before sitting down on the edge of the bed. He looked comically large atop it, but you dared not to laugh. He set the worn box down on the sheets and made a ‘give me’ motion with his gloved hand. 
You studied him cautiously before deciding that he was ultimately there to help you. Hesitantly, you handed him your wrists which earned his hum of approval. You were surprised at how gentle he was in treating you. His grip was firm, but had a professional’s touch as he worked on disinfecting your battered skin. 
“They really tied you up good,” he observed aloud to make light conversation. 
You made a noise of disgust and rolled your eyes at him. The pain you felt physically was nothing compared to the weight on your heart. “Is that a compliment or an insult?” 
He brushed off your statement, choosing not to acknowledge your words at all, all the while not caring at how you sat on the bed in order to give him better access. “It’s nothing I can’t handle.” He pressed the cloth drenched in isopropyl alcohol on your wrists, gently dabbing and letting the strong smelling liquid fill your nostrils and drip along the curve of your wrists before he glanced down at your ankles. In his opinion, your ankles were in much worse shape than your wrists. “So,” he whistled, “how are you?” 
What kind of question is that? Is he mocking you?
“What does it matter to you?” You spat. 
He looked genuinely surprised that you answered him because his head snapped up momentarily from his work. His ears shot upwards, like he heard a sudden noise. You could imagine his eyes were just as wide before he moved his attention back down to his work.
You fought the urge to cock your head to the side. “What?” You asked curtly. 
“Oh, I was just making small talk. Filling in the quiet spaces, I find it weird when patients are too quiet,” he explained as he banaged your wrists up before he patted the bed to nonverbally tell you to reposition yourself so he wouldn’t have to contort to fix you. “I don’t actually care.” 
The pure nonchalance as if he were telling you the time almost made you gape like a fish plucked from the water. 
You awkwardly put your attention on the window and cleared your throat to cover your shock. Quietly, you let him finish his work. You felt much too awkward to even try and open your mouth. So, you allowed your thoughts to remain on your parents, the people you loved most. The memories you had of the life before this, and the life you would have had provided masked maniacs didn’t siege your house. When Eyeless Jack finished on your ankles, he briefly checked over his work once more, asked a few follow up questions like any good doctor might and then left. Though, much like Toby, he told you not to do anything stupid in his absence. 
The rest of the day was rather silent, especially from you. From what you could hear though, someone was stationed outside of your cell and they would shift out every hour or so. Some people were more precise than others. In your boredom, you tossed a pebble at the window and gained the attention of Hoodie, who must’ve spent an eternity in the doorway debating whether he should punish you or not before he closed the door and went back to waiting outside of it. It’s not like he wanted to spend any more time with you than he had to either. 
Eventually, someone came back in to feed you. This time, it was Toby. He was satisfied with plopping the can and plastic spoon down in front of you and watching from a comfortable, yet close distance away. He eyed you like a hawk, refused to speak to you, but found amusement in you subconsciously thanking him. That happened often, often enough for him to add it to his mentally tally board. All the victims that thank him for something as vital as food. It’s human to be grateful even in shitty situations. 
The night washed over your cell in the world far too slowly for your comfort and with it came the bane of being lost in your thoughts. You felt lonely, oh so lonely. You curled up on that crumpled, dirty bed and began to cry. It was soft, as you did not want to gain the attention of your captors but your body could not think of any other way to relieve the stress. You thought about your life, the things that mattered to you, and shuffled deep in your memories for anything that could bring you a spot of joy. 
You were 15 years old and it was a stormy night. Your friends, they were busy with other things and flaked on you last minute. This wasn’t the first time they’d disregarded your feelings, and it certainly would not be the last time. Your parents, who had a rare night off together from work, wanted to cheer you up. Your mother sat with you on the couch and browsed the selection of movies while your father made popcorn that rivaled the stuff you got at the theatres and poured other fizzy drinks that would undoubtedly upset your stomach later. You chose the scariest movie possible and had the joy of hearing your father scream like a child. You and your mother pelted him with popcorn. A storm raged outside. The half-baked apologies from your ‘friends’ for flaking were left unread. When you were spooked, your parents cuddled around you and promised to always protect you. You had never felt safer than in their arms. 
You stared at the ceiling, mentally counting the little rough popcorn-like bits when the moon finally cut through the clouds. How you wished you could go back to the days before this, when the nights were warm. When you were loved. You imagined the stars in the popcorn bits, and faintly listened to the waning voices outside your door. The whispers of what is yet to come have not yet reached your ears.
You closed your eyes. Though sleep is the only option, is it not a choice you would willingly make. 
Still, a seed of resilience had been planted inside of you. None of them could deny that they saw it. You still had some bark despite your bite being stolen away from you. You would grow your teeth back astronomically fast, sharp, rough calcium deposits bursting through your gums that would explain the reason people would grant you space. But that was well known through trial and error with someone like you. Though you felt alone and scared, you couldn’t even begin to know the half of it. In your pathetic, heartbroken state, you were denying yourself your nature. But that was expected, and you were-
Familiar. You are too familiar. 
It was only a matter of time until you learned why. 
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Some Headcanons
Since this account is new, I'm putting here some things to know that are in my little writing universe:
Regarding Marble Hornets...
I do not see Marble Hornets as a creepypasta. I know that "Masky" and "Hoody" are very commonly grouped in with Creepypasta characters because of the resemblance to Slenderman that The Operator has. I prefer to keep fanon "Masky" and "Hoody" away from Marble Hornets entirely. They are separate characters from Tim Wright and Brian Thomas in Marble Hornets.
Saying that, I do have different headcanons based on who is being talked about in what universe. In my writing Creepypasta universe, canonical Marble Hornets Tim and Brian don't exist. You will only see portrayals of Masky and Hoody that have been picked up by the fandom. If I'm being asked directly about Marble Hornets, though, I have completely different headcanons for them.
Tim and Brian ARE NOT proxies, in fact, they aren't involved with Slenderman in any way. However, for the sake of the Creepypasta universe here, Masky and Hoody are proxies.
Households - Who lives where and with who?
Jeff the Killer, Smile.jpg, Homicidal Liu, and Ben Drowned live together in an underground bunker. Originally, the household was only Jeff and Ben, but when Jeff was tracked down by Liu, Liu eventually moved in with them.
Jane the Killer, Nina the Killer, Zero, and Sally Williams live together in a cabin in the woods.
The Puppeteer, the Bloody Painter, Eyeless Jack, and Seedeater live in a studio apartment.
Laughing Jack, Laughing Jill, and Candy Pop live in an abandoned circus tent.
Slenderman, Kate the Chaser, Clockwork, Ticci Toby, Masky, and Hoody live together in the Slender Mansion.
In my Marble Hornets universe, Brian, Tim, and Jay live together. Alex and Amy live together. Jessica, Seth, and Sarah live together.
In my Creepypasta universe, logic has utterly been thrown out the window. Don't expect scenarios that are realistic because all in all, if any of these characters were real, they'd be arrested on sight for looking weird.
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dancingamongstdust · 3 years
Creepypasta Scenarios - First Meeting Part 2
The area where you lived had a ton of back alleyways that acted as shortcuts in a pinch. They were generally safe but you often got an uncomfortable feeling when using them so you preferred to take the busier roads if you could.
Unfortunately, when you had gone to leave work that day, you had spotted the customer who had been harassing you the entire day. It wasn’t anything creepy but it was over-the-top persistent and you weren’t in the mood to deal with it. You slipped out the backdoor as a result. At least you’d get home sooner.
For the most part, you didn’t encounter anything too suspicious and the light from the streets illuminated where you were going.
The large bins outside the grocer’s home indicated that you were getting close. You sped up and rubbed your eyes blearily.
Ahead of you, a dog was barking from inside one of the buildings. It was a pretty noisy animal and you began peering around to see what the source of its agitation was. Ironically, you ended up bumping directly into him.
“I’m sorry,” you apologised, rubbing your shoulder.
The guy was tall, wearing dark clothing and standing right in the shadows. You could have probably noticed him if you were a little more awake.
He turned and your breath caught.
His face was obscured by a dark mask with red features stitched onto it. His hoodie which originally seemed dark was now illuminated into a soft yellow or orange, stained with a dark substance.
“What are you doing here?” he asked. His voice crackled out, clearly coming through a voice changer of some kind.
“I – I was just taking a shortcut home. I live near here so I thought… I really didn’t mean to bump into you. I’m super tired.”
“Tired or not, you shouldn’t have seen me,” the guy said. “Do you have a phone or a camera?”
Slowly, you reached into your bag and pulled out your phone. “I don’t have any cash in my wallet –“
“I don’t want your money!” he snapped. “I’m not some petty thief, believe me, I have better things to do with me time. Unlock this.”
You did so and he went through it with a gloved hand. He didn’t have a weapon but something in your gut warned you to just go along with it. Nobody covered up everything, including their voice, when they were up to something good. This guy may not be a thief… but the alternative didn’t feel too much better.
He shoved your phone back at you. “Get out of here and don’t breathe a word of this to anybody. Consider yourself lucky that I’m in a good mood today.”
You swallowed nervously. “Thank you?”
“I’m serious,” he warned. “I can let you go just because you seem pathetic enough to not take this to the police but unless you want to catch a bullet in your back, you’ll keep quiet. My boss doesn’t like people getting involved with this nonsense.”
“A bullet?”
He didn’t answer and your heart thundered in your chest. Part of you wondered if he was going to kill you while you ran away but his attention seemed to have moved away from you. You hurried away, holding your breath the entire time. Every time you glanced over your shoulder, the guy remained unmoving.
When you reached your home, you locked the door tightly and slumped against it in exhaustion.
Homicidal Liu
The sunset was beautiful over the graveyard – the only beauty to an otherwise morbid place.
You stared at the purples and oranges dancing across the sky. The wreath pricked at your hands after a while and you stared down at it. Why did you still bother with bringing flowers? Hadn’t it been long enough? Still, you made your way down to the grave and placed them there, not even bothering to read the name on there.
Lately, your graveyard visits had becoming fewer and fewer. Time hadn’t been on your side recently and thus, your precious solitude had to suffer. You relished in the way that nobody really bothered you here.
An orange glow warned you when the streetlights came on. Perhaps you had been there for longer than you thought but this was to be your last visit.
Better to make it count.
Something caught in the wind made you raise your head. A piece of fabric was stuck in the nearby fence, identifiable as a scarf when you ventured closer.
You took it from the fence and looked around for its owner. Nobody was in view… maybe it had been blown off one of the graves? It did seem homemade.
Guessing, you began to place it on a grave when a voice startled you.
“I’m sorry to bother but I think you have my scarf?”
The man was standing far too close for you to have not seen him when you were glancing around but you blamed that on your night vision. He wore dark clothing and seemed awkward just to be speaking to you.
“Thank goodness,” you said. “I was just going to leave it on one of the graves because I didn’t know who it belonged to.”
He thanked you for it, wrapping it around the lower half of his face almost immediately. “That would be a waste,” he said. “Especially to leave it on this one. Thank you for grabbing it.”
A harsh wind blew through the graveyard, carrying with it the smell of an incoming storm. He grabbed his scarf just in time to prevent it from going flying away again.
“Seems like the weather is determined to steal it from you.”
“Far more powerful things have tried.”
You buried yourself further into your jacket and smiled. “I haven’t seen you around before, are you new in town or just coming to visit a new grave?”
“I’m not visiting a grave,” he admitted. “I just thought that this would be the way back to my house… I grew up in this town but only recently moved back and I’m already lost. It’s a little embarrassing if I’m honest.”
“Well, I like to know everybody,” you said. “What’s your name?”
“Su – I mean, Liu,” he said. “Liu. Sorry, I nearly gave you my surname.”
You laughed. “Oh that’s no problem. It’s nice to meet you but I really like your name. Is it Chinese?”
“I don’t know,” he said. He looked around and began walking away. “I really have to go. Thank you for getting my scarf and all that.”
“I’ll see you around,” you said with a wave.
It was only later when you realised how suspicious that entire interaction was. You had never seen Liu before in your life and he was just hanging around in the graveyard? He hadn’t seemed too creepy at least. Maybe you would see more of him in the coming days.
Jane the Killer
It wasn’t that you were unobservant or inattentive toward girls but nobody had really caught your eye until Jane.
She was stunning in a way that few people could ever match with dark hair that tumbled past her hips and soulful eyes. Her walk was always confident, her smile always perfect, and her attention always desirable. Your main regret about life was that you didn’t speak to her sooner – especially when you thought back on what happened not too long after your first meeting.
You organised with your friends to somehow bump into her but instead, you wound up getting treated for a pretty painful bruised hip. Your second plan didn’t work out either and your third never even left the drawing board.
“Just go up to her and say hi. Tell her that she’s beautiful,” your friend encouraged. “She’ll say thanks and then you’ll be able to talk to her.”
“That’s so boring though,” you said. “It’s not like something out of a romance novel.”
Your friend groaned and stood up. “Well, I’m going home. We have like three months left of high school and I’m not going to spend that time obsessing over how to speak to a girl. She’s literally a regular person.”
They were right and you knew that. No matter how you tried to set up a sweeping romance, it probably wouldn’t work out.
So you tried.
And you tried.
Two weeks later, you were about to give up on mimicking a romance novel and it appeared that your friend was thinking the same thing. She grabbed your arm and began to drag you somewhere, muttering about changing the topic. You had a vague idea of where you were going but you didn’t fight too much.
“What if she’s still dating that Woods boy?” you asked. “The older one.”
“They broke up after literally a month of dating. I don’t blame her – those Woods boys are pretty enough but the older one has something seriously wrong with him. And the younger one is always talking to himself…”
“I really don’t care about the Woods’,” you commented.
“No, you care about Jane who is honestly quite weird as well,” they said. “But that is going to be your problem and not mine.”
They dragged you directly up to her group. It wasn’t large – despite Jane’s beauty, she wasn’t incredibly popular due to her associations. Your friend wasn’t the only one who was a little scared of the Woods boys and Jane had hung out with them for quite a while.
“Hey,” your friend said before even letting you go. “You have no idea who we are but my friend here has a massive crush on you. Could you please just say hi so they can get it out of their system?”
You were sure that it was unhealthy to be as red as you were. It felt like your heart was about to leap from your chest.
Jane laughed, a soft and gentle sound. “I’m not really interested in a relationship,” she hummed. “But thank you. That’s very flattering.”
Somehow, your heart sped up still and you awkwardly rubbed your arm. “No problem?”
“Why don’t you join us for a little bit?” Jane offered. “Just because I don’t want to date anybody doesn’t mean that we can’t become friends. You look like my kind of person.”
You stumbled over your words but somehow, your conversation managed to go extremely well. Jane was brilliant in every possible way and you quickly grew attached to seeing her every day. That was why you mourned so greatly when she died.
Jason the Toymaker
The sun was so warm against your skin. You could stay there forever, stretched out on the grass and basking in the sunlight.
“It’s done,” your friend’s voice broke through your daydreaming
You opened your eyes and rolled over to see exactly what they had been working on for the entire trip. After realising the first few times that you weren’t going to get a reaction, you had decided to wait for them to finish working before you tried to have a conversation.
“I didn’t know you could draw,” you said. “That’s amazing.”
The hyper-realistic man was sketched to perfection with a top hat, a fur coat, and a small mouse sitting on his left shoulder. It felt like his eyes could piece into your soul.
“Who is that?” you asked them.
They stared blankly at the image and shook their head. “I don’t know,” they said. “He’s been in my dreams for so long. I think it has something to do with my amnesia. Maybe I knew him once before.”
“He’s a little intimidating,” you said. “I could imagine him to be a ringleader in a circus that’s like a secret cult. Maybe he’s why you lost your memory.”
“Maybe…” they said, tapping the picture. They suddenly shoved it into your chest and stood up. “You keep that. I don’t want it anywhere near me. I need to go talk to my parents.”
You watched them race out of the park in confusion. The man in the picture stared up at you with haunting eyes.
Folding it in half so it didn’t freak you out, you stood and dusted off your clothing. Maybe it would be best if you headed home. It was getting late either way.
Later on, you’d call your friend and check up on them.
About 10 minutes away from your house, the feeling of being watched snuck up on you. It hung heavily around your shoulders like a cloak. You glanced around but saw nobody.
Still, you didn’t feel comfortable leading whoever was following you back to your house. You made a point of walking amongst large crowds and headed for the police station.
They were watching you the whole way.
You sped up. A few people bumped into you and you apologised as best as you could. Your grip on the picture was getting tighter enough for you to tear it. The later it got, the fewer people were on the streets and so you were pretty much alone when you bumped into him.
It took you a few seconds to recognise the man from the drawing.
If you thought his drawn eyes were captivating, they had nothing on his real ones which glowed with an almost ethereal light.
“You’re him,” you breathed.
He stared at you, smile falling from his face in confusion. “Who?”
You shakily held out the drawing and he yanked it from your hands. “My friend drew that,” you explained. “They said that its of somebody from their past. They have amnesia you see.”
He was unmoving as he studied the picture. You began feeling a little uncomfortable and then his gaze snapped to you. “Is that so?” he asked.
You nodded and took a small step away from him. “Maybe you should go and talk to them? See –“ you swallowed nervously. “See if you can help them remember?”
“No need,” he said, dropping the paper on the ground. “Who are you?”
Your name came out as little more than a soft whisper. Something about the entire scenario made you uneasy. His appearance was too unnatural.
A gust of wind came by, picking up the drawing and whipping it away. You watched it go and when you looked back down, his eyes were locked on you.
“Such a pity,” he said. “You would have been the perfect doll.”
Wearily, you took a step backwards. His words made your stomach churn uneasily. “What are you talking about?”
He smiled. It was kind and warm but it only made you more nervous. His eyes looked like they had almost changed colour; shifted a shade darker than previously. “Thinking aloud my dear,” he said.
“About dolls?” you asked.
He tilted his head a little towards you. “I’m going to have to bid you goodbye. It seems I have other matters to attend to.” He brushed past you, stopping briefly when directly next to you. “Consider yourself lucky.”
He was gone before you could even spin around to face him.
Jeff the Killer
Pausing the song, you removed your earphones as quietly as possible and placed them down on your desk. According to the blinking numbers on your phone screen, it was nearing 2 AM. Far too late for anybody to make an excess of noise.
You listened closely. The music had been too loud for you to hear anything and you almost brushed the strange noise off as your sleep-deprived imagination. Until something squeaked like shoe soles on tiles.
In retrospect, you should have immediately called 911 but you didn’t want to sound a false alarm.
The light switch was thankfully directly outside your room. The hall illuminated most of the house when they were on and it steeled your nerves. Your roommate’s door was open, allowing you to confirm their sleeping state, curled up in their bed amongst the piles of mess. They had had to move to the spare room due to a faulty window earlier in the day and had clearly given up sorting items.
You glanced into the apartment’s other rooms before heading to the kitchen. There was nothing odd. The scuttling when you entered the kitchen just suggested that your neighbour’s rat infestation may be migrating.
Making a mental note to call the exterminator, you turned to switch off the kitchen light.
Something slammed into you, forcing your back to collide with a wall. A hand covered your mouth and the overwhelming scent of blood and decay invaded your nose. Something cold and sharp pressed against your neck.
“Shut up and stay still,” the man snarled at you. “I don’t think anybody will appreciate you getting blood in the kitchen.”
Your heart leapt into your throat and your body stilled. The man in front of you was terrifying. His skin pale and mutilated. Eyes far too wide for a normal person and dancing with an insanity that sent chills down your spine.
And his mouth… a bloody smile carved across his face, stretching halfway to his ears.
He studied your face carefully and his expression twisted. “You’re not the right one,” he snapped. The knife moved away from your neck, so he could point with it. “I had this all planned and yet when I came into that room, I found it empty. Why?”
Even if he hadn’t been holding your mouth shut, you doubted you would have been able to formulate an answer. The pounding heartbeat in your ears was nearly blocking out his voice.
He lightly tapped your cheek with his knife. “Not that it matters,” he said. “I’ll just have to adapt my original plan. You’re not the right target but I’m a huge fan of collateral damage.”
A small whimper escaped you and tears welled at your eyes. You didn’t want to die.
“Don’t blubber!” he ordered. “View it as a good thing. You’ll be all over the news. Another victim of Jeff the Killer. Hell, you might even be added to a Wikipedia page or something.”
You could recall that name from the news. Often followed by a lengthy list of deaths and the police chief begging for any information about the murderer.
Jeff stared at you for a long minute before he pressed the knife’s blade to your throat and moved his hand away from your mouth. “Scream and I will remove your vocal cords,” he threatened. “Who are you?”
It took several deep breaths and a flicker of impatience in his expression to give you the ability to talk again. You stammered out your full name as quickly as you possibly could.
He rolled his eyes and tilted the knife so it scratched your skin. A sticky and warm substance ran down your throat in small droplets. “Pathetic.”
“Sorry,” you whispered on instinct. “Please don’t kill me.”
“Why not?” he asked. “You ruined my earlier plans to take out my original target by interrupting me before I could find them. Why shouldn’t I settle for you instead?”
You didn’t have an answer.
He took the blade away from your throat. “If you call the police and report what happened here tonight, I will slice you into little pieces.”
It was almost twenty minutes after he left before you regained any movement in your body. You slumped into a heap on the kitchen floor and started sobbing.
Things had been going missing around your house.
Initially, you had thought it was just due to you forgetting where you’d plopped things because it was simple things. Drinks that vanished, keys turning up on the opposite side of the house, and random spills that you didn’t remember making.
But then it started getting weirder still.
You would make food and pack it away, knowing that you would eat it later, and find it gone. Picture frames disappeared, never to be seen again. Your rug half-unraveled during the night and you found it in a pile the next morning. A candle in your bathroom fell over and, somehow, the curtains on the other side of the house had caught alight.
It was suspicious, to say the very least. You began to think that you had some kind of intruder – once, the news reported that a woman found a homeless man living in her attic and eating her food when she wasn’t looking.
So you went out and bought cameras, setting them up throughout your house.
For two weeks, they caught nothing until one of them ended up breaking. You went to get it repaired and the company managed to recover what it had last seen. Which was nothing on your first glance.
But you were soon to realise, that was only because you had been looking at the floor.
While you were rewatching when you got home, you noticed something. The window was sitting wide open and the camera’s angle only allowed you to see half of it. Right toward the end of the feed, a gloved hand appeared on the side of the window and a slight shadow indicated something climbing through.
So you got reinforced windows and made sure that none were open unless you were in the room.
Things still continued happening.
You were beginning to get really annoyed by this. It was tempting to go to the police and let them just handle it but that was going to be a lot of effort that you really didn’t care for. You didn’t feel like you were in much danger. Nothing had happened in your bedroom.
Your next plan was to set up a trap of some kind. With a hidden camera set up, you made extra food and left it on the counter to see if something happened.
The next day, you watched as a plastic toy of some kind was thrown directly into the plate from somewhere off-camera, breaking it and leaving an absolute mess everywhere.
Still not considering it to be anything dangerous, you just cleaned up the mess and loudly cursed out anybody who was listening. You stalked the house after that, searching every nook and cranny with a bat in hand. The final place was the closet in your bedroom and you peered in, expecting nothing.
When you turned around though, you spotted something sitting in the corner of the room.
It was humanoid with arms twisted into awkward positions and a mask on its face. Half the mask was black and the other white, both sides bearing an unnaturally smiling expression. The creature cackled when you saw it and scuttled out of the door, stuck to the roof the entire time.
A second passed.
Then another.
You pinched your arm hard and waited to wake up. Surely there was no way… I mean, why would… humans didn’t generally crawl along the ceiling? Well, you were quite sure they never did that. You must have been imagining it.
A second laugh corrected you on that.
You swallowed thickly, walked over to your door as calmly as possible and locked it. Then you took out your phone and finally called the police.
Kate the Chaser
The day when Kate was sent away remained very clear in your mind. It was a moment that brought extremely change to your life, mixing up your friend group and sending you in a different direction.
The years has passed and you had never gotten over your best friend. They said that she had lost her mind and you knew it was true. All those games investigating the woods and ghost hunting must have put a toll on her mind. Sometimes, you blamed yourself for all the pranks and you knew that Lauren had similar doubts.
And now she was back.
Lauren and you hadn’t remained close, the entire situation feeling too real with one another. Your greeting was stilted but neither of you wanted to be the first to approach the house.
“Do you think that she remembers us?” Lauren asked.
“If she didn’t then her mom wouldn’t have invited us over,” you said.
You stood in complete silence, staring up at the house. Would you even recognise Kate? The last time that you had seen her was when you were both young children and her face remained at that age in your memories.
Eventually, you gained your confidence before Lauren and you walked over, knocking on the door before anxiety could find you.
Kate answered the door and you forgot why you had ever been nervous.
Time had slimmed her face and shortened her hair. Her eyes were still a gentle brown and the cockiness had faded from her smile, but it was recognisable from your nostalgia. It made you feel warm and known – an aura that you had missed without even realising it.
“Hi,” you greeted.
Kate pulled you into a tight hug and you returned it, clutching at her tightly as though she could slip through your fingers. It really had been too long and when you moved away, she held onto Lauren with the same enthusiasm.
“How have you been?” she asked. “You have to tell me everything.”
The three of you spent the rest of the afternoon having tea and just talking about the world at large. Kate didn’t have many stories from the hospital – she claimed it was because the place had been extremely boring and neither of you pushed to find out more about it. Honestly, it was more comfortable to act as though she had simply moved away.
Lauren had to leave first and you were going to go with her but Kate had looked so down that you remained just a little longer. That was when things got weird.
“I’ve missed music a lot,” Kate sighed.
“Did they not allow you to listen to music?”
She grimaced. “No, they did but often I couldn’t hear it over the static. Its mostly gone away now but it came back last night… it fills my brain and all that I can think of is a way to make the pain stop.”
The colour drained from your face as you stared at her. You didn’t know much about what happened to her but you had thought she would be okay now.
Realising it, Kate hurried to reassure you, “I really have recovered,” she said. “My hallucinations have faded and my medication keeps my emotions in check. You really don’t have to be scared of me.”
You stared down at your cup awkwardly. “I’m not scared of you,” you reassured her. “You’ve never done anything to me.”
She nodded. “It will be alright, you’ll see. I’m ready to get back to a normal life with my friends and not have to worry about that ghost stuff ever again.”
Laughing Jack
It was on your leg…
The glare you fixed the small child with could wilt plants. It didn’t care though and merely clutched at your clothing with a happy smile. “Come play with me?” it asked. “I can introduce you to all my friends!”
“How old is she again?” you grumbled at your friend.
Your friend laughed and ruffled their cousin’s hair. “I had an imaginary friend when I was 10. She’s only 6, she’s still at the stage where they’re a big deal.”
The child was oblivious to your conversation and reached out her arms. “Come on. The parents are being boring. I have candy that my friend gave me. We can share it.”
“I agreed to come along to your family get together to keep you company,” you said to your friend. “You know I don’t like children. Babysitting really isn’t my forte.”
All you received for your complaining was laughter.
By the time you had the 4th teddy bear had been introduced, you were done. Why did one kid have so many toys?
“Now which one of your friends gives you candy?” your friend asked. “Because if it’s from Princess, I don’t think it’s edible. What if she secretly puts glitter in it?”
Expected to play along, you sighed. “Unless it’s glitter from rainbows because then it’s got magic powers and allows you to fly.”
The child liked your thumb-sucked statement because she jumped up in excitement. “I don’t get it from Princess. Jack gives it to me! But if Princess can make me fly, I want to have that kind of candy instead!”
“Which one’s Jack again?” you asked, eyeing the line of toys.
“He’s not here right now,” the child said, biting her inner cheek. She turned in a circle. “Sometimes he hides in the cupboard though!” She ran over to her cupboard and pulled the doors open. “I don’t think – OW!”
She reeled backwards, clutching her cheek. Both you and your friend immediately jumped up and ran over to her. A tiny slice mark ran across the side of her face. It wasn’t anything serious, but she was sobbing as though it would kill her. You presumed a small edge on one of the boxes in the cupboard had been the cause.
“Do you want me to take you to mom, so she can kiss it better?” your friend asked. “Your new best friend can wait here and make sure all your toys are safe.”
The child nodded, and she got led out of the room. You rolled your eyes at the sensitivity and reached into the cupboard to push the box out of the way. A clawed hand reached out of nowhere and grabbed your wrist tightly.
Before you could even shout, it lifted you off the ground by your arm and a second hand had wrapped around your mouth.
The monster’s body appeared out of the closet.
It was a clown. Easily 7ft tall and comprised of monochrome colours with a sharp, pointed nose and long, greasy hair. Its black lips spread into a smile, revealing pointed teeth and a sickeningly sweet breath.
You writhed against its grip, trying to scream or do anything but it was insanely strong, and it just laughed at your efforts.
“How mean,” it purred, leaning in close to your face. “You ask who I am and then, when I appear to you, you insult my appearance. Awful etiquette. Your parents should be concerned about how rude you are to strangers.”
You strained your memory to think about what you had been doing before it grabbed you but the adrenaline was clouding your mind. What had you asked? You struggled more with the lack of memories.
The clown shook its head. “I haven’t revealed myself to somebody so old in a long time. You should be flattered but instead you choose to try and kick me. This is why I don’t do this. Children are far more polite.”
He released you suddenly and you landed hard on the ground. It winked and disappeared, right as your friend and her cousin returned.
“You met Jack!” the child shouted excitedly, pointing to the candy lying next to you.
You shoved it away from you as quickly as possible.
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shadowgamerhalo · 3 years
Incorrect quote 15#
When the proxy teams meet:
Tim to Alex: You still look like a dick.
Alex: You still have those weird sideburns.
Brian to Jay: Short.
Jay: *sighs*
Toby to Milo: What's with the mask?
Milo: It hides the fact that I'm dying inside, being in their presence *points to Alex and Jay*
Doby to Kate: Are we supposed to know these guys?
Kate: I assume kind of, so just pretend like you do.
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slutforben · 3 years
also rulelist here
- key -
angst - ☾
fluff - ♡
nsfw - ☆
random headcanon - ♢
shitpost - ☢
also, this list goes from newest - oldest, if you wanna start from the beginning of a pasta just scroll to the bottom of their section :) some scenarios/headcanons for multiple pastas are under random headcanons :)
- ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴs -
how i think the creeps get high - ♢
slender's manor headcanons - ♢
random headcanons 3 - ♢
creepypasta fanon vs canon - ☢
scent headcanons: warning they're stinky - ♢
do the pastas prefer an s/o who's older or younger? - ♢
how do the pastas feel on missions? - ♢
sexuality/identity headcanons - ♢
age headcanons - ♢
random headcanons 2 - ♢
shitbricks as animals - ♢ ☢
random headcanons 1 - ♢
- ᴊᴇғғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋɪʟʟᴇʀ -
random headcanons 2 - ♢
jeff with an s/o who loves covering him in lipstick kisses - ♢♡
bad habits some of the creeps have ( jeff, jane, toby, ben, ) - ♢
stoned jeff headcanons - ♢
jeff no nose - ♢
jeff does acid with toby sometimes - ☢
random headcanons 1 - ♢
- ʙᴇɴ ᴅʀᴏᴡɴᴇᴅ -
nsfw headcanons - ☆
fluff quote - ♡
bottom ben - ☆♢
soulmate au 1 - red string - ♢♡
random headcanons 3 - ♢
ben drawing
ben with an s/o who loves covering him in lipstick kisses - ♢♡
bad habits some of the creeps have ( jeff, jane, toby, ben, ) - ♢
au ben's your dad now lol - ☢
someone ate his poptarts :( - ☢
ben REALLY likes energy drinks - ♢
" god has let me live another day " - ☢
random headcanons 2 - ♢
random headcanons 1 - ♢
- ᴛɪᴄᴄɪ ᴛᴏʙʏ -
toby's a douchbag - ♢
random headcanons 2 - ♢
toby with an s/o who loves covering him in lipstick kisses - ♢♡
bad habits some of the creeps have ( jeff, jane, toby, ben, ) - ♢
toby with a stoner boyfriend headcanons - ♢
random headcanons 1 - ♢
toby likes launching himself over staircases - ☢
toby does acid with jeff sometimes - ☢
- ᴛʜᴇ sʟᴇɴᴅᴇʀᴍᴀɴ -
random headcanons 2 - ♢
random headcanons 1 - ♢
- ᴛʜᴇ sʟᴇɴᴅᴇʀ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀs - nothing yet!
- ᴍᴀsᴋʏ -
masky with an s/o who loves covering him in lipstick kisses - ♢♡
random headcanons 1 - ♢
- ʜᴏᴏᴅɪᴇ - nothing yet!
- ᴋᴀᴛᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜᴀsᴇʀ - nothing yet!
- x-ᴠɪʀᴜs
fluff headcanons 1 - ♡
- ᴅᴀʀᴋ ʟɪɴᴋ -
dark with a punk gf headcanons - ♢♡☆
random headcanons 1 - ♢
- ʟᴏsᴛ sɪʟᴠᴇʀ -
silver with an s/o who loves covering him in lipstick kisses - ♢♡
- ɢʟɪᴛᴄʜʏ ʀᴇᴅ -
nsfw headcanons - ☆
nsfw headcanons 2 - ☆
- ᴊᴀɴᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋɪʟʟᴇʀ -
random headcanons 1 - ♢
bad habits some of the creeps have ( jeff, jane, toby, ben, ) - ♢
- ᴄʟᴏᴄᴋᴡᴏʀᴋ -
random headcanons 1 - ♢
- ɴɪɴᴀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋɪʟʟᴇʀ -
random headcanons 1 - ♢
- sᴀʟʟʏ -
sally's thoughts on killing - ♢
random headcanons 1 - ♢
- ᴇʏᴇʟᴇss ᴊᴀᴄᴋ -
eyeless smells weird - ♢
eyeless hates oranges for good reason - ♢
random headcanons 1 - ♢
- ʟᴀᴜɢʜɪɴɢ ᴊᴀᴄᴋ -
jack just doesn't care anymore - ♢☢
random headcanons 1 - ♢
jack's the ultimate drag queen - ♢
117 notes · View notes
Creepypasta Headcanons
Hello Everyone, This is the Masterlist of my planned post and the link to the post of the scenarios. You also can see some of the symbols below.
🌹: Smut
🥀: Angst
🍭: Fluff
😂: Comedy
🧐: Random
🧸: Domestic
😐: Non-Specified
🗡️: Gore/Yandere
❤️: Romantic
Also, If you want a commission for a one-shot or a series, you can click this link:
Jeff the Killer
Having a curly hair S/O 🍭
Hearing S/O saying 'I Love You' For the First Time❤️🗡️🍭
With S/O Who Has a Tourette Syndrome🥀❤️🍭
Touch Starved S/O ❤️🍭🧸
Mysterious Introverted S/O❤️🍭🧐
Eyeless Jack
Having a curly hair S/O 🍭
Hearing S/O saying 'I Love You' For the First Time❤️🗡️🍭
Ben Drowned
Having a curly hair S/O 🍭
Hearing S/O saying 'I Love You' For the First Time❤️🗡️🍭
Hearing S/O saying 'I Love You' For the First Time❤️🗡️🍭
Having a Flirty S/O❤️🍭😂
First Date Headcanons❤️🍭
S/O Hangs On Them Like a Koala🍭😂
Being a Bottom❤️🍭💓
Having a curly hair S/O Part 2 🍭
With S/O Who Has a Tourette Syndrome🥀❤️🍭
Having a curly hair S/O Part 2 🍭
With S/O Who Has a Tourette Syndrome🥀❤️🍭
Ticci Toby
Having a curly hair S/O Part 2 🍭
With S/O Who Has a Tourette Syndrome🥀❤️🍭
Laughing Jack
S/O Hangs On Them Like a Koala🍭😂
Being a Bottom❤️🍭💓
Homidicial Liu
Touch Starved S/O ❤️🍭🧸
Mysterious Introverted S/O❤️🍭🧐
Jane The Killer
Touch Starved S/O ❤️🍭🧸
Mysterious Introverted S/O❤️🍭🧐
Mysterious Introverted S/O❤️🍭🧐
Doctor Smile
- Empty-
- Empty-
Bloody Painter
- Empty-
Lost Silver
- Empty-
Glitchy Red
- Empty-
Strangled Red
- Empty-
- Empty-
Dark Link
- Empty-
- Empty-
Tails Doll
- Empty-
- Empty-
- Empty-
- Empty-
Jason the Toymaker
S/O Hangs On Them Like a Koala🍭😂
Candy Pop
- Empty-
- Empty-
Nurse Ann
- Empty-
Judge Angel
- Empty-
Grinny The Cat (Human Version)
- Empty-
Smile the Dog (Human Version)
- Empty-
Having a Flirty S/O❤️🍭😂
First Date Headcanons❤️🍭
S/O Hangs On Them Like a Koala🍭😂
Having a Flirty S/O❤️🍭😂
First Date Headcanons❤️🍭
Sexual Offenderman
Nathan the Nobody
- Empty-
Nick Vanill
- Empty-
Isaac Grossman
- Empty-
The Chess Master
- Empty-
Suicide Sadie
- Empty-
Kate the Chaser
- Empty-
Red Angel
- Empty-
- Empty-
Cat Hunter
- Empty-
Zalgo The Dark Lord
Being a Bottom❤️🍭💓
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