#bc shes had a rough life and she deserves all the good things i can give her
icallhimjoey · 11 months
idk why but I think it would be funny reader stuck in the elevator with joe and reader freaking out bc the elevator stopped while joe is all soft and trying to calm her down
YES excellent – i merged this idea with another request from anon who asked for a story that starts on the tube, so, here we go... a new five-part series! here's part one! thanks for the request, you're well sexy and the best, love ya for life xo Wordcount: 2.6K
Between Floors and Feelings
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
“Rough night?”
You knew what this looked like.
You understood why the person who you'd sat down next to immediately got up and moved a few seats down. Why they avoided the drama of it all.
You understood why the lady opposite you stared at the floor and nothing but the floor, pretending that she hadn't seen you, probably because that would just be easiest for everyone involved, the politest thing to do.
You understood why the handsome stranger at the end of the carriage kept looking over, his big round eyes overflowing with pity for the runaway bride in the dirty dress, mascara stains all down her face and her hair a tangled up mess.
You got it.
You probably would’ve felt the same had you witnessed a girl in a wedding dress sit down in an empty seat, sort of dazed and empty-looking, numb to the stares and whispers – if people even whispered at all; the tube was notoriously quiet, always and forever.
“Rough night?” a boy from a group of four, maybe five, called over, and the rest of them all tried to hide their laughs.
It was obvious they’d been drinking and you guessed they were on their way to the next party. Off to find another bar or a club that still let people in after the last tube had gone.
You made direct eye-contact with the kid, and you looked exhausted the way people can only look exhausted after they’ve cried for a good while.
Made sense, since, you know, you’d cried for a good while.
You just looked at this boy, who thought maybe he’d get a reaction out of you, but your lack of expression and unwavering stare quickly made him grow uncomfortable. Made his buddies shove his shoulders as they told him to leave her alone man, suddenly all respectful and well-mannered.
They felt the vibe. None of this was fucking funny.
It was enough to get him to back off, and thank fuck they all got off at Leicester Square – of course they did – and when the doors closed again, you noticed the carriage was mostly empty now.
A glance sideways told you the handsome stranger who’d been sneaking looks at you was still there.
Watching you.
What an outfit to be seen in by someone who had looks that would usually make you sit up a little straighter. Would make you faff with your hair a bit. Would make you stick your chin out and push your shoulders back, just in case he looked at you again.
You absolutely didn’t give a single shit about it now.
Couldn't care less about what you currently looked like.
You knew your face was a mess of streaky foundation with black mascara marks all the way down to your chin and, fuck it, you weren’t even planning on washing it off tonight. You’d wallow in bed and probably would cry some more before you’d fall asleep.
Tomorrow could be the day on which you’d care.
Right now all you’d wanted to do was murder someone, then sleep, and also, empty the rest of your bladder.
Perhaps that was the only thing about tonight that brought you secret joy; the memory of squatting over your boss’s handbag to piss right into it. You had to stop in a scurry when you heard footsteps coming up the stairs and didn’t want to be caught, but, if you had been, ultimately, it wouldn't have mattered.
You had resigned with immediate effect when you'd seen them.
Finding her unguarded handbag on your way out was exactly what she fucking deserved. You knew you'd probably regret it later, but for right now, it was all you fucking had.
The train stopped at Covent Garden, and it took a second for your body to get up to get out. Like the signals your eyes and ears picked up took longer to travel to the right parts of your brain, that then following signals took longer to travel from your brain to the right parts of your body.
You had to lift up your skirt, two fists grabbing at the tulle, to make sure your feet didn't get caught up as you stepped onto the platform.
With the increasingly annoying See It, Say It, Sorted repeating itself for the millionth time within the fourteen minutes you'd been on the tube, the doors beeped behind you before you heard them roll shut.
The platform felt empty, just a couple other people making their way towards the exit, and with your zest for life currently non-existent, the sensation of the wind from the tube leaving felt nice. So, you took a second, just stood there and thought to yourself how long it would take for it to become weird that you weren't moving.
There were just too many things to freak out over, far too much to completely overwhelm you, but it was almost like none of it was real. As if every single survival mechanism your body held within itself had switched on. They all made sure that the only thing you had going inside your brain was a low, constant hum. Nothing else.
It was almost like you weren't even there.
Like the whole evening had been a dream.
Like you didn't even really exist in this moment right now.
Yea. You were definitely dissociating.
You felt like a ghost a little.
One that had to pee, still. That motivated you enough to turn your head, tired heavy-lidded eyes reading the signs to follow them out.
Exit. To the lifts and stairs.
You were nearly home.
Home, where you were definitely 100 per cent going to beeline it straight from your front door right into bed.
Just that thought alone brought you back into yourself a little more, but it was just so you could tear up again. You felt the hot pinpricks behind your eyes and quickly shoved yourself out again.
No more crying, please.
You could just... float down the underground tunnels behind yourself. Follow your own footsteps out of the station. You knew were you lived. You would find yourself there later.
It was fine.
It was after the last theater rush, so for Covent Garden standards, it felt eerily quiet. Not that you were complaining. Waiting for the lifts whilst crushed between a bunch of tourists was the last thing you wanted right now.
But stepping into an empty lift with just one other person stepping in behind you, seeing just a few people step out on the other side, felt weird too.
Especially when you looked, and you saw that the one other person was the handsome stranger from your carriage. He'd apparently gotten off too, and suddenly, you felt embarrassed.
You were wearing a dirty wedding dress. Had black marks all over your face, all over your hands.
He looked fucking stunning. All prim and proper. Vintage-looking tweed green suit. Olive-y green. Gorgeous and well put together, the literal exact opposite from you in your current state. Like, sure, his curls were a little messy, but it seemed part of his look.
As the lift doors closed behind you, the stranger gave you a polite nod accompanied by a tight lipped smile. And you would have returned it, would've made it a kind, well-mannered exchange of acknowledgement, but, you weren't really inside of your body, remember?
All you did was look at him a second, face all blank, and you only slightly noticed that the empathy in his eyes doubled right in front of you before you turned away. You turned and slumped against the side, head resting back, eyes scanning the ads but not really reading anything, and you wondered if these lifts ever got cleaned. If someone ever took a rag and some cleaning solution and wiped down all the panels. By the look of things, probably not.
What if that was your job?
Clean the Covent Garden tube station lifts every day. There were four of them, and you imagined they all could use a good scrub.
You honestly wouldn't mind a job like it. You needed a new job anyway, 't was close to home and you liked the sense of accomplishment cleaning something incredibly dirty gave you. Where you could really see the difference.
You were doing a stellar job at distracting yourself from the current situation you were in. Made sure to stay all the way out of your body. Made sure that this veil that separated you from the real world, that blurred the boundaries between what was real and what was not, made sure that it stayed in place.
You were so close to home.
Wanted to be there right this second.
Fuck, you were so tired.
Maybe your new job could be figuring out this whole teleportation thing. See if you could make that work for yourself.
You didn't realise that your eyes were staring at the man who stood near where the doors were meant to open when you reached ground floor. Just, comfortably locked at the shoulder seam of his jacket.
Even when he turned his head a little for a quick look before he took a small sip from a half empty water bottle, surely because he could sense your two bulging wet eyeballs burn into his back, you didn't move your eyes.
Felt too nice to keep them there.
But then, without warning, there was a sudden jolt. It shocked you right back into your body and you couldn't help the small gasp that escaped you. The lift had come to an abrupt halt, and the lights flickered for a moment before they settled into a dim glow.
Oh no.
“Oh no,” the barely audible sound of your voice surprised you. Your throat still felt thick from crying, and hearing it out loud just reminded you of it more.
“Is it stuck?”
For a second, you thought that maybe, you were wrong.
You made a mistake.
Clearly you weren't really with it right now, so you didn't really trust your senses currently. You didn't really know what was real and what wasn't and found it difficult to differentiate.
But then the guy who was in there with you looked around, and then lowered his head. By the way his eyes moved, you could tell he was trying to listen for something.
“Are we stuck?” you tried again, and his eyes shot up to look at you.
No answer.
A mix of emotions washed over you; disbelief, annoyance, a new good dose of self-pity along with a strong healthy pang of sheer panic.
It was kind of exactly how you felt about an hour ago.
If only there was a handbag of someone you really hated to piss into to elevate the situation a little. It helped a lot before.
“I think we're stuck.”
That was exactly the wrong thing to hear and it immediately threw you for a loop.
A panic attack.
The whole ordeal.
Your heart quickened its pace, an unsettling sensation tightened your whole chest and your breathing picked up, became all shallow at a rapid rate. Before you knew it, the box you were now trapped in felt like it was shrinking around you and suddenly you were in a place of imminent danger.
You were inside a mortal trap, a tragedy waiting to happen.
You had to sit down.
But your knees were locked.
You didn't know if the moisture you felt on your face were tears or sweat.
Oh man, it was hot in there. Did this guy feel hot in there too? Jesus Christ, why were wedding gowns so fucking restricting?
You saw how the emergency button was pressed, just once. Sensible. And then this guy waited patiently as he listened to static coming from the little intercom below it.
Well, fuck that.
In your panic you kind of threw yourself at this emergency button and with frantic hands and shaking fingers, you pressed it over and over and over, until two big hands took hold of you and guided your arms down.
“It's OK, don't worry. Help will come,”
Those words meant nothing to you, no matter how kindly they were said.
“Hello?!” you shouted like anyone would hear you, eyes big and darting, and you scanned the rest of the lift for more buttons.
Your phone!
Of course.
You fished your phone out, panicked movements making you nearly drop it.
No service.
“Hey, breathe,” the far-too-good-looking-for-his-own-good stranger tried, but you had already slung both arms over your head and got the jitters in your legs, desperately needing to move and so you started pacing.
Two small steps towards the back, two small steps back to where this guy was stood.
“This is just perfect, what the fuck, this is just–” the loud and sudden sob that escaped you made you slap a hand over your mouth.
“Calm down, we're safe, you need to–” he huffed a humourless laugh through his nostrils, all obvious nerves and tense uncomfortability. “You need to breathe,”
And he was right. You did need to breathe. You started feeling light-headed a little, felt your cheeks start to tingle, so you covered your face with both hands and squatted down, making the tulle skirt of your dress take up half the floorspace.
He joined you down there and held out his opened water bottle to you.
“Do you need some water?”
You didn't move your hands as you shook your head no.
“Okay, let me try that again. My name's Joe, I think you're having an anxiety attack, and I think you need some water. Here, have some water,”
“I don't want water.”
It was definitely sweat and tears. You felt clammy and cold but somehow uncomfortably hot at the same time.
“Breathe in, hey,” a finger got snapped in front of your face several times. That didn't do shit. “You're just breathing out, you've got to let air in too.”
And just for a second, the smallest fraction of a teeny tiny moment, everything suddenly cleared up in your mind. Comfort and ease took over and you felt... well, nothing.
Felt like drifting.
You felt everything flush down your body, all the way from your face right into your toes until it was all gone.
Just for a mere second, though.
“I'm fine,” you croaked before everything went slack. You lost your balance, your eyes rolled back and just like that, everything went dark.
“Oh, shit, oh shit,” Joe muttered, moving forward from sitting on his haunches to pressing his knees into the fabric of your dress as he tried to reach for you in a flash.
He got you by the arm, his open water bottle terribly in the way, and his other hand managed to reach around your neck. He got to slowly lower you down, ease you towards the floor entirely unsure of what to do next.
What did he need to do next?!
He was trapped in a tube station lift, on a stop he didn't even need to get out of, with an unconscious runaway bride who'd quite clearly was having the absolutely worst day of her life ever.
What the fuck was he going to do?
Then, behind him, from the corner of the elevator, the intercom static picked up again and was followed by a crackly voice.
“Emergency services, how can we assist you?”
The Taglisted: 
@ghostinthebackofyourhead @dirtyeddietini @jasminearondottir @freckledjoes @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @thefemininemystiquee @alana4610 @emmamooney @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie @munsonmunster @kellyxo1 @chaoticgood-munson @sherrylyn628 @ohmeg @05secondsofsexgods @lovelyblueness @adoreyouusugar @nadixq @prozacandnicotine @roosterisdaddy36 @alwayslindie @breddiemunson @eddie-joe-munson @ali-in-w0nderland @pepperstories @phyllosilicate-s @thebellenouvelle @luvrsbian @joesquinns @choke-me-eddie @alizztor @jnnyrd @did-it-work @capricornrisingsstuff @quinnsmunson @frogers @kennedy-brooke @daleyeahson @eddielives1986 @harringtonfan4 @sadbitchfangirl @emma77645 @tlclick73
(taglist currently full, sorry)
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spacenintendogs · 1 year
httyd hcs abt the gang's relationship to eret bc we were deprived.
eret has a sense of camaraderie with all of them eventually, but it's super rough to get along with anyone besides astrid & hiccup at first
him & astrid get along the best, obv. they spar, they talk shit, they open up abt serious things, they trade information
eret dealing with how quickly he's changed his life & while astrid doesn't fully understand she rmrs how quickly her mind had been changed & getting used to it.
stormfly still plays fetch with eret (with a stick or... with him LMAO but it helps him get used to falling from large heights & trusting he'll be caught by a dragon, either her or skullcrusher)
hiccup immediately trusts eret as much as he trusts anyone he's known for years & eret doesn't know if he deserves it but he strives to make it so he does
eret has HIGH respect for hiccup & understands what he's going through to an extent as the son of a chief (tho hiccup is chief now). hiccup is one of the only ones who know eret was son of a chief.
yea i'm going off of what was said abt fire tides with eret being the son of a chief
eret figures out exactly where toothless likes to be pet & always has to give him a scratch under the chin to say hello
fishlegs enthusiasm for dragons & infodumping is a lot for eret at first, but very quickly fishlegs unabashedly is sweet, gentle, shy, patient, & still has the ability to bite back at ppl (mostly snotlout & the twins) & eret is like okay word
fishlegs helps eret understand skullcrusher more, as he's more than eager to step into the role of teacher (this makes hiccup happy)
fishlegs tells eret abt his family's regatta history & eret is actually invested!! he's interested!!! in turn, eret shows fishlegs his ship!!
eret: (sees meatlug) oh. (gives her a snack) (gives her a snack) (gives her a snack) (gives her a
we know snotlout sees eret as a rival but eret doesn't Care™️ but it'd be funnier i think if eret doesn't Care™️ but also enjoys mildly taking the piss out of snotlout for fun
it's so easy to work snotlout up & after eret's had his fun for a few months he casually brings it up to snotlout & snotlout wants to crawl into a hole & die
they do become good friends & it's weird for ppl outside of the gang bc eret is so dry towards snotlout vs snotlout still getting in eret's face (affectionate)
hookfang just likes to push himself into eret's personal space & cuddle(?) so eret just allowe it LMAO
it's ruffnut's bluntness that has eret finally relax around her.
she defends him in a rather mundane event of eret getting heckled (again) by berkians who don't trust him (this is like, month 5 of him living on berk) by looking at each viking & roasting them calmly from the ground up with information they didn't know she knew
eret tells her thanks & she just... smiles at him. so he gives her a kiss on the cheek & it's a rare moment of ruff getting slightly flushed
tuffnut is actually very easy to get along with. he always checks on eret & makes sure he's doing alright (in his tuffnut way)
tuffnut is so blasé abt things while also being one of the most hyper ppl eret has ever met & it's so intriguing to eret how someone can be a walking contradiction but make it make sense so easily
tuffnut gives eret unprompted pep talks & eret tries to respond in kind instead of fully brushing tuff off & tuff is like :D
barf & belch are as chaotic as their riders & maybe... maybe... eret will enable them on occassion (yes he will. what? it's funny).
eret rlly learns abt everyone & learns to like them for them as they like him for him :)
also they all saw him without a shirt ONE TIME (1) & haven't shut up abt it since
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blainesebastian · 1 year
words: 1,381 ship: austin butler x reader summary: (anon request): “can you do one where reader decorates her and Austin’s apartment to celebrate his Oscar nomination? maybe something like baking a cake, or setting up balloons bc celebrating milestones is important“  notes: thanks for the sweet request :)  warnings: none tag list: @killerqueenfan, @karamelcoveredolicity, @elizabethrosecresswell, @gigisworldsstuff, @stylesmendeshearted, @rairaielv,
You and Austin are perfectly aware of how busy life can get—both of you dove into acting at a young age and it’s been a passion and commitment ever since. If you’re not currently on a film set, you’re preparing for a role, or investing your time and energy into research, going to auditions, meeting with directors or producers, having your publicist and agent line you up for interviews, events, the works. It’s constant and all-consuming and you’ve learned that you have to take time to breathe, to slow down, to check in with yourself and loved ones because if you don’t, things are capable of flying right by you.
It's important to celebrate milestones.
Which is why you’re attempting to bake a cake for Austin.
As you’ve told practically anyone who will listen, your boyfriend is one of the most hard working people you know. And yes, you definitely like to humble-brag about it. The thing is, Austin deserves to be recognized—not just for Elvis, but for every single project he touches. He puts his entire heart and soul into what he does and it comes through on screen and not only that, he’s incredibly kind and thoughtful to anyone he works with, any interviews he might give, or any fan he runs into on the street.
You really can’t say enough.
So when he calls you about that Oscar nomination? You practically scream right in the middle of the grocery store. You’re unbelievably happy and proud of him, can hear the tears in his eyes coming through the roughness of his voice as he speaks to you on the phone about how he can’t quite believe it.
Regardless that it’s taking some time to settle in for him, you know exactly what to do and make it your mission to make sure he knows how much he deserves this upon coming home. He’s out for drinks with Baz, his publicist, something he invited to you but you had originally declined because you were busy with work. Unknowingly, things with your agent wrapped up sooner than you expected so you were getting some much needed grocery shopping done. Hearing this news though? The perfect segway into getting the apartment decorated as a surprise for when Austin comes home.
You should have about a two hour window, he was just meeting Baz when he called you in the store. And in theory? It’s plenty of time for what you’re trying to do. You know it’s probably really corny but you got these gold streamers to hang on the fireplace in the living room along with the golden speckled sparkle balloons floating against the ceiling down the hallway until you reach the kitchen. There’s a banner, too, a simple congrats! hanging across the expansive windows behind and above the couch.
Probably too much but you can’t be worried about that right now—you’re concerned about this cake and the time you’re losing, trying to make sure this is as close to perfect as you can get. Except…
“The cake is flat.”
Your mom kinda hovers over the phone, definite confusion in the silence, “Flat?”
Lord, this is why you don’t bake, “Yeah, it’s—I dunno. I followed all the directions to a T.”
She hums, “Did you preheat the oven?”
You crinkle your nose because no, you…you swore that was a thing you could totally do without. Isn’t that optional? “I didn’t think that was like…something you had to do,” And ugh, now you feel like an idiot because the cake batter has essentially cooked at a half-ass temperature for a half-ass length of time. “My friend Suzanne never preheats her oven and her baked goods come out perfect.”
“That’s because she pretends her store-bought cupcakes are right from her kitchen, dear.”
You crinkle your nose but then can’t help but laugh…actually, that would explain a lot.
Leaning against the counter, you switch your phone from one ear to the other, listening for a moment to make sure your boyfriend isn’t home yet, “I dunno what I’m going to do—Austin will be home soon and this was supposed to be a surprise, not a letdown.”
“I’d say a half-baked cake is definitely a surprise.”
“Mom,” You whine and her soft laugh filters through the speaker before she tells you how to adjust the oven to fix and finish the cake.
You feel…kinda confident? When all is said and done and the oven beeps. You’re able to take it out and let it cool for a little as you whip icing together. At least you can taste that throughout to make sure it’s not an utter disaster and, well, at the end of the day it’s the thought that counts right? Telling yourself that a few times, you begin to icing the cake and hum a bit to yourself…you’re pretty sure the bottom is a little burnt. You shake your head, setting it back on the counter once you’re done with the icing. At this point, you’re just hoping it’s edible.
“Yikes,” You mutter to yourself and then hear the front door open.
Eyes widening, you scurry out from around the counter and into the hallway, grinning when Austin has the door all the way open.
And your boyfriend blinks because he’s barely come inside, toeing off his shoes and taking his jacket off as the door closes, “What?” He laughs lightly and then looks up, the balloons against the ceiling, leading down to the streamers and signs and admittedly you’re smiling the entire time, watching as he takes it all in.
Following him into the living room, you curl your hair around your ear, “Congrats.”
There’s this moment where Austin shakes his head, emotion playing with the blue of his eyes and he runs his hand along his lower jaw before he turns to look at you. In one swift motion he picks you up, a laugh startling from your lips as you slide down his body and you’re standing in front of him.
“Thank you baby,” He whispers, leaning down to kiss you.
You wrap your arms around his shoulders, keeping him close, smiling against his lips as the kiss sends unending butterflies into your chest and stomach.
It’s a small gesture, you know, something that’ll probably pale in comparison to the recognition he’s bound to get from all over in the next few months. But you couldn’t not do it either, all of this translates into how proud of him you are, how much you love him—even if it’s just streamers, balloon and a cake.
“You baked?” He asks, motioning to the kitchen with a tip of his chin.
A soft laugh leaves your lips, cheeks kissing pink before you nod. Wandering into the space with him, your rub the back of your neck and pick up the cake off the counter, setting it down in front of him on the island table.
“Yeah—or well, I tried.”
Austin shakes his head and you already know what he’s thinking—that you didn’t have to go so out of your way to do any of this for him over a nomination. But it’s not just that, right? It’s celebrating all the steps he took to get here, all the hard work and long hours, passion and frustration, sweat and tears. It’s about recognition, about seeing him.
You grab two forks and hand him one, sitting down at the counter. Austin moves to stand around you, leaning down to press a kiss to your shoulder as he digs his fork in and takes a bite. There’s a bit of icing on the corner of his mouth and you grin before wiping it away with your thumb. Humming, you take a forkful as well in anticipation and—
It’s not that bad!
The cake is moist, the icing is pleasant but not overdoing it on sugar and you triumphantly have another bite because baking this thing and not ruining it feels like a milestone within itself.
“Sorry the bottom is a bit crispy.”
Austin chuckles warmly, “Wasn’t even gonna say anythin’.” He tilts your chin with his thumb so that you’re looking at him and he leans down for a slow kiss. It’s just as sweet as the icing.
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Help You Unwind | Jim Hopper X Reader
Summary: Hopper comes home tense after a long day at work and you help him relax.
Rating: 18+!!!!! Very smutty!!!!!! Minors begone!!!!
Warnings: blowjobs, dirty talk, mentions of afab genitalia
A/N: okay listen y’all can blame @letterfromvienna for this one bc she posted some filth about hop and my brain simply couldn’t rest until I got this out. It’s 2.7k words of giving him the #sloppy that he deserves and I’m not sorry about it <3
The low murmur of the TV had been the only sound keeping you company for the last hour or so. You really only had it on for the background noise while you read, though the cabin and its surrounding environment did tend to get a bit eerie at night so it worked out for that as well. Although your current position maybe wasn’t the most attractive-one leg draped over the back of the couch while the other hung lazily off the edge, torso scrunched up with your current read close to your face- it sure as hell was comfortable. This was how you stayed, and planned to stay, until you heard the familiar sound of Jim’s car approaching.
You rearranged your body into a slightly less unflattering position and set down your book, a smile coming to your face as you heard the keys in the door.
“Hey, you,” Hopper said with a sigh, tiredness evident in his voice. A glance at the clock on the side table told you it was late, 11:26 to be exact, though you could’ve guessed as much just from the heaviness in his eyelids and heaviness in his shoulders.
He crossed the room towards the fridge, mindlessly unbuttoning his uniform shirt in an attempt to get more comfortable. As he pulled out a beer, you got up on your knees and leaned your arms on the top of the couch. “Long night?”
“That’s an understatement.”
You knew work had been extra rough on him recently- police presence seemed to be needed significantly more in the summer, what with the local teenagers out of school causing trouble with their parties that they thought they’d cleverly hidden deep enough in the woods, not to mention the heightened traffic from everyone traveling away from Hawkins in search of better vacation spots (not that you could blame them). All this combined with the fact that he now had another life in his home that he needed to keep alive and safe meant that he came home from work most nights completely and utterly exhausted.
It pained you to see him in this state; you knew he was burning himself out. You just wanted to make him feel better again- make him feel as good as he made you feel.
After making his way back towards the living area of the cabin, he slumped down across from you on the couch with a loud grunt before taking a long sip of the beer. As he set it down on the side table next to him, he pat his thigh in an invitation for you to join him, one you gladly took.
Scooting over and settling into his lap comfortably, you wrapped one arm around the back of his neck while the other fiddled with the loose thread sticking out of his uniform collar. “Anything you wanna talk about?” You asked, knowing the answer.
“Nothin’ you need to worry about,” he sighed again before closing his eyes and nestling into your hair. “Just glad to be home. What about you? How was your night?”
Your chest warmed at the feeling of him running his hand gently along your leg. “Relatively uneventful after El left,” you told him.
He didn’t remove himself from your hair but you felt him chuckle a bit. “Yeah, sorry about that. I know you were looking forward to a girl’s night with her.”
That was true- you had planned to spend the evening with El doing typical “girly” stuff, movies, painting nails, etc, and had gotten about one hour in before the phone rang and she was asking if she could go to a sleepover at Max’s. You’d be lying if you said it didn’t sting a little, but you knew she was just a kid and needed to do kid things, so you happily drove her to her friend’s house and painted your own nails in the kitchen before tearing into the pile of unhealthy snacks you’d brought in preparation for the evening.
“Don’t worry about it, I’m glad she has people to ditch me for. Plus I don’t want her thinking I’m playing step-mom and forcing her to hang out with me,” you closed your eyes and smiled mostly to yourself. “It’s okay though, you’re here now.”
“Thank god for that,” he replied, voice seeming distant and allowing you to once again sense the tension that was overwhelming him.
Even if he didn’t want to talk about his problems, you were determined to help him relax even a little. You moved your hand from his shoulder to his scalp, gently scratching your nails across it with no particular pattern. You felt a thrum of satisfaction in your chest after he hummed with pleasure.
“Is that good, honey?” You asked, once again knowing the answer.
He responded with another hum that was muffled into your neck. From this angle you could breathe in his scent- the aftershave still fragrant from that morning mixed with a comforting musk and just the slightest bit of sweat. You continued massaging him for another minute or so, before pulling him back slightly to take in his face. Though his eyes were tired, he still looked at you with enough tenderness to fill your heart ten times over.
“What? Somethin’ on my face?” He asked with a small laugh.
“No, it’s nothing I just… wanted to look at you. I missed you,” you responded, feeling sheepish after your confession while under his loving gaze, despite being the recipient of it more times than you could remember.
He closed the small space between your heads and pressed his lips to yours. It was an innocent kiss, but a full one, and once again your heart felt like it could burst. You pulled back only slightly, placing a hand on the side of his face. He adjusted his grip on your outer thigh, pulling you closer in his lap.
Closing the gap between the two of you once again, you put more into this kiss. A small part of you recognized that he was beyond worn out and should probably just shower and go to sleep, but another (admittedly larger and hornier) part of you recognized that you’d had too much time alone tonight to think about a variety of ways you’d like to help him unwind when he got home, most of them bringing a blush to your face. The larger part won, closing out the argument by reasoning that you were just helping him relax, right?
Your tongue gently moved into his mouth, the kiss deepening while remaining lazy and slow. The hand that rested on the side of his face returned to its previous spot in his hair, though this time it tugged a bit as it arrived. His tongue fell into a familiar rhythm with yours, tasting the sweetness of your mouth that he never got enough of. Once again you pulled away, but only for a moment to rearrange your bodies so your legs were straddled across his lap. His body felt sturdy underneath you and you had to resist grinding yourself against him, already riled up after an evening left to your devices, and subsequent fantasizing.
After a moment you moved your mouth to his ear and leaned in. “I want to make you feel good.” You whispered.
It took a moment for him to respond. “Okay,”Was all he managed.
A short response, but it was all you needed. You giggled lowly, a small yet devious smile coming to your face as you gently took his earlobe between your teeth. His breath hitched and you delicately smoothed your tongue over the same area, then dragged it up the outer shell of his ear. At the same time, your hand cupped his neck and pulled him into you, despite already being as close as you could. You began making your way down his neck, pressing sloppy kisses and nipping slightly as you went along. His hand that had been previously resting by your knees slid up the length of your thighs to lightly squeeze your ass. It didn’t hurt by any means, but you could tell from the pressure and stiffness of his torso that he still wasn’t letting go of the tension.
“You just need to relax, okay baby? I’m gonna take care of you.”
Your voice was almost sickly sweet, dripping with sin. Your eyes matched this sentiment as you placed another tender kiss to his lips, then shifted off of his lap and settled onto the floor in front of him. Maybe it was a bit cliche for you to be on your knees for him, staring up through your lashes with big, gentle eyes- but you couldn’t really find it in you to care.
That said, as you looked up at the man before you, you couldn’t help but feel a bit intimated by his large frame. It was something you normally adored about Jim- his strong arms, his soft belly- but from this angle, he looked downright powerful. Like a king on his throne, strong legs spread to make room just for you. It made you feel even smaller than him than you already were. He was gazing down at you with lowered eyelids, anticipating what was to come but doing his best to conceal it. You didn’t miss the way his hands twitched by his sides, longing to weave themselves into your hair, but staying respectfully in their place. Like this, he was overwhelming in the best way possible.
You raked your nails down his thighs, just enough pressure to make him squirm and flex the strong muscles. You placed a gentle kiss to his clothed knee before reaching towards his belt, not wasting any time getting it undone. Some nights, you chose to painstakingly draw out this process and tease him until he finally snapped and bent you over the table, but you knew better than to do so tonight and chose to get to the point. His breathing deepened as you undid the button at the top of his pants, hands so close to where he wanted them. He was already aching for you- all he’d wanted during the last few hours of his shift was to come home to you and have you saying his name in that pretty way you do when he finally slips into your wet heat.
Grabbing the band of his briefs and his pants, you tugged and he lifted his hips to assist you. His hard length sprung back against his stomach, finally free of restraint. It sent a wave of heat straight to your pussy, but you reminded yourself that this was about him, not you.
A low groan left his mouth as you gingerly wrapped one hand around the base of him. You supposed it made sense for a man as big in stature as him to have such a long, thick cock, but even now you found yourself in awe of it. The first time the two of you had sex he’d had to take things extra slow, pushing in carefully to allow you to adjust. The first time you sucked him off, you weren’t even sure you were going to be able to fit even half of him in your mouth. A small remnant of that apprehension still lingered, but it was much easier to shake away now.
Gripping him firmly, you gave him several solid, slow pumps.
“Fuck, baby.” He leaned his head back over the top of the couch and huffed.
Seeing some of the weight leave his chest as he shut his eyes and went slack jawed sent a wave of pride throughout you. “That’s it, pretty boy. I’m right here. Give it all to me.”
You adjusted your position so you were higher up on your knees, then leaned forward with your hand still wrapped around him and placed your lips on the end of his dick. Flattening your tongue along the underside, you sank your mouth down until it met your fisted hand. You repeated this motion a few times, hearing the pleasure flowing from his throat. On a particularly loud grunt, you twisted your head in sync with your hand and met in the middle, then picked up the pace gradually.
His hands could no longer stay complacent by his sides. He moved them to the back of your head, though they didn’t do anything besides rest there. Meanwhile, his hips arched up ever so slightly, and you knew exactly what he wanted in that moment.
“Use me however you need, baby. Fuck my mouth.” Your hand left it’s spot at the base of his cock and returned to his thick thigh, stroking it absently. After you spoke your mouth returned back to the tip of him, swirling your tongue around it.
Still retaining some semblance of control, he looked down at you. “You sure? I don’t wanna hurt you.”
Despite how decidedly unwholesome this situation was, your heart squeezed at the notion of him wanting to be gentle with you. “I can take it, I promise. I’ll stop you if it’s too much.”
That was enough for Hopper. Slowly at first, he began with shallow thrusts into your mouth. You hollowed your cheeks around him to create more suction, which elicited a deep moan from him before he began moving faster. In response, you let out a moan of your own, knowing the vibrations would make the man shudder.
“Can you take me deeper, sweetheart?” He asked, voice breathy.
Though you didn’t feel particularly sexy doing do, you responded with your best attempt at “mm-hmm”. He chuckled at this before sliding his cock deeper into your mouth. It was uncomfortable at first, he was so big and your mouth was not, and tears pricked at your eyes as he began picking up a faster rhythm. You told yourself to relax your throat as best as you could and take it, knowing how much he needed this release.
“God, fuck. So fuckin’ pretty. Taking me so good.” He gritted out.
Hearing him speak like that made it all worth it.
Once again you felt your pussy squeeze around nothing; he was straight up babbling. You loved when you got him to this point. His brain was a jumbled mess and you knew he wouldn’t last much longer.
His fingers tightened in your hair. “You gonna let me cum down your throat? I bet you’d like that, dirty girl. I bet you’d take it all so good.” He was thrusting into your mouth in a manner just this side of too much, but you wouldn’t dare stop him now. Not when he was grunting and panting and groaning like this.
Your eyes flicked up to meet his and you nodded as best as you could. Your grip tightened on his upper thighs in preparation.
“That’s right baby girl. You’re such a good girl for me.”
His praise combined with the fact that he was using your mouth as a fuck toy was too much; you had to relieve the ache between your legs. You removed one hand from him and pressed it to your center, groaning around his dick at even the slightest relief being provided for yourself. You didn’t have to make yourself cum, but god, you were so aroused it hurt.
“You touchin’ yourself for me?” His words were rushed. “Fuck, you look so fucking pretty, oh my go-“ his breathing picked up. “M’gonna cum.”
And cum, he did. His seed shot into your mouth and down your throat. His thrusts slowed into long, drawn movements and the noise he made could only be described as a growl. His hands gripped your head and he threw his own back against the couch while you drank it all down, unable to get enough of him.
Both of you out of breath, he reached down to pull you back onto the couch with him. You snuggled into his side and took in his addictive scent once more. This was how the two of you stayed for what you presumed to only be a few minutes, until you were awoken by the national anthem playing through the TV speakers signaling that the broadcast was ending for the night. You turned up to ask Hop to go to bed with you, but seeing the look of content on his face for what had to be the first time that day kept you quiet, and you settled back into him.
Feedback/interactions are always appreciated&lt;3
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unicyclehippo · 1 year
I am blaming you (in a good way) for my current rewatch of season 1 warrior nun. But I had forgotten how good season 1 is! I’m seeing little details I missed before and call backs they do in season 2, what a fun time! Thanks you!
even i am guilty of saying things like oh yeah the pacing is a little off in season one but the truth is that im LYING the only reason the pacing is “off” is because these days every has to start too fast & build too fast bc we only get one season! or two! we don’t get to know if the story can stretch & breathe & warrior nun did it ANYWAY. they were like whoa fuck a girl comes back to life…… she’s gonna try & be happy & see what happiness n life means to her . & im digging my nails into the soft of my palms n staring wide-eyed at the screen because who hasn’t come out the other side of something—maybe not literal death but maybe the death of a relationship, or figuring out smth about urself like being queer, or the end of an era like highschool or university—who hasn’t come out the other side & thought but who am i? what makes me happy? is that a question that deserves to be answered? & ava tells us that’s THE question. what is life! what is living! what is it like to touch sand for the first time? to get hurt for the first time (in years)? to lay on your back in the wet sand & stare up at the sky & feel More than anything connected to the world bc she spent 12 years in a box but now the roof has been torn away & beyond the ceiling there has been a sky full of stars & the world tilts on its axis spinning fast & faster breathless with the want to show us all of the billions of stars!! what is it like to eat strawberries—to have a handsome boy make breakfast for you, to shove red sweet tangy fruit into your mouth until it overflows spills over your lips, what is it like to feed yourself, cutlery clumsy in your hands but eager, so you scoop up anything you can hold in your fingers and bring it to your mouth—what about silky sheets and hot showers and basking in the sunlight what about making friends what about letting a beautiful girl pull a dress over your head, pinning it, what about the same beautiful girl apologising for being snarky & holding herself at a distance bc it’s not always easy to trust, what about the beautiful girl making smth for you, adjusting smth for YOU to make you beautiful too for one night, what about dancing? & when you know what things feel like you can start to understand the too muchness of light is sweet but it burns your skin, the too muchness of vodka is rough against your throat and you don’t like it as much as gin, you like to make people laugh you like to watch girls lose their practised poise & laugh you like the feeling of someone’s body against yours like this but not like that, you like most of all to feel safe to feel like you understand to be alive so when the danger comes again you know a little more about yourself & the world & theres another kind of experience, a voice you wanna listen to & it’s yours & you discover that you want to know & understand & help people, it’s just that one of those people was you & that had to come first
anyway all this is to say that i love season one a lot & as soon as this renewing push is over im gonna watch it again
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willowser · 10 months
I'm sure I could read anything about Touya that you wrote and deeply enjoy it. You just have a talent for writing him with all his contradictions and complexity. Thank you for sharing all of it with us.
I especially love step dad Touya. Given his situation isn't the most stable and enviable, plus his rocky past compared to your situation, maybe he becomes worried he could be a "bad influence" for your daughter ? Especially when he becomes more and more part of the family and a role model of sorts like parents are. He's probably self conscious about it. It's a big responsability ; he doesn't show it but you can tell it's hard for him since he has self esteem issues. Poor baby. He would be proud but also devastated if the lil' girl one day just blurted that she wants a job like Dabi's or tatoos when she grows up 😆
you're so sweet kashdkah i'm on the floor. rolling around. how dare you be so kind. i'm weeping 🥺✨
i definitely think he gets really insecure about it !!! 🥺 bc — he's certainly had his hardships, and while he knows it affected his family in a rough way, too, he's always felt alone in his own shit storm — and that was okay !! bc even if his family were hurt by it, he was really only bringing himself down ?? that's how he sees it. and so for him to go through it all and come out the other side, continuously working on himself, he feels kinda !! like he's doing alright !!!
and then enter you and your baby girl LOL
and as someone that had such a tumultuous relationship with his own father, he's very aware of how the actions of the parent can affect the child — and he's really grateful that he's not her real dad, and that things seem to be okay between you and your ex-boyfriend, but still. that lil' girl cares about him 🥺 and he can tell 🥺 and that really frightens him !! all of the sudden, he's in real deep with this and he can't just run away like he usually does, bc the little life he's destroying is just. too much. SAD
not that he wants to leave, whatsoever, but it's scary !!! and it doesn't help that the lil' bean's dad DOES NOT like him — not that he can blame him too much, because he looks like a criminal and actually IS A CRIMINAL and works in a bar and xyz. but still. hurts to know he has such a huge potential to leave a bad impact on her life somehow 🥺
i think he might consider leaving, when it all becomes too much, bc that's what he's always done !!! and maybe he even tells you, like, "hey, i ain't cut out for this kinda thing," and you're so secure in yourself because you have to be for you and your little bug, that you're like,
"okay, if you don't wanna be here, then don't. i don't want anyone in her life that doesn't want to be."
kggjaglajgjdsgja and it's so STRESSFUL TO HIM !!! i think it would take a good amount of time to feel like he deserves to be there, but every time she hugs him before going off to school or telling him she loves him before he leaves for the day or watches him with her big eyes as bed — it would all be worth it 🥺
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thestobingirlie · 11 months
The take that Stancy happened in s4 due to the UD being stuck in 1983 resurfaced on Twitter. While I thought that could be a good theory prior to Vol2, it's such a stupid thing, really? If that were true, why would it only apply to one romantic relationship. The party would start hating Steve, Robin, as well if being stuck in time would influence feelings.
They say Steve said the truth about being over Nancy, so this came out of nowhere. I mean not really, he said the truth to Robin because that was how he felt that time but going on date after date and it simply not working out I think he did some soul-searching as to why this is. So, seeing Nancy and actively working with her for the first time in years brought some feelings back. Plus, it wasn't resolved at all in s2. They never talked it out, and Steve took the blame and internalized that. I think he believes now that he has changed, he can be there for Nancy in a way he thinks she deserves. She was the first person he loved, I think he will always love her. And as for Nancy, her behavior towards Steve was to me more confusing. I don't doubt she loved him at some point, but she had no problems moving on. She was out of that relationship long before they broke up. If Stancy is endgame, she needs more reflecting and explain herself and not just take Steve bc he's available now that she hit a rough patch with Jonathan.
yeah, i thought it was an interesting theory, and i do like the idea of the past coming back to haunt the characters, but i don’t think that’s what the duffers intended, and i think it’s a stretch to actually read the season that way.
honestly, with steve saying he’s over nancy, it really just depends on who’s interpreting that scene, because a lot of people think he’s just lying when he says that. but, like you said, even if he was over nancy that summer, after dating around for a while, and then being thrown back into a very dramatic and life-endangering situation with the only girl you’ve ever loved, i think it’d be easy for the feelings to come back.
especially when that relationship never really had any closure, and you’re haunted by the what-ifs.
for nancy, i think it’s more complicated. her relationship and love towards steve was so entangled in her grief for barb, and i think in s2 nancy wanted to move on from barb’s death, and it was just easier to leave steve behind too.
i think that, like steve, nancy never got any closure, but she buried any lingering feelings, and just didn’t let herself think about it (whereas steve kinda ruminated more on the relationship. though, because he totally blames himself, and doesn’t really realise the depth of the issues they had, he doesn’t have the total picture. which is another issue to be solved before stancy could have a healthy relationship).
nancy isn’t the best as dealing with her emotions, so again, i’m not surprised that something would come back up once she’s kinda forced to face him again. though, i think our girl needs a lot of therapy before she’d ready to be in a relationship with anyone lmao.
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zhuhongs · 11 months
well I thought I was going to fall asleep early, but it seems like I have too many things keeping me up and since its too cold to sit at my desk and write at my journal this thought is going on the internet. Tl:dr: tomorrow is my birthday. send me 50 dollars. i am going to bed. gn
Yea, recently everything just feels so.... much. Like I'm always at a state of just slightly overwhelmed that makes it feel usless to do anything. Like I'm worried about money, and I know that I have credit so I can use it and I have things that I need and things I want that I shouldn't deny myself of just because things are a bit trying (like food I want, things I need to fix). But then I can't help but have that internalized poor mantra of "why are u buying this when u have bills to pay?" which is dumb bc I deserve to use what little money I have in making my life more enjoyable . But I'm also like. sage did U really need to upgrade your phone or buy an interview shirt or hair dye? Like, no not technically, but these are things I should do to just make myself feel better. I don't want to be using a broken phone, might as well upgrade when theres a promotion that sure makes it hard right now but is a smart idea in the long run. And yes while I didn't need the dye or the shirt - it will make me more confident in my interview so I can get a higher paying job and not be surrounded by Stuff all day causing me to want to constantly buy things bc I wont be in a store 8hrs a day 5 days a week. So like, yes you do need those things and its negligible when I consider the credit I have. And even if I have some debts, I know that no one can bail me out becausemy family is in the same situation. And I have time. I just started working. Its a rough month, and the fact that I have a trip planned makes it even harder. Because that means more money. But if I always deny myself the opportunity to go and do things bc I don't have the money then I'd never leave my house ever, and thats how I grew up and I was miserable and the money will be gone and the month will be tight anyways so just go anddon't think about it. But I do think about it, because it's hard, and I work so hard my entire life, for what? To pay rent?? other people my age get to say the money they make and build a life yet I was dealt a shitty hand and have had to spend my time working for something people are given. And it hurts bc I've wasted so much time and worked so much andhave 9 dollars to my name and so much debt. But I will find a way. ANd it will all be paid off. I don' know how but I've done this same thing before, cried about it, and went to work the next day and figured it out. And my mother has done this everyday for the past 30 years, and I feel so sorryforher because I know it's hard. And she deserves so much more and I want to give it to her, and I'm not even 23. And tomorrow is my birthday and I have to go work. Even if I called out I don't know what it would help. And I want to go out with my friends and have a good time but I need to paymy car and I need to pay my bills. And I work 9 to 5 and when I get home I have to walk my dog and make dinner. And it's cold. And by the time all of that is done I feel like I have no time to make art or practice chinese or do any of my hobbies and better myself. I''m so tired that all I do is sleep. And I feel myself falling into old habits. And I hate it, i hate it, I am trying so hard to clawmy way out of it. It's starting with a simple routine. Even if it hasn't gotten to the point where I sit and draw or read or write every day. At least I do the dishes when I finish eating, brush my teeth twice a day, foldmy clothes, make my bed, stay off my phone during my breaks, and pack a lunch. Even if that's something I should have achieved long ago, I didn't. So now I need to do that before I can learn how to do hwat I want sadly, because dreamings costs money and dreaming requires habits. AAAAAA. okay. I need to go to bed bc I need to be up at 8am to get ready for work. Happy bday to me.
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liquorisce · 1 year
sapphic em mafia au
[crossposted from twitter to here so i can find it later]
cw: slurs and some rough language, and homophobia
sapphic em but mafia au where Mikasa lives with the Jaegers for a couple of years after losing her parents bc their families were close. But now Mikasa is 18 and she is to be married off to a suitable man with influence (mafia style) to strengthen the Jaeger family’s power.
Fem!eren has to suffer through men vying for her hand. She listens in Grisha’s conversations in his study where he discusses the details of the contract with her potential groom. “I won’t let you sell her away like she’s livestock, papa,” she cries angrily.
But she knows there’s little she can do. So she sneaks into Mikasa’s room at night with her bags packed and whispers, “let’s run away you and me. I’ll protect you from anything, Mikasa. They can’t separate us.”
They get caught when they’re barely outside city limits. The Jaegers are furious and scandalised when Eren cries that they can’t take Mikasa away from her bc she loves her more than anything. Even Mikasa is surprised by her confession. But it makes her heart flutter.
It’s difficult for Mikasa to go against the Jaegers bc they took her in when she had no-one and treated her as part of the family. But when she sees Eren being (physically) punished she throws herself in front of the belt and begs to punish her in Eren’s stead. (how dramatic)
Eventually Eren is sent away to a preparatory school for ladies (some thinly veiled rehabilitation for her queerness) and Mikasa is married off to some rich fucker. But eren is just biding her time, plotting the perfect comeback.
In Mikasa’s life, things don’t look amazing either. She misses Eren terribly and sex with her new husband is a chore at best and traumatic at worst. Now he is pressuring her for a child and taking it out on her when she doesn’t get pregnant.
Eren slowly infiltrates the staff. Reconnects with Mikasa and sees the horror she’s going through. She wanted Mikasa back but seeing what she’s going through makes her livid. Now she wants to end her husband in the worst way possible.
Eren thinks that Mikasa deserves to get revenge herself. “Put this in his food,” she tells Mikasa one day, slipping her a fatal poison. “You can’t suffer his torture any more.” But Mikasa is conflicted about taking the life of a man.
“If you don’t do it, I will. I’ll slit his throat when he sleeps, just you watch,” Eren says.
One day things escalate in the house when Eren is cleaning (that’s her grand disguise, a blonde wig and cleaning supplies). Mikasa and her husband have come back from a doctor appointment and the doctor insinuated that the reason she isn’t getting pregnant bc of her husband.
The dude is enraged and offended. When he comes home he takes his anger out at her physically and verbally. “It’s all your fault, you little slut. I don’t know what you did with that Jaeger girl and now you can’t do the one thing you were supposed to be good for.”
“I’ll give you back to that motherfucker Grisha, I wanted a fucking wife not a broken doll.” Something snaps inside of Eren when she hears all this. Grabbing a kitchen knife she stabs him in the back.
The husband staggers back, pushing eren off of him until she falls down, and her wig falls off. “So that’s what this is about? You’ve been whoring around with this bitch behind my back?” The husband grabs Eren by the hair. Mikasa begs him not to hurt her, and that she had no idea
"There is nothing between us,” she begs. “Oh, but I don’t think your girlfriend agrees, does she?” He chokes Eren by the throat. “You wanted to insult me inside my own home didn’t you? You’ll get what’s coming to you, girl. But first I’m going to take care of this little bitch.”
Scared for Eren’s life, Mikasa runs and twists the knife further into his back stabbing repeatedly until his hold on Eren loosens, and the life slowly drains out of her husband’s eyes.
“We need to get out of here,” Mikasa says, shaking. There is blood on her clothes, dripping from her hands. “We need to run away.” She looks around the room wildly, unsure what to do bc the rest of the staff is looking at them, cowering in fear.
Eren wipes her hair away from her eyes. “Are you afraid, Mikasa? We didn’t do anything wrong.” She wrenches the knife from Mikasa’s hand, and clasps it in hers, partaking in its bloodiness. There’s an eerie calm in her eyes. “I already warned them not to take you away from me.”
“They got what was coming for them, my love. Now nobody will hurt you like that ever again.”
~eren and Mikasa ride off into the sunset holding their bloody hands~ or basically eren bangs down Grisha’s door, knife in hand and says “I came back to take what was mine.”
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softlyspector · 7 months
Hi Becca!!! It's obnoxiously long asks anon again :) I hope you are doing well. Clouds and Strawberries had my jaw in the floooooooor they were so amazing. My heart felt heavy but in a good way, you know? Like I don't have HBO and I had never had any exposure to video games but I looked up every TLOU thing I could find online once you started writing for Joel just to be able to understand and girl... the way you made me care about the pixel Texan... I will leave proper commentary on all your Joel fics but I don't like leaving things unfinished and I'm pretty sure I'd only commented on the first 2 parts of Moon Struck so I'm back on that train!! (Sorry that there was a bit of a lag in sending you this love, life was hitting me right in the chest with multiple arrows going like 6272994 kilometers/hour so I fell off for a sec. Trust that I was reading and rereading your fics to get me through it but I just needed a min to have my meltdown and now I'm back!!)
Ok SO. Can I talk about how much I love that 3 moons starts with Marc being self-conscious about how he looks? I love a man with a bit of a dark/rough exterior who is a fluffy ball of anxiety on the inside. Like the scene that truly made me fall in love with Moon Knight as a show was when Marc was trying to get Steven to calm down and Steven was hurling all these insults and yelling at Marc and Marc kept his composure right until steven accused Marc of abandoning Lyla and that's when he snaps and yells back, that's when it's revealed that Marc kinda ruined his entire life in an effort to keep Lyla safe. I mean his communication skills could use some refinement but that "I care so much it's eating me alive" undercurrent is so quintessential to Marc's character and just the way he is fidgeting in front of the mirror gets that across. When I read "he cares so much it makes him feel stupid and sick" I wanted to nod like a bobblehead!!! And scream "YES YES YOU GET IT"!! I believe I've mentioned this previously but to me you truly are such a queen when it comes to characterisation!!! We love to see it!!
Another thing that I adore about you writing the Moon Knight system? The way you get each alters' voice so RIGHT!! So distinct!! The vibe between Marc and Steven in particular is such a favourite of mine, feels totally believable after where season 1 ended and is soooo entertaining to read. The part about Marc intentionally misrepresenting what steven said gets me EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. It's just so cute and sweet and it makes me feel all giggly and soft.
I can't remember if I mentioned this last time but I looooooooove the jacket they gave her using Konshu's protective fabric being able to shapeshift. It's my Roman Empire, I think about at least like twice a week (aside. A younger friend of mine who is on tiktok had to explain that to me last week. I'm not even that old but I felt like such a grandma)
Shoutout to the part where both Steven and Marc are telling her how good she looks and you wrote this: '“You both just think that because I’m wearing something you gave me,” you tease, trying to downplay their compliments for reasons Marc won’t make himself understand.' Oh my GOD. Oh my god oh my god ohmygod. I think I am particularly weak for the "for reasons Marc won't make himself understand". Also the full-circle moment where Marc realises why Steven hesitated in kissing her? I WOULD INSERT THE POETIC CINEMA MEME BUT YOU CAN’T DO THAT ON ANON!!! JUST KNOW THAT I AM THINKING IT
Marc reflecting on how happy she looks, how happy he feels, how he denied himself (and her) happiness for an entire year bc he didn't think he deserved it, Steven saying "I bloody well told you so" SENDING YOU THE BILL FOR THE HEART MEDICATION I NEED BECAUSE OF THIS MA'AM HOW DARE YOU. Definitely not bc I too have denied myself happiness thinking I don't deserve it. Definitely definitely not. Nuh-uh. I would never. One of the many reasons I love reading your fics couldn't be that I see myself reflected in the people you write and it makes me feel like maybe I could be that happy too. Nope could absolutely not be one of the reasons. MOVING ON
The way you wrote her thinking about learning to read Marc, and how romantic and thoughtful and protective he is, the way he has been making an effort learn her in return and get better at communicating ("especially when it's hard" has my ENTIRE HEART), and her cataloging baseball as important to Marc? I am cradling them in the palm of my hand. I am feeding them like little baby animals. I am holding them close to my heart like a scared child hugs a stuffed animal. It's the off-the-charts adorableness that really does it for me, personally. Side note I now want to go bowling and have a TON of fries. I am really shit at bowling though so if the avatar of an ancient Egyptian deity was sgowing me how to do it I would not be faking my lack of skill 😂😂
The way the date got to be what Marc was hoping it would be in the beginning?? THE FACT THAT HE SAID HE WOULDN'T BUT STILL LET HER WIN, the way she thiught he was rejecting her touch for a sec but he was just collecting himself and listening to Steven for a sec, the kiss, the way she could feel Marc's heartbeat going insane? I am unwell. Please universe excuse I shall need 3-5 business days to recover.
Marc being protective because the dance company was making her feel like shit... as someone who had to quit something recently despite having invested a lot of time, energy, effort and care into it, all because it was having awful effects on my mental health, rereading this specific part of the fic was SO comforting. Also the 3-way convo between her, Dteven and Marc was brilliantly written. Callbacks, humour, genuine tension, Marc's "mean bc I care" moment... MISS YOU ARE FIRING ON ALL CYLINDERS 👏🏼👏🏼
JAKE'S INTRODUCTION!!! It was so intruiging bc you captured so much complexity! He is mysterious and she doesn't know him but still, like he says, she gets to the heart of him so quickly and intuitively! He got a third fish!!! HIM BRINGING HER FLOWERS WHEN SHE QUIT AND BEING KINDA HURT WHEN SHE IS A BIT COLD TO HIM?? But then they share a genuine moment... AND THEN JAKE BRINGING FLOWERS BECOMES A REGULAR THING AND HE REALLY DOES HURT THE DIRECTOR. But she still doubts his intentions and his flirting and his Spanish endearments bc Steven and Marc don't know about him and it breaks his heart over and over???!!! Becca be soooo for real rn am I supposed to be normal about this fic?? I am not. I never will be. I categorically refuse to be.
But THEN. But then but then but then but THEN. Jake has to grapple with his anger that she doesn't even seem to like him when he is totally in love with her, he has to sacrifice being hidden from his alters for her sake AND HE DOES IT. He explains to his alters and accepts Marc's anger and rearranges the flat and notices her depression he helps and he finally gets to see that she feels the same!!! The ending where Jake says the whole system feels complete now??!!! NO i am NOT crying there is just perfect-fic-shaped dust in my EYES and what ABOUT IT
In conclusion Moon Struck was engineered to make me a weak, soft puddle of a woman who just wants to sit on the floor with a warm cup of tea and think about this beautiful creation of yours. Call this fic a Taylor Swift song the way it never goes out of style.
The pixel Texan's charms know no bounds 😔✊ Also, please never apologize for not being around for awhile! I appreciate anything you send me and I'm sorry it takes ME so long to respond to such kind and thoughtful messages 💕 I know I still have at least two other asks from you to answer.
I'm really glad you liked the concluding part to the Moon Struck series so much! I think, for me, that "cares so much it makes them sick" thing is what characterizes so much of Marc's actions and personality. He doesn't really know any other way to go about it. He's wearing his heart all over his sleeve so much of the time and yet he's still not heard, and yeah, a lot of it is in the name of protection, for better or for worse.
Also, I'm so glad you feel I get Marc, Steven, and Jake's voices right! Jake is really left up to interpretation at this point, which I was a little worried about since we have so little to go on from the series and I haven't gotten around to reading any of the comics.
One of the many reasons I love reading your fics couldn't be that I see myself reflected in the people you write and it makes me feel like maybe I could be that happy too.
This made me just a tiny bit emotional. I'm really glad you can see yourself reflected in these characters. There's a lot of me in there, too.
how romantic and thoughtful and protective he is, the way he has been making an effort learn her in return and get better at communicating
I think that's what love really is so much of the time. It's just trying. It's finding ways to say I love you and I see you.
The way the date got to be what Marc was hoping it would be in the beginning?? THE FACT THAT HE SAID HE WOULDN'T BUT STILL LET HER WIN, the way she thiught he was rejecting her touch for a sec but he was just collecting himself and listening to Steven for a sec
AHHHHHH I'm really glad you liked their little date!! I loved getting to write it and I wanted it to be a little contrast to the kinds of dates Steven would take the reader on, and how they view romance differently but love the same.
But she still doubts his intentions and his flirting and his Spanish endearments bc Steven and Marc don't know about him and it breaks his heart over and over???!!!
He he. And again I wanted to show that Steven and Marc are also distinct in their romance styles to Jake. But he feels just as much, and wants just as badly.
Thank you again for these lovely asks. I'm so so so glad you enjoy these fics so much. Moon Struck was and still is really important to me for a lot of different reasons so I'm glad its important to other people too 💕
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the actual enemies (or at least very bitter rivals) to lovers, the drama, the chois showing up all of a sudden like what???? it was better than i could have expected
i think this yn is my fave yn so far. which is saying a lot but she felt so real!! her struggles with her self-esteem and learning that she's nore than what her family told her to be and that she deserves to be loved and cherishes both platonically and romantically <333
anyways i think i said pretty much all i needed to say in the tags but i loved this smau sm <3 fave character obviously our dear ynwon shipper. or beomgyu. actually it's probs beomgyu i love him <33
a final question: why did you decide to add beomgyu, yeonjun and soobin? did you have it planned from the start, like them specifically? and who was YOUR favorite character??
i'll be reading your new(ish) ynwon au probably not tomorrow but the day after bc i'm gonna have a busy day (9h & a half of classes and then i'm going to a 2010 pop themed party! fun!!)
as always, have a good night and i hope you're doing ok <3 if you're ever not, you can always talk to me <33
Moving on from that, I'm glad you loved the story so much. It's always wonderful to know that readers love what I write. Like yeah I mainly wrote for myself but the praise tho I feel it's unneeded (I'm always gonna be finding things I couldve done better 😂).
Honestly this story really took a life of its own. I say that with every smau tbh, I start with one idea and then by the end it's a different but still somehow similar idea that I started it 😂.
I'm so glad this YN is ur fave. She's struggling so much even if everything was okay cause her inner demons were always there, they didn't disappear and her learning to lean on those around her, accept that she is loved and cared for was very important to me.
I also was very cautious in that I didn't villainize YN for these very real feelings that everyone feels.
God knows I've been through moments of self hatred and I wanted to show that it's never as bad as you think. You might think your all alone but there is always someone there for you to talk to. I know that YN frustrated readers when she let her insecurities get in the way of her happiness but that is a reality that sometimes you get so in your head that you think what your doing is best when it isn't.
Sorry went on a whole tangent abt this YN 😂😅.
I loved your reactions in the tags, pls don't stop them, they were the best and I need them for every story now 😂😂.
Beomgyu was his chaotic self and I loved him for it 😂. @nyxtwixx being your fave character cracks me up honestly.
Oooh good question. I don't necessarily plan my smaus tbh. I just have the rough idea then it's chapter by chapter. Which if you've noticed is why chapter titles tend to change quite a bit cause I change my mind or this one idea doesn't work but this other idea for the next chapter works better.
I love txt and Soobin is my bias so I was always going to include him. Yeonjun and Beomgyu kinda just came along too. The idea to have them be triplets came and I ran with it. All three of them were gonna cause more chaos and strife with there being actual feelings still there with Sooyn but I decided against that after considering how much YN is dealing with low self esteem and self hatred. In the end I love the bond they have 🫶🏼🫶🏼.
If I can give another rec, I suggest reading Peace that's my other HP au but it's Jay this time and it's Gossip Girl meets Harry Potter. (I just wanna know your views on that 😂).
Take your time, the new Jungwon fic will be there just a word of warning, I'm sorry if Hyunjin is your bias... That's about all the spoiler I'll give you in regards to that smau.
Don't get burned out with so much school!! And have fun at that party sounds like it'll be a great time!!.
Same goes to you, if you ever want to vent or just chat, I'm here 🫶🏼🫰🏼.
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morkofday · 2 years
Bad Buddy and Gifted AU???????????? i know mejomonster would probably love to see that too
and u know that i'm always down for anything involving a william show >:)
<3 <3 <3
brigiiidd ♥♥ the love of my life 🥰
(placing under a cut bc this got so long! sorry)
ok yeah so i have this fully-fledged bad buddy x the gifted au in my brain that is half based on all the ohmnanon dramas i've come to watch after bad buddy plus all the things i hope the gifted would've been instead of. well. what it was 😬 the concept was super cool but i didn't really like their execution lol
but i have powers for the main six, i have backstories for most of them. i have figured out some of the struggles they go through! also yes this is a mutant au basically and of course that means there's a ton of Angst and things get way rougher than in the gifted. also the school system or whatever is more Nuts bc i said so. also bc i love mutant aus and the mutants always breaking free and lowkey starting a revolution or something. not just the small scale struggle they had going on in the gifted smh
(also as a side note, i have seen at least two other the gifted aus for bad buddy and both were really good so! idk if i really would have any place there so am happy to keep this in my own head basically :') i can just go feral every time i think about what i could write for them haha)
if i can talk about the powers i have figured out, then they go as:
pran - can control soundwaves which basically means that he can a) hear very well (at first involuntarily which is kind of rough), b) use sound as a weapon and c) talk to ppl who are far away
pat - a type of power sealing power? he can make others' powers disappear by touch. usually, the effect lasts only for a while but he can make it permanent too (has done this only by accident for now). my initial plan for him was him being some type of "shield" against powers but that felt too much like bella swan. so now he's this. tho i feel like he still gets parts of the "shield" idea bc i thought that at some point he might be able to develop his power into using it at will to just block others' powers when they try to use them
wai - can control senses so hallucinations, sensory deprivation, all that. if it's subtle he can just make ppl believe basically anything bc they thought they sensed it. if it's violent enough, he could kill ppl.
korn - super strength. lowkey a cliche but i like this. he can probably develop his power into being lowkey indestructible. he probably also heals fast.
pha - can control earth. she is the reason the jindapat siblings discover their powers. she suddenly gets a temper tantrum at ten and breaks their living room floor. bc pat is her biological brother, it is considered most likely that he will develop a power too. it takes him a year before he discovers that what he thought was just his social skill at calming down ppl is actually his ability to make their powers vanish for a moment.
ink - able to read and manipulate emotions. kind of like claire in the gifted but more extreme. she usually uses her skill to help others but she can be terrifying if someone does her wrong. ever cried so hard your heart gave out? not fun.
and that's about it. i have some meetings and conflicts figured out outside of their powers. also i think these could make very nice dynamics to explore. (tagging @mejomonster to this too if you're right and they wish to see this!)
then the novoland thing bc i assume you meant that lol (or does my dreamwalker au include fo ye? you'll never know. at least ba ye is there)
i think you have read everything i have for that currently 😔 i still think about how zhou youdu will fit into the dynamic with the other two. also thinking about how william probably dies in this too. i was not that fond of his character as you might know lol he was a major asshole and i don't think he deserved to "get the girl" at the end but well. i guess he deserved something. also he needs to apologize to so many ppl and i plan on doing that bc wth why was he allowed to just Get Away With It dammit.
thank you so much for asking brigid ♥ i love you!
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cryptid-hermit · 2 years
Title: Hello hello, my my my what have we here?
Pairing: Carlos Madrigal x female reader
Word count: 1,340+
Warnings: fighting/arguing, curse words, bit angsty??
A/N: this is part 3 and the last one of the little series I’ve been doing! im so glad that people enjoy reading my stories, this Is kind of a song fic bc i love this song LMAO, English is not my first language and I do not fully speak Spanish, i only know basic words etc so I used google translate, if there’s any mistranslation or mistakes please let me know!
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Carlos Madrigal was sick.
Or so he thought he was. Lately, he had been feeling weird in his stomach, his face was always turning red, and he was nervous almost all the time. The reason? (Y/n) (l/n).
After what happened between the two of you last week. Whenever he saw you, he felt the urge to just..run up to you and talk, it didn’t matter if it was important or not. When he sees your smile he would feel butterflies start swarming up in his stomach, when he hears your laugh he feels so at ease.
Most of all, he felt conflicted when he was with you.
He didn’t like it at all.
The two of you had always done that to each other, calm the other down after a fight and help them recover, patching up their injuries. Maybe banter here and there but last week felt…different to him.
He had never felt this way with someone before. Carlos knew he was stupid, but he wasn’t that stupid. He knew what he was feeling about you and he..well, of course was disgusted. I mean, he knew you were pretty, gorgeous, sure. But he hated you, or well he was supposed to? He wasn’t quite sure. But he knows he’s not supposed to fall for someone like you.
On the top of his list of reasons not to like you was that he didn’t deserve you. I mean, look at him.
“I can hear you thinking from here,”
Carlos jumps from his seat on his bed, almost giving himself a whiplash from how fast he turned his head. His eyes wide but soon his face falls to an annoyed look.
“Does nobody in this family knock?” He grumbled.
Dolores smiles. “I did knock. Unfortunately for you, you didn’t hear it at all” she says. Taking a seat next to him. “I wonder why,” she teased.
His face flushed red, turning his head to avoid his sister's watchful gaze. Feeling embarrassed as he was caught red handed. “N-No idea what you're talking about” he tries to lie.
“Don’t bother lying, hermano. I can tell just from your face that you were thinking about (y/n)” Dolores laughs. Poking his side.
Carlos sighs for what felt like the hundredth time today.
“So? What if I was?”
His sister hums in response, patting her lap. Carlos huffs childishly. Laying his head down. Closing his eyes as his sister runs a hand through his hair, soon enough he relaxes.
“Were you thinking about how you weren’t good enough? Or how you don’t deserve her?” Dolores asked quietly.
“Since when could you read minds??”
She laughs. Pinching his cheek. “Youre mi hermano, i don’t need the ability to read minds to know” her laughter dies down as she turns serious. “But honestly, thinking like that won’t do you any good”
“Yeah?” Carlos hummed. Feeling sleepy.
“Under all this rough exterior you have, you’re a good kid” she begins. “You two are like two sides of the same coin you know? You need each other to be whole, (y/n) knows you just as well as I do… Besides, you’ll never know once you try, take the chance. The worst case scenario is you get rejected but that’s part of life”
“Cuándo te volviste tan sabia, hermana?”
“I know a lot of things,” she smirked. Pushing his head away carefully, Standing up slowly as she begins to leave. “Think about it carefully” was the last thing she said before closing the door behind her.
Carlos heaves a soft, annoyed groan. Falling onto his bed.
As he closes his eyes and sleeps.
He was avoiding you.
Sure it sounded bad..okay it sounded horrible, but he couldn’t bare to even stand in the same area as you without turning red and feeling giddy, he almost vomited at the thought. It was so uncharacteristic of him. Even the entire town was worried at how quiet he was being.
Carlos knew that you were going to catch on soon, you were going to find out that he was avoiding you and god was he not ready to be confronted yet. He knew that you were pushy and always wanted to make sure he was okay…in an aggressive manner sure, but still.
He hid in the forest as he avoided you, somewhere only the two of you know. It was a small lake hiding in the forest of the encanto, it was peaceful and quiet enough for him to gather his thoughts. He was pacing so much he didn’t even hear you.
“Wow, you seem pretty conflicted with yourself these days,” you laugh. Poking his arm
He yelps. “Jesus, what is with everyone sneaking up on me?” He exclaimed. You shrug. “Well, you have been pretty unfocused these past few weeks” you say with a small smile.
His face started to heat up as he gazed at you.
God, he was down bad.
“No i haven’t”
“Don’t lie, pendejo”
“Shut up”
“You shut up”
He groans. “You’re so annoying, don’t you have some guys to beat up or something?”
You tilt your head, confused.
Fucking hell that’s so cute he thought. Quickly looking away from you. “You’re avoiding me,” you said.
“No ‘m not..” he mumbled.
You huff. Walking towards him, roughly turning him around to face you “Stop lying, what’s wrong? Did Daniel say some shit again?”
Carlos rolls his eyes. You really were persistent. As he stares at you he regretted it the second he did, you were so close to his face and you looked so..pretty.
Goddamit, Carlos! He thought to himself.
“Daniel didn’t do anything”
Something comes to tips you off your stool
“Then what is it?” You frown. “Was it me? Did I do something wrong? Because frankly if I did I probably did it on purpose,” you joked. “But seriously dude, why are you avoiding me like the plague because—“ you began to ramble on and on.
Hello hello(hello hello)
Carlos tunes it out for the most part as he gazes at you. His face softened as he watched you ramble on and on about something, it seemed like time slowed down. The sun was hitting your face making you look even more ethereal, your hair was a mess but he loved it either way, you looked so free and your dark eyes shone so bright underneath the sun. It was like his breath was taken away as he kept watching you with a loving gaze.
My my my what have we here?
He couldn’t take it anymore as he grabs your arm and pulls you in for a hug.
“I like you..” he whispered.
You freeze in his arms. As Carlos buried his face In your hair. “I have been avoiding you because of that…to be honest I’ve never felt this way with someone before and I didn’t know what to do so my first instinct was to run away as always…’m sorry”
A silence falls between the two of you.
You laugh.
Carlos gapes. Watching you laugh so hard you begin to lean on him for support. He loved seeing you laugh but he didn’t know whether to be offended or not.
“I’m sorry..! It’s just..!” You giggle. Trying to catch your breath. “That’s so stupid…!” You cackle.
“It is not!” Carlos exclaimed, but began to laugh himself.
The two of you topple down onto the grass. Laughing together, as Carlos held you close to him. He’d never felt so at home with you in his arms.
“Are you serious about that?” You grin. Sitting up on your elbows. “Yeah..” Carlos replied, sheepishly.
Your grin only widens. Kissing his nose.
“You’re so stupid”
“You’re the stupid one!”
“I’m not the one who was having a crisis with himself!”
He gasps. “That’s foul, (l/n)!” He exclaimed. Tickling you.
You squeal. “Don’t you fucking dare, pendejo” you sit up? Moving far away from him. “Come here, corazon” he smirked as he began to chase you around.
“No! Get away!”
Soon enough loud laughs and yelling filled the forest of the encanto.
Dolores smiles to herself. As she puts away the dishes.
“Did you hear something good happen, mi vida?” Her mother asks. Giving her a small smile herself, Dolores nods.
“Si, mama”
Someone’s out there to say hello
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pxnk-velvet · 3 years
Heyoo.... So Kakashi x Dom reader, they're already in a relationship, she think of something new to do tonight, she just makes him lay down and takes the reigns, but instead of being rough or kinky she surprises him by being very very soft, a lot of care and body worshipping and loving words and actions, she doesn't let him do anything, he just has to lay down, relax and let her baby him and worship him
𝐻𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑦 𝐵𝑖𝑟𝑡ℎ𝑑𝑎𝑦 [NSFW!]
.・ ✧。.・゜✧・.・✧・゜・.・ ✧。.・゜✧・.・✧・゜
𝐾𝑎𝑘𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖 𝐻𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑥 𝐹𝑒𝑚!𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
✧ word count :: 1.7k
✧ summary :: Despite her usual approach to things in bed with Kakashi, Y/n was going to make sure Kakashi felt loved on his birthday one way or another.
✧ warnings :: nsfw!, fluff, established relationship, implied dom reader, oral (m!receiving), body worship, praise, intended for mature readers only! reblogs are appreciated <3
✧ a/n :: this is the first time I’ve written anything spicy in forever and I’m only doing this bc it was our husbands birthday a few weeks ago soooo and ik this is like super late but idc I’m just happy I was finally able to finish a piece ok? Let me live 🖐🏼😤
.・ ✧。.・゜✧・.・✧・゜・.・ ✧。.・゜✧・.・✧・゜
He’s so pretty…
That was the only thing on Y/n’s mind as she stood with Kakashi in her arms. The two of them were standing in front of the mirror that was near the foot of their bed. Simply soaking in each other’s presence and enjoying the company. 
She peered at him from over his shoulder, her chin perched on his shoulder as she admired the godly man in her grasp. 
Her eyes tracing every single curve and dip present on his body. Warmly gazing over every scar, scratch, or imperfection that was embedded onto him. Her hands glazed over his sides and core as they settled near his abdomen. Fingertips pressing into the soft skin that shielded strong muscle underneath. Her lips were gentle against his shoulder blades as she littered kisses across his back.
It was moments of appreciation like this that made Y/n truly wonder how she had managed to find a man like Kakashi. Of course he came with his faults, but everyone does. And she never let that get in the way of her love for. 
“Happy birthday.” She hummed sweetly against his skin, a smile occupying her eyes as for her lips were busy pressed against his skin.
Kakashi returned one, butterflies erupting in Y/n’s stomach when she saw it. 
That. His smile was one of the prettiest things she’d ever encountered in all her years. She did everything in her power to keep it gentle and bright. Even if he wore his mask nearly all day, she can only hope it never dims underneath.
All day her chest had been blossoming with love, seeing Kakashi smile so much today. Receiving gifts from friends and comrades. Yet she knew it wasn't just the gifts themselves but the acknowledgment and appreciation these people had for him. She believed he deserved it all with every fiber of her being. And yet she had no idea how to show him just that. That was until they had made it home.
Now clad in simple house clothes, they had spent the rest of the day enjoying each other. Y/n had cooked Kakashi his favorite meal for dinner and surprised him with a little homemade cake. Emphasizing the little, simply because she knew he wasn’t one for sweets, so it was really just a simple serving for herself that Kakashi insisted he feed to her himself. Only to smear frosting across her face and pull her in for a kiss, claiming that she had a little frosting on her lips. 
Her kisses still tasted sweet with the frosting as Kakashi turned to face her, his back to the mirror. Now pulling her into his arms and draping them around Y/n’s waist, resting his hands against her lower back.
With sparkling eyes, ones Kakashi could get lost in forever, Y/n looked up at him, musing, “I love you,” placing a quick kiss to his lips. Not giving him a chance to respond before she kisses him again, singing another “I love you,” then repeating the process over and over again. Littering kisses all over his face, jaw, and neck. 
Y/n was quick to maneuver Kakashi so he was laying on the edge of the bed, her hips settled suggestively over his. An obviously give away as to what she had instore for the birthday boy.
Y/n’s kisses never seized fire, every single one was light yet held so much passion. Creating a constellation of love across his skin. Sending electricity to both his heart and the deep pit in his stomach. 
The only time her kissing stopped was when she sat up straight, placing her palms against his chest. Fingertips gentle gliding against the light dusting of gray hair. Her lips stretched with a sweet smile, eyes warm as she spoke, “Did you know that I love you?” Her voice was smooth like honey, as it invaded Kakashi’s senses. 
His body felt like it was floating. His cheeks were covered in a warm flush that grew even hotter whenever she moved above him. Even just the slightest drag of her pelvis seemed to cause his senses to go haywire. The way her gaze soaked up every single minuscule reaction wasn’t helping either. 
The intimate moments they shared together were often like this. Kakashi allowing Y/n to do as she pleases for her own pleasure, which only fueled his own. 
Kakashi swallowed the dryness in his throat, replying to her question with a slight giggle, “Yes, Y/n. You’ve mentioned that already.”
Her smile grew even more, glowing like a light above, “I know but I just want to make sure. I love you. Everything about you,” She sang sweetly, placing a kiss at the base of his throat.
“Your perfections,” a kiss now placed to his collarbone, Y/n nipping the skin. Making Kakashi jump slightly, to which she giggled while continuing her ministrations down his front. 
“Your imperfections, your eyes, your hair, your body…” She dragged, bringing her tongue to slowly trace previous kisses up to his navel and back down, “Your muscles,” Again, Kakashi’s skin jumped when her hands crawled up his abdomen, relishing in the way the muscles went taunt under her touch. 
“But most of all,” She slowly sat up, Kakashi groaning at the loss of the warmth of her lips against his skin, “Your mind,” Y/n’s hands came down to toy with the hem of his pants. Her fingers teasing the edges, slipping beneath, only to retract when his breath grew heavy. 
“Your heart,” Y/n whispered only loud enough for the two of them to hear. Regardless of the fact if they were the only ones in the room. She wanted those words to only fall upon his ears. He was the most deserving after all. 
One of her hands came to cup the tent that had stood mighty before her, squeezing gently, feeling the way his blood pulsed violently through his veins. 
The way he gripped the sheets beneath his fists as a groan fell from behind his grit teeth, caused the fire in the pit of Y/n’s stomach to ignite, sending electricity through her body. 
“Kakashi,” She called, the only thing present on her face was love and sincerity, “I love you with every fiber of my being,” Her hands came to grip the fabric of his pants, “and I’m going to make sure you know that tonight.”
His pants were gone soon after, Y/n getting off only to undress Kakashi and herself, only to resume the same position. Only now there was no restriction between them, now purely skin to skin. Each drunk off of each other and the effects shared between them. 
Kakashi could’ve sworn he was in paradise. The image before him was one he had seen time and time again but always took his breath away. Watching Y/n lean down, taking his cock into her hand, looking up at him with big eyes. He sighed loudly, throwing his head back against the bed, hands gripping the bed sheets underneath. 
“Fuck...Y/n,” A wave of hot electricity washed over Kakashi as Y/n took him into her mouth. Her tongue working the underside of his length, her right hand still gripping whatever she couldn’t fit in her mouth. 
Kakashi’s hips jerked every time his head would brush against the back of her throat. Which in turn caused the heat between her legs to grow hotter and heavier. Once she had been able to work her mouth all the way down the length of his cock, her nose pressed gently against his pelvis. Brushing against the dusting of dark gray hair at the base of his length.
His hand found refuge at the crown of her head, “Just like that...yes,” He groaned deeply, Kakashi could’ve sworn he was seeing stars at this point. 
One of the things about Y/n that never failed to amaze him was the way she knew how to work his body. In ways that he wasn’t aware of until she became a part of his sexual life. 
Y/n continued on, pulling back to catch her breath real quick before diving back in. Her lips warm and wet against his shaft, tongue occasionally toying with the head of his cock. All the while she had snuck her own hand between her legs, in hopes of relieving the tension that had grown in her core. The moans that rumbled in her throat, her own fingers slowly circling sensitive bud, caused vibrations to ring throughout Kakashi’s body as his jaw hung slack. Pretty noises rolling off of his tongue like butter. 
Soon enough, he was chanting to the heavens above, “I’m coming, Y/n, I’m so close.” Singing her name like a mantra before spilling his load on her tongue. To which she prettily displayed before him, swallowing all that she could. 
A few moments later, giving some time to relax, Y/n had climbed onto his lap. Straddling his hips, which wasn’t the best help for his sensitive state at the moment. Regardless, she situated her frame over his, all the while running her thumb across her lips. Cleaning up whatever she had missed, “Open.” She whispered, placing her opposite hand on his chest and bringing her cum covered thumb to his lips. 
She smiles warmly, rocking her hips against his when he parted his lips and stuck out his tongue. 
“Good.” Her voice was smooth as she dragged her thumb across Kakashi’s tongue, watching intently as his lips closed around her digit and proceeded to clean it of his own seed. 
“You’re so pretty, Kakashi,” She sang happily, retracting her finger and pulling his bottom lip along with it. 
Kakashi’s chest inflated with a huge sigh, Y/n coming to lay against it as he wiped the sweat across his brow, “You get me every time, don’t you?” He chuckled deeply, peering down at her.
“Of course,” She hummed, sitting up again, “But we aren’t done yet.”
She lifted her weight, shifting so she could position her slick opening right at the tip of his hard again cock, “That was only the first part of your gift, birthday boy.” She giggled. All before settling down onto his length. Nestling her hips securely against his, throwing her head back at the addictive sensation. She soon began working herself up and down his shaft, not before muttering breathily, “Happy Birthday, Kakashi.” with a lust drunk smile etched across her lips. 
.・ ✧。.・゜✧・.・✧・゜・.・ ✧。.・゜✧・.・✧・゜
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kpostedsum · 3 years
daddy issues; D.M
summary: you and draco bond over issues in 6th year
word count: 2.4k
warnings: err angst, comfort, illusions to sex
song: daddy issues (the remix) - the neighbourhood
a/n: i tried not to make it stereotypical bc i didn’t wanna make it seem all “i like older men lol”, probably my fav fic i’ve written, also arent these anime gifs so cute
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Take you like a drug
I taste you on my tongue
Tongues battling for dominance, bodies rubbing against each other searching for a feeling. It’s become routine now, a different person in your dorm swallowing a new pill, entangling limbs with someone just to feel something.
You ask me what I'm thinking about
I tell you that I'm thinking about
Whatever you're thinking about
Tell me something that I'll forget
And you might have to tell me again
It's crazy what you'll do for a friend
It was a constant cycle, putting yourself out there seeking the male attention you crave, seeking validation, constant reassurance and trusting too easily. That’s how you ended up with a different guy who always in the end leaves. You trusted too easily and people took advantage of how trusting and naive you are just for a quick shag.
You wished it wasn’t like this but that’s all you knew, wanting to be the best version of yourself for someone just to feel needed, no matter if the person was good or bad for you. You didn’t care, you wanted love from anyone you could get it from even if it just hurt you more.
You’re familiar with the absence, something stable made you feel a bit wary. It wasn’t something you were used to. Your father wasn’t the most present in your life, and even though he's there, he's never really there.
Go ahead and cry, little girl
Nobody does it like you do
I know how much it matters to you
I know that you got daddy issues
And if you were my little girl
I'd do whatever I could do
I'd run away and hide with you
I love that she's got daddy issues, and I do too
You always wondered where you went wrong, he preferred your siblings over you and doesn't pay you a piece of his mind. Constantly going out of your way to get his attention whether it was academically or acting a certain way just to get some sort of reaction. But he was too preoccupied with his other children, even if they were from your mom or his affairs.
That’s how you found yourself right now sitting in the astronomy tower past curfew watching the rain fall, trying to clear your head while humming softly to yourself to keep yourself distracted.
You hear distant chattering from below and quickly get up from where you were sitting and make your way to your dorm unnoticed by anyone.
Except one person, Draco Malfoy.
I tried to write your name in the rain
But the rain never came
So I made with the sun
The shade
Always comes at the worst time
He’s seen you before, you’re known around Hogwarts for how you put yourself out there and how ‘desperate’ you are for some affection. He almost feels bad for you, but he’s in no place to judge. With his dad in Azkaban Draco had so much more to worry about, like his task and how he can succeed. But there was something about you that intrigued him that he couldn't ignore.
He saw you again in transfiguration the next day and noticed a few hickeys littering your neck that you had tried to cover but it didn’t work. He wondered why you gave yourself up to so many people, but once again he was in no place to judge. He noticed the way your tongue would stick out when you focused extra hard, the way your hands would tighten around your quill when you got a question wrong and your face.
The same face that many boys including the older years would fawn over, the face that entranced and attracted many, the face of someone who would do anything for someone for some affection and the face of someone who seeked out all the wrong things.
You ask me what I'm thinking about
I tell you that I'm thinking about
Whatever you're thinking about
Tell me something that I'll forget
And you might have to tell me again
It's crazy what you'll do for a friend
You walk out of transfiguration on your way to the owlery to send a letter to your parents and feel eyes watching you everywhere. You like it, the attention, it’s something that you thrived in, but you couldn’t help but feel a new set of eyes on you.
Once you reached the owlery you realized you weren't the only one there, Draco Malfoy was also there sending a letter to who you assumed was his mother.
“y/n, right?” he asked, trying to spark a conversation.
“Yea, listen i’m sorry about what happened with your father i know you really looked up--”
“Dont worry about it, he wasn’t as good an influence as I made him out to be,” he sighed, looking away.
“My dad isn’t the best either if i’m being honest, i guess we’re in the same boat” you let out a light chuckle.
And that’s how you found yourself hanging out with draco malfoy bonding over your shared issues.
Go ahead and cry, little girl
Nobody does it like you do
I know how much it matters to you
I know that you got daddy issues
And if you were my little girl
I'd do whatever I could do
I'd run away and hide with you
I love that she's got daddy issues
It’s been weeks since you two started hanging out since the interaction in the owlery and have been getting closer ever since. You both sat down together in the astronomy tower, backed against the wall as the cool wind blew against your faces. The aura between you two was calm, a comfortable silence.
“So tell me about your dad, how is it with him in Azkaban?” you asked, tilting your head towards him.
“Mother’s not taking it well” he frowned. “I can’t even say potter’s wrong for getting him locked up because he deserves it. All my life he praised the dark lord and taught me to be selfish and always defend my blood, but he was never there for me when I needed him. I would have done everything just to hear ‘i’m proud of you’ but it never came. It’s worse now because mother’s all alone. I wish I could have stayed with her” he sighed looking out the tower watching the stars twinkle.
“I’ve noticed you’ve been much quieter this year as well, you stopped making fun of people. It’s not that nice on the receiving end huh?” you said with a teasing look on your face.
He shook his head at you scooting closer to you, it’s like the demeanor between you two have changed over the past few weeks. You found yourself pining over him rather than being in someone's bed. But this is how the cycle always goes, you get attached and they leave, you couldn’t help but hope this wasn’t the situation this time.
“Tell me about your father”
Daddy stuck around but he wasn't present
Cheated on your mom but she never left him
First I didn't get it, now I understand
He broke her heart, left money in her hand
So everything got paid for
She made sure you and your brother had way more
Than she ever had growing up
And when you told me the whole story I felt like throwing up
“ I don't know if i’d even call him my father at this point, he doesn't want me.” you sighed. “He's been cheating on my mum for years now and she still won't leave him because she thinks they can work it out. He’s had affairs with different pureblood women and has children with them. But what hurts the most is how he treats them as his own children and treats me as if I don't exist” you said, looking down as tears pooled your eyes.
Draco moved closer to you and brought his arm around your shoulders for a sense of comfort and waited for you to catch your breath so you can continue.
“I just want him to love me” you cried. “I go out my way to try and get his attention with my school work but it never works. That's why I get along with so many guys. I seek the validation, the comfort and the reassurance that I can get from him from others and I am so tired of it. I just want him to want me draco.” tears slipping out your eyes as you looked up at him, you’ve never confessed this to anyone before.
“Everyone always leaves, please don't leave me” you cried
“I’m not going anywhere” he turned his face towards you, leaning forward cautiously as if you were made of glass.
You leaned forward, wanting the exact same thing. Both very hesitant he gently pressed his soft lips against yours and they moved together in sequence, only taking a break to go back to his dorm and to breathe, limbs tangled together for the rest of the night until the sun rose.
I can see it on your face it was rough left a bad taste on your tongue
And she didn't even take any drug
She would rain all day
Couldn't wait for her son to shine
And you made it shine
There when she cried, you saved her life
It's been a week since that night in the astronomy tower and draco had already been avoiding you. It’s humiliating, but you should have known. You thought the ‘bond’ you had with him would last, it felt so genuine this time. So real.
You’d see him around the halls snogging pansy on your way back to the ravenclaw tower, lowering your head down so he wouldn’t be able to see you so you could get by quickly and unnoticed.
But he saw you.
He stared you right down in your teary eyes as he made out with pansy. You couldn’t help but feel a sense of betrayal, for someone who promised he wouldn’t leave you like everyone else, he did the exact same.
You did the only thing you knew of, you ran.
I keep on trying to let you go
I'm dying to let you know
How I'm getting on
I didn't cry when you left at first
But now that you're dead it hurts
This time I gotta know
Where did my daddy go?
I'm not entirely here
Half of me has disappeared
Draco followed you to the girls lavatory, hearing your shallow cries coming from one of the stalls. He approached the stall you were in trying not to make too much noise so he doesn't startle you.
He felt awful.
He promised he would never leave you, after you both poured your hearts out to each other but he still left. He had too, he was putting you in danger just by being with him. If Voldemort ever found out about you and hurt you he wouldn't be able to live with himself, that's why he took it upon himself to hurt you first.
“y/n are you in here?” he called out even though he knew the answer.
You recognized that familiar voice anywhere. “What do you want draco?” you said, trying to make it seem as if you weren’t just crying.
“I want to talk to you, please”
“No,” you said getting up and pushing yourself out of the stall. “You don't get to just throw me away after I told you everything and just come back into my life like nothing ever happened. Just go away, that's all you guys are good for” you spat.
“Just listen to me, it was to keep you safe. I didn;t want to but i couldn't bear seeing you hurt” he tried to explain.
“Safe?” you laughed. “ and what exactly do i need saving from, malfoy.”
“From me” he said as he pulled up his sleeve revealing his dark mark to you. Your body instantly tensed, you knew he was having problems and his family was involved with the dark lord but you never knew it was like this.
“Draco i-” you tried to say something but the words were stuck in your throat. He stood there looking at you desperately like he was waiting for you to tell him everything was okay, you wanted to be there for him but you didn’t know what to do. You trusted him with everything but he couldn't trust you with this? You thought the bond you had made would have made him trust you in the slightest, but clearly it's always you who’s more trusting.
“Why didn't you tell me?” you managed to say, your voice hoarse.
“I thought you’d leave me, you were the only good thing i had. Please don't leave me” he begged, salty tears escaping his eyes and running down his cheeks as he looked at you with desperation.
“So you thought pushing me away by snogging pansy was better?” you yelled, as he continued to look at you slightly taken aback by your lashing out.
“You know what, go ahead and cry little boy. You know that your daddy did too, you know what your mama went through. You gotta let it out soon, just let it out” you taunted walking closer to him looking straight into his teary eyes.
“This time I'll be the one that leaves.” and with that you were gone.
Go ahead and cry, little girl
Nobody does it like you do
I know how much it matters to you
I know that you got daddy issues
And if you were my little girl
I'd do whatever I could do
I'd run away and hide with you
I love that she's got daddy issues, and I do too
It’s been months since that night in the girls lavatory, and you missed him. You wanted to visit him in the hospital wing once you heard what happened with Harry Potter, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do so. He left you, and you were tired of always going back to people who just hurt you.
Now here you were at the battle of Hogwarts, standing with everyone while Voldemort and his death eaters stood across from you all.
“Draco, draco come here” you heard narcissa call from across the scene. He looked hesitant, as if he was waiting for someone to stop him but no one did. So he started walking over to his parents.
But you grabbed his hand.
“Stay please” you whispered looking up into his eyes.
He looked back at his parents and back at you like he was contemplating his answer.
“I’ll stay”
If you were my little girl
I'd do whatever I could do
I'd run away and hide with you
I love that she's got daddy issues, and I do too
tagging fun ppl nd ppl who interacted (so srry if u don’t wanna be tagged)
@hellohellook @astoria-malfcy @justfangirlthingies @sfdlm @falling-loki @notvasi @gwlvr @malfoytookmyheart
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mohluskiepedard · 4 years
Rating ATLA Characters literally only from what I’ve seen in fandom
or: posts that probably shouldn’t be on my writeblr except I don’t have a sideblog
the context here is it’s half midnight and I have never seen ATLA except I have opinions now apparently so here we go whoop de do- 
I’m also not actually rating them like numerically that’s too much work i’m just stating opinions I know I’m a fraud
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- A child?  - A son?  - he is Baby. but also. he has had It Rough  - would make the updog joke - has unspeakable power or smth and everyone says he’s better than the Korra girl who comes after him but honestly tastes like sexism to me - doesn’t kill people because he’s like twelve, right? he’s like twelve so he refuses to kill people - I stan honestly - less twelve year olds should kill people - Some people say his name WRONG and they are BAD but i don’t actually know what the right way or the wrong way is so. have fun w that yall - lived in peace unTIL THE FIRE NATION ATTACKED 
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- She is also like twelve???  - Is everyone here twelve - Cortana?? Katana?? Catbug??  - She has good hair, - Her mother is dead??? her mother is dead n she has a brother but she cares about her mother being dead WAY more than him (or apparently the entire fandom??) - Badass - She seems soft. good. sweet - she’s a water breather or whatever??? her brother is NOT but he is a meme - I love her 
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- NGL looks like a fuckboy  - The meme brother! does not do the water things, but he has an aXe???  - dates BAMF lady - ngl until I talked to my ATLA watching friend I thought he canonically dated Zuko  - kinda mad he doesn’t - I haven’t actually seen anything about him except like. in zuko ship posts and also Suki appreciation posts - joined the white lotus not-a-cult by accident???  - dark ATLA tumblr show me more Sokka posts - is his name prounounced the same way as Soccer or isn’t it I need to know - HIS FIRST GIRLFRIEND TURNED INTO THE MOON - (AND THAT’S ROUGH, BUDDY) - He and Suki are a good ship, but also, Sokka Has Two Hands
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- the BAMF herself - she says STOP in that photo but also to sexism - Rlly all I see of her in fanon is abt her teaching Sokka to drink his respect women juice and I appreciate her doing that but also it’s sad she never gets talked about outside of what she did for a man - I hope she has other badass moments w/o him it would suck if she didn’t - she is NOT the girlfriend who turned into the moon, she is the one who didn’t - I don’t know much else about her ATLA Fandom y’all should appreciate her more
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- Look at him... my son... - He has a good redemption arc - he and his sister are evil lesbian and redeemed gay guy??? - has a straight canon ship but should’ve been with Sokka this boy is gay - I Want To Protect Him - That’s literally it - he has a cool uncle and his dad sucks  - people ship him with Katara and I Do Not Get It that’s his sister in law except not really - “We don’t trust Zuko’s change of heart” [the next day] “so Zuko is my closest friend now,”  - His dad was like “fuck up the avatar to prove your worth to me” and Aang was like “counter argument you already have worth and we should fuck up your dad” and I think that’s beautiful - he becomes the fire man and he’s very good at it - Zuko for President 2020 - in the words of myself, half an hour ago: “ I was like "that kid with the burn on his face seems like a sad but then happy mlm who needs found family" and I was RIGHT” - took too long to find a happy picture of him :( Zuko rights NOW please - His mother’s story got compared to an OC of mine and all I can say is oh no and they deserve better based on that alone - I have had Zuko for five minutes but if anything else happens to him I will kill everyone in this throne room and then myself
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- She is badass but like also will murder you while laughing maniacally? - for some reason reminds me of Nott from Critical Role, another show I Have Not Seen - Is blind but gets more out of making jokes abt being blind than she would from being able to see - “Sight is just a cheap tactic to make weak benders stronger!!!” - Literally the opposite of Aang and has killed many people?? - She Can Tell When You’re Lying. But I do not know how and Am simply mildly threatened by this - Therapist: Toph’s ability to know if you’re lying isn’t real and can’t hurt you. Toph’s ability to know if I’m lying:  - She and Zuko.... buddies???  - if not they should be - tiny sad boy needs friends like toph
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- Evil Lesbian Culture - [BDG Voice] You committed a war crime! Oopsie! - took be gay do crime too literally - her and Zuko have accurate sibling writin except instead of “you ever want to murder your sibling for breathing in the same space as you,” being a Joke Azula took it seriously - okay but with a name like azula she should be the blue bender this ANNOYS me she should NOT be red bender - AZULa  - AZUL - IT MEANS BLUE - She was half of y’alls gay awakenings and it SHOWS - Should have maybe been redeemed too??? Jury is out no one knows - Was she gay for Ty Lee or wasn’t she I can’t tell how much of that Audio is a joke - IS SHE ALSO TWELVE??? IS EVERYONE HERE TWELVE?? IS THIS TWELVE YEAR OLD COMITTING ATROCITIES? 
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- A Good Man - Finally, Some Good Fucking [Adult Figures]  - he has the tea. literally and figuratively - Ozai is like “and I will permanently disfigure my son and throw him out” and Iroh is like “What The Fuck, Ozai,” thus voicing the entire audience’s thoughts - Literally the only adult in this that I trust - I? I love him. this is all I have to say. my love for him is unending. Some1 protect this man from all harm   - he’s Zuko’s uncle (and also Azula ig) but he does not seem related to Ozai. is it just a theme in this family that one sibling is chill and one sibling commits horrendous atrocities against your fellow human beings or  - something happened to his son???? :((((( I Don’t Want Him To Have Suffered Like This
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- A BAD MAN - Uh Oh (stinky)  - THE WORST OF THE MEN  - I do not like him - Bastard man. nasty. committed war crimes and then went “but what if - get this - i also abused my son,”  - I would like him to Not Be Like This - by Like This I mean present and alive  - :/ 
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- She’s NOT the There Is No War In Ba Sing Se lady and I don’t know why i thought she WAS but until I looked up her photo I thought that was her  - She looks like a sweetheart tho - I hope nothing bad happens to her????  - talks about auras??? or smth??? let her vibe - She would talk animatedly to me about warrior cats if she was in my year seven class and I was sat alone and I would understand none of it but appreciate her anyway - if azula bullies her I’ll be :( at Azula and Azula will not care because she has Mommy Issues and therefore is slightly unhinged - She seems like that one kid with no trauma vibing at the edge of [every other kid having trauma] and not really getting it but trying her best - Is she also twelve?????? She maybe looks twelve
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- HIS CABBAGES - fulfills my favourite trope: ordinary person repeatedly has life disrupted by the inconveniences of relying on actual children to save the world - probably has a campaign post canon for letting trained adults fix the worlds’ problems in the future - or sets up the Very First Cabbage Insurance Company - look at him. he loves his cabbages so much. you go you funky lil cabbage man
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- LOOK AT HIM HE’S SO GOOD - small. fluffy. big ears - Lord Momo of the Momo Dynasty: his Momoness - a Good Boy...
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- he looks so soft... - he can fly but he just does it by??? vibing through the air?? motionless??? iconic - I saw that one post about mishearing it as Abba and thinking he was Aang’s dad and he looks like he would be a good stand in dad ngl - he’s so LORGE - a chonky boy - love him
that is everyone I have heard of it and if I left someone out it’s a sign that y’all should talk about em more bc I have no clue they exist put more ATLA On my Dash ig I’ll do Legend of Korra ig maybe apparently that one has canon wlw and i love me some canon wlw
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