#bc when it first aired I genuinely didn’t know it was like. the last ep that leads into the finale
funneylizzie · 2 years
Let's be real. No matter what his age is now the Hamato clan is going to spoil the heck out of Casey. The boy may be a ruthless mature warrior. But he's like a baby in this new world who doesn't know how to live in peace. Judging from their last scene Leo is going to be so soft with this boy.
ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!! Do you remember how eager April was to show the boys around their “home town” in the beginning of Battle Nexus: New York? I’d like to think she would LOVE showing Casey all the sights in New York hehehehe
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blameitonmy80hdbaby · 2 years
A running list of my 2022 obsessions (so far)
West Side Story
carried over from the end of 2021
No goddamn idea how it took me 29 years to see this musical
Also didn’t realize that Glee covered a lot of this music at the time it was airing and I gotta say it did NOT do a good job (went back and watched the episode)
Omg the music. The melodies. The soaring strings. The voices. The plot was okay, the music was fabulous and Sondheim (RIP) was a musical genius.
Mike Faist and Ariana DeBose stole the whole goddamn show. This is where my Mike Faist obsession began in full earnest (I kinda recognized him from Panic, which I hadn’t finished watching at the time)
Took until about mid/end of March to fully shake this obsession
Tonight (Quintet) is criminally underrated once you split all the parts in your head and then put them back together
Why of course I watched the original to continue my obsession. OG Tony was better. i loved OG Bernardo and 2021 Bernardo equally but obv hated OG Bernardo’s (and the rest of the sharks’) face paint.
I blame this one on Roz and Mocha (KISS 92.5 shoutout)
Immediately hooked but took a while to finish the last two or three episodes
Team “obsessed with Ella Purnell’s eyes”
One of those shows where basically everyone is unlikeable LOL except maybe Nat???? I like that messed up little bleached blond weirdo. Protect Nat at all costs.
May or may not have watched the entire season to see if there would be more cannibalism
Euphoria s2
As obsessed as I was with this show, s2 was a clusterfuck
Give Zendaya the Emmy for episode 5
Fuck Elliot and the pointless musical number
Lowkey would have dated Ethan. Ethan reminds me of my boyfriend but I don’t remind myself of Kat, who alternately annoyed me and bored me to tears this season
No more Nate I beg of you I am so fucking disinterested
I ship Fexi
Genuinely hoping this show did not peak in s1
I won’t fucking lie, I started watching this in last year and forgot about it bc I wasn’t invested, picked it up again so I could watch Mike Faist
Totally unbelievable, spoiled it before I finished.
Would probably still watch again for Mike Faist if I was going through Mike Faist withdrawals. Esp that scene in ep 6 😈🥵💦
Bridgerton s2
I binged this in a day
Something about the enemies to lovers thing made this season a bit * s p i c i e r * than s1, despite the fact that s1 had a fuckton (pardon the pun) of sex scenes.
I like being teased but holy hell that was difficult LOL (buildup was worth)
trying to convince my boyfriend to watch this with me. So far, he has refused.
I bought the first two books in the series, been too busy to read :(
My 53 year old male coworker and I have chatted about this show together (not in a creepy way) and i loved our chats (he’s read the books too!)
Dear Evan Hansen
Another thing I picked up due to Mike Faist withdrawals
Started with a bootleg copy of the stage show thanks to another lovely tumblr user and moved onto the movie shortly after
Already wrote a comparison post somewhere on this blog
Dude the plot is so…morbidly weird, but I’m so into the music.
Sincerely Me is my first and forever favourite, but the melody in Waving Through a Window and the subject matter of Requiem both get me every time and I love them as well
Lore Olympus
Okay this is cheating bc no new eps have actually been released in 2022 as of right now
But they’re coming this month
And I’m so fucking excited
Mare of Easttown
If anyone watches broadchurch and then asks me for another show that’s similar to it, I will always recommend this one (gracepoint who?)
My cinnamon bun Zabel. Too pure, too sweet, too lovable, too perfect for this life
When he kissed Mare and said how do you know what I want? I went WEAK. ZABEL, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME.
Okay but this show was really well done. Strong female main character who was flawed but worth rooting for, complex mystery, lots of twists, interesting dynamics and parallels, therapy!! Character working on bettering themselves!! We love to see it.
Boyfriend DID watch this one with me (made him)
Julia (HBO)
I have a ridiculous love for the Julie and Julia movie. I blame the men (Stanley Tucci and Chris Messina) but I mean I adore food
Started watching this show last week and I’m really into it
We’ll see how invested I get but so far so good
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seokmins · 3 years
The way chayoung is presented, esp in ep 19, is incredible (and all the other characters bc I ramble)
I'm the first person to get annoyed with a FL and while she wasn't my fav at first, she's accelerated to the top of my list
The way she (and miri) shield Vinny and she screams to stop it when he's knocked down by the thugs
She admits the vengeance and methods she pursued with Vinny were uncomfortable and outside her moral code - but she chose them bc she trusted him and wanted to get the bad guys when the law couldn't
Plus Vinny always giving her choice to back out and "protect her virtue" doesn't bother me bc he genuinely lets her make her own choices but takes care of the dirtiest part of the work. He doesn't hold her back nor like necessarily shield her. The work side by side.
The little antics between them as she preps for her little outing is top tier married behavior, you can't change my mind
Even tho she was kidnapped and is taking on the more cliché role of "don't hurt the man I love, hurt me instead", there's no theatrics or tears. She's a boss bitch ™
"I love you, sunbae."
"you're a monster that never should've been born."
Typically I get annoyed when the FL flounders and takes the hit for ml. But I didn't in Vincenzo. Bc there was no floundering. Chayoung wasn't some damsel in distress tbh.
Myunghee is so fucking funny. Like she's doing her zumba and singing in jail and she's so damn ambitious and gives 0 fucks. Like if she was on Vinny's side, I'd be rooting for her 💯 but like I can't bc she's downright evil.
But I love how powerful each female character continues to shine in this show. Like damn. 👏🏼
And can we please talk abt hanseo's character development and loyalty/attachment to Vinny? He's terrified and traumatized from the way hanseok has abused him and other ppl and yet he took the stand and whacked his bro 👏🏼
This is a stretch but I do wonder if hanseo's initial behavior and attitude in the beginning of the series could also be the effects of drugs? Like, I know he prolly played dumb to survive too but overall I wonder if the drug use had any effects on him. But yeah, best Boi. I absolutely love how he's grown on all of us. It's also interesting that hanseok didn't shoot him.
I was surprised that Vinny didn't try to placate hanseok and save hanseo at all but like I'm sure there's a reason to that. All kinds of shit and emotions happen in the last 20m of these episodes and throw me off so much 😂 this is a rare drama that I can't fully predict the ending but the action scenes for ep 20 look bomb as hell.
I'm looking forward to the finale so much even tho it's bittersweet. It's the first airing drama I watched and enjoyed so much! Literally cried when the airing sign switched off on mdl 😭
N e ways - Vincenzo is high key quality writing with great characters, comedy, and actors.
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incantsava · 5 years
things skam italia did: that
(this is probably gonna be long, so brace yourselves lmao)
so i’m not gonna delve into the aesthetics and all that (even though the symbolism on this one is fucking amazing - incantava reuniting between different shades of greenery aka ele’s happy place? wow, iconic. never been done before)
so i’m gonna start with the apology, because that’s the thing most people are focusing on. THANK FUCKING GOD is all i have to say. the one issue i always had with this scene, and in general how the williams acted after the reunion, is the fact that none of them apologized (that we saw) for the way they were acting. i can understand why they acted the way they did, but i could never forgive the fact that none of them seemed to acknowledge their shitty behavior. (side note, i know noah kinda did during text, but i’m focusing more on things we actually saw during the clip). i was so fucking relieved when i saw this clip. i knew they were gonna have him apologize, because it made sense. i also loved how, even though he was gonna leave without talking to her, and break things off for good (however shitty that decision may have been) he couldn’t go through with it without apologizing first. someone say character development? we love her.
now the ‘you didn’t trust me so i don’t wanna trust you’ line. i admit, i’m not the biggest fan of that, and i will always, always criticize the content i’m watching. after reading a few posts and opinions, i managed to figure out how i’m feeling about this one. so, let’s be honest here, the line’s not great. what makes it a tiny bit better, is the delivery (kudos to gian). the way it was said, it was supposed to seem... forced, i guess is the word i would use. when i heard it, it sounded so rushed, like something he said because he couldn’t stand being there anymore, and he needed a way out, a way to escape. it sounded like a lie. (much like in ep 5, when he apologized about his brother and said some bs about how he was depressed) it sounded like bs because giancarlo did it on purpose, to make us understand that this is not how he is actually  feeling. i don’t know if this made sense, but it was how i managed to interpret it lmao. feel free to disagree :)
i liked how they had ele act during the scene. when he apologized, she didn’t say anything, some bullshit like how ‘it’s okay’ (bc it’s not). she just nodded. accepted his apology because it was needed, and moved on. also, i liked the loving roast she gave him about his dumb choice to leave lmao. she was right, and she said it.
now what absolutely BROKE me was when she tried to put his hand on her waist and tried to kiss him. you could just tell how much it was killing him not to be able to touch her, you could see it in his eyes, in his body language, he was so close to giving in.... but he didn’t. 
i think you all know that i’m not the biggest fan of the ‘walk away and then run back’ scene. but here i... didn’t mind it? it seemed less dramatic, more them, the way he slowly approached her, still unsure of what he’s doing. i liked how when ele turned around, she let out this huge ass sigh like ‘this fucking idiot’. it seemed much more genuine imo idk.
the kiss, oh god the kiss. it ruined me. it felt like after being suffocated for so long and then finally being able to breathe in. it felt exactly like a breath of fresh air. don’t even get me started on the hug because oh holy Shit. their little family is finally together again.
another aspect that made this clip for me was the ele and filo dynamic. i was complaining about the lack of brother and sister scenes just yesterday, and god did skam italia deliver. i loved everything about this. their hug at the end made my heart go whoosh. also the way he tried to literally peel her from him after seeing edo lowkey made me laugh out loud lmao.
finally, the acting. the acting is what really got me. holy shit giancarlo and benni fucking delivered. again. i mean, i knew they would, cause they’ve been doing it all season, but still. i am amazed every time i see them on screen together. giancarlo delivered every single fucking emotion edo was feeling and it was perfect. i understood everything without having him say the words. and seeing ele cry like that, grasping onto filo with her dear life.... wow benni deserves an oscar for that alone :)
so, all in all, if you’ve managed to get through this mess of a post, i thank you, and you are braver than the us marines lmao. 
once again, i know i complain about this show a lot, and most of the time it’s all in good fun, i really wanna let you guys know how fucking much this show and this season especially means to me. it’s literally my home. these characters are so close to my heart, and i am so happy they’re doing them justice. this show has its flaws, and believe me, i’m the first to point them out, but damn it, i loved how they handled this. i really really do.
now, cue the fluff!
seriously, the last episode better consist of straight up fluff after this hell month
ok im done lmao sorry for rambling. and im always open for discussions, so my inbox is open :)
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flintsjohn · 5 years
hi it’s not even 8am and i’ve just finished watching so here’s thoughts on roswell for the finale! please do come yell at me, we can survive the hiatus together. spoilers ahead.
let’s start with the easy things! i knew noah was gonna die but i’m still kinda :///// at the whole “let’s make the moc evil and kill him” thing. im bitter. they made him awful and im bitter.
a-HA! listen i don’t like max. i still don’t. i didn’t through the whole ep. AND I LITERALLY. KNEW THEY WERE GONNA DO THAT. from the moment i read carina’s interview being like “they asked a million times if we were sure” i was like HMMM ARE THEY GONNA and they DID. that was ballsy, i give em that. im also probably like the only person who actually rejoiced in seeing him dead but hey, yall know they’re gonna at least try to bring him back so (theory is that either michael or isobel will unlock the healing power and bring him back)
ho ho ho they’re gonna unlock more powers!!! that last isobel scene was sexsie. also apparently max is thor? also evil aliens are coming? some time?
liz.....my girl........im love u..........so much. she’s??? such a badass?????? also the scene with maria was the cutest thing can we get more bestie moments please
kyle!! I LOVE KYLE!! i love love love the fact that he is moving towards a darker place but they still kept him good at his core. AND MANES HAD IT COMING but im glad kyle didn’t kill bc you know... he’d have had to live with that.
michael........my boy...............my baby baby boy..........................CAN HE STOP CRYING? CAN HE? CAN WE STOP DOING THAT? im a little. meh. about the hand healing thing bc they......literally just cancelled his disability which. hm. but the guitar.......my boy........peaceful........cry
all that being said. he’s still an asshole for standing alex up like that. im love :( alex :( im sad. im so proud of alex for the journey he’s been through, like how hard must that have been for him? UGH i love him and im salty that we didn’t get more of him in the finale :(
BUT ANYWAY. that scene in the trailer i am CRY binch. 
ok and last thing. listen. i’m upset about how they pulled the michael/maria thing in this ep, but i’m not mad they did it. i’m upset that after michael and alex literally being this close to kissing and michael promising they would talk he just went ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and went to maria. BUT. this being only the ending of season one, i’m not upset they went with m/m. they literally have been telling us for multiple eps that maria is uhhh the easy way out, for lack of better words. she’s something new and fresh and doesn’t come with all the trauma that michael has SAID is inherent to his relationship with alex. we know it is. we know how hard it is for both of them. my hope was genuinely that they wouldn’t put michael in a relationship at all by the end of the season, bc i honestly don’t think it’s what he needs right now, but i understand the choice of being like “this is new. it might be good. let’s see where it leads us.” AT THE SAME TIME i think they’ll HAVE to talk. i mean all of them. literally, all three of them, sit the fuck down and talk it out. i hope we’ll get that in s2, or even just.... you know, clear the air in pairs or sth, without the petty remarks, because otherwise it’ll probably just get messier and messier, which is really the only thing im afraid of when it comes to the three of them :/ but anyway! i look forward to malex’s journey in s2 as friends. LET THE SLOWBURN BEGIN YALL
while we’re on the subject, the first scene we get of m/m in s2 better be michael explaining everything bc i am DONE with maria not knowing!!!!! also wtf is the necklace thing about!!!! i wanna know!!!!!!!
ok last last thing. PLEASE. i beg all of you (i mean i have the right mutuals, but you never know who needs to hear this). don’t go screaming for queerbaiting in the wake of this. a) this is the end of s1 (and half a season, if we’re honest), not an endgame. there’s time. give them time. b) it will NEVER be queerbaiting in ANY CASE. i’ve said this before and i’ll say it again a million times but michael and alex are BOTH STILL QUEER. THEY ARE. IT’S CANON. their relationship is CANON and it always will be, even if michael stays with maria forever. people change and move on, even if they still love each other! it doesn’t take away the fact that they’ve been together, and it doesn’t change any of their sexualities, so please don’t be assholes (and ESPECIALLY don’t harass carina/the writers/the actors please).
come share s2 theories with me!!! because we ARE getting a s2, or i’ll riot after the finale ending like this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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mentalcurls · 5 years
9. Se vi faccio a tutti così schifo
Episode 9 of the Skam Italia S1 analysis! We’re almost at the end of the season already. This time, read my rants about a mysterious guy called Magistrali, Marti and Eva’s friendship and my refuted headcanons. As usual the Bechdel test result are at the end!
“What are you doing?” Silvia is all of us
girls, if only Eva has an headache, how on earth would you all be able to determine whether Sana’s doorkeeper’s technique works or not?
also, Sana has a doorkeeper, which points to 💰💰💰 just like Marisol does for the Fareses
Eva is caught off guard by Silvia’s question just like she was in ep.8 by her mother’s question: she genuinely forgot about the Edoardo thing, she must be focused on school, Giovanni and avoiding the worst consequence of the narrative of the cheating whore that has spread about her at school; on top of that, she expected Eleonora’s reaction when Edoardo followed her on IG and DMed her, which is why she warned her (see the messages from May 18th), not from Silvia who has no reason to know anything
except that Silvia is super aware of the social situation at school, so of course she’s always up to date with all the gossip that goes around, she was the one to tell the girls Federico had cheated on Alice, remember? And if it hadn’t been for the thing with Edoardo, she would have been the one to know about Alice hitting Federico during gym class in ep.7
EVA! Oh, darling,when Silvia asks what you and Edoardo talked about, you can’t look at Eleonora (even though she knows what you talked about) and then pretend you don’t remember! Eva is so bad at lying OMG
Silvia’s bullshit-o-meter is good, running smoothly and perfectly calibrated, except she only uses it when it suits her: she mostly doesn’t want to acknowledge it, like with Laura in ep.1 or with Edoardo, because it confirms all her worst fears about herself, that the popular people she admires so much don’t want her in their midst, on their level; but here Eva has a super low social standing (especially now) so Silvia has no problem confronting her about lying
it’s laundry day and all the dirty secrets that were on the bottom of the closets are being aired out
so on Monday May 14th there was the discussion with Laura outside of Eva’s classroom, which Silvia saw, and Eva gave her a super evasive explanation; on Friday May 18th Edoardo gave Eva a lift; now it’s Monday 21st and Silvia talked to Laura the night before: she clearly wasn’t convinced by Eva’s words from the beginning, but did at what point did the mysterious Magistrali tell her about Eva and Edo? Was it before she talked to Laura, was that the last straw? Or did Silvia talk to Laura first, and then spoke to Magistrali that day at school? Cause those are pretty different situations
btw if you check the chats, Silvia is suspiciously absent from the group chat that weekend, which would point more towards the first case, but if so then Magistrali must have contacted her specifically to tell her about seeing Eva with Edo during the weekend
who’s this Magistrali guy btw? Who is he for Silvia to trust him as a solid source? Who is he to be interested and involved in the whole drama with Silvia and Edoardo, how does he know?
on top of that, I get Silvia believing Laura, she had and has a lot of sway over Silvia, but why does she unquestioningly believe Magistrali? A guy?  Who we never heard of before? Instead of her girls?? Lots of questions, no answers
hate to agree with Edoardo Incanti himself, but Silvia should really not blindly trust all the rumors
Sana is so fiercely loyal, she’s literally a lioness with her cubs when it comes down to her friends
and just like Ele she does not stand for her friends being insulted because of their sex lives with misogynistic words infused with patriarchal connotations
even when Silvia is faced with evidence that she should not believe everything she hears when she hears the full story of the incident at Chicco Rodi’s party from Sana, she still only begins to doubt that Laura is the one holding all the truths
the thing is, if Eva went with Edo, that puts Silvia, in her mind, in the same position and at the same level as Laura, so it’s a chance to get back to a higher level of popularity, cause Silvia’s reputation has been dragged in the mud because of her confronting Edo about the wall of shame and because of her association with Eva; little does it matter that Laura and everyone else doesn’t see it that way, cause Silvia was only dating Edoardo in her mind and because it’s not like a boy cheating on you automatically makes you as popular as another, cooler girl who was cheated on as well
Silvia’s mind is so convoluted, I blame you entirely, Francesca Mirabella (not true, there are definitely some problems with the parenting there too)
“Shit, you’re my friend, I’d never do that to you” because Laura wasn’t your friend Eva? I get you’re word vomiting anything that comes to mind that might help you, but this really doesn’t
“SilviaH, mi credi?” should have prepared us for “MartinoH, guardami MartinoH”
Eleonora’s incredulous head shake
Sana and Eleonora are Eva’s real Parent Friends with the looks™, just look at Sana sigh then look at Ele and then at Eva
there is a pretty high chance that Silvia is the one that mobilized Federica to find out why they weren’t invited to the end-of-school party, I mean, she already had her Revenge Dress™ ready, she had been thinking about it three weeks earlier cause that was gonna be her 1994!Diana moment with Edoardo
would you look at that? Martino, who snubbed Rocco Martucci’s party, still knows enough to be able to tell Eva a) who’s organizing the party b) that Maria is Alice’s best friend c) that the whole Federico debacle is the reason for the missed invite
I don’t know what hurts more: Marti’s “Scusami” after Eva’s tirade or Eva’s “No, I’m sorry, I’m not mad at you”
I NEED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THIS FRIENDSHIP! I can’t decide how long Marti and Eva have been friends, if it started when they were kids, kind of like with Marti and Gio, so they were a trio of sorts, except then they became tweens and suddenly girls were gross so Eva was left behind until they ended up in the same class in high school, so they got closer again, at first just as friendly classmates, then as proper friends when the Laura-Gio-Eva thing begun; or if Eva and Marti simply met in high school cause they ended up in the same class and at some point the professors decide they absolutely had to keep Rametta far from Garau and Brighi far from Pandakovic because they were alway distracted and talking so Eva and Marti ended up in sitting next to each other when the two couple of BFFs were switched and they became close then (while Gio and Laura fell for each other); or if started even more recently, only after Gio started dating Laura, so basically while Marti and Eva were forced to third-and-fourth wheel, except then would he know her better enough to say “You wouldn’t have quit, before?” I NEED ANSWERS
“Eva, kick their asses!” EASY FOR YOU TO SAY YOU HYPOCRITE, I hope you went to church and confessed your sins before saying this kind of motivational shit, snake boy
I feel Eva taking deep breaths and talking herself into talking to Maria deep in my bones
btw, I’ve been wanting to say for a few episodes, but those mini skirts (both Eva’s in past episodes and Maria’s friends’) wouldn’t have been allowed at all in my high school, such bad representation!1!1!!1!
Maria Sorgato is such a mood! She’s a couple of weeks away from the maturità, she’s studying and revising like crazy, she’s organizing a huge party on top of that, she don’t got no time to follow the rumor mill, to keep track of people from other years or to specifically exclude people from parties
and she takes the time to give Eva semi-valuable advice anyways (which is pretty similar to what her BFF Alice told Eva at the party btw)! And she refuses to let her friends shame her for her sex life! An icon
and here we have another absolute ICON, Miss Federica Cacciotti, who should totally try her hand at the trapeze cause she definitely had to pull some stunning acrobatics to pull that off
I heard about that method Federica mentions actually: a friend of mine in uni treid it a couple of times to balance work and studying more easily, but she ended up being super stressed on the day of the exam because she didn’t feel confident in what she knew the exams always went poorly
Ele is really pissed off that Silvia doesn’t believe Eva, I think because she feels that after all the support they’ve been giving her, the least Silvia can do is give Eva the benefit of the doubt
noooo, what do you mean Silvia’s not talking to Fede?? They’re inseparable! And it totally invalidates my theory about Silvia having Fede write to Eva about the party bc of the 1994!Diana inspired revenge plan
Sana = the voice of reason, she’s seeing the signs (maybe because she’s seen the signs of breakdowns on other people before, albeit from afar?? *hint hint*)
this is the episode of Sana’s revelations, she’s kind of a deus ex machina
and now the big confrontation: Eva’s got something to say and enough blackmail material to force Laura to listen and she’s not gonna be stopped, dismissed or interrupted
noooo, there goes my theory about Eva Gio and Marti having known one another since primary school, since Eva says she didn’t know anyone when she started high school (💔 it was my fave theory)
on the other hand, I feel ya baby Eva, I too started liceo classico without knowing anyone in my class and only two people in the entire school 💖
on the other hand, let’s talk about Laura: she knew people, so she probably was already somewhat cool among them, and still she went out of her way to extend a hand to the new girl who knew nobody; she was kind and generous and nothing like the person we’ve seen until now. I struggled to believe Gio could have ever liked her up until this moment. The break-up and the resentment she held until this episode was like a poison and turned her into a pretty mean person, but I think that she’s not like that, deep inside.
or maybe she just saw potential in Eva to be the Karen to her Regina and Sara’s Gretchen so she went and befriended her and my theories are all shit
CAN WE TALK about how many of these kids mention not being able to sleep?? Eva has done it two times now, with her mom and with Laura now, Marti will soon start having troubles as well when his dad walks out and in S2 he will repeatedly say he’s been struggling with insomnia; I can’t specifically remember anyone else saying they’re not sleeping but I feel like Silvia or Gio might have said or implied something in past episodes: this is not normal, this is not healthy, at the very least their parents should all be making them drink gallons of chamomile tea!
so Gio and Laura were not doing good and Laura was thinking of breaking up with him already: what a perfectly textbook YA romance novel triangle, and what a perfectly teenager-ish, less-than-logical reason to hold a grudge for this long Laura had
and Eva is so great in this scene: she explains clearly what her thought process was, she takes responsibility for her actions, she apologizes but doesn’t ask to be forgiven and for everything to go back to what it was, aiming for an easier, more attainable goal
oh, and Alice is back, with as many anger management issues as always
Eva puts herself physically between Laura and Alice: she’s been there and she doesn’t want Laura to be on the other side of Alice’s slap
AND FINALLY SOMEONE SAYS IT EXPLICITLY: Federico is the asshole that goes around cheating systematically on girls, the girls themselves aren’t exactly blameless but they’re not the sole responsible people and they shouldn’t be treated as such
“I’m not able to break up with him” what does that mean?? You realize you’re in a toxic relationship, you ask for help and get the hell out of it as soon as possible! Queen Maria Sorgato, don’t tell me you’re too busy with school and stuff to help your best friend dump an asshole, please! Go support her!
Alice seems like an asshole, but she really simply doesn’t know how to channel her anger properly: she is honestly interested in how thing go for Eva and her boyfriend (even though she’s got the wrong man here), maybe because she empathizes more with him than with her, but let’s not forget that she talked with Eva about Gio before, so that might play a part in it, too
the earth literally falling out from under Eva’s feet as soon as Alice says Martino’s name, the bottom of her stomach dropping, the breath being punched out of her lungs, oh my God
Bechdel test: this episode passes the test, thank God these girls start dealing with their messes without boys and shit finally gets done.
This post is part of my complete series of meta about Skam Italia season 1.  If you’d like to read more of my thoughts about the other episodes, you can find the mastepost linked in the top bar on my blog under SKAMIT: EVA. Cheers!
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agentdammers · 6 years
Grand Torchwood Rewatch 1x12 & 13
One season down...... It’s a Finale Double Whammy, just as it aired back in 2007! Crumbs of Jack Lore drop into our laps, some absolute plot bullshit takes place, an old man is there!!! fuck it let’s get this over with
content warn: pisstaking, fun having, oh! plot bullshit!, i absolutely lose my fucking mind, Owen Harper!!! I Won’t Hesitate Bitch
1x12 “captain jack harkness”
- a thought before we dive in, but man owen gets A LOT of story stuff over the course of the 2 seasons he’s in right??? like more story stuff than ianto and tosh combined. interesting
- so..... here’s a thing. “Ohhh people have heard music from a derelict building! better send torchwood in!” how... does that come about? Could it be squatters or something??? fuck it, let’s send in a Secret Government Agency! they’ll sort it out. i mean we don’t know what they do exactly but i imagine at least one of them is a ghostbuster or something lmao, whatever
- OH NO THIS CREEPY OLD BITCH!!! i forgot how scary he looked!! god, this dude must be a million, or a vampire, or likely both
- tosh’s eyes get SO BIG WHEN THAT GUY ASKS HER TO DANCE I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! she’s the best one!!!!!!
- wish i could wipe this episode entirely from my memory because that fucking reveal when the Real jack harkness introduces himself? F    U    C   K
- speaking of tosh, finding it extremely unconvincing that she, a tech nerd, would go out with a laptop with an almost completely flat battery... like, c’mon. she would be prepared
- Gwen cooper, a fully adult woman: haha me and my friends;;;; came here 4 a dare;;; cos its spooky lol....
- the dance they’re at is called “KISS THE BOYS GOODBYE DANCE”, which is what my finishing move would be called if i was a character in a fighting game
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- ianto and owen slapfighting over their shit girlfriend experiences fucking owns genuinely lmao
- tosh pops the top off a tin and then cuts her hand open on the obviously blunt fucking lid?????? jesus christ
- “I’m tired of living in awe of the rift!!!” .....................first i’ve heard of it. I love that owen is talking as though the rift has been a major fucking factor throughout the entire series up until this point, rather than a thing that’s just been vaguely fucking referenced as the reason why a bunch of weird shit just seems to happen in cardiff. no, im not standing for this. You can’t pull out the rift at the eleventh hour and then talk about it as though it’s a Hugely Important plot device when the biggest role it’s had over the stretch of the entire 11 Whole Ass episodes prefacing this was to allow the plane to come through in “out of time”. y’all have barely mentioned the rift this entire time and now you want to act like its the hellmouth??? eat my ass!!!!!!
- and continuing on that note: apparently they’ve had a machine that can manipulate the rift in the hub......... the entire goddamn time. but no one thought to MENTION it i guess!!!!!!!! pfft, why would THAT be important??? right???? right?????
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this plot bullshit almost makes me feel bad for how harsh i was about “cyberwoman” but, i will admit.... despite this Absolute Fucking Nonsense, i do find the jack and tosh storyline in this episode really fun and interesting. its just unfortunate that all the stuff arrrrround that is some kind of fic scrawled in the back of a kid’s math book.
- also the size of owen’s fucking NADS in this episode!!!!!!!! “Don’t compare yourself to me.” SAYS MAN CRYING OVER THE GIRL HE KNEW FOR ONE (1!) (SINGULAR) WEEK!!!! as opposed to ianto’s longterm girlfriend being turned into a monster and eventually murdered by his own team!!!! Like, i understand that’s owen’s problem actually goes beyond that, and its not so much about diane herself but about the fact that he let himself feel close to someone again after his fiancee died but for us, The Audience, watching this as it airs... we haven’t unlocked owen’s tragic backstory yet. and without knowing all that it just makes owen look really bad and like a huge fucking tool lmfao.
- NEVERMIND THE END IS GAY AND SAD AND Y’KNOW!!!!!! i am a man of simple pleasures, at heart, and so... i’ll let it slide. jack meeting his namesake knowing that he’s going to die and them having a moment is more of the kind of emotional content we would get in episodes of doctor who, and its Just Right
- in honesty, theres a bunch of stuff about this ep that i DO like. that tosh gets a prominant role for a change, while gwen gets to do fuck all. the whole Real Jack story. owen gets shot and pops a tit out at the end. its just unfortunate thats its all wrapped up in this rift thing thats been wheeled out last minute for a Big Season Finale with no real foreshadowing or build up to it at all lmao. but, moving on...............................................................................................
1x13 “end of days”
- lovely reading voice ianto’s got..... i also like owen acting up to make sure we know that they remember him being shot in the shoulder last episode lol.
- “owen, if you open the rift you’ll break it” (owen opens the rift anyway) “owen, you opening the rift broke it” (owen GASPS IN DISMAY, ME??? REALLY?) yes bitch open your ears
- “So are we going to sit around crying into our lattes or are we gonna do something about it?” OWEN..... IS THIS. SUPPOSED TO SOUND BADASS I.... GENUINELY CANT TELL? IT SOUNDS BAD, OWEN
- jack was so likeable last ep now he’s a DICK. gwen calls him out on how he talked to owen and he’s really fucking catty at HER for no reason at all????
- i haaaaaaaaate this scene in the hospital where a Mystery Illness has all the fucking symptoms of the bubonic plague but apparently every doctor in the entire hospital never did high school level history and are all incapable of recognising it. if fucking *i* know what symptoms of the bubonic plague are im sure they didn’t need Absolute Brain Genius Owen Harper who is seemingly the only person with any sense in cardiff to come in and diagnose it. i also hate how owen just like casually mentions to the doctor yep, this is caused by people falling through time dude yknow!!! like they do!! expect more of this to keep happening probably idk!!
- i love that owen has followed jack all this time but NOW in a crisis is the time to actually lose it and start questioning his authority bc they dont Actually know who jack is like???? you’ve been fine not knowing this entire time before??? thats not to say that jack isn’t an entire dumbass himself. he expects them all to follow him blindly and its so creepy. he’s like a cult leader, and as they all have Torchwood Stockholm Syndrome that ive mentioned in previous episode run downs they’ve all just gone along with it.
- owen having a little cry on the way out is such a Good scene bc he puts on such a brave and defiant front tho 💕💖💘💕
- i dont know why the really quick flashback to diane flying off in the plane made me lose my fucking mind, its just like “LMAO IN CASE U FORGOT: SHE WAS THE PLANE LADY. I KNOW SHE WAS ONLY IN FOR LIKE TWO MINUTES, BUT DONT WORRY ABOUT IT.”
- gwen for fucks sake!!!!!!!! not again!!!!! after all the cryptic shit and lies she’s told rhys up until this point, she now knocks him out and locks him in a cell and STILL offers no explanation. this poor fucking dude!!!!!!!!! and it’s about to get even worse for him...
- YES EVERYONE REBEL AGAINST JACK!!!!!!! FUCK THIS DUDE!!!! you’re doing what a creepy old dude who is Absolutely Definitely evil wants, but still
- why does gwen start doing shit on the computer when toshiko, the computer expert, is standing right there, like.............
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- i forget, does anyone know jack’s immortal apart from gwen? or was it just the shock of owen actually Shooting Their Boss? the only onscreen death i can recall of his after suzie shot him was in “cyberwoman”
- god, minutes ago they were all like FUCK JACK!!!! JACK DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO SAVE US AFTER ALL!!! and now theyre all crawling back asking jack to save them all from cgi pig Ganon and its just..... a lot to happen, over the space of about half an hour.
- the ending is so anticlimatic and also why does sucking all the Yummy Life Energy out of jack make abaddon die?????????? Though in its defence... after like 3 bowls of cereal, i too am like OUCH OOF MY BONES
- aaaaaaaaaand rhys is back! will he get treated any better from here on out? i dont remember!!! guess we’ll see.
- bit much of gwen who’s actually known jack the shortest time of them all to be like NO, let ME be with him uwuwuwuuw
- ahhh!!! ianto smelling jack’s coat ;_;
- aaaand jack’s back too. AND HE GETS TO HOLD A CRYING OWEN? FOR ME? oh you shouldn’t have! this Almost makes up for all that rift plot bullshit (almost. i still know what u did.)
- ANDDDDD OH SHIT. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE GOOD ENDING. HERE COMES THE TARDIS. FUCKING YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...............................and there it goes. one season down. sorry this one was so long!!! i love and appreciate anyone to takes the time to read these posts. thank u!!!!
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Ep. 14: “Make it make sense.” - Aimee
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Olivia A
Nobody from my original alliance is left which is really shitty. Maddison was my #1. It’s basically 3-3 now, though. Hoping to win immunity + find an idol lol we can only hope.
Olivia A
Aimee and Pedro are talking a lot about how Sarah, Cody, and Najwah have wronged them and stuff/have been stringing them along. I never actually worked with any of them lol so it doesn’t really matter to me I’m just focusing on my game. Glad that they’re fired up though. My final alliance being with Aimee and Pedro is not what I expected but it’s where I am! Can’t dwell. I’m here! I outlasted everyone who has been voted out to this point. That is significant!
Cody A
https://64.media.tumblr.com/dcc04d41bea68cf7257486f42c20d296/fe59555738f2307b-42/s540x810/b4cd40c96bedfe612feed8b8337001dc12fbff8b.gifv Thank you Olivia for making the lol chat with her, Pedro, me and obviously the lovely host Jay. It was a perfect place to come together and just bitch fest. There is no coins between any of us so no buying advantages. Just loving Olivia with all her positive vibes. 🌈💜💙💚💛🧡❤️We really all are on equal footing. Speaking of game tea. Cody must of had one of the pieces of the super idol and gave it to one of the Hanuha left after he won immunity. Wanna know how I know? Sarah is his final two. Najwah is his final two as well. They wouldn’t split it between the two girls, they’d both split it with Cody. But since he is immune he gave part to the girls to share this vote. Then one of them voted Olivia incase Maddison player an idol and Olivia would’ve went home with one. That’s also why they slipped up in the call beforehand saying put one vote on Olivia but couldn’t explain why. Hahah yeah oopsie. Why am I not allowed to be upset that they never told me about it and am an obvious top 4/5 and not 3. Lol it could of been me going home since old Hanuha had no idea who Olivia or Maddison were voting and it could’ve been me. And they would’ve just went oh well we have Pedro we don’t need her next vote. This just further proved there is no wiggle room with old Hanuha and I’m at the bottom of a final 4. This further proves I am not final 2 with any of them, or even 3. They also don’t have to constantly adapt like me or the others had to they can just sit and play all the way to final 3. Every time I lose my closest ally I had to go make another one. And I did, and it was with relationships that I already had established and was personable with. I like all of these people so me playing relationships vs strategy can work at the same time. What would they do if they lost one of their 3? They don’t try to connect with others so how would they adapt? It’s a question I’d really want the jury to ask. Cody apparently told Pedro his only path to the final 3 is with Sarah. So...well....there’s that...and I’m also not in that. Everyone’s talking about oh this is for fun and relationship making and that they don’t care about winning but everything they have done has been calculated and strategic. If we all are truly just playing for fun and making relationships why aren’t they talking to others outside of their group and trying to make friends? Why did they not make much effort to bond with me except days and days after the merge??? All I see is red flags and still even now more little lies here and there that are strategic and calculated. I shouldn’t have been feeling this way or even think about flipping if they were truly handling this right with me. Why did they never just replace me with Zack in the final four chat they had after he left? We all bonded over it and it was the perfect time for us four to come together even strategically. It wasn’t a true reset like I thought, they just sat in their group still and ran with it. They’re truly lucky with their advantages and the super idol or it would’ve cost them. We all know about their group...they could have done that instead of listening to Zacks paranoia about me. I chose Maddison over Sarah at this vote. I have a great connection with both of them and we will both be friends after this. I actually want to play this game like it is Survivor and a Sarah blindside would of made a great resume builder for the end. 
Especially after the Ben blindside and all this stuff I was hearing from Pedro she was saying in order to ensure his vote like a final 3 and that Najwah is a threat and she was coming for her. Like I wanted to protect Najwah too if that was true. Also Sarah lied to Maddison and told her I was on board with the Ben vote and that I was going to vote that way too. And then they all just collectively dropped the girls after the Ben vote and stopped even trying to talk to them. Sarah is a great player and even won touchy subjects for who’s gonna win it in the end. 
I’m glad Sarah and I got to talk about this after the vote. She understands, got a good laugh out of it and we talked about the things her and Pedro have been talking about. Pedro was hearing from Cody that Old Hanuha was voting Maddison. Isn’t it SUSPICIOUS that Pedro hears the vote plan before I do!? And then they act like it’s up in the air for me and that it could be Olivia or Maddison. No it was always Maddison they just gave me a false choice but would’ve never let me sway it off her. Lol Pedro straight up told me no they’re doing Maddison. I’m so happy Pedro and I have put our differences aside after the Grae vote. It really is kill or be killed out here. I have been talking to Pedro since we were first able to. We call ourselves Team Tumblr! So far him and I are the only tumblr survivor people on here at final 6. He has a great sense of humor and just an all around cool guy 💅🏻💜💫☀️And of course anyone that loves Michele as much as I do is top person in my book. We made a pact to never vote for each other before this vote even happened. Everyone else had their little duos and trios and here we were in the middle. Without him these last few days I would’ve went crazy. It’s funny how people try to put morals and this and that on him and think he’s a villain but he’s misunderstood just like anyone here could be. You don’t know who the villain is until you watch back at the end. ALSO WHERE THE NUT IS MY CONDOLENCES ON MADDISON GETTING VOTED OUT?! Why am I always the one crying and apologizing and having to defend myself but I’m the one always blindsided. Why did no one console me after blindsided but expect immediate answers when the shoe is on the other foot? How is this any different? I finally did what they do to me but somehow it gets treated differently. Lol I’m not a bitter potential juror I promise. LMAO. But I also have really good fucking points I need these people to answer if I’m there. https://64.media.tumblr.com/cc160b6ed9bbfd511cfece4b2c96417b/be492fc5cefd11de-88/s540x810/df9747035a2fcb610c818518e41938730ab59a98.gifv
I'm always so delayed when it comes to confessions. So last night was a bit crazy. Aimee flipped bc Pedro told her that Sarah wanted me out. Either she's talking BS or she's gullible. I know a smart move would have been to keep my superidol and play it when I really needed it at the top 6 or top 5, but I really wanted Maddison out of the game. So bad. Also, if this was a real game of survivor I would have probably flipped on Sarah too because she's a damn good player. I'd have flipped on her days ago. However, this isn't a real game of survivor and I'd rather just have a friend in the game longer. I had a conversation with Pedro last night in which he accused me of talking shit when I said I didn't really care about winning lol. He's like "you're in the top 6, of course you care"  which is very funny to me. I realised that it's so much deeper for him. He really wants the title of sole survivor. I mean, at this point he deserves it lol but to disregard what I'm feeling when I say I care about the connections I've made more than winning? That makes me laugh and just shows what kind of person he is/that he's never really connected with anyone in this game. That's pretty sad. Look, even if Sarah or Cody blindside me, I'm still okay with that. I don't care. My great aunt is busy dying of covid as I type this, I am going through a bit of a depressive episode after being faced with a life altering decision with regards to my own health. I haven't seen my people in a while. Today was supposed to be our half year anniversary weekend away.i also got another job for extra cash and honestly, this game has been my solace and my fun place. I'm so thankful for the past 4 weeks. I genuinely don't care about winning. I'm just happy I get to do this and experience this and bond with people I never would have known or come across in a million years. Honestly, rather Sarah still in the game than someone who has never even spoken to me ever, Maddison. Why would I work with her at all? Anyway, it's okay. People can think I am a goat lmao. The most sad thing are people trying to create cracks and rifts between Cody, Sarah and I. 
Zack’s negative aura really is here to fuck my game left of sideways Najwah told him about the super idol that turned into Cody knowing. Okay. Pause. Yes, you read that right, Najwah told people who just got finished blindsiding her about her super idol. But not me. Then Sarah got an idol and told Najwah hence enabling the super idol. But isn’t that funny that Sarah so freely told Najwah she has an idol for that? Oh yeah because they were all aligned before Najwah was even included in that group. And Zack and Cody told Najwah not to tell anyone. This really put a wedge between Najwah and I on the final count numbers to the end. Najwah and I have never gunned for each other and we will continue to not gun for each other. 💞💗💖 I’m so happy she is still here and we can laugh about the Gen Z / Millennial cultural differences. We are the only Millennials left. I got to video chat with her over my lunch today and really clear the air on survivor. It sucks that she felt like out with Maddison. That tribe swap really painted a target on Maddison’s back. To me it seems that everyone’s nosiness about what Najwah got at the auction is deadass the only reason she is aligned with any of them. ALL THREE OF THEM just blindsided her on the previous Leanne vote (the one Najwah literally voted for Sarah on) and Zack even wanted Najwah out. But my relationship with Najwah is somehow chopped liver and I don’t get included in on an alliance with her?!? Because I respected people’s purchases at the auction and didn’t pry for info??? Because I didn’t blindside her???
Make it make sense. 
So the super idol just bonded Najwah with Zack Cody and Sarah. That’s it. That’s literally the rest of the game folks. And I guess they never had to worry about bonding with others cause they can just sit on their super idol the whole game. Must be nice. I’m confused as to why Zacks paranoia about me flipping at swap did not apply to Sarah who also swapped with me. Other than the fact that Zack and Sarah were already aligned. Oh yeah okay, right. There it is. So anyways they all just listened to Zacks paranoia not only about me but also about all of Maola and decided to take his word on everyone that he never actually interacted with instead of reaching out and talking to any of those people to get to know them. Or you know, talking to me. It’s the same paranoia Ben got fed to him from Zack about Maola and how much they could be playing me. And I was like where is this coming from and why are you so sure they are all liars and cutthroat savages?! NOBODY knows what went on in new-Maola except for me, Sarah, Grae, Maddison, and Olivia. (And Jay) And if I hear one more person that wasn’t in that tribe try to tell me otherwise, I am going to scream. For the record, I never told Zack anything for any indication I’d flip. I said old Maola was nice. And I didn’t shit talk them like everyone else probably did. I literally had about a two minute interaction with him right after merge before he was kicked out. That’s it. And it was because he couldn’t resist asking me how I was feeling, as always. Thing is, Zack is old news and somehow people did not change anything about those perceptions still. I mean, we are all still playing within the confines of the alliances Zack set up. ......Because?!?!!!?!!! This is one giant self-fulfilling prophecy. They treated me differently, they treated me like I’d flip, so guess what, the flip finally ended up happening. There was plenty of time for all of these perceptions about me and them and Maola to change and they didn’t. No one made any effort. And then touchy subjects came out and confirmed everything I needed to know about where I stood with them. That was FOREVER after Zack left. And yet I still continued voting with them, I even VOTED for Maddison and apparently that wasn’t enough to gain my trust? Or earn my spot in a damn final four chat with them at LEAST. Not even a fake one???? And then the lies day in and day out day after day with those three and just how completely obvious they are about being in a group chat of just them three. As if I’m stupid. And it’s so blatant I sometimes wonder if they want me to know about it. Even now as I write this and since the last few votes I am still being told lies here and there. Lies for no reason and stuff that doesn’t need to be lied about. So what is it?????!! We can’t keep blaming swap and merge stuff if this is still happening to this very minute. FIX IT if you want me to work with you. Otherwise, rocks it is. 🙈🙉🙊
Najwah! I love you!!!! Thank you so much for supporting me when I felt left out and just explaining so much game stuff to me. I appreciate you!! ❤️ Hugs to you and I’m always here for you. I cant wait for our friendship outside of this game. Pedro Awe are fucked...honestly cody will lose to najwah, and sarah..and thats the only good thing i see coming out of them being in the final 3
https://64.media.tumblr.com/1da555dc795dd40f56a35ddf87a0ab47/a53f344a539857da-3a/s540x810/8139924235547546dd732d4531331e43c68dc1db.gifv YAY!! Way to go Pedro on your immunity win!!! Dang! Some of those answers you put were LEGENDARY!! 😎😎😎Haha he kept saying over and over again how he’s a dead man and “see ya later guys I’m going to jury.” It’s the theme of this season. Haha Olivia and I kept encouraging him. It’s not over until it is over. And this challenge just proves that point. Great job Pedro! jerry ropero feat. jacqueline - Coração https://youtu.be/a54Wap-5cvw The song Pedro, Olivia and I would be jamming to after his immunity win! 
Cody A
Haha loving this late night “camp” time with Cody and Sarah 🔥 ❤️ 
I spoke to Sarah yesterday and she accidentally let it slip that she wants Cody or her to win immunity. I was like WTF?? Also they keep calling MY idol, OUR idol. Like she just assumes I'm going to play my idol for her again? Lol I wanted Maddison out for once and for all because she was brilliant. When I say I care about humans more than winning, I sure hope other humans feel the same but I'm sure not. I bonded with Aimee yesterday. We spoke to each other about life. I sent her what really happened with Maddison and The Ben vote because Maddison played with Aimee's emotions and said "oh I didn't know. I wouldn't have voted Ben if you were left out" etc. But the receipts state a completely different story. I'm not even going to bother trying to stop Pedro. I'm not interested in his BS. He's probably going to make it to F3 and win. I don't like how he's starting to get personal? But I guess big ups to him. 
Olivia A
I was pretty sure this vote was gonna go to rocks. We haven’t found an idol and I’m pretty sure they don’t have any. Buuut, Aimee just told me she’s pretty sure Najwah is willing to flip tonight which would be amazing. Hoping for that. Rocks are scary!!
Olivia A
Pedro is always SUPER paranoid about everything so Aimme and I are nervous about him trusting the idea of Najwah flipping. What we decided to do is have Aimee tell the group chat that she wants to flip. If we can’t convince him to trust that she’s not lying I will present the idea of telling her the wrong name (we tell her to vote Cody but we all vote Sarah) to test if she actually flips while still guaranteeing that we don’t go to rocks. It’s perfect!
Pedro A
I thank the lord ..for this immunity...cause this rocks things...its scaryyyyyyy....but at the end of the day both sides know..that neither of them can make it into the end,..if they flip...........SOOOOOOO  lets pray aimme doesnt flip cause im scared
Pedro A
we are kinda voting cody..so hes safe...cause of the DA....lets hope this works
https://64.media.tumblr.com/dc1b6fab90d3be46df5137b345c79761/eb2a62cf794f783c-94/s540x810/8d5d18d147dea390be5bf52e54132feb009dcd45.gifv MY GIRL NAJWAH💜❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💓💗💝💖🏳️‍🌈Really coming through right now! We are saving each other! I’m just so happy she has finally woken up in the game. Our bond and friendship can be seen from space. I love her so much! I’m so glad my truthfulness, positivity and all around good vibes have proven trustworthy to her. Sarah
I don’t want to vote Aimee out but I feel like it’s all we can do to keep Cody, Naj, and I safe. I hope this plan works. 
Cody A
Cody A
So my decision to do this vote is basically because yesterday I realised that Sarah has a plan for Cody and her and I'm not in it. Of course it was hurtful. I wasn't going to vote Cody. In fact, I would have rather voted Sarah because after yesterday I don't think they would have saved me when it came down to rocks. Perhaps the paranoia is getting to me. And perhaps I'm believing lies but Sarah made that Freudian slip in a voice message and I don't think having me with them right to the final is part of their plan.  I just hope no one changes their minds or decisions now since we have like an extra 45 minutes to think and review everyone's answers to their questions. 🤞🏽🤞🏽
0 notes
What did you think of the new bomb? :O
OKAY so tl;dr: much better than sb5. which yeah, is still a pretty low standard, but this bomb had far more interesting elements to it! the first three eps had a season 1 vibe that i really liked, and the last two were pretty engaging as well. that isn’t to say that my sentiments are all praise though. i’ll put an episode-by-episode opinion under the cut!
lion 4: alternate ending: the art and colors were actually really nice in this one! steven and greg were visibly chubby, too, thank god…….and the reappearance of lion. too bad he won’t come back for a while since his voice actor is so expensive :\
this episode would have worked wayyy better as a season one or two episode though. ive heard people say that the point of this episode was to show that you shouldn’t overhype things (i.e., steven overhyping what he was supposed to find given rose’s key only to find out it’s an alternate tape), but it just immediately fell flat when you realized that the tape for “nora” was pretty much a carbon copy of the tape for steven. i felt really sad because it ultimately robbed the emotional value of lion 3′s ending for me. 
lion 3 is the first time we really get to see rose quartz, and she’s shown as this beautiful, all-loving being. and then we get into some darker stuff as the series progresses, learning she kept a bunch of secrets and has done some questionable things. so when we see her again, it would have been really nice to balance that out and have her with some deleted messages for steven, perhaps (like…actual alternate endings)? to sort of show she still genuinely cares about her son instead of making him seem like “just another outcome.”
(annnd this is just me perhaps but GOD that line from greg, “you could be steven or nora or anyone else, you could always change your name” just made my mind scream TRANS GIRL STEVEN but yknow. idk if theyd ever go in that direction but wishful thinking :’) )
doug out: HHHHHHHH i LOVE doug maheswaran so much. what a dork. i kinnnd of felt like the writing in this was…a bit stiff, though. perhaps it was just doug’s va’s delivery?? it felt kind of text-to-speak. but perhaps they were just trying to go for the effect of doug clearly putting on an act to impress connie and steven which i can get! 
only negative things aside from that i can really give for this one is that the art was just…hoo boy. i think you know.
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im usually pretty lax on art inconsistencies (which are still valid criticisms since this is an entirely animated show by animation professionals! it’s just not my main beef w/the show), but sweet jesus what the actual fuck i am laughing so hard rn
the good lars: OKAY this is gonna be extremely biased bc i love lars (well, loved his potential, anyhow) and we actually got development from him holy shit. this is probably one of my favorite human-centric episodes of seasons 3 and 4 (it still won’t beat s1/s2 eps like lars and the cool kids andhorror club but it’s definitely a step up from, like…rocknaldo, yknow?
and i’ve known from the start that he was nonwhite (it was confirmed by burnett via tweet back when s2 was still airing), it was nice to have some specification on that! although i really do wish the term “filipino” was actually used in reference to him.
the cool kids were just. they were perfect. and i liked all of the characterization in this episode! steven still felt a little bland personality-wise, but the little things such as lars picking up “bingo bongo” from him and buck thinking it was cool was cute!
are you my dad? + i am my mom: I HATED THAT DRAWING JOKE SO MUCH. garnet just going “uh, i like me” was so ooc. she’s…supposed to be intelligent, right? that was honestly one of the worst garnet lines ive ever heard. and yeah, of course pearl has to be the ultra-talented one who modestly shrugs it off. like god. amethyst was the one who spent time with an artist (vidalia), shouldn’t she be the “artistic one?” it would have been an okay joke (in regards to pearl) if she wasn’t shown having 320840810382110930+ interests and talents prior in the series.
the designs for aquamarine and topaz seemed really bad when we first saw them but i steered clear of that discussion until i actually got a chance to see the two animated and in action. and i was…pleasantly surprised (halfway, at least).
aquamarine’s design was actually really cool in action! and the whole bow turning into a wand thing was cool. topaz still seemed kind of bland to me though. im totally fine with her body type and such but she just…doesnt look visually interesting, you know? like at least lapis had her wings going for her before aqua stole them and owned them better than her
the fight choreographed between aqua + topaz and the cgs was pretty weak, though. it felt like they were just kind of standing there attacking one at a time. and it’s not like the crew isn’t capable of doing better, you know? like the alexandrite vs malachite fight was REALLY good, along with the lapis vs the cgs fight. everyone was fighting simultaneously in the fight in ocean gem which made it so much more interesting! now, theyre just attacking one at a time like what is this?? attack the light or smth?? did garnet’s gauntlet punch use up all of their stars?? idk
BUT GOD I LOVED JAMIE SO MUCH. his lines were gold, esp “no garnet i’ve moved on i swear” that was funny. 
aqua seemed pretty overpowered though. like if you give a gem the ability to move other gems around at their will at least give it limitations, or else the “fight” won’t be interesting at all. or have aqua’s weapon get lost temporarily or something.
i actually thought referencing the “list” given by peridot was pretty clever, but having steven blow it up so much…was a bit too much. like if anything, peridot should have been the one upset over it and i seriously hope we get to see her reaction later on. 
ANYWAYS im actually looking forward to stuck together a LOT! they left lars on the ship for a reason and im interested to see how that’ll pan out. honestly?? thank god they didn’t try to make this bomb another “conflict solved in five episodes” like week of sardonyx.
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shinjaeha · 3 years
i want oh aew to find someone new so so much but i just know it's not gonna happen. oh aew is not a protagonist (no more 'two male protagonists' i guess lmao), he is only there to prop teh's development and thus his role is just 'teh's boyfriend'
it's funny bc i /knew/ since i saw the opening credits that oh aew was not gonna be prominent this season apart from being teh's boyfriend: we see bkpp first in the credits, then jai alone, just like bkpp (important role then), then khim and top together (not as important bc they aren't alone in frame but still, they are after jai) and then we see oh aew's friends ALL TOGETHER in one frame, the last ones, that's when i knew. it sucks bc ltip was oh aew's pov and i thought that meant ipytm was gonna continue with that but guess not.
I am guessing it's bc they wanted to explore the acting world through teh so oh aew had to be transferred to another major so they could focus only on teh and his development as a character. it sucks bc while it is in character some of the things he is doing, it just feels repetitive? teh is confused about his feelings (again) and now it's oh aew = tarn; jai = oh aew, the storyline thread seems the same, it's a cycle and yeah, in real life it's like that sometimes but this is a tv show, you HAVE to show growth in the character, from one season to another, rn its just feels like teh didn't learn anything in itsay, he just became older (and more of an ass).
also the "changes" in oh aew, what are they? like i only see superficial changes: his major, his car, his hair, but personality wise? he is the exact same as in itsay, he didn't change? so teh's feelings about it are just not understandable to me, and seem SO superficial? it's like he only fell in love with oh aew bc he had the same dream as him, which isn't true (at least from what i understood in itsay) so like, what is it? i just don't get it and again, everything seems so superficial in general and it lacks the depth and complexity of itsay for me (i guess the time skips are partly to blame for that)
idk it's just disappointing i guess, i loved itsay so much, i loved these characters so much and now i just don't feel anything anymore? i am apathetic towards all of it and i hate it bc i spent so much time waiting for part2 that i just feel like i wasted my time.
anyway i loved reading your thoughts (like always!) and you can ignore this ask if you don't wanna talk about this ep anymore, i totally get it ^^
honestly, same :( i don't necessarily need oh-aew to find someone else, but i do want him to be able to be his own person without teh. not just an add-on to teh's story. i know we'll be getting more of him in ep 4, but it looks like he's going to get even more hurt from the preview :/// i'm guessing there'll be a confrontation by the end of it so i really hope he doesn't just take what happened lying down. i want him to see his worth and realise that he deserves better than what he's been putting up with. i honestly really want to see him tear into teh about it bc that's the least he deserves.
i didn't even think that about the opening credits but you're so right :((( it's weird how inconsistent everything is in terms of the povs...i totally thought the same about ltip bc there was so much focus on oh-aew, but then they really only continued on with oh-aew's feelings in ep 1 and everything basically got resolved for him by the end of it.
yesss, that's why it feels so much like teh's taken all these steps back in ipytm. like yes, it's obv this is his personality and so technically everything he feels/does is consistent with his character...but it's also like the development we got by the end of itsay's been revoked. so he's regressed only to grow again, rather than just grown more from where he initially was. if that makes sense? and bc we've already seen him act like this before, it's harder to sympathise with him now bc you'd think he'd have learnt something more the first time he went through this (and ESP now that he's older). so even though this is technically something different, it's similar enough that it feels like a rehash of his previous experiences.
i really think this is def a case of where they told too much instead of SHOWING us oh-aew's changes/why their relationship had deteriorated so much in teh's eyes. like we hear him say the words (and see all the superficial ways oh-aew's changed), but that's not enough for us to actually understand WHY things have changed so drastically for teh in regards to their relationship since the last ep. and also just why he doesn't try harder (or at all tbh) to make things work between them. he did so much for oh-aew in itsay, you could tell how much he loved and cared for him...which is why it's so strange to watch this ep and see how cold he's grown towards him since.
yeah...itsay gave me this fluttery excitement every week. i couldn't WAIT for new eps...but ipytm kind of just leaves me dreading new eps bc it's nowhere near as enjoyable to watch. like i'm still interested in knowing what happens in the last two eps, but it doesn't feel the same anymore. the cast and crew really were right when they said it's like watching two entirely different shows...
whatever happens in ipytm, i already told myself before it aired that i was going to separate the two shows in my mind (also partly bc i love itsay so much that i didn't think anything would ever live up to my love for it anyway). i'm SO glad that itsay at least gave us a proper ending so it can still act as a standalone series by itself as it's genuinely one of the shows that comforts me the most (and i'm not gonna let my sad ipytm feelings ruin that for me no matter what).
and nooo, i really appreciate the asks, anon!! it's really nice to know that i'm not alone in all my feelings too ;;; it means a lot!! i'm just sorry it takes me so long to answer bc tbh i've been avoiding tumblr a bit bc of how drained i've been feeling. that being said, i'm always happy to talk more!!!!! i really love hearing your thoughts too ❤️
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Ep. 7: “The LIES” - Amy A
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Pedro A
omg so i have 10 coinssssss....and kalle has 9...she just needs to get one more coin...and we can open the jewerly box...and see whats inside....at this point i accept anything....a steal vote ..an idol..whatever...chillleeee this is a mess im going insane...and i hope we win this next challenge
Cody A.
Cody A.
Pedro A
we really need to win this challenge im scared af
James Hayden
James Hayden
We finished our immunity challenge about twenty minutes ago and now we wait. We got a score of 48, which I think is a solid score. Ryan was great at final guessing, Najwah and Amy were great at helping put the questions in the best order, and as a tribe we worked well together. I hope that 48 is enough for us to avoid tribal and for me to make the merge. If we have to go to tribal, I think it could be me. Let's hope 48 is enough to make me dateable. 
Once again, I am very proud of my tribe. Honestly, if we were to lose I wouldn't mind it, I might actually rather that, maybe that will be my plan for the next challenge. We need the numbers back on Maolas side
Pedro A
omg i hope the other tribes did worste than us...cause chillleeeee im in danger Olivia A.I’m super bummed about losing but also not too worried. As long as Maddison and Grae stick w our original 3 we should be fine. It’s just a matter of whether to vote out Aimee or Sarah. I’ve grown to like them both a lot so this sucks but it is what it is I guess.
Kalle N
I didn't compete in the challenge bc I'm currently moving across the country by myself and I honestly have no idea what happened today. I know Zack was gunning hard to vote me out but we won so oh well. hopefully we merge soon.
Soooo i am very happy with the outcome of this challenge. We don’t have to go back to tribal, but Maola do. Hopefully the pre-swap Maola can band together cause I still have faith for my relationship with Maddison and Grae, but I wouldn’t mind seeing Olivia leave (even though she’s sweet)
sooooo... fml
I should really stop making confessions before I know what’s happening
Zack M
oh look. another challenge that's a survivor super fan's wet dream. and again, i didn't really contribute because i hate survivor wiki. BUT WE CAME IN 2ND! so we are safe. i honestly knew that james was the biggest threat and i'm not surprised his team won. i'm glad. clap clap for you james! now that means sarah and aimee are in trouble because i don't see the original maola tribe turning on each other. truly hoping sarah has talked her way in and it's aimee unless something crazy happens. i just want my original 5 alliance to be reunited! pedro opened up a little more and said he was down to work together going into the merge. he wants revenge for john being voted out and not being part of the vote? i think. regardless, i did not watch all 4 seasons of revenge on abc for no reason. i'm here to help him get that revenge because then that also give hanuha the numbers again and BAM. back to my 5, then to my 4, and then to my 3. could this actually work? please god let it for my ego. excited to see what comes out of tribal tomorrow. 
James Hayden
Zack M
scratch that last confession. new scores and the palena tribe is going to tribal again. i think? maybe it will change again but this is the last time i'm confessing. 2 original maola and 2 original hanuha. hopefully james has the idol because i see najwah flipping so quickly. but it will be interesting to see where she stands going into the merge. i will get justice for you james if she takes you out! again, excited to see what happens at tribal tomorrow. 
James Hayden
James Hayden
Wow! The Guess Who challenge tonight was so close and at first, we were going to tribal. After advantages and disadvantages were factored in, we were BARELY safe! 😅 During the idol hunt today, I knew that I obviously couldn’t find another idol but I knew that this challenge was going to come so close and that I needed to buy advantages to ensure that I was safe another round. I honestly don’t know where everyone’s head is at on my tribe because they are so quiet so I needed to buy those advantages because I really don’t want to have to play my idol before Merge.... Buying those advantages could be my subtle move in the game. I am so hoping for Merge time soon! I miss my alliance and I miss talking to my best friend for hours about everything. 
I was planning on voting out Amy, but something Najwah said irked me. She seems very sure that she doesn't want to vote James, which doesn't fill me with confidence if we go to tribal again next challenge. idk what I'm gonna do
I genuinely don't know if im cut out for this game. I'd feel alright with cutting most people, but Najwah and Amy seem so genuinely sweet, it'll break my heart to betray either of them
Amy A
This tribal is going to be INSANE. It’s 5 odd hours to tribal council and I DON’T know who I am supposed to vote for. Ryan told me he and James are voting Naj and she told me she and James are voting Ryan and then Ryan told Naj he’s voting me! I know it’s a lot to take in! The only one I’ve Not been told to vote for is James and I don’t even wanna vote him cos he was an absolute rockstar at yesterday’s tribal. I know I’m the reason we’re here so I’m kinda bummed out about it and I trusted Ryan so much I shared my steal-a-vote with him but someone has to go and fingers crossed it isn’t me. 
Amy A
Convincing the whole tribe I didn’t get the DA has been hilarious so far. Once Jay confirmed she wouldn’t reveal the name, I was set. The LIES 😂😂😂😂😂. Even insinuated Ryan cos he was scrambling so much today. Didn’t know I had it in me but I guess survivor brings out the best in you. Anyway, all the best to myself for tonight. Hope I’m still here 24 hours from now  
Pedro A
im so tired...i havent been sleeping well..i just hope the next challenge is due tomorrow....rn i feel like im fourth in the tribe, which is good
Got some good advice on my game and looking forward to implementing strategies to minimize my threat level until the end of the game.
Ben Kessler
I am hoping merge is at 12. After tonight 13 people will be left, and who knows who will have the numbers advantage. I'm currently working on Pedro who wants revenge on his old tribe and I cannot wait to break up those 3 old maolos that are on new maolo. Hopefully if we lose Pedro will be an easy vote out. And then I can slither my way in.
Najwah Last night's challenge was a real bummer. I mean, we were SO CLOSE. It's getting harder to vote people out now and even harder to trust anyone so hopefully the plan tonight works itself out. Whichever plan that is. There are a few plans floating around. Either way, whatever the outcome, I'd just like to sleep in peace tonight. I'm tired. 
Ben Kessler
Pedro said that me and him were talking too much game and to "talk about ourselves". I didn't want to tell him I did not want to discuss the vacation that he is on. So now I need to vote him out next. People like talking about themselves I guess.
Pedro A
okay so i have talked with ben, zack and cody LOL.....and they all seem cool...one thing i noticed in bens profile ..is that he only has 2 contacts...that i have....weird...maybe im thinking too much
James Hayden
https://giphy.com/gifs/gIlUSzpqN9xVhekR2r/html5 Whew!!! Just when I thought we lost this last challenge, Jay really went “GOTCHA” and gave us all whiplash. Looks like advantages and disadvantages really can make the difference in these challenges! This tribe swap really did provide a new opportunity for me in this game. Everyone here is so kind, fun-loving, and have similar vibes with me, I love it! We really all get along on a personal level and are bonding on things that aren’t game related, which is a breath of fresh air. Despite being in the minority on this tribe and coming into it with a tribe number disadvantage against three others who I suspect are aligned, it was still honestly such a blessing swapping out with less neurotic people that aren’t constantly draining me for their attention. I feel like a giant weight is off my shoulders and I can focus more on having fun. Even Sarah has been great now that we swapped and is more active, and is now chatting with me daily. I’m so relieved we haven’t had to go to tribal yet as I truly would work with each one of these people if we could all make it to merge!🌈💞 https://sinnohqueen.tumblr.com/post/166307617197 I love that the Hail Mary Reem guess really saved the day. She is iconic! A word we all love to say on this tribe 😊
Grae G
Thank god we didn’t have tribal! I’m really liking all the girls I’m playing w but my allegiance lies w my OG girls for now
I think I’ve finally made up my mind
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