machete-reaper · 9 months
@bcrcavcd || @sisturn || Three Way Starter || Starter Call Requested AU :: 🔪 - Don't Starve
Winter wasn't the easiest time in the Constant; food was scarce, the sounds of anything even remotely alive even moreso. Unless you knew what you were doing or were just as harsh as the frigid weather around you. Merciless and constantly on the move.
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Wakeki was one of those things at least. Everyone else(?) around her pushing her to be the former than the latter and it usually giving into peer(?) pressure. After all, they(?) had a point; even if food couldn't be cooked. Tracking it down was still a warm meal.
Case in point; the tracks that it had been convinced(?) to follow. Small. Smaller than its own. Human? Child? Children meant potential camps. Camps meant it'd be set for weeks, even when the meals ran cold. The thought alone made its peers(?) twitch and snarl in excitement, only encouraging every step it took.
Soon it isn't just its steps that it hears, nor its own form it sees among its friends(?). A child and someone else. Like its peers but also not. It strolls over, taking the scarf around her neck (Which meal's home did she find that in?) and drapes it over the human child.
"You kids're gonna freeze out here without a lil extra warmth y'know. Ya close by a camp or somethin' in case ya gotta warm up?"
For now... it just smiles. No need to act right away when there could be more, right?
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marchofprogress · 1 year
@bcrcavcd liked for a starter!
It's strange, how insistent these organics are on this system. Leaving in pairs, for "safety" and "teamwork" or something stupid like that. WX-78 has never been one to care much for bringing others with them when they're working, especially when doing such menial tasks such as this, and there's so many of them. They could all get more work done if they separated, easily; or, at least, WX-78 could certainly get more work done.
They're convinced this has to be for this weird flower child, but why do they have to be the one stuck looking after her? Out HERE?
They'll never understand these people.
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" WE ARE APPROACHING OUR DESTINATION. " WX-78 points out as the pair approach the mosaic biome, briefly glancing over their shoulder to verify the organic hasn't gotten lost along the way. " WE ARE HERE TO GATHER ROCKS, IN CASE YOU FORGOT. DO NOT GET DISTRACTED. "
They spin their head back around to look in front of themself, then down at the ground-- adjusting their rain hat to ensure no liquid drips down the back of their neck-- making sure they don't step in any particularly large pools of water, their steps cautious. They doubt it would change anything, considering the amount of water surrounding them, but they would rather avoid it if possible.
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buddy-arc · 1 year
@bcrcavcd | horror/rpg starter call
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the shadows breathe peculiarly. the entity slithers from shade to shade ‘till she settles on a human silthouette. the beast’s many blue eyes open in wendy’s shadow, surveying the surroundings. she does not particularly care for the scenery, she’s simply making sure this human is alone.
once the coast seems clear, wendy’s shadow lengthens and contorts, sliding around so it sits in front of the girl. tendrils peer out of the sides, the shadow entity hoisting herself up. she still dons her raincoat look for half a second before flickering and appearing like a silhouette of wendy; a shadowy twin that has a smile with too many teeth.
“say… you look like a polite human. are you lost in this weird place too?”
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shiroi---kumo · 2 years
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The other person Wendy finds as she hides within the undergrowth is worrying, to say the least. She's seen enough to know that anyone who might be sentient may not be trustworthy. All she'd had on her person to defend herself was an axe for lumber, and her sister's flower. She need not summon the specter, though, as another scrape in this forlorn landscape had left her bested, and Wendy only escaping by the very skin of her teeth.
Her eyes stay plastered on the other, however, unsure of how to proceed. What would he do, if she were to emerge? Would he attack? Would he let her through? She isn't sure... If she were to be combated, would she be able to return to the Constant, or had escape closed such a branch of revival?
It was funny, that in comparison older trials felt comforting compared to this.
As her thoughts swirl, it takes her some time to realize one thing. People tended to know when they were being stared at. Wendy often knew when it was happening, and she should given this stranger the same credit. She likely didn't have much time until she was called out. So, she finally emerges, her expression not moving from its wide eyed stare toward him.
"I mean no harm to you, sir... I was merely weighing my options," she states calmly, her voice carrying the usual downtrodden monotony it always did. Her hands stay firm on the handaxe in her hands however, as if holding some form of lifeline.
From @bcrcavcd
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A girl emerges from the forest; pale skin, wide eyes and long blond hair. Her hands are fixed on the axe within her grasp and he always swears he can see her knuckles turning white from the sheer force she's holding it with. Surely her hands are growing tired from gripping something so tightly.
She's calm when she speaks but he honestly know what to make of it. He's not about to call her out for lying when he hardly knows her true intention. The body can make all sorts of sounds when it's nervous after all. So he sighs a little to let his shoulders rise and fall with the motion, turning to face her fully but not moving from the spot he was standing in.
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"Weighing your options?" He sounds with echo in his tone as snow colored brows raise. "Did you mean you thought of attacking me, young one?"
There is no malice in his voice as he speaks, even as white robed arms come up to cross over his chest. His weight shifts to the side as jade eyes take their time to scroll over the girl and take in the sight of her fully.
"I appreciate your honesty, so I'll give you some of my own. You can't kill me, little one." He sounds frankly. "I'm afraid to tell you this but I'm immortal. So even if you had attacked me, it only would have made me quite cross. Are you lost? Are you in need of some assistance? Wonderland can be quite the cruel mistress to those unprepared. I'd be happy assist you however I'm able as long as you promise not to swing that axe at me."
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justaradioguy · 2 years
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closed starter for @bcrcavcd ->
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"Get me out of here, please just get me the hell out of here!" he'd begged into his radio.
He's starting to think that had been a terrible mistake. This place - whatever it is - isn't much of an improvement from Fotset. While the southern border of Amestris had been too much, this is simply not enough. The wind across his face is bitterly cold, enough to seep into his bones and make him shiver even under all his layers.
Such is what he's heard about deserts like this. Brutal and scalding when the sun's up, unbearably frigid by nightfall.
Even if he could see at night, he's also sure that there's not another person for miles. Miles and miles and miles - all empty with no other people.
The only sound coming through his handheld is due to its own interference. No other manmade devices are powered on as far as his radio can pick up.
It's just static even at higher frequencies. If he weren't shaking from the external cold, this fact alone would be enough to chill him to the core.
He turns it off, tucking it back into the bag he shoulders a moment after.
This has to be hell. His own personal version of it.
No people for miles - total isolation, or so he thinks up until he sees smoke.
Smoke is good. Maybe.
It's his best chance, regardless, so he makes his way towards it, inching ever closer as the minutes drag by.
The smoke becomes a camp, a few items set out around a pit that contains only smoldering embers. Someone's been here at least within the last few hours, and they've left their things behind. They aren't anything a typical Amestrian soldier in Fotset carries, but they are signs of human life - this human (or group) will probably be back soon.
Fuery sinks into the sand next to the hole in the ground, dropping his bag with a heavy sigh. The fire can be rekindled with... something.
Notebook. He can use one of the notebooks in his bag to start it again, then burn one of the smaller wooden boxes he uses to store loose screws. Perfect, yes, good. He can start to warm up.
His hands are numb as he rips out the pages, crumpling and tossing them into the pit in efforts to get something to catch.
The paper won't burn long, but it's enough time to get the box emptied and tossed on the fire.
He knows he has maybe ten minutes at most, but at least that ten minutes will give him time enough to warm his fingers and think.
No more than maybe five minutes in, he hears someone approaching, but he's too cold and too tired to lift his head. Instead, he speaks to address them.
"Who's there?"
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moralpuppet · 1 year
@bcrcavcd prayed: "You're safe here. You can rest now."
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And   he   has   to   despite   any   protest   he   may   have   had,   he   needed   to   rest   his   leg,   and   his   head,   there   was   too   much   spinning   around   in   there   for   him.  ❝  Thank you,   Wendy.   Sorry.   I   didn't   mean   to   make   a   ruckus   or   anything.  ❞   He   feels   ashamed   and   guilty   for   causes   her   the   inconvenience.   He   reacted   badly   to   the   slightest   hint   of   frustration.   He   toyed   with   the   rose   thorn   bush   to   the   left   of   him   as   if   he   needed   to   coil   it   around   the   thorns.   A   sort   of   self-decispline.   He,   fortunately,   refrains   after   one   thorn   pricks   at   his   skin.   It   didn't   seem   worth  it.
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Holding   his   knees. ❝   I   didn't   mean   to   make   them   mad.   I   just   don't   know   where   the   lines   are   drawn   out   here.   It's   hard   to   know   what   the   rules   are   or   when   I'm   breaking   any   of   them.   I'm   not   used   to   nature   and   I   don't   think   she's   used   to   me.  ❞ 
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🫂 Wendy @bcrcavcd incoming!
A bit of Wigfrid's breath slipped away at the sudden embrace... Not, of course, that she'd been at all opposed to it. She supposed she always figured Wendy to be the sort to lean more towards words than actions... Phrases before physical affections.
Momentarily caught at a lack of action, the Valkyrie hesitated a bit. Then, she reciprocated- gently, of course, minding not to crush the young one. Though confusion certainly wracked at the back of her mind, she'd rather late for Wendy to elaborate herself... if she ever felt the need to at all.
Either way- explanation or no- hugs from any of the children were never unwelcome.
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penumbral-magician · 2 years
"you’re here every night ,  aren’t you ?" from @bcrcavcd
He startles, for a moment, at the sudden voice, gripping his Codex like a lifeline before he realizes it's not some beast from the nearby copse of trees come to make a meal out of him.
He settles back into place with a slight grumble, almost seeming to curl in on himself, but after a brief silence he does finally answer her.
"I know how uncomfortable everyone is with me in camp. And sleep doesn't really come naturally to me anymore, so..." He gives a small movement, almost a shrug.
"It's not so bad out here."
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weroyals · 2 years
| | | | | @bcrcavcd :: cont.
— 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐎𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐅 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐈𝐒 𝐖𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐘 𝐔𝐏𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒. He rocks himself, having hoped it was subtle enough not to notice ( seeing now that clearly is not the case ). The shades that flicker across his vision are the surest sign of 𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, && on the Constant that could easily prove a death sentence. It buzzes in his skull ; it whispers in his ears. They are near, && They see him, too. Their presence makes his head swim, && it's a struggle for him not to grip it openly in front of poor young Miss Carter.
❝ Please, don't take such a risk on for me. I cannot ... cannot in good conscience allow a girl such as yourself to go into 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐌'𝐒 𝐖𝐀𝐘 on my behalf. ❞ Of course, he's either handily ignored or simply not heard, as by the time he's finished he realises he is talking to himself ( oh, good : another sign of madness ).
Shakily the scientist rises, cursing at the 𝐋𝐔𝐑𝐂𝐇. Damn him ! Foolish man. Where had she gotten off to so swiftly ?
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thencstalgic · 2 years
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   ❝ I got the books ready for it. ❞
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blighted-petals · 1 year
☠️ from @bcrcavcd because oh. u no
She lets a relaxed smile creep over her lips. "A child. The grieving one, no? Normally, I would choose a simple fate. Same as her sibling, to be run off a cliff. But I doubt she is foolish enough to be near such high places after the incident. No, that would be more work than it's worth."
She beckoned Skitts to sit with her, the little scroll skittering up to her shoulder for her to pet idly.
"No. The best course of action for her would to be to take away Abigail first. I wouldn't dare kill the ghastly one, but if you remove one half, the other is far more vulnerable. There's no doubting the bond of a family, after all."
She glanced down at Skitts. "Perhaps I would send my shadows to take Abby's place. A perceived betrayal from her dear sister. When one's sanity is low enough, you can believe anything. Does that sound about right?"
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musesofthemoon · 2 years
Hey hey!! Y'all should send me stuff over on @bcrcavcd . Wendy is,,, super loud today lol
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☠️ this but from @bcrcavcd
Oh Gods have mercy... It was bad enough to contemplate the (purely hypothetical) murders of her adult friends... But children?
At the very least, Wendy in particular was... a 'special case', one might put it.
"I... Mmph."
It moved from her throat, to her tongue, to her lips with the swiftness of cooling tar.
"It... wöuld nöt be very difficult... I believe... I believe, with a cönvincing enöugh argument, she may even shöw her öwn neck."
Should an argument even be needed at all. Lord knows on most days one wasn't.
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musesofthemoon · 2 years
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I posted 346 times in 2022
That's 274 more posts than 2021!
149 posts created (43%)
197 posts reblogged (57%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 342 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#meme - 100 posts
#ooc - 59 posts
#cotton cookie - ic - 22 posts
#frostchilld - 22 posts
#starter call - 21 posts
#cotton cookie - threads - 20 posts
#ai - ic - 17 posts
#cotton cookie - relationships - surely she will wait until that reply comes (frostchilld) - 14 posts
#mari - ic - 14 posts
#yu - ic - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 109 characters
#you don't even have to reply to this or anything my brain just got the muse way later than it should have rip
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Hey y’all! Got some icons set up for the twins, so like if you want a thread with either of them!
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6 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
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"Cecilia? Good morning... I didn't expect to see you here this early." Raguna takes a pause in the clearing of his field, shouldering the scythe to pass a quizzical smile to the young elf. "Russell knows you're out and about, right?"
It’s not as though Cecilia wouldn’t have liked to see Raguna around town on any other day. She would be happy, usually, but she was a little unhappy to see that her plan to try and sneak around the fields wasn’t going to work. She wanted to see one of the bigger caves today, just so she could be seen as a Big Girl! She knew no one would really let her go on her own, especially not to Toros... 
She couldn’t let Raguna know that, though...
See the full post
6 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
@offlyingwater​ || s.c.
Ever since her trip to Wonderland, Ai had found it more difficult to find herself at any sort of beach. Sure, even going to it before was rare, usually once every year or two during the summer, and it was always a longer trip since her parents didn’t want the children on the coast with the Pillar of Darkness, having to instead go to the other side of Sadoshima in order to go at all.
Considering how hard at work the twins’ parents had been as of recent, she found herself missing those trips. Sure, it wasn’t like she wanted to distract them, considering they’ve always been hard workers, and the world still had the promise of threat looming over its head, but it still felt lonelier than ever, the fond memories seeming to be a catalyst for it. So, the one person she could think to just vent to, as she’s sure Yu probably feels some sort of similar way to her already, is Clear.
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She certainly looks a bit dramatic, although she doesn’t plan on acting so horribly sad the whole time they talk, its hard to be super cheerful as this weighs on her. “Hey Clear? Is it selfish to feel sad about something you know you can’t do right now?”
6 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
Onion Cookie heard of the new cookie making their home in the village. She always seemed to hear things, since no one but Blackberry Cookie could quite speak with her. She always begged them not to leave when they finished their conversations, but no one ever seemed to listen. Nevertheless, she wished to keep trying. She wanted to make at least one friend, if she could...
The cookie in question was caught in the little ghost’s sights, which she soon made her way over to. She found it somewhat difficult to figure out just how to get the Cookie’s attention, especially since he wasn’t looking in her direction, so she opted to speak, in hopes of finally finding someone to hear her. “Helloooooo?” she asked, her voice slightly shaking with a mixture of anticipation, and fear of rejection.
6 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
@frostchilld | s.c.
She knows she has something great to show Sherbet Cookie today. Because today, she found something she’d never quite seen before, especially for being outside in the climate she lived in. The excitement is clear on her face as she opens the door to her friend’s home, almost bursting at the seams as she tries to hide what she’s holding. It’s a flower, a little yet vibrant flower. She’d heard of them, sure, but she’d never seen one for herself before, since it was always so cold in their little village. So her discovery felt so very exciting!
“Sherbet Cookie, I found something really cool when I was exploring today!” she chirps, though still keeping one hand behind her back. “But you have to guess. Can you guess what I got?” She knew she was probably too excited about something so small, and yet she didn’t care. She wanted him to see it too, since who knew when he’d be able to go out in order to find something like this? He deserved to have the chance to see the world, even if it was through someone else’s means.
9 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
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