#bcs I don’t care for long haired Eren so I’m enjoying him now while I still can
crispy-chan · 11 months
Dude why is fifteen year old Eren ripped as fuck?!?
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miekasa · 3 years
love talk
+ pairings: eren yeager + (fem) reader
+ genres and warnings: it’s not important that eren is a tattoo artist i just wanted to share bc i gave him tattoos here :’), fluff i think, smut/nsfw content, if you see a hint of eremin then no you don’t </2
+ word count: almost 2k, sickening innit luv
+ notes: yeah, still thinking about eren speaking german during sex bc he’s losing his mind hehe. i suppose this is the… softer version. might post another one later, who knows. and yes, i did almost name this pussy talk. 
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Unbeknownst to him, Eren Jaeger speaks three languages.
The first two are obvious, but English is his preferred language; the one you’ll find him speaking most often. It only makes sense, seeing as it’s what the overwhelming majority of people, media, and signs spew at him.
The second is more reserved; something you might assume given his name, but not know for sure unless you asked, or stuck around long enough to catch him rambling excitedly to Armin in German, with broken slang phrases of English interspersed. It’s fascinating—cute, moreover—the way he stumbles back and forth between both tongues; and the difference in tone between them. You’re not sure if your own bias is peeking through, but you’re certain Eren and Armin both sound a little… meaner in German; more sarcastic, at the very least—and you wouldn’t be surprised to find out they were talking shit the whole time.
Though, there is a special, reserved intonation to his mother tongue that shows itself when Eren’s around you. It doesn’t seem to be by choice—gone beyond comprehension that he’s forced to revert to grunted expressions and curses in a language foreign to his surroundings. You assume them to be curses; you never can confirm, and Eren seems to not even be aware of his switching in the heat of the moment, can never quite recall what he was saying to you.
There are times when he’s reduced to mere sounds, no comprehensible words between the hundreds of thousands he knows—only guttural moans, and breathy sighs, and he seems to not even be able to understand himself. You have to admit, it’s a bit of an ego boost to be able to fuck your boyfriend stupid in two languages.
And at first glance, Eren doesn’t seem like the type of guy to know about anything outside of himself. He doesn’t seem like the full-sleeve, three ear piercing, tattoo artist kinda kid; but Eren Jaeger speaks the language of pictures, of symbols, of images, that he is able to decipher and give meaning to upon creation. He’s got a penchant for art, and a vision bigger than himself, so it’s only right that he takes his knowledge and applies it in its most permanent form. The tattoos are more than a hobby for him—they’re an extension of himself, his art, his language; and his body is the only canvas fit enough to capture them.
So, here, with Eren laying on his back, chest exposed, arms bent for his hands to rest against your waist, you get to see the culmination of all the words and all the pictures, from all the languages he’s deemed important enough to find a place on his skin.
“Do all of your tattoos have a meaning?” you question, reaching your hand up to trace over the delicate waves that ride along his right collarbone.
“No,” Eren winces when you move—just enough of him to feel an ounce of friction inside of you, but not enough to give him what he wants. He wiggles himself a bit, desperate for something, “Not at all.”
It makes you chuckle, with a sort of disbelief, at both his words and his actions, “You get things tattooed on your body that don’t mean anything to you?”
Eren lets out a shaky breath, followed with a boyish smile. He blinks at you slowly, lids fluttering and hands gripping tightly at your body, “Learned that not everything has to have a deep meaning to want to keep it around,” he tells you, right palm moving to venture over your tummy, and up your sides, “Somethings you just love.”
You don’t miss the lilt in his voice on the word ‘love,’ but you play it off, rolling your eyes at his deliberately sweet affections, and then, gently, your hips, “Pretty poetic for something with no meaning.”
“Yeah, well, Armin taught me that,” Eren grits, hands fastening themselves at your hips again.
“You talk about Armin a lot when we’re in bed you know,” you taunt him, moving your fingers to trace over more of the tattoos that litter his right shoulder, “Something I should know about?”
Eren shivers at the feeling—of your fingertips on his skin, and what he swears was an intentional clench around him, “You don’t seem to mind.”
You smile at him, enjoying the contortions of his face when you run your hands down his chest, palms pressed lightly against his pelvic bone. Eren bends a knee, but does he best to remain still, and you can’t help but to chuckle. He looks pretty when he’s trying his best.
“I’m greedy,” you tell him, raising your hips, and pausing in your words as you slowly lower yourself back on to him.
“Trust me,” Eren scoffs, a façade to cover up his reddening cheeks and shaky thighs, “I know.”
He tries to move his hips up, desperate for something more; for you to fucking move, but, you keep your hips perfectly still. Instead, you reach your arms behind you, and onto Eren’s thighs, cementing them to the bed. He groans, his hands sliding down to your own thighs, fingertips digging into your flesh.
“And you called me greedy,” you huff, amused, as Eren rolls his eyes beneath you. When you’re sure he’s not going to move, you bring your arms back around, palms splayed on his stomach, “Relax. This is what you asked for, isn’t it?”
“Honestly, in an ideal world, this would be happening when I was playing COD, not when I was already impossibly hard with morning wood. And with a lot less teasing on your part.”
You have to laugh—genuinely giggle—at Eren’s blunt honesty. He’s unintentionally charming; another linguistic skill he seems unaware that he’s proficient in. You can tell he doesn’t understand the source of your amusement, but the look in his eyes, the twinkle in his irises lets you know he’s too far gone to even care.
“Call it a lesson in self-control,” you say, moving your hands to his sides in time with a shallow grind of your hips, “Besides, I’m admiring you.”
Eren keeps his hands anchored on your thighs, shivering at sensitivity of his dick coupled with your hands stroking over his pecs, “Lesson fucking learning—babe, fuck, please—”
“Shh—not yet,” you coo, and reach to pull his arms off of you, leaving you with room to admire his sleeve. You take pity on him, holding his right wrist with both of your hands, before slowly beginning to bounce on him.
Eren squirms, his free hand reaching to grab at the flesh of your ass, eyes blinking open to watch his cock be buried inside of you. The relief is instant—for the both of you—immediate groans and shallow profanities slipping past your lips as you build a steady pace to ride him.
“Tell—tell me what this one means,” you question slowly, keeping your right hand around his wrist, but using your left to point to the tattoo; a stylized line art of crossed wings.
“Some shit about freedom,” Eren grunts, fingers twitching, “Fuck, babe—more, please, I’ll—”
Eren cuts himself off with a whine, and you hiss yourself, lifting your body all the way to the tip, before lowering yourself again at an agonizingly slow pace. At this rate, you can feel everything; every vein on his shaft, every twitch of his cock. You feel Eren deep inside of you, even see where the bulge outlines your tummy.
You still yourself for just a second, catching your breath, anchoring yourself on Eren. You’re pretty far gone yourself, but you want more; for yourself, and for him. You do your best to stay coherent, slowly grinding atop of him, questioning him about another tattoo on his arm, ignoring the way his palm grips at your bicep. It’s a small one, with detailed Japanese characters that you can’t understand, but appreciate anyway; it’s one of your favorites, and you ask Eren about its meaning, clenching yourself around him as punctuation to your question.  
Eren sucks air between his teeth, left hand pulling back to run his fingers through his hair, a grunted word in German falling from his lips. You smirk, but let him try to answer you.
“I don’t fucken’ know,” Eren grumbles, head thrashing from side to side, “It’s really fucken’ hard to remember anything—shit—like this. S’fucking torture.”
“Hm,” you hum, not satisfied; eager for more of Eren’s love language, “Tell me something in German, instead, then.”
But Eren can only babble beneath you; sounds incoherent in either language—reduced to desperate whines and grabby hands at your thighs, waist, boobs—anything. You lean forward, letting go of Eren’s tattooed wrist, and reaching to ghost your fingers over his lips.
“Come on, Eren, you’re usually so good at it when we do this,” you taunt him, words coated in sweetness that distract you from keeping up your pace, “Just want you to talk pretty to me. Tell me something, baby.”
Eren’s eyes travel from your fingertips, up your arm, neck, and to your face. When he meets your gaze something shifts; eyes heavy with want, and bitter with dissatisfaction.
So, he reaches for your extended hand, laces your fingers together, “Something like what?”
You wrap your fingers around his, then do the same with your left hand, “Anything.”
“Yeah,” you affirm with a smile, finally satisfied.
Eren grunts, bending his right knee for leverage before he flips you over, hands still intertwined, but now pinned over your head, harshly pressed into the pillows below. He buries his head into the crook of your neck; licking a stripe along your collarbone, where you’d teased him minutes before. Then up, up, up, your neck to the shell of your ear, retreating downwards to suck on the skin just beneath your ear, nipping with pointed teeth.
Eren keeps his weight on you, the length of his cock sliding over your slick folds while he bites angry, red blotches into your skin—a kind of impermanent tattoo of his own making on your body. The friction is good, but not enough, and you wonder if Eren intends on teasing you as long as you’d done to him; but, he breathes heavy breaths up your neck again, before mumbling a series of foreign syllables into your ear.
He hovers over your face, satisfied by the daze in your eyes; the slight openness of your mouth. It’s you who looks dumbstruck now, a foreigner to his ministrations; and for once, he’s in control with his second tongue.
“What—what does that mean?” you finally ask, squeezing your eyes briefly when Eren teases the tip just past your entrance.
Eren chuckles, airy, gritty, and cocky all at once. He pushes his cock inside of you, balls deep, only to pull out almost all the way, before leaning forward just slightly, so that his bottom lip grazes over yours.
“It means I love you,” he whispers, hips bucking forward, “Try to remember that, ‘cause I swear I’m gonna fuck you stupid, baby.”
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lacheri · 3 years
Hello Cherry I have a request! Eren always teasing and being a little mean to the reader so she decides to give him a taste of his own medicine (so sorta like a sub! eren x brat tamer! reader) okay that is all ilysm bye bye
hi Kat!! you send me the best prompts 🤤 I hope you enjoy thank you for requesting ily!!!
too much
pairing: sub/brat!Eren x brat tamer!fem bodied reader
content: Eren’s an asshole, established relationship, ruined orgasms, oral (f and m receiving), humiliation/degradation kink, minors DNI.
wc: 3.5k
notes: this is unedited I literally just wrote this up as fast as I could bc this ask drove me WILD
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Your fists were clenched at your sides, fingernails digging crescents on the inside of your palms, knuckles white. You were stomping through your shared living room with your boyfriend, curses and swears leaving your lips. Eren had managed to piss you completely off, feelings of humiliation and frustration fueling the fire coursing through your veins.
It all started earlier this morning, waking up next to your sleepy boyfriend, kissing his cheek sweetly. Your half naked bodies wrapped together in a cocoon of blankets, hair messy and eyelids heavy. Usually, Eren would stir awake and return your kisses with enthusiasm, but he had cracked a single eye open this morning, frowned and grumbled, and pushed you off of him. You had pouted, feeling rejected, and immediately flung yourself out of the bed to get ready for the day. When Eren had finally woken up, joining you in your shared bathroom as you brushed your teeth, he made no effort to console you. He saw the wrinkles on your forehead as your eyebrows furrowed together, a tell all sign for what you were feeling. He simply brushed past you, grabbing his own toothbrush and standing right beside you as if he hadn’t been so recklessly ignorant of you.
When the two of you had spit and gargled mouthwash, he cleared his throat, a hint of a smirk playing at his lips, “What’s your deal?”
Your eyes flickered to him for a brief second, and you rolled your eyes and stomped off back to your bedroom to get dressed. Fuck him, if he wanted to start the day off so sour, he was going to get the same attitude back.
Eren followed behind you, smirk still growing, “You’re mad I pushed you away this morning, aren’t you?”
“So you did it on purpose?” you couldn’t hide the hurt in your voice, back facing him as you searched through your closet. You really had intended to ignore Eren for a while, letting him stew in your cold shoulder treatment, but he always knew how to crawl under your skin and get a rise out of you.
“Just wanted to see how you’d react,” he teased, coming directly behind you to rest his chin on your shoulder, arms crossed on his bare chest. “I was right.”
Fury licked flames up your throat and you stepped forward, throwing your boyfriend off balance. You didn’t want to play whatever game he was trying to set up, you had things to do today besides bend to Eren’s will. Hearing his response, it drove motivation into the pits of your mind that Eren was not going to get a reaction out of you anymore today.
However, he had other plans.
Today has been your day off from work and school, as well as Eren’s day off. The plan was to straighten up the house, invite your friends over in the evening and order pizza. Nothing too crazy or over the top, just a nice relaxing day.
Things didn’t quite work out that way. After the two of you had gotten dressed and made breakfast, every single time you tried to clean an object, Eren would somehow get in the way. He pulled books of the bookcase and left them on the floor or any surface he could find, managed somehow to fill the sink with dirty dishes, not rinsing them off to put in the dishwasher, and found every article of clothing between the two of you to toss on the bedroom floor. The hour long cleaning session had turned into the entire day, long enough that you had to text your friends that tonight wasn’t going to work out.
Because every time you made progress in your small home, Eren would find another thing that got added to the list. As much as it infuriated you, mostly because Eren was supposed to be helping you, you couldn’t let it phase you. No, you knew he was trying to piss you off. You weren’t going to crack under his pressure, not give him the satisfaction of seeing you wound up and upset.
The last straw had snapped when he walked into the living room, seeing you pick up the last book he had thrown on the floor, and opened his stupid mouth.
“Aren’t you supposed to be cleaning?” Eren spat. “This house is a complete disaster.”
Your eyes flickered incredulously to the wall clock, six o’clock it had read, your entire day wasted away, “Are you fucking serious right now?”
You searched for a hint of playfulness in his expression, seeing nothing but his stone cold eyes piercing into you as he spoke without hesitation, “I’m entirely fucking serious. How are we supposed to have company over if you can’t clean a fucking house?”
“Already cancelled,” you fumed, standing up from your crouched position, leaving the book on the floor. “Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to like that?”
“You. What? Do you need me to use your name at every sentence whenever I talk to you?” Eren kept edging, a feel of gratification consuming him upon learning his friends weren’t coming over anymore. “How am I supposed to marry someone who can’t fucking clean?”
You felt sharp pangs of hurt in your chest, eyes losing their spark, “Eren, that’s mean. Why are you being so mean today?”
He had only smirked, reveling in your mood switch. In the silence shared then, he announced he was getting a bath, he had such a hard working day and wanted to relax. He had left you in the living room alone, and you felt the anger inside of you bubble up, threatening to go over. You snapped, heading straight to the bathroom where you could hear the flow of water into the tub stop.
The door slammed against the wall as you threw it opened, seeing Eren jump slightly at the impact. His hair flowed down to his shoulders, arms stretched out against the rim of the tub, and in any other situation you’d be crawling into the water with him. He’d be so sweet about it too, bringing you to his chest and giving you kisses while you giggled at the attention. Hell, he’d probably even shower you in compliments and appreciation. Not today though, his eyes hardened as you stopped right in front of him.
“Out, now,” you ordered through clenched teeth. You could hear Eren’s breath kick up, but he didn’t move. “Are you deaf? Get out, now, Eren.”
His body moved before his mouth could protest, standing stark naked in the shin deep water. You could see the steam rise off of his skin, your eyes trailed downwards. Although soft, his dick was still impressive, but the longer you stared at the fleshy member, it twitched and rose a bit. You quirked an eyebrow, realization dawning on you. Oh, so this was why Eren was acting like this today?
You made eye contact with him then, his legs shifting over the rim of the tub, before standing directly in front of you. Your hand whipped up to the back of Eren’s head, fisting his hair, and yanking his head back, exposing every line and vein and bulge in his throat.
“This what you wanted? Wanted to get me all angry so I could take it out on you?” Eren’s dick was rock solid, giving you a physical answer, but you still needed the verbal one, “Answer me.”
“Yes,” he choked out, and his Adam’s apple bobbed along his throat.
“Well it fucking worked. I have half a mind to leave you here, like this, to take care of yourself,” you pulled his hair further, a gasp leaving his parted lips.
“No, please, don’t,” Eren’s voice came out whiny as he begged. You smirked, although he wasn’t able to see it as his eyes faced directly up to the ceiling.
“You’re going to drain this tub,” you began to instruct, tilting his head so his eyes trailed to your hard set ones. “And then you’re going to dry off, and go lay flat on your back on the bed. Do you understand me?”
He nodded feverently, happy you released your grip as his neck had begun to ache. You smoothed that same hand over his jaw, feeling the stubble underneath your fingertips, “Good boy.”
Eren set to work quickly, giddy with excitement. This had been his plan all along, to get you riled up enough to take it out on him. Genuinely, Eren hadn’t meant to start this at all today. When you had kissed him awake, he was having a really good dream he didn’t want to wake up from quite then, and hadn’t meant to push you away. Upon seeing your sad pout, followed by a flicker of anger in your orbs, something stirred within Eren. He began to question, just how far could he push you until you caved in?
Eren didn’t stick around to watch the tub fully drain, he was dried off and on the bed just as you had requested. You leaned against the wall, clad only in your bra and panties, and you watched him with hungry eyes as he followed your every instruction. Your boyfriend was a beautiful man, every part of him intriguing and gorgeous to you. He looked like a Greek God, arms and legs spread out, the subtle light from your bedside lamps casting shadows across his abs and into the V of his pelvis. Eren had a beautiful cock as well, thick and long and veiny, it sat perched on his lower abdomen, twitching as you pushed yourself off the wall to loom over your man.
“Look at you,” you mused, letting a dark chuckle vibrate from your chest. “You’re already hard and I haven’t even touched you yet. You’ve been thinking about this all day, haven’t you baby?”
“Yes,” he answered. The skin on his cock was so taut and tight, feeling somewhat light headed as all the blood was rushed to his member.
“You know I’m going to have to punish you, right? For being so mean to me today?” you batted your eyelashes, crawling on to the bed, sitting on your knees by his side, refusing to touch him just yet.
“I know,” Eren whined, trying to reach out to touch your thigh only to be met with the harsh slap of your palm. “I’m sorry.”
“No you’re not,” you cooed in false security, brushing Eren’s hair out of his beautiful face. “But that’s okay, you’re gonna’ make it up to me, right now.”
You traced the outline of Eren’s plump lips, resting your forehead against his as you muttered in your darkest voice, “I’m taking away your right to touch me. Convince me you’re sorry, and maybe I’ll reconsider.”
Eren squirmed under the heat of your words, eyes darting across your face for a hint of a lie, of hesitation. He found nothing, only the glimmer of lust in your eyes as you gazed down at him. Your fingers pushed past his soft lips, and he needed no instruction to latch on and suck. If this was the only touch he would get of you, your fingers pumping into his mouth, scissoring his tongue, he’d take it all so greedily to make you regret putting these rules in place. He never broke eye contact, curling and circling his tongue between your pointer and middle fingers, imagining they were the divine petals between your thighs. You were doing the same, feeling the gush of arousal slicken you. You tapped his tongue, signaling a release. He parted his now swollen lips easily, eyes pleading.
“Can I kiss you at least?” Eren rasped, his hands twitching at his sides.
“No,” you placed a contrasting sweet kiss to his forehead in your dark tone. “That would be touching, sweetheart.”
Eren held back a whine, knowing it was futile. He was simply going to have to lay there, and take whatever punishment he had coming, unable to escape it or bring you pleasure amongst it all. If there was a glimmer of hope, it was crushed as he felt your face travel down to his neck. You were in complete control, just as Eren had wanted.
You sucked and licked at his throat, your dry hand coming up to squeeze what skin you weren’t kissing. You trailed your lips down, kissing his entire torso. As much as you wanted to spend the time working Eren up, you had ideas swirling in your head. Eren had no patience with you today, so you weren’t going to have patience with him. Besides, it was sort of cruel to not pay immediate attention to his swollen cock.
Your hand slicked in his saliva wrapped around the base of his length, a sharp intake of breath heard from Eren’s lips. It came out shaky as you began to pump, his precum oozing from his tip and meeting the warm wetness of your fingers. You twisted your hand up and down, beginning to feel the moisture rub away, his spit drying. This was no good, and you continued to kiss down his stomach until your lips met the head of his reddened cock. He hissed as you spat on it, hand spreading it all over. Your tongue slipped past your lips, kitten licking at his tip. Eren couldn’t think straight, and he settled his hands above him to try and keep his grip as far away from you as he could.
It was nearly impossible to not grab your hair and slam you down as your sweet lips parted and you began to suck his fat tip. Eren succeeded though, knuckles white gripping pillows, and he heaved out a groan. You swiped your tongue along his slit, tastebuds soaking up his salty precum. You prodded in just a little bit, sending a shiver up Eren’s spine. Your hand still doing most of the work, you thought you’d up the game by throwing your other hand in the mix. Eren let out a high pitched moan, throwing his head back at the onslaught of attention.
“It’s so fucking cruel I can’t touch you,” he whined yet again, craning his neck to meet your eyes.
You popped your mouth from his head, “I guess I’m going to be downright evil after what I’m about to do.”
Before Eren could respond, your hands moved to his thighs and his cock was swallowed into the back of your throat. He couldn’t stop the noises he was making as you bobbed your head unbelievably fast, sucking him more and more until your nose buried into the neatly kept curls above his shaft. You were trying your hardest not to gag, your throat entirely full, and Eren was trying his hardest not to cum on impact. You pulled back a bit, tears blinked back from your eyes, and returned a single hand to work what you couldn’t reach.
Eren’s thighs tightened, his breathing hitching, “Fuck, I’m getting so close.”
At this reveal, your pace only quickened, full intentions of bringing him to his utmost height. Your cheeks sucked harder, tongue lapping the underside of his length, and you were covered in your own spit. Sloppy and messy, just how Eren liked it. How you seemed to like it, as well.
“Right there, don’t stop, don’t stop,” Eren called out alongside your name, hips bucking into your mouth. Your other hand met the swell of his balls, feeling them tighten up as his release was right there. As Eren let out the first whine to signal his climax, you yanked your hands away and slipped your mouth off with a pop.
He spasmed, too far gone to stop. His dick stood tall, shooting his load onto his stomach, throbbing so hard and so uncomfortably that tears rolled down Eren’s cheeks. You had ruined his orgasm. His cock was leaking clear fluid, his body frustrated with the lack of contact, entirely unsatisfied. His jaw slacked open, eyebrows furrowed as he gazed at you in disbelief.
“That’s what you get for trying to piss me off all day,” you growled, wiping the spit from your mouth with the back of your hand. “Stay right there, Eren.”
You got off the bed, reaching into your bedside table to pull out two objects — a tiny vibrator and a suit tie. You yanked Eren’s hands up, tying them to your headboard. You undressed yourself quickly, revealing your naked body to Eren’s greedy eyes. His dick hadn’t softened, still painfully erect and needy as he subconsciously bucked into the air. You didn’t comment, knowing how bad Eren wanted you and your attention back to his pulsating member. You threw your thighs around his neck, straddling the lower half of his face.
“You want me to touch you?” Eren nodded, tears still pooling in the corners of his eyes. “Make me cum, and I’ll return the favor.”
Easy enough, Eren thought, lolling his tongue out for you to place your glistening folds on. You sat down fully, letting out a moan as your hips circled his mouth, your hands latched into his hair. Eren heard the soft click of the vibrator in your hands, and moved his south south, knowing exactly what it was you were searching for.
You gasped as his tongue penetrated your tight hole, walls fluttering around his wet muscle as you slid the vibrator right up to your clit. If Eren had only had his hands, you wouldn’t need that little toy to satisfy you. He’d be doing all the work, bringing you all your pleasure up to your climax. All Eren’s work, but you didn’t want him to have that satisfaction.
Because this was you, and you were in full control, there was absolutely no point in teasing yourself. You were rewarding yourself, Eren just happened to be a part of the ride, literally. You thought of all the mean words he had said to you today, all the teases and inconveniences. Your hand in his hard gripped harder, biting your lip hard enough to draw blood as you tried to level your moans.
“You pissed me off so fucking bad today,” your head was thrown back as Eren fucked you with his tongue, your hips pressing down harder. “You were so mean. Now look at you, pathetic. Letting me fuck your face like the little brat you are.”
Eren felt his cock twitch, feeling similar waves of humiliation you had felt today. He knew better than to speak, instead, thrusting his tongue even harder into your entrance to show his response. You were right, he had wanted to feel completely powerless under your wrath, wanted you to use him as if he was disposable, to punish him. When he felt your hand leave his hair, feeling the harsh sting of a slap on his chest behind your ass, he was grateful. This is all he wanted, tears brought to his eyes in pure joy.
Your nails dug into his peck, your orgasm fast approaching, “Oh my God, you’re such a good boy, keep going. Oh fuck, Eren I’m about to cum.”
Eren felt pure pride and love swell in his body, ruined by a cold chill of blinding pleasure. No, no, he was not going to cum with no contact, surely? His scrotum tightened, eyes slamming shut. You were going to be livid when you saw the mess he was creating.
Eren’s cock shot thick white ropes into your back, yes, from that far away. It was just all too much, the degradation, it was like your words had been stroking him up the entire time. His body vibrated, but he forced his eyes to open to watch you fall apart above him.
Your wrist flicked fast with the vibrator in hand, feeling your walls clench and tip over the edge. You screamed breathlessly, pushing your entire lower half into Eren’s mouth. Eren could feel the tingle of your toy against his nose, a small goofy smile on his lips as he thought of how funny it would be if he sneezed. You pulled it away quickly though, mind coming back together as you began to worry about how hard you had pushed into his face. Your orgasm slowed, walls contracting at a much lazier pace, and you lifted your hips.
“Good boy,” you praised, eyes full of love as you reached up to untie his hands. “You did such a good job, baby.”
You hadn’t noticed what Eren had done until you felt a cold brush against your lower back and ass. You hand circled around, feeling the wet sticky spots, and your jaw dropped.
“Eren, did you cum from just eating me out?”
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it,” he was pleading, shying away from your widened eyes. “Was too much.”
Eren thought you would’ve been furious, instead, a soft laugh echoed in your chest. You moved off of him, laying on your stomach to place a sweet kiss to his lips. He eagerly returned it, happiness tickling throughout his entire body. When you pulled away, you rested your head on his shoulder while his arms circled your waist.
“That’s the hottest thing ever,” you admitted, curling a strand of his hair in your finger.
“I’m going to piss you off more often,” Eren joked lightly, kissing the tip of your nose. “I like this side of you.”
“Please, Eren, don’t. Next time you want me to top, just fucking ask me.”
LACHERI © 2021: all writing content belongs to LACHERI. I do not allow reposts or translations. this is my only account.
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poppy-metal · 3 years
You said send thirsts so here I am for once not about Sukuna. Anyway drummer!Eren fucking you in his band’s practice area after you made one too many little comments at him. Even better if it’s bully! Eren who forced his favorite little nerd to skip school to watch him practice. The reason he’s fucking you? He’s tired of hearing you worry about what will happen if you’re caught skipping and/or you’re making digs at his playing style and he just wants you to shut up. But he also wants you to enjoy yourself too, to enjoy him even if he won’t say it
He stands up suddenly from his drum kit to walk around it, smirking when you blink up at him like a deer caught in headlights as he grips your chin. He looms over you, and you have to crane your neck up to look at him properly this close. “Loosen up, sweetheart.” He smirks. “Or do we need to repeat what happened on the bus, hm?” That fiend, the bastard, the utter menace-
Or if you wanna go all cute on it bc I’m also a big fan of himbo Eren hopelessly in love with you; You come to watch him practice and after everyone else has gone y’all are just chilling when he just. Starts tapping your ass with his drumsticks. He snickers and says he’s found his new favorite kit while you kick at him in embarrassment.
*takes your brain out and kisses it* TBIS IS SO PERFECT??????? YOU'RE SO SEXY FOR THIS
b-bully!eren as a drummer? 🥺👉👈 seeing him as a little more grunge in this AU, wearing all black w black chipped nail polish kinda beat. maybe a tongue piercing or a lip ring, DEFINITE studs in his ears. black combat boots, manbun OOOFFF. His voice is so deep and smokey when he sings, m gonna cry. It sounds so hypnotizing, you forget hes the bane of your existing for a little while, entranced in how he looks, the sweat that drips off his brow, the way his black band tee clings to his skin, the way he bites his lip in concentration. Add to that the way he looks up and meets your eyes, so intense it roots u to the spot and sends a gush of slick running down your legs through your panties. His eyes are sex, as he hits every beat w his drums, every note with his voice.
It leaves you all spellbound even when the practice ends and he's getting up, shaking out his hands and spinning a single drumbstick as he jumps down from the stage to approach you, appraising you with a kinda cool arrogance that makes you snap out of your trance.
"So?" He intones voice like chocolate sliding over you, he has an eyebrow raised. "does that fit to your standards, princess"
you have to work very hard to feign indifference, like you weren't just drooling over him like some- "m' not one of your groupies, ren", you scoff, "don't know why you care what i think about your stupid band"
he lets out a low whistle, eyes glinting at you, "so cold" he says, reaching forward to tug on a loose strand of your hair, "you were kinda looking like you wanted to be one of my groupies for a sec there", he teases, "coulda sworn i saw you clench your thighs. something you wanna confess?"
"If i was clenching anything," you huff, "it was my pearls, because you sound awful." he didn't. you know that, and he knows that, and if by the way he just grins at you says anything, he knows you're lying out of your ass right now, like he always does.
he tilts his head at you, "go on n tell me more lies, angel," he challenges, "it'll make everything so much better"
"It'll make what, better, jaeger?"
"when you finally crawl in my bed," he says casually, like its a fact waiting to happen, "I'll be sure to remember all that runnin' your smart mouth did"
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
Can I request a JeanxFem!reader where the reader is super friendly/clingy and isn't conscious of the effects it has on Jean? Like sometimes reader would just grab his hand or hold on to his arm, or even stand in front of him and put his arms around their shoulders? Reader ou does this to Jean bc they're best friends but he will never get used to it bc Jean loves them and is all "asdfghjkl" everytime it happens. But then one day reader stops doing this stuff because someone told her Jean likes them but ONLY bc they look similar to Mikasa, which breaks the Reader's cute lil heart. Angst but fluff at the end please!
hi! of course!! i hope you like it! <3 sorry if i got too fluffy at the end :’)
❁ jean x female!reader
❁ canonverse
❁ a/n: i didn’t want to make annie like a “villain” but she’s just being really honest with what she thinks about it, she’s not trying to bother her!
"Jean!" you yell. He smiles at you once he found from where your voice comes, and you run to hug your best friend. His tall body gives you difficulties to reach his neck, but he leans closer to you, his big hands on your waist. His heart flutters happily when he feels your warmth closer to him. 
“How was your training?” he asks. You tangle your arm with his, starting to walk calmly towards the dorms. 
When you entered here, on the military, you wanted to punch him. How he was always feeling superior. You wanted to punch him so bad.
But, after the first battle, where some unlucky friends passed away, he changed abruptly. He understood the pain of the more weak ones, and didn’t vacillate to take risky decisions in due to help the mission. He was made to be a leader, and you two worked hand by hand in the same squad. Thats how, quietly, you started to notice how funny and sweet he is, even when he tries to cover it with his prideful façade. But, since you two got really close, you can even difference what he is feeling, even when he tries so desperately to hide it.
Or so do you think.
One day, when you two were training, Mikasa passed by, following Eren. Jean got his eyes fixed on her black hair.
“You like Mikasa, don’t you?” Connie told him, joking. 
“I-I like her hair, no-o more.” He says. In that times, he was your friend, but you weren’t that close. 
Surprisingly, the more friends you became, the more strange you felt. Why did your heart a flip every time he smiled at you? Why did you felt bad when Mikasa asked something to him?
Maybe you were starting to feel something for him?
“You’re totally into Kirstein.” Petra told you. You enjoyed talking to her, she’s really nice. 
“Shut up, Petra, or else I’ll have to tell you how you look when Capt...”
“Got it!” she interrupted you and you both laughed. It was a quiet afternoon, and you two where sitting on the lake. “I think you should go for him.” she said. 
“He isn’t into me.” you answered. “He likes Mikasa.” Petra looked to the lake.
“Who knows, maybe he does feel the same...”
Petra is really positive, unless you talk about her. Then, she says she has zero opportunities.But, you didn’t want to break your special bond with Jean. That’s why you tried to keep things in a friendship, ignoring your feelings for so long.
“It was fine, yep.” you say. “But I’m hungry.” Your belly confirmes it. He lets out a little laugh.
“Let’s go and eat something first, then.” You smile and, letting go his arm, you tangle your fingers with his, walking with his hand on yours. He blushes a bit. “By the way, tonight we have free time. Do you want to hang?” Today, the Captains of the Squads gave you all free time, celebrating that you all survived another expedition yesterday. 
“Sure.” you pull him softly, his hand caressing yours in an unconscious way while you two walk towards the cantina.
❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁
You feel the cold wind against your skin and wet hair while you walk to the encounter point you agreed with Jean earlier. You found Annie walking back to the dorms.
You and Annie haven’t talked that much, specially since her introverted nature finds your outgoing one terrible.
“Hi, Annie.” you say. She looks at you.
“If you’re searching Jean, he’s talking with Mikasa near Eren’s dorm. Just in case.” She speaks. You maybe looked concerned or down, because she looked at you for a long time. “You know you don’t have opportunities with him, right? He’s not the type of boy to fall in love with.” She says. You look at her back, kinda confused of the words she just said. “He thought he liked you, I’m sure he was confused. But then he realized you look so much like Mikasa, so he just likes the way you look like her. Never thought of it?”
“I do not look like her.” You say. 
“The same black hair that Jean loves. That’s enough for him to remind of her every time he looks at you. She’s out of his league, but maybe you...” Maybe she’s right. After all, he loves Mikasa’s black long hair. She cut it, you still have long hair. But, is all of this the truth? 
“Y/N!” Jean calls you from the place you accorded. Annie waves her hand before disappearing, going back to her dorm.
You walk towards Jean without your usual clingy ways. You walk silently, the sweater hugging your body and your gaze low. Jean is aware of your change of attitude. He gets concerned. What did he do to upset you? Maybe you don’t want to see him again. “Are you okay?” he asks, once you’ve reached him. You nod and fake a smile.
“Annie told me you were talking to Mikasa, so I decided to wait there. I didn’t want to bother.”
“You should had call me, dummy!” he says, colliding his shoulders with yours, playing. “You never bother me, y/n.”
His hazel eyes search any type of reaction on yours, but he only gets your gaze on the floor again. He stops walking and turns you to face him. “Hey, it’s everything okay?” He asks. He has lowered his voice and his tone is way more concerned. You don’t know if his kindness makes you feel good or bad. “Y/N?” He asks again. He just needs to know you’re fine, he needs to hear that nothing happened to you. Maybe, he thinks, you’re just upset with him for some reason he can’t think of. 
“I’m fine.” You’re not. You’ve been binge thinking about what Annie said to you, and you ended believing that maybe that’s true. That you’re just a Mikasa impostor on his heart.
“You’re not fine.” He says. Your skin feels electricity when he holds your hand, trying to avoid you from walking away. He searches your eyes once more, but now, they’re full of tears. His eyebrows move in a worrying expression. “What happened?” He asks. His tone is now sweet, trying to calm you.
“Well, now I know why you always pat my hair.” you say. At the end, the logic Annie followed is totally right, at least in your brain. “It is like touching Mikasa’s, right?”
His expression is now extremely confused. What are you doing bringing up Mikasa in a conversation that has nothing to do with her?
“Mikasa’s?” he asks. You wipe your tears with your hand quickly.
“You liked her when she entered, so probably you keep liking her. And my hair looks exactly like hers. Are you using me?” You ask. Your brain thought all of this in one second, this was kinda messy and you don’t know exactly what is happening. Jean is as confused as you are, he doesn’t know how he made a mistake like that. Make you think he’s in love with Mikasa when he’s in love with you. 
“Listen, Y/N...” he says. This wasn’t the confession scenario he built up in his head, but he needs to clarify things now, before this weird conversation ends with you two ending your friendship. "I did like Mikasa. I liked her when we entered, yes. But it was just a platonic love. We're friends. The point here..."
"I'm your best friend, Jean." you say. "You can tell me if you like her, I'll be okay with that. I gave up on you on any way."
He looks surprised. You liked him? You liked him all this time? As he liked you?
“What?” he asks. “Gave up?”
“I liked you, Jean Kirstein. A lot. My heart was out of my fucking chest every time you hugged me and I couldn’t think straight if your body was behind mine. But you were probably thinking about Mikasa and how beautiful she is...”
“No.” his face is serious when he looks at you. Both of his hands go to your cheeks, taking with his thumbs a couple tears that run fast down to your chin. “Because I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” he says. Your teary eyes look at his, searching a joke or something like that, but his eyes are more serious than ever. “I knew it was maybe a one-sided love, because I thought you’ll never be interested in me. Every time you acted clingy, my heart was about to explode of happiness. I feel so good when you’re around me, y/n...” he passes one lock of your hair behind your ear. “I knew i was in love  because I didn’t care it was one-sided, if you were happy, I was happy. That’s why I got so concerned today. Even knowing maybe it was my fault, I couldn’t see you looking sad. I couldn’t. Because I’m still so madly in love with you, I care about you and your well.being so much that I felt the pain of your eyes myself. Sorry for making you feel that way.”
There’s now a silence between you. Jean is probably giving you space to understand all he said, and your brain is having an emergency reunion. He does like you, and you’re still so in love with him... After all, all that happened was because a misunderstanding from you. You feel so silly now...
“Sorry.” you say. “I misunderstood things.”
“But that’s because I never told you clearly what I felt.”
“It’s all my fault.” you try to convince him that he’s wrong, that you were the one confused. “Now I probably lost all the opportunities to be with you and also our friendship.”
“Don’t be that drama queen, dummy.” he says, his voice a low whisper. “I think we just need to honestly tell each other what do we feel now.” He says. 
Telling the other? Telling what?
“I’ll start, then.” he says, “I fell in love with my clingy best friend and I’m still so in love I wouldn’t mind dating her.”
His words made your heart beat faster. After all, where you hiding feelings that were probably reciprocate? 
“Come on, don’t be shy!” He laughs sweetly when he sees your blushed cheeks. His thumb makes soft circles on them. “I don’t know if I’m allowed to say this now, but you’re so fucking pretty...” his gaze gets lost in your face, admiring every single part of it.
“I also still love you, but don’t let your ego raise.” he laughs and so you do. Now, you can look at his face freely, how his hazel eyes have such an intense gaze...
“So, now that this is arranged, why don’t we act as if this never happened and you let me confess in a proper way, hm?”
“Sounds great.”
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xiaomomowrites · 6 years
mother knows best [oneshot]
100 Prompts: Advice Attack on Titan | Eremika
Summary: "Watch out for the smooth talkers," the young Ackerman wondered why her mom was even telling her this as a child. Nevertheless, Mikasa grew up believing the charming, romantic fellows were the real chumps. "They know exactly what to say, and how to say it to get you wrapped around their finger."
A/N: bc seriously honestly sometimes I wonder how Mikasa would react if Eren was actually sweet towards her. Also I apologize if my understanding of military leave/discharge is incorrect. Although I can’t stand inaccuracies, I just couldn’t figure it out heh. Anyway enjoy! Review!! I love to hear what you think.
Find this story on Fanfiction.net | {levi-nii-san}
For as long as Mikasa could remember, there was one piece of advice her mother used to tell her all the time. It was quite obscure, for she was young, and she never quite understood before why her mom emphasized it so much.
But whenever she would see some cheesy commercial for a film where a man wore a confident smile and knew exactly what to say, Mrs. Ackerman would brush her daughter’s hair out of her face and made sure she knew: “watch out for the smooth talkers.”
Or perhaps it was a corny children’s fairytale book, or a charming young musician on the streets with a fancy lute and the voice of an angel. Regardless, Mikasa indeed grew up believing the romantic fellows were the real chumps.
And when she asked why as she got older, she learned it was: “because they’ve had experience talking to too many girls. They know exactly what to say, and how to say it to get you wrapped around their finger. It’s always the awkward, nervous ones that are the most sincere.”
“I've had many suitors when I was a teenager,” young Mikasa wondered why her mom was even telling her this as a child. “Many of them were such corny ‘Prince Charmings’ who were so experienced with sweeping me off of my feet. Well, let me tell you something, dear: they were always only after one thing.”
When eight-year-old Mikasa asked what it was, her mother just gave her a look, “I’ll tell you when you’re older.”
“What about dad?” she asked innocently.
“Oh, your father was so awkward, I almost felt sorry for him!” the woman chuckled.
“Thanks, dear,” her father responds sarcastically.
“But look at him, he loves me with all his heart. And he only ever said it when he truly meant it, not when he just wanted something from me.” her mother finished, giving her husband a kiss on the forehead. Mikasa smiled happily.
Alas, Mrs. Ackerman never got to tell Mikasa what it was that those smooth-talking men were after. But after joining the military and being exposed to a bunch of hormonal teenagers, she got the idea.
Eleven years later, the world was once again kind to the idea of settling down and having a family. Mikasa sat in the mess hall at the ripe age of 19, and the memory of her mother’s advice had crossed her mind when Jean stood in front of her- shoulders hunched, cheeks tinged pink, and words sitting on the tip of his tongue.
“Uh hi,” Jean told her ungracefully.
“So, um, can I have a word with you?”
“Sure, what's up?” He looked like he was ready to eat his own ass.
He shifted uncomfortably. “I have to tell you something.” She nodded slowly. “I should tell you something.”
“Okay, shoot,” she turned to give him her undivided attention, and if anything it probably just made him even more nervous. She watched him, concerned. Maybe it was Armin or Eren related. So she was surprised when he said, a little too quickly:
“Well, I uhh…” he started clumsily, “…I-I think you fight well. I mean, I’m sure you already know that. You could be better though, but I mean, there’s always room to improve, even if you’re really smart and skilled.”
“You wanted to criticize my fighting?” she looked at him funny.
“No, no!” he began to panic, waving his hands in front of him as she tried not to laugh at the distressed man before her.
“Go on,” she urged.
“Ugh okay, um- I really like you, Mikasa. When I first met you I, I don't know, I just...you're so pretty, and so dedicated and, ugh, I probably look really stupid to you right now.”
Mikasa smiled and almost felt sorry for the kid. He was way past stumbling over his words.
“Thank you,” she suppressed a giggle, and he choked a little at how adorable she sounded. The sound of Mikasa Ackerman laughing was not a very common phenomenon after all. “And no, you don’t look stupid.”
“O-oh, okay, uh,” he tried to continue, his words spilling out faster than he intended. “I hope it’s not weird or anything- not that it should be. Awkward maybe. I mean, I’m feeling pretty awkward...fuck.”
“Jean,” she laughed. “Relax. What is it?”
The young man took a deep breath and began slowly, “But...I think we’ve known each other for such a long time, and we’ve been through thick and thin together. I’ve seen you at your worst, and what I felt for you from the start hasn’t gone away.” Jean’s ears were heating up so much, he felt like his hair would catch on fire any minute now. He suddenly realized that his hands were just awkwardly at his side and he started tapping one foot on the ground in sheer apprehension.
“I think...I love you.” he finished, refusing to look her in the eye. Mikasa smiled softly, but her lack of enthusiasm had given him an unsettling feeling.
“That's sweet, Jean.”
He sighed, “But?”
Her smile faltered, “I can't.”
“Why not?”
“I just can't love anyone like that,” she gestured for him to sit across from her at the table, since he seemed like he was about to pass out after that whole speech. “It’s never been something I bothered with. Relationships, I mean. It’s just...not me.”
He looked at her, seeing right through the lies. “Not you huh?”
“Yeah,” she, but she was able to maintain eye contact. “I don’t think I would be the best person to want to pursue a romantic relationship with.”
“Even after the war is over?” he asked her, and it was her turn to avoid eye contact. “Even after there’s nothing else that’s holding you back besides yourself?”
“Don’t assume things, Jean.” she warned, and the man sighed in defeat.
“Then don’t lie to me,” he told her softly, “you love Jeager.”
“What?” She seemed more surprised than anything. “He's not- I'm...he's family.” She blushed, and it reminded them both of when she was a teenager who was completely in denial.
“Cut the bullshit, Mikasa, you’ve been saying that since we were 15 and everyone knows it.” She looked at him warningly, afraid to tell him not to talk to her like that despite being correct. It was hard for her to say anything when she had backed herself into a corner.
He sighed again, guilt washing over him as he observed her conflicted countenance. “Look, I just wanted you to know, okay? It was awkward and scary as hell, but in case you wonder if you’re ever enough, I...I think you are.”
“I’m sorry…”
“Nah don't be. Jeager is a lucky idiot.” The soldier laughed. “At least now I have the closure to move on.”
“Hm,” she hummed in response. “Thank you.”
“Thank you?” he scoffed, “for what?”
Mikasa ran a stressed hand through her hair, unable to clarify. “Thanks for understanding.”
“No problem,” Jean stood up, giving her small wave as he walked off. “Take care, Mikasa.”
It wasn’t very long after the war ended that Mikasa decided she might want to do something else with her life. As much as Armin was their third musketeer, he already had, without hesitation, decided there was more to his own story than remaining in the military just because his best friends did.
They were given two weeks of military leave after the war was officially over,  to relax and decide if they still wanted to remain employed by the military. So for two agonizing weeks, the young soldier was torn between staying for him, and leaving to start new somewhere else.
She started her two weeks with Armin back in the Shiganshina district, helping him get settled into a new house. Then her second week was spent with Eren at a beach house. Though the former didn’t exactly help her case, since he insisted she should definitely go find her happiness somewhere else.
Despite the fact that Mikasa decided that Armin was right, the decision was still up in the air, and she just refused to grab it. Even after picking up her papers for military discharge, she was still full of hesitation. She sat in her rented room, a stack of papers in her lap staring back up at her.
“Hey,” he walks in without knocking.
“So you’re not staying,” he tells her, eyeing the papers labeled 'discharge’ on her lap, though it was more of a question. She remained silent, but he understood. “I’m not going to make you stay. Hell, I didn’t even tell you to join in the first place.”
“Ah, yeah yeah, I know.”
“No, I didn’t mean it in a bad way,” he told her gently, and it was new. She had expected him to finish his sentence by berating her yet again about how she had fucked herself over and irritated him endlessly by following him into the military.
“If you want to go,” he looked her in the eye and she stumbled over her heart. “I’m not going to stop you.”
“Hm. So how was Stohess?” she changed the subject. While Mikasa was with Armin, Eren started his two weeks in the inner wall, as Historia had requested he stay for awhile to celebrate and be honored.
“Mmm, boring,” he answered, sitting himself at the edge of her bed and laying down, hands supporting his head like a pillow. “It was a whole week of listening to a bunch of stuck up aristocrats telling me that I did a great job.”
“What was wrong with that?”
“I don’t know,” he sighed and scooted himself up so that he was beside her, and started fidgeting with the end of her scarf. “The war had just ended, and everything was still so fresh. It was too soon, I guess. Maybe it would have been nice to have that week just to myself to think about everything we’ve been through.”
“I understand,” she stroked his hair and he leaned into her touch. Mikasa smiled at his reaction to her act of physical contact. “We never really got the time to grieve properly.”
“Exactly, that’s why I came here after.” Eren agreed as his eyelids began to feel heavy. “Oh, and I had to dress up and everything.”
Mikasa laughed. “Didn’t you like all the attention?”
“Yeah, it was nice I suppose. But I never did what I did for the recognition.”
“So what did you do it for, then?” she already knew the answer: vengeance, spitefulness, pure hatred. But maybe somewhere along the line his answer might have changed.
“For mom, duh.”
“Oh.” she responded, “And for humanity?”
“I mean, humanity fucking hated me for a hot minute, so...” he trailed off. She laughed softly and he looked up at her with a smile. “I also did it for you.”
The young woman felt her heart stutter. “For me?”
“Yeah. Well I mean, not at first, when I was an angry 15-year-old idiot with a one track mind,” the shifter laughed. He shifted so that he laid his head on her lap and she welcomed him naturally. “But after a while, I guess my motives changed or whatever. I saw how I almost lost you and Armin and I realized, what am I really fighting for? What was I really fighting to keep safe?”
“Did you figure it out?”
“Of course.” he looked up at her. “I thought a lot about how you were always there for me when we were apart. So I vowed to fight to keep us both alive, so that we can have a happy ending too. I didn't really want to tell you back then because I didn't need you throwing yourself in harm's way for me any more than you already did. But you were a big reason I kept fighting, Mikasa. Especially after it got really hard to want to keep going. Because I love you.”
She smiled, “I love you too.”
He sat up and suddenly she felt how close he was to her. “No, I mean...I love you.” He lifted her chin so that she was looking at him, and he almost laughed at how adorable she was. He had never quite seen the notorious and self-assured Mikasa look so vulnerable and flustered.
He looked down at her lips.
“I love you, Mikasa,” he repeated and amusement filled him from head to toe when he realized he probably broke her. “Thank you for being there for me since the beginning. And...you know, now that it's all over, the only thing that seems right is to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Mikasa’s heart simultaneously slowed down and sped up, as the realization of his confession slowly caught on. She only seemed to understand what was going on when he leaned down and gently pressed his lips onto hers, hoping she would meet him halfway.
It was strange, Mikasa thought, as she replayed both memories in her head side by side. Jean, who had supposedly been infatuated with her since the beginning, had done exactly what her mother had told her was sincere and honest. Meanwhile, Eren’s smooth, flawless declaration of his love for her had her thinking.
So when she clumsily pulled back and let an awkward question slip through her lips, they both found themselves confused and quite shocked.
It took him a minute to process her question, due to how ridiculous it just seemed to him.
Mikasa appeared to tense up nervously. She felt awkward and embarrassed enough to ask once, she really didn’t want to ask again. So she took a deep breath and repeated herself, “Have you been with other girls?”
Eren seemed to get it this time, but it still seemed so absurd. “Mikasa, we grew up together, don’t you think you would have known? What kind of question is this?”
“My...my mom used to tell me when I was younger: that if someone confessed to me so flawlessly and smoothly it's probably because he's had lots of experience with other girls. You know, like he knows what to say and how to say it so I’ll give him what he wants.”
“I see,” Eren pulled back, both amused and also a little bewildered.
The dark-haired girl continued, “And if he's all awkward it's probably because he's sincere and hasn't had much experience trying to get into bed with many women.”
“Ah,” he nodded in understanding, and kept his gaze on her.
“You just seemed so sure of yourself; Jean looked like he was about to explode when he told me he loved me too.��
He let it all sink in and waited a moment before telling her, “Well no, I've never been involved with anyone. It was never the right time and I never really cared for that crap before.”
“And you do now?”
“Yeah,” he answered without hesitation, his soft but intense gaze was making her melt. “I do.”
“Stop looking at me like that,” she turned away, blushing, “it's weird.”
“You're the one asking weird questions,” he chuckled, moving some hair behind her ear.
He thought it was cute how awkward she was being about this whole thing. “I’m not experienced with talking to girls, Mikasa. I’m just comfortable around you.” He settled into her lap again and played with her hair. “You feel like home to me. There’s no need for all the butterflies in my stomach, sweaty palms, foot stuck in my mouth crap. In fact, it’s the opposite, I feel more relaxed around you, and that’s how I know I love you.”
“Okay,” she blushed immensely at her lame answer.
But before Eren could make fun of her for it, his eyes shot open as he realized something, “Also, what do you mean Jean told you he loves you?!”
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yaboylevi · 7 years
thanks so much for the ask! it might take me a bit to answer but aha I appreciate it. now for you: snk, mikasasha, ereri (bc I love hearing your views on ereri haha), and eren! have fun!
Thank you
001 | Fandom - SNK:
Favorite character: apparently my boys Eren&Levi
Least Favorite character: HISTORIA’S PARENTS
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): ereri, yumihisu, mikasasha, jeankasa and mobuhan!
Character I find most attractive: this is so difficult!!! maybe Eren. and Historia. Character I would marry: Levi because we’re both quiet and love tea and we wouldn’t bother each other lmao and imo he would cherish his significant other so
Character I would be best friends with: YMIR&HANGE
A random thought: why are the girls in shingeki so prettyyyy i love them, also Uprising arc is best arc
An unpopular opinion: Levi doesn’t have OCD
My canon OTP: yumihisu ahah….ah…
Non-canon OTP: ereri
Most badass character: okay ngl Levi is the best
Pairing I am not a fan of: er/em/ika
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): nobody
Favourite friendship: LEVI AND HANGE also Jean and Eren!!
Character I want to adopt or be adopted by: i want to adopt all of them!!
002 - A | ship - mikasasha:
When I started shipping it: recently. and by recently i mean, like, maybe last year around spring? 
My thoughts: i stumbled upon a fic that had them as a side couple and! i fell in love so hard! Then i started actually paying attention to them in canon and wow!! They’re the cutest beans
What makes me happy about them: the fact that Sasha would be so good to Mikasa! She makes her laugh (okay, internally, but i bet she could easily make her snort). Mikasa jokes only around her in canon (the fart incident, the bread both in chuugakko and shingeki), so she’s pretty comfortable around Sasha and i think that’s good for her. It takes the best out of her, maybe even her true self. She can take off her mind from gloomy topics and she can drop her steely mask. Also, i keep saying this but, Mikasa was the only one to notice when Sasha wasn’t feeling too well at one point in the manga. And Mikasa never really pays too much attention to anyone other than Eren and Armin, so i think this speaks volumes about how much she cares about Sasha/enjoy Sasha’s lively mood! 
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What makes me sad about them: that they’re so underrated! like people prefer mika/ani and I’m here like WHAT? have you seen how cute they are Sasha and Mikasa together?
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: nothing, every mikasasha fic is good
Things I look for in fanfic: domestic&affectionate mikasasha maybe? as I already said, every mikasasha fic is a blessing
My kinks: Sasha likes to hug Mikasa and squish her boo/bs (is this even a kink?)
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Mikasa with Jean, he would treat her so good and treasure her like she deserves ohhghfk Sasha idk I’ve never really thought about it
My happily ever after for them: hunters!mikasasha!!!!!! They hunt together for elderly people who have always lived in villages and don’t know how to hunt. also they have a farm and they adopt a couple of children don’t @ me on this!
002 - B | ship - ereri: (oh god this is gonna be long)
When I started shipping it: I liked them back when i started reading the manga/watching the anime, so 2013? It was a quiet thing though. They became my favourites only in 2015, i can’t believe it’s already been two years!
My thoughts: i love them oh god i wish i could stop because it’s not looking good for them in the manga (i mean, they’re probably gonna die and it’s gonna hurt so bad because I’m too invested in snk and them as a couple OH MY G). i actually love their relationship in canon, it really warms my heart because they share really meaningful, important moments, in particular for Eren’s character development and growth as a person.
What makes me happy about them: i love that Levi has a deep understanding of Eren. He always watch out for him, and it’s obviously not only because he was ordered to keep him under control by the MPs. Also, in the end we know that his duty is to keep Eren safe and he really is trying hard on that. 
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And i love how Eren’s feelings have shifted from blind hero-worship to something more meaningful. Because now he actually knows Levi and it’s amazing how easily he came to accept Levi’s shortcomings and they’re now comfortable around each other. And he still respects him a great deal, which we saw wasn’t always the case in many instances (the new squad Levi didn’t care about Levi’s cleaning standards, they also initially didn’t trust him too much and thought he was too harsh and openly criticised him. Also other people mocked Levi for his height or called him mad etc. That’s why i think Levi&Eren could really work well together, because they understand each other so well. it’s not really an overly apparent thing, i don’t know how to say it, they just get the other’s feelings/idiosyncrasies without speaking about it. And they actually accept them wholeheartedly. So yeah, together they could relieve the grief they’re both consumed by). When Eren is lost, he always thinks about Levi and what he taught him. I also love that they generally care about each other in a really subtle way; Levi always checks up on Eren and tries to comfort him with words, even if he’s not that good at expressing his own feelings/comforting people
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Eren also thinks about his captain’s safety in more than one occasion. i love to think that, if they ever got in a relationship, they would support each other, especially since I think both of them are kind of selfless (in different ways but) and they just don’t seem to care about themselves. So together they would take care of each other. I don’t know if all this makes sense but, yeah, I’m just so overwhelmed by my own feelings right now.
What makes me sad about them: Eren’s going to die. what the hell, I’m still so upset. And there’s also the chance that Levis gonna die, too. Or he’s gonna be one of the only survivors from the SC and i can’t deal with the idea of Levi being left behind. Levi has always looked so sad, kinda melancholic to me and he’s close to depression, imo. I would like him to find some kind of solace but i don’t see it happening and it saddens me. The fact that he’s going to watch Eren, a person he learned to respect and care about, die is just so. cruel. idk, I’m sad now.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: “UKE LEVI or UKE EREN” what the fuck it’s not 2011 anymore. “Brat”. Levi treating Eren like shit but Eren loves him anyway (what the hell…)
Things I look for in fanfic: mutual respect and trust. caring!Levi. extra pining on both ends ahah and awkward!Levi. bonus if it’s a reincarnation au! Or canonverse.
My kinks: ok this might sound weird but since that one time Eren bled form his nose…i think i like things related to blood with them. but maybe i just love when Levi takes care of Eren? i don’t know.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Eren with nobody idk he never really showed interest in anyone else in my opinion, Levi would be cute with Hanji maybe? because they work so well as a duo. Levi would be exasperated to no end ahah it would be fun
My happily ever after for them: more like “saddily ever after”? I think they would chose to live together away from everyone (gladly accepting visits from Mikasa&co), on the outskirt of Paradis Island by the ocean or the countryside, waiting for Eren to…die. They would spend their days quietly, murmuring sweet nothings while reading on the sofa, Eren would swim a lot and Levi would scowl at all the sand but he would secretly love the taste of salt on Eren’s skin; they would give each others massages to relieve the ache in their bones and drink tea every night by the fireplace. they also would cuddle A Lot because Levi is a fucking cuddler and you can’t convince me otherwise. I would really like for them to have a happy ending and I do hope a cure to the titan curse can be found in canon but it’s pretty unlikely to me, unfortunately.
003 | Character: Eren
How I feel about this character: he is my son and i will protect him and love him forever
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Levi. and Historia, yeah
My non-romantic OTP for this character: erejean!!! best duo!
My unpopular opinion about this character: apparently a lot of people think he will look like Grisha after the time skip, but I’m positive that if he still has long hair he’s gonna look like Carla and I’m so glad because Carla is beautiful!! also i don’t think Eren has romantic feelings for Mikasa. And his rage is not a thing to laugh about. He had a pretty fucked up life till now and i know how hard it is to live with so much anger and grief, especially when you don’t know how to get rid of them.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i wish he could live till 80 yo ahah I’m sAD
My het ship: erehisu
My fem/slash ship: uuhhhh? fem!Levi/fem!Eren (there’s a lovely fic on ao3 with them!!)
My OTP: ereri
My OT3: ererijean!
My cross over ship: /
My kink: Eren loving himself
A headcanon: Eren is actually pretty good at cooking and has dimples when he laughs
My gender bend: Ererin? I don’t know if this can be considered as such tho, i headcanon Ererin as genderfl/uid so
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momtaku · 7 years
SnK Chapter 92 Poll Results
The chapter 92 poll closed with 500 reported entries.
RATE THE CHAPTER (486 responses)
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This chapter had a better reception than the last one. Seeing Reiner and Zeke was cited as a factor by many. Also the action was hard to resist.
that was an interesting way to set up a new story arc. i don’t really know whether i liked it or not, and i’m really eager to see what’s going on with our main crew. i’m gonna reserve most of my judgement until there’s a bigger picture though, so i can fully see what’s going on and why Isayama decided to start like this.
I have no idea what’s going on anymore.
Switching perspectives and presenting intel for readers from new, fresh and different povs is an ability Isayama has like no other, tho can be criticized for its abruptness and the kinda unexplained way it came crashing to the story..but nevertheless I enjoyed it and I think Isayama aced it.
It’s odd, I can see the effort made for us to connect with these new characters. But that just isn’t working for me sadly. While this and the previous chapters have been useful, I would have preferred more SC content. In particular reactions to the recent losses
I have no idea if it was intentional or not but Zeke’s dramatic “War is bad” line right as he chucked a fistful of rocks at the boats was hilarious. Like stahp Isayama I can’t handle all this Edge.
Zeke did the superhero landing, now I can die in peace
I’m grateful as we’ve finally seen Zeke’s method of turning humans into titans and I believe it has nothing to do with his titan form since he’s able to use it without shifting
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Unsurprisingly, 86% of the fandom found something here to agree on. Reiner scored extremely well on the scale from “No Thanks” to “Hello Daddy”!
Reiner is getting hotter with each passing chapter. I fear we may rapidly be approaching a state of ultimate hotness that may be too much for us mere mortals to handle.
I am sad that “Hot Dayum Daddy-o” Is not an acceptable answer for Reiner’s hotness rating.
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While the results were still favorable, Zeke’s long luscious locks were missed by a significant portion of the fandom. The scale from “No Thanks” to “Hella Hot” had the largest percentage of respondents sat right in the middle.
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I was very curious what this result would be. I watch the poll numbers shift back and forth between sympathy for Reiner and the big picture view of Eldians as whole. In the end “The world’s view of Eldians” narrowly edged out Reiner’s flashback and comment about walls at the 2nd most tragic moment.
Seeing what actually fighting within the walls has done to Reiner–his trauma, etc. was an excellent contrast to the relative innocence the new cast gives off, and it’s heartbreaking to consider that the Warriors we know may have once been the same way. Eren & co. please arrive promptly and save them.
Reiners flashback scene was the most impactful moment in my opinion. It was so heartbreaking.
I thought poop machine was bad, titan carpet bombing is even more wtf
Devastating. To see the Eldians being used as mindless weapons was severely disturbing. And Zeke finally realising that War is indeed a terrible thing. 
These chapters are hella intense and enlightening about the world outside. It’s still really sick though. Totally sick I can’t even.
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Gabi’s glee in the last chapter didn’t sit well with some people. In this chapter she was more sedate, but still very much in it to win it, even accusing Falco of having ulterior motives for rescuing that dying enemy soldier. While the majority claim to have had no real shift in opinion, I urge you to look at the next question to see how popularity numbers have changed.
Her sympathy for her older warriors. that line with “Reiner… be careful” killed me
Her character seems more sympathetic. She was kind of a brat last chapter. This chapter she seems to actually see the realities of war.I was supposed to have an opinion on her?
I lost a lot of respect for her when she didn’t support Falco’s choice to help the soldier from the other side
Something that stuck out to me was Gabi’s concern for Reiner, “Reiner… be careful.”   It’s a bit odd, she wants his power (aka eat him) but is concerned for him?
I think it was kinda satisfying to see Gabi’s view on the world change since she seemed so cocky before hand.
I was supposed to have an opinion on her?
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In the last chapter poll, support for Gabi is overwhelming. She had 38% of the popular vote and Colt was second with 25%. Falco was sitting in 3rd with only 19%. But look at how opinions have changed! Falco is new best boy with 37.2% picking him as favorite while Gabi has dropped more than 10 percentage points.
Gabi and Falco warmed on me but not enough. I still want to spend the whole volume on Marley before moving on.
It was really disturbing to realize that Annie, Bertolt, Reiner, and Marcel were once probably just like Gabi, Falco, Udo, etc. They might have been idealistic, prone to kindness even to their enemies (like Falco)…
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The overwhelming majority think Reiner’s streak of immortality will continue. This is one of those times that I disagree. I think Reiner’s titan age plus the severity of his hit may have weakened him to the point of no return.
I’m still sad about Reiner’s potential fate but I have to get prepared for him to die next chapter or in the chapter after. Poor boy only dedicated his life to an imposed duty since childhood without a break, on top of losing everybody he loved.
Since Reiner’s been knocked out (again XD) it could be a good time for the next chapter to open up with a flashback and end with him waking up?  He’s been kept alive for a while, and there’s obviously a reason for it.
Maybe im in denial but Reiner cant die yet, he’s the warrior that knows the enemy best and needs to teach someone to use the 3dmg (If he hasnt already in these 4 years)
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Last month 39.3% thought Reiner would keep his power. Confidence has grown slightly in chapter 92 with 42.3% thinking he’ll stay around a bit longer.
i hope reiner will not gonna die because of gabi , if isayama want to kill him no matter what i want him to die like a hero
I really don’t want Reiner and Zeke to be replaced, as I don’t see how that would add anything to the story and many conflicts would never be resolved.
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Last month 55.4% thought Zeke would keep his power. That number has increased to 58.6% with The Jaeger Brothers Reunion Tour cited as the primary reason. 
The real difference here is that last month 26% thought Colt would be his successor. That number is down to only 16.3% with Falco gaining the difference.
I wish they would show why zeke was the holder of the key to the whole story.
I don’t think Zeke is going to get eaten, not soon, at least. He’s got so many plot points that require him
I can’t wait until Eren re-unites with Zeke.
Perhaps I’m really reaching, but I hope Zeke was genuine when he said he’d save Eren.
I refuse to bid Zeke farwell before he gets to see his lil bro once more
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Last month 39.8% of people thought Ymir was dead. While this question isnt identical, it carries the same thought. 69.2% of people think Galliard is a new and unique shifter and not a recycled Ymir.
While Gaillard is agile, Ymir’s titan didn’t have the special jaw design, which would be weird AF if she really was the “Jaw Titan.” So I’m pretty sure she’s still safe
I feel 50/50 about the probabilities of Galliard eating Ymir, but the agility he has is not a proof, i don’t believe the “every titan has a unique ability” thing.
I hope Ymir isn’t dead not just bc she’s my bae, but bc, contrary to Reiner to who I don’t see relevant to the story anymore, so, Ymir is…
YAMS my man dude bro I wanna know the dealy-o with Ymir ASAP thx
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People are curious, but seeing Pieck and Galliard as humans is not as important as seeing the main cast.
I’m really hoping to see Galliard and Pieck’s human forms soon. Since there were many parallels between RBA and EMA and Zeke is said to be like a warrior Levi, I’m hoping for Galliard and Pieck to be like some warrior versions of Erwin and Hange.
I do want to see Galliard and Pieck’s human forms but not if it means we get another Marley chapter. It’s time to go back to the real protagonists.
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I’ll leave this one without my usual commentary :D
All I hoped for was to at least see Reiner and Zeke again. But I’m ready to see my children again next month. :’)
honestly I really want to see Eren’s side again, but I think it would be extremely entertaining to discover what exactly changed within the Walls and the Scouting Legion from Reiner/Zeke/Marley’s point of view once they will actually attack them. It would mean more surprises which is always good, no matter how much I’m dying to see what our other characters look like now.
please @ god i miss our main cast babies
I can’t wait to see Eren & Co! \>o</ Maybe Armin had grew his hair into a Ponytail too!
back to eren, please
fans are making too much drama for the recent lack of the main trio and the 104th squad. I’m more happy to learn about new characters outside the island and see differents points of view about the world
It’s all well and good to introduce new characters but this late in the story, after all these very dramatic plot/character changes and massive mystery revelations it’s a bit… abrupt, to suddenly be with all these new people.  I feel like it’s a different series and no one told me about it.
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Last month 42.1% cited the 104th as faves; 33% favored the vets; 10.9% said the warriors. This month the warriors saw the a nice increase, moving up to 14.7%.
Final thoughts
There are more chapter thoughts in this post. If I didn’t publish your comment, please know that I read it and I thank you for the support. Even though these polls are more silly than serious, I enjoy getting a perspective that’s wider than my own. Thank you!
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