#be sure to wash your hands
minerspirit · 1 year
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Hiii everyone, say, how do your Hawkes go go about sharing their estate? If they do it at all? Is everyone free to come and go or are they more private? Or do they only invite their LI to stay? I'm curious!! :)
#lay rambles#my ocs#oc: liam hawke#oc: lilian hawke#both my hawkes are very social w their friends but i love comparing their boundaries around it#theres variation in rules for specific ppl with both of them ofc but theres still general differences#with liam its all very open and everyone can p much come and go whenever#they dont get extra keys (theyll get lost and he doesnt want randos finding them lol) but they know where to find the spare key#and bodhan and sandal and orana know to let them in whenever#hes very lenient in this this regard but he does have rules abt what he does and doesnt want them to do#mostly its about not making too much of a mess lol bc liam prefers to clean himself#(he doesnt trust the crew with his household and also he has particular ways of doing things and Hates when theyre done differently)#so things like keep your dirty garb at the entrance dont cook by yourselves (this was banned after they did it one (1) time lol) etc#also no fucking allowed. do that somewhere else for the love of the maker he does NOT want to walk into that in his own house#(and it also comes back to liam not trusting them with cleaning but also Not wanting to clean that up lol)#also he is not fond of them going into his room uninvited. most of the house is chill but that is *his* space#he accommodates these rules by e.g. having spare slippers and a little washing basin in the entrance hall for dirty shoes/feet#always makes sure to have snacks in stock that he knows they like#food will have notes abt what to leave for leandra/orana/etc but otherwise food is prepared with his friends in mind#and in general he'll make sure to adjust the space/routine in little ways to accommodate them#(air out when fen isnt there cus he doesnt like drafts; keep curtains open cus anders prefers open spaces; etc)#lilian on the other hand doesnt like when her friends come into the estate without a heads up (cept for emergencies)#but once they have her 'ok' its basically mi casa es su casa#dont yknow. overdo it and get too rowdy but otherwise do whatever#however. she also expects everyone to clean up after themselves. she aint here to play maid and youre all adults#also liam has a general 'please try to not be too wild when leandra is here' and lilian doesnt#not cos she doesnt care but cos leandra is bothered by sth she can speak up herself#oh and lilian uses the basement space as temporary refuge for anyone who needs it (mostly escaped mages)#also side note: both offered gamlen to stay but he refused (out of pride/remorse)#...this got long and i ran out of tag space lmfao so this is it for now xD
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[boops happily]
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bisolationist · 4 months
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Okay so, I don't think it's the "fault of feminism" by any means, and of course it's true that men are overwhelmingly the perpetrators in both instance, and yes men are completely willing to forsake male victims in the name of maintaining the male-dominated sexual hierarchy (so note: before someone calls me an antifeminist MRA I am agreeing to these points). but sorry this is a huge cop-out from a community that on the reg tells me my rapist should have killed me, that "it's not horrific " when women rape boys, that "men can't be sexually assaulted much less raped", and that in general can't go more than a few months without making some post coddling female rapists. Like I think there has to be something else going on or people wouldn't be so gleeful about this.
IMO sure some of the people saying the things above are acting on behalf of male domination, but I just don't buy that's the whole story. Clearly there are some people that take great joy in preaching that male victims are whiny and stupid and not not real victims due to their own agendas. I increasingly think hatred and prejudice against all abuse victims (including women ofc) is ingrained within our broader culture at a level that it's very nearly its own prejudice that should be discussed on its own terms with how it intertwines with other forms of oppression and prejudice, and - much like any prejudice - it can be co-opted and twisted into any ideology if it finds the "right" victims to hate on. And even when there's wide sentiment public support for some of these victims (ie children) in practice that doesn't translate to squat - children are functionally some of the most abused and least supported members of our society. And btw I do mean all abuse victims - emotionally and physically abused children, sexual assault survivors, survivors of racist abuse, domestic violence survivors, etc etc etc and obvs I do think this way impacts women way more than men.
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it's not anywhere close to done yet but I did get several pages of my chapter written today. amazing what having a tweet mildly pop off when you hate seeing notifications will do for you
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arlo-venn · 1 year
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I made a little amazon wishlist for some of the things I need to help with the broken toe and MRSA things. My hands are already in pain from these crutches, so if anybody would like to buy these cushions for me, I would appreciate it so much. I could draw you your favorite flowers or something in return :•)
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snowball-maltese · 4 months
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Can we talk about how this video is literally Arashi teaching us how to wash our hands and it is still amazing?? 😭😭😭
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irulancorrino · 8 days
I've seen a lot of weird sims 4 builder quirks but this girl routinely does not put toilets in her bathrooms or in her builds at all like huh???
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wayslidecool · 11 months
one of the funniest parts of living in west virginia is the baffling contexts you hear country roads in. i was at the dentist a few weeks ago, and they have this device they scan the inside of your mouth with, and it plays country roads while doing so
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descriptionofaruby · 3 months
my throat feels stingy when i swallow now. this is so epic
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arctic-hands · 3 months
I wish contact tracing was still a thing AND they were tracing every major contagious disease rn. Would love to scream in the left ear of the rotten pig who didn't wash their hands and gave me norovirus
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theonlyadawong · 3 months
ada could beat leon in a fight at any point in time btw
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squirmydonnie · 1 year
I picked up 2 frogs and one toad.
The toad freaking peed on me.
When one frog jumped it got water in my ear.
I love them though so its fine.
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junkdyke · 1 year
this fucking tiktok of this girl saying her tattoo artist "injected microbes into her tattoo and poisoned her by using cheap ink" is so fucking...oh my god. I know clients don't know everything, people who don't tattoo don't know everything. But oh my fucking god.
The "cheap ink" in question? Solid Ink.
After being corrected that this isn't "cheap ink", she says she's "too lazy" to make another video correcting herself. People in the comments calling for her to name drop the artist because "She can't be allowed to continue using this ink on other people!! Report her to the 'tattoo board'!!!"
Yeah, the tattoo board, make sure the fucking tattoo union hears about this lmaooooo
anyway, the tattoo is on her stomach, seemingly didn't have saniderm on it (anymore, if she had it to begin with) and it was still healing...tattoos can get infected if they get dirty. Homegirl was wearing a croptop and it was still red. She has hella other tattoos, and I know people can start slacking on the aftercare once they're used to getting tattooed. She blamed the artist "switching to a new studio" as if there's something in the air of the venue or some shit.
Absolutely not even a suggestion that she MAY have gotten the infection due to her own possible misstep. I fucking love this job, but ignorant clients remind me that this is still a customer service job, and i would fucking HATE to get a client like this. Girl has a full SLEEVE by this artist, loyal repeat client, and the moment she gets an infection that very well may have been due to her own lack of cleaning, or maybe even over-moisturizing, she blames the artist? And in the most UNLIKELY way possible, saying that the ink was "mixed with contaminated water, maybe at the factory" oh i would be so beside myself.
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rubberbandballqueen · 11 months
hmm i have like, 500-600 taiwan dollars leftover in a tin from the last time i visited relatives... i wonder what would happen if i just handed it to my little cousins like. "yep. here is gift. have fun."
#i heard them trying to sound out 'eidelweiss' on the piano so i've also been thinking of giving them this little music box i bought#a while back that plays eidelweiss. put it in little box with money and letter that is like. 'hello. cousin cares about you.'#'but cousin is awkward and has bad hearing and speaking skills. anyway here's some money and a music box for you.'#i checked n it's like the equivalent of almost 20 usd so like. that's an appropriate gift for nine-year-olds i think#today at work i was cutting glow sticks in half for our craft and i was not wearing any gloves so i got minor chemical burns <3#like part of the skin on my thumb n pointer finger got bleached so i went around n showed alllll the kids#like. 'hey. check out my chemical burn. this is why we wouldn't let you guys cut open the glow sticks yourselves.'#'because it will do This to you if you touch them too long. this is why we had you wash your hands when you finished.'#n some of them were like 'just wash it off' n i was like. 'it is a chemical burn. it is on my skin.'#at least i Think it was a chemical burn but i mean it was very minor (makes sense bc it's just glow sticks) so the skin's flaked off by now#similar happens when i touch my hair bleach w/o gloves so i'm Pretty Sure it was chemical burns#we had a table of kids who were speaking cn to each other so at some point i pieced together they didn't seem to pay attn. bc low en skills#anyway i broke my own rule abt no phones at work to look up 'chemical burns' in cn for them bc although they know i speak Some cn#(by giving them minor instructions for the glow stick craft) i was like. 'chemical burns... how to say....'#apparently they are mostly from taiwan which is fun i love it when i Don't receive microaggressions for writing in traditional c':#today's my only camp shift for the week tho... one of my coworkers died last week so i told my boss i could pick up his camp shifts#if no one else had but apparently i'd go over hours this week... feelsbad man. it's summer + we're always understaffed#so there's gonna be a point when the front desk worker is gonna be covering the camps for a little bit which is. i feel bad ahaha#the worm speaks
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nintendont2502 · 11 months
Shoutout to this guy in a dominos training video who got a pizza delivered mid fuck
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