#step 4) continue lathering the soap while your hands are under the water stream for twenty seconds. sing happy birthday or something to time
arctic-hands · 6 months
I wish contact tracing was still a thing AND they were tracing every major contagious disease rn. Would love to scream in the left ear of the rotten pig who didn't wash their hands and gave me norovirus
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shrinkynatural · 4 years
Finally, a bathing scene between the totally not tiny bard and his massive oak tree of a witcher.
And because I’m not great at giving individual thank yous, I’d like to give a big, all-encompassing thank you to everyone who’s read these and liked them and reblogged them.
The rest of this unnamed self-indulgent mess can be found here: (1) (2) (3) (4)
It has been nearly a whole damn month of nothing but shallow streams barely good enough for washing up in, and the river is the greatest blessing Jaskier could ask for in these circumstances. Clear water, a slight current but nothing that will carry him away, and Geralt-approved to not contain any drowners or other dangerous creatures that might want to eat an unsuspecting bard.
One finger hooks into the collar of his doublet, stopping Jaskier’s run to the river as effectively as a whole hand. Everyone knows he’s always a slut for dramatics so he lets it act as a yank and falls right back into Geralt’s bulk with a very startled yelp. “But Geralt, you said--!”
"Camp first, then we bathe." And because he thinks that he's in charge Geralt doesn't even wait for confirmation, he just slides his finger from Jaskier’s neck to his back (the bard doesn’t shiver, he doesn’t) and nudges him to stand on his own two feet. Then he moves away and takes Roach's reins to lead the mare back into the trees to find a decent area to set up camp.
Jaskier does follow after, but he makes sure that he states clearly just how cruel it is to offer him such a treat only to rip it away. "I feel I have an inch layer of road dust and sweat baked over me like a crust, Geralt!" He doesn't get any response which makes him think Geralt's rolling his eyes at him.
It is the fastest he’s ever helped set up the campsite, gathering wood and separating their bags after Geralt unloads Roach. Some of those bags are heavier than they look so after Jaskier nearly fell under one containing an assortment of witcher potions it was a task permanently assigned to said witcher who spent hours mixing them.
As soon as he drops off the last of the firewood Geralt waves a dismissive hand toward the river and Jaskier doesn't have to be told--gestured to?--twice. Lute and bag down, cloth and soap in hand, and he's practically running to the water's edge. He strips out of his clothes and sets them aside to wash them up later and then he wades in, shivering just a little. Jaskier dunks himself completely and then retreats a bit so that he can lather up his soap and finally be clean. Just the first swipe feels absolutely glorious and he starts humming a tune that turns into a jaunty song he washes himself in time to.
"You shouldn't sing in the river," Geralt says suddenly from behind him and Jaskier lets out a sincere yelp as he turns around. The Witcher is at the edge of the water and taking off his own clothes while regarding him with a raised eyebrow. "A siren will hear you and come take you away."
That shuts Jaskier up and he looks wide-eyed at the water around him. “But you said--!” When he turns back to Geralt he catches the smile before it's schooled away and his jaw drops. "You!" He waves his wash cloth at him with pure indignation. "Is that a joke? Are you trying to scare me off so you can have this whole river to yourself? Joke's on you, I'll gladly be carried off by a siren if it means I get to have regular baths. We'll sing lovely duets together." He sing-songs the last part, amused at the play at humor now that he isn't worried about river monsters coming after him.
Geralt snorts and sets his clothes besides Jaskier's before walking into the water. He goes downstream a few yards, which Jaskier appreciates because he just knows that some of that monster blood and guts don't come off completely from a quick scrub in a little stream. He's in up to his chest almost and Jaskier attempts to be a polite bathmate and not stare, but he can't help taking little peeks at what he can see. He's a young, healthy man with an active appreciation for the human form and Geralt is just...absolute perfection.
He finishes washing himself up and scrubs his hair one more time just because he can. With one of those illicit peeks he spies the bland-looking, non-perfumed brick of a thing that witchers apparently call soap clenched in Geralt’s hand. It’s offensive, really, what’s the point of finally being clean if you don’t smell nice after? The awful thing barely even lathers and the foam is half the fun!
Jaskier hums to himself and makes up his mind then and there. He’s clean and feeling so much better for it, the only thing that would make it better would be if the water were hot and he’d get to retire naked to a soft mattress with silken sheets. Since that’s not going to happen he decides he should at least get Geralt smelling sweet and fresh, too. As much as he enjoys curling up to the witcher on cold nights, he far too often ends up with his face closer to his sweaty armpit than he likes.
“Oh, Geralt!” he calls over to him and starts to wade through the water toward him. “That stuff isn’t doing you any favors at all, why don’t you try this? It’s something I picked up back in--oh shi--!”
Between one step and the next, the soil of the riverbed drops out from beneath his feet. It’s so unexpected that Jaskier goes right under and loses his grip on his soap and wash cloth as he flails around trying to figure out what the hell happened. His feet do touch bottom and he kicks himself up, breaking the surface of the water with a sputtering curse before he goes back under.
He does this twice more before there’s a log of an arm right in front of him and he wraps his arms around it and clings on for dear life. He spits and coughs and wastes entirely too much breath on cursing the unpredictable wilds. Jaskier shakes his head roughly and blinks water out of his sore eyes to squint up at Geralt, who is just standing there…in chest-deep water and of course, he’s a fucking idiot. Of course he’d be standing in a deeper part, the massive bastard.
“Don’t know how to swim?” Geralt asks, seemingly content to keep his arm out to keep the bard afloat. He does look concerned, at least Jaskier thinks he sees blurry wrinkles on blurry-Geralt’s forehead. “Are you all right, Jaskier?”
“Why would I know how to swim!” He shrieks it a little louder than he intended, but his pride is wounded and he lost his expensive soap and it’ll be months before they’re in a city here he can get another one. He just wanted to do something nice! “Now my soap is gone and I’m going to have to use that awful stuff you use and I’m going to smell like some..some..”
Geralt brings around his free hand and nestled up against the plain brick of soap in the middle of his broad palm is not only his little bar but also the cloth, which he offers to Jaskier. He isn’t even hiding his big, dumb smile now which means the look on Jaskier’s face must truly be priceless.
“You saved it,” Jaskier states, his brain doing backwards somersaults as it recovers from all this emotional whiplash. He makes no move to take it or let go of the arm that is his lifeline. “Oh. Thank you. Would you like to borrow it?” Now Geralt looks surprised, which makes him hasten to add, “It’s only that your soap is so boring, really, and I thought you might like to try it. I don’t mind, that’s why I was coming over to you but now of course it could be my thanks for you once again saving my life. That’s convenient, don’t you think?”
“It’s too strong,” is all Geralt says in reply as he slowly starts wading back to shore, Jaskier being carried along like a stick.
“Too strong?” Jaskier gasps, offended, and tries to twist himself so that Geralt can see and truly appreciate the look and see his wounded look.
The witcher doesn’t even look down. “Most monsters and creatures have a good sense of smell, why do you think I always try to leave you back at camp?”
His automatic response is to flail and he drops under the water for a brief moment before throwing his hands out to grasp Geralt’s arm again. “I do not stink!”
“It’s a nice stink, which is why it’s a poor choice for hunting. Are you going to stand up now or am I to drag you all the way back to shore?” Geralt has stopped walking, which Jaskier finally notices. And from his position floating on his back in the water he also notices that he is now about hip height with the witcher.
If the water were just a little lower…Jaskier shakes the thought from his mind before it can settle and he embarrasses himself even further. Still holding onto Geralt’s arm he pushes his legs down, feet pointed and toes searching until they finally settle in the dirt. He’s in up to his chest here and resists the urge to climb to safety up Geralt’s back; Jaskier knows he can’t get away with that too often and he doesn’t want to run out of chances so soon.
“Can I at least wash your hair?” he blurts out before he can change his mind. He can see Geralt tilting his head back to roll his eyes but he continues on anyway. “It’s just been so long since either of us have had a good bath and if my hair was awful then your gorgeous locks must be in a very sorry state. Your habit of ending up covered in blood and guts does you no favors. And it’s easier for someone else to get the back. Please? I’ll even use your awful soap.”
“How are you going to wash my hair?” Geralt asks in an exasperated tone, looking down at him. “I’m not putting you on my shoulders.”
Jaskier gives a relieved smile because that isn’t a no. He takes the lead now, keeping his grip on Geralt’s arm and leading them farther into the shallows. “You sit your precious bottom down and I wash, that’s how.”
It always surprises him when Geralt lets him drag him around, how for all his huffing and humming he lets Jaskier take him to where the water is shallow enough for him to sit and let him get a good look at that long white hair of his. This is the only time when he’s actually taller than the witcher and even now it’s just barely. The hair actually looks quite clean, if tangled, but Jaskier’s not going to say so and lose this opportunity.
Geralt holds out his hand with the soaps and cloth in it and Jaskier takes the plain brick and the cloth despite his temptation. He did promise and he can be patient and take his time when he really wants to. The cloth helps lather the soap and he works it all through Geralt’s hair, using his fingers to get through the thick locks down to the scalp. He doesn’t chatter on but he does hum to himself as he focuses on his task.
In this part of the river Jaskier is only submerged up to his thighs so every now and then he catches a chill as a breeze blows through. It’s not the most pleasant but that doesn’t stop him from carefully working out each and every tangle until his fingers run through Geralt’s hair from scalp to end perfectly every time. There’s just so much of it and he longs to brush it and braid it; it’s not fair that it’s always so far out of his reach.
“All right! I think I’ve got it all, go on and dunk your head.” Jaskier pulls his hands away and Geralt leans forward to put his head under the water and runs his hands through his hair to get all the soap out. Then he sits up quickly, whipping his hair back and splashing Jaskier with enough water to have him sputtering again. “Is that the thanks I get for doing something nice! I can’t believe you, Geralt, the sheer nerve.”
Geralt glances at him over his shoulder and the next thing Jaskier knows a hand is grabbing his ankle and all too easily yanking his foot out from under him so he falls under the water. When he surfaces he gives him such a glare that immediately softens at the witcher’s quiet “Thank you, Jaskier.”
“Fine, I forgive you.” He knows he’s also terribly easy when it comes to Geralt. Something about that eternally grumpy face makes it impossible to stay mad at him. “If you ever want to return the favor you’re more than welcome.”
That gets a huff of laughter as Geralt stands, handing over the little scented soap bar he’s still holding in one hand while he rests the other on top of Jaskier’s head. The massive palm curves easily over his crown and his fingers curl against his scalp in a way that makes Jaskier’s knees weak. “I would crush your skull if I attempted that.”
He takes his hand away and takes his own soap back before walking past Jaskier to the bank. The bard doesn’t know if he’s joking or not, but either way he’s damned if he isn’t going to do his best to get those thick fingers in his hair before the year’s out.
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deans-baby-momma · 4 years
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A/N: Here it is....the last part to Afflicted. Enjoy!
The first day of Dean’s ‘vacation’ he busies himself with changing the oil in Baby and replacing the brake pads and fluids in my car, a 2015 Dodge Charger. He had told me they were both overdue on maintenance. So while he is in the garage I do a couple loads of laundry and take care of our daughter.
When I had become pregnant with Mavelin, Dean had insisted we get rid of the car I had been driving, an old hunk of junk Honda Civic hatchback, and get a more dependable vehicle. At the time, the Civic was all I could afford. That was way before I’d even heard of the Winchsters. To say I wouldn’t miss my car was a bold and inaccurate statement. That car held many memories for me but I had to agree with my husband, it wasn’t the safest option.
I am just hanging the last of his never-ending abundance of flannels when he walks into our bedroom, grease covered and dirty. Dean Winchester with grease splatters and stains is a sight that I can’t help but squeeze my thighs together at. The man is always sex on bowed-legs but with specks of oil and grime makes him even sensual.
“Hey baby,” he says as he spots me walking out of the closet. “How about after I take a shower and we have lunch we take Mav over to that park on 9th? Let her watch all the wildlife.”
“Yea, that sounds good,” I answer with a smile. “Do you need help getting those hard to reach areas?”
“Fuck yea! Is she asleep?”
I nod and follow Dean into the bathroom, where we quickly strip and step into the shower stall. Dean immediately steps under the stream, grabbing the soap and lathering it up to wash his hair.
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After a couple of minutes he rinses by running his hands up over his face and hair and turns toward me. As sexy and lustful he is when he is dirty, Dean Winchester wet and naked is downright titillating! He is standing there, the water hitting his head and shoulders and rolling down his body.
“Like what you see?” he asks with a smirk when he catches me watching the water slide down his body.
“Duh.” I answer and he pulls me into his arms, hugging me close to his body and allowing the water to cascade over both of us. I can feel his cock grow against my hip. His head lowers until his lips meet mine and I instantly open for him.
The water runs frigid by the time we exit it and wrap ourselves in towels. Dean used to complain that shower sex was complicated but over time he and I have figured out the logistics of it and have used needing a shower as an excuse to get some quality alone time with one another. Especially when the Bunker was overrun by the people he and Sam had saved from the apocalypse world. 
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Sam and Mary return three days later, with tales of how the ghost almost got the upperhand by jumping from location to location until they realized that the great-granddaughter of the woman was carrying around a broach that she was linked to. 
The next few weeks, it is quiet. No one calling for help with cases, the supernatural seems to be taking Dean’s lead and enjoying a vacation themselves. Life in the Bunker is mundane and normal. It is eerily comforting, not having to worry about where the next threat is going to come from and just being a normal-well as normal as the Winchesters could be-family.
But as with all things, the good times must end too. Dean is into his fifth week of his break when the call comes in. Donna Hanscum, sheriff in Stillwater, Minnesota calls early one morning, profusely apologizing for interrupting but in major urgency for some help. After both Sam and Dean speak to her on the phone, you find Dean in your bedroom packing a duffel. 
“So,” I begin as I sit on the edge of the bed. “Guess vacation is over huh?”
“Yea, sounds like Donna has sometthing on her hands,” he explains as he rolls up the dress shirt to his suit and places it in the bag. “Are you okay with this? I know you weren’t feeling the best this morning.”
I look up at him, confused. “I heard you in the bathroom. Sounded like you were hacking up a lung. I can send Mom and Sam if you think I need to stay back and take care of you; if you’re coming down with something.”
“No I’m fine,” I assure him. “It’s probably just something I ate or maybe too many whiskeys. I think you were trying to get me wasted last night so you could take advantage.” I finish, smiling up at him. 
“Nah, I don’t need you wasted to do that,” he jokes and he cups my cheek in his palm. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Dean, I’ll be fine. We’ll be fine. It was just an upset stomach. I am allowed to not feel well all the time you know?” I tell him, laughing at his mother hen tendencies that he denies.
He goes back to packing and within an hour, the three oldest Winchesters pull out of the garage in Baby, headed to Minnesota. Adam stands beside me while we wave them off. 
“Why didn’t you go?” I ask as the Impala disappears. 
“Dean asked me to stay back and keep an eye on you. Said you weren’t feeling well,” Adam says. “Are you alright?”
“God, that man! Yes, Adam I am fine. Got a little drunk last night and it didn’t settle on my stomach well so I woke up nauseous.”
I stalk back toward the entrance of our home, leaving him standing there.
I am not about to tell my brother-in-law or anyone else that this has been going on for almost a week; waking up nauseated and rushing to the bathroom to puke up whatever is in my system. There could only be one reason for that and I do not want to even consider it.
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As I’m going to bed that night, my phone vibrates and lights up on the nightstand. It’s a text from Dean.
D: Hey babe. We made it. Got to catch up with Donna and introduce her to Mom. This case has really taken a toll on her though. 
Y/N: Hey. I’m glad you got there in one piece. I had no doubt you would. What does your mom think of our lovely sheriff friend? Her and Donna hit it off? And why do you think that?
D: That’s because I’m an awesome driver. :) Mom is like Sammy and me. Even though she just met the woman, she says Donna is acting strange.
Y/N: Really? Strange how? I mean Donna is kind of strange anyway. So it’s more than usual?
D: Like she was surprised when we walked into the station. I mean she covered it well, but I saw a brief look of shock. I don’t know maybe it’s just been too long and I can’t get a good read on her. 
D: So what are you wearing?
The next morning I am met with the same queasiness that has been tormenting all week. Before I could even tend to Mavelin, I was bent over the toilet puking my guts up until I was dry heaving. Knowing that what I have been worried about is more than likely happening, I decide to find out for sure during Mav’s morning nap.
I brush my teeth and rinse my face off before heading toward her room. When I get to the door, I hear Adam talking to her. I push the door open to see my brother-in-law with my daughter on the changing table and he was changing her diaper.
“Who’s a good girl? You’re a good girl. Just like your Mother.” 
Mavelin coos and Adam laughs. “Yea your mom likes being called a good girl too.”
I finally make my presence known by walking into the room and standing beside him, pretending not to have heard what he said.
“Good morning, sweet face,” I sing to Mavelin. “Is uncle Adam changing you? Yea, then you’re almost ready for breakfast aren’t you.”
I turn and head toward the rocking chair. Once I am seated I pull the flap of the nursing bra down and reach for Adam to hand her to me.
He turns with her in his arms and stops in his tracks.
“Oh come on Adam. It’s a boob,” I tell him as I take the baby from him. “It’s not like you haven’t seen them before.”
I help Mavelin latch on and look back up to see that my brother-in-law has left the room. I shrug it off and continue feeding her.
That afternoon while Mavelin is finally down for a nap-she fought her morning siesta- I head to the bathroom where I know the extra pregnancy test is.
The wait for the timer on my phone to go off seems excruciatingly lengthy. When the buzzer finally rings, I take a breath and turn the stick over. Two blue lines. I’m pregnant again! There is a human growing inside me and I am not 100% sure who the father is.
My heart is pounding in my chest as I get rid of the evidence and walk out of the bathroom. So many emotions are running through me; so many thoughts in my head. Mavelin is only 4 months old and is already going to be a big sister. I always knew I wanted more kids, Dean and I had discussed that when I was pregnant with her and he was on board to have one or two more. 
But now that it’s actually happening, I can’t be happy; I can’t be excited to be adding another member to our family. Because it might not even be his.
I sit on the end of our bed and contemplate everything. How will I tell him? Do I tell him? Do I just pretend that there is no other possibility that he isn’t the father? That would destroy him, destroy us. 
I stand and take a breath before I head out into the hallway and into the kitchen.
Adam is sitting at the table, reading a lore book.
“Adam,” I say to get his attention. “Can we talk?”
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A/N2: Did you really think this story was going to be over? SIKE! Ha! Watch for an announcement on Tumblr today at 3PM EDT. <wink wink>
@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss​​ @squirrelnotsam​​ @sandlee44​​  @internationalmusicteacher​​ @kricketc29​​ @natura1phenomenon​​ @blacktithe7​​ @spnbaby-67​​ @travelingriversideblues-x​​  @keymology​​ @tftumblin​​ @markofdean79​​ @thevelvetseries​​ @deanwanddamons​​ @winchester-fantasies​ @akshi8278​ @michellethetvaddict​ @larajadeschmidt13​  @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid​ @hoboal87​ @atc74​ @maddiepants​
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etherealwaifgoddess · 5 years
To Give Him The World, Chpt.4
Main Characters: Thor x Ellie (original female character)
Summary: Thor and Ellie take a shower together and Ellie tries to help him redirect his negative self talk. If you haven’t read the first three chapters you can catch up HERE!
Warnings/ Content: *Meryl Streep meme yell*  smuuuuuuut! Yep, it’s frisky shower fun time ya’ll :)
Word Count: 3.8k
Author’s Note: Hello lovelies! Who’s ready for this one? I certainly was. I don’t know about ya’ll but the idea of grabbing a shower with Thor and having free reign to wash and explore... *sighs*... yes please! I hope ya’ll enjoy this as much as I do! XOXO - Ash
To Give Him The World, Chapter Four
Ellie couldn’t hold back her excitement as Thor led her to the small bathroom. He pulled out a second set of towels for her and turned on the water, testing the temperate several times before stripping down. Ellie followed suit and pulled off Thor’s shirt and her panties. They stood a few feet apart like awkward teenagers until Ellie moved towards him, pulling Thor closer by his hips so she could lay her head on his chest. She loved the feel of his body against hers and she curled herself around him getting as close as humanly possible. 
Thor’s mind all but shut off at the feel of her silky skin against his and the brush of her hardened nipples against his belly. He wrapped his arms around her and let himself enjoy the peaceful moment. Ellie pulled back as fog from the hot water curled around them reminding her why they were there. She moved the curtain aside and stepped inside the tub under the hot spray of the shower head. Thor entered after her, getting a full view of Ellie leaning back to get her hair wet under the stream. His mouth went dry, a low stirring starting in his belly. She was so beautiful as the water cascaded down her lush body, rushing over her heavy breasts and down her curves. He wanted desperately to reach out and touch her but he clenched his hands apprehensively at his sides.
Ellie cleared her eyes and looked at Thor who was barely hanging on to his self control. “I guess it’s a little late, but do you mind sharing your shampoo and soap?” 
Pulling himself from his lust filled thoughts, Thor handed her the bottle of shampoo. It was generic and smelled of pine and spices. Ellie was thankful for anything and started lathering up her hair. One shampoo without her nice salon kind wouldn’t ruin her hair but it would make it a little more unruly. After she rinsed her hair clean Thor handed her a bar of soap. It was as generic and astringent as the shampoo but clean was clean and Ellie made quick work of washing herself. 
Thor was enraptured by her every move. The way she glided her soapy hands all over body and the subtle way she sighed under the hot relaxing water. Thor was plagued again with desire to reach out and Ellie was too attentive for his liking. “Want to wash my back for me?” She offered him the soap and he barely managed a yes as she turned around pulling her hair over one shoulder. Thor rubbed the soap between his large palms and took a steadying breath. Her body was so small compared to his and he took her shoulders in his hands gently. He rubbed small circles across her skin, the slickness of the soap letting his hands move with ease. Ellie let out a moan as he moved across the middle of her shoulder blades and Thor increased the pressure in response. 
As his hands slipped lower he wondered how far down she would permit him to go. Thor was already half hard against his thigh just from the sight of her and worried he was going to make Ellie uncomfortable when she saw. He felt like a teenager as he found himself unable to control his body’s response to her, especially with his hands on her. Lifetimes ago Thor had been a ladies man, proud of his virility and using his chiseled good looks and charm to woo women into his bed with great ease. He had been the golden prince of Asgard, a playboy warrior without a care in the world. Now he was older and too much had changed, more than just his appearance. 
Thor felt as unsure as a virgin as he lowered his soapy hands to the curve of Ellie’s bottom. She didn’t protest and Thor made a desperate decision to just enjoy what she was so freely offering. He let his hands knead her round cheeks, massaging them as he spread the soap around. Ellie let out another one of her soft moans, which were driving Thor mad, and leaned into him. Thor bent down, continuing his ministrations down her thighs. He was moving back up when she spun around suddenly and Thor couldn’t stop his hands in time. His hands slipped across her thighs as she spun, resting against the nest of soft curls between her legs once she faced him. Ellie gasped at the contact, she had turned thinking he was done and realized her mistake too late. Thor’s thick fingers brushing across her sex was enough to make her knees buckle but he clearly hadn’t meant to touch her that way. 
Thor’s cheeks were on fire, even the tips of his ears turned red. He moved his hands away quickly, holding them palms out as he stumbled through apologies. “I’m so sorry. Oh Norns, I didn’t mean to... I only meant to… Ellie I’m so sorry.”
Ellie gave him a smirk, “I know, I know. It was my fault, really. I wasn’t thinking when I turned like that. But if you wanted to touch me like that I wouldn’t object.” 
Thor’s cock twitched in response before he could say a word. Ellie saw it and her smirk widened. Thor’s voice was deep and rough when he spoke, “I would be honored if you would allow me to pleasure you.” Rational thought had left him and he was filled only with a raging desire to see Ellie coming undone under his hands. 
Ellie was stunned by his sudden forwardness. She mused that his desire must have finally won out against his insecurities and she was thankful for it. “I would enjoy that.” She told him. Ellie took a small step towards Thor so she could press herself up against him. She lifted up onto her toes to wrap her arms around his neck and Thor leaned down to meet Ellie’s lips. With agonizing slowness Thor trailed one hand down to the juncture of her thighs, letting his fingers brush against her honey blonde curls. Thor cupped her sex in his wide palm, loving how perfectly she fit in his hand. He let one long finger slip down to tease her lips before parting them and running the digit along her folds. 
Ellie hung onto Thor not wanting to break the contact. It had been so long since she’d been touched by someone other than herself she had almost forgotten how incredible it could feel. She yearned to touch him as well but Thor was quite skilled at what he was doing and she didn’t trust herself to stay vertical if she let go of him. 
Thor was in Valhalla. He had plunged two thick fingers in her and her tight walls were gripping him deliciously while he rocked them inside her. The pad of his thumb flicked across her clit and he could feel it swelling beneath his strokes. Thor felt a sense of pride stirring as she moaned his name desperately. This he knew how to do. It might have been over a decade since his last time but he still knew how to pleasure a lover well. Thor’s cock was throbbing but he ignored it, refusing to acknowledge its presence until Ellie was sated. He loved how her body trembled as she came closer to the edge of her release and he pushed her harder, wanting to see her undone in his arms. 
Ellie couldn’t think straight as Thor pushed her ever closer to her peak. She was lost in pleasure and the feel of his body against hers. When she started trembling she knew she was close, her body acting of its own volition despite her efforts to hold still. Aching need coiled low in her belly, the tension building tighter the faster Thor’s hand moved. She was Icarus flying too close to the sun as he pushed her higher and higher towards her release. Finally the coil snapped and an orgasm ripped through Ellie’s body with blinding white light. The satisfaction Thor felt as she cried out her release was something he hadn't felt in a very long time. He tried to memorize every detail; the way her head tilted back, eyes heavy lidded, lips slightly parted as she came for him. Ellie’s body shook hard against him and her arms pressed down on his shoulders like a vice, trying to keep herself standing. Thor wrapped his free arm around her side helping to support her while the orgasm wracked her body. He slowed his movements letting her come back down from the heights of her pleasure and waited a moment for her muscles to relax a little before withdrawing his hand. 
Ellie tried to regain her balance but wobbled slightly, still reeling. “Whoa.” Was all she could manage to say and she rested her head against him needing another moment to compose herself. 
Thor chuckled, intensely pleased with himself. “Whoa indeed.” He agreed, “You came apart so beautifully.” 
“You are really very good at that.” Ellie praised him as she regained her wits. 
“I’m glad you think so, I enjoyed it quite a bit myself.”
Ellie rubbed her hip against his hard length, “I can tell.”
Thor tensed at the friction. He wanted her desperately but needed to know that she wanted it too and didn’t just feel as if she had to. “Ellie please, hold on.” He held her by her waist, stilling her movements. “You don’t have to do anything unless you want to. I will be perfectly fine if we stop now.” Well, the last part wasn’t entirely true. He’d be in quite a bit of discomfort if they stopped but her feeling like she owed him was an even more painful option. 
Ellie was touched by his concern, “Oh darling, of course I want to. I want to worship this incredible body of yours and make you feel nothing but bliss. Like I said earlier, just let me take care of you a little.” 
 Thor nodded but couldn’t find the right words. Ellie took her time, not wanting to miss any opportunity to show him how she felt. She rubbed her hands down his chest and skimmed lightly over his sides, testing to see how comfortable he would be with her touching his belly. She wanted to so much but knowing it was a self conscious spot for him made her hesitant. A long, drawn out “ahhh” escaped his lips at her touch and she dared to draw her hands from cupping his soft pecs down his rounded stomach. Ellie watched as his cock jumped again from her movements and she couldn’t have been happier to have dodged a bullet there. 
Thor’s head was hanging forward, his eyes closed, as he tried to give himself over to the wonderful sensation of Ellie touching his body. Thoughts still bubbled up; worrying she was acting out of pity, feeling disgusted by himself, wondering when she would realize how pathetic he was. But as quickly as the thoughts came Ellie would move her hands somewhere else, eliciting a new sensation and the thought was replaced by the pleasure she brought him. As she moved her hands across his belly he shot a hand out against the wall to steady himself. The formerly ticklish area had become an erogenous zone on his body, one he often enjoyed himself when he took the time to get himself off, despite how much he hated the added pounds any other time. 
Ellie moved lower swiftly, gripping his well padded love handles in her hands. She loved the way his flesh yielded in her grasp and promised herself she would make it a point to enjoy them more later. Finally Ellie took Thor’s throbbing cock in her hand. It was intimidatingly long and thick and Ellie was amazed by how small her hand looked by comparison. She couldn’t quite get her fingers all the way around his shaft but she held it tightly the best she could. Thor involuntarily bucked against her hand and drips of precum leaked out of his glistening head. Ellie wondered if his dry spell had been as long, or longer, than hers had been. 
Thor struggled to control his breathing, his chest heaving as her small hand stroked him. He didn’t want to come instantly like an inexperienced boy, but it had been so many years and she was everything he could ask for in a partner. It took all of his control not to climax after the first few strokes. “I’m not going to last long.” He gasped in a desperate apology. 
“I don’t need you to. Let yourself go darling, enjoy this.” Ellie reassured him. She moved her other hand to cup his heavy balls, squeezing them lightly while she continued to stroke his shaft and Thor’s whole body shook in response. A few moments later he tensed and shot hot spurts across her hand and his lower belly. Thor thought his legs would fail as the orgasm consumed him but thankfully his knees locked in place supporting his weight. His breathing was ragged as his body stilled and he felt Ellie delicately washing away the stickiness that coated him.
Ellie was still in awe of Thor as she cleaned him. He was so powerfully built and the force of his orgasm was shocking. She couldn’t help but wonder what that would feel like if he was buried deep inside her. It was evident he was no normal Aesir, he was a god in every way, and Ellie was delighted he had turned his affections on her. She knew all other men would pale in comparison to him now, though the boring ones she had been with up until then hadn’t been worth the trouble anyway. It was like her body had been waiting for him. 
Ellie realized the water had cooled and she played with the dial to warm it back up. Thor’s mind finally cleared and he moved to hold her shoulders so she would look at him for a moment. “That was… transcendent.” He told her genuinely.
Ellie’s smiled wide, “I couldn’t agree more.” 
“I do wish I could have enjoyed it a little longer though.” Thor admitted as they changed positions for him to have a turn to wash himself. 
“We’ll go slower next time, promise.” 
“Mmm, next time. I like the sound of that. It has been a very long time.” 
“It’s been a long time for me too. I gave up on dating last year. It was futile anyway.” 
“I find that hard to believe.” 
“Oh, believe it. I tried, I really did, but it was like no one cared to get to know me. It was all about them and how I could mold myself into their lives. I wanted a connection with someone, a real connection. After an endless string of failures I gave up last winter. What about you?” 
“A bit longer for me. I haven’t had much down time since my father first banished me to Midgard. I was only with Jane briefly there in the beginning, and it was battle after battle after that. Then by the time things had settled, companionship was the last thing on my mind.”
Ellie did the math quickly figuring it had to be about eleven years. She had thought eleven months was too long, she couldn’t imagine years. “It’s understandable.” She reassured him, “And we can go at whatever pace you’re comfortable with. I know me dropping back into your life was unexpected.” 
Thor cleared the suds from his eyes to look at her. “It was a miracle. I still can’t believe this is real.”
Ellie melted at his words, “It is, promise. Just a right place, right time sort of thing.” 
Thor gave his body a quick scrub with the soap, racing to get done before the hot water completely ran out. 
Once Thor finished he switched off the water and they stepped out. Ellie pulled two extra fresh towels out of the closet for them. She wrapped her hair up in one and started drying off with a second one. Thor watched her inquisitively. “How did you do… that? Does it help your hair dry faster?” He asked.
Ellie shrugged, “I think it does, it at least absorbs some of the extra water while I towel off. You want me to show you how?”
Thor nodded, “Yes, please.”
Ellie grabbed a towel and directed him to lean forward so she could show him. She patiently went through the motions with him until he could do it himself. He liked the wrap and thanked her for teaching it to him. As he looked at it in the mirror his lips turned down a moment as he stroked his beard. 
“What’s wrong?” Ellie asked him. 
Thor shook his head, “My beard has gotten so long again. It reminds me of my fathers.” 
“It has grown a lot. Do you like it like this?” 
“Yes, for now. I like braiding it. I’m just not very good at it.”
“You’re in luck. I love making intricate braids. I will happily help, if you want” 
Thor nodded and took a seat on the edge of the tub for her to start but his expression darkened again. 
Ellie pulled his chin up to look at him while she ran her fingers through his beard. “Where did you go again?” 
Thor shook his head. The bleakness in his eyes was heartbreaking. He finally huffed and told her, “You’ve done so much for me in the past day. All things a grown man should be capable of on his own. I must seem like an invalid to you.” 
Ellie stopped combing his beard. “Not at all. Not even the slightest bit. You’re learning things you never had to do before and that’s important. If you had left it all up to me to do for you that would be different, but you’re willing to learn and help.”
“It doesn’t feel that way.”
“I know and I can’t force you to feel a certain way. You just have to let it pass and I’ll do what I can to remind you of the good things until it does.”
Thor’s balled his fists as they sat shaking in his lap. “But you shouldn’t have to do that either.” 
“Why shouldn’t I? Someone has to and I’m here and willing. You don’t have to suffer alone in silence, Thor. Everyone, even gods, need support from time to time. I want to be your support, if you’ll let me.” 
Thor sniffled, holding back tears. Ellie pulled his head to rest on her bare chest and just stroked his shoulders and back for several minutes until he pulled away having calmed down. 
“Ready for me to do up your beard?” She asked. 
“Yes, please. And thank you Ellie for… just… thank you.” 
Ellie smiled and gave him a nod before starting on his braid. Her nimble fingers made quick work of a French braid along his jaw that trailed into a large fishtail braid below his chin. Ellie was proud of her work and Thor loved it. He asked her to do his hair in a similar braid and she obliged. By the time she braided her own hair her fingers were sore but she couldn’t leave it down to dry without having a smoothing cream on it. 
Thor had gone to get changed and she pulled her day old clothes from the closet. She felt a little dingy but wasn’t willing to leave Thor just yet to run home. 
Thor was mulling over his shirt drawer when Ellie joined him in the bedroom. He appeared deep in thought and she took a moment to enjoy the sight of him. Thor’s light grey sweatpants hung low on hips, exposing the faint pink lines of old stretch marks and Ellie hoped she would get a chance to explore them all eventually. She knew being intimate with Thor was going to be a minefield of insecurities but she was patient and willing to go at his pace. Ellie hoped he would eventually come to accept that she really did adore his body. He was so large and powerful, the extra weight just added to that and made him infinitely better for cuddling. 
Thor heard a slight sigh from the doorway and saw Ellie watching him. His cheeks pinked a little but she was visibly enjoying it and it helped Thor resist the urge to hide. “What shall we do today?” He asked. 
“That is up to you. What do you normally do?” Ellie asked
Thor struggled to come up with an answer. “I play Fortnite with Korg online. Sometimes I go down to pick up a new beer shipment. I watch Fortnite tutorials sometimes if there’s something we can’t figure out. And I look for new delivery restaurants online. I like finding new Midgard foods to try. But mostly I just drink and play Fortnite.” He hung his head realizing how narrowed his world had become again.
“Hmm. I think we can find better plans than that for the day. Promise you’ll at least try to hold off until after lunch to have a beer today?” 
“I think I can do that. I’ve done okay so far. But what will we do? Do you want to learn how to play Fortnite? I have an extra controller.”
“Fortnite isn’t really my thing. Let’s find something to do outside the cottage for a bit. When was the last time you left for something other than a beer run?”
“Ahh…” Thor struggled to remember. His days had been nothing but an alcohol fueled daze for so long again that it all blurred together.
“Enough. I’m taking you out. Do you like coffee?” 
“Yes, very much so. It was the first thing I really enjoyed when I landed here the first time.”
“Let’s go get a cup of coffee and walk through the town gardens. You’ll love it.” 
“What if… ah… if something happens? I’m not sure how I will be out around people. I might… well I don’t know actually... but it could be bad.” 
“Thor, darling, that’s your anxiety talking. I need you to recognize that. It’s trying to keep you cooped up inside where you know you’re safe. But you’ll be just as safe going out with me. There is nothing out there that would hurt you. And worse case scenario, you get uncomfortable and we come back right away.” 
Thor sighed heavily, “I guess we could try. How far away is the coffee?”
“Five minutes, tops.” 
“Lead the way, m’lady.” He gestured to the door and Ellie took his outstretched hand in hers. It was good he was willing to try and she just had to hope she wasn’t rushing him too soon. 
Tag list lovelies: @thorfanficwriter @lancsnerd @avengers-fixation
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ruthoakenshield · 4 years
The snowstorm at the Airport (Part 4)
Richard wakes up and is puzzled for a moment as to where he is. Then he looks around and realizes he is sleeping on a couch. He sits up and rubs his face, wondering what time it is. He grabs his phone and sees it is 6am. He stands and stretches, then walks over to the windows to look out. He glances over and is startled for a minute, momentarily forgetting he had you spending the night. He smiles when he sees you still curled up on your side, cuddling your blanket. He looks at the phone in his hand and opens the camera feature. He takes a pic of you looking all adorable and marks it as a favourite in his photo gallery.
 He continues walking to the window and peeks out. it is still snowing and blowing and he can't even see the ground from this third floor room. He pulls the curtain shut again and walks over to your side of the bed. He squats down and looks at you for a moment, trying to decide if he wants to wake you up. A few strands of hair have loosened from the braid he had put in the night before and are draped across your face. He gently brushes them away from your face and kisses your forehead. 
Richard decides to let you sleep a little longer and goes to his suitcase. He digs around for some lounge clothes for the day and then takes them and his toiletries bag into the bathroom. He closes the door and opens Spotify on his phone and pulls up his favourite play list and pushes play. He adjusts the volume so he will be able to hear it in the shower, but not so loud as to wake you up. He places the clothes on the counter in the corner and opens his toiletries bag.
Richard pulls out his razor and his toothbrush, tooth paste, deodorant and hair brush and comb. He smiles when he sees some strands of your hair tangled in the teeth of the comb. He carefully pulls them out and lines them up on the counter. He ties the top of the strands in a knot and then twists them together and wraps them into a small circle. He digs around in his travel case for something to put it in so he won't lose it and finds an empty aspirin tin. He rinses out the powder and dries the tin, then puts the locks of your hair into it and snaps it closed. He pops it back into his travel bag and smiles. 
Richard strips down and kicks the sweatpants and his underwear off to the side under the sink to pick up later. He uses the toilet, then flushes and grabs a wash cloth from off the top of the pile on the shelf above the toilet. He steps into the shower to his favourite song and turns the water on as he pulls the shower curtain closed. He grabs the shampoo bottle and opens it. Pouring the shampoo into his hand he steps back into the stream of water to wet his head, then steps out and turns to soak his front in the warm water while he washes his hair. He gets his hair all lathered up and is humming along to the music then turns and rinses out the shampoo. Next he grabs the bar of soap and takes it out of the now damp wrapper. He pokes his head out of the shower curtain and spies the garbage and tosses the balled up wrapper towards the can, missing it. He chuckles and goes back to showering. He gets all soaped up when he hears a knock on the door. He asks, "Ruth is that you?"
You chuckle and reply, "Yeah, it's me. I know you're showering, but I really need to use the toilet. Would you mind if I came in? I promise I won't try to peek if you promise the same." He chuckles. "You can come in, Sweetheart. The curtain is pulled so we won't see anything of each other. Just don't flush, it will make the shower water scalding hot. Just close the lid when you're done and I'll flush it when I get out." you hear him say. "Okay, I'm coming in then." you tell him.
You feel incredibly nervous and worry he may try to peek anyway, but you hurry and do your business, then close the lid and quickly pull up your underwear and the pants. You notice a package of wet wipes sitting on the counter by his travel bag. "Mind if I grab one of your wet wipes so I don't have to run water in the sink to wash my hands?" you ask. He chuckles and says, "Go ahead. I will be out in a few minutes. I didn't wake you up with my music did I?" he asks. "No,” you reply.” I woke up when someone a few doors down let their door slam shut. I temporarily forgot where I was and was confused for a moment until I remembered what happened yesterday." you admit. "He chuckled again. I had the same thing happen. Woke up confused why I was sleeping on a sofa." he chuckled.
"Well, I will let you finish showering. I'm gonna dig through my backpack and figure out what I can cobble together to wear today. It looks like we will be stuck here for a while yet, it's blowing pretty hard out side. I couldn't even see the ground from the window!" you tell him. You hear him chuckle. "Yeah, I looked out the window too this morning. That's what I saw as well. I'll wait to come out until you're ready. Just knock on the door to let me know when You're dressed. OK?" he says. "Ok, Richard." you say and head out of the bathroom.
You close the door and head over to the sofa. You fold up the blankets he used and drape them over the top of the sofa and prop the pillows on top of the blankets. Then you sit down with your backpack and unlock all the zippers. You pull out all the stuff you had put in the backpack to see what you had to work with. You stand up and grab the bag of toiletries Richard bought you last night and dump them out on the table as well. You unroll your backless black dress, the grey leggings, the red camisole with the lace around the top and bottom, and the short red jacket. You sigh, wishing you could've fit more clothes into your backpack. You had one more pair of underwear and your red bra. You groaned and rubbed your face. You had two pairs of socks and that was it for clothing.
Without borrowing some more of Richard's clothing, you weren't sure what you were going to do. You were glad you had this much though, and glad that Richard was kind enough to let you borrow the clothes you did. You look around to where he tossed his shirt and jeans over on the chair by the window. You remembered his words about thinking it's sexy seeing you in his clothes. You smirk. 
You go grab another hanger and hang up your dress and red jacket. Then you change underwear and put on your red bra. Next you pull on the grey leggings and walk over to Richard's clothes from yesterday and pull on his blue t-shirt. You huff it and smile as it smells like him. You giggle when you look in the mirror. it goes down to your mid thighs and it hangs loose on your body. You decide that is what you are going to wear today. So you walk back over to the couch and put on your deodorant he bought you and pull the make up out of their packaging. You toss the packaging and hear him shut off the shower. and you hear the toilet flush.
You giggle, looking forward to seeing the look on his face when he sees you in his shirt. You quickly toss the stuff back into your backpack except your med container, comb, brush, bobby pins and hair bands.  Then you go and knock on the door. "You can come out when ever you are ready." you tell him through the door. "Ok. Be out in a few." he tells you.
You look around the room and start to tidy it up. You straighten out the bed and make it look nice, then you fold up your blanket and tuck it back into your pillow case, setting them by your backpack. Then you bring his jeans and socks over and set them by his suitcase, draping his jeans over the open suitcase and putting his socks on the floor.
You head back over to the bed and pick up the ice bucket and pull out the bag with the bottles and M&M bag. You toss them in the garbage and pull out another bottle of water from the fridge. You pour it into the coffee maker and open it to make sure there is no coffee in it. Then you make sure the little coffee pot is under the drip thingy and press start. 
You look through the teas and walk over to the door. "Richard, would you like a cup of tea? I grabbed Earl Grey, English Breakfast, Peppermint, Honey Lemon and Plain Black tea." You hear him hum. "How about a cup of the English Breakfast for me. Is there any coffee?" he asks. "Yeah, there's coffee, want me to make you a cup of that too?' you giggle. "Naah, the tea will be fine. I will get some coffee when we go down for breakfast." he says. "Okay." you reply and walk back to the coffee pot. You take the two ceramic mugs and open an English Breakfast package of tea for him. You put the bag into his cup and then open a peppermint one for you and place it in your cup. You pour the hot water into the two mugs and let them steep for a couple minutes, then you take and squeeze the bags and set them on their wrappers in case he wants his stronger and you want a second cup.
You hear him turn the handle on the door and giggle when he comes out and his hair is all messy. He has a towel in his hands and is rubbing it around on his head trying to dry his hair. He stops what his is doing and looks up when he hears you giggle. His jaw opens slightly at the sight of you in your grey leggings and his shirt he wore yesterday. He stands there momentarily stunned and looks at you looking all sexy in his shirt. He grins when you come sauntering up to him with two mugs of hot tea. You hold out his cup and he is still speechless, staring at you. You smirk and put your finger under his chin and push it up to close his mouth. Then you stand up on your tiptoes and kiss his cheek and turn and saunter back towards the window and look out, sipping your tea.
You're smirking thinking about how you stunned him speechless. You liked the look on his face and wonder how long it will last. You hear him moving and suddenly feel his warm hands on your waist. He leans down and starts kissing your neck and nibbling on your ear and neck. He whispers, "God, you look so dam sexy in my shirt! And your eyes look almost as blue as mine are when I wear it!" 
You giggle. He continues kissing you and you have to put your cup on the windowsill since he won't let you drink it. You turn slowly and see his pupils are blown completely dilated with desire. He grins and pulls you close. He is wearing a soft  green t-shirt that hugs him in all the right places, has black sweatpants on and is barefoot. "I hope you don't mind me borrowing your shirt. The only other clothes I have are a black dress and red jacket, which I really did not want to wear today." you explain. He grins and hugs you. "I don't mind at all. You can borrow my shirts all you want, since my pants won't fit you." he laughs. 
You grin and run your fingers up into his hair trying to smooth it down before it dries all wierd. He grins and looks up at your fingers in his hair. "Guess I should brush it out before it dries like this, huh?" he says. You grin and nod. He smirks and steps back from you then looks at you again in his shirt. You see his eyes light up and he runs back to his suitcase and digs around for a minute, he comes back grinning and sits down on the corner of the bed again. He pulls you over to him then wraps one of his black belts around your waist and fastens it. Then wraps it around itself like you remember Aragorn had done in the Lord of the Rings movies. He backs you up so he can see how it looks. He nods and grins. "That's better for when we go down to breakfast." he says. You chuckle.
"Are you done in the bathroom?" you ask. "I'd like to get in there and wash my face and brush my teeth and fix my hair, as it seems that some of it has worked it's way out of the braid you did." you mention. He grins. "Yeah, I'm done in there for now. The mirror should be clear now too." he replies.
 You grab your tea mug and start to walk past him and he grins and stops you. "I look forward to finding fun things to do with you today. I think I saw some board games in the breakfast area if you're up for them later on today." he says as he runs his hand up and down your sides as he holds you. You lean down and kiss him gently on the lips. "I'm sure we can find plenty to do today." you say as you wink and he lets you go with a tap to your rear and a smirk.
You head to the bathroom and begin to wash your face. It's covered in soap and you can't see him come into the bathroom and stand behind you. You just feel him undoing your braid carefully, trying to keep your hair from falling into the soap on your face. You rinse off your face and look up into the mirror. You see him looking down at you and it fills your heart with love when you see the adoring look in his face as he holds your hair and runs his fingers through it, untangling the four plaits he put into it last night.
 "Your hair is so soft for being so long. How do you do it?" he asks when he sees you looking at him in the mirror. You smile. "It's the supplements I'm taking. My hair was getting really thin and brittle and started falling out, which frightened me. I talked to my doctor and he recommended I try these. He thinks some of my vitamins and trace minerals were too low." you explain. I've been taking these for almost a year now and my hair has gotten a lot thicker and healthier looking now, and a LOT longer.
I was actually thinking about getting it cut once I got to London. You see his eyes get huge. "Don't cut it, please. I like it long like this." he says quietly as he plays with it. You smile. "It's such a pain in the arse though. If I don't have it in a braid of some kind, it gets all tangled and if it's windy, it's flying all over and getting in my way." you chuckle. The worst though is when it gets caught in car doors or train doors. He laughs, "I suppose. It looks so pretty though when it's hanging loose. Maybe my friends who do hair and make up might have some ideas for you so you don't have to cut it.” he replies, and you smile. 
“For now, I'm going to put part of it up. I sometimes get a headache from having it all down and pulling on my head all day. It's less tension if I have at least part of it up." you explain. He nods and sits down on the edge of the tub. "Do you mind if I watch how you do it?" he asks. You chuckle. "No, I don't mind." you say as you part your hair down the middle and section off the top third. You put it up in a pony tail and flip it over the front of your face. then you ask him to do two simple braids with the remaining hair. "It doesn't have to be really tight, they will be let out once i'm done with the top part." you explain.
 He nods and quickly braids two three strand braids for you. You give him a rubber hair band to tie each one off. Then you turn sideways and bend over so your pony tail is hanging down over your face. You let it out and comb it smooth, then carefully pull it up into a neater pony tail near the back of your head at the top. You use your comb to smooth everything out and then put an elastic hair band in to hold it secure. Then you braid it and carefully wrap it around your hand to make a specific type of bun that lays flat and hides the end of your braid neatly. You bobby Pin it all in place so it stays put and then you have Richard let out the braids in the back. you look in the mirror and smile at how you look. He chuckles at how big the bun is on the back of your head. He reaches up and places his hand over it and grins. He carefully runs his fingers over it and then down to your long locks at your back. You just smile and look in the mirror enjoying his fascination with your hair.
Once he has finished admiring your hair, you ask him if he is ready for some Breakfast. He nods and you both head out of the bathroom. He grabs his wallet and the key card. You grin and nod, having slipped yours into your bra cup when you got dressed so you both wouldn't get locked out in case you went anywhere and he forgets his. You both throw on some shoes and you follow him out the door and wait for him to make sure the door catches and locks. Then he takes your arm in his and you both walk to the elevator. 
As you wait for it to arrive, he looks down at you and smiles, and leans down to give you a peck on the cheek. "You look lovely, and I can't stop thinking how lucky I am to be able to say that you're mine." he says quietly to you. You blush and squeeze his hand. The door opens and you both head down to breakfast. 
You giggle when you notice how he likes to stand behind you an hold your waist, sometimes resting his chin on your head, which you elbow him for doing since his beard tends to get caught in your hair and pulls little strands loose from your bun. He just grins and tries to smooth them back down. 
He seems truly happy and it makes you beam knowing he looks like he does because of you being there with him. 
While you are eating, a young girl comes up to the two of you shyly and asks if he played Thorin. He looks at you and grins. You nod. He looks down at the little girl and stands up, sliding his chair back so he can squat down to her eye level. He says, "Yes, sweetie, I played Thorin. Did you see the movies?" she giggles and nods. She shows him the Thorin doll her grandma crocheted for her and it has a little note card attached to it with a note from her grandma wishing her a happy birthday.
 "Is your birthday coming soon or have you already had it recently?" he asks. She tells him her birthday is today. He asks her where her momma is. She points over to a woman and an elderly lady who are sitting on the other side of the room. He whispers to her, "Go tell your momma that she can take a picture of you and me and if you bring a pen back, I will sign the note on your Thorin doll that your gramma made for you." her eyes get wide and she says, "Really?!?!" he grins and nods. She jumps up and down and gives him a big hug around his neck. "I will be right back." she tells him. Then runs off to tell her mom. He looks up at you and gives you a big grin. You smile back at him knowing he is loving it.
The little girl and her mom come back with grandma in tow. He greets them all and tells the grandma how impressed he is that she crocheted the Thorin doll. She smiles and thanks him for the compliment. He squats down again and asks the girl if she brought the pen with. She nods and holds it out for him. He takes it and lays the doll down on his chair, flips the tag around and asks her what her name is. "Molly" she says. 
He grins, then writes, "Happiest of Birthday wishes to you Molly from the one and only Thorin Oakenshield. Then signs his name so she will be able to read it. Her mom takes a picture of him signing the doll's tag with her daughter looking at him while he does it, then he has Molly turn around and they both hold the Thorin doll and smile for the camera. Her mom takes a picture and shows it to him. He grins and nods. Then tells Molly Happy Birthday and he hopes she has a fun day. She gives him another hug and thanks him for signing her doll. Then they head back over to their table. 
You grin at him and he smirks as he sits back down. "That was very nice of you to do that for her." you tell him. He nods. "I don't mind doing it if they are polite about it and their parents don't get all pushy. It's when they are rude and demanding that I refuse to do that." he explains. You nod. He grins at you and goes back to eating. You two finish your breakfast and coffee then wander around the lobby area looking out the windows and watching the snow fly. Eventually you two wander over to the gas fireplace and sit down. He notices some games tucked under the coffee table and pulls them out to see what games they have.
 He finds one that looks interesting and he holds up a small black box. The name on the side is "VERTELL?S" He holds it up to you and you shrug. 
Richard opens the box and looks at the instructions. He tells you the name of the game means "tell us more" in Dutch and that the game is designed to "create a moment in which families and friends become much more closer by asking in-depth questions. Ones that make you reflect, cherish and share the important and beautiful moments of life." 
After thinking about the instructions, he says, "Mind if we just use the cards to ask each other questions and learn more about each other? We don't have to play it like the instructions suggest." You shrug and say, "Ask away. But you have to answer the same ones I do." He agrees.
He reads the first card out loud. "The past year in retrospect: Of which personal achievement are you most proud?" You both think for a few minutes about your answers. You finally say, "Working up the nerve to decide on a date for this trip once I realized I had enough money saved for flying first class round trip. I worked my butt off to save over the last two years, but especially this last year. I cut everything that wasn't "essential" out of my life to cut down on my bills. I even went through all my stuff and had a garage sale to get rid of what I didn't need any more!" you giggle. "It felt liberating to see so much stuff go to others who wanted it and could use it! Now I only have the things that mean the most to me. Family heirlooms, and the basics. I'm really proud of my self!" you say.
Richard grins, remembering having to do that when he got his first acting job away from England. "What about you Rich?" you ask. He tells you about the play he did this past year and how much work and thought he put into the character he portrayed, and how much he had to sacrifice as far as spending time with family and friends to be in this production. He tells you it was worth it though to see the looks on the faces of the people sitting near the front rows that he could see. He smiles remembering how happy they looked and how well received the play was. 
You smile as you listen to him reminiscing about the past year. 
After a little bit, he hands the box of cards to you and you ask him the next question. "The past year in retrospect: Which moment would you most like to relive?" you ask him, then look up at his smiling face. He leans over and without a second thought, says, "Meeting you at Terminal 7's departure boards." he grins and kisses you silly. You giggle and look at him in disbelief. "Really?" you ask. He nods and cups your face. "You're the best thing that has happened to me in the past year." he says beaming.
"What about you? What moment would you most like to relive?" He asks. You think and smirk. "The look on your face this morning when you saw me in this." you grin. Now it's his turn to look at you in disbelief. "Really?" he says, surprised. "MMM HMMM." you say, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "You stood there utterly speechless and completely caught off guard. It was awesome." you tease.
He growls and kisses you again. Then takes back the box and asks you another question. "The past year in retrospect: What was your best purchase for under $100?" you think for a minute. "Ummmm," you say, "My suitcase. The Purple one that got stolen." you giggle. He looks at you with a raised eyebrow. "The officer I spoke with said the guy seemed to target women with suitcases that were brightly colored. Had I bought a black one or some other blaah colored one, it probably wouldn't have been stolen. He told me... and as such, had i not bought it you and I probably would not have gotten to know each other like we have... all because of that dumb purple suitcase I bought that ended up being stolen." you giggle.  He shakes his head, smiling, and realizing it's probably true.
He hands you the card set back and waits for you to ask him another question. "Hey you gotta answer the best purchase for under $100 question first, Mister!" you scold him. He grins, hoping you would've skipped his turn. He thinks for a moment, then says, "That blue shirt you're wearing of mine. I've never been struck so speechless by a woman as I was this morning by you wearing it." he says with a grin. You giggle and playfully smack his shoulder. "No really? I'd be a little concerned if you're spending that much for a silly t-shirt!" you tease. He just grins.
You pick up another card and frown when you see it's question. He notices you frowning and leans over to see what it says. "The past year in retrospect: What was your biggest mistake?" he looks up at you and sees your eyes are distant, as if you're looking into the past reliving something unpleasant. He takes your hand and just holds it as he thinks about how he will answer it. He looks at you and realizes he knows what his biggest mistake has been. He clears his throat to get your attention. You snap out of your musing and look at him with sad eyes.
"My biggest mistake, Ruth, not only in the past year but since I began acting, was not making enough time in my schedule to keep in touch with my family, friends and not leaving time to date. As I have gotten older, and seen coworkers, costars and family happily settling down and having spouses and children, I have come to realize it is something I wanted, but never thought I would be able to achieve because of my age and because I am an actor. I never thought I would find someone who wanted to be with me because of who I am as a person and not because of my career or financial status.
 But You, my dear Ruth, you literally run into me and I find myself head over heels for you because you didn't act like the other women I've met. You respected my privacy, and didn't come asking for my autograph and posing for photos with you at the airport. You didn't shout and draw attention to me. You even turned me down when I offered to share my room with you at first, when most women would've jumped at the chance to share a hotel room with me. You are a rare treasure, and I have decided to make an effort to leave more time in my schedule from now on to spend time getting to know you and hope you will join me in spending time getting to know my friends and family and that I can get to know yours. I want to make this relationship work and am willing to set aside time to do so. You come first then my projects." he tells you.
Your eyes well up with tears, and he scoots closer to you and holds you as you sniffle and lean against him. "I wish you could've met my family. You tell him. They would've loved you." he looks at you puzzled. "What do you mean, Love?" He asks you. "My father was diabetic and didn't take care of himself like he should have. Insulin was expensive and he couldn't afford it all the time, he started having more and more blood sugar drops and spikes, and we didn't realize he was rationing his insulin trying to make it last to the next paycheck. 
He slipped into diabetic coma one night and never woke up. He passed away at the beginning of the year. My mom couldn't handle living with out him and passed away in her sleep from a heart attack a month later. I was an only child, so now I have no family left for you to meet. That is why I chose to do this trip over November and December. I didn't want to be alone for Thanksgiving and Christmas. My friend's mom invited me to come stay with them knowing those two months were the big holidays in the States.” You explain.
“ My biggest mistake, was not telling my parents how much I loved them and how much they mean to me. My dad and I had a disagreement about the guy I was dating shortly before he died. We weren't able to work it out before I lost Pappa. I will always regret not working things out between the two of us before he passed. He was right though, the guy I dated dumped me shortly after Momma died because he couldn't handle my depression that I was in." you explain to Richard.
He looks at you with sad eyes and hugs you close. "I am truly sorry you had to go through that, my Love. I will always do my best to be there for you regardless of the battles and demons you face. You should never have had to go through that alone." he tells you as he kisses your head. He holds you for a while, then once you've calmed down, he stands and tells you to stay put. He walks over to the tea and coffee bar and looks around. A few minutes later he comes back grinning as he holds two mugs of hot cocoa with whipped cream and a peppermint candy cane sticking out the top. You laugh and he hands you one mug. "Chocolate always makes sad times better." he says with a grin. You nod and sip the rich chocolate, getting whip cream on your nose, which he promptly kisses off your nose, making you giggle. 
He looks at the box sitting on the table. He closes it and says, "I think that's enough questions for now. Perhaps we can play again some other time." You nod. He looks at the other games and spys Scrabble and The Game of Life. He raises an eyebrow and tilts his head over to them. You look and giggle. You choose, The Game of Life. You two spend the rest of the morning playing the game and laughing yourselves silly because it is an older game that requires you to get married first then have kids. He ends up with a car load of kids. Two sets of twins and a son.  While you end up with just you and your husband and two daughters. He ends up winning the game and you both laugh at how silly the game is. You notice it is close to lunch time, so you both clean up the mess you have made and sit and wait for the noon meal to be served. You both decide to grab food and take it back up to your room, not wanting to have your meal interrupted by nosy guests again. 
The two of you sit at the table in your room after eating and are full. You yawn and head over to the couch and grab your pillow. Richard looks at you and smiles, "Sleepy?" he asks. You nod. He stands up and picks up a stack of scripts he is supposed to look over. "How about we snuggle on the couch and you can nap and use me as a pillow while I read these for my agent?" he asks. You nod. He comes over to the Couch and sets his phone down next to him with the scripts. You snuggle an use his lap as a pillow and doze off while he plays with your hair as he reads the scripts. You sleep for a few hours and wake to him talking on the phone quietly. You yawn and open your eyes and see him looking down at you with a smile. He puts his finger to his lips telling you to be quiet and you nod and sit up. You head for the bathroom to do your business while he finishes up with the phone call. Once you finish and wash your hands, you come back out to see him pacing the floor looking upset.
You ask him what's wrong. He tells you his agent is wanting him in Toronto in two weeks to audition for one of the movies he was reading the script for. You ask him how long will he be gone if he goes there for it. He tells you that they would start filming with in the month. You look down at the floor, then look up at him. You go and sit down on the sofa for a minute and look at the pile of scripts. "What about these other scripts? Have you read them yet?" you ask. He nods. "Of these that you have read, is there any screaming out to you "No"?" you ask. He shakes his head and keeps pacing. You pick the scripts up and look at them. There are two in your hand and a third on the table.
"Richard, come here and sit down before you wear a hole in the carpet." you tell him. He grins a little and comes to sit next to you. "I want you to put these in order of how much you like the possibility of playing a character in it. The one on top should be your top choice, and the one on the bottom your last choice if you don't get offered a part in the two above it." you tell him. He looks at you and then the scripts for a few minutes then slowly stacks them in the order you described. "Ok, now which one of these is the one wanting you to come audition in Toronto?" you ask.  He points to the one on the bottom.
"Ok have you heard when the other two are doing auditions?" you ask him. He says, "No." You think for a minute. "Ok, call your agent and ask him to find out if there is any idea when these other two producers might be doing auditions. See if he will call and ask them. Maybe have him tell them you are interested in auditioning for their film, but you have two other ones who are wanting you to audition as well. Perhaps putting a fire under their asses will help them make a decision. Tell him this one in Toronto is of the three scripts you are looking at currently, at the bottom of your preference, and you'd rather do the other ones. If they are going to be doing auditions for the other two before the month is up, you'd rather do those other ones. 
Go and do the audition for this one, but tell them you would rather not make a decision as to accepting a role until you hear back from the other two. That way you won't be stuck in Toronto. You can fly there, audition and fly back." you suggest. 
He thinks about your proposal and nods. He gets up, calls his agent and tells him what you suggested. The agent says he will call the producers and tell them “Richard is interested in auditioning” and promises to ask them to make a decision since he has two other producers seeking him for roles. He tells Richard he will call him back as soon as he hears any news.
Richard sighs and puts the phone down after he hangs up. "I'm still not happy about having to leave you in London while I'm gone." he says. You chuckle. "Richard, I have Rita to keep me company and she is one of your fellow countrywomen. She knows the sights as well as you do. It's not like I'm going to be off wandering around all by myself." you chuckle. "I will be fine, my dear. You can't be with me every second of every day." you tease. "Oh that I wish I could." he says, grinning.
He comes over and pulls you up to stand in front of him. "You bring light and happiness into my life, Sweet Ruth." he says as he nuzzles your neck and nibbles and kisses it. You giggle and play with his hair at the back of his neck. He groans and pulls you against him. You feel him getting hard against your belly. You run your hands down his arms and wrap your arms around his middle. You trace little patterns on his back and he kisses the top of your head. His phone rings and he growls at it's poor timing.
He looks down at it and sees it's his assistant. "I had better grab this." he tells you.
He answers the phone and then says, "Hang on a minute."  He looks over to you and then walks over and says, "She wants to know what you look like and asked if I can send a full length photo of you to her so she can try to figure out which clothes will suit you best for being in England. Do you mind if I take a few pictures of you and send them to her?" he asks you. 
You grin and shake your head. "That's fine." you tell him. You have fun posing for him in front of the hotel door. He is laughing at your antics and ends up sending her all of them because he can't decide which ones are his favourite. She gets them and you can hear her chuckling. She tells him to ask you what size pants and dresses you wear. You giggle and tell him that you are a USA size 12 for jeans and typically wear the same for dresses, and a Large for shirts because of your girls. He looks puzzled for a minute, then you point at your chest and he starts laughing and nods. He tells her and she chuckles. 
Then she asks if that is your shirt you are wearing. He grins and tells her, no, that it is one of his, since you only had one dress and one shirt to wear. She chuckles again and tells him she will have some clothes picked out for you to try on when you get to the first couple stores. She asks what size shoes you wear and he bends down and picks up one of your flats and looks for the shoe size on it. He tells her it's a USA size 9. and she tells him she will look for appropriate footwear as well. He nods and they talk a little longer and then he hangs up.
He walks back over to you and says, "Now where were we?" You giggle and wrap your arms around his waist and trace little patterns on his back as you slowly pull his shirt up. He grins and pulls it up over his head and tosses it over by the suitcase. You giggle and go back to teasing him. You back over to where the pillows are on the top of the couch and grab one pretending like you are going to take a nap on the sofa. He falls for it and comes over to snuggle with you. You play all innocent then giggle and hit him teasingly with the pillow and reach up and grab another one then dash off to the bed. He starts laughing and chases you around the room. The two of you throwing pillows at each other and laughing and you shrieking when he tries to catch you. When ever he does, he refuses to let you go until you kiss him soundly. Then he lets you go and you run to the other side of the room laughing.
You are standing by the bathroom door bent over laughing when someone knocks on the door. You stop laughing and look at Richard, who suddenly looks panicked. You walk over to the door and peek through the spy hole. Then crack the door open. There is a hotel manager standing there looking worried.
 "Can I help you?" you ask waving Richard to stay out of sight. "I'm just checking to make sure you're ok, Miss. Someone called down to the front desk saying they heard shrieking coming from this room." you giggle. "I'm sorry to have disturbed them, sir. My boyfriend and I were having a pillow fight and I guess we got carried away having fun. Please accept my apology for disturbing the guests." you say, giving him your best puppy dog eyes.
He clears his throat and blushes. "Thank you miss, I'm just glad you were having fun and it wasn't anything serious. We'll leave you alone now. Have a nice day." he says and turns to leave.
You close the door and cover your mouth to keep from laughing. Your eyes are watering and you're doubled over and Richard is not amused. Once you've finally gotten control you saunter over to him and give him your puppy dog eyes and apologize to him for getting the managment called. "At least I opened the door and dealt with it. I don't think he realized you were the one staying in here." you tell him.
 He finally caves to your charms and forgives you. You hug him and pull him down onto the bed to cuddle and kiss to apologize for getting him 'in trouble'. You spend the rest of the afternoon making out and talking quietly. He asks you what you want to do first when you get to London and finish shopping.
The two of you make some tentative plans for the time you two have together before he has to leave to audition in Toronto. You tell him you want to see a play in West End and ask if he knows what is playing. He pulls it up on his phone and you look at the options. You tell him your top three picks and he makes a mental note of it. You also mention you want to go on the London Eye and see the London Bridge and see some of his favourite places.
After a while the two of you fall asleep cuddling and he is spooning you and has you wrapped in his arms, your head tucked under his chin and your body snuggled tight against him. 
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gif is not mine, I found it online. More chapters to come... if you want them...
@fizzyxcustard​ @daisy-picking-lady​
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