#bear your soul
omaano · 1 year
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They aren't very good at this
I blame discord for this: as in everyone was in such great agreement that it would be very cool and full of great symbolic potential if Paz was a Zabrak under the helmet, meanwhile I decided to double down on a joke and make him big and blue within his shell as well. So he is a Pantoran now with a fantastic pastel beard (and Din got the full update finally too!)
Check out more posts in my Mandalorian meets Hades hobby project at the link ;)
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diedraechin · 2 months
Chapters: 51/? Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Chapter Summary: (From Io because he gives the best summaries)
In which the ice is no one's friend (except maybe Chris's-but it's Chris, sooooooooooo) and a pole dancer lucks out.
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valtsv · 8 months
they should put james fitzjames and tuunbaq in dead by daylight
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total-drama-brainrot · 6 months
TD World Tour AU, where Noah doesn't tell Owen that Alejandro is an eel in London... In Area 51, Noah is accidentally splashed with an alien truth potion (which wears off after a few days) and he talks to Owen... Owen asks Noah what he truly thinks about Alejandro, and Truth-Potion Affected Noah says this: "I have mixed feelings for Alejandro. He's a brilliant, interesting guy and I like him, but I don't trust him. He's like a slippery eel dipped in grease, swimming in motor oil. Basically, Heather with social skills. Wait a minute, why am I telling you this?!"... What if Alejandro secretly heard Noah call him all those conflicting things + Alejandro also learns that Noah is affected with an alien truth potion? 👽
Alright, you got me. I'm an absolute sucker for truth potion plots, especially when the character(s) effected by them are usually either pathological liars or incredibly secretive- of which Noah absolutely falls into the second category, given he shares so little personal information.
I'll gloss over why Noah declined to shit-talk Alejandro in London (though there's so many ways this change in behaviour could be justified) since the focal point of this hypothetical centred around their time in Nevada, so let's start from the beginning of the Area 51 challenge.
Area 51:
Before we start, it'll have to be established that no one was eliminated in London. Let's say that the majority vote went towards Duncan (team CIRRRRH voted him out immediately because they found his re-admission to the competition unfair, I guess. I imagine he'd also vote himself, if not as a plan to escape the competition he'd been actively skiving from, then just as an act of spite) but Chris instead claimed it was a rewards challenge- much like he does in Greece- because he doesn't want to let Duncan slip away again so soon.
I see no reason to alter the first part of the challenge- the sneaking into Area 51 portion- since team CIRRRRH's course of entry is fairly straightforward. Noah's presence doesn't make much of a difference to how it would play out; the majority of them throw their rocks and run, Owen gets lasered over the fence and Owen-napped, ect ect.
When both teams have managed to make their way into the Black Box Warehouse, Noah immediately suggests they should prioritise rescuing Owen. Tyler's quick to agree, since he's a firm believer in the "no man left behind" mentality (and he probably makes a not-so-subtle jab towards Noah for his chance of tune compared to London, where both he and Owen did leave Tyler behind) leaving Duncan and Alejandro to split from the group- Duncan in search of Gwen, and Alejandro just takes the opportunity to finally be free from his 'incompetent teammates' and prioritises finding an artifact.
Noah and Tyler come across the contraption Owen's trapped in, Tyler punches it in a futile effort to break it open, and the face hugger cube drops into Noah's hands. This is where the point of divergence comes into play; Tyler has his E.T. moment with one of the face huggers, but Noah- who's a tad bit more observant than Alejandro, and used to dodging surprise attacks from his various older siblings (and Izzy)- anticipates his own face hugger attack and promptly starts a game of cat-and-mouse with a taser alien hot on his heels.
The commotion of which attracts the rest of his team. Alejandro and Duncan arrive on the scene to see Tyler being electrocuted by an alien and Noah running in circles evading another.
Duncan attempts to rip the face hugger from Tyler's face, finding success at the cost of sending Tyler trampling into Owen's captive contraption (essentially taking Alejandro's canonical place in this scene) and inadvertently freeing Owen.
Meanwhile, Alejandro swipes up the nearest box he can find and snags the alien chasing Noah, who's still very loudly panicking as he flees, and succeeds! The alien is swiftly captured into the box, netting team CIRRRRH their artifact, and Noah promptly goes careening into the nearest tower of junk in his face hugger-fuelled hysteria. This causes another box to topple from the peak of the tower, landing directly on Noah's head and spilling its contents onto the bookworm- glass vials filled with a mysterious, luminescent cobalt blue liquid shatter into pieces drenching Noah in whatever they contained. (i.e. truth potion.)
Owen has his false-amnesia moment, characterised by his Joker makeover, and Alejandro enacts his revenge post-hypnotic suggestion after being addressed as "Al" one too many times.
Noah, understandably, swiftly objects to Owen's treatment and demands that Alejandro snap him out of it. Alejandro concedes, and Owen's brought back to himself. At least, for a moment, before the fatigue of having his mind messed with sends Owen into near-catatonia (the same as canon), meaning he has to be ferried through the Warehouse and back to the Jet by Alejandro and Duncan.
Things carry on canonically from there; Noah's just sort of there for the most part, though there'd be a minor hint to his newfound proclivity for honesty. Something along the lines of him giving an uncharacteristically honest answer to Owen as to who he's voting- Tyler, of course, since he was the one who ultimately threw the challenge for them... and also because Tyler still holds some resentment towards Noah for what happened in London, and Noah feels guilty about it every time he looks at the jock. Wait, why did he say that?
Sometime between this and the elimination scene, Noah wipes the truth-goop off of himself, but not before the effects have already started.
Tyler's voted out, yada yada yada.
The Jet:
Thus begins the start of "Picnic at Hanging Dork". Team CIRRRRH, consisting of just Alejandro, Duncan, Owen and Noah, are slumming it up in the Economy Cabin. Alejandro tries to rally his team by asking how to break apart Courtney and Heather's tentative co-operation. Owen suggests having Alejandro seduce Heather, since it worked for both Bridgette and Leshawna. Duncan makes his "Babe Olympics" comment. Noah pipes up that playing with someone's feelings is pretty scummy, even for someone competing for a million dollars.
Alejandro takes Noah's reluctance towards his methodology poorly; he hadn't spoken up before, when Alejandro had utilized the same strategy against other girls- and even Owen noticed that, so surely Noah did too- so why was he to outwardly against him using the same tricks? Duncan agrees, and offers ''his'' idea of having Alejandro flirt with Courtney to throw both her and Heather off their games (since Heather has an obvious crush on Alejandro), and things follow canon.
Then, the scene between Alejandro and Courtney happens. Noah scoffs at the display from the side lines, prompting Owen to ask him why he's so against Alejandro's plan.
"I mean, you never said anything before, when he flirted with Bridgette and Leshawna." Owen comments, light-hearted in nature but with an underlying questioning tone.
Noah's eyes flicker with a cobalt glow, easily mistaken for a trick of the light, and he speaks without even thinking.
"Yeah, because I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. Bridgette was happenstance, and Leshawna's whole deal could've been a coincidence, or some massive misunderstanding. But this?" Noah extends an accusing hand out towards a smug looking Alejandro, then pans it over to a flattered Courtney, "He's outright toying with Courtney's feelings after she was cheated on in front of an international audience. It's scummy."
Owen nods in understanding, momentary contemplation evident in the pouted curve of his lips, and he chimes in.
"Does that mean you don't like Al?"
"I never said that."
"Well, how do you feel about him, then?"
Again, a flash of blue light against the hickory backdrop of Noah's eyes, and he responds thoughtlessly.
"I guess I have mixed feelings about him. On the one hand, he's slippery, like an eel dipped in grease, swimming in motor oil. He's like if you took all of the worst aspects of Heather, wrapped them up in a pretty package, and gave them social skills..." He holds his hands out before him in a scale-like manner, with the left tipped downwards and tie right raised by his chin. Then, the two hands swap positions.
"And on the other hand, he's brilliant. I've never met anyone as talented as Alejandro; he's smart, he's athletic, he's funny. It's almost unfair just how perfect everything about him is- even his face is perfect. It's ridiculous! Infuriating, even. It's so hard to dislike him, even when I know he's bad news, but that doesn't mean I trust him."
Owen stands slack jawed beside his best friend, both impressed and stunned at the raw honesty of Noah's tirade. Noah, now a little more aware of himself, realises that he's said more than he intended to- more than he thinks he's ever spoken in one go throughout the entirety of Total Drama. He's not usually one for speeches, after all, let alone honest ones.
He's always been the type to play his cards close to his chest, so why...?
"I, uh, didn't mean to go off like that."
And he also didn't mean to admit it, either. What was going on?
The look Owen gives him is, in a word, vivid. The blonde has a shit-eating grin stretching across his face, a sort of elated smugness practically glowing from his features.
"Sounds like someone has a cruuuush!~"
What? No? No! Not at all, where would Owen even get that idea?!
Noah splutters to correct Owen's assumption (to disastrous results, because he does sort-of has a crush on Alejandro, so the truth potion doesn't allow him to outright deny it), and in his preoccupied state he misses how a calculating pair of sage green eyes never seems to stray from him.
Alejandro has a lot to think about in regards to a certain cynic, it seems.
#I'd like to apologise for taking this idea and running with it.#Cutting myself off here before I breach 2k+ words or else I'll be here all day.#Sort of entered actual Writing Mode at the end there instead of Outline Mode but this idea is. So Full Of Potential I couldn't help myself.#But from here it'd basically be Alejandro using his newfound knowledge of Noah's crush on him to his advantage.#Whilst Noah's doing his best (and failing) to deny that he has any feelings for Alejandro.#Eventually leading to the two of them having a Bonding Moment where Alejandro gets Noah to divulge some personal information.#And in turn- or an effort to garner some trust (to be abused later)- Alejandro also lets himself be vulnerable towards Noah.#Something something Alejandro tries to use Noah as a pawn but ends up catching feelings of his own.#Then of course the potion wears off and Noah goes back to being just as prickly and standoffish as he was before.#A point of conflict maybe? Imagine bearing your soul out to someone only for them to close themself off to you not even days afterwards.#...Also imagine being practically forced to divulge information about yourself to someone you don't trust because of a truth potion.#Oh yeah. That's some good angst material right there.#Especially is you have Alejandro be- if not fully aware- than at least suspect that Noah's not being agreeable on his own terms.#Anon why have you given me The Thoughts?? I can't keep brainstorming AUs when I already have fics to work on!!#ophe's ranting in the tags again#total drama#td noah#td alejandro#team chris is really really really really hot#alenoah#-ish#silly ideas#other's ideas#long post#replies#kinda drafty in here (posts from the drafts)
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itsnikak0 · 9 months
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Miss Sally
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eveandtheturtles · 1 year
Anyone else just occasionally imagines being squish hugged by each turtle brother? Just bayverse are so big. I bet the hugs are the best.
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galexibrain · 4 months
We don't forget so easily
"Old man. I need to know something."
"Given that I slaughtered all those Namekians years ago, how do you feel about me?"
"... You speak of the attack on Elder Tsuno, right? We do not forget these things so easily."
"So you hold a grudge then?"
"Grudges and hatred can only bring about further conflict. The Namekian people are not so foolish as to indulge in such things."
"I see."
(Dragon Ball Super, chapter 47 "Stolen Dragon Balls", Moro Saga)
~ Several months later ~
"What did you call me here for, Dende?"
"I have a message from New Namek for you. Grand Elder Moori has asked me to deliver it."
Vegeta frowns. From the old man? "What's he saying?"
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When he speaks with his eyes closed, he sounds less like the adolescent he still is and more like the old Namekian, as if he's actually channelling the other's voice telepathically.
"We will not forget this easily either."
He opens his eyes again, and now his voice is back to normal. "He says you will know what this means."
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Vegeta listens and, as the words sink in, meeting with memories both months and over a decade old, he closes his eyes to try and make sense of what he feels.
He nods and turns away to the edge of the Sanctuary, ready to depart again. He has no further business here.
Before he flies off, he turns back one more time. "Tell him ... neither will I." Moori will know.
"Vegeta!" Dende calls when he's already about to lift off. "I ... I've forgiven you. And thank you for helping my people."
He freezes for a second, but this time he doesn't turn back again, departing in a flash of ki and shooting down and away from the Sanctuary, as fast as he can.
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ardentpoop · 7 months
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uncanny-tranny · 10 months
Something I love about art is, often, you won't be able to tell who made the piece of art - no matter what, no matter one's background, gender, or anything - people want to surround themselves with beauty, creation, something which stirs ones emotions, warmth, fear, care, and love. There's something special about that.
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the-crimson · 1 year
(All talk about the characters not the ccs)
I’m finally watching bbh’s June 19th stream (day after Father’s Day) and he’s talking about removing everyone’s access to his base. I’ve seen people talking about how this could cause problems and lose him Forever and Bagerah’s trust but I think people - including Forever and Bagerah - are forgetting a crucial fact
Bbh is a single parent and has been from the start.
He has to be incredibly paranoid to keep Dapper safe. His paranoia is the only reason Dapper -and many of the other eggs - are still alive.
He can’t rely on other people to keep Dapper safe. He can’t tell Dapper to go live with another parent if his house is compromised. That’s why he has five different houses and keeps building more when too many people gain access.
I don’t think Forever or Bagerah have a right to complain about this considering they have 3/4 other parents/houses to keep their egg safe. They have a family structure that allows them a sense of safety that bbh has NEVER had.
Like yea, I understand why they would feel betrayed but from an objective pov, they have zero ground to stand on to protest because they have NO idea what bbh has gone through raising dapper alone, how could they? They have always had 3/4 other parents at their beck and call.
Trust doesn’t mean letting someone run rampantly through your house/safe space just because they feel entitled to it. Trust means having faith that if bbh is closing off his/Dapper’s house to you, he has a legitimate reason that doesn’t have anything to do with you personally.
Bbh has done so much for team friendship and taken down so many of his walls and boundaries for them that the fact THEY don’t have faith in him makes me sad. I trust team friendship and the q-ommunication smp to work everything out but I just hope Bagerah and Forever come to respect bbh’s boundaries a bit more :D
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diedraechin · 7 months
Stealthy Chapter Teaser Drop
There are certain things that we hear about in canon, but don't see that I'm always excited to put my spin on, and we've finally arrived at another of them.
And I'm so happy that you enjoyed all the happy, silly shenanigans from Four Continents because we're entering into the 2013 World Championships before the 2014 OG season.
Kai cursed as she flicked through Yuuri's contacts. At least she was familiar enough with the iPhone UI that the Japanese didn't throw her much. Or it didn't until she got into his contacts and realized that most of them were in Japanese and then a bunch were in Russian and only the ones that she didn't need were in English. Viktor's would obviously be in Russian. FUCK.
Виктор 🛑🍾⛔🚫⛔🍾🛑
Nevermind. Viktor's contact information turned out to be glaringly obvious. And if it wasn't Viktor—There was no way it wasn't Viktor. Absolutely none. She hit the button to make a phone call and sure enough, Viktor's contact picture filled the screen, so Kai put the iPhone to her ear as it rang, keeping one hand on Yuuri's back to rub small circles, in a futile effort to calm him down.
He wasn't pushing her away at least, so that was something.
"Yuuri!" Kai didn't think that she'd ever heard such a bright and happy sound from the Russian skater before in her life. Even when she'd been present during their interactions there was always this sort of distance that Viktor maintained. Was he always so happy when Yuuri called him?
"Sorry. No. It's Kai. I need you to fix him."
The change in the Russian's tone was immediate. "Fix him?"
"Yes." Kai didn't bother explaining and pressed the phone to Yuuri's ear. "I called Viktor." She was absolutely sure that the Russian skater could hear Yuuri's rapid breathing through the phone connection.
"Hos… Hospital." Yuuri pressed his own hand against the phone and Kai turned to Madison who had gone white.
"I was just trying to make him feel better! I didn't think he'd freak out! I swear! Phichit practically hangs off him all the time!"
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orchideae · 8 months
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My apologies for the absence! I feel like a broken record saying this, but I keep entering different phases of 'settling into life' (went through a massive change in my personal life last year), and then every time I get to 'Ah, all is calm now', something else happens. But I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, as one huge weight has now finally been lifted off my shoulders. Phew. /munches on my camembert and baguette.
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good-beans · 2 months
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Just a sketch for the Lilo and Stitch one! Roro covers Rodys shirt but I imagine a flower in place of the heart on Nanis shirt like the one he places in his jacket pocket
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asther221 · 9 months
Spoiler for tgftos under the cut :’)
I like how when Shiva tells Teacher not to leave her again, he proceeds to impale himself with a sword and leaves her again :’)
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ariesvibe · 4 months
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