#beatles cars
javelinbk · 1 year
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adoreliv · 1 year
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happy birthday to my living legend 💐
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harrisonsbabygirl · 17 days
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George and his mini copper at Kinfauns
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got-ticket-to-ride · 6 months
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For the next twenty minutes the car kept weaving on the road. John and Paul began to mumble prayers, and at one point Ringo began reciting the Lord's Prayer. Paul, sitting in the front, wrote " Help!" in the frost on the window. Gradually the car came to a halt. The driver had forgotten to fill the tanks with petrol.
Aspinall climbed out and after a few minutes managed to hail a lorry. The four Beatles clambered into the cab with the surprised driver.
"As soon as we get to the hotel I'm ringing up Brian about this driver," says George.
It was then 1:30 in the morning. By 10 am the Beatles had a new driver.
~Love Me Do, Michael Braun
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crepesuzette2023 · 1 month
Mcharrison car key stand off??
            RINGO: There are lots of driving stories. This is how a band gets close: in the van, going up and down the M1, freezing your balls off, fighting for the seats. A lot of madness went on in the van, but it got us together. We had a Bedford and Neil would drive. There'd be the passenger seat for one of us, and the other three - whichever three; the rest of us - whichever three; the rest of us - would sit behind on the bench seat, which was pretty miserable.
            We would go everywhere in the van and the amps and everything would fit in it with us. I remember sliding all over Scotland. It was bloody freezing in the winter.
            JOHN: But we always got screams in Scotland. I suppose they haven't got much else to do up there. Touring was a relief - just to get out and break new ground. We were beginning to feel stale and cramped.67
            RINGO: We never stopped anywhere. If we were in Elgin on a Thursday and needed to be in Portsmouth on Friday, we would just drive. We didn't know how to stop this van! If we had a day off and we were going to Liverpool from London, we would just drive.
            There was only a small piece of motorway in those days, so we'd be on the A5 for hours. Some nights it was so foggy that we'd be doing one mile an hour, but we'd still keep going. We were like homing pigeons; we just had to keep getting home.
            One night I remember, when it was very, very cold, the three of us on the bench seat were lying on top of each other with a bottle of whisky. When the one on top got so cold that hypothermia was setting in, it would be his turn to get on the bottom. We'd warm each other up that way; keep swigging the whisky, keep going home.
            PAUL: Quite an image. People think of stardom as glamorous, and there's us freezing - lying literally on top of each other, as a Beatle sandwich.
            GEORGE: There were a lot of good times in the van; all the rough-and-tumble stuff that happens. And there were some hysterical things that happened. I had a good crash once. We were coming over the Pennines, the roads were icy and I was driving pretty quickly as we came through what turned out to be Goole in Yorkshire. Everything was fine until suddenly I went into a right-hand turn. It was a bit sharper than it looked and we went up onto the grass bank, which then slopped down to the left. The whole van tipped as we went down the embankment, at the bottom of which was a wire-mesh fence with concrete posts around a Burton's factory.
            We bounced along - bump, bump, bump - knocking down all these concrete poles and finally came to a stop with Neil sitting in the front seat next to me, howling, 'Ow, ow, my arm!' The accident had ripped the filler cap off and the petrol was pouring out. We got out and had to shove T-shirts and things into the hole to try to stop the flow of petrol.
            We'd started to push the van back up on the road when, out of nowhere, came, ''Allo, 'allo, 'allo, what's all this then?' It was a cop, and he booked us for crashing. A couple of months later I went to court; Brian came with me for moral support. (He did stand by his lads.) I think they banned me for three months.
            RINGO: Another great van story was when George and Paul were both planning to drive the van; George got into the driving seat and Paul had the keys, and there was no way one was going to help the other. We couldn't go anywhere. We sat there for two hours. When you're touring, things can be pretty tense sometimes and the littlest thing can suddenly turn into a mountain; that was one of the great ones. (From: The Beatles, ANTHOLOGY)
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harrisonarchive · 9 months
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The Beatles and their touring van in England, 1963; photo by Dezo Hoffmann, scanned from With The Beatles: The Historic Photographs of Dezo Hoffmann.
“There were a lot of good times in the van; all the rough-and-tumble stuff that happens. And there were some hysterical things that happened. I had a good crash once. We were coming over the Apennines, the roads were icy and I was driving pretty quickly as we came through what turned out to be Goole in Yorkshire. Everything was fine until suddenly I went into a right-hand turn. It was a bit sharper than it looked and we went up onto the grass bank, which then sloped down to the left. The whole van tipped as we went down the embankment, at the bottom of which was a wire-mesh fence with concrete posts around a Burton’s factory.We bounced along — bump, bump, bump — knocking down all these concrete poles and finally came to a stop with Neil [Aspinall] sitting in the front seat next to me, howling, ‘Ow, ow, my arm!’ The accident had ripped the filler cap off and the petrol was pouring out. We got out and had to shove T-shirts and things into the hole to try to stop the flow of petrol.We’d started to push the van back up on the road when, out of nowhere, came, ‘’Allo, ‘allo, what’s all this then?’ It was a cop, and he booked us for crashing. A couple of months later I went to court; Brian came with me for moral support. (He did stand by his lads.) I think they banned me for three months.” - George Harrison, The Beatles Anthology (x)
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cowardlycowboys · 23 days
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looks at you with malicious intent
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barkingbonzo · 4 months
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John Lennon's Rolls Royce and George Harrison's Mini Cooper (1967)
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carfuckerdean · 2 months
we need more representation for those of us who have crippling daddy AND mommy issues
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javelinbk · 7 months
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The Beatles being menaces in Northern Ireland, 8th November 1963 - part 2 (part 1) (x)
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adoreliv · 2 months
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romeo & juliet, 1996 ۶ৎ
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cars2-renaissance · 18 days
So I ended up going down a rabbit hole because of this headcanon about Finn being a huge fan of the Beatles. So now I will inflict my own headcanons about it on all of you >:)
Finn absolutely loves the Beatles. He will have them playing in the background whenever he can. He finds them soothing and upbeat. Leland absolutely HATES the Beatles. The songs get stuck in his head as soon as he hears one so “it doesn’t matter if you turn it off now, it’s too late!!” Leland is convinced that Finn just knows whenever he finally manages to get a song unstuck from his head because he always plays his damn record again and there goes “Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da” stuck in his head for another 48 hours!
The "fuckin hell" audio in Hey Jude at 2:58 is actually Leland wanting to die after having to listen to this damn song again.
Not me forcing myself to listen to a shit ton of Beatles songs so I can come up with a list of Finns favorite songs....
I relate more to Leland every day.
Finn has a portable turntable that he will bring to stake outs. Leland will glare daggers at him as soon as he hears the record come on.
Finn and Leland have had exactly one falling out over the years and it was over the Beatles. Finn played them one too many times and Leland chucked the turntable out the window of a five story hotel. Finn wouldn't talk to him for a week after that.
Finn gets captured by the enemy again: ah well, at least Leland will save me :)
Leland who has had "Love Me Do" stuck in his head for the past five days: maybe I should just let them kill him this time.
Shit, "Love Me Do" is stuck in MY head. Agghhhgghg
Finn knows all their songs by heart and will mouth along the lyrics. He’ll get some old records and put on Hey Jude with this shit eating grin and Leland is like no plz stop. But Finn is already mouthing along the words and parks himself by Leland's front wheel then starts driving slow circles around him and Leland has to dance with him and he's trying so hard to keep glaring at Finn but aghhhhh
One time Finn and Leland got separated for several months and Leland missed him so much that he contemplated putting on some Beatles songs just so it would feel like Finn was there. He didn’t. But he thought about it. He would not admit this to Finn under fear of death.
I’ll add onto this list whenever I think of more headcaons. Tag which Beatles songs you think are Finn’s favorites :))
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I love being a fan of queen and the beatles because you're listening to and album and there's a heavy metal song about helter skelters then a few tracks later is an 8-minute-long avant-garde song where most of the lyrics is just someone saying "number 9" repeated a ridiculous number of times or you're listening to an album and there's a rock love song addressed to a car and a few tracks later is a folk-ballad about einstein's theory of special relativity
to everyone who isn't a fan of either of these bands: I'm not making these up, these are all actual songs that exist.
And the funniest part is I could've used weirder examples from these albums as well - like The Prophet's Song, an eight-minute-long prog rock song about noah's ark, or Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey which I feel is self-explanatory
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joen-lenawley · 11 days
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Ringo bingo
Mine if you’re curious:
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theorderofthetriad · 9 months
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thebeatlelove · 1 year
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George Harrison and his Mini Cooper
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