#beau the bunny
cooloffkidkilowatt · 3 months
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the daily comics trudges on
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autisticgayplushie · 6 months
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all nine of the stretch goal designs for this campaign - I am not sure how many goals we will be able to reach but there will come a point where I won't be able to do any more goals unless I get fulfillment help, so we'll see if it gets to that point and if I can get help! below the cut are the names, info, and artist statements for each plushie! I may end up changing the names as I am still not sure about ash, sandy, kelly, and luca, but let me know if you like them!
Tristan The Depression Raccoon: Tristan’s plushie will come with a removable hoodie accessory! He loves cozy video games like animal crossing and stardew valley. There are not many widely used symbols for depression that I could find, so I chose Tristan's colors based on how my depression makes me feel, bruised and cold.
Ash the Anxiety Bunny Moth: Ash’s plushie will have fluffy moth antennae and removable magnetic wings similar to Bug’s plush! They love to visit the home depot lights section when their friends are with them! I chose gray and yellow for the main body colors because my anxiety personally deals with uncertainty and things out of my control. The green comes from one of the anxiety flags created by Beyond MOGAI. To add moth features was a suggestion I got that I thought fit very well!! 
Sandy the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Kitty: Sandy is an artist and loves to draw and paint landscapes! Her wings will be attached via magnet, similar to Bug’s wings. The colors of her design are based on the OCD flag created by lucellion, with spirals in her paws to represent repetitive thought processes.
Melon the Sensory Processing Disorder Opossum: Melon is a silly opossum who has bat wings! Melon’s wings will be attached via magnet, similar to Bug’s wings. Melon’s colors are inspired by the SPD pride flag created by Beyond MOGAI.
Jazz the Borderline Personality Disorder Kitty: Jazz is a tortoiseshell kitty that loves to read!! Jazz’s plush will come with a pvc charm of the hand of Eris symbol for you to put on xer collar if you choose! The colors are loosely based on the BPD flag created with community input by ptsdsafe on tumblr.
Kelly the Schizospec Axolotl: kelly is an axolotl who is studying chemistry and loves science! kelly’s design is inspired by the Schizospec flag, created with community input and organized by schizosupport on tumblr. They will have a collar tag once again made of PVC featuring the associated double sided arrow symbol.
Em the Bipolar Disorder Chimera: Em is a chimera kitty who has dragon wings and a snake tail! One side of the snake tail is smiling, the other frowning. This takes inspiration from the :): symbol often associated with Bipolar disorder.
Cy the Irritable Bowel Syndrome Otter: Cy is a happy little otter griffin! They love to sculpt and craft and sew! Cy’s color pallet is based on the assortment of medications I take for my own IBS symptoms.
Luca the Dyslexia Fox: Luca is a dancer and loves to perform! Their design and colors are loosely based on the infinity heart+ moon and star symbol that is often found on dyslexia flags. they will have L and R embroidered on their paws, which was a suggestion I was given.
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sightseer69 · 1 year
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mischeva · 5 months
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This was a lot funnier in my head…
Anyways vote Beau for @sonic-fankid-showdown
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fuerrziah · 26 days
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GUYS gUYS gay cactus cooking beau art again he's so ooo cute
I love your take on him in your style it's so so cool so real he'd be lava eel
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Turns out my brain never knows when to stop (😅), so now I have even more plot bunnies for Descendants and I thought I’d share them with you!! Keep in mind that I probably won’t do official intro posts for most of these, but you can still feel free to ask me questions about them if you want!!
Bella Wolf, daughter of the Big Bad Wolf, poly Carlos/Jane ship, Fivel Stewart FC. A member of the VKs, despite being a total sweetheart for a villain kid and never really wanting to be evil, because she was the only kid who tried to befriend Evie when she had her mother were exiled and she and Evie have been stuck like glue ever since. Not originally selected to go to Auradon, but the VKs managed to sneak her through the barrier and Ben decided to let her stay. Genuinely befriends Jane pretty quickly since they’re both really sweet and quiet, and doesn’t necessarily like her friends using the girl, but she goes along with it and it breaks her heart to distance herself from Jane after Family Day. Has also had a crush on Carlos forever but doesn’t realize she likes Jane too until after Jane and Carlos start dating, and she thinks she’s missed her chance with both of them until they approach her about being a part of their relationship. Has been purely in human form, like her dad, for most of her life because of the magic blocker on the Isle, but when she gets to Auradon she discovers that she can shift into a wolf and back at will, and also has heightened senses and reflexes, which she uses to join the tourney team after it becomes more inclusive after the second movie.
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Charlotte Cogsworth, daughter of Cogsworth, Gil ship, India Eisley FC. Homeschooled in Auradon’s palace for most of her life, because she’s been in training to follow in her father’s footsteps and become an advisor in Ben’s future court and also because Cogsworth is a very protective father, but Ben manages to convince his parents to convince her father to let her go to Auradon Prep shortly before the VKs come to Auradon (and she almost gets pulled out of school again when Cogsworth learns about villain kids coming, but thankfully it doesn’t happen). A bit socially inept since she hasn’t spent a lot of time around kids her age other than Ben, but a very sweet and fiercely intelligent girl who’s accepting of the VKs right away. Offers to tutor the Sea Three and catch them up on any education they might lack after Ben brings them to Auradon after the second movie, and falls in love with Gil that way. Absolute besties with Ben since they grew up together, and is also really good friends with Lonnie and Evie and Doug (and also forms a kind of unexpected friendship with Uma after a while). Her father nearly has a heart attack when he finds out she’s dating Gaston’s son, but he eventually comes around.
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Beauregard “Beau” Beast, son of Belle and Adam, poly Harry/Jay ship. Younger than Ben by less than a year, but has always grown up in his brother’s shadow as the “spare heir”; even though Ben never tried to make him feel less than, he’s always known that his father didn’t care about him the same way, that he was meant to just be Ben’s right hand and nothing else. Inherited his mother’s love for reading and knowledge and has spent most of his life locked in his room or the palace library studying history and politics, hoping that he could become a well-known senator or ambassador to another kingdom. A bit wary of the VKs at first, but eventually befriends all of them and starts dating Jay (to Adam’s consternation, especially since Ben’s already dating Mal), and winds up being the one Uma’s pirate crew kidnaps instead of Ben when they go to the Isle to bring Mal home. He and Harry are intruiged by each other and flirt a little while he’s captive (awkwardly on Beau’s part), but he finds out after the Sea Three come to Auradon that Jay and Harry were actually involved for a short while before the fight between the VKs and Uma’s crew got really bad. Eventually Jay and Beau realize that they (still, on Jay’s part) have actual genuine feelings for Harry, and invite him to be part of their relationship. Beau is very sweet but intensely awkward and insecure due to never being the first choice growing up, but as he gains more friends and starts dating Jay and Harry he’s able to come out of his shell and starts being able to stand up for himself.
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Wesley Darling, son of Wendy Darling, Mal ship, Tom Holland FC. The son of Wendy and the man she married after becoming a writer and putting Neverland behind her, but there are rumours that he’s actually Peter Pan’s son because of all the mischief he gets into. Hates Auradon’s thinking of “moving past” magic and how perfect and prim everyone pretends to be, so he’s constantly pulling pranks and getting into trouble with Fairy Godmother. Immediately recognizes that Ben’s under a love spell because he sees him eat the spelled cookie and approaches Mal about it, not to confront her or rat her out but just because he’s impressed by her prank skills (he obviously doesn’t realize that it’s part of a bigger plan). He and Mal fall in love leading up to the coronation, and Wesley is so relieved when she chooses good and admits to Ben that she doesn’t have any feelings for him - which he’s fine with because he’s a good friend and genuinely likes Wesley - so they can be together. The very definition of a class clown, laid-back and mischievous and doesn’t take a lot seriously, but also a lot smarter than most people think and would do anything for the people he cares about.
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Aurora Andersen, daughter of Ariel and Eric, poly Mal/Evie ship, Zendaya Coleman FC. Ariel and Eric’s younger child, after her older sister Melody who’s already graduated Auradon Prep. Shares her mother’s curiousity and sense of adventure, and so she makes a strong effort to befriend the VKs when they first come to Auradon. Realizes she has feelings for both Evie and Mal after they almost steal the wand at the coronation, and is thrilled when they choose good and decide to stay in Auradon. Confesses to them sometime between the first and second movies, and they all become Auradon Prep’s power throuple. Pretty much exactly like Ariel in terms of personality, bold and inquisitive and kind, but with Eric’s occasional recklessness thrown in. Can change between mermaid and human forms at will, thanks to Fairy Godmother’s magic. Wanted to be on Auradon Prep’s swim team but it was deemed unfair since she’s a mermaid, so she settles on joining the R.O.A.R. team after Lonnie becomes captain.
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Delfina Madrigal, daughter of Dolores Madrigal, Lonnie ship, Rachel Zegler FC. Daughter of Dolores and Mariano, and the oldest of the five children that her father always wanted. Received a gift from the family miracle on her fifth birthday like the rest of her family, becoming able to create illusions through her singing voice. Homeschooled for a good portion of her life, like most Madrigals, but Mirabel, now head of the family, decided she and a few of her cousins should be allowed to go to Auradon Prep after the coronation, since she thought that King Adam’s attitude towards magic might be changing. A clumsy lesbian disaster, a bit like her Tía Mirabel, who gets an insta-crush on Lonnie and whose brain tends to stop working when she’s around her. The two of them get together shortly after the events of the second movie, and Delfina attends all of Lonnie’s R.O.A.R. tournaments religiously despite not really knowing anything about the sport. A bit quiet and nervous like her mother, but also has her quiet strength and her tía’s tendency to let her mouth run faster than her brain. Joins Auradon Prep’s acapella club and makes them into sensations, due to her gift making their performances into full spectacles.
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Theodore “Theo” Maldonia, child of Tiana and Naveen, Chad ship, Jonathan Daviss FC. He/they kid of Tiana and Naveen and heir to the throne of Maldonia. Very studious, quiet, and dedicated to learning how to be the best ruler he can be, but also doesn’t have very many friends as a result. Unexpectedly winds up becoming close to Chad after being assigned to tutor him when he starts failing a class, and actually helps him to reconsider his ways and mindset when the VKs come to Auradon. They develop a crush on him eventually but acknowledge that he still has a ways to go before becoming a better person, so it’s a while before he asks him out, but they’re very cute when they do get together. Through dating Chad, Theo starts to come out of their shell a little, and becomes really good friends with Doug and Carlos. A member of the Auradon Prep student council, and eventually becomes the tourney coach’s assistant as an effort for them to better learn how to plan strategies.
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Maizie Hatter, child of the Mad Hatter, poly VKs ship, Erin Kellyman FC. Wacky non-binary sweetheart, and a complete outcast in Auradon, as most kids from Wonderland are, due to their odd style and outlandish personality. When the VKs originally come to Auradon (already all dating each other), they try to befriend Maizie because they figure it will be easy to convince them to help them steal Fairy Godmother’s wand, but all four of them find themselves falling in love with Maizie over time. After they all choose good at the coronation - and Mal profusely apologizes to Ben for the love spell and explains that she doesn’t really have feelings for him - they ask Maizie to be a part of their relationship, which they’re only too happy to do. An incredible artist and lover of tea who forms Auradon Prep’s art club with Mal and gets all four of their partners addicted to rose hip tea. Exactly what you’d expect the child of the Mad Hatter to be, wacky and curious and often living inside their own head, but also a lot more observant and smart than people expect. Becomes besties with Ben after the events of the first movie when they start to become more accepted by Auradon society and, later, the Sea Three.
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Tagging my Descendants besties: @auxiliarydetective, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @ginger-grimm, @ginnystilinski-reblogs, @cecexwrites, @come-along-pond, and @manyfandomocs!!
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colorfulcharacters · 6 months
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Orange Animal Crossing villagers
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thatnerdwiththeface · 6 months
the things I would do to Bunnie
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intriga-hounds · 2 years
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last but not least, beau (our only dog who knows how to lure course lmao) won singles today! he ran beautifully, even when his jacket came undone and flapped around like a bib his entire second run (tho he did stop briefly by the judge to ask if she could fix it before deciding she was incompetent and finishing his run)
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lifeissapphic · 2 years
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a little laundry helper appears
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charlieslowartsies · 2 years
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Meet Beauregard! Beau is 3 months old (so heading into adolescence) and has already approached Herbie once. Gunna get a taller x pen too for when he gets bigger and realizes jumping is a thing.
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cooloffkidkilowatt · 3 months
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dallonwrites · 1 year
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the official 'tweets and posts that remind me of felix' pinterest board hit 100 posts to celebrate these are the top most felixcore posts. this is actually my official character intro post this is literally what i do instead of character sheets character questionnaires etc
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mischeva · 8 months
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Beau belongs to me, Lulubelle belongs to @varian-polis, Armand and Mariemae belong to @magnetisticc !!
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biscuit-munchies · 7 months
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boba and beau gonna eat good tonight
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loverboydotcom · 6 months
thinking of being so niceys to felix and giving him the pet bunny he’s always wanted but it would have to be in until heaven that’s the only time he would be stable enough to look after one. but then he spends half of that in new york being a slut. but maybe that would add to the overall experience of until heaven like my dad died and im weirdly sad about it so im going to follow my boyfriend who im currently in an open relationship with to new york where he’s working but im just gonna be chilling and slutting out to try and cope but it doesn’t help because i just miss my emotional support bunny
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