#beautiful green icecream thats pretty only to look at
vegasmydaddy · 2 years
if people were icecream flavors, i think i would be pistachio no one loves me im there just for the aesthetics
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jae-daddy · 4 years
Red Rose (2)
Jaebum mafia au 
one / three / four
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pairing: Jaebum x Reader  genre: mafia!au, romance, drama, angst, mature plot: your high school sweetheart, Im Jaebum, is the most feared criminal and you’re his one true love a/n: at this point, this is basically mafia crack - i’ll write another one that is all dangerous this one is wack right now lmao. Also in my opinion guns should never ever be used. i know this treats gun use lightly but it does not show my opinion or my views - gun use should be banned everywhere. i can go on a whole rant but i wont unless y’all want to hear it <3 but i hope y’all will enjoy this  not edit
Your palm pressed against his, as you lay your head on his shoulder. His hand wrapped around yours, the other held on your waist, as his cheek fell on your head. You softly swayed with the music playing from the boombox settled on his desk at the corner of his room.
“You look beautiful tonight,” Jaebum moved back, looking into your eyes. You let out a quiet snort at him for being so adorable.
“Sure, I do, Jaebum,” you rolled your eyes.
You had missed your ball in highschool, so here was your boyfriend making up for it in his room. You were in your yellow duck pjs, and Jaebum in a sweatshirt and pjs pants covered with Bart Simpson’s face.
“I mean it,” he kissed your forehead, and as you stared into his eyes you believed him.
Everything was magicial and beautiful. Nothing could compare to this, especially not a high school ball.
“Table number 5,” Randy woke you up from the memory you had lost yourself in.
You instantly moved walking towards the table as you pulled out your notebook and pen from your apron. You froze when you saw the group infront of you, but you pretended to keep your cool.
Jaebum wasn’t here with them, but it was the rest of the boys. They had been coming here a lot after that night. 
You don’t think Jaebum had recognised you, he ate the food, left a generous tip and walked out. He didn’t come to the diner again, but the others did. 
And they came very often. Atleast, once every two days.
“Hey, welcome back,” you cringed, but ignored it as you carried on. “What can I get y’all today?”
“Oh, howdy partner,” the pretty boy with the juicy lips said, as the others groaned in displeasure. He chuckled happily at the reaction before continuing, “I’ll have the waffles again, with two scoops of icecream and extra sauce.”  
“No problem,” you smiled, and took the orders for the rest of the group.
Your heart settled slightly as you placed their food in front of them. Jaebum was not coming again today. That made you feel relieved, but made your gut twist and heart sink all at once.
Even though he didn’t recognise you, it was nice seeing him again. It felt nice to be in his presence once again, even though things were not as they used to be.
Something about Jaebum had dulled down. Something heavy walked with him, step after step, it weighed him down. It darkened the world around him. 
Even his group of friends lessened their horsing around when he sat with them.
Something about him had changed and it broke your heart seeing him like that.
In the hour that he was here at the diner a week ago, he hadn’t laughed once. Even when his whole group was laughing and joking, he didn’t participate. Only commenting once or twice. and one rare smile that didn’t shine as bright as before. He wasn’t the Jaebum who held you in his private ball, and danced to old love songs with you.
He was someone else.
But it didn’t matter. You wanted to see him again, be around him once again. Just be in the same room, and breathe the same air as him. You missed him, and even this Jaebum was enough to warm your heart for the smallest moment.
The sky had gotten darker over your shift today. You looked at the old watch on your wrist and saw it was nearly midnight. You walked to the back, and told Randy you’ll finish after checking out table 5.
“Yeah alright, just bring the dishes in too,” he said, lost in the game of numbers as he started at his accounts book.
You nodded, even though he wouldn’t see it, and walked off. You waited twenty minutes, before the group finished.
“Was the food okay?” You asked, as you placed the check on the table.
“It was great,” one of them said pulling out his card.
“My shake wasn’t sweet enough,” the tall one, Yugyeom, said smiling sweetly.
“Yugyeom!” The one holding the card growled at him. And that’s how you knew his name. Every night Yugyeom would say something, and every night the card bearer would scrowl at him.
“You should try the double chocolate next time.” You smiled, as you took the card to the cashier.
The boys left within ten minutes, and twenty minutes later you finally left work.
Your sigh left you as a puff of white smoke, as you put on your gloves and exited from the back door into the alleyway. 
Jaebum hadn’t come today, again. You felt your heart sink, but you brushed it off.
There was no point dwelling on something that out of your control. All it did was give you sleepless nights filled with worry and a thousand scenarios of reunion of how you and Jaebum will get back together.
You shook your head, as another image of Jaebum walking into the diner missing you by a second entered your mind. He walks over to the counter, looking down at a shocked Randy.
“Where is she? Where is y/n?” Jaebum askes with agony and hope heavy in his voice. His eyes look around the diner with desperation, then back at Randy. 
Randy is taken aback by the tears shining in Jaebum’s eyes, as he tells him; “she just left.”
Jaebum curses under his breath as he rushes out the door, and runs to find you. He sees your shadow further down the road, at the crossing. The lights for the crossing turns green and you start walking.
“Y/n!” Jaebum yells. You turn around, and you freeze. Jaebum remains in his place and the traffic moves around us. His breath racing as he looks at you unable to look away. Finally, he had found you.
You’re standing there shocked; your chest heaving and your cheeks and nose painted rosy.
And its snowing!
Omg brilliant. 
And then a truck comes your way-
“Okay, stop.” You told yourself, sternly.  You closed your eyes embarrased by yourself. “What the fuck are you thinking?” “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING FUCKER?” Your eyes widened as you jumped in your place.
“What-” you whispered, holding your hands at your heart. You removed your beanie from over your ear, and stuck your head out to the left to hear better.
“You really think Marco will let you fuckers live after what you did?” You gasped as you couldn’t believe your ears.
“Omg, real gangsters.” You murmured suprised. You had never seen one, only in movies and tv shows. But they still sounded scary as they you thought they would.
Some guys laughed at that comment, and it was silent for a moment.
You wanted to take a peak around the corner and see what was going on, but you knew better.
“I do know better, right?” You bit your lip tempted. You wanted to look, just a small peak. They wouldn’t even notice you were there. You could get real close to the wall and crouch on the floor so- “No, I know better.”
You shook your head and started walking before you did something stupid.
“Yeah?” Someone chuckled making you freeze, you knew that voice. “Well, goodluck telling Marco what happened here today, fucker.”
It was Yugyeom.
You turned on your heels, walking close to the wall. You took a deep breath, and looked over the corner, and your jaw dropped.
There were about five guys on charging towards Yugyeom.
Yugyeom pulls out a gun, shoots two in their legs and is about to shoot another when gun is wacked from his hands as a punch lands on his stomach. The gun lands a few feet away from you. 
You cover your mouth to hold in the terrified gasp that was left you. The scene was straight from a movie.
Yugeyom smashed his head into the guy who had punched his stomach making him stumble back. He grabbed another one by their neck, kicking another in his balls and then knocking him out with a kick once he fell on his knees.
He twisted his arm loosening his grip, making the guy with the neck grip turn around. He pulls his back towards him, and wraps his arms around his throat. Yugyeom chokes the guy as he struggles for air, soon sliding down and Yugyeom lets him go.
The guy with the broken nose charges again, but Yugyeom right hooks before jumping and karate kicking his face. He falls to the ground, and in a matter of seconds Yugyeom has defeated five guys who were bigger than him.
You were impressed and terrified all at once. Your whole body was shaking with adrenaline as you took the scene in front of you.
This was the guy who wanted sweeter milkshake, and would laugh and smile so innocently. But this was also the guy, wiping the blood from the corner of his lips, his black shirt tore open from missing buttons revealing his chest.
Yugyeom chuckled cockily turning towards the guy who you thought was the boss because thats it goes. The minions fight and the boss sits back and watches, and then he steps in.
Before Yugyeom could turn to face him; the boss had jumped from the car infront of Yugyeom. He elbowed Yugyeom making him fall to the ground. He pulled out his gun and pointed it at Yugyeom’s head.
Yugyeom chuckled, still being a cocky little shit.
The boss slammed the gun onto Yugyeom’s face making you wince as a cut formed on his forehead.
You couldn’t think properly. Yugyeom’s arms fell weakly by his side, as he looked up and closed his eyes. He opened them slowly staring down the barrel of the gun.
Had he given up?
The boss smirked down at Yugyeom.
“Sad that you can’t give this message to your boss yourself,” he sneered at Yugyeom, leaning in closer before standing tall over him. You started moving, your body having no control of your movements.
“But your dead body would do the trick.”
He unlocked the gun, and in a second, you picked up Yugyeom’s gun, unlocked it and shot it in their direction.
The silencer must have come off, because a loud bang made your ears ring. You dropped the gun, covering your ears.
You managed to regain some of your senses and looked towards Yugyeom.
His eyes closed tightly, and he didn’t move. You heart shrivelled in your chest as your blood ran cold.
Your ears rang loudly, as you fell to the floor. You gasped for air but nothing came into your lung. 
You stared at Yugyeom, as he remained still; not moving.
You couldn’t do it. You couldn’t save him.
And then red fell on his face; little splatters and then bigger blobs.
Yugyeom opened one eye, peaking at the sight in front of him.
Both of your eyes widened as your jaws fell wide open. The boss in his black coat fell to the cold damp ground as red seeped out from him.
Yugyeom’s eyes met yours, and they widened even further.
You took in a deep breath, gasping once more. This time the frosty air filled your lungs. It burned your dry throat, and cooled your lungs as you collapsed on to the palms on your hand. Your knees bent, the grainy street digging into your leggings as you closed your eyes.
“Are you okay?” You called out, gulping.
Yugyeom didn’t answer. He stared at you for a moment before opening his mouth. But he couldn’t say anything, before he could another voice boomed from behind you.
You turned around only to be blinded by the bright light. You covered your eyes as your eyes adjusted to the light. You could make out four figures against the harsh lights.
“Where is your silencer, Yugyeom? Get up the cops will be here soon.” The same voice said, and this time you could tell who it was.
“We have a bigger problem,” Yugyeom got up and began walking towards you. “It wasn’t me.”
“Really? Who was it then?” The guy who always snapped at Yugyeom snapped once again.
“it was her,” Yugyeom pointed at you, as he stood a few inches away from you.
“The waitress?!” Someone gasped. “The hell?”
You looked up at the boys who surrounded you, and then at the body laying unmoving and blood spilling out from him. You left bile come up, as you turned to the side and vomitted.
You looked up one last time to see Jaebum stare at you in shock, and then darkness fell over you.
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