#bec i get to give them the closure they deserve
ennas-aesthetic · 2 years
Retired!Dream as a Librarian AU part 2
I am SOOOOOO glad that the reception for the retired!Dream as a Librarian AU was so enthusiastic and sweet! Thank you so much for that (and if you haven't seen part 1 one yet, click here). More snapshots of the AU will be added as we go, because a retired!Dream experiencing the full range of human emotions in a place of community has brought so many stories to tell.
Anyway, a good friend on Twitter asked what happens when Lucienne finds out that Retired!Dream has become a librarian (or at least, a library volunteer) in the Waking World. I DO, in FACT, have a headcanon locked and loaded for that, so here we go:
Sometimes Dream wonders how on earth he has gotten here.
It wasn't like he hates the job. Dream LOVES the local library - loves the staff and the stories and the people. It's the best outcome he could have ever hoped for, really. Like someone has given him a second chance, a renewal. A new purpose where his existence could transpose into a life worth living.
But, OH, the circumstances that it took for him to get here. If only his former subjects could see him now. If only LUCIENNE could see him now.
Dream understands, more than ever, how much painstaking effort goes into even MAINTAINING a functioning library. Running the vastest library he knows in existence WHILE managing the Dreaming when he runs off to brood must have been a herculean feat. Morpheus resolves to be more appreciative of her work over the millennia, if he ever sees her again.
And see her he does. Lucienne comes to the library one day, on the guise of looking for a mislaid book. Her face is wreathed with smiles, looking sharp and dapper in her suit.
"Greetings, my Lord," she beams, eyes alight with fondness and mirth. "You look to be in good health."
"Please," he says, and surprises himself by laughing out loud. Laughing comes easier to him now, he notices. (The first time he did this in front of the library staff it was in response to an incredibly macabre joke he found hilarious. Dream had slapped a hand to his mouth, but the damage had been done: the library staff looked on in ACTUAL suprise, and then they cackled in earnest, delighted that their strange new colleague had a fucked up sense of humor and an absolutely ridiculous laugh. So many more attempts to make him crack up started since that day. Not that he minded.) "Call me Morpheus. I am your lord no longer."
"Hmm," Lucienne says. "Very well. Hello, Morpheus." And all of a sudden she envelops him into a bone-crushing hug.
"That was not a breach of protocol and conduct, I hope," she says, mischievous, as she lets a rather staggered Dream go. "Seeing as I am your librarian no longer."
Dream smiles wide. He does not think he has ever smiled this frequently in his entire existence.
He gives her a tour of the library, introduces her to the people behind the counter. After a few conversations the staff has agreed on one thing: Lucienne may be the BEST librarian there is. Some of them had already asked her to stay. Dream has to interrupt quickly, saying that she is already a hotshot librarian somewhere else, before steering her away from her new admirers.
"They adore you, it seems," he tells her. Lucienne rolls her eyes. Even as his librarian she had always been frank with him, but seeing her be openly candid with Dream, without the barrier of his Nobility and his Lordship between them, pleased him to no ends. If any outsiders could have seen them, they would have thought they are just extremely close friends (and they are. They are.)
"And they are COMPLETELY enchanted by you," she shoots back, grinning, "which is honestly quite the miracle."
She teases him about finally being able to handle his books, and jokingly chastises him about not doing it sooner. Dream, to her (non) surprise, takes this seriously, and admits, rather abashed, that most of his bookkeeping skills are only existent because of her. He concedes that she is still the better librarian between the two of them. Lucienne is very smug over this confession (as she should be.)
"I am forever indebted to you," Morpheus says, and finds himself a little choked up at the last syllable. "You have given me a lifeline, in more ways than one." He shakes his head. "I do not know how I may ever repay you."
Her eyes are overbright, but when she speaks her voice is steady.
"Just live, Sire," she whispers. "That's repayment enough."
It's a blessing, almost. An anointment of old, except his birthright is now renewed. Just live. Dream nods, determined to make the boon stick. To keep the oath for as long as he can.
Before Lucienne leaves she hands him a gift. "To complete the librarian regalia," she winks. And just like that she's gone.
Inside the box is a compilation of all the "Sandman Stories" he has adlibbed for the kids during Story Time Tuesdays. A note taped on the book: 'Matthew is gloating because he gets to be a dragon. Name a raven after me, will you?' Dream laughs out loud.
(Sure enough, on the next Story Time Tuesday a new character -- Lucienne the Raven Librarian -- was introduced. The kids instantly fell in love with her, and the book feverishly codifies the stories Morpheus comes up for her.)
But that's not all. In the box is another pouch - he opens it, and a pair of spectacles tumble out. Another note: 'from one librarian to another.'
Morpheus wears those spectacles till this very day.
Want to know more about the Retired!Dream as a Librarian AU? Read part 1 here and part 3 here.
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I watched bojack in 2022 here are my thoughts on the show in honor of the s1 anniversary
BJ/Sarah lynn: Yeah i saw that coming a mile away it didnt gross me out like a lot of othersbut. it sure was weird cause every flashback he saw as what 8 years old? weird. i don't consider it nonconsenual as it felt s5 tried to imply, cause sarah lynn is a fully grown adult but man it was def weird / also through most of it bojack was a complete sucker/.. but man the woodyallenvibesbestrongheresigh
didn't like PB/Diane on rewatches how he goes about throwing a big party after knowing diane hates them when she says YES: Big Red Flag.
am i wrong for thinking that the show doesn't give enough agency to some of the women characters, cause Jessica Biel was just insane im not gonna pin it all on PB for why that relationship soured, katrina i got feel more for but ms cannibal justnahfam. and screw ana/angela too. him going to seek closure from his abuser will always be gross..
I was mad at bojack for 2 days after the penny episode. Bojack Chris hanson wants a word with you.
And yet I still want to hug him whenver I see his sad horsy face.
I didn't like the reporter stitx shrugs.. seeing bojack also get better only for it tocrash down was a bummer to watch..
its intersting how he treats his life as a sitcom tho even up till season 6 the many faces of depression/ escape to LA/ Prickly Muffin/Too much man.. boy tries so hard to life a sitcom life of course its gonna blow up in his face.
Notice how Todd however getts to mostly live a zany sitcom life?
Hank the hippo makes me eye more than just bill cobsy
sarah lynn/sobs at jenneate and all the abuse in hollywood in general glad the kids are doing sober tho.. as miley/lindsey /britney are doing well..
sharona never should have given bojack that spiked orange juice
watching bojack in his 30s/50s near angela im just, man this guy has ZERO backbone its sad
PB: gay for Bojack
Fav quotes: This penis has been inside this vagina
Everyone Deserves to be Loved
Made me cry ugly tears: Bojerb/ Bodiane
Hate: Beatrice horseman
fav: Bojack probably obvious.
fav episode: I think bojack hates the troops is pretty funny.
its cool how his flashbacks have a sitcom vibe to it.
I feel i try to border on not excusing bojack but understanding how itcan be so hard to be anything than what he became cause his parents gave zero love zero esteem and he was set up to fail at relationships. clearly he hatese himself bec too bad for him ne bascially became his parents alcholicsm, advantage of women, insulting hisson i mean friend Todd similar to how bea treated him.
I don't like the plot for sarah lynn death as i feel its take to much responbility off a adult women who had a wall full of drugs , found the heroin and took it of her own free will.. and prefer the ide of bojack being at fault for just being a enabler..
sarah lynn predicated it well that she would hang out with enablers and die young, speaking of enablers im annoyed at pc for inviting bojack to her buisness party and trying to get him back in the hollywood spotlight like why girl just why??
love todd/bojacks ending it was very sweet
i suppose thats all i have to say ... this is just a ramble of my scrambled brain thoughts of the show.. xd.
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doyelikehaggis · 2 years
5 Shows
Rules: Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Don't cheat. Tag 10 people
Tagged by the lovely @geekinthefuschiahair
My shows:
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
The Vampire Diaries
The Dumping Ground
Who is your favourite character in 2?
I think it might be Freddie? It definitely used to be Spencer because I always wanted a big brother like him, but now I've definitely grown more attached to Freddie.
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
Ooh. That's actually a hard one, I don't think I really have a least favourite? I mean, maybe Lily? I don't hate her, but I obviously like her a bit less than the rest of the characters, so probably Lily.
3. What is your favourite episode of 4?
I have three! "All Debt's Paid" because it's the first time we meet John, "A. Malcolm" because Young Ian and adult Fergus, and "Hour of the Wolf" because OUCH.
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
I'm struggling to choose between 3, 6 and 8. But I think I might lean more towards season 6; it has some lighter episodes that are still really good, plus it has a few new character introductions which I really like. But 8 is a close second in terms of how well-written the serious episodes are without being so serious that I tend to skip them on rewatches.
5. Who is your favourite couple in 3?
Oh, but there are so many. I say that as if I don't know my favourite canon couples right off the top of my head. Obviously it has to be Stefan and Elena, and also Tyler and Liv. They simply deserved better, okay, and I will always be bitter about their ending.
HOWEVER, if we're talking non-canon then that is a whole other story and I would have to say Damon and Enzo but ALSO Caroline and Valerie, am I right? Yes, of course I am.
6. Who is your favourite couple in 2?
Oh, Carly and Freddie without a doubt. They are endgame, as they have always been, and I can't wait to see their happy ending. If I'm allowed some more creative freedom with canon then I would also like to throw in Spencer and Socko.
7. What is your favourite season of 1?
I think I enjoyed season 2 more? Obviously I adore season 1, it sets the base for us to get to know the characters and I'm a sucker for the HSM soundtrack. But there's something about the Beauty and the Beast plot of season 2 that I just love, and the original songs are gorgeous. Plus, it gave us some more Portwell, the fun dynamic between Ricky and Carlos when they write that song for Seb, the DANCE BATTLE to the mob song?? Yeah, I cannot fault season 2.
8. What is your favourite episode of 5?
Oh, hard question, TDG has so many good episodes. I'm gonna give a top five instead, it's a lot easier. So, we start with "Sittin' in a Tree" because it's the first time Jody realizes she has feelings for Tyler. Then we have "Wasters" because Alex goes to do work experience at Lily's cafe, I have to add in "Auld Lang Syne" for the Jyler rivalry + all of the Rabbie Burns stuff. "Sasha Claus" because it was a (mostly) fluffy Christmas episode and I just love snowed-in episodes. LAst but definitely not least is "Breaking Chains" because 1) Kingsley is dead but also 2) Jody being allowed to grieve in her own way with some kind of closure and 3) Tyler's return and 4) Bec's coming out storyline.
9. What is your favourite episode of 2?
Okay, if we're talking original iCarly then I think my favourite might be... "iSaved Your Life" for all of the creddie stuff but also a shoutout to both "iGo One Direction" for the comedy and also "iTwins" because it was a fun decision to give Sam an identical twin and confuse the hell out of Freddie. If we're talking about the reboot, then it's a choice between "iLove Gwen" for the schemy dynamic between Carly and Millicanet + getting to see Millicent's school, and "iTake A Girls' Trip" for all of the Creddie hilarity and awkwardness, but also "iGuess Everyone Just Hates Me Now" for the same reasons.
10. How long had you watched 1?
Literally only about a week? Maybe two? But I have fallen very hard very fast and I can never escape now, HSMTMTS will forever live in my heart (especially Ricky)
11. How did you become interested in 3?
I had initally refused to even consider watching TVD; my sister loved the first few seasons, but I was so obsessed with Harry Potter that no other fandom even seemed worth it. And then I had been having a conversation at school with someone who was kind of my friend at the time about werewolves, and she told me I should watch TVD because she was absolutely in love with it. I went home, watched a few episodes and ended up slowly watching the entire show. I have never been the same since.
12. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
Without a doubt, John Bell. I have adored that man for years since he was in TBR, and I was so happy to discover he was in Outlander. He was actually one of the main reasons I watched it at all.
13. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
Oh that's so not fair. I grew up on TDG and iCarly, but oh my god the love I have for HSMTMTS is unbelievable. I might have to side with iCarly here but then again, I just don't know. TDG I have an emotional connection to, you know, it's got some really complex stuff that hits really hard and I appreciate that. iCarly is fun and light and comedic. HSMTMTS is musical and hilarious and the characters are hard not to love. I truly cannot choose.
14. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
Uh, well, I've watched both shows in their entierty, so I'll switch it up a little as well. I totally binged HSMTMTS in nearly a night and have almost binge-watched every episode AGAIN today, but I've definitely REwatched more episodes of TVD (for now), just because I've been in that fandom for so long and so have had the time to do so (plus it was necessary for fic writing, which isn't something I'm doing yet for HSMTMTS)
15. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
That's a question. Do I really want to be any of them? They all go through the ringer quite a bit and I'm not entirely sure I'd survive half of that shit. But I suppose if I had to choose, I'd WANT to be Lord John or Josiah. I wouldn't mind being Bree or Roger but only for like the present day parts, like, before they go back in time.
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
It... it could? It would have to be something involving maybe on of the Mikaelson or Katherine or Lexi, but... yeah, technically speaking, it's possible. Outlander's main time period is the late 18th century, and since they're in Scotland most of the time, it's possible that one of the originals was roaming around there in that time, probably Klaus. Oh god, I don't even want to imagine a meeting between Klaus and Jamie. Or Klaus and Claire. Or Klaus and Randall. It would be a nightmare, truly. Point is, it's definitely possible and I do not like it.
17. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple
Yes, my time has come for HSMTMTS rarepairs! Or crackships, I suppose, but okay let's think about this properly. An unlikely pairing would most definitely be EJ and Carlos, and I honestly don't think they'd make a bad couple? I liked their dynamic in "The Tech Rehearsal" so it could be interesting. But also Ricky and Carlos? 👀 This mainly comes from Ricky helping Carlos write that song for Seb. But also what about Carlos and the French exchange student? I don't know his name, but I just really liked the part in the dance battle when those two were singing at each other, and I feel like MAYBE they could be something fun there? I don't think that Ricky and EJ are unlikely which is why I didn't put them at the top, but they would definitely make a good couple and I would be so here for it.
18. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
See, The Dumping Ground doesn't have one consistent storyline the entire way through a single season, because the point is that the episodes are all something different. The general plot is that it's a bunch of kids in a care home trying to deal with their issues and adjust to life in general, so it's not exactly comparable to a show like The Vampire Diaries, whose plot is supposed to be fantastical and more about things that AREN'T real as opposed to things that are. It's impossible to compare them for that reason; 3 is realistic and a way to sort of cope with life, sometimes in a light, fun way, sometimes in a deep, personal way, and 5 is an escape into a world where the problems are vampires and werewolves and other supernatural horrors. I enjoy both dearly.
19. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
While I love singing along dramatically to the Skye Boat Song, I will always vibe with the iCarly theme, it's just so upbeat and funky.
20. What is your favourite episode of 3?
Jesus, you're asking the impossible now. A favourite of The Vampire Diaries? Just one? Okay, I actually have at least three on the top of my head so, "162 Candles" minus the ending because I love Lexi, "The Birthday" because I just like it, and "Resident Evil" because I liked the Stelena dynamic with the visions, and some of the Denzo dynamic.
Tagging @childofsquidward @nbvethbrenatto @donnas-troia @alltid-og-for-evig @infp-obsessing-over-everything @mariedemedicis @benedictbridgertonss @cescalr @dance-is-life27 @imaginearyparties @emberandshadow and anyone who sees this and wants to do it! It's actually a lot of fun! <3
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sweetbitterpdf · 5 years
So, I love angst. STP, can you do a make up/after a break up scene. Jealousy, possessiveness, misunderstandings, insecurity galore, etc, would be awesome. ‘Cause these boys are passionately in love, ya know? Merci.
je peux essayer au moins ! this is gonna end in a make-up scene, because i can barely handle the thought of these two breaking up temporarily— let alone permanently.
He can’t forget the sound of Lucas’ voice, no matter how hard he tries.
It haunts him when he sleeps, it haunts him when he wakes.
— What do you mean we should break up?
He had been thinking about it for far too long. His brain had taken hold of his insecurities and had ran with them. You’re not good enough for him, it would spit out at him, you never have been. He tried to push the voices away, but they only grew louder, pushed back harder.
And then he had another episode. 
Stayed up for days, doing things that he barely remembers. The peak came and went, and one of the only things he remembers from the drop is Lucas holding his face, looking at him, looking into him. He remembers the crying, and the shaking. He remembers not being able to face Lucas as they laid in bed that night.
Then Lucas began to pick up the pieces, and that was it, for him. 
Why does it always fall on Lucas? Was how his self-interrogation always began. Then you should be able to do it yourself. Then he has enough to worry about in the first place. 
Then you should have never fallen apart in the first place.
Then but you did,
Then and you will again,
and again,
and again and again and—
Then he doesn’t deserve to deal with you.
He tries not to believe it, he really does. But faking it til he makes it only goes so far, he can only try to force himself to believe something to a point.
And so he ended it.
With tears and begging from Lucas the likes of which he had never seen before. 
The scene plays and replays in his head infinitely. 
When did you make this decision, 
and don’t I get a say in this, 
and please don’t leave me everyone leaves me, 
and what the fuck do you mean it’s for my own good, 
and I thought you were different,
and the please, Eliott, please.
Dozens of iterations of Lucas’ voice blend together, then, his head far too crowded to pick out one statement from the other. It’s been days and the assault on his mind hasn’t let up in the slightest. He thinks— rather than all of this hurt, all of this hollowness passing— he’ll just have to get used to it. 
If this is his life now, so be it.
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU what the fuck did you do to him
He stares down at his phone. He knows immediately that the unknown person is referring to Lucas, but he tries to play innocent.
MESSAGE À: NUMÉRO INCONNU who? and who is this?
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU He’s barely moved in days
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU He won’t speak to any of us
The person he’s texting with has completely disregarded his second question.
‘Any of us’? 
... One of his roommates?
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU The last time he was anywhere close to this was when he saw you kissing your ex at that party
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU and even that doesn’t hold a fucking candle to whatever he’s going through right now
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU He never lets shit with his parents get to him this much
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU So it has to have something to do with you
Whoever this is knows Lucas at least fairly well, and has for a while.
MESSAGE À: NUMÉRO INCONNU No, you’re not wrong
MESSAGE À: NUMÉRO INCONNU I broke up with him
He mentally prepares for the response.
MESSAGE À: NUMÉRO INCONNU After my last episode I couldn’t deal with burdening him anymore
MESSAGE À: NUMÉRO INCONNU It’s just gonna keep happening, and there’s nothing I can do to control it
MESSAGE À: NUMÉRO INCONNU He needs to find someone better than me, someone that can control whether they hurt him or not
MESSAGE À: NUMÉRO INCONNU Someone he doesn’t have to pick up after they fall apart, again and again
Probably-Mika is quiet for a few minutes, and the lack of vibration from his phone is jarring, after so many texts in such a short time.
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU I don’t think you realize what you’ve done 
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU I’ve known Lucas since he moved in, not too much longer than you have. Manon and Yann have known him for much longer, so if you can’t trust me when I say this, at least trust them. Lucas is... not a happy person, not naturally. He’s been through some shit, you know that, his dad’s an asshole and his mother is sick. He spent so long being all alone. When you came into his life, it’s like something flipped. He became a totally different person, he became happy, because of you. He doesn’t take care of you because he has to, or because you’re a burden.
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU He’s in love with you, Eliott, that’s what love is.
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU When you’re in love with someone, taking care of them is a privilege, okay?
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU Think about it if you two were reversed. If you had a boyfriend who was bipolar, would you take care of him on his bad days? Would you complain about it? Would you see him as a burden?
Eliott thinks about it. He thinks about Lucas, and about the bad days that he has, too. He thinks of taking care of him, and how the universe seems so slide back into place when he sees Lucas smile after a bad day.
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU And something tells me he feels exactly the same
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU But now he’s hurting, more than he ever has before
And it’s your fault, he tells himself.
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU So either you need to come to your senses, or give him some closure or something
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU Because he loves you, and you broke his heart into a million fucking pieces
Please, he almost adds. Just for a minute, just for a second.
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU That’s not up to me
MESSAGE DE: NUMÉRO INCONNU If you want to come over here I won’t stop you
He doesn’t care that it’s night time.
He doesn’t care about his responsibilities, fo all of the stuff he needs to be doing.
He doesn’t care, he doesn’t care.
He runs to him.
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imnotasuperhero · 6 years
Don’t let us down
Someone requested for this and since I’m trash, I came up with this closure? God, I love writing for Bechloe (and for any pairing, really). Let me know what you think, guys!
Pairing: Bechloe
Type: Angst/fluff
Summary: Life can be a little hard sometimes. Beca and Chloe definitely knew about that. And whilst bad news seemed to be the common situation in their lives, they both saw a little light at the end.
Or, the epilogue of the Bechloe Homeless Shelter AU.
Wordcount: 3093
Read on Ao3
Looking down at the sleepy brunette on her lap, she let herself be dragged to Wonderland. The events of the day fresh in her mind.
“Ma’am?” A little voice called her, taking her out of her mind. “Do you have something to eat?” Chloe looked confused at the little boy that seemed to spend his time wandering around the shelter always by his own, the same child that would smile at Chloe whenever he caught her attention; looked at her with expecting eyes.
“Wouldn’t your parents mind?” Chloe asked fidgeting in her purse for the muffin she never got to eat at breakfast. Usually, she picked breakfast on-the-go when she had busy days.
“I don’t have parents,” the kid said and Chloe stopped her task looking at him. “I’m alone.” H shrugged it off.
“How come a little angel like you is alone?” she squatted at his height, her hands grabbing his.
The little boy stared at their joined hands, then at her eyes as if trying to speak the words he couldn’t find.
“Come on, I’ll buy you lunch.” Chloe smiled trying to hold back tears. Her heart and her mind suddenly wrapped around this little boy.
“For real?” The kid’s eyes lightened up like Christmas morning.
“For real. Anything you want. But… you have to tell me your name.” Chloe knew she couldn’t help if she didn’t know about him first.
“I’m Jake, ma’am.” The brunette boy extended his hand for Chloe to shake it, which Chloe obeyed with a soft smile.
“Nice to meet you, Jake. You can call me Chloe,” she said as she guided them to the diner near the shelter. She couldn’t hold back the small laugh that escaped her lips as she remembered how similar her first encounter with Beca was.
Once they took a seat at one of the booths, Chloe decided to inspect the boy in front of her. That’s when she realized his brown eyes were filled with confusion while checking the menu.
“Is there something wrong?” she asked him, tilting her head.
“I don’t… I don’t know how to read.” His voice came small; his eyes never leaving the pictures on the menu.
“It’s okay, I’ll help you with that.” Chloe reached for his little hand and squeezed it softly. “Tell me what you want to eat, anything you want.”
“Can I have a burger and water?” he asked shyly.
“You sure you want water?” Chloe seemed surprised that a kid asked for a healthy choice when he could’ve picked a milkshake.
“Yes ma- Chloe,” he corrected himself before continuing. “I like water.”
Chloe just nodded as the waitress made her way to them.
The joy she saw in Jake’s eyes during the time they spent together warmed her heart and she allowed herself to hold onto that. The boy was all smiles and he responded happily each question Chloe asked. He also seemed eager to learn about her too. His sweet laugh was a sound she wanted in her life forever. Something inside her told her that she couldn’t leave him in the shelter. So when the time had come, she promised him that she’d come back every day.
“I can hear your brain working,” a sleepy Beca looked up at her. “What’s on your mind?” She sat facing her while rubbing the sleep off her eyes.
“Remember I’ve told you about Jake?” Chloe asked shyly. She knew better than to lie to Beca.
“I do remember, yes.” Beca nodded instructing her to keep talking.
“I can’t stop thinking about him,” She admitted heartbrokenly, the look on Beca’s face did little to soothe her soul. “I know we’ve already talked about this and while I always agree with you,” she paused for a deep breath before speaking the words. “Somehow I can’t leave him alone, Becs. He’s way too good to be alone in this world.” And Chloe cursed herself as tears started to run down her cheeks. Her soul way too weak to look at Beca’s disapproving look.
After 3 unsuccessful IVF rounds, they were about to give up and just go through the hard –and harsh– path of adopting. They’ve even tried with Beca’s eggs twice -since the brunette didn’t want to carry, but somehow Chloe was unable to nurse them. And she hated herself for that; no matter how much Beca told her that it wasn’t her fault, she couldn’t help but curse herself. And what was worse? She knew the brunette was hurting inside her because she was way too scared about pregnancy to try it herself.
Chloe had imagined uncountable times what being a mom would be like. How happy she and Beca would be with Little Bean growing up healthy inside her. What their name would be -she hoped Olivia could make it to the list- and whose hair color would they have. And how wonderful their lives would be with an addition to the household.
Maybe a family of four or five would be the result if time allowed it. And looking at Jake she felt the need to take him under her wing. To give him love and support and to allow her and Beca’s scars to heal a little.
“I want to know him,” Beca said after a long moment of silence. “I don’t want you to get your hopes too high, baby. But I’m willing to try.” She brushed Chloe’s tears away. The soft kiss on her nose made Chloe giggle.
“Are you serious?” She couldn’t believe Beca’s words. Not when every time she brought the topic up, all Beca said was that they weren’t ready to go through that process.
“Yes, babe,” Beca answered as she sat on her lap, legs at each side of her body. “But I think we’ll need something first.” Beca brushed her nose against hers in that way that Chloe loved.
“What do we need?” she wrapped her arms around Beca’s waist as she leaned in for a kiss.
“We need to choose what our last name would be,” Beca answered between the kiss.
“What do you mean? We- Oh… Oh. ” Chloe's eyes opened widely and Beca couldn’t contain the laugh.
“If we want to adopt, we have to be married and to be married we need to pick one or both last names.” She now kissed her cheek softly.
“Can we talk about it tomorrow?” Chloe didn’t know exactly how or when, but her nails started to run Beca’s back under her shirt and the moan that escaped the tiny brunette was enough to make her focus on other stuff.
“Lead the way, Princess.” Beca laughed in the kiss.
“Don’t you ever call me that if you want to be satisfied,” Chloe menaced her with a frown.
“Pardon me, ma’am. It won’t happen again.” Beca gave Chloe the sweetest smile, but Chloe could see the mischievous spark in those navy blues.
“You’ll be the death of me.” She decided to stop the conversation and attacked her with a hard steamy kiss. Both women more than pleased with the activities that would follow as they made their way to the bedroom without breaking the kiss.
The next morning came way too soon for Beca’s liking. She understood Chloe’s position about this whole Jake thing, it was cute at some point. But after all the bad they went through with the pregnancies, she didn’t want Chloe to suffer through another pain if they didn’t get to adopt him or if he didn’t mold to them – her.
All she wanted was Chloe to be happy. She deserved so much better than pain.
Entering to the same shelter that changed her life 10 years ago, Beca felt herself being thrown back in time. Even if the place was looking a lot more different than what she remembered –luckily it’s a good different– the feeling that surrounded her was the same. The uncertainty of not having a fucking clue of what your life would turn into or how hard you’d have to fight to escape this place. Because no; even if the place could be rated as good, no one should have to live in a shelter.
“Chloe!” A sweet voice called for her girlfriend and she looked at a bubbly kid running towards them. Finally engulfing Chloe in a hug when he reached her. “You did come.” His voice muffled. And she felt her heart pang with something she couldn’t put her finger on.
“Hello Jake,” Chloe greeted him with a matched smile. “Of course I came.” She kissed his forehead before looking at Beca. “And I brought someone I want you to meet,” Chloe then took her hand and prompted her to come closer. “Jake, this is my girlfriend Beca.”
The boy inspected her for a few seconds before extending his hand.
“Hi Jake,” Beca accepted his little hand with a smile that truly reached her eyes. And damn did she feel her heart make a jump at Chloe’s look. “It’s nice to meet you, kiddo.” She then nodded before bringing her hands to the pocket of her hoodie. She reminded herself she couldn’t get attached to him. No matter how much her heart ached, she couldn’t do this to herself. She had to be strong for Chloe.
Taking advantage of it being a Saturday, Chloe had planned their day together and Jake seemed to be content with it. And even if she was having fun and the kid seemed truly happy, she couldn’t help but feel anxious whenever Jake looked at Chloe with adoring eyes. She knew this was wrong. She knew that this would be really hard for –admittedly- the three of them if everything went down.
There were too many silent looks between her and Chloe that only fuelled the feeling of disagreement between them. But no matter how uncomfortable she felt, she’d promised Chloe that she’ll get to know him. And so she did –or at least she tried.
Turns out that by the end of the day when the moment to part ways came, her heart broke at Jake’s teary eyes and all she wanted to do was to take him with them and never let him go.
“Would you like to stay with us?” Beca spoke the words before she chickened out, earning a blank stare from Chloe and an open mouth from the kid.
“Beca?” Chloe asked surprised. She knew the redhead expected anything but this. “Are you sure?”
“Yes Chlo, we have enough space. I think we can settle him just right.” She squeezed Chloe’s arm in a reassuring gesture that Chloe responded to with a loud sigh.
“What do you say, Jake? Would you like to live with us for a while?” Chloe squatted and looked him in the eyes. Eyes that now shined with a new light.
“Can I have a bed?” the words came so softly that Beca was sure she could feel Chloe’s heart shatter too. Oh boy, what did this boy go through?
“You can have a bed in your own room.” Beca mirrored Chloe’s position and she allowed herself to caress his short brown locks. “You can have whatever you want.” She reassured him with a smile. It was decided, they’d fight for this kid with everything they had.
So that night after they put Jake to sleep in his cozy bed –as he called it– Beca held a teary Chloe; soothing her with soft words and sweet kisses here and there. The redhead was full of different emotions and she didn’t hold them back when it was safe - in Beca’s arms.
“Do you think we can keep him?” Chloe’s shaky voice hurt her heart.
“I do think so, yes.” She kissed Chloe’s nose. “You’re a hell of a social worker and Amy is a hell of a lawyer.” Beca smiled at the memory of Chloe’s friend. The blonde could be very dangerous for being a respected lawyer.
“I hope you’re right,” Chloe opted to play with one of Beca’s long locks instead of looking at her. “Did you see the look on his face when we showed him the house? I want him to be so fucking happy.” She hid her face in the crook of Beca’s neck with a new wave of fresh tears.
“I promise you that we’ll do everything in our power to make him happy.” She wrapped her arms tighter around her.
By the time Tuesday came, Chloe had everything gathered for Amy to start the paperwork for Jake’s adoption. The blonde told them that due to the fact that no one asked for Jake, his situation was open to anyone who wanted to adopt him. And given the good position she and Beca had, the judge would be more than content to sign the papers, but not before they got married. Something that they both wanted to get over with as soon as possible since they didn’t really care about marriage as long as they got to love each other. However, they did promise their friends and family that they’ll do a little party to celebrate both news.
“What happens if I can’t stay with you?” Jake asked one morning during breakfast. His legs swinging at each side of the stool and his gaze fixated on his cereal bowl.
“You’ll stay with us, buddy.” Beca urged to his side. Her hand caressing his hair. “We’re gonna stay together forever.” She kissed his forehead and Chloe felt her heat grow ten inches at the sight. It never stopped to amaze her how she felt every time Beca had a moment with Jake. She would be a great mom.
“But what if-“
“You’ll stay with us, Jake.” She joined them on the other side of the aisle, wrapping her arms around him protectively. They didn’t want to tell him until it was official, no matter how optimistic Amy was about it.
“I really want you to be my moms,” he admitted shyly, making both adults look at each other with unshed tears in their eyes. The matched smiles were something impossible to hide.
“I’m pretty sure we will.” Chloe looked at his eyes, blue meeting brown in a silent promise that got the boy nodding.
It’s been a month since Jake moved temporarily to the Mitchell household –as they decided for Chloe to take Beca’s last name- and as the time to the resolution came closer and closer, the nervousness and the excitement seemed to be the only two moods around them. Beca and Chloe had to practically distract each other when one of them was about to drop the bomb. Not even the Bellas knew about it. So when Chloe got the call, the need to tell Beca the news took over her and so she practically ran to the brunette’s office, not caring to understand what Sam –Beca’ secretary- told her. Knocking on the door, she waited anxiously.
“Come on in,” Beca called from the other side of the door.
“Hello, beautiful!” Chloe couldn’t contain her happiness as she wrapped her arms around her –now- wife.
“Hey baby,” Beca laughed at the moment. “To what do I owe this visit?” she asked confused. And Chloe could feel her own emotions bubbling inside of her.
“Can you guess?” She was sure her voice betrayed her because Beca’s eyes were getting glassy as she matched her megawatt smile.
“Is he ours?” Beca asked with a broken voice.
“He’s ours, baby.” Chloe laughed through tears as Beca engulfed her in a hug and let herself cry of happiness. They finally got to call Jake their son officially. She couldn’t wait to get home and cook his favorite meal for when Beca picked him from Aubrey and Stacie’s. The fact that he and Bella were just a few years apart was a good thing since Bella was all giggles whenever she got to see her favorite cousin.
After what seemed like a lot of kisses and caresses later and a promise to not tell anyone about it, she found herself leaving Beca’s office and heading to the grocery store. Her little boy deserved some ice cream to celebrate and she won’t deny him having as much as he wanted. Somehow, he and Beca shared the passion.
“Chloe?” A small voice came from the front door and Chloe felt her heart do a jump as all her emotions flowed through her at the same time.
“Hey, buddy!” She greeted him with a hug and the following kiss on his forehead. Something that both she and Beca decided to settle as their greeting way. “How was your day?” She tried to hide the tears that threatened to come out.
“Bella threw up at me,” he scrunched his nose at Chloe’s laugh. “She got sick and covered me in vomit. It’s not funny!” He frowned at her. Looking up, she couldn’t contain another laugh as Beca seemed to have troubles to contain hers.
“Moooooom, stop!” and as soon as his words escaped his lips, he gasped bringing his hand to her mouth. “I’m sorry.” The apology came muffled.
Too much to keep the secret for after dinner, she thought. Looking at Beca, they both nodded in a silent agreement. This was the time. This was it.
“Hey bug, you don’t need to be sorry.” Beca smiled at him, Chloe could sense the emotions bubbling inside the brunette too. “You know why?” She let him wonder for a while, kissing his nose when he shook his head.
“You can call us mom as much as you want,” Chloe decided to join the party. It wasn’t fair Beca takes all the fun. “You’re stuck with us forever, Jake.”
And just like that, Jake managed to wrap his little arms around both their necks in a hug and they all sighed contently as the news settled in the kid’s mind. Words weren’t needed when all that mattered was for them to enjoy this moment as much as they could.
“It seems like we have our own family,” Beca kissed her softly between tears. And oh, boy didn’t she wait for this moment all her life.
After all their ups and downs, their scars would start to heal little by little with the help of this beautiful angel that was sent to them. Chloe made a promise to herself right then and there to always do what was best for them and to never let Jake doubt all the love she held for him. No matter what happened, he’ll always have a shelter in her home.
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