#because I’m missing too much in my blorbo tag
oneknightlight · 1 year
Forced at gunpoint to draw scampton by the local nerds - me being dramatic after I literally asked for requests
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bbcphile · 3 months
In Memory of Kiah
cw/tw: death, medical assistance in dying
If you’re wondering why I kind of disappeared from the Mysterious Lotus Casebook tag and stopped posted WIP Wednesday things, here’s the explanation: One of my closest friends, who has been dying progressively and increasingly painfully over the last two years, told me about 3 weeks ago that they were going to pursue medical assistance in dying because it is legal where they live. It was originally scheduled for the end of July, then moved up to the end of June, and then on Monday, they moved it to Wednesday (yesterday), because their life was agony and they couldn’t wait any longer.
I’m lucky that I had enough advanced notice that I was able to say goodbye–both by sending them a message telling them in detail how much they’ve meant to me and thanking them for everything, and then in one last phone call the night before–so I’m glad they knew how much I loved them and that I could be there for them emotionally, even though I couldn’t physically be there for the end itself, because they live too far away. We met on Tumblr through the chronic illness community because we share the same genetic connective tissue disorder and many of its comorbidities, and I will always be so, so grateful to Tumblr for bringing us together.
I wanted to post about them here because it just felt wrong to keep going like nothing had happened, and because I wanted to do something to pay tribute to how good a person they were and how much I miss them. So, some words about Kiah: 
Kiah was one of the kindest, funniest, intellectually curious, loving, and fiercely protective people I have ever met. I loved that we could talk about anything, including the terror of living in a failing body or how to come to terms with being disabled when you were always an overcommitted overachiever who defined yourself on external metrics of success, analyze media together during watch parties, and laugh together about literally anything (including during our last conversation, where we were both bawling our eyes out, but also somehow laughing about how absurd it is that you can’t really cry hard and talk at the same time and how that seems like a real design flaw). We didn’t share any fandoms, but we still had fun sharing details about our blorbos and fandom activities: I loved hearing about their cosplay adventures, and they always wanted to keep up to date on the metas I was writing. Even once they went blind and couldn’t read my metas on tumblr anymore because it wouldn’t work with their screenreader, they had me send them Google doc versions so their computer could read my posts to them because they didn’t want to miss any of my analyses. And when they were too sick to listen to the full posts, they asked for summaries because they still wanted to keep up as much as they could. 
They were always so caring and compassionate: when they first called to tell me in January that they were going to do medical assistance in dying, and after I had told them I understood and supported them and we’d talked about how they felt about it, they asked me how I was. I had told them that while I was heartbroken, I would handle it, because I didn’t want to make them feel responsible for comforting me when they had their hands full with processing everything and feeling their own grief. They said that while they appreciated my not wanting to make it harder on them, they didn’t want me to feel like I had to be ok in front of them, because they wanted to comfort me and support me even in this if they could, since they didn’t have that much time left to be there for me and they wanted to make it count. (yeah, I’m sobbing right now.)
None of those descriptions could even begin to do justice to how much they meant to me, but I hope this anecdote will:
I couldn’t be with them at the end because I’m a country and an opposite coast away, but I hated the idea of not being able to say goodbye in person or hold their hand if they were scared during the injection. So I played piano and imagined they could hear it.
Most of you probably won’t know what that means or why it would be a big deal. Here’s why:
I used to be a musician. Music was my life and my most important means of self-expression, and was absolutely going to be my career. But in high school and college, an extensive series of very traumatic things happened that made me essentially have to give up performing. For the better part of the last 18 years, literally up until I sat down to play for Kiah, even just the idea of performing for someone or a neighbor overhearing me play was triggering enough that I would have a full-blown panic attack and dissociate so badly I would literally go from concert pianist level ability to mostly forgetting how to read music and having to count ledger lines. But my desire to do something so that maybe, just maybe, I could make Kiah’s final moments better apparently trumped my trauma, because I was able to do it. I had wanted to play some Rachmaninoff, Brahms, or Chopin, but apparently those are still too closely tied to Events and I started to have skill loss issues again (fucking dissociative amnesia), so I switched to a piece I had played long ago enough that it was reliably in my mind and fingers (and that I could sight-read if I forgot it partway through). 
And I played it.
I hope, somehow, they were able to hear it.
I also recorded it.
And I’m going to share it here.
It kind of feels like serving my heart up on a platter, but that feels kind of appropriate for this tribute to them. 
I think they’d be happy, knowing that I’m “doing it scared,” as Tumblr recommends, and that my attempt to give them the biggest gift of love and support I could think of, somehow, even if just temporarily, gave music back to me.
Also, I think they’d get a kick out of the fact that you can hear me giggle a little at one point in the recording when the sheet music falls on my hands, both because it’s a great middle finger to perfectionism, but also because laughing through the tears (and yeah, I was crying while playing this) is very much a chronic illness and disability thing, and feels like a good metaphor for much of the last few months.
So. All that to say:
Kiah, I love you. I miss you so much already.
Here’s Robert D. Vandall’s “Lakeside Retreat.”
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bizarrebazaar13 · 3 months
ok in this post I mentioned a fiction book rec related to systemic abuse and neglect of children in Victorian London. as you may have guessed from that cheerful introduction, this deals with heavier subject matter than I normally post about on here. so be forewarned.
that said, if you are interested in historical fiction with similar vibes as the early light fingers mystery of what exactly the orphanage is and what goes on there, I recommend The House of Silk by Anthony Horowitz. it is a Sherlock Holmes pastiche (my Holmes special interest is why I read it in the first place), but it can be understood and enjoyed even if you haven’t read many or any of the original stories.
the book is long and Horowitz does imitate Conan Doyle’s writing style, so if you find that hard to get through, the audiobook is fantastic!
the novel is framed as an account written by Watson many years after the events took place; Holmes is dead by this time, and Watson himself is very old. the case was never published because it was too shocking and would have such far-reaching ramifications, up to the highest levels of society. Watson even prefaces the novel by saying he is sealing these records for the next century, and no one is to read them until that time has passed.
Holmes is initially asked to help a man who is being stalked by a stranger in a flat cap, and he employs the help of the Baker Street Irregulars to track down the stalker. instead, the stalker is found murdered in a hotel room, and one of the irregulars, a boy named Ross, seems more horrified by the sight of Holmes’s client than the murder. as far as the client is concerned, however, the matter is resolved.
Ross then goes missing, and is found dead several days later with a white silk ribbon tied around his wrist. Holmes and Watson’s investigation into Ross’s death leads them to the mysterious phrase “the house of silk”, and from there I can’t really get into much more without major spoilers.
I have more to say about this because I never shut up about Holmes on my main and I’m also filled with blorbo thoughts about my own ocs. but this is already quite long so I will make another post.
(oh also tagging @thedeafprophet since they did express interest) (hope you do not mind)
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fidgetflip · 6 months
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Design Requests Status : Closed
Hi! Im super excited to be starting this blog back up like forrealzies so here’s some basic info about me as a person and about this blog and it’s purpose :D
- Duck/Duckie or Fidget
- He/They
- Self Taught Artist
- Im a minor (16)
- This blog is named after an oc named Fidgetflip who is featured in the animated banner for this post :D
Main Blog —> @duckiewashere
Tho im not rly active on there so you aint missing much
While they are being kept up, any post on this blog older than April 2024 isn’t considered ‘canon’ to me anymore. Basically, for example, if I drew Bluestar in the past I’m gonna draw her again when I get to her name because I don’t consider the old design up to my usual standard ^^
Please do not repost my work without credit. You’re welcome to use these designs for animated projects but please give credit!!
More information under the cut!
- Main Tags -
#my art - general tag for all art I make
#fidget designs - canon cat designs
#fidget speaks - non art/design posts
#fidget answers - asks
#fidget dabbles - posting about warriors ocs
All Fidget Designs posts should be tagged with the cat’s name, clan and rank
Fidget Designs is a project I am attempting where I go through the allegiances lists on the warriors wiki, going A-Z with cats by allegiance, starting with Thunderclan and I’m unsure where we’ll go after that but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it
Cats are drawn based on their current/last known living clan as listed on the wiki, though there are some exceptions. For example. Brook Where Small Fish Swim will be drawn with the tribe cats because she’s associated with them, even though she’s listed with the Thunderclan Allegiances page
As a note: I have not physically read the books after the second book of Omen of the Stars and even then it has been YEARS- so a lot of these designs are based on my vibe, the warrior’s wiki’s description and maybe a quick google of the cat’s name. So sorry in advance if I mess up the common HC design for your blorbo I know very little about the newer books
that being said- I am 100% welcome to design requests whenever they are open! This project isn’t too structured so don’t worry about it :D
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softmick · 11 months
two weeks of weekly tag game wednesday but it’s actually thursday (i filled out last week’s on time but never posted the draft 🤷)
🔤Name: meagan
🗺️Where in the world are you? right now i’m on a train from nikko to tokyo, japan! 🇯🇵
🛀do you have a favorite towel? nope, just one that’s big enough to cover everything.
🪨can you skip rocks? not really!
🤔tell me about a weird slang term from your area: i am totally blanking.
🍞favorite toast topping? salted butter.
🍮thoughts on bread pudding? i love it so much. not a fan of when people add stuff tho like white chocolate sauce or raisins or something.
🌆City or country living? i want both, which is a struggle. being outside and surrounded by nature does great things for my head and heart but i hate not having options for food, concerts, things to do, etc. where i lived in atlanta was a great mix. where i live now in fl is beautiful but too rural.
😸How do you cheer yourself up after a bad day? cozy clothes, blankets, ordering in, chocolate, tea, snuggles.
🌗Are you a pessimist or an optimist? i am generally a “we’ll figure it out” kind of person. but a pessimist when it comes to personal achievement stuff.
🏷️can i tag you in random stuff? yup.
🔤 Name: sometimes meg. my parents call me boo.
🎶 Last song you listened to: kyoto by phoebe bridgers because i’m in kyoto!
🎵 Artist on Spotify giving you the feels right now: not an artist but this playlist my sibling made. i can’t listen to it super often or it makes me sad but every once in a while i’ll revisit it and it makes me miss her but also makes me happy.
👯‍♂️ fave blorbo moment: when ian says “i wanna be where you are, mickey” and for mickey the “sorry i’m late” scene
🍟 Your guilty pleasure snack: i don’t feel guilty about food but maybe taco bell?
🌮 What food are you craving today: pizza.
📖 Last fanfic tab you opened: running into you by @juliakayyy gonna read it when i get home.
🖌️ Favorite fic project you've created: umm, it hasn’t been written yet.
👩🏼‍🎤 Next tattoo you want (or would consider if you're not a tattoo person): there are a lot i want. hopefully the next one i get will be a full back piece by savannah colleen. i would also like to get my head tattooed but i’m not sure if i’m ready to cut all my hair off again just yet.
🧐🆓 What's living in your head rent free this week: my partner has been starving for what feels like our whole trip and i can’t stop thinking about mickey saying “don’t worry we’ll get a dick in ya as soon as we can”. i want to respond to every “i’m hungry” with it. also cam as spike.
thank you 😊 to Kat @mybrainismelted Ling @lingy910y Julissa @heymrspatel Jess @jrooc Dyno @dynamic-power Ajax @transmickey River @milkovichrules Sky @skylerwinchester and Julia @juliakayyy for tagging me! 🫶
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myinky-cloak · 6 months
13 Books
What’s up readers?! How about a little show and tell? Answer these 13 questions, tag 13 lucky readers and if you’re feeling extra bookish add a shelfie! Let’s Go!
Not tagged by @softest-punk but I saw it on their page and decided to get involved.
1) The Last book I read:
Just finished Tana French’s “Broken Harbour”. I LOVE Tana French, particularly her Dublin Murder Squad series. I wasn’t very satisfied with the ending. It required too much suspended disbelief for me. Too many characters descending into madness at the same time very conveniently. But it was interesting to consider how many issues we cause for ourselves by attempting to be someone we think we should be.    
2) A book I recommend:
Not to be basic Tumblr bitch but Neil Gaiman’s “The Ocean at The End of The Lane”. The way he can articulate the terrible things that happen in childhood, how we deal with them, how we carry the memories, and the effect they have on us for the rest of our lives left me shaken and breathless. ”You don’t pass or fail at being a person, dear.” I wish I didn’t need this reminder but I do, so thank you, Neil.
Plus, I find it fascinating to see the difference between people who can intimately relate to it and those for whom it is just a story.
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
Stephen King “The Waste Lands” The third book of The Dark Tower series. A book series that started out so promising and ended with me throwing the final book against the wall in disgust and cursing Mr. King to high heavens. For all the issues the final books in the series had “The Waste Lands” was an absolute masterpiece. I remember reading it on a train to work and nearly missing my spot because I needed to find out what happens next.   
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more):
One book?? Right. Stephen King’s “Salem’s Lot”. It absolutely terrified me when I read it as a teenager. I loved the feeling of small town America invaded by the supernatural which he writes so well. Plus, vampires!  I have a habit of re-reading it every time I go home, don’t really know why. I probably should get around to reading it in English at some point. 
Sometimes I re-read books by accident. I consume so much crime fiction that occasionally I will pick up a book from the library and happily read it with no recollection of the plot only to be told by GoodReads I’ve read it years ago.
5) A book on my TBR:
I am beginning to think this list was made by someone who isn’t a reader. One book? I guess it has to be R.F.Kuang “Babel”. I really want to read it. It's like The Secret History but in Oxford! I know I will enjoy it but I only have it on Kindle. I prefer reading long books in their physical form but the library copy is in hardback so it’s cumbersome to carry around. Thus it stays on my TBR.
First world problems of a bookworm.
6) A book I’ve put down:
Dan Brown “Angels and Demons”. I knew about his reputation when I picked it up, but I wanted something mindless to read and thought it would be fine. Reader, it wasn’t fine. Terrible, terrible writing. I couldn’t deal. Turns out I do have standards even for my trash reads.
7) A book on my wish list:
Stephanie Foo “What My Bones Know: A memoir of healing from complex trauma” I’ve read so many books on trauma and complex trauma both for my degree and for personal understanding. Surprising no one most of them are written by men. I’m very excited to read female perspective on it, plus she talks about generational trauma which is such an incredibly fascinating topic. 
8) A favorite book from childhood:
Alexander Dumas “The Three Musketeers”. I was obsessed with this book. OBSESSED. I’ve read it so many times I could recite pages of it. It introduced me to my first problematic fictional crush Athos, starting my love affair with all the sad tortured blorbos which going strong till this day. I named my dog Count de la Fere after him. I wanted to be a musketeer so bad. Still kind of do.  
9) A book you would give to a friend:
It does slightly depend on a friend but Amor Towles “A Gentleman in Moscow”. I was so blown away when I read it. I gave copies to my friends. I talked to everyone about it: friends, people on the internet, strangers in bookshops or on public transport (In London! Imagine the horror!) One of my friends refuses to read the last chapter till this day because she does not want the story to end. This is probably my proudest book gifting achievement.  
10) A book of poetry or lyrics that you own
The OG problematic bae Lord Byron Selected Works. It’s a second hand school library's copy from 1950’s full of underlinings and scribbled notes. I love seeing evidence of other people engaging with writing and thinking about words. 
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Such a problematic person. Such a great poet. 
11) A nonfiction book you own:
Cindy Crab “Things That Help: Healing our lives through Feminism, Anarchism, Punk & Adventure”. I found this book in the feminist bookshop in Brighton when things weren’t going so great for me for the umptheen time and it was like pouring healing salve on my soul. It’s not a book in a traditional sense but a collection of self-published zines collected into a little tome. It destroyed my very conservative idea of what a book is and how “professional” it should look that I did not realise I held until that moment. Most importantly, it reminded me there are other ways of being in the world that a conventional way of living.    
12) What are you currently reading:
Teo van den Broeke “The Closet”. It’s a memoir of a fashion journalist who tells of growing up, coming out and figuring out himself through clothes that were important to him. It’s written in an easy, conversational style. As someone whose wardrobe consists of jeans, leggings and t-shirts I find it so interesting to peek into fashionista’s world.   
13) What are you planning on reading next?
Isabella Hammad “Enter Ghost”. It is a book set in Palestine about staging Hamlet and possibly also a queer love story. What more could you want from a book? Cannot wait to start this one!! 
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hargrove-mayfields · 1 year
tag game, stranger things edition!
i was tagged by @thatgirlwithasquid and @intothedysphoria, thanks y’all, I really appreciate it! 💕
1. ride or die ship/otp : Hellcheergroveton! every combination in this ship is adorable and it has all my favs too ☺️
2. most annoying ship : m*leven. I am beyond tired of watching a young disabled girl be taken advantage of and have it be treated as romantic. El deserves to live partner free, and M*ke deserves to go in the whole garbage can.
3. second favorite ship : Hollogrove. Since it’s not part of the core hellcheergroveton relationship, I’ll branch out a little and bring in my girl Heather. I love her and Billy I’m a relationship and can totally see them spending the rest of their lives together ♥️
4. favorite platonic dynamic : Billy and Max, or Dustin and Steve. Or Steve and Gareth. Cause I headcanon Gareth as becoming Steve’s caregiver after the events of the show leave him with cognitive and physical disabilities
5. underrated ship : Hollogrove, Cunningway, Pompompineapple, Stonathan, Cheerscoops, Calicheer, Rockie, Stargyle, Cammy, Kegboys, Steather, Argilly, and so many more but I’ll stop there.
6. overrated ship : Any of the fruity four (it makes me wanna gag just typing it) ships. I haven’t looked in the fandom tags for a year because it’s oversaturated with passionless, factory produced, carbon-copy fanworks that look like Harringrove fics put through ai to be rewritten as St*ddie, or Buckleway into r*nance. I’m sick of it. It’s boring. I’ll come up with my own steddie content, thanks.
7. one thing to change in canon : Everything. Not even joking. I’m going blorbo shopping and bringing all my favs back to my dollie house to play fix-it.
8. something canon did right : Um. I guess letting actors put in feedback and details of their own. Like Millie choosing for El to touch Billy’s cheek, Dacre giving us backstory on Billy’s mom and also on Billy’s disability (BPD), both he and Joe Keery refusing the original scripts, Joe Quinn improvising Eddie’s crush on Chrissy, and so on. All of the actor choices are the only good things about the show at this point.
9. a thing I’m proud of creating for the fandom : @disabledbillyandsteveweek! There's more information about the event over on the blog, but basically it’s an event starting in about two weeks meant to highlight Billy and Steve as disabled characters, through all kinds of fan works and different ships!
10. a character who is perfect to me : Christine Renée-Beth Cunningham. Nobody compares to my cheer girl.
11. the most relatable character and why : Also Chrissy. She reminds me a lot of myself, especially how I was when I was still in highschool, being timid and struggling a lot with my mental health. I wish she could have grown and gotten help and felt better since I’m on my journey to doing so right now, but I’m forever grateful to have seen a character with an eating disorder and an abusive family on screen, portrayed in a heartfelt and generous way- all thanks to miss Grace Van Dien
12. character I hate most and why : Neil, Karen (actually just the Wheelers in general except little Holly), Brenner, Owens, the lady that shot Benny, literally so many of them. Anyone who intentionally and unabashedly hurts other characters without remorse.
13. something I’ve learned from the fandom : To be patient, because even when things seem tough or impossible, we can make it. Together, with friends who understand us, and who share our pain, we can fight and keep going! Especially because this community will always have folks who understand and have our backs, we just have to find them ❤️❤️
14. three tags I seek out on ao3 : I actually don’t read fic on ao3. The extreme amounts of severely triggering content hosted on that site is just too much for me and I can never seem to avoid it. I only post to ao3 because I know people find it easily accessible, but I had one too many mix-ups that led to me being in a terrible state of mind, so I discontinued using the site.
15. a song I strongly associate with otp and/or favorite character : I’ll never shut up about “Time in a Bottle” by Jim Croce. Conveniently off the same record as Hop has on Vinyl and Cassette, it’s my favorite song ever because it’s so tender and loving and even though it’s old people music yall should give it a listen. It applies to any ship, but especially packs a punch with Harringrove. Also “Magic” by Olivia Newton-John.
I’ll tag: @eddie-munsons-guitar86 @honey-tongued-devil @martianclown @hephaestn @jaylikesrainbowtigers @denkiddo1 @enchanted-day-dreams @stranger-themes-blog @ratbastardbilly @thinger-strang But there’s no pressure to do it! You absolutely don’t have to if you already have or if you just don’t feel like it! <3
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lifblogs · 1 year
Tagged by: @evilwriter37
Favorite video game?
The Sims 4.
Favorite video game character?
No idea. Probably my dad’s video game OC blorbos.
Favorite movie or TV series?
The Lord of the Rings
The Avengers
Kung Fu Panda 2
How to Train Your Dragon
Star Wars
Harry Potter (no one @ me)
If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power (yes, I’m counting this)
TV Series
The 100 (in it for the whump, and some ships, only ever watch it up to the end of season 6)
Teen Wolf
Doctor Who
The Clone Wars
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Never Have I Ever
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Legend of Korra
Race to the Edge
Game of Thrones (season 8 doesn’t exist, okay?)
Favorite movie or TV series character?
I’m on a Frodo Baggins kick right now, but am still obsessed with a ton of other characters.
Thanks to injuries, COVID stealing my singing voice 3 years ago, and my clarinet being broken my hobbies have definitely diminished. Right now it’s basically just reading, and watching shows and movies, maybe a smidge of writing. Does getting obsessive and anxious about the internet/social media count as a hobby?
Sam Winchester, Star Wars, Supernatural, The Lord of the Rings, Never Have I Ever. Background obsessions are everywhere, like Doctor Who, Teen Wolf. Mention it and I’ll be talking for hours.
Favorite genre/type of background music for whump daydreams?
Cinematic alternative.
What is your favorite whump trope?
Captivity! Once read the second half of a book in a day because the main character got captured.
What is your favorite whump pairing?
Sorry, had to write it like that because I’m so excited.
What was (one of) the first time(s) you experienced whumperflies?
The first was probably either while reading the Gone series by Michael Grant, or watching Teen Wolf. I vividly remember some of my first whumperflies being from watching season 7 of Supernatural and realizing what Lucifer had done to Sam in the Cage. Now ANY of their scenes give me whumperflies.
What’s your favorite whump scene from a piece of media?
Episode 3x18 “Riddled” from Teen Wolf. Everything with Stiles in that episode!! I have watched this over and over again just to see Stiles missing and getting tortured in his sleep. His SCREAMS. I’d recognize them anywhere. He’s getting hypothermia, and there’s a fucking steel jaw trap on his leg!!!
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What’s a book you would recommend, whump or not?
Hmm, this is tough because I read so much. Probably the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas because of it being epic fantasy with most of the last book being battles, and there is definitely a lot of whump.
What’s your favorite whump fic?
Some of them are definitely my own. Sorry. But damn, can we praise Infernal Fascination? Would get a link, but you know, AO3 is going through it.
Added Question: Who is your favorite author?
Damn, too hard. Time to list a few:
Brandon Sanderson
J. R. R. Tolkien
Robert Jordan
Sarah J. Maas
Michael Grant
R. F. Kuang, apparently, since I have all her books
Jennifer L. Armentrout
Kristen Britain
Rick Riordan
Jim Butcher
And add your own question:
What is your favorite whumpy book?
Not sure who to tag. Maybe @suncaptor would be interested in this?
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itsalimere · 10 months
hello ali <333!! 🥝🍉🍊, for the ask!!!!
hi gaia! <3 ty for these!!
🥝 What’s your favorite trope/AO3 tag to write?
Probably something like “getting back together” or “missed connections”; I love some pining, but I think it’s more interesting when the characters have real history together, whether they used to date or whether they had an opportunity to (or had a serious rivalry… hi ushioi…) but didn’t. I think it gives the pining an extra delicious depth of flavor.
I didn’t realize I liked this so much until I wrote Tapestry, where kenhina take like 50k words being friends-to-lovers-to-friends-to-lovers and I found it to be 🤌 to write & read back.
🍉 Do you prefer to write short fics or long fics? Multichaptered works or single ones? Why?
Oooh, tough one… I love writing a long (or long-ish) fic, partly because I love making myself some crunchy food to eat later. But sometimes this comes back to bite me when I get too overambitious and feel intimidated trying to finish things… I think the best balance is when I come up with a “manageably sized idea” and then let myself get carried away with it and it ends up as like a 15k fic.
🍊 Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more? (They’re so interesting! But maybe you have trouble pinning them down, or keep getting distracted by another blorbo…)
@saltedpin asked me this one too so I’ll go on and on a little bit.
In haikyuu I’ve covered a good number of my faves (though I have more I want to write for almost all of them), but there’s a few characters I haven’t written at all that I love. Asahi, Kita, some of the Shiratorizawa boys… I’ve also barely written Iwaizumi, Bokuto, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi—even though they do appear in fics, so I’d like to give them a little more screentime. Would also love to write the older sisters sometime! Miwa&Alisa&Saeko&Yachi photoshoot collab maybe. Honestly I would love to write something for any haikyuu character, haha.
And for characters from other fandoms! I’d love to write a Natsuhi-centric umineko fic. And for fandoms I’ve written nothing for I’ll make mysef pick one character from each… I would love to write Yotasuke from Blue Period, Asirpa from Golden Kamuy, Blackberry from Chicory: A Colorful Tale, Zagreus from Hades, Anne from Amphibia, Shima from Skip and Loafer (or maybe Kanechika?!), Dorotea from Angel Mage… TOTK Zelda maybe?! I’m sure there’s others I’m forgetting…
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thespacelizard · 1 year
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
jumping on the opportunity to blorbo-post from @lawful-evil-novelist!
Rule: Choose a character from a WIP and use them to answer the questions below.
you might be suspecting an Obedience boy but no! i wanna talk about Sorrow from my Valloroth series, because i love him, and he loves any chance to talk about himself
1 - Are you named after anyone? - I chose my name like a good little Zashi, and if I’m named after anything it’s the fate the Archdemons decided for me—if they want my life to be a misery, I can at least have fun with it.
2 - When was the last time you cried? - I laughed so hard I cried at camp last night, does that count?
3 - Do you have kids? - Unlikely. I’m enchanted against such things when it comes to infernii, and unless the gods have decided to make us compatible with dracarii recently, there’s little chance I’ve spawned an egg. That would be interesting though…how many horns do you think they’d end up with?
4 - Do you use sarcasm? - Oh, no, sweetheart, never.
5 - What's the first thing that you notice about someone? - The way they react to me. It’s not self-centered, it’s self defence; some Vallorosians still have a few quirky little hangups about infernii, and Zashi and Naazgaran infernii alike always react to broken horns.
It’s the ones who act as though they don’t care about any of it that you have to watch.
6 - What's your eye colour? - Cyan. Not human-cyan, infernii cyan, the whole thing, and no it doesn’t make our vision worse, despite the persistent rumours. If anything missing half your eye ought to make you see worse—how do the rest of you manage?
7 - Scary movies or happy endings? - There’s nothing like a Zashi horror story in the middle of an Infernus night, with demons howling beyond the camp walls, the huddled breath of a dozen young infernii making the tent so humid you can hardly breathe.
Fear’s as good a way as any to stay awake.
8 - Any special talents? - Apart from looking this good? Finding the right people and bringing out their unique skills. I’ve an eye for talent, and I do hate seeing it go to waste.
9 - Where were you born? - Infernus.
10 - What are your hobbies? - Food, fucking, and a little bit of anarchist plotting. You know, all the fun ones. I did a bit of fire-dancing once, but it’s tricky when you've lost your fire-resistance. Maybe I ought to take it up again now that Excellence made me that enchantment...I'm sure I won't burn down more than half the K'zinla headquarters.
11 - Have you any pets? - Does the Wraith count? He acts enough like a cat to count, I feel.
12 - What sports do you play/have played? - I’ve never been a very sports for sports sake sort of infernii. Aspiration taught me to fight to begin with, and she put me on my tail more times than I care to remember.
13 - How tall are you? - 5’9”, but we’ll call it an even 6’ with the heels, shall we? You’re not going to see me without them unless one or both of us is flat on our backs, and at that point, height isn’t the part of me you’re going to want to measure, now, is it?
14 - Favourite subject in school? - I used to like magic, and history. Never would have been much of a wizard, I expect—too much memorising and not enough fun—and since I wasn’t born a witch, that was it for that.
History though…now that’s worth remembering. So many don’t. They like to forget, don’t they, the things that happened? So they can pretend the world has always been the way it is.
Not the Zashi though, no, they have songs going back to the days of the Archdemons, and I’d trust their accuracy over any book.
15 - Dream job? - I aleady have it, don’t I? Prince of the House of the Houseless, captain of Vetusak K’zinla—what more could you ask for? The travel benefits alone are unmatched!
i don't think i have five writing mutuals, let alone fifteen, so I'll tag @foxboyclit, @britta-ashcroft and @everybodyloveshippos, and anyone else who wants to do it! (if you do then tag meee, i love to hear about Blorbo From Someone Else's Brain)
(bonus content: my renegade prince art tag has. mostly him and his idiot assassin boyfriend in it because i love them)
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hopeworth · 2 years
Tell me about dickkyle immediately 👀
wip tag game
this is just me smashing my blorbos together like barbie dolls. starting to write it i realised it was going to be LONG cause these two have 2 bare interactions like 20 years ago and also no pre-established chemistry or dynamic to draw from so i have to slow burn it
it takes place the summer after infinite crisis where kyle's on his Ion retreat and dick's floating around. donna sends dick to check on kyle who's been MIA since he's. very god right now. the 'romanticism' in the wip refers to the romantic movement, because i'm using this fic as an excuse to talk about nature and the interconnection of the world and channeling wordsworth.
but the crux of this dynamic in my head is recognition of self through the other. dick who falls fast and hard but has commitment issues, kyle who falls fast and so deeply and wants a love profound, but he's just riding off the grief of jennie still. they have a thing for the summer, and after that dick leaves to new york and kyle stays to set off the events of Ion. my favourite thing about this is that they know things about each other because of donna, wally, and roy, even though they're practically strangers
snippet :3
so kyle's kinda being weird here :/
[Kyle blinks at it. Nightwing’s hands are scarred over and Kyle itches to take it and touch each and every one of them, follow the line of violence the world offers him to their origins, breath in each marring of flesh, each interruption of skin. He wonders if Nightwing’s blood has fed the flowers. Wonders if his dead skin has ever been picked apart by microscopic beings. Kyle almost wants to push him into the earth and watch it devour him, wants to see how far the stream of energy will take him, wonders if Nightwing has ever been a whale before, has ever fallen to the bottom of the ocean and become the creatures living there, has ever threaded the keratin of feathers soaring the winds itself. This will be a gift, returning him to dust and swallowing him into the fold of existence that Kyle rests easily, where Kyle can become him utterly.
Kyle takes his hand as normally as he can manage and is hauled up.]
AND ANOTHER ONE dick is so confrontational in this <3
[He steps out into the afternoon a minute before Dick does, tilting his head up so the sunlight falls over his face. He sees the warmth through his closed eyelids, feels it permeating into him, through his thin shirt. There’s a breeze a few seconds away and Kyle waits there for it to arrive, brushing through his hair and against his clothes, into his lungs.
“You need a ride back?” Dick asks as he follows Kyle out into the parking lot.
Kyle doesn’t need it. He can just fly back to the retreat he was staying at. He looks at the truck. “Did you drive all the way out here just for this?”
Dick shrugs. “Roy lent it to me. Besides, I don’t have much else to do.”
“Oh. What about—” he bites his words back on Bludhaven.
Dick snorts. “Being a hero? There’s no point—” he also seems to reign back his words when he glances at Kyle. “Nightwing won’t be missed.”
There’s something wounded there. Kyle says, “I’m sure Gotham can never have too many vigilantes.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Dick says, “my efforts are – a hundred thousand people died in Bludhaven because of Chemo, because of me. Their blood is on my hands.”
“As far as I know, you didn’t push the button.”
“Cause and effect, Kyle.”
Even having only talked to him a few times before this, Kyle can see the shape of who Nightwing is now—and maybe a lot of that is Donna’s and Wally’s anecdotes, but Kyle can see the weight on his shoulders that’s crushing him. Kyle knows how guilt can eat you alive. He says, “You can’t blame yourself when it was – who was it, Deathstroke? – who actively chose to—”
“Like you’re the one to talk about blame,” Dick snaps and Kyle stops talking.
He studies the cold expression on Dick’s face and can’t help but let out a low, “Jesus.” Dick meets his eyes straight on, challenging. Kyle ought to fly away right now just for that.
If only Kyle was there. If only he never got back with her. If only he never picked up the ring. Kyle knows the thoughts running through Dick’s head—if only, if only, if only. A series of conscious choices, and he would not have made any other one—maybe that’s the tragedy of it. This would not have happened if he wasn’t who he is—if Kyle Rayner wasn’t Kyle Rayner, someone who wanted to be a hero and someone who loved Alex DeWitt more than life itself.
Kyle says, “Can you drop me off?”
Dick looks away. “Yeah.”]
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assim-eu-sou · 2 years
10 characters, 10 fandoms, 10 tags ✨
Thanks to @weirdthoughtsandideas for the tag!
I tried to make these more recent because I didn’t want to travel too far back into my psyche for this.
1. Celeste Quintero, Bia
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I could have chosen any number of characters from Bia, but I figured I’d have a running theme here, so I chose Celeste. She is me, I am her.
2. Ámbar Smith, Soy Luna
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No one does it like Ámbar. Her arc was amazing. She’s a perfectionist who has to the be the best at everything. This is where we have common ground.
3. Amity Blight, The Owl House
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She’s like. Ámbar but less mean and arcs more quickly. Anyway, I love her and of course she is me I am her etc etc whatever
4. Woo Young Woo, Extraordinary Attorney Woo
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My newest blorbo. I see her show her love in the ways she thinks best even when it doesn’t come naturally and I see myself. We may not have gotten the instruction manual but I’ll be damned if we don’t try.
5. Trix, Tudo Igual SQN
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Everyone thinks she’s got her life figured out, but she doesn’t, and it’s eating her up inside. Very last year of college esque of her. I’m totally fine.
6. Michelle Jones, Spider-Man MCU
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She is who she is and her friends love her because of that, not in spite of that.
7. Orpheus, Hadestown
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Oh y’all… I miss this guy. He’s gonna make the world better with his song. Even if he loses sight of everything in the process. He’s awkward but genuine. He cares so much.
8. Caroline Abbott, American Girl
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This is a new one. This is not actually a character I relate to that much. I just love her and her story. I think it’s really well done so I had to include her.
9. Fallon Carrington, Dynasty
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Every character in this show is so ridiculous, but I can’t help but love her. Deep down, she is just trying to be the best, and she just wants to be loved for real. This girl is also deeply, DEEPLY traumatized. You don’t wanna be rich rich, I think, just rich, because rich rich ruins your life.
10. We are stopping at 9 because I feel like it. Image below is me seeing this say “10 characters etc”
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I tag @putonmyfavoriteshow @silver-inked @shadathebookworm @ceci-simps-for-female-villains @supernova-ferro @shadow10009 @inthehausofholbein @countessofravenclaw @tune-thiana @ichiro51 (bruh what is your actual user I forgot)
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tiredassmage · 2 years
15 questions, 15 mutuals
Thank you for the tag @captainderyn!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Possibly a great, great(?) grandmother I never had the chance to meet, via middle name, though it’s been... probably at least a decade since I heard that tatter and I’m not sure how correct it is, lol. I’m... not particularly close to a vast majority of the family, tbh, given Drama(TM). Mom picked by meanings though. I know that was very important to her.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I... think I cried a little about a week and a half ago in one of my classes. Not because the class, I promise, lol. We watched the pilot episode of a show called Station Eleven in class and that was a gut puncher.
3. Do you have kids?
No, thank you. My pets and my OCs are all I need, lol. Very ace. Not my personal cup of tea.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Mmmm. I wouldn’t say regularly. It has its moments and I’m sure I was a bit more brutal with it when I was a kid, but its purpose isn’t generally helpful in areas where I need to communicate. I think most of the things I say sarcastically now are probably in regards to fictional characters. xD
5. Favorite time of day?
Late evening, in that like seven - ten pm range. Generally evenings. I’m absolutely not a morning person. If I’m up rather early, I’m tired later in the day. Evening tends to host “me” time.
6. Eye color?
Good ol’ reliable brown. (I need more brown eyed ocs, tbh?) Fun fact: eyes are kind of what enchants me, irl and I probably tend to be a bit invested in fictional character eye colors, too, lol. They’re beautiful. I have no other explanation. That said, I’m very shy about eye contact until I feel more comfortable with people/get to know them better.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, if I’m picking between them and scary. I don’t do horror, I am baby. I can be enraptured by a decent thriller and loved a good crime drama TV show. I can kind of do paranormal stuff sometimes, but I can scare myself just thinking a little too hard about it, so very hesitant.
8. Any special talents?
Mmmm... nothing nontraditional, I suppose. I had a few music teachers tell me when I was younger that I have hands that would’ve been great for piano, but I wasn’t super interested in pursuing musical interests outside of, like, basic school requirements. I did chorus for a while, but was kinda eh. I did enjoy acoustic guitar, but, again, not exactly enough that I ended up doing anything with it.
9. Where were you born?
Rural northeastern US of A. I miss having a fall season, but decidedly not enough to give up the warmth of living much farther south.
10. What are your hobbies?
Largely video games, lol, if it was hard to tell. I’d like to do more drawing and get into digital art. I am majoring in Digital Media Design, after all. One of my hopes is to properly play around with a tablet I bought myself over the summer while I take a break from courses. I desire to draw my blorbos, haha!
11. Do you have any pets?
Two ball pythons, the loves and amusing occasional nuisances of my life! They made a brief appearance on my main here. There’s also two dogs in the house, James and Cooper. Cooper is definitively my mom’s dog, however, and, jokingly, my little brother. (He’s her favorite. We all know this.) Cooper is... ??? We think a Collie mix. And James is a Basset-Lab, both adopted about a year or two apart, if I remember right.
12. What sports do you/have you played?
Oh, actual eons ago, I briefly played soccer (probably not very well) when I was very, very small. I have ridden horses (I miss them, Brent), but primarily only in schooling shows and I did participate for a few years in my barn’s summer gaming series just at Walk/Trot. I used to ride low-level jumping courses. Competitive sports haven’t ever really been my thing, particularly to participate in. I would’ve called riding one of my hobbies while I did. It’s an expensive one though and a bit of a tricky one to get back into when balancing college and part-time retail work. My mom and I try to stick to our developed tradition of selecting a local trail riding venture to attend every year for my birthday though that keeps that connection outside of whatever I vicariously pick up through games, lol.
13. How tall are you?
5′5ish. A smidgen shy, but that’s what they put on my license.
14. Favorite subject in school?
Histories and sciences. If I wasn’t so averse to writing research papers and math, I have genuinely considered majoring in either area. Unfortunately, my university doesn’t have a program for meteorology (weather and natural events are a somewhat more recent interest of mine) and video games evidently have some staying power as my interests, so that’s how I ended up in DMD.
15. Dream job?
I’m honestly not sure anyone has a really solid answer to this question, lol. I certainly don’t. I... went into DMD partially because it was interesting enough and I genuinely felt college would benefit me somehow. While I like my pet store job, it’s not exactly where I’d like to spend the next twenty years, even if I am a creature of habit that balks at change, lol.
So, theoretically, I’m studying DMD and entertaining the idea of a minor in creative writing because characters have always been one of the most important aspect of games to me. The idea is to maybe pursue a focus on character or scenario writing, but I... really don’t know, lol. I’m still largely clearing prerequisites and other structural graduation requirements, so I haven’t really dug into the focus areas of my degree yet and I definitely still doubt that I know what I’m doing or if it’ll genuinely be something I can pursue.
It’s definitely scary and I absolutely struggle with that uncertainty, but it’s also a process of just trying to remind myself that it’s a skill and therefore it is something I can develop if I put the work in - that’s the whole purpose of taking classes, after all. It’s something I’m trying to be more conscious of because I have found it very easy to slip into the student mindset of doing things just for class, so I’m still not sure what all I have as far as presentable skills or how to showcase them. But that is... off the base question, I suppose, lol.
So, work in progress!
Uhhhhmmm, this one’s sort of a mix idk who to tag for, lol, so I think I’ll leave this one open? Muts/followers, feel free to say you’ve been tagged if you’d like to do this one!
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bcofl0ve · 14 days
I hope you have fun in England Mollie! If you don’t mind me asking, why do you think it was MOTA that got you in the most out of all the recent Austin releases? I like what you’ve posted in the past about how it varies a lot across the fandom. It was Dune for me and I’m counting down to Dune Messiah now even though Feyd won’t be in it because the franchise got me hooked. Especially Chani 😭
this is so kind, thank you! i dont think ill believe its really happening until my feet are on england ground- my flight stuff getting to amsterdam for study abroad was a dumpster fire mess and i'm extra paranoid now lmao. but i have high hopes it'll all be okay!
also ooo that's a good question. gonna bullet point the reasons briefly and then elaborate under a read more line for people that wanna hear me yap more.
it being based off of real people i could research rabbit hole. i know bikeriders is too- but there's so little information abt them whereas with mota it was a whole new world opened up to me.
it giving me an opportunity to revisit a fandom hobby i used to really love- m/m fanfic writing <3 i'm gen surprised i never got into the hbo war fandom sooner, but i'm really happy there now.
i love ensemble cast pieces where there's lots of characters and actors to love (this is why i liked the bikeriders, even though i didnt get as attached). esp love big group dynamics between Guys That Love Each Other which mota did exceedingly well to me.
funny story- even though i was into buck x bucky from the jump- i think i was actually one of the first 3 posts in the tag, it took me until my second watch through to get as attached as i did and i did nottt love it as a whole the way i do now on my first watch. now on the other side of like 20 rewatches i understand why they chose to handle gale going down the way they did. but when i was watching it for the first time i was watching it for austin and i was sooo irked. rosie was my least fav character my first watch bc i was so bitter about him "replacing gale" and now he's in my top 3. funny how that works!
the second time i watched it all the way through, since i knew what to expect austin screen time wise i could reallly watch it for the story as a whole. and that's when i fell in love <3 with everyone <3 like i literally just wrote a 12k+ words fic shipping demarco and dogulass who have like ten minutes of screentime each, douglass i think a little less than that lmao they're all my blorbos now <3
i just. really love the show. i love how much the boys care for each other in spite of all the horrible shit they're going through. i love the development of the bucks relationship, i love croz's journey as a character, i love nash and helen and how horrible douglass is with women and the planes, and curt's bond to the bucks and kenny and his lil beanie and rosie humming jazz music mid flight and COCOLA!!!! i love every aspect of this show. it just. clicks for me.
speaking to my second bullet point way up there i also love all the creativity in the fandom being shown in all the `new stories~ people have built for these characters. i really missed being in a Third Person Fanfic fandom, writing m/m fic (and heck f/m too since i write for ev and helen, and my m/f OC couple) and doing the world building that writing AUs requires. so being back in the pilot seat (haha) in that regard has been fun. and brought me so many new fandom friends <3 y'all that are interested pls come hang out anytime on @bcolfanfic
but all that said i'm so glad dune clicked for you the way mota did for me! even though the franchise isn't "my thing" i'll prob end up watching dune messiah as well. and def understand the chani adoration. she's a fantastic character and zendaya plays her so well. i can't imagine any other actress in that role.
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para time
hello. you probably know me as ender on glitchender. let’s any% speedrun abandoning a side blog i created impulsively.
I’m Ender (she/her), 21, and my days consist of rotating my blorbos in my mind’s microwave during my long ass shifts, so my life’s kinda shit atm!
I post a little fandom stuff because some of my paras are from other media and I imagine them just vibing with me sometimes. The rest of them are the ocs from my own paracosm/story. I haven’t gotten to posting a lot of it but you can find some of it on nogeniifes (canon story stuff) and ask-nogeniifes (unrestrained summer fun). I guess what differentiates this blog from those other ones is I will post both canon and not canon stuff. Maybe the blorbos will talk to each other from different universes. I dunno!
paragif - ngif (N.ogenïfes) paracosm
A series of unfortunate events have lead to humanity’s downfall, forced to live in eternal darkness underground or pit themselves to eternal servitude to their new magic-wielding, alien overlords made up of several species which include the already native monsters. Surely, the powers that be can do something about all this suffering brought on by mortal sin, right? Right?
Paras: a lot
Content warning: a lot. Primarily s/icide, political unrest, xenoreligion, and ab/se
paranautica - s.ubnautica au paracosm
I added personified biomes to 4546B that serve as guardians to their respective biomes. That’s the au. I have almost nothing for below zero so far, sorry.
Paras: A lot. Mostly ocs. Faves are Nunbei, Taoga, Ulysses, and R.yley. A.l-an is also here but he’s not in the au I just love him.
Content warning: thalassophobia
parasmartz - kids-psa-no-one-remembers au paracosm
C.licky was evil at one point so I brought back the W.izzy W.igs. The new canon also sucks so I’m taking the wheel back from jesus. If you’re curious the original is NetSmartz kids.
Content warning: mentions of child endangerment, internet safety psas? idk
parobey - o.bey me paracosm (blog: demondennys)
Paras: The main characters and also like 7 paraselves from ngif because the bros are hot
Content warning: demons, dating sims?, some death as a treat
parobserve - o.bey me au paracosm
MC is a gender neutral scientist. The demons are being magically enhanced because S.olomon wants to make a pact with the demon king.
Paras: Again, the main characters. L.ilith was there but slightly to the left and it wasn’t actually her.
Content warning: human experimentation/projects, demons, religious themes, prior ab/se
pararising - f.light r.ising clan (user id: 78103/526781; blog: fr-glitchender) paracosm
Dragons went missing. Dragons went to investigate. Dragons went missing. Dragons went to investigate. Dragons went missing. Dragons went to investigate and it gets really weird. There’s also ghosts.
Content warning: dragons, disappearances
paramon - p.okémon paracosm
Coco is a member of T.eam S.tar’s S.chedar S.quad and aspires to become a new boss through either defeating one of the bosses herself or by somehow convincing the Big Boss to add a sixth squad, P.olaris S.quad. A D.ragonite she inherited from her recently deceased aunt, who worked in A.rea Z.ero, is desperately trying to explain what it had witnessed, but it seems it might be too late. By the time the newest student arrives at N.arenje/U.va Academy, Coco has only become a shell of her former self. Something has taken over her, and has lead to her strange transition from dragon types towards ghost types.
Paras: Most of the characters are pretty much the same but Coco is there
Content Warning: ghost type possession, mentions of death
gomaddgostupid - non canon things
para: (character) - the blorbo
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koheletgirl · 2 years
i was tagged by @planteria​ ty!! <3
S: fav tropes, actively seek out, will almost always read unless done too horribly (bad writing/characterization)
A: love it but won't always read/look for. really just side stuff thrown into what i usually love. if it's not written that well, i probably won't read either
B: generally enjoy if thrown in but not important, don't look for and don't read too often, but if i see it i might check it out if it sounds good enough
C: not a fan, but if it's in a fic that looks good, it won't turn me away too fast
D: if this is in a fic, i guarantee i'm not reading it. even if it has some S tier tropes of mine
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id and explanations under the cut!
tagging @quenchiestzukka @zukkaoru @zukkas @that-was-anticlimactic and @dykevirgo
[image id: S tier tropes: angst, canon divergence, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, humor, in vino veritas (drunken confession), first kiss, mis-communication, mutual pining, slow burn / A tier tropes: sharing a bed, coffee shop au, fake relationship, fluff, hurt comfort, huddle for warmth, pwp, time loop, crack fic, amnesia fic / B tier tropes: established relationship, fix it fic, gen fic, high school au, magic au, missing scenes, college au / C tier tropes: unrequited love, unhappy ending, arranged marriage, soulmate au, baby fic, body swap, major character death, historical au, love triangle, fairytale au, pregnancy fic, royalty au / D tier tropes: ABO, bang or die, dark fic, cross-over, sex pollen. / end id]
alright so the thing is. i’m a sucker for getting together fics. which is why i dont love established relationships, i just need to see all the action as it happens. i have both angst and humor listed under S tier because when either of them is done right i literally cant get enough. but also bc i need fics for different moods. crack fics are very hard to get right, but when they are good they are Great imo. and like sometimes i just need to see my silly blorbos in silly situations. coffee shop au is A tier and ngl that’s probably because i read A Lot of zukka. and tbh i havent read a time loop fic but if you know one pls tell me! the concept is just so appealing. pwp is there bc i like it better when there’s a plot but yk. sometimes you gotta. amnesia fic is listed there bc im a dramatic bitch and also like. well. theres this one amnesia fic that changed my life idk if youve heard of it
so i dont love high school aus bc i guess im just not that interested in high schooler’s lives anymore lmao. college aus are fine but theyre not my favorite, also they stress me out bc they remind me of. college. missing scenes and fix its are not listed higher bc i feel like you need to be Really Good to get them right and most of the times there are no missing scenes and the thing doesnt need to be fixed.
my c tiers include tropes that i highly highly dislike, but they don’t make me cringe or actively repulse me lol. either that or i just dont read them because theyre sad and im weak.
ty jen this has been so much fun!! <3
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