#because I'm not really into the pokemon fandom like I was back in the day
artificial-ascension · 6 months
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If Saturn Team Galactic killed himself right in front of me I wouldn't care (He's my little meow meow<3)
His great great great(?) grandma slays though.
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reallyromealone · 3 months
I am very sad.... (◞‸◟) This because you do not have a masterlist for Yuri on Ice. I love your child fic's ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´- , and I want to request can you make omega child reader with Victor and Yuri? (Sorry if I spelt the name wrong)
Title: fight
Fandom: Yuuri on ice
Characters: Viktor, Yuuri, Yuri (mentioned)
Fic type: omegaverse
Pairings: viktuuri
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, child reader, Omega reader, omegaverse, slight angst
Viktor and Yuuri ended practice early, walking into the school seriously and still in skating gear on Yuuri's end, his skates and bag over his shoulder "who attacked our son?" Yuuri seethed, the Omega scanning the area to spot their seven year old sitting with a bruised cheek and muddied uniform, across was a young alpha boy of the same age who looked worse for wear, uniform messy and muddied and a grimase on his face.
Viktor watched Yuuri go mama bear while he went to check on their pup, the young Omega upset as his papa checked him over "you're little hellion attacked my son!" The Alpha boys sire screamed angrily and Yuuri turned his attention to the other, an alpha woman and beta husband "I want to see the camera footage" Yuuri snapped before the Alpha could scream any further.
"N-now..." The principal tried to calm the Omega "no no, my son doesn't just hit other kids, he knows better now show me the footage" Yuuri snapped and Viktor lifted his tiny pup into his arms, the boy silent as he clung to him.
The parents watched the footage intently, little (name) was minding his business with a few of his friends, the boy and the others were really interested in pokemon cards these days as Viktor always got him a few packets when shopping.
Then came a group of boys, the ringleader being the little alpha, (name) seemed confused as the Alpha boy tried to rip off his collar only for (name) to push him back to keep him at a distance, the Alpha boy growing angry and punching him while screaming something the parents weren't privy to as there was no audio.
"We will be pressing charges" Viktor spoke up, staring at the principal and parents seriously who looked horrified "unless your son formally apologizes, you all get therapy and there will be class transfers on your son's end" Viktor was a reasonable man, the others nodding aggressively with panic as there wasn't a family in the area who didn't know about the skating couple.
(Name) Was quiet on the drive home, Yuuri worried as be held Viktors hand and the two glanced at each other.
"Sweety, do you want to talk about it" Yuuri asked as he sat with his pup, the boy fidgeting and refusing to make eye contact "he said... That I'm just a worthless Omega... That papa only married you because omegas were stupid..." Yuuri remembered seeing the rest of the video as Viktor threatened the parents, (name) lunged at the boy.
"You know that's not true, right?" Yuuri whispered softly and Viktor came in with some hot coco, marshmallows and all for the boy "I know... I was just mad"
"Well we aren't happy that it got violent but I'm glad you stuck up for yourself, my smart wonderful little omega" Viktor kissed the boys forehead and (name) huffed "whatever..."
"You're sounding like your uncle now!" Viktor teased as the family turned on a movie, Yuuri going to get the boy some ice from his swollen cheek, just wanting to care for their pup.
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blorbo-gerrymandering · 4 months
Round 4
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Propaganda Under The Cut
Buneary is an adorable adorable bunny that hates you the minute you catch it. It is the only pokemon other than legendaries that has a base friendship of 0. In one of the more recent pokemon games, you can catch a buneary (typically a tiny bunny) that is larger than your player character. I love the pokemon buneary.
bunearies are. adorable. and full of hate. If you don’t vote for buneary then I will not have to do anything to you because buneary can and will beat you up. don’t test her she can jump over a building and kick you in the face if you look at her wrong. vote buneary.
My mutual loves the pokemon buneary very much :)
buneary is cool and deserves to win a tournament
Jaylen Hotdogfingers:
The greatest came-back-wrong character ever. She's the mayor of Seattle. She's was the best pitcher in the league. She was murdered by an umpire in an act of divine retribution for the fanbase's transgression. The fanbase exploited game mechanics to bring her back to life. Immediately she murdered 12 people. She died again and got revived a second time as part of a team of undead players that killed god. She's a really awful batter. She has, like, 16 songs written about her and they're all really good. I thought about her every single day for a period of six consecutive months. I love her.
I'll be real. I'm an outsider to the Blaseball fandom. I don't understand it. I think they've crowdfunded characters from fictionalized fucked-up Baseball stats and a dream. I love seeing what the fuck they're doing in their eldritch sandbox just so much.
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alittlefanatic · 1 year
hello! would it be alright to request something for a reader who really looks up to howdt as a sort of father figure?
idk man, i collect fictional parental figures like pokemon, welcome home happens to be my latest obsession, and YOU happen to be my favorite fan writer for said obsession, so i figured id ask- no pressure though! college is rough, and i want you to take care of yourself!
I'm going to cry qwq THANK YOU SO MUCH! That means the world to me that I'm your favorite! I never thought that I'd be someone's favorite writer awawawaw.
🐛 Howdy Father Figure Headcanons! 🐛
Child Version
🐛 Howdy LOVES to hold you and pick you up! You are just so tiny and small!
🐛 He would love to give you head pats and even ruffle your hair! (If you are ok with it of course)
🐛 Got a boo boo? He will be right there by your side like a frantic parent! "Are you hurt? I have cute little butterfly bandages! Let's get you cleaned up!"
🐛 He will hang all of your crayon drawings throughout his Bugdega! He wants to show off how creative and how proud he is of you!
🐛 If you knock over a stand at his Bugdega: "It's alright bug! Are you hurt? No? Ok good.. mistakes happen, don't be upset! What do we do when we make a mistake? We clean it up! See? It's better! Mistakes make us feel bad but they don't define us!"
Teenage Version
🐛 He would have you work in his store! "It helps build character and understand responsibility better!"
🐛 With that being said though, he also helps you define your boundaries!
🐛 "You don't want to work on Saturdays and Sundays? Do you need the day off to rest and work on things? That's ok! Thank you for telling me! Let's work things out if we need to~"
🐛 If you are wanting to sell anything, he will help you put up a little stand in his store! He's your biggest supporter and will personally send out your work to other neighbors to get them interested to buy!
🐛 This man has absolutely no idea how to drive a car (mainly because he cannot fit in many, nonetheless drive) but he will try and guide you nonetheless! That is until he gets one of the other neighbors to help. He would get you a little 'beetle' car purely for the name.
Adult Version
🐛 He would absolutely cry at the thought of you moving out but he would help you 'spread your wings' if you did want to move, or at least have a place of your own nearby!
🐛 "My little bug is all grown up! I can't believe how fast it flew by...I'm so proud of you! Know you can always come back to your ol' pops ok? I may be getting older but I still have all these arms to hug you!"
🐛 He would let you take over the Bugdega if you wanted it! He would feel like you would do a phenomenal job.
🐛 If you don't though, he will be your number one supporter and will send you baked goods in the morning for your work as a courtesy gift!
🐛 If you move away, he would send you letters every week updating you about what's going on in the neighborhood and how he misses you and loves you, and that he's proud of you every day!
🐛 He is a very sentimental man, keeping every letter you write to him, or anything you've ever given him. Don't you ever think it wasn't appreciated, because he has a little area in his room dedicated to things from you.
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I felt so bad that I haven't been able to write, I got a few more personal things to do then I'm completely free so expect more soon I promise! I'm so happy to finally be able to write more content for this fandom soon it brings me joy Be sure to get some water and a snack neighbor! Howdy would like you to take care of yourself 🐛
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l-in-the-light · 2 days
Hi, hope you have been having a great day! Your posts have always been my favorite, and they never fail to brighten my morning. I'd say it's the perfect way to start the day for me ^^
Today I have a question! Penny for your thoughts on Law and the Revolutionary Army? What might his stance and opinions about them be, and if he wasn't a pirate, would he consider being in the RA? (since there's little to no chance he would want to become a Marine)
Oh, hi! Now I do have a great day, because I read your ask ❤ Sorry that lately I don't post every day. Sometimes something else steals my attention, like sudden inspiration for a fanfic or some of my friends in need of quality time together :D yesterday it was an impromptu pokemon battle on discord with self-invented pokemons lol. I will take this opportunity to (again <3) thank you so much for enjoying my posts, I'm always so excited to see your reblog tags each time! :D
Law and Revolutionary Army, okay, let's go! *rolls up sleeves* I actually watched some analysis and theory vids about RA before, and I had a lot of my own reflection on them lately, so I already have an opinion about it. At times this might go slightly political, so a fair warning!
First of all, let's start with Dragon and his Revolutionary Army. Thanks to Robin, we know their goal is most likely the World Nobles (Celestial Dragons) and we know they have some longterm goals planned. They're basically gathering supplies, allies, weapons and information, and waiting for a good moment to strike. I don't think their attack on Marie Geoise was one of their ultimate goals in itself, because we learned they did it just to get Kuma back (their valuable ally and friend). Everything else was an extra, but they made sure it counts: destroying the symbol of Celestial Dragons (to declare war), cutting them off the food supplies and getting rid of their stock, freeing as many slaves as they could.
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They're apparently still making sure the food supplies can't reach Marie Geoise, which we learned from chapter 1126. Interesting thing to note here is that they actually have an agenda behind "riling up rebellion in nations": it's to limit nations that will pay celestial tribute and hand them resources, in other words: to weaken their enemy.
Dragon declares he literally wants to collect his own army to fight for the better world, whatever that might mean to him. He was part of the marines once, but "found no justice there", so he left and created his own army instead. We can't really talk about Revolutionary Army without taking into account his stance on justice.
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Seeing from his reaction to Luffy becoming a pirate ("Not bad!") and him and Akainu disliking each other, we can take some guesses here. Dragon's goals are probably: freedom for people, not allowing innocent people to suffer, making sure people in power do not abuse it (an army for hire sure sounds like a good method to at least make them think twice before overusing their power).
And what's their modus operandi when trying to reach these goals? Many people in fandom are frustrated with Dragon and Revolutionaries, because it feels like they're "just there", waiting all the time and doing nothing. They don't go around the world freeing kingdoms and fighting oppressive reigns, after all. What they do instead, is reach out to normal citizens and "ignite the flame of rebellion" in their hearts.
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That's because Revolutionary Army doesn't want to be the ones who will win the war, they want the citizens to be the ones who will win their own country and freedom back, and RA will simply help them achieve that, remaining as support.
They're so interesting exactly because they try to empower those that are on the lowest steps of the hierarchy's ladder, they want to give power back into their hands, but for this to work those citizens have to wish for that themselves, try to fight back, and it needs to be their own decision to do that. The power they give them is the power to fight back, defend themselves and demand their own rights and independence. Revolutionaries show to people that common folk are also part of the system and so they have the right to decide how they want the world to look like, even if it's only in their small kingdom. And those of them that want to join the cause and change the whole world to become a better place, are invited to join the Revolutionary Army. That's how Dragon operates. He even makes it clear that it's his rule not to assassinate kings or overthrow them himself, because that's not his job to do; it's up to the people of the nation.
We can deduce that Dragon would rather avoid direct conflicts, bloodshed and anarchy (after all regular kings are not his aim!). What he offers people in need instead is that: an army for hire, and for free! But only to those powerless people who are oppressed. Now we should ask this question: as much as this all sounds very good and noble, is it really a good thing to do? Let's look at the consequences of the attack on Marie Geoise. It was aimed at Celestial Dragons, but who suffers hunger as the result? The nobles?
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No, their slaves and servants instead. They would have to go around hungry because there's no way CD would go around hungry instead (and they make a huge deal that they miss ONE meal a day and snacks). And they're still as spoiled as ever! If anything, this only angered them and nothing more. For now, Revolutionary Army achieved only this: to make the life of slaves in Marie Geoise even worse.
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Now let's look at Lulusia. Sabo getting involved with them caused the whole kingdom to vanish from the map (yeah, it wasn't his fault, but the fact this kingdom was before freed by Revolutionaries had influence on Imu's/Gorosei's decision). And then let's look at what they did to help Dressrosa: oh wait, actually, they didn't help much. Yes, they supported ciitizens, helping the injured ones and gathering them in safe places (not that there were any real safe places in Dressrosa's disaster).
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They also did research and gather evidence from the underground port Mingo was running, which is interesting. Does it mean RA is gonna present evidence in a court against World Government? Or do they just want to trace back their sources so they can steal it for themselves? Anyway, RA did not fight Donquixotes though and did not fight the Marines, with exception of Sabo (and he got heavily scolded for involving himself in the conflict). Was that really the correct course of action? Is that what heroes should be doing? What would happen to Dressrosa if Luffy lost? Would Revolutionaries just allow everyone to die, despite being right there?
Which points me to my own conclusion: Revolutionary Army has lofty, noble goals, they want to help people who are oppressed, but they're not heroes. And they can't be ones. If you have an army, you're automatically disqualified as a hero, because you fight violence with violence, power with power, no matter how you try to sidestep that fact. I'm not saying Dragon is in the wrong, but... what he kinda yearns for is a form of utopia. People should be encouraged to step up and fight for their own good, they should have the means to do that, but what if what they fight for is a mistaken cause? What if years of resentment will lead the people to just keep on oppressing others as the result? It's a logical conclusion to that: you don't want to be oppressed, be sure to raise to the top so everyone is below you (and now you can opress them back). What if those previously powerless people will start to get back on the class that used to oppress them, like what the common folks did to Homing?
Giving power to common people is great, but it will not erase their hatred they collected for centuries, their rage for all the pain they and their close ones had to experience. If you want the world to be truly a better place, then it needs also education, damn, a collective therapy, besides just manpower in an army. But, you know, it's at least *something*, that's why I'm personally not judging RA. They do what they believe is the best thing to do, a first step in the right direction and they mean well, but I think it will backfire, because it's definitely not enough to overturn the world. And power has a tendency to corrupt.
And then we also have Sabo, who kinda went against Dragon's principles when he accepted to be called a Flame Emperor and used the fake news of King Cobra's assassination to encourage people for rebellion.
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This might seem insignificant, but it's anything but: Sabo is part of Revolutionary Army, his actions affect RA's public image. If he didn't deny that he killed King Cobra, then it means killing King Cobra was RA's aim.
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We will see how it goes in the future, but the recent "fractions" double spread Oda did (above) foreshadows that Dragon and Sabo will kinda go their seperate ways. Sabo took his stance, he wants to fight, not only watch citizens fight. Even if he did that mostly for Luffy, the consequences of that will be longterm.
Now finally I can switch to the actual question you asked: what would be Law's opinion on Revolutionaries. Remember my analysis on how Law taught Luffy what's "the right thing to do"? It was a lesson to always think of the consequences of your actions, to see the big picture. If you want to liberate a whole nation, you need to choose your battles, to strategize the damage, recognize the oppressor's structure of power and strike down the fillars of it so it collapses on itself. Law is a fighter, a commander, a leader. He will not avoid a fight or a war if that's what needs to be done, he won't leave those people to their own fate and will fight with them for the cause (not just offer support!), and he will do what he can to lead them to victory. And he will never accept credit for it. Officially, it's like he was never there, or just part of a nameless "pirate" crowd, no one important.
But if he can, he will avoid conflict and arrange things in such ways it's not even needed. That's how he wanted to get rid of Doflamingo, simply forcing him to give up his warlord status which meant he would have to leave Dressrosa. Just like that, without any blood spilled. But for achieving that, he doesn't shy from doing things that RA would never approve of: kidnapping people, making ransom demands, forcing people to give up their titles by his own actions. Also Law doesn't rile up any citizens, he leaves that up to others. Dragon would not approve of Law's methods, we can be sure of that. And I think Law wouldn't approve of Dragon's actions over Marie Geoise either (starving off slaves), because Law's MO is to always care about the consequences of the actions. In other words, I think Law would think there are better ways to achieve greater results, without hurting oppressed people even more in the process.
Wait a second, you might ask now, but what about Dressrosa? We get the Wano, but in Dressrosa Law didn't care even for a second about the citizens! Well, actually, I think he did initially, his actions and plan were meant to avoid any harm to them, let's never forget that. Later on he did throw it all out of the window for Luffy's sake, I won't deny that. Law might be hero coded but he's not a hero, at the end of the day, and he knows that, he's not a naive idealist like Dragon is.
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Dragon voices no regret about starving the slaves for his cause (at least for now), Law on the other hand seemed to make a guilty face expression at the end of Dressrosa, seeing the injured people and ruins everywhere. And that's actually a good thing, that "reality check" is what keeps Law aware that everything he does and every decision he makes will have consequences, and sometimes you need to choose between lesser evil, because world isn't a pretty place, especially the world in One Piece. And idealism often isn't afraid to kill people for it's cause and not only doesn't call it a wrong thing, but calls it A Right Thing To Do. Remember Death Note? That's your unrestricted idealism 101.
Law might tell the Strawhats to just ignore the assault on one of the Flower Capital's districts, but he will never call it A Right Thing To Do. In fact, when Sanji says he can make it work, Law instead trusts him to do his thing. He's flexible in his ways, he always questions, but when it's needed he's firm in his decisions. He just knows sometimes he isn't doing the right thing, but he never loses the direction he aims towards, because if he always questions and seeks and rethinks it from multiple angles it's always for that purpose: to make sure he isn't on the wrong path and if he is: to change it or do better in the future. And seeing the consequences of Dressrosa and how the waves from that spread over the New World, it actually caused a lot of good changes: wars stopped, underground black market took a huge blow, and in longterm: warlord status got erased. And all of that? Is actually thanks to Law and his plan, that was literally the catalyst here. That's why it's 1:0 for Law when compared to Revolutionaries.
Now we enter speculation territory. I do think Law actually might be supporting what RA is doing. Let's think about it: how did RA know that Dressrosa has an underground port?
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We learn they sent agents to Dressrosa before, but "they were all turned into toys" (that's revisioning what actually happened - they wouldn't know anything about the toys, because the existance of their agents would be erased from their memories). And they never answer the question: why Dressrosa? And my answer here is: someone had to give them that intel (anonymous intel, most likely) in the first place. Coincidentally they arrive in Dressrosa exactly when Law's plan is taking the stage. I don't think it points towards Law being a Revolutionary, because Sabo has no reaction towards Law, and Revolutionary army has no reason to hide their identities from each other, that's not how they operate at all. And I don't think Law actually cooperated with them either, because the conclusion after Dressrosa clearly took RA by surprise. They got weapons, they gathered important information, it's like this all was gifted to them by someone. And I think it's likely Law was the one who send them the intel, anonymously, or through someone else. Maybe he does support their goal of declaring a war on World Nobles (even if I think he would be kinda disappointed at some of the results of their actions). We saw at Sabaody already that Law isn't really fond of Celestial Dragons, human auctions and slavery; he was pleased with what Luffy did and he also took a stance by freeing Jean Bart.
Would Law join them in the future? I think he doesn't like to work under anyone. Luffy might be also the only person Law ever worked on equal level with. He acts and behaves like a lone wolf, especially when he says things like this:
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That doesn't sound like a person who's on a leash, be it Revolutionary Army's, Navy's or Government's. Being a pirate gives Law freedom. If he's somehow with any of those fractions regardless of my analysis, it's just to use them to reach his own goals, just like he took and discarded his warlord status.
And like I said, I doubt Dragon would like Law's methods so Law would have to change them to be part of the RA (and I doubt the main problem here is that he's a pirate, if he wanted to he could have joined them anyway, they did accept former slaves that were pirates before). Also Dragon is playing the long game, and it feels like Law doesn't have that much time to play along with it, because his plans are always moving fast and cause really big ripples. It's not that he's impatient, but it seems like he can't really afford the slow game here.
As for the question you didn't ask: I actually think Law might be part of the Marines, in some way or form. Let's consider this: if he is aiming to overthrow such a big organization, what's the best way to do that? From the inside. Assuming his hate towards government and marines would stop him is not taking his resolve seriously enough, imo. If he is out for revenge, he will stop at nothing, because he is the last person to carry the memory of what truly happened to Flevance. His own resentments would not stop him, he would do that even if he would end up hating himself as the result. "Everything was for that moment", he could declare at the end of it (just like he does in Dressrosa), when he pushes the final blow from the place the Marines expect it the least: their own most trusted people.
Thankfully though he still didn't lose his heart, that's why he does have at least some brakes intact. That's why he cares for people. That's why he cares for consequences of his own actions. That's why he would throw his own plans away or tuck people dear to him to safety over reaching his goals. But he can never forget those goals or throw them away for good. We will see where his storyline will take him in the end.
Of course that's only considering the somewhat popular theories that Law is a member of Sword. I do think those have some really good observations, but the interpretation part falls flat. They got the dynamics completely backwards imo, because Law would not be an underdog to Drake. There, I said it!
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gallawitchxx · 4 months
weekly tag wednesday thursday <3
omg how is it wednesday thursday again already?! where has this week gone? i've basically been MIA here since the last one lol so thank you to @jrooc @creepkinginc @energievie @deedala @gardenerian
@blue-disco-lights @sgtmickeyslaughter @vintagelacerosette for the tags! i love you all! i love this place! i'm so happy we get to scream about it today!
- - - - OKAY LET'S GET INTO IT - - - -
how did you get into the fandom? i fully fell into gallavich in the spring of 2021 & starting shoving fics in my face faster than ian & mickey took their clothes off when ian went to get the gun back, mickey. then i started noticing that people were linking their tumblrs in the end notes & so i lurked suuuper hard through the summer until i finally made my own blog!
how long have you been here? almost three glorious years <3
what’s the first fandom channel you found? (Youtube, Reddit, Tumblr, Insta, Twitter, FB, other?) i suppose youtube is correct because i watched a bunch of edits that really cemented my obsession, but tumblr was the first place i interacted with fandom friends :)
what’s your favourite now? i'm a tumblrina for life!
which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom? this will always make me so fucking emotional -- my first mutual was @metalheadmickey & now i've been to their wedding *sobs forever*
which tumblerino’s did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and wanted to get to know? oooohalskfj this is a hard one! there have been so many! when i first showed up, i started collecting beloved mutuals like pokemon... but to steal from mel, there was a real HUZZAH moment around getting a message from @whatwouldmickeydo & now i'm gonna go to their wedding *continues sobbing forever*
first Gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember) the holy trinity of my early fandom days were absolutely like real people do by grayola, restoration by @palepinkgoat & the increasingly poor decisions of ian gallagher by @goodkwuestion
first fan art that blew your mind? yooo we are so blessed around these parts & at the beginning it was another trilogy lol - @steorie @psychicskulldamage & @darthvaders-wife
fanfic trope that you were sure wasn’t for you but now you low key (or high key) love? a/b/o! truly shocking to discover & then love & then WRITE A WHOLE MULTI-CHAP FIC OF
What surprised you most about this fandom? omg how smushy soft everyone is! halskfjalfj - like, it's a pretty hard show to watch at times & the characters are all so messy & not saying we have it altogether over here or anything, but everyone's just a kind little marshmallow! :)
moment in the show (or YT vids if you’re one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with Gallavich? the first one was probably s3 "not everybody gets to blurt out how they fucking feel every minute!" because i was like, OHHH OH THIS IS GONNA HURT ME & then it just kept getting worse....
Ian or Mickey? mickey baby ily so much. but to echo others, they really are two halves of the same brain cell & they've fought so hard to be together. so idk how you choose!
Which Gallagher or Milkovich are you? jeeeez, maybe fiona? lip? liam? hahaha probably none of them tbh, but i love 'em like family!
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tagging @thisdivorce @rereadanon @sickness-health-all-that-shit @crossmydna & @heymrspatel if you wanna play! if not, i'm smooching you on your nose <3
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banditywrites · 2 months
20 questions for writers
Thank you for tagging me, @adelfie !!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Oh. Gosh. Now it seems to be Batfam and Voltron. But I have also written Fullmetal Alchemist and I can see myself going back there someday.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Lonely Mind- Lance struggles with depression, choosing to hide his problems, he starts down a dangerous road alone.
Luminous Beings- Jason has the ability to see a light around people that are going to die. Tim is the brightest kid he has ever seen.
The Drifter- Lance picks up a "hitchhiker" without realizing it.
O Come Let Us Adore Him-Lance finds himself stranded on a planet that has a hidden danger. It's a good thing he has such welcoming hosts to keep him safe.
Rules and Other Broken Things-5 Times Tim's anxiety took the wheel and 1 time he reached out for help when he needed it
5. Do you respond to comments?
I do now! I didn't used to. I try to get to comment responses within a few days.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmmm. I do my best to make sure my fics have peaceful endings at least. But maybe The Drifter. That one still felt quite sad in the end.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That's hard to judge too. My characters go through so much... Maybe Luminous Beings actually. Because people were only mildly traumatized.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Once. On my fic: Upon the Road.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No. lol. If I write characters holding hands in a romantic way, I blush super hard. I just can't write those kind of interactions.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No. But back in the day there was almost a Voltron and Fma fic.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No. I had someone say they bought my fic online, but it turned out they confused me with icypanther. So it was all good.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
One time! But I don't think the translator finished working on it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but that is intriguing.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Platonic relationships are what I love. I will read ships, just haven't really written them .
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
The third installment of the O Come Let Us Adore Him series.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue maybe? Also, being succinct.
17: What are your writing weaknesses?
Describing environments. If I say there is a room, just picture any room you would like basically
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm rewriting this answer because I realized I didn't read the whole question. Writing in another language is always hard if you don't know the language. I've tried it out. Not really my thing. But I was more comfortable writing about sign language than any other language.
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
... Pokemon. lol
20. Favourite fic you've written?
For Voltron: O Come Let Us Adore Him
For the rest: Foul Depths (FMA)
I don't know who would like to do this, but anyone who follows me, feel free! Thank you again for this opportunity!
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randoimago · 1 year
For the friends and lovers event could i ask one for Rika from pokemon scarlet violet?
Take A Break
Fandom: Pokemon
Character(s): Rika
Type of Request: 3,000 Followers Oneshots
Note(s): You got it!!
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"I'm glad that you finally took a break."
"You act as if I'm a work-a-holic."
It's a beautiful day and you decided to pester Rika about going out and doing something together. She was most likely going to stay back and do paperwork or check in with the gym leaders. But you had made the request to spend time together and she didn't want to refuse.
"How are you doing? It has been a bit that we've hung out like this. Are you okay?" Rika asks you and the genuine curiosity, but also concern does make your heart feel warmer. Then again, just being this close to her makes your heart feel warm and butterflies enter your chest.
Your friendship with her has always felt like it was on the verge of something else, but neither of you voiced anything to see if that was actually a mutual feeling. And with how busy she does get, you don't know if she would even entertain the thought of being more than friends.
"I'm fine... I just miss you," you reply to her and she pauses in the walk you had been taking together. A bit of guilt comes over her face as she looks back to you. You don't get a chance to try and cheer her up as her hand reaches for yours and she faces you.
"I missed you too. I'm sorry that I've been so busy. I'll do better for you," she says as if it's a promise. You feel as if you heat up more at her words and the determined look in her eyes.
"Rika, it's fine. I know that your job is important to you and-"
"You're important to me too." You did not expect her to cut you off. Usually, she lets you get all your thoughts out before she voices her own. But this time, she didn't seem to have the patience to wait. You could feel the confession on your lips with the way she looks at you, but you hold it back. Just barely.
"Well, thank you. I appreciate it," you tell her softly and she smiles back. Her own gaze softens, and you watch as she glances down to your hand that she is holding. You two have held hands before, in a completely platonic best friend sort of way. But this time, you see the hesitance in her eyes before she lets your hand go. You don't think before taking her hand back into yours. A look of surprise crosses her face, but it goes back to a soft smile.
"I mean it, you are very important to me," she whispers as she looks over at you. Her whispering wasn't because of being shy or unsure, but it seemed like she wanted to say it in a way to not scare you off. That confession you held back earlier? You're done holding back.
"I want to be more than friends with you, Rika." Your voice doesn't waver or hesitate as you admit to her your feelings. It's not quite an "I'm in love with you" but you don't want to scare her off immediately. A look of surprise greets you on Rika's face as she takes in what you said. Your confidence makes way for a bit of fear, because what if she doesn't feel the same?
"So do I." The smile that crosses your face shows the relief and happiness you feel at her own confession. And then she leans in to kiss your forehead and you feel the soft vibrations as she hums against your skin. "I suppose now I'll really need to take more breaks with work."
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Hi! Back for another batch of questions!
1. In your RBB Superheroes AU, will there be a hero who will accidentally get their identity revealed?
2. If you can write an RBB Fanfic about a certain fandom (Aside Madoka Magica, Life SMP, and Pokemon) What will it be about and what will be the title?
3. Do you think there should be more RBB fanfics on Ao3?
4. How did the hosts found the sword in the first place?
5. What are the hosts reactions when they start having powers due to their swords?
6. I remember seeing a post on twitter from your account, that when Russo found his sword his hair changed to blue. Does that work for the other two hosts aswell?
7. What is the most hilarious thing that the hosts did when they start using their powers?
8. Is Russo overwhelmed by the amount of Truths he just discovered from people.
9. Do Angels exsist on Robloxia? If so do they have fluffy wings? :D Sorry, I'm in love with angels.
10. What is the status relationship between Angels and Demons In your AU?
That's all for now!
Sorry these took a while to get to! You got me thinking about pre-host hosts again, so thanks for that /gen
Alright, as always, answers under the cut!
Q1) None of the main heroes (that being Kreek, Devoun, Ashley, Leah, Denis and Calixo), but in my head, one of the side characters will have their identity revealed before the ‘main story’ starts, kicking off Calixo’s recruitment.
Q2) I mean…you didn’t mention The Magnus Archives in your list. So I’m going to answer with that because I’m very normal about my TMA/RBB au. For concepts that I’ve barely developed, probably The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals or Detroit: Become Human would be fun.)
Q3) YES. Please, we need more of us. I beg. Just be normal about tagging though, please.
Q4) The hosts were originally in a band, and one day, they were looking for a new concert location after losing access to their old one. Russo found a run-down version of the S2 lobby, decided to explore, and things went downhill from there.
Q5) Lots of confusion and concern, as well as being quite put out by the new abilities (Russo especially.) Luckily Mr B was there to help them get used to it, lol
Q6) Yep! In fact, here are their ‘pre-host’ designs:
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Apparently, these designs creeped people out, because they look so normal. I guess it’s like…Not-Them vibes?
Sabrina originally had black hair, and DJ dark brown. They were all relatively normal looking people before the whole ‘gaining powers’ thing happened. (Though I think DJ and Sabrina are the type of people to have dyed their hair beforehand anyway. They just don’t get a choice anymore.)
Q7) DJ ran into a wall. Multiple times. It took him a long time to get used to sprinting at supersonic speeds. Russo kept accidentally mind reading his friends, which yknow, he didn’t really want to do. It did make for a lot of good jokes though. Sabrina didn’t really have anything ‘funny’ happen, aside from like, no longer being able to get a blood test. Healing didn’t do too much to affect her aside from removing her ability to feel pain and making her very lethargic at first.
Q8) Yes, perhaps even to a painful degree. Suddenly having so much information thrust on him at once was really overwhelming, and I like to believe he gets chronic migraines about it. He’s gotten used to it though, by virtue of ignoring half the things that appear in his head.
Q9) Yes, but I don’t have any specifically noted. Pink, as I’ve mentioned, is closer to a ghost in my headcanons, though I call him an angel because it’s easier, so him, I guess.
Q10) Devils and Angels have their typical rivalry, but Demons…don’t really care. Pink and Tanqr’s antagonistic relationship is not because they’re an angel and a devil, it’s because they’re both annoyed by / scared of each other.
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katiefrog217 · 3 months
10 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks @eviebane for the tag!!
No pressure tagging: @bellisima-writes @knifeforkspooncup @thatskindarough @nik-knight @onceuponapuffin @quoththemaiden
1. How many works do you have on AO3? |
Currently two!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
8,934 if I added right. I've written well beyond that but it's not published or published to AO3.
3. What Fandoms do You Write For?
Currently Good Omens! Back about 10 ish years ago, I used to write a lot of Hetalia and Pokemon (if you were on DA/Quotev and read reader inserts in the 2010s, I'm sorry) and also had a short stint with Yuri on Ice. If we go for never published stuff, Inuyasha.
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I try my best to at least - I really like interacting with comments and seeing what people have to say!
5. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Actually yes - quite a few times! Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if they are still being stolen to this day by random Wattpad users (it was always fucking Wattpad). My fic "Just the Way You Are (BTT X Reader) [yes I was that songfic author - again I'm sorry] was stolen quite often, along with a few others. As a result I'm quite protective over my fics - used to do line editing so I could put my name extremely small in the text so when it was copy pasted my name showed up multiple times haha.
6. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No! I haven't actually - did some creative writing prompts between people in discord before and am part of an ongoing project but as of this moment I haven't. Have helped my girlfriend with her own stuff but that's for the most part her own thing.
7. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Fuck I have to pick ONE? Sweating rn uhhhh... I have two of equal measure I can think of off the top of my head: AziraCrow (Aziraphale x Crowley - Good Omens) and Hualian (Hua Cheng x Xie Lian - Heaven Official's Blessing).
8. What are your Writing Strengths?
If I go off what people tell me: heavily immersive and visual writing. And characterization. And short form story writing.
9. What are your Writing Weaknesses?
My inability to focus on a single project, along with my terrible habit of starting fics on a whim before abandoning it because I have no idea where the story was going in the first place. My ADHD makes my motivation come and go like the wind so I can go months without updating anything, and led to a lot of my old ones getting abandoned. I also have a terrible habit of dragging scenes out because I tend to want to explain a lot of things, which leads me to procrastinate a lot when I can't think of how to describe what I want. I'm trying to get better at it. Oh, and a personal pet peeve of mine is not being able to write a fic under 5k words, because I don't like publishing shorter fics, especially self contained ones. I admire people who are able to publish shorter stories a lot, I just personally get really anxious over putting out something that wasn't at least 5 word document pages long as a chapter.
10. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
If we count unpublished and never seen the light of day, it was Inuyasha. It was a fic called "The Golden Arrow", which was based off a dream I had somewhere in the early 2010's. The only one who saw anything for it was a school friend of mine, and while I generally remember the gist of it, it's been lost to time for the most part, as it was written on an app on an old phone I have but lost the cord to.
If we wanna talk actually published to the internet, I'm pretty sure it was Pokemon.
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aughtpunk · 6 months
A03 Questions Tag Game
I got tagged by: @coffincrows
I tag: @ventela1 @autumn2may @farshootingstar
1 – How many works do you have on AO3?
2 – What's your total AO3 word count?
3 – What fandoms do you write for?
In no particular order: Cult of the Lamb, Welcome to Night Vale, Disco Elysium, Good Omens, Overwatch and a bunch of series I've only written one fic in
4 – What are your top five fics by kudos?
Points on a Circle (Overwatch, lots of ships, mainly Yeehan)
Now Streaming: Love! (Overwatch, lots of ships, D.va POV)
White is Not the New Black (Good Omens, Ineffable Husbands)
Fusion is Just a Cheap Tactic to Make Weak Angels Stronger (Good Omens, Ineffable Husbands)
Welcome to Cyber Vale (Welcome to Night Vale, Cecilos)
5 – Do you respond to comments?
I may accidentally skip a few (sorry) but I try to respond to everyone!
6 – What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Another Pyramid, although I'm not sure I would call it angsty. The fic is about two robots (omnics) discussion an opera and the play based on it, and it ends with one of the robots wondering if the more opened-ended play could possibly be about the endless cycle of tragedy and romance, and how that's very fitting in the current war for robot rights.
7 – What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably To Forgive is Divine since it ends with the Bishop family back together AND Narinder and Lamb as a couple AND other happy spoilers
8 – Do you get hate on fics?
Okay so I wouldn't call it hate but I will take a moment to talk about the weirdest comment I ever got on a fic: Someone once posted in the third chapter of a fic that they hadn't read the first two chapters (on purpose) and they were only going to read every-other chapter from then on. And then every other chapter they kept posting about how the fic made no sense and kept asking questions that were answered in the parts they skipped.
Yeah I ended up blocking them and deleting the comments. Like, the fuck?
9 – Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have written smut. I would describe it as "bad".
10 – Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Probably the Good Omens/Pokemon crossover fic The Evils of Truth and Love. Sadly I couldn't figure out anything to do with it plot-wise so it's only just three chapters of silliness.
11 – Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No idea. Imagine someone stealing my work. It'd be like someone stealing my twelve year old hyundai. Like, why?
12 – Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I know Cyber Vale got partially translated, and one of my Disco Elysium fics was translated into Russian!
13 – Have you ever co-written a fic?
No, I'm not into co-writing.
14 – What's your all-time favorite ship?
Probably X/Zero. Which is funny considering I've never written a ship about them.
15 – What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Dear Notes in a Line and Five Shalle Ryde fans:
I swear I'll come back one day to finish these. Pinky-swear.
16 – What are your writing strengths?
Apparently I have a real knack for writing immortal God/God-like beings/Immortal Robots and I don't know what to do with this power besides writing fanfic.
17 – What are your writing weaknesses?
I am so, so bad at smut. I've tried, you guys. I've really tried. But writing it feels like someone is sandpapering my brain. In another timeline where I can write smut I'm probably making bank on a terrible amazon published erotica series.
18 – Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I try to avoid it myself because I can barely handle English most days. Never mind other languages Do you know how many times I've failed French 1? Six. SIX TIMES.
EDIT: It has been pointed out to me that I've written multiple characters in multiple stories that use ASL. I am not a clever person.
19 – First fandom you wrote for?
NiGHTS Into Dreams! It's called TWiNS and I actually dug it up from the depths of FF.net to post on Ao3 because I'm so proud of my teen self for writing it.
20 – Favorite fic you've written?
Probably As Mayflies, which I wrote one beautiful summer morning while I was feeling very emotional over Sir Terry Pratchett's passing and wrote a little story about how the humans Crowley and Aziraphale meet live forever in their hearts.
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lynxgriffin · 1 year
This has probably been asked before, but what are your favourite video games beside Undertale and Deltarune?
And just for the heck of it, do you have a favourite book?
As is probably evident if you go back far enough, the Kingdom Hearts series was my fandom life for like...near on a decade or more, lol. And then KH3's ending kinda broke my heart and I fell out of it a lot. D: But of that series, KH2 and BBS are up there as favs!
Okami is also definitely one of my favorite games of all time. That one's basically my comfort game since I've replayed it so many times on multiple platforms.
Also really like Ghost Trick, obviously from the most recent streams...and I play a lot of Pokemon, although ironically I think I play more of the mobile games than the mainline ones. Like I try and play Pokemon Go every day because it gets me going outside for long walks. And I've played a couple Final Fantasies; favorites of that series are IX and X.
For books, I don't read as much as I probably should since I'm so busy. ;o; (I should really buy myself more audio books) But man, when I was a kid, I absolutely adored the Redwall series, and read those all the time...even did comics for them!
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likeabxrdinflight · 7 months
so as we all know, the live action atla airs tomorrow. knowing me, I'll end up binging the whole thing in one, two days tops.
I think the majority of my followers on this platform followed me back in 2020, when the animated show dropped on netflix and saw a sudden resurgence in popularity. so most of you know me as a fan, and it's not exactly a secret. I adore the animated show. It's somewhere in my top ten favorite tv series of all time. it might even be the top, I've never actually sat down and thought about it that deeply, but if I did, atla very well could be number one.
it's not a perfect show, far from it. it has flaws. everything does. but I was there with atla from literally day one. I remember back in 2005, all the tv ads for this cool, anime-esque nickelodeon show that was gonna air soon. I memorized the date and time of the premiere. I made damn sure I wasn't gonna miss it. my 12-year-old ass forced my little brother to surrender the remote for that hour and refused to let him touch it. turns out I didn't need to, because we both got invested right away. and I tuned in for every new episode from that day on. even if I was at a friend's house, I made sure we watched if a new episode of atla was airing. I was that insane about this show.
I can remember making up fake bending routines in my parents' living room (usually firebending lol). in the summers I'd pretend to be a waterbender in the swimming pool. some of my earliest drawings are of katara, aang, and zuko, and then later azula. I remember when the blue spirit first aired and presenting my brother with the "zuko will definitely become aang's friend and teach him firebending" manifesto. he was not convinced. I was devastated by the season two finale, and so vindicated by season three. I remember how long the 2008 writer's strike felt when it delayed the second half of season three. and I remember when the finale finally aired- by this point I was now 15- and just the rollercoaster of emotions that was for me as a teenager. I remember not wanting it to be over, delving into the online fandom and discovering all the different ships, fanart, fanfics, and video edits (and drama). I learned how to use windows movie maker and pirate the episodes just because I wanted to join in on the fun. I wrote a not good zutara fic that I never finished. I put my shitty little azula videos on youtube. I've been in and out of this fandom ever since.
so to say I have a lot of love for the animated series would be an understatement. when I think of the media that defined my childhood, there's really five things that first come to mind- harry potter, pokemon, anime more broadly (special shout out to yugioh and sailor moon), disney, and atla.
I say this all to establish that there is zero chance the live action adaptation could ever overtake the animated original for me. I will always love it more, it will always be the more special version of this story. I was exactly aang's age when that first episode aired. there's no replacing something like that. when I think of this story and these characters, I think I will always default to the animated version.
that said, I really am feeling optimistic about the live action adaptation. I'm frequently skeptical of these kinds of projects, especially the disney remake trend, but there's a couple reasons I feel pretty okay with the adaptation of atla. one is that there has been a recent uptick in popularity of the original. it's a good time to re-visit this story, people are interested, and it can only serve to get even more people to watch the original given both will now be on netflix. two is that I'm very encouraged to see that both in front of and behind the camera, asian and indigenous people are taking center stage. I don't think we can discount the importance of that. third, everything I've seen about this show that's not a panicked hot take on twitter or a headline pulled out of context is fairly encouraging. I mostly like what I've heard from the cast and showrunners in interviews. several reviews of the first episode's premiere have been broadly positive, most importantly to me, from actual fans who attended.
I do have some reservations. I'm not totally sold on the visual aesthetic, with the somewhat darker color palette and the contrasting saturation of the costumes. for this first season, I'm easily most concerned about how katara is going to be written. I want them to make changes and tell the story differently, but I do worry they won't find the right balance. too much change to central character arcs could deleteriously impact the story. and I will always be concerned about the portrayal of azula.
I also have mixed feelings about the sexism thing- I'm not necessarily pressed that they might tone down sokka's or even pakku's overt sexism, and frankly the "girls can fight too!" version of feminism is kind of tired in 2024. I also know several indigenous people have spoken up about how the water tribe's being sexist was not a great look. but I am concerned that, in toning this aspect down, they might inadvertently neuter katara's character arc or remove some of her best moments. I have to question how this change will impact suki as well. ironically I'm not as worried about sokka, his sexism was a minimal part of his overall character arc- but it's impact on the women around him was much more meaningful. that's what I'm more concerned about.
I've also heard that the first episode suffers from a glut of exposition that was felt necessary for new viewers but returning fans will likely find tiresome. and naturally I'm worried some things will look goofy, fail to translate from cartoon to live action well, or that some of the heart and charm of the original will get lost in translation. so yeah, there's concerns.
but generally speaking I'm more excited than not. if the show has as much love put into it as the cast and crew interviews seem to indicate, then I think revisiting this world and these characters in a new way with a new generation at the helm will be a lot of fun. the nostalgia market is definitely oversaturated right now, you can certainly argue this didn't need to exist, but I'm not going to pretend I'm not interested to see what they do with this. especially when we already got such a bad live action version- it's not like this is a new idea for atla as a franchise. there's a precedent already set for trying it again. so I'm going in with an open mind. let's see what they do- it's not like it's ever going to replace the original. it can't.
...also I think the tag I'm going to use is "natla spoilers". I've been tagging "atla live action" but I think I'm gonna switch over to "natla" primarily from now on. and believe me, I will be sharing my thoughts.
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sollucets · 5 months
get to know me tag
as tagged by @ranchthoughts, @twig-tea, and @troubled-mind! thank u everyone 💜🥰
do you make your bed? literally never!
what's your favourite number? 52. i picked it as a child and i don't remember why, but it pleases me still
what is your job? i'm a humble lil grocery store employee
if you could go back to school, would you? if i could quit my job and go to school and still have my same money, then yes, i should think so, but that's super not happening! it might be nice to have a second degree. i think history would be fun
can you parallel park? yes i can! i used to have to do it every day to park in front of my last house. >:c
a job you had that would surprise people? i think all of my jobs have been either rather generic or right on the nose for what people would expect of me so probably not. i was a nighttime gas station attendant for a fair bit of college, which could be a surprise i guess? everyone always goes ":0 but werent you scared????" and like, no, not most of the time, but sometimes you do it scared yknow
do you think aliens are real? yes, but real in a way that there are many real things i can't see and don't understand (protons, gender, etc)
can you drive a manual car? i could do that once and probably still can, but it's been a long long time since i practiced
what's your guilty pleasure? as far as media goes, i do my very best not to have things like this. if i feel bad about liking it i generally do not like it for very long. i would say the closest is being into kpop, but it's not like i keep that a secret, i just dont really want to engage with kpop fandom, so i dont often post or talk about it publicly. a real guilty pleasure is that i like cherry pepsi too much
tattoos? i have one; he's on my left forearm & he's an abstract little spaceman with a fern for a head. i call him my cosmonaut. i have plans for more but i never have the time or money lately
favorite color? we know this one already surely. 💜
favorite type of music? ohh, i don't like to discriminate hehe. my very favoritest songs usually have fun harmony or funky rhythms, though, and it's best if i can sing along
do you like puzzles? sure! i used to have a book of fairy puzzles when i was a kid that i love dearly even now
any phobias? i am afraid of all bugs, but i can be a grownup about most kinds of them. i Cannot be a grownup about moths or centipedes, which i am terrified of (using those words will cause this post to be filtered for me on tumblr). i try not to kill them if i can avoid it, since it isnt their fault i'm like this, but i,,, i really can't, i'm useless if i see one. when id find centipedes in my room at my last house i wouldnt be able to sleep.
favorite childhood sport? i did tennis all of middle and high school, explicitly because of ryoma echizen prince of tennis lol. i was on varsity! i also figure skated as a kid. both are still fun when i get the chance
do you talk to yourself? oh yes all the time. i keep odd hours so i used to accidentally wake my roommate cause i just kind of absentmindedly chatter abt everything
what movies do you adore? i am not really a movie person if i'm perfectly honest; i don't watch them often as an adult. from my childhood my favorite movies were kenneth branagh much ado about nothing, the princess bride, pokemon 2000, and return of the king
coffee or tea? neither, i dont like most hot drinks. apple cider is ok now and again but i usually drink it cold, and im horribly picky about hot chocolate
first thing you wanted to be growing up? i changed this answer all the time as a kid and i have records of me doing so in my old notebooks lol! answers i know about include "pilot", "author", "dragon", and "eowyn"
this one seems like it might be a little personal so im shy to tag people hehe. go ahead and put me down if you want to do it though; i will be happy to know :)
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cleoselene · 1 month
I started up Interview With the Vampire because y'all have been getting to me with the memes, and then my good bitch @sandushengshou informed me that the first season was up on Netflix. Which, you know, I could pirate it but I'm lazy! And I can leech off roommate's account, so having easy access I don't have to download and put on a flash drive that I stick in my tv is good bonus motivation.
Well I'm only like 20 minutes in and it's already totally engaging. I never read the books but I did see the films. Loved the Tom Cruise one, but thought Brad Pitt's acting was wooden, terrible boring bland. It was sad, because everyone else in that movie was pretty delightful. Tom Cruise and Kirsten Dunsten were fantastic! And then there was Brad Pitt. I read once that Cher was almost cast as Louis, and well, Cher's a much better actor than Brad Pitt, I'd have been there for it.
BUT! Jacob Anderson is great so far and interesting and lively and not like some guy reciting lines! And we've just met Lestat, who I know the fandom has enjoyed, and he's been fun so far. I'm read for this to be a rolicking good time.
I spent the whole day in World of Warcraft: The War Within and my Arcane Mage is level 73. I figured it was enough for one day, lol, I don't need to burn through the content. It's really fun to play on release weekend though! I've never done that! Back when I first started playing it was like, people camping out at Gamestop at Midnight to buy it. The game is sooooo different and yet the same in all the right ways.
One of the reasons I dipped out around Legion was that they were talking about cutting back on flying/phasing out flying in future expansions, or that was the rumor, and I thought that was fucking shitty, but now I'm back after several years and lol. yeah, not only have they not phased it out, they've gone harder on it, and getting to fly immediately and not when I reach max level in the expansion is certainly a change philosophy. I wonder if other players hated it the talk of moving away from flying as much as I do. I never bought the alleged idea that "if you're on a flying mount you're not appreciating all this beautiful scenery we coded" because we still spend a large amount of our time on the ground doing stuff.
I'm still obsessing over the WoW version of Pokemon. Up to 1086 battle pets, and somehow keep slipping on my server standing even though I've moved up about 5k spots on the site ranking. Proudmoore has always been a super competitive Pokemon server. BACK IN THE DAY, I was like #7 on the server. I actually had someone on tumblr back when I very first joined be all "YOU! YOU HAVE BEEN MY ARCHNEMESIS ON WARCRAFT PETS! YOU KEEP PASSING ME, I KEEP PASSING YOU!" It was validating lol.
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mo-ok · 1 month
Can I get uhhh numba 20 and 23 for the fandom asks
Very first fandom?
Probably pokemon? Its the first property i remember actively seeking out community for. I made my first best friend through pokemon. Alas its been so tainted by... everything that its hard to get excited about it these days (hoping legends AZ drags me back in kicking and screaming)
Fandom i'm curious about because of a mutual?
Ngl i've been thinking about looking into the jpop scene (i need new music) but like oh boy am i getting bad teenage bandom flashbacks lmao
Also you bastards are making me really wanna finish kabuto
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