#because i’ve decided that i need to stop being embarrassed about the words i use and the stories i make
arionawrites · 9 months
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i don’t know if anyone cares about what i have to say on instagram, but here’s some word vomiting about the beauty of existence and snapshots of life by me
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worldlxvlys · 1 month
part seven of the CRUSH series
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bsf! matt sturniolo x reader
warnings: angst, cursing, mentions of sex
a/n -> read the previous part for context !!
ever since the day he apologized, matt had been acting weird. there was a very obvious tension between us, but neither of us said anything about it. his brothers on the other hand, were quick to point it out.
“ok, what’s up with you two? did you fuck again, or something?” chris asked, earning a quick hit and an incredulous look from nick. matt just rolled his eyes, answering with a brief “no”, before turning in the direction he came from.
he was distant and quicker to anger than he usually was. it seemed like the smallest things set him off, he was just so mad. his recent attitude has made me quite distant myself because being around him wasn’t very enjoyable.
he had his moments where he seemed like his usual self, but for the most part, he was miserable. of course i was aware that this was partially my fault, as right after our conversation about the night we slept together his entire demeanor changed.
i felt terrible, and i wanted nothing more than to help him feel better. but i tried to figure out what was wrong, and he just pushed me away. i wanted to be there for him, but he was a grown man at the end of the day. if i did or said something to upset him, he needed to communicate what that was.
so for the past week, we didn’t hang out unless it was with his brothers. we barely spoke two words to each other, and he couldn’t even look at me on the rare occasion that we did. i tried not to let it get to me, but he was supposed to be my best friend. now he couldn’t even be around me ?
just when i think i can’t possibly make things worse than they already are, i prove myself wrong. i somehow managed to completely drive y/n away, and now i couldn’t even look at her.
every time i saw her, i felt the shame and guilt eat away at me. i’ve treated her terribly for the past week, and now she couldn’t stand being around me.
at first i just wanted a little bit of distance, because i knew that the second i felt her soft fingers on my face or watched her plump lips pull into a smile, i would be gone. she’s constantly running through my thoughts, and i have no way of stopping it.
every day chris made these sly comments about how i should make a move on her before someone else did, and that pissed me off. his words constantly rang through my ears, and it made me paranoid.
every time she smiled at her phone and typed away at her screen, which was happening a lot more often recently, i got more and more annoyed. i did my best to push it down and ignore it, but it always seemed to make things worse.
whether she was talking to someone or not, she was growing more and more distant by the day. i found myself missing her when she was in the same room as me, which made me realize just how bad i let the situation get.
i decided to go over to her house to talk to her, knowing i had to clear the air. and that’s how i ended up here, standing at her doorstep anxiously, trying to gain the confidence to knock.
before i could force myself to do it, her door swung open. i must’ve looked like a deer in headlights, my eyes widened as she caught me off guard. she let out a chuckle at that, “i saw you on the doorbell camera, i thought i’d just make this easier for you”
well that’s embarrassing. “you saw that whole thing?” i asked, hoping it wasn’t true. when she nodded her head in response, i closed my eyes shaking my head slightly as i cursed myself. “it’s ok, matt. it was cute” she spoke, a small smile on her face.
i felt my face heat up while i prayed she didn’t notice the deep shade of red that my face turned at the comment. “come on” she motioned to the inside of her house, choosing not to comment on my flustered state.
when i moved to the side to let matt in, i caught sight of a small paper bag in his hand while he passed me. he led the way to my room, pushing my door open and making himself comfortable on my bed.
“i was thinking we do a movie night?” he asked hopefully, emptying the bag of its contents; an array of different candies, snacks, and a drink for each of us.
whenever matt and i had a disagreement, our way of calling a truce was to have a movie night. we would take the time to talk it out and end off the night with cuddles and a movie.
“sounds perfect” i told him, grabbing the remote and moving to sit across from him. i passed him the remote when i felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. i pulled it out, opening it to see a text from the guy i’ve been talking to for the past week.
dylan 🤠
hey beautiful ;)
what are you up to ??
y/n ⭐️
abt to watch a movie with matt !!
“what movie should we watch?” matt asked, but i was barely able to register his words as i read the next text.
dylan 🤠
matt is your best friend right ?? i thought he wasn’t talking to you ??
y/n ⭐️
yeah movie nights are kinda like our way of calling a truce yk ??
dylan 🤠
ohhh i get u
y/n ⭐️
wbu ??
dylan 🤠
oh yk just texting this girl rn
a lil nervous tho ngl, she’s drop dead gorgeous
wayyyy out of my league
“hellooo? you gonna sit there and text all night or are we ever gonna talk?” matt’s annoyed voice pulled my attention away from my phone.
“hold on, i’m talking to someone right now. just give me a sec” i spoke, looking back down to my phone.
y/n ⭐️
who could you possibly be talking about 🤨
dylan 🤠
your mom :)
y/n ⭐️
that wasn’t funny
dylan 🤠
i laughed
y/n ⭐️
well that makes one of us
i watched as the three dots moved on the screen, before my phone was roughly pulled out of my hand. “what the fuck, matt ? give it back” i yelled as he moved it out of my reach.
i quickly moved over to him, climbing over his body to reach for the phone. he was quick to throw my phone onto my carpeted floor, grabbing my wrists before i could move to get it.
“who was that?” he asked, looking up at me. “none of your damn business” i answered. “considering you’re too busy looking down at your phone to talk to me, i’d say it is”
i let out a dry chuckle at that, “now you wanna talk ? that’s new. usually you just bottle up your feelings and throw a hissy fit instead of telling me what the issue is” i spoke, glaring down at him. my phone vibrated on its spot in the floor, but i ignored it.
“why are you trying to pick a fight?” he asked, eyebrows furrowed. “i’m not, this is what it looks like when you act like an adult and talk about things. i know that might be a little foreign to you” i jeered, his face dropping at the comment.
when i heard my phone vibrate again, i went to go pick it up, but was stopped as matt’s hands gripped onto my waist firmly, pulling me down onto his lap.
“look, i obviously hurt you and i’m really sorry for that-” he started, stopping as my phone continued to vibrate on the floor. “who the hell is blowing up your phone like that?” he started, starting to become annoyed again.
“it’s no one” i answered.
“who is it?” he posed his words as a question, but it sounded more like an order.
“why are you lying?” he asked, receiving a sigh from me. he just wasn’t gonna let it go.
“it’s just this guy i’m talking to” i answered. before i could even process what was happening, matt had flipped us over so that he was the one one top.
“what’s his name?” matt asked, his hands tightly clenching the sheets on either side of my head. my eyes trailed down to his tatted arm, watching as it flexed when he shifted his weight onto it.
“his name doesn’t matter” i answered, willing myself to look anywhere but at his lips. it was tempting, the short distance between us making it hard to focus on anything else.
“is there anything you can tell me about him?” matt asked.
“yeah. he’s not confused.” i answered without thinking, the words slipping out before i could stop them. “he’s made his feelings for me clear” i finished.
“his feelings? he’s only known you for…what, a week?” he asked, tilting his head at me. “he knows what he wants matt” i shrugged, “do you?” i asked.
the question seemed to catch him off guard, as he didn’t utter a word. instead, his eyes dropped down to my lips for a split second, jumping back to my own eyes quickly.
“don’t do that” i stopped him, “don’t look at me like you want to kiss me. we both know you don’t” i told him, turning my head away from him.
he was quick to place his hand on my cheek, moving my face so i was looking at him while he spoke. “why would you think that?” he asked, his eyes softening.
“why would you keep running away from me if you did?” i asked, trying my best not to show how hurt i actually was. i blinked back the tears i felt beginning to form, taking a deep breath.
matt picked up on my shift in mood, immediately moving to sit next to me. “fuck, i’m sorry. i’m sorry” he whispered repeatedly, pulling me into a hug. “it’s not on purpose, i swear. and it’s definitely not your fault, the last thing i ever wanted was to hurt you” i cried silently in his arms, his hands squeezing my waist tightly.
he pulled away to look at me, wiping away my tears with his thumbs. “is there something wrong with me?” i asked, needing an answer to the question i’d been asking myself constantly throughout the week. why? why was he avoiding me like the plague? what did i do to deserve this?
“of course not. this is my fault, it’s not you. i’m just confused and i have no clue what to do. i don’t know what i want, and i didn’t know how to deal with-” he stopped abruptly, like he was about to slip up and say something he didn’t want me to hear.
“i just didn’t want to hurt you while i was figuring out my shit, so i distanced myself from you. i know it was wrong, but i didn’t know what to do. and then i realized you were talking to someone and it just made me so mad, but i shouldn’t have taken it out on you”
“you’re jealous? matt, it’s not like he’s replacing you. he’s just a new friend” i pointed out. “i’m right here, i’m still your best friend. and you can always talk to me about anything. you know that, right?” i asked.
“yeah, i know. but are you sure you’re just friends? you said he has feelings for you” matt spoke, looking down as he spoke the last sentence. “is he the only one?” i asked bluntly, tired of beating around the bush.
matt’s head snapped up at the call-out, his lips turning upwards into a small smile. “i-” he was cut off by his phone ringing in his pocket. he looked like he wanted to continue, but i stopped him, “just answer it, it’s ok” i nodded to him, watching him pull it out.
“it’s chris” he sighed out, before hitting the answer button. while he spoke to chris, i heard my own phone vibrate on the ground. i glanced over to matt, who was fully engrossed in his conversation, before grabbing it off of the floor.
i opened it to several unopened texts from dylan, but the last one is what stood out to me;
dylan 🤠
hey, you home? i’m at your door ;)
what the fuck? he knew i was home, i told him that matt and i were having a movie night.
i glanced over to matt, as he hung up the phone. “he was just asking if i wanted anything from target” he informed me, putting his phone down.
he noticed my widened eyes, his face filling with concern, “what’s wrong?” he asked, walking towards me and placing a gentle hand on my shoulder.
“um, my….uh-” i was cut off by the sound of the doorbell ringing. “here, i’ll get it for you” he spoke, walking out of the room before i could stop him.
“wait, matt-” i started, a few feet behind him. by the time i caught up to him, the door was already open, matt and dylan were face-to-face with each other.
“hey, i’m dylan. you must be matt” he almost seemed amused at matt’s confused face.
“hey, baby” he spoke to me, earning a cold stare from matt as he realized who the man in front of him was. his jaw was clenched tightly as he turned his gaze to me, his eyebrows raised.
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tag list: @lustfulslxt @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @cupidsword @imwetforyourmom @nickmillersn1gf @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo @blueeyedbesson @mxqdii @sturniolowhore @readerakayourname @defnotayonna @urmom2bitch @rootbeerworshiper @starsturniolo @hearts4chriss @theyluv-meee @carolinalikesthings @itzdarling @chrisstopherfilmed @judespoision @sstvrnioloo @littlebookworm803 @nicksdrpepper @chrisloyalgf @robins-scoop @fandomhopped @chr1sgirl4life @bbglmfao @55sturn @nickgetsmewetter @meg-sturniolo @yamamasjumpercables @vanteguccir @ineedchriscock @junnniiieee07 @breeloveschris @luverboychris
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kamaluhkhan · 17 days
hi there! i have a request for loser!luke where reader shows him where to put his hands on her and he's really eager to learn x
i completely understand if you don't write this since i'm sure there are many more requests, also could i be anon please!!
pairing: luke castellan x aphrodite!reader (afab) a/n: sorry this took forever but please enjoy !!  also - this request came in before i started participating in fics for gaza; please click here to find out more about this initiative and how to participate/contribute word count: 795
“ugh, i told drew to clean up her shit,” you scoff, tossing away your half-sister’s used makeup wipes. “looks like the athena cabin is winning this time. 8.5/10?” 
you look at luke for his input, but it’s no use. all luke has been good for this afternoon is whining, instead of helping you with this round of cabin inspections. 
“katie loves roses.” luke stops to smell the bouquet that one of your siblings had next to their bunk. 
“everyone loves roses,” you reply as you scribble down a score on your clipboard. 
“but roses were her favorite.” luke pouts. he drops down onto your perfectly made bed, rumpling the sheets underneath him. “i hear what everyone is saying around camp, you know: about how katie gardener realized she was too good for me so she finally dumped me.” 
you bite back a wince. you might have contributed to the gossip surrounding their breakup.
you sigh and take a seat next to luke, deciding it’s time to try and make him feel better. 
“okay, castellan — enough moping. tell me what happened.”
“luke. stop being a baby, i’m here to help.”
“it’s embarrassing.”
“well, you’re kinda embarrassing yourself already, with the whole love sick puppy act,” you point out, poking his thigh. luke swats your hand away. 
“it’s really embarrassing, though.”
“oh, please; i’ve heard it all. you’d be surprised how many people confess to the head counselor of the aphrodite cabin; i mean, i am my mother’s favorite, but still —”
“katie broke up with me because i couldn’t get her off,” luke suddenly blurts. 
there’s a moment of silence, and then you can’t help it — you burst out laughing. 
“hey!” luke exclaims. “you said you were here to help. i knew it was embarrassing!” 
“sorry, sorry.” you swallow your smile. “it’s just — did you not realize that she was faking it?” 
“obviously not!” luke groans, his cheeks a vibrant red. “she was very convincing.”
you almost admire katie — knowing that she’s worth more than a guy she has to fake orgasms for — but you remind yourself that you’re here to comfort luke. 
luke falls back onto the bed, hands covering his face. 
“i wouldn’t be too hard on yourself — it’s actually really common for women to fake orgasms. mostly because men have no idea what to do.”
“because sex is impossible,” luke groans.
“it’s not, actually. think of it this way — how’d you get to be the best swordsman at camp?”
“...through training and lots of practice.”
you nod once. “exactly. sex is the same: you need to learn what your partner wants and what makes them feel good.”
“then i’ll be the best?”
you roll your eyes. “then you’ll be the best, and katie gardner will be sorry that she ever dumped you.” 
luke doesn’t say anything, so you figure it’s time to get back to your senior counselor duties. you collect your clipboard and start getting up.
“wait.” luke grabs your wrist before you can move any further. “would you be open to….training with me?”
you hesitate, but you can’t deny that you’re intrigued by the offer. “look, castellan, you’re fragile now from the breakup and clearly not in your right mind —”
“i want to learn,” luke insists. 
and that’s how you find yourself, legs spread wide with your back pressed against luke’s bare chest. you suck on two of his fingers as you guide his other hand to your breast, prompting him to pinch your nipple. 
his chin is hooked over your shoulder, watching intently as you now bring his spit-soaked fingers down and plunge them into your pussy.
“this is a good start,” you praise. your own fingers scrape through his curls as you encourage him to go faster, harder. “now, if you really wanna make someone cum....”
you move his thumb to your clit.
“like this?” luke asks, his voice low. you throw your head back in pleasure when he presses down and starts rubbing in tight circles. luke becomes more confident after that. he curls his fingers inside you, and brushes the spot that always makes you unravel. 
per your instructions, luke keeps plunging his fingers into you as you ride out your high. once you come down, he pulls out and sucks off your juices off.
“tastes real,” he hums; you nudge his side. “what! am i wrong?”
you shake your head, and luke responds with a triumphant grin. 
“i’d say that was a good first lesson.”
“you’re already my star student,” you praise. you turn around so you can straddle him properly, kiss him and lick up any remnants of you on his lips. he moans underneath you when you rub yourself on his hardened length. “but, you still have a lot to learn.”
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fairyofshampgyu · 1 year
Now Live: Stream 4
Genre: smut, camboy au, college au, crack
Pairing: camboy! Beomgyu x gn reader (afab when smut)
Warnings: camboy, sub! beomgyu, dom! reader, solo beomgyu, vibrating cock ring, voyeurism
Synopsis: Every Thursday night at 8pm, you tune into your favourite camboy: Angel313. What you don’t know is he even goes to the same uni as you, is in the same class as you and is Choi Beomgyu, the campus fuckboy but will you keep his secret?
Word count: 2.9k
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“Wait so you used to watch my streams all the time?” Beomgyu looks at you all cocky as you both walked to the uni’s concert hall, music sheets in both your hands of the arrangements you had finally finished to show the ensemble to play. “That’s so adorable. I appreciate my fans so much, I really do.” He presses his hand to his chest dramatically.
“Shut up.” You elbow his side, causing the music sheets in his hand to fall on the ground in the chilly and windy breeze.
“Owww. Hey! You should help me pick those up!”
You don’t, carrying on strolling as he speedily grabbed the sheets, racing to walk beside you again.
“What was your username, come on tell me. Don’t be embarrassed.” He looks at you with a shit eating grin.
“I’m not telling you.”
“Come onn! I think I deserve to know!”
“Why not?!”
You give it some thought whether you should tell him or not but he probably would never let it go if you didn’t. Sighing, you decide to just let it out. “I was…user seggsysax…”
Beomgyu bursts into a fit of laughter in disbelief, “You were seggsysax?!” He can’t stop laughing and you just stand, staring at him with a deadpan gaze. “I always see your username in every single one of my lives! Even from the very start! Wow. Thank you for being such a loyal fan.” He laughs even more, “I thought your username was weird though.”
You roll your eyes, slightly embarrassed. “I play saxophone! And…it’s sexy? I don’t know I just came up with anything! Will you stop laughing?!” But beomgyu looks like he’s about to hurtle to the ground any second.
You make it to the concert hall, waiting for the other musicians to start coming in. Strings, woodwind, brass, and percussionists to sit in their assigned positions, you and beomgyu handing out the scores on the music stands.
“Hello! I’m Beomgyu and this is Y/n. We’re the two organisers of the music department’s Christmas performance this year.” Beomgyu introduces you both cheerily once everyone settles in and begins to explain what will be happening.
And then you all start practicing and learning the pieces, you and beomgyu taking it in turns to conduct and play and telling them how certain sections should sound like. It was already beginning to come together and was already sounding great.
You were actually pretty excited about it, people coming up to praise you both on how you’ve arranged it after it had finished and you and beomgyu giving each other a little fist bump once they all left.
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“So, you’re gonna be my manager or whatever then? What are you even gonna do?” Beomgyu asks, both of you at his place, sitting on his comfy bed after practice to discuss your earlier proposition.
“Well, since I’ve watched a lot of camboys and have been part of your audience, I could give you input and ideas on what other watchers would want and like so we can make more money. I could also help you film everything since it must be hard trying to film it yourself and I’ll monitor what people comment and what gets you more tips.” You shrug your shoulders.
“Alright then. Interview’s over. Sure, you’re my manager now I guess. Why do you want to though anyway?”
“Because I am broke as hell and couldn’t find any part time jobs and this doesn’t seem that bad. Why did you start being a camboy?”
“I’m also broke and need to pay off my college tuition.” Beomgyu shrugs his shoulders, “I stumbled across a camboy once and thought hey! I can make money at home just jerking off so…”
You nod, “Yeah, you’re good at it.”
He smiles at your praise, eyes scrunching into little crescent moons and cheeks blushing, “Thanks!” Clearly, he likes compliments. It’s kinda really cute. You clear your head at the last comment-Off topic, off topic.
“So…why don’t we try out and film something now?” You suggest nonchalantly.
“What? Like, right now?” Beomgyu’s eyes pop out his sockets.
“Yeah if you want to”
“O-okay. Y-yeah, yeah...”
He gives you your phone so you can set everything up, putting it on the tripod and angling the cameras to one of his bare walls, ready to stream. “What should I do?” Beomgyu asks shyly.
“I don’t know. Do you have somewhere where you keep all your toys and stuff?”
So he goes to his wardrobe, getting a pink box at the back and opening it for you to look at a variety of little vibes, dildos, plugs and many other things. Your eyes catch a vibrating cock ring you’ve never seen before.
“Oh I haven’t seen you use that before.” You point at it.
“Yeah I got it recently.”
“Do you wanna use it today? I bet the viewers would go crazy. It’s pretty.”
“Y-yeah okay then.” Beomgyu’s voice suddenly sounding mouse-like.
Beomgyu starts changing out of his clothes to put on his usual thigh highs and putting the cock ring on with slightly shaking hands. He doesn’t know whether he should tell you to look away since you’ll literally be watching him anyway and it’s not like you’ve never seen him naked, given you’ve watched multiple of his streams.
But you turn your head anyway, taking your phone out and going on it, acting as if you were extremely busy replying to life changing messages. You just had twitter up and kept refreshing it.
Once he was done you look up, not daring to look anywhere but his face. He passes the controller to the vibrator to you, averting your gaze as well.
“You want me to do it?”
“Okay then. Should I start the stream now?”
He nods and positions himself where you set the tripod and then you press the live button. Loads of users washing in and beomgyu says his usual greetings and welcomes to them.
After that he looks at you as if to indicate for you to start the controller and so you do, putting it on a low setting. Beomgyu also starts to fuck himself along with it, pumping his dick with his hands, slowly.
Beomgyu is beyond embarrassed right now. Whilst he’s fucked himself for thousands of people to watch, it’s incredibly different to this right now. A real person, right in front of him. Someone he knows. It made him so nervous, especially with your firm gaze on him, you not saying or visibly reacting to anything he’s doing making him even more squirmy. Somehow though, he thinks it’s making him even more turned on with you right there watching him. What was this weird feeling? What were you thinking of him right now?
You press one of the buttons to the controller even higher. Beomgyu looking at you with wide eyes as he carried on stroking his cock with the added vibrations, not even looking anywhere else but your face at this point, completely forgetting there was another audience watching him right now besides you, but he doesn’t bother checking the comments this time as he moans, feeling the pleasure overtaking him. He can’t believe he’s acting like this in front of you. Literally moaning with you right there. Because of you.
You know you shouldn’t feel like this at all. Like, absolutely at all. It was so, so wrong for you to feel like this but watching beomgyu like this, falling apart in front of you, stroking his dick shyly, you controlling his pleasure made you so unbelievably aroused. You could moan yourself to be honest.
You’d think that knowing Angel was actually beomgyu would make you stop feeling attracted to Angel at all, but you’re starting to think it’s only increased it. You watched every one of his streams, your favourite camboy and you’d fuck yourself as well while watching him, thinking he was perfect. And now, he was a mere few feet away from you. In real life. Fucking himself whilst you got to watch. In person. What you used to watch on your laptop screen doesn’t even compare to the real thing. His moans, reactions, body even prettier in real life.
The amount of willpower it took to not go and just fuck him right there. But that would be so wrong. It’s beomgyu. Not Angel. Well, actually you’re a bit confused now. But either way, it would be so wrong. Especially since you’re just his manager now. You’re professionally working with him. You can’t do that.
You turn the button up to the highest beomgyu looking at you fearfully and throwing his head back, whining. He slows his movements down on his dick for a second but you give him a glare as if to say ‘don’t you dare’ so he doesn’t, whimpering as he continued to stroke his dick for you.
You look at the comments to see viewers confused on whose controlling the cock ring since that’s never happened before, but they find it hot, him not not knowing what’s gonna happen.
He squishes his legs together, pumping his dick faster, eyes facing the ceiling and moans increasing and you know he’s just about to cum, seeing the scene loads of times before to know when he’s just on the verge. You press the button multiple times to go to one of the more lower settings, beomgyu snapping his head to you, distraught from not getting his high yet.
Then you go again, pressing it to the highest immediately, making beomgyu’s body jerk from the shock. He stills his hand for a second but knows better than to stop, so he just keeps jerking himself off until he’s about to cum again which doesn’t take long at all. And then you make it go to a low vibration again, beomgyu whining out loud at you. Then you start it all over again.
His hands go up to hide his face, embarrassed from the sounds he’s making in front of you and the reactions he’s making. “Y-y/n…!” Beomgyu whimpers out your name accidentally, from you still not letting him cum.
His comments go absolutely crazy. Everyone wondering who the new person behind the camera was on Angel’s channel.
@iheartsubby324: Whose y/n?!!?!?! Does he finally have a fuck buddy for himself after all this time? We’ve been telling him.
@angelsno1fan: Fuck that’s not fair. I wish I could be doing that to him right now. 😩
Many other users in all caps shouting from the screens, going mad that for the first time, Angel has someone else there. Of course you’re literally just his manager/kinda camera person helper but they don’t know that. You know if you were watching that right now you’d also be going crazy.
You let the cock ring stay on the high setting this time and beomgyu’s movements go faster on his cock, his thighs shaking together as he closes them shut again, cock twitching in the vibrating ring and he cums everywhere with a strangled pretty moan, more cum coming out of him due to the cock ring.
He can’t believe he just came in front of you. He’s never done anything like that in real life before in front of someone ever. He’s embarrassed to say he kinda liked it. But also embarrassed he just did that.
Fuck, that’s literally hottest thing ever and you got to see it in person. It was also painful to just sit there and watch. You continue to just stare it at him with your mouth slightly parted, he looked so gorgeous like that, panting, eyelids fluttering, cum covering him—you need to stop. That’s beomgyu!
You check to see how much money he just made. It was more than usual you don’t why. It wasn’t really anything different.
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You wait for beomgyu on his bed as he takes a shower, feeling incredibly awkward and tense, swinging your legs off the bed. Then beomgyu walks out the bathroom, making you jump. His hair wet and masking his eyes, he dries his long hair with a towel not looking anywhere near you, you could also see how awkward he felt. Most people looked like ugly drenched rats when they came out the shower but he looked kinda…attractive-off topic! Off topic again! Beomgyu picks up his phone when a notification buzzes.
“My friend’s having a party right now. Wanna go?” Beomgyu asks, trying to ease the tension away. Just act like it never happened for now.
“Of course you have a party to go to.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well, are you coming or not?”
“Fine. I don’t really have anything better to do.”
You walk into Choi Yeonjun’s house, one of beomgyu’s other playboy friends, music—if you’d even call that music—blaring, making your ears slightly hurt and shit-faced people frolicking about, some play beer pong and other stereotypical house party games. Ah, how serene.
Beomgyu approaches Kang Taehyun and you follow as he excitedly jumped on his shoulders, scaring the dude.
“Taehyunnn!” Beomgyu shouts.
“You scared the shit out of me. What the hell gyu.”
You stare at them perplexed, “You guys know each other…?” Kang taehyun was one of the top students at your university and was extremely intelligent. And beomgyu was well…You can’t imagine they would both be friends at all.
“Of course we are! We’re best friends!”
“That’s stretching it a bit.” Taehyun jokes.
“Hey! You can’t say that to your husband!”
“We’re not husbands…I would never marry you.”
Beomgyu gasps. “So you want a divorce?!”
“Yeah because he’d marry me instead!” Huening kai walks over, drink in hand , another music student you recognised but he took it as a minor.
“You’re cheating on me?!?!” Beomgyu gasps even louder, making huening Kai laugh.
“You’re scaring away all the hoes beomgyu…” Taehyun sighs.
“What hoes? You get zero bitches. Me on the other hand…” Beomgyu flicks his hair at taehyun which only causes Kai to laugh even louder. A very unique laugh, you note. “Anyway this is Y/n! We’re working together on that music performance.”
“Oh hello! Nice to meet you.” They both say in unison.
“Nice to meet you too!”
The rest of the party is pretty uneventful to you. You hang out with taehyun and kai in the kitchen, talking and laughing with them. They were very entertaining to be around and friendly, happy you made some new friends. Beomgyu disappeared at some point and you see him again, clearly very drunk and making out with some girl. All three of you rolling your eyes at him.
“How much do you bet he won’t actually end up fucking them again.” Taehyun turns to Huening Kai.
“Hmmm. $30.”
“You guys know Beomgyu’s a virgin!?” You say the last part quietly.
“Yeah. I have no idea where those rumours came from in the first place.” Taehyun answers.
“Why does he act like that then though?” You ask.
“Beats me.” Huening Kai shrugs.
Once all three of you have had enough at staying at the party, you scavenge for beomgyu, finding him in the garden, passed out in a weird beetle position. And you all take him back to taehyun’s car with much effort.
Huening Kai gets dropped off first since his accommodations are a lot closer and taehyun parks his car since your block was just next to taehyun’s and beomgyu’s. You help taehyun carry beomgyu inside though.
“Hey, my dorm is just right here and I’ve got an exam early in the morning. Do you mind taking beomgyu up to his dorm yourself?” Taehyun asks, since his was at the very first floor and beomgyu’s was at the very top.
“Yeah sure. See you later taehyun. Good luck on your exam!”
“Thank you so much y/n! I’ll see you around!”
You know why taehyun chose not to come, it took absolutely forever to try and drag beomgyu up all the stairs to his dorm, elevator conveniently out of order.
You had to stop multiple times to catch your breath going up those stairs and dragging a mostly unconscious beomgyu with you but you finally make it after what feels like an eternity. Taehyun so owes you for that. And beomgyu. You genuinely feel like you’re gonna collapse but you open beomgyu’s place with his keys.
You tuck beomgyu into his bed. It was quite amusing seeing beomgyu passed out, covers tucked tightly up to his face and his mouth parted, a little unflatteringly.
He tugs on your sleeve before you can leave though, seemingly awake again. “I pussied out on fucking someone again. Is it…is it weird…Am I weird for being a-a virgin…? Beomgyu looks at you with the saddest puppy eyes ever, slurring his words from still being drunk.
“Hey…no of course not! You don’t need to have sex. It doesn’t matter, it shouldn’t be that important. You’re not weird for being a virgin! It’s…it’s normal.”
“But everyone thinks I’ve fucked everyone. And I haven’t fucked anyone. Isn’t that really embarrassing?”
“No it’s just stupid you have rumours like that about you. You shouldn’t care.”
And then he’s passed out again, probably not hearing a word you said, your hand in his to his chest from when he stopped you leaving. You clear your throat, letting go of him and exiting his place.
Next chap
Please actually reblog !! and comment !!!! if you like the fic. It’s really appreciated tysm !<3🙏💕😊 It’s discouraging when fics have such little reblogs 🤨👎Feedback is always appreciated it makes me happy :)
@pogigyu @denleave1088 @mashimarshmello @stellz581 @cha0thicpisces @soobsfairy444 @lcvetyvn @1ummcalhoody6 @imrllytootiredforthis @bjttersweets @aliceoracleollormusic @yongboksgf @daniarafid @nyanggk @aggiebackstage @openingssequence @qluvrv @be0mflwr​@shoooobin​ @beomgewwwwww @dickdeprived @lilactangerine @kissmeow @katsukeis @shutupheathersorryheatherr @lcvesickgyuzz @mastergibbs93 @tae-ology @popimagines @lynanist @guavagyu @soobhns @mikeeel @multistansimp4life @goquokka @scarfac3 @disneygirl712 @roses-for-my-love @maxismp1 @peachenle @i-loved-you42 @vampcharxter @th3-3d3n-g4rd3n @yuhjoeyuh @ren-junwrld @eggeutarteuu @staurdvst @tyunnie-gyuu @vivioluh @itbtoblikethatsometimes (some I couldn’t add)
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lizinthebox · 5 months
Ten Minute Warning - C.JH
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Ten Minute Warning (18+)
C.JH x Fem Reader
w/c: 1.2k
c/w: idol au, softdom!jongho, implied established relationship, thigh riding, mentions of marking, orgasm denial, unprotected sex (don’t do this), lmk if I missed anything
a/n: I’M BAAAAAACK!!! Sorry for the huge lull, I had so much school work and then enjoyed my break :,) I decided to make my comeback with an Ateez fic because I’ve been reading A LOT of them these days. Please reblog if you enjoy it and use the ask box to send requests!! like always this was not proofread lol
“10 minutes!” the stage director shouts. The words ring out in your ears. 
You only have ten minutes to get what you want. You know it’ll never be enough time. It’s never enough time with Jongho. He always leaves you wanting more, even when he’s satisfied you more than anyone else ever has. 
“I can’t take my clothes off now, you’ll have to do it yourself,” he muttered between kisses, starting to unbutton your jeans. Something about him not being able to fuck you back makes you even wetter, you gently roll your hips into Jongho’s lap as you kiss him back, taking a quick pause to pull your jeans all the way off. The two of you have made a habit of having sex in the dressing room dangerously close to the time Jongho needs to be on stage, but tonight is the first time he hasn’t even had enough time to undress and actually fuck you. For now, you’ll have to settle for getting yourself off on his thigh. 
Your hands leave the couch behind Jongho’s head and find their way into his hair, lightly tugging just enough to make him grunt into your mouth. He caresses his hands all the way down your body, finding your hips and pressing them harder into his thigh. “Oh fuck,” your eyes almost roll back as you feel your clit rubbing against him even harder. You start to quicken the pace, eager to reach your high, and unsure of how much time has passed since the ten minute warning. 
Clearly Jongho had his eye on the clock because he quickly put an end to your helpless rutting by firmly gripping your waist and slowing you down. It felt like his fingers might leave a mark from how hard he was holding you, his cock aching in his stage outfit, practically begging to be freed. “Please let me cum before you go,” you plead, leaning out of the kiss but still rolling your hips into his lap. 
“Just a little longer, pretty girl,” he responds, still torturing you with his slow, guided movements. Just as you open your mouth to talk back to him, he grips your hips even harder and speeds up your movement. Instead of letting out complaining like you intended, you let out a sinful moan, immediately turning red over that thought that someone might have heard you. “You sound so pretty fucking yourself on my lap, baby,” Jongho praises you, your embarrassment immediately fading away with his words. You can feel the tightness in your core starting to form, your clit throbbing from the friction. But just as you’re about to go over the edge, Jongho shifts you over on his lap, completely stopping the motion you were growing so fond of.
“What the fuck?” you cry out, tears welling in your eyes over the orgasm you just had ripped away from you.
“I want to cum with you, you can wait for me, right beautiful?” his words contrasting his actions leave your fucked-out mind even more confused. But before you can even realize what he said, Jongho is getting up from the couch, gently setting you down while he gets up. You look over at the clock: 7:27. You know you would have finished in those three minutes if he hadn’t taken it away from you. But you don’t have it in you to put up a fight now, he’s already putting his shoes on and heading out the door, not leaving without giving you one more kiss for good luck. “Wait for me,” he whispers into your ear before pulling away and disappearing into the darkness backstage. 
Then, began the longest three hours of your life. All you could focus on was when Jongho would be back to finish what he started. You wandered around backstage, looking at the monitors but making sure to go back in the dressing room whenever there was a quick change or VCR break. You were used to wasting time while Jongho was on stage, getting out of the way when he needed to be backstage, and supporting him when he thought he had a bad show. But tonight, you could only focus on yourself, your need to have Jongho’s full attention. 
Finally, the encore was over. The clock read 10:39, nine minutes later than you expected to have him back. When finally the door busted open, Jongho, who was still sweaty from being onstage, was finally in front of your eyes again. “Hi, baby! Great show ton-” he cut off your pretend supportive girlfriend act with a kiss so rough you thought your lip might bleed.
“I don’t care about the show, I need you now,” he exhaled between kisses. You loved when he did this, played the tough, hard-to-get boyfriend half the time, but showed you how enamored he is with you the other half. You knew his act from earlier was just that, an act.
Before you knew it your top was on the floor and Jongho was undoing your bra with one hand while the other caressed your entire body. You pull his shirt over his head and move your hands down to unbutton his pants. You run your hand down his boxers, cupping his already hard cock in your hand, making him moan into your mouth. He gently pushes you onto the couch, positioning himself over you. “I need you inside me, please,” you beg, staring into his eyes as he pulls your panties to the side. 
Without any prep, Jongho lines himself up with your entrance, “I’m sorry for making you wait,” is all he says as he melts into you. Your jaw immediately falls open from the mix of pain and pleasure, usually he would make you take his fingers before he fucked you, but tonight he couldn’t wait any longer. His lips worked their way from your mouth to your neck, lightly sucking on your sensitive skin, making your nails dig into his back. He thrusts into you again, this time a little harder, making you let out a moan only muffled by your own bottom lip between your teeth. “You feel so good, baby, fuck,” he whispers onto the skin of your neck as he sets his pace.
Your walls tighten around him at his words and you can feel the knot in your stomach growing again. You know how much he loves to cum together, so you instinctively clench around his cock, giving him what he needs to get there. “J-Jongho I’m gonna cum, fuck don’t stop,” you plead. And he doesn’t. He keeps fucking you through your orgasm, finally spilling into you before letting himself slip out of you. 
Jongho lays next to you on the comically small couch, his chest heaving as much as yours. “You’re perfect, you know that, right?” is what he breaks the silence with. You smile at him, still not quite able to form words yet. “Let’s get ready to go home now, yea?” he follows up. You nod and he takes your hand to help you off the couch, your legs slightly wobbly. He smiles at you while you put on his hoodie and your own shorts before heading out the dressing room door.
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sc0tters · 8 months
Gone | John Marino
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summary: you’ve won your first championship yet he is the only thing on your mind.
request: yes/no
warnings: none.
word count: 1.44k
authors note: you guys truly do not know how excited I have been to bring you guys this celly! I wrote this sort of differently to how I usually do so I’m not sure how I feel about it just yet. I’ve been focusing on my au’s this last week and John just felt like the kind of guy to bring us back the full fics.
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This was meant to be everything you wanted.
The achievement you had work towards during your entire career had left you here and whiling you were enjoying the celebrations.
You knew that someone, that he was missing.
So you couldn’t try to enjoy this, even if you wanted to.
Even with your fifth glass is champagne you couldn’t enjoy it.
Lando had picked up on this and was now in full comforting mode “what is wrong with you!” He complained as you continued to dodge his questions “I am just thinking.” You sighed sinking further into your seat.
The bar tv had a hockey game going and you couldn’t help but let your eyes stick to the screen “you miss him?” Lando couldn’t help but smirk.
Your mention of the mystery hockey man in your life ran through the paddock but before you could tell him you loved him he instead found himself getting close with a girl in Jersey.
So you never let the details of your boy get to your friends or teammate “it’s stupid.” You shook your head knowing that Lando would have gotten mad at you for telling him the truth.
Your teammate laughed “look if you are still so hung up on him as you so clearly are then go talk to him.” Lando placed his hand on your back wanting to comfort you.
Seeing John appear on the screen you couldn’t help but smile “and it seems he’s in Vegas.” The Brit smirked sliding you his phone with Uber opened on it.
John had seen your win yesterday as Nico and Jack were watching it. The boys were none the wiser to what had gone on with you and John.
Months of fun whenever you were in the states felt tarnished by the thought of him being with another woman days before he was meant to be picking you up from the airport.
Whilst John wanted to call you, talk to you, and even just see you, it was made sort of hard when you blocked John to try to avoid the embarrassment of what you felt. Nobody knew about it but still you couldn’t shake the poor feelings that you felt from it all.
Lando watched you stare at the screen “are you going to find him or not?” The boy groaned clapping his hands together as he ushered you to move quicker.
You had chickened out and ended up flying to New Jersey two days after when the boys were playing next.
Jack had met you in Montreal where you had been celebrating a win and the man was more than happy to help you out when you called in the favour of getting tickets.
When the time came and you had to stand in the locker area you wanted to throw up “this is stupid” you rubbed your face in your hands as you shook your head deciding to turn around to go home “y/n?” John’s voice had you stopping in your tracks.
His hair had grown and so had his little facial stubble “w-what are you doing here?” Seeing your face on the jumbotron was something that he thought was going to be a clear coincidence, that maybe it was just his brain thinking that you could have come back.
But he didn’t need to dream hard enough because there you were smiling “hey.” You ran your fingers through your hair.
Seeing him made you feel nauseous as your stomach was doing flips “look I need to shower but can you give me like ten minutes?” John took his helmet off as he scanned your face hoping you’d say yes “go ahead.” You nodded watching him walk away.
Even though he was gone for a mere handful of minutes it felt like forever “not that I’m ungrateful to see you or anything but what is a new world champion doing in Jersey?” He leaned against the wall as you two were totally unaware that his teammates were now watching.
Who would have thought that an F1 driver showing up to a game without much of a word would have attracted a crowd?
His bluntness made you laugh “you watched the race?” You felt your cheeks turn warm “every one.” John was never one for hiding the truth.
Seeing you win every week brought him a sense of comfort that he couldn’t quite explain “I came because I-” the flash of a camera cut you both off “could we go somewhere a little more private?” You asked furrowing your eyebrows as you didn’t need your moment confessing your feeing seeing the front page of whatever news sites that they came from.
It could have come from some cheesy romance movie as he pulled you through the building and to his car. To the untrained eye it was a knight in shining armour finding a solution for his girl when in actual fact it was just John.
The same John who spent weeks trying to find a race that didn’t clash with hockey that was now a dangerous task as he only found the confidence to do this in September.
Despite all of the time and silence that had been between you both the only time it truly felt awkward was when you were in his apartment looking at the view that you had once loved.
But as the sound of his footsteps behind you got louder you were pulled from your trance “here.” He mumbled handing you a glass that you wished had something stronger but in the heights of your respective seasons you knew it would only contain water.
John stared at you as you swirled the clear liquid in your glass “you never really told me why you were here.” The hockey player didn’t mean for it to be delivered with the sharpness that came with but it was too late to send you some apologetic glance “I missed you John.” You blurted out watching as his eyes widened.
The media trained side of you went straight to damage control as your adrenaline began to wane letting the nerves come out “I know I shouldn’t because we weren’t anything when you went out with her.” You began to ramble as you didn’t remember the last time you felt this nervous “I was never with her.” John shook his head.
It seemed like at that moment your entire world came crashing down “or at least not like that.” He pursed his lips together as you looked at him like he was crazy.
Part of you wanted to laugh “look John you don’t need to try to protect me because I can handle this.” You shook your head until he raised his hand to stop you “that girl? Was an old friend from Harvard.” The phrase and old friend usually came attached with a whole other meaning yet when it came from him you knew it was the truth.
So there you were feeling like an idiot “she did try to make a move on me but I don’t her I had someone.” That was where you had seen the pictures that made you feel so forgotten.
John grabbed the glass from your hand placing it on the table behind you “I was talking about you.” He mumbled seeing how much he missed the feeling of your eyes on him.
It made your heart pump out of your chest “tell me to stop and I will.” John dropped his head to the point where his lips were hovering above yours.
You let out a soft whimper as your mouth went dry “kiss me Johnny.” You mumbled letting out a soft gasp as his fingers locked into your hair making sure that you couldn’t pull away from the kiss.
The familiar feeling made you both came down as you remembered just how much you needed each other.
As your lips fought his hands ran up your shirt untucking it from your jeans “let me treat you how a champion should be.” The hockey player kissed the shell on your ear as his breath fanned against your neck.
You felt your head drop back “don’t make me beg you John, not tonight.” You pleaded as your eyes screwed shut feeling his lips against your neck “you gotta jump then baby.”
The sheets that hadn’t felt the love that came from a second person being in them for months was finally back that night.
And it didn’t leave until you were expected in Abu Dhabi for the the final race, because this time you two were doing things differently.
You were doing things right.
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two's a company, three's a crowd // hotch x reid x reader
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Summary: You've been meaning to ask Hotch about it for some time, what happens when he agrees to fulfill your fantasy?
Author's Note: This is self-indulgent!! I understand if this is not everyone's taste, but I couldn't find a fic like this that I liked, so I wrote my own!
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Spencer Reid x AFAB Reader
Word Count: 3570
Warnings: SMUT, THREES*ME, SUB-SPACE, PET NAMES (pretty girl, baby, little girl), softDOM!HOTCH, softDOM!REID, ORGASM DENIAL, "SIR" AND "DOCTOR" USED TO ADDRESS HOTCH AND REID, "DADDY" USED; light system (all green's, no use of yellow or red); squirting; oral (f receiving); worried!hotch, hotch pov; wizard of oz(?) [reader uses "oz" to describe being in sub space]
Key: y/n = your name
This work is meant for readers aged 18 and over. You are responsible for your own media consumption.
We’re enjoying our morning coffee - me with copious amounts of sugar and cream, Hotch just straight black coffee - and I’m toying with the question. I’ve been meaning to ask him for months now, potential embarrassment is the only thing stopping me. I’m picking at my cuticles, starting to sweat, and just decide to blurt it out.
“I want to have a threesome.” Hotch chokes on his coffee, slamming his hand against his chest as he looks at me wide-eyed.
“You couldn’t have waited to ask that until I wasn’t taking a drink?” He croaks, throat certainly scratchy from choking on hot coffee. I give him a sheepish smile and shrug. He looks at me for a few moments, and I can see him collecting his thoughts as he thinks about what to say. Finally, he asks, “How long have you been meaning to ask me this?”
“Um…like six months.”
“Y/N,” he sighs, “I’ve told you you can tell me anything.”
“I know that! It’s just…it’s embarrassing.” I shift my gaze away, trying to shield myself from Hotch’s impending “no”.
“Hey. No. Don’t do that.” I hear him get up and he comes to my side of the table, grabbing my hand. I swallow down the lump in my throat. The embarrassment is worse than I thought it would be. “Y/N, look at me.” I shake my head, but a strong hand soon finds its way to my chin and I’m gently forced to meet his eyes. “Don’t be embarrassed. I was just…surprised. That’s all. If you want a threesome, we’ll have a threesome.”
“I don’t want you to do it just because I want to do it.”
“I’ve…I’ve thought about it too.” My eyes must have widened because he chuckled. “You’re pretty easy to read. You love being adored, what better than to be adored by two people at once.”
“Damn dating a profiler,” I mutter. “So you’re okay with it?”
“Of course, I’m okay with it. I love seeing you happy, pretty girl. Did you have someone in mind?”
“If it’s not too awkward…Reid?” His brow furrows and I just give him the prettiest smile I can. “Come on, you’re already dating one subordinate, why not throw another in the mix? Besides, he’s already agreed.”
“Y/N! You asked him before you asked me?” He exclaims.
“I just wanted to be prepared in case you said yes!” I shoot back.
“I guess, if we were to add anyone, I’d be the most comfortable with Reid. Seeing as we have no attraction to each other.”
“What? You aren’t going to kiss each other for me?” I say, one hundred percent joking, just trying to get a rise out of him.
“Only I get to kiss you.” He raises his eyebrows as he looks at me and I feel my cheeks grow hot. “We need to set some ground rules if we’re going to do this.” I nod furiously, trying to keep a smile off my face. “You’re going to be the death of me someday, you know that?”
-2 Weeks Later-
We had gotten coffee with Reid a week after our initial conversation to set up ground rules. I told them I wanted to be surprised by the actual occurrence, but not anything that happens in it. Hotch got a little possessive in the actual discussion, and we came to the agreement that if double penetration were to happen, Reid had to wear protection and only Hotch actually got to be in my pussy. I was fine with that. We agreed we were fine with dom and sub roles, something Hotch and I naturally already do. Hotch already has been addressed as ‘Sir’ and we settled on ‘Doctor’ for Reid. Watching Reid shift in his seat at that made my heartbeat speed up. Hotch came around to the idea of Reid and I kissing, but he said he would step in if he started to not like it. I had been on edge for the week following, unsure of when they were going to corner me.
It was Saturday, I had been running some errands and came home to a quiet house. I threw on one of Hotch’s t-shirts, forgoing pants as his shirts seemed to drown me anyway. I’m putting books back on the shelf in the bedroom when I hear Hotch clear his throat behind me.
“Aaron! You scared the shit out of me. I could have fallen off this chair.”
“Uh-uh, pretty girl, try again.” He says, arms folded over his chest. I notice the glint in his eyes, the one that’s straight-up predatory, and I can feel my panties start to get damp.
“Sorry, sir. It won’t happen again.” I say quickly, clasping my hands together demurely.
“Good girl.” His voice is low and I clench my thighs together, desperate for any kind of friction. “I’ve brought a friend with me today. What’s your color?”
“Green, sir.” My stomach drops to my ass, I wasn’t expecting it to happen today, but that makes it all the more exciting. I watch as Reid steps into the doorframe, looking a little nervous, but eyes already lidded with anticipation of what’s to come. “Hello, Doctor,” I say, inclining my head toward him.
“Come on, little one, don’t be shy for Doctor Reid now,” Hotch says, striding into the room. “Why don’t you go give him a kiss?” I nod and pad over to Reid, who has a flush creeping up his cheeks.
“What’s your color, Doctor?” I whisper, smoothing down his shirt, and easing him into my touch.
“Green.” He whispers back, and his eyes drop down to my lips. I smile and nod at him, that it’s okay, and then his lips are on me. After getting used to kissing Hotch for so long, it feels weird to have someone else kissing me. Reid is tentative at first, letting me set the pace, but after I bite his lip a little bit, any semblance of restraint he had is broken. He grabs my face with his hands, kissing me like a man starved of food, and when his tongue slips into my mouth I moan softly. Reid pulls away gasping and then busies himself with kissing his way down my neck. I feel a soft body behind me and lean into it instinctually. Hotch’s hands grip my waist tight enough that I know it’ll leave a mark. I can already feel him, hot and hard pressing into my back, and as I tilt my head back when Reid finds the spot on my neck that makes me keen, Hotch’s lips are on me, swallowing the noises I’m making. Hotch’s tongue is lazy, but demanding as it slips into my mouth, and the intrusion is one I’m used to. I’m so distracted I don’t realize that Hotch’s hands have moved from my hips and were steadily moving towards my cunt until his fingers slid into my panties and I gasped into his mouth. Reid steps away for a second, unbuttoning his shirt, and Hotch abandons kissing me as we both watch his fingers glide through my arousal before he buries two of them in my cunt. I whimper, hand shooting down to his forearm, my nails digging in as he pumps his fingers slowly.
“Doesn’t she make such pretty sounds, Doctor Reid?” Hotch asks, pressing a kiss into my temple before pulling his fingers out and I whine.
“Yes, she does.”
“You should feel how wet she is, she’s so worked up.” I’m panting a little bit and look up just in time to see Hotch slide the two fingers that had been inside of me into his mouth. “Come on, pretty girl, why don’t you show Doctor Reid how excited you are?” I nod, anything to please him, and shuck off what little clothing I was wearing as I make my way to the bed. Once I’m seated, I spread my legs obscenely wide, pussy dripping and on display for both of them. Reid makes a low noise in his throat and to taunt him further, I drag my fingers through my folds, spreading my arousal. Reid is on me before I register it, yanking my hands away from my cunt, my wrists smarting at his strong grip.
“Don’t touch what’s ours, little girl.” I blink at him a few times. “Do you understand, or do I have to spell it out for you, huh?” He has one eyebrow quirked and I nod furiously.
“I understand, Doctor.”
“Good.” He spits out. “Now be a good girl and stay still. Can you do that for me?” I nod again and he sinks to his knees at the edge of the bed, arms wrapping around my thighs and yanking me to the edge of the bed. I let out a noise of surprise that turns into a moan as Reid licks up my cunt before teasing my clit. My hips are jumping upwards on their own accord, my arousal smearing over Reid’s face. I feel the bed dip beside me, and Hotch, now in just his boxers, situates me between his legs, strong thighs coming to rest on either side of me. Reid’s nose bumps against my clit and I sigh, arms coming up to grab Hotch’s biceps, my top half now supported by his chest and abdomen. When Reid slips two fingers inside of me, my nails dig into Hotch’s biceps, but he doesn’t seem to mind as he’s leaving pretty purple marks on my throat - marks that will be hard to cover but I don’t give a fuck right now. One of my hands shoots down to grab at Reid’s messy curls as I feel myself throttling toward the edge.
“Reid, I’m gonna cum.” He stops immediately, pulling his fingers out of me and sitting back on his heels.
“Try again.”
“Huh?” I’m confused, I was so close and he just stopped.
“Try. Again. Not Reid, baby, not right now.” He says as his gaze drops to my cunt and my thigh twitches in response.
“Doctor. Please. I want to cum. I’m so sorry, I’ll be a good girl, I promise. Please just let me cum.”
“What do you think, Hotch, has she earned it?” Reid says, finally tearing his eyes away from my splayed cunt to look at Hotch, who reluctantly removes his lips from my throat.
“She sounds so pretty when she begs, but no, she hasn’t earned it.”
“Please! I’ll be so good! I promise! I just want to cum!” I cry out, tears pricking at the corner of my eyes.
“You will, pretty girl, just be patient. Reid, switch spots with me.” Reid nods, slipping in behind me, a different pair of thighs now resting on either side of me. Seeing Hotch’s brown eyes look up at me as he’s level with my pussy makes me whine, a low, thready sound. The cheeky bastard winks at me, before literally burying his face in my cunt, and I’m met with a low growl of approval when he finds the mess that Reid had made. Reid’s fingers are dancing down my sides, the featherlight touch a stark contrast to the way Hotch is eating me out. Reid’s fingers come up to pinch and tug at my nipples. My back arches up into his touch and when Hotch slides his fingers back into me, the two sensations are overwhelming, crowding my nervous system. It doesn’t take long for both of them to get me dancing on the edge again, a few tugs and thrusts away from reaching my peak, and my breathing starts to labor, my abdomen tensing, but even though I want it, the peak never comes.
“More,” I gasp out, “More, please, I need more.”
“More? My pretty girl wants more?” Hotch asks, pulling away from me.
“Yes, sir, please. Want your cock. Please. Both. Please. Want you.”
“Fine, we’ll give you what you want. But only because you begged so prettily. Doctor Reid help her up.” Hotch shucks off his boxers, cock hard and leaking, begging for attention. He sits on the edge of the bed. “Come on, pretty girl, hop up on my lap.” I oblige immediately, grinding my cunt into his throbbing cock and he hisses, hands gripping my hips, effectively stilling me. The world is going a little fuzzy, the edges blurred, the anticipation of what’s to come setting my heart into an off-kilter pace. I hear the unmistakable rip of a foil wrapper. “Color, pretty girl?” Hotch says, fingers tilting my chin up until I’m looking him in the eyes.
“Green, green, green,” I whisper, and he chuckles, a quick break in the dominant facade.
“Okay, baby girl, you ready? Doctor Reid’s gonna open you up a little bit, okay?” I nod, and turn my head over my shoulder to see Reid opening the bottle of lube I keep in the nightstand drawer. “Uh-uh, eyes on me, pretty girl. Can you do that?” Hotch says, hand gripping my jaw to bring my attention back to him. “There you go. Just like that.” He kisses me, hard, and when I moan I feel his cock twitch against me. Reid’s fingers slip into my tight hole and I hiss, both at the slight stretch and the cold lube. Reid kisses my shoulder in response.
“I know, baby, just have to make sure you’re ready.” He starts to slowly thrust his fingers in and out, scissoring them apart to open me up and soon enough my hips are meeting his movements. Reid pulls his fingers out and I whine at the loss of contact.
“Go time, pretty girl,” Hotch says, kissing the tip of my nose, as he spreads his legs wider so Reid can step between them. He gently lifts me up, hand guiding his cock through my arousal before he guides me down on his cock. He lets it slide home, and I catch my breath for a few seconds. I feel him twitch inside of me and I clench down on him in response.
“I’m ready, Doctor.”
“Eyes on me, pretty girl, wanna see your face when Doctor Reid fills you up.” I whimper at his words. When I feel Reid start to slide into me my eyes flutter shut at the overwhelming sensation of being full. “Eyes open, honey,” Hotch whispers. I obey him, forcing my eyes as Reid slides home and I moan, loud and unashamed. We stay in that moment for a few seconds, both men letting me adjust to the feeling before they start to thrust. It takes a few tries to get a rhythm going, but we figure it out soon enough and my body starts to feel loose and tense at the same time, my hands desperately clinging to Hotch’s shoulders, my one anchor in the sea.
I can feel my orgasm rising, climbing impossibly high, and I can feel myself slipping under, into a space I’ve only gone a few times, when I was really worked up, or after I came really hard. The world is fuzzy and I’m almost there when I realize Hotch is asking me something. I don’t hear it though, all I’m focused on is the sensation happening between my legs.
“Fuck, coming, coming, I’m coming, Daddy, I-” I let out a scream when I hit my peak, missing the way Hotch’s eyes widened at the name I used for him. I feel myself squirt all over Hotch’s lap, the gush immediately pushing him over the edge with a muffled ‘fuck’, and it feels like my orgasm goes on forever. Reid finishes quickly after, spilling into the condom. I rest my forehead on Hotch’s shoulder, riding out the aftershocks, thighs twitching as Reid pulls out. My breathing is labored and I’m a million miles away. I stay like that, feeling Hotch soften inside of me until he gently pushes me away to look at my face.
“No! Don’t, Daddy.” I cry out, burrowing further into his chest, craving the safety he exudes. His hand comes up to rub my back.
-Hotch’s POV-
She’s really far under. I didn’t realize she was slipping until she called me Daddy. I know what to do though, as she’s gone into sub-space a few times since we started dating. The first time was after we had sex for the first time - scared the shit out of me if I’m being honest. When she came around the first time, she was mortified, apologizing profusely even when I assured her it was fine. Since then, we’ve figured it out, and she really only slips under when I’ve edged her for a long time or we hate-fuck.
“Pretty girl?” I ask, and she hums in response. “Are you far away right now?”
“Yeah,” she says, her voice soft.
“Reid, can you grab some dark chocolate and a glass of water from the kitchen please?” He rushes off and I say, “Hey, pretty girl, I have to pull out, okay?”
“No!” She says, starting to cry.
“I know, I know.” My thumbs wipe away her tears. “But I’ve gotta take care of you, okay? Help you feel better? Do you want Daddy to help you feel better?”
“Okay,” She finally whispers. I gently push her up and she sniffles when I slip out of her. She’s shaky on her feet, looking like a deer in the headlights when I stand up, towering over her.
“Come on, baby. Let’s get you in the bath, okay?”
“Up?” She asks, looking up at me.
“Of course.” I open my and help her jump up, my arms coming to rest under her her butt as she locks her ankles around my back. I carry her into the bathroom and set her on the edge of the tub as I turn the faucet on and get the water to her favorite temperature. She clings onto one of my wrists as I do so, small hands gripping tightly. When the tub is full, I help her in.
“Daddy, please, get in with me? Please?” I can’t refuse her, she’s always been my weak spot so I slip into the tub behind her, wrapping my arms around her, trying to help her ground herself. She’s quiet and jumps slightly when the door creaks open.
“I got what you asked for. Can I do anything?” Reid asks, handing me the chocolate and glass of water.
“Thank you. And no, we’ll be okay. She just got overwhelmed, she’ll be back in a few hours.” I say, and Reid just nods, dismissing himself from the room to give us space. “Pretty girl?” I ask, and she turns, doe eyes looking into mine. “Can you eat this for me?” I hold the pieces of chocolate out to her and she gingerly takes them from my hand, eating them slowly. “Good girl.” She beams up at me at the praise. “Now, can you drink this?” I hand her the glass of water and she wraps both hands around it, sipping it. It takes her a good ten minutes to finish the whole glass, and I take it from her when she’s done, taking note of her heavily lidded eyes and a sleepy yawn. “Pretty girl, come on, let’s get you into some fluffy pajamas.”
I help her out of the tub, and as I’m drying her off I notice she’s chewing on her lip, brows furrowed.
“What’s wrong, baby?”
“Was I a good girl, Daddy?” Her lip wobbles a little bit.
“Oh, baby, you were the best girl. You are the best girl. Daddy’s not mad at you. Daddy’s just a little worried, okay?”
“Yeah, baby, Daddy just wants to make sure you’re okay. Where are you at right now?”
It takes a few seconds for the question to register. “Oz.” She says, quietly.
That’s what she calls being “far away”, she calls it being in Oz. Her eyes are zeroed in on me, fully focused on me, nothing else.
“Do you want to go lay in the poppy fields, pretty girl?” She knows what this means - a nap and cuddling and her eyes light up in recognition.
“Yes! Poppy!” I sweep her up in my arms, bridal style, and carry her into the bedroom, help her into a pair of pajamas, and into bed. Reid had changed the sheets while we were in the bath. I sit, my back against the headboard, and she sprawls over my lap and chest, knees on either side of me as she tucks her head under my chin. I run my fingers down her back and she hums in contentment.
“Daddy loves you very much, pretty girl, he’s so proud of you. His pretty girl.” I say and she nestles further into my chest. She’s fast asleep in the next ten minutes, snoring lightly. I don’t remember dozing off, but I’m awoken a few hours later by Y/N shifting in my lap. She pushes off my chest, blinking a few times. “Hey there, pretty girl, how are you feeling?”
“I’m fine.” She says, eyes clear and I could sigh in relief. “Did I slip under?”
“Yeah, you did. It’s okay. I figured you probably got overwhelmed, am I correct?”
“Yes, but not overwhelmed in a bad way. I didn’t slip because I was scared.”
“I know, baby. I love you.” Her eyes light up.
“I love you too.”
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theminecraftbee · 10 months
Normally, traitors aren’t frog-marched to the Emperors themselves, regardless of what rank of information they had. These aren’t normal circumstances, though, Techno bemoans to himself. For one, the man is refusing to speak anything but French and a tiny amount of broken Bayesh. For another, on being made, he immediately handed over about three folders of classified information then loudly waited for handcuffs to be put on him.
Phil is lounging in his throne; he’d never been one for propriety. This leaves Techno to be, uh, the actually serious one. The one adorned in uniform, sitting and glowering down. It’s lucky that the traitor isn’t a pigman, because Techno isn’t actually great at glowering, but humans are weird about pigman facial expressions so he should be fine?
The traitor stands before them and grins. In perfect Bayesh, he says: “Finally. It took way too long for you to catch me, bitch.”
Techno pauses. He stares. In Piglish, he barks to his guards: “Everyone out. It’s Leader business.”
They file out. They’ll be waiting outside. Phil straightens in his seat and reaches for his own sword.
Techno, laboriously, drags his hand across his face. He switches back to Bayesh. God, does he regret being fluent in multiple languages sometimes. “What are you doing here, Tommy.”
“Showing you your intelligence weak points, fucker. Do you know how easy it is to slip Bayesh spies in here? I was smooth. A smooth customer. I was hearing classified milkitary secrets—”
“You were caught within two hours,” Techno says.
“That’s—that’s just what you think, innit?” Tommy says. Phil laughs. He’s the real traitor here.
“Tommy. I don’t wanna have to cause an international incident, but I’ve had a really long day, so if you just tell me who hired you to run a spy op, and why you decided it was a good idea to run it yourself, instead of sending one of your experts…”
“No one,” Tommy says.
“Hey, don’t lie you little shit. Techno might not want to start an incident but I don’t care,” Phil says. He grins and holds up his sword. “You wanna wake up in a jail cell and reveal some secrets? We may all be Leaders but it won’t stop torture from hurting.”
“What the fuck, Phil,” Tommy says.
“No one’s torturing anyone. We’ll just bomb them later if we must,” Techno says.
“And I wasn’t lying. It’s—can I take the wig off by the way? It fucking itches.”
“I despise you.”
Tommy takes off the black wig, revealing his blonde hair. “Anyway, I don’t want to work with you guys either, so I figured I’d get your attention by like, acting like we’re enemies and stuff. Got hired for espionage enough back in the day to pick up that much.”
“Who the fuck wanted you as a spy?” Phil asks.
“Fuck you,” Tommy says and doesn’t elaborate.
“Please just tell us what you want,” Techno says. “Please. I can’t handle this much you at any given time.”
“This needs to be Leader to Leader,” Tommy says, and something heavy laces his words. The hairs on Techno’s arms stand up.
“You coulda asked,” he says, in one final desperate bid for normality.
“No, I couldn’t have,” Tommy says. “I think Chip’s dead.”
Techno doesn’t notice that he’s standing until he is.
“Yeah,” Tommy says. “Yeah. And, uh, I fucking. Need your help to figure out what happened. Before we get blamed. And I know, politically, you’ve got no reason, but if we don’t figure out—”
Techno sits back down, heavy.
“I know you understand Piglish. Let me talk in my native language. Phil.”
“Yeah, mate?”
“Go get the stuff.”
Phil’s eyes darken. “Right. That. Well, I’ll be back.”
Tommy’s voice, for the first time since Techno met him as a newly-minted Leader, standing on a wooden bench and yelling about executions, is small.
“You believe me?” he says.
“Why else would you come here?” Techno asks. “Not like we like you.”
“Good, because I’m shit at infiltrations. Would have been embarrassing if you, like, didn’t know your enemy well enough to know that,” Tommy says. He’s saying something else underneath it. Techno is neither good enough at Bayesh or at Tommy to guess what.
“Let’s work out an excuse to make a treaty. And you tell me everything.”
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imaginestuffs · 2 years
Love Letter Confessions- Eddie Munson x Reader
word count:6,068
warnings: just fluff, she/her pronouns are used. language.
Summary: Robin and Steve finally convince the reader to reveal her feelings for Eddie after months of them pushing her. She decides the best way for her to confess is through a letter, and see if he can figure out who it's from.
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(gif not mine!)
Robin Buckley was your best friend, and honestly, that wasn’t always a great thing. Especially when she would nag you about telling Eddie that you loved him. Today was no different as you sat on the counter of Family Video, none of you wanting to be there but needing the money. It didn’t help that Steve was there to accompany her pushing. “You need to tell him, (y/n),” Robin said from the Romance section. You rolled your eyes. “Robin, I’ve already told you that I can’t,” you said. “And why is that again?” you heard Steve ask from behind you. “Because he wouldn’t reciprocate those feelings. I just know it. I mean we’re practically polar opposites,” you told them. “That’s why you would work so well,” Robin said and poked her head around the corner. “Not gonna lie here, I think you and Munson would be good together,” Steve said and you turned to look at him. “First of all, that’s crazy, and second I don’t understand why you guys want me to be too embarrassed to ever show my face again,” you said and hopped off of the counter. “Do you even realize how he acts around you? He’s sickeningly sweet around you. It makes me want to vomit,” You heard Robin say. “He’s just being nice like any normal person would be,” you said and walked behind the counter to shove Steve away from the computer so you could do inventory. He threw his hands in the air and sighed. “You know, I was doing that,” he said and you nodded. “I’m well aware, but you mess up most of the time and then Keith gets upset so I have to fix it,” you told him, and he ran a hand through his hair in frustration. 
“You’re trying to change the subject, and it won’t work,” Robin called again and you pinched the bridge of your nose. You had begun to have enough of her giving you crap about this for months and so you decided to make it stop. “Fine, fine. I’ll do it, but I’ll do it my way. Now will you please shut the fuck up?” you huffed. Robin walked out of the section she was organizing with a victorious grin. “I knew it’d work,” she said and you shook your head. “Hey, you’ll be fine, and if something happens we’re here for you ok,” Steve said and laid a hand on your shoulder. You turned back to look at him with a small smile. “Thanks, Steve,” you said. “Of course,” He said and quickly kissed your head. When the inventory was finished it was just about your time to clock out. You sighed in relief, “Thank God,” you muttered as you clocked out and went to grab your things from the back. “You leaving already?” Robin asked. “Yup, I’ll see you tomorrow ok,” you said and walked past her but not without kissing her cheek. You passed by Steve on the way out and kissed his cheek as well. “Love you guys,” you tossed at them and they both just chuckled. “Love you too,” they called. 
“Do you think she’s gonna tell him?” Steve asked. “I have a good feeling,” Robin answered with a smile on her face. “Now c’mon let’s bore ourselves to death with mundane tasks,” She said and Steve sighed. 
The whole drive home was filled with you rattling off random ways to tell Eddie that you loved him. “This is so fucked up,” you said and sighed as you pulled into your driveway. 
You quickly walked into your home and greeted your parents before heading to your room. You walked in and set your bag down before flopping onto the bed with a groan. “Why does this have to be so difficult?” you asked yourself. 
“It’s just confessing your love to the cutest, coolest, and honestly the sweetest person you’d ever met. No reason to be scared at all, that wouldn’t ruin the friendship you have with him,” your voice was muffled by your pillow. You lifted yourself up into a sitting position on your bed and just felt like you couldn’t move. Your eyes caught sight of your notebook on your desk and it sparked an idea. You moved from your spot and sat at your desk, the yellow glow from the lamp illuminated the journal in front of you. You grabbed a pen and sighed heavily as you stared at the page. “Ok, ok, just spill it. You get this one chance, just do it,” you tried to motivate yourself. 
Before you knew it your hand began to move as your words floated across the page. It all seemed to happen in a blur. When you finished you tore out the page and placed it in an envelope with his name on it, daring to place a small heart next to it. You smiled triumphantly as you looked down at the small letter in your hands, now all you had to do was slip it into his locker. Which would be an easy feat seeing as he usually showed up late so you could do it before classes started. 
You went to sleep that night feeling nervous but nonetheless a little bit excited. When you woke up you saw that you had a bit more time than usual so you slipped the letter from the envelope before you fully sealed it. You wanted to make sure you were happy with it. You read it over and over again and tried to decide whether to leave just your initials or your full name. You decided to leave your initials so that even if he didn’t figure out it was you he would at least know. 
You heard a horn honk from outside and grabbed your bag before heading out the door. You opened the back door to Steve’s BMW and greeted your friends. “Hey guys,” you said and shut the door. “So, are you nervous?” was the first thing that came out of Robin’s mouth. “Are you kidding me? That’s the first thing you say?” you asked with a sigh. “Well, are you?” Steve asked this time. “Ok, fine, just a little bit. I told you I’m gonna do it my way so that makes it a little less nerve-wracking,” you told them. “Oh, and what is your way?” Robin asked and turned to you with a raised brow. You waved the letter in front of her. “Aw that’s so cute, a love letter,” Robin said, and you rolled your eyes. “You wrote Munson a love letter?!” Steve asked in shock. “It’s not a love letter ok. I just told him how I felt, that’s all,” you said and stuffed the letter back in your bag. “That’s definitely classified as a love letter,” He said. “Oh, shut up,” you said and tugged a tendril of his hair. “Hey, hey, hey, don’t touch,” he said. You and Robin laughed as he scowled at you. 
You arrived at the school and swiftly made your way out of the car. “Bye, Stevie, see you later,” you said and playfully blew him a kiss. He rolled his eyes. “Bye guys,” he said before driving away. “When are you going to give it to him?” Robin asked like an excited puppy. “You’ll just have to wait,” you said and nudged her playfully. She sighed, “You’re really not gonna tell me?” she asked exasperatedly. “Nope,” you said and split off from her to go to your locker. She went to hers, and while you had the chance you snuck over to Eddie’s to slip the letter into it. You felt your heart pound and your stomach turn as you quickly made your way to class. 
Your heart felt like it was going to give out as you sat down next to Nancy whom you shared your first class with. Your hands were shaking as you got out your pencil and flipped to the right page in your notebook. “Are you ok?” You heard Nancy ask and you turned to look at her. You nodded your head, “Yeah, I’ll tell you what happened later,” you told her and she looked at you in curiosity. “Is it bad?” she asked. “Depends on what the outcome will be,” you said and tried to give her your best smile. She raised her brow and just before she could ask another question the teacher walked in. You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding and did your best to pay attention. 
All you could think about was how things would end. It could end in bliss or utter tragedy, and you were doing your best to cling to the former. Though you didn’t want to get your hopes up, plus you knew he might not know it was you. Although he’s most definitely smart enough to figure it out, and that was what you were scared of. 
The class ended and you gathered your things before walking out with Nancy. “So are you gonna tell me?” she asked with a smile. “Ok, c’mere,” you said just as Robin walked over to you. You sighed heavily as she followed you to the bathroom. You locked the door behind you, “What’s going on?” Nancy asked. “She’s telling Eddie how she feels today,” Robin blurted out and you placed your head in your hands. “Robin,” you scolded. “Sorry,” she said. Nancy looked at you with a sly smile. “Finally, when are you gonna do it?” She asked. “I wrote a note and I slipped it into his locker before class,” you said as your cheeks burned. You shut your eyes and shook your head, realizing how silly it sounded. “You’re kidding me! You cop out!” Robin exclaimed. “Shut up Robin,” Nancy said and smacked her shoulder. “I didn’t know how else to do it, I got scared last night so I decided to do it that way,” you said and wrung your hands nervously. 
“It’s not a cop-out, at least I’m telling him,” you shot back at Robin. “How did you sign it?” Nancy asked. “I might’ve just put my initials,” you said and screwed your eyes shut. “(y/n), what? He might not even know it’s you,” Nancy said in shock. “I know, I know, but he’s smart enough to figure it out I’m sure,” you tried to rationalize it. “Are you sure?” Robin asked. You pinched the bridge of your nose, “Yes, Robin. I’m sure, he’s much smarter than you may think,” you said and sighed. “Whatever you say, but I’m giving him hints,” she said and your eyes widened. “No, no you’re not,” you said eagerly. “C’mon we can drop small hints here and there,” Nancy said, trying to convince you that it was ok. “Whatever, I know I can’t stop you. So, fine, do what you want just don't outright say it ok?” you asked tiredly. “Deal,” They both said. 
You unlocked the door and walked out. Just across the hall was Eddie’s locker and there he stood with your letter in hand. You stopped in your tracks, and the girls looked at you strangely. They looked in the direction you were looking and smirked. 
“I have to go,” you said and tried to move away but Robin kept you in place. “We have to see his reaction to it,” She said quietly. “You can do that by yourselves,” you said and went to walk away again. “Fine, but we’re telling you all about it at lunch,” Nancy said and you sighed before practically jogging away. 
“He looks confused,” Robin said and Nancy chuckled. “Yeah, he kind of does,” she said as they tried to inconspicuously watch him. As soon as the confusion came it went and was replaced by a small smile. He let out a soft laugh before slipping the note into his pocket. “Oh my gosh, he’s keeping it,” Robin said excitedly as she grabbed Nancy's arm. “Do you think he’ll figure it out?” Robin asked Nancy, “I don’t have a doubt honestly,” Nancy replied. “Really?” Robin asked as they walked down the hall to their next class. “He’ll figure it out quick, especially with how she’ll act around him,” She said and Robin nodded. “True,” she agreed. “I can’t wait to tell her he kept it,” Robin said before they both entered the classroom. 
Eddie walked into school that day no later than usual. And as usual, he looked forward to seeing you in the few classes you shared. See he had had a crush on you for about a year and was just too scared to tell you how he felt. He thought you were too good for him, and honestly believed you’d never see him that way. 
He got to his locker as students began to flood the halls after the first period. He sighed as he opened his locker already ready to see you and ditch. He knew he couldn’t though especially since he needed to graduate this year. 
He noticed a piece of paper flutter out of the locker and onto the floor. His brows furrowed in confusion as he picked it up. His confusion furthered as he saw his name on the envelope accompanied by a heart. “What the hell is this?” he muttered to himself as he turned it over to open it. 
The envelope was finally unsealed and he reached for its contents. He pulled the letter out and unfolded it. Your neat handwriting was splayed across the page. 
“Dear Eddie,
I know this is a bit weird, but I think you’re so cute and cool by the way. You’ve always been so sweet to me, and I’ve kind of loved you for forever. I’m not sure when it happened, but one day I looked at you and it felt like everything fell into place. You’re not a freak, you just stand out in the best way possible and I just thought you should know that I think you’re really special and you should too. See you around,
Love, (f/i) (l/i).” 
His eyes brightened as he read your words, and he felt his chest grow warm at the sweet confession. 
He glanced around the halls trying to find a glimpse of who wrote it. He had no idea where you were and it honestly made him giddy. He couldn’t wait to find you, of course, he read your initials and was mentally ticking people off his list of who he knew. 
He reread the note over again and let out a soft laugh before shaking his head and slipping the paper into his pocket.
He thought the handwriting looked familiar but he couldn’t place the name. Little did he know, he had a handful of the notes you wrote for him from your English Lit class that he tended to ditch more often than not. 
You walked into the cafeteria, your eyes falling on Eddie and a blush blossomed on your cheeks.
Eddie felt eyes on him and looked over to see your soft gaze on him. He smiled and waved at you, your eyes widened and you smiled back before sending him a wave too. 
He thought you looked adorable. 
You wore a green and blue striped turtle neck, your light wash jeans that you had painted flowers on the back pockets of and your favorite pair of converse. You had your signature butterfly necklace on and your grandmother’s ring she had given you on your first day of high school. You wore it every day since then and now you were a senior. 
He watched you turn away and smiled at the flowers on your back pockets, before he could stop himself he spoke up. “Hey, (y/n)!” he called loud enough for you to hear. Your head whipped around and you noticed him waving you over. You turned to look at Nancy and Robin in a panic. They smiled and waved you off excitedly. 
You quietly made your way through the crowds and finally approached the table. “Hi, guys,” you said softly. Eddie smiled at you and patted the seat next to him. “You wanna sit?” he asked. “Um, yeah sure,” you said nervously and seated yourself next to him. “How is the lovely lady today?” He asked with a big grin. You blushed and looked away. “I’m just fine, how are you?” you asked and looked up at him. “I’m doing great right now, thanks for asking Sweetheart,” he said happily. “You seem extra happy today,” you said silently hoping it was because of your letter. “Well, I found a lovely note in my locker this morning, and I am dying to figure out who it’s from,” he admitted to you. “Oh really, that’s cool, I hope you find out who wrote it,” you said and drew patterns on the tabletop. “You ok?” he asked and reached a hand up to brush the hair away from your face. You felt your heart stop and your breath hitch in your throat. “Yeah-yeah, no I’m-I’m fine,” you stuttered over your words. “You can talk to me,” he said and you could see the earnestness in his brown eyes. “I’m ok, I promise,” you said with a small smile. 
“Do you want to see it? Maybe you can help me figure out who it is?” he asked and you felt your stomach turn. “Oh, um, ok,” you agreed and sat up a bit. He grinned widely and took the note from his pocket and handed it over to you. You unfolded it and reread what you had written. You fought the urge to cringe at what you had written. Though you saw it this morning it seemed a little more cringy now that he had seen it. “See the initials, I’m still trying to work through people I know,” he said as he watched your expression closely. You let out a soft laugh, well whoever it is definitely likes you don’t they?” you asked nervously. “Apparently so,” he said and shrugged a bit. 
He looked at you and suddenly something clicked in his mind. Was he really that dense? He looked at the initials and looked back at you. You, of course, had the same initials. “Can you think of anyone?” he asked, curious as to if you would admit it was you. He knew that handwriting. It was yours, he remembered how you interchanged cursive and print. 
“I can’t think of anyone off the top of my head right now, but if I think of someone I’ll let you know,” you said and handed the letter back,” he sighed slightly. “Alright, well thanks,” he said and you smiled softly and gave him a nod. “Huh, you have the same first initial,” he said, trying to coax it out of you. He noticed you freeze up a bit and he tried to bite back a smile. Before anything could be said the bell rang. He saw you let out a sigh as you grabbed your things. “Hey, wait up. We can walk to class together,” he said and stood up with you. “Oh-oh, ok,” you said nervously and he smiled brightly at you. You couldn’t help but smile back, his joy just seemed to be contagious and that was one of the many things you loved about him. 
 Before you could pick up your bag he had it in his hand. “I’ll carry this for you,” he said. “You really don’t have to,” you said, a blush still ever-present on your cheeks. “I want to,” he said and tossed an arm around your shoulder. You felt a heat pool in your chest as the weight of his arm draped around your shoulders. It was a comforting weight, and you couldn’t help but lean into it. He noticed you relaxed and smiled down at you. “Thank you,” you said and looked up at him with a small grateful smile on your face. 
“Do you need a ride home today?” he asked and you felt your heart hammer against your chest. “You don’t have to, I can just catch a ride with Robin and Nancy,” you said. “Doesn’t Robin have to go to work, and Nancy usually stays for the paper right?” he asked and you cursed in your mind. “Right yeah, slipped my mind,” you said and tried to laugh it off. “No pressure ok,” he said and you just nodded. You thought of what Nancy and Robin would say and you decided that you were just gonna do it. “I would appreciate it,” you said and pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. “Then it’s settled, I promise I’ll get you home safe and sound,” he said and you shook your head with a small laugh. “I didn’t have a doubt that you would,” you said and felt him squeeze your shoulders. You were just lucky that you had the day off.
You walked into the classroom and went to take your seats in the back as usual. “Don’t think I’ve been this early to this class,” he admitted and you laughed. “Well there’s a first time for everything isn’t there?” you asked and looked over at him to see he was already looking at you. “Yeah, I guess there is,” he said. 
The class had begun and you would whisper to each other now and then. He would make quiet jokes and you would have to hide a giggle behind your hand. In some weird way, you felt closer to him that day. You didn’t know if it was because you finally confessed or because he was making even more of an effort to get you out of your shell. 
Suddenly a note was slid onto your desk and you smiled when you saw the messy script. 
“Are you bored?” it asked and you smiled in amusement. “In this class? Always,” you wrote back and sent it over to him. He looked at the note and looked at your handwriting and immediately it was confirmed for him. The note was from you. 
He chuckled softly. “What’s your favorite flower?” he wrote down. You almost let out a laugh at the question he already knew the answer to. “It’s (y/f/f). I thought you knew that?” you wrote back. He smiled. “Oh, I did. Just thought I’d make sure,” he said and mentally cheered that his memory was correct. He made sure to store that away for later. He had an idea, and would it take him ditching a class or two? Yes, but for you, it was worth it.
The class ended and you gathered your things. Once again Eddie took your bag for you and tossed his arm around your shoulders. “You almost made me laugh way too loud, you know that right? I could’ve gotten in trouble,” you said and playfully smacked his chest. He laughed and tossed his head back. 
You admired him and it seemed that a never ceasing smile had made its way to your face. “I just love your laugh so much,” he said and you blushed brightly. “C’mon, don’t joke around,” you said with a small smile. “I’m not joking. I could listen to it for the rest of my life,” he said and you felt butterflies in your stomach. 
“Don’t seem so surprised, you have a nice laugh,” he said and you just leaned into him. He rubbed his hand up and down your arm. 
You got to your English Lit class and he handed your bag over to you. “I’m ditching the last 2 classes you wanna come?” he asked with a mischievous grin. You shook your head and laughed. “I think I’ll stay Eds, I’ll take notes for you though ok?” you said and smiled at him. “Thanks, you really are the best,” he said and you chuckled again. “I try,” you said and he laughed. “I’ll see you after school ok,” he said and you nodded. Feeling emboldened by your time with him you wrapped your arms around him in a hug. He was startled for a few seconds before reciprocating. He could smell your perfume, and your shampoo smelled of Eucalyptus and spearmint. He held you for a few more seconds before you let go. “Bye, Eds,” you said and waved before walking into the classroom. 
He stood outside the classroom for a few more seconds with a big grin and soft blush on his cheeks. He never thought he would get to experience this, but it was happening and he was damn sure he was gonna make it permanent. 
He made his way out the doors and to his van as quickly as possible. The destination he set was for Bradley’s Big Buy. He remembered that they sold flowers there and he was determined to find your favorite flower. He would go anywhere to find it before school let out. 
He scrambled out of the car and into the store immediately making his way to the flowers. He looked everywhere for them, even asked for help but they weren’t there. He sighed and dragged a hand down his face in frustration. 
“You could probably find them at the flower shop around the corner honey,”  the kind older woman told him. He looked at her with hope in his eyes. “Really?” he asked. “Yes, I’m sure,” she said with a smile. “Thank you so much,” he said in a rush as he headed for the exit. 
Making his way to the van he checked his watch to see that he had about 20 minutes until he had to be back at the school. “Shit, this better be quick,” he mumbled as he put the car in gear and pulled out of the parking lot. He did as he was told and went around the corner, keeping his eye out for the little shop. He saw the sign and quickly parked. 
He entered the shop and was immediately hit with the scent of all things floral. Roses, tulips, chrysanthemums, and lilies. Everywhere he looked there were bunches and bouquets of flowers. He sighed heavily before deciding it was best to ask the woman at the counter. 
He stood out in the midst of all the flowers, and it was almost funny. The woman looked at him and smiled, “Hi, may I help you?” she asked. “Um, Yeah. I was-uh-I was wondering if you guys have (y/f/f)’s?” He asked a bit awkwardly. She smiled under the impression he was, of course, asking for a girl. 
“We do, they’re right over here. Would you like help choosing?” she asked nicely, maneuvering around the counter to guide him. 
“That would be great honestly,” he answered and she let out a soft laugh. 
She walked him through all of the different selections and arrangements. There on the second shelf was a small bouquet with a perfect ratio of (y/f/f) and other ones he didn’t know the names of. The woman saw him staring at it and smiled brightly. “Do you want that one?” she asked and picked it up. “It’s perfect, for her,” he mumbles under his breath, and the woman swears she felt her heart melt. She remembered what it felt like when she was first with her husband. 
She could see the look in his eyes and it reminded her of how she looked at her husband even now after all these years. 
“You can have them,” she said with a large smile on her face. “What?” he asked in surprise. “You can have them. Free of charge. I remember what it’s like to fall in love. I’m sure she’ll love them,” she said and he looked at her with wide eyes. A grateful smile graced his lips, “Thank you so much, really. I appreciate it,” he said and she waved him off. “No need to thank me, no why don’t you go give them to her,” she said and handed them over to him. He took them and admired them for a few seconds. He looked at his watch and saw that he had about 5 minutes to get back to the school. He waved at the woman and thanked her once again before rushing out of the shop. 
Eddie scrambled to his locker to find a piece of paper. He found a barely used notebook and grabbed a pen. He quickly scribbled what he wanted to say on the paper before slipping it into your locker and going to wait out in the parking lot for you. 
You stepped out of the classroom, letting out a sigh of relief at the fact that it was the end of the day. You walked to your locker and put in the combination. The door swung open and out slipped a piece of paper. Your eyes followed it as it fell to the floor and you swiftly bent down to pick it up. It was folded up and had your name on the front with a messily drawn heart next to it. Your breath hitched in your throat as you came to the realization that Eddie must have figured it out. You felt your heart hammer against your chest as you unfolded the lined paper. 
“Dear (y/n),
I’m not great with words, but I thought that if we’re confessing right now, then I might as well write a letter too. I think that you’re beautiful and so smart. You, Sweetheart, have captured this heart and honestly, I can’t remember a time that I didn’t love you. And if it’s ok with you, I’d like to love for as long as you’ll let me. 
I’ll see you after class,
You read the note with a big smile on your face You chuckled and shook your head, he really was the sweetest. You never could understand why he underestimated himself because he was one of the smartest people you’d ever met. And contrary to his belief he was better with words than you’d ever be.
 A giddiness built up in your chest at the thought of him returning your feelings. Grabbing what you needed from your locker you closed it up again and took a deep breath before heading to the exit. The letter sat in your flower-covered pocket. Robin and Nancy walked over to you. “We haven’t seen you all day, what’s going on?” Robin asked. “I’ll tell you guys later tonight, I’ve got to go,” you said and gave them a wave and a big smile as you walked out the doors. They looked at each other and nodded both agreeing that they needed to see what was going on. They followed you to the doors and mingled amongst the fleeting crowds of students. They watched as you quickly made your way across the parking lot. Eddie leaned against his van with a small bouquet of your favorite flowers. “Oh my god,” Robin breathed out. “It worked,” Nancy said with a smile growing on her face. “I can’t wait to tell Steve,” Robin said and let out a chuckle. 
Your head was down, trying to hide the blush on your aching cheeks, hurting from smiling so much. You looked up to see him smiling at you, he could tell you were blushing and it made him smile more. You stopped in front of him and he could tell how happy you were, and it warmed his heart that he could make you feel that way. 
“Hey Sweetheart,” he said, “Hey Eds,” you said and he chuckled at how shy you were being. “I got these for you, I know you like (y/f/f) so I thought you might want some,” he said and you laughed softly. “I love them, thank you,” you said and took them from him holding them close to your heart. “When did you figure it out?” you asked slowly becoming more comfortable than shy. “Lunch, plus I remembered your handwriting switching from print to cursive in the middle of words,” he said and you shut your eyes and shook your head. “I have got to get that under control,” you said to yourself and he laughed. “I don’t know, I think it’s pretty cute,” he said and you giggled. “It’s really special,” he spoke again and you smiled. You remembered what you had written. “Yeah, well, as you know I think you’re pretty special,” you said and tapped him on the chest with flowers. “Just so you know, I’m pretty sure you’re the only one who thinks I’m cool,” he told you and you shook your head. “No way, the boys think you’re the coolest person alive, I swear,” you said and chuckled. “Sure,” he said sarcastically and looked away fighting a grin. 
“I’m very sure,” you said and tilted your head and raised a brow. “Very sure?” he asked and took a step closer to you. “Very, very sure,” you said softly and looked up at him. “Well, I’m very very sure that you are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met,” he said and reached his hand up to push your hair away from your face. He took the flowers from your hand and set them on the hood. Turning back to you he tentatively placed his hands on your waist, giving you space to pull away. 
You did the exact opposite and stepped forward and softly placed your hands on his face. He smiled down at you and held you tighter. Leaning down he stopped just before letting his lips touch yours. “I love you by the way,” he whispered before placing his lips on yours. You smiled into the kiss before completely melting into it. You let your hand move from his face to the back of his neck lightly pulling him closer. You could feel his arms wind around you and his curls softly tickled your cheeks. He pulled away slightly and smiled down at you, “If you couldn’t tell. I love you too,” you breathed out and he let out a breathless chuckle. “I think I may need one more kiss to believe you,” he smirked at you and you rolled your eyes before bringing him back into a short-lived but oh-so-sweet kiss. He gently lifted you off of your feet, you let out a surprised yelp and held onto him tightly. You chuckled when he set you down and placed a soft kiss on your cheek. 
“I think we have stalkers,” he whispered to you and your brows furrowed. He pointed behind you and you turned around to see Robin and Nancy staring. They realized they had been caught and tried to look away but it was too late. You pinched the bridge of your nose, “of course, it’s them. They’re so nosey,” you shook your head. He wrapped his arms around you from behind and rested his chin on your shoulder.  “I think they just care,” he said and you smiled over at him. “Sometimes they go a bit overboard, but I love them,” you said and rested your forehead against his temple. You glanced to the side and noticed the boys looking too. “Looks like we’ve got some stalkers,” you joked and he turned to see the boys looking. He flipped them off and you chuckled. “You love them,” you said and kissed his cheek. “They can’t know that,” he joked and you chuckled. “But they definitely do,” you teased and he poked your side. You jumped and he laughed. “You’re probably right, but not as much as I love you,” he said and you smiled brightly. “I love you too Eds,” you said and he kissed your head. “How about we go and watch some movies at my place?” he asked and you nodded. “That sounds great,” you said and you grabbed the flowers before he opened the door for you. “Can we kiss at stoplights?” he asked with a sly grin. “If you put on your seatbelt, then yes, yes we can,” you said and he sighed. “Alright, I’ll obey the law. Just for you,” he said and buckled his seatbelt. You laughed and he admired you with your eyes closed and your head was thrown back. “Every stoplight?” he asked and you chuckled again. “Every stoplight,” you confirmed and picked up his hand to kiss it. 
And as promised you kissed at every stoplight. 
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alltoolewis · 2 years
You Bring Me Home- Mason Mount 🍂
I'm backkkkk!!! So happy to be writing again and even more so for one of my favourite people in the world! This is a part of my Halloween/autumn prompt list (that I am slowly getting through) It's not my best, but I still hope you all enjoy it 🧡
Prompts- "mhmm your so warm" "Here take my sweater", thunderstorms & shared blankets (From this list!)
Words- 4.7k
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Summary- When you have to work during the worst storm of the year, your car decides to break down leaving you stranded at your work's carpark... resulting in you needing your knight in shining armour to come and collect you!!!
“Mase...” You groaned, feeling his arms tug you back in bed as you tried to sneak away “Baby, I’ve got to go... I can’t be late for work again...” A chuckle left your boyfriend’s lips as he listened to your frustrated words, knowing full well that he was the reason for your recent poor punctuality at work. You never use to be late... You were always the first person in the office and the last one to go! But that was before you moved in with Mason! The problem wasn’t when he had morning training sessions or early kick-offs you both enjoyed your early mornings together... especially the shared shower schedule you had to ‘save’ water. The main problem was when he didn’t have to wake up early with you, and no matter how many times you explained to him that you weren’t as fortunate with your days off, he still expected you to share a lazy morning with him!
“Stay with me...” He mumbled against your neck, as he pulled your body on top of his, a slight smirk in his tone as he felt your body shiver against his touch “Please baby, call in sick... for me!” A frustrated sigh left your lips as you listened to his persuading words... of course, he was doing it again!
Rolling off him, you groaned, making sure that one of his arms stayed around you to stop his protest “Mase, I’ve told you, darling, I wish I could but- “Your words were cut short as he placed his lips on yours swallowing the words that he had heard so many times before. Pulling away breathless, he smiled “But you can’t because of the new promotion... I know sweetheart, I understand...” He finished your sentence for you, placing his lips on your temple as he sighed in awe “Why do you have to be so clever eh? Why can’t you be like chilly’s missus and be an influencer...?”
You knew you should be getting ready as you glanced at the time, seeing it was 10 minutes past the time you usually get dressed for the day, but you couldn’t leave him like this not when he was so needy for your warmth... and who were you to deprive him of it so early in the morning! So, like the good girlfriend you are, you gave him a bit more of your time... plus, you knew that you needed these moments with him just as much as he did!
“I thought you liked bragging to the boys about your girl being a journalist in the best company in the country...” You smirked, leaning into his open arm a little more. You never liked to brag about your high-earned job to anybody, even when Mason brought it up to his family and friends you always wanted to become embarrassed by it, but of course, he never let you! After being together throughout your degree, he saw first-hand the amount of effort and dedication you put into it. The sweat, blood, and tears you went through together were all worth it as you held the piece of paper in your hand, smiling alongside Mason as he showed you just how proud he was of you... how proud he always is of you, for following your dreams and proving others wrong!
Placing his head on your shoulder, he hummed in the gap of your neck “Of course I do...” He replied without hesitation “All the boys know that my girl is the smartest, most beautiful girl in the whole world, they don’t even argue about it anymore cause what’s the point... they’ll never win!”
“Mason Tony Mount!” You gasped, ignoring the goosebumps rising on your arms after referring to you as ‘his girl’ & although you knew you were, it didn’t make the reaction to the two simple words any easier! “You don’t argue about me at work, do you?”
 “I don’t anymore...” He smirked, the lazy smile you loved so much graced his lips as you looked at him with shock “As I said, they know they’ll never win...” Pulling your body back on his, so you were straddling him, he smiled up at you “I have loads of points of why you’re the best girl in Cobham, I could even argue to the world if you’d let me..”
“Mason, you can’t try and convince the lads that I’m better than their girlfriends...” You sighed, but couldn’t help the smile tugging on your lips at him for trying “All their girls are gorgeous, you know that...”
Sitting up slightly while you remained on top of him, he wrapped his arms around your neck gently tugging you to be eye level. He smirked as he placed a kiss on your nose “They’re not as immaculate as you though, are they?”
“Mase-“You sighed, rolling your eyes just to be interrupted again, as he moved to your cheek, placing his lips softly on it as they blushed under his touch “They don’t have your natural beauty in the morning...”
“How do you know?” You playfully gasped “Is there something you’re not telling me, Mount!”
“Shhhh!” He chuckled, pecking your lips to silence you “You’re ruining the moment...”
 Listening to him you let him continue his trail of kisses as they went to your forehead “They don’t have your brains, your kindest, your warm heart...” Finishing his trail at your neck, he kissed up to your ear, whispering into it softly “And most importantly, they don’t have my heart... and until we have mini mounts running around in the house, you have all it...”
“Why are you so soppy in the morning...” You whispered, feeling tears gathering in your eyes as you rest your head on his “You make it so hard to leave...”
“That’s the plan, beautiful...” He smirked, giving you a tight squeezed hug “But in all seriousness, I love you... more than anything in the world!”
“Even more than kicking a ball round a field...” You teased, knowing that his passion was always your main enemy for his attention. His laughs echoed around the dimmed bedroom as he threw his head back “Yes darling, even more than kicking a ball around...”
For the first time that morning, the room fell silent as you both gazed into each other’s eyes and for a split second you forgot that you needed to leave, all you wanted was him! Your phone buzzed against the dressing table, but your eyes never left him “I think that’s your final cue to get up Honey...” Mason whispered, not wanting to ruin the enchanting trance you had both been put in.
Rolling out of his arms, you groaned throwing your head back on the pillow “I don’t want to leave you now...” Mason looked at you amused as he nudged his head towards your phone “Last chance for you to phone up ill and stay with me...” Tossing a stranded pillow towards him, you glared “Not going to happen handsome, so shut it...” Pecking one last kiss on his pouted lips, you finally left the bed making a beeline to the bathroom to get ready for the day till your boyfriend once again distracted you.
While you were in the shower, Mason reluctantly got out of bed too. Despite it being well past the time he’d usually get up on his day off, he felt way too guilty to let you rush around after he was the one stopping you. So being the good boyfriend he was, he decided to pack your work bag for you, making sure to pack your lunch as he prepared an early morning snack for you to eat on your travels.
“Here you go, m’lady...” He sang as you made your way into the kitchen, handing you your tote bag which had your lunch packed and ready to go along with your other work items, making your heart melt. Your hands lingered over the strap of the bag as you stared into dark brown eyes, mesmerized once again by his tired eyes and fluffy morning hair. “Earth to miss (y/ln) ...” Mason chuckled, causing your stare to be broken as you gratefully took it from him. “How are you so perfect!?!” You sighed, glancing into your bag to see he hadn’t missed a single thing “4 years together and I still haven’t found a single thing wrong with you!”
Walking you to the front door, he helped you into your coat specifically picking out the thickest and warmest one “You’ll have to keep looking” He chuckled, giving you a peck on the cheek “One thing about us mounts, we are born naturally perfect”
“What happened with Lew then!” You teased jokingly. After being together for so long you had grown extremely close with his family, specifically with his older brother, who you always joked was technically a part of your relationship seeing how much time he spent with the two of you since buying the new house.
“I’ll tell him that!” Mason laughed, opening the door for you to see it had just begun to rain “shoot! don’t forget this!” He leaned over to the counter where your umbrella was “Apparently the storm is going to be hard later... I need you to be safe!”
“Oh, I’m sure this cheap stick of plastic will do the trick...” You giggled, examining the poorly made umbrella “I’ll be in my car tho Mase, I won’t need it!” You tried to place it back down, but your resistant boyfriend stopped you, giving you a pleading look “You never know though, please take it... for me!” Your eyes rolled to the side as once again he used those words. Reluctantly, you placed it in your bag giving him a sarcastic smile “Happy now?” “Very!” He smirked, closing the gap between you both as he placed his lips to yours “I love you so fucking much!” Pulling apart slightly your breath fanned across his face “I love you too, so much...”
“Oh gosh look at the time!” He playfully gasped, after glancing at the landing clock “How are you so late!” Giving you a playful shove out the door as you turned to give him a deathly stare “Don’t blame me...” You hissed, turning your back to him as you walked towards your car “blame my needy, careless boyfriend!”
“He only cares about you!” He yelled back, a smile clear in his voice as you started your car. Looking in your rear mirror, your heart burst as you saw him in the same spot, wanting to see you safely leave the premise. You were just about to drive away when you saw his hands suddenly move up and down. Clueless at his actions, you waved back thinking that he just wanted to wave goodbye, but as you watched him shake his head you knew that wasn’t the reason. Pulling your window down, you popped out your head giving him a puzzled look “What’s up?”
“Have you got your brolly?” He questioned, causing a frustrating but mocking groan to leave your lips “You saw me put in my bag Mase!”
“I know what you’re like tho! You might out hide it secretly; I just want you to be safe!” Leaning back to your backseat, you pulled the stick out of your bag, hanging it out the window along with your head again “Here!” You yelled back to him, waving it around causing a big grin to form on his lips “Good girl...” He smirked, giving you a thumbs up.
“Don’t patronize me, Mount...” You joked, putting a finger up at him “I’ll chuck it at you in a minute!”
“Please don’t!” He laughed throwing his head back. “Now that’s sorted, can I go now to the job I was supposed to be at 10 minutes ago!”
“Wait!” He called back, disappearing for a second before returning with his jacket lazily thrown over his shoulders. Not giving you a minute to process what he was doing, he jogged over to your car, the sound of his sliders colliding with the wet gravel grating you a little before his head poked through your still-open window.
“What are you doing?” You spoke between giggles as his lips attacked your face in sloppy playful pecks. “Stay safe, okay? If the storm gets too bad come home early, please...” Normally you would have argued back with a playful dig but hearing the sincerity in his voice you knew he was being serious. Nodding your head, you smiled, threading your fingers through his now wet morning hair “I promise handsome, now please go back inside before I get the blame for making Chelsea’s best player ill before a derby!”
“I love you, have a good day at work!” He cheekily smiled, giving you one last kiss before leaving the car, not before hearing you repeat the words back to him. You hated mornings... always had done ever since you were little, but with him... they were a little more bearable! Giving him one last smile and quick wave, you finally headed to work, but like always that was the last thing you were thinking about... instead, it was how quickly you wanted to return home to him!
As the day progressed, the rain came down harder, unsurprisingly just as Mason said! Your phone buzzed with messages of updates from your boyfriend, warning you of the weather like your own personal weatherman. Of course, you found the whole thing endearing, I mean who wouldn’t want a man as sweet as Mason protecting them, but when you were so close to finishing something that had taken up so much of your time it couldn’t help but bug you!
“Is that him again?” Your boss laughed in amusement, as your phone lit up beside you for the tenth time that hour. “I’m so sorry...” You sighed “He gets a little protective when it’s this weather, I’ll switch it off immediately- “Leaning over to your lit screen to switch it off, a gentle hand stopped you “Why don’t you go home to him?” She smiled at you, passing you your phone “You’ve worked so hard recently, doing everybody’s cover shifts and any possible overtime you can... everybody else is going home early... why don’t you do the same?”
“I don’t know (Your boss’s name) ...” You sighed, feeling the phone buzzing against your hand again “I’ve so nearly got this done, I don’t risk anything from getting the “
“Promotion” Your boss finished the sentence, a smirk on her face as you nodded your head. Sighing, she collected her things from her desk, getting ready to leave herself before the storm gets worst “Please get yourself home (y/n), especially before 7 pm that’s when it’s supposed to get bad...” “I will, I should be done in the next hour or so anyway...” You replied, giving her a weak smile as she squeezed your shoulders “Okay honey, stay safe & say hi to Mason for me!” Before she left the room, she spun back around “Oh & (y/n)”
“Yeah...” You hummed back, twiddling your pen in between your fingers.
“Don’t worry too much about the promotion!” Your boss smiled knowingly “I think you proved yourself worthy of the spot a long time ago!” Without another word, she left the room, allowing your head to spin. You didn’t realize how much time you had been trying to prove yourself at the firm, and of course, with that, you didn’t realize how much time you had wasted by not spending time with Mason! Your boss was right, you did deserve to spend a night in with him!
Glancing back down towards your phone, butterflies erupted in your tummy as you read his most recent text...
Missing you so much gorgeous, don’t stay there for too long... the storms getting bad & I need my warm hugs xx
Shooting him a quick reply back with a smile on your face, you made it your mission to finish as quickly as you could & just like everything you set your mind to you were good to go by the time it hit 6:45 pm! You didn’t care that your work might have been rushed or that you weren’t the last one in the office like you usually were, all you cared about was being home with your boyfriend!
You didn’t realize how bad the storm was until you stepped outside for the first time since the morning. Leaves twirled around the air as the rain dropped down into the soaked pavement. The door of the building continued to swing behind you as you quickly sprinted to your car, Mason always teased you that the only way to get your running was the rain & free food and although you always defended yourself, it was times like this that you knew he was right!
Finally getting into your car, you through your bag to its usual place on your back seat while your hands worked quickly to switch the heating on, but when your car engine didn’t hum like normal, and your heating suctions didn’t blow out hot air you knew you were in trouble “Shit... no, no, no!” You groaned as you continued to tap the small heating button but there was no use, your car was one and truly dead “Why is it always me...” You sighed, hitting your head gently against the wheel as you processed your current options, weighing up that it was out of two... stay put in your office and wait for the storm to hopefully pass or call Mason for help! Deciding that the only possible option was the second one, you whipped out your phone, immediately dialing his number...
Not even letting the phone ring once, he picked up “Hello beautiful, everything okay? You on your way back yet?”
“Not quite...” You giggled nervously, looking forward at the aggressive rain hitting your windscreen “I may have a little problem”
“What’s happened?” He quickly replied. You didn’t need to see him know he was already sat up, ready to face the problem that you were having despite even knowing what it was.
“I don’t know if it’s the pile of rain falling or what, but my car won’t start...” You sighed, frustrated that once again your time with him was being wasted “I was going to head back inside but I don’t think anyone else is in & I’ve left my keys in the office... would you be able to pick me up please?”
“Of course, I can honey...” He responded without hesitation, the sound of rustling is heard in the background “You stay right there okay? I won’t be long”
Feeling a little guilty for ‘ruining’ his evening you sighed, “Thank you, Mase, I’m sorry if I was disturbing anything”
“Oh don’t be silly you don’t have to apologize, I wasn’t doing anything interesting anyway” He laughed, locking the door behind him as he braced the ongoing storm himself “If it means getting to see you quicker, I would drop anything and everything...”
“You’re my hero, Mase honestly..” You smiled against the phone “I don’t know what I’d do without you..”
“Get on the bus maybe” Mason teased, as he started the engine causing you to roll your eyes “Well my damsel in distress I won’t be long, stay put and wait there, okay? I Love you”
“Love you too, Mase. Thank you!” Hanging up the phone, you through your head back closing your eyes as the rain fell around the shell of your car. You loved this weather when the sky freely cried, and the world got a refresh, although being out in it wasn’t always ideal. Guilt began to trip your mind as you thought about forcing Mason out of the house, and although your work wasn’t that far from your home in Cobham, it still wasn’t ideal to drive to.
“Fuck it...” You muttered, grabbing your bag from the back seat and your car keys, you zipped your coat fully up before getting out of the car “If he has to drive to get me, the least I can do is meet him halfway...” Of course, it wasn’t the smartest idea in the world, and Mason would probably kill you for leaving the ‘warmth’ of your car for that reason, but you didn’t care if it meant him not driving too far and you getting to see him sooner!
For the first couple of minutes, you let the heavy falls of rain and hail shower you, giving you your very own detox before you remembered the umbrella Mason forced you to take “How does he think of everything?” You spoke to yourself with a smirk on your face as you pulled the stick out, instantly feeling better as the rain rolled off the sheet of cotton instead of you!
You didn’t know how long it was until you saw his black merc roll along the street in front of you, a wash of relief flooding you as you thought of the warmth of his car invading you. Mason couldn’t believe his eyes as he spotted a young girl walking carelessly on the pavement, thinking to himself who in their right mind would walk in the weather but as he got closer and recognized your brown locks floating in the autumn air he knew it could only ever be one person!
Pulling up beside you, he pulled down his window catching you slightly off guard as he popped his head ever so slightly “What the hell happened to stay put?!?” He laughed as you shrug your shoulders “I got bored..”
“Of course, you did!” Mason smiled, nodding his head towards the passenger side “Are you getting in missus, or are you enjoying your rainy walks?” Not even having the energy to shoot a snarky reply, you ran to the other door immediately hopping into the warmth of his car, causing him to throw his head back in a low chuckle. Pulling the window slightly you shook the water off your umbrella, not realizing the teasing look your boyfriend was giving you until you turned back around “What?” You questioned as he raised his eyebrow at you. “What did you say about that cheap lump of metal again?” He smirked, knowing once again he was right.
“Shut up...” You giggled, reaching over to his heater to warm your frozen hands “I wouldn’t have had to use it if it wasn’t for my shit car! The one time I desperately needed it, it let me down... unbelievable.”
“I warned you about that as well..” He laughed, remembering the high amount of times he had told you to get a new car, even willing to buy you a new one himself but every time you dismissed him telling him there was nothing wrong with it. Noticing the glare you were giving him, he quickly refrained his comment “But we’re not getting into that right now, are we sugar?”
“no where not!” You jokingly rolled your eyes, leaning slightly over to him “It’s a good job my boyfriend is always reliable isn’t it?”
“He sounds like a great man..” Mase teased, his cheeks unconsciously turning pink at your comment.
“He’s the best...” You breathed out reaching out to pull him in a hug “Honestly Mason, thank you for this! I know you always say you’d do anything for me but that doesn’t mean I should take you for granted... you don’t know how much this all means to me!”
Letting you fall awkwardly in his arms due to the gear stick between you, he sighed “You never take me for granted honey, I adore you more than anything in the world... I’d travel way further than this if it meant getting you safely home! Trust me, I’d do so much more than this” His hands brushed along your arms, allowing him to feel your soaked-through coat which wasn’t providing you much heat now “How about you take that off, eh? It’s not doing any good for that cold you’re bound to get!” He suggested, already helping your arms out of it.
“I only have my blouse underneath tho mase...” You giggled, feeling the cold even more now it was off “This isn’t that practical either!”
“Here take my sweater!” Mason smiled, not hesitating to take it off.
“No Mase please don’t..” You pleaded “I don’t want you to get ill as well, please keep it on.” But it was too late, before you could even get all your words out the thick hoodie was off his body and onto yours. “What are you going to wear now?” You sighed in contentment as his hoodie shielded you from the cold. “Don’t worry about that darling...” He smirked, pulling out one of his training jackets from the back of the car “I always come prepared! That’s why I also brought you this...” Along with his jacket, he also pulled out one of your old thick blankets, causing your heart to melt “I thought you might need this to keep you warm till we are at home, I know the journeys are not that long and my hugs are way better than that old, tatted thing but it’ll do!”
You couldn’t get words out as you stared into his dark brown eyes, only finding the look of love and sincerity in them. “Are you okay darling?” Mason asked, noticing the tears brimming your eyes as you tried to get the words out. Shaking your head, you let the tears flow out “I don’t deserve you...” You sobbed dramatically, knowing that you were slightly overreacting but after a long tiring day, he couldn’t judge you!
“Oh, princess..” He cooed, wrapping an arm around you. He knew he didn’t have to say much when you were like this, all you needed was some form of his touch to calm you down “How about we get you home eh? And then we can swap that blanket for a proper hug...”
“That sounds good...” You sniffled, pulling away from him slightly so he could start the engine. But like always your hand remained in his, and that’s how it stayed till you arrived home. The drive home was a quiet one, the radio being the only sound as you both sat in your content bubble. Once you were pulled up in your driveway, Mason squeezed your hand tight, shooting you a tired smile “You ready to brace this storm again...”
Reflecting his smile, you nodded “together?” Not replying straight away, he opened his door running around to your side as he clipped off your seatbelt, lifting you out as you held the blanket of the two of your heads “Always!”
With his approval, you both sprinted to the front door, not even caring about the neighbor’s future noise complaints as your squeals and laughter mixed in with the sound of thunder. It was times like this that made you realise just how lucky you were, not by having a well-paid job or living in a million-pound mansion but by living this crazy life with your soulmate! & that means so much more than the amount of money you had or how stable the roof on top your head was...
Once you were safely inside, you both immediately got changed into a matching pair of Christmas pajamas, ones that were conveniently from your first year spent with him on the holiday! Just like he promised, the old blanket was swapped for a comfier one, and more importantly his arms “Mhmm... Your so warm..” You sighed as you relaxed into his arms, glancing up at him as he switched on your favorite office episode. “warmer than your blanket...” He smirked, pulling you closer to him as you placed your hands onto his cheeks, pulling him to a soft kiss “Much warmer!”
No matter how many times he held your body close to his, no matter how many times he kissed your lips, it always felt the same way... like he was home... & it was that moment he realized home isn’t a place... it’s a person.
& that’s always been you!
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mouschiwrites · 8 months
Can you please do a Lloyd X reader it revealed that the reader is half dragon and not only that but is a princess she never told anyone because she doesn't want them to be involved with it but they find out when the reader family asked the reader to come home for a party and the reader decided to finally tell them in the form of a letter and of course they are shocked many Lloyd but the reader does say why she never told them in the letter and they all decided to go to the party and there they see the reader again and Lloyd just falls in love with the reader allover again after seeing the reader in her half dragon form and she takes Lloyd to her room and tells Lloyd more about herself (this part is your choice but the reader reveals that she is immortal do to being half dragon and she tells Lloyd that because he is both half Oni and half dragon he's immortal to) and then the party starts then the reader and Lloyd just dance the night away and the reader parents embarrass the reader Infront of Lloyd and they allow him to date the reader (this part is also your choice the reader parents ask that Lloyd and his dad be in there Oni forms for the party if you're wondering in this au Garamond didn't sacrifice himself instead skylor was the one that was sacrifice and Garamond still has his Oni form but he doesn't use it alot he mainly in his human form and Lloyd has full control over his Oni form and this is just pure fluff especially at the end)
Sorry this took a bit!!
Word count: 1.4k
Ninjago - Lloyd and the Dragon Princess at a Ball
Lloyd sifted through the mail, sighing boredly as he sorted it into different piles. “Jay, Jay, one for Cole, another for Jay… one for Kai…”
He stopped when a bright pink envelope caught his eye. He didn’t need the delicate gold wax seal to tell him it was important; your name on the back was more than enough for him to determine its priority. Dropping the rest of the mail, he fumbled to open the envelope with a giddy grin on his face.
The others forgot their own mail, intrigued by Lloyd’s reaction. They stood up and crowded behind him, trying to get a glimpse at what the letter said.
“It’s from Y/n!” Jay observed gleefully.
A few weeks ago you’d been called away on a mysterious mission that you refused to disclose, and you hadn’t contacted any of them since. So, naturally, it was exciting to hear from you at last.
My dearest friends,
I’m sorry that I had to leave so abruptly, but my parents beckoned me home for our annual royal festival. I would’ve declined, but as a princess it would be disgraceful if I did not attend.
I thought that it might be a little less boring if you all were there, though, so I wanted to formally invite you to the annual Royal Ryumura Bash. I’ve included invitations for all of you. I’d love it if you could come, but don’t feel pressured.
With love,
Princess Y/n of Ryumura
“Sounds fun,” Lloyd concluded, setting the letter aside to look at the invitations.
“Woah, are you just going to ignore all that?!” Jay pounced on the letter, scrutinizing it with wide eyes as if he couldn’t believe what he was reading.
“Ignore what?” Then, remembering that you had kept certain things secret from the others, Lloyd grimaced. “Oh, right. Yeah, Y/n is a princess.”
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Cole asked, befuddled.
“Why didn’t she tell us?” Zane corrected.
“It’s a part of her life that she prefers to keep to herself, but sometimes…”
“It’s hard to stay away from home,” Nya finished for him, taking an invitation from his hand and examining it admiringly. “We should definitely go.”
Lloyd nodded eagerly. The mere thought of seeing you again was enough to get him on board. Though he wondered what he should wear to such an event…
“Why are there dragons everywhere?” Kai looked around in bewilderment. Roaming the streets of Ryumura, it was impossible to go anywhere without seeing at least one citizen in their dragon form.
“Ryumura is also known as ‘the dragon kingdom.’ Most citizens here are descendants of an ancient race of dragons, and they have the ability to shapeshift between a dragon form and a more human-like form,” Zane explained.
If they weren’t already impressed by the massive dragons filling the sky, the castle would’ve done it. Tall and intricate, with towering spires of fine stone reaching high into the heavens, it was truly an architectural marvel.
Two gigantic dragonic guards halted the group at the gates. When they explained that they were here by your invitation, the guards’ gargoyle-like faces visibly softened, and they stepped aside, motioning the group inside.
From there a much shorter servant boy guided them through the maze of tall corridors and up the spiraling stairs to your room. He knocked somewhat sheepishly on the heavy mahogany door, waiting for your beckon to let your guests inside.
“Come in,” you called after a moment.
The boy pushed the intricately carved door inward, revealing your lavish bedroom. Silk and velvet draped the area abundantly, providing an atmosphere at once cozy and luxurious. You were seated at an ivory vanity, fiddling with a delicate hairstyle adorned with many expensive hairpieces.
You stopped your work when you peeked over your shoulder and identified your visitors. Practically leaping out of your chair, you hurried over to them, beaming with a mouth full of sharp teeth.
You could see that your friends were speechless, which you couldn’t fault them for. They’d never seen you in this form, after all. You’d probably be surprised too if you saw one of them as you stood before them now; several inches taller, with horns protruding from either side of your head, a tail poking out from beneath the bottom hem of your dress, and long but neatly manicured claws where short nails once were.
You smiled awkwardly as your friends bursted into a flurry of fawning over your features. At least they’re not freaked out, you told yourself.
When they had gotten their fill of pokes and touches, Jay was the first to speak.
“Why didn’t you tell us you live in this awesome castle?!”
You blushed. “Well… I prefer to keep this side of my life separate from the rest of my life. I guess you could say I’m more of a part-time princess,” then, muttering, you added: “It’s sort of a nuisance, all these pointless luxuries and parties…”
“Well, as an apology gift I want a tour.”
“Of course! I can get a servant to take you while I finish getting ready.”
Before you had even finished speaking, a servant was in your doorway, ready to take the guests away. Was he just waiting outside my room? Another reason I hate being royal: no privacy… You clicked your tongue in exasperation as you watched your friends pour out of the room. But Lloyd, you noticed, remained where he stood.
You looked at him curiously. He looked at you back, a gentle smile on his face. His eyes were filled with adoration as they flicked from your horns to your claws, which he took gingerly into his hands to examine more closely. He looked up into your eyes, brushed his thumb over your knuckles. There was a faint pink flush on his cheeks; you felt a similar hue make its way onto yours.
“What?” You said, flustered.
“You’re beautiful.”
You looked down, a girlish smile tugging on the ends of your mouth. “You think so?”
“I do. And I’d be honored,” Lloyd stepped back, bowing formally and holding out his hand, “if you’d permit me to escort you to the ball tonight.”
You giggled, placing your hand in his. “The honor would be all mine. But only in your Oni form.”
He looked up, surprised. Then, smiling, he gave a single nod. “Quite the couple we’ll make.”
“Just two young immortals,” you sighed with theatrical dreaminess, smirking when Lloyd’s brows raised.
“You’re immortal?”
“One of my dragonic traits,” you nodded.
“Two young immortals,” he repeated under his breath, thinking to himself how perfect you were together. If he didn’t believe it before, he certainly did now.
The ball commenced at sundown. As promised, Lloyd escorted you to the outdoor venue in his Oni form. You attracted many eyes as you danced together, but neither of you noticed. Your eyes were locked in an enchanted gaze, soft smiles stuck on your faces.
Your trance was broken when your father appeared suddenly behind Lloyd, clapping his massive clawed hand on the boy’s shoulder.
“So!” He boomed in his deep voice, “This is the boy my daughter’s been telling me about! Well, you’re a lot taller than I imagined.”
Lloyd, perking up at the opportunity to finally meet his love’s parents, shook your father’s hand firmly. “It’s good to meet you, sir—”
“That’s your majesty to you, boy,” your father spat, jerking his hand back. Then, after soaking in Lloyd’s mortified expression for a moment, he burst into laughter. “Your face! I got you, didn’t I?”
“Dad,” you chided, though you couldn’t suppress your own amused smile.
“What? Can’t I poke a little fun at my future son-in-law?”
“Dad!” you shouted, feeling your face darken several shades at once.
“Oh, stop it, dear,” your mother said, appearing at your father’s side. She looped her slender arm through his. She stood on her tiptoes to murmur into his ear, but she made sure she was loud enough for you to hear anyway. “Can’t you see you’re embarrassing her in front of her beau?”
“Not you too, mom!” You clapped your hands over your face.
Your parents walked away, cackling, satisfied with the carnage they’d left in their wake. You wanted to sink through the floor.
“Think I made a good impression?” Lloyd asked, pulling you partially from your despair.
“You did fine,” you reassured him. “I’m more worried about their impression on you.”
Lloyd laughed, taking your hands in his. “I think they’re great. I’m glad they’re okay with me dating you.”
You smiled. Lloyd always knew how to find the silver lining.
You spent the rest of the night in each other’s arms, making everyone else on the dance floor jealous of the two young lovers entrapped in each other’s gaze.
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Thank you for reading!! And thank you anon for your request! Take care lovelies <33
(divider by saradika)
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rianavi · 3 months
it’s daylight
luke castellan x artemis!daughter!reader
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part 1, part 2, part 3
summary; annabeth gets involved (need i say more)
series masterlist
authors note; this is written in second pov from annabeths perspective. also guys comment if you wanna be in my luke castellan taglist!!
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luke has been off lately, he doesn’t smile, he doesn’t laugh, he rarely ever shows up to meals, and he rarely left his cabin.
even after all this the only thing that caught annabeth’s attention was that he wasn’t with you. and that was not normal, at all.
so she decided to visit her brother, leaving percy after combat training, she heads to the hermes cabin, greatful that it was now lunch and no one would be there besides luke.
when she enters she is met with the iconic smell of the cabin, wood, parchment, and sweat. luke lays in his bed, covers pulled up over his head. he’s turned away from the front door so he doesn’t notice who it is approaching him. - secretly hoping it’s you -
annabeth being the child she is, shoves his back harshly and screams his name. this causes him to jolt up in bed and hit his head against the headboard.
“annabeth! ow!” he yells at her, she just smirks triumphantly and sits down on the edge of his bed, making him fully sit up and create room for her.
she doesn’t speak until she is sat down across from him and facing him while he mirrors her. “so,” she drags out the word until he looks up to her. “what do you want?” he snaps at her - something that’s only been happening recently -
she sighs softly before she talks, scared of hitting a nerve. “what’s going on with you?” she avoids saying your name, not wanting to put him on edge.
“what do you mean?”
“i mean, you’ve barely left the cabin, you’re barely eating, you’ve been avoiding everyone. including-“ before she can say your name he cuts her off, harshly.
“look annabeth, i’m fine, everything’s fine. it’s all just-” she can tell he’s trying not to yell at her from the way his eyes frantically look around the cabin, and how his hand clenches the edge of the mattress.
“luke.” she says his name sternly, causing his eyes to freeze on her and his rant to stop. “what happened?” she whispers the next part, placing her hand on top of his, hoping to soothe him.
he takes a moment to answer, closes his eyes softly and breathing in and out slowly. “i uh- i tried to kiss her.” she doesn’t have to ask who.
he opens his eyes to look at her, her eyebrows are pulled into a sympathetic expression, a sad smile on her face.
“and she- she pulled away from me, so much that she fell off the bed.” he ignores the way her eyebrows raise when he mentions the falling part. even if you hurt him, he would never laugh at you.
“luke i’m so sorry,”
“i don’t want sympathy annabeth. it’s just that- i mean- was it really that bad, me trying to kiss her i mean, that she fell off the bed. does she really not like me that much?”
“no, i’m sure she just panicked luke, trust me she likes you, i’ve seen the way she looks at you, the way she only ever smiles and laughs with you. i mean she has looked so like depressed these past few days it’s insane, she just stares at the ground all day long.”
“i don’t want you to lie to me annabeth,” he looks down.
“luke look at me. i swear to you i am not lying. have you even tried to talk to her about it?” he shakes his head no.
“then that’s what you do, you talk to her. no matter how scared you are, i bet you she’s sitting in a tree somewhere as sad as she could be, because you’re not talking to her anymore. so suck up your embarrassment and go talk to her. now.” the tone she uses scares him.
you’re currently sitting in a tree, staring across the camp while kids and teenagers bustle around, laughing and having fun. the sun is about to set and the weekly campfire is about to begin, you figure you have a couple more hours before you have to leave your newly formed solitude.
you’re scared to climb down and actually face the world, scared that everyone will be know that you’ve been crying for days on end.
i mean how couldn’t you, your best friend, the guy you love, is ignoring you, all because of you. you ruined everything - again - and this time you’re scared he won’t come back.
you can’t imagine a world where you and luke castellan don’t talk. that would be a world where you don’t talk at all considering he is the only person you actually enjoy speaking to.
you’re snapped out of your pity party when the sound of a small twig snapping is heard from to your right.
“ow!” some one shouts, still whispering thinking you wouldn’t hear them.
“annabeth?” she looks up to meet your eyes.
“uhh- hey! what are you doing up here? long time no see, eh?” she speaks in that high toned voice she only talks in when she is hiding something.
“what do you want?” you don’t mean to come off rude, it’s just that you can’t be bothered to watch your tone with anyone besides luke.
“i’m sorry, that sounded mean.” you correct yourself, not wanting to upset anyone else, especially not annabeth. she’s been nothing but sweet to you.
“no it’s okay, i’m just hear to tell you i think i saw someone in your cabin.”
“they weren’t one of your siblings.”
“i’m not the head counselor annabeth, maybe you should tell someone else.” her plan is backfiring.
“no! i mean i uh- i think they were going through your stuff.”
“annebeth, what’s this really about?” she’s not a very good liar
“nothing nothing, it’s just that i think you should go check it out.”
you decide to take her advice to get her off you back. “okay, i’ll go check it out.” you announce, beginning your journey down the tree.
when you’re about 6 feet away from the her you hear a soft “yes!” before you’re out of earshot from her. okay, now you’re really confused.
when you arrive at your cabin, you push open the door softly. not one of your siblings is in there, curtesy of the campfire.
the cabin is completely empty and quiet. you sigh as you enter in fully, making your way toward your bed.
just as you think annabeth has tricked you as one of hers and percy’s “elaborate” pranks. you hear a voice, someone saying your name.
you know that voice anywhere, you could recognize it in a crowd of people during a concert.
he’s standing just as the end of your bed, waiting for you it seems. you can make out his face by the small amount of sunlight through the window, he looks nervous, eyes blown wide and mouth slightly agape. he looks good like this, really good.
“hi,” he whispers meekly, and through the silence of the cabin it sounds like he’s shouting.
the small word has the corners of your lips straining upward and you fight the urge to run into his arms and swing your own around his neck.
“hi,” you whisper back, your stomach churns like butter at the sight of his warm smile.
he clears his throat after a minute of staring staring at you before awkwardly moving to sit on your bed.
a flash of deja vu hits you and you’re scared he might run out again. so in a solid 2 seconds your now sitting on your bed, a decent amount of space between you two, even if it makes your heart ache.
“how have you been?” he asks, you figure he’s nervous as well. you can tell by the way his fingers twitch against his thigh, and the way his face and neck are flushed bright pink.
“good, how uh- how about you.”
it’s awkward now, all you want to do is apologize profusely for blindly rejecting him, explain that you were just scared, ask for him to do it again, this time, you wouldn’t back away.
you decide to stop your torture to the both of you, finding the courage to speak up first.
“i’ve missed you.” he looks relieved.
“i’ve missed you too, a lot.”
you can’t take it anymore, “i’m so sorry luke. i was scared and i panicked, i didn’t mean to embarrass or reject you in any way. i wasn’t thinking straight, and i know it’s no excuse-” he cuts you off.
“you’re fine, i promise. it’s good to know you didn’t mean it though, i was so scared you didn’t like me in that way.” he smiles to diffuse the tension, and just before you can return the gesture his face contorts into one of panic.
“you do thought right? feel the same i mean. it’s fine if you don’t just tell me now please i won’t be mad i just-” he speaks fast, lips moving passionately as his hand reaches out to your shoulder. he looks good, really good.
and you can’t help it, the way he looks at you, the way his lips move, the last bit of daylight pouring through the shades of the window. it’s all too much.
you move quickly, pulling yourself forward and grabbing his jaw with both hands, something you’ve always wanted to do. you pull him close and finally you press your lips against his.
the collision is like a firework, his eyes widen in shock before he relaxes and they flutter close. his hands grip your waist and pull you close until your practically straddling him. you’re hands lower to the back of his neck and you thread your fingers through the short curls there.
just as your nails scrape his scalp he groans into you, causing his mouth to open. you take the opportunity and stick your tongue into his mouth.
he enjoys the feeling of you biting at his lower lip so much that he grips your hips tight, hoping that it will bruise so next time you shower you’re reminded of this.
you pull away for some breath and his lips chase after yours.
he looks at you and you look at him, both of you breaking out into a fit of giggles. you uses his arms to pull you both down onto the bed, in the same position you were in a couple of days ago.
“i love you.” he speaks suddenly,
“i love you too.” he grins as your burry your head into his neck.
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just as you all have been waiting for, dont worry there’s more coming just enjoy the peace while it lasts.
taglist: @jennapancake @ravenmedows
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h8ani · 11 months
Truth or Dare
Pairing: Shikamaru Nara x Reader
Anime: Naruto
Word Count: 797
Warnings: no warnings, fem!reader
Prompt: Our friends decided to play truth or dare and ask who was the best I’ve ever had. I can’t bare to look at the smug look on your face when I get too embarrassed to answer - Ex AU
Pt 2
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“Let’s play a game!” Your friend Ino yelled out to the small party she hosted. Everyone around stopped what they were previously doing, and slowly started to sit around the floor and furniture in a circle. Ino had a way of always getting what she wanted and if she wanted to play a game then goddamnit a game is what she would get. 
“I swear if we’re playing clue again-” Sakura started, crossing her arms and sending Naruto a glare for the last game of clue they played together in which he just scratches the back of his head and chuckles.
“We’re playing truth or dare.” Ino says. “I’ll start and then whoever I choose will choose the next person.” Everyone around nods agreeing to how to start the game and you couldn’t help but have your attention anywhere but on the game hoping not to get picked. “Sakura, truth or dare.”
~ ~ ~
Some time has passed and you couldn’t help but get distracted from the game. Everyone laughing from the dares that were being given, mostly by Kiba and Naruto as they want everyone to do the most ridiculous thing imaginable. The girls are all saying truth, which the girls in the group are best at asking, it’s a safe answer but everyone being nosy a truth can be a dangerous choice as well. You were torn from your thoughts once you heard your name being called out.
“(Y/N)!” Tenten called. You turn wide eyed and see most of the group staring.
“Huh, what?”
“Truth or dare?” She says with a mischievous glint in her eyes. You think for a moment, not sure of what she’s thinking to ask or what she’d make you do. On one hand she can make you say something embarrassing that you’ve always kept a secret but on the other hand she could make you do something like kiss someone. Knowing Tenten it’s a 50/50 on what would come out of her mouth.
“Truth.” You answer, you’d rather be safe than sorry and having her make you do something embarrassing in front of everyone.
“Who’s the best you’ve had in bed?”
“Dare. I said dare.” You immediately say after which causes everyone to erupt in laughter. Well, everyone but one person. Your ex stares across from you, his chuckle being drowned out by the chaos Tenten’s question caused.
You’ve been ignoring him expertly the entire party. Staying away, always having at least three of your mutual friends in-between you two and never being caught in a conversation that needs the both of your inputs. You were able to ignore him, but feeling his gaze on you was something you couldn’t help but notice. You glance at your ex boyfriend, a smirk prominent on his face.
Shikamaru Naru. Even his name pisses you off. If you could forbid the letters in his name to be used you would. You tried, it didn’t work. Too many vowels in his god damn name, but that’s besides the point. Shikamaru Nara was once someone you cared about, someone you loved, someone you wanted a future with, but now he’s just someone you want to smother with a pillow. His stupid smirk, his stupid laid back attitude, and the stupid yet annoyingly attractive way he’s leaning back against the couch while sitting on the floor. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
“Well?” Tenten asks once the laughter has died down. “Who was it?”
Everyone’s eyes on you makes you shrink back into yourself. Your face feeling a surge of heat while still avoiding Shikamaru’s eyes. He knows it’s him, you know it’s him, everyone in here probably know it’s him too they’re just being assholes about it to get a good laugh in because it’s not a secret that you and Shikamaru dated, you two dated for quite a while and you haven’t cared to get in another relationship after or deal with any man afterwards.
“You know I can’t really think of anybody that good off the top of my head.” You shrug smiling innocently at Tenten. “Guess there wasn’t anybody memorable.” You ignore the eye roll from Shikamaru and the collective ‘ooos’ from majority of the party. “So is it-”
“I call bullshit.” Shikamaru speaks up making you finally look up at him.
“You call bullshit?”
“I call bullshit, tell the truth.”
“I did.” You deadpan at him. “No one memorable I’ve ever had.”
The silence in the room almost makes you think you’re not surrounded by your friends who are always ten octaves too loud. Shikamaru’s stare was hard, he looked as if he was thinking of a hundred different responses to what you said, but ultimately he never said anything so you decide to continue to game on.
“So Shikamaru, truth or dare?”
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shelby-fangirl00 · 1 year
1919-Part Three
(This is more fluff but next chapter will be spicier. Much luvv...XD)
Word Count: 1956
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To say the least, I was embarrassed. Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, I brushed though my hair. I was taking my time this morning. Dread grew in my stomach when I thought about facing Tommy after last night.
I felt like a fucking fool. So much effort wasted on trying to seem uninterested in him, thanks to fucking whiskey. Ever since he’d been back, it’s like time had stopped and the last four years of my life no longer exist or matter. My life put on hold until Tom’s return.
I had nothing to do today as it is a weekend, so I was hoping to avoid seeing Tommy in the kitchen this morning. 
I put down my brush and walked into the bedroom, slipping into a fitting green dress with long sleeves. I left my hair untamed today, not bothering to mess with styling it, falling down the middle of my back. I slipped on my black riding boots. For a few moments, I sat there, on the edge of my bed, squeezing the mattress beneath me. I just wanted to be alone today. Some days are just harder than others for me. I’ve been so overwhelmed by the boys, as much as I love them. But I miss having time to myself, missed being in the quiet. I just needed time to think. I decided to sneak away to the stables before any of the boys saw me. 
It was a curiously warm day in Small Heath. It’s May now. This is the warmest it’s been all year. I decided to sneak away with Gleam to the country side. Gleam is my beautiful, White Camarillo horse. I’ve had her since I was 16, as a gift from Polly. She’s always stayed in the stables with Tommy’s horse. While he was away, me and Curly took care of there.
I loved spending time with Gleam, though, I believe she missed Tommy and would’ve preferred his presence over mine. They had a special connection. I think it’s because we grew up with her. So many days wasted away with Gleam on a big hill somewhere nearby, just enjoying her, connecting. 
He loved horses since he was a boy. The way he loves a horse is proof that he once knew how to. But now, I couldn’t tell if he was capable of loving anything anymore. 
I was fucking tired of thinking about Tom. 
‘What do you think, girl? Take this in, don’t know when will be blessed with this sun again.’ I sighed out, closing my eyes, letting the sun soak into my face. I had been using Gleam’s muscular stomach to rest my head on. She was also sun bathing, lying on her side. We rode about 15 miles outside of Small Heath, into the country side. I decided to stop at the top of a grassy hill. We were surrounded in nothing but green, it was so lovely. 
We both laid in silence for a good half hour, I started to doze off.  I turned to my side and cuddled closer into her, closing my eyes. 
To my surprise, I was awoken by Gleam shaking me off of her, trying to wake me up. 
‘Just a little while longer girl, please’ you wined out, not even attempting to open my eyes. 
‘Look at the sight of ya, gypsy girl.’ 
My eyes shot open at that. Tommy had been standing there, for who knows how long, giggling at me. 
I slowly sat up, releasing Gleam, allowing her to greet the black horse Tommy rode in on. I rubbed my eyes and smiled sarcastically at him.
‘Couldn’t waste this sunny day away. A girl needs only herself and her horse on a day like this, eh? Have you gone soft, Tommy?’ You chuckled out. 
He was standing beside the horse who had on a pretty black saddle and matching reins. Tom always had rode bareback before. This was the first time I had seen him put a saddle on that poor horse. 
He rolled his eyes at that. 
‘You think I’m soft, yeh? You and I were cut from the same cloth, love.’ He chuckled out.
‘You may be Gypsy, Shelby, but I don’t think you could ever get away from this place. You’re not much for travel, ya know. Too much business to be done, eh?’ I cocked an eyebrow at him. 
I looked back up to the sun and closed my eyes, as if I was daydreaming. 
‘If I had any family of me own left, I’d live out in the countryside, travellin from city to city, never settlin in one place. Get me-self lost out there, ya know?’  I laughed as I looked up at him. I was still sitting down on the grass, while Gleam had been fawning over the other horse. 
Tommy stood there, a few feet away from me. He didn’t respond for what felt like minutes. Instead, he just smirked down at me and stared. Something in the way that he was looking into me, it was the same way he looked at me last night. Not with lust, but something else, something different. 
Finally, he sighed, strutting over and taking his grey coat off. He threw it to the ground, being left in just his white button up. He looked much more muscular than before. This is the most I’d seen of him in years. Broad shoulders and arms and a slender torso. He plopped down beside me, straightening his legs out in front of him, pressing his hands slightly behind him, leaning back. I did the same. 
‘How’d ya find me out here?’ 
‘Don’t think I can remember your secret quiet places, Jas? I didn’t forget.’ He said as he closed his eyes and let his head fall back. 
I stared at his pale neck, his strong jaw, the way his hair danced when the small winds hit him. His lips slightly parted. Just the sight of him like this caused a wetness to pool in between my legs. Fucking hell, not again, I thought to myself, trying to look away. 
He turned his head, cocking an eyebrow in my direction as if he could tell I was aroused just by sitting next to him. But Tommy had that effect on most women. You were no different to the rest of the girls in Small Heath. 
‘She missed you a lot, ya know?’ I referred to Gleam, trying to change the subject. 
‘And I her.’ He said plainly, smirking over at the two horses who were nuzzling together in front of us. 
We sat there together, watching the horses play, not saying anything for quite some time. I felt like I needed to say something, but didn’t know what. Finally, I blurted out. 
‘I’m sorry about your mum, Tommy.’
He looked at me curiously and smirked. 
‘Me mum? It’s a little late for that, love, don’t ya think?’ He said jokingly. 
‘Me mum went out the same. She drank herself more fucking mad than she already was. She let it consume her. You shoulda seen the sight of her, Tom.’ 
‘I just want you to know that I understand now. I didn’t ever really get it before, but now it is clear. I’m so sorry Thomas. I think the lot of us might be fucking cursed, eh?’ I said, looking deep into his eyes, being brave. I wanted him to know that I cared. 
His face had softened, looking at me so tenderly, almost like he felt sorry for me. 
‘Jasmine, do not apologize. I wanted to say something to you when I got back, about ya mum, but just didn’t know what, yeh? I’m so sorry, truly.’
I stared into his eyes. Tears were welling up as I listened to his words. I blinked, hot water falling down my face. I turned my head away to avoid him seeing me blubber. I never talked about mum. Of course, Pol and Ada took care of me and were so comforting when she passed. Pol had a traditional funeral, turning her into nothing but smoke and ashes. There was a point where I became so numb that I didn’t feel anything ever. I didn’t feel sad or angry or happy, even. I was just existing. Then, Tom arrived home, and fucking hell, it felt like I came back to life. I hadn’t felt anything so deeply in so long, until the second he looked at me for the first time in four years.  
Tommy scooted closer to me, grabbing my face, forcing me to look at him. 
‘Tom, please…I’ll fall apart if you touch me.’
I tried to push him away, but he didn’t budge. He wanted me to see the sincerity on his face. 
He looked at me with wide, pleading eyes. I gave up fighting him, placing my forehead against his, still sobbing. I let my guard down completely for the first time. I closed my eyes as our skin made contact. He held me to his forehead for a few moments, synching my breathing with his. Inhaling as he exhaled, exhaling as he inhaled. He smelt of whiskey and cigarettes. I didn’t dare open my eyes while being this close to him. 
After a few minutes of purely breathing with Tommy, my sobs fell quiet and my tears dried up, but neither of us pulled away. Tommy’s large hands fell to my neck, covering my throat completely. 
‘Fucking hell Jasmine, I missed touching your skin, being near you, as much as I try not to.’ 
My heart nearly stopped. Was he serious? Or was he just trying to make me feel better?
‘Please don’t say it if you don’t mean it,’ I whispered into him. 
I cannot deal with rejection, especially not from Thomas fucking Shelby. 
‘Fuck off Jasmine, is it not obvious what you do to me?’ implying that I had some type of effect on him, which was not obvious to me in the slightest.
Even though I wanted to believe Tommy, I was still unsure of him. If he was being honest, why was he seeing Lizzy every night while I was laying alone, dreaming of him. I’d been so lonely. I was hurt when I shouldn’t be. But I felt too embarrassed to ask. 
Tommy looked like he was going to kiss me. Before I gave him the chance to even decide, I quickly crawled over to reach for Tommy’s coat he had thrown off earlier. I rummaged through his pockets, snagging his flask full of whiskey, a cigarette and match from his golden box. 
He chuckled at my attempt to get out of his grip. I took a few swigs from the flask and passed it to Tom. Handing him a cigarette, he placed it in between his lips and leaned over me, as I lit it aflame for him with the match. He inhaled quickly and took a swig of whiskey in the same breath. I lit one for me self, then too. 
‘Jasmine, now that both your parents are gone, just as mine, we are your family now, the Shelby’s. You will always be under the protection of The Peaky Blinders. Under my protection. You’ll always have a home with us, Jas, understand?’ he lowered his head to meet my gaze and raised his eyebrows, waiting for me to respond.
‘Yes Tommy. Thank you.’ I said shyly, looking down into my lap. 
‘Good. Now then, let’s go get a drink, yeah?’ He asked, brushing off his slacks as he stood up.
‘Didn’t think you’d ever ask.’ I smiled up at him and took his hand to lift me up.
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allandoflimbo · 1 year
I C E     P R I N C E S S  ∙ 5
Pairings: Popular Girl!Reader x Outkast!Bucky
Explicit Content - Smut - NO MINORS
Bucky Barnes is the quiet boy who gets picked on.
The Reader and her friends run with the popular crowd at Stark High.
As the Winter Ball approaches, she is partnered with Bucky Barnes for a class project. They grow close in an inadvertently secret friendship, which later turns into love.
Only catch is…she’s Steve Roger’s ex girlfriend, and before she was partnered up with Bucky, her friends had planned to use and turn Bucky into Stark High’s new it boy to try and get back at Steve; a disgusting bet.
Another catch: She’s a figure skater at the town’s arena every Tuesday and Thursday nights. Bucky works part time at the rink resurfacing the ice. The other doesn’t know.
Modern AU High School fic - later goes into adulthood.
Warnings: This story will have a lot of angst, a lot of fluff, a lot of cursing, and a lot of sex. Oral, praise kink, body worship, overstimulation, etc. you know me. There will also be loss of virginity in this.
Please support your content creators and writers and leave a review.
P R E V I O U S     C H A P T E R
YOU'RE walking after him, but he's not stopping.
Not until you touch his arm from behind.
He spins around to face you, making you stumble slightly.
Bucky is two things right now: furious and embarrassed.
"Stop trying to be nice to me." He says slowly but on edge.
You can literally see the frustration in his eyes.
He takes a step closer to you.
"This whole facade. Just because I'm your class partner, it does not mean we need to get along. You also don't get to change your mind about being nice after being so mean to me for so long. Just because you have a change of heart one day? Your pity on trying to get a good grade to get into whatever stupid prestigious school you want to get into does not change the fact that you are, and will always be, a bully," you could feel your eyes filling with tears as he went on, "Your sudden kindness does not erase your past. You can't convince me that there is one genuine nice piece of you in there. Everything you do is for a gain."
Your bottom lip trembled, and he almost regretted his words. Almost. They had been building up inside of him for so long, for so many years. While they might've been cruel and maybe made him no better than you, he had felt them for so long.
"You know nothing about me." You say.
"I know that you aren't a nice person," he says simply. And he's right, "Do you think it's kind the way your little friends have been treating me? Still treat me?"
"Again, I'm very sorry about that." He doesn't respond to your apology and you find yourself taking a step closer to him, your voice softening, "They shouldn't have done that since you arrived here to the states—"
"I've been in the same school as you since fourth grade!" He shouts so loudly that some of the people outside the restaurant turn to look at you. You watch him as he breathes hard, guilt consuming you, "That's how oblivious you are and how self conceited." You swallow the tight knot in your throat, "First of all, Princess," he snarls the word like an insult, "you reap what you sow and you are who you accompany yourself with. You've been the same girl for as long as I've known you. With your little preppy friends and your money and all your pep and school popularity; I know girls like you. Don't try to sit there and differentiate yourself from the people you call your friends, especially when you still call them your friends. You still stand there and let it happen." You're both silent as he stops. Your arms are crossed over you chest and your eyes are down at the sidewalk, "You embarrassed me the other day, not them. And whether it was purposeful or not I still can't decide." Your gaze drifts back up to see him walking away from you, but he turns around one last time, his eyes darting you up and down, "Also, I'm not from Europe, I moved from New York City," he tilts his head, "eight years ago. So that right there should be more than enough proof to show the kind of girl you are. I don't need your fake apology and I don't need this that you are offering."
You stare at your hands, at lost for words.
"We are study parents and that's it. After these next two months, I never have to see you or any of your little clique ever again."
You swallow hard, that knot in your throat painful as ever.
"You keep saying you are, you are, you are, but the truth is, Bucky, you know nothing about me."
"Just like you know nothing about me."
"Exactly." You both stare at each other after your reply.
"We don't need to know anymore than what we think we know. It doesn't matter anymore. I spent either years being hurt by all of you. I can handle a few more months until we are out of here." He says.
You don't know what to say anymore. It was like trying to pull teeth to get him to listen to you, to get anyone to listen to you. You don't know why you bothered. He was right.
Eight years and you never said a word to him? Were you that oblivious? You weren't in the same classes, that's for sure, but even then in the same school. You both always went to larger schools if what he says is true. It's completely possible for you to not have ever noticed him walking around, but yet he noticed you. Your friends noticed him. They picked on him and bullied him viciously.
Were you that oblivious? That naive?
Were you that blinded by everything going so well for you before your brother's death?
Was that your wakeup call?
You don't have the energy to listen anymore to the words you know are so true.
You've known them for the last few months. Him saying them to you, was just a tough pill to swallow.
You tug on the sleeves of your shirt. You quickly wipe under your eyes and cross your arms.
"Do your parents know I've been at your home while we've been alone?" There's something about his tone. Such a simple and random question.
"Yes." You answer simply, "They know. Why?" He watches you as you speak.
He never expected you to be like this. Princess and all, friends with a bunch of cruel people, he always expected you to be snark back just as fast as he was a few minutes ago.
He nods.
"I'm surprised your parents let us up there alone. Unless that's something they are used to?" His question offends you.
He's glad because he doesn't think he can have this chance ever again to make up the hurt he's felt for so long. He doesn't care that it makes him a hypocrite for the next few minutes.
"Excuse me?" Your tone is dark.
"They probably gave up on that a while ago, huh?"
He wasn't implying anything sexual, but more so that your parents gave you a lot of liberty. Now he realizes how he sounds.
"What? Excuse me, no. That's not—no." you quickly move towards him to stop him from leaving and he raises a brow at you, "I invited you into my room to study. And that's it. That's all they expect of me and they trust me enough. Even if that weren't the case, it's quite offensive that you would think I would invite you in there for that. That whole comment is offensive. I would never do that."
If there was anything that sounded like physical rejection to his ears, that was it.
"That's not what I was insinuating."
"You're insinuating that I'm a slut, slut-shaming me, and assuming that the only reason I brought you there was for something other than studying."
"Trust me. I know for a fact that I'm not attractive enough for that," there's something about his tone and the way he looks at you that breaks your heart. Oh that wasn't it at all. "I wasn't even talking about me. I was talking about your parents and how I'm shocked they allowed this is all. You don't have to keep reminding me constantly about how ugly and unwanted I am."
You're stunned at his comment and also confused. He was putting words in your mouth.
"I never said that." You whisper, shaking your head back and forth. He was giving you whiplash. He really was just throwing it at you one after the other, "I was simply talking about the comment itself, not you."
He stares at you for a few seconds longer and you both don't know what to make of your responses to the other.
"Just leave me alone. All of you."
He turns to go home and this time you don't stop him.
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Steve gets up from his seat as soon as he sees you walk through the door. You both arranged to meet at you favorite little Italian place.
"Hey," he gives you a side hug that you mutually return, "thanks again for agreeing to come."
"Yeah, it's a good idea we talk." You say, taking your seat across from him.
The waitress comes over and you both order some fries and a burger.
Steve smiles at you after he takes a sip of his Coke.
"So," you say, dabbing your lips with a napkin, "you and Peggy." You clear your throat as you watch his face drop, "how long had you guys been talking before that night?"
You prepare yourself for his response.
"We saw each other here and there for about two months. In the hallway at school, sometimes picking up food at Jacks. I swear, I never did anything with her during those two months and neither did I think about it. But we became close friends and then that day you saw us, I'm telling you the truth when I say it literally just happened."
You believe Stevie. He's been nothing but your best friend for the last few years. You knew the kind of guy he was, and you knew he was telling the truth. Still, it hurt. You really had thought he was the one. Maybe it's tied to your naiveness before the last year, but a part of you did believe in soulmates and high school sweethearts. You thought he was it.
You tell him this.
"I know. I feel the same way."
"But?" You ask, knowing that there was more for him to say, especially based off his comment from the other day.
"It was wrong what I did, I know that, but you know I'm also not one to do something like that for no reason."
"You like her, I get that." You say, thanking the waitress as she placed the fries between the both of you, "so you'll stay with her."
"I still care about you. I don't want this to end badly."
"You're my best friend," you say it as an affirmation, "as a girl, has my respect for you gone down a little for what you did? Naturally, yes. Of course it did. But you're still my friend. We've been through a lot together. It's just, is she okay with it? What you asked me the other day. About prom."
"She is." Steve nods, taking one of his own fries.
"Okay. That's that. I really don't see what else we need to talk about."
"Maybe about how good these fries are." He says.
You chuckle.
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You're shocked at how well your conversation with Steve went. He hugs you outside the diner and you both make your separate ways.
Your parents had the night shift again tonight so you wanted to be home early enough to cook yourself a bite to eat.
You decide to stop by Whole Foods real quick to grab some vegetables that you were low on. After so much practice, it doesn't take you longer than twenty minutes to find and pay for everything you need. It's as you're stepping out onto the sidewalk that you see him,
Bucky is coming down the opposite way, and his arms is hooked with an older woman's. They're both smiling and talking. You notice her pulling an oxygen tank next to her.
Your eyes go back up to Bucky's and your eyes meet.
His smiles falls off his face.
As you're approaching him even closer, even though you have no choice because it's your way to your car, you wonder what you should say.
Maybe a wave?
Just A smile?
It's a little smile that you offer him and the lady, who you can only assume is his mother, and shockingly he smiles back. But it doesn't reach his eyes; it's forced.
A breath leaves your lungs.
"Isn't that Y/N L/N?" Bucky's mom asks.
Bucky clears his throat and nods.
"Yeah, she's my study partner for Psych for that project I told you about."
"My god she's grown." She says with a little laughter in her tone. Bucky doesn't respond, "I remember when you had the biggest crush on her when you were kids."
"Mom." Bucky says sharply, she turns to look at him, that same smirk on her face he's grown to recognize so well.
That was years ago. He definitely did not feel that way anymore.
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Monday came quickly. That's what happens when you keep yourself busy.
You're turning the hallway to where your locker is when you see Bucky at his own locker, some feet farther down.
You take in a deep breath and straighten your back to make yourself feel taller.
You also tighten your arms around your pale blue notebook, as if that would do anything.
When you approach him, he looks at you a little at lost for what to do.
First, he looks surprised, then he looks confused.
You offer him a small smile.
He sighs and continues to grab his things for his first few classes.
You sigh too.
"Bucky," you notice the way his jaw tightens, "I wanted to apologize." He doesn't respond, "For everything." This time his movements stall for a second. He pulls out the last of the things he needs and then closes his locker.
He looks at you, frowning.
"Look, I don't need your pity." He says it slow and calculating.
You let out an exasperated sigh.
"It's not out of pity. I really am sorry for everything. I'm sorry my so called friends treated you horribly and that I stood by it without realizing. And I'm sorry that I was in my own little world for so long that I never noticed you," he closes his eyes and then his eyes drift down, "I'm sorry I ruined your shoes, okay? It wasn't on purpose. I really was trying to go up to you to apologize like I am now."
"Why is my acceptance of your apology so important to you?"
You look at him confused for a second and then shake your head. As if the answer was obvious.
"Why? Because you're a person with feelings, and it bothers me that I've contributed somehow to making you feel a certain way."
Something happens to him at your words. His face softens and so does his whole posture. He brings his books to his side and looks at you. He says your name for the first time and it makes something inside of you ignite. He had never said your name before to you. It's always been nauseatingly Stark High Princess.
"I—I went through something half a year ago that changed my life. That opened my eyes. I'm seeing what I never saw before, and hell you can continue to call me ignorant for it, but I don't want to be that anymore."
He looks briefly over your shoulder and then gives you a tight nod.
"Apology slightly accepted," A small smile fills your face and he tries to ignore it as best he can to stay focused, "We'll continue the next two months as is. But I have to get to homeroom now." He adds quietly, eyes meeting again.
"I'll take it for now." You say.
He nods.
He walks past you and you make your own way around.
You don't see him turn around one last time to look at you, a deep frown on his face.
He believes you a little. He decides he'll accept your apology, but he'll remain on guard. You'll be his partner for the next two months. You'll act civil around each other now.
To a certain degree, at least.
N E X T   C H A P T E R
Tag list: @dinoswierdmom @sebsgirl71479 @wintasssoldier @melimelbean @steadygoopangelhairdo @prettywhenicry4 @bonkybarnes106 @undeadhoneydew @midnightvitality @ene-rene @ccmarvelxx @hanahkatexo @gr33nleo​ @missaprilt23​ @lfaewrites @charmedbysarge @tilltheendofthelinepal9950  @buckybarnesandmarvel @ducks118 @lokisdrottning @kianamka  @toadstools119 @adoringsebstan @troubledhemmings @buckybarnesandmarvel @charmedbysarge @buckybarnesandmarvel​ @redbarn1995
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sequinsmile-x · 1 year
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The Light in the Morning
Somewhere along the way, they became each other's safe space.
This is just...pure fluff. I needed to write it to cheer myself up (the anxiety is real this week haha) and maybe you need to read it to cheer yourself up. So here we are!
Words: 2.6k
Warnings: None. Just...so so fluffy.
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Aaron smiles when the coffee pot in his hand is snatched out of it before he can put it down.
He looks up to see JJ standing in front of him, pouring coffee into the biggest mug she’d been able to find in the bullpen’s kitchen. 
“Rough night?” He asks, raising an eyebrow at her as she looks at him, her expression much more tern than usual.
“Henry decided he didn’t want to sleep, at all,” she complains, “So that meant I barely got to sleep. Will, of course, slept through it,” she mutters, putting the coffee pot down with a little more force than necessary, “I swear to God that man could sleep through a nuclear attack.” 
He chuckles and has a sip of his coffee, “Emily is like that,” he says, smiling fondly as he shares a personal detail he knows he wouldn’t in front of anybody else, “I think Jack could use every single one of his toys at the same time right next to her and she wouldn’t even twitch.” 
It had been five months since he and Emily got together. She’d given up on waiting for him to ask her out and kissed him one night after a casual dinner at his place, something that had become a regular thing between the two of them since she’d returned from Paris. She’d simply leant forward and stamped her lips against his, a half-drunk bottle of wine and empty containers of Chinese food on the coffee table next to them, her hand wrapped around his shirt collar to keep him in place. When she pulled back she laughed, and he joined in, their foreheads pressed together as they both came to terms with the fact everything had changed in an instant. 
Ever since then, they spent most of their time together. She’d become almost a permanent feature in the Hotchner apartment, something that delighted Aaron and his son in equal measure. He wanted her to move in, to take the next step towards what they both knew was forever, but he didn’t want to push her. 
She’d spent the previous night at her own place, purely because she’d run out of clean clothes at his, the laundry piled up because of the number of cases they’d been on lately. He’d missed her, the bed empty without her sleeping next to him and it made the urge to ask her to move in with him and Jack even stronger. 
JJ pauses as she lifts her coffee to her mouth, raising an eyebrow at him, “She’s a heavy sleeper?” She asks curiously, and he falters for a moment, clearing his throat before he carries on. 
“Yes,” he says carefully, “She always has been.” 
He can’t help but smile as he thinks of that very first night together. How he’d woken up the following day to find her still pressed up against him, her mouth hanging slightly open as she slept soundly. He remembered the embarrassed tinge to her cheeks when she woke up and realised she’d drooled on him, a small patch on the t-shirt he’d thrown on after their joint shower beneath where her head had been laying. He’d kissed her, stopped any apology before she could start it, and pulled her closer. He’d known then that he loved her. 
If he was honest with himself, he’d always known that. 
JJ hums, nodding as she takes a sip of her coffee, “Oh.” 
“Oh?” He asks, his curiosity getting the better of him.
“It's just���”JJ trails off as if she’s being careful about the words she’s choosing, not wanting to piss off her friend by exposing too much to her boyfriend, “Whenever I’ve shared a room with her, on a case when we’ve had to double up, or when we’ve crashed at Rossi’s drunk after a pasta night, she sleeps very lightly,” she chuckles, “One time she woke up because I rolled over in my bed on the other side of the room.” 
He frowns, his eyebrows knitting together as he tries to make sense of it, JJ’s explanation conflicting with his own experience of his girlfriend. The countless times he’d had to wake her up because she’d slept through both of their alarms. The way she clung to him even in sleep, her body pressed against him as she snored in a way she’d always deny when she was awake. 
“Oh,” he repeats and JJ places her hand on his arm, smiling knowingly at him, letting him know that she’s already figured out what he hasn’t yet. 
“I thought she looked more…well rested since you guys got together,” she says, squeezing his arm and winking at him before she lets go, “You’re good for each other.” 
JJ walks away, rolling her neck side to side as she makes her way to her desk and he watches as Emily arrives, smiling at her friend as she dumps her bag on her own desk. She turns and looks at him, and her smile gets wider. She walks over quickly and reaches out for his hand, squeezing it before she lets go, a small sign of affection that they allowed themselves in the office. 
“Morning,” she says, purposely standing closer to him than necessary as she pours herself a coffee. 
“Morning,” he replies, his hand on her lower back before she steps away, “I thought you were off coffee.” 
She smiles at him, and tries, and fails, to suppress a yawn, “I didn’t sleep well last night.” 
He frowns, concern flooding through him, “I’m sorry sweetheart, you should have called.” 
Her smile gets wider and she looks around to ensure they are still alone before she steps closer to him, reaching out and linking their fingers again, “What? So you’d lose out on sleep too?” She squeezes his hand, “I’m ok, I think I’m just spoiled by sleeping next to your big, warm body every night.” 
He nods and rubs his thumb over the heel of her hand, “You got more of your things to bring over?”
She has a sip of coffee and nods, “The trunk of my car is full of clothes,” she winks at him, “So you’re stuck with me for another few weeks before you get a night alone again.” He has to stop himself from asking her to stay forever right there and then, simply choosing to nod instead. She looks past him and let's go, and he turns to see the whole team looking at them, smirks on their faces, and he rolls his eyes before he looks back at her, “I wonder at what point they’ll stop treating us like a zoo exhibit.” 
“Probably at our wedding,” he murmurs without thinking, and his eyes go wide as she bites her lower lip to try and contain her smile. He clears his throat, “I should get to my office.” 
“Ok,” she replies, stepping back from him, “If I need a nap on your couch later I’ll let you know,” she winks at him once more before she walks towards her desk, leaving him alone in the kitchen.
He tries not to overthink the fact she only seemed to sleep well when he was around, but he fails. His chest filling with warmth at the knowledge that he made her feel as safe as she made him feel.
He jumps awake, startled as the credits of the movie they’d been watching come to an end and the DVD menu comes back up, the loud theme music filling the room. He blinks a few times and looks at the tv screen, grimacing as he comes face to face with Sully from Monsters Inc. 
Aaron turns to face his son, smiling as the young boy rubs his eyes as he lifts his head from Emily’s shoulder, who was fast asleep in between them, her face half-pressed into Aaron’s chest. 
“Hey buddy,” he says quietly, reaching over his girlfriend to ruffle his son's hair, “We all fell asleep.” 
Jack sighs, “But I love Monsters Inc.”
Aaron chuckles, “I know, we’ll watch it again soon,” he assures his son, who yawns as he stretches, “You go to bed, Jack. I’ll wake up Emily and then we’ll come tuck you in.” Jack nods and stands up, untangling himself from Emily’s side, who doesn’t move at all, and the stumble in his step lets Aaron know it’s likely he’ll already be fast asleep in his bed by the time he and Emily go in to check on him.
Aaron looks down at his girlfriend and smiles, taking the time to watch her. It had been several days since his conversation with JJ and he couldn’t stop thinking about it. He struggled to sleep himself as he watched her next to him, relaxed in a way she never was when she was awake, none of the pressures or stresses of their day-to-day lives weighing down on her. 
He hadn’t said anything to her about it, hadn’t asked her to confirm what JJ had said, even though he knew it was true. He didn’t want to draw attention to it, to disturb the peace she had found with him. Instead, he allowed himself to feel pride that he was able to give that to her, that he made her feel safe enough to relax entirely.
It was something she was owed after everything she had gone through. He hated to think of those nights in the lead-up to her showdown with Ian. How exhausted she must have been, nights that she had since told him that had been spent clutching her gun as it was pointed at the door, as if she was being hunted by the grim reaper himself. 
There were times when he was overwhelmed by the stress she had clearly been drowning in that he hadn’t seen at the time. It haunted him now, his brain coming up with all the different ways he could have saved her that were different to having to bury her. 
She deserved peace, and he would do anything to protect it.
He wants to let her sleep, but he knows she won’t thank him for leaving her here overnight. So he gently shakes her shoulder, pressing his lips to the top of her head as he whispers nonsense against her hair as she slowly wakes up, and the first sign of life is the groan she lets out. 
“Were you watching me sleep?” She asks, her words slurring slightly, her voice rough with sleep. He smiles at her as she turns her head to look at him, and she scrunches up her nose, “Creep.” 
He chuckles and kisses her forehead, “It’s not my fault you’re so beautiful all of the time.” 
She hums, purposely ignoring him, and wraps both of her arms around one of his, sighing as she tilts her head to look up at him, “I can’t believe I used to go out on a Friday night, and now I fall asleep watching kids' movies.”
“It’s better though, right?” He asks, and she smiles, finally sitting all the way up so she can kiss him. 
“Infinitely better,” she replies, kissing him again before she pulls back to look at him, uncurling one of her arms from his so she can cup his cheek, “I’d do it every night if I could.” 
He isn’t sure what makes him say it. Whether it’s the sleepy look on her face or the unmistakable love for him that is shining in her eyes. He doesn’t know if it’s because he woke up to find her pressed between him and his son, the missing part of their family that he hadn’t known was missing. He doesn’t know if it’s just because he loves her and can’t imagine ever waking up without her next to him again.
He knows it is probably all of it mixed in with everything that has happened to them already, and the promise of what was to come. 
“You could,” he says, smiling softly at her, “If you moved in.” 
She furrows her brow and sits back, her eyes wide as they search his as if she’s checking to see if he’s serious. She presses her lips together, a sure sign she is trying to hide a smile, but her dimples give her away. 
“Is this you asking me to move in with you?” She asks, her thumb tracing over his cheekbone.
He clears his throat and blows out a steady breath that catches in his chest, kept in place by his rapidly beating heart.
“Yes,” he chokes out, and the silence that follows is the longest second of his life, broken by the way she smiles at him and leans in to kiss him, her smile impossibly wider as she pulls back.
He frowns, confusion colouring his joy. “Wait, what?” 
“I thought you’d never ask,” she says, kissing him again as she climbs into his lap. His hand automatically find her waist, holding her in place against him as she carries on kissing him, her arms linking around his neck.
“You want to move in?”
She rolls her eyes at him, “Of course, I do honey,” she says, running her fingers through his hair, “I hate it when I’m not here. This place feels more like home than my apartment does, and that has everything to do with the fact you’re here,” she bites at the inside of her cheek, “I sleep better next to you. I feel happier. Why wouldn’t I want that all the time?” 
He smiles and pulls her closer, swallowing the laugh that she lets out as he kisses her, his hand slipping under her t-shirt, making her shiver as his palm presses into her skin. 
“I love you,” he says as he pulls back, stamping another kiss to her lips, “So much.”
“I love you too,” she replies, saying it quietly even though no one was around to hear, something just for the two of them, “I’m glad you asked,” she says, pushing his hair from his forehead, “I was running out of ways to hint.” 
He tilts his head at her and narrows his eyes, “What do you mean?” 
“Aaron, love of my life, haven’t you noticed most of my clothes are here? And quite a lot of my stuff.” 
He looks around, and for the first time notices that some of her books are here. That movies he has never bought are in amongst his DVDs, and trinkets and framed photos of the two of them and the team that used to be in her living room are scattered amongst his things. 
“You…you’ve been sneakily moving in?” He asks, his voice dripping with amusement. She nods, her cheeks turning slightly pink.
“Yes,” she replies, “For a while actually,” she says, “For someone who’s very good at their job you aren’t always observant.” 
He stares at her for a moment and shakes his head before he shifts forward, his hands on her thighs as he stands, ignoring the pull in his back as he holds her in place. He laughs as she shrieks, a sound she’d later deny, and wraps her arms and legs tightly around him. 
“It’s a good thing we napped,” he says, purposely grabbing her ass, making her laugh again as he steps away from the couch, “Since we won’t be sleeping anytime soon.” 
She laughs and kisses him, pulling back when he hauls her even closer, her legs tightening around him, “Aaron, be careful of your back. Don’t hurt yourself, or drop me.” 
“It’s fine,” he replies, making sure he’s got a good hold on her before he starts to walk towards his, their, bedroom, “I’ve got you,” he assures her, knowing she understands he means it in every possible way, and that he always would. 
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