#because i'd heard it was antisemetic
former-leftist-jew · 9 months
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"Christa... I felt the same. That it would have been better if I was never born at all. The world hated me just for existing. To give countless joy to many people, I gave up my life. But - when I did, I wished from the bottom of my heart. If someday I was given a second chance at life... This time. I would live for no one but myself!"
Ymir (left), convincing her beloved Cyrsta (right) to stop lowkey throwing herself into suicide missions to please the society that openly wish she'd never been born... because Ymir has spent her whole life hating herself for being Jewish "Aldean."
I'll admit, when I first saw this scene in Attack on Titan, I cried for like an hour, and had to process it for like a day. This show understands what it's like to go from a self-hating Jew trying to "pass" as goy, to learning to love yourself and live for those you love, despite the people who want you dead, better than most media I could name.
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
Gonna be real if i were jewish and i heard people chanting that i should be kicked out of my own country where all my ancestors were from i'd think it was at least a mite antisemetic.
The phrase implies that israel doesn't belong to the Jews and that the jewish do not belong in their home country. However you look at it, it is a call to expell the Jews (AGAIN)
We could argue "belong" till the cows come home, but the fact of the matter is the region is their homeland denying that isn't just Antisemitic it's also anti fact.
The "rock" in the dome of the rock is the location for the Holly of Hollies, there about that or the Well of Souls underneath it, there's too much archeological evidence as well as written evidence going back to dynastic Egypt, and genetics proves they're the same folks that were there then.
Anyone that says something about 'settler colonialism' is an idiot too, you can't colonize your homeland, migrate back yes, but you're not a colony you're a returned.
Imagine telling the Chumash they're colonizing Santa Barbra, you'd get laughed out of wherever you are.
Lat bit there, wild how many times they've been expelled too, not 100% though but Neo-Assyrian empire dragged a bunch off in the hopes of having them assimilate into the culture where they dropped them same with the Babylonians.
Persians let them return, books of Nehemiah and Ezra cover that in the Torah/bible also in the records of the Persian empire, the same guys from Thermopylae.
Spanish inquisition, if you ever hear about a random Jewish community in Latin America it's gonna be because of that
Somehow they keep finding their way home eventually, this time they're going to continue to refuse to be scattered again.
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franki-lew-yo · 28 days
Warning: heavy post
If I get called a 'pick-me' for this than so be it but for a second can we all please unlearn somethings when calling out zionists? And by 'somethings' I'm talking about antisemetic microaggressions? Even if not all zionists are Jewish, there are a lot that are and yes, you still shouldn't call Jewish people 'lizard brained', 'goblins' or like refer to Jewish people as 'ruling the world behind the scenes'. Did...did the discourse over the Harry Potter goblins teach you NOTHING? You know why/how those things can be bad to say about or in context of Jewish people, right?
Inb4 I hear anything along the lines of: "This should be about the Palestinians, not Jewish snowflake's fee-"
YOU CAN HAVE EMPATHY FOR MULTIPLE TYPES OF SUFFERING PEOPLE. You can -and should- donate to Palestinian families in crisis and call out Israel for what's it's doing and always done; you can be pro-Palestine and also not call Jews things associated with blood libel, and also maybe probably not presume being Jewish = being pro-zionist. That's like...really messed up to do. The subject of Israel and where exactly you stand on it has become a permanent part of Jewish community discourse which is WHY gents feel uncomfortable weighing in on it.
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Like, I don't envy the position of being Jewish right now and loving your family and proud of your heritage but also being pro-Palestine. I've heard stories and seen some really vile behavior about what people presume of you for being an antizionist Jew, both within Jewish communities and out. Antisemitism is still bad. Comparing the genocide in Gaza to other certain genocides in history* is one thing, using Nazi and redpilled 4chan memes to mock Jewish people, even the @$%holes like Ben Shapiros and Dennis Pragers of the world, is sick.
*again, for the unteenth time: the first piece of media I'd ever seen that outright made comparison between victims of Israel and the holocaust was Waltz with Basir, which is an Israeli film: That movie ends with footage of the Shaba and Shatila massacre, with the former IDF soldiers from the film comparing what they saw and did to the holocaust while being the children of holocaust survivors. Don't know what Ari Foleman's full feelings are now- it's been awhile since I checked -but yeah. That movie didn't mess around because it's a horrible truth.
It is the duty of all of us to stop the occupation of Palestine. Do not treat Jewish people inherently like they're the problem. Colonialism is the problem. Call out zionists by calling them colonialist racists warmongers, not by using goddamn holocaust imagery for goodness SAKE.
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vaspider · 2 years
I have a question that I'm wanting to ask with respectful intentions. I saw Jesus Christ Superstar today. I'm not Christain in practice, though I understand I'm culturally Christian. I went because I've heard it's amazing show "whatever your religion" and the music is phenomenal. Which, it's Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice and their music usually slays. I'd done no research on the show. Went in uninformed. I just really like musical theater. Anyway, I'm rambling. I did somewhat enjoy the show, but it was giving me antisemetic vibes that honestly made me really uncomfortable. Which is good. I want to be uncomfortable with antisemetic things. I want to be angry about antisemetic things. Anyway. I'm not asking you to validate my emotions. My real question is that I'm new to learning to recognize antisemitism when I come across it, so I just want confirmation on whether I'm correct in my assessment. Google gives me nothing but Andrew Lloyd Webber assuring people it's not intended to make Jews look bad, and others parroting him and some back and forward around that. So I'm hoping I can ask you. I'm not looking for any more of an answer than you have time, patience, and spoons for. I even am pretty sure I understand *how* it's antisemetic if it is. I just want to know if I'm correct and successful in my assessment. Please and thank you for any answer you might give me.
Yeah it's really fucking terrible.
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franki-lew-yo · 2 years
My speech and social interaction is lame as hell so pardon me if this is a weird question, but I think it's relevant since people are currently talking about allies being performative anyway.
Is there a way to posit a question without disturbing any communities tags?
Example 1: Say I want to ask is goblins in media are inherently antisemetic or not. How do I ask that/what tags do I use? Isn't "jumblr" or even "jewish tumblr", "gentile", or "jewish history" invading the tags and tacky to do when I'm asking as a curious gentile and not in the Jewish community myself?
"Just ask a friend"/"Get a Sensitivity reader"
Yeah I know but,
I'm not looking for single opinion and I'm not looking for use in any of my own writings. I'm legit just curious as an 'outsider' to this (if I do end making something that, for whatever reason, involves someone else's perspective obv then I'd seek out a beta reader). I think a lot of allies, when they hear about a topic or insight they legit can't speak for, want to see a thread/discussion/talk being held to get an idea of the broader opinion - not to have an opinion themselves just to know what they're getting into/what's this all about'.
It's the feeling of wanting somesort of insight without making other people feel like they exist just to be your insight??
Example 2: Say I were a trans sensitivity reader and a cis person paying me for my intakeopinion that'd be, like, my job. Noproblem. But if I'm off the clock and some cisally asked me if they should block people for playing Hogwarts Legacy because they heard from their other ally-friend that they should, what would I even say to that? What if I
have very specific feelings abt Harry Potter outside the controversy? would/how would my perspective be 'off'?
don't know if the person's friend was speaking in earnest or if the person asking me is just speaking in hyperbole? It's none of my business to get that involved, I know, but that helps me to know what to say.
don't want to have an opinion myself?
don't want to be asked that??? I mean unless I'm known by my watchers for tackling this kind of stuff how could I know?
There's only one demographic I belong to and that'd be people with autism and I gotta say I'm not always comfortable when neurotypical people ask me for my specific autist opinion (especially irl). I can't speak for every autistic, adhd+ocd person in the world! We're not a hive mind and we definitely don't all share the same opinion on something. Now, I may be more inclined or interested in eventually replying if I saw a post posited to multiple people. Like if I say something that read: "is it okay to headcanon 'x character 'as autistic when I'm not autistic; is that stereotyping?" I'd give my own niche opinion best I could as someone with that disability and hope the person I'm talking to knows that that still only accounts for me and keep looking.
Is everything I'm describing legit too distinct a question? Is this a Franki and/or just autistic person problem or does any one else relate to this feeling regarding being asked or asking around for insight? How much of this has anything to do with allies of any race/gender/minority speaking for other people?
Part of me thinks this is just my own incompetence talking to other people...but I don't know.
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