#because like it or not porsche is so much more suited to mafia life
pharawee · 1 year
"tawan would have lived an ordinary but good life if he didn't meet kinn" excuse me Jane? Making me feel for that hoe??
No but seriously that's making me think and I think it's more of korns doing than kinn. Because everyone says kinn was soft until tawan betrayed him and yeah my brain doesn't have enough cells to be more coherent
Ohoho! I'm so glad you sent me this ask. I have so many ~thoughts~ about Tawan.
I mean, let's face it. Tawan isn't a good person. With the way he kidnapped and then kicked an unconscious Chay he might not even be redeemable (if he didn't, you know, die).
I have this headcanon that Tawan (in the series - in the book he's just ?? ???) led an ordinary life until he met Kinn. I mean, they met where? At uni? I bet Tawan was cute and flirty and ambitious, and Kinn was pretty much Mr Perfect. His lifestyle must have seemed so glamourous and appealing to an outsider like Tawan (because I don't think he was part of that whole mafia thing at all).
And I believe Tawan when he says that it all began to fall apart when some rival mafias started threatening his family (because all the best lies are told when you add a bit of the truth to them). I don't think Tawan meant to betray Kinn. I think he was just way in over his head and panicked. Which of course made him a liability and a threat. So yeah, you're right, Korn would have realised right away and made sure that his empire Kinn is safe. He probably thought it a kindness to let Kinn think that Tawan had always been a mole and that shooting him was the only choice left to him (because we know Kinn is too soft and would have never done so otherwise).
So, yeah, it might not have been Kinn's intention, and perhaps his only fault lies in being too naive and too blinded by love but, in a way, Kinn loving Tawan was Tawan's downfall.
And of course, that's when Vegas swept in and gleefully manipulated what was left of Tawan further until all that remained was blind devotion. Who in their right mind would even believe all of Vegas' sweet nothings? All it needed was a ring - which is such a simple and sad and very un-mafia-like thing. I feel like not even Vegas fully realised that Tawan was never cut out for all of that mafia stuff. In the end, it turned him into the loose cannon that we meet in the series.
That isn't to say that Tawan is a victim only. He's more like... collateral damage. Weak and very human. A tragic villain, at most. A very pretty and unhinged and amazingly acted one at that. He totally stole the show for me and sometimes I still make up little fics in my head about him before I fall asleep lmao
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aeternallis · 10 months
It's honestly so fascinating to me how Porsche and Chay would handle the sudden wealth that fell onto their laps very differently.
Like, in that final scene on the boat, Porsche thanks Kinn—perhaps for reconnecting him and his brother to their mother, for loving him, for staying by him, etc., but I’ve always had a gut instinct that he was also thanking Kinn for getting him out of the gutter hole he’s been in for most of his life, yknow?
I mean think about it, he’s been the sole provider for Chay almost all his life, having to also deal with Arthee’s gambling habits, and making sure the last, physical legacy left behind by his parents remains out of the hands of loan sharks.
It’s no wonder in that final scene in the show, he’s confidently putting on the business suit that compliments Kinn’s colors, can ask Kinn almost a little too arrogantly, “does the Minor Family really have anything to do with the Main Family?” He’s sitting on that couch man-spreading with his arms stretched wide open, because not only does Kinn give him the validation that he belongs in this opulent new world, he has proof of it through his mother. While he’s happy that his mother is alive and that they can be a family again with Chay, Nampheung is also his excuse for staying in the glittering world of the mafia, yknow?
And what a load off his shoulders to finally not have to worry about money, to not have that sort of noose around his neck anymore. Sure, there are risks and dangers to this new life of his—but the rewards make it worthwhile for him. And besides, he’s high on the high-stakes lifestyle he’d been living with Kinn all this time. They’ve made it through some serious shit, how could they not be fated to be together forever?
It’s why he can thank Kinn so sweetly as he does in the boat, and just as easily, pledge his life to him.
But Porchay is so much more levelheaded between the two of them, despite being the younger one, despite being the one who has been sheltered by Porsche all his life.
Maybe it’s the pain of heartbreak from Kim, maybe it’s that he’s always been able to read when Porsche is hiding something from him, maybe it’s because for the first time in his life, he really is alone in making a decision for himself, without feeling obligated to make Porsche happy—maybe it’s due to all of these things that, unlike Porsche, he hesitates to quickly jump into the grandeur like his older brother.
I don’t necessarily think it’s that Chay has anything against material luxuries—he appreciates and covets them like any other person, if his initial reaction to Kim’s bribe gift of the new guitar is anything to go by.
But his immediate instinct is definitely not to feel like he’s entitled to them, or that he’s free to enjoy them.
I think for Porchay, it's more along the lines that he struggles with allowing himself to enjoy material luxuries in the first place. It's why he's more easily able to let go of the idea of going to college, to sell the house and move to a smaller dwelling with Porsche, why he can let go of the opportunity to go to Kim's school, like he'd originally wanted.
And it would line up more with his mindset too, in the way he's always thought of himself as unlucky. He doesn't allow himself to enjoy the material luxuries or any sort of opulence, because he's all too aware of how easily such things can be taken away from him. He's had multiple instances of it even throughout the show: he thought the money that Porsche had received from trading in the watch was safe, only to find out that Arthee had gambled it away. He thought the guitar from Kim was a sincere gesture of friendship and perhaps something more, only for it to turn out that Kim had been using him.
Perhaps he even thought that Porsche had genuinely found his dream job at the bar-at the very least, when he'd read that letter his older brother left-he looked like he wanted to believe it. Only for it to turn out that Porsche had put them in a lot of danger by becoming involved with the mafia.
Porsche may have not had access to the sort of luxury goods Khun, Kinn, and Kim have had all their lives, but during his time as a bodyguard, his salary was most likely nothing to sniff at either. And Chay would have had access to some of that money.
And yet, for all that he could have just gotten Kim something that was store-bought, the gifts he chooses to give to Kim are extraordinarily humble, more sentimental than anything else.
No wonder the guitar Kim had given him could so easily be discarded, yet it's Kim sending him their song that ultimately moves him to tears.
Porsche wanted the financial relief and security that the world of the mafia could provide for his family. But what Chay wants is something more lasting; when he tells Porsche he wants him to have peace, it goes without saying that that's what he wants for himself also.
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yujeong · 6 months
i spotted some talk of ace vegas 👀 please continue if you want.
there's a lot of demi pete acknowledgement, but i can totally get why vegas would be a service top as an ace person
Hey there, anon! Thank you so much for sending me this! I'd love to expand on my thoughts actually, since I'm pretty sure I haven't stumbled across any posts that delve into this headcanon about Vegas. However, before saying more, I'd like to give 2 important disclaimers: 1. I'm not ace, or at least I don't think I am (sexuality has been a fraught topic to me for the past couple of years, I try not to think about it), so everything I'm about to say should be taken with a grain of salt - as well as be corrected if I say sth stupid or inaccurate, 2. The "ace Vegas" headcanon isn't an original thought of mine. A former fandom friend had mentioned it once in a server I used to be a part of, and it intrigued me. Now, on to the topic at hand. Apologies in advance, because this ended up being super long: Vegas' sexuality and how he expresses it has been a very interesting topic to me due to how much emphasis is put on it throughout the show. From the way he flirts with Porsche (horribly) to the way his room is decorated or the way he dresses and acts, the man oozes sexual appeal, so much so that he rivals Kinn, aka the horniest man on planet Earth. But the more we get exposed to it, the more it makes me wonder: is Vegas really a "sex freak" or is he using it as a weapon to win against Kinn? Because if Vegas copies other things Kinn does in order to win against him - the suits, the boyfriends, the mafia tactics - why wouldn't he copy his (presumed) sex life? Why wouldn't he try spicing up his image as this scary sadist with the cuffs and the whips and the XL vegan condoms, in order to rival his cousin? Adding the ace aspect here, it could also be a way for him to cope with the fact that he hasn't experienced sexual attraction towards anyone in comparison to Kinn (because it is of vital importance to me that everything Vegas thinks about himself is because of Kinn). He can see how Kinn stares at the men he fucks, he can see the hunger; it's sth he lacks. He feels inferior to Kinn due to this, he feels like a freak - as he told Pete, I'll expand upon that line later - so, he overcompensates for it.... ...which brings me to the mirror scene. Yes, that mirror scene. I'd say it's one of two scenes that could discourage someone from having the "ace Vegas" headcanon, due to how Vegas is alone and fantasizes about Porsche while (I assume) touching himself, BUT I have two counter-arguments to that: 1. Vegas is so deep into this facade he's put on that he's trying to persuade himself to feel powerful for managing to incapacitate Porsche, even though he eventually failed to do what he had wanted to, 2. Vegas isn't fantasizing about Porsche himself, but rather the thing he did to him, the act. He managed for a little while to have the upper hand on him, and that power makes him feel good (aka horny). Is it a stretch? Maybe. Since a lot of fans love Vegas being a hardcore sadist who practices BDSM (something I'm in the minority of), perhaps ace Vegas doesn't sound believable - even though a LOT of ace people practice BDSM, as is known. Now, let's examine VegasPete in this context:
Vegas hadn't shown any interest to Pete pre-spying shenanigans, and even then, he mostly taunts the poor man. Condoms and ass grabs and merits, that's the most he does to Pete up until ep10, when he has him tied up in his basement and tortures him. I do love how most of the torturing he does to Pete is sexual or has sexual implications (RIP Pete's balls). It emphasizes how Vegas uses sex as a weapon to achieve his goals, whatever those may be - which, in Pete's case, are just him trying to redirect his intense anger from his failure onto someone else. Vegas knows how powerful sex is - it's why he used it to drive Pete's attention away from his issues after they buried the hedgehog and Pete told him he shouldn't hit himself. And being ace, he's more detached to it (by not being attracted to the person he's using his tactics against), so he's better at it. He excels at it, it gives him a perverted sense of self-confidence. Now, their NC scene is one of my favorites exactly because of what anon mentioned: Vegas reads so much as a service top in it. He is 100% focused on Pete and how good he's making him feel. His own orgasm can very well be considered an afterthought and it's perfect. With all of this, I can't help but see the possibility of him being ace. The last 2 things I want to mention are from the next scene, because they're also arguments that could be used against this headcanon: 1) "Do you know how sexy you are?" and 2) "I thought I was a freak, until now" Ok, so, a question: if we take into consideration the idea of Vegas being ace - a Vegas who compares himself to Kinn, a Vegas who uses sex as a tool, a Vegas who thinks of himself as an unlovable monster, a Vegas who hates himself to the point of being suicidal - then what's the most probable outcome of him having the first actual good sexual experience in his life? Answer: he'll get hella confused lol What I mean by this, is that Vegas didn't suddenly become allosexual from this experience with Pete. Vegas simply... fell in love. (or, more accurately, the feeling that had been building up inside him since the pill kiss cemented itself in his heart after they had sex) And what do some people do when they have a similar experience? They confuse romantic love with sexual attraction, thinking they experienced one thing when they did the other. That's what I believe happened with Vegas. He thought he's not a freak because he figured he's sexually attracted to Pete, when in reality the poor fucker loves Pete romantically. If we can accept the fact that Vegas knows shit all about proper BDSM practices (Pete isn't even looking that up lmao), then he sure af doesn't know about the differences between sexual and romantic attraction. Hence, what he told Pete. I think that's all I wanted to say, which is a lot already haha, but in order to properly expand upon this issue, I needed to write an essay of a post. I'm sorry if it was tiring and thank you again anon for your ask ❤️❤️
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What if Chay moves on healthily because no matter the reason , Kim's actions were shitty? Ok how about if Chay goes to therapy to deal with the "murder cat leaving bodies in the bar" incident , and talks and figures out his shit with a mafia approved therapist (I'm looking right at you , the person who wrote the ff) , and she is adamant about boundaries and respect , trust and basic needs in a relationship ??
And Chay , being the good boy that he is , listens. And understands. And actively works towards bettering his mind . He understands what Kim did is wrong on many levels and also that he should never settle for less , that he should never throw himself away , or be sad over other people and their horrible behaviour.
And he rediscovers his passion for music , goes to the very same college , and focuses on his life.
Gets an internship, moves to the US , where they specifically ask him to stay because they'd love to have him full term. And he builds his own life there , Vegas and Arm keep him off the radar , and he lives his life almost normal. No involvement with the mafia on a surface level.
Porsche though , still cursing himself for undermining Chay's safety during the coup , makes him take self defence lessons. Which quickly progress to advanced defensive tatics, much to Porsche's shocked surprise. Porchay has particular penchant for throwing knives . He's been trying with axes these days , more damage and incapacitating, Chay says on facetime to a proud but worried Porsche .
Kim doesn't know about any of these. Any information he craves about Porchay would have to come from Tankhun , Kinn or Porsche , and it's not like he's on speaking terms with any of them . He could visit Tankhun and fish for gossip , but even he seemed very tight lipped about Chay and his US college life .
Had Chay asked them all to keep it quiet? Kim did try to track the transactions and Chay's daily bodyguard tail info. Even that was so heavily underground that the only thing he could be sure about was that Chay was alive . Was Chay ordering it be this way??
Till one day , Kim realises that the ever present tightness in his chest , the heartache when he hears Chay's old studio recordings , videos they filmed together and even the major family cctv footage from before he left , is all Kim has left of his love. Because yes , Kim did love Chay , and he was too much of a coward to say it openly ,to even admit to himself and now he wants to say it out loud to the entire world , but there's no one to hear it.
Meanwhile Chay only ever thinks about Kim in anger and hate over what he did , and pity for Kim's supposed reasons , but also derision at the fear those reasons were trying to hide. Only ever thinks about him when his music is on his mind , but that music no longer making the bridge towards love .
And after two years when he returns , Chay is Porchay Pichaya Kittisawad , a man who has lived content with his friends and lovers , grown into his role as the minor family heir : with eyes that could melt hearts and hands that could stop them.
Kim doesn't even get notified when Chay returns , and the news is unceremoniously dumped on him five minutes before Porchay is walking into the ballroom clad in his pristine navy suit, fluid even in his stillness , joking with Porsche and Kinn , looking every part the heir , that Kim suddenly fell short. He used to be the mysterious heir , who everyone gravitated towards. Noone was looking at him anymore. While the years made him grumpy and unapproachable , the same seemed to have bettered Chay , like the finest of wine.
He even looked different. No more the stumbling shy blushing kid , he stood tall , taller than Porsche , and was making smalltalk with the snakes who Kim had threatened for trying to monopolise the profits last month , with the air of a prince meeting his long lost distant relatives.
The more Kim watched him , the more his confidence shrunk. Maybe he could make himself known after a few guests leave.
Porchay caught his eye at that exact moment , stopped and stared , then smiled at him and raised his glass.
Kim bowed his head slightly and turned away. He had lost track of whatever conversation he was pretending to be a part of.
He had to excuse himself to the bathroom to get his bearings and there , the gilded mirror pointed out the unwelcome red dusting his cheeks. His eyes looked overly bright and he looked like he'd run a mile.
Had Porchay forgotten everything?? The silent touches , the night spend cuddling , the days spent making music together , did they mean nothing to him anymore?? Maybe he doesn't want his brothers to notice anything. Of course he definitely hasn't told anyone anything because Kim would've known from Porsche , for sure, if he had.
Maybe Porchay wanted to keep things on the down low. Maybe they'll talk after the guests leave and he'd slip back into the old comfortable familiarity. Right now ,he was anything but familiar. And it didn't feel comfortable when Porchay looked at him so casually.
There was no longer that twinkle in his eyes for Kim , that used to be only reserved for him.
Porchay was lounging on the couch by the kitchen , drinking juice straight out of the carton , Porsche sitting with his feet on his lap and torso supported on Kinn's when Kim entered. Tankhun was taking the other couch all to himself while paying strict attention to whatever Porsche was saying. They looked every bit the picture of family , that Kim suddenly felt like *he* was the outsider.
That he was the one who was introduced into this less than 3 years ago , and he was the one who had went away for two of them .
When his entry caught everyone's attention , tankhun patted the seat next to him and offered him a smile , which Kim returned while he lowered himself by his brother's side. He could easily fall into the conversation that resumed, about music , business , gossip they'd missed , bodyguards who joined , vegas, pete and macau and even little Venice.
After they all left tired to their rooms , Kim wondered if Chay would pay him a visit that night. He couldn't sleep till sunrise , but Chay still didn't show up.
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Untitled KinnPorsche University AU snippet? [grabby hands]
Summary: Porsche is recruited from an underground fighting ring to work as a graduate research assistant for professor Kinn Theerapanyakul, a preeminent criminologist doing an ethnographic study on opioid trafficking in covert mafia-run fight scenes. Porsche quickly gets in way, way over his head--in more ways than one.
“You’re quite the fighter, aren’t you?” Porsche hears over his shoulder. 
The tenor of the voice makes him hesitate for a spare second–it’s deep and seductive and really far too nice for this grim basement smelling of blood and piss and unwashed socks–but only for a second. He grunts noncommittally and continues toweling the sweat out of his hair. 
“Did you ever go to college?”
It’s such a non-sequitur that Porsche forgets himself and turns to look at the man, mouth already forming a smartass retort. Unfortunately, he’s swiftly struck mute because this guy is gorgeous, like, the type of gorgeous that will absolutely, definitely, 100% get him beaten black and blue down here in the gutters of the city. 
He’s also dressed to the nines in a fitted suit that fades from red to a sort of dark gray. Porsche isn’t exactly well acquainted with modern fashion–his white tees and chucks suit him just fine, thank you very much–but even he can tell that the way this man is dressed screams money. 
Shit, this blindingly handsome idiot is about to get his ass handed to him the second anyone other than Porsche gets a glimpse–wait, is that a fucking Rolex? 
Porsche briefly considers robbing the man blind himself, but quickly puts it out of mind. He’s paying his and Chay’s bills well enough with his fighting gig. Mostly. 
Instead, he smiles his sunniest smile up at the dark, mysterious (handsome, handsome, so handsome) man. 
“Community college graduate, at your service.” He sketches a little bow from his seated position. “Also, you’re about to get beaten within an inch of your life, dude. You should probably skate before someone notices you’ve got more money than God.”
There, Porsche warned the guy. He’s officially done his good deed for the day. 
The man smirks at him and shifts his weight, subtly showing off his muscled arms and shoulders under the tight fit of his jacket. 
“Thanks for your concern, but I can take care of myself.”
Porsche raises an eyebrow at him. Plenty of muscle bros think they can hack it against trained and seasoned fighters. They all, without exception, leave in an ambulance. 
“I don’t think vanity muscles play very well in this crowd,” he says, and for some reason he also bats his eyes at the man like some horrible cheesy flirt. What the fuck, Porsche, pull it together. 
“Hmm, maybe we’ll find out. Care to escort me to the exit?” the handsome man asks, and suddenly Porsche understands. He’s being propositioned. Oh, fuck. It’s happened before, but it’s always been easy to turn down. Sure, he’s basically selling his body in an underground fighting ring, but he’s really not interested in selling it any other way.
Still, for some reason, the word ‘no’ is having trouble making it past his lips. Instead, a stream of numbers is flowing through his head. How much would be enough? 
He’s never been so happy to see someone break a door down in his life, because now he doesn’t have to know what his price would have been. Instead, as the thugs bent on robbing handsome mystery dude descend on them, Porsche lands a sweet spinning kick to the first guy’s temple, grabs handsome man’s wrist, and pulls him out the back door.  
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kinnporsche finale ep 14
this was fun as hell! truly cannot thank @vegaseatsass enough for getting me to watch it less than a month ago. really put in the work there, bb <3
shit i loved about episode 14:
vegas just out here wearing a silk pajamas shirt as a top like some kind of thrifty lesbian. more importantly, he warns porsche! he does care about him! (the alternate interpretation is that he's doing it for pete. honestly porque no los dos?)
the first time i watched the finale i was slightly stoned and upon seeing gun, whispered very sincerely to my wife, "that's how you can tell they're in the past. his ascot is smaller."
i'm so sorry, but the incest fake out is extremely funny to me
the audacity of korn to claim that he lost track of porsche and porchay when they are still living in their parents' house. unless he straight up forgot they existed for the last ten years, he damn well knew.
lol kim would rip chan's throat out with his teeth fiven five minutes.
my hottest take for this fandom is that i think porsche was always in the family, he just didn't know. so going from being totally in the dark at the start to being in a position where he can do something about it is strongly hopeful. gun and korn's fucking around has finally been found out, which means porsche and kinn can start their own fucking around.
my second hottest take is that i don't think it really matters which brother shot his dad. i think the years long captivity of his mom is the much worse thing.
actually it's very hot of kinn when he starts shooting at board meetings. the subtle red stripe to his suit is such a chef's kiss moment. i love that he really hasn't killed a ton of people, which makes this moment a little bit shocking.
what in the bougie ass head camp counselor fuck is this war outfit, gun?
i'm! on! your! side! and that, i think, is why korn has, at bare minimum, not totally won. yes, he is masterful at pulling the strings, but he's dealing with people not puppets and there is inherent unpredictability (and incest apparently) in that.
kinn getting in one last grope in case he dies and this is his last chance. the hug/dance/shooting sequence is a work of art.
the saddest thing about vegas is that kinn has consumed so much of his interior life and kinn doesn't really think that much about him at all. also the panic in kinn yelling "don't" is great for me personally, known enjoyer of hot men suffering.
oh shit we've come full circle and we're running through parking garages again! somewhere in the hospital where big is definitely alive he just rolled his eyes and doesn't know why.
"if i die today, could you be the one to kill me?" DERANGED (positive)
"because i'm hungry"/"are you very hungry" once again my soul exits my body and flies toward the sun. the way vegas's voice breaks on "why did you follow me?"
can you imagine what the other mafia families in the world make of this shit? korn's nephew taking power, also fucking korn's son.
it's actually very funny that most of the time kinn and porsche are fucking it's to the soundtrack of kinn's baby brother singing a song about porsche's baby brother.
i find tankhun sending that photo really fucking pointed and i love that about him
and finally, macau's response of, "i was eavesdropping obviously" is the exact little brother energy i appreciate in this family.
obvi the next step for vegas and pete is getting vegas to understand that someone can be both the most important person in the world to you and also a beloved pet.
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scarlettundrhett · 1 year
all these people think loves for show but id die for you in secret by hawkshadow
Relationship: Vegas/ Pete
Words: 2886
Guys, you're doing it all wrong.
Take a cue from Vegas. If you have to have a business meeting, don't take the office, don't take a boring conference room, forget about having your employees walk around in appropriate suits with ties!
He’s practically naked; the top is a sheer silk blouse that is open to the chest, with the smallest pair of black shorts Pete has ever seen. (…) “That isn’t what I sent over.” Vegas’s eyes trail down Pete’s chest, lingering on the front of the blouse, half unbuttoned. Pete expects Vegas to say something more, disdainful and cruel, but what he doesn’t expect is for Vegas to reach out and unbutton the last three, all the way down until the silk shirt flutters open, settling at his sides. “You’re overdressed.”
And - isn't there something still missing?
“One more thing,” Vegas says, his voice rough and low into Pete’s ear. He flinches, shoulders jumping up in a natural defensive position, tensing as Vegas’s fingers find the smooth skin of his neck. “A collar, for a well trained pet.”
Yes, baby. Now the conference can begin.
Vegas knows where to hold meetings and we wonder what the hell we're doing wrong in our dull lives.
Actually, Porsche would have been Vegas' first choice. Sure Kinn won't let that one go ( although I would have loved to see Porsche in that outfit too). Just being the stopgap isn't very flattering for Pete, but Vegas is annoying everyone.
I like metaphors and this one is one of the nicest, how much Vegas gets on Kinn's nerves.
Vegas somehow crawling under Kinn’s skin like an allergic reaction, a rash spreading out anywhere it can reach.
Pete wouldn't put it quite that way.
Vegas is poison incarnate, seduction and carnality in the way he breathes and speaks, a distraction to disarm you until he can slit your throat; and oh how Pete aches . Vegas is power and control, precision and dominance; just a single order from him and Pete would drop to his knees and beg . And oh , how he aches for it, the orders that Vegas won’t give him, the orders that Vegas will never give him, because Pete is invisible. Forgettable.
The environment is neat and appropriate for someone like Vegas.
Shit, my life is so wrong.
There is sex everywhere . Pete isn’t a prude, not by any means, but he is mature enough to admit he might be a little repressed. (…) He didn’t think he would ever be here, in a club surrounded by semi to fully naked bodies engaging in numerous acts of public play (finding it?) arousing, but he can’t deny the heat pooling in his stomach. His gaze settles on a man on his knees, mouth around another man’s cock. The man on his knees has his eyes closed and he looks peaceful, content in a way that Pete aches for. The other man has his hands in his hair, holding him in place.
Honestly, I don't really know what kind of meeting takes place then. I don't know, and I think the author lost sight of that a little bit, but, hey, guys, do we really want to hear about the intricate dealings of the mafia family right now? Why talk to someone when you can get your dick sucked by them? Vegas knows how to enjoy and we love watching him get a blowjob. Pete doesn't quite agree with us.
Pete glances over and sees a waifish looking boy, wide eyes and dimples and silky hair, who looks so breakable that Pete wants to snap him in half. (…) Pete watches in horror as the man glides forward and sinks to his knees between Vegas’s spread ones.(…) Vegas doesn’t say anything back, but Pete watches him adjust his trousers with one hand to pull out the hard length of his cock, and with the other he reaches out to grab Thistle by the hair and pull him in. (…) Pete can’t look away, can’t stop the growing feeling of something rising up in him as Thistle moves forward and swallows Vegas down. This time the noise Vegas makes is approving and Pete wants to break something. Starting with Thistle, and maybe even moving on to Vegas. (…) How dare Vegas (…) to call on some escort when Pete is right here .
Don't worry Pete, your services are about to be needed. Believe me, the little toyboy won't stay where he is now, the scene won't stay so peaceful, you'll be able to prove your skills as the hottest bodyguard in the world. Surely you like the taste of blood and cum afterwards.
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tobeornottotc · 2 years
Kim living the dream life that Kinn wanted????? Fucking ouch!!! I’m going to cry forever knowing this 🥺
I absolutely adored them for showing not telling how much Kinn has had to give up for protection of his family, because yes it's not like he himself wasn't kidnapped as well when young/always targeted but it didn't make him become like Thankhun, he instead had to stay on the throne and protect and be responsible for everything. And then the next brother below him mopes and complains about his lack of freedom and left to go get it, got to hide as another alias, and become the singer Kinn dreamt of being when he was younger, just as popular with no mafia influences, just doing something that gets him to be creative and free on his own, Kim leaves and never returns (though he is protecting his family without their knowledge) and Kinn again has to suit up and accept it because he wants his brothers dreams and freedom and choices to be what they want, unlike him. This is also why the heartbreak he went through in the past DAMAGED him, whatever it was he wanted, got twisted and tainted and lost in the toxins of power and control and betrayal of the mafia road, all he's ever put his heart in, his heart was smashed, mocked and left alone with the cracks and blows, and he had no one to help with it but to sit on the throne the next day and protect and move on, and focus on enlarging the power of his family, accepting the responsibility of his family and sacrificing for all of them to be happy, for all of them to be free, and for him to instead to shoulder that weight except... when in the wilderness, he reverted he yearned to stay locked in the wilderness, in handcuffs, with no resource, money or power, he wanted so much to be young Kinn with no chess war games, no manipulation tactics, no closed off heart, and he couldn't by the end he'd returned back to that environment. Again his brothers protect Kinn in a different way, but Kinn shoulders the burden, the pressure, the pains of having to protect everyone around him, having to deflate repeatedly and no longer give hope in dreams and youth and freedom, stuck with no choice but to stay on the throne for the others around him to have some kind of happiness. That's all that mattered to Kinn once his heart broke, he snapped, he left those fickle dreams and decided to be who he was before Porsche met him, he donned the mask, and refused to let it go. It's damaging. His brothers get to be kids, louder, freer, more stubborn and ambitious, but he the only thing he can get from the mafia is being spoilt and ordering people around, he can't actually ask for what he truly wants, what he truly needs to free him, and when he asks for it it never is his, it never stays, it never belongs to him. Nothing does. No choice, no freedom, no power. That's Kinn in a nutshell.
Thank you anon! This episode broke me, there's so much they did for Kinn and I already saw it in him (like I dislike Kinn in the novel yet I knew that this is the potential he could have and the writers really went with it). I adore him, I adore him so much.
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trueishcolours · 2 years
I'm on the same wavelength with Kim. Like...what he's doing with Porchay just rubs me the wrong way in a way nothing else in the show has so far. Maybe because (like you said) it's the closest of the situations to reality--a teacher crossing some serious lines. I find his character so interesting because I don't like him. Like, Kim's actions have sincerely not put me on his side as a person. Everything this man does is eithr suspicious, or makes me mad because he's being dismissive of or outright emotionally manipulating Porchay who has CLEARLY fallen for him and KIM KNOWS IT.
That said I also want to see more between Korn and Kim because they seem to have the most...like. adult isn't the right word, but their relationship rings the most of "this is a father and his adult son interacting." Idk I just kind of really like how they've portrayed the father-son relationships in this show because honestly, I really expected Mr. Korn to be that classic "tough love" mafia type character and he is, but he clearly cares about and loves his children and I like that.
Also Vegas needs to stay in his lane. He is doing everything he can to drive a wedge into the whole major family and he keeps actually succeeding (although it's a one-step-forward-two-steps-back kind of success). I'm actually kind of eager to see Vegas and Kim interact only because we haven't seen it before and they seem to have relatively similar approaches (although different goals) with Porsche and Porchay. Kim does not seem to actively share any of the same issues the rest of his family seems to have with the minor family (that we've seen so far) and that's just interesting. But anyways Vegas. He's. Just. Every time I see him I'm like "oh what now?!" And he's changed tactics every time. Every time he has a new and different plan.
Idk how much you are interested in/pay attention to costumes but it has been interesting to see Kinn's color palette change throughout the show especially in conjunction with Vegas, who we almost always see in red. Kinn started out in a lot of red (his pajamas, the first suit we see him in) but now he seems to be dressed in a significant amount of blue (like him and Porsche's first date WHICH WAS SO CUTE BTW).
Anyway I hope this all made sense. I just finished episode 8 and I'm mad I have to wait a whole week for the next episode.
Once again, I am so delighted that my fanfic got you into this whole show!
I think what's so frustrating about Kim as a character is that he could so easily adjust his behaviour to be more convincing, but doesn't. Like, as a private tutor, teaching at your student's house is actually acceptable. Just give them some notice first! You can probably borrow an adult student's phone in an emergency - but not five minutes into a lesson when you're supposed to be teaching! Please be a bit more sneaky bro.
I think you're dead on about his relationship with Korn seeming more adult-child-and-parent than the other two, though. He really does give the vibe of the kid who's moved out and is living life on his own terms, and whose parent has come to see him as an adult.
But if Vegas stayed in his lane, there wouldn't be a plot :(.
I don't personally tend to pay much attention to costume, but now you've pointed it out I can definitely see it, and I think it's a great point! Kim really does just step into Porsche's style for ep. 8, both in terms of colour palette and in terms of the more informal cut of his clothes. I think for this episode, he's trying to step into an idealised version of Porsche's world, where before Porsche has been violently dragged into his. But I think they both know it can't last. Life is going to come and get them.
Anyway if you want more of my thoughts I wrote a very long post on how characters signal status in KinnPorsche.
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Roses In Thorns (Pt 7)
Being apart of the countries greatest mafia families had its problems; enemies grew from every thorn and you were one of the greatest roses to target.
You didn’t expect the greatest thorn to prick you to be he who was assigned to protect you- Jeon Jeongguk.
Genre: Angst, (the good type), drama, suspense, fluff, future smut in story line.
BodyguardJungkook, Mafia
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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“We are all gathered today, to remember the passing of Park Jimin. A loving son, cousin, nephew, confident and...friend.” The pastors eyes settled on yours at the very end, re-affirming your responsibility in the death of Jimin. You flitted your eyes away and tried to break out of the pastors stare. A soothing hand belonging to Jeongguk pressed you closer to his side as he kissed the top of your head. 
“It’s okay...” He whispered, sensing your discomfort. You shut your eyes tight as the jet black casket was lowered into the ground, the only sounds registering in your ears being the waling cry of Jimin’s mother- a widow who had now just lost her son. 
“Shhh...” Jeongguk drew your body closer to his, and the warmth radiating off his chest was the most comforting feeling you were basking in whilst the world around you familiarised itself with death yet again. 
The silent tears erupting from your eyes were probably making a mess of his shirt, but Jeongguk didn’t seem to care. He gripped your body from faltering. 
“It’s all my fault...it’s all my fault.” You whispered in between broken silent sobs. If you hadn’t made Jimin come with you, he would be alive. He would be alive and growing up to be separated outside of your world, following in his mothers footsteps to become an ordinary civilian. 
Jeongguk sighed, and you felt your legs move as he drew your body away from the small crowd of mourners and into the parking lot. You asked him where he was taking you, but Jeongguk said he had to tell you something. It unnerved you, and you protested saying Jimin’s mother would be offended, if she wasn’t already for having you kill her son. You were surprised to see she hadn’t reported you to your father, let alone get an invitation to the funeral. 
“Y/N, it’s not your fault okay? Get that through your head.” Jeongguk said, holding you by your shoulders as you looked up at him with puffy eyes.
“It is, don’t fucking try and sugar coat it anyway Jeongguk. Park Jimin died because of me and my plan to involve him.” You spat, annoyed at what looked like to you a sorry attempt to make you feel better. The determination in his eyes annoyed you, he could fool you if you weren’t being careful. 
“If you’re going to be a stupid brat and play it like that, then I’m really the one responsible for his death. This was my little plan all along, to save you. If I hadn’t gotten involved in this shit, then your friend would have been alive.” Anger morphed into Jeongguk’s determined eyes, and you all too well knew the look. 
“Fuck you, you can’t even comfort a fly.” You said, shaking his hands off you. 
He smirked now. “So you admit that it wasn’t your fault.” He said, putting his hands on your shoulers again. 
“No. You just can’t comfort anyone even if it’s their fault.” 
“I wouldn’t be comforting you if it was your fault.” 
“Jeongguk, leave it.” You threw his hands away from your shoulder and started walking back to the funeral. You let tears spill out again, sobbs of regret letting themself silently known. 
Jeongguk caught up with you in no time, taking your hand from behind and pulling your body to his mid way walk.
“Get your ha-” His hands cradled your head as his lips met yours, sending calm waves throughout your body that silenced your sobs. You mouth was salty from the tears, but Jeongguk’s was sweet, warm and inviting. It made you forget everything you were thinking about, which made you grab his tie and pull his head down further and lose yourself to him. 
“Y/N, I don’t really want to fuck you at a funeral...but you’re really wanting it right now if you don’t stop.” Jeongguk growled, composing himself because you were far gone beyond this point. You just wanted anything to make yourself forget. 
“You’re not going to be reckless.” He said, taking steady breaths as he separated his body and lips from yours. 
You hid your head in the crook of his neck for what seemed like a while, and baskled in the soothing words of comfort Jeongguk was whispering in your ears. No one threw you off like him. He could raise your spirits in minutes, crush them down, lift them up again and make you feel like you were flying. You wondered briefly if it was toxic. Jeongguk and you had been inseparable for the past 10 days but those 10 days weren’t the most peaceful. 
You regularly clashed on the topic of your father. Jeongguk was adamant that staying with him would get you eventually killed by your father, whilst you were certain that you could take control of your life without anyone dying. Yet, moments like this made you realise how lucky you were to have him, despite all his self loathing faults that you saw right through. 
He was warm inside. 
“Okay. I’m ready.” You declared, lifting your chin up. 
Jeongguk was awed. He was always awed when it came to you and your ability to lose composure and regain it instantly, like an actual princess or a soon to be queen. Well, to him you were his princess. 
You both decided to pay your respects to Jimin’s mother, who was a mess herself. She hugged you, and you felt uncomfortable of the streams of praise she had for you.
“Jimin always said you were one of the good ones, you just have to get out of this world Y/N. It’s no good for you.” She said, holding you tight. 
“Move, change name, location, get away from the Jeon boy.” Her voice whispered the last part in your ear.
“A union between your families would unleash hell on earth, and we can’t have any more innocent people die.” She said gravely in her whisper. That got to you. It was Jimin’s mothers way of saying you had a good heart, but you were like fire- destroying everything good in its path without due consideration of its effects. Your selfish action, being with Jeongguk would lead to no good. More people would die, because a Jeon and a Y/N/L/N were too powerful to keep the balance. 
“Your father will find you both too, you can’t hide for long Y/N.” She said further, looking at Jeongguk this time too. Jeongguk met her eyes with a blank, but stony expression. You could see his jaw visibly tighten as he took her words in. 
“It’s time for you both to run.” She whispered in your ear again. “I have word from a source your fathers men are close by. Run, Jimin didn’t die for nothing. He died so you could get a chance. Run, and don’t ever come into my sight again.” She hissed in your ear this time, her grip so strong beside your arms it would leave marks. 
No matter how much Jeongguk tried to convince you, she also thought you were responsible. 
Jimin died for you. 
Silently she thrust you forward to Jeongguk and he interwined his hands in yours, taking you with him as he picked up pace and started running. 
“I have a car parked. Come on, baby. I think they’re close too.” He said, as a whirlwind of excitement and dread mixed in your body.
An unfamiliar black porsche was parked in just outside the large park where Jimin was buried, and Jeongguk opened the door for you before darting to the other side. You got in, expectingly looking at him for an explanation. 
“I saw some men in black suits following us earlier.” He said, revving up the engine. You buckled your seatbelt on quickly as Jeongguk reversed sharply into a corner and accelerated the sports car. 
You took a quick look behind, heart thumping in your chest as your eyes confirmed that you were being followed. 
Four cars. 
They were out to get you. 
“Jeongguk...” You breathed out, worry evident in your voice as you thought about how impossible it would be to beat them. You may have been in a sportscar, but there were four cars trained with elite men following you. This had to be the end. 
Jeongguk was focused on defensively driving ahead, taking sharp turns and lefts where he could and breaking speed limits like crazy. In all other situations, you would have been turned on at the sight of him driving so powerfully, but now you were scared for both of your lives. 
“Do you trust me?” He asked, and it took you back to all the times before where you both faced danger. 
“You know the answer already.” You said back. It was pretty clear you trusted him with your life right now. 
“Good, because we’re going to London, princess.” Jeongguk smirked at you to see your shocked expression before returning his eyes on the road. 
“Son of a bit- they’re not giving up, bastards.” You stopped with all the questions that were burning in your mind to help Jeongguk get rid of your followers. 
“I don’t know if I should do this...” You said, looking up to see the convertible hood of the car and feeling the gun inside the holster of your dress pressed against your thigh. You were sure Jeongguk didn’t know you carried a gun around, but it was something taught to you at a very young age. You were planning on raising yourself up to see out of the roof of the car that could open and shooting some of the men down. 
“Damn it, they’re getting faster.” Jeongguk cursed, hitting the palm of his hand on the steering wheel. You glanced behind, and it was true. They were gaining momentum and that left you with only one option. The sound of your seat beat unbuckling alerted Jeongguk, who did a double take as you raised yourself up. 
“What the fuck Y/N, get down!” He pulled against you leg, but you were too far up. Raising your skirt, you took out the silver gun from your strap in holster and opened the roof of the car. 
“Trust me, Jeonnguk.” You said. “Go faster!” You yelled, and Jeongguk sped up on the highway you had now entered. 
There was no time to argue, because you had just put yourself in a dangerous position. You aimed the gun at the car closest to you, and shot straight through the front of the car glass. It didn’t penetrate, but the shock waves sent via the bullet cracked the entire window causing the car to swerve into a railing nearby. 
1 car down. 
You backed down into your seat, avoiding Jeongguk’s probably burning gaze that was flitting between you and the road in front. 
“Don’t look at me like that, there’s one less car on our back.” You said, glancing outside again to check if another had caught up. It had, but you could also tell they had realised what you were doing and were prepared with guns themselves. You ducked in an out as you shot, the perfect shots a result of your training with the driver of the car. 
2 down. 2 to go. 
“I can’t see the other cars.” You said, coming back down and yet keeping an eye out for the others. 
“That’s because I swerved into another highway and probably broke several speed limits. My brother’s going to be pissed when he sees his licence revoked.” Jeongguk said, and you noticed his slight ease as he backed into the drivers seat with one hand on the steering wheel. You shut the roof of the car and came back down, putting your gun inside your holster again under your skirt. 
“So, we’re okay?” You asked. 
“For now.” 
You sighed a breathe of relief as you sunk yourself back down into your seat. There was exhilaration, but also fatigue as you realised just how much focus you had to have. 
After a pause that lasted the length of the highway until you saw Jeongguk following airport signs, you finally realised you had to ask him why you were here in the first place, or why you were going to London.
“Why London?” You asked. 
“Why did you pull that little stupid mistake, you could have gotten killed.” Jeongguk retorted, accelerating into a higher gear aggressively as you watched his knuckles tighten on the gear stick. He was hot when he drove, even hotter than usual. 
“Answer my question first.” You said back, annoyed.
He sighed. “London is where the Jeon’s do a lot of business, and where my family are currently.” 
You nearly choked hearing him. “I thought you were some estranged son now, why, wha- I’m with you too? That can’t be good!” You yelled. 
Jeongguk rolled his eyes. “My family aren’t as controlling as yours, my mothers probably going to be delighted by her prodigial son making a return.” He said, pulling into a parking space at the airport. 
“Do- do they know?” You asked, bile rising up your throat because this wasn’t how you imagined meeting your boyfriend of 10 days parents. Your boyfriend who hadn’t the most typical relationship to start off with, considering your background and his.
“They know I’m coming. They know everything, Jimin’s mother arranged it. This car’s not even mine, it’s my brothers.” He said, getting out and unlocking the door for you. He grabbed a bag from the boot and swung it over his shoulder, taking your hand in his after.
“And me?” You squeaked. 
Jeongguk scoffed. “You’re cute when you’re nervous.”
You rolled your eyes. “Jeon Jeongguk, son of the Jeon family arrives with a worn out looking Y/N/L/N”. You said lowly. 
“I think she’s pretty sexy.” He winked as you both entered the airport and started checking in. 
“Fuck you. You even faked passports?” You asked, taking your new identity card which looked exactly like you. 
After a simple check in where you both managed to pass identity checks easily, you both made your way to the first class lounge where Jeongguk decided to harass you for answers on your ‘behaviour’ in the car once you were sat in a private booth.  
“Speaking of, how did you even get through security with a gun?” He asked, hands resting just on your thigh where the holster was underneath with your gun carefully tucked in place. 
“This is a special gun. It gets through anything.” You said casually. 
Jeongguk smirked. “Anything?” 
“Did I tell you how fucking hot you looked shooting?” He ran his hands down your thighs above the gun where your skirt was placed. 
“A guy gave me lessons.” You said lightly, but he was smart enough to know you had been taught by him.. 
“Really? He could do better.” Jeongguk’s hands ghosted right on top of your skirt causing your breath to hitch.
“I don’t know, he taught me how to shoot a gun really well.” You dipped your voice, which enticed Jeongguk even further to edge his hands to your navel and right inside your skirt. 
“Flight LO225 this is your last call for all first class passengers.” 
Damn. You both groaned. 
“Good thing there’s privacy in first class.” Jeongguk smirked, taking your hand in his as he helped you get up. 
“I’m really going to London.” The realisation hit you, the calamity of what you were doing. You were about to get on a plane to stay with the other most powerful family in your world, where the enemity was never direct or personal but it was always there. Opportunistic. You were going because your father was after you and Jeongguk, who had quickly become a focal point in your world. 
You were leaving family aside, and if the coat of arms in your family tree was alive it would be ashamed. Never abandon loyalties. 
You were about to take a step into the unknown. Putting your hand in Jeongguk, the fear you had momentarily felt evaporated. 
“It’s okay, I’m not going to let anyone ever hurt you.” Jeongguk said, realising your thoughts as he burned his eyes into yours. It was these moments you lived for, where Jeongguk’s intensity made you delirious and determined at the same time to fight for what you wanted. 
“I know.” You said, smiling. You would trust Jeongguk with your life, and it scared you because it couldn’t be normal for someone to trust someone else so much.
 “Let’s go.” 
AN: London awaits! I’m so excited to introduce Jungkook’s family here because they’re going to be a dramatic debacle, and I thought it would be fitting to let these two really learn more about each other despite being in a relationship. This one’s short and more of a filler before another ‘part’ in the story line :) 
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