#porsche and kinn were such a good fit
pharawee · 1 year
"tawan would have lived an ordinary but good life if he didn't meet kinn" excuse me Jane? Making me feel for that hoe??
No but seriously that's making me think and I think it's more of korns doing than kinn. Because everyone says kinn was soft until tawan betrayed him and yeah my brain doesn't have enough cells to be more coherent
Ohoho! I'm so glad you sent me this ask. I have so many ~thoughts~ about Tawan.
I mean, let's face it. Tawan isn't a good person. With the way he kidnapped and then kicked an unconscious Chay he might not even be redeemable (if he didn't, you know, die).
I have this headcanon that Tawan (in the series - in the book he's just ?? ???) led an ordinary life until he met Kinn. I mean, they met where? At uni? I bet Tawan was cute and flirty and ambitious, and Kinn was pretty much Mr Perfect. His lifestyle must have seemed so glamourous and appealing to an outsider like Tawan (because I don't think he was part of that whole mafia thing at all).
And I believe Tawan when he says that it all began to fall apart when some rival mafias started threatening his family (because all the best lies are told when you add a bit of the truth to them). I don't think Tawan meant to betray Kinn. I think he was just way in over his head and panicked. Which of course made him a liability and a threat. So yeah, you're right, Korn would have realised right away and made sure that his empire Kinn is safe. He probably thought it a kindness to let Kinn think that Tawan had always been a mole and that shooting him was the only choice left to him (because we know Kinn is too soft and would have never done so otherwise).
So, yeah, it might not have been Kinn's intention, and perhaps his only fault lies in being too naive and too blinded by love but, in a way, Kinn loving Tawan was Tawan's downfall.
And of course, that's when Vegas swept in and gleefully manipulated what was left of Tawan further until all that remained was blind devotion. Who in their right mind would even believe all of Vegas' sweet nothings? All it needed was a ring - which is such a simple and sad and very un-mafia-like thing. I feel like not even Vegas fully realised that Tawan was never cut out for all of that mafia stuff. In the end, it turned him into the loose cannon that we meet in the series.
That isn't to say that Tawan is a victim only. He's more like... collateral damage. Weak and very human. A tragic villain, at most. A very pretty and unhinged and amazingly acted one at that. He totally stole the show for me and sometimes I still make up little fics in my head about him before I fall asleep lmao
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hamliet · 1 year
Kinnporsche: The Symbolism
Not really a meta. More a collection of baby meta ideas I have and/or symbolism I noticed watching the series that didn't make it into my review.
Oh How The Tables...
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I'm just saying that it's certainly ironic that Kim's first scene in the show is him mocking Big for his unrequited love for Kinn. He asks Big if he should write Big a song about heartbreak, and ends the series writing a song about his own heartbreak and begging Chay to take him back.
Big and Tawan
In general, I think Big and Tawan were the best done minor characters, and the best done characters in the series, if you look at their complete arcs, after Vegas and Pete (Kim and Chay would be next, but their arcs aren't entirely complete and never will be).
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The same episode where Tawan concludes "if I can't be happy, then no one can," and commits suicide (intended murder suicide at that), Big sacrifices his life to save Porsche's, not because of Porsche, but because he loves Kinn. He dies assuring Porsche how much Kinn loves him.
In other words, Big reached the opposite conclusion of Tawan: even if it means he can't be happy, he wants Kinn to be happy. However, the story actually takes a nuanced, complex look at it and doesn't code it as Big=good Tawan=bad; Tawan is framed as tragic instead and you're meant to feel sad over his patheticism, not feel gleeful.
Tankhun, Kim, and Vegas all have self-portraits in their rooms, and these portraits are all kind of symbolic of how they see themselves--though not necessarily accurate perceptions.
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Well, except Tankhun's. Tankhun's just just a neon portrait that fits with his flamboyant decor. It's in the corner near where he watches his series, and is very straightforward because Tankhun, himself, is pretty straightforward. He's not hiding the same way the others are.
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Kim's self-portrait is a watercolor of himself, but you can't any discernible features. Of course, this symbolizes how he hides himself behind many masks.
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Behind that portrait, though, is his bulletin board of his family and all the players. Because no matter how Kim acts distant and aloof, he's actually always strategizing and planning to thwart any threats to his family.
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Vegas's self portrait is in a secret room that can only be entered via a passcode, symbolic of how it's really hard to reach the true Vegas because he keeps his vulnerabilities locked up. But when you do enter that room, you see a portrait of a misshapen man that looks more monster than human. That's how Vegas sees himself.
Kinn notably does not have a portrait (that I saw), but his walls are instead windows that overlook Bangkok, which can be symbolic as well: that he doesn't see himself fully as a person, but instead as someone who's supposed to be controlling and surveying something much, much bigger than himself.
Kinnporsche Sexy Times
The idea for symbolism here wasn't fully developed, but it's there, so.
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The first two times Kinn and Porsche have sex mirror the first sexual encounters with others we see them engaging in. The first scene is the Bad Scene, or really, where Kinn basically assaults Porsche since Porsche is way too out of it to consent. But during this scene, Porsche draws attention to the beauty of the city view, which is a callback to how Kinn's hired prostitute remarked that he wanted to see the entire view (and then opened the curtains to find Porsche there, because Kinn's answer to who he is is more adequately found in Porsche than the city).
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Of course it's also kind of a comment on how Kinn views himself in terms of the city, which is not entirely a good understanding lol.
The next time they have sex--and the first time it's consensual--is in the backroom of a club, which mirrors where we see Porsche having sex with the two girls in the series. I'd argue this is probably supposed to be seen as Kinn meeting Porsche where he's at, and to a degree vice versa, but also Kinn's is more morally questionable than Porsche's in terms of consent and power.
Kimchay - The Little Mermaid
I talked a little about the fairy tale motif that was never actually explored in the story despite it having a ton of potential in my review, and I'm going to talk more about it now because I can.
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Listen, if Vegaspete and Kinnporsche are both loosely based on Beauty and the Beast (Vegaspete more directly a retelling, right down to resurrection), Kimchay is probably based on "The Little Mermaid," the other story that gets a direct shout-out in text. Here, both characters are both mermaid and prince.
Kim wants to live a life as part of a different world, and uses his voice to get there. In the end, just like the mermaid in the original tale, he loves the prince (Chay) too much to risk him coming to harm, even if that means his own doom. However, it's precisely that selflessness that helps him live above a filthy world.
Chay also wants to live in a different world and uses his voice to get there. Only, despite all he risks to get there, it doesn't quite work out. The prince (Kim) doesn't return his feelings... well, except he does, but he sure made Chay feel like he didn't for awhile there.
Succession: Kinnporsche Version
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The novel apparently mentions this but I'm not interested in reading it for Reasons, but I did find it intriguing that the mafia family isn't exactly going to continue considering all five of the current generation (Khun, Kinn, Kim, Vegas, and Macau) are all gay. For all the talk about being an heir and succeeding Papa Korn, it's not gonna go for another generation. I actually like this and think it could be a major thematic point if emphasized appropriately, or brought up at all in the series.
Like. The family burdens the kids because of mafia stuff, trying to pit them against one another and using them to solve their grievances... but love can save the day, and also give life, and quite literally stop the cycle--but it's love that isn't traditional, in a sense. It's queer. This also doesn't mean the characters can't have kids, obviously, but symbolically they have to come up with different, nontraditional ways to do so if they do, symbolic of having to like... break from the traditional patriarchal violence of their mafia upbringings.
The ingredients are there! It could have been a thing!
Namphueng: The King
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Namphueng's room has a chessboard pattern on the floor, which ties into the chess motif that Korn was always messing around with. While the audience was led to believe the queen was Porsche in all Korn's playing scenes--and they were right--they were also led to believe the king was either Kinn or Korn. Incorrect. The king was Namphueng, not Kinn or Korn.
The king, after all, isn't really free to move. It theoretically can move in any direction, but only one space at a time. It's quite limited.
I do wonder--not that this will ever be answered--if Namphueng's story is intended a lot more important than just "foster sister." Like maybe her family was wiped out because she was the heir of a far more important family or something.
The Victor Writes History
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Or so Korn said. Again, not that we'll ever get it cleared up, and I personally like the ambiguity wherein we don't know precisely what happened between Namphueng, her husband, Korn, and Gun. I wouldn't actually have wanted it perfectly cleared up. Thematic! Complexity!
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Gun's memories match better with Porsche's than Korn's do--the cabinet where Porsche hid is open in Gun's memories, but not in Korn's, and Porsche remembers Korn standing while Gun sits, which is what happens in Gun's version. However, whenever there are multiple versions of a story, the truth is probably in the middle, and it's hard to believe Gun, of all people, had purely selfless motives.
My personal guess is Korn did kill Namphueng's husband, but it was less about "how dare you not come back!" cruelty and more a long-game plan to get his and Gun's father to spare Namphueng and fake her death to protect her. I think this fits best thematically with the story and the characters as present in the series, in that Korn's motives can be both caring and selfish and power-seeking at the same time. It's also tragic, because killing someone loved by someone to protect them actually has a way of killing them even if you didn't plan on it. Someone can still be alive but have lost everything, a statement that multiple characters made in the show.
It would also fit that Korn misunderstood the power of love, because he definitely doesn't get it. But he didn't ruin every love story, because Kinn and Porsche end up together.
Whose Handprints?
I am annoyed i never got the answer to whose finger paintings Korn had in his desk drawer (the ones Kim found). I presume it's Porsche and Chay's given that there are two handprints, not three, and one is far larger than the other (plus the emphasis on Namphueng and art) but who knows.
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gummybearzgocrazyagain · 11 months
kinn/porsche fic rec vol. 2
Futuristic/Space AU
All That Just For a License? by @nuwildcat [daaaaaaaaamn son the squeals of utter delight i have produced while reading this...????? numerous. porsche and chay are bounty hunters, picking off criminals and delivering them to the waiting, and most importantly, well-paying hands. this next job must be nothing out of ordinary, the guy looks dirty and worn-out, and porsche knows this next part by heart... or is he. if i told you it was extremely delicious and entertaining read, it would still be an understatement. so so so so so many compliments and kudos]
Clandestine by @aheartfeltlie [in somewhat cyber-punk-ish future, that includes flying cars and chip-implanted eyes, porsche is equally “eat the rich, and not a good kind, especially if it is kinn fucking theerapanyakul” in real life, and “eat the rich, definitely a good kind” in the all-immersive world of Clandestine, game to rival all others. awesome variation on enemies-to-lovers, tis a rec]
a/b/o + college 
And They Were Roommates by @tessalane [aaaaaaaa, obsessed with this one, the absolute perfect mix of softness and horniness of enemies-to-lovers a/b/o college roommates AU, tropes that has been used to death, and yet somehow never get old in the right hands, and does this author have the rightest hands for it, bless up. can’t rec this enough]
Alpha’s bid by @paulalestat-blog [fresh premise of the futuristic set-up: with time due to the virus, omega population withered to near extinction, and each omega is valued and sought after. an agency kinn goes to provides match-making services, where omegas are shown alpha’s profiles, and then are free to choose any alpha they deem pleasing or fit, and alpha can not back out. you know what happens next. and yes, kinn is a uni teacher in this one...? go figure. still a wip, and a very good one at that]
Vamp AU
Smoke and Raindrops by @nuwildcat [*fanning herself* thank you, dear author, it was delicious. it is beyond me why vampire!kinn is not a huge deal in this fandom, all the signs are right there - paleness, piercing gaze, power, audacity, stature, daddy issues, etc etc, one would expect the tag to be flooded and yet, good vamp!kp fic is scarce, which makes this even more precious: traditional back alley meeting, werewolf!porsche, canon levels of horniness, delightfully wrapped in author’s eloquent style. so many kudosssssssssssss]
after dark by @foreigncars [i...am not exactly sure what i think of this one yet, some of the plot points seemed... tad abrupt, but hey, it’s a vamp!kinn, can’t be too choosy when it comes to the vamp trope, in this house we appreciate them all]
Spy/Assassin AU
Worthy of Love and Loyalty by @rebellconquerer [what.what.what.what the FCUK was that i am wheezing, the fuckkkkkk dear author, how DARE YOU, the audacity....??? i mean, are there even words//// i am so in luv with this thang, it’s not even funny, my long-running partiality towards this trope is back with the vengeance it seems. theerapanyakuls have an intelligence agency, porsche is taken in by force and made to train, yada-yada, if you have not read this yet, i am so fucking envious you have no idea. this fucking fic <3]
two shots by @martynaxao3 [yassssss slay assassin!porsche, who could resist such temptation. this thing has it all, plot, twists, lust, great pacing, excellent style, huge rec, no notes]
Historic/fantasy AU
putting a harried love letter into a red mailbox by @captainkit [like this author and their unhurried, sensual style. in this au, porsche is a temple khon dancer in a capital that kinn is currently laying a siege to. not a MS crossover though, still a kp historic au. although the story is centred around kp, vp and kimchay have their own prominent parts, and there is plot, for real. wip, but enough has been written by now]
what a tangled web we weave by @fairhairedkings [has this author ever disappointed, duhhhhh, ain’t never a miss with them: scheherazade au i am sure everyone follows already, so this rec is more of an homage to the beloved author. i for once, can never have enough of “forced marriage resulting in smitten kinn” trope, can anyone, especially so well written one. all the possible kudos, as usual]
with the subcategory of warprize!porsche
How I Know You by @nuwildcat and A thousand jasmine blossoms bloom by @iffervescent [another trope kp dynamic seems especially suited for, imho, executed soooooooo beautifully by this fandom. hands down both are such amazing works, no notes, all the possible kudos and eternal gratitude to the authors, i was saaaaaaat 🙌]
Hybrid AU
Feline Purrsuasion by @wiccawrites [based on this idea, the piece is highly entertaining and very-well executed. porsche is a brat even in feline form, and kinn is struggling to retain his sanity. the fact that the idea was born before woody on stage, is... inchresting. bravo author, big time rec]
Magic AU
Like water by @deliciousblizzardshark [ouccccccchhhhh, that capital H hurted. brilliant, brilliant writing, how have i missed this gem from the author of one of my fav pieces. in a world where you can tattoo magic symbols on one’s skin, obedience is one of the most logical ones to tattoo on your new bodyguard, isn’t it though... it is for kp to find out. damnnnnnnnnnnnnn it was painfully beautiful and so absolutely worth a read. thank you dearest author, what a fucking masterpiece <3]
The Empty Crown by @rainbowcolored7 [such a great world-building, and the lore is superb: kittisawasds are from the fire clan that can command phoenixes, and theerapanyakuls are the water clan that are connected to dragons. when their clan’s capital is destroyed, lil porsche and chay are forced to run and hide, and spend their lives in fear of their true lineage being discovered. they are minding they own business leading ordinary folk lives, all until an idiot falls down a hill and hurts himself right in front of unsuspecting porsche, who was just trying to fish in peace. suuuuuuch a lovely read, so pleasantly paced, it keeps you fully immersed and invested, not to mention, the chemistry between the poor conflicted porsche and the injured idiot is 👌👌👌]
sex on fire by @cherry_apples22 [it’s pretty much like if My Type by Saweetie was a fic, i dunno what else to add: since he found out he was a phoenix, porsche is unable to get laid, cause his flames would hurt any other living creature. well, almost any other, there are dragons, for instance... who do not get affected by phoenix fire, right... his own lil bro is even dating one... how hard can it be to meet one for himself? p.s. and if there are but hints of monsterfucking? don’t mind if i do 🙆‍♀️]
green isle in the sea, love (a fountain and a shrine) by @anakinn [i am quite frankly speechless sitting here with my eyes like 👀 didn’t know this was a thing...? until it absolutely became a thing....? in a nutshell, porsche spills some oils in some random shrine they’ve stumbled upon while on a recon mission, some deity felt slighted, and now there are two kinns...? i ain’t gonna say no’ mo’, you ought to read this for yourselves bruv]
Alternative meeting
stripper for one night by @martynaxao3 [yasssss, thank you, tay for the win againnnnn, it’s kinn’s bday, and they are celebrating at some hole in the wall place they just chose at random, and the bartender working there keeps being rude to the birthday boi, or is he.... super fun and super hot, author deserves all the praise, as always, much luv]
Tiger bite by @Verbana [after the death of their father and husband, namphueng, little porsche and babie chay are brought to stay at the theerapanyakul household, to be brought up along with their cousins kim, khun, and anakinn. understandably, the angst ensues. if i knew any words prior to reading this, they’re all gone by now. immaculate, immaculate vibe. adore this type of stories to death, the longing, helplessness, the despair of it all.. omg.]
Fake dating
Situationship by @vcrses  [no, you don’t get it, when i say i am in luv with this fic <33333333 the author is so effortlessly funny, made me cackle multiple times, such a light and enjoyable read <33333 it is some sort of AU within an AU, as the characters we know have different backgrounds/circumstances, for instance, tankhun is not agoraphobic in this, and even some places named differently, but it doesn’t take away from the experience at all, quite the opposite, comes off as refreshing; the story overall is a perfect perfect embodiment of the trope, these versions of kp are so loveable, i am smooching this author’s face with abandon]
Accidental babie acquisition 
Dropping a baby off at a mafia compound is a good idea, right? by @lalala53 [it is actually exactly what the title says, short and sweet read, couldn’t pass over the opportunity to rec, luv the trope]
Various in-universe AUs // Canon divergence
Burn Your Name Into My Skin by @everyforkedroad [omg omg omg unexpected but damn pleasant surprise of sub!kinn wrapped into minor fam!bodyguard porsche and general star crossed lovers trope. it was such an entertaining and captivating read: they meet at a sex club, porsche is on a mission for vegas, his boss (i know, just typing this out is something else), and kinn is unsurprisingly hooked. huge rec, thank you author]
take this life and hold it by the hand by @p1n3appl3p3n [if i tell you i was vibrating out of my fucking skin reading this. shaking crying throwing up with giddiness and squealing like a new-born piglet. have seen this rec so many times in people’s bookmarks, and that single goddamn “mpreg” word has deterred me every time. how could have i been so foolish. one of the best fucking things i’ve read lately was hiding in plain sight this whole time. yes, mpreg, but who gives a fuck, if in return you get this..? reconciliation trope of your dreams. i am on my knees for this fic. p.s. i conveniently have an existing h/c for the twins, which despite the fact that canon pair is a boi/gurl set, is still my ironclad image for them, cause have one look at them and tell me these don’t look like porsche’s children]
[N] Let the fire breathe me back to life by @Zeronay [beautiful mess of two besotted idiots going on a mission underprepared and taking a bullet each. short and lovely read]
Mutatis Mutandis by @zipperbiter [daaaaaamn that was <3333 during one of the quiet uneventful family breakfasts tankhun suddenly realizes that a little chaos never killed nobody, and decides to stir these calm waters up a bit by posing quite an interesting question. the bouts of... scientific experimentation... that ensue in order to conclude the experiment, are both extremely skilfully written, and entertaining to boot. very much a rec]
Wicked Game by @Acearcy01 [set in canon and divergent after ep4, someone keeps making attempts on kinn’s life, and he suggests an agreement: porsche will stay for 60 days to try and figure out who is after kinn, in exchange for his complete freedom afterwards. porsche agrees and starts counting the days. he can’t wait to leave this hellhole behind.... right?. there is something about this story.... really liked it, give it a try, if you haven’t read it already]
Burnished night, blood-soaked stars by @The_Old_Astronomer [absolutely lovely and touching missing/alternative scene between kinn getting shot and waking up at the hospital wing, feelings realization, and a bit of a porsche/big reluctant understanding]
quis custodiet ipsos custode by @concernedlily [gosh i luv this author’s style, am sure everyone has already read this, the piece ain’t new, i just... there can never be enough kp desperate for each other’s safety, not in my world]
two hungers are in me, and they drive me forward. i was born to starve by @captainkit [porsche-centric and bitter-sweet, it is painful to get through in places, but porsche is lovely, earnest, bratty, and plenty sad in this. not to mention, hungry throughout. read when in melancholic mood p.s. ngl, the bit where kinn takes him to a cafe for his bday, and there is no cake, made me cry a lil. p.p.s also author compares kinn’s ep 3 dancing to a “drunk uncle at a wedding”, and i’ve literally never have read anything more accurately hilarious]
Outsider perspective
innocent bystanders by @BeStillMySlashyheart [super-entertaining drabble set in AU where kp not only do not hide, but rather flaunt there new relationship in the compound inhabitants’ faces, and porsche’s poor colleagues have to witness their comrade enjoying his honeymoon phase with their own boss in front of their own bleeding eyes. i cackled, tis a rec]
A Curious Cat by @The_Consulting_Werewolf [whatttttttt...? *just sits there with her jaw slack and mouth slightly open* what exactly.... has transpired here? you know what i ain’t even gonna say nuthin just go read it for yourselves]
Non-mafia AUs
Twelve, Twenty, Almost Thirty by @just2wings [ooohhh no no nooooope sir, nuh-huh, who gave you the right to hit me with all them feels on this fine tuesday evening completely unprovoked....? hell to the no, i demand reparations, wasn’t sufficiently warned about my insides turning all gooey after reading this, the longing, the looooooongiiiiiiingggggggg <333333 ahem, rant over, to the plot: non-mafia AU in which they have actually met once during the childhood, once in college, and now again as adults. and if you haven’t read it yet, you’re missing out big time. i cried]
Punch at First Sight by @Sandee Sing [yaaaaaay, what a ride, such an entertaining AU, porsche is a bar owner, and theerapanyakuls are business moguls. porsche is visiting the mansion on korn’s invitation, when kinn sees him and understandably? mistakes him for a stripper hired by tay as a gift. it spins out from there. i reeeeeeally liked it, absolute rec]
Hot wheels by @tiredfairycake [disabled!porsche in da house, very cute drabble: kinn is stopped in the middle of his early morning stroll through the park by a weirdo chilling on the bench asking to be helped home. kinn is whipped in every universe, which is no surprise to any of us, super sweet read]
five things gay by @martynaxao3 [if this is crack, then i never want to read anything that is not crack again, love the author, never a miss with them, including this gem: porsche decides to make it his mission to help his confused, lonely boss to figure out his sexuality... the boss, as the whipped idiot that he is, goes along with the plan. entertaining, funny and super hot. much kudosssssss]
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onlyonewoman · 7 months
It's damn nice both KP and LITA showed condoms and especially the fact that it seemed to be a given for both Vegas and Payu. Like, YES, safe sex ftw! We also love to see some damn good kissing and moanining (and a big shoutout to Kinn and Porsche for one of the best handjob scenes in the history of LGBTQ+ shows, goddamnit!) But as someone who likes anal sex every once in a while, THE LACK OF LUBE makes me roll my eyes so far back they're about to tumble down my spine. Look: just show a damn bottle along the rubbers, okay? We're entering some damn sensitive territory here, you know and while fingering isn't necessary, especially Rain is most definitely an ass virgin (sorry for not recalling Porsche's or Pete's cases) and while we love some face to face fucking, the position is just NOT PRACTICAL, PAYU! (Yes, it's hot and I adore it, but ffs, the actual, physical gymnastics here isn't realistic.) At least Pete's legs were up and resting nicely in those chains (good job, Vegas!) but what the hell was Kinn doing by that window? Porsche's legs were about as wide as a Chan's at ease position and we all know how relaxed HE was! It takes some fucking effort, you know! Porsche needed to bend some, at least and once again - where. was. the. LUBE!?!?? (Sure, we can all ASSUME it was there, but that's not the point!) The point is: It's perfectly good, fine and doesn't "ruin" the mood/scene to grab a bottle of lube or adding five seconds of adjustment to the position!!! Just because fingering (mostly) isn't needed, it doesn't mean you're all the way in within two sec, especially not with an ass virgin! There's no natural lube there, it can hurt. Show off the lube, make it a little real here, it's DRY down there and now that we've passed the "somewhat dangerous/mean/socipathic/violent/etc guy at least cares about consent and not spreading the clam" milestone, can we please add some much needed lubrication and perhaps a position that fits the occasion? All that aside, this old ass queer loves to see couples who have chemistry, who cuddle, grabs hold, kisses, moans, lets go and doesn't look like they're doing an assignment. I love the handholding, the pillow talk, the spooning, the way they really touch each other while fucking - and outside it. (Yes, vegaspete is a bit of another story, but the hospital scene was really cute!) Just... my dear, horrible, obnoxious, criminal, stupid, stuck-up, kinky, self-loathing, violent, scheming, over-the-rainbow-gay-or-bi sons: Stop. Tearing. Your. Lovey's. Assholes. Okay? /Love from an old auntie who knows what she's talking about
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ae-azile · 7 months
Progression - Chapter 20 Preview
Arm: I'm taking the day off. Sorry. Good luck with the meeting and the dinner later, because I am not attending it either. 
Once Kinn looks at the message, it forces him to do a double take at his phone screen. He can (almost) ignore the fact that Douglas is talking to Porsche. 
The abrupt text really isn't like Arm. He rarely takes days off, likely because he is the most knowledgeable in all aspects of their security. There was no question on who would be replacing Chan. They asked Arm as soon as he began organizing the reconstruction and clean up. Tankhun had thrown a fit, and Arm initially said no because he thought it meant being removed from Tankhun’s team. It took a lot of incentives and adjustments to get him to agree, including letting him stay on Khun’s security team and becoming the co-head of it with Pol, which admittedly made sense since Arm was now the most seasoned out of Khun's guards and Pol was the most frequently scheduled with him. But Kinn has never seen Arm argue so much prior to that, although emotions were running high. While Arm never said as much, he is sure Pete’s abrupt departure upset him. Pa faking his death and getting so many people hurt or killed probably pissed him off more. Since he respects Arm and they could NOT lose more staff, Arm got pretty much every incentive he asked for. He probably knew he had the upperhand. Kinn is relatively sure Khun strongly encouraged Arm to play his hand that way, although Khun never admitted that. When Kinn mentioned Arm suddenly being a pain about it, Khun just smirked. 
Despite all of that, Kinn eventually respected Arm more for the out-of-character stubbornness he showed. But he hasn't experienced a defiant Arm since. 
At least until now.
Kinn: This is sort of sudden, considering you left the conference room without a word. Is everything okay? 
Arm: My preference is to not lie to you about this, so no. It's not okay. I sent the email file with the security upgrade plans and presentation if you wish to present it anyway.
Kinn: We can reschedule the presentation. The guests will be here all week. 
Arm: I will let you know if I feel like I can do it without significant decisions and adjustments being made. 
What the fuck? Why is Arm being an asshole right now? Since there is no active discussion going on and people are just socializing, he takes the time to step away to call him instead. He is actually grateful that Tankhun decided Arm and Pol would keep their phones, even if it was technically special treatment. He's probably right. They are in the know about Namphueng, and Arm is the head of security and surveillance. After everything he has done, he deserves his phone. 
But Arm sends his call to voicemail.
That. Fucker. 
Kinn: This is unprofessional. Call me. 
Arm: I am getting your brother out of the compound. That is more important right now. I apologize for the lack of notice. We should be back late tonight. Pol is staying with Nam and Phoenix. If you feel reprimanding me is called for, you can do so when we get back if you are still up. Or you can do it first thing in the morning. Up to you. 
Kinn grips his phone tightly in his hand, then lets out a steadying breath. If Pa saw these messages, he would require a punishment. He may say it calmly, or even chuckle about Arm’s sudden audacity, but he would still require it. 
He would punish Arm for having his phone without prior authorization too, but Kinn has long decided to let that drop. 
The thought of punishing Arm leaves a bad taste in his mouth. He has spent a lot of time with him the last few months, and he is the one who tracked down Kim. Not only does Kinn respect him, but he has also felt like a good and very reliable friend as of late. The anxiety brought on by the thought of spending the day in close proximity to Douglas actually lessened because he knew he would have people he trusted there. Mainly Porsche, but Arm was in second place, since Arm has been a friend. That's what he thought, at least. 
So more than anything, he feels hurt. 
Kinn: I really don't want to do that. Are you upset with me about something? You are being very short with me, so if you are and want to discuss some things, we can do that tonight or tomorrow. If I did anything to piss you off, I apologize. 
Kinn: I can't think of anything recent, but please let me know if I did.
Kinn: Can you let me know what it is? 
Arm: I have no issues with you. I am sorry if I came off that way. My sudden absence has nothing to do with you, but I need some time to cool off. It's personal, but I will let you know if I am able to talk about it soon. I need to leave for the day, and I want to work on some things tonight when I get back. I will let you know if we can talk about this in the morning. Sorry again. 
Just as Kinn trying to figure out a way to get Arm to call him so he can get a slightly better idea of what's going on, he gets a text from Khun. 
Khun: Leave Arm be. Please. It's my fault he's so worked up. He's protective of me. You know that. We are going on a day trip so we can both get our minds off it.
Kinn: Off of what? 
Khun: If I say, then I am failing to get my mind off of it, aren't I? 🙄 Arm is trying his best though. He even called Pete to see if he wanted to go on the day trip with us! But Pete is already out of town with Vegas and Macau. 😒 I would be more hurt, but he said he would rather be with us. Some family drama is going on back in Sisaket. He said his grandma was fine, so it is probably his annoying and abusive estranged father getting arrested for assault or drugs. 😡😤 His grandma HATES his father, so she won't help her ex son-in-law when he gets in trouble with the law. If Vegas truly loves Pete as much as his Instagram implies, he should slaughter him for everyone’s sake. 
Kinn knows Khun is trying to distract him from the topic at hand. It's glaringly obvious, even if Khun is telling the truth and genuinely wants Vegas to kill Pete’s father. The thing is, it sort of works. Bringing up Vegas tends to distract Kinn from whatever he was talking about. It doesn't distract him in a good way, but it distracts him. 
But that frustration is quelled by the relief of seeing emojis in Khun’s text. The first one didn't have any, and that is usually a sign Khun is anxious and not doing well, as strange of a sign that is. 
Kinn: Can you please convince Arm to meet with me tomorrow morning?
Khun takes longer to answer than Kinn likes, but he does get back to him. 
Khun: We’ll see.
“Is everything okay?” Porsche asks when Kinn walks in. Kinn doesn't nod, shake his head, or provide any peace of mind. He just opens his texts with Arm and hands his phone over to Porsche.
“What has gotten into him?” Porsche asks, “This isn't like him.” 
“I was hoping you could tell me. He's your friend.” 
Porsche glances at him, “He's becoming yours too. This might be a good sign, at least in some ways. He feels more comfortable being defiant with you.”
“Is defiance something he frequently displays outside of work?” 
“Not really,” Porsche says, “But he has a strong sass streak when he's feeling annoyed.” 
Kinn huffs at that, “Still shouldn't have left.” 
“Oh, come on,” Porsche says quietly, “Maybe something personal happened and he needs some time. It's not the greatest timing, but he's done so much for everyone. I doubt he would just take off without a legitimate reason. Besides, all these men are longtime allies, right? The mutual business connections are beneficial for everyone? There probably isn't a reason to prepare for a significant threat. Right?”
As Kinn looks away and chooses not to answer that, he locks eyes with Douglas. The older man is staring right back at him with a smirk on his face. 
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live-from-flaturn · 1 year
French Inhale
This absolutely wild ficlet was brought to you in part by @foxandfall, whose convo led me to the conclusion that not only can Porchay do a French Inhale, he uses this Secret Bad Boy Skill to tease Kim beyond the point of fairness.
stoner lingo: roach = tiny bit of remaining weed at the tip of the joint (where your lips go), toke = hit/pull/drag, you gotta cough to get off = you have to take big hits and cough to get really high, 
tws: adults using legal mind-altering substances (smoking weed), horny vibes
Kim found Chay on the balcony of their new apartment, leaning his elbows back against the smooth metal railing. A lit joint hung precariously in the space between his pointer and middle fingers and a thin tail of blue-white smoke curled up through the air. Kim’s eyes followed its shifting column until they were inevitably drawn to the dangerously exposed length of his boyfriend’s neck, which tensed and relaxed appealingly as he opened his mouth to exhale.
“Long day?” Kim asked, voice miraculously normal. 
Chay offered a throaty, tired hum in lieu of a reply. Long didn’t begin to cover the kind of day he’d suffered through, but everything was fine right now. Kim was moving steadily closer, the weed was good – nothing less than the best for Wik’s secretive muse/boyfriend, and a buffet's worth of food was on its way from Porsche and Kinn as a ‘thank you’ for handling their shit all afternoon.
“Was it that stupid fucking wedding I warned them about?”
“I’m sorry, angel.”
Chay didn’t want Kim to be sorry at the moment, however. Not like that. 
Determined to turn the entire evening (and this conversation) around, Chay straightened his posture and took another slow drag of the joint before offering it to Kim. Once the mafia heir had taken a nice lungful, Chay parted his glossy lips. He coquettishly revealed the rolling white cloud of spicy marijuana smoke that sat hovering within the curved bowl of his tongue. 
With the kind of precision that only came with lots of practice, he inhaled through his nose and felt the smoke start trickling upward from his mouth in a smooth, impressive wave. Kim swallowed, which was a huge mistake because he still hadn’t released the last hit he’d taken. 
Coughing uncontrollably but also desperate not to lose sight of his boyfriend’s confusingly hot display, Kim planted both hands on his knees and stared Chay down. Chay shrugged nonchalantly and shot him a wink, “You gotta cough to get off, babe.”
When he could breathe properly again, Kim pointed accusingly up at him and wheezed, “You know that’s not what that means.”
Chay took the joint back and used his free hand to pull Kim close, tucking the shorter man into his side. He took an enormous toke and buried his face in Kim’s unstyled hair. When the burn grew too painful for him to hold another second, he lifted his chin, sighed, and watched any remaining grey wisps disappear in the breeze. Kim plucked the roach away with a look that said ‘you’re finished’, so Chay chose to occupy his hands by fitting them over his boyfriend’s hips instead. 
He squeezed without any shame whatsoever, having openly professed his feelings about Kim’s delicate waist a long while ago. Held flat to his chest as Kim now was, he felt the idol tense in a distinctly excited way. Kim shoved the depleted roach into their novelty bootlegged-Hello Kitty ashtray and twisted around in one smooth go. 
The movement temporarily broke Chay’s hold on him, but once he’d gotten situated with his face to Chay, Kim put them right back where they belonged. He tilted his head up to look at Chay, “Wanna go inside?” 
“You tired, or about ready for a snack?” Kim teased. “I think the foo-”
He was interrupted by Chay’s decision to lift him up and throw him over one annoyingly broad shoulder. 
“Hey! Put me down! Chay!” 
“Why should I put you down, P’Kim?” Chay laughed. He moved inside and closed the sliding balcony door behind them, Kim flopping back and forth with each half-turn of his torso. He planted a firm smack to Kim’s ass and laughed at the surprised yelp it got him in response. “Didn’t you just ask me if I wanted a snack?”
“That’s not what-”
“Then you should have been more specific.”
And if their awkwardly delivered dinner was a little cold by the time they got around to eating it? Oh well. You wouldn’t hear either of them complaining.
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giraffeter · 1 year
You just posted a lovely ArmKhun fic—they’re such a fun rarepair. Do you have any dearly-held headcanons for these two?
I'm so happy you enjoyed my Arm/Tankhun fic — they are one of my favorite KinnPorsche rarepairs and the first one to really capture my heart while I was watching the show!
I'm thrilled that you asked this because I have SO many headcanons for these two, both separately and together. In no particular order, they include:
Tankhun picked out Pol and Arm to be his bodyguards because they are the tallest bodyguard and the shortest bodyguard respectively, and he finds their height disparity amusing. The fact that their personalities meshed well with his was a complete coincidence.
I have backstory headcanons for all the bodyguards that I have imagined so vividly at this point that sometimes I forget they're not canon. My headcanon for Arm is that he was in the military for a couple years before Chan recruited him to come work for Korn. That's where he got his weapons-handling training. It also means that Arm is a trained field medic, which you can see in the way he rushes in when Porsche has been drugged and when Big [rest of sentence lost in incoherent sobbing]. He has some experience helping people manage PTSD because of this, which gives him real empathy for Tankhun and makes him essential when Tankhun's in crisis.
After Kinn announces that he's in love with Porsche, Tankhun marches directly to the equipment office and is like ARM DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS?? Arm, who has been catching them on the CCTV for weeks and is dying to talk about it with someone, already has a highlight reel of "Kinn and Porsche being unsubtle all over the house" edited together and ready to go (he's kept it PG-13 because he's classy like that and because he doesn't want Kinn to actually murder him). Arm and Tankhun watch the whole thing together with popcorn and much squealing in delight and horror, following which Tankhun storms up to Kinn's room like KINN! WE EAT ON THAT TABLE KINN!
Arm grew up watching lakorns with his mom and grandma and loves them. I mentioned this in Brave Enough for Everything but he's the only bodyguard who actually doesn't mind all the TV.
I also alluded to this in the fic, but Tankhun finds Arm's street clothes genuinely, painfully distressing. After they're together, they have a protracted battle about the degree to which Arm is willing to let Tankhun dress him, which results in Arm staying a lot more normcore than Tankhun would like but at least he's wearing some bright colors sometimes and his clothes fit him properly now.
Arm and Tankhun stayed up all night making the glitter-bomb robots from the finale. Tankhun thought his dad was dead and knew they were on the brink of war with the minor family, and Arm invented this Battle Craft basically on the fly to give him something to focus on and keep him from spiraling out.
Speaking of which — do you ever think about how in the finale, when Erika comes out with guns blazing, Arm and Tankhun are right there in the office behind her? They're in lockdown right behind that wall, listening to their friends and Tankhun's brother get shot at, watching on the CCTV. There's no universe where Arm isn't holding Tankhun tight for all of that.
I know there are more — I could talk about these good good boys all day — but this is getting long and those are the ones off the top of my head. What are your favorite ArmKhun headcanons?
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nuwildcat · 2 years
WIP Wednesday Cocktails and Chapter 2 of Silvered Perceptions
Right so if you’ve read my fics you pic up pretty quickly that Porsche, Tay, and I share a love of cocktails. I have officially given in and admitted that I just love to write a good cocktail into a story. Upon the suggestion of @dr-lemurr​ I am going to make a post this week including the recipes for the cocktails featured in this weeks chapter!
First all of these cocktails are served in chilled glasses. This is super easy to do, you just add ice and water to the cocktail glass while you are preparing the drink and then toss it out before pouring!
Cocktail 1 (Porsche’s experiment) The Tamarind Daiquiri:
This drink requires a cocktail base made of Tamarind, lemongrass, fresh ginger, and brown sugar. I’ve linked the recipe here.
2 ounces White Rum (We went with a Phuket local rum called Chalong Bay)
1 ounce Tamarind Base
1 1/2 ounces fresh lime juice
Combine the liquid ingredients in a shaker with ice and shake for 30 seconds, or until the shaker starts to ice over on the outside. Strain into the chilled daiquiri glass and garnish with a twist of Lime peel.
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Cocktail 2 (Kinn’s Drink) The Revolver
2 ounces of Bourbon
1/2 ounce of Tia Maria (coffee liqueur)
2 dashes of orange bitters
Combine ingredients in shaker and shake until chilled, 15 seconds. Strain liquid into chilled Nick and Nora glass. Flame orange peel over the glass to release essential oils and twist to garnish.
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Cocktail 3 (Tay’s Drink) The Hanky Panky
1 1/2 ounces of Gin
1 1/2 ounces of Sweet Vermouth
2 Dashes of Fernet-Branca (a bitter Italian digestivo)
Combine into a shaker with ice and shake until chilled, 15 seconds. Strain into chilled coupe glass. Twist an orange peel over glass and then garnish with twist.
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Here’s a snippet of Chapter 2!
After pulling the empty keg out from under the bar, Porsche grunts as he levers the much heavier full one into its spot. Twisting the line into place is easy, he’s done this a hundred times and will probably do it a hundred more.
Yok bustles behind him, bringing freshly cleaned fruit over to the cutting board she has set up and preparing to get chopping. They open the bar together most nights. It’s easier. The two of them have been doing this for so long that they don’t need to speak when they’re working. Jom often joins too, but he’s busy with a family party tonight.
Porsche and Yok are most of the way through the prep and starting to goof off as Yok has him make the new cocktail he’s working on for the menu. He’s come up with a tamarind, ginger, and lemongrass base that they are trying to pair with the right alcohol. Today he’s mixing it with a Thai white rum from Phuket, Chalong Bay Rum, and lime juice to make a funky take on a Daiquiri.
Yok sips hers and hums, smacking her lips in satisfaction. Porsche is pleased with how this one came out. They can use the local aspects of the drink to make it sell better.
“Best thing I ever did was hire your scrawny ass,” Yok teases him.
Porsche scoffs dramatically, “Scrawny? I was not scrawny!”
Yok tips back her head cackling. It pulls a smile out of Porsche as well; he loves this woman with all his heart.
“You were though! Still trying to fill out and figure out your way in the world.” She reaches over and pinches his cheek. “You may have been a fighter even then, but it took you time to grow into those long legs and yourself.”
She isn’t wrong. Porsche struggled to fit in, not looking or acting like an omega “should”— whatever that fucking was. Yok, who knew something about the struggle to find one’s own identity, acted as a guide and a confidant. She never judged, but she did make a great shoulder to cry on.
This chapter will come out tomorrow, so keep an eye for that! Still need to read chapter 1? You can find it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44397949/chapters/111665977
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nightmaretalesofpain · 5 months
KimChay - La Forte
Set in the backdrop of Kinnporsche. Chay struggles to settle in his new life as the younger son of the minor family. With an absent Porsche, deranged mother, Chay has to navigate the dangers of the mafia world, all while struggling to fit in at university.
@satursticket - for you
Genre: smut, gay love, mafia, heartbreak, bl, boys' love, homosexuality, underworld
Chapter two - 
My big brother was staring at my face, giggling, while I glowered at him. Kinn sat next to him, eating his lunch, while the older brother, the nut case, was screaming at the TV upstairs about how his life was ruined because Lee Joong Ki died in some crappy TV show. I recommended that movie to him so that he'd shut the hell up and leave me alone. 
Kinn and Porsche were amused at this, but they also marvelled at my ability to be so cruel. My head was still aching, as I hadn’t recovered since last week. 
"So, Chay, I heard that you are hanging out with Lily. And you even stayed over at our old place. Should I be informed about something?" my brother teased, and I dropped the spoon on the table. I lost my appetite. 
The pervert brother of mine had no idea what I went through last week, and he has the audacity to ask me whether I was the one dating. The fucking freak. If only he knew. 
"I had no idea you were this close. I mean, you grew up together, when did love blossom?" he continued, grinning.
"Who's Lily?" asked Kinn, playing along. 
"Our neighbour who lives down the street. She and Chay go to the same school. They used to play together when they were kids. Who knew that one day love would blossom between friends?" 
My brother was the dumbest man on the planet, and so was his boyfriend. How the hell is it that neither of them knew or suspected that I was previously involved with the youngest son of the mafia boss of this household and that Lily was so bitter about her love being stolen by Janward that she had sworn off men permanently? 
I shook my head. "She's mad at me. She's not even talking to me," I informed them, earning their attention. 
"What did you do?" asked Kinn, amused. 
"She hates me. She loathes me enough to run away at the mere sight of my reflection," I revealed. It was upsetting; my friend was scared to talk to me and was furious with me after what happened last Friday. She pretended that I didn't exist. The friend who would buy me lunch and cheer me up, was avoiding me like I was the COVID virus. She refused to be anywhere near me. I would most certainly cry if she kept this up. As it is I had a few friends and Lily was the only one who got me.
My brother gave me a concerned glance. "Chay, you're a good kid. There must be some misunderstanding. Lily has been your friend for years," 
Yeah, and you and your mafia boyfriend ruined it.
"Did something happen the night you stayed over at our house?"
"Did your minions report that to you? Didn't they tell you the whole story? I guess they aren't good at their job."
Porsche is worried about my demeanour now. I was mean and angry at him, which was rare. 
"Chay, do you want to talk about this?"
"No. Lily abhors me. And instead of going shopping with me and taking me to the salon, she's going to the hair stylist with Thanapan !" I declared, annoyed. Luke Thanapan was her gay cousin. He recently came out to society and was ready to make his debut officially as a gay man.
I continued eating, as my brother fretted over my alleged heartbreak. Hah, too late, brother. 
I bet he came up with a hundred scenarios as to why 'my girl' was mad at me. I'm sure one of the reasons included something sex-related, the moron. 
"Give her flowers. Send her a big bouquet of flowers," he stated, and I gazed at him like he was a buffoon. "Wait for her to cool down. Have a conversation when she's ready. No matter what she is mad about, send her flowers and apologise. Go to her place and deliver them yourself. Or go to her workplace and wait until her shift ends," he advised. 
My God, this nincompoop believed that this was some lover's quarrel that I had to sort out. She's batshit scared of me; why the hell would she even talk to me? She's worried for her safety. 
"I tried that; it didn't work. And Lily doesn't like flowers. She likes money." I answered, drinking the soup. 
"Give a bouquet with money," suggested Kinn. My God, this man had absolutely no clue how to pursue or apologise to women. Thank God he's gay. 
"Lily will kill me if I do that. She's fiercely independent. She doesn't need any man's help."
"Help her get a new job. Encourage her and motivate her. That way she'll still get it on her own, and you'll still be a reliable man in her eyes," blurted out Kinn. 
I blinked. For once, this man had a point.
"Joong Ki! I love you! How could you die? JOONG KI!" I heard the madman scream from upstairs as both of them began rubbing their temples. 
Lily looked like she wanted to shoot me, while simultaneously being afraid of me. We were at the salon, as Luke got his hair cut, and I was sitting next to her, on the couch. “For God’s sake man! Go away before I scream,” she hissed, livid. “Lily, I didn’t do anything to you, why would you scream?” I inquired. “Bro, your bodyguards are two feet away. I don’t want to start shit. Go away,” she said through her teeth, as her cousin was taking a selfie.
“Talk to me Lily,” I insisted. "About your concerns,”
“Bro, its not a concern, I’m in a state of shock. You are weird as hell. I knew your family had debt. Who asked you to get involved with the mafia just to avoid it? Now you are dangerous. Stay away from me and my family. I do not want to get involved with the underworld,” she declared.
“I’m not a part of the mafia,”
“Then why do you have bodyguards?”
“I don’t have a choice,”
“Neither do I. Get the hell away from me, or I’ll scream,”
Thanapan was watching us, and Lily was losing her mind.
“Hanging out with you in public is harmful for me. How do I know that one of your goons won’t kill me?”
I assured her repeatedly that my bodyguards would never harm her. But she had a counter argument. What if one of Kinn's enemies came after her to get back at Kinn?
She knew the whole story. I was the ignoramus to not realise sooner.
I was dumbstruck. I didn’t have an answer. My brother almost got killed. Tomorrow, if one of Anakinn’s enemies decides to attack either major or minor family, we’d all be dead. I recalled watching the guns, goons, and bodyguards, as I was strapped to the gurney.
Imaging Lily being kidnapped, harassed, or being subjected to even more horror was a dark thought. A realistic thought. I dropped the magazine I was holding and gulped. What if something did happen to Lily? Its not just Lily. Gary, Charlie, all of my friends would meet the same fate. They would have to go through the same agony I did, and their families would have deal with my fate. Living in fear, wondering whether my brother and I would live or die.
How did I not think of this sooner?
I could not put everyone at risk.
I remained motionless, as Lily turned pale. I saw her face as she began sweating. "You said that your bodyguards are trained in martial arts?" she questioned and I nodded. "That man has been watching us since the past hour. Either he's one of daddy's debt collectors or one of your enemies. Take a pick. But we have to decide what to do," came her low voice.
"Are you sure he's here for one of us?" I asked, and she affirmed. "Pretend to take a selfie with me. I want this dude's face for future reference," Lily said, and we took many shots with the man in the background. He tried to avoid being caught on camera. Suspicious indeed.
Lily indicated to her cousin that we had company, and he paid the bill. His pepper spray and I ife ready for use. We carefully walked out, as Lily recorded herself, pretending to go live on YouTube.
Indeed, the man followed us for a good two blocks, keeping his distance. The two bodyguards noticed as well. My face turned white as chalk, as I realised how sinister the man looked. Large, burly, black beady eyes and scar on his right eye.
Within seconds, he charged full speed ahead, ready to stab one of us. He had pulled out his large knife and the menacing look on his face made me scream.
All three of us ran at top speed, as a defense. The two bodyguards with us instantly tackled him to the ground and disarmed him. Turns out that he had a knife and a gun. Unfortunately for the bodyguards the guy was big and burly, and very agile. It took him a few seconds to slash one bodyguard's face while the other disarmed him.
Much to my horror, the man escaped as both guards chased after him. Much to our dismay, he hopped into a car and disappeared even before we could blink.
"Oh hell no. That guy was after you Chay. No loan shark is that sophisticated to plan and escape," Lily stated. Thanapan disagreed. He stated that either him or I could have been kidnapped for repayment, hence, the car.
None of us recognised the large man. Thanapan and Lily's fathers owed multiple loan sharks huge amounts of money. Both had mentioned stalking and threatening them. But kidnapping was was an extreme move.
All three of us were convinced that the man had a murderous intent. He either planned to hurt one of us and kidnap us, or kill us. To prove a point. Either way, all of us were frightened out of our wits.
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i-sveikata · 8 months
Hiii! This chapter was a long one and I have a lot to say about it too 😅
Firstly I need to ask before I forget. Does any of one word game quotes have been cut out of this chapter to include in the next one or they might have been changed? Like the one when Vegas asks if Pete wants his cock or him touching Pete's. And "friend" one when Vegas asks someone? I'm just curious if this was changed in the final check or maybe split to fit in the next chapter more.
Also more technical question. Would mind if someone were to point out some spelling mistakes in new chapters? I know it's easier to find errors when reading the first time. I found some minor ones and an incorrect name used but I don't want to correct others. I don't want to appear rude so I needed to ask 🥲
To the plot we go!
So much was happening in this chapter! So many emotions!
First of all I was really impressed with Pete's planning and the whole getting Vegas out. He really was wasting his potential at a major family. I'm so glad the rest is getting the bitter taste of his competency thrown back at them. And omg, I love every interaction of Pete with Vegas's bodyguards. So glad they are skilled and loyal to Vegas and Pete(!) too. Mafia husband's in the making 😁
I'm always shocked how well you can write Korn so I have a need to smother him all the time. Almost the same as Kinn but he can be better. Korn is only waiting for death. Which we all would rather have in any situation. I always secretly wish that Korn will die by Tankhun hands, which I only read once. He deserves this so much and seeing his rage and hurt only proves this idea. Like he is so smart and the most likable brother in the whole family. He didn't deserve any of it. Half of the time people are not even taking him seriously. I know he kind of preferred it this way. But I can see his role is bugging him much more now.
I still love how you acknowledge Kinn's toxic and predatory behavior. It always bugged me when KP fans were shitting on VP saying their relationship is toxic. But in the series specifically they consented! Porsche didn't have that chance. In your fic it's even more complicated but I would take Vegas a thousand times back if I was Pete and run and didn't look back in Porsche place 😤 Kinn's behavior has me fuming 😂 He doesn't even notices that Macau nor Vegas had really any say in how the minor family operates and the coup too.
Macau is a pure soul and it warmed my hurt how Phalin and Grandma took him in providing so much comfort. He deserves all of this and more.
I love how Yaai is portrayed. Very observant and clever. Vegas is not going to have a good time at all. But if she already can sense his devotion to Pete then maybe it won't be that bad 😂
And Vegas OMG. In one second as he wakes up, he thinks Pete left him. In another is so happy that he was wrong and lovingly stared at them both. And in third he was just horny all the way. Like Pete wasn't kidding when he was sensing Vegas thinks of sex all the time. Like damn, he really is. Doesn't even ask what happens, how? When? No. He is safe, Macau is safe. Pete is safe too but angry, but he can work with that. Like wtf. Touch some grass 😂
I'm very curious how the interrogation plays out. How to even explain all that without sounding like an asshole.
I'm so curious about any plans after Vegas is finally healed.
Thank you so much for this! I had a whole day free so I had my VegasPete day in peace. The chapter was amazing and very much worth the wait! Thank you so much for being here and proving for our starving VP souls 😭🙏❤️
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Hello again!!! no they're not cut scenes they're just scenes from the next chapter- i had the cut off placed somewhere differently in the draft before i realised how long the chap was getting. i dont cut things from my stories as a general rule. i either dump them at the end of the story as extras to work into a different point later on or they get reworked so those hints are still to come!
oh yes please do point out spelling mistakes or name mix ups!! (Just send me an ask or IM me with the details if thats easier) i do try to do a final reread before i post but i dont have a beta reader so i often miss mistakes before i come back and read the latest chap again. weird how your brain can just pass over them until you end up noticing the mistake later on!!
ahhhh thank you!!! yes it did feel like a lot of pete just letting loose in this chap because there is a lot of that 'dont think for themselves' element for a bodyguard but pete is smart!! so there is a bit of an obvious change in him already now that hes no longer blindly following the family. aw yeah they were so impressed by him, so ready to fall in line behind pete. funny how so easily pete can inspire loyalty in people!!
oh yeah dude is actually such a frightening kind of character because he hides all of these horrible things behind politeness and smiles. ugh yeah kinn, hopefully porsche is getting through to him and he can understand how to be a better partner because as far as im concerned during that porsche totally dumped him lol. poor tankhun for sure!! he will definitely be taking a much needed reassessment of things after all of this and we can only hope it works out for the better!
oh yeah all of the relationships in kp are fucked up but kinn and porsches feels worse to me because its subtler, the kind of relationship you dont realise is abusive when youre in it but yeah porsche taking a stand for himself was so so necessary and it has been building up for a long time now. yeah i think kinn is mostly focusing on feeling wronged than having the capacity to understand that circumstances havent left vegas or macau with much control either. hes not being very rational atm
aw poor macau!!!! him crying was so painful like noooooooooo. oh yeah man vegas is in SO much danger now lol petes grandmother is going to see through all of his bullshit (but she will start to see his affect on pete and that will slowly bring her around to warming to him)
hahahaha yeah hes running on such a different intensity to everyone else, like obvs pete has seen elements of that but im not sure how aware he is of the way vegas is constantly thinking about him. pete is the sun of his world now, he orbits around him but yeah lol chill out man and touch some grass hahaha
its going to be tricky!! but pete is going to try and give as much as he can without over explaining and he'll be careful to make sure vegas doesnt get too honest with his grandmother. either way pete is going to be heavily involved here.
youre so very welcome! im glad you enjoyed your vegaspete day in peace!!!
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agmapansa3008 · 2 years
VegasPete: Thoughts on the Pool Scene™
@blues-tunes I hope you don’t mind that I’m doing a separate post, because I wouldn’t be able to fit anything into those tumblr comments xD
First up, thank you for not wanting to spoil, that’s very considerate! But also, the way my bestie and I were watching that show was essentially frothing at the mouth in wait for the next episode, so I definitely watched the finale the minute I was able to get my little hands on it in Germany.
And I’ll take any and all prompts to ramble about my obsessions, so thank you for that as well. Also I assume you meant episode 14? I apologize in advance for the rambling mess that this will be, but if you didn't mean that pool scene, please tell me!
But yes, omg the Pool Scene™. How do I even start, man, it killed me. Bible and Build just absolutely acted their little butts off and delivered.
The thing that struck me the most, I think, was the sheer desperation, not only from Vegas - who, let’s face it, lost everything he truly lived for, because being his father’s puppet was the only thing he was good for, in his own eyes - but Pete’s desperation, as well. I’m gonna need to branch out and go back a little for this. Let’s take it from Pete’s view for a moment. Escaping Vegas was a miserable affair, not because he wanted to stay, but because he hated himself for not wanting to leave. To go back to him hitting himself - something he specifically told Vegas not to do, because hurting himself was useless, just a few days prior -, punishing himself for enjoying his time with Vegas and then escaping while crying because he didn’t necessarily want to hurt Vegas, but Vegas was hurting him. Everything in him was a mess because he was craving something that logically should repulse him. I wonder how often young Pete had hurt himself like Vegas, while his father was abusing him. How often he felt that he wasn’t good enough because if he was, his father would love him right? Oh how I wonder, how long it took Pete to stop hurting himself and here he was, back at square one, because of an enemy.
(Vegas, meanwhile, in his own clumsy and absolutely emotionally fucked way, really thought that he was treating Pete the right way, really thought that he understood what they had. I’ve seen a ton of analyses of Vegas’ POV, how he thought that the humiliation, the riling each other up, the constant back and forth between them was their thing. He thought that was their relationship. He attacked, Pete fought back, the tension snapped and… well they fucked. Let’s face it here, what would Vegas understand of actual love and relationships? How fucking quickly did he imprint on Pete like a baby duckling? Pete was nice to him once and Vegas bloomed under that like a fucking dandelion in concrete. We only see two other instances of relationships in the show, Tawan and Porsche. Tawan was absolutely just a tool. There was absolutely zero emotion whatsoever in that relationship from Vegas’ side. Porsche, while maybe a little more sincere, was mainly a way to get under Kinn’s skin. I am still pondering to this day if Vegas would have shot Porsche in that last scene. I am honestly not sure. I think he liked Porsche well enough, but if it got him what he thought he wanted, what he thought he needed - namely his father’s approval and the victory over the major family - I think he would have shot him. But hah, guess who he couldn’t shoot just mere moments later? Pete. He couldn’t hurt Pete. He didn’t even fight back when Pete started beating him. What did he do? He kissed him to distract him, told him he loves him and then left after his father. Why? The novel told us. Vegas was absolutely 100% sure that Pete would never choose him over his duty to the main family. He was certain of that. So he left to fulfil what he believed was his own duty. Because what else would he do? There was nothing else without Pete. But speaking of, back to Pete:)
So Pete escaped and had barely any time to cope with everything that happened before he was confronted with Vegas again, with his own feelings for Vegas and Vegas’ feelings for him. You can see my thoughts on that apology scene here, it also absolutely killed me. And after that, the attack happens. He sees Vegas again, is reminded once more that they are supposed to be enemies, has a chance to get revenge, to hurt Vegas back and, man, he hates every second of it. He’s crying while he’s punching the man who tortured him for days. I can’t even begin to imagine the fucking turmoil he has to feel inside. And Vegas doesn’t fight back. He apologizes again, he quite literally puts his own life in Pete’s hands if things go south, he kisses him and then he leaves. What Pete sees next is Gun dead and Vegas unhinged. He’s scared that he will have to do what Vegas asked him to. Scared, because he doesn’t know if he would do it because it’s his duty as a bodyguard to the major family, or because Vegas asked him to. Scared, because he’s unsure if he’d be able to do it at all. But Vegas leaves and Pete does what Vegas thought was impossible. “No legacy is so rich as honesty”. The major family may be his legacy, but his honesty is Vegas. His honesty is his feelings for Vegas and he can no longer deny them because if he does it will destroy them both.
And it nearly does. In contrast to him shooting Porsche, I am, without a single doubt sure that Vegas would have shot himself if Pete hadn’t followed him. Because he keeps on saying it in the show. He has nothing left. No purpose of his own, the strings his father had on him have been cut and he is plummeting to the ground. He doesn’t know what to live for. He lived for his father, he might have lived for Pete, but again, Pete would never choose him right, Pete is better off without him, right? He could live for Macau, but Macau is young, Macau is probably better off without the influence their father and Vegas himself had over him, as well. Macau would be treated well by the major family, Macau would have a good life. So really, what is left? He would have taken the shot, I truly believe that. 
But Pete does follow him. Pete finds him just in time and in time Vegas will be relieved that he did, but first, he’s angry. Because finally, finally, this was something that he could choose for himself. Something that wasn’t decided for him, but someone intervenes again. He’s angry and terrified. I honestly don’t know if the English subs were correct, but I love that he says “There’s nothing left” instead of “There’s no one left”. Because while people can bring meaning into someone’s life, it’s much easier to live without people than to live without purpose in general. Vegas, in his own mind, has truly nothing left. For all he knows, Pete is just here to drag him back to face the justice of the major family.
So when Pete says “I’m here”, Vegas’ first instinct is to react with coldness, to react with icy anger. “Why did you follow me, we both know you would never choose me over them!” But when Pete hugs him, when Pete starts crying, the ice breaks. Vegas breaks, just how he broke when Pete touched him back when they held the funeral for the hedgehog (and boy am I not over that yet either) and the anger turns to desperation and grief. The accusation of “Why did you follow me, we both know you would never choose me over them” turns into “Why did you follow me, I AM NOT WORTH IT. Leave, get back to them, because I am nothing.”
And now it’s Pete’s turn to react in anger because “how dare you say you have nothing left, when you haunted me for months. Told me you loved me. I am right here, I chose you, can’t you see me?” But what they have is so incredibly fragile. What they have is so riddled with misunderstood gestures and reactions, with so many flaws. So Pete, who hates feeling used like a pet, hates feeling like he’s nothing more than a toy to Vegas, who hurt himself over enjoying what they had, what he thought they had, what he wished they had, fought to get out of it by hurting them both, reverts back into that position with barely any hesitation. That’s what I mean with Pete’s desperation. He’s so desperate to keep Vegas alive, to keep Vegas by his side, that he denies himself his own humanity. If what will keep Vegas from leaving, is Pete being his toy, then he will endure it. Really, that alone is way more important for me, than Pete resigning from his bodyguard duties. Yes, the major family is his family, he left his family for Vegas, that’s already a huge fucking deal. But he left his own integrity as well. Was willing to sacrifice his own humanity, again something he physically fought for, for Vegas to remain living and to remain by his side. That’s one hell of a fucking love confession if you ask me. (Now is that healthy? Hell no, but nothing about those two is healthy so shhhh, it’s a show, we know it’s toxic, bla bla bla. Do I still love it, hell yeah, I do)
And Vegas, our sweet idiotic Vegas, tries to push him away again. And here, right then, I believe it’s an attempt to save Pete from him. “Can’t someone else take you to eat?” You have other people, Pete, you don’t need me. So Pete hammers it home. Calls himself Vegas’ pet out loud this time, reminds him that Vegas told him he loves him, asked him to stay by his side, that Vegas wanted them to remain together. So why is he pushing him away now, when Pete is finally willing to give him what he wants (but really only what Pete believes Vegas wants). “If you won’t live for yourself, then at least have the decency to take responsibility and live for me!” And finally he sees Vegas hesitate, finally he sees him consider. So he softens his tone, asks Vegas to please look at him, to see his sincerity, to see that Pete means it. (To see the love in his eyes, not spoken verbally, but there without a doubt.)
And Vegas does and for a short moment, they are allowed to smile at each other. For a short moment, they are both allowed to feel relief, to let the tension, the fear, the desperation seep out of them. And then Vegas gets shot and Pete’s first instinct is raging revenge. Again, I’ve seen so many posts about Pete’s gut reaction being to kill a colleague without a single ounce of hesitation and that again is such an indicator for how deep his feelings are running. He had Vegas at gunpoint three times after he escaped and he was never able to take the shot. But there’s not a single second of hesitation now. Also Build just fucking killed that scene? The crying, the screaming? I had fucking chills. I was so so so glad, that I had spoilers for this one thing, that I knew that the show went the same route as the novel and that Vegas would survive because otherwise, I would have bawled my eyes out.
But yes, of course, Vegas survives and we get the hospital epilogue. And I know you only mentioned the pool scene, but really the epilogue ties in so well because it’s a continuation of their conversation by the pool in the best way possible. Because Vegas repeats that he has nothing left, but here, after a near-death experience with both Macau and Pete by his side, it sounds less sure. Sounds more like an “I have nothing left right now, but I might in the future if you teach me how.” And Pete, who hasn’t left his side at the hospital at all, if Vegas' confusion about his whereabouts at the beginning is anything to go by, assures him that he only followed his heart. That right there, by Vegas' side, is where he belongs. And Vegas finally admits that Pete should have never been just a pet to him. Hasn’t been just a pet to him for a long while and never will be again. Finally, finally, both Vegas and Pete are able to be honest and true to their feelings. Finally, they are able to heal together.
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bitacrytic · 2 years
Overheat [31]
Read Previous Chapter Here
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“Do you think that’s what this is about?” Porsche asked. “I don’t give a fuck who you marry.”
There was always the possibility that Kinn may have judged Awut a bit too harshly. Kinn had never gone through a rut without an omega. If he was between relationships, there were services available for alphas in need of omega partners. It was never negotiable to spend the rut without mouth guards. He didn’t want any omega biting him, same as he wasn’t planning to bite any omega. So he got sated and did only things that would never have permanent, lasting effects on himself or his partners.
Which meant that, in his entire life, Kinn had never bitten anyone before.
But now, with the memory of Porsche's delicate flesh giving way to Kinn’s penetrating mating teeth, the feeling of euphoria that rushed to his brain as Porsche’s blood seeped into Kinn’s body, an almost endless exchange of possibilities… Kinn could understand why Awut hadn’t been able to help himself.
Touching his lips as he lay in bed, in the seclusion unit that the hospital had put him in, Kinn kept playing the hazy memory over and over in his head, trying to hang on to the feeling of the bite, trying to hang on to Porsche. He’d already masturbated thinking about it, about five times that day alone. His knot was popping smaller and smaller, each time. His rut was finally coming to an end.
But the memory lingered.
He’d just come out of yet another shower when there was a knock at his room door. Hoping that it would be Porsche, Kinn was immensely disappointed when his father walked in.
The glass screens the hospital set up cordoned off the sofa and the door, giving him room for visitors. He could see them and they could see him. But their scent was cut off, as well as their voices. With a fitted speaker and mic on either side of the glass screen, they could, at least, talk.
Not that Kinn wanted to speak to, or see his father, at the moment.
“I see you’re doing fine,” Papa said.
“Why did you do it?” Kinn asked, getting straight to the point.
Papa’s face remained the same, a slight tilt and a small frown that he’d worn since he entered the room.
“It was for your own good.” He didn’t bother to deny it.
“You let Apinya lock me up for my own good?” Kinn didn’t want to raise his voice at Papa. “Please explain yourself.”
“I shouldn’t have to.”
“Papa,” Kinn said sternly.
“Who do you think you’re talking to?” Papa asked.
Usually, this was the point in the conversation where Kinn would have backed down. But he needed to know. He needed to understand why his father would sell him out to someone else. This was the type of shit even Uncle Kun had never done. All the things he’d made Vegas do, none of it had ever been so permanent that it would affect Vegas’ life the way Kinn’s would have been affected if one wrong move had led to Tawan biting Kinn.
“I am talking to my father.”
“As your father-”
“How can you trust me to lead this family if you pull stunts like this?” Kinn asked. “Why did you do it?”
Papa sat, his eyes filled with contemplation. Kinn had seen that look for years. He knew when his father was running the numbers, weighing the pros and cons. He wondered what would matter more to his father: Kinn’s understanding or Kinn’s obedience.
“I see where you’re headed and I’m worried about you.”
“What does that mean, Papa?”
“Porsche, Kinn,” Papa said. “I’m talking about that boy that has you wrapped around his finger. It will never end well with you.”
Confused, Kinn leaned on the wall, hoping it would take the weight off his mind.
“What does Porsche have to do with it? You asked me to marry Tawan and I-”
“You were never going to marry Tawan unless it was made permanent. Not as long as Porsche is in your life.”
“You don’t know that," Kinn said. "Is it because he's an alpha?"
“That's the least of my concerns."
"Then what is it?" Kinn asked, frustration coloring his words.
"Porsche is his mother’s son. At the end of the day, he will ultimately make the same decision she made and then what?”
What little confusion Kinn had before grew. What did Porsche have to do with Tawan? And what did Aunty Nam have to do with Porsche's relationship with Kinn?
“Nampheung and Kun were in love when we were in college. They were going to change the financial eco-system of Thailand when they graduated. He was reading business law, she was in accounting.” Papa let out a sad laugh as his eyes drifted to the ceiling. “We could never hang out without them breaking into some diatribe about the future.”
Kinn and the other kids often speculated on the level of intimacy Aunty Nam shared with their parents. She knew things about Kinn’s parents and his uncle. Things that mere acquaintances didn’t know. Things that anyone not on the Theerapanyakul payroll would be killed for knowing.
Not to mention the amount of shit Papa and Uncle Kun let Aunty Nam and her kids get away with.
“Kun didn’t want to be in the family business, but he was an obedient son. He never told her, but when he had a job from Papa, he took it. When she found out, she got so mad. She was meant to be in Japan for only one year of inter-min study. But the year turned into two, and two turned into four. Before we knew it, it was eleven years later and she was returning to Bangkok with a six year old son and a husband that none of us knew about.”
“What does this have to do with me?”
“Porsche will never accept this part of you,” Papa said. “You will get your hands dirty. You will do things he can’t stomach and he will leave.”
“No he won’t. I saw him shoot people.”
“To protect you. Do you know what Nam did when she found out some architecture boys had roughed up Kun?” Papa asked. “She trashed their common room and set fire to the auditorium. While there were people inside!”
Kinn hadn’t known that.
“She has a hotter temper than Lydia, but that temper only extends as far as protecting those she loves. Porsche isn’t different.”
“I don’t want him to be.”
“He’s a human rights activist and you're the alpha of a crime syndicate. That relationship was doused with gasoline from the start. One little match and disaster will strike,” Korn said, his voice shaking with emotion. “I have seen my brother change. I watched him become a shell of anger and remorseless rage, the longer Nam was gone from our lives. She may have known what he was, but she stopped being his the moment she saw him snap someone’s neck. Right now, Porsche is still viewing you with tainted goggles and I’m sure I’m the bad guy.”
“No-” Kinn tried to say but Papa got up.
“I’m the one making you do bad things,” he said, his voice brimming with aggressive fire. “I’m the evil father who is poisoning dear, innocent Kinn, but the day will come when Porsche will see. The day will come when he will leave you.” He stopped talking, his chest heaving rapidly. “But that won't happen if you’re mated to an omega, Kinn.”
“I don’t want that.”
“An omega mate will not leave you. An omega mate will not break your heart. An omega is what you always wanted.”
“I don’t want that anymore.”
“Can’t you see that I’m trying to protect you?”
Before Kinn could reply, there was a knock at the door. Both Kinn and Papa looked in the direction as it opened. Even though Kinn had spent hours wishing to see Porsche, he couldn’t help the uncertain dread that weighed down his belly the moment Porsche walked into the room and the two of them locked eyes.
“Ah, Porsche,” Papa said, his voice completely void of the heavy emotion it had carried just mere seconds prior. “You’re here.” Papa cleared his voice as Porsche walked in.
“Uncle Korn,” Porsche bowed slightly, his hands clasped in front of him as Papa patted him on the back.
“How’s your father?”
“He’s doing fine.”
“And my Nam?”
Porsche laughed. “She’s fine too.”
“Good, good,” he said, nodding. “Greet them for me when you see them. Eh?”
“I will.”
Sparing Kinn one last look of worry and mild anger, Papa walked out, closing the door gently behind him.
Kinn didn’t know what to say or where to look. Papa’s conversation kept replaying in his head, jumbling itself with the last conversation Kinn had had with Porsche. Before Papa’s visit, Kinn had his mind ready to face Porsche. To say what needed to be said between them. To have another mature conversation that, this time, might yield positive results.
But now, Papa had thrown all that into chaos.
This relationship was doused with gasoline from the start.
Papa wasn’t even wrong. Porsche had already walked away from Kinn before. But that was only because Kinn had been a fool. He knew better now. He knew what Porsche wanted. Kinn was willing. Kinn would do. Kinn would be. Just as long as Porsche stayed by his side. This was different. He wasn’t Uncle Kun and Porsche was not his mother.
Porsche dropped his keys and phone on the stand as he sat in the spot where Papa had just vacated, gingerly perched, with his knees apart as he rested his elbows on them.
“How’s rehearsal going?” Kinn asked, to break the ice.
“Is that what you want to talk about now?” Porsche asked instead of answering.
Kinn licked his lips as he shook his head. “Not really.”
“Do you know who took you?” Porsche sighed, rubbing his head in his hands. “I know I have no right to ask, considering the last conversation we had but-”
“We can pretend that conversation never happened,” Kinn said immediately as he sat up in his hospital bed. Because they were going somewhere. Porsche had come to save him. He didn't want Porsche to think he… he didn’t want Porsche to… if he could, Kinn would have gone back in time to wipe that entire conversation from existence. “If you want,” he said. “We can just forget it.”
Porsche looked at Kinn, sadness in his eyes. “That easy, huh?”
Kinn’s stomach growled in uncertainty. It wasn’t enough that Kinn had evidence that Porsche could and would leave him if he fucked up. But his father’s words just kept playing. Over. And over. And over.
“I’m not saying it’s easy, I’m just… I have other things to worry about now.”
“Do you know who did it?”
Porsche was like a dog with a bone, sometimes. They were going to keep going around and around in circles and honestly, Kinn would much rather talk about this than go back to that conversation.
“Tawan’s father.”
Porsche’s forehead creased in slight frown as he stared up at the ceiling.
“Tawan?” he asked. “Why is that name familiar?”
“The omega Papa wants me to marry.”
“His father-” Porsche cut himself off. “Fuck!” He got up, placing his hands on his hips as he paced the small space between the seclusion glass and the sofa. “You do know you’re not marrying him after this, right? Just wait till Phi-Tankhun-”
“Tawan didn’t do anything.”
“Please be serious.”
“His father was the one who kidnapped me. Look at me,” he said, as he crawled over the bed to get closer to Porsche. “Don’t tell Phi-Tankhun about this.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
“I know what he did to you, Kinn.”
“He didn’t even know what he was doing.”
Kinn held his breath, watching the ease in Porsche’s posture slowly drain away as his shoulders tensed and the worry on his face morphed into narrowed, draining anger.
“Let me get this straight. You were tied up and in a rut. His father brought in an omega in heat and left him there, knowing what would happen.”
“It wasn’t his fault.”
“Oh really? Was he tied up too?” Porsche asked.
“No, But-”
“So you were the only one who was tied up and he got to do whatever the fuck he wanted to-”
“Stop,” Kinn said, feeling bile rise up in his throat. “Stop it now. I know what you’re trying to insinuate.”
“I am not insinuating. I am stating very clearly that you will not marry the man who raped you.”
Kinn’s bold chilled all over at those words as any reply he may have had died on his tongue. He’d been here before. They’d been here before and he was so fucking tired of it.
“I know you think you’re helping by trying to rid me of any responsibility, but I assure you, I am not a victim.”
“You weren’t there. You don’t know what we went through.”
“You mean what you went through.”
“Sometimes, some things just… they just happen and we have no control.”
“I can’t listen to this,” Porsche said, picking up his phone and keys as he headed for the door.
The day will come when he will leave you.
Kinn’s entire being burned with fear he’d never known. Moving across the bed, Kinn crawled towards the door, saying, “What are you doing?”
By the time Porsche’s hand got to the door, Kinn’s heart was pounding in desperation.
“Okay, fine,” he said. “Fine. I won’t marry him. Please don’t go.”
Porsche slammed the door back as Kinn flinched.
“Do you think that’s what this is about, Kinn?” Porsche asked. “I don’t give a fuck who you marry?”
“Please, don’t say that,” he pleaded, getting off the bed and going to the glass screen.
“You did this with Awut, for years,” Porsche said, facing him. “Every time he had a rut, you’d spend the week in my house just so you wouldn’t have to go home and explain why there were fresh bite marks on your neck.”
“That was-”
“Exactly the same thing you’re doing now.”
“I’m not excusing him, Porsche. He was just as powerless as I was.”
“Then why didn’t he bite you?”
Kinn’s brain stuttered to a halt. “What?”
Porsche folded his arms across his chest. “You said he was out of his mind. He was in heat. You were rutting. Pheromones were all over the place so what the fuck stopped him from biting you? Because it sure as hell wasn’t you if you were cuffed and served up on a fucking platter?”
He hadn’t thought about that. Then again, there were a thousand other things he hadn’t thought about in the past 24 hours. He was recovering from the fever and the rut, but his mind was still a little foggy. He hadn’t exactly had enough time to think about it.
Yet, even as he thought about it, he couldn’t make sense of it. He could remember what Tawan had felt like, how he’d looked, his eyes lidded with desire and nothing else, unable to comprehend the precarious position he had put them both in when he climbed into Kinn’s lap. There’d been nothing there but an innate need to mate. He’d kissed Kinn, touched his dick, fucked him, taken his knot, done everything… except the actual mating.
Kinn had been right there for the taking. More instinctive, more primal than the need to fuck, was an omega or alpha’s need to bite.
But that hadn’t happened.
“Why?” Kinn asked himself out loud.
“What did he want from you?” Porsche asked, looking uncertain as the fire in his eyes dimmed just a little. “Tawan’s father.”
Kinn tried to remember his last conversation with the councilman.
“I’m not letting you out of my sight until you and Tawan have bitten each other,” Kinn said, word for word as the creepiness of that promise sent renewed chills down his back.
“Is that what he said?” Porsche asked.
“Right before he drugged me in his car.”
“That’s weird. If he wasn’t going to let you go until you got bitten, then why did he let you go if that didn’t happen?”
“He didn’t let me go. I escaped.”
Porsche shook his head, deep in thought. “He let you go. I heard the guards talking about it. They were supposed to stand aside and let you pass.”
“But they fired upon us.”
“They were firing on me, Kinn. Until I showed up, they were clearing the way for you, practically herding you towards the main road.”
Kinn sat back on his bed, realizing that Porsche was right. He’d thought he was being stealth enough, evading the guards, hiding in the nick of time, as he made his way out of the compound. He’d been weak in every inch of his body, but he’d prevailed. And he’d thought it was because he was doing good. But it made more sense that trained guards would have found him long before he got out of that forest. They should have found him much sooner.
Unless they’d let him go.
“Why?” he asked again, unable to comprehend it. “What did that accomplish?”
Try as he might, Kinn wracked his brain looking for an answer.
But still, nothing could come of his unpleasant stint in Tawan’s house. Or the nefarious intentions of ex-fiancé and his ex-future father-in-law.
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rebellconquerer · 1 year
So I listened to this song and my brain started writing a fic where Kinn cheats. Cause my day has been terrible, have fic.
Kinn is drunk. He knows it, Porsche knew it before he left but he just couldn't stop. No, that's not right, he didn't want to stop. Didn't want to feel all the emotions that fighting with Porsche, that caring for Porsche made him feel. So he hid in a bottle and pleasant laughter and when Porsche intervened, he sent him home alone, only to hear that he'd gone to the minor family villa instead of to Kinn's bed. It's where he prefers to be probably, outside of Kinn's damning reach, away from whatever fairytale they thought they were living before the real world interrupted.
"Drinking that much alone is never a good idea," a voice says from his right. Kinn glances over to see the young man from before, the one who's eyes had been trailing behind him the entire night. Kinn is used to it, he's powerful, wealthy and good looking, men look at him.
"Not always a bad idea though," he replies, mostly to himself. The stranger takes it as permission to sit, giving him a warm smile. Kinn finds himself smiling back.
The Night Before
"You had no right," Porsche continues, voice hard and Kinn rolls his eyes, stepping out of the shower.
"You would have been stuck in that meeting for hours more, Porsche. It took nothing to move him along,"
"Yeah it took nothing for you to move him along. Everytime you step in because you think I can't do my job, it makes doing this job harder," Porsche hisses, balling the button up in his hands and throwing it across the room, a defeated slump to his shoulders that Kinn doesn't like but can't seem to fix.
"This event is important and it's important that we be there, on time,"
"You mean it's important that you be there with something pretty on your arm,"
"At least you know you're pretty,"
"Kinn." Porsche says, one word, dropping with enough displeasure it makes Kinn's smile evaporate. It's been weeks that they've been like this, almost at each other's throats, not quite able to find that easy groove from the begining of their relationship and Kinn is tired.
"Look," he says, and he doesn't mean to slip into his Khun Kinn voice, but he's been trying ok, and all he's getting for his efforts is castigated.
"If you don't want to be there, I can't make you, Porsche, you don't work for me,"
"Are you sure about that? Your words say that but everything else you do screams otherwise," and Kinn spins then, eyes hard as he glares at the younger man. Porsche doesn't back down. When has he ever. When has he ever given an inch when he didn't have to. They should have this out, whatever 'this' is that's been clawing at the inside of their mouths to be let out, but Kinn doesn't want to fight. He's so tired of it. Porsche was supposed to be his peace.
"You can stay or you can come, either is fine with me," he says dismissively. He knows the cold of his indifference hurts worse than the heat of his anger and a part of him wants Porsche to hurt.
He turns and walks out of his bathroom pretending he doesn't hear Porsche's muttered curse.
Porsche meets him just as he's about to get into the waiting limo, hair slicked back from his face, a few messy strands framing his gorgeous eyes. The tux fits him like a glove, the deep jewel-green colour makes his skin even more luminous. It would be perfect if Kinn could get him to smile.
"Decided to join me?" Kinn says instead of the apology he knows he owes Porsche. That gets him a deeper frown and an eye roll.
"Clean and dressed, just as the young master requested," Porsche mutters, sliding past him into the car and Kinn sighs. It's going to be a long night.
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ae-azile · 1 year
So, I usually prefer AO3 for reading and writing, but decided to make a Wattpad account to post my stories across multiple platforms. Starting with Giant Dancing Hedgehogs are Nightmare Fuel!
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Summary of Giant Dancing Hedgehogs are Nightmare Fuel:
There are several scenarios that Pete suspects to walk in on when he arrives back at the hospital:
Scenario 1: Vegas is still asleep and Macau and Tankhun have somehow managed to remain civil towards each other. This seems like the least likely scenario.
Scenario 2: Vegas is still asleep and Tankhun has tied Macau to a chair for the hell of it. While this would cause a great amount of trouble, it is almost comforting in its normalcy.
Scenario 3: Vegas has woken up and spilled every single secret that he has in his drugged up state, leaving him even more vulnerable than ever.
Scenario 4: Macau has killed Tankhun in a fit of grief stricken rage, which causes Arm, in turn, to kill Macau in a fit of grief stricken rage, since Arm and Tankhun are apparently in love and Pete can’t stop thinking about it.
Scenario 5: Tankhun has verbally attacked drugged up, pod person Vegas, which has caused him to burst into tears and pull out his IV, in hopes that he bleeds out.
It’s none of those things. Those things would be expected. Nothing happening right now is expected.
Some people love detailed spoilers and some people hate them. Stop reading now if you want to go in spoiler free.
Some themes of this story include:
1. Post-Canon: It accepts pretty much everything that happened up until the one month later epilogue in the finale.
2. Trauma: These characters are TRAUMATIZED. They are traumatized by the night of the attack, they are traumatized by their pasts and being abused/manipulated/gaslit, and they are all collectively traumatized by Korn. And Gun. But Korn is the real villain in this series.
3. Recovery: This primarily applies to Vegas, but also to other characters. Vegas is recovering from a coma and significant injuries. One is a hypoxic brain injury, which makes his autism a bit more apparent and something Macau eventually explains to Pete.
4. Autistic Vegas: In this story, Vegas has autism. He is low supports needs, intelligent, and his autism mainly becomes apparent with sensory processing, emotional regulation, and a little with social cues. His symptoms were more apparent when he was a child, but he learned how to mask. He struggles with masking more after coming out of his coma and pushes Pete away due to this, along with his guilt from his actions. Pete eventually talks to him bluntly and Vegas accepting his autism as part of his identity is something he works on through this fic.
5. Amnesia: Pete and Vegas have a history that goes much farther back than some funny run-ins and the safehouse. While Vegas has been pining for Pete for years, Pete forgets their friendship/sort of relationship due to being attacked on the job, resulting in a TBI and amnesia. This gets out when Vegas asks him if Pete remembers Vegas having a crush on him when they were young.
6. Cousin Reconciliation: Tankhun takes this first step in making amends with Vegas with Arm's support. Kim follows. Kinn gets there.
7. Side Couples: ArmKhun are the supporting lead couple. They are probably the healthiest couple in this series and have their own prequel story on AO3 that is longer than this story. Something to note: Tankhun protected Vegas during their kidnapping and was physically and sexually assaulted. His "hatred" for Vegas stemmed from resentment and trauma, which broke Vegas's heart because he genuinely loved and looked up to Tankhun as an older brother figure. Tankhun held onto that resentment for quite some time, but he also held onto a lot of guilt. When he saw Vegas shot over the security cameras, he was devastated. He - along with Arm and later Porsche - were the ones to get Vegas quick treatment and transferred to a good hospital. Arm is also a victim of abuse in this series. This is one of the main reasons why Tankhun chose him - along with Pete and Pol - as guards. They understand, they won't judge him, and he hopes they know he doesn't think less of them either. Arm is very aware of why Tankhun chose them and sees Vegas as a victim too (without knowing the abuse Vegas faced later on). He accepts and encourages the reconciliation because he loves Tankhun and knows it will bring him peace. Tankhun, Arm, and Kim are also discovering the kidnapping may have been ordered by someone close to them as damage control/retaliation.
KimChay are at odds but co-existing while Kim visits Vegas (+pines for Chay) and Chay hangs with his new bestie Macau (while holding a grudge against Kim). Kim is kind of going through it and arguably on the brink of a mental health crisis. He is also yearning for a connection with his brothers and cousins, especially after learning how much Korn put them all through. Chay has a bigger role in the sequel of this story, but he is forming a brotherly bond with Macau, is expressing how wronged he felt by both Porsche and Kim, yet is trying to support people in the ways he knows how. He also struggles with connecting to his mother, who can't communicate and doesn't seem to remember him.
KinnPorsche have a LOT on their plates in this series. Porsche has been thrusted into a role that he never expected or was trained for and is overwhelmed. He harbors hate for his boyfriend's father for keeping his mother away from him and for all of the lies. He is also worried about Kinn, who is feeling excluded from his brothers spending time together without him for unknown reasons. Kinn also carries a lot of confliction and resentment regarding his father's actions. He feels incredibly guilty and is going through mental health issues of his own.
8. Macau is very active in his brother's care and extremely protective of him. In turn, Pete protects Macau and is a good listening ear. Macau accepts Pete as family before Vegas even wakes up.
9. The Mothers: The mothers and how the boys' lost them are covered in this fic. Vegas was greatly impacted by the loss of his mother. She was his best friend and advocate. Losing his other parent and hearing of Porsche's mother bring up feelings of loss, sadness, and grief. He misses her terribly. Tankhun and Kim suspect that Korn had their own mother killed and are not surprised to hear that Vegas feels that Korn had something to do with his mother's death.
10. Crack!fic: These issues are covered seriously and treated with respect. That being said, this fic is a total crack and humor fic when it isn't doing that. Vegas says "I love you, Pete" 62 times within the first week of being awake because he can't stop saying it due to his brain injury and possible echolalia. Kim randomly starts calling Arm and Tankhun Pa and Dad, then never stops. He also tells fortunes by asking his friends and family to choose a Nintendo Switch and analyzes them by which color the choose, and his reads are extremely accurate. Due to obtaining Nintendo Switches, Arm and Tankhun run a farm together on Stardew Valley. Vegas has to be redirected away from Pokemon since he cries every time his Pokemon faint in battle. Kim tries to woo Chay by obtaining blue roses on Animal Crossing, all while Chay won't invite him to his island but will invite Vegas to give him starter crops and supplies. Pete buys Vegas a weighted blanket, something the whole family loves until it becomes sentient and starts hinting to a chosen few of their futures. Or, Pete's case, it gives him trippy dreams that always feature his boyfriend's mother.
This story is available both on AO3 (along with WIP companion stories). It is also now on Wattpad. Hope you enjoy and feel free to ask me any questions about this weird universe or for headcannons about it! Also open to prompts 🙂
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I posted 1,575 times in 2022
That's 1,575 more posts than 2021!
142 posts created (9%)
1,433 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,575 of my posts in 2022
#kinnporsche - 771 posts
#bible wichapas - 421 posts
#vegas theerapanyakul - 413 posts
#build jakapan - 361 posts
#pete saengtham - 361 posts
#vegaspete - 249 posts
#biblebuild - 225 posts
#@ oberon: come collect your child - 154 posts
#porsche kittisawasd - 138 posts
#kinn theerapanyakul - 76 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but when he doesn’t focus on the stupidity of trying to seduce porsche it becomes evident how good he is at the dirty work of the minor fam
My Top Posts in 2022:
ways in which macau theerapanyakul has managed to be the best worst little brother alive
fake gagged every time vegas has done so much as smile in pete’s general direction
been quasi-adopted by pete’s grandma and immediately used this privileged position to extract every embarrassing story about pete’s childhood and then countered with an equally embarrassing story of vegas’
barged into vegas’ room any time he’s slept past 8 am and thrown himself on the bed shouting ‘WAKE UP, GRANDPA’
(pete got up hours ago so it’s not like he’s even around to share the pain)
interrupted a quiet night on the couch by dressing up in vegas’ clothes and dramatically parading around the living room making kissing noises at pete
(that boy can move when he needs to)
systematically changed all of vegas’ online handles and passwords on numerous occasions and refused to give up the new names even under duress
painted little mustaches on all of vegas’ fake skulls
216 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
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228 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
it’s very telling to me that when gun wants to twist the knife when he’s abusing vegas, he goes for belittling vegas’ nurturing side. saying ‘you and macau aren’t fit to be my sons’ is a way of tearing down all the years vegas has spent trying to keep his brother safe and loved and far enough away from the mafia lifestyle that he doesn’t have to run the risk of becoming the same heartless weapon that vegas is. (and it works because later, when pete points out that vegas still has macau, vegas just says that macau is the same. they’re both trapped on the same sinking ship with no hope of rescue.) slapping the food out of his hands and following it with a comment about how vegas is just as stupid as his mother is directly reinforcing that vegas’ worth as a person isn’t in this caretaking realm. he wasn’t raised to be soft and kind, he was raised to kill and maim and destroy. why is he wasting his time trying to be gentle or look after others? there isn’t room for that. he’s vegas from the minor family and he needs to start acting like it — he needs to be the armor, the shell, the monstrous underworld figure — and he needs to abandon the vulnerable human core underneath.
and it’s equally telling that even though vegas’ entire life is lived in service to his father and trying to find a way to impress him, he still doesn’t give up that innate desire to feed and care for and look after the people he loves. for all the abuse gun puts him through and for all the horrible things vegas does, he still never escapes or abandons that.
259 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
POP QUIZ: would it be more embarrassing for pete if vegas walked in on him doing his nuts out, butt’s out exercise routine, or more embarrassing for vegas if pete walked in on him in the nude, lighting his 57th candle in the dark
672 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
how long did macau wait after leaving the temple before elbowing vegas in the ribs and going ‘OOOOOOH DO YOU HAVE A CRUUUUUUSH ON PETE OOOOOOH ARE YOU GONNA MAAAAARRRRRY HIM’ because my money is on ‘literally the second they were out of sight and even that was a struggle’
1,415 notes - Posted August 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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laesas · 1 year
About the violence ask thing:
10. worst part of fanon
Daddy Chan. Every time there is a "subtle" background ChanBig where Big "slips up" and says "Yes daddy" I literally vomit into my own mouth. If i see it again I will start chundering into envelopes and mailing them to people as I see fit.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Vers fics: When an author takes a "stereotypical" dynamic and plays with it, it tells me they've actually thought about the characters, their likes and dislikes and motivations. (it also says gay people like what they like during sex and it literally doesnt matter just like real life!! but that's besides the point!!).
I'm much more likely to read a ChayKim or PeteVegas oneshot *because* of an authors willingness to play around with character dynamics. I've read some outstanding PorscheKinn fics where Kinn is revealed as treating topping as the least 'gay' way to be gay (and as we learned in the very first scenes of KinnPorsche: "do you still like gelato" - being gay is treated as a weakness/thing to mock) so any exploration of being gay + sex acts as subversion/rebellion is so tasty delicious to me.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
Genuinely loathe to admit that I lost interest in Kinn x Porsche when they started being happy-clappy "in love" around episode 8-9. I apparently only love bitches with severe problems lmao.
9. worst part of canon
Other than the absolute tonal dissonance between some of the scenes (KimChay breakdown to helicopter sloppy my behated) - I think KinnPorsche completely missed a trick when it came to bodyguard deaths affecting the other bodyguards. I know I bang on about Big and Ken as my favourites, but having 2 of the highest ranking bodyguards die- one of which was a trusted traitor and one of which died protecting Porschem- affect??? noone??????? Especially when the fact that nobody mourned BIG - who died for Kinn's LOVE and for Porsche. The fact that Kinn barely mourned Big could have absolutely played a super interesting role in Pete's decision to leave. It could have sowed seeds of doubt in Porsche's trust of Kinn - and if they HAD left space for Kinn to grieve the loss of his closest bodyguard, it could have really reshaped Kinn and Porsche's whole dynamic in an interesting way.............. idk. I think it's a loose end and a poorly handled opportunity for interesting characterisation. But the extra time did make room for KinnPorsche fart jokes sooo it's fine. I'm not seething. :)
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
I will defind Jeff Satur to the ends of the earth. BUT AND HOWEVER. I genuinely think that the direction for Kim's interactions with Chay were relatively poor and far too focused on Kim/Jeff looking pretty than like... showing genuine emotion. Barcode seemed to act rings around Jeff at times, and yet in scenes where he *was* allowed to show emotion (see bar scene and polaroid scene!!!) he fucking smashed it. But scenes like WDYS at the end lacked emotional depth because the production was too worried about Jeff looking good on camera for a music video clip rather than the emotional payoff of the scene...
I also think KimChay could/SHOULD have absolutely been lesbians. There's something so fucking lesbian about KimChay I could cry. I nominate Silvy Pavida as Kim and Fah Yongwaree as Chay. but that's just my lesbian opinion.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
fdhjkhsknhdajksh GOD. I honestly don't block all that often. I hate to end on an actually sour note but - just people treating the Build situation as "tea" or "entertainment" or "hashtag drama" when like...... it was just so serious to me. idk. I definitely blocked a few people that I personally think handled that badly.
That said while I generally dont block often, I did block someone yesterday for blazing stranger things fanfiction with no readmore onto my dashboard. It was like 6k+. It was just quicker to scroll up and block than get to the bottom of it haha
🔥 The Choose Violence Ask Game 🔥
send me some here 💌
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