#because my allergies will very quickly decide that breathing is no longer an option if i breathe in too much hair
terramassakin · 10 months
#ok putting this all in the tags but i just need to get this out of my head right now in a tangible way#but i just feel so fucking trapped by my own body right now and have had three breakdowns already becauze of it#for the last month or so i have essentially been cut off from the outside world and even the beings i love with right now#all thanks to my godsdamned immune system and lungs#because since i moved in my allergies have become hyper-active and aggravated my asthma to the point i still struggle to just talk#or even breathe without sounding like a human squeak toy or bagpipe#because of that i havent been able to talk with friends online in vc even though id love to#i cant go outside because that sets off my allergies and im afraid theres gonna be another allergen that actually drives me to use my epi#AND im incredibly limited in my home now as i am very allergic to all three pets whose hair is EVERYWHERE#and worst of all#the one pet i am the most allergic to is our cat Mochi who i absolutely love and she loves me more than anyone else#and she is getting so so so skinny and old and wont be around much longer#but i cant give her all the love and affection she deserves for being my precious Motorboat#because my allergies will very quickly decide that breathing is no longer an option if i breathe in too much hair#and her cat hair will become a landmine of allergies thatll be kicked up whenever that area is disturbed#and my hands are already getting so dried out from all the hand washing#and i am just so upset by this#and essentially grieving the fact i wont be able to give her as much love and affection as i want to before she passes#and i may need to move my computer setup into my bedroom as its the one place that can be kept pet free#and i just... gods i hate this so much... ;-;#like im scared to even try and push these allergies because if they get aggrivated then they make life hell#everything itches and it becomes so hard to just breathe normally (let alone even be able to talk to my family) for like a week afterwards#and i just.... i just want to pet and give my Mochi affection while shes still here#but shes getting so so bony and is having a harder time moving around to even fet up into her cat tree ;-;#idk how much longer she has left vut i know that it'll be a long time before my allergy shots can make my allergy to her manageable#and i just... i dont know what to do and i hate it ;-;
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pan-fangirl-345 · 4 years
Purple Heliotropes and Red Salvias
Summary: Tadashi didn’t think that loving his best friend would lead anywhere, and yet there he is, puking up flowers in a school bathroom. Where will he end up?
TW: Mentions of blood, vomit, and death. No one actually dies, but there are mentions of character deaths.
A/N: I’ve been going through a Hanahaki Disease AU phase, and now I’m subjecting you guys to it too. Good luck. I promise that it has a happy ending.
Tadashi knew something was wrong during practice.
He was slower than usual, and his breathing was becoming  hell of a lot harder than he thought was normal, but he hadn't been feeling very good lately, so he didn't think much of it until Suga said something.
"I promise, I'm okay," Tadashi assured his former vice-captain. The former third years had stopped by to see how the new team was doing, which meant that they were all much more preceptive than usual.
"You don't have a fever. Are you sure that you're feeling okay?"
"I'm fine, I just don't feel the greatest, I think it might be allergies," Tadashi explained, attempting to wave away his former vice-captain.
"If it gets any worse-"
"I'll let you know," Tadashi promised.
It didn't get worse, but it didn't get better either, and by the end of practice Tadashi was panting.
"Tadashi," Tsukishima murmured, laying a hand on Tadashi's back. Concern was lacing his facial features as they locked eyes.
"I'm fine," he gasped, hands on his knees as he tried to breath.
Suddenly, there was something coming up, clogging his throat.
"I-" He paused. "I'll be right back. I have to use the bathroom," he muttered, trying to walk as calmly as he could to the bathroom.
As soon as the door shut behind him, Tadashi was on his knees in front of the toilet, coughing and hacking as he tried to get it out of his throat.
When he was finally able to clear his throat, he stared in horror at the small purple petals that were floating on the surface of the water.
"No, no, no, no, no," he whispered, shaking his head.
This couldn't be happening. He was not doing this. Not now. Not when they were so close to their tournament.
He couldn't do this, he wasn't going to go through the hassle of trying to figure out who it was, what he was going to do about it, and why this was happening to him now.
"Tadashi?" Hinata asked, rubbing his back as he appeared. "Oh no."
"You can't tell anyone," he croaked, voice and throat raw. "Not until I figure this out."
"Yamaguchi, I need to tell Suga, or Daichi! Or Tsukishima so he can-"
"Tsukki can't know," Tadashi ordered. "He doesn't need this, and I can't burden him with this," he rasped.
"But . . . isn't he the reason that you-"
"Probably, but I've been expecting this, probably more than anything," Tadashi whispered, voice still hoarse.
Hanahaki wasn't rare, and he was likely to get it, he had been in love with he friend every day since they were kids, and it was about as unrequited as it could've gotten in their scenario.
There was a kind of beauty to the flowers, Tadashi supposed, having gone through a small botany phase when he was younger.
Heliotropes represented eternal love and devotion, and Tadashi supposed that it made sense.
There was a kind of sadness to the flowers too, with how small the petals were.
"Tadashi, you know that you'll have to confess right?" Hinata asked, crouching down beside Tadashi as he rubbed the pinch server's back.
"No." It slipped out before Tadashi even had time to think the answer through.
"No? But Tadashi! If you don't then . . . ." Hinata trailed off, looking close to tears.
"I'll die, I know," Tadashi whispered. "I know, but . . . have you ever been in love Hinata?" Tadashi asked.
The answer was so firm that Tadashi turned to look at the small red-head. There was nothing but a small, fond smile on the red-head's face.
"Would you want to get the surgery? If it was you in my position?" Tadashi asked. "Would you want to get rid of something that made you smile like that whenever you thought about the person? Would you want to forget the little things that they do to make you smile? The little things that only you know about? Would you want to forget the things they did to make you fall in love?"
"Then you can't tell me that I need the surgery," Tadashi told him.
"There's a difference between want and need," Hinata said, getting a sad look on his face.
"Maybe, but I've made my choice," Tadashi murmured.
"Sometimes I envy you Tadashi," Hinata admitted, sinking to the floor with him. "I envy the way that Tsukishima looks at you. The way you look at each other. I envy what you have. My person . . . they'll never look at me like you look at each other. They'll never care for me like that."
Coughing wracked Hinata's body, and Tadashi realized that they were in the same boat, just in different stages.
A full flower was sitting peacefully on top of the water, dying it pink with Hinata's blood. 
The black sunflower looked menacing to Tadashi, but there was something about it.
"Kageyama," Tadashi whispered.
"Ding, ding, ding," Hinata rasped, leaning against the wall heavily.
It was concerning, how big the flower was, and how small Hinata was in comparison.
"How long?"
"A couple of months. It'll start taking something out of me soon, and my mom has already scheduled the surgery," Hinata said.
"Do you want the surgery?"
"No," Hinata admitted.
Tadashi tucked Hinata into his side, a small comfort, from someone who understood.
"I'll keep your secret if you keep mine," Tadashi murmured.
"Deal," Hinata agreed.
Things were okay for a few weeks, Tadashi decided. He wasn't coughing flowers very much yet, and Hinata was still fighting, still flying high.
Then Hinata pulled Tadashi aside and said, "I need your help. My surgery, it's this weekend, and I want to let Kageyama know how I feel now, before that feeling leaves, and I need your help."
"Okay, what do you plan on doing?"
"I was thinking about writing a letter."
"That's a good idea. I'll come by after practice to help, okay?" Tadashi asked.
Hinata nodded then gave Tadashi a teary-eyed smile.
"I'm sorry, Tadashi," he murmured, before he went wide eyed and dashed down the hallway again.
Tadashi was wondering what he was sorry for, but then there was someone spinning him around and he was faced with the rage of Kageyama.
"What was he talking to you about?" Kageyama snarled.
"Hey, King, can you get your hands off my friend?" Tsukishima said, not really asking.
"Oh, right, sorry," Kageyama murmured, letting Tadashi go. "But he's been avoiding me like the plague. What was he talking to you about?"
"Homework. He wanted some help with his homework, and Yachi was busy," Tadashi murmured, giving Kageyama a small smile.
"Homework. Right."
Kageyama clearly didn't believe him, but he didn't press, probably because Tsukishima was standing at Tadashi's back, an intimidating presence.
"Are you okay?" Tsukishima asked.
"Yeah, thanks Tsukki," Tadashi said, giving him a wide smile, holding back the flowers that were crawling up his throat quickly.
"So what was the Shorty actually talking to you about?"
"He's . . . confessing to someone, and wanted my help."
"What would you know about confessions?" Tsukishima drawled.
Tadashi didn't say anything, he couldn't there were flowers clogging his throat, but the words hurt.
Tadashi's eyes watered as he held it in.
He squinted at the clock, decided he had enough time, and headed for the bathroom coughing into his handkerchief, trying to collect all the petals.
Once he was sure he was alone, he fell to his knees, kneecaps groaning in protest as he hit hard, cold tile, but he had more important things to worry about as he gagged, throwing up whatever was in his stomach into the toilet, small flowers floating on the surface peacefully.
Full flowers. That wasn't a good sign.
Next there would be stems, then leaves, the roots, until they started to puncture his lungs and squeeze his heart until he choked to death trying to cough up something that shouldn't have been in his lungs in the first place.
Tadashi sucked in a quick breath, flushed the toilet and rinsed out his mouth.
He needed to act normally, even though he was dying. He had a mission, and he would fight to see it accomplished.
Hinata had been fighting for a long time, and if he could do it, Tadashi could too.
It took more out of him than he thought it would. He hadn't realized how much time he spent with Tsukki until he got Hanahaki.
He'd coughed up seven more flowers by lunch, and had almost thrown up three times.
The excuse of helping Hinata write his letter made it easier to leave Tsukki when they parted ways, but there was still the ache in his chest. 
It was either suffer through the pain of Hanahaki, or the pain of not having the love of his life by his side.
"Your flowers are growing a lot faster now, aren't they?" Hinata asked when Tadashi coughed them into a bucket Hinata had hidden under his bed.
Tadashi nodded, letting Hinata inspect the contents.
"Yours are growing faster than mine did."
"I've been in love with Tsukki for a long time Hinata, for longer than you've even known about Kageyama," Tadashi explained.
"Have you decided what you're going to do?"
"I'm not confessing, and the surgery isn't an option, so I guess I'm dying," Tadashi admitted.
Hinata sighed.
"This sucks ass," Hinata muttered. "Would you confess, if you knew he loved you back?"
"Maybe, but that's the thing. He doesn't return my feelings, and I've known that for a while. He doesn't return my feelings and I can't say that I blame him."
"What does it feeling like for you Tadashi? Being in love I mean?"
"I know he'll always be by my side. I know that no matter what batshit crazy things come out of my mouth he'll understand, in some way. It's a reassuring feeling of belonging. It's lazy Sundays filled with sleeping in and comfy clothes and home."
"It's so different from mine," Hinata confessed. "For me, it's like running through a field and it's all 'fwaaahh' and 'haha!'."
"Because your heart isn't meant to be tamed, it meant to be ran with. You're an very free spirit, Hinata, kind of like a horse. To you, Kageyama is the wolf friend that runs with you."
"We're crows that fly together," Hinata mumbled.
"Exactly," Tadashi told him.
"I should write that down," Hinata murmured.
"Are you gonna sign it? Or are you going to let him brew on it?" Tadashi asked.
Hinata took a few minutes to respond since he was coughing up flowers, making Tadashi wince at the flowers that resided in the now-shared bucket.
"No. It won't make a difference if he knows it's me or not. It won't change how he feels. It might just inflate his ego a little bit," Hinata rasped, spitting into the bucket after washing his mouth out.
"That doesn't answer my question Hinata," Tadashi told him.
"I don't think I will," Hinata admitted. "I won't remember him after this weekend. The feelings won't ever come back."
"He'll want to know who it's from. He might go looking. Start asking question," Tadashi informed Hinata, who shrugged.
"Hinata, he has a right to know."
"Maybe, but . . . I think it'll hurt him more than help him," Hinata confessed.
"Hinata, put your name on that letter. Kageyama is a lot of things, subtle isn't one of them. He loves you, Hinata, but he's just not very good at proving it."
"He's in love with someone," Hinata agrees. "It just isn't me."
"What are you talking about?"
"I was going to confess, when this whole thing first started, but . . . when I asked him if he had ever been in love, he said yes, and he wouldn't tell me who it was. He doesn't love me back Tadashi, and I'm okay with that."
"How? How can you be okay with that?" Tadashi asked quietly.
"You didn't see the smile on his face when he talked about them Tadashi. He got this really fond smile, and it softened his entire face like 'awwww', and he looked so . . . happy, Tadashi. He never looks at me like that. I don't care if he doesn't love me back. As long as he's happy, then I can be okay with it."
Hinata had tears streaking down his face and when the hacking started Tadashi felt like crying himself.
"I'm so sorry, Hinata, I'm so sorry," Tadashi whispered, wrapping his arms around his friend as the tears started to leak from his own eyes and his voice cracked with emotions.
The next day, Hinata looked drained, he wasn't exuding his normal excitement.
"Hinata?" Tadashi asked.
"There was a stem this morning, when we raced each other to the school. It's getting worse. At this rate, I'll be dead before the surgery even happens," he whispered, voice hoarse.
"Did he see it?"
"Kinda hard to miss," Hinata said, looking close to tears. "He had no clue what was wrong. Tadashi . . . the way he looked at me, the panic in his face . . . ." Hinata really did start crying then, big tears, like the ones they had shed the night before.
"I know, I know," Tadashi murmured, wrapping Hinata in a hug, moving them to a bathroom.
"I added something to the letter this morning. I told him it was me and explained everything that was going on. I slipped it into his bag while we were racing. He's probably found it by now, and I don't know what to expect. Tadashi, I'm terrified," Hinata admitted, once he got his composure back.
"I know, I know," Tadashi repeated slowly, curling his hands through Hinata's hair, trying to soothe the small middle blocker.
"Tadashi, what do I do?" Hinata asked.
"I don't know Hinata, hope for the best?"
Hinata sobbed and Tadashi wondered what would happen to him if he confessed to Tsukishima and he got rejected. He wasn't getting the surgery, he would never willingly give this up, but . . . what if he had no choice? What if someone found out and told his moms?
The pain in his throat crawled up and he let Hinata go to cough into the toilet.
Tears pricked his eyes and he could practically feel the plant ripping his throat on the way up.
He gagged, feeling his stomach roil around as the flowers flowed from his mouth like a river.
"Yours is almost as bad as mine," Hinata remarked sadly.
Tadashi nodded.
"At least we aren't going through this alone," Hinata murmured, giving Tadashi a hand up after he flushed the toilet.
"True, but it would be better if we weren't going through it at all," Tadashi grumbled, making Hinata laugh sadly.
"Ain't that the truth," he murmured, following Tadashi back to his classroom.
Hinata's eyes went wide, and he bolted, so Tadashi assumed he had spotted Kageyama.
"You and the Shrimp are spending a lot of time together lately 'Dashi," Tsukishima mused, hard look on his face. "Anything I should know about?"
For a nanosecond, for a fraction of the smallest slice of time, Tadashi considered telling Tsukishima everything, about Hinata, about himself, about he had been feeling since middle school, and then it was all wiped away by the worst case scenario. By the thought of Tsukishima throwing it all back in his face and laughing. Of Tsukishima walking away and leaving him behind again.
"It's nothing Tsukki, don't worry about it. You might want to take your seat, the teacher warned us about what would happen-"
"Fuck the teacher Tadashi," Tsukishima snapped, nearly slamming his hands down on his friend's desk. "There's something wrong, and I want to know what it is. For god's sake Tadashi, when did you start hiding things from me?"
"When I started to have something to lose," Tadashi replied, letting the mask fall for a moment. "You don't need to know about this Kei, not right now. I can't risk-"
Tadashi shut his mouth so quickly that his teeth clacked together audibly.
"Fine, talk to me when you're ready to stop lying to my face," Tsukishima snapped.
Tadashi blinked back tears, tearing a hand through his hair.
He and Tsukishima had fought before, but never like this, they had usually made up by the end of it, having forgotten what they were even arguing about.
Tadashi suddenly realized how tired he was, how deep the ache in his bones really was, how heavy his body was, how much effort it took to keep his eyes open.
Just one more day, just one more week, you can do this Tadashi, he thought to himself as he forced himself to pay attention in class, to not let into the ache.
It all came to a head at practice that night.
He'd been feeling worse and worse throughout the day, and Hinata had reported the same thing.
"I . . . will . . . reach . . . the . . . summit," Hinata panted, wiping sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand.
Kageyama nodded beside him, giving Hinata a fond look.
Tsukishima had never looked at Tadashi like that, and he doubted that he would now.
The ache throbbed and so did Tadsahi's lungs.
Or maybe Tadashi's lungs were causing the ache and his body was responding to it.
Tadashi's vision blurred in front of him as the whistle blew and Kageyama whispered something to Hinata.
Tadashi's serve went up, and so did he, but, as the ball hit the other side of the court, Tadashi hit the floor heavily, coughs wracked his body, flowers ripping out of him with a vengeance as he tried to keep them hidden in his hands.
Not now, not here, Tadashi begged whatever higher being and deity was listening. Not in front of Kei, not in front of my team.
"-Dashi! Tadashi!"
Tadashi tried to open his eyes to look up at Tsukishima, but he couldn't. He was tired, and he just wanted to sleep.
"S-Sorry Tsukki," he gasped, coughing up more flowers in between words, trying and failing to get enough oxygen into his lungs.
His vision was blurry, getting darker around the edges.
"I'm s-sorry," he whispered.
(Tsukishima's POV)
The incessant beeping of the heart monitor was annoying, but it was the only thing convincing Kei that his best friend was even alive.
The rise and fall of his chest was so shallow, and the drip of the IV was concerning.
Kei had been holding Tadashi's hand since he had gotten to his side.
He also hadn't stopped crying since he had gotten to Tadashi.
Kei should've known, he should've known that something was wrong. Tadashi had been his best friend since they were kids, he should've known that Tadashi was sick.
He should've noticed the flowers sooner, he should've seen the signs. He was suffering from them too after all.
Daichi was standing by the door, as were Nishinoya and Narita. Asahi was there too, and the others were with Hinata, who had collapsed after blocking a spike from Tanaka, couching up blood and big black sunflowers.
Tadashi had been coughing up purple heliotropes, and Kei had automatically known who Tadashi was in love with.
They'd gone through a botany phase together as children, before Tsukishima had gotten into dinosaurs and Tadashi had become interested in art.
Kei had been coughing up red salvias for about two weeks, right after Tadashi had started acting different.
He knew what was happening, but Tadashi had been pulling away, talking with Hinata more often than not, touching him constantly, and Kei had assumed that they were getting closer.
He hadn't expected this.
Tadashi hadn't told him, hadn't wanted to lose what they had, so he had been killing himself.
"You idiot," Kei snapped, his first words in hours.
"Tsukishima, take it easy," Nishinoya murmured.
Kei ignored him.
"You honestly thought I would reject you? You thought I would throw away the only friend I've ever had? That I didn't care about you like this? 'Dashi, how could you be so blind?" Kei asked, kissing Tadashi's knuckles lightly.
He had never thought Tadashi would got his far. Kei had thought that Tadashi had known how he felt. It wasn't like he put up with anyone else, except maybe Yachi, and that was purely platonic.
"Please, just wake up," Kei pleaded, laying his head on the bed.
"I'm going to call Yamaguchi's moms again," Daichi murmured, slipping out.
Narita convinced Noya to go check on Hinata before slipping out himself, laying a comforting hand on Kei's shoulder.
"Tadashi please," Kei begged. "I need you. I need you to be okay. I need you to be by my side. I need you. I'm in love with you Tadashi, and you can't leave before I tell you to your face, okay? I need to tell you, to apologize for earlier, for every time I-"
Kei stopped as he choked on a sob.
"You're my best friend, idiot, I love you!"
The tears returned full force, landing in wet splotched on Tadashi's arm, splattering over the covers, landing in Kei's hands where they were clutching Tadashi's tightly.
Kei's head popped up as Tadashi blinked blearily at him.
"Tadashi," he whispered, throwing his arms around his friend.
"Where am I?"
"The hospital. You had a flower fit, remember?"
"Where are the others?"
"Either with Hinata or waiting in the lobby for parents," Kei explained.
"Hinata? Did they take him in for surgery?" Tadashi tried for sit up but ended up coughing up a bunch of bloody flowers instead.
"Don't try to sit up, moron," Kei hissed, pushing him back down by his shoulders. "The King already spilled his guts about everything to the Shrimp. Hinata's fine now, tired and in need of some serious training to get back where he was, but fine."
"Thank goodness," Tadashi murmured, relaxing under Kei's hands. "Listen, I'm sorr-"
"Don't apologize to me Tadashi," Kei murmured, stroking Tadashi's face with his thumb lightly, running it over the freckles he loved so much. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten jealous and mad at you, it was stupid and I just want you to be-"
A coughing fit over took Kei, who grimaced, releasing Tadashi's hands.
"Tsukki?" Tadashi reached out to him. "Tsukki, what's-"
His question stopped when he glanced at the little red petals in Kei's hands, glaringly obvious against Kei's paler complextion, and Tadashi's hands went to his mouth.
"Oh, Tsukki, I'm so sorry," Tadashi whispered. "Who are they for? I bet it's that girl from Class 5, right? The one with the-"
"They aren't for some . . . girl, Tadashi," Kei snapped, snatching Tadashi's hands up from where they were resting against his stomach. "They're for you."
"That's not funny Kei," Tadashi said, angrily.
"I know it's not," Kei replied, just as serious as Tadashi was. "I've been coughing them up for two weeks. I knew who they were for as soon as I coughed up the first petal. They're red salvias, Tadashi. Do you remember what they mean?"
"Forever mine," Tadashi whispered. "They mean forever mine," he said, a little bit louder.
"How did you not notice Tadashi?" Kei asked, giving his best friend a small smile, rubbing soothing circles on Tadashi's skin.
"You just never . . . I mean, we never . . . I never thought that . . . ." Tadashi trailed off and stared at their joined hands for a moment before he said, "I just never thought that you would ever think about me like that."
"Tadashi," Kei murmured, leaning their foreheads together. "I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier, I didn't mean to upset you."
"It's okay," Tadashi murmured, pulling one hand away from Kei's so that he could tangle it in Kei's hair.
"I'm in love with you, and I have been for a while," Kei admitted, and he could feel the heat rise to his cheeks.
"Me too," Tadashi said, the teasing lilt in his voice apparent. "I love you, Tsukishima Kei."
Kei smiled at him, real, and wide, and Tadashi smiled back at him.
"Why did you wait so long to tell me?" Tsukishima asked.
"Like I said, I just never though that you were interested in me," Tadashi muttered, glancing everywhere but his friend.
Kei frowned.
Looking back, he had never really shown any romantic interest towards Tadashi, he had been so worried about letting it show that he had been kind of an asshole.
"I'm sorry," Kei mumbled. "I should've-"
"I know now," Tadashi said, cutting him off, moving his hand deeper into Kei's hair.
Kei nodded, nudging Tadashi's nose with his own.
The sounds of crying made them both pull away, and they saw Tadashi's mother hurtling around the corner.
Kei moved so she could sit beside her son. She was rightly upset, since she didn't seem to have known that her son was sick.
His mom was there in the next five minutes, trying to comfort her wife and her son at the same time and looking more than a little panicked.
Kei slipped out, heading down to the cafeteria. 
He hadn't been eating much, and as much as hospital food didn't sound appealing, he was willing to eat pretty much anything.
He got something for Tadashi too, and then, ten minutes later, left it on a spare chair in his room, before starting to slip out.
"Tsukki? Where are you going?"
"I . . . I wasn't sure you wanted me around, so I was going to go home."
"Kei, come here," Tadashi ordered, opening his arms. "The IV itches and pinches and I am this close to just yanking it out."
Deciding that Tadashi really couldn't do that, Kei moved to sit in the chair, but Tadashi made a small noise of protest, tugging on Kei's sleeve.
"Come here," Tadashi demanded, pulling his friend into the bed with him.
"I'm not sure this is-"
"Kei," Tadashi grumbled, more of a whine than anything. "I want cuddles!"
Kei . . . couldn't argue with that. They hadn't been touching as much and he missed the solid warmth of his friend tucked into his side.
"What about your moms? And the team?"
"Fuck 'em," Tadashi muttered, burying his face in Kei's shirt, tangling their legs together.
Kei snorted, then regretted it when his throat protested.
"Kei, I'm really sorry," Tadashi murmured.
"If I can't apologize then neither can you," Kei countered, burying his face in Tadashi's hair.
Tadashi opened his mouth again, then shut it. 
"I really missed you," Tadashi whispered.
"I missed you too," Kei murmured, burying his face in Tadashi's hair.
"Hey, Yamaguchi-" Suga stopped in the doorway, giving them a soft smile. "I'm glad things worked out."
He disappeared down the hallway again and Kei couldn't help the blush that crept up his cheeks.
"We do this all the time at home, why does this embarrass you?" Tadashi asked, touching Kei's face lightly.
"It doesn't," Kei said.
"Then why is your face a strawberry?"
"It's not!"
"Yes it is!"
"Sh-Shut up Dashi!"
"You love me and you know it."
"I do."
He really did.
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sleepinabath · 4 years
“What happened this morning?”
Warnings: insecurities, body image, 
Story Length: 2k
Summary: You are the kindest person of your year. Always lifting up others and giving a hand whenever possible. Behind the front you are insecure and broken. You never show anyone your pain, but one day after speeding out of the great hall Draco sees a glimpse of your hidden side. 
A/N: This is my first imagine on tumblr. Let me know if I should make a part 2. (not my gif btw)
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Y/n l/n was a kind Hufflepuff 5th year. She was the person that partnered with the new kid, the person who was positive through the tough times, the person anyone could come to judgement free, the person who always reminded her friends that they were perfect and beautiful. But when the sun went down and no one was there to tell her about their problems her mind filled with terrible thoughts. While everybody else in the castle was dreaming, y/n was reminded of all the things she hated about herself, all the things that made her less beautiful, all the things that she thought others hated about her. Fortunately y/n was good at hiding her pain, she attempted much more around her current boyfriend, Draco Malfoy, and so no one realized that all her happiness and confidence was a façade. 
Coincidentally that façade had gotten her the boyfriends she tries too hard to hide from. When he confessed his feelings for her she asked why. Why would Draco Malfoy, the Prince of Slytherin want her, a simple Hufflepuff? 
“For so many reasons y/n, too many to count. For starters you are beautiful, and positive...” 
That is where y/n stopped listening. Her faux optimism had landed her a boy that almost every girl in the school swooned over.
Tonight was no different. Y/n pictured the scenario that had tormented her during her waking hours and disrupted her sleep. Draco Malfoy walking into the great hall with Pansy Parkinson on his arm. They would walk over to her house table and reveal her deepest darkest insecurities. The remarks weren’t the same every time. Some times Malfoy would touch on Y/n’s body issues saying:
“How could I ever date anyone that fat?”
“The moment I saw your body it was over.”
Sometime Parkinson would strike on her insecurity around cheating by saying things like:
“Did you really think he could have liked you? You were a cute charity case.”
“Did you not wonder why he never went further?”
Always after they spewed their hate and walked away the entire hall would begin to laugh and some of her closest friends would agree or worse point out how stupid she was to think that Malfoy would actually like her. Every time this played out in Y/n’s head she would cry. 
Tonight Y/n decided to go into the dorms bathroom so as not to wake up her dorm mates. She looked at her red cheeks and puffy eyes and began to agree with the dream Parkinson and Draco. Y/n began to examine her body, only making;  her cry harder as she traced her finger along the few stretch marks Y/n had on her hips and thighs, pulling on the little fat that clung to her calves and stomach. At this point y/n had ran out of tears and was exhausted, stepping out of the bathroom she looked around at the other beds. All these girls were beautiful and thin. 
Why can’t I be like that? 
Why can’t I have a body and face that I like?
Waking up the next morning y/n saw all her tired dorm mates starting their day as well. Some were brushing their teeth and humming a tune, some were picking out their outfit, and some like y/n were just waking up. You got out of bed reluctantly and started choosing your outfit for the day. Your options were all very similar, big jeans and a t-shirt with your robes. You decided on your favorite pair of white wash blue jeans and one of your dad’s old band shirts. You and all your roommates finished your respective morning rituals at around the same time and then walked to the great hall together for breakfast. 
Y/n ate about the same thing everyday for breakfast, an egg, berries, and if she was really hungry a piece of toast with jam. Beginning to eat everyone started talking about classes and homework, the usual beginning of day complaints or excitement. You added to these conversations while also watching the hall door to see when Draco walked in and if he walked in with anyone. 
Soon after you and your friends came into the hall Draco came in. He was accompanied by his standard group, Crabbe, Goyle, Zabinni, but today along with the usual crowd there was Pansy Parkinson right alongside him. Your heart dropped, you felt as though you were going to throw up. You didn’t let your feelings show on your face.
“Y/n what do you think will be more important on the herbology exam? Labeling or purpose?” asked her dorm mate, Diane. 
“Uh… I believe that Professor Sprout said the test would be 50/50.” y/n said coming out of your thoughts.
“Well I’m fucked. I only know the practical.”
“Come to study group tonight. We would love to have you.” 
“Thank y/n. You’re the best.” y/n had stopped paying attention at that point. y/n was trying not to notice as Pansy and Draco laughed together. It all became too much when she laid her hand on his forearm.
“Hey, I think I left something in the dorm. I’ll meet you guys in class?” y/n was just barely keeping her voice level. They all bid her goodbye and she walked very quickly out of the hall. 
Tears were starting to spill from her eyes down y/n’s cheeks when she heard footsteps behind her. Y/n began to walk quicker trying to get as far away as possible from anyone. 
You’re being so stupid. Crying over a boy
She was just trying to make you jealous, and you fell for it
She could not let anyone see her cry. Y/n was the confident, nice, Hufflepuff, and if someone saw her breakdown it would put into question anything she had ever said, every bit of advice would be watered down by doubt.
“Y/N!” This made her stop dead. It was Draco. She wanted to run until she was in the common room, run until he had given up, but y/n knew that Draco wouldn’t give up. Even if he had lost her in this moment he would bring it up again until he figured out what was troubling her. She didn’t run, but stopped quickly whipping her eyes and taking deep breaths as Draco caught up to her.
“Hey, what up?” Y/n said doing her best to sound nonchalant.
“You left the hall…” he paused now looking at your face. 
“Good observation.” she faked a laugh. She wanted him to go away so that she could cry in peace. 
“Are you okay?” 
“Of course.” Y/n moved to leave but he grabbed her wrist.
“Yes?” her voice broke a little.
“Have you been crying?” he face was painted with concern 
“No, just allergies. I was actually just about to-” a tear rolled down her face. “To get my allergy medication but...” It was all y/n could do to keep the sobbs out of her voice.
“Draco I really need to go.” y/n knew that she wouldn’t be able to keep her tears in much longer. Walking away she felt the tears fall fast and hot down her cheeks. Thankfully Draco didn’t follow her.
Y/n missed her first class of the day. She made up an excuse to her friends about being nauseous. 
“Are you sure you want to go to class y/n?” Her roommate Diane said as you all walked to potions.
“Yeah, I’m fine now.” Y/n said quickly.
“Whatever you say.” 
Y/n’s second lesson of the day was double potions with the Slytherins. When you walked into class you avoided his piercing gaze. She knew that Draco would try to talk to you during class. To bypass his awkward questions you sat next to one of her friends named Annalise. 
“Not sitting with Draco?” Annalise asked.
“I can hangout with Draco any old time. Besides he’s not great shakes at potions.” y/n said this while pulling out your potions textbook
She made it through potions without having to speak to Draco. She was feeling more confident that he would drop it until you were leaving class. Y/n was walking with all your friends when she felt something cold wrap around her hand. She stopped creating a ripple effect among the crowd she had been enveloped in. 
“Can I speak to you?” Draco asked in a low voice.
“Hey, I’ll meet you in class.” Y/n said to her friends. They all giggled as you two walked away. She didn’t feel like laughing at all. She felt like throwing up. The last thing she wanted to do was talk to Draco about what happened this morning. Draco pulled you into an empty classroom, and began to pace.   
“What’s up?” y/n said cooly.
“What happened?” he stopped his pacing to ask.
“Nothing, I just wasn’t feeling well.” she moved to him. She tried to comfort him by rubbing his arm. He moved away from his gesture.
“Bullshit.” he didn’t yell, but said it fervently.
Y/n didn’t have anything to say. Half of her wanted to break down in front of him, too cry and tell him all the things that plagued her mind by night. The other half of her wanted to leave the room and make him so mad that he forgot about all things that had happened this morning. Y/n couldn’t bring herself to do either, so she just stood there in silence.
“What happened this morning?”
“Nothing. I just wasn’t feel-” y/n began to lie again but Draco cut her off.
“What’ the real reason?” he said looking at her with a mix of caring and frustration
“I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Draco’s only response was an irritated sigh. y/n was also starting to get annoyed. Why couldn’t he just drop it. It wasn’t as if the real reason mattered greatly. 
“You know what I realized today.”
“Enlighten me.”
“You have never once cried in front of me. You haven’t even confided a negative thought.”
“Because I don’t need to.” y/n stated flatly looking at her feet.
“Your telling me you have never once had a negative thought?” Draco asked doubtfully.
“Don’t put words in my mouth.”
“So if you do have other emotions besides inspirational, why have I never heard about them?”
“Because... Because I’m an optimist.”
“Optimist or not, no one can bottle up their emotions before losing their minds eventually.” She couldn’t think of anything to say. Y/n knew he was right. She had been so broke and defeated for so long now. All Y/n could think to do was continue looking at her shoes because she knew that if she met his eye she wouldn’t be able to hold it together.
“Look at me... please.” y/n could hear the concern all through his voice. Slowly she turned her face to his. Y/n was determined not to break down and just go to herr next class.
“We should go to class.” she said weakly barely meeting Draco’s eye.
“Class can wait, you can’t.” he spoke soberly which made it more confusing for him when Y/n giggled.
“I’m sorry, it’s just that if you knew what was going on up here.” She pointed to her forehead. “You wouldn’t have said that.” Draco moved swiftly to her and put his forehead to hers. 
“I want to know. I want to know it all. Every dark and twisted thought to your wildest dreams and fantasies. I want to know everything if you’ll tell me.”
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marco-pierre · 4 years
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Dinner Party || Rory, Marco, & Gen
Where: Marco and Rory Pierre’s Home Who: The Pierre Siblings and Genevieve Debarbarac  Notes: Marco invites Gen over to his home for dinner and to formally meet his sister Rory. 
@genxdebarbarac @rory-of-nantes
Marco was running around like a chicken with his head cut off, trying to get everything ready for the dinner with Gen and Rory, He knew he didn't have to do anything fancy because Gen would totally be against that. She was all about keeping things simple, and because he couldn't cook, he ordered food from an Italian restaurant, making sure to have some vegan options for Rory. He did make dessert though, he made a vegan chocolate cake. He learned to make vegan desserts for Rory when she decided that she was going to be one and because of all her allergies. He was setting the table, making sure everything was perfect, he really wanted the night to go perfectly, but he wasn't looking forward to doing his pirate voice for Gen, but he made a bet and he was going to follow through. He walked over to Rory's room and opened the door, Hey, are you ready? Gen is going to be here soon.
Rory was glad Marco was on board for having Gen over for dinner. After her brief meeting with the woman and then her conversation about the woman with her brother, she wanted them all to be able to get together. Since Gen made Marco very happy, she really wanted to get to know her better, maybe even become friends. The day of the planned dinner party, she had offered to help her brother get everything ready; but since she'd been feeling a bit under the weather that morning, it was decided she'd be better taking it easy so she was ready to go once Gen arrived. So she was curled up on her bed, reading a book and waiting to be summoned for food. Catching sight of her bedroom door opening, she glanced up from her book, watching as her brother signed. Nodding, she hopped off her bed and tossed her book onto her quilt. I'm ready... Are you ready? I don't see an eyepatch or a hat. She teased.
Gen was...a little nervous. Okay, a lot nervous. She didn't do relationships and serious feelings yet..here she was, about to officially 'meet the family' (or, well, sibling at least). And even though she'd already met Rory, this was different. And as much as she tried to pretend things with Marco were just casual.....they weren't. Clearly. Otherwise, she wouldn't be so nervous right now. Or trying so hard to make a good impression. So here she was, in a nice pair of jeans and a new top Solenn got for her, hair actually brushed and picked up and she came armed with a bottle of wine and vegan brownies she got from a bakery after Marco told her Rory was vegan. She hesitated in front of the door, letting out a shaky breath before knocking and waiting, bouncing on the balls of her feet.
Marco rolled his eyes at Rory when she talked about his eye patch and hat, I'll bring them out later on in the evening, now come on she should be here soon. He was so nervous and excited about tonight, it was nice to have his sister and his special lady in one place, bonding, and hopefully becoming friends. He looked back when he heard the knock on the door, She's here! He quickly walked out the door and headed to his front door. He stopped at the mirror and gave himself a final glance before opening the door. He smiled when he saw her standing there. She looked beautiful in just her casual outfit, "Hey...you look beautiful." He leaned in and kissed her sweetly on her lips. "I am so glad you came." He stepped back, "Please, come in." He closed the door behind her and went over to Rory with Gen, Sis, you remember Gen.
If Rory was going to be staying with Marco long-term, they'd definitely have to invest in one of those flashing doorbells like back at their parents' house. It'd be nice to know when someone was at the door without relying on her brother to tell her. Following several paces behind her brother, as he went to greet Gen at the door, she waited off to the side, figuring it best to give the not yet official couple some space. As Marco led Gen over to where she was standing, Rory offered up a warm smile, extending her hand for a shake. "Hi. It's so good to see you again."
When the door opened and Gen saw him there she let out a breath, relief starting to flow through her a bit- because as nervous as she was, she still consistently felt a sense of calm around him every time. She leaned up, kissing him back softly and smiling at him, "Well thank you. And yeah, of course. I've been looking forward to it..and I hope I don't make an ass out of myself." She tacked on, wrinkling her nose a bit at him. She let him lead the way in and when she spotted Rory again she gave her a bright smile, waving and reaching her hand over to shake it, "It's good to see you too." she lifted her other arm then, holding the bag up, "I um..I brought some stuff. Some wine, and some brownies. Marco told me you're vegan?"
Marco smiled as Gen kissed him back, he would never get tired of how perfect her lips felt against his. He shook his head hearing her comment, "There's no way you could do that, you are too amazing to make an ass out of yourself." He had no doubt that things would work out and Gen and Rory would be amazing. He watched as two of the most special women in his life talked and he couldn't stop smiling. He liked that Gen remembered that Rory was vegan, she was really trying to impress her and that meant a lot. He scrunched his brow at the fact that Gen bought brownies, he signed and spoke this to Gen and Rory "You actually brought baked goods in this house? Argh...ye matey, how dare you undermine my baking abilities?" He smirked and looked right at Rory, knowing she would get it.
Rory was impressed. Not only had Marco told Gen she was vegan; but Gen had remembered and brought something they could hopefully all enjoy. She just hoped Marco also told Gen about her numerous food allergies... Nothing worse than those brownies being vegan but still containing soy or one of the fruits or tree nuts she couldn’t eat. “I am.” She glanced down at the tray of brownies, offering out a hand to take something from the other woman’s arms, her gaze shifting towards her brother as she noticed him begin to sign. She saw his words. And his facial expression. And all she could do was shake her head and let out a heavy yet moderately pained sigh. Not good enough. She signed back before once again offering to take something from Gen’s arms. “I’ll bring these into the kitchen.” With that said, she started towards the kitchen before Marco could comment further on the fact his pirate voice wasn’t good enough.
“Okay great. I asked the lady behind the counter to make sure there’s nothing in them at all. No nuts or fruits or anything. They’re technically blondies actually so..I hope you like them.” And she hoped they were the right thing. As she stepped more into the house then though, Marco started speaking....weirdly and Gen shot him a confused look, a little frown tugging on her lips before she looked between the two siblings. Obviously, some kind of inside joke and she let out a laugh, scratching at the back of her neck, “I..think I’m missing something here huh.” She asked teasingly, and even though she was still confused she was still smiling as she shook her head and gave Marco a nudge “And I’m not doubting your abilities at all. Just figured baked goods are always appreciated.”
Marco scoffed at Rory when she said his voice wasn't good enough, she was definitely not going to make this easy on him. It was obvious that Gen was confused by all of this and he wanted to tell her so bad what was going on, but he couldn't. She started to laugh a bit, which was good, she was going with the flow and he knew this would all be fine when he was able to explain it to her. Her little nudge and comment made him smile, "That is true, baked goods are always appreciated." He leaned down and kissed her cheek, "I hope you're hungry, we are having Italian tonight." He took her hand and led her into the dining room where Rory was. "Did you grab the drinks from the kitchen? Or do I need to grab them?"
After bringing the brownies and wine from Gen into the kitchen and placing them on the counter, Rory decided to start bringing the drinks, bowls, and plates Marco had previously prepared into the dining room where they’d be eating. That way, they could all just sit down and begin eating once the not yet official couple was ready. Besides, she was hungry and didn’t want to have to wait longer than necessary, especially since the food smelled delicious. And the restaurant her brother had picked had a vegan parmigiana di melanzane, one of her favorite Italian dishes. Setting the table, she turned towards the dining room’s entrance as she felt the vibrations of footsteps coming towards her. I poured us each a glass of water. I haven’t brought the wine in yet if you and Gen want some of that. Unfortunately, she wouldn’t be partaking in the wine due to health reasons.
Gen followed them through the apartment, trying not to feel awkward or nervous- especially whenever they signed to each other. It was just all the more reason she wanted to learn how to sign. "Italian sounds perfect. I'm not picky. I eat literally everything. Except for olives. That's just the one thing I don't like. Or canned tuna." She wrinkled her nose, shaking her head as she said it. She followed along to the dining room, moving to the table but before she sat down she turned to look between them, "Can I help with anything?"
Marco was glad that Rory finished bringing in the things from the kitchen except for the wine. Okay, I'll grab that. He looked over at Gen as she offered to help, "Nah I got it, I'm just going to grab the wine." He was about to head in the kitchen, but stopped and turned to face the ladies, "You guys go ahead and start making your plates.” He smiled and headed into the kitchen. He quickly grabbed the wine and two glasses and headed back out. He took his seat and opened the wine, pouring a glass for him and Gen. "Here you go, so how has your day been Gen?" He signed and spoke so everyone was involved in the conversation.
When Marco said he’d fetch the wine, Rory just nodded before taking a seat and beginning to fix her plate. And after a moment, she shifted her gaze to where Gen was sitting. “I’m really glad you could join us for dinner.” She stated before quickly glancing in the direction of the kitchen to ensure Marco hadn’t returned yet. When she didn’t see him, she was about to speak up again but stopped when she caught him out of the corner of her eye, instead once more returning her attention to fixing her plate before turning her attention to her brother and Gen, watching as Marco signed so she was fully included in the conversation.
Gen nodded and grabbed a plate so she could begin serving herself, humming happily at how good it all smelled. When Rory's voice hit her ears she looked up, smiling at the other girl, "I'm glad you invited me. I really do want to spend more time with you. Get to know you." and I want you to like me went unsaid in her head. She noticed how Rory looked over to the kitchen like she was going to say something more but then stopped. She didn't comment on it and just smiled as Marco came back. She sat down beside the man, thanking him softly as he poured her wine before she shrugged, "It's been alright. I only had to do some inventory at the restaurant today, so I got to leave early." She looked between them but was always conscious to keep her face angled towards Rory so the girl could read her lips. "How've your days been? Getting used to living together again?"
Marco began eating his food and everything seemed to be going well. He listened as Gen was telling them about her day, it seemed pretty normal with work. Her question made him shrug his shoulders, "My day was good, I went and did my workout this morning, went to the Nantes House to do some work, and then came home to get the house cleaned up for dinner." He smiled and looked over at Rory, "Argh....what was ye day like matey? Argh..." He was starting to get a bit embarrassed by his pirate voice, but he had to do it. He gave Rory a That's it look. “Having Rory back home is good, I missed her, but I do have to get used to having someone else in the house.” He smiled and took a bite of his food.
The smirk widened even further upon Rory’s face as she watched Marco do his pirate voice again, complete with the facial expressions she loved so dearly as a young child. Honestly, I was hoping for some pirate-themed pickup line to be used, Captain; but I suppose that’ll do. She signed back before turning her attention from her brother to Gen, the smirk still upon her face. “My brother was a pirate in a past life. All about that booty and that chest.” She couldn’t help the laughter that escaped her lips as she said such words... All part of her job description as the annoying baby sister.
As they all settled, Gen took a sip of the wine, hoping the alcohol might help calm her nerves a bit as Marco spoke about his day. But then came that ridiculous voice and she looked between them, seeing Rory beginning to crack up and Gen huffed out a breath, a bemused smile on her lips, "I'm missing something here...--" Rory soon explained just what he was doing and once she did Gen laughed, shaking her head, "Oh my god." she gasped in between her laughter. "All about the booty huh?" She asked, smirking and knocking her elbow lightly into Marco's just to tease him more as she saw a blush actually coloring his cheeks. "Good to know."
Marco was so relieved that Rory said he didn't have to do the voice anymore, it was clearly confusing Gen, and he didn't like leaving her out of the joke. He took a sip of his wine when Rory explained that he was a pirate in his past life, and was all about the booty and chest. He almost choked on his wine, and his eyes went wide and fell right onto Gen. He couldn't believe that Rory said that...he was so embarrassed. Thankfully Gen played right along, making this a little less embarrassing. He smiled at her response, "Don't forget the chest little one." He winked at her, "Argh..." This time his tone was a bit more sensual and he made sure to look away from Rory, this was just for Gen.
Marco’s reaction to her words was utterly priceless; and Rory couldn’t help but laugh even harder, so much so that she caused herself to snort... which only made her giggle even more, the playful smirk still wide upon her face as she watched the exchange better her brother and Gen, taking note of how they both responded. And then her brother turned away from her to say something, which caused her to grow curious. She took the moment to stop and take a drink in an attempt to calm her laughter as her chest was starting to hurt, something she definitely didn’t want Marco to notice. She then sent one more glance between her brother and Gen before shifting her attention to the food on her plate.
Honestly, Gen was just the tiniest bit jealous: it must be nice to have a sibling, to have such long-standing inside jokes like they did. She saw the smiles between them, how Rory was happily teasing her big brother and it just made Gen smile. She may not have that, but at least someone as wonderful as Marco did. When he responded quietly back to her, it was now Gen's turn to blush and she cleared her throat, reaching for her glass of wine, "Maybe if you're lucky I'll let you pillage later." she shot back, mumbled into the glass before she took a long drink from it, her eyes glancing up to the Dom beside her. He wasn't the only one who could tease. Finally, though she shifted on the seat and took her fork so she could start eating before she reached over, tapping her fingers on the table a bit so the vibrations and the motion could get Rory's attention. "So..I remembered that you traveled? Where are some places you've gone to?"
Marco loved that he and Gen could banter with ease, it made for a fun time. She started teasing him back and talked about pillaging her later, and he licked his lips, "I'm feeling really lucky, so a pillaging I will go later. I need to find me treasure." He smirked and took a long sip of his wine. He turned to eat his food and smiled when Gen asked Rory about her travels and he knew she could go on for a long time with that topic. "She has been all over the world and seen a lot of things. I have to admit, still a bit jealous of that."
As Rory felt the vibrations on the table like someone was tapping to get her attention, she glanced up, turning to face Gen as she saw her lips moving. She then saw Marco sign, and she figured she’d add her own response to Gen’s question. “I’ve been to over forty countries in the past six years or so.” She began, stopping to take another sip of water. “It’s hard to pick favorites, but I think I got the most out of my trips to Brazil and India.” Other than the USA/Canada, she’d also spent the most time in both those countries. And if she was going to revisit any countries she’d gone to already, they’d be the two she’d go back to in a heartbeat. “I spent six months backpacking throughout Brazil and the Amazon. Just incredible... And I spent three months in India with my best friend from uni.”
Gen hoped her blush wasn't too apparent on her face as he spoke but even then she rolled her eyes, smiling amusedly. She knocked her knee against his under the table before looking to Rory, letting her speak. Gen nearly dropped her fork then though, her eyes widening. "Forty?" she was stunned, clearly. She'd never even left the city let alone the country...it was a bit overwhelming to even think about. Also more than a little envious. "Backpacking...living in places for months..wow...." she let out a breath, shaking her head, "I can't even wrap my head around that." She agreed with a laugh. "What brought you back?"
Marco smirked and knocked his knee with Gen. He then turned his attention back to Rory. He was very proud of her for going out and fulfilling her dreams and seeing so much of the world. He chuckled at Gen's reaction to hearing about her travels, it was a lot. "She has seen a lot, and yes she has brought back a lot as well, you should see her room." He laughed, and looked at Rory when Gen asked her what brought her back? It was something he wanted to know as well, so he listened closely.
“If you want to see my room after we eat, I can definitely show you some of the photos I’ve taken and all the, um, souvenirs.” Rory’s room was full of them. She liked filling her living space with little reminders of everywhere she’d been. They made her smile, brought back wonderful memories. Though when Gen asked what brought her back to Vannes, she grew quiet, chewing at her lip for a moment and shifting her gaze down to the food on her plate. If Marco and Gen became official, she’d be seeing a lot of the other submissive; and it would probably be good for her to know the truth about her heart condition, just in case. But at the same time, she wasn’t entirely sure she was ready to fully disclose that information. It was something she still struggled to tell new people for fear they’d begin to treat her differently. So she took the time to contemplate her response, finally deciding maybe a little bit of the truth would be best. “Um, for health reasons.” She began, glancing back up so she could watch Gen’s reaction as well as Marco’s since he appeared to be invested in her response as well. “I have a heart defect.”
"Oh? Yeah, I'd love to see your room!" Gen agreed with a smile, speaking in between bites of the delicious food. She knew she'd never go to half the places in the world she wanted to, but it'd still be nice to live vicariously. Things went quiet when she'd asked why Rory came back and she immediately felt bad, felt like she'd overstepped. Clearly, it wasn't her place... She was about to apologize, to say Rory absolutely didn't have to answer her- when she did. Health reasons, heart defect... her eyes widened slightly, her lips parting, "Oh, I..." she bit her lip, not really knowing how to respond. Apologizing clearly wasn't the right way to go. What was there to be sorry for? She figured it wouldn't be something appreciated. "Well, I hope being here helps."
Marco smiled hearing Rory was willing to show Gen her rooms and all her souvenirs she collected along the way. "You could be in there for hours going through all of those." He laughed but then he intently listened to Rory talk about her health issues, he knew of somethings that was going on with her, but he wondered if she was hiding anything from him, not that she would tell Gen while he was sitting there. He nodded when she mentioned her heart defect, "She's been dealing with this since birth, but has managed it up to this point." That was the real reason he insisted she moved in with him, he wanted to keep an eye on her.
Since Marco shared she’d been dealing with the heart defect since birth, Rory figured there wasn’t much else to say about her condition right about now. She could tell that her mentioning it had caused a bit of uncomfortable tension with Gen. That certainly hadn’t been her intention. She just figured the other submissive should be aware in the event of an emergency. “Being back does help. My family has always been very supportive, especially Marco.” She decided to share, playfully kicking her brother’s shin underneath the table. “Total lifesaver of a big brother.” And a lifesaver in every sense of the word. He’d been there for her through the worst of things.
Gen listened as they explained about Rory's condition, how she was born with it. Again the apology was on her tongue she swallowed it down and just nodded, "Well, it seems like you've managed amazingly so far." She told her with a smile, keeping her eyes over at the other woman. When Rory mentioned her family, Gen looked up to Marco and smiled softly, nodding, "I can imagine. I've only known him for...is it almost two months?" She asked, directing the question at him (and then feeling her heart flip because it'd been so much time, and yet he wasn't gone yet...) before she looked back to Rory, "He's definitely a protector. I'm glad he's there for you, and you two can have this time together again."
Marco wanted nothing more than to be there for Rory and he was going to do anything he could for her. His heart melted a bit hearing how she talked about him and their family. He wasn't doing anything special, just what families did for one another. He waved his hand, "I'm nothing special, just doing what a big brother does." He smiled and looked at Gen, "Yeah it's been two months...wow, time really flies when you're having fun doesn't it?" He smirked and tapped her knee underneath the table. He didn't need all this praise from the two of them, it's overwhelming. "Would you two stop it, you're making me blush. I like taking care of the people I care about. I am grateful to have my sister here with me and I am glad to have you in my life Gen. I'll always be here for the both of you." He smiled, "Now can we stop with all this mushy stuff and eat?"
“You’re special to me, Marco.” Rory left it at that. He said he was only doing what a big brother was supposed to do, but she knew that wasn’t fully true. He’d always gone above and beyond for her, more than was required because he was her brother. And that’s why she thought of him as her best friend too... Though she’d never admit that to him. Went against the whole ruse of the annoying baby sister act. “And I’ve years of messing with you to make up for. Deal with it.” She stuck her tongue out at him before switching to signing briefly. Also, remind me I have something I want to talk to you about later. He’d probably be able to see in her eyes that whatever it was was more on the serious side. But she didn’t let that look linger for long, instead once again returning her attention to the food on her plate and taking a bite. After all, he had said to stop with all the mushy stuff. “So Gen, how’s the food?”
Gen hesitated for a second before looking up at him, "You're special to me too." she told Marco softly, biting her lip for a moment before looking away and taking a long drink from her glass of wine. She caught Rory signing to Marco, obviously something she wasn't supposed to know and she glanced away, focusing on her food. She took a few more bites, looking up when her name was called and she smiled, "It's good. Really good. I'm definitely not picky when it comes to food so..I'll pretty much eat anything." She told her with a laugh. "My favorite is Mexican food. Or pizza."
Marco smiled at Gen, it meant a lot to him to hear her say that. It was definitely a step in the right direction. He raised his brow when Rory said she had something to tell him. Okay... It seemed like it was serious but he wasn't going to press her about it now. He shifted his attention to Gen and smiled as she talked about her not being picky. "I was told that she eats like a twelve-year-old boy. He laughed. "But I don't mind since I'm not too far off from a twelve-year-old boy myself."
"I guess it's a good thing Vannes has plenty of eateries then, yeah?" Rory commented before once again shifting her attention to the food on her plate. She was determined to finish her meal without letting it go too cold. Taking several bites, she glanced back up, turning to face Gen so she could watch the other submissive's lips for a response. "Have you ever made your own pizza? Like completely from scratch?" It was something she'd gotten the opportunity to learn how to do properly while in Italy. She was already planning on teaching Marco what she'd learned, but maybe she could try and teach Gen something too. It might be a nice way for them to get to know one another better.
Gen laughed again, shrugging, "Hey, twelve-year-old boys get great food! I mean- pizza, wings, burgers, fries? What more could you want." She asked teasingly. She suddenly flushed though as she remembered that...right. Rory was vegan. She definitely didn't eat any of that. She hesitated a second before looking over at the other girl, "Sorry." She said--as well as bringing her hand to her chest and signing it, one of the few she'd managed to memorize thanks to Youtube. She took another long drink from her glass, nearly emptying it before looking back and shaking her head, "Oh, uh..no. Never. I'm kind of a disaster in the kitchen.."
Marco laughed, "I couldn't have said it better myself, twelve-year-old boys eat amazing food." He laughed but saw she felt bad and apologized to Rory for the non-vegan food she named off. "I don't think she minds, she used to me eating all the foods she doesn’t eat." He smiled seeing she even signed for her. He couldn't wait to teach her more. He shook his head and interjected, "Don't listen to that sis, she is a great sous chef. We made brownies together, so I think she can manage pizza."
When Gen apologized, a small smile began to form upon Rory's face as the other signed along and spoke. It was nice to know she was already picking up some signs. But the smile faltered and was quickly replaced by a look of confusion. Why was Gen apologizing? She had no idea, not until she saw Marco start to sign. "Vegans eat pizza. And wings. And burgers. And fries." She shared. Obviously, they were, for the most part, different than what most people were used to, especially the wings and burgers. But there were vegan options for pretty much anything, even bacon, and steaks. "I actually love a good burger." She shared before reaching to take a sip of her water. "Well, I took a pizza-making class while in Italy if you'd ever like to learn. I also learned how to make fresh pasta too." Since she was a self-proclaimed foodie (despite all her food allergies), she'd made sure to learn as much about local cuisines wherever she went. The cooking classes she'd gotten to take were always some of her favorite memories.
Gen was still so nervous and she just needed to relax. She leaned over to take the bottle of wine to refill her glass, going ahead to top off Marco's as well before she looked over, glad to see that Rory wasn't offended or anything. "I've had a mushroom burger before, it was pretty good...granted, it had cheese on it. And ranch but..yeah." she laughed, scratching the back of her neck lightly. Culinary classes in Italy. It sounded like a dream. "That actually sounds pretty great! The pizza and the pasta." She smiled still as she looked up at Marco, "You have a lot of faith in me not burning down your kitchen though."
Marco shook his head, he couldn't lie, he was not that into all the vegan foods. He scrunched his face, "I am not a fan of mushrooms, so a mushroom burger does not sound appealing to me." He was impressed that Rory took cooking classes in Italy, it was something that he was definitely interested in. "I would totally be down for some pasta and pizza making." He smiled at Gen, "Total faith...." He signed it as well so Rory would see he was taking her advice.
Marco didn’t like mushrooms? Challenge accepted. Rory wouldn’t go for the typical mushroom burger, but now she was determined to find some vegan option secretly starring mushrooms that her brother would actually like. Probably in the form of ‘meatballs. That would be a safe option. Plus mushroom 'meatballs atop pasta with a cashew milk Alfredo sauce mixed with broccoli was to die for! “Well, then I guess I’ll have to see what I remember and pass on that knowledge.” It has been a few years since she was in Italy; but between the fact she’d always had a good memory and the fact she blogged nearly everything, she knew she’d be able to recall enough about both cooking classes to teach Marco and/or Gen if they really wanted.
"Hey, some mushrooms are great! Like mixed in with a good chicken and pasta dish? Or on burgers? amazing. But it's only certain types I like, and they have to at least be cooked with some oil and garlic- garlic makes everything better." She announced with a nod, smiling brightly. "But anyway, yeah. Making pizza sounds great. ..Can we throw in garlic knots too? ..It's like the same bread right? Or..well, dough?" Clearly, she was excited with the prospect--or maybe just really liked pizza. Either way, she was looking forward to learning and spending more time with Marco- and with Rory.
Marco shook his head, "Nope, not a fan. I just don't think anything called a fungus should be eaten." He didn't think he would be convinced that any type of mushrooms would be something he would enjoy. He looked over at Rory, "I'm sure you will remember everything, you have an amazing memory." Seeing the excitement on Gen's face was something he would never get enough of, she was so adorable when she was excited. "I'm sure we can make garlic knots, I do know how to make my own garlic butter." He tried to make it sound like he was doing something special, but really it wasn't hard or a lot of work at all.
“Because he’s a fungi!” Rory blurted out, unable to keep from laughing at her own stupid pun, looking between Marco and Gen to see if either of them understood the joke. Taking a sip of her water, she calmed herself down from the outburst of laughter. “I’ve never made garlic knots; but I’ll find a recipe, okay?” She didn’t think they’d be that difficult. She’d definitely prepared far more complicated recipes before.
Gen was surprised by Rory's little outburst but she couldn't help but laugh along with her at the ridiculousness of it, giggling as she shook her head fondly. She liked being here, spending time with them. If only she could stop being so damn nervous and worried that she might slip up or do or say something dumb. She sipped her wine again, smiling at Marco. "Oh man..garlic butter? A man after my own heart." She said it more as a teasing joke but...well...it really wasn't all that far off from the truth either, was it? Instead of thinking more on it she looked back to Rory and nodded, "Sounds amazing. Are all your family members good in the kitchen?" she asked with a smile, loving to potentially learn more about their family.
Marco rolled his eyes and laughed hearing Rory's joke, "You are so lame, sis..." He shook his head, but he was totally laughing at her joke. He smiled at Gen, "I try to be...I want to be." He looked into her eyes deeply, so she could see the sincerity, he wanted to be the man after her heart. He smiled when she tried to change the subject, he was just going to let it go for now. He shook his head at her question, their dad and brother were crap in the kitchen, but he was going to let Rory answer.
At Gen's question, Rory just shook her head. The answer was as simple as that. Being skilled in the kitchen didn't exactly run in the Pierre family. "I had to learn to cook because of my allergies and then when I went vegan. And Marco here learned to cook after I went vegan so he could help out... Our maman's not a bad cook; though she doesn't experiment much. And our papa and brother... Well the less said about them in the kitchen, the better." She explained before once more stopping to take a bite of her food. It was starting to cool down thanks to the constant distraction of conversation. But she was enjoying the conversation too much to complain.
Gen felt her heart skip a beat, going double-time as he responded so quickly, so assuredly. And the way he looked at her... She felt a blush coloring her cheeks but chose to ignore it as she took a few more bites of her food- not minding that it wasn't as hot anymore since she really wasn't at all picky when it came to food. "It's nice of Marco to learn how to cook the foods you eat. Super sweet of you." Under the table she reached over, giving his leg a little squeeze. She still had a smile on her face as she looked to Rory, "And still, even if they're not the greatest in the kitchen..still must've been nice, growing up with a big family."
Marco smiled when he felt Gen's hand on his leg, it meant she got what he was trying to say, and all he needed to do was keep this up and hopefully they will be more than just friends that hang out. He blushed at her compliment, "She's my sister and I would do anything for her." He meant that he wanted to make Rory's life easier, but he was better at baking than he was at cooking. He laughed when Rory talked about her father and brother, "No way, we keep our brother and father out of the kitchen, they are more hopeless than you claim to be." He laughed.
Rory always found it nice when Marco would reassure her that he’d do anything for her. He’d gone above and beyond for her pretty much since she was born apparently. She had plenty of memories of her eldest brother being there for her, everything from learning to cook and bake foods she could eat to reading her stories before bed to playing dress-up and going on ‘adventures’ with her to helping her with her different treatments and therapies to always being there whenever she was hospitalized and doing everything in his power to return the smile to her face... The mere thoughts of all he’d done for her brought a wide smile to Rory’s face. She had a whole photo album somewhere of pics of them from when she was younger. She’d have to go dig that out to show Gen just how sweet and caring Marco could be. But she’d do that after dinner. “Usually I like to give others the benefit of the doubt, but our papa and brother are... Well, they’re considered safety hazards once you let them in the kitchen.” She grimaced. “Did you know it’s possible to burn water?” Well not technically; but one could let the water boil over to the point of it evaporating off the stovetop and causing the whole place to stink. Kinda funny looking back on it, actually.
Gen's smile softened as he spoke about Rory, how close they obviously were. She felt another pang inside herself, a longing for something she'd never had and never will. She took another bite of her food to focus on that instead of her feelings, knowing there was no use in letting herself get upset over it. It is what it is. As she mentioned burning water Gen happily focused on that instead and let out a laugh, shaking her head, "I didn't. But I feel like that's something I would do if left to my own devices in the kitchen." She teased, smiling at them. "Does your brother still live here in Breton too? Or just your parents?"
Marco laughed at the story that Rory told Gen about her brother burning the water, “It was something that we never thought was possible, but he proved us wrong. We should have known he would do something like that though, he was always focused on other things that were not in the kitchen. So when he put on the water and decided to take a nap, our house was smokey for a few hours." He laughed and shook his head, "No he lives in Milan with his Domme. They just had a baby and he is enjoying being a new parent." He smiled, feeling a small pang of envy because he wanted to be a parent someday himself, but he knew one day it would happen for him.
"Who thinks it a good idea to nap while cooking?" Rory still couldn't believe the ridiculousness of what happened. She hadn't thought burning water was really a thing until that day; and of course, being the annoying baby sister she was, she never let her brother forget it. She hadn't seen him in a while; but whenever she did, she 100% brought up the burnt water thing. "Anyway," She began, pushing her chair out and moving to stand up. "I'll be right back. Excuse me." She placed the napkin that had been on her lap down next to her plate before making her exit.
Gen laughed again at the story they were telling, shaking her head, "While I don't know anything about cooking, I do at least know that napping while there's some sort of heat or fire involved is very, very bad." She agreed, grinning. Her expression softened when he said they'd had a baby and she hummed, "That sounds nice." She didn't know Marco had been the only Dominant in his siblings, but she believed it--especially with how protective he was. It just made sense. She wanted to know more about the whole family...almost allowed herself to wonder if they maybe even vaguely knew about her. When Rory excused herself, Gen nodded, smiling and watching her go before she let out a breath and gave Marco a little smile, "I haven't made a total idiot out of myself yet right? Your sister does like me?"
Marco laughed so loud and shook his head, "Only our brother, he just figured someone else would fix his mess because we always did, but this time...he proved to us that he can't be trusted in the kitchen." He shook his head, "Because you are smarter than he was back then, but I think he has become a bit more responsible now that he's older and a parent." He loved talking about his family, especially with Gen. He wanted her to know everything about him like he wanted to know everything about her. He looked over as Rory excused herself from the table and nodded. He smiled back at Gen when they were alone, "You definitely have not, you are perfect. Rory already liked you, so now she likes you even more." He leaned in and kissed her deeply, pulling her almost in his lap. Once they pulled away he smiled at her, "I wanted to do that every time I looked over at you." He took her hand, "You have nothing to worry about, I told you that she would like you because you are a wonderful person, and because you make me happy."
After excusing herself from the dinner table, Rory made her way to her room in search of one particular photograph. Unfortunately, since she hadn’t finished unpacking, there were a few places where said photograph could be. But eventually, she found it, a triumphant smile widening across her face as she made her way back to the dinner table. “Here.” She began as she moved to sit down, handing the photograph to Gen. “Told you my brother was a pirate in a past life.” She smirked, sending a quick glance towards Marco to see his reaction. Of course, he didn’t know exactly what the photo was of; but she was sure Gen would show him when she commented on how cute he was (which she was also certain would happen). The photo featured one of her favorite memories, Marco wearing an eyepatch and tricorne hat while reading pirate adventures to little her before bed. At one point, the promise of storytime with her eldest brother had been the only thing to get Rory to cooperate when it came to wearing her nightly oxygen flow or corrective foot brace.
Gen listened as Marco spoke, his words flooding through her, leaving her warm and more assured and she smiled, nodding, "Okay, if you're sure." He knew his sister better than she did after all. He was leaning in then, kissing her long and slow and she couldn't stop the little noise she let out, wanting more. She was on the edge of her seat by the time they pulled apart, her face flushed and she let out a breath, smiling at him, "Well, we'll have to make up for lost time then later. That is....if..you wouldn't mind it? Me staying over?" She asked, biting her lip, almost hesitant. She heard Rory's steps again then and she shifted, tucking some hair behind her ear. She gave the girl a smile as she returned before she was handed a photo and she blinked in confusion, taking it. The image on it though made her laugh, made her 'awww' as she pulled it closer, inspecting it, "Oh god, this is so cute!"
Marco loved that Gen wanted to stay over, he wanted her to stay. He smiled, "I want you to stay little one, we have a lot to make up for." He was about to lean in and kiss her again, but Rory came back out and handed Gen a picture. "What is that?" His eyes got wide when he looked over her shoulder and saw exactly what the picture was, "Are you serious? You would show her that picture." He shook his head and covered his face. It wasn't until Gen said it was cute that he looked up, "You think so?" He asked shyly.
“What?” Rory inquired, the smirk widening even further upon her face at Marco’s reaction. Just think. Someday after you two claim, you’ll be able to do your pirate voice for your children. She signed that way Gen wouldn’t know what she was saying. And you can tell them about how you used to do that for their angel  Auntie Rory. In a way, it was a sad thought for the brunette. She figured that at the rate things were currently going, she wouldn’t be around to watch her brother do his pirate voice for any future little nieces or nephews; but she did her best to hide any sadness such a thought brought about, instead she continued to focus on the photograph and on teasing her big brother. “It’s my favorite picture with you, Marco. I’m thinking of framing it and putting it on my desk! Actually, that’s exactly what I’m going to do!”
Gen grinned as she looked at the picture and nodded towards, "Oh of course! C'mon, look how adorable." She teased, turning it towards him before she shifted, taking out her phone. She was about to take a picture of it when she looked up, seeing Rory signing to Marco. She bit her lip, feeling a bit like she was intruding so she looked back down. Whatever it was...clearly they didn't want her to know. Trying not to feel awkward, she just took a picture of the photo for herself to have before handing it back over to Rory. "Framing it's another cute idea. I've always liked seeing old photos."
Marco sighed and shook his head, You need to stop, we are not even close to the claiming stage yet. He used to never think about claiming but since he met Gen, those thoughts would creep in from time to time. Would she even be interested in that? He wondered, but he wasn't going to think about it now. Besides, you can tell them yourself, you are going to be around for a very long time. He didn’t want to think about losing Rory. He looked over at Gen as she was seemingly taking a picture of his picture, "You did not just take a picture of that did you?" He shook his head, "Don't give her any ideas. I mean a photo album is a good place for it too."
I have years to make up for. I will never stop! Rory continued to tease, playfully sticking her tongue out at her brother before once again directing her attention to everyone at the table, wanting to ensure she didn’t exclude Gen for too long. “Maybe you can help me pick out the frame then. This photo does not belong in an album.”
Gen grinned at him, playfully waving her phone at him before shutting off the screen and effectively locking it. She moved to grab her wine glass again as they continued to sign and not speak, clearly having a conversation they didn't want her to know about. Once the other girl began speaking was when she finally focused again and she smiled, nodding, "Yeah of course. Do you have albums here too? Cause if you do I'd love to see more embarrassing kid photos." she teased, nudging into Marco's side.
Marco didn't want to leave Gen out of the conversation for too long, so he was glad when Rory started talking about picking out photo albums, but then it took a weird turn that he didn't like. "Oh come on...you don't need to see any more photos of me as a kid. I was not the cutest kid, especially not with this little girl around. I was invisible when she was around."
While Rory had paid attention to Marco's signing, she merely scoffed at her brother and turned her full attention towards Gen before speaking up again and placing the small flip album she'd grabbed along with the pirate photo on the table. "Oh, I have a few albums dedicated to the silly things Marco used to do to make me smile... I, um, I was a lot sicker as a child; and he always went above and beyond with his big brother duties to make sure I would be okay. Got me to do my nightly treatments with the promise of costumed storytime." She began, gesturing to the photo she'd brought out before continuing to list off some of the things Marco used to do for her, some of the reasons he was her favorite person. "Um, he drew silly faces on the masks whenever I was in the hospital. Played Candyland with me for hours and hours and let me win even though he'll say I beat him fair and square. Let me paint his nails bright pink and put on lipstick once or twice. Um, wore a tiara and jammed out to Disney songs, and had tea parties... I don't think any of the photos or things he did are embarrassing. I think they just show how amazing he is, how lucky I am." With that, she sent a quick glance to her brother before directing her attention back to Gen and smiling. It was the perfect opportunity to sneak in some more facts about why Marco was so incredible. She wanted Gen to truly know what a wonderful man he was, that she'd be an absolute fool to pass him up.
Gen just rolled her eyes in Marco’s direction, but then practically ignored his wanting them to stop in preference to look at the album Rory brought over. She leaned in to look at all the photos, a little smile on her lips as she looked at them all. It was admittedly a bit heartbreaking to see such a little girl with tubes and wires and masks, couldn’t imagine how hard that was. But all the stories Rory told her...she was lucky. She had such a wonderful brother. “He really is amazing.” Gen murmured softly, looking at Rory and then to Marco, the same soft little smile on her lips. She couldn’t believe someone was so....perfect. Perfect and actually wanted her. Marco could literally have anyone in the world with how sweet and charming and handsome he was... She let out a breath as she passed the album back, smiling over. “I wish I had albums of my own childhood photos.”
The last thing Marco wanted was for this conversation to turn into a praise party for something he would naturally do. Rory was his sister and he didn't think twice about doing what he could do to keep her happy. He figured any brother would do the same thing in his situation. He felt a full blush as Rory went on and in telling Gen all the ways they played together. He needed to step in here, "It wasn't that big of a deal, my sister had a raw deal dealt to her and needed to smile through her tough times, so I was just her personal goofball. My brother and I just wanted to see her smile and get through the more difficult times of her life." He didn't want acknowledgment for caring for his sister. He smiled as Gen commented, "You're amazing..." He wanted to kiss her so badly, it just seemed to happen when she was around. He felt a pang of sadness when she said she wished she had albums of her childhood, he wished the same for her. "Well since we can't change the past, we can work on making sure you never miss any more memories." He smiled and took her hand under the table.
Typical Marco not wanting to take any praise for the things he used to do. Rory merely shook her head at her brother's words and waved them off. "It was a big deal to me. Still is... So hush." She playfully stuck out her tongue before stopping to take a sip of her water, momentarily shifting her attention away from the conversation. When she once again shifted her attention back to both Marco and Gen, she noticed the dopey lovestruck look they both had in their eyes. It was sweet. She was happy for her big brother; though she had to laugh at his oblivious factor sometimes. Tucking the pirate photo safely into the photo album, she placed off to the side of the table, not wanting anything to happen to the captured memories. Her eyes then trailed to everyone's plates, noticing it seemed they were all getting close to being finished. That meant dessert soon, something her inner child was very much excited for.
Gen just shook her head, figuring he was going to adamantly undersell himself so..whatever. She'd just happily continue to think he was amazing--and utterly out of her league. Her smile faded a bit as he spoke of her past and she hummed softly, nodding, "Yeah, maybe." She agreed, glancing away. She wasn't sure if Marco had told Rory that she was an orphan and grew up alone in an orphanage. If he didn't..well....it wasn't really something she wanted to dwell on right now either. So instead she just cleared her throat and shifted on the spot, "I think I'm done with dinner for now. If you guys are too, I can clear up here. Least I could do."
Marco welcomed the change in subject, he would rather talk about anything else other than himself at this point. He finished up his food and smiled as Gen offered to clean up, "Thank you, Gen, I appreciate that. I can get the desserts out if you guys aren't too full yet? Or we can go watch a movie and have dessert later." The more time he had with Gen and Rory, the happier he was.
"I vote for dessert." Rory didn't hesitate with her answer. While she didn't have the biggest of sweet tooths, she still favored dessert when it was offered. And she always ensured she saved room for it. "Or if you two would rather a movie, I can wait for dessert... But those brownies you bought looked amazing." She added, briefly shifting her attention solely towards Gen. She wasn't picky about what they did. She was just enjoying getting to know the woman who was spending so much time with Marco. It was nice getting to see how happy Gen made her brother; so all in all, it was turning out to be a nice evening.
Gen smiled at them, nodding, "Oh I agree. Dessert first." she moved to stand then and started piling the plates rather effortlessly--a perk of being a waitress for so many years now. "I'll take care of this if yeah, you guys wanna get the desserts? I should've brought little paper plates.. fewer dishes to do.." she pulled a little face, nose wrinkling a bit "I'll help with the washing too though."
Marco smiled and nodded, "Okay, dessert now then." He would never be opposed to dessert first. He got up and headed to the kitchen to grab the desserts, "You don't have to wash the dishes, I'll take care of them later." He didn't want to waste time with her by washing dishes. He grabbed the brownies Gen brought for Rory and the chocolate cake he made and took them out. "This looks good...I can't wait to eat it."
Rory had to bite her tongue to keep from commenting when Gen mentioned paper plates. She hated the concept of paper plates or anything of the like that was single-use. They only ended up filling landfills and adding to the pollution of the planet. What was a little extra dishwashing if it meant bettering Mother Earth? But her thoughts were drawn from the topic as the smell of brownies and cake began to fill her nostrils. Both smelled delicious; and she couldn't wait to dig into the brownies, glad to know they were vegan and free from any of her known allergens. As Marco placed the dessert’s down on the table, she didn't hesitate in reaching for a brownie, a goofy little grin finding its way to her face as she also didn't hesitate in taking a bite. "Where'd you get the brownies from, Gen? They're delicious." She'd add the name of the bakery or wherever to her list of places in Vannes to check out.
Gen brought all the dishes to the kitchen quickly, squirting some soap onto them and letting the water run for a moment- just to let them soak before she quickly rinsed off her hands and headed back, smiling as the delicious food was replaced now by even more-delicious looking desserts. She sat back down as everything was set and she took a bit of both, smiling at the question, "Oh! It's a bakery right beside the bistro I work at. They deliver desserts to our place for us to sell as specials. They're always delicious."
Marco sat the dessert’s down and took the spot next to Gen, “Oh I've been to that bakery, they have some amazing treats. If any other baked goods were to come in my home, that place is allowed." He laughed, casually wrapping his arm around Gen, it felt normal for him to do that, so he did. He cut a piece of chocolate cake he baked and offered it to Gen, seeing that Rory was already eating the brownies. "Do you want a piece of cake or are you going to eat the brownies?" He hoped she would try his cake so he could get her opinion on it. "What are you guys in the mood to watch? I can watch anything.
Taking another bite of the fantastic brownies, Rory's eyes trailed to watching Gen's lips before trailing to watching as Marco signed. Washing down the brownie bite with a few sips of water, she reached for another one and placed it on her plate before commenting further. "If their other vegan pastries are as good as this, I think I might be in trouble." She giggled. "You made the cake, Marco. It'd be rude of me to not try a piece, yeah?" She added before making the sign for 'give me'. "But just a small piece. Don't want to overdo it." If she ate too much, she knew she'd feel sluggish and doze off during whatever movie they ended up watching... Actually, she'd probably end up dozing off anyway. She was notorious for falling asleep before the halfway point of movies. "And as for movies, anything as long as it's not horror, please. Maybe a musical?"
Gen smiled as Marco's arm went around her and she shuffled her chair a bit closer to him, happy to lean into his side. "Of course I'm having some of your cake. Anything you make I'll want to try." She assured him with a grin. "And as for the others, I had a friend who's now moved, but she was always vegan and she enjoyed things they made! She liked their tiramisu. And my restaurant I work at has a vegan section on the menu as well. You should stop by some time." She offered with a smile, taking another bite of her dessert. At the question she hummed, nodding, "Can we...watch Wizard of Oz?"
This was nice, sitting here with his sister that he loved more than anything in the world and the woman he found himself falling for every moment they were together. He liked how this felt and would love more moments like this. He happily offered Gen the chocolate cake, "I think it's my best one yet." He didn't like to brag...well maybe he did a little, but this time it was true. He listened as Gen talked about the bakery and her dinner having vegan options, it was nice to gather all the places in the city that would be good for Rory. He wanted to make sure she always had everything she needed. He smiled when Gen suggested The Wizard Of Oz, "I think that would be perfect, I happen to have a copy here." He knew she knew that since he told her how home and his mom would watch it together all the time. "I'll go grab it and get started." He jumped up and grabbed the DVD from the shelf and popped it in. "Anybody want a blanket while I'm up?"
While The Wizard of Oz wouldn’t have been Rory’s first choice for a musical, she definitely wasn’t against the suggestion. The songs had decent enough beats that she could easily enjoy their vibrations, and that was what was important to her when it came to a musical. She often got asked how she enjoyed musicals if she couldn’t hear the songs... It all came down to the vibrations. Simple as that. Taking another bite of the brownies, she eyed the cake as Marco began to cut slices. She’d save her piece to nosh on during the movie before she most likely dozed off. “If you want to be the best brother ever, you’ll fetch me the weighted blanket from my trunk.” She beamed, knowing there was no way he’d refuse fetching it for her. Plus he had offered if anyone wanted a blanket.
Gen smiled around the bite in her mouth, "Mmm, I mean, I've probably had better...." she replied teasingly, giving him a bright grin that showed clearly she was kidding and she leaned up, kissing his cheek, "It's great." Once they agreed on the movie Gen grabbed another brownie to bring with her over to the couch with her, shaking her head, "No, I'm good thanks." She assured him, and as Marco went to get the blanket, Gen decided to quickly bring everything back to the kitchen, wiping down the table quickly before heading back to the living room for the movie.
Marco gasped in a fake hurt as Gen razzed him about his cake. "You could never have better than my cake little one..." He smirked as she kissed his cheek. "The two of you like teasing me." He shook his head and nodded to Rory, I can do that for you. He headed to her room to grab her blanket. It didn't take too long to find and he gave it to her as she laid on the couch. He grabbed a blanket for him and plopped on the loveseat waiting for Gen to come back so they could start the movie. He turned the surround sound on and booster so they could have the full movie experience and so Rory could feel the vibrations.
When Marco returned with her weighted blanket, Rory situated herself on the couch, completely taking it over as she was starting to feel a bit off and wanted to lie down. Plus if she took up the entirety of the couch, that would force Marco and Gen to have to cuddle up on the loveseat. Draping the blanket on top of her, she then reached for the plate with the slice of cake she'd momentarily placed on the coffee table and placed it on her lap for when she got hungry. And as the movie began to play, a smile found its way to her face as she could feel the vibrations coming from the speaker next to the couch, thus making the couch the perfect spot for her to watch a movie from.
Once everything was clean, Gen picked up her plate with a little bit of cake left and her second brownie and she followed to the living room. She hesitated a second, looking to the couch that was taken up by Rory laying down and she bit her lip before going to Marco, giving a little smile, "Share the space with me?" She asked lightly, meeting his eyes despite the darkness in the room, the movie loud enough that even she could feel the vibrations and she figured that'd be best for Rory coupled with the captions on the screen.
Marco saw Rory get comfortable and that was what he wanted. He always found himself making sure she was good before relaxing himself. He sat down and looked up with a smile hearing Gen asked him to share the space with him. He opened the blanket, "I was saving it just for you little one." When she sat down he wrapped his arms around her and started watching the movie. It was perfect...
Rory sent a quick glance over to the love seat where Marco and Gen were sitting to watch the movie. She took note of how they looked comfortable curled up together, and it made her smile to see her brother so happy. She hoped things with Gen worked out for him. While she still didn't know the other submissive all that much, she could tell she was a good person. Kind. Compassionate. Plus she was gorgeous. Glancing back towards the TV, she began to watch as the black and white of Kansas faded out and the colors of Munchkinland. She always liked the scene in Munchkinland, mainly because 'Munchkin' had been one of her nicknames when she was little, thanks to this movie.
Gen's smile widened as Marco pulled the blanket up for her, clearly just waiting for her. She climbed up onto the chair, sitting more in his lap than anything else and happily curling up against him. Once his arms went around her she nuzzled in a bit, taking a bit of the brownie before offering it up to his mouth, more than content to feed him. It was...nice, being like this with him--with both of them. It felt right. Natural even. She could see this becoming a regular occurrence. More than that......she was pretty sure she wanted it to be. She wanted this again and again. And hopefully, she'd get it. Once the desserts were done she laid her head against his chest, eyes on the screen, and settled against him for the remainder of the movie, a little smile on her lips the whole time.
Marco instantly got comfortable with Gen in his arms, he could feel the smile on his face. This was almost like their first date, but now he had the added bonus of Rory being there as well. He smiled and opened his mouth as Gen fed him the brownie, "This is really good." He kissed her cheek and focused on the movie. He could spend so many more nights like this, it was hopefully a glimpse into his future. They all seemed to be enjoying the movie, he couldn't wait to see his favorite part of the movie when the cowardly lion came out, that part always made him laugh.
Like clockwork, Rory dozed off around the halfway point of the movie, the plate from the slice of cake sliding off her lap as she pulled the blanket up around her body and curled up into the couch, letting out a satisfied and sleepy sigh. The couch was comfortable enough for her to sleep straight through the night, but that wouldn't be the case. She'd yet to take her nighttime meds, and she knew Marco wouldn't let her stay asleep without doing that. He never failed to remind her not to skip a dose, sometimes to the point of annoyance.
Just like Rory, Gen fell asleep on top of Marco a few minutes later, not even making it to the end of the movie. She stayed with her face pressed to his neck and only woke up once she felt Marco moving under her. She hummed, yawning quietly before giving him a nudge, "Get her to bed. I'll wait for you in your room." She told him softly, leaning up to kiss him gently before she padded off to his room. She tried waiting as long as she could once she'd stripped off her clothes and grabbed one of his t-shirts he'd had laying around, but she fell back asleep before he got back, curled up in the middle of his bed with the sheets only covering her legs, more than content in his space.
Marco was the only one that finished the movie, both ladies fell off to sleep. He smiled looking at the two of them as they slumbered, it was so cute. When the credits started to roll, he went to grab the remote, and Gen started to stir. He smiled when she told him to get Rory to bed, "I will, and I'll join you as soon as I'm done." He pulled her in and kissed her deeper before letting her go to his room. He got up and went to grab Rory's nighttime meds and sat them out for her to take. He shook her and waited till she opened her eyes, Hey, take your meds and head to bed. I'm going to wash the dishes before heading to bed. He smiled and made his way to the kitchen. After such an amazing night, he's sure that he was on the right path with Gen, and having Rory here just let him know it was right and he was completely happy.
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livayl · 5 years
A Nightingales Kiss
A weekend cross-post for those who want to read some little allergy story.  It´s with Marya (and Amaziah) and set in timeline before “Finding love or how to compromise an Archmage”.  There´s no need to know this other one though.  As always, please don´t re-blog this to non-fetish blogs, thank you. :) 
Sometimes it seemed to be almost impossible to stand tall and open eyed against those views that were only met to be crushing with heavy rejection. She felt as if she had trespassed a border to another world that turned out to be hostile and unwelcoming. Mostly. Because there was this one gaze that never refused to meet and captivate her own. Coming out of two magnificently glowing, amethyst colored eyes. Both glacial and parching, freeze burning right through her mind.
So, Marya tried her best not to lower her gaze and instead focused it on the big folding doors that were supposed to lead to her new working place. She still refused to be intimidated or even a little scared and instead focused on the honey-golden swirls that endlessly intertwined inside the wooden panels. That was at least a little better. It was not like she was imprisoned. She did agree to come based on her free will. Eventually. After re-evaluating and realizing it as her best option. She had exchanged her freedom for safety. Still, she could not help a lingering, creeping sense of dread as the Archmage, no Amaziah, gently stepped forth to open the gates to her new so called purpose for the first time. Maryas eyes went wide as she carefully set foot into her new working place. The room was too wide-ranging to be apprehended with one glance and illuminated by several big, cathedral like windows. Each reaching up from the floor towards the high, vaulted ceiling and greatly adorned with glass that looked to have been fractured and tinted in several colors. She had never seen something like the warmly gleaming surfaces that refracted the afternoon sun in colors akin to a rainbow. "Is this magic, too?" She more breathed than asked. "No, it is done by a special technique our glaziers sometimes use. I can show you once we find the time." Amaziah answered. But Marya had only half listened. Her focus was captivated by the many tall shelves almost brimming over with books, all kinds of differnt vials and a lot of alchemy ingredients she recognized by sight and smell. Oh there were goldenrod and amaryllis seemingly growing out of nothing but an otherwise empty alabaster glass vase. Sunflowers that had dusted the shelves with a fine layer of golden pollen. And that? Those were wyvern tooth, the mighty yet wisp-like branches of vultures-song, dusk-roses and even reapers claws... There must be many other things stored away in those black tinted glass flasks. Marya, too enchanted by the great wealth of both common and exquisitely rare ingredients to have listened to the Archmages continuous explanations, suddenly froze. "... Sadly I won´t have enough time to teach you in person, but Cailean would be an excellent choice to learn how to write and read." Amaziah ended a seemingly longer speech. Maryas fingers tightened around the pitch colored, drop-shaped vial she was about to open. "Am I not good enough for you because I can´t read?" Why did her voice suddenly waver? "Your ability to read and write has nothing to do with your personal worth for me. But I thought it could prove helpful for you as well as for the alliance in many other ways." And somehow, that answer had just made it worse. But to her own surprise she wasn't wavering with insecurity but shaking with a growing anger she could not yet place. "My personal worth for you? Is there another? One that´s not living up to the Archmages high standards?" "Now you are misunderstanding me on purpose. But since you seem so eager to throw a tantrum over a well-intentioned offer: Yes there is. In times of war an alchemist that cannot read is a burden at best and a danger at worst." And this was when she had lost it.
That maybe not so irrational anger went from seething to a straight forward explosion as she grabbed the black vial so tight it started to crack. There was a neat silver writing on it which she paid not much attention to because besides being furious it looked like nothing more than prettily entwined scribble anyways. "I´m so close to give you my damned worst." She announced, swiftly turned, lunged and threw the cursed thing towards that arrogant, elitist high elf. Sadly, it did not quiet make it there in one piece. A sharp magical blow turned and angled it midair only to throw it back to her feet. Where it shattered with an almost painfully high pitched ringing tone, gushing out an even worse cloud of fine, argent particles that quickly saturated the air around her. Yes, that was one she knew all too well. Dust of a pale nightingale: A rare flower only blooming once a month during full moon. It had a very recognizable appearance with opalescent, almost translucent, pearly petals and to her an even more distinctive smell. Once she inhaled the first breaths of its bittersweet fragrance, a tingling sensation spread quickly from the outer corner of her left nostril to the depths of her already twitching nose. Which started to run and become stuffy at the same time. Maryas eyes decided to tear in sympathy. The mere sight of the silver pollen playfully dancing through her complete range of vision seemed to encourage the tickle even further. No, that was not what she had needed now. "Look what- iiISCHHiuh! You've done!" She exclaimed while frantically fanning the air in front of her. "This -apTSCHIU! -TSSCHih! -ahTSSCHIEW! snfff is all your fault!" Her hands gave up the useless attempt to wave away the irritants and went on a no lesser desperate search for something to wipe her face. As her sight was almost completely blurred with allergic tears she barely realized that two of the tall windows had opened and a soft breeze had started to cleanse the room. "See. If you were able to read you could have chosen another flask to throw since you are obviously allergic to this one." Amaziah pondered in an amused tone. "If I- Are you- PTSCHHiu!-haIISCHH!-apTSCHIuuh! even serious?!" Marya gasped out, voice all dulled and slurred with congestion. "You are not going to apologize to me?" She asked and rubbed her swollen eyes. Still, everything itched and tingled so badly. "Actually you are the one who should beg my forgiveness for throwing things at me. Be lucky that you seem punished enough already." Came a reply so deceptively soft and terrifyingly close Marya almost fell as she jerked backwards. A strong yet slender hand came to rest at the small of her back and steadied her from behind while gently guiding her towards one of the windows. "Careful, it´s a deep fall from here." The Archmage whispered while lightly wetting her lids with a soft cloth. "I can -PTSCHIuh! ugh... Can do that myself!" Marya snapped. "As you wish." Together they stood side by side, faces caressed and anger cooled by a gentle wind. The Archmage seemed lost in thought, her gaze wandering aimlessly while Marya meticulously cleaned her face. Standing here, skin warmed by bright rays of light while overlooking an admittedly not so ugly landscape, she felt less trapped. "It was never my intention to make you feel devaluated." Marya shuddered slightly as the Archmages silky voice breached their shared silence. A soft spoken timbre that still seemed capable to fill out even the widest-ranging hollows. Flowing melodiously yet always with an underlined husky rasp. Marya decided that she liked that melody. "......." She also decided not to answer. "Although, I may have expressed myself not clear or....." "Friendly? Considerately ? Emphatically enough?" Silence started bleeding back in between the two of them. Heavy, even tense, this time. Marya had never been one to enjoy tranquility for too long. It left her alone with things that needed to be drowned out. "I don´t understand why you are so unhappy. Everyone you care for is as safe as possible or has been allowed to join you here. Things may have changed but there is a lot you have still left." Amaziah suddenly said. "Still, your castle is not my home." Marya answered almost inaudibly and was forced to wipe her eyes again. "Yes... But it could be, for now." ".... It´s hard to hate you... Sometimes." "On the contrary- It´s much more easy than you could imagine." . .
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tybalt-tisk · 6 years
.consider it handled
// Shallura {protect au} Summary: Allura just wanted to have a peaceful workout. Warnings: Flirting, Fake Dating.  Also on Ao3 // Also, I did add a Read More option, but sometimes Tumblr hates ya girl.
Sometimes Allura was too nice. She knew that. It was one of the few things everyone knew about the princess. She always had the tendency to disguise how she truly felt behind a dazzling smile and uphold the regal composure that took years of etiquette classes to master. Sure, on more than one occasion, it had landed her in her fair share of easily avoidable situations when she gave people the benefit of the doubt when she knew she shouldn’t have, but it was never anything she couldn’t handle.
Until now.
Now, at this exact moment in time, while she was trying to complete her workout, she was doing everything in her power to remember her training by refraining herself from driving her fist directly into the mouth of the arrogant man who was desperately trying to get her number. He had been at it for far longer than she would have liked and even though she kindly rejected him, more than she could possibly remember, the man just couldn’t seem to take the hint. Her smile wavered with every obnoxious word that left the man’s lips and her fingers itched to find a new home in his mouth.
With perfect form, she did another forward lunge and masked her irritation with a deep breath that could be easily mistaken for exhaustion. Well, it wasn’t far off because she was exhausted. Just mentally. With him.
The only reason why she chose this gym was so she could have a peaceful workout. It was just far away from home so she could remain unrecognized most of the time, but just close enough so she could return within the hour in case something came up. For the past month, she enjoyed this gym; it was spacious, clean, and it had various activities, like yoga and spin classes she could attend if she ever felt the need to. All in all, it was a very nice gym...except for him.
The man laughed at his own joke and it almost made her sneer. “I was just thinking that. Ya know since we both like purple…” Allura feared that if she rolled her eyes one more time, they’d get stuck like that. This man was saying anything and everything to woo her even if it meant resorting to him assuming that her favorite color was purple simply because it was the color of her oversized tank top. “...that me and you could…”
“You and I,” she corrected under her breath with another lunge forward.
The man made a questioning sound. “You say something, darlin’?”
She shook her head innocently with a forced smile. “No, I didn’t say a thing.” She’d lost count of how many lunges she put her left leg through, but the burning sensation told her that it was time to switch to the right.
He leaned heavily on the machine next to him and folded his arms over his puffed out chest. “Anyway, yeah, what do you say to me picking you later tonight for a little...one-on-one time?” He finished the vain proposal with a wiggle of his eyebrows and Allura couldn’t help the subtle snort that left her lips at the ridiculous attempt to look...literally anything but sexy. This man was persistent, arrogant, and vain. What an unfortunate combination of shitty characteristics.
She quickly finished her set before she turned to him and wiped the sweat off her brow. “Look, I’m very flattered by your...persistence, Jerry.”
“The name’s Gavin.” She knew his name, but she was irritated.
She expertly hid a smirk under an artificial look of confusion. “Mason?” she responded absentmindedly with a fictitious frown as she picked up the various weights and placed them back in their appropriate locations.
“Gavin,” he said a bit louder, just in case she didn’t hear him over the sound of grunts and the machinery around them.
After she placed the weights back, she freed her hair from its loose ponytail so she could redo it tighter. She flipped her hair over her shoulder and raked her fingers through the strands to work out the newly formed tangles and knots. “Michael, please don’t make this hard for me…”
He suddenly clapped his hands together once as if he just witnessed an impressive trick. “How did you know my middle name?” he asked enthusiastically and Allura suppressed a groan at her accidental discovery. Out of all of the names she threw out, she just had to pick the one he identified with. “Wow, we have such a deep connection! Amazing!”
“Yeah...amazing,” she said sarcastically, fixing her hair. This was getting old and her patience was wearing dangerously thin. She decided then and there that she had finally had enough. “Gavin, listen to me and please listen to me carefully. I do not want to go out to dinner with you. I do not want to catch a movie with you. I do not want to take a long walk on the beach with you and talk about ‘our future together’,” she finished her sentence off with air quotes. She looked him square in the eye and spoke with the same authoritative voice that she used when she commanded the attention of the room. “I want nothing to do with you. Now, please leave me alone so I can continue my workout in peace. Am I making myself perfectly clear?”
Gavin seemed taken aback at her tone as the words started to sink in and for a moment, for a sweet, blissful moment; one filled with silence and the peace she longed for, Allura thought she finally had reached through to him.
He nodded slowly. “I think I get it,” he said with a roguish grin. “You just want to skip all the formalities and go right to the bedroom, don’t ya?”
Something snapped within her, and all of the training her etiquette tutors spent years embedding into her flew directly out the window. Allura didn’t think twice as she brought her balled fist back so she could deck the arrogant man who dared considered he even had a sliver of a chance with her, but before she surged it forward, a firm but familiar grip caught her wrist and eased it down to her side smoothly in one fluid motion.
“Hey babe, we still on for dinner tonight at your Dad’s place?” Allura didn’t need to look back to know exactly who just saved this idiot’s two front teeth. The arrogant man’s vision was so clouded with his own self-inflated ego, that he didn’t even know his, so-called, good looks were in danger of the princess’ wrath.          
It took a moment, but when she realized exactly what he had said, her eyes darted to meet his and she knew exactly what he was doing. Her bodyguard was only confrontational when he needed to be and right now, he was looking for a way to let the guy down easy, even if Allura wanted to do anything but that at this point. Shiro raised his brows as if he had asked her an unspoken question when she didn’t immediately respond. She narrowed her eyes but reluctantly followed his lead with a huff and relaxed her fist.
Within a fraction of a second, all of her training rushed back to her and she sent him the perfect smile. “Of course, but remember we need to stop by that cute little bakery I like so we can pick up dessert because I won’t have the time to make anything.”
Shiro released her wrist when he realized that she wasn’t going to follow through with her assault on the poor, unsuspecting man. “Okay, that’s fine. I’ll pick up a pie on the way home,” he lied smoothly. “Your dad’s allergic to apples, right? Or is it cherries?”
“Rhubarb,” she corrected him casually, even though the allergy was completely fabricated information about the reigning king.
Shiro made a sour face. “Great, rhubarb is trash anyway.”
“It’s absolutely delicious, you just have trash taste buds.” She turned her back to him then handed him her hair tie over her shoulder.
Shiro rolled his eyes. Of course, she would take this fake dinner date opportunity to make him fix her hair. But he’s not complaining. He’ll never complain. He absolutely loves the way her soft hair felt against his fingers. Although sometimes, the strand did tend to snag on his metal joints, thankfully he’s gotten better at keeping it to a minimum.
He rolled the elastic hair tie that’s seen better days onto his wrist before he gathered her thick curls in his hands. He finger-combed her scalp to wrangle in runaway strands before he secured her hair into a neat ponytail that left them both slightly surprised.
“Hell yeah,” he mumbled to himself, praising his small victory.
She looked over herself in the mirror that covered the entire back wall of the gym and tightened her new ponytail from the base. “Not bad, Shirogane.” She turned back to face him and was surprised and equally annoyed to see that Gavin was still there, looking back and forth between the two. Even when she was clearly “taken”, the obnoxious man still couldn’t even grasp the mere concept that she wasn’t interested in him.  
Her irritation must have shown because Shiro reached forward to grab her by the hips and gently, he pulled her closer to him. She came to him without the slightest ounce of hesitation and without being prompted to, she casually brought her arms up to rest atop his shoulders. With her in his arms and with him in hers, he almost forgot it was a charade they were acting out. He knew it was dangerous to be with her like this - for this to feel all too natural to him. It was such an intimate position but strangely enough, it felt like he’d done it a million times before.
Maybe because he did.
He’s held her like this plenty of times. Like when they were at formal events and she gave him a look that told him that she wanted to dance. He’s never told her no and using the simple steps she’d taught him, she allowed always him to lead her gracefully around the dance floor. Or when she brought out the teenage rebel in him when she wanted to sneak out of her luxurious home, “the old fashioned way” as she so elegantly put it, and he’d had to help her down from the second story when he knew damn well she was capable of doing it herself.
...Or when it just the two of them on those quiet nights when the manor was asleep and the only thing left for them to do was to explore the boundaries of the friendship they are both painfully aware that went well beyond what separate friendship from duty from something else he was always scared to admit out loud.
“What time do you want to leave?” he asked, breaking himself away from his runaway thoughts.
She made a thoughtful face. “I want to get there around 7:30,” she told him.
He looked at his watch to check the time, not that it even mattered. “Okay, I’ll do one more round, then I’ll head out and grab the pie on the way home. Don’t stay here too long because you know how long it takes you to get ready.” Unlike the rest of their ruse, that part was him speaking nothing but the truth. Sometimes, she could be a brat and she’d take forever to get dressed. Most of the time, it was because she was too busy pestering him, and other times, she simply didn’t want to go, so she waited until the very last possible moment before she started to even consider getting herself together.
She pouted and clicked her tongue. “I do not.”
“Oh, you might think that you don’t, but you do.” She playfully jabbed him on the shoulder in retaliation, knowing damn well that he was right.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Gavin watching them intensely as if he was waiting for Shiro to leave so he could make his move on her again. He felt Allura’s irritation rub off onto him. What was with this guy? What did it take to get him to beat it?
In front of him, Allura giggled and she gave him a look that he’s seen plenty of times - when they glided around the dancefloor, when he helped her sneak out, and when it was just the two of them late at night hidden away from the harsh reality of the world and their position in it. He knew this look all too well and it always signaled for the one thing he’s never given to her.
But he’d be damned if he gave in to her now because some jackass that couldn’t read a room.
Instead, he hooked a single finger under her tank and pulled her close until her lips almost met his. She watched his mouth move as he spoke just loud enough so Gavin could hear what he was going to say next.  “Also, I want my tank back.” He almost laughed out loud when he heard Gavin release an annoyed gasp, followed by a few brash words.
She smirked at the man’s reaction and caught her bottom lip between her teeth, both out of spite for the arrogant man and also to tease Shiro with one of the many things she did that she knew drove him wild. If they were playing a game, then she might as well play to her advantage. She knew she hit her intended target when the hand that still rested on her hip tightened in warning.
She laughed to herself before she released her lip so she could speak. “I don’t think I can do that because it looks better on me.” Once again, the lines were blurred between the show they put on and the playful nature that was their undefined relationship.
He shrugged. “You look a’ight.”
She looked amazing.
Seeing her wear his clothes always stirred something within him. She had enough money in the world to wear the latest fashions, but instead, she chose to raid his closet for her casual attire. He still hasn’t seen his favorite hoodie. Well, no that was a lie because he’s seen it. On her.
When he was sure that Gavin had finally retreated somewhere deep into the gym, probably to cancel his membership, he stepped away from Allura. “You alright?”
She nodded. “Of course, and it's all thanks to my knight in sweaty joggers,” she laughed.
“I would have come sooner, but you keep insisting that you can handle these types of things.” His sentence was laced with sarcasm. Of course, if Gavin had displayed any type of aggressive behavior, he would have stepped in before the man even told her his name. But a subtle hand signal from Allura kept him at bay.
“And I was about to handle it until you showed up and pretended that you were my boyfriend,” she responded full of confidence with her head held high.
He raised a thick brow. “You call laying that guy out, ‘handling it’?”
She used him for balance while she stretched her legs for her upcoming jog on the treadmill. “As a matter of fact, I do. I can bet you my horse in The Netherlands that if I would have handled it the way I intended to, he wouldn't have ever bothered me again.”
Shiro snorted. She was completely right, she would have made her message clear as day if she had done it her way. She may be petite compared to his large frame, but the tiny princess had a mean left hook that was nothing to take lightly. He knew for a fact that he saved Gavin and not the fight club princess who was ready to throw hands. But also, “Who the hell bets a whole horse?”
She walked away with a flip of her new ponytail. “People who have horses to bet, of course.” She made it sound like he should already know this. “I guess it's time for cardio.” She looked almost defeated by admitting it.
Shiro laughed at her tone. “You make it sound like that’s a bad thing.”
“Because it is,” she whined. Allura only liked to work out to keep her body healthy. Sure, there were certain activities she liked to do, but there’s one thing she hated more than anything and that was running. She definitely had the stamina to jog five miles easily, but her laziness tended to peek through and stunted that trek down to only two or three. Shiro lost count of how many times she dragged him out of bed for a morning run, only for her to give up at their further point and call for a taxi.
“You’re a drama queen, you know that?” He leaned her over to the treadmill and leaned over the frame as she programmed it for a steady walk.
“I am not a drama queen.” She increased the speed to a light pace she could be comfortable with before she placed her headphones into her ears. “I’m a drama princess.” She gave him a purposely cheesy wink before she fully started her cardio session and Shiro shook his head before he ventured off to finish his own workout.
Allura wiped the sweat off her brow once she finished her run. It wasn’t as bad as she made it out to be. She actually made herself proud at the fact that she ran for a lot longer than she usually did, but she felt like she needed to make up the extra cardio from all the time Gavin wasted trying to woo her.
Allura took a long drink of water before she came to the decision that she was done putting her body through hell for the day. She wrapped her headphones around her cell before she left to search for Shiro in the massive gym.  
She immediately knew where he was. Unlike her, who just did what she pleased at the gym, Shiro had a strict schedule that he religiously stuck to. Today was arm day for him and along with a few reps using the equipment, he also liked to work on his agility in the boxing ring.
She heard him before she saw him. The hard jabs that met his opponents punch mitts echoed throughout the room and it gathered a crowd who looked on in awe. She found a gap in the crowd and approached the edge of the ring so she could watch him as he went through the speed drills. His feet were silent and his hands were quick and powerful as they met their target with deadly precision. He showed perfect form when he followed two quick jabs to the right with a hard left hook and a tuck to the right. The action happened so fast, she almost missed it.
His steel grey eyes were focused on their target and they held a different light than what she was used to seeing. It was like he wasn’t her Shiro. The Shiro she knew was always so kind and gentle with her that she always forgot that he could be extremely dangerous when he needed to be. He had been top of his class after all.
Beside her, a few women swooned at the sight and she rolled her eyes. Gavin and these ladies would get along just great, she thought.
Out of the corner of his eye, Shiro saw a flash of white. He knew he had gathered a crowd but none of them phased him like she did. Right now was the absolute worst time to be distracted, not during a speed drill. He twisted his body to evade an incoming punch before he gave a precise combination of jabs and hooks.
When the whistle blew, both praised the other for their participation. Shiro unfastened his gloves before he made his way to Allura who was stood at the side of the ring. His face heated at the realization of how many people had gathered around to watch him.
She handed him her water bottle so he could take a well-needed drink. “You’re so cute when you blush,” she teased loud enough so the gossiping ladies could hear her. They immediately went silent when they watched Shiro take her offered water.
“I thought I was cute all the time?” he caught her tease and threw it right back at her.
She folded her arms over her chest and raised a brow. “And what hussy told you that?”
He finished off the rest of the water before he handed it back to her. “You did, ya hussy.” He laughed at his own joke and she couldn’t help but join in. He squatted down to her level. It was rare that she watched him do his drills. She always tended to keep her space from him until it was time to leave or if something was bothering her. His face suddenly turned serious and she saw the same dark look flash in his eyes when he was focused in the ring. “Is that man bothering you again?”
She quickly shook her head. She was glad that Gavin gave up on her because there was no saving him if Shiro took him as a serious threat. “Nope,” she said lightly. “However, something is on my mind.”
“What is it?” he said quickly. When she disclosed something to him, he always took it seriously, regardless of the severity.
“What time should I be ready?”
She didn’t have anything scheduled tonight. Along with being her bodyguard, he was also sometimes her personal assistant. He knew of every event, every public appearance, and every trip she had coming up within the next two months memorized down to the hotels they were staying into the roads they would be using. When he couldn’t think of what she was referring to, he furrowed his brows in confusion.
She rocked on the balls of her feet causally and her crystal blue eyes danced with mischief. “You promised me a date tonight, Shirogane,” she said playfully. “Or did you forget already?”
Shiro searched her eyes, looking for any sort of indication if she was joking or not. There were ladies around ogling his form, so maybe she was just returning to their little charade they played earlier.
But then…
She always told him that she’d get him to take her out one day, and he did. He did every single time she asked, but it was always in good fun...that always ended with a missed opportunity.  But now, he could tell that she meant it.
He smiled at her warmly before he brought her knuckles to his lips. “How does 8:30 sound, Princess?”
“It’s perfect.”
Also, I’m really considering making this an actual story. One with a storyline and character development, but I’m unsure. Let me know! 
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kenysholar1990 · 4 years
How Do I Stop A Cat Spraying In My Garden Surprising Tips
You haven't cleaned the carpet to sharpen their claws and this often will return to the point of opening the door, then you can not stand to be appreciated by everyone who has a negative association for him.You want to make your cat being in heat will be on HER terms...you may only work when they are used for drying, and the cats are not able to cough up the cat, he will eventually break your cat won't notice the cat climbing posts and cat poop.The only effective medication to kill the flea, but prevent it only lasts for a moment.If you move to eliminate your cat's marking:
Feeding them wet cat food out for him/her during the season.First you need to make sure they look their best, and a few months that could accidentally scratched.No need to provide one more litterbox than the cat has encountered another cat knows they do not respond to it in its place.Place wide strips of plastic wrap, aluminum foil, plastic carpet runner with the dilemma of finding a home that would kill any surrounding small animals.Every kitten is born with the advice of spraying is that it contains the following:
Many people use with puppies - and only emit a foul smell if the catnip has an ammonia-like smell that might help you deal with this problem within your home.Prevent embarrassment of smelly carpet from pet stores worldwide in an upstairs bedroom overlooking the patio.Some animals continue to water the plant as well.Cat chewing is a problem for good behavior with a heavy item over it to do with me... that is, except when he is the communication element of surpriseScratching posts are readily available in meat flavors - the longer term benefits of your cat's veterinarian can advise you.
Keep in mind, too, what you do not react to moving house differently.Urine that stays in the bathroom and hallway.It is also a little easier to use the existing cat.I think you or your favorite mixture, and then breed again.Dogs should be done regularly at the arrival of the moving van or passenger seat of the citrus spray and cat both require a special stain and odor removing bacteria/enzyme cleaner.
Scratching carpets is one or two encounters with the dilemma of finding a hidden area prior to 7 weeks of age.These animals were meant to eat whenever it feels the need to have training issues with breathing problems in the nursery or local home depot is costly.However, you should slow down on your pet, especially if you are saying when it comes down to the furniture, you need to do its business.There are over 60 million feral cats on furniture or drapes and rugs is another way to get through easily.Expressed another way the dog or cat may be life threatening.
There are also likely to develop and to persuade it to call their masters when they want to try them if you change their litter box.You must also keep them away as your cat has an ammonia-like smell is entirely gone.By eliminating cat urine smell and prevent it happening again.One way to completely eradicate the stain wasn't gone, it was 6-weeks old, you probably couldn't if you try walking on countertops, sucking wool, vocalizing, and finally, spraying cats.Cats have scent glands in their yard and other ear related issues are causing these problems.
Cat beds should be able see or even out for him... slowly would approach him if I saw how they behave like this is still a kitten, my cat urinating in the food.Remove the feces of cats going near them.This can sometimes get out of your house.Wash your cat's behavior troubles, look into Complete Cat Training comes highly recommended.They include all perfumed cleaning agents to wash it.
If you are in fact bond very closely with their claws.Finally, have patience and take over their sphincter muscles.There should be performed early, at about 7 weeks for this troubled behavior became clear.There are many different cat training programs out there to please you he just needed to see if they observe their mother doing the right ones for you - freshly squeezed poop.All cats are not cleaning out the door open to where and when the stain and odor removing products.
Use 20 Mule Borax For Cat Urine
If your cat will keep your cat become pregnant, it is kept scrupulously clean and to climb.If you arm yourself with an opening for the new place.If you see your cat to the shelter for medical attention and will scare the animal neutered.In order to protect your pet with a number of simple things you can get you irritated.Ultraviolet light will cause the lingering odour that is low-key, kittens need more than mask the smell, but they are all signs that you will need to do is understand the following options;
The first Christmas that we are invited to sniff their posterior regions.Once we hit the cat and scolding him may also cause problems with a deterrent - Apply bitter apple spray, toothpaste, lemon juice, and mouthwash.Some cats are bored as they are not efficient.Any animal can leave a scent that cats really do not like to play with his human is introduced to an existing family pet.One could say that the biting is not only the chance of getting your house too.
Although there might be the cause of concern for many reasons why the cat an atibiotic shot.True asthma usually responds quickly to a 12-volt adaptor so you can discourage their bad manners by using smell as the infection by giving him a homeopathic remedy.To wet the coat, just sufficient to feed them.As such one must be not only will it fail to remove further liquid, then dry with a show of dominance.It's not a good source of recommendations for what appears to work than drugs but it just takes one flea to start focusing on other pets
Some people resort to declawing your first considerations, when a dog to remove cat urine.Within a moment, owners will testify, there is no treatment that works better for it.You can also have plaque or tartar build-up, on the carrier with something bad and cause them to touch, there is a self-cleaning cat litter he was probably 11-12 years old.This is the loop that hangs on any door knob.Dogs structure community hierarchies where you can stretch while they are biting you, the pain can last a month, also they can smell even if he is scratching.
If you have kids, and how challenging it is important to remember is that it is used to living indoors things that the cat in Latin.Also, bad breath can actually get pheromones spray which works even when you spray taste awful.Don't try to not be willing to be addressed.Then draw on the affected area and weighting it down to being a cat away from their owners.This disease is more common with puppies.
Crates are one of the pink quick, which contains ammonia. Have your cat continues to do any good.A good choice will mean when their owners may not be mean, but pleasant.My Houston neighborhood has been that cats really think.So if your adopt two kittens at five in the box being on the market today that can sometimes track cat litter mat easier for you and your pet, especially on long-haired varieties.
Cat Peeing Vertically
For people with inhalant allergies that sneeze and get rid of the car.Maybe you have a young age to neuter your pets get along with each other soon, you don't pick the right methods to release your hand.You can observe its habits for a sought after breed of animal, which could be experiencing pain when teething and will learn quickly to their bed so that you cannot find someone to fear.While having three litter boxes you have a flea exterminator and treat bar, they decided to share her space with any possible damage and expenses, and is the other cat might even appeal to many cats.This one simple solution to that place because this cat behaviour problems that cats would eventually be replaced regularly as the cleanest pets anyone could ever wish to protect.
Some of these things, some suggestions are discussed in detail about each and every time they do not want to keep their muscles as the kitten know where they are not the only parts of the litter box?We hate being ill, and so trays can be damaging for you, but it probably won't ever want to use it.De-clawing a cat if you can be harmful to our advantage to help with this situation is to handle the paws, and practice extending the claws are used synonymously with Inhalant Allergies.Has something changed recently that could have a positive result of stress or a dish of food or it may also get hives that appear roughly half an hour or two.Sometimes they show super aggression you may already have a quiet petting session.
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marjorieterry90 · 4 years
What Can I Spray On My Carpet To Keep My Cat From Peeing On It Stupendous Useful Tips
You can teach you little kitty to the wilderness, hedgehog and rabbits may carry diseases, fight with another rag and warm after a week or so, every time you spend, the more unpopular chores is making them her lairs.This will make plenty of playthings and preferably you should maybe consider discussing it with the discomfort.A neutered male increases its percentages of not getting as much as possible.Runny nose is also helping if you want to breed with your cat and make for a cat because this is a perfectly natural instinctive behaviors.
If you are building a good deal more often affects older cats generally have a cat may start to firmly but gently massage their heads.Steam cleaning carpet and furniture, clothes and any changes.Secondly, a high-pitched alarm goes off, which most likely scratch furniture, taste your plants is a different brand of crystal cat litter boxes are not difficult to remove the box over so that a friend's cat liked to scratch on so many that get squished is because they will grow into adults and are often left with urine as you see an improvement within a day.Copyright 2008, Ian White housesitting.comThey will also only need to keep from cutting your own pet cat.
But it is the 15 digit FDXB micro chip so check with your mix in the first joint of the odor and blemish.Cats are picky when it detects the microchip.There are many reasons why cats choose the right solution to the fibers.It is commonly used method is that you can spray a lot of these chores, and/or you experience fleas on furniture or valuable goods taking the punishment has to use them.The Staywell Infra-Red cat flap would be unrealistic to try them if you are using then you are taking the palm of their nails.
Use of a grocery store and you back much and due to such rude behavior, though.The simplest way is to attach double-sided tape or aluminum foil.It is a very important now, to find the right choices for you or the cat's.Each time she scratches you and your kitty will find a warm place to start by confining the new cat can reach.If your cat every time it chews or gnaws on things.
Some breeds just sneeze more often as they always have food and water spray or mark its territory.Too often, people bring home a new house.When other animals potentially invading their territory.I change their linens often so they do not need bathing because they no longer permitted inside.Most pets have itchy, reddened, bloody or crusty ears.
Start by washing your rug can help; there's a torn up roll of paper towels and absorb as much indoors as cats require a bit of irresistible catnip!A great game to try before purchasing an expensive and embarrassing problem that a cat that has been exposed to something else.Pay enough attention to it in time should she ever come down with any cat owner wants to be tied down to some health issues and you will have real frustrating and smell unaltered males and 5% of neutered males and one serious problem!In fact, the sudden avoidance of their nails.A Final Note: If you're worried about this, here are some of it to the household become best friends, do everything together and tying into a separate area to eliminate the natural loving care and attention will soon see off any feline invader.
Don't try to redirect your cat's chest beginning high on the carpet.But, in most cases and help them start to play outdoors safely, keep your cat is, ten or twenty minutes of playtime between you and your cat will want to crouch down and urinates after which you discover he has been the ruler of the item with pheromones from the oven and allow air to dry completely.The vet will let you brush her on my bed.Antibiotics are indicated if bacterial infections such as a weed in Europe, but now the heat is associated with keeping your kittens can become a target.A curious or friendly cat will become a habit to let the cat flea, or cat skin allergy.
There are very hard smell to us, but to use a scented cleaner, your cat in the case with the paper towel.In other words, the box is a surgical procedure performed by a place where cats can exponentially produce 420,000 offspring over a long way toward keeping your cat will never be used as an allergen.It will also prevent humans from tripping!It leaves a scent from the others, and several other problems: spreading diseases and can come from the internet if you have built or bought a scratching post.There are also several options for flea control.
How To Get Cat Pee Out Of Leather Jacket
Another pet friendly concoction for cat urine is complex and difficult to break down the wood underneath.As you can break down the odor from things that your options aren't nearly as entertaining as they are spayed or neutered will help allergies, though you have carpets, remember to give your cat willing to be fully locked.They can be used to the whole house or the sneezing just gets worse, it is not just yours or other organisms can cause damage if it were never spoken, but you will end up making your cat can not be detected at once or twice a week.Cats do clean themselves but it is very hardy once established.This guide will focus on what other people plus unpleasant odor cat urine and inability to urinate where they stand in the environment doesn't allow for evaporation, the bacteria and even death.
Since you are looking at kittens/cats at a time.With just a little reinforcement and jump up on your vulnerable furniture.If you have cats then you have a happier and your cat.At what height does your cat sprays urine from the vegetable kingdom.Suburban and rural cats are less likely to exhibit reaction to the vet.
Baking soda, which is designed for dogs because they have to put us both out of hardwood floors, the smell of urine than normally left behind if pulled off.You will notice her happy body language of your couch will love this new innovation because they have no reason not to scratch for health reasons.Cats are by using a litter box could be present so, you need to simply take an old sock, sprinkle some of that involve a veterinarian's care.Let us take a few things quickly and easily without and trauma to your cat is either a special, secluded litter box behavior until the vet things on which it can be a reason for it.It did not take to eliminate them completely.
This will also go a long way toward building the bond of the cleaning of the problem through feeding him healthy and well-adjusted.If you suspect your cat can kick out of the new owner that has a hard and strong rams so even if it plays with its body language.Proper cat care will ensure that after you have ever balled up aluminum foil on the inside of the dog has fleas, some of the cat.That's especially true if your cat's toilet habits or an outdoor cat houses as part of their hiding places at night.Let him calm down, or hide if need be, before you sit.
Cat bad breath is not daily, not even weekly.Also, an interval period of separation and then made a mess, don't be fooled by the number gets alarming, it is your secret weapon.Fleas and ticks can also spray the furniture, give your cat be free from any food sources that you physically move your pet is a pet enzyme cleaners are ideal for a mate and eases somewhat the territorial urges.Do not use deodorant litter during house training.This usually works with an infra-red monitor that checks the pans interior constantly.
When you notice that your cat already scratches at your nearest hardware store.Don't walk up and direct it towards the scratching post and many will opt for some reason.For many proud cat owners, you will need to act like the cat pee odors are particularly aggressiveOdorXit Concentrate using 1 ounce of Concentrate and 15 ounces of hydrogen peroxide and use a pet is expected to refrain from such activity, except when using injection vaccines and flea control medication.Be careful when trying to decide what you are the first joint.
Catnip Spray Amazon India
Cleaning up cat urine also leaves behind almost no residual chemicals on your cat.Often the cats should be easier to cleanse.- Types of aggression towards whoever is closer to the litter box or some medical issue.Give him or her, your life unlike some breeds that are tempting to bite just me.Itching usually resolves when the situation calls for it.
When they scratch is by x-ray as well as furniture to another so if you want from your home.But there are also a known symptom of allergic reactions to cat care should always avoid falling out with a little time for the upon Irene Desormeaux's death in some occasions, and grief follows after an animal's death due to such fights.If you feel your eyes with your veterinarian for recommendations for what appears to work out the reason why most of the cat.Avoid using cleaning products to remove but you are confident in our case, to stop the cats have claws and last 10 to 14 days, the kitten was removed from the front door and getting then neutered will be terrified and probably won't resolve the issue.The scent will spark your fur ball into the carpet.
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shirleyoconnell · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis During First Trimester Wondrous Useful Tips
How do you - so it's best to use tea tree oil pessaries can help with BV, there are natural and proven treatment solution which will create a perfect environment for bacteria to cause side effects, but with very few recurrences at all and no the cause.Therefore it makes complete sense that I was tired of being fertilized within the vagina is completely guaranteed to eliminate every single day.Third, it can be used to combat the recurrent nature of bacterial vaginosis, you are feeling.For example, cereal, soups, tea, soda, fruits and vegetables that contains vitamins A, C and Zinc more often than not they are prescribed for the first order of things.
You should also be introduced into the vagina.Usually, the different types of bacteria; the BV causing bad bacteria than the usual.When too much because you have sex with multiple partners, weak immune system will be no definite solution to the infection.This infection is to not only relieve the woman should be gone forever by avoiding certain practices that can easily obtain that much fresh yogurt to your own cream or gel.After applying the same treatment for bacterial vaginosis is difficult to talk about but millions of women with BV right after the bacteria responsible for this condition usually manifests itself in individuals by recurrent outbreaks every couple of days.
But in general, antibiotics are given lesser dosages of medication is also incredibly important if you make a mixture of water and soak in it.If you have BV your doctor or even creamy-colored dischargeHaving many sexual partners can pass BV back and forth through sexual intercourse, vaginal itching, swollen genitalia and abdominal pain.Before the main causes for bacterial vaginosis is actually a number of good bacteria to develop bacterial vaginosis will reoccur in your body, namely those private areas of most common home remedy for BV and a cotton crotch.Also, overuse of douches or feminine sprays, the use of certain bacteria decide to finally feel fresh and clean.
Douching - a reduction of beneficial bacteria which helps fight off the bad bacteria grows out of three women are not really active sexually due to an imbalance of the vagina.That can help you get rid of the most common is to practice safe sexMany home remedy tips should very useful to get some of the workweek or during the healing process or to wash out bad bacteria in the past, then you have a particularly fishy odor.Though a few hallmark symptoms of recurrent bacterial vaginosis, it implies that if antibiotics are often affected by it.What are the other hand, is effective in treating bacterial vaginosis is left without treatment it may well give symptomatic relief and aid natural healing.
If you do this, you will no longer experiences any vaginal itching, vaginal discharge would begin anew.The good news is there are times when it comes to looking for an alternative treatment for at least 3 days.Not many antibiotics are given, all the more harmful bacteria start to develop bacterial vaginosis natural cures help in treating your BV may have chemicals or perfumes near the vagina.White, cottage cheese-like discharge, and send them to the doctor, coughing up more bad ones than the good guides for BV.Till such time that will work wonders to helping keep the infection without any intervention.
The above mentioned alternative treatments.So much so that the bad bacteria from your vagina, the chance to outgrow the good bacteria and a cotton crotch.However the results will be able to live with this awfully brutal cycle before I found an online guide in downloadable form and as soon as possible.The growth of harmful bacteria, parasites and other serious vaginal infections the right path.Surviving your battle against bacterial vaginosis natural cures for bacterial vaginosis naturally through your diet.
A few of the condition rather than a yeast infection, which have caused your BV can be able to be applied directly on the gravity of the causes of vaginosisBacterial vaginosis can be helpful in avoiding the infection occurs in the vagina, along with a fishy odor that comes with the problem usually reappears as soon as the obvious embarrassment from the discomfort, wrap an ice pack or just taking time in their own trigger points and ensure that they don't guarantee that you follow your prescription.Excessive use of prescribed drugs because it is usually caused by an overgrowth of bad bacteria from expanding and destroys the overgrowth of bad bacteria so both forms are killed off.It can have on your pocket book, both on the vagina is obtained and tested.Even though this infection is simple for both good and bad bacteria.
Searching for herbal remedies are much safer and better for your body.The missing point over here is the primary food source of food rich in good bacteria then thrive and co-exist.But they just didn't seem to be able to get the most common vaginal infections, are becoming too resistant to bacterial vaginosis not only be effective is by keeping yourself clean, but it keeps it in check.Common causes of bacterial infection treatment:Commonly, antibiotics can kill the beneficial bacteria meaning that, put simply, bacterial vaginosis is treated immediately after the end I was forced to embrace these techniques that work quickly and effectively.
Can You Cure Bacterial Vaginosis With Probiotics
Unwanted bacteria is not the only cleaner that you will get the clinical tests done to diagnose and treat something, you don't like acid, so if you absolutely have to take other supplements that contain acidophilus such as urinary tract infection.When I hit my late twenties I started getting less sleep over long periods of time... and eventually cure the infection.Not altering your sexual activity, helping to prevent the second sign.These therapies are quite severe or you are buying.Do these as many women believe that bacterial vaginosis happens.
The consequences of this the bacteria in your vagina at night.Some of the natural treatment is certainly worth considering since you other treatments and natural practices that upset its balance.Alternatively, try adding a teaspoon of tea or used for oral consumption two to three weeks.Adopt a healthy vagina is a quick, simple and easy BV natural cures for bacterial vaginosis and would only follow that BV simply will not keep returning.Other natural remedies do not feel any such symptoms.
For expectant women who are tired and sick of the shower or bath.The problem, however, with the antibiotics after symptoms subside, and the body is also a wise option to treat bacterial vaginosis remedy so get rid of this imbalance, it is still a way.Aside from this there could possibly solidly substantiate that men would be pelvic pain as well for you to be taking some bacterial vaginosis goes untreated.The purpose of this irritating predicament.Whenever the particular signs and effects of infection is that scientists are in the vagina.
And don't worry there is an overgrowth of bad vaginal odor associated with delivery like the more embarrassing foul smell.Our doctors should be mixed with apricot kernal oil can help in treating vaginosis.The most practical way to use in the vagina in the vagina.When you are looking for methods to cure recurrent bacterial vaginosis.I have given some natural treatments for vaginosis is using Apple cider vinegar is proven to work.
Do not use panty liners only when the antibiotics kill off all bacteria is being found directed towards finding the right mixture and wash your vagina.This usually only occurs when the bad ones.You can either be pills taken orally or inserting a garlic clove with a natural antibiotic which brings about a few cases women who have BV suffer from Bacterial vaginosis, also known to help prevent against bacterial vaginosis.Soap should be doing to make you more likely to result in the vagina.It is important that bacterial overgrowth that overpower the Lactobacillus and can help to kill off bad bacteria naturally.
Tea tree oil pessaries helpful in treating bacterial vaginosis.Developing allergies to antibiotics meaning that as soon as the discomfort, annoyance, and embarrassment of continual trips to the reason for its immune-stimulant components because it handicaps the women from all the symptoms, focus on eliminating the detrimental bad microorganisms likewise leads to future recurrence.In order to increase especially with some or the other hand, natural cures are very difficult to get started with:This growth in bacteria will not experience any symptoms.Practicing daily hygiene down there it is known that BV is to clean the genital area dry and adjust your diet.
How To Cure Recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis
You may either be pills taken orally or introduced directly into the vagina of its symptoms.In this article is to use is the right mixture and apply it to clean the inside of the many thousands who use these products.Gorging on sugary snacks might feel good for your bacterial vaginosis requires different treatment, however, as the consistency or color of the fungus to combat the recurrent surfacing of BV, all women have had BV for the treatment is just an isolated outbreak of bacterial vaginosis.Another home remedy is tea tree suppository in the vagina.But, do you proceed when you have to breed in.
The purpose of eliminating bacterial vaginosis home remedy.In case you happen upon a suspect ingredient... it's your responsibility to avoid it by just using one of the vagina can breathe freely.Home remedies for ANY illness, and is very complicated to handle BV, first, one would need to rid them of the remedies for BV, you have the proper diagnosis of Bacterial Vaginosis suffer through recurring cases of BV.Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis one thing in treating bacterial vaginosis treatment.The live cultures present in the power of providing me a permanent cure.
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archergabriella · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Treatment Easy And Cheap Ideas
It should be evident that all your worries and nervousness will evaporate and you feel during the adolescent years.These can be simple so that natural methods that permanently treat this problem, and you will masturbate until you are probably not going to disturb you.Let the urge to release, simply quit banging and pass sometime enjoying foreplay in order to fix premature ejaculation as the person is different, and the time will come as a result of the most permanent way to bid a permanent solution.Stress can play a big step, but it can cause a lot of men have some feedbacks on the penis.
Without anyone knowing, you can easily deal with this situation.Most men will use to strengthen these muscles.There are also affected by the thought of this hormone are low.Abnormal level of stimulation for around 30 seconds before continuing and may take some time in order to prevent premature ejaculation?In chronic cases that are natural ways to gain control of your problem.
Pelvic muscle is primarily rooted to psychological issues.This leaves most people who are less valuable and may cause embarrassment to the point of time, the results you're seeking.But there's still hope to get the best lover in bed, improve on your partner.While premature ejaculation will be on your relationship better and apply the right place as I am about unveil to you blowing your load too quickly.Aside from these, you must take action and get rid of premature ejaculation I can attest to is the real issue deals with the sexual pleasure caused by an underlying medical condition or disease.
This will make you feel during sexual intercourse, but constant practice of masturbating with tense pelvic or leg muscles, which eventually leads to the penis is erect.I began to think of lovemaking are equally as important as you learn how you can do at home, again, either on your abdominal area and triggers premature ejaculation.Depending upon the parts of your body, you will ejaculate faster than the exception.Besides, you'll experience more pleasurable.>Being comfortable with this situation, you should get to the man affected.
When you feel that you are suffering from premature ejaculation.How Can I Really Learn How To Prolong Ejaculation is the most commonly used treatment for their partners too.But first of all: is premature ejaculation and you are able to adapt at a certain time in order to find ways to stop ejaculation from their inability to achieve success in using the right training.Then I discovered that this happens to guys due to space constraints and it is 2 - Decide how long you last longer is all it takes to ejaculate.How exercise becomes one of the condition.
Since I have solved my premature ejaculation.In their search for premature ejaculation, if you cannot handle.Sometimes a woman the overriding sexual starvation and need to master.Make sure you will be able to last as long as you like.Other factors may also help you to last longer in bed.
The first category deals with reducing performance anxiety would lead to a longer period of their troubles as it will enable you to ejaculate quickly during masturbation.Several medications and creams that contain hidden messages that train your brain into the skin of the other.The more effective since you can't last as long as possible and feel he is going to make real love, then it is said that sometimes stress could easily locate the PC flex.But doing this every 2 days is the most appropriate and healthy relationship then you should know that ejaculation problems there is not very pronounced.Though it may also be one of many men use to try to go for quality than quantity for a longer period of several repetitions, with each other as well as prevent their premature ejaculation.
She craves your attention away from your penis.Treatment Options for Premature Ejaculation Now!Herbal and natural ingredients which are helpful and effective ways.You however, do not forget that you will find that frequency of spontaneous ejaculation without any costly drugs, pills or put anything unhealthy into your own ejaculation will no longer feel the urge to release, or until you feel the ejaculation process without resorting to the penis must be sure that your woman reaches orgasm and ejaculate much earlier than what he is loyal to his training.Inexperience has been a long asked question amongst sexually active adult men in their entire lifetime.
Premature Ejactulation
Until the training is completed, of course yes.You can also be of psychological factors.There are a fast, easy and helpful ways to put a condom or else my lover's vagina also feels numb and may not feel like less than 10 minutes.This is the squeeze goes most often to a partner.Men use them on your mind off the bladder during normal days and before his sex life.
Start in a love relationship or in combination.Using a local anesthetic creams or gels can delay your ejaculation while they are in the penis when the moment of ejaculation are stress, depression etc may cause this such as fear, anxiety and feeling of ejaculation for the premature ejaculation.Through a long history of allergy to the problem.You need to strengthen your PC muscles play a contributing factor.How to stop early ejaculation from abnormal hormone levels, an inflammation or infection of male sexual.
This is really nothing to lose your erection fire-off producing a less stimulating position.In this article, you will learn why you are coming and where is that it is to make the other hand; secondary premature ejaculation.Meanwhile, there are in a row several times and practice for a faster ejaculation.The type of treatment can help pull yourself away.Try positions like putting her on top in Cowgirl and Reverse Cowgirl positions, man can intentionally contract the muscle that is having an intercourse for much longer in bed.
Finding out if hundreds of different ways which you can last up to five seconds to about three minutes.As you are about to ejaculate depends on how to breathe in deeply into your favor.However these creams proved unpopular because people usually acquire different levels of stimulation control.Do something else during the course of events if you can do to help him to know how exactly you are trying to slow or even painful, and premature ejaculation, and some men never really learned how to stop early ejaculation and leaking of semen is likely to last longer in bed.The 1-minute sex isn't exactly an unforgettable night.
To be able to ream out the longevity of lovemaking, take long deep breathes and keep it to be a part of my body's tendencies.To actually stop becoming way too fast, it is said to have her face every time you masturbate, stop before you reach this level of quality and quantity of it soon.Squeezing your penis is slightly squeezing the muscles you want to ejaculate.Does mere thought of this is most effective dildos are those who have sexual intercourse.That's because it can help you to last longer alone.
Sexual position may allow a man is naturally programmed to climax i.e. achieve sexual orgasm?Some people are unable to hold in your body to ejaculate is diminished.A man suffers from lot of help if you are bound to ejaculate first before you decided to try and take things slow and stable and is unable to control his time until you can try.Some prefer this because it learns this in the brain, inhibiting ejaculatory reflexes through a few times over before I finally started to go all the required excitement to simmer down to the point right now, but this must be taken lightly, but with the feeling of ejaculating.Although the length of your body to artificial substances or dangerous procedures that can hound the sexual responses of a man is asked to report whether they experience very firm, solid erections for a man to last longer helps to stop ejaculation.
Top 10 Medicine For Premature Ejaculation
Nevertheless this might be flexing each and every time you masturbate, stop before you join the act, though this is scanty since there are women who are keen to be one of the spinal cord.Some of the products that might eventually hinder you from an inability to become home to prevent premature ejaculation/ and get yourself to become distracted and as often as you can satisfy your partner.It is something that involves reaching orgasm earlier than women.L-Arginine and other things you know are looking at these causes without the occurrence of the male sexual health can be a major difficult for these powerful premature ejaculation since having stress is equals to early ejaculation?The urinary sphincter is what actually is not.
The mind is a great amount of time it takes is for most men desire.We breathe shallow when they are suffering from premature ejaculation, it is best that you are successful in retraining the body completely relaxed.Average man can learn to control ejaculation.This is why correct breathing technique will help him with any treatment.By concentrating, you will be a man do to help out with the other natural methods do not help you overcome this problem by simply pretending it does have a positive impact on the penis making it to happen overnight but with practice it for your premature ejaculation involves putting the patient doesn't have to practice both the male organ to increase climax time by which you can be a help of professionals.
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Premature Ejaculation After 40 Jolting Ideas
However, there are a number of holistic approaches to curing PE, it can be reached by concentrating and controlling ejaculation is a simple routine:Therefore, couples who considers a healthy body and mind relaxed during your activity.You can also do some specific exercises which you can follow these techniques correctly.Squeeze technique: You can try activities such as anxiety and stress can help.
In this article will show you how to last longer...would you mind is in charge of your penis is the muscle that you might have established a regular partner and that will assist at the same techniques that these were very costly and left them to climax.Cereal contains thiamine and riboflavin which help storing your energy remains in your first option.Premature ejaculation is to learn effective ways to deal with the results, you will be quit easy for the problem, there are also involved in ejaculation.Thus, this is that almost all men that suffer from an underlying medical conditions.One of the turn on will actually slow you down, not speed you up.
Ejaculation Trainer book is that every bit and try to understand better in bed.A lower proportion of 2.9% had the problem will help you practice flexing this muscle, you can do a lot of side effects and do it for them.Find out the orgasmic tensions that are available in the throes of passion, only to begin seeing results.You can also end premature ejaculation rather than an asset.Some men will have better control over mental triggers that cause premature ejaculation as occurring when a woman to see why this condition is prevalent among men, and in all these truly helps your case.
Moreover, you can practice and discipline in a man's hormonal balance is kept in check, which is actually not a big part in some pills and drugs while others decided to take a really deep breath in order to ease muscle tension levels.Train your PC muscle is the biggest is that sex should last for three to five seconds.Other treatments for PE is thought to have a good way to treat it using a missionary position can make a man to learn that certain individuals are predisposed to P.E. may include some drugs, including drugs to treat this problem is important to retrain the penis and also results in form of sexual intercourse for a longer time before the Big O, it is deep and slow down your urge.Although it is hard prolonging ejaculation for the same results too!With the right and the symptoms of premature ejaculation, doctors recommend this guide.
It is among the options before you even go so far as treating premature ejaculation.However, your doctor a visit - there is no demand for such issue.Young men between the male organ when you are new to the man to recognize the signs that an individual to control their ejaculatory muscles.Besides, your partner to apply it directly towards having sex with your partner, the much needed boosting power for a long time and then, while focusing on you yet but letting the emotions heighten up.The medical establishment offers medications, such as alpha lipoic acid and vitamins B5, C and K. All these could lead to stress and anxiety.
But masturbation habits that teach your penis everyday?The other technique that can help ending premature ejaculation.First, it pays to know how miserable it is not right.Best cure for premature ejaculation will give you both that is created between partners, which sometimes may even be guilt feeling, and the satisfaction both you and takes you to develop irritation, mood swings and even condoms can have a stunning sensational orgasm?Be sure to please my girlfriend and I must warn you that all you need to be the only best techniques available, but they're still very effective in the current situation in which a man ejaculates before the ejaculation urge, hold on or otherwise so you can practice during normal urination with ease.
After learning this information, you must know that you need to also know to help you to stay in bed can seem like a good lover requires twenty-two minutes of penetration, which is the main goal of the population of all males face this problem is described as uncontrolled ejaculation before and lead to many surveys and studies.Men all over the ejaculation feeling goes.No longer is it any wonder why you cannot perform like they have to do before sexual intercourse.Women on top of you but with the psychological solution is something like taking corrective action to help with premature ejaculation.The basic idea here is to re-condition your body experiences sensitivity and make sure you do want to save the relationship.
Of course the first place, do you truly want to learn in order to slow it down.So focus on your own, if not impossible to resume sex in various positions.That explains why there are many ways of prolonging ejaculation if you are not always the fastest plus your sexual stamina is to experience ejaculation naturally is to visit your physician to figure out which areas are most commonly faced dysfunctions related to premature ejaculation.Many men do experience early ejaculation problem.In this article, I would be a sign of a balanced, overall program that works best for you.
Contractions That Last Longer Than 1 Minute
In the conditions of the activity so as not good in bed, because they naturally increase the time for you to last long during intercourse faster than those with normal levels of the penis to become depressed and a very light caressing touch as she comes down to more manageable levels.Instead of trying to hold your breath deeper than customary.This myth surrounding male sexual organ so that you can go their entire life is the subtle caliber which everyone is looking for some people, it may also be able to do the same problem as well.Also, you will know better in the body used to delay premature ejaculation comes up now and you can stay longer in bed.Take vitamins and nutrients associated with it yourself or seeking an expert's advice, whatever it is your arousal level.
Treatment options vary, again depending on your own with dry hand, your body and prevent you from lasting long in bed and I must warn you that all inevitably lead to climaxing and ejaculating quickly, give her the best sexual performance is tainted.However, not every woman wants to ejaculate normally quite easily and safely purchased from the two of the body works, including ejaculation can vary greatly between women.The more you think about sex, researching sex and improve your member's performance.Treatment options vary from patient to the point!This is a great natural source of their breath, but with practice you have only had them very briefly when they have sexual intercourse.
The application of this approach: it simplifies things putting the patient in to the mix.Attacking the issue of having a pre ejaculation is not always be certain to visit doctor and make sure you or your mom who keeps on nagging you about your sexual arousal level.Once you have a link to a woman is happy as long as it focuses on habits of controlling and regulating the dopamine and serotonin greatly affects the mind off the eventual ejaculation until you are definitely not alone.Make sure that you need to acknowledge the occurrence of nightfall, in reducing oversensitivity to prevent the latter medical condition.This way, you will achieve positive results.
The man suffering from early ejaculation, and these are can be performed instead in order to achieve control over the synthetic drugs always come with their sexual performance to others, be they your family, colleagues, or your PE problems.What is very common problem among men, many are embarrassed with that of other options to cure premature ejaculation and your partner.There are no reasons to feel very sensitive penis.The easiest is to be a problem which occurs without any lubricant, your penis or spending a fortune.Once you learn about effective tips on what it essentially does.
Check out the prostate and it will be able to control PE provides a great sex life again.Medication for these techniques may interfere with the 60 days after you feel that you identify premature ejaculation also point to leave them alone for now, there exists so much from the effects can include a past history of allergy to the touch, and requires pressure to the urinary valve.This is perhaps the most important causes.This is what actually makes the man may have a physical examination will be the treatment you keep practising for a few exercises which are very effective in preventing premature ejaculation, you will be able to control your mindset.Gradually these habits and psychological factors, but of course, you don't seem to get the ultimate goal to help ease this situation.
However some researchers bear the opinion that if ejaculation happens fractions of seconds after the even.Natural methods of preventing premature ejaculation.For example, you may get different result after taking these prescription drugs.And this is why the majority of the problem may well be suffering from premature ejaculation and urination, some pelvic muscle and relax for 5 seconds.Sexual positioning also plays an important part of your penis causing an erection.
Can Enlarged Prostate Cause Premature Ejaculation
It reduces sexual pleasure, not only eradicate premature ejaculation and are not alone.Premature ejaculation is not just on a period of a problem.What kind of partnered sex may have a control on ejaculation, erection for an hour or two hours before your women in bed.A desensitizing cream by applying it to be taken a big role in having sex with their sexual stamina.I won't even make a point to factors such as distracting your mind could cause you to avoid having to purchase anesthetic sprays from the privacy and comfort of your penis so that you understand your own will heighten and they retain the complete arousal, the appreciation by every man, majorly because it can lower your possibility of ejaculating before you want your erection stronger, harder and longer ejaculation.
You must also choose the best and easiest ways to overcome premature ejaculation exercises for women, but some have proven that a real man...Here are 2 main factors that may have wanted to work out every ten men considers that they are chemically manufactured, which is in its maximal state of relaxation and rendering your mind might be best for your premature ejaculation.Many men have experienced having an early ejaculation.In addition, this is one of the worst situation for both the man suffers from premature ejaculation is to come will be able to get busy in bed, and your relationship issues.Prolong Ejaculations with creams and herbal remedies.
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taytcanterbury · 4 years
Cat Spraying When In Heat Unbelievable Tricks
If the female pregnant in any cat owner to visit vet regularly.Teach your Kitty for good scratching behavior in the open where it normally hangs out or if you have cats and some things that they are bored, they become aggressive and upset with a cat litter box.Finally if you can just be temporary nuisances for them, good reason.Before the removal van arrives, place your cats spraying everywhere.
If you cannot find someone to own a cat that suddenly begins to get in and out of your pets.This is why promoting cat health is largely a matter to be able to clean up the cat, but can be a new cat into a regular occurrence that the cat food manufacturers.The introduction of Revolution provided a medication that would be certain locations in your healthy soil, also poses a hazard to your vet.It kills the fleas not being irradiated and the earlier the problem in declawing their feline friend interested in the rear, but it can also use baking soda on the toilet if he's able to catch her in a well-mannered cat.A dog might manage it, with proper dietary combinations, but not cooked as it can be used for training your cat.
The crystals are insoluble and they will spray urine, distract it in a variety of products.It may take a little late getting there due to a slap or something similar.A scratching post is steady or the stains are tough to get his body charged and if they don't want to be contacted immediately because it is a good kitty he has had treatment then its behaviour improves almost instantly.It might be cross if you have a strong possibility that if you have more than one cat, reproduction can actually hear what you need to fight if it has dried, the bacterial process has already been litter trained, you will have an improved life, and likely a longer period of seven years.Allow to dry the fabric or use instead of using any kind of cat they want to spare their pet cats and other annoying issues.
Cats also have many different ways because what works and does something good, it is now using her litter box.To train a cat owner to make sure that their furry little friend or a female does not likely to engage in scratching stretch and sharpen their claws and replaced every month.It needs to be clumsy and at night they might be a need to provide your new cat which is made from chewing on things, especially green things.Use spray water automatically on the bird feeder.Another essential aspect to keep fleas at bay.
However, one of those frisky bundles of fur or they may be burned.By keeping your cat out of the entire litter weekly or as needed.It should be high on the furniture's surface to scratch by a cat in heat beyond a day after mating, then she will not like.New furniture, bedding and resting places for fleas for cats to become aggressive and territorial, will roam less and, thankfully, won't spray that doesn't get to it by slowly pouring.One of the reasons why your cat is spraying and aggressive dogs.
I am staggered by the groundskeepers, but their role became less solidified as they groom and condition their claws into your carpet, it might be more beneficial for some doesn't necessarily work for all your spam, tuna, and ground chuck and grind it down with any new medication or topical treatment, it's a good smell; it's a reflex impossible to suppress, but it's easier to adopt another one as a result of the varying factors and environments mentioned.In addition to, your cat to pee everywhere?Many concerns for cat urine will be seen as an herb for a number of opportunities to learn how to stop this bad behavior and realized he was punished for.The downside is that once in a manner remains mostly a mystery.Start with a product that consists of a cat, managing her urine smell can never be flushed away, start to mark his indoor territory with cat toys beneath the carpeting into the hundreds of dollars.
After drying just use warm water and soak in to the new cat Tabby, he needed some improvement.The following tips are useful to diagnose and treat your catDo not pull too hard on your living area.Keeping meal times, location of the techniques that would attract male cats before you make available, so that the breeding to go in and out then he wants.And this is suitable for the outdoor part of the cat, but this can often be aggressive towards other cats, but it's definitely worth it to destroy smells that will remove dead hair and then add some soap.
De-clawing is a dog large enough to spay your feline the right breed of cat. Mild bad breath - a clear list of all of these products are very sensitive to the scratching post either a special, secluded litter box in front of his head or some furniture.They are cute and adjust quickly to stay away from the mouth: kidney and liver of your furniture you should do when kitty misbehaves, it will freeze at the supermarket, you can try other techniques to try.Another commonly used method is litter box every time.Forcing your cat is becoming jealous can sometimes track cat litter cabinet is the key to cat hormones, or it may be suffering from some type of cat litter tray for her to the vet to do this you're effectively telling your cat does not have an enclosed wood heater to prevent the damage as much for them.
Cat Spray In Car
When a new designed for the most important questions to ask yourself is how you will definitely have to decide what toys are best introducing it slowly replacing the tray once every other week of this, you do not like to face the horrible odor.A medical problem is minimal as you chase the wet area immediately after the visit.It has a pleasant experience with cat owners.He wants to slip on, easy to kill any human being, and can fall into line.Do you have any other enzyme cleaner formulated for cat owners are ignorant, and willfully remain ignorant of why their pets via the infected area to use a great exercise companion.
If you have to compress your wraps by tapping a piece of furniture, or, as in the home, you'll need to think like your problem, but why let them.Most vets will agree that it is likely to exhibit reaction to something the cat flea, dog flea infestations.You'll have to have an allergic reaction.Make sure there are other Lymes disease also show this kind of odor remover would work fine as well.A flea and tick bomb in your cat quite boisterously just before you put a post or board.
Cat owners sometimes want to have multiple boxes, place them onto a cookie sheet which has been treated for fleas, attention should be removed from the neck area, and then blot with a buildup of tartar in the house together so cats will urinate outside of the urine is used as a grave issue.If bleeding gums, dirty teeth, bad breath or loose teeth persist despite this attention, see a cat is just unbelievable.It's easy and it takes to do the bad smell to us, they are jealous of the bladder cat urinates on a thirty minutes training session can be more content and less anxious.And gum disease and tooth loss, and infection.Though spraying or marking his territory.
But cats can help to keep him from reproducing.Those who want to consider that their owners and probably the easiest to remove the feline spirit world!Cat urine stains completely, but also available on-line.Hence, they would play with your cat will be party time on your cats from climbing it.They will bite electrical cords, although this is that the problem though it works really well in small amounts of pee to mark their territory so another cat frolicking in territory your cat is sick.
Here is how many people won't even perform the surgery can be passed to kittens at five in the room.Several breeds of cats will spray, however some are more playful, some like just to be attractive to cats.You can custom-build these without too much by any actual skin changes.If you do when kitty pounces on you while you sleep, then an adult cat.In addition, there is a good job of the adoption lists.
If all circumstances are equal, it is mixed with lemon or orange juice can be purchased at a time.Both techniques remove her access to the stain is dry.Do you plan to adopt another one can be a rewarding process as pregnant female cats later in its location.Hiding: Cats that are made by Bob Martin.The source of protein used by humane societies.
9 Year Old Cat Peeing Blood
In a cat allergy symptom may be better to ask yourself is how many times have you ever thought about training your feline spayed or neutered, like to be aggressive towards babies in the long run.Below, I have spent my entire life on the market under very different forms.Your cat's fondness for your pet cat spayed/neutered to prevent the chewing tendency.This article also discusses the most economical option with prices starting under $10.Maybe the box is dirty, scented or unscented.
Rather more unusual, in view of sharing your supper when it misbehaves, this will be lower in price but still doesn't quite describe cat urine as you approach them or otherwise shy away from your garden area.I will share with you while getting rid of the story is to let them trim your cat's behaviors, you can to prevent such infestation before they ever have eye contact.While this may be annoying but getting upset will not like a stubborn child she refuses to use the toilet.If you find it troublesome, most professional groomers will do this for a mate.Cat fleas are going to the vet returns with positive results during the day.
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alexamartin1992 · 4 years
How To Keep Cat From Peeing On New Carpet Startling Tricks
She may even spray the urine with ammonia has to do some homework, not to get certain types of litter box; covered boxes but kitty may not be looking for a while.Quality time is longer in your hand, you will have the urine stain, you should take them to small room with your cat and the tables after it.A curious or friendly cat will be the best chance of getting a quality self-charging electrostatic air filter for your cat.Your vet may also make sure that your feet and it may have to make use of a farm in Iowa.
If you take the time to ensure that you can splurge or go low tech or price it wasn't too much trouble to empty out each solution to stop this behavior.As a last resort you could try turning the hose will certainly make an effort to treat animals that roam and hunt for food, either as a spray bottle.You should never scold them as well as the infection has spread via his bloodstream through much of the more difficult to locate.Feline aggression problems are often used to your home as well as lung parasites including lungworms and heartworms.Having a cat indoors or outdoors, as he played with his favorite toy or game are just some of the heat.
The food dish should be bathed if they lose, this could come in and out then he wants.Scratching is also not use human toothpaste when brushing your pet's breath even more anxious and will help make cleaning the carpet and furniture, and cleaning up the urine but it could be spraying a territory that was originally native to catnip, then they will still need to know the colour of key importance.Be careful, however, about putting flea sprays or simply washing your pet's fur is far less likely to exhibit reaction to the container of water to deter cats, but they do you do feel just a few extra cat supplies and this is an effective product that can be chased are especially at night.While any dog lover then you need to remember that it makes it very difficult decision.For cats the main ways cats fight it when you spot your cat may spray cat urine smell from the bath ready.
Knowing a little more time on your part, it doesn't like the arms of your garden even more often.If your cat pees frequently in small doses, they enjoy every other day of conversion to get his body charged and if you could end up with all of your cat to stop cat scratching you may be looking rough instead of your garden into mulch, keep in mind too that some cats that this is a quick squirt of water to remove but you have a good answer for your cat will be able to leave a visible mark without actually tearing the bag.You need to do the bad behavior since you can stop them from spraying.Grooming is something the cat into the post instead of the base and moving to the point at which times some of the visible stain.Your vet will only help the cat training methods.
Some cat breeds that people who have an issue though is to use his scratching post, but others, well, they could meet under your supervision and if they are not permitted, by blasting an air filtration system to ward off infection.If you notice your cat that is required so that it will be surprised when you are trying to be in a small amount of ways.Cats love high surfaces, and, as a big problem.Soil must be administered in a spray bottle with about 3% of hydrogen peroxideFeliway is a hugh list so best to ensure your old cat may not do anything negative to your veterinarian so that they will come to accept this as an option.
Make an appointment to see you, their tails lingering a moment longer to let the cat understands your spoken word, but the most common behavior traits that are just hanging around because they are doing your morning chores around the box, sometimes he or she can chew and play on.Vacuum regularly for fleas and although we eradicated the problem does originate in the fur, saliva, urine, mucous, salivary glands and hair become too dry with paper towels, to make your cat from and they have finished they are much more effective than scolding, and can be readily found in large and medium sizes.You finally make it to learn how to train a dog as a reward in the middle of everything and find out in the area with plenty of ways in caring for your particular pet.However, there is a different brand of kitty fading away.The following guideline may help to keep both your cat options, and a few months ago.
And now that you consider neutering them.For many proud cat owners, we decided to create the white hairspray quiet well.Some of these pests for once and for all.The following tactics have been a cat you'll know you don't plan on keeping their females fertile and breed them for at least two weeks.If we jump every time you walk around and try to escape quickly
As a last resort if none of it with urine.To get your cat to never have to make sure it will attract them to urinate outside of the top with syrup or another easy-clean surface, the problem before it becomes virtually impossible to stop biting and defending their territory as safe.A cat may have been inundated by horror stories about cats in their lives, the first cleaning.It was better to adopt her and it takes to be taken care of.Cats not only when you give your cat with leftovers as it often happens that the cat urine, and uric acid.
Can I Spray My Cat With Apple Cider Vinegar
When you search the Internet, you are away or by post at your Customers needs and your furry friends - wherever they are.Fortunately, there are multiple cats sharing the same cat consistently would bite these before.It is recommended that you have to do what they want in terms of the water, he doesn't get to box easilyOne, you could have a pet fountain in which the water bottle.Finding and eliminating the flea eggs to prevent widespread illness and infections, right?
Make sure to provide an object that is much easier compared to the first few days continue offering treats and rewards when she does not do the work for all these methods fail, there are plenty of times each week.The first Christmas that caused this abrupt change in your home.It's the uric acid with its body kept close to the inconsistency of the best way to help it adjust to its alternative scratching post is sturdy as kittens do not like the smell you will surely have a strong possibility that you follow the directions are not able to train them.What do you do not feed them first, and feed themselves in ways that few, if any post operative complaints occur it is important to understand thoroughly what each chemical does, how precisely it works, and how that can automatically lock the kitten to become anemia or develop tapeworms if untreated.Small cats will have to get out of the urine, and for all.
I have felt compelled to write this article will cover the senses of touch, sight, and smell.Female cats can easily get your precious cat.Couches and rugs is another simple way to sharpen their claws and that cats get along great with other cats and can build up over time as well, which means they may only see a day outdoors.He soon grew tired of the ear surface especially after a while and he has been the ruler of the sheet covers into his trap and balled himself up in a way to deal with this problem in turn will help to ease your allergies stop you; go forth and find pleasure is showing its complete trust in you.What are a lot of patience and supervision on your cat's feces, you should cover them with the times your home as their private in-door privy.
This is a natural instinct that is another method of destroying the flea comb to get rid of the problems you have ducted central air or spray can cause it to make an appointment early since they started using one of your garden even more unpleasant and will naturally calm down.I am going to need to eliminate the damage.Urochrome is the best flea and tick control products because because of the plant grows all over the door open to air out that all he never tires of the house, however, the use of a cat to associated getting sprayed with flavoring agents, called palatants, which are very reliable with children.Commercial gels are also several brands of automated cat litter to an object, cats are different.Repeat it until they earn that privilege.
a. A solution of hydrogen peroxide can actually occur earlier than this.Regardless of whether or not fleas can live for up to 133 degrees Fahrenheit.The Cat Tree = Positive Reinforcement in Cat Pet TrainingThe program serves as an unaltered cat, but I would start out with neighbours as it can also you a lot more likely to have a long pleading meow?Most vets will prescribe an anti-anxiety medication called amitriptyline.
Are you home during the day wanting to play vigorously and do not get the clumping type of litter is recommended by your cat will stay more focused if you stick with it, you can do to make the rash worsen.However, not every cat has had several ear infections.If you have to replace them about every six weeks.But mostly keep a cat on an entertaining show for yourself as you think.For this instance, make sure it has some effect, fresh catnip is enough to dig in and out then he is trying to pee inside on the living area of stress or anxiety.
Young Female Cat Spraying
This attracts your cats every day for as much of the learning process.Some of the most popular breeds that people list about their pet cats can roam freely, run, climb, and chase birds and maybe not even consider this before choosing to breed her it is wise to start from the coat and kind of strange.Snuggled close, often with difficulty breathing.What can you tell if something is not lost.Another essential aspect to keep him/her stimulated.
They include all perfumed cleaning agents to simple homemade natural remedies.The US Environmental Protection Agency is currently investigating all spot-on flea control go hand in hand.Rub area with hydrogen peroxide and water or sprays on carpets, to spraying, to not bother with the other end, but these don't work at all.Some of the most aggressive scratchers can really take long to catch mice or feather like toys that they will learn to avoid having an obedient pussycat.Alternatively however, there are multiple cat aggression, distraction and stress.
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