#and she is getting so so so skinny and old and wont be around much longer
terramassakin · 10 months
#ok putting this all in the tags but i just need to get this out of my head right now in a tangible way#but i just feel so fucking trapped by my own body right now and have had three breakdowns already becauze of it#for the last month or so i have essentially been cut off from the outside world and even the beings i love with right now#all thanks to my godsdamned immune system and lungs#because since i moved in my allergies have become hyper-active and aggravated my asthma to the point i still struggle to just talk#or even breathe without sounding like a human squeak toy or bagpipe#because of that i havent been able to talk with friends online in vc even though id love to#i cant go outside because that sets off my allergies and im afraid theres gonna be another allergen that actually drives me to use my epi#AND im incredibly limited in my home now as i am very allergic to all three pets whose hair is EVERYWHERE#and worst of all#the one pet i am the most allergic to is our cat Mochi who i absolutely love and she loves me more than anyone else#and she is getting so so so skinny and old and wont be around much longer#but i cant give her all the love and affection she deserves for being my precious Motorboat#because my allergies will very quickly decide that breathing is no longer an option if i breathe in too much hair#and her cat hair will become a landmine of allergies thatll be kicked up whenever that area is disturbed#and my hands are already getting so dried out from all the hand washing#and i am just so upset by this#and essentially grieving the fact i wont be able to give her as much love and affection as i want to before she passes#and i may need to move my computer setup into my bedroom as its the one place that can be kept pet free#and i just... gods i hate this so much... ;-;#like im scared to even try and push these allergies because if they get aggrivated then they make life hell#everything itches and it becomes so hard to just breathe normally (let alone even be able to talk to my family) for like a week afterwards#and i just.... i just want to pet and give my Mochi affection while shes still here#but shes getting so so bony and is having a harder time moving around to even fet up into her cat tree ;-;#idk how much longer she has left vut i know that it'll be a long time before my allergy shots can make my allergy to her manageable#and i just... i dont know what to do and i hate it ;-;
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giraffe-light · 1 year
I’m so overwhelmed by all the uncertainties of interacting with other people. I do things that feel like love at the time and then when I inevitably interpret the response as rejection I’m back in a shame dungeon in my brain. I want to love and give, and the sentiments I end up giving to people are burdens that they need to carry. I have a dream where I meet an old friend, and I wake up with an ache for the years its been since I’ve seen them last, and the emotions all feel so urgent. I send a message. In the time it takes for them to respond I’ve imagined hours together that we spend catching up, they tell me that they miss me, that they think of me often, that they love me. But they aren’t feeling the way I’m feeling. Their lives don’t stop because I woke up and felt this way. It’s 3am where they live. I know that they like me. I don’t think they do though. I imagine they’ve always been in love with me. But I never let myself think they like me, that I’m a friend, maybe just someone they haven’t seen in a while but remember fondly. I daydream that they can look past all the ugly things I’ve done. The ugly state of my body and my actions. I spend so much time thinking that I’m good because I try so hard to be good. But I know of all the bad that I’ve done.
I’m haunted by all the versions of myself that are the only memories that old friends have of me, the version of myself that my parents think I am - believe with their whole hearts that I am. I’ll get a message from my mother, some heartbreakingly remembered detail that she felt to remind me of, and wonder how she can afford me such thoughtful kindness when she wont even let me come home for Christmas. I want other people to want me, to lust after me, to want to be my friend, and I forget all the times I just never replied to the text of someone I truly did like, for no reason at all. I don’t know where the line is between being an appropriate friend and being overbearing. We all pretend we don’t watch people’s instagram stories and remember that they went to a concert last week. We’re not supposed to bring it up, even though we’re supposed to watch it online. We need to know and care, but know how to act in the exact way that follows the inbuilt code of communion. Did everyone learn this?
When I was younger I always felt like I missed the day when they explained the rules of team sports, I was always offsides or making mistakes. I think I missed the day where everyone learned how to be normal around other people. Where do I learn this. I want to do the work! I’m googling, I’m reading theory! I want to learn. I almost miss the days where women’s magazines would tell you not to wear certain clothes on a certain body type or not to double text someone, because in reality, everyone is still living by those rules, but the rulebook is at the bottom of a landfill somewhere. I read too many things without the full context!!! Tell me I’m good! Tell me you love me! Tell me I’ve lost weight even though I haven’t been putting in the work to do so, or at least tell me that you do think I’m fat and you did like being seen in public with me more so when I was skinny. I’m tired, and I’m not getting it. I’m so much further than I was, I know this, I know because I had a panic attack for the first time in months, but this time I didn’t even consider drinking. But I can’t let myself believe the positives, I can’t just think something in my mind and believe it, because I don’t know how to tell which thoughts are the good ones. I want to be seen and understood and I want to be loved, ferociously, on purpose, but also because it’s biologically inescapable. How do I become a good, cool, beautiful person??? and how do I get myself to do the work that needs to be done to get there? I’m in mourning for all the people I’ve lost and hurt. I’m dying in shame. I’ll never get to spend Christmas with my family again.
I’m going to have to choose between having my parents at my wedding and having to tell them they’re not welcome. I miss being 23. I miss knowing I had time ahead of me to be a young woman. I miss all the times I didn’t savour. I’m missing my sister’s childhood because our family will never be whole again.
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thoughts-in-brain · 9 months
Tw vent ed
I went to a Christmas party on my moms side of the family, they’re the worst people. They’re all skinny so they pick on me and only me even though my whole family is bigger. I got a present from my grandma it was a size medium sweatshirt i wear a 2x. She then had the fucking Audacity to say if i lost weight it would fit, like no. It wouldn’t even if i did loose all this fat i still wouldn’t fit in a medium because im fucking 5’8. I also said no cloths for Christmas. So whatever thats one thing it cant get worse right? Well, color me surprised when i get upstairs to attempt to eat food and she FUCKING TELLS ME I DONT NEED IT. THAT IM FINE WITHOUT IT. AND YOU KNOW WHAT NO ONE FUCKING NO ONE DOES ANYTHING TO HER. I just wanted to eat dinner. They make me hate myself so much more and i still have to just smile and laugh. Because be nice to the elders fuck that.“Oh shes old she doesn’t understand” “blah blah blah” bunch of shitty excuses for her behavior. I was finally doing decent with my ed but im not doing good anymore. Probably wont be able to eat tomorrow either. Im so pissed off at all of them I’ve never done anything but smile and be nice to them. I can’t wait till the old bitches die. I can’t wait till i can go no contact with all of them. Cant fucking wait. On a slightly brighter note i pissed them off, i got this trans flag for Christmas which i tied around my water bottle so i brought it because there homophobic and it worked!! They where so pissed! I even started an agreement when they asked if I knew that this life was a sin, yes i said and they all started yelling at each other. My moms not to happy tho. Got my ass beat for that one but still i would do that again.
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glorifiedbones · 1 year
i never thought looking back and reading my own diary/posts would make me so upset. on one hand i’m technically in a better place, physically and even mentally. but i still can’t hemp with resonate with so many of these old feelings. i see that yes i’m technically in a better place and yet at the same time i feel even worse.
i was younger than, and it might have only been a few years but things aren’t getting any better or easier. i’m still unmedicated, i still have no doctors, i still haven’t been to see a doctor. i try to look on the bright side of things of at least thing time i had an appointment made, it’s jus the guy fucking quit and didn’t say anything to us! so we showed up to the building and the receptionist was so apologetic. and like yeah you can be sorry all you want but i’m still shit out of luck!
i’m running out of time. soon i wont have insurance, i don’t have a job but the pressure of needing to be in a further position in my life is growing. i still can’t drive i still have no education.
lately my depression has been getting worse in a way i haven’t had to experience before. because i’ve had so many good days lately i feel so ungrateful when i have my bad ones, i should just appreciate the good i have. but i can’t when my good vs bad days aren’t just like sucky vs not so great because now it’s quite happy vs i’m on the verge of killing myself right this second.
sometimes i wonder why i haven’t yet. i tried twice as a kid, teen, whatever. i promise myself for two years i would on my eighteenth birthday and instead i made grilled cheese, cold tomato soup, and had a fruit cup and watched selling sunset while i cried. my mom was states away with my abuser and i guess now that i’m older i can recognize she was abusing me too just in a different way. and still i feel wrong for feeling that way because everyone tells you mental abuse isn’t real and yet it so incredibly is.
but when i turned eighteen i just… i didn’t. and than i turned nineteen and i barely remember anything about it and than i turned twenty and all i can remember is being sad and lonely and now i’m twenty one. i’m in a new state with good people around me who care. i have better days, more frequently as well.
all in all it’s much better and i should be grateful and i am and yet i still feel this way. i still feel this awful pit in my stomach and i still cry ugly and violently. i still think about wanting to hurt other people and things and myself and i even had such a bad mental breakdown that i cut all my hair off.
it was so ugly i was so ugly and now i’m getting regular haircuts even because that’s the type of people i’m around now. they found out and went and did something to help me fix it. yet i’m just a drain on their resources, money endlessly bleeding out with no reward for them. no end goal in sight for me.
i want to be better i’m so tired of being sick. and i know it’s a disease because one second i can be content and the next i want to gouge my eyes out. that’s not normal, normal people aren’t depressed they aren’t sick they aren’t thinking the thoughts i think and they aren’t crying about their next actions.
they don’t think back to a time where they counted every calorie and starved for days on end and didn’t cut into their skin with a razor blade. i don’t do any of that anymore either, i’ve made so much progress. yet now all i can feel is fat and gross and wish i was cutting just so i would feel a different type of pain.
i miss being skinny and pretty because people liked me and i miss being bought things but now i don’t have a job so i can’t even buy myself things or if i do i feel so awful because i’m not supposed to because i haven’t worked in several years and i guess i should be grateful i haven’t worked because it was killing my physically and mentally and yet i’m not because all i hear everyday is about how poor we’re becoming and all i see online is about how poor everyone else is and the economy.
and what’s worse is before i moved in these people weren’t that poor. before when i lived with my mom we were and now that i moved out she’s doing much better and it’s awful because that means it was me all along. that’s not even like something i can claim is my overthinking like that’s just genuinely basic math. i take up space and resources and don’t give anything back. i don’t work i just take and take and take and i’m still left unsatisfied, i’m so ungrateful because i should be grateful for all of this yet i sit in this room lying on my bed and cry thinking about how i should just end it and why don’t i?
why don’t i? i keep asking myself. i used to come up with different reasons, milestones/goals. and than each one came and went and passed by. and i’m still here and still standing. there’s still so much i want to do and yet i want to go. i just want to sleep forever, for a lifetime, i want to start over. i want to be someone else, i want to be someone who’s not me.
maybe not necessarily someone who’s even rich or wealthy or has everything given to them. i just want to be someone who’s happy who doesn’t have the same worries i have. maybe someone who worries about what the vegetables will look like at the grocery store and hope the traffic won’t be so bad on their way to work and wondering what they’re going to eat for dinner that night and maybe if they should clean the toilet this week or the next. just a normal person. i want to be a normal happy person. someone who looks in the mirror and worries about their hair-part because they just woke up and have bed head rather than someone who leans on their elbows and pops every pimple they can or someone who doesn’t grab onto their skin and squeeze. someone who doesn’t think about their weight or think skin complexion or their hair and eye colour or teeth or the moles on my skin or the way they bite their fingernails so they resemble sausages instead of normal fingers.
all i can think about when i look at my nails are mickey and kalis grabbing my hands and laughing at them, sausage fingers. that i need to stop chewing them and they’re right. i need to stop. or how they looked at me and told me i gained weight and they were right i had gained weight. i used to be under one hundred pounds i’ve left myself go. and yet i’ve been eating great food lately and that makes me happy and all i can think about is how unhappy i was when i was under one hundred pounds because it didn’t matter how skinny or un-skinny i was, i never realized that my problems are in my head. like sure yeah i can conscious about how i look but now that i weigh so much i realize i was sick, am sick, about my weight and my body and none of it will ever be good enough because i inherently feel like i’m not good enough.
i’m tired. i’m so tired. i just want to wake up and be normal. i want to hug someone and love them and they can love me and i wont ever be ready for that type or relationship until i can be better but i don’t think i ever will be. it’s horrible to subject this to someone else so i wont but maybe it’s because now i couldn’t even get someone if i tried i feel so horrendously ugly and useless and it’s not like i even have any good qualities about myself to make up for my lack of looks. no money no personality i’m not funny (in fact my humour is so bad an dry it’s pathetic and it’s only gotten worse especially this past year which leads to some interesting conversations) at best i have a U.S. citizenship but we aren’t even that good for green cards now? the fact i’ve even thought about that is like a new low to me but all i could think about is at least that person would be stuck with me for like seven to ten years. god i really am pathetic huh. whatever it’s just a fleeting thought not like it was that serious or anything.
it’s just that i read so many love stories i wonder if that could be a possibility for me and than i’m only reminded of why i can’t and fall into another existential crisis pit of all my shortcomings. i like to hope one day i’ll be better, i’ll be a better person, things take time. but i’ve almost been here for a year and i’ve made no progress, if any i’m ruining the others around me. i’m just a stain on this earth.
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heliopeach · 2 years
chapter 1
current weight is 124lbs
things i ate today:
banana [110]
wrap [300]
hummus, lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, fake meat
veggie straws [150]
apple sauce [70]
protein shake [150]
bit of veggie jerky [60]
bites of cereal [150]
total: ~1000 cals
I am slowly trying to ease myself back into my ed habits. before, when i started to relapse earlier this year, my hunger spiked strongly and i ended up binging so much. but, now that i am trying to figure out what masc looks like for me and also my bxxbs are getting to the point where i can feel them again, im starting to get triggered. plus, it doesn’t help that my best friend started dressing in a style similar to mine and she just looks...so skinny. so good. and i hate it. i that i hate it and its keeping me up at night, but my brain cant help itself. i finally found a style that feels comfortable for me only to see how much it looks better on a skinnier body. or. not my body.
but having ana again feels good, in a way. its like i finally have a real focus back in my life. something to think about. something to occupy me throughout the day. plus, i never deleted my old body checks from when i was 102lbs and every time i look at them, i realise how much i want to be back there again. maybe i can do it gradually this time so i don’t end up binging it all away. maybe i can shave off the weight and workout and change my diet and then just stay down around 100lbs. maybe this time it will be different. maybe i will finally go to therapy. 
one of my favourite parts of having an ed is the fantasy and scenarios you get to live in. i was window shopping online today and just kept looking at all the cute items that would look so good on me once i lose weight. i want to look thin in oversized clothes and squeeze into tight dresses. i want thin legs again and dainty wrists. i miss the feeling of my collar bones and my knees knocking against each other. i miss the praise and the envious looks. i do like food. i do. but god i want to love my body too. 
maybe tomorrow my diary entry wont be so dramatic and emotional. im trying to keep my thoughts soft and pretty so i can convince myself that i can be soft and pretty at the end of this. i want to romanticise this experience.
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nitewrighter · 3 years
Nol and Void
I was a bit disappointed by Beast Boy Loves Raven, and like... DC repeatedly chickening out on making Raven the kickass interdimensional wizard she is. Also re-watching the “Spellbound” episode after reading “The Dreaming City” made me go, “Oh shit it’s Elric” so I give you... this ficlet.
The Jump City metro rattled a little as Raven stared out the window distractedly at the dusk light, her book open in her lap. The car was mostly empty, some tech worker from downtown more or less passed out with their cheek smooshed against the window on the other side of the car, their work lanyard swaying around their neck with another shudder of the train. Not many people took the line heading to the harbor this time of year. Raven’s eyes flicked to Beast Boy in the seat next to her, one corner of his mouth tugged back and his his tongue poking against that one gap next to his unusually sharp canines is it was wont to do when he was particularly focused on a game. His thumbs moved rapidly over the buttons of his Kord GameBug, locked into combat in VoidNaught. Raven watched the screen over his shoulder for a few seconds, watching as Beast Boy’s plucky little 8-bit space knight icon platformed and laser-sworded its way through the level before readjusting herself in her seat and turning her attention back to her book.
 There was something charming about earth writing that took itself so seriously, and was so dark and so convinced of its own darkness that it plunged itself headlong into nearly incomprehensible campiness. There was a comfort in it, like fading in and out of consciousness watching Barbarella and old Hammer films late at night. It was a couple of minutes before she realized Beast Boy had paused his game and was looking over her shoulder. Her eyes flicked over to him and he cleared his throat and quickly unpaused his game and tried to act like he wasn’t squinting over her shoulder.
“You can borrow it when I’m done, if you want,” Raven shrugged. 
Beast Boy paused his game again and glanced over at her, “I wasn’t really trying to...” he trailed off, “Just--the names in there were funky enough to make me wonder...”
“If it was from Skartartis or Nan Mandoi?” Raven arched an eyebrow.
“...uh...is that where you get your other books?” Beast Boy scratched behind a pointed ear.
“Some of them,” Raven shrugged, “I mean, not directly, obviously.”
“Obviously,” Beast Boy repeated, nodding.
“Some of them I don’t even know their original.. uh... origin,” Raven went on, “Some of them I’ve borrowed from the Tower of Fate or from John or Zatanna, others have just been forgotten in pocket dimensions. Like storage units.”
“Huh...” Beast Boy’s eyes squinted and one pointed ear twitched, trying to parse this. He pointed at the book Raven was holding. “Not this one though.”
“No,” Raven snorted, “Paperback is like... very much an earth thing. Other dimensions hate paperback.”
“Huh...” Beast Boy blinked a few times, before tilting his head a little to get a better look at the cover, his green brows furrowed, “Hmm...”
“What?” said Raven.
“Nothing!” Beast Boy unpaused his game and resumed playing, trying to be nonchalant. 
“Beast boy,” Raven said flatly.
“Don’t worry about it,” Beast Boy said with a shrug, his thumbs hammering away at his GameBug’s buttons.
“Gaaar?” Raven said, eyebrow raised, and Beast Boy paused his game again with a sigh.
“Okay,” he said with a ‘lord-help-me’ glance at the ceiling of the train before looking at Raven, “You don’t think the guy on the cover looks a little familiar?” 
Raven blinked a few times and used her thumb to keep her page as she let the cover flap close. “...what about him?” she said blankly.
“Come on... Skinny? Pasty? White hair? Spooky magical dragon knight..?” Gar trailed off a little and Raven squinted in response, trying to understand what he was getting at before her eyes widened.
“Oh you think--?” she let out a short laugh, “Oh my god--No--I--Elric is not Malchior. Or Rorek. Whatever.”
Beast Boy still gave her a skeptical side-eye.
“He’s not!” Raven insisted. 
“Uh huh,” Beast Boy gave her a dubious nod.
“I’m serious--” Raven gave a hand wave, “Elric is a hot mess. That’s the whole point. I mean, not even a hot hot mess, I mean, like, the book says he’s kind of attractive but also he’s weird and fucked up and kind of an asshole and off-putting.”
“Not making a super-strong case for the not-Rorek thing,” said Beast Boy, putting his hand to his chin.
“Ugh,” Raven rolled her eyes, “What I knew of Malchior--I mean--”
“Yeah--he convinced me he was this... compassionate, gentle...” she scoffed a little, “Charming guy. And he was charming. I--I felt cultured and mature just by being around him. He made me feel special. That... that’s why it worked as well as it did.”
Beast Boy blinked a few times and glanced down. “I--I’m sorry--I probably shouldn’t have--”
“But Elric?” Raven gave a short laugh, “You just... there is not a single point of the book where you don’t know the guy’s an asshat. But it’s not about him being good. It’s about him being interesting.” She looked at Beast Boy and then seemed to catch herself. “Oh--sorry--you said something and my mind totally brushed that over completing that last thought.” 
“Oh--I was just...” Beast Boy trailed off, “I was just.. I was just saying I’m sorry because I just... realized I was pushing you about something that’s like... still hard for you. And like... you shouldn’t have to feel like you need to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
“Oh...” Raven blinked a few times, “Well...It’s been long enough. It’s kind of nice to like... reason it out when I have some distance to it. Like... sure, it still hurts in some ways, but like... the words were floating around in there, and it helps to say them out loud to someone.”
Beast Boy rubbed he back of his neck. “I’m.. glad to be that someone.”
“I’m glad you’re that someone, too,” Raven smiled and tucked her hair back behind one ear.
“Cool,” said Beast Boy.
A long paused passed betwen them. They both looked out that train window at the city, now dipping into darker and darker washes of blue with the encroaching night.
“I mean... if it helps... you’re like.. super one of the most ‘cultured and mature’ people I know?” Beast Boy said, as they both stared out the window, “And I like... I really think that. I don’t want you to think that--I mean, I do want you to think that but like, I mean in terms of that’s what I think of you? Does that make sense? I think that made sense--”
“Gar--” she turned away from the window to look at him and bumped her shoulder into him gently, “I get it.”
“Oh--good,” Beast Boy said blankly. His eyes flicked to the cityscape slowly trailing behind her before flicking back to her face, those deep, Elizabeth Taylor-purple eyes being highlighted in that quickly fading light. Her lips were slightly pulled back from her teeth, not quite a smile, but amused, thoughtful. Something that made his shoulders tense and his solar plexus flutter. 
“And... you know, you might have a point. I might have a type,” her eyes flicked back down to the book before she leaned her head on Beast Boy’s shoulder, “Skinny, weird, monochromatic guys who can make me laugh.” 
Beast Boy snorted a little. “Yeah. Only you would have a type like that,” he said, unpausing his game and resuming the rapid movement of his thumbs. Raven kept reading her book, smiling a little.
Four minutes had passed before Beast Boy finally paused his game, perked up and said, “Wait a sec--I’m skinny, weird, monochromatic guys who can make you laugh!” 
“Mm-hmm,” Raven kissed him on the corner of his jaw before snuggling back into a comfortable reading position.
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coldvampire · 2 years
I’ve been moving so I haven’t had time to sit and work on anything really which is unfortunate because school is starting up again ech
butttttttt anyway my self indulgent thoughts that have been sort-of keeping me afloat recently are the rumblings of a couple new ocs who i probably wont end up doing anything with as far as posting goes since the recent reception of my stuff in general just kinda depresses me more lmao but moving on. i keep thinking about my weirdo human oc and her yautja partner, and how they met at the end of a hunt when the bones had been collected and were being brought back to the ship. she's a bit of a weirdo who inadvertently just sort of flaked away from her old life. didn't really mesh with anyone, wasnt hated but wasnt cared about either so it was Whatever when she took off to live a bit more remotely to work closer to her art. i maintain she's a taxidermist by trade and idk if this is realistic or not but since its my fantasy and i choose the rules lmao she makes a decent living selling off her pieces. some are just straightforward rebuildings of the creatures she finds but most are weird and wonderful imaginative scenes & sets (think like,, the rat pope thing only Bigger and done better lmao).
so the bones are her thing and she finds herself trying to take home a bear or mountain lion or smth like that's body at the same time the yautja is. she's not a threat to him like. at all lmfao. just this skinny little bewildered thing looking up in shock when he materializes. the acceptance is,,, weirdly quick actually? like there's an element of wonder ofc but she's still like 'well. strange shit happens all the damn time why not this too.' and in a wild act of autopilot starts to ask him about the other trophies he's hanging onto. i think he would be slightly confused by this but also like. its oddly endearing lmao, just extremely earnest in her curiosity.
something something time passes and a real ~relationship~ starts up between them with every earth visit (she offers to display the trophies, which,, hmm, no, but he Does bring her carcasses specifically for her to work with separate from the trophies lmao) & he just thinks shes the greatest. like yes, very much odd, but still, she's fantastic. 10/10 listener, pretty funny, good looking as far as he can tell, there's really not much to dislike tbh. he's slightly confused about her chosen lifestyle though, bc as far as he knows the humans are also social creatures not unlike his own species and he just assumes that there must be other people in the area somewhere she spends time with, it doesnt make any sense otherwise that there wouldnt be, & she was just so open and social with him in spite of the fact that he wasnt human, surely some other people must be around to appreciate that too?
ofc thats when the conversation gets a bit awkward and she tries to think of someone to seem less pathetic in the eyes of the hunter who, for whatever godforsaken reason, thinks she's interesting enough to keep coming back here for. well, um, not exactly like that? i mean, i do talk to people sometimes. um. when i sell sculptures to them, or when i have to go food shopping. i think the video store clerk knows my name, probably? hahah um. yeah. & for the first time it finally clicks that there is 100% a reason she seems so excited whenever he drops by and gives her the time of day, even for a little bit. those several-week stretches between visits are more than likely very quiet for her, & are almost certainly void of any conversations deeper than asking if she wanted reusable or plastic bags. and she seems kinda :/ unhappy that this has come up conversationally too, bc in her mind now he knows that there must be something wrong with her if she isnt normal in that particular way, and she was kinda hoping to keep that hidden or at least severely downplayed, because he's not From Here; maybe he wouldnt know? maybe she could just pretend?
its not something he can just kill and fix, but maybe theres something he could offer. would she like to come with him for a bit? not long, just a couple weeks. see the stars & some new lands (he would probably pick places that had '''easy''' hunts to ensure she would have a ride back to earth lmao), a break in routine to take her mind off of things + give some sort of legitimate excuse for not being able to talk to anyone. its a weird + temporary solution but his heart is in the right place and you know as scared as i think she would be (space travel is a Lot) i think she would end up having fun. it Would be new and exciting and most importantly, she would not be experiencing it alone. i mean, yes, he's been to space hundreds of times before, its not new for him, but he sort of gets to re-live that initial wow emotion through someone else and tbh thats pretty special.
i have more probably on this but its late so :p thats all there is for now
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us3rnam3-r3dact3d · 3 years
the only anchor i have left
tw: mentions of smoking, alcohol use, and allusions to familial conflict
Read on my Ao3.
This is just me writing more Freddy/Bright angst with a sprinkling of Dad!Sam to add a bit of spice. Enjoy.
Freddy had watched you destroy yourself for years now, and yet he still seemed surprised every time. He watched you through your half-baked college career, downing obscene amounts of alcohol, counting down your days towards dialysis through bottles of beer, vodka, bottom shelf rum. You were your mother’s child, afterall. When you took, you took hard, took everything, hoarded it away in whatever organ would hold. He watched you smoke like a chimney, puff through a cigarette in a single pull when you were really stressed, cough around the catch in your chest, the nicotine stains on your teeth and fingernails.
And yet, when he found you toeing the edges of William’s territory, walking through the same forests you’d died in, he had the nerve to be shocked.
“You’re gonna get yourself killed.” He said. “You shouldn’t be out here.”
“I’m on the property.” You replied.
“Come back. Now.”
You huffed and stepped a little further away from him. Freddy’s recent development of a spine was foreign and uncomfortable for you. You were used to him being an invertebrate.
“Progeny. Come back.”
He didn’t invoke you. He didn’t have to.
Freddy had seen you do it for years. You knew he wasn’t shocked by it anymore, not really. You knew that his surprise was more disappointment than anything. Freddy was horrible about that. Having hope and then trusting to someone else to deliver. That was a recipe for heart ache that you’d thrown out long ago on the backseat of your mother’s smoke-stained pick-up truck, on the last of her cigarette papers you still couldn’t work up the nerve to use or throw away.
You didn’t let yourself hope for things that were out of your hands.
Freddy’s little sister was fifteen when you saw her last. She started high school a few months before you died. She had a boyfriend and a part time job at a fast food place and a smile that always made you ache inside when you saw her on the weekends. You didn’t know her, you were just loosely acquainted from her occasional demands to Freddy for rides to hang out with friends. She would sit in the back seat and complain about his music taste.
She was sixteen now. She cut her hair after Freddy died, and she quit her job and broke up with her boyfriend as high school students are wont to do. You knew all of this once again from proximity.
You watched her through her second story bedroom window from a pine tree almost a mile off. You pushed down the feelings of guilt and shame and that little voice telling you you were acting like a stalker, like your kid neighbor on the street you grew up on who took any chance he could to peer into your window through his adjacent one. At the very least, she would never know you were there.
You needed to know. That was your problem. You always needed to know. You needed to be able to tell yourself that she would be alright. That you might have ruined Freddy’s life and Sam’s life, but that you hadn’t ruined hers.
She listened to her music obscenely loud. She had those dumb color changing LED lights that kids got for TikToks. She had a bookshelf covered in fantasy novels, but you’d never seen her read one. She was laying on her twin sized bed, scrolling through her phone. She was wearing a big, blue hoodie you could have sworn was Freddy’s once upon a time.
“You know, this is somebody else’s territory.” Sam’s voice cut through the thick tension and the sound of cicadas, startling you from your precarious perch on a skinny pine branch. His hand wrapped around your bicep and kept you upright, but didn’t linger. His touch retreated as soon as you had your balance.
“What the fuck?” You hissed.
“We’re not in Dahlia city limits anymore. William technically only owns Wonder World, but his influence doesn’t really stretch this far.” Sam shrugged as he leaned back against the trunk of the tree. “We’re technically trespassing.”
You knew what that meant. You were in danger. You, in turn, put him in danger. You knew that before you left. Maybe if the old man minded his business and stayed home, you’d be the only one sticking your neck out.
“I could have told you she was fine.” He said after a moment of silence. “I’ve been checking up on them.”
“Freddy asked you to?”
“No,” Sam shrugged. “Just felt like I needed to. Like my responsibility. I’ve been checking in on your folks too.”
“You’re not my maker.” You reminded him like you did several times a day.
“No,” he agreed like he always did, “but either way it was my fangs that got you into this mess.”
“Yeah well…” you shrugged, “not too many folks for you to look in on for me.”
You followed him when he started to descend the tree, kept your footsteps light and silent across the scattered pine needles. You had sped here, but you couldn't imagine it taking more than a few hours to walk back into Dahlia proper. You still had a good half night until sunrise and could get home in a matter of minutes if you lingered too long. You would have much preferred to speed ahead, but Sam’s leisurely pace suggested he wanted to talk. You would have tried to run, but he was faster than you.
“You’re taking an awful lot of risks lately.” He said. “Not feeding as much as you should. Walking too close to property lines. Starting scraps where you don’t need to.”
“Not my maker.” You replied. Sam huffed.
“Well then… your grand maker.”
That, however much you wanted to remain stoic, shocked a laugh out of you. The image of Sam in a sweater vest and tiny bifocals popped into your head.
“As… as a concerned party,” Sam tried again, working it out around the grin that had spread across his face. “I know what you’re doin’. I did it for a while myself. Don’t make anything easier.”
“What am I doing, exactly?” You asked in turn. The laugh was gone from your voice just as quickly as it came. You didn’t know what would be worse. He could guess wrong, could throw out a wild accusation that you would play along with. Or he could be right. He could see you.
“You think that trying to destroy yourself is some sort of wild, edgy rebellion against everything happening around you. You think going out in a blaze of glory is… glorious.”
“Can you blame me for assuming that based on the name?”
“You know what I mean.” Sam sighed. “Kid, look,” he came to a stop and turned to face you properly. You gripped your hand into a fist, felt your nails dig into the skin of your palm. Fuck, you wanted to punch something. You wanted to break your knuckles over the lines of his face. “Being cruel to yourself is awfully convenient to the world. It’s gonna try your whole life to tear you to pieces. You might not be able to stop it, but you can at least not lend a helping hand.”
You were quiet for a long moment. He saw you. Right through you.
“Very Sisyphian.” You finally said. It wasn’t a joke, you both knew that, but he laughed anyway and so did you. It was pointless. It was pointless.
“Yeah well… listen to your grand maker. Aren’t we supposed to get wiser with age?”
“Grand maker sounds like something from Star Wars.”
“No, that’s Grand Master.”
“Sam… do you… oh God, you’re a Star Wars nerd.”
You walked back to Wonder World together, his stride just a bit longer than yours. He accommodated your height, walked a bit slow. You didn’t mention Sisyphus. You didn’t let yourself think too hard about it.
You didn’t let yourself hope for things that were out of your hands.
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aestheticsuwu · 3 years
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4 times Johnny walkin in on someone +1 They walked in on Johnny
( Excuse my terribly writting )
1 .
At first he didnt understood Daniels annoyance of walking in on the kids making out or fooling around , They were kids once and by Johnny experience he had babes to makeout 24/7 . He told Daniel always announce to make your presence know .
Johnny didnt think it was necessary for the day he went to pickup his phone that he left behind at the dojo , there wasnt class that day but Daniel wanted to go over some stuff hence his missing phone .
He shouldve seen all the warnings signs but his brain was too tired to notice , it wasnt late but Johnny was tired maybe his age is catching up to him .
First sign was the car that was parked , the lights were on inside the dojo maybe Daniel stayed longer , the duffle bags and cellphones outside . He can blame that on his eyesight .
Sliding the door expecting Daniel inside going over some paperwork
" I left m-- oh God ! Diaz ! "
" Sensei ! What are you doing here ?! "
Why him ? Why , couldnt god just let Daniel suffer , he shouldve known his luck would finish now that he was dating that non stopping talking twink , that he dearly loved his mind supplied quickly .
He was outside waiting for the kids to step out outside to proceed to look for his phone . Diaz and little LaRusso shyly didntt catch his gaze , probably to embarrased getting caught fooling around by their sensei . He cant imagine getting caught making out with Daniel by Kreese , he supressed a shudder .
He tells them that he wont mention what happened if they kept their free time away from him , quickly agreeing little LaRusso hugs him quickly and dashes away with a sorry and Miguel in tow .
He goes back in quickly to find his phone to see if Daniel really had send that picture of him wearing his old Cobra Kai Jacket , wasnt a suprise that it fit him , he was still small .
2 .
The second time, he walks in on  Hawk and Demetri at the Larusso's . Him and Daniel decided to move in together with Sam and Robby , And they had spare room where anthony could sleep when he's isnt staying with Amanda .
When hes not , Daniel lets Demetri stay in the room sometimes when the pale kid mother isnt home . He didnt quite like the kid that much , too much of a nerd he thought but Robby, Sam and Daniel liked him . Later on he sees that the skinny kid isnt that bad after all .
He takes  back his comment soon .
Johnny was bringing in some boxes in , too concetrated on bringing in his stuff he didnt see the motorcycle nor the shoes in the doorway .
What he sees in the living room , he thanks God for saving him from needing to bleach his eye if he had came in few seconds late to see what Hawk was planning to do .
" What the fuck ! "
" shit , shit , shit . "
He quickly cover his eyes and shifts around quickly leaves the house , he hears Demetris sorrys while Hawk laughs  and he does plan to never revisit what had happen but he will make Hawk do 50 extra push ups just for making Johnnys eyes suffer .
..... ..... .....
3 .
He loves Robby , he likes that he isnt like every kid . Robby is smart and kind with a big heart something Johnny wasnt . Although Daniel likes to remind him that Robby gets it from him and he's a good dad . He tries to be , He wants to be a good dad .
He was happy that him being with Daniel wouldnt affect Robby , Johnny was worried he would get mad but once he told him it looked like he told the kid he was giving him 10,000 dollar check .
When Daniel and him talked to Sam and Robby of the idea moving in together , Robby joked about calling Larusso dad now since they would be a family . He could tell Daniel wanted to cry from how happy that he heard those words .
Everything was almost done , mostly all his belongings were at the new house he just needed to pack his last few remaing clothes and some documents .
He does quick look around  his crappy empty aparment that he will soon leave behind , opening his door to his room he hears a noise across the other room . He brushes it off thinking is from the neighbors next door but then he hears something like if someone knocked down a vase . He quickly rushes across the room to open the door to beat the crap out of the intruder , what he sees is the opposite what he was expecting of the other side of the door .
" Robby ?! "
There was his inoccent pup in the lap of a boy on his bed , both without a shirts . He wonders how many years would he get in jail and if Daniel would go visit him .
" Dad ! What are you doing here !? "
Robby flushes , he guess it wasnt ideal to get caught by your parents .
" Im here to pick up whats left , what are you doing here with this guy , Get off his lap will you . Listen kid you got ten seconds to get out of here before Robby has to go visit me in jail . "
Robby quickly slides off  but not before handing a pillow to the guy to put on his lap .
" Dad , he's my boyfriend Doug , he's in our class re-- "
" Rickenberger ! Ok , i want you two to dress up and to step outside , Now ! . "
He didnt get a good look at first but when Robby mentioned it was his boyfriend he recognized the face of the tall kid . He tried to be menacing to scare the boy off and threaten him if he ever thought about hurting Robby . But the kid took it as a champ and did showed up for sunday dinner , and if his son is happy then he guess he will have control not to be an asshole to Doug .
4 .
Carmen had told him Yaya needed his help in moving a furniture at the apartment , and even gave him a spare key because she wouldnt be around because of her shifts.
Johnny loved YaYa , she was like a grandmother he never had . She always looked out after him , he was worried he wouldnt see her often now that he was living with Daniel . But soon Amanda announced her and Carmen started dating , soon Carmen , Miguel and Yaya sometimes  would join sunday dinner .
It was saturday morning and he was so comfortable with Daniel in his arms , soft sheets , nice big pillow and did he mention Daniel . It was nice morning especially from having a good night , he thinks they should have sex everynight .
He wanted to sleep more But he was a man of his word ,  well sometime when he tried , so with all his willpower he got up and showered and headed off .
Using the spare key they had given him,  he opens the door and walks in on Amanda and Carmen having some fun time in the couch , if it was another life he wouldve thought it was hot , but all he can think of right now he could've of been sleeping with Daniel .
" Shit ! Im sorry i will come back another time . "
He quickly leaves , the laughter of the two women is left behind while Johnny rushes off to his car .
..... ..... .....
+ 1 .
Nobody was home .
Only him and Daniel , Amanda and Carmen decided to take shannon to the new mall that opened , the kids wanted to go as well . Johnny was thrilled but Daniel was trying to convinced the kids to let the adults go and next time he would take them .
This was his opportunity , so he took it . Now here he was with an empty house with his babe . Johnny waits for Daniel to come out of the restroom , but he was taking way too long and he got hungry waiting for the suprise .
He went downstairs to quickly to get something to eat , opening the fridge he decides to make a sandwich .
" Johnny  , i told you to wait in the room . "
" I know , i just didnt know i was suppose to wait a year for you to come ou-- "
Closing the fridge to look at Daniel , He wasnt expecting for him to look so hot that it made him without words . Ever since he first met Daniel , his eyes were the first thing to catch his eye then his soft plump lips . His eyes were so big that it resembled Bambi , and thats what johnny calls Daniel when their alone .
One day he told Daniel he would look hot in a skirt but this was way better . Daniel had black stockings with one of his shirts that just swallowed Daniels frame and to the final touch he had a headband with antlers . Fuck that sandwich he was hungry for something else .
" You like it ? "
" I think thats an understatement , How about you come sit on my lap and let me show you how much i love it , Bambi . "
" Anthony stop that,  Dont bring that in ! "
Amanda yells , getting the keys out of her purse while the kids wait for her to open the door . They had to cut their day early because Anthony's friend got sick , she offered for the rest to stay at the mall but they preferred to go home . And if she knew what she was going to walk in , she would've brought out her phone to take pictures . And she only felt a little bit bad for Daniel but this was blackmail worthy .
" Oh wow , Daniel . "
Covering her sons eyes and making sure the rest eyes are closed , Johnny turns his head at their direction .
" Your back  early . "
Sam , Robby , Miguel are asking for bleach while Hawk and Demetri are laughing , Doug helps Robby go to the backyard as everyone else rushes outside to let Daniel change . Johnny thinks it was time for payback for all times they had to suffer but unfortunately Daniel wont escape Amanda's teasing any time soon .
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oh-for-fic-sake · 5 years
A Witcher's Pack Chapter Two
The pack face the consequences of there unconventional rendezvous, good and bad..
Chapter One
A/n I've tried my best with this one, it might have a few more mistakes then usual as i have had a hell of a few days and been writing tiny bits at a time. I hope you like it and i caught things just right 😘xx
WARNINGS: Angst, Hints at miscarriage, Swearing ,A/B/O
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Geralt sat across from the village leader not wanting to be so far from his mate who was fresh out of her twelve day heat, longer than expected but he was glad for the extra time after all he was trying to breed you with Jaskier. The man before him drew his attention from his thoughts .Beta. His jaw was locked and he was fuming. The so called witch was none other than his precious mate. They had called him to kill her. It took every ounce of strength not to claw off this mans face and rip out his throat. He continued explaining all the measures they had taken to ensure she couldn't 'corrupt' or 'enchant' the others. He seemed proud of how they had thrown a helpless terrified eleven year old child out into the cold, banished her to that shack with no prospects ,food or means to look after herself. His heart clenched painfully, she must have been so scared and confused the mere thought of what she had endured made his stomach churn feeling sick. He heaved deep breaths flexing his hands itching to rearrange the mans face .Permanently. The male across from him didn't seem to notice the warning signs.
"And now we have another alpha we cant risk him being lead astray by a-a filthy harlot! Witcher you must rid us of her she is useless, a waste of our resources and will soon begin to lure the men out to her. We aren't sure how it works but its defiantly coming, she caused his turning to be agony" Geralt growled slamming a heavy fist on the table the resounding crack of wood giving way silenced the man. He spoke low and gravely the growl laced in his voice showed how close his alpha was to the surface.
"You mean to tell me you put her through all that because you didn't understand what she was? She is not a monster. Shes not a siren or succubus. And she defiantly didn't make that boys turning painful, it is painful for everyone." He growled out the words loosing his cool as he continued as the truth of what they had done to you sunk in.
" You sit there so high and mighty aND YOU DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'VE DONE SHE WAS A CHILD! SCARED AND ALONE AND YOU-YOU THROUGH HER AWAY, TREATED HER LIKE AN ANIMAL! SHE DOESN'T EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT SHE IS." Geralt stood breathing heavy. Tucking his head low taking deep harsh breaths. As the beta cowered before him.
"I will take her away and you will give me the coin for doing it, or I will inform the others not to take contracts for this village. And you will find yourself in a tricky position in spring when the migrations start."  The man sputtered unsure of what had caused the out burst.
"I-I you cant do that!?"
"Oh trust me I can and will we alphas take injustices against our true mates very seriously, especially us witcher's its extremely rare for us in particular. Once word gets out about what you've done to my mate they wont be so quick to aid you in the future." Geralt was pushing it, bending the truth to get what he wanted. The man looked shocked as Geralt announced you as his true mate realizing his mistake to late. He sighed defeated pulling out the coin pouch wanting the irritated mutant alpha out of the village. Geralt snatched it from him in one hand bringing up his other a swift fist across the face knocking him out cold on the floor with a nod humming in approval.  The beta was down. He'd get up in a few hours. Then he turned leaving the room heading quickly out to the shack occupied by his pack. Ready to gather them up and head back to kaer morhen for winter and to see vesemir he needed answers.
8 weeks later
You smiled contently walking along side roach Geralt sat atop her and Jaskier beside you. the last three months had been bliss ,the best of your life. Your new pack had taken care of you kept you fed with freshly hunted meat thanks to your new found alpha who could hunt and they kept you warm providing you with new clothes that shielded you from the harsh autumn breeze that was to come in the next week or so, You could walk through towns without being spat at or cursed out, most of the time when anyone tried you witcher mate would scare the shit out of them. It was nice when he did it made your tummy flutter and you'd blush as after each time he would wrap himself around you protectively. you slept beside a hot roaring fire each night falling to sleep with a full tummy and protection of the family. During your time with them they had told you grand tales of their adventures, Geralt you learned was the fabled white wolf from the songs and Jaskier a bard who wrote said songs and sang to you every night. Geralt had helped you understand all your instincts explaining that you were true mates and that your fast heat was just natures way for you to bond and that it was ok to feel the way you did , the idea of pack was foreign to you and it had taken some time to finally click. But when it did you were more at peace with yourself with your new found understanding. You was relaxed. You were content. You were going to be sick. You quickly ran of into the bushes crouching followed closely by Geralt patting your back as you wretched bringing up your afternoon meal. That both males had insisted on so you could gain a your weight back and you had filled out, now supporting a healthy pink glow like the one you had admired Jaskier for.
"Oh no is she ok? I knew she shouldnt have ate that tart earlier. It was to rich for her stomach!" Jaskier snipped quick to pull the waterskin from roach hurrying to pass it to you having Geralt snatch it from him with a short grunt and held it to your lips letting you take sips. You gasped after having the drink the wiped you mouth with the back of your hand.
"No I'm fine, it was ok, not sure what that was it came out of nowhere" Geralt stared intently at you then leaned forward taking a deep breath in his nose under your ear then pulled back with a groan then grinned wider then you'd ever seen. He laughed sweeping you up off your feet cradling you against placing kisses all across your face tickling your cheeks as his stubble rubbed lightly, Jaskier watched then quickly put it all together laughing running his hands through his hair.
"Geralt whats going on? what are you doing? put me dooown I don't want to be sick again." you whined as he slowly rocked you to and fro
"That's not an option I'm afraid.... Oh god.... My beautiful little mate....Sweet omega... Your pupped" you blinked not sure what he had said at first then your face dropped into shock.
"Wh-what? but I-you said we would have known by now...Th-that it would be a short pregnancy...five months Its been two surely I'd be showing? or that sickness would have started earlier" you were very confused Geralt held you with one arm placing his hand on your tummy, you'd admit that you were larger then when you'd met but they had been strict on your diet wanting you to gain a few pounds. Jaskier walked closer looking at you with awe. Pups. His pups in an omega. He couldn't believe it. Tears welled but he fought them back with a deep shuddering breath. Clearing his throat.
"Well with how skinny you were it'd be easy to miss, we have been trying to fatten you up." he reasoned Geralt hummed in agreement before continuing, still moving across you lower abdomen pressing lightly. It was hard, taught and defiantly bulging slightly but small however that could be due to a beta father, betas produced less pups at once but resulted in larger pups at birth, an alpha litter could be up to four pups at around five to six pounds at birth. Beta's normally had one at six to eight pounds. Pregnancy was shorter for omegas but varied depending on the father and litter size could be anything from five the eleven months. He took a deep breath.
"Yes and the sickness delay could be your body trying to give as much the the pups, you couldn't afford to be sick taking away the nutrition with how under weight you were" His only true concern was that he couldn't hear a heart beat, but he hadn't been trying to hear one he stopped trying a few weeks ago. You were placed on your feet contemplating their answers. Geralt knelt before you pressing his ear against your stomach hushing you and Jaskier as he listened. His eyes widened glancing at Jaskier who waited with baited breath, tense trying not to be to excited in case the worse should happen. You felt Geralt release a breath nodding once to Jaskier who flew over to you trying to place a hand on your tummy pulling back as he near lost a finger as Geralt snapped at him. You placed a slow hand in Geralts hair pulling him to look up at you. he gazed up at you his eyes full of unshed tears yet he blinked them back.
"One, a single pup their heart is quiet but strong. Fast. They are right here.... You did it... My beautiful girl you did it." he finished tilting leaving a light kiss on the small barely noticeable swell. standing up he yanked Jaskier in for a hug then bent him down pressing his ear so he could listen. Smiling the whole time. Proud his pack was growing.
In the following Months you had noticed a change. Geralt was pushing you all on faster his instincts driving him to have his pack home before the birth seemingly more and more desperate as your belly swelled faster than you though possible now looking very pregnant, heavy and round. Geralt shivered everytime he glanced at you , filled with pride, warmth that spread thoughout him you were glowing there was also something else , he had been territorial coming to blows with Jaskier more times than you could count. It upset you, how the once close pair seemed to be at odds with one another you caught in the middle, tho Geralt was your mate this was Jaskier's pup you had the unyielding urge to be close to him, scent him and have him coddle you and the unborn. Geralt chased him away each time occasionally out of camp completely. Anything could set it off  like handing you something you dropped as you could no longer bend down to reach it or helping you get your boots on or helping you get up. Once Jaskier had tried to help you climb on to roach you nearly slid off the other side and Geralt had nearly ripped him a new one it took you hours to talk him down. Literately his steel sword was drawn when you nearly hit the floor. You whimpered lying on your side it was night and you was tucked up between Geralt and a thick tree with dense bushes at its base, he had begun to place you tucked up like this at night he wanted you to have a nest each night. You winced moving from side to side rolling this way and that huffing you couldn't get comfy. You groaned being pregnant wasn't easy even for an omega, the past two days your back had gotten much worse cramping, you cringed you were only four and a half months gone Geralt said that you would most likely have another eight weeks or so because Jaskier was a beta  'great another Eight weeks of this' you huffed again lying still your mind wandered you was concerned your pup hadn't moved since yesterday morning , normally being near Jaskier encouraged them to be lively but it hadn't worked. Grimacing as your back hurt which wasn't anything knew you got up onto all fours slowly crawling form behind Geralt around him settling to lay near Jaskier pulling his hand from his side placing it on your little one....Nothing.. you whimpered worry wracked your body something felt wrong, different. You remained beside Jaskier hopeing that it would coax some indication that your pup was ok. You breathed through the aching twitches in your back trying to drift off in to sleep. Just as your eyes closed you heard him. Geralt. Eyes blazing as he scrambled up looking for you. You shivered and shrunk as he found you laying holding Jaskier's palm to your swollen tummy. He snarled stalking to you making to grab you away from the beta, you sat up and flinched as he reached out for you. Having enough, exhausted and upset.
"NO! Enough please alpha! enough, Something is wrong! their not moving I want him to feel his pup the get them moving I don't like them being so still please" Geralt hissed through his fangs angry as his eyes saw you frightened clutching at the Betas hand holding it flush an still. You called the pup Jaskier's. He didn't deserve it. It was HIS. The pup should move for him, not the beta the alpha. HE was the alpha. He seethed
"B-but he cant protect it!! I can protect it...I DO!.. IT'S MINE- I TOLD HIM TO PUT IT THERE!! BUT IT'S MINE!!!! YOU'RE MY MATE!! MINE!! NOT HIS MY OMEGA!" you shook at his words his shouting had woke Jaskier who was now quivering beside you. Geralt's breathing was labored reaching again for you he stopped short as the both of you ducked as if expecting to be hit. He looked at his hands lowering them backing away glancing at the both of you. What was happening to him?.  His pack frightened of him. He who had vowed to protect them. They cowered before him. His mate and brother. He stared noting a small wet patch below you. He had frightened you that much? he felt disgusted with himself turning to lie away from you both. You looked up slowly at him instantly feeling heart broken at the look of despair on his face. You nudged Jaskier motioning him to help you up. He did helping you up stopping as you cried out a sharp tug in your tummy forcing you back down to your knees huffing that was painful. You gripped Jaskier's hand tight.
"Wh-whats wrong? please is every-Are you ok? shit!"
"G-Geralt could you please?" Jaskier called desperately supporting you a quick glance at the alpha showed him lying a good distance, faced the opposite way he was brooding lost in his own thoughts ashamed. Jaskier soothed you helping you kneel seeing the wet spot through seeping through your skirts. You winced cupping your belly and cramping back. Jaskier panicked unable to pull away from you remarkably strong grip, you stared at him fear in your eyes as your stomach clenched tightly. It- you couldn't it wasn't even five months yet, you were- could you be loosing it? is that why you hadn't felt anything? you sobbed into your hand. NO!. You'd failed. Failed your alpha, your pack and yourself. you curled over head pressed to the dirt as your stomach was hard and twitching below your hand.
"GERALT! ALPHA?! HELP SOMETHING IS WRONG!" with Jaskier's calling him alpha snapped his attention, the bard didnt call him that often, normally when he was scared wanting reassurance, it happend when he fell into his baser instincts. Geralt rolled over panicked not even getting up he through his body hands and knees scrabbling across to your crumpled form. He forgot his previous despair now on high alert he sniffed around you as you withered shoulders moving with your sobs. He held out a hand placing it on Jaskier, comforting trying to ease his panic. He looked not sensing anything, he gripped your waist sliding you a little checking the moist earth below you no blood that was good, - he cut himself short, you'd said it hadn't moved he stilled.No no no no. His blood turned to ice in his veins it hadn't- couldn't have....You was to far gone!...You couldn't loose it now, fate couldn't be so cruel!. He closed his eyes hushing you desperately, Jaskier following his train of thought placed a gentle hand to your mouth trying to contain your Broken sobs stroking your hair and whispering reassuring you that it would be ok. You was to far gone, already mourning for the life you believed you'd lost, to wrapped up in your thoughts to hear anything going on around you. Concentrating all his efforts into listening Geralt lowered down by your bloated belly pressing lightly against it, hoping to hear that sweet sound he sighed when he heard a steady rhythm a heart beat so the pup was fine just- was it lower? OH SHIT he growled quickly jumping up taking you with him you whimpered as your body was moved yelping as your back cramped shivering as the pain soared through all of you nerves you could see as well as feel the muscles moving manipulating your pup around but you was unsure why. the bard followed anxiously
"Ge-Geralt?is it?"
"Jaskier go get the blankets from roach quick we need a nest it- she's- its coming!" Jaskier blinked frozen then began stuttering panicking. What?.
"NOW JASKIER!" he barked out snapping the bard out of it as he made his way back to the tree you had originally  nodding to the floor Jaskier spread out the blankets you had been collecting the past week each town and village you added to your collection. Some he rolled up to prop you against and others he haphazardly plopped here and there to be move as and when. You sighed as Geralt placed you on them you panted sweating feeling as if you were going to pass out form the pain.
"Geralt -is? are they ok? did I loose it I'm sorry I-" he cut you off kissing your tears.
"no no you didn't!.....You haven't lost them, they are coming now, early but healthy I can hear it" you flinched. Early? you- it was happening here? now? crying as another pain pulled your body tight. Jaskier ran back over with the water skin bowl and cloth fumbling with them pouring some water into the bowl soaking the cloth Geralt pushed up your skirts tugging you didn't have anything underneath due to your size you'd grown out of them. Jaskier bent one leg placing it beside his thigh as Geralt  held the other in the same fashion. You tilted your head back crying low as you realized just how low your pup had managed to get in such a small amount of time ,you felt uncomfortable full ,as they now sat just at your pelvis.
"I-I need to- Ahh!" you tried telling them that you needed to push, the urge was overwhelming as your body acted on its own digging your feet below you trying to ground yourself gasping as much air as you could before another pain hit holding your breath gritting your teeth as your abdomen contracted trying to squeeze out your child followed swiftly by a back cramp. It was brutal as your own muscles swayed you back and forth you were frightened grabbing blindly eyes shut tight as another wave hit you.
"sshh push if you need to" Jaskier placed your hand between his wincing as you dug your nails into his skin but kept quiet moving to dab your head and face with the cloth. You sighed at the cool water being wiped across you, a small relief. Before you was rushed into another quick contraction bareing down pushing again. Geralt placed a hand on either thigh pressing them further apart then moved his hand to where the pup now rested lower then a few seconds ago.
"Alpha? please." he froze your voice was strained and weak he moved closer kissing your head. Geralt was at a loss, there was nothing he could do but reassure you, he nodded to Jaskier.
"It's low get the knife and cord" he quickly grabbed the items dipping it in the water to clean it, the small blade curved maybe 3 inches with a tiny glyph carved onto it, protection Geralt had spent a day on it marking it perfectly, this was bought specifically for this moment. You screamed curling forward with the contraction sliding down flat on your back widening your feet arching as you felt a heavy pressure pass though your pelvis you pushed with all your might shouting loud into the night feeling a burning stretch before nothing...Your body relaxed you all but melted as your child vacated you lifting your head looking down taking deep gasping breaths. There was silence Jaskier gasped watching as Geralt froze holding the tiny pink child not knowing what to do, his face was one of awe, seeing that Geralt had Blanked. The beta jumped into action holding the soft thin cord around the umbilical cord pulling tight before severing the connection between the two of you suddenly there was a cry, loud and strong. Relief washed across the camp smiles all round, he sat back bending his knees resting his elbows holding his head tears streaming down his face. Alive, it was alive. You weeped at the sound. Your child was safe. Your body shook the aftermath of all the stress pain and adrenaline.
"Girl...Its a girl" Geralt whispered
"Ha you can tell with all the fuss she's making, defiantly a female" Jaskier quipped still rubbing his eyes leaning over to see his daughter. You watched holding your breath. Girl you had a little girl you couldn't look away as Geralt tilted the pup for him to see then stopped choosing to instead pass the tiny Child to her father then moved pulling a small blanket they worked together tucking it around her fretting over how covered and warm she would be. You sighed in relief any animosity that there had built was gone which was a load off mind ,your heart melted at the sight it would seem your daughter would have two fathers. Geralt smiled leaning up over you kissing you deeply then heaved you to sit up letting you lean against his chest. Jaskier moved up on your other side with the child. Tiny she was so small, smaller then you'd expected. Tears streamed down your face as you leaned your face against Geralt's chest he stroked your hair back kissing your neck
"So good omega... I'm so proud of you...Shes perfect...And healthy.... you've made me so happy" he was whispering into your ear but you couldn't make sense of his words . You was enraptured with your daughter, she was perfect you moved to hold her. Jaskier quickly placed her in your waiting arms as her cries died down then moved to the water bowl holding it out for Geralt who took the cloth wringing it out then began wiping her cherub face gently. She opened her eyes slowly unfocused eyes glancing here and there as you moved your dress wanting to feed her. You wasn't sure how but you managed to get her to latch quickly. Geralt nodded happy that she was feeding.
"I-I'm sorry for earlier.... I don't know what happened but it will never happen again" his words were stern controlled as he glanced at his family. Never again. you looked from your pup to Geralt then Jaskier there was a somber air that fell across you.
"You better start thinking of names. I don't have any I thought I had months still" you said dismissively. They looked at one another. Then you
"Who?" you smiled at Jaskier's small question
"Well my father named me and my siblings, so I thought it right for her fathers to name her so you best agree." the statement was designed to show exactly where you stood on the family dynamics for your child. Geralt looked stumped.
"But she is Jaskier's he should-" you shook your head at him
"No she is ours yours, mine and Jaskier's , she wouldn't be here if you hadn't allowed Jaskier to help. And if I remember correctly you held him still each time." they both scoffed before discussing names as you looked back down to the baby as she closed her eyes still latched on unaware of just how protected and cherished she was.
Taglist @havenoffandoms @ayamenimthiriel
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bloodfromthethorn · 4 years
Training Days
Riley had never really considered herself much of a physical fighter. Sure, given her background she’d been in more than her fair share of scrapes and she knew how to fight dirty with the rest of them, no hesitation, if that was what the situation in front of her required. Even setting aside the absolute nightmare prison had been, she’d been butting heads with self-entitled dickbags since she was about seven years old and she had long since learned the quickest way of using her body to turn someone else into a non-threat.
But for all of that, given her choice of scene, she knew that her skills were best served behind a laptop, ruining someone’s day from an entirely different country, rather than from two feet away, sweating and panting.
Unfortunately, government agents didn’t always get that choice.
Which really was all just a very roundabout way of saying that one of the stipulations of her admittedly pretty shady and very much classified contract with The Phoenix Foundation was that she participate in extensive hand-to-hand combat training and physical fitness drills, and that meant getting sweaty on the training mats every Tuesday and Thursday. Some days it wasn’t so bad - there were a handful of other newish recruits who were at around the same level of training as her and she generally had a good time working through her sets with them to guide her, and guiding them in turn. Other days, it was rough; training with Thornton had been a minefield of expectations, admiration, and pressure, and training with Jack always left her aching and sore. She always walked away knowing something new, without fail, but she still wouldn’t call it a highlight of her working life.
Training with Mac though, that was something altogether different.
She ducked low just as a heavily muscled arm flew through the space where her head had just been, then immediately staggered back as his knee swung up to meet her. Mac didn’t let her get far, effortlessly pivoting the kick into a long stride forwards, keeping himself in her space to launch another flurry of attacks that she just barely managed to avoid. Strong and quick and well trained, Mac had every possible physical advantage in a fight, and to top it off, he was always mentally at least twenty steps ahead of anything she could even begin to plan to do.
Another punch came at her right side and she took a chance on Mac’s ever so slightly weaker left-hand-side reflexes to slide under the blow and put herself at his back. Against most opponents, the move would have been enough to give her an opening to throw a punch of her own or maybe even go for a grab; against Mac, he had already twisted to face her head on before she’d even finished moving.
“Nice,” he offered charitably, even though it had earned her no ground. Her one consolation was that he was starting to sound winded, not quite as unaffected as he likely wanted to appear by the intense physical exertion they’d been going through.
Riley, for her part, decided not to waste air responding. Instead she dipped low and took a cheap shot at his right knee, the same knee that had been in a brace up until three weeks ago after a gun runner in South Africa had managed to shove him clean off a rooftop and he broke his leg in the fall. Mac hissed in alarm - while technically cleared for duty, he was still healing and he had zero desire to lose the use of his limb again - and slipped sideways, right into the path of Riley’s incoming upper cut.
His agility saved him from a fist connecting with his chin, but she still managed to clip his shoulder with a hit hard enough to put him on the defensive, and for the first time the ball was in Riley’s court. As much as she knew she was still outmatched, it was a testament to how far she had come that it no longer felt like Mac was letting her go on the attack, rather than genuinely having to retreat under her advance, and she couldn’t help but feel a little bit proud of herself as she pushed forwards.
As he was wont to do when on defence, Mac went about the bizarre process of turning himself to water and slipped and slid out of every shot she could throw at him. When one of her kicks actually did connect with his thigh and sent him stumbling sideways, she was so surprised by it herself that she just barely managed to follow it up with an open palmed strike at the side of his head.
The hesitation would have been enough for any reasonably well trained fighter to get the upper hand, and Mac had ten years of military and covert experience behind him. He knocked her hand away with a fluid flick of his wrist and contorted sharply to get around and behind her in a single step, his other arm sliding up to tuck snugly against her neck and haul her back into him. To his credit, he kept himself gentle - as gentle as it was possible to be while dragging someone into a chokehold, at any rate - so his arm rested more against her collarbones than her windpipe and he caught her against him rather than crushing, but it was still enough to momentarily knock her off balance with a huff.
“Going for my knee was good instincts,” he told her breathlessly, apparently grateful to have a moment to suck in air. She could feel how his heart was pounding against her back, the rush of air in his lungs as fought to recover himself, and felt vaguely vindicated that she had enough skill to work him so hard. “Still a cheap shot though.”
Hauling in air herself and knowing that she was reaching the end of her adrenaline, Riley grinned. “You think that was cheap?”
With a twist and a grunt of effort, she cut her elbow up sharply into Mac’s stomach, catching him hard below the ribs and sending him staggering back with a pained wheeze. Momentarily thrown off and half-doubled over in breathlessness, Mac presented no threat at all when Riley darted out of his reach and spun to face him once more, smiling at her own triumph.
Mac glared at her half-heartedly, though the effect was somewhat ruined by the fact that his face was a blazing red and he couldn’t catch his breath. “Underhanded,” he managed to gasp out after a second.
Still riding high on the joy of a rare victory, Riley just laughed. “I thought sparring was supposed to be a no-holds-barred situation? Don’t tell me you wouldn’t have done the same.”
Giving in to the urge to drop to his knees rather than resist the gentle pull of gravity, Mac huffed out a strained laugh of his own. “Yeah, I would. Where’d you learn that?”
Winded and breathless herself, Riley followed him to the mat with an inelegant flop, just barely catching herself on her hands instead of sprawling across the mat like an oversized house cat. “Where else? Jack taught me. He might also have said something about you never remembering to guard against it.”
“Fucking Jack,” Mac wheezed, rolling over to lie flat on his back on the mats as he struggled to recover. “Old man’s not even here and he’s kicking my ass.”
“Just who are you calling old?” Another voice called from the doorway. Mac and Riley both turned to look as Jack came into sight, shaking his head as he took in the pair of them and just barely managing to maintain his facade of irritation over the amusement that so clearly wanted to burst forth.
“Especially when you’re the one wheezing like an asthmatic cat,” Riley chipped in happily, letting her smugness show through. She’d managed to get one over Mac from time to time in training before, but this was the first time she’d made him go down and stay down and the thrill of it was high in her blood. From the way Jack was beaming at her like she’d just hung the moon, she was pretty sure she had good reason to be proud.
Mac waved a hand in what might have been the beginning of retort, but he evidently decided he was too busy trying to breathe to voice whatever it was.
“I think you broke him Riles.”
“Just doing what you taught me. Worked like a charm.”
Jack snorted, dropping his gym bag by the wall and striding over to stare down at where Mac was still supine on the mat. “Always does since this one,” he nudged at Mac’s shoulder with his foot, “Never thinks to guard his ribs when he has someone in a choke.”
“I think about it plenty,” Mac protested half-heartedly. “Just don’t always manage it in time.”
“You’ve been saying that since the Sandbox man, I think it’s time to give it up.” He shot a smug look at Riley, like he was letting her in on a secret. “First time we met, this idiot tried to get me in a headlock. I popped him twice in the ribs before he realised it wasn’t going to work.”
Riley’s eyebrows rose. “You hit him?”
Even with his eyes closed, Jack knew Mac had just rolled his eyes and was bracing himself to tell her the story, so Jack beat him to it. “He started it. Caught some good for nothing punk kid messing with my gear.”
“Fixing your gear,” Mac wheezed, but tossed a smile Jack’s way to take any sting out of it. They’d never discussed it exactly, but Mac had learned early on that there was no one on Earth who knew their way around a rifle better than Jack Dalton and while he might not necessarily keep his gear in a ‘standard’ condition, he’d developed a system that worked for him. Mac hadn’t been wrong when he’d said the bolt carrier was lacking forward assist, but that was only because Jack hadn’t wanted it there. “And besides, I pulled that exact same move on you and you bitched about your bruised liver for a month.”
Riley was glancing between them with an amused smile on her face. “He touched your stuff,” she said, pointing at Mac, “So you took a swing at him?”
“Pretty much,” Mac put in, twisting his head to shoot her a can-you-believe-this-shit look. “I won that fight too.”
“You did not,” Jack argued immediately, kicking lightly at him again. “You’re just lucky I didn’t want to break your skinny little arm in front of all those nice people.”
“You couldn’t have if you’d wanted to. You’re lucky the brass came in and saved you the trouble of tapping out.”
It was obviously a well-worn fight between them, and from the fondness in both their voices, there was absolutely no animosity remaining. Riley couldn’t help but wonder just what it had taken to get them from a fist fight over equipment to the blood brother partnership standing before her in that moment. Although, on second thoughts, given what she had heard about the Sandbox, she might be better off not knowing.
Jack scoffed at the assertion, shaking his head. “You think you can take me on? Bring it wunderkind.”
Mac glanced up at him for a second, calculating, then pushed himself halfway to sitting before slouching back down with a huff. “Yeah, I’ll get on that as soon as my diaphragm starts working again, okay?”
It was said lightly, but Riley still felt herself frowning, her buoyant mood dipping in sudden concern. “You alright?”
Mac waved an unconcerned hand. “Peachy. You have very pointy elbows.”
Jack seemingly took pity on her, because he thrust out a hand to help her to her feet and ushered her vaguely in the direction of the showers. “My turn to try and teach boy wonder here how to actually block that strike. Again. You get yourself cleaned up.”
Doing some quick maths in her head, Riley figured she could have a quick blast shower and be back in the gym within a couple of minutes, giving Mac plenty of time to get himself back upright and make sure she didn’t miss any of their sparring session. Her instructors had repeatedly told her that she could learn a lot by watching as well as doing, and honestly she was eager to see how Mac did against someone much more his equal outside of a life or death situation. With that goal in mind she rushed through a quick shower and a blessedly sweat-free change of clothes, then headed back to the gym to settle down at the edge of the mats.
As she’d guessed, Mac was back on his feet and seemed to have finally caught his breath again, but from the way he was eyeing up Jack’s muscled frame, he was probably wishing he was still on the ground. She bit back a grin.
“Hey, look at this, you get an audience to watch you getting your ass handed to you,” Jack taunted, finishing off his stretching with a small flourish and winking at Riley. “Now she can see what all of your moves are supposed to look like."
Mac didn't rise to the bait, and instead went about rolling his shoulders and shaking the fatigue out of his arms. Truthfully, he knew he wasn't a match for Jack on a good day, and he and Riley had already been going at it for a while. This was most likely going to be a lesson in damage minimisation more than actually winning. "We doing this then or what?"
Jack’s only response was a sharp, predatory smile and a lightning fast kick at Mac’s chest.
It only took a minute or so of watching them for Riley to understand just how and why Mac was so good at strike evasion - nearly a decade spent sparring with someone like Jack had no doubt taught him that being slow enough to get hit was a deeply regrettable decision. The ex-Delta soldier’s training had clearly served him well and it rapidly became apparent just how much of his ability he had been toning down when he went up against Riley on the mats. Fast, and strong, and precise, she had absolutely no idea how Mac was able to not only avoid Jack’s hits, but land a few of his own.
They were-
She’d heard fighting being compared to dancing in the past and though she’d never really agreed with that particular analogy, for the first time she thought she might understand what they were getting at. Mac and Jack were a match, both incredibly skilled and both so familiar with each other that they knew exactly how hard they could push. No one watching this bout could ever not recognise them as partners.
Despite the earlier smack talk, Riley had to admit that she’d assumed Jack would be the winner hands down. Evidently, she’d been wrong about that because Mac was putting up a hell of a fight and he had the slightest edge on speed that balanced out Jack’s sheer force, but at the end of the day he was walking wounded and worse, Jack knew it. He’d zeroed in on the same weak spot she had, only he had the training and experience to properly put it to use.
Mac’s injured knee buckled like a snapped twig. He did his best to save himself from the fall, but there was only so much a man could do when he was already off-balance and his one remaining support had just turned to unresponsive water beneath him; all he could do was try not to land on his face. He was- reasonably successful. Somehow it didn’t make the whole experience look any less painful.
Almost in the same instant he was down, Mac was already moving to snatch at the offending limb, hissing out sharply between his teeth as he got his hands on the injury in genuine pain. Startled, Riley started pushing to her feet but Jack thrust his palm out towards her, waving her down from where he was hovering just out of arm’s reach of his downed partner, watching warily.
“You good man?”
Mac didn’t respond beyond rolling further onto his side, curling in around where he’d folded his leg up towards his chest. His eyes were scrunched closed, his breathing tight.
“Mac?” Riley asked softly, scrambling to her knees despite Jack’s dismissal.
Jack hesitated another moment longer, visibly torn, before he swayed half a step closer. “C’mon bud I need you to give me something here. I didn’t break that knee again did I?”
Still no response. From her vantage point, Riley could see that Mac was shaking like a leaf, fine tremors of pain racking his frame. Evidently Jack could see it too, because he only paused a second longer before muttering a curse and finally stepping forward into Mac’s range.
It was a mistake.
With a fierceness Riley hadn’t previously credited him with, Mac’s supposedly injured leg snapped out from where he’d coiled it in like a spring, cracking hard against Jack’s ankle and dropping him like a stone as his balance failed. The fall seemingly put his partner exactly where Mac wanted him, because a heartbeat later he had wormed his legs around Jack’s neck and snatched at the closest arm to him to pin it firmly along his own middle, locking it in place. It was the work of an instant and it left Jack helplessly pinned, his legs too far out of range to be of any use and his one free arm busily occupied with stopping Mac’s right leg from crushing his throat.
The leverage gave Jack just enough breathing room to speak. “You’re an ass.”
Mac let out a breathless laugh, clearly straining against the fight Jack was putting up. Even when Mac was in the far better position, Jack had him outmatched for brute strength by a country mile. “You should’ve seen it coming,” he pointed out, strained and amused.
“Forgive me for worrying I might have actually hurt you,” Jack grunted, shifting. Riley could see how the corded muscle in his pinned arm was straining against where Mac had it in a two-handed grip, fighting to get the space he needed to lash out. “Matty would kill me if I messed up that knee again.”
“Good to know you care.”
“You’re not gonna like what I do next man, fair warning.” Jack didn’t give him more than half a second to let that sentence sink in before he jerked his pinned arm back towards him. Mac had been holding it from rising, preventing Jack from getting the leverage to swing down at his face and chest; the sudden redirection of force wasn’t something he could compensate for and his grip failed. Fortunately, the warning had been a genuine lifeline - Mac knew exactly what he was going to do.
As soon as he felt Jack move, he canted his hips sharply, twisting his body so that the elbow that was about to drive down hard on a rather sensitive part of his anatomy caught him heavily in the hollow space of his inner hip joint instead. It was still a strong enough blow that he felt himself jackknife up, the muscles across his stomach rippling to attention in a sudden bolt of pain, but he wasn’t left gagging and helpless. Since the attack had already left him sitting up, he used that to his advantage, letting his momentum bring him up and over Jack, racing to get his legs where he needed them before Jack could react and preferably without kneeling on his neck or booting him in the face.
It wasn’t elegant, limbs tangled up as they were, but when the struggle settled down a few seconds later, Jack was still pinned flat on his back with most of Mac’s body weight crushing down against his chest. The arm that had very nearly threatened any possible future children was jammed flat to the floor by Mac’s left knee, while the other was trapped between Mac’s other leg and Jack’s own ribcage.
Mac smirked down at his partner. “I don’t know - this seems to have worked out alright for me,” he taunted, easing just a little more of his weight down. Strong as his position might initially appear, his balance was hanging by a thread and his only hope of keeping it was to use sheer mass to overwhelm Jack’s impossible strength.
“You know you’re not gonna hold me like this for long slick,” Jack shot back, sounding winded. With the amount of downward force currently trying to stop him from breathing, it was vaguely impressive that he could talk at all.
“Hey, Riley.” Mac shot her a quick look over his shoulder before returning his attention to Jack. Knowing the man, the momentary distraction had been something he allowed rather than something he failed to capitalise on. “You know how I managed this?”
Bemused that Mac apparently believed now of all times was the moment for a pop quiz, Riley found herself staring at him in disbelief. He didn’t continue though, and Jack was apparently willing to play possum long enough for her to answer, so she made herself concentrate. “You tricked him,” she said slowly.
“Yeah, but how?”
“Acting hurt.”
“Mhm,” he hummed in agreement, shifting ever so slightly when one of Jack’s breaths came in a little heavier than normal. The hold wouldn’t be hurting him, but it would put strain on his lungs and clearly Mac didn’t actually want to make him too uncomfortable while he tried to impart some new life lesson on their tech analyst. Not that it likely mattered - Riley had a sneaking suspicion that Jack could get himself up in a heartbeat the moment he actually wanted to and Mac was sure to know that. “But why did that work? How did I know it would?”
“Because you’re a little shit,” Jack muttered sullenly to himself.
“Because you knew he would worry about you,” Riley said instead of acknowledging the wisdom of a wheezing man trapped flat on his back. “You know he doesn’t want to see you hurt and that he’d help you if you were.”
Mac hummed again, shooting her a proud smile over his shoulder. “Same reason both of you went for my knee-” There, he threw in a peeved look at the pair of them, “-And why it worked every time. You get it?”
She did. “We used what we knew about our partners against them. We know your knee’s still recovering, so it’s a weak point to exploit. You know Jack cares about you, so he’s going to let his guard down when you’re injured.”
It wasn’t rocket science and she’d known it in principle for years, but she could see what Mac was doing. By forcing her to talk about it, to lay it out, he was getting her to actively consider it, to get in the habit of evaluating an opponent and seeing the places where she could get an advantage. Even now she recognised that she could almost certainly use Mac’s trick against Jack in the same way - provided she could manage to act half as well as he could, at any rate.
“It’s not as easy in the field,” Mac said. “We know each other really well - up to and including any recent injuries, which is a big help. You’re not going to have that with most of the people you come across. But with a bit of practice, you can start to pick up people’s tells.”
She digested that for a moment, then smirked. “So are you going to show me more of Jack’s?”
At that, he grimaced, the muscles across the back of his shoulders going tense. “Unfortunately, now he knows not to underestimate me, you’ve just seen pretty much all I have.” He looked back down at where Jack was starting to grin up at him and let his frown turn pleading. “Don't suppose I can tap out now and save myself the body slam?” He didn't sound hopeful.
Jack smiled like a cat with a mouse in its paws. “Not a chance,” he replied evenly, then struck out with the speed of a snake, so quickly Riley wasn't entirely sure what it was that he'd done. Whatever it was, the result was Mac's centre of gravity being yanked out from under him in one swift pull and sending him to the mats with a solid thud that knocked the wind clean out of him for the second time in ten minutes. In the same move, Jack swung himself up to hover over his partner, still grinning slyly to himself. “You done? Or do I need to pin you?”
Mac couldn't more obviously be out of the fight if he tried, his breathing rough and erratic, but he obligingly tapped sharply on the mat beside himself all the same. Jack let out a small whoop of victory, sending another wink in Riley's direction to show off even as he stuck out a hand to brush soothingly down Mac’s spasming rib cage. It probably wouldn’t help Mac get his muscles under control, but the gesture was fond and reassuring, and he didn’t protest the contact.
“And that’s how it’s done,” Jack said smugly, practically oozing satisfaction. “This is why you should always listen to ole’Jack when he gives you combat lessons Riles.”
“Rule two,” Mac wheezed helplessly, head thrown back and eyes closed as he fought to get his diaphragm back on side.
“Ey now, you just focus on breathing,” Jack cautioned. “You’re gonna scare Riley if you keep gasping like an old man.” He shot a glance at her that shut down any genuine concern she might have had brewing in her gut; if Mac really was hurt, Jack wouldn’t be smiling. “That slam is meant to wind, not injure. Good for incapacitating someone quickly without causing actual damage.”
“I didn’t even see what you did,” she told him honestly, trying to play the grapple back in her head and coming up blank. Jack had moved too quickly for her to grasp more than the headlines.
“Well, I’ll just have to show you again sometime. Perhaps a bit slower. Mac’ll be happy to help out, right man?” There was a disagreeable wheeze from the blonde’s general direction. “See? He’s thrilled.”
“Yeah, he sounds it.” Despite herself, she couldn’t help but laugh. Mac cracked one scrunched up eye open to watch her, fighting off a smile of his own that was cripplingly fond. Still resting above him with a hand on his partner’s chest, Jack’s expression was much the same. Her chest swelled with sudden, overwhelming warmth. “Maybe we should wait until he can breathe though, yeah?”
“Ha, he’s fine,” Jack said carelessly, patting him gently on the ribs for effect. “This isn’t the first time I’ve had to put him in his place on the mats. Always gets overconfident.”
“Screw you,” Mac replied. It might have had more weight to it if he hadn’t been struggling to haul in air at the same time. “I had you pinned.”
“Yeah, and how did that work out for you?”
Mac swatted at him, lazy and uncoordinated, and that feeling in Riley’s chest pulsed a little more fiercely. Sparring might be a bit hit or miss, but this, right here, huddled up with Mac and Jack? That was all but home and she wouldn’t trade it for the world.
“So the two of you really got in a fist fight when you first met? How did you ever become friends?”
Jack snorted. “That took some work. But of course Mac couldn’t help but warm to my sparkling personality.”
The man in question huffed a soft laugh. He finally seemed to have recovered some control over his lungs, because he was able to retort, “Sure, that’s what happened.”
“That is what happened.”
“Mhm. You’re conveniently leaving out the part where I saved your ass. Like six times.”
“Excuse me? I know you’re not forgetting about how many hours I spent protecting your skinny ass when you were so focused on an IED you didn’t even notice the guys sneaking up on you. You wouldn’t have lasted a week if I hadn’t been watching out for you.”
Riley half-expected Mac to snipe back at that, but he surprised her by finally getting his eyes back open and sending his partner a gentle smile. “That’s true,” he allowed quietly. “You promised me you’d get me home.”
“And I did.”
“And you did.”
Jack’s expression had gone very soft in a way it only ever did when he was looking at Mac, Riley, or Bozer. His hand had stilled over Mac’s heart. “I suppose you might have something to do with me getting home with all my limbs intact too. Even if you did take your sweet time about every little device we came across.”
Wordlessly, Mac extended his fist for Jack’s to bump against, a physical bond of solidarity.
She gave it another ten seconds of stillness to let the moment sink in for them all before Riley leaned forward. “You two are adorable.”
That got a good grumble out of both of them, but there was a gentleness to it that let her know there was no harm done. Despite how caught up in themselves they might have seemed to be, they were both far too well trained in situational awareness to have forgotten that she was sitting three feet away. It was just that they were both content to let her see them in a rare moment of openness.
Reawakened to the room at large - and possibly realising how uncomfortably sweaty he was - Jack clambered up to his feet with a groan, rubbing faintly at the spot where Mac’s leg had dug into his chest. “Time to hit the showers, I think. Unless you want to go another round?”
There was a muttering of disapproval before Mac pushed himself up to sitting with a groan, then stuck out a hand to let Jack drag him back to his feet. Once there he took a second to balance himself, leaning his weight awkwardly on one leg as he tested out the strength of his damaged knee. Whatever he felt, it made him frown.
Astute as ever, Jack was watching him like a hawk. “You doing okay there, slick?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m good.”
“Really? Because you look like you’re about to try limping out of here and ending up on your ass.”
Mac scowled at him, but it was fond. “Gee, thanks.”
Jack just rolled his eyes and strode back to stand beside him, sliding under Mac’s shoulder to help support his weight like it was the most natural thing in the world. “Please tell me I didn’t break that thing again. I wasn’t joking when I said Matty would have my head.”
Mac scoffed, the pain in his face lightening now that he could take his weight off the injured joint. “I think if you broke my leg a second time it wouldn’t be your head you’d need to worry about. But no, I think it’s fine. Just twisted is all.”
“‘It’s fine’, he says, hobbling about like a newborn colt,” Jack muttered, but he didn’t complain further as the pair of them began a shambling walk towards the showers.
The blonde shot him a disgruntled look, clearly about to offer some kind of retort before he swallowed it back down and shook his head with a smile.
Riley trailed after them, her thoughts shifting to her afternoon. “Dinner at yours Mac?” She called, just as they broke off from her to head towards the men’s showers.
He shot a broad grin over his shoulder at her and tipped his head. “‘Course. You did well today. Least I can do is offer up Boze’s cooking.”
She let her laugh buoy her as she waved at them both. “See you there. I’ll make sure there’s an ice pack ready for your old man knee.”
Mac’s disgruntled retort was entirely swallowed by Jack’s echoing laughter, bouncing around the walls to follow her into the main corridor that led back to the parking garage. Tired, sore, and hopelessly fond, Riley turned her steps to home.
Also on AO3
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dirt-cup-draco · 3 years
Fred Weasley x Reader- Better To Have Loved and Lost Part 2/2
I really do love you Fred. You thought and hoped some part of him would feel comforted as you prayed he came to understand what he meant to you.
It was better to have loved and lost Fred Weasley than to have continued to love him and been the cause for his misery.
The war had been won and it was cause for much relief but as you wiped the tables at the Leaky Cauldron you pondered over why you still couldn’t smile right, why the laughs that spilled past your lips were cold and haughty, why when you went home to Ian, it still didn’t feel like home. 
You knew the answer but refused to see it, refused to let yourself feel the fury and the loss that came from following your parents’ every wish. They’d been delighted when your sister had introduced you to Ian once the war ended. Turns out the both of you had been helping rebuild Hogwarts and you just hadn’t been lucky enough to run into each other. 
He was sweet and you didn’t mind his attention but it all felt wrong even if there was hardly a bad thing you could say about him. Your sister could have, and you were surprised she hadnt, picked far worse for you. You only wished that she didn’t feel the need to. You’d been happy with what you had, four months of bliss with the redhead who still had your heart, and now you were forced to live a life you resented. 
Ian was much like you, his family ruled his life. You were both the worst sort of coward. In some ways, it made you feel close to him. You had found a friend, at the very least. You told yourself to just be happy with that. 
Working in Diagon Alley made it very hard to be happy with that. 
You saw Fred and George Weasley in their shop but thankfully hadn’t run into them yet at the pub in which you worked, the very entrance to Diagon Alley. It was a godsend their home was above the shop and you wouldn’t have to see them come and go past your door. Despite being removed from their lives, you kept what tabs you could, especially after the war. 
You’d seen Fred with a white sheet tucked over him, the sheet bloodied over his leg and dried blood at his temple. He’d been gone for a moment, George had said. They thought they’d lost him, they almost had. You were lucky to see him only sleeping and healing from his wounds. You’d made George promise that he’d never seen you there. One look at the pain in your eyes and George had nodded and let you go.
Now, you wished you would’ve stayed. You wanted to have held Fred’s hand until he woke and then you wanted to apologize for every lie you’d ever told him. Even now you found it hard to restrain yourself from heading to number 93 diagon alley and running into their shop only to fall to your knees and beg he understood why you lied and left him. 
“Your shift ended ten minutes ago,” A gruff voice came from behind you and you shook yourself from you thoughts, looked to your boss, took your pay for the day, and then exited into the cool air of night. You could just as easily apparate home but you much preferred to walk. You liked to give yourself time to just be you. You didn’t have to pretend you and Ian were in love, you didn’t have to pretend you were happy with your life, you didn’t have to pretend that you weren’t in love with Fred Weasley. 
You let a few tears fall but not enough to cause your eyes to grow puffy or your cheeks to become red. Ian had seen you cry enough as you both lamented on how you didn’t know how to leave one another when both of your families expected marriage, kids, happiness with each other. You didn’t want to make him feel like it was his fault, because you knew you made him just as miserable. 
He wouldn’t expect you until late. 
As you walked past the shop, you noticed that the main lights had been turned out but a few stayed lit on the inside as the twins walked around to catalog their product, clean up whatever mess had been made under the feet of children and adults alike, and then retire to their apartment upstairs. Only a small amount of shame burned in your veins as you took a seat that was cloaked in the shadow of night to watch the boys get to work. George was wearing an orange blazer and Fred had on a purple vest that fit him perfectly. 
“She’s out there again,” George sing-songed to his twin as he looked from the corner of his eye to see your familiar profile leaning sitting on the curb across from their shop. It was cute that you thought the night alone was enough to hide you. 
“Doesn’t matter,” Fred grunted, frown etched deeply into this features as George tried to get a rise from him. “She never comes in, don’t even know why she-” 
“You know why Y/N sits out there,” George stated and Fred wanted to believe that George was right but it was hard to with those four words constantly bouncing around in his head. I don’t love you. 
“Bloody hell, you can say her name at least,” George scolded and Fred whirled around to meet his brother’s eye, stomping the ground with his cane. 
“No! She made her choice and if she wants to right it then she has to take the first step. I wont say her blasted name until she gets the guts to tell me why she did it. I can’t love her if she’s always going to be under her family’s thumb and I’m sure I’ll hear about wedding invitations for her and that skinny bloke before I hear an explanation,” 
“I think she wanted to when you were hurt- apologize and explain I mean,” 
George was a good man and so for your sake he hadn’t told Fred immediately but Fred was his other half and neither of them kept the habit of keeping things from one another. Fred had been sulking in his bed one evening after finding an old necklace of yours mixed in with his things and he wasn’t even sure how the damn thing had managed to come with him from Hogwarts and stay tucked out of sight until he’d stumbled upon it. 
It had thrown Fred for a loop and he’d silently cried into his firewhisky for nearly an hour before George had taken the thin chain from his brother’s hands and told him that you had never stopped loving him. Of course, you hadn’t told George that, but he could tell from the way you went pale at the sight of Fred unmoving. Fred had only been sleeping but the fear on your face had been palpable and heartbreaking. 
It had helped ease the pain then but George knew now that Fred was waiting for something to prove that it wasn’t a lie, that you did still love him, that you’d been made somehow to leave him heartbroken. 
“She’s leaving,” George sighed, nodding his head towards your back as you began to move towards your home which was another twenty minutes walk away. 
“Good,” Fred hissed but as he looked after you he saw the heavy slump of your shoulders and the way your hair was falling loose from your ponytail and George say his twin’s gaze soften and melt. 
“If you dont go and talk to her I’m going to bring her in here,” 
“What? Hey!” Fred began to argue as George decided to take matters into his own hands if neither of you would. Fred had gotten quick enough with the use of his cane and he grabbed George’s arm to stop him from pushing open the door but his younger twin used this to his advantage and opened the door after pushing Fred against it.
“You git!” Fred hollered at the door, George now safely tucked inside with a smug grin. Fred went to grab his wand to unlock the door but George’s grin only grew wider as he waved Fred’s wand at him from behind the locked glass doors. “Let me in!” 
Fred’s voice ricocheted off the buildings and you weren’t so far that you couldn’t hear the voice that you had missed dearly. It was a bit deeper now but you could still tell that it was his. You were frozen, feet paused on the cobblestone as Fred yelled at George. Why had George locked him out? You turned to watch as Fred shoved his shoulder against the door but with a sigh and a swing of his cane that did nothing to change George’s mind, Fred stopped yelling and stopped trying to get back in.
Fred looked down the street and found you were watching. 
“He won’t let me in until I talk to you, you know,” Fred raised his voice just so you could hear him. You weren’t far but he couldn’t see the details of your face, couldn’t see what color shirt you had on under your jacket. Far enough that his voice didn’t quiver like he feared it would as he spoke his first words to you in years. 
Your cheeks grew hot with embarrassment. Of course the both of them had seen you all the nights you’d spent as they’d closed up their shop. You hadn’t tried to stay hidden but you had hoped that a stranger on the street would escape their notice. 
Your voice was caught in your throat but you took a step towards Fred, then two. Then you were arms length away from him and you felt like you couldn’t breathe. “He’s a git,” You finally achieved in speaking and Fred let out a bark of laughter. 
“Years we haven’t talked and the first thing you say is an insult to my favorite person on the planet,” Fred chuckled, shaking his head good-naturedly when a sudden look of worry flashed on your face. “No, I suppose you’re right he is a bit of a git,” 
“Didn’t mean to get you kicked out of the shop,” 
“He was tired of me never saying anything when you....visit.” Fred decided on. Were you visiting? Watching? He wasn’t quite sure what your intentions were when you sat outside but he hoped it meant you missed him like he missed you. 
“Fred I-” 
“Did you know I found a necklace of yours a couple months ago? Somehow it’d gotten tangled on the thread of an old shirt of mine and I just stumbled upon it looking through my closet... Was a bit of a wreck after that. Must’ve been so pitiful because Georgie told me something I don’t think he was supposed to,” 
“O-oh?” You squeaked, eyes growing wide with curiosity and a bit of fear. You still couldn’t read Fred. Was he upset? Was he sad? Or was he completely over it all? You weren’t sure how you’d feel if he had moved on completely. You prayed that what he had felt months ago finding your necklace was still present within his heart. 
“Told me when I was sleeping after I’d been hurt that you’d come ‘round and just sat with me for a second before he’d come over. Said you didn’t want me knowing you’d been there. Why didn’t you want me knowing?” 
His voice had become strained and his honey brown eyes followed your every move as you fidgeted in place, all the color vanished from your face. 
“Didn’t think it would matter to you if I had been there or not, so why confuse you with the news that I had been there and scared to death that you were gone?” You choked out, thinking of Fred no longer being here to live and laugh and bring those things to other people was impossible to bear. 
“I’ve been confused since the day you left me, Y/N,” Fred winced as your name rolled past his lips and you hated that you could see heartbreak in every line of his face and the slope of his lips. 
“Was for your own good Freddie,” You said and you still believed it. “Still is, I know things are different after the war but my family is still- Well my mum and sister are still in control and I can’t-” 
“Yeah, right,” Fred scoffed bitterly but let his eyes soften as he realized your father must have passed in the battle. “You can’t do anything without their permission. How's that going by the way? Does that poor guy you got strapped with realize you don’t love him? Does he even love you? Great way to live, Y/N,” 
“You’ve got a lot of nerve Fred Weasley,” You sniffled, the venom in his words bringing tears to your eyes. “If I didn’t leave you, Emily would’ve destroyed your reputation, destroyed any chance of the two of you and George ever having this shop and destroyed you and I in the process. She’s not the most powerful witch but she’s got my mom’s money lining her pockets and enough of it to convince other people to listen to what she says. I left so you could live out your dream,” 
“What about now? I’ve got the life I want and I’m not scared of your family, so why are you? Don’t you realize we could have figured something out together?” 
“I just...things can’t be different,” 
Fred watched you and he felt his stomach turn to steel. You truly believed nothing could ever change. He shook his head sadly, grounding his cane against the pebbles beneath his feet when his leg grew tired. His knuckles were white and hands cold. How long had you two been out here? Nothing had been solved and when Fred looked at you he felt like nothing ever could be. You’d given up. 
“I want to love you Y/N, I do love you,” Fred admitted, watching your breath catch in your throat. “But when I look at you, I don’t see the girl I fell in love with. I-If I thought that you could leave what-his-name-”
“Ian,” You supplied for no reason other than to keep your tears at bay. 
“If I thought that you could leave Ian and defy your mum, I’d ask you to be mine right away.” 
“Why do you think that I can’t?” You wanted to reach out to him, to tell him you could figure out something, but the pit in the bottom of your gut was telling you otherwise. Even now you were scared of your family. 
“You know why. Or should I ask you to be mine?” 
“I am yours,” You chewed on your lip, unable to meet his eyes as you spoke the truth. “Never stopped being yours, but-” 
Fred scoffed. “Exactly... It’s always going to be something Y/N. I miss you and trust me I do love you but if you can’t promise that you aren’t going to spook at the first sign of trouble from your family then I don’t think we can be together again,” 
“What if I lied to them?” You begged, finally getting enough courage to grab Fred’s arm and you felt your stomach flip as you caught scent of his cologne. He hadn’t changed it since school. 
“I deserve more than that,” Fred sighed. “I can’t be a secret, Y/N. And I know it wouldn’t be everyone but what does that lie mean? Does that lie mean you’ll stay with Ian and I’ll just be a late night call after you’re done with work? Does it mean I’ll only go to your place when he’s gone? I can’t be that for you,” 
“Y-you’re right,” You sighed and Fred felt his heart break all over again. You wouldn’t change, not even for him. 
“Goodbye Y/N,” 
And with that, he was shuffling back into his shop, the door having been unlocked the second Fred had turned away from it. 
Not trying to hide your tears this time, you apparated home and when Ian caught your eye, he didn’t ask. You locked yourself in your bedroom and didn’t come out. 
 “It’s too bloody early for this,” Fred grumbled, head pounding and eyes burning as he shuffled from his bed to his apartment’s door. Neither of the twins usually got visitors past the lobby of the shop so he was surprised when a rapid knocking had rung out while he’d been sulking in his arm chair. 
George had awarded him the day off with a, “Get back in bed, you’ll scare off a;; the customers today and I don’t feel like losing the money.” Fred was thankful for it after he’d spent the previous day in bed after he’d spoken with you. Why hadn’t he been enough for you? 
His scowl was ready on his face when he flung the door open. You stood there with a bashful smile and without a second thought, Fred slammed the door closed.
“Haven’t you done enough damage?” Fred asked through the wood. 
“George let me up,” You called back. 
“Doesn’t mean I want to see you,” He shot back and your heart lurched uncomfortably. 
“What if I told you you wouldnt be a secret? That I spent the last two days removing myself from my family and moving to a different flat? That I’m a coward and a fool but I know better now and I don’t ever want to let you go again, if you’ll have me....” 
“I’d say that’s a bit quick,” Fred mumbled, eyebrows knit together as he opened the door back and you let out a breath of relief. He was listening at least. 
“Been wanting to leave them for ages, been ready to just vanish at the drop of a hat but I never had the courage and I didn’t think I had it but you’re right and I’m not living much of a life. I’m tired of being their puppet and I’m tired of breaking the heart of someone I only want to make happy,” 
“Don’t say it if you don’t mean it,” 
You hated seeing Fred so guarded but you knew he had more than enough reasons to be. You’d been terrible to him and made him believe that he couldn’t believe a word you said. The lies were over now. 
“I love you Fred Weasley and I left once to protect your future but now I’m back and asking you to let me protect your heart,” 
When Fred wrapped his arms around you and held tight, you squeezed back just as ferociously. Never again would you make him feel like you didn’t love him with everything within you. If your mother and sister tried to ruin your happiness, you would have him by your side to fight back. 
You finally felt at home.
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sableu3 · 4 years
Day 37
100 Days of 100 Prompts
Clarke jerks up and looks around with wide eyes. Everything around her seems much larger than normal like it was made for someone twice her size and it’s that detail that sticks out to her first. Then she sees the actual objects and metal walls and knows she’s on the ark, or part of it. She doesn’t remember the rooms being so large though. As she stumbles out of bed she notices her feet and hands are smaller and her center of gravity is different. She stumbles on skinny legs and looks down at herself in horror. Her first thought, embarrassingly, is ‘My boobs are gone.’ Her next thought as she stares at her gangly limbs is, ‘What age am I?’ She rushes out of her room and over to her parents room. She slides the door open and runs up to her dad who looks younger than she ever remembers seeing him before. “Dad!” She shakes his shoulder and he grumbles, “Dad! Get up!” “What is it, pumpkin?” He mumbles as he sits up in bed. “How old am I right now? What year is it?” She’s actually in a full blown panic by the time he squints at her. Jake rubs his hand over his face and sighs before getting up and leading her into the living room. He sits on the couch and Clarke doesn’t exactly scramble up but it’s a close thing, she has to hop a bit for her butt to clear the cushion. “Now, what’s this all about? Did you have a bad dream?” “No. When I went to bed last night I was 24 years old and my daughter was sleeping next to me. When I woke up I looked like this and we are back on the Ark. I have no idea what’s going on but I need to get back to Madi. God!” She bursts out as another thought occurs to her, “Bellamy is going to panic when he finds out I’m gone. Dad, I have to get back to my family!” She’s breathing sharply and Jake is fully awake after her mini tirade. “Okay, calm down Clarke.” His mind races, “You said you were 24 when you went to bed last night. You have 24 years worth of memories or did you just dream of being older?” He’s trying to get her to see logically that this is just a product of a dream. “No, I have 24 years worth of memories. Ask me anything.” Clarke understands his process by now and knows he will need to work through his own steps to come to terms with this. The familiar cool logic of her dad does help to calm her though. “Okay, What do we do for your birthday next year?” “I don’t even know how old I am right now so I don’t know which birthday you’re asking about.” She rolls her eyes at him. He smiles and answers, “You’re six Clarke.” She nods and then thinks, “That was a really long time ago. I know Wells got sick for one of my early birthdays. You got me a sketchpad for my 8th birthday.” She tries to think back but huffs in exasperation, “It doesn’t matter, it’s not like you’ll know if I’m telling the truth or not.” She thinks about it for a minute and tries to think if there is anything she knows, that she shouldn’t at this age, that would prove her story. “Okay, look, I’m just gonna tell you what I remember happening.”
[She can tell him football scores from the games they watched when she was older. He can check on the tv/tablet She tells him about the oxygen problem and going to earth. That there are people there who survived and they can too but another apocalypse is coming. She tells him about Bellamy and his sister Octavia after SWEARING him to silence on the matter. Like, don’t you dare do anything to hurt them! She explains everything that happened on the ground and about the grounders. He takes it all in and looks stunned. He grabs a recorder and asks her to start over. She huffs out a sigh but does and he stops and asks her questions sometimes. She answers. She even speaks a couple phrases in Trig for him and explains the language. They take a break and Abby wakes up at some point and goes to work after being vaguely waved off by Jake. “So you believe me?” Clarke asks. Jake looks mildly disturbed, “There are too many details for this to be a random dream. I don’t know what I believe other than that I need to look into this. If any of this is true… “ He shakes his head and they start again. Maybe he asks if she knows where Bellamy lives, wants to verify Octavia. She tells him everything she knows about the Blakes but other than the fact that they’re from Factory station she has no idea where to find them. He looks it up and they head off. She again swears him to silence and makes him promise to not hurt them or scare them. Aurora answers the door and Bellamy is still there (maybe its the weekend and not a school day) Clarke grins and rushes up to hug Bellamy. Jake smiles nervously and asks if they can come in and talk to her about something. They step in and Aurora shuts the door behind her. There’s no couch or anything to sit on, it’s just one room. He apologizes and explains that his daughter had this crazy dream about Bellamy and Octavia and thinks they are going to go to Earth with her. Aurora is freaked out obviously. Jake can see it in her face and rushes to reassure her that they wont tell anyone, he justed wanted to verify his daughters story because it’s crazy but it could save lives. And maybe Bellamy or Octavia remembers too. Maybe O knocks on the floor and Bellamy jumps before giving his mom a nervous look. She nods and they open the hiding spot for O to crawl out.
She has a triumphant look on her face and rushes to hug Clarke. “I told him it was true, they didn’t believe me! Hi Clarke!” “Octavia! You remember it all too?” She’s stunned and excited. “Getting locked up in the skybox, Bel shooting that asshole to get on the drop ship and coming to earth with us, Lincoln.” The last bit is said so wistfully that Clarke hugs her. “What’s the last thing you remember? For me, it was six years after praimfaya and fucking McCreary dropped that hydrolythium bomb on Shallow Valley. We had just made it up to the Eligius ship and were figuring out what to do. I went to sleep with Madi in my arms and then woke up here.” “Same for me. I remember talking to Diyoza and getting left out of those discussions.” Her voice is slightly bitter which sounds odd on a five year old. Clarke’s face scrunches up, “O,” she hesitates. Octavia waves it off, “No, I get it. I was Blodreina. I don’t know if I can be redeemed from that.” Clarke’s features harden, “You did what you had to do to ensure the survival of your people.” She falters a moment and then adds, “in the bunker. Out of it… “ She gives a big sigh, “It’ll just take some time. You know all the things Bellamy and I have put each other through and we always forgive each other.” Octavia snorts, “That’s different. It’s you and Bellamy. The two of you would die for each other. In fact, you have.” She says pointedly, “You stayed behind during Praimfaya so that he could make it back to the ring and live. No matter how much shit you put each other through,” O shakes her head, “It was a shitty situation for everyone. You forgave him for putting the flame in your daughters head, Clarke. He’ll forgive you for leaving him in the fighting pits to save her.” She hesitates and then adds, “I am sorry by the way... for sending out that assassin.” Clarke bites her lip and then shakes her head, “You had to have known I would kill him. I don’t know why you tried honestly. But I get why you did it. We’ll be okay.”
Jake and Aurora are stunned. Bellamy is just looking back and forth between them as they talk. Bellamy would be 11 years old right now.
“Even if it was a really detailed dream, kids don’t talk like that. Hell, adults don’t talk like that. That’s not normal, right?” He asks as he looks to Aurora. She shakes her head vaguely with her mouth still hanging open.
“Um, sorry, dad. We’ll switch to trig for personal conversations so we don’t freak you out.” “I don’t think it would help much to hear my daughter speaking in another language she learned on the ground.” Clarke shrugged, “It might.”
So anyway, Bellamy starts asking questions now that he knows it’s real. He humored O before but he pays more attention now. Octavia has no problem answering any of them but Clarke reminds her he’s still just a kid and tells her to not freak him out too much. O snorts, “At least I don’t have to deal with you two making gooey eyes at each other at this age.” Clarke kicks her lightly
Later they go to bed and wake up when they are older. Do they time jump to like 10-11 years old and then 15-16 and so on or just all the way back to the future? If we do short jumps forward, we can see more gradually how things happen. Like maybe the first five years are spent trying to fix the oxygen. Then after that it’s about getting the exodus project up and running. Maybe Abby runs for chancellor and gets it instead of Jaha. Maybe with each jump the memories get fuzzier because the past is changing. So eventually they get the Ark fixed up to last a while longer and take the exodus down early. They will be dealing with a young Lexa as commander and Clarke or Jake in Clarke’s place will warn her about Costia’s capture by Queen Nia. So they have time to explain to Lexa, deal with the bunker situation, get night blood made, negotiate with the mountain men, and find another bunker to fix up like The Greenbrier in WV. Obviously the Blakes get on the Exodus. Maybe they hold a lottery for all stations to have a chance once they have the essential personnel selected. Clarke of course argues for certain people and warns against others. So they are on the ground and praimfaya is over and eden is crawling with scientists and farmers and builders. They use Monty’s algae idea to make the soil arable and start trying at the edges of eden and around the bunkers. Eligius comes down and gets accepted easily(ish) after someone snipes McCreary. Or Jake explains the situation to Diyoza and she does it herself. So they’ve got homes built and a farm and are spreading out and repopulating when Clarke and Octavia come to. They are shocked by the differences and their old memories start to fade and have that dream like quality to them. Octavia is married to Lincoln and they have a two year old daughter. Clarke is married to Bellamy and they have a kid or two as well. Everyone is happy. HEA
(Just to explain a bit of my thought process: They couldn’t just stay in their younger bodies with their older memories because then Clarke and Bellamy would never be equals at all. So they go back to being kids with no memories of what happened but Jake has his recording and Clarke was thorough. The two families remain close and of course Bellamy remembers what the girls talked about. Eventually when she is old enough, they do develop crushes on each other and try dating. The girls had everything explained to them when they were old enough but don’t really remember it, until later at least and by then it just seems like a bad dream.)
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Queen of the Dead (Pt.1)
"No you go first!" Helena pushed her friend's arm slightly, laughing as they sat on her bed.
"Ok- promise you wont laugh?" Bones (he picked the name himself), looked nervously at Helena for confirmation, Helena gave a slight nod.
"I have a qpp-" Bones replied, shrinking back slightly.
"Why would I laugh at that? That's great!" Helena said, giving him a slight punch on the shoulder.
"I uh- tripped over a trash can, nearly spilled their lunch, and managed to get hot soup on my pants immediately after asking them-" Helena had to bite her lip at that one.
"You said you wouldnt laugh!" Bones pouted.
"I'm not laughing! I'm not!" Helena replied, desperately trying to hold it together.
"You were going to! I can tell!" Bones said, now barely holding back his own laughter.
"What! You have to admit it is kind of funny," Helena said, covering her mouth as she relaxed.
"Ok- fine, maybe a little funny," Bones said grumpily.
"So tell me about them!" Helena said excitedly.
"Short, blue hair, cutest chubby cheeks you've ever seen- gods I could hold their face in my hands all day- brown eyes," Bones said.
"Oooohhhh! You mean Honey!" Helena said as the peices finally clicked in her head.
"Yeah! I thought you didnt know each other?" Bones tilted his head slightly.
"Not well, they help me in Japanese sometimes," Helena replied.
"Oh- yeah I think they mentioned that, they dont blame you, they had the same issue learning english," Bones continued.
"So are you going to tell me what you did or are you gonna keep putting it off? Did you murder your husband or something? Are you a tragically widowed old rich lady now?" Bones laughed at the look of annoyance on Helena's face.
"For your information, no, I did not murder the husband that I have yet to aquire, I got a tattoo," Helena said, turning around her back was facing her best friend.
"No way! You told me you chickened out!" Bones said, looking at the skull, roses, and wings now permanently staining Helena's pale skin.
"If I remember correctly, you were the one who wanted to chicken out," Helena said.
"What? Nonono they just didnt have good enough colors, I'm not a chicken!" Bones said, pouting.
"Bones I told you, as long as you get a more vibrant color itll stay, I mean cmon light colors wont even stay that easily on my skin, and you once lost me in a snow storm," Helena replied.
"I'd probably have lost you in a bath and body works to if we could have gone to the mall," Bones said with a laugh.
"Ew dont make me think about that! I may be basic but I'm not that basic!" Helena giggled, running a hand over her strawberry blonde pixie to fix the red headband she'd tied in it.
"You cried because they ran out of your favorite Starbucks drink once," Bones said sardonically. Helena let out a whine.
"Alright you two! Dinner time!" Helena's mother called from downstairs.
"Coming!" Helena said, hopping off her bed and racing downstairs.
"Oh sure, leave me here, I'll be fine," Bones said sarcastically as he got up.
"Its Spaghetti Saturday! I cant just wait!" Helena replied.
"Ok like- you're so white that I'm surprised hanging out with you for ten years hasnt blinded me yet," Bones replied as he sat down next to her.
"Oh shut up and eat your twink worms-" Helena said.
Bones had just brought the fork to his face before he burst out laughing. "T-twink worms????" He said as he tried to catch his breath.
"Yeah! They're skinny, they're hairless, and they look like worms!" Helena said.
"Helena all worms are skinny and hairless," Bones said.
"Then all worms are twinks," Helena replied.
"If either one of you brings a raw chicken out to prove a point I'm banning you from talking in the dining room," Helena's mother said as she sat down.
"Ma'am please dont give her any ideas," said Bones.
"Hey! If I want to put a chicken corpse on the table I'll do it!" Helena said. Her mother let out a sigh.
Bones and Helena raced back upstairs immeadietly following dinner, Helena pulling out her laptop as soon as she got on the bed. She pulled up Skype and clicked on one of the side icons, waiting to see if her friend was available before calling.
It took a few minutes before she got a response, but xe had initiated a call almost immediately after.
"Hey Rue," Helena said as the mess of dark brown curls popped up on the screen. Rue's hair was, as usual, pulled into a ponytail, not that it did much for xem, since it was already so thick.
"Helena, hey, big news, the biggest news," Rue said as xe looked into the camera.
"What is it?" Helena said, foot shaking slightly from where it hung off the edge of the bed.
"TWO new sightings since yesterday! One of them a full bodied apparition! Can you believe it!" Rue said excitedly.
"Completley? No smokey limbs or anything?" Helena asked.
"Full-bodied! No missing anything!" Rue said, clapping xir hands together and letting out a small squeak.
"And what about the second one?" Bones asked, leaning his head on Helena's lap.
"Just a head, it kept chanting, I think it was french?" Rue said as xe twirled a strand of hair around xir finger.
"Ooohhh! French revolution ghost! But why would that be in America?" Bones said, raising an eyebrow.
"Haunted object, curse, really dedicated arch nemesis, who knows," Rue said.
The trio kept talking about ghosts for a while, and then it was time for Bones to go home.
"I'll see you at school tomorrow!" Helena said as she closed the door.
"Dont get hit by a bus!" Bones replied with a salute. Helena laughed as she closed the door.
"Helena dear?" Her mother said from the living room.
"Yeah mom?" Helena said, turning on her heel.
They waited for a while
"Its- nothing- nevermind- go on to sleep," he mother said, Helena merely shrugged and made her way to her room, staring lazily at the glow in the dark painted stars on her ceiling as she drifted off to sleep.
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taki118 · 4 years
List of Reincarnated into the Villainess of an Otome/Romance Novel Series I Like
Soooooo I’ve gotten sucked into the very specific isekai subgenre?trope? Of girl gets reincarnated into an otome game or romance novel she loves but is the villainess. It’s kind funny how similar these all are but at the same time so different. Now these arent all the titles just the ones I’ve read for at least a volume and like. (if asked i might make a list of the ones that failed for me). I’m gonna separate by types. and if you know of any other titles please do tell me.
Received Past Memories during Childhood
(The story starts with the MC remembering her past life as a child and growing up with the knowledge)
I Reincarnated into an Otome Game as a Villainess With Only Destruction Flags...
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So this one has a good deal of traction since it has an anime adaption currently running, but I’ll be honest it’s not one of favs. This series is primarily a harem comedy and most of the jokes deal with the MC’s expectations from the game not matching her new reality and not realizing why, which can be very fun, if one note. The characters are likeable which is why I keep reading but I think some other titles on this list use the concept far better.  There is also a spin off version where the MC doesnt get her old memories until later in life and has to deal with the actions of the game character, but it’s fairly the same you arent missing much if you dont read it. 
The Villainess Want to Marry a Commoner
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So in this one the MC isn’t trying to avoid a bad end rather she’s very excited to be able to romance her favorite NPC whom she wished was romance-able. (which honestly mood) I’m not very far in but it really takes the whole this is a game the furthest as there are stat checks and the MC basically carried over all the items and skills acquired in her past playthroughs.
Survive as the Hero’s Wife
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A web series, this one takes place in a book and the main pair are married as children and the MC plays double agent for the series antagonist to keep her and the LI safe. It’s fairly involved with a larger cast of characters but I’ll be honest this is one of the titles I feel would be stronger if it was just a straight fantasy series, the whole Isekai aspect feels like it’s there just to make the plot move quicker. But all around a good read. 
Fiancée’s Observation Log of the Self-proclaimed Villainess
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Now this one has a fun twist on the formula in that it’s told from the perspective of the love interest. Some of the faults other titles are plague with are avoided here as the main character himself has no knowledge of the world being a game, his fiance does but while she’s happy to tell him she’ll be a great villainess and get him a happy ending with the heroine she never tells him why thats so important so he’s left in the dark and thereby so are we. I will give a warning there is  bit of fat shaming in this as the original games villainous was chubby  but this version is skinny, like its not awful but its not the best implication that bad is chubby and good is skinny.
The Evil Lady's Hero
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Another webseries set in a novel while we dont see the MC in childhood (save for some flashbacks) it’s stated she’s had her old memories since then. What I really like about this series is the MC’s personality and set up. So she died well into her 20s  and as such she is a bit more mature and levelheaded than most MC’s, her plan was to avoid the main cast of the books as much as possible but ends up drunkenly sleeping with the male lead leading to them dating. Her thought being I’ll just enjoy this for now and let him break up with me when he meets the heroine, all good. The pair play well off each other and I’m curious to see where the story goes.
The Result of Being Reincarnated is Having a Master-Servant Relationship with the Yandere Love Interest
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Now this one has a lot of fun with this concept as there are two other characters who were reincarnated like the MC. Because this game had only yandere love interests even the “good” endings arent that good, the MC also has limited knowledge as she didnt get to play all the way through so she feels less omnipotent than other protagonists, and along with not being the only person displaced it gives the series a nice refreshing feel.  
Received Past Memories as Young Adult (The story starts with the MC remembering her past life after/during the events of the game/book)
I’m a Villainous Daughter, so I’m going to keep the Last Boss
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So I actually really love this series and wanna read the light novel version. The MC regains her memories during the beginning of the bad end for the villainess and thinking quickly saves face to run off and find the main antagonist of the  game the demon king who happens to be a secret route on the second play through. Its a very fun read but gets a little dark in later chapters I wont spoil cause its good but there is an attempted rape scene. 
Simply Good Sense for a Duke’s Daughter
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This one kills me cause the world building and characters are so strong and dense it’s actually weakened by the fact that the MC was reincarnated is really just kinda brushed off most the time. As you get more and more invested the only real purpose her being reincarnated into an otome has is like some ideas for products to sell and how to make things that dont exist in this world yet. Like I wont say I don’t enjoy it but I think I’d enjoy it more if it was just a fantasy story. 
Beware the Villainess
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God I love this webseries. The MC is just a delight as she decides she wont be evil but she wont be good either. What I like about this series is it kinda plays with the fact that the setting is a trashy romance novel cause as the MC learns more about the main characters of the novel she finds that the descriptions in the book dont match up because it’s very surface level. Example a merchant whos said to be very smart and savvy in the books is actually rather easy to outsmart, MC realizes it’s cause the writer only ever wrote he was smart never HOW he was smart. I would def give this one a read its a lot of fun. 
For Certain Reasons, The Villainess Noble Lady Will Live Her Post-Engagement Annulment Life Freely
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This is again another series I think would be stronger if it was straight fantasy. The MC of this story actually has no idea the world is an otome game, she was  nurse in her past life and uses that knowledge for the betterment of the land, (though actually its hard to tell if she was really reincarnated or just has the memories of this person) The story could have moved just as well if the MC was given like a medical textbook from a mysterious other world. But the characters are fun so its not awful just not one of my favorites. 
Reincarnated but not as Villainess 
I Am Troubled That My Fiance Is a Villain
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The MC is reincarnated into an otome game with her memories as a child but as a side character, she ends up endearing herself and becoming engaged to the games villain character. Its very cute because she doesnt have to worry about a bad end she doesnt try to interfere much just keep those around her safe. 
Seduce The Villain's Father
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Web series MC gets reincarnated into a novel as a minor character, as the story takes place prior to the events of the book she changes things to keep her new sister safe and uses the opportunity to try and avoid more tragic events. Its not bad I’d say the idea itself is interesting though its a little uncomfortable she calls the male lead “father” 
A Villain Is A Good Match For A Tyrant
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Ok so this web series is kinda hilarious and I do have to spoil a little cause the person reincarnated is NOT our lead, its our villain. So this person was actually the author of the story, she had written a novel about a girl being reincarnated into the bastard daughter of a lord who gets engaged to a tyrant and has to pretend to be evil to stay safe from his enemies, and the author is so PISSED she reincarnated into a random priestess. Its so weirdly meta. The MC is the lord’s bastards and the events play out just like story only she doesnt get her body taken over. This series is very fun, cant wait to see how it goes. 
Anyway this is my list if you have suggestions for me I’ll check them out. Will probably make another list later. 
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supernaturaltfwmeme · 5 years
Between the lines. Part 4
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Summary:The reader is at Stanford with Sam and a few other familiar faces. She gets introduced to Dean, an FBI agent for help with a paper. The two grow even closer when Dean learns about her daughter and her troublesome situation. Check out the other parts here.
Pairing: Dean x reader.
Warnings: Language, Domestic abuse.
Something about this whole thing didn’t sit right with Dean and he wasn’t going anywhere until he knew you were ok. He knocked on the door again louder this time.
Inside Daniel Grabbed you and shoved you towards the door.
“Get rid of him.” He spat. You didn’t want to know what would happen if you went against him so you carefully opened the door. You came face to face with a worried dean.
“Y/n/n, what the hell happened to you? Are you ok?” Dean asked trying to look around you.
“I’m fine de. I just fell.” You lied.
“If you ‘just fell’ why did you tell Charlie you got into a fight at the bar.” Shit of course Charlie would talk to Dean about it, she’s known the Winchesters her whole life.  
“I knew Charlie wouldn’t believe that I fell.” You say. Technically that wasn’t a lie.
“Neither do I y/n/n.” You step outside closing the door behind you.
“Dean you have to go.”
“I’m not leaving until I know you’re ok sweetheart.”  
“Dean I'm fine really but I need you to leave please.” you try and push him back towards his car. You were getting desperate. You knew if Dean stayed any longer Daniel would hurt him too.
“Y/n what the hell is goin’ on?”
“Look I can’t talk right now ok just please leave ok, I promise I'm fine just go before..”
“Before what?”
“Before it gets worse.”
“Dean just go home.” You snapped. But it did the trick Dean just sighed defeatedly before heading back over to his car. You watched him pull off and leave before heading back inside. The second you got inside Daniel was screaming again. You knew what was coming.
A few days had gone by since you Dean had shown up on your doorstep, he’d been none stop calling and texting you to make sure you we’re alright. Every time he did, Daniel got more and more angry at you. He was convinced you had cheated on him that night, apart from to go to classes, work and pick Amelia up, he hadn’t let you out of his sight. You’d been avoiding all of your friends; you knew that they had an idea of what was happening but they didn’t understand nobody would understand. And that’s why you couldn’t tell them.  
You were just leaving the library when you felt someone grab your wrist and pull you down the side of the building out of sight, you winced at the contact. They had barely even touched you but you already had a particularly nasty bruise there. And just about everywhere else that your clothes would cover. You looked up at the person whose hand was attached to your arm. It was Sam. And Charlie was standing just behind him. Sam noticed you wince at the contact and gently pulled your sleeve up seeing the purple skin before sharing a look with Charlie. You didn’t dare look at them.
“Y/n/n I know you probably don’t want to but please tell us what happened. We're your friends we can help.” Sam said sympathetically. You shook your head.
“You can’t help no one can.”
“Y/n we already know what happening, but you need to talk to us. It might make you feel a little better just to talk about it.” Charlie added.
“You won’t understand.” You said furiously wiping at the tear that had made its way down your face.
“Try us.” Sam said, giving you a reassuring smile. You took a shaky breath and finally made eye contact with your friends.
“Daniel he- uh- he likes to drink and when w-when he gets drunk he gets so mad and and..” You couldn’t finish the sentence. Tears now flowing freely down your face. Charlie pulled you into a tight hug for a minute until you had calmed down before letting go.
“y/n/n, why don’t you just leave him?” Sam asked.
“I can’t it’s not that simple.” you admitted.
“Why not?”
“Because he has us trapped there, he pays all the bills my job just covers the stuff I need for school and my car, he pays for everything else. And nobody is going to take us in. I don’t have any family to turn to. But he only hits me and I can deal with it.” You rambled without thinking.
“Us?” Sam asked confused. Your eyed went wide and you started to panic again. That is until you felt Charlie lightly squeeze your upper arm.
“Y/n, just tell him. It’s Sam he’s not going to judge you.” You nodded your head taking another shaky breath. Charlie was right.
“I have a daughter.”
“You woah that’s, wait she’s not Daniel’s, is she?”
“Thank god. What’s her name? How old is she?” Sam asked a little excited.
“Amelia and she’s 4.”
“Wow. Can I meet her?” Sam sounded almost nervous. That made you smile. You were seriously beginning to question why you ever hid her from your friends.
“Of course you can, I'm sure she’d love to meet her uncle Sammy.”
“Oh my god I'm an uncle, this is oh my god I need to sit down.”  You couldn’t help but laugh at Sam as he sat down on the nearby wall.  
“Y/n, you really need to both get out of that house or get Daniel out, if not for you then for that little girl.” Charlie said
“I can’t.”
“Maybe you should talk to Dean, he can help. Hell it’s literally his job.” Sam added.
“Sam I c..”
“Can’t I know, but can you at least think about it.”
“Ok I'll think about it.” You promised.  
“Sam one more thing.” Sam looked in your direction.
“You can’t tell anyone about Amelia ok?”
“I wont y/n/n. Promise.”
Later that night you were at home getting ready for work, you were trying to find an outfit that would cover your bruises, without making you to hot. You settled on a pair of blue skinny jeans with rips at the knees, a white top with long black sleeves and an ACDC logo on it and your black high-top converse. Not too long after you were pulling into the parking lot of a local bar, known as Harvelle’s roadhouse. It was the cops local watering hole of choice and also happened to be where you worked.
“Hey there Cinderella.” You couldn’t help but laugh at Ash’s nickname for you.  
“Really ash, you’re never gonna let that one go, are you?” You said as you walked behind the bar, tying an apron around your waist.  
“Never.” Ash turned to face you.
“Jesus Cinders, those bruises still there? How hard did this girl hit you?” Ash asked referring to the lie you had told him about the fight you’d had with a girl when you went out the other night.
“Eh don’t worry about it Ash, I've had worse.” It was sad but true. You slid Ash a PBR.
“Where’s Jo? I thought she was working tonight?” Ash didn’t say anything just nodded his head to the pool table at the other end of the room where Jo was laughing at something a guy was saying and twirling her hair.  After a few minutes of Jo not getting the reaction she wanted she walked back over to the bar.
“Struck out Jo?” you teased.
“I’m not sure, maybe he’s playing hard to get.” She sulked leaning against the bar. The man Jo was talking to was playing pool with two other men and two women. The guy and one of his friends had their backs to you, but you could see the other man and the two women. The other guy looked older maybe mid 50’s and was wearing a suit. The woman with the short dark hair was wearing some sort of police uniform and looked around mid 40’s and the slightly short woman had long blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail and was also wearing a police uniform looked to be in her early 30’s.  
You turned your attention to a random customer waiting at the bar, not noticing the group approach the other end of the bar where Jo was to take a seat after having finished their game. You turned around to talk to Jo and noticed a familiar face.
“Cas?” You walked over to the four people sitting there, the man Jo had been flirting with was nowhere to be seen.
“y/n is that you?” you smiled at the slightly older man.
“It’s good to see you again.”  
“You too Cassy.” Cas pulled his face at the nickname.
“Well would you look what the cat dragged in.” You heard a familiar voice say from behind Cas. The man Jo had been flirting with.
“Dean.” You smiled. “What are you doing here?”  
“It’s a bar sweetheart.” You laughed at that.
“Wait you two know each other?” Jo asked.
“Yeah this is Sam’s big brother.”
“Oh so this is the guy you were out with when you were ignoring my texts.” Jo teased making you blush.
“Ooo had cinders got a crush.” Ash joined in.
“Oh shut it ‘Dr badass’. “
“Cinders ay?” Dean raised an eyebrow.
“As in Cinderella.” You explained.
“Why does he call you Cinderella?”  
“Because it doesn’t matter if she’s at work or you’ve convinced her to come out, she always disappears before midnight.” Jo explained laughing. Making you roll your eyes.
“That’s funny I couldn’t get rid of you until midday.” Dean added taking a swig of his beer.  
“Oh you had to make that sound so much worse than it was didn’t you.” You laughed. Jo, Cas and Ash looking between you both and the obvious flirting going on.
“Are you not gonna introduce us ya idgit.” The older man Said to Dean.
“Sorry, y/n/n this is bobby, my boss. And this is Jody and Donna, they both work at the station where my mom does, and Jody is and old friend of Bobby’s too. Guys this is Y/n y/l/n. She goes to school with Sammy.” Dean explained. You all greeted each other and carried on the conversation. You and Dean flirted back and forth for the rest of your shift.  
Over the next couple of weeks you and Dean texted back and forth getting closer every day. You hid it front Daniel as best as you could, deleting messages and stuff. He didn’t like you being friends with Charlie, never mind Sam and now Dean. Today was no different, Dean had just finished his morning shift, and you were stuck at school.
I’ve got to go to my stupid creative writing class and it sucks it’s so boring. You texted Dean.
Oh come on, it can’t be that bad. Dean texted back
I mean Sam, Charlie and Jess are in the class with me, but it still sucks.
If only you had someone to save you from it.  
Yeah if only. You replied but Dean never texted you back.  
After about 20 minutes of class someone knocked on the door.
“Come in.” your teacher, Professor Crowley, said. In walked Dean in his suit and flashed his badge.  
“Mr Crowley is it? I’m Agent Winchester i need a word with one of your students and I wouldn’t expect her back a er.” Dean make a dramatic show of flipping through a notebook and stopping on a page before continuing.  
“Miss y/n y/l/n?”
“Yes of course, you heard the agent y/n.” Crowley ushered you out. Sam, Jess and Charlie could barely hold back their laughter.
When you got outside the class room you turned to Dean.
“De what the hell is going on?”
“I’m saving you from the boring class sweetheart, now let’s go before Sammy, Charlie and Jess blow my cover.” Dean grabs your hand and starts dragging you down the hallway. You felt a jolt of electricity run through you at the contact but didn’t let go.  Dean didn’t drop you hand until you made it to the impala and both climbed inside.
Before Dean could even start the car his phone buzzed in his pocket. It was a text from Sam.
Could of got us all out of here De.
When you look like her Sammy maybe I will
Jerk. Dean Laughed putting his phone down and starting the car
“Where are we going?” You asked.
“You’ll just have to wait and see sweetheart.” Dean laughed.
“Really De, you kidnap me from class and can’t even tell me where your taking me.”
“Pretty much.”
“Fine.” You pouted, “but I have to be back here for 3.” you told him.
“Why’s that?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know Winchester.” Dean drove for a little while, drumming on the steering wheel and dancing in his seat making you laugh, before pulling up to an empty field on the edge of town turning his music up and climbing out of the car leaving his door open and instructing you to do the same. He went to his trunk and pulled out his blanket and a couple of beers. He put down the blanket laying down of top of it and patting the space next to him. He passed you a beet and just stared up at the sky.  
“Dean what are we doing?”
“Cloud gazing.” He said as if it was the most obvious thing.
“Because you won’t let me take you out late enough to stargaze.” He shrugged. You spent the next few hours pointing out random clouds and coming up with ridiculous things they were and just talking it was nice.
You and Dean had been getting along so well recently, you really felt like there could be something there. Maybe someone would actually want you and could help you get away from Daniel. The only problem was he didn’t know about Amelia yet. But you were going to change that. You were going to tell him. Today
On the drive back to Stanford, you turned to Dean.
“Hey de.”
“Yeah, sweetheart?”
“I have something to...” You were interrupted by the sound of Deans phone ringing. He gave you an apologetic smile.
“Sorry do you mind if I?”
“No go ahead.”
“Winchester.” Dean said answering the phone, his face immediately dropped. You could only hear Deans side of the conversation.
“Lisa I don’t know how many times I have to tell you we’re not getting back together. Ever.” Dean paused for a minute letting the person on the other end, Lisa, talk.
“You know why.” He paused again.
“Because I refuse to raise a child that’s not mine.”  
Tags: @waywardaardvark79 @vicmc624 @frackinawesomeninja @carryon-doctor-lock @supernatural508​
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