#because oh my god he's a child fuse
brightgoat · 8 months
Hey hi! I’ve been an avid follower of yours for awhile for your Pucci art but, this green child au has me hooked more and more lately! Your art is stunning by the way, thank you for posting!! The final metamorphosis panel has me excited for the next installment you share ngl.
Anyways, I was wondering if I could ask a few things about it? Specifically, what has happened after O-moon came into the picture, and the buildup to part 13 and 14? Of course if you wish to keep things vague or don’t know, there’s no need to answer! I’m just curious.
When did Jotaro get alerted to the incident and decided to finally come around? Did he encounter Pucci first or Jolyne? After the revelations that O-moon revealed to Jolyne, how did her perceptions of her father and Pucci shift? Did Jolyne ever figure out what Pucci was most likely about to do to FF while they were cornered by him? Have you thought about how Weather Report factors into this AU at all (since he’s probably in prison at this point)?
Sorry for the bombardment, and again no pressure to answer these if you don’t wish to!
- Kimera
Greetings! Thank you very much for the compliment, hope the payoff to that comic was satisfying haha
So, I wanna keep things vague with this AU, telling the main story beats through images and short comics- not only cuz I like it that way but also cuz... I haven't decided a lot of the details hahaha-
Answering this via lore dump, hope you like reading, this can be just one of many ways it could've happened:
I imagined that while Pucci and Jolyne were out getting souls, Jotaro was studying whatever is left of Dio's followers, and eventually tracks down Pucci, and travels to the US. Perhaps he finds out Pucci has been tutoring Jolyne from Jolyne's mum (who knows maybe they reconnected).
Oh and yes, Jolyne's mum knows abt Pucci, but of course not who he really is.
During this, Jolyne has awakened the Green Baby and fused with it. Jotaro may even sense that something is wrong through their family psychic bond thing.
Jotaro, realizing Pucci is a step ahead of him by already taking in his own daughter, tracks Pucci down to the church and confronts him there, sparing no time and going straight to beating answers out of him, where's Jolyne, what happened to her, what's your plan etc.
I had this thought, that once Jolyne fuses with the green baby, she inherits a bit of Dio's knowledge, and it helps her realise she's been getting used by Pucci all along. Not only that, she inherits the will to go to Heaven, and it drives her to complete the plan, she's strung along by fate now.
Now obviously she feels betrayed by Pucci, but still sympathetic to him, and rescues him from Jotaro. She's conflicted, she's angry, the only reason both Pucci and Jotaro reached out was because of some bigger-than-her plot, and not because of herself. She doesn't know how much of what Pucci gave her was genuine or because of her use to him.
(had this idea for a scene that right after Jolyne rescues Pucci, all three of them are still in church and Pucci realises she's transformed, he yells for her to stay still so he can get Whitesnake to take whatever's inside her out, but as soon as Whitesnake reaches out, a hand bursts out, he thinks it's Stone Free and suddenly JUMPSCARE O-Moon jumps out at him and the reversed-gravity throws everyone away from her-)
The only friend she has left is FF, and yes she finds out what Pucci did to them, furthering her anger. So she drags FF along with her, they are eachothers' only allies here, and although FF doesn't fully understand what's happening to Jolyne, they'll stay by her side (cue the uhhhh 'oh jolyne gave me so many memories and memories make up my intellect so i owe her yadda yadda-')
Aaaaand as for Weather, yeah mf's still in prison lmao I haven't thought too much about him. I wanted this to focus on Jolyne and Pucci, though if I did turn this AU into an entire actual story, Weather would probably come up at some point. God knows how though lmao-
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Platonic tadc cast with a child reader Who is like :
"hey, wanna see me do a cartwheel :D"
Basically very spontaneous and chaotic in the adventures lol
Ty!! (and remember to drink water) ;3
TADC cast x chaotic!kid!reader ! (Platonic)
Guys I'm literally so tired I just got done baking a ton of stuff, like I'm talking 12ish hours of non stop cooking and baking I'm going insane im trying so hard not to fall asleep rn because I kinda. Feel bad for not really answering requests today
Hope you enjoy anon!
Written on mobile
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Well well how the turn tables (writing caines portion last for once)
Very similar to kinger and ragatha in that he supports everything you do; in fact he encourages your behavior as long as no one is getting hurt. Very loudly (and sometimes obnoxiously) cheers for you
While kinger can only cheer and clap, I think Caine sets off sparkles and fireworks... probably has a whole group of bubbles cheering you on too , assuming there can be multiple bubbles at any given time (I personally think there can be, and they all share a hivemind of sorts)
So what was the occasion that prompted that?
A wonky cartwheel, of which you excited called "a sideways front flip"
(Fun fact from the admin, I called my first cartwheel that bc I didnt know it was called a cartwheel yet)
Anxious parental figure and hyper child, a dynamic that's hit or miss at least for me. Really it depends on how its executed
That said I think she struggles to keep up with you
Constantly scrambling around you make sure you dont fall into any danger. Literally and figuratively...
Her attempts to get you to sit down for more than five minutes fail
Your ass is failing the marshmallow test/j
No thoughts only that one clip from adventure time where BMO pretends to be a wheathervane before trying to nose dive off the roof, all while calling for finns attention. Thats you and ragatha, basically (in essence, not exact scenario though)... maybe zooble too, but we'll get there when we get there (I am currently having a brain blast)
Says things like "what am I gonna do with you" everyday, always lightheartedly of course and usually accompanied by a tired chuckle
Generally very supportive of you though, just so long as you're not hurting yourself! Sure, this is the digital world and injuries dont really stick, but still! The pain is still there
I mentioned the marshmallow test in pomnis part and I feel like jax would do something similar with you. Except the test is rigged and the candy (which he uses in place of the marshmallow( is actually for him and not for you. So if you actually earn the extra candy you dont even get it
That said I do think jax would feel bad when you get upset about the joke
I think he finds it funny, as long as you're not tugging on his overalls and screaming at him for something, or interfering with his plans
Hes not a neglectful rolemodel/familial figure, he just has a short fuse with the above I think, regardless of who it is, kid or not
That said he fully embraces your spontaneous nature
Peepaw and his grandchild, that's it that's literally the dynamic
"Kinger is only 48-"
"Oh that's so lovely, (reader)" when you run up to him with your hands full of god knows what
Eagerly claps and cheers when you show him a new trick you learned
Bonus if you try to recreate or one up his embellished stories in order to make him proud of you (hes always proud of you)
As mentioned in ragathas part, the wheathervane BMO thing is basically in essence you guys' dynamic. Except where I think ragatha would be quicker to pay attention to you, zooble may be a little slower. Not because they dont care about whatever you're trying to display to them, but because I think a lot of the times they kind of mentally check out (me too honestly)
Tries to scold you if you do something too dangerous or out of line, may come across as way angrier or upset than they actually are though thanks to their voice being kinda
You know
Zooble gives off "cool older sibling who doesnt care about nothing" energy
Meekly tries to get you to calm down for a few minutes, especially if theres an IHA going on because she doesnt want you to run off and potentially get hurt. Tries to keep you occupied with arts and crafts. Watches in horror as you impulsively eat the glue
Tends to wrap one of her ribbon hands around yours so she knows you're not running off.. this is more so when theres an IHA going on
As per usual not many ideas for gangle <\3
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kevin-the-bruyne · 8 months
Okay so I want to do a genetics thoughts experiment on what’s going on in pit babe if their genetic dna is blueprinted in the same way as ours (aka our cells replicate similarly):
So pregnancy exists in this world for sure on account of the nature of reproducing oneself (like let’s put aside the chrysalis possibilities for a sec okay?). And therefore omegas must definitely be a thing because who else are bearing children?? Certainly not women??? There’s not a single one in this show!!! I’m convinced women don’t exist in this universe. Babe theoretically has a mother and that convinced me for a bit until CHARLIE CALLED HIM MAMA and so all bets are off.
So that actually simplifies things genetically because omegas and alphas can reproduce by XY XX differentiation but then what about ENIGMAS and now this new category of Alpha that is Babe which yes his senses might be heightened but that also makes him breedable suddenly so the senses and the reproductive structure changes must be X-linked.
But babe is pretty easy to explain because of his phenotype being SO RARE. It’s likely a loss of the Y chromosome entirely so he is a XO (where the O is in the place of a blank to indicate single copy X).
It is strange though that so much of the Y chromosome functions to repress the desirable qualities of the X!!! (aka when it’s not there babe gets cool powers) this HAS TO MEAN that something will happen to Babe eventually on the genetic sense that will be…well catastrophic because surely this can’t actually be a desirable trait (it’s fiction he’ll get lucky??)
Which leaves Enigma. So it’s tempting to make the Z a third type of chromosome but it must arise by ANOTHER mistake in the cell replication process (of the gamete you know the cells that fuse with your partners to make a baby) so now we have Z which we can make a rare variation of X because I’m trying to make THE SIMPLEST SYSTEM that still follows the rules of how we reproduce in reality. Anyway Z is therefore more easily called X’
so between an XO (So it’s JUST X) and and XX’ what do we get (remember the kid has to get ONE copy from each parent): XX and XX’ - an omega or an enigma
NOOOOO I HAVE BEEN FOILED BABE CANT POSSIBLY BE A SINGLE COPY X MAN HE MUST HAVE SOMETHING COMPLETELY NEW??? So babes condition is something not X-linked but still affects his reproductive system????
wait no I might have been hasty so what if the ENIGMA’S specialty is that it’s X’ gives rise to a change of the chromatin duplication during meiosis so that it duplicates a second time (MEIOSIS 1.5!!!!) so NOW an alpha+ and an enigma (so Way and Babes ) baby will be XXX’ which is a super powered thing being never before seen until Tony’s ingenuity!!!
okay THIRD TRY SO BABE COMES FROM A Y CHROMOSOME VARIATION which must actually be the most rare because well I’m losing track of my meiosis phase so I must study this more. BUT NOW we have the possibility of a XY’ instead of XO
which means if enigmas are XX’ and alpha+ is XY’ and I take back the double duplication in enigmas we will get XX XY’ XX’ X’Y’ and omg THERE YOU HAVE IT:
Babe and Way have equal chances of producing an omega an enigma an alpha+ and a never before seen person
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lychniis · 2 years
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i. SYNOPSIS : you love your significant other ; really, you do. sometimes you just want to squish their face and kiss them silly because they're just that awesome. on others? well, given the fact that they're either lowkey or highkey weird...you find yourself questioning your taste in lovers... ( alhaitham / childe x gn ! reader )
ii. WARNING(S) : crack, pure crack, childe doing illegal shit and the chad of manipulate mansplain manwhore, al haitham. NOT PROOFREAD
# masterlist
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&& . al haitham · ( a guide to tearing your food apart ; horrifically )
AL HAITHAM WAS USUALLY…quiet. And you’d like to say he was graceful too, with a decent posture and a reading ethic that made you swoon ( and the glasses he wore???? U G H ). Kaveh would protest, would call him a baseless pig, and would beg you to reconsider even dating this man. But you were in love, and four years later, post the nerves of graduation and finding jobs and kisses snuck between routines, you were still in love.
There was always a ‘but’, though.
You watch Al Haitham pick up his knife. Immaculate. Amazing. What a god of a man.
You watch him hold it like a dagger. Concerning, sure but still hot. Your hot ass boyfriend using his table knife like a murder weapon. The crowd was going wild, you were screeching like a feral beast on the inside.
You watch him tear the poor chicken apart, with the brutality of a bear, his expression impassive, almost terrifyingly stoic in the face of it all.
Then his shoulders relax. He looks at you. You look at him. Something passes over his face, a ghost of an emotion, of amusement. Then he smirks. “Would you like some of mine?” he asks, and he seems to be teasing you. Just a bit, just enough so that he toed the line between his usual meanness. “You were staring.” 
Maybe what made it worse was that he knew about your occasional ire, and he gave zero shits about it. But as quick as the feeling came, it was gone and you shrug. You weren’t one to pass over free food.
“Sure.” you smile, taking a spoonful of his shredded chicken. Al Haitham nods, seemingly satisfied before he returns to demolishing his dinner once more.
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&& . childe | tartaglia · ( surprise surprise ; your boyfriend partakes in larceny )
YOU JUST WANTED some chocolate —
( — Famous last words, really. )
But the sight of Childe bent over your padlock, with your super hidden, ultra secret stash of very limited edition candies tucked between his legs seemed to have fused every logical thought in your brain. You could only stare. Then stare some more. Then blink and hope to the gods above that he hasn’t eaten any of them…
…it was half empty.
The innocent, near cherubic smile that played on his lips was twisted in a way. Your boyfriend, a criminal in the making, a psychopathic chocolate stealer. You wanted to cy. You wanted to scream. You wanted to demand when, where and why he learned how to pick locks with such precision and what unfathomable shenanigans and trouble had he caused with this horrific power.
“Oh, I just…looked it up.” he replied brightly, popping another sweet into his mouth. “These are delicious, by the way.”
“You looked it up…” you repeat.
Childe shrugs, looking a bit bored now. “Yeah, I found a lock pick….just lying on the floor one day and I learned how to use it. The internet’s got some pretty cool videos…” he chews thoughtfully for a moment, then hands his hal eaten chocolate to you. “Want some?”
You take the chocolate. “This was supposed to be mine…” you mumble miserably. “My mother sent it to me…”
Childe chuckles and pulls you in for a kiss. You taste some of the chocolate he had and when the two of you separated, he was grinning, a bit like a fox who flashed it’s fangs in a cheeky smile before it stole your food.
“You're sleeping on the couch.” you state. His face falls immediately.
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❪⠀🎬⠀❫ AINE SPEAKS ;;
JBGVCVBN and here i return from the dead-
but seriously HEY BEEN A WHILE. i can;t guarentee updates and new posts will be frequent given the influx of school work but still, thank you for stopping by.
anyway, to commemorate the occasion, LOOK IT'S FUNNY STUFF AND NOT PAIN HOORAY-
if you’d like to be added to the taglist, fill this form up!
taglist —@x-zho, @dustofthedailylife, @deus-lapidis, @silentmoths,@nebulaera, @aestellia, @ofoceansandtombsanew, @meimeimeirin, @bohbahead
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AINE | 2022. do no plagiarize, repost or rework this piece.
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lacasarosee · 11 months
About him and the fire that burns you alive.
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Tags: Fluff, angst. (1.3 Words)
Notes: This is basically about missing Portgas .D. Ace, in remembrance of him. I write this because I am still crying over him after 7 years, thus, I write what I can dedicated for him.
Link: Find my work here!
When it comes to fire, it's always about him. The colour of autumn, leaves fall and the soil starts to dry. It's always about him when it comes to oranges, both the fruit and the colour; fused with red, aflame in spark of fireworks and campfire. It's always him whenever the sun rises or sets, when the river flows, or when the first flower of spring blooms; both on the ground, or inside your throat that it clogs your air away, far away from your lungs and it flicks the fire inside you. The whole world is about him, who was born in Baterilla, South Blue. And this page too, is about him, who holds the name D.
It's always about Portgas .D. Ace.
God's greatest archenemy, they said. But to you, he is nothing but the greatest gift ever alive. If God says that he is a wicked, sinful child, then you are bathed in wickery, bloodied in sin. And if the world says that he is a nasty, ugly child just because he is the son of the world's worst criminal, then your head is wanted by everyone. Because what child should bear the sin of his father? What child should be blamed for the sin he never did? And what child who was born from the womb of a brave warrior of a woman, should be oppressed by the belief that he has nothing but sinner's blood—? Thus, what is love if it's not tender; what if love, if it's not seeing him as the softest flower's petal in the dead tree branch.
It's always about Portgas .D. Ace.
The friendliest sun on the face of earth. Kindness hurts sometimes, either sanity or pride, people can choose; yet his kindness feels so genuine that you can't even resent it. One said he was generally cheerful and outgoing all the time (though the same man said he was especially excited when he talked about his little brother). And that way, he manages to be your solemn embodiment of sun rays. Baterilla, oh, Baterilla—so far, so south, such a place to be blessed by the flickering candle. From one coast to another, corals and waves, rocks and salts, and maybe the shells of dead molluscs. But if darkness is the sky, then he is the star; and if darkness is the sea, then he is bioluminescent. And from coast to coast, river to river, waterfalls to canyons to the Grand Line, there is no one as soft as he is. Because it takes so much violence for him to be that tender, it takes so much insecurity to be that goofy, and foremost, it takes so much sadness to be that kind. Yet, even if life takes so many questions out of his lungs, still, he hasn't found the answer.
It's always about Portgas .D. Ace.
From a metal pipe, into a dagger, then a fire fist. He who challenges warlords, he who challenges Gods. He who filled with love for his brother, he who filled with love for you. Round necklaces, as red as bravery and back to orange is his hat. Yellow somewhat suits him, the colour of jealousy that you didn't expect. However, despite how red he is, insecurity paints him better than all the myriad colours ever existed. Thus, one day, someone ask you:
"Who is he?"
They said, pointing at the raging flame on the sinking boat as you watched from the shore. And that time, you answered:
"The guy I love so dearly."
And whenever that conversation happened, no matter in between summer sky or winter blues, in between autumn shadows or grasses in spring—it's always about him.
It's always about Portgas .D. Ace.
Captain, glutton, a navigator he is. Treasure may be across the sea—yet he maps your body better than the ocean. From cheeks to cheeks, eyes to eyes, breast to breast, and limbs to limbs, he knows how to map you. The colour of your skin, the hue of your blush, the coldness of your fingertips, the softness of your breasts, he knows it so well. He knows where to press, when to press—either when you have seasickness, or when you are underneath him, pressed in between his flesh and his mattress, just like a flower in between book pages. He knows how to touch, what to touch—is it your bulging stomach or is it tears on your face, because no matter which one, his fingertips are warm enough to soothe away the pain. He knows why; why are you upset, why are you not eating; why are you angry; or why are you speaking his name over, and all over again. The latter is because everything in this world is about him, and just him only.
It's always about Portgas .D. Ace.
Listening is the last thing he can do, he is terrible at it. When you said: "Be careful it's still hot!" He ate it a second later and his tongue got burnt. It's weird how, because isn't he made of fire? When you said: "You should stop sleeping while eating." Which is impossible—he falls asleep right after the word leaves your mouth. When you said: "You should stop going on a mission alone and get hurt!" Yet, the moment he stepped back to your cabin, he was full of nothing but cuts and glories. Listening is hard when you are filled with so many quirks and beams, just like him. Yet he is somewhat good at listening to his own voice, either the one inside his heart, or the one swimming and saying bullshit inside his mind. The one that speaks: "The ocean is calling for you." Or the one that speaks: "Your presence is a whole abomination." And sometimes, he gets it mixed up inside his mind. Yet, all those voices speak to the same person, about the same person.
It's always about Portgas .D. Ace.
Lying is not his best friend, he is bad at telling lies. However, that happened because of how you are able to read him like a book too. Sometimes he gets too nervous, and too comical to even lie to your face. When you ask: "Who eats my last piece of cake?" around the dining room, every eye darted towards him—he got nervous, and his eyes were wandering here and there. When you ask: "Who spills ink on my book?" in the ship's deck, he quickly averts his eyes from yours. You can always tell when he lies, because he is so easy to read. Thus, when he said: "I will never die!" In front of you, it sounds so certain, so powerful, he is not lying. You keep that sentence in your mind.
Portgas .D. Ace will never die.
The news soared faster than the wind, and just like that, he lied.
It's always about Portgas .D. Ace.
Valhalla, he is the sanctuary of broken dreams. Maybe you are losing to death, it loves him more than you do—yet life loves you more than you expected it to be. Losing him is easy, but having your daily life imagining what if he was here is devastating. One said someone will never die if you keep them in your memory, yet, what torture they wish upon you? For you have to remember such a dead lover like he is, when all you want is for him to come back and admit that he lied to you, that fate is playing against you. He is the grave of roaring seas, waves and tides sink inside him. Yet you, somewhat even without someone asking not to, you will never forget about him. One day someone will ask: "Who is Portgas .D. Ace?" And people might say:
"A pirate."
"A brat."
"A brother of mine."
"A brother of mine."
"Someone's older brother."
"Someone that promised me to come back."
And when that question directed to you, you will say:
"Someone I loved so dearly."
Because it's always about Portgas .D. Ace.
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izunias-meme-hole · 1 month
Since I already posted my favorite Sailor Moon Villains but I didn't exactly rank them, so here we go.
My Top 10 Sailor Moon Villains (From Both The 90's Anime & The OG Manga/Crystal & Eternal)
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Number 10. Wicked Lady - No, I will not be calling her "Black Lady," but aside from that, this is Chibi-Usa at her undeniable worst, no matter the version. Though execution-wise, the anime wins out purely because of her resolution, and the showcase of some level of good still being in her.
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Number 9. Mistress 9 - Ah, pure evil done well. She didn't exactly have a lot of screentime in the 90's anime (and she was sadly kinda basic), but in the manga she's an entirely different story. Mistress 9 is the child and herald of Pharaoh 90, and is hellbent on eradicating all life on earth because she sees them as inferior lifeforms. Oh, and let's not even bring up her possession of Hotaru Tomoe, the fact that Chibi-Usa's pure heart was used to give her power, and overall she's just heinous as hell. In short, Mistress 9 was definitely something in both the 90's Anime and Manga/Crystal, though her appearance in the latter elevates her into the 10th spot on this list.
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Number 8. Queen Nehelenia & Zirconia - Life is funny sometimes. In the manga/Eternal, Zirconia has nothing going for her aside from design and the fact that she's Queen Nehelenia's other self, while Nehelenia herself is almost like Snow White's Evil Queen mixed with Maleficent and its genuinely great to see. Yet in the 90's anime, Zirconia is expanded upon so much more to the point where she's legit entertaining, while Nehelenia gets expanded upon too before being brought back from the dead with a tarnished character. Still though, in both of the mediums where they're at their best, this evil queen and the personification of her inner ugliness are great.
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Number 7. The Shitennou - Ah yes, Beryl's servants. The loyal supervillain Jadeite, the passionate Nephrite, the ever so underhanded and insecure Zoisite, and last but not least the "cool" Kunzite. Surprisingly, Crystal botched these guys really bad, while the anime basically expanded upon the other 3 and gave Kunzite, the best one in the manga, the literal shit end of the stick after a good run. Still, all four of these guys are absolutely phenomenal minibosses.
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Number 6. The Amazoness Quartet - God, they look absolutely ridiculous, but that doesn't stop them from being great minibosses like the Shittenou. Between their unique personalities, relations with Chibi-Usa, and overall just how solid they are as a group just sold me on them.
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Number 5. Crimson Rubeus - Ah yes... the second most consistently heinous member of the Black Moon Clan. Rubeus is selfish, cowardly, sadistic, arrogant, manipulative, loyal to the literal worst people ever, and overall he's just a very hateable villain on so many angles. Though this hateability, his effectiveness as a villain, and just how much of a good addition he is to the Dark Moon Clan cements this guy's placement on here.
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Number 4. Queen Beryl & Queen Metalia - Nothing wrong with a classic wicked witch. Especially if said wicked witch is an envious and hateful woman that's in service to pure unadulterated evil as a means to get what she wants most. Granted Beryl alone could've made the list, especially since Metalia doesn't have a lot going for herself, but the anime had the perfect resolution for these two by just fusing them together.
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Number 3. Prince Demande - What a delightfully twisted, vile, yet tragic villain. Granted the 90's anime take on him falls short because the guy had a half-assed "redemption," but it doesn't neuter all of his best qualities, nor does it ruin the OG Manga/Crystal's take on him, where he fully commits to that bit.
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Number 2. Death Phantom/Wiseman - No matter the iteration, no matter the medium, Nazgul Charles Manson here is pure, unadulterated, unrestrained evil done right. Death Phantom is a manipulative monster who sees no value in life, who's made it his personal mission to become a dark god of death and nothingness. He's not a complex character, but he has substance, his evil deeds remain significant across the entirety of the Black Moon Clan's arc, and he leaves an impact as the most evil villain in the franchise and its best final boss. TL:DR: Death Phantom is objectively the best villain.
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Number 1. Professor Souichi Tomoe - I shouldn't even need to explain this, but I will. Tomoe in the anime is hammy as hell, an amazing boss, shining with personality, nuanced as hell, carried the Infinity Arc on his back, and surprisingly enough gets a shot at redemption after his evil Daimon side, Germatoid, is split from him. Meanwhile, Tomoe in the manga/Crystal is initially shown as a somewhat shady figure who possibly cares about his daughter, before slowly being revealed as just a nicer looking Professor Hojo, complete with him making his own daughter the vessel for Mistress 9 all for the sake of becoming the god of an entirely new race of super-beings that will inherit the remains of the earth. It doesn't matter if this man is a corrupted magnificent bastard or a complete megalomaniac, this man is a stellar Mad Scientist who's undeniably human.
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Things I Noticed While Writing Light The Fuse: Part 6, Episode 3
Oh boy I can tell already I might need to split this one up into several posts again let's jump right in
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Proud of them 🥰 Bru's also so funny lol hey wait why did Ethan look at Matty I didn't even write this ep 😮
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Another rare mention of time, it's every single one of these small mentions that made me switch the timeline from an estimated year or many months down to just two.
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Why is Johnson leaning so far isn't that like so uncomfortable??
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Okay I went to gif this because Matty's hand on his thigh is driving me insane but then I noticed that Ethan is sitting so spread he might actually just have his leg touching Johnson's 😳
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I love how he's speaking to everyone and he's still like 'this is all on you' while Johnson is free from the lecture the entire time. I love writing Johnson's interactions with Joel so much for reasons that aren't revealed yet and I wish the show gave me some so they all weren't just me ;w; and again Joel is hot but not my quite type but if he did this to me I'd 😳
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I love this bit so genuinely. The Brawlers are strong and in power. They have the cops paid off. They make so much money. These are good times like Joel says, but he also isn't high and mighty and overpowered. He's been through the old war and he doesn't want it to happen again. Fuck I seriously love this guy I love writing him so much and I'm so incredibly excited for the episode 8 chapter you don't even know
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They're all so beautiful
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This isn't my Phoenixes but I love the detail of his chain being attached to a knife, not a wallet, and he uses it to whittle the giraffe for Lyla ;w;
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Since I'm on this scene, it's also interesting that the clock in the background is broken to keep up the timeless theme, I don't think I've seen a single clock in this whole thing and if I did I completely missed it
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I really love Ethan's serious face here, I wonder if he was this assertive before he met Matty and Johnson cause he seemed pretty restrained back at the restaurant even when he was getting mad
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Fuck off Witt 😒
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Or you could stay. It makes me actually kinda sad that he's still trying to get away here
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Angel! But really I'm so curious as to who she is to him, like am I right?? Is this Matty's girl or usual Pinup? Are they together in some sense or are they friends? I don't think she sells anything to him since that seems to be Meredith's whole thing, so I'm gunna continue calling her Angel and writing her story for the writers okay it's canon now
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Had to gif this entire exchange because their relationship is so important to me. This boy has always been a single child and now he knows what it's like to have a little sister ;w; him letting out the longest resigned sigh known to man is the funniest thing to me apart from his little smirk in the 4th gif oh my god I love him so much, gets bullied once and agrees
Would've loved to do the next scene as well since they're all together but I couldn't resist all the Matty, so all of that will be saved for tomorrow~ 💙
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Hi! I really like your Captain Laserhawk AU and I was wondering if I could get some more information on it because I love the show, I want to see how the frog bean got corrupted and I want to write a fanfic about the whole thing
Oh my god, thank you so much! It's really... strange to have people ask me stuff that i made in an autism-fused fever dream.
Basically, (and a huge trigger warning for cults and child soldier shenanagans) in this AU, the good news is that the Assassins Order is still alive! Yay yippee yahoo! Bad news is that one sect of it, specifically the sect that this AU's Bullfrog is in... is a full-blown cult...
Bullfrog was brought into the sect at a very early age, after being rejected by Eden's military program, and infused him with the desire to both protect his brothers and sisters and to destroy Eden or die trying.
His upbringing by the cult has made him extremely religious, incredibly skilled at stealth and martial combat - how else are you supposed to destroy Eden after all, loyal to a fault, and overwhelmingly anti-social and wary of everyone outside the cult, to the point where he constantly wears a hood over his head so that no outsiders can see his face.
So, when the cult leaves him to die in order to gain a specific macguffin that they believe could summon their god (i dunno man i haven't ironed out the details), leaves Bullfrog in a more emotionally stunted way than he is in the OG Laserhawk.
Hopefully one particular thingimajig can help him heal from that..
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volcanicflowers · 1 year
hello beloved mutual i'm sending people asks today so who is your favorite character so far from fionna and cake and why?
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wait this is a tough one let me think about it
listen. listen. simon has been my fav since like.. 2015 or whenever i first started watching adventure time. admittedly i feel like my simon petrikov posting makes me come off as more of an adventure time fan than i actually am because i don't think i really cared about the show that much until the episode simon and marcy, sad guy taking care of some kid he found during the apocalypse is a trope that gets me every single time i love that shit.
and its like they just keep adding to this guy, oh he's a sad old man who destroyed his life beyond recognition by continually using this cursed object? AND he adopted a demon child during the apocalypse? AND he has this unhinged gf and they're in this doomed by the narrative toxic codependent relationship and she succumbed to a different cursed object and also fused with god trying to fix him? AND he is now the only normal guy in a world he doesn't understand and that feels completely alien to him and he's now seen as such a novelty by everyone else in this world that he literally turned his life into an exhibit? AND he just found out that all the characters in his head that he's been imagining in situations to cope are all real and fucking hate him?
absolute peak of sad old pathetic man. there's so much i love rolled into this guy and i will be posting about him at least until fionna and cake is over
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darkstarbureau · 11 months
茶番カプリシオ (chaban kapurishio, Capriccio Farce (Clockwork Lullaby VI)) singable translyrics (the saga continues)
i may or may not have accidentally put some words multiple times a little too close to eachother but it shouldnt be noticable i think
also used actual names for characters instead of titles because im odd like that
ARTE & POLLO: The judge waiting to bring 'pon her seize Riddled with such junk that'll all but gleam Come, now, their ashes fall like snow This irregularity is justice, no?
IRINA: With this gavel I will carry the search still going through The divine ordered us to keep collecting their remains If somehow you have an idea where they're to be found Come to the stand and continue to testify, "Sorceress of Time"!
MA: Epochs still continue to pass as an heirloom of their time Coming and going their masters, but one's to walk the line Even if the future still herds its feigning uncertainty I have an intuition that she is the one to blame
ARTE & POLLO: Take a look, take a look, go and look high and low Left, right, left right, ebb their disguises She has the key to all you could ever know Look for "The Master of the Hellish Yard"!
ADAM: In duration of this farce dragging through, it'll soon get to you All will be pointless when the gear stagnates
BANICA: Her brother who fell down into the earth, to which dreams won't concern She's too far gone and you know that your mother was the one to blame
POLLO: Justice keeps ringing scenarios of dissarray Vessels that've known no peace for all of their lives
ARTE: Each doting upon their very own ostinato Discordant, they sing a capriccio
MA: They've already written stories of depravity in the stars They walk alone on their path of all too destined parts
BANICA: If they were to ever see avarices' cold design They would certainly make a statement deep in blame:
ADAM: What really scared my pity into shame—
IRINA: Were the vices of humanity
Let's take a look at what we have and address all the facts This man who stands here is the child of lust itself I give you my special permission; come up to the stand Inform us of when you first arrived to this cursed forest
GAMMON: There's a feeling deep inside that I just cannot shake This urge that I need to seek the katana of violet Seeming its necessary to solve my mystery I trekked on into this wood solemn all by myself
ARTE & POLLO: Kill and devour, if it's grim, prowl anyway Such a lack of dignity really cannot be helped
IRINA: Conviction, conviction, at the rate of our mission Perjury! Conviction! Execution!
GAMMON: When I put on that sharp facade of no mercy to the gods The girl in front of me who changed her wits and lent me her hand
LILITH: I wanted the victim to be charged right since I am of employ
GAMMON: As of my release they've called me "Cursed Gardener"
MA: "Sorceress of Time" and also the "Cursed Gardener" are Harbingers for the awakening of them Each embracing their objectives, held up high and to the chest Ephemerally keeping invaders at bay
"Master of the Court" and the "Master of the Graveyard" too Ticking gears, mopping tears "Master of the Hellish Yard" When the atonement of this theater will go to waste Who will be amused at the end of all things?
ADAM (2): Lulila lulila luli luli la… The first beating heart of the irregular
BANICA: Friends along the way farcically paining us
ADAM: Hopes and loves coinciding with losses deep in debt
IRINA: All continues to fuse with the turning of the clocktower
LILITH: The clockwork lullaby continually rings out a cry
ADAM (2): Right before the "Collector" took a bullet to the head
GAMMON: He constructed a theater that would contain the dead
MA: Will the paradise that he wished for his oh so dear Michelle
GUMILLIA: Ever come to its decided fruition?
ARTE & POLLO: Come, now, let us coincide With our own eyes this farce we call life
anyway you know the drill i WILL be back
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spiritmander13 · 1 year
my current blorbo is goo
got any HCs
-He's got the mentality of a child and while he doesn't have parents (my take on object reproduction yaddayaddayadda) he looks up to Test Tube and Lifering -He leaves a trail of slime behind whenever he moves around, so sneaking is almost impossible. And whenever he touches something it grows wet unless hydrophobic. Think of that second part as Firescales from Wings of Fire, only whenever you touch something, it gets soggy instead of burning to a crisp. Speaking of which- -He surprisingly can't be burned normally due to him being basically a watery pile of... living goo. However, this does have limits, as if someone has taken over his consciousness and body (aka Balloon in Out-Of-Body Experience) they CAN die. He can also die if the fire or heat source is at enough temperature to boil salt water, so he usually stays away from ovens and microwaves and other things that can conduct heat just so he doesn't die. -HE CAN SHAPESHIFT. He can turn into any object, as long as he remembers its appearance. And yes, he can also shape himself into the bodies of other contestants. However the object will always be blue and wet to the touch. -While he supposedly did come from the sea, he cannot fuse himself with any body of water unlike Teardrop. This is because he is kind of like oobleck. Y'know, the weird liquid that if you apply pressure, it becomes solid for a moment. -Nature is his music. I'm not joking, he thinks all natural sounds are just musical notes. Nobody will ever tell him. -Due to not having organs, he doesn't need to eat or drink. However, he still does because... Why not. His favorite food is really any type of candy and his favorite drink is water. -Finally, Bot can say they like him like a brother and they've grown so used to calling him things like bro, little bro, etc.
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hollowknightinsanity · 8 months
oh yeah also *drops these at your feet and skitters away*
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(For context for the second one, in my AU, the sentient bugs of Bug Fables and Hollow Knight are sentient and human-sized because of radiation and magic or whatever. A nuclear war wiped out most life on earth, but mutated bugs and a few other species)
Text IDs
Image 1:
Vessel oc named Archangel
(The dictionary definition of an Archangel:
an angel of high rank. In traditional Christian angelology, a being of the eighth order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy.)
I’m making them real actually
The Archangel. The true pure vessel. Discarded, abandoned, escaped, ascended.
It kills everything in sight.
No real mind to think properly — it acts solely on impulse.
No emotional capacity to contain a will — it cares for nothing.
No voice to alert its victims to its presence — it has no vocal cords, and does not make a sound.
Severe memory issues. Short-term memory loss, vague long-term memory.
No thoughts. No hope. No sound.
Flighted, fanged, clawed, violent and uncaring.
Apex predator.
(Also, it’s more Wyrm than Rootkin. So it adopted a lot of PK’s base instincts and features. Sharp ass teeth and tail-tip. Speaking of its teeth, it has multiple rows of those, and they’re hooked inwards to latch onto prey. Terrifying.)
(Also, its full title is The False Archangel. Because it sounds cool.)
Image 2:
What if, because of the radiation combined with some Dragons’ naturally high magical capabilities, a bunch of them fused together and made one huge, immortal, mentally unstable, radiation-poisoned, three-headed Dragon thing.
Yes. Yes, I’m making that real right now.
Around 40,000 years ago, a bunch of Dragons somehow fused into a gigantic three-headed mutant, which resembles dinosaur-era Dragons, and also Hydras, what with the multiple heads and everything.
They’re known as The Hydra in modern day, at least by the bugs that have met them personally. In legends, they’re referred to as The Wyrm God (as they’re believed to be the ancestors of all Wyrms, which is not true), and they tend to call themselves The Something Lost.
They are so body horror. That’s it, no other description, they’re too complex — just Body Horror™.
They cry a lot, and also took in The False Archangel the SECOND they found it. Literally just. “You’re our child now. Come here”
(They’re also the most literal definition of “We use they/them pronouns because we are literally two like 500 motherfuckers.”)
Also, their heads each have different personalities. The left (named Rili, she/her) is mad all the time, the right (named Aga, they/he) is anxiety ridden, and the middle (named Tirve, they/them) is sick of their shit.
Rili and Aga: (arguing about nothing in particular)
Tirve: shush
Rili & Aga: (still arguing)
Tirve: s h u t u p.
Rili & Aga: (comin out ya mouth wit’ your blah blah blah zip your lips like a padl—)
Archangel: (crunching on some bones, casually watching them argue)
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speckle-the-crow · 1 year
Every time I read a book by Fredrik Backman, I'm left speechless. !!!LONG RANT BELOW!!! + my reviews of the books I've read by him
It all started one year when the book "A Man Called Ove" was chosen to be read in my bookclub. The teacher was talking about how he has a different style of writing and I'm like oh alright bet let's try it out.
GOD. That book was a solid 10/10. It touched dark topics like death and suicide while also having a good humor. The chapter with the cat being almost frozen to death had me giggling a little too much 😂 I loved seeing it on screen when the movie came out.
So many good quotes were in this book. Especially between Sonja and Ove. “You only need one ray of light to chase all the shadows away,”  “But if anyone had asked, he would have told them that he never lived before he met her. And not after either.”  “Of all the imaginable things he most misses about her, the thing he really wishes he could do again is hold her hand in his.” 
This book was just so amazing. I have nothing bad to say against it and strongly recommend it to be the first book one should read by Fredrik. It shows the dark themes he touches while having humor, how good the flashbacks are shown. How they leave you with more questions until you're gut-punched.
Alright. Second book I've read was Beartown. I got it as a birthday gift along with Anxious People (I'll talk abt that later). I knew Beartown revolved around the topic of rape. But god, it was still a hard read. Watching a small town get torn apart over the drama, how nobody really believed Maya and she was even bullied for lying. It broke my heart, leaving me in tears.
The worst part? How real this felt. How it's probably happened to countless girls and guys before. Being raped but not believed, then being bullied and harassed.
The quotes hit hard in this too. "It's not always obvious, because the people around a bullied child assume that he or she must get used to it after awhile. Never. You never get used to it. It burns like fire the whole time. It's just that no one knows how long the fuse is, not even you." “Everyone has a thousand wishes before a tragedy, but just one afterward.”  “What you create, others can destroy. Create anyway. Because in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and anyone else anyway.” 
I don't have too much to say on this book as it was an extremely hard read and took me about a month to finish. But it was still a great story. I don't know if I'll finish the other two books anytime soon. I think what makes it hard is that there's no "happy ending." The rape can't be undone. The damage can't be undone. Maya will forever be scared of the dark. How Kevin has status, keeping him safe. Yes, he is scared of the dark now, but it's not enough. Nothing will fix what happened.
And what I just finished reading today, Anxious People "It's a story about a bank robbery gone wrong? How can that make me cry?" -Me to my teacher.
God. What a book. This book made me laugh and almost brought me to tears. If I wasn't in school while reading this, I would be ugly crying.
This book perfectly embodies Fredrik's writing style. How EVERY little piece matters. Every character is important. You're reading and then hit with a plot twist. Knut being dead? Never expected. That one COMPLETELY threw me in for a loop. The way the chapter hopped back to the flashbacks and then to the interview, oh my god I loved this so much. Might be my favorite one yet.
Every character was so diverse with their own story and struggles, yet they all came together and helped each other when they needed it. I loved the fact that there wasn't a villain in this story- the bank robber wanted to harm nobody, just take care of her kids.
So many of these quotes hit home. The funny ones, the serious ones.
“Not knowing is a good place to start.” I always tell my therapist "I don't know." She said I'm the only person she allows to say that. The fact that a psychologist said that??? It just comforted me so much.
"...but inside she was standing in a forest screaming until her heart burst. The trees grew until one day the sunlight could no longer break through the foliage, and the darkness in there became impenetrable." This one also hit home for me. I'm a very angry person but try my best to control it. Multiple times a day, I imagine myself running into a forest, screaming and yelling my heart out, nobody hearing me. I felt so understood, so seen in this.
"Can you imagine what a bad parent you must have been for your children not to want to be parents?" Woah. I had to close the book and think about this. I don't have the best relationship with my parents, but they are okay parents. They might not rob a bank for me though 😂. But this quote just... I don't know. It really puts a different view on things. It almost makes me feel a bit bad. All in all, this is a quote that lives in the back of my head rent free.
Ever since the first page of this book, I knew I was in for a ride. It felt so long ago, reading chapter 2, "don't think about cookies". This book is a solid 100/10, I will never get rid of it and will reread it many times to come.
Please. If you're looking for a good book to read, please just do ANYTHING by Fredrik Backman. His writing style is unique, fun, just so different and a breath of fresh air. His books will make you cry and laugh and you'll find quotes that you carry on with you for years to come. As I write, I find myself often writing in his sort of style. He is truly an amazing writer and comes up with amazing plots. Before reading his works, only one book ever made me cry. (A Mango Shaped Space). But no movie has ever made me cry. I sobbed in the theaters watching A Man Called Otto. Can't wait to watch Anxious People on Netflix now! I've heard bad stuff, but I'll still watch it.
I hope I managed to convince someone to read a book by Fredrik Backman. Or possibly even re-read a book. I know I want to keep reading books by him. Maybe My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's Sorry?
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thessalian · 11 months
Faerun!Alisaie vs A Whole Lot Of Mess
Wandering through the streets of the Lower City
Wyll: Did we have to go tomb-raiding? Really?
Alisaie: I trust precisely nothing underground in this city right now.
Shadowheart: Which is why we're taking the walking tour, I imagine.
Alisaie: Pretty much. If we had a ship with Shadow Curse clinging to it docked nearby, it's a good idea to check the docks in general and--
Sahuagin: *attack*
Citizens: *cower*
Gale: ...Really?
Alisaie: Okay, this doesn't generally happen, so I guess we're searching around the docks for the source of a fish-people invasion now. But first... HEY! COME GET SOME, YOU SUSHI PLATTER WITH DELUSIONS OF SAPIENCE!
Wyll: Okay, I love the blade-work, but I did miss the literally deadly insults. *Eldritch Blasts a sahuagin into next week*
Stabnation: *ensues*
Awhile later, further down the docks...
Gale: Well. This is netting us a whole lot of nothing. Except for raiding a supply shipment of illegal nonsense.
Alisaie: I want to find all the ins and outs to the undercity before I go hunting Orin down there, so... Huh. What's that commotion over there?
Shadowheart: That's ... Volo.
Alisaie: Huh. I wondered why he wasn't hanging around our room at the Elfsong. What the fuck is he doing out here?
Volo: *tied to several barrels of smokepowder* Help! Help!
Wyll: Annoying the populace, apparently.
Volo: Volothamp Geddard; now will you do something about this?!?
Alisaie: So ... you have a thing against bards, then?
Absolutist: Frankly, yes.
Alisaie: *sigh* Everyone's a critic.
Absolutist: Wait-- You're a--?
Alisaie: College of Swords says hello, shitbag. *shanks*
Absolutist: *throws torch onto alcohol 'fuse'*
Alisaie: Oh fuck-- WYLL!
Wyll: On it! *Misty Steps to Volo*
Stabnation: *ensues*
And, once the stabbing is done...
Alisaie: They don't step in when innocent people are being attacked, but they give me funny looks for looting the corpses of people I killed in self-defense? What is wrong with people?!? Last time I checked, there wasn't a decree about leaving someone's coin to pay for their burial or anything...
Wyll: I think there were fewer dead people at the time, and the coffin-maker wasn't dealing with a month of backlog.
Alisaie: We don't dump criminals into mass graves anymore? Eh, whatever. I suppose we should check in on Volo.
Volo: You're welcome!
Alisaie: ...Excuse me?
Volo: A daring rescue was just the thing you needed to add to your legend! I have things to impart but in private! Yes! I'll be back at your camp! ...Um ... where is your--?
Alisaie: *sigh* Elfsong Tavern, upper rooms.
Volo: Fabulous! *exits in an Elfsong-wards direction*
Shadowheart: Did you have to tell him where we were staying?
Alisaie: Maybe he doesn't have anything important to tell us, but at this point, I'm not taking any risks. Now, let's head in that general direction via the Society of Brilliance. Blurg always has the best components and... Huh.
Wyll: Huh?
Shadowheart: Yes, we should probably go investigating the singing. Sounds like a Water Queen funeral. Got any offerings you'd like to make?
Alisaie: Song, respect, my sword to avenge them if they were killed--
Allandra: Yes! That one! Evil poisoned creatures came and--
Alisaie: Okay. I get it. I'll find whatever did this. Promise. I just really do need to speak to the Society of Brilliance and get a decent night's sleep. This should be fine because the gods are at least supposed to understand mortal needs and mortal frailties.
Gale; Shadowheart: *grumble*
Alisaie: I said 'supposed to'.
And, walking towards their rooms...
Alisaie: I really don't like this. Too many people are just plain missing and--
Lae'zel: This child is the imposter!
Alisaie: ...the fuck? Lae'zel, Gortash said it was one of our allies, not a little kid who barely knows half of what we've been doing-- Oh. Right. Okay, Orin, c'mon out and leave the kid alone.
'Lae'zel': *shanks the kid anyway*
Alisaie: Oh you nasty little--
Orin: *taking her true form* So I have a deal for you--
Alisaie: Where is Lae'zel?!?
Orin: Safe for now. But here's the deal. You finish off Gortash for me, then you come down to me and you and I fight it out for the stones!
Alisaie: What, no "Rule at my side" bullshit?
Orin: Oh, no. I want to make you bleed. I want you to make me bleed. We will flay each other in glorious battle and the pain and the blood and the--
Alisaie: Oh for fuck's sake shut up! How exactly am I supposed to trust you?
Orin: *shrug* Don't disappoint me, or your friend suffers. *poofs*
Alisaie: Well ... fuck.
Shadowheart: She and I never really saw eye to eye, but...
Alisaie: I know, I know. We will fix this. I just need a night to figure out how. One way or another, both of those two dickwaffles are going down, but finding the best way without getting Lae'zel killed is ... tricky.
Jaheira: I admit to being new with this entire party, but ... you didn't seem the least bit surprised when the false Lae'zel held a child at knifepoint.
Alisaie: She does that.
Shadowheart: Seriously. She does that.
Astarion: How many holes will I have poked in me by various people's weapons if I ask if we're really invested on saving someone who's been ... honestly, nothing but antagonistic, that I've seen.
Alisaie: Well, you two have seldom if ever worked together, so maybe consider there's shit you haven't seen. Also, if you want pragmatism, what's Kith'rak Voss going to say when he finds out we let a murder-happy asshole kill one of his only allies? We've already got half the gith race wanting us dead; we don't need the other half too.
Astarion: Buuuuuut you're doing it because you're a hero and she's a friend.
Alisaie: And I am giving you pragmatic reasons to let you save face and never have to admit you're worried too.
Astarion: ...Right. Insight Queen. I'm shutting up now...
Alisaie: Right. I am going to try to sleep, but first I should see if any of Volo's stuff is useful at all.
Volo: Lovely little set-up you have here! I'll just make myself at home, shall I?
Alisaie: But--
Volo: So which bed is mine?
Alisaie: But you said--
Volo: Ooh, vegetable soup!
Alisaie: .........I am going to bed so I don't yeet you out the nearest window!
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razzberrydazz · 10 months
Oh the antics if I shoved my dnd character Lotte into BG3.
Rambling under the cut
Lotte in the dnd campaign I introduced her in is a drow martyr that ascended to godhood upon her death and thanks to Time Magic Shenanigans (that fused her essence with a spider and gave her amnesia bad enough she forgot her own name and so the players named her Lotte/Charlotte) she was trapped for an indeterminate amount of time in the Void outside spacetime and when she was dragged back into existence by the players she became a drider-shifting goddess of Fate and Magic that blessed the entire party. Her very essence is tied to the weaving web of magic and spacetime she was pulled through.
Lotte, in BG3, having just been freed from the endless void and with amnesia of who she is and why she exists, not remembering that she is a mortal-turned-goddess, hears one (one) mention of a drow spider goddess called Lolth and goes "Oh, spider goddess? Sign me up I love spiders!" But then quickly learns how Fucked Up Lolth is and is absolutely repulsed and when she enters the Shadow Cursed lands and encounters Karniss that drider man she gets sudden recognition because something in her remembers she's able to turn into a drider. And so she does. And everyone flips their shit about it because holy fucking shit what was that. Sudden flood of memories return to her, most Not Pleasant. And she's PISSED. Now she remembers she had a sister that committed identity theft to impersonate her, and that she was trapped in the void by cultists who used time magic to try and erase her from history and existence.
Ooooh she's ready to destroy the Absolute and while she still doesn't remember she herself is a goddess, the realization that she can shapeshift and control spiders and manipulate the Weave makes her way more formidable. She can pull on the strings and fabric of the weave itself and sew it together, she can summon and compel swarms of spiders to do her bidding, she can share senses with the spiders she controls, she can physically shift into a drider or into a swarm of spiders, she can seamlessly infiltrate Moonrise towers just by shifting into a swarm of spiders then dispersing the many instances of herself to sneak through the creaks and crevices of the complex to spy on everything.
She would save Minthara from death and protect her, and while there are no gods left for Minthara and Lotte does not know she herself is a goddess, she promises Minthara that she will do everything in her power to protect her and help her get revenge on those that hurt her and brainwashed her. She makes Minthara one of her own chosen and favored, though she isn't aware that's what she is doing by making that promise. Minthara finds herself suddenly able to sense and speak with spiders, able to have minor foresight of attacks in battle, and takes an unexpected level in shadow magic sorcery because Lotte gave her the blessing of her spellweaving. Lotte doesn't need or care much about having worshippers or followers, largely because she still doesn't remember she's now divine.
Dame Aylin being the child of a goddess would see Lotte and recognize she's no mere mortal, but can't put her finger quite on what Lotte is. Just that Lotte is a new friend who saved her.
Lotte thinks Gale is funny and loathes Mystra for how she treated him, and again Lotte unknowingly makes someone her favored and gives Gale her blessing of spellweaving which gives him a level in shadow magic sorcerer. So now he can sense and talk to spiders too. Lotte is adamant he refuse to give Mystra the crown of karsus though she doesn't think he should have it either. She personally wants the crown destroyed. Though at endgame when she's got her hands on the crown, she lets an impulse take over, and so she puts the crown on herself. Boom, the memories flood back in, she remembers she IS a goddess, and with that knowledge knows She can remove the netherese orb from Gale, and so she goes to Gale and does just that, and the orb combines with the crown and blasts away what was left of Lotte's own mortality. Karlach and Wyll and Minthara traveled to Avernus together to keep Karlach from dying, and at Withers' party Lotte appears and sees the blueprints they found on how to fix the engine, and with her spellweaving magic and the power of the crown bolstering her god powers, she is able to follow the blueprint and fix Karlach's engine then and there. Which also consequently makes Karlach one of her favored which gives her a surprise level in shadow magic warlock and ability to sense and talk to spiders.
Shadowheart and Lae'Zel are an item and went together to help Orpheus fight Vlaakith and rebel, Astarion killed Cazador but remained spawn, the shadow curse was lifted, Jaheira was able to save Minsc, Wyll became the blade of Avernus, yadda yadda, ultimately Lotte makes all of them her favored to give them the gift of her spellweaving. And then with Withers watching, she removes the crown, and uses the remaining energy of the orb absorbed into it to destroy it entirely.
From one god to another, she nods to Withers, bids everyone farewell, and dissolves into a swarm of spiders that dissipates until they can't find her anymore. Several spiders from the dissolving swarm hitch a ride on each companion to quietly tell them that Lotte will always be with them, that she is always watching, and that they will never have to face their fears alone again. Minthara can see spiders as sacred but no longer out of fear of Lolth, but out of respect for Lotte.
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wwtwe · 11 months
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Cut because wall of text-
Characters exclusive to story 2, more for background sake as Edina Sr is very much dead - although her daughter would be one of the main characters? I don’t know, still thinking about the whole world setup.
Her clan are supposed to be kind of… deity/elemental beast worshippers. They often sacrifice a body part to request the aid of said being - eyes are considered the ‘best’ (window of the soul and all that) but it doesn’t have to be. If the deity deems the sacrifice worthy then they will fuse with the person. If they don’t then often the deity/beast will at least attempt to eat that person instead. Other clan members are there to stop this from happening (it’s a whole big ritual).
Edina Sr is considered to be basically a very low value/nearly failed bonding attempt - she isn’t really able to ‘use’ her magic for the most part. What she doesn’t realise is that she basically bonded with her previous incarnation on ‘earth’ - Edina the Phoenix. She then pretty much passes that on completely to her child as opposed to keeping that herself.
She still has vestigial phoenix powers to herself though, being extremely adept at healing as well as aiding the healing of those around her. She has like… a constant proximity of healing that no one really catches on to ahah.
Guy on the left is, as of yet unnamed King/leader/warlord. (Idk I literally asked a character appearance generator to come up with him/his appearance, and this is what it came up with. I like the white/light blue hair. It’s giving very… male storm vibes.)
As per the clan rules, he’s not royalty by birth but by appointment as those with the most powerful deity bonds are elevated to the top of the pecking order as soon as they become an adult. Like Edina Sr, he gave up an eye for his deity bond.
His deity is basically a ginormous thunderbird that he is able to summon at will (and ride too, hehe). He’s able to rain down lightening/produce electricity and is actually just completely terrifying to anyone trying to oppose him.
Except Edina Sr, because you know - she may or may not be clinically insane. Unfortunately in this world, the infant mortality rate is really high, therefore this guy was expected to produce as MANY heirs as physically possible given his desirable deity bond. It’s not something he actively ‘enjoyed’, having a load of concubines/mistresses and I suspect he was actually kind of lonely.
Until he met Edina! They were probably running out of woman at this point, lol. Then they passed over her like ‘eh, I suppose you could have this one - bit feisty th-’, Edina Sr: I’m going to cut your penis off and make you blow yourself. ;D’ and this guy kind of just went… oh my gOD, yes ❤️
I haven’t totally figured out the rest, tbh I think their relationship was a… kind of toxic/complicated one. Like I think they did somewhat love each other but the duties to the clan kind of overrode a normal relationship. Edina Sr honestly wanted to just run away and not have to deal with clan bullshit - she actually basically runs the hell away whilst heavily pregnant. By herself, on an airship. She managed to get to a small ragtag/multi species village that helped her give birth and then hid herself/her baby away for a while there.
Honestly that was probably the happiest she ever got to be? Clan leader eventually finds her and they have a serious fight, where …. neither of them are playing a round anymore. Unfortunately she’s massively outgunned in power. The village gets involved, there’s literally near enough a full on battle but in the end the guy leaves. To his credit, he didn’t really mean the situation to get so out of hand, but Edina Sr basically gets launched off the side of an airship. He tries to search for her but after like 3 days he isn’t able to so he has to give up. Edina Jr is also smuggled out (as Edina Sr requested because she realised that the baby was going to be taken back into the clan, oh hell no!)
Edina Sr does survive like… barely, she gets picked up by a fishing boat and then when she manages to find a job, tries to start looking for her baby. She works as a ship inspector for exactly this reason, desperately looking for clues and whispers of where her child might be… whilst also staying undercover from the Warlord.
Unfortunately she never gets to reunite, while she gets close multiple times (probably unbeknownst to her). During her travels she gets caught up in war and all sorts of adventures, where she kind of sets aside her own want to find own child in order to help the people around her. She also discovers that she does have the resurrection powers of her predecessor.
Eventually, she dies as a direct result of this - but only after resurrecting a huge amount of people post-battle. (Maybe involving the warlord? Who knows?) Everyone who has been resurrected just kind of goes NOPE. NOT FIGHTING ANYMORE. Fuck this, fuck you! I’m out! I want to live! I’m done with this crap! Including the warlord I think, mostly because he probably did love Edina Sr.
Weh, it kinda sad.
So yeah, that leaves her daughter (Edina Jr) who gets kind of passed from person to person but is mostly helped by wild animals/beasts/monsters who kind of.. love her a lot! She also unintentionally attempted to make a deity bond when she is a toddler and… it doesn’t go well at all. With no one experienced enough to help her, she nearly blows herself up (hence the missing arm/burns). Although it’s more an uncontrolled venting of power that she just… doesn’t know how to control.
Eventually this actually starts get worse as she grows, she slowly is becoming less and less human over the years. In reality she’s basically the accumulated combination of the previous Edina’s (and her father!) and all that power is … way too much for a little kid. ;w; She essentially starts becoming a little goddess, lol.
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