#because shanties are at heart international songs
blue-cat-shitposts · 1 year
PUMP SHANTY by The Mechanisms, Polish cover
Mądrzejszy człek niż ja raz rzekł
Że życie byle żartem jest
Lecz jego nie udusił dym
Więc pompuj bracie ile sił!
Pompuj wraz, pompujżesz,
Z piekła aż do nieba leć!
Kości łam i kark swój gnij
Do domu tylko milion mil!
Wspomnienie mi lubego lic
Rozpala mego serca rytm
Przez otchłań i kosmiczne mgły
Przebrnę aby znów być z nim!
Pragnę już położyć się
By sen wypełnił myśli me
Pompować jednak każą więc
Wśród trupów tylko wyśpię się
Krew się ze mnie leje wciąż
Co chwila z podłóg zbieram ją
Lecz przecież jeszcze leki są
Za czterech biorę się do pomp!
Silnika dym ci płuca żre
Smog gęsty piecze oczy twe
Lecz tlenu nie uświadczysz, nie
To pompowanie wpienia mnie!
Kadłub poszedł jebać się
Zapalnik plazmy ani drgnie!
W krzyżu znowu łupie mnie
Więc jebać Różę, i was też!
Lecz chociaż misja poszła źle
Bo Cole zastawił sidła swe
To nie wymówka, czas się drzeć:
“My nie zginiemy dziś, o nie!”
Raz, dwa, trzy, i!
[Refren, szybciej]
Śpiewaj pompuj wraz, pompujżesz,
Z piekła aż do nieba leć!
Kości łam i kark swój gnij
Do domu tylko milion mil!
Mówię pompuj wraz, pompujżesz,
Z piekła aż do nieba leć!
Kości łam i kark swój gnij
Do domu tylko milion mil!
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humaforever · 11 months
“As you wish”
November prompt for Huma
Thank you for the prompt!
Harry and Uma had just finished cleaning up the shop after a very rewarding Thursday night card game. It was always fun to take other people's money.
They decided to reside on the floor seeing as they were pretty tired and they definitely hadn't sobered up yet.
Uma was smiling and Harry was happily telling her stories from the night. Stories about the random sailors that had popped in for a few moments only to lose all their money, and stories of their friends having the time of their lives, making the most outrageous bets, everyone was cheating of some sort, but that's what's to be expected with isle kids. They were drinking, and they were taking whatever the stuff was that Maddy and Ginny had brought. But most importantly they were laughing, and for lost children with hardly anything to live for, well being able to have fun was everything wasn't it?
Drowning in a party and forgetting about real life is such a blast.
But all that mattered to Harry was that Uma had fun, that she laughed, that she was happy. Because that, is what Harry lived for, that was everything to him.
As Harry continued to talk Uma felt herself drifting to sleep. But seeing as she was young, and drunk, she wouldn't allow that. This night wasn't going to end yet, it was too good to end. Uma sat up and rubbed her eyes, noticing that Harry was following and sat up too.
"Harry" Uma said
"Hmm?" He hummed
"Play me a shanty" She said moving towards the piano that was in the room
"As you wish, my love" Harry said
Harry got up and gave Uma a hand. Harry actually really loved to play and sing shanties, which was good, because Uma loved to listen. It made her feel like they were sailing on the endless ocean, oh how she dreamed. But seeing as she couldn't she would take what she could get and relish in the moments like these that made her feel free. Harry was always her perfect escape.
"What'll it be tonight love?" Harry asked as he settled on the piano bench
"Sing to me about the siren that fell in love with the pirate" Uma said
Harry smiled, that was Uma's favorite, she always requested the songs about sailors and mermaids.
"And scoot over" Uma added
Harry was surprised, she usually sat on her throne while he played. But I guess tonight she was gonna sit next to him. No complaints there, Harry happily made space for her.
The bench was a little small for both of them. Neither of them would mention how close they were or how much they liked it. When they were little they could easily fit on this bench together. But they were lucky, lucky that they had grown and they were still here, they still had each other.
Harry's fingers glided over the piano keys. Uma watched him closely as he started to sing. Knowing how to play the song by heart Harry didn't have to look at the keys, he could focus his attention on Uma.
"Her face it was a work of art, I love that girl with all my heart." Harry sang, these lyrics making his mind immediately think of the girl sitting next to him
"Beautiful" Uma murmured, if they weren't so close Harry wouldn't have heard it.
It only encouraged him more. He would put on his best performance for her.
Uma rested her head on his shoulder the more she tried to fight her tiredness the harder it got. Harry continued, letting her rest her head. Even as the song came to an end he never disturbed her.
"Play another?" Uma said voice barrier above a whisper
"You're fallen asleep on me love" Harry smiled
"Must be the effects of your siren song" Uma joked
"Now we all know only you could have a voice beautiful enough to enchant others" Harry said
"Do I enchant you?" Uma teased
"You know you do" Harry smirked
Uma glanced down at his lips. She internally reprimanded herself, now wasn't the time, not here at least.
"Let's go home Harry" Uma said
"I thought you were going to sing for me" Harry said
"I'll sing for you, but not here" Uma said
Harry raised his brow "Then let's go home" he said
"Lead the way, pirate" Uma said
"As you wish, siren" Harry said
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someonewhos-world · 10 months
Relistening to the total drama wt songs to try to remember some of the episodes.
>giggling giggling giggling
>Its lovin time(mild fear),,,its lovin time (fear)
>its rowing time!!! (Joy)
>imagine getting stuck to a pole in what. The Yukon.
>I love the New York song because IT ISNT WRONG
>the crime is high (truth), the pigeons fly, what's not to loovvveeeee about new yorrrkkk-
>its crazy cause the city never sleeps (we do not)
>when you, dont hold back and lead the pack, truly there is nothing stopping you,you,you 💕
>SHE REMEMBERS ME (causes an avalanche)
>I only like the first half of gypsy rap I'm sorry
> gasp
>cody broke my heart and chewed it up and spit it out and then,stepped on it and threw it down a sewer,called it names and laughed!
>I have to hand it to Sierra's VA for being able to say all that in one breath.
>um,no my friend,that thing just burned off my shoe (gets kiwi privileges lost)(horrified)
>(tap dancing)
>I miss the way,,,izzy said hello,,,by hoofing me in the kiwis,,😔
>I could probably sing strip them down without hearing it
>ok maybe not Courtney's high note entirely but
>giggling how Alejandro is trying to listen in on Duncan and gwen
>cody literally needs meat on his bones,I could snap that boy in half (truth)
>Cody ate Blainely up in Blainerific stfu
>cody: who's that girl again (genuine)
blainely: WHAT (rage)
cody: (fear)
>Alejandro's autotune,,,
>this?? This is your man?? Alejandro?? This absolute hunk of a man? I get the appeal but
>hes a silly with a muppet of himself that's literally yellow
>Heather's "Oooh" hits so different ough
>BABY BABY BABY (epic beatboxing)
>I'm sorry,,,so sorry,,,like a flower,,,
>oops I really screwed, felt some dude up- (INTERNATIONAL TV BRIDGETTE)
>I feel so bad for Geoff.
>I'm gonna make it is so catchy. I want it playing at my graduation
>versus is another decently good one
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bondsmagii · 4 years
Hey Miceál got any hot takes today?
I’ve been saving this for a good hot take and now I have one.
so, recently I’ve been pissed at the people saying the Wellerman song is problematic because it praises colonisation and slavery and whatnot. you know, because of the references to commodities available because of colonisation (sugar and tea and rum) and the fact that the sailors in the song are basically indentured to the company they work for, and are essentially slaves.
the thing is... these are the men who wrote the song and who sing the song. enjoying the song, singing along to it, reworking it and interacting with it in modern times -- it’s keeping their history alive. I think this is something a lot of people don’t realise when it comes to any kind of folk music, sea shanties included. music -- especially in the past -- was a way to preserve history. many people were illiterate, news was difficult to spread. if somebody wanted to preserve something that was important, they would often do it orally. what’s easier to understand and remember than a long spoken story? a song with a catchy tune and a repeating chorus. what’s incredible at capturing and invoking emotion? music.
I’m Irish, and in Ireland we have a long history of this kind of thing. back in the day, our poets were on level with royalty. oral history is a very important part of our background, as it is in many cultures. but we also have a lot of rebel songs, because of the bullshit the English have been pulling on us for 900 years now. we were once (and some of us still remain) a colony of England’s. we suffered abuse, murder, oppression, and slavery at the hands of these oppressors -- mistreatment that continued into my lifetime. and we have a lot of songs about it. we have songs that tell the stories of battles and uprisings; we have songs that tell the stories of individuals or groups who were murdered or martyred; we have songs about famines and deportations; we have songs about the love of our country and our desire to see it free. many of these songs are catchy as hell, with a repeating chorus designed for everyone to sing along to.
so if we sing these, are we glorifying our oppressors? when I sing Men Behind the Wire, which contains lyrics such as in the little streets of Belfast in the dark of early morn, British soldiers came a-running wrecking little homes with scorn; heedless of the crying children, dragging fathers from their beds -- watch the scene as helpless mothers watch the blood pour from their heads, am I glorifying the soldiers who dragged hundreds of Irishmen out of their beds that morning and interned them indefinitely in prison without charge or trial, or am I showing solidarity with the victims and repeating a history which deserves to be told? the answer is obvious.
songs like these are meant to be heard. they’re meant to travel far and wide. they’re meant to preserve history, stir emotion, get people angry, get people remembering. songs like Wellerman do the same thing. that song was written by people suffering, by people being exploited, and one of the ways they provided solidarity and preserved their stories was by singing a song about being taken to a strange land and forced to work for an uncaring company. in this day and age, with people dying of heart attacks in Amazon warehouses or forced to work in a deadly pandemic because some supermarket or chain restaurant CEO doesn’t want to cut his pay check any, can we really say it’s not appropriate for us to remember these struggles, relate to them, and sing these songs in solidarity? 
the people essentially trying to cancel a sea shanty for apparently praising slavery are directly speaking over the lived experiences of the people who suffered that mistreatment. their lived experiences are still alive in that song. that’s why it should continue to be sung.
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eurosong · 3 years
Undo my ESC 2021 - Semi-final 1
Good afternoon, folks! Every year, I take a look at each semi-final and share what feasible change I would make – as small as changing a few lines of the song or an element of staging, or as big as a different song completely winning a national final – to make it even better (just in my own opinion of course!) This year will be harder than usual, but I’ll try to set aside my conviction that every 2020 artist should have been able to return to see how different SF1 might look. Let’s go!
🇱🇹 Lithuania: PiN was in the Roop's hands, and whilst I fell in love with some of the underdog songs they were up again, most notably Home and Never fall for you again I wouldn't take away the chance away from the Roop. There's nothing I'd change about Discoteque, and I love their nod to On fire, but the way that they also took things in a different direction to last time.
🇸🇮 Slovenia: I may be in a small minority, but I absolutely love Amen and I loved Voda too! Ana Soklič has so much presence and stunning vocals with so much texture and depth; she can sell me pretty much everything. My only change would be to insert Slovenian language lyrics!
🇷🇺 Russia: I was initially really disappointed that we wouldn't see the iconic Little Big on the ESC stage - but I commend the way they wanted to share the limelight with other artists. The unexpected Russian mini-NF ended up being a revelation and very diverse for its size. I liked all three songs, but I think that the best hands down won. There is nothing I have to change to Russian woman, one of the most powerful propositions of the season for me. I just hope juries will value it and we won't see a Telemóveis style situation!
🇸🇪 Sweden: After a year of being happy with the result in Sweden - I was always in Dotter's corner, but who can't love the Mamas? - we return to more familiar terrain of an MF result disgruntling me. Tusse has charisma and talent, but his song is lacklustre at best for me. My fav was, once again, Dotter, and I wish that either she'd taken the win or that the Mamas got their shot at ESC as main artists.
🇦🇺 Australia: I really enjoy Technicolour, one of the more out-of-left-field entries from Oz. I am so intrigued as to what the Diane Warren song offered to Montaigne was like, as I'm certain that this isn't it, but I'm glad she trusted her gut and went for something so distinctive. My one change would be to get rid of the unnecessary key change at the end.
🇲🇰 Macedonia: When there was a nationalistic furore with attempts to stop Vasil from representing MK, I was entirely on his side even though his song for me is one of the least appealing of the edition. I'd still want him to get his chance at ESC - but his Sudbina would have been such a more compelling entry for my taste.
🇮🇪 Ireland: Lesley Roy served nostalgic pop wonderment for the second year in a row, and another song that has etched itself already onto my life's soundtrack. I don't know what I'd change, except perhaps translate one of the choruses into Irish Gaelic - it'd make the message of a return to home even more resonant for me.
🇨🇾 Cyprus: Cyprus and I haven't seen eye to eye for several years now, and it's a shame as they were one of my favourite countries of the 90s. I do enjoy El diablo more than their last trio of songs, but I find it leans too heavy on a clear inspiration from Gaga, which takes away from some of the more original elements of the song. So, I'd rework the chorus, and also change some of the lyrics elsewhere because some lines just flat out make me cringe.
🇳🇴 Norway: I seem to have been in the minority of people delighted at MGP's final results! I had bigger favourites - the rambunctious sea shanty that is Vi er Norge, the kickass empowering Witch woods or the pulsating groove of Playing with fire - but I wouldn't take Tix' win away from him given how meaningful it was for him and what the guy has been through. My change? Revert partially or entirely to the Norwegian version, Ut av mørket; for me, it hits my heart harder.
🇭🇷 Croatia: Sincerely, my biggest disappointment of the NF season potentially - I wish Damir had been internally selected, not just because of my wish to see all ESC'20 alumni return, but because his was the best Croatian song for me since Moja štikla. Tick-tock is harmless but if we can't get a Damir return in this hypothesis, then I'd go for Rijeka, which captivated me with its epicness on first listen and has just risen in my estimation since. Though, given Nina's histrionics after coming second, maybe I'd have Albina perform the song instead.
🇧🇪 Belgium: I was prepared to not be on board with Belgium this year despite my long-lived love for the country - I found Release me, whilst orchestrated beautifully, entirely lacking in dynamism; and I really couldn't stand the way the band dumped Luka unceremoniously. And yet... this lush piece of art is one of my favs of the entire season. And there's something different and singular in Geike's voice. So the only thing I'm changing here are the dudes' attitudes to ESC so that they can value it more, especially Alex.
🇮🇱 Israël: As one of the most naturally charismatic performers of 2020, I had high hopes for Eden's return and the original idea of a mega-NF for her seemed really promising. Instead, we ended up with an uninspired strewing of songs, of which the best didn't even get the chance to be recorded by her. Set me free was my favourite of the three that got to the final, but I feel they've really worsened it with the revamp, in between the hail mary pass of the whistle vote and the extra emphasis on "I'mma". I would have Eden perform Shoulders instead - I don't know how it NQd and think it would allow her to showcase her personality a lot more.
🇷🇴 Romania: I really enjoyed Roxen's selection last year - small but quite diverse, and I felt the best song won. My change would be to have seen a similar national final with 3 or 4 other songs of hers this time, because I'm not convinced in Amnesia anywhere near as much as I was of Alcohol you.
🇦🇿 Azerbaijan: I wish they had gone with something at least a bit different rather than this cut, smudge and paste from last year that is so on the nose with its "you loved Cleopatra, so you will love this, won't you?" feel that it even namechecks the previous song. Efendi has a lot of talent and could have shown more diversity here.
🇺🇦 Ukraine: I'm getting used to the surprise revamp of Šum by now, but the question still remains for me, why did they do it? They needed to cut about a minute off the duration of the track, but to me, that doesn't explain why they also had to change the melody in large parts of the song. I'd be tempted to revert to a shortened form version of Šum version 1.
🇲🇹 Malta: Another unpopular opinion, but I'm just not that into the Maltese song this year. The lyrics are great and Destiny has poise and presence and PIPES and I'm sure she'll do well, but the style - a glammed up Electro-Velvet, essentially - doesn't heat me up, and I feel like the different parts of the composition are too dissonant from each other, like we have 2 or 3 songs in one here. My change would be for her to have gone with something more soul-ish in its sound, like AOML was.
And the AQs of this semi
🇩🇪 Germany: How did juries decide upon this, especially when there seems to have been many promising artists in the German selection? No shade against Jendrick who seems like a lovely chap, but the song sounds like the cheerful four chords on a ukulele you hear repeated as royalty free background music on Youtube tutorials, merged with a post-chorus breakdown taken from a Stefan Raab b-side. I would have gotten out my phone book and given Lilly among clouds a call - she gives me the vibes of being able to create something totally show-stopping.
🇳🇱 Netherlands: My original slight disappointment at this was more because of how high I have Grow than any fault of its own. It's another gorgeous composition from Jeangu, with probably the best set of lyrics of the year, and this is going to be a moment. I change nothing.
🇮🇹 Italy: I like Måneskin and their performances at Sanremo were brilliant - but they were far from being at the top of my favourites list. I would have given the win to Madame with Voce, or Ermal with Un milione di cose da dirti. Both would have been my #1 of the entire year, both move me deeply. Madame showcases contemporary Italian style with classic songwriting, whilst Ermal almost created a companion piece to Fai rumore - Diodato wanted to hear the sound of his loved one, whilst Ermal struggles to make a noise and say what he feels about his love.
Join me soon as I take a look at SF2 and its songs (and France, Spain and the UK, the auto-qualifiers from that semi!)
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hanawrites404 · 3 years
Wynne's Diary - Bonds with Asra
This place was fucking sickening, first of all. The small wooden cabin was dimly lit with yellow and vermilion lamps, tinting the room with similar colour as the fizzy nauseous drink settled in front of me. The prickling stench of strong alcohol and hot sweat was evident in the air, with deafening shanties and cheers of both sober and drunk customers buzzing through the whole compartment, leaving a whole aroma of disdain and queasiness.
I told them numerous times it was a bad idea, FOR A TOTAL OF THIRTY TWO TIMES TO BE PRECISE. But NOOOO they HAD TO ignore my reasoning and arrive but also haul me to this fucking cursed place for some sweet fucking lady company and to drink the fucks out of their fucking useless brains. JUST FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC I SAY. THIS HAD TO BE THE BEST DAY EVER!!!!
But even after all this, here I was, a bit tipsy myself from my lemon alcohol as my spouse and his ginger friend was gutting down their sixth shot of salty bitters. I had never liked that drink since it gave off a taste like sweat on the tongue, but as I had no choice to go home without getting even a bit drunk at the raven, so I had chosen the right and just amount of my beverage unlike two hooligans I am sadly aware of.
Yare yare, boys will always be boys. Though both of them were very much older than me. Fucking man-children, I swear.
"Let's see if you can chuck this one out, Asra!" The child nudged the other child's arm with a glass of the horrible liquid in his gloved hand. His pale cheeks were on fire, and so was the case with the other guy. Both were drowning in the booze, while I just calmly yet internally irritatingly watched both of them as I sipped my glass more civilly, trying my best to not pay any mind to them and pretend that I was an unfortunate stranger.
"Oh you are challenging me, Ilya" Asra taunted, shifting closer to the ginger and holding the surface of the goblet and the material of the other man's gloves with his fingers.
"Oh, am I?" The doctor's smirk got bigger as he stroked the other person's nails. Both of them gazed into each other's eyes, to find out who would lose the contact. I just sighed and yawned a bit. Though the shanties were ear-piercing, they bored me and certainly weren't feeding my interest. It's not that I didn't like the style of it, but more like it was lacking the feel of home I usually feel when I listen to music.
To me, music was a way to express, to reach out to the world and its natural treasures and wonders, to love and appreciate the miracle known as life. It was like an own language in itself. It was happy, it was melancholic, it was lustful. But it was never expressionless or unpleasant. That would be noise, not music. A violation of our poor fragile eardrums, that would be. But that's a rant for later.
Now, what was this feeling of home you ask? The explanation was very simple. I draw.......similarities of my life from music. I make relations with them, like a bond of my life energy and the power, music holds. I am an expressive person, believe me, or not. I keep my feelings hidden, but that doesn't mean my true passion is never seen under the light. It is seen, but only during the right times when I feel no one would question me for my openness. Now that's the feeling of home, where I can do whatever I want, however, I want to, yet I don't feel like an outcast or a stranger dancing in nowhere. Now that's home for me.
And this fucking shanty wasn't entertaining me at all. I'm sorry.
But I still appreciate the hard work the musicians were doing to entertain others here at the raven. I can at least give them tips for that. Lots of tips so they could know someone deeply pities them. However, I would never dare to order them to stop the music and go home. It's almost equal to burying someone alive, and I am not a bad person. I'm just mean. There is a difference, ok? Good? Good.
"There ya go, that's my brave magician" Julian patted Asra's back who was now chugging down what I suspected as, the tenth shot. He was breathless when he slammed down the glass on the table, his hair in front of his face and a bit of cough escaping from his lips.
"There there, you made it Asra. You made it. I lost the bet. You happy now?" Ilya lightly punched his back as Asra tried to cough the burn on his throat and attempted to breathe in and out. Now what kind of bet were they talking about and why I wasn't aware of it, I wondered. Was I...... becoming an outcast among them??
I rested my head on my palm, my eyes staring at Ilya, then at Asra. They were having drinking competitions together all the time and goofing around like good friends while here I was, zoning in and out, ranting about shanties and counting the bubbles in my leftover drink. Why was I here at all? Shouldn't I just leave and let them have their hangouts and hangovers? Shouldn't I just have a good night sleep and let my husband and his friend return home drunk and messed up and find them in the morning collapsed near the door naked??? I didn't know.
But...I guess both the options sounded equally right at that time.
As I saw Julian leading Asra to the front stage near the musicians, and pushing him on his feet for a boost. Looks like he was urging Asra to sing as the members readied their instruments.
I.....had never heard Asra sing before. And I wondered why he suddenly decided to sing now, in front of so many unknown people. Was it the liquor taking over him?? Or was it because I never asked him to sing, he didn't do for me. But he was doing for Ilya because he asked him so?
And again...I thought both the options sounded equally right.
I began to leave, I didn't want any more disappointment to mist over me now, also I was feeling quite tired. I was done for tonight, my hand reaching out to grab my cloak and pull it over myself and exit through the door, already preparing my mind to forget them till the next morning arrives.
But I stopped, as soon as I heard something calling me.
"Wynne...I know you want to leave. But please listen to this before you go and have a good sleep, okay?" I heard the shameless moron speak. Now, what was he trying to pull from his trickery sleeves??? Another shanty?? Please don't.
But......what I next heard from him genuinely formed goosebumps on my skin........
He was singing a song...... but not an ordinary song.......
It was our song......It was Home!
I turned to him, my hair gently swaying with the cool breeze that entered the raven from the alleys. Asra had his eyes closed, and he was in blissful peace. His hands were on his chest, where his heart was, and his voice cooed like the hymn of angels.
He was singing our song, the song we both made, the song we both created.
The song which tells the story of our unbreakable bond.
Through ups and downs, through crests and troughs, through mountains and seas. Our love was like a river, it flowed evergreen. We fought, we loved, we hurt, we healed. That was our journey and it all started with a melody.
We had nothing to lose, and we had a lot to share. We had nothing in our minds but affection and care. It may sound ridiculous, it may sound weird, but who was to know how much we have endeared.
This is a bad poem, I think so too. But a tale shared by a couple of two. I glanced at him and he glanced at me, and I saw our hearts set free.
Leaning near the walls I smiled and looked nowhere, but he sang his heart out everywhere.
But he was a voyager, he was meant to roam.
And he being a madman, spoke of our home.........
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⭐ Berry Berry Benny!! ⭐
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Here is my late review and opinion of Kurenai Yuzuru's last dinner show in August. I had a hard time to assimilate everything that happened these last months, beware of it's length and I hope you love Hoshigumi. Good reading! 💖 I'm sorry if it comes up to you completely, I don't know how the tumblr editing works. 😰 (I'm not sure the songs listing is entirely accurate.)
It was an emotional evening I must say, I deeply love Kurenai Yuzuru and it was overwhelming. I must admit that I'm not entirely sure of the rightness of my timeline, since quite some time passed. I attended the event in Osaka on shonichi, and everyone was very nervous including myself. The dinner show was held at the International Hankyu Hotel with approximately 500 attendees. The ladies at my table were very lovely, we chatted a bit and of course the easiest subject to talk about was Kurenai Yuzuru! Beni's parents were also in the audience closer to the stage.
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The dinner itself was very nice, and was a four course meal inspired by French cuisine. The Menu was written in French and Japanese, a very cute touch. Most of the sentences made sens, but there's still some work to be done, my proposition is that Hankyu should stop using Google translate and hire me instead. As hilarious as it is, we wouldn't want another "Nouvelle / Chinois " to happen.
Dinner was served in that order; Hors d'oeuvres was raw Bream with veggies and carpaccio. L'Entrée was a piece of lightly fried tilefish with a celery and chestnuts buttery sauce. Oddly the taste remembered me of my mother's cuisine, so it's good. The main course was red meat topped with mushrooms and a light sauce, it was accompanied by asparagus, cabbage and potatoes. My only concern was the bread they served with it, if you ate Japanese bread before you might know what I'm talking about. I highly despise the baguettes there because it tastes like cheap Subway bread, that was my very Taurus rant. Finally, the dessert was a red Opéra cake decorated with a Kurenai 5 colored coulis, fruits and a star chocolate. It was ADORABLE.
For the drinks, there was a wide variety offered, one of my favorite was the Asahi 紅 beer. The servers kept generously filling my wine glass, which I can't complain about. I preferred being a little bit tipsy because I didn't know how it was going to go.
🌌 SET 🌌
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The stage was a very shiny deep blue tone and was adorned with some glossy columns. A very galaxy note! (Or metaphor because Beni's the God of Stars) The room was giant and pretty cozy at the same time, maybe I'm highly biased because I love Hoshigumi fans aura. The last time I was in a room that luxurious was for a wedding, which Takarazuka events always remember me of, weddings. One could say that, I'm easily impressed by gigantic crystals chandeliers and very elegant tables settings.
There were two rows of chairs at the back of the room, and just before the show started a few Hoshigumi seito sneaked there before it went dark. After a quick glance I remember seeing Arisa Hitomi, Asamizu Ryou and Amaki Homare. There were many more of them that I didn't manage to get a good glance at.
✨ SHOW ✨
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As the room went dark and the lights started to flashes toward the stage, the audience deeply anticipated Kurenai's arrival. I started to envy the others closer to the stage, that would have a better view and I regretted to not have brought my opera glasses with me. However she didn't appear right away, and took quite some time to make the audience more excited. Guess what? She bursted of the door right behind me in a beautiful red suit, startling everyone while running and singing. I almost had an heart attack and didn't regret petty things anymore. Thus began Berry Berry BENNY!!
The "supporting" cast was composed of Tenju Mitsuki, Kisaragi Ren, Kizaki Reo and Shirotae Natsu. Everyone jumped out of the stage as Sayumi made her arrival and the first song was Berry Berry Benny. Which by that point my table mates and I were quite shaken by everything that happened. Truly only Beni can pull something like that over and over again and still surprise me. ( Throwback to Stella Rossa) After the song, the cast proceeded to introduce themselves and chit chat a bit. Kurenai asked if they were in Tokyo, Mikki corrected her and she kept laughing. (She NEEDS vacations.)
The second song was Ai no rengoku from Anna Karenina, performed by Beni alone. A very dramatic start I must say, Mr.Karenin left a deep impression on her. Her interpretation was very venurable, and truly delightful if you love her non comical side.
Special talk segment 1: Two chairs were set up for Sayumi and a guest plus a life sized shiny cardboard of Beni. However it was not the regular Kurenai Yuzuru who came on stage, but Beniko in one of the most horrible costumes I've seen on her. Renta was the first guest of the Beniko show, they spoke teasingly of other Hoshigumi seito about how everyone was crying so hard on raku. Both of them were diabolically laughing. As the time went out, the Kurenai cardboard would illuminate and menacing threats would come on. Naachan interview was sweeter and shorter than Renta, she admitted that she cried on raku unlike someone else. Beniko, Renta and Naachan proceeded to sing Raimei. I wasn't ready for the absurdity of the situation, and I must admit I haven't laugh that hard in so many years.
To leave time for Beni to quick change costume, Ren and Natsu sang Yume Butai [ À bientôt ]. Their voice sounded really great as a duet! ♡ I was especially excited for this because it meant Renta had an extra special moment before her retirement. Nacchan and her are really positive people and you can feel this vibe as they perform. Furthermore, an upperclassmen musumeyaku is a delight to see highlighted.
Beni-chan no usomitaina honto no hanashi: A magical story of Beni's life. She narrates/sing the whole thing with highlights of her life and her love for Takarazuka. From what I remember; Mikki was child Beni, Renta as the creepy Butler from Meichan, Natsu as what I suppose was Beniko and Reo was André. (I might be mistaken, I'll correct it if that's the case. I have a goldfish memory.) Cute anecdote: Her dream was to be André in the RoV shinko, but she was appointed as the Grand Chamberlain and was very sad about it. They also made passive-aggressive jokes about Koike sensei, it made me crack.
LUCKY STAR ! Or a cute reminder of where she started, I was very happy she included that song and I felt like a mother hen. It was a nice transition with her earlier storytime, it's joyful, energetic and very her. ♡ She gave us a very explosive and all over the place performance.
Surprise drum rolls, what you wanted to know for so long and the answer is YES. The glorious Kurenai 5 made the comeback we were all waiting for, or more so the Kurenai 3. Beni, Renta and Mikki were in their old matching T-shirt and nostalgia hit me hard. I almost missed the mullet Beni used to have. Then entered the missing members life sized cardboard, both Reo and Naachan made their respective member dance through the song. No one was expecting this, the whole room was filled with laughter. They then talked about the origins of Kurenai 5 and what fun experiences they had in the past. They pointed out that the band would officially not work anymore, as it would be just 1. Beni proceeded to tease Mikki quite a lot. Both Ichijou Azusa and Miya Rurika had recorded a message for their dear leader, in which Beni was delighted to hear. Renta and Mikki then proceeded to slam their microphone to the cardboards during the intervention. It was hilarious! Both Miyaruri and Shiiran were at the raku in Tokyo, so if the DVD is that recording we'll have the delight to physically see them. Sayumi thought Shiiran sounded very ladylike and that Miya sounded very sleepy, like she should go to sleep.
Your favorite song by Benny was a segment where she proposed us three different songs that she could sing for us. After the vote she discarded the audience opinion and did the one she wanted, Smile from Meichan's Butler. (Very her to do that) Unlike the other times she walked through the audience as she sang, and I started to get nervous again when she headed toward the back of the room. She was taking the time to look at everyone very carefully and lovingly. Then she was in front of me and the world fell down. It was THE BEST two seconds of my entire life. I was very much horrendously blushing , but hey Kurenai Yuzuru and I shared a glance while she sang the creepy Butler song? Very shoujo like situation, a part of me fell in love with her all over again. Otokoyaku are very convincing at their job, they don't need to do much to amaze me.
Special talk segment 2 with Mikki and Reo.
Beniko came back with an even more horrendous outfit than the first one; another awful red gown orned with lines of gold and silver sequins. Oversized trumpet sleeves with feathers on the end, a wig worthy of a Ghibli old witch and topped with numerous fans of herself.
Mikki's interview was the longest, and the one to which Beni's cardboard was the most aggressive. Both her and Reo talked about the whole taidan situation, the troupe loves so much BeniAiri. They're as emotional if not more than fans about this. Mikki and Reo came back on stage and joined Beniko to sing Killer Rouge. Another absurd situation, where Beni's gaze was her cool otokoyaku look but she was dressed similar to the old ladies she always mocks about.
Hoshi wo tsugumono was MikkiReo's duet. What a very dangerous duo they make, both their voices are pretty warm and l had a few butterflies in my stomach. I'm sorry for betraying you Sayumi!
Random selection ;
I believe it's a free for all section and that must choose a song according to their mood. That night the ensemble sang Om Shanti Om as Sayumi went off stage to get a quick change. Boi do Hoshigumi loves that production, their enthusiasm really shows while singing this particular song. They went through the public and did a few handtouch. Renta stole the fan of an audience member right in front of me and decided to refresh herself with it. Reo was having her usual bright sunshine energy, Mikki was being an Ikkemen far away from me competing with Natsu. The bright wave of Hoshigumi energy was filling the room, and you could feel the love.
Kurenai came back on stage, dressed entirely in white and we all knew what that meant. The final song was A piece of courage, from Scarlet Pimpernel. God does she LOVES that show most ardently. It was her only lead shinko role and her first Grand theater show as a Top Star, she always seemed to live her best life as Percy. She always look so hopeful when she sings this song, it is VERY touching. Special metion to Aachan who sang it as well at her music salon, if it's not being soulmate I don't know what is.
She got a curtain callback and sang Goodbye from Catch me if you can. Yes, she did that again. As if it wasn't enough from the sayonara show and every other opportunity given to her to sing this. I can honestly say a cried a river again and that I'm in a love hate relationship with that song.
This woman doesn't know what to say to her audience, even thought we made her come back twice. She just told us to go home and that it was over in her lovely kansaiben, I love it. ♡
The show was really fun and I'm really happy I got to go, I hope I didn't forget anything. They rehearsed after having to do one if not two performance a day , and only came out late at the night. They've all worked very hard in such a short amount of time, and the result was GREAT. Kurenai Yuzuru is a real entertainer, a star and she adores it. She puts so much love and energy in her work, it's truly admirable. I'm delighted to have been able to follow her career until now and I'm very glad I focused my attention to the wobbly Mercutio many years ago. She made me cry, laugh and dream. I love her SO much.
My final words are going to be her motto:
Never give up!! ☆
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I like the ship, I really do. If you don't mind can you do that ship list you had before with CJ/Jane?
1.Whois the most affectionate?:
Jane.CJ takes a long while to learn how to say “I love you” with beingcoerced, or feeling the instinctive unease at “showing weakness.”The first time she manages to say it unprompted, though, Jane demandsthat she tell it over and over again, much to CJ’s embarrassment.
2.Bigspoon/Little spoon?:
CJis always the big spoon. Jane enjoys feeling safe and protected by a“ferocious scourge of the seas” and CJ likes feeling in control and being protective over her “beloved First Mate.”
3.Mostcommon argument?:
CJ’smischievous habits and tendency to get into all manner of minortrouble. Jane keeps telling her she doesn’t HAVE to be a pirate,but so many years of buccaneer training and habit takes a while toundo.
4.Favoritenon-sexual activity?:
Stylingand brushing CJ’s hair.
Janehas long been jealous of the many royals who could pull off longhair, due to a mix of not being able to use her magic to modify herhair, and being stuck with the current bob style she had because itdoesn’t grow naturally unlike the others, because Fae Mortal BodyBiology is weird like that.
CJenjoys letting Jane brush, braid, and experiment with her hair, as itmakes Jane happy, and helps her live out at least one part of thechildhood they never had.
5.Whois most likely to carry the other?:
Jane,with the caveat that this is usually hauling CJ away from whatevertrouble she had gotten herself in this time. Jane may be tiny, butyou better believe that mortal body of hers is a LOT stronger than itlooks.
6.Whatis their favorite feature of their partner’s?:
Asmentioned, Jane loves CJ’s hair.
Conversely,CJ really likes staring into Jane’s eyes: “like getting a lost ina sea whose depths I’ll never see nor be able to understand.”They’re also her most common reminder of the fact that like her,Jane has in fact seen shit.
7.What’sthe first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings forthe other?:
CJpanics, threats, and tries to convince herself it’s all still aremnant of her playing with Jane’s feelings and she’s notLEGITIMATELY falling in love with her, pirates don’t do that; theylove passionately for as long as they’re in port, then they leavetheir lovers high and dry, till the next time their paths may crossor to be pined for during a cold night at sea, or when they’retaking care of their bastard child.
Asa result, she hangs out with Jane as much as possible, going out ofher way to arrange things together, to ensure that she mostdefinitely doesn’t love Jane, they’re totally going to enjoythese things as friends slowly piecing their strange friendship backtogether, she’s totally not asking Jane out on dates and trying todo something legit this time, nope.
Piratesdon’t do that, yep-yep.
Janespends a lot of late nights in her room ruminating, reflecting, andasking around (anonymously, or with the other Faeries who know tokeep it out of FG’s earshot or knowledge) about advice on whetheror not it’s actually true, and after the initial ruse is revealed,if she should give CJ a second chance.
Asa result, she goes along with all of CJ’s plans, because she canfind out if she wants to be friends or girlfriends, legitimately thistime.
8.Nicknames?& if so, how did they originate?:
“Captain”for CJ, sarcastically said by Jane whenever she tells her about herlatest endeavour that will definitely end badly. Example: “Captain,as your First Mate, I have to strongly suggest against crashing the Chocolate Ball.”
“FirstMate” for Jane, playfully said by CJ in response to Jane’swarnings. Example: “Well, it’s a good thing you’re just theFirst Mate, and I’m Captain, ‘cause we are swinging straight intothat giant chest of gold-wrapped chocolate coins!”
Othersinclude Blue (for Jane), Callie (for CJ), Baby Jane (for CJ), andMommy (for Jane).
9.Whoworries the most?:
CJhas a very laissez-faire towards trouble, always figuring she’llfind some way to get out of her current predicament soon enough; thataside, she doesn’t have the lack of need for sleep, food, orbathroom breaks that Jane has, so she’s too tired or dedicatingmost of her energies towards getting into trouble than worrying aboutit.
10.Whoremembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?:
Jane,by virtue of being unable to forget anything.
12.Whoinitiates kisses?:
Jane.See above for the “most affectionate” question.
13.Whoreaches for the other’s hand first?:
CJ,though that was mostly a manipulative tactic by abusing the humaninclination to trust people who touch you. She took Jane’s hand tostop her from saying “No” when she was initially flirting withher as a playful, mean-spirited seduction.
Afterthe big Reveal, it’s Jane, showing that she’s forgiven CJ enoughto want to touch her again.
14.Whokisses the hardest?:
CJ.“She’s smooth like good whiskey, warm like a shitty barrel ofgrog left under the sun, and gets me drunker than either.”
15.Whowakes up first?:
Jane,but she doesn’t really sleep in the first place.
16.Whowants to stay in bed just a little longer?:
CJ is always up and eager at the crack of dawn to get to work, makinggood time out of whatever hours of the day she has.
17.Whosays I love you first?:
Illegitimately,it was CJ, again to try and seduce Jane and coerce her into arelationship.
Afterthat, again, it’s CJ, as Jane specifically refused to say it forfear that CJ might not feel the same still.
18.Wholeaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does itusually say?):
“Iknow what you did, and if I don’t, I will find out, so don’t trywhatever shit it is you’re chewing over with this, Captain.”
-First Mate Jane
19.Whotells their family/friends about their relationship first?:
Againsther better judgment, she decides to go to the local relationshipexpert and student guidance counselor, Fairy Godmother, and BOY HOWDYwas that a bad idea.
20.Whatdo their family/friends think of their relationship?:
FairyGodmother regrets everything, but understands that the VKs alsodeserve a chance at love, even though she’s going to be screaminginternally for all eternity that she was directly responsible for theease, convenience, and frequency with which her daughter and hergirlfriend can go “below deck.”
Hookis ambivalent towards Jane, so long as CJ knows she will have toditch her the moment she tries to make her do something like settledown and hang up her captain’s hat for good. He’s no stranger tohaving been in love, so he doesn’t really blame her for wanting tobe in a relationship, and assumes that like him, it’s onlytemporary.
21.Whois more likely to start dancing with the other?:
CJ.Jane is still rather shy about this, but CJ has grown up in bars anddecks where bawdy shanties, drinking, and dancing was the norm.
22.Whocooks more/who is better at cooking?:
She’shad plenty of time to experiment and has used baked goods as a formof apology and bribery over the years. She can’t really enjoy foodthe way we do, as a big part of the enjoyment of a meal comes fromthe satisfaction of feeling full, and what Jane has is an essentiallybottomless, magical void.
Ona side note, CJ will happily eat anything Jane makes.
23.Whocomes up with cheesy pick up lines?:
“I’min the mood to get drunk on booze, and on your love—care to joinme?”
“Avast!A see lovely siren yonder, luring me in with her beauty.”
“Anychance I can have a go at unlocking your treasure chest?”*
24.Whowhispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear duringinappropriate times?:
CJ.Jane gets easily flustered by it. During appropriate times, it’sJane.
25.Whoneeds more assurance?:
CJ.She’s constantly in conflict about giving up her lifelong dream ofpirateering for a much more responsible, legal life with Jane. Atleast with Jane, she knows she only has one destiny to worry about.
26.Whatwould be their theme song?:
“Undercover”by Kehlani. 
“One way or another, I’m in love with you/ Slidingunder covers, undercover/ They don’t want to see you happy, we say‘Fuck You!’”
27.Whowould sing to their child back to sleep?:
CJ.Hook made a point of teaching and singing his kids all manner of seashanties, of lost loves, of great treasures, and just enjoying lifeas a pirate out on the open seas.
28.Whatdo they do when they’re away from each other?:
Janeengages in all manner of hobbies to try and pass the time, becauseshe’s got all of eternity to waste and no real pressure to achieveanything.
CJgets into all manner of crimes and mischief, because Jane is prettymuch 90% of her impulse control.
29.oneheadcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart:
Afterseveral years in Auradon and learning all her options to becomebetter than a criminal, CJ finally womans up and tells her fatherthat she is formally going to be joining the Auradonian Royal Guard,the Naval division, to explore the world, sail the seas, and build upcredits for college.
Hooksmiles bitterly, tells her that is her choice, and that from thispoint on, his daughter Calista Jane Hook has died in his eyes, andthat if their paths will ever cross, she should expect no mercy fromhim, and neither should he show her that.
CJspends the night drinking to the memory of the late CJ, Future PirateQueen, killed by the stroke of a pen signing an application form tothe Auradon City Naval Training Base, survived by Calista Jane“Callie” of the Lost.
30.oneheadcanon about this OTP that mends it:
Janecarries and drives home CJ after she finally gets black-out drunk.The next morning, she does everything in her power to sober her thefuck up, cleans up all the spilled alcohol, drool, and vomit fromher, brushes and neatly braids her hair, and drags her over to thenearest full length mirror.
Shehelps her shrug off her red “Captain’s” coat and fold it up forthe last time.
Then,she helps her put on her new coat: blue, with gold buttons, and theinsignia of the Auradon Royal Guard, Navy Division on the collar.
Janekisses Callieon the cheek, before they both look at their reflections in themirror.
“Lookinggood, Captain,”Jane says.
Calliesmiles. “Please, it’s just Ensign. For now.”
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zaggitz · 6 years
My Top Ten Video Games of 2018
Well, here were are again, my friends. After the non stop roller coaster thrillride of VIDEO GAMES 2017, can 2018 live up to the hype??? I’m gonna go ahead and say no right off the bat, but while every single week wasn’t filled with a new incredible genre defining experience like last year, we still had some genuine certified bangers in the mix, many of which I think will remain important to me as the years go by. It should be noted this is the first year since 2014 where a Trails game hasn’t hit the market, so for the first time ever since I started writing these lists, a Trails game will not reign victorious at the end. Scandalous! Impossible!! Shit year tbh, but we’ll get by.
Outside of games this year is maybe the best year of my entire life?? I got out of a years long slump, started an actual genuine career path, and then somehow managed to fenegle falling in love into the whole mix. These lists have always come from some greater sense of yearning to reach out and communicating how I feel about things I love to anyone who will listen, but right now all I can think of is about how happy and lucky I am for my life to have taken the turns it did this year. 2019 is gonna have to try real hard to break my stride.
If you’d like to read my previous rambly lists, here they are:
Anyway without further ado, here’s ten games that aren’t Trails of Cold Steel 3(WHEN??):
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10. Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales
This one is only at the bottom of the list because I didn’t have time to finish it. I loved getting to jump into the world of the witcher again. The world is dark and gritty and the choice are morally grey and the writing is impeccable and gwent is even more fun to play as a main mechanic than it was in the Witcher 3 as a minigame. I can’t wait to dive back into this one come the new year.
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9. Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology
One of the most well written and executed time-travel-based JRPGs I’ve ever played. It’s a story about trying to fix mistakes, about different perspectives trying to understand each other instead of fighting over differences.
It’s got an overall theme of realizing how important you can be to the world around you despite seeming insignificant that really resonated with me, an amazing cast of characters and it also just happens?? To be really fun to play??
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8. The House in Fata Morgana: A Requiem for Innocence
That I didn’t play the first game the year it came out is a damn crime, this series of gothic tragedies has such special, meaningful and important themes of redemption and sacrifice and finding the people who will survive the world with you no matter what. It tackles mental illness, lgbt topics with an immense amount of respect and tells some of the most heart wrenchingly real and gutting stories, but it all culminates in the most viscerally satisfying way.
This sequel delves into one of the most unspoken parts of the original while also offering promising and hopeful glimpses into the future. It’s absolutely a must play if you in anyway liked the original.
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7. Wandersong
Now here’s one that came absolutely out of nowhere. This game just oozes joy out of every pore. You play as a dandy bard who can only interact with the world via music trying to save it from being destroyed. Heavy themes of pacifism and the internal struggle of doing your best when you know for a fact your best won’t be good enough cover this thing like sprinkles on the most delicious and colorful donut.
Another thing I love is how every single chapter of this game plays differently, one will be a pirate adventure where you steer a ship with pirate shanties, the other will be a Majora's Mask still town sim, it goes on like this, and it never once gets boring. This game will make you smile the biggest smile from start to finish.
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6. God of War
Remember Kratos?? He’s back, in open world action-RPG form. I sort of grew up with the original GoW trilogy and am of the opinion that they aged about as well as I did(which is fuckin not gracefully, teenager me was a fuckin mess). God of War is out of its edgy teenager phase now, and just barely squeaking out of its holier than thou college student phase into a game that actually has a few things to say, fun characters, an amazing world, and a paternal relationship that is kind of actually a joy to watch unfold despite everyone making fun of the game for it.
This game is like twice, maybe three times as long as the original trilogy which hilariously kind of makes those games feel like a prologue to this one. I suppose the real ironic thing is they kind of are?? They were shallow angry games with nothing to say but their existence created a character that, under the right light, under THIS light, could actually be extremely compelling and fun to watch grow alongside his boy. This series went from one I was glad to see gone to one I can’t wait to get more of.
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5. Yakuza 6: The Song of Life/Yakuza Kiwami 2
It’s absolutely insane that Yakuza is popular now. I got into this series 10 years ago and at the time every single new yakuza release was a blessing and a curse; blessed because holy shit they actually put out a new Yakuza game and cursed because oh god it sold like shit and they probably won’t localize the next one why did they localize the zombie spin-off it almost killed the series nooooo don’t localize that give us the samurai games instead.
So anyway, this year I finally finished my journey playing through all 7 mainline Yakuza games. The journey of Kiryu Kazuma has come to an end and I have seen every step he’s taken. Yakuza 6 itself had kind of a really rough new engine that Kiwami 2 ended up refining, and from a gameplay perspective these games are basically the same, for the most part(Kiwami 2 is just better). Neither of these games come close to touching the masterful highs of Yakuza 0 but from a story perspective I think the respect and love this series has for its protagonist is unmatched, and while I was sad to see him go, I will never forget that big good crime boy and his whacky antics.
Ganbare, Kiryu-san...sayonara!!!!
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4. The Messenger
This game fucking rules, I really don’t know how to do it justice, I played it on a whim and fell in love with it for the time it took me to beat it in a way that I haven’t done with a game in a long time. The gameplay is fluid and fun, the writing is charming and legit hilarious at times and the soundtrack, oh baby the soundtrack, if this wasn’t a year where Celeste came out this game would win every single award for OST of the year, I would fight anyone who disagreed.
The main gimmick of this game once you reach the halfway point is being able to shift between the 8 bit past and the 16 bit future, and every time you do the music will warp to fit those aesthetics and the game does this so freaking seamlessly, it’s amazing. The final level in particular meshed the music so well with the narrative that I was like fist pumping the whole way through the final sequence of the game.
It rules extremely hard, play it. Yes, you, you reading this right now, play this game so these people will make more for me. Please?
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3. La-Mulana 2: The 0th Body, The 9th Spirit
Chalk this one up for game of 2018 I most can’t wait to replay and do a bunch of quick runs of. The original La Mulana is one of my favorite games of all time and this sequel delivers more of all the stuff I love while streamlining a lot of the more obscure and obtuse solutions. The music, the bosses, the world, all of the best things about the first game were all just as on point in this one.
The game evokes a sense of mystery you can only really achieve in a sequel to a game like the original La Mulana by constantly making you question the lore you already knew from the original. This all culminates in a sidequest that for a game as inscrutable as opaque as LM2, I still ended up getting really really emotionally invested in.
I don’t think there will ever be a La Mulana 3, and if that’s the case I’ll be able to leave this series happy, these two games complete each other in such a huge way, and will remain some of my favorites for years to come.
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2. Celeste
I swear to god, this game was my Game of the Year for 9 whole months. I have never in my life played a game with this much precision perfect game design. This is maybe the tightest most consistent feeling platformer of all time. It’s like basically perfect on a gameplay level. That it meshes it’s gameplay with it’s themes so well is what truly makes it stand out and transforms it into not only a viscerally satisfying, tough but fair game, but an emotionally resonant masterpiece that will stick with me for years to come.
Celeste is a game about climbing a mountain. Celeste is a game about overcoming depression and anxiety and learning to cope and better yourself. These things are not interchangeable, the challenges you face as a player in this game all tie in perfectly to the main character, Madeline’s struggle to just fight through her self doubt and self loathing. It’s an extremely real tale, despite how fantastical the visuals are. It’s a game about fighting and screaming and clawing at that fucking Mountain to give you a way to have your heart again, and it’s absolutely wonderful.
The game is difficult, but every personal triumph accompanies one in game, and it lets you truly feel the feelings the game is trying to evoke alongside it. This is the kind of game that only comes once or twice a decade. I’d be extremely surprised to see anything hit this level any time soon.
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1. Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age
This is the gold standard for all JRPGs now as far as I'm concerned. There are series that go deeper, that go harder, that go all the way in with their music but no game out there exists that is so confidently just the classic all encompassing idea of a JRPG like this one. This game is pure comfort food, it knows exactly what it is and what it is is a fun heartwarming and charming classic JRPG “chosen one gets the cool sword and fights the dark lord” tale and damn it if it hasn’t been a while since we had just a good one of those.
Haha, just kidding.
A third of the way through, this game takes a dramatic shift and flips everything on its head in a way that hasn’t been really seen or executed this well since FF6. Suddenly the comfortable is taken away, the world is scary, bleak, and the themes you missed, that were simmering in the background since the start of the game start to boil over to the surface. The world is darker but the people in it are warmer, they hold themselves together until the day comes, and the game will find ways to make you cry you would never expect from a series this traditional. These themes all culminate in a super satisfying finale that, while not entirely happy, at least leaves the world in a better place than it was before, with it’s people that much closer.
Now what if I just didn’t write any of that and told you why I really love the game.
Credits roll, and the post game, that is to say, the final third of the game, begins. What if the shift never came, how would the world be different? How would these characters acrs resolved? Who would live? Who would die instead? What does this happening mean to the world? What does this new future hold?
In one simple moment, you answer all of those questions, and Dragon Quest XI becomes a prequel to Dragon Quest III (which was a prequel to DQ1 but that’s less important).
All of a sudden this entire series has lore, everything is connected in a way it had never been for 30 years, and it fits so seamlessly and perfectly that it could only have happened in a series like Dragon Quest, which has had the same writer across all 11 games. As a fan who had played all the available english games this was such an insane rewarding moment. I struggle to really compare it to anything else outside of maybe like…
Oh shit.
Outside of goddamn Trails.
Ya’ll know what that means right?
That’s right, Trails wins game of the year once again. STILL THE KING BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
0 notes
limejuicer1862 · 5 years
Wombwell Rainbow Interviews
I am honoured and privileged that the following writers local, national and international have agreed to be interviewed by me. I gave the writers two options: an emailed list of questions or a more fluid interview via messenger.
The usual ground is covered about motivation, daily routines and work ethic, but some surprises too. Some of these poets you may know, others may be new to you. I hope you enjoy the experience as much as I do.
Christine Sloan Stoddard
is a Salvadoran-American author, artist, and the founder of Quail Bell Magazine. Her books include Belladonna Magic: Spells In The Form of Poetry And Photography (Shanti Arts), Water for the Cactus Woman (Spuyten Duyvil), Hispanic and Latino Heritage in Virginia (The History Press), and other titles. Her art and writing have appeared in Ms. Magazine, The Feminist Wire, Bustle, Cosmopolitan, Native Peoples Magazine, Yes! Magazine, Teen Vogue, The Social Justice Review, Marie Claire, and elsewhere. A graduate of VCUarts and The City College of New York-CUNY, Stoddard lives in Brooklyn with her husband and a dead cactus.
Her website is https://WorldOfChristineStoddard.com.
The Interview
1. What inspired you to write poetry?
It came out of an impulse and, now a habit, to share and tell stories. I have two younger siblings and grew up telling them stories. I wrote mini books and magazines, from storybooks to comics to fashion catalogs, and sold them to the little Stoddards for a dime, maybe a quarter for a real tome. Clearly, capitalism had already taken root—though even tiny me had no illusions about getting rich from poetry. Today I continue to write across genres and forms, but poetry is my heart’s song.
2. Who introduced you to poetry?
My mother. She was the first one to champion reading and introduce all kinds of books to me, including collections of children’s poetry. Shel Silverstein was a beloved poet in my home; I think many people of my generation (and others!) can relate to that. My mother, who is originally from El Salvador and speaks English as a second language, loves British fairy tales and American folklore, so my siblings and I read a lot of poetry in that vein. Apart from her interest in the content, I’m sure my mother was just excited to learn about Anglophone cultures. Her enthusiasm was contagious. I remember her taking U.S. citizenship classes when I was little and reading books with me to practice her English. A collection I still adore from that period is The Real Mother Goose by Blanche Fisher Wright. After all, nursery rhymes are poems! But as much as I credit my mother for infecting me with the reading bug, it was my kindergarten teacher who first encouraged me to write a poem. She sat at the computer and typed up whatever I dictated. I was hooked. Thank you, Mrs. Doud, wherever you are now.
3. How aware were you of the dominating presence of older poets?
I didn’t think of them as dominating or intimidating. I thought of them as inspiring, even magical. I knew from a young age that I wanted to possess the same spell-binding powers they had. That doesn’t mean I always maintain full confidence in my abilities. I still doubt myself, but I never underestimate the importance of hard work. Elbow grease, baby!
4. What is your daily writing routine?
I write everyday, though it’d be farfetched to call my practice a routine. My process changes day by day, depending upon what else I have to do and where I need to be. I write in various notebooks, on two different computers (not to mention public ones at libraries and wherever else), and even on my phone. As much as I like the idea of forming a ritual, I’m suspicious of cultivating one. I’m afraid it would hinder me from actually writing. My current lifestyle doesn’t allow really allow for a precious routine and I’m fine with that. AmeriCorps and journalism experience taught me to get things done. Deadlines aren’t often discussed in the poetry world, but I do make them a habit in my practice, no matter how many times I have to renegotiate and extend them. I’m always most productive during residencies, when I have “a room of my own,” but that is to be expected. Yet I don’t let less than ideal circumstances prevent me from writing at home. Otherwise, I’d spend very little time actually writing. And I want to write. Truly.
5. What motivates you to write?
This question has always been difficult to answer. Quite simply, it makes me happy, even when it causes me anguish. Trust me, I’m aware of the contradiction. I just have an unstoppable urge to reflect and imagine and express myself. I know that it brings my loved ones a certain amount of pride; those closest to me are amazingly supportive, even when my work puzzles them. And, sure, I’ve earned some recognition and money from my work, too. But my loved ones’ encouragement, awards, social media mentions, press write-ups, and checks are not why I do this. They simply sweeten my circumstances a bit. I’d still do it without any of those perks. This is the folly of every artist.
6. What is your work ethic?
I’ve been told I have an incredible work ethic, at least for when I want to finish my own creative projects. I’m deeply motivated to realize my vision and get my work out into the world. But like many writers, I’m never quite satisfied. So I keep writing and writing, as if there’s any hope of getting closer to the end of the rainbow.
7. How do the writers you read when you were young influence you today?
E.B. White, Phyllis Reynolds Naylor, Roald Dahl, Marissa Moss, Arnold Lobel, Francine Pascal (and the many Sweet Valley Twins ghostwriters!!)—I owe all of you and so many other children’s and YA authors so much. The writers I read then instilled in me the value of reading and valuing my imagination. I still think back to books I read as a child and teen, no doubt.
8. Who of today’s writers do you admire the most and why?
Julia Alvarez, Joan Didion, Jamaica Kincaid, and the dearly departed Toni Morrison and Maya Angelou are some of my favorites. Though, truth be told, I’m more of a case-by-case book fan than I am an overall author fan. I admire all of these writers for their commitment to beautiful language and telling women’s stories. I also have to give a shout-out to the Quail Bell Magazine (http://www.quailbellmagazine.com/) family. I started Quail Bell in college and am floored at the community that’s grown from it. This group of artists and writers fires me up! Even textbook introverts like me need community.
9. Why do you write, as opposed to doing anything else?
I write, but I also make films and visual art. I do some performance-based work, too. I’ve presented my work at the New York Transit Museum, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Annmarie Sculpture Garden-Smithsonian affiliate, the Queens Museum, the Waveland Ground Zero Hurricane Museum, and many other venues. Often, I merge my writing and my non-writing, whatever form that may take. No matter what, it’s all done in service to stories. You can learn more about my other work at http://www.worldofchristinestoddard.com/
10. What would you say to someone who asked you “How do you become a writer?”
Read. Write. Repeat. Getting published is part of the process of getting read, but it’s not what makes you a writer. Dreaming, thinking, and then putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard is what makes you a writer. It also helps to have a sense of humor. There are going to be rough days, so learn to crack a smile once in a while.
11. Tell me about the writing projects you have on at the moment.
I had two books come out this year! It wasn’t supposed to happen that way, but as publishing schedules changed, it became inevitable. The first book is Belladonna Magic: Spells in the Form of Poetry and Photography from Shanti Arts (https://www.shantiarts.co/uploads/files/stu/STODDARD_BELLADONNA.html) and the second is Desert Fox by the Sea (http://hootnwaddle.com/desertfox/) from Hoot ’n’ Waddle. Belladonna Magic is a collection of poetry and photography first featured in Ms. Magazine, so that alone should clue you in on the feminist nature of the collection. (Though depending upon your perception of feminist art, it will probably challenge any preconceived notions.) The other book, Desert Fox by the Sea, is a collection of short stories and poems that won a fiction competition held by Four Chambers Press in Phoenix, Arizona. Hoot ’n’ Waddle, which was started by a former Four Chambers Press editor, picked up the manuscript when Four Chambers went on hiatus. I first read from the collection at the New York City Poetry Festival in July, the same month Desert Fox by the Sea came out and I’m thrilled to have two celebrations for the book in September. The first celebration will be a reading with guest writers, followed by a meditative journaling session inspired by the works read. That will take place on September 12th at Unnameable Books in Brooklyn (https://www.pw.org/literary_events/desert_fox_by_the_sea_book_launch_meditative_journaling). The second celebration will be a reading with musical and photo accompaniment at on September 22nd (https://www.pw.org/literary_events/desert_fox_by_the_sea_book_celebration_projection_music_show) at Quimby’s Books, also in Brooklyn (because that’s where I live.)
In other news, I’m honored to have my 2018 chapbook The Tale of the Clam Ear (AngelHousePress) (https://www.angelhousepress.com/index.php?Chapbooks) reviewed in the summer 2019 issue of Arc Poetry, the poetry magazine of Canada. I really wasn’t expecting that. It’s a feel-good reminder that people still read chapbooks. My next full-length book due out is Heaven Is A Photograph, thanks to the rad folks at CLASH Books (https://www.clashbooks.com/) It’s a poetry and photography book with one continuous narrative about a young art student’s hesitation to pursue photography and how she overcomes her fears. Heaven Is A Photograph will be available for pre-order at the end of the year and come out in early 2020.
As for what I’m actually writing now? My new policy is that if it isn’t just about out the gate, it’s top-secret. Publishing is an unpredictable business and you never know which press is going to go on hiatus or fold. It’s happened to me more than once before! You can learn about smaller projects as they’re released by following Quail Bell Magazine on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/quailbellmagazine/) I’m constantly publishing pieces there, including this recent poetry film, “Jaguar in the Cotton Field,” (https://vimeo.com/354442971) featuring a poem from my chapbook by the same title.(You can order the chapbook from Another New Calligraphy. http://www.anothernewcalligraphy.com/anc047.html)
2020 is going to be a hoot. I’m damn lucky but I also work damn hard, and I’ll be a writer until I head to the grave. I might even find a way to write from six feet under.
Wombwell Rainbow Interviews: Christine Sloan Stoddard Wombwell Rainbow Interviews I am honoured and privileged that the following writers local, national and international have agreed to be interviewed by me.
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itssherstyle · 6 years
RAWR Awards 2018 is all-set at Le Rêve on November 14
MANILA, Philippines— LionHearTV.net brings back #RAWRAwards2018 on November 14, Wednesday, 6pm at Le Rêve Pool Party Venue and Events Place. The annual award-giving body is backed up by the Filipino blogging community, particularly the entertainment blogs spearheaded by the aforementioned site.
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sherfriends.com by Shermaine Capuli and Sherfriends is glad to be part of this Pinoy Blog Nation
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A total of 25 awards are at stake in this year’s RAWR Awards. Dubbed as a spectacle of entertainment celebrities; apart from a 250-strong support from the new media practitioners (bloggers) across the country, PR groups are all in support as well as the respective fans of the listed nominees.
The awards are grouped under three major categories—Lion, Cub and Pride.
See list of categories and the corresponding nominees:
Bibo Award
The award clearly indicates being active or maybe the brightest child star the public has come to endear with. The recipient of the award has this innocence that can be described as ‘breath of fresh air’; he or she has shown dedication at work despite his or her young age.
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Nominees are Xia Vigor (The Kids Choice), Baeby Baste (Eat Bulaga), Chunsa Jung (Your Face Sounds Familiar Kids Edition), Elia Ilano (Sana Dalawa Ang Puso), Leanne Bautista (The Cure), Yuan Francisco (Victor Magtanggol), Justin James Quilantang (Playhouse) and Sofia Pablo (Onanay).
Favorite Bida
Bida means the lead—it can refer to either the star on a television show or in a film. The Favorite Bida of is someone who gave a remarkable performance. Though being a protagonist back then are the victims and who allow the antagonist to just abuse him or her; today, the Bida knows how to fight and still earn the sympathy of the audience.
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Nominees are Coco Martin (FPJ’s Ang Probinsyano), Kathryn Bernardo (La Luna Sangre), Enrique Gil (Bagani), Alden Richards (Victor Magtanggol), Barbie Forteza (Inday Will Always Love You), Erich Gonzales (The Blood Sisters), Marian Rivera (Super Ma’am), and Bianca Umali (Kambal Karibal).
Favorite Kontrabida
Any Bida will not be as effective and convincing if his or her kontrabida fails to deliver. The said award is given to the antagonist who made the audience hate them because of the guts and he or she can steal the spotlight from the lead if given the chance. With many bankable artists turn into the villains they are now, one can only be hailed as the Ultimate Kontrabida.
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Nominees are Kyline Alcantara (Kambal Karibal), Gladys Reyes (Inday Will Always Love You), Jhong Hilario (FPJ’s Ang Probinsyano), Ryan Eigenmann (Bagani), Richard Gutierrez (La Luna Sangre), Katrina Halili (The Stepdaughters), John Estrada (Victor Magtanggol), and Gabby Eigenmann (Contessa).
Beshie ng Taon
In any story, he or she is the sidekick, the supporter who cheers for the Bida. Oftentimes, he or she is overlooked and taken for granted, but because of his or her contribution to tell and complete a story—he or she gives the lead a special support system and because of that—he or she deserves that recognition, too.
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Nominees are Zaijan Jaranilla (Bagani), Pauline Mendoza (Kambal Karibal), Joross Gamboa (La Luna Sangre), Super Tekla (Inday Will Always Love You), Darren Espanto (The How’s of Us), Dion Ignacio (Victor Magtanggol), Karla, MC, Lassy, Wacky Kiray (Gandarrapido), and Mark Neumann (I Love You Hater).
The Great Comeback
Stars are born, but not all are able to have that longevity in the industry. Seldom for those who shunned away from the limelight are given another chance to shine; there are a few or one who is able to reclaim his or her status as a celebrity. The said star may have been missed truly by his or her fans or the public as a whole and still able to score a smashing comeback.
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Nominees are JM de Guzman, Kristine Hermosa, Manolo Pedrosa, Aga Muhlach, Kylie Padilla, Jolo Revilla, Maricel Soriano and Mark Anthony Fernandez.
Movie ng Taon
From September 2017 to September this year, movies have created abuzz not just because of its topnotch performance, its storytelling but it has somehow caught the attention both the moviegoers and the critics. Every year, the local and international film industry offer materials that created such a stir and even break box-office records as well.
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Nominees are The Hows of Us, Miss Granny, Sid & Aya, Liway, Signal Rock, Buy Bust, Never Not Love You, and Loving in Tandem.
Bet na Bet na Teleserye
Each year, the quality of our TV shows or series have become more competitive, innovative and impressive. Plots get deeper or crazier and the artists become better. Truly, these shows are testaments of how great Filipino artistry is.
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Nominees are FPJ’s Ang Probinsyano, Inday Will Always Love You, The Blood Sisters, The Good Son, La Luna Sangre, Bagani, Ika-6 Na Utos, and Kambal Karibal
Hugot Song of the Year
Songs reflect the heart and the soul of an artist and it affect the listeners. This is a song that made the public define a particular emotion—it can be joy, sorrow or pain. That song is something that most people have that LSS or last song syndrome or can be an anthem for the whole year round.
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Nominees are Tagpuan by Moira dela Torre (Kasal), Nadarang by Shanti Dope, Di na Muli by Janine Tenoso (Sid & Aya), Isa Pang Araw by Sarah Geronimo (Miss Granny), Sana by Marion Aunor (Never Not Love You), Mundo by IV of Spades, Lumang Tugtugin by Inigo Pascual, and Right There by James Reid
Pak na Pak na Comedian
Most people say that doing drama or action or engaging in a sexy act is difficult to attain, however, making people laugh is even a hard task. Laughter is one of the best medicines there is and someone has to have that timing and the knack of throwing the right jokes and still enjoy the humor.
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Nominees are Vice Ganda, Angelica Panganiban, Michael V., Super Tekla, Vhong Navarro, Paolo Ballesteros, Maine Mendoza and Karla Estrada.
Favorite Newbie
Spotlighting the freshest face[s] or maybe those who just ventured into the entertainment circuit is one of the most exciting parts in this award-body. He or she has impressed the public or the eyes of scrutinizing critics. Though new, the star has made a good mark and was given that stamp of approval and predicted to have a promising future in the industry.
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Nominees are Jacque 'Ate Girl' Gonzaga, Janine Berdin, Juliana Parizcova Segovia, Charlie Dizon, Donny Pangilinan, Shanti Dope, Angelina Cruz, and Pauline Mendoza.
Love Team of the Year
This is presented to the tandem that is most-loved by our dear LionhearTV Cubs. It is a pair that has captivated the hearts of many. Not only do they make their fans believe in love, but they also set a good example for their followers and to the younger generation as well. They are two individuals that people can look up to on-and-off cam.
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Nominees are JoshLia, KathNiel, LizQuen, JaDine, MayWard, DerBie, DonKiss, and JuanBie tandems.
Actor of the Year
The recognition is given to an outstanding male star. He stood out from the rest of nominees for the said category. He has shown versatility and impressive performance for his craft; set a standard. He effectively portrayed the role or the character assigned to him and has affected a great audience, as well.
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Nominees are Coco Martin (FPJ’s Ang Probinsyano), Joshua Garcia (The Good Son), Dingdong Dantes (Sid & Aya), Alden Richards (Ala-Ala), Daniel Padilla (The How’s Of Us), Christian Bables (Signal Rock), JM de Guzman (PHR Presents Araw-Gabi), and Paulo Avelino (Goyo: Ang Batang Heneral).
Actress of the Year
This is to salute the exceptional performance of an actress. She broke all the norms. She is a woman of both substance and talent, her character has empowered the female populace. The award spotlights how the female artist has debunked the double standards of Filipino on women and has proven that women can take big roles, too.
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Nominees are Sunshine Dizon (Ika-6 Na Utos), Glaiza de Castro (Liway), Aiai Delas Alas (School Service), Bela Padilla (St. Gallen), Sarah Geronimo (Miss Granny), Anne Curtis (Buybust), Erich Gonzales (The Blood Sisters), and Kathryn Bernardo (The Hows of Us).
Favorite Performer
The award is for the artist who nailed both singing and dancing as well. He or she is a true ‘performer’ all-through-and-through and has owned the stage; outdone the strong competition he or she had to face. The award signifies versatility.
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Nominees are Sarah Geronimo (This 15 Me), Jona (PRIMA Jona), Morissette Amon (Morissette is Made), Anne Curtis (Anne Kulit), Maja Salvador (Maja on Stage), Alden Richards (Adrenaline Rush), Martin Nievera-Ogie Alcasid-Regine Velasquez-Erik Santos (#PAMORE), and KZ Tandingan (SUPREME).
Favorite TV host
The Favorite TV Host is the face of the any show that any audience get to enjoy watching whether on a weekday or on a weekend basis. Some might say that this is the easiest job in the industry, but one cannot make the viewers crave for more without the gab for words and the confidence to carry a show. With his or her charm and commendable skills, this host is truly a topnotch.
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Nominees are Boy Abunda (Tonight With Boy Abunda), Vice Ganda (Gandang Gabi Vice), Karla Estrada-Melai Cantiveros-Jolina Magdangal (Magandang Buhay), Willie Revillame (Wowowin), JoWaPao (Eat Bulaga – Sugod Bahay), Eugene Domingo (Celebrity Bluff), Robi Domingo-Kim Chiu (Star Hunt), and Luis Manzano (I Can See Your Voice).
Favorite Radio DJ
He is the person and the favorite voice on the radio waves. Despite the fact that they can only be heard, but some radio stations have already managed to combine audio-visual altogether like broadcasting on TV or on the Net—his or her intended audience can now see how he or she does his or her job. But that voice does not remain a voice but it has a great responsibility to create an impact as well.
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Nominees are Papa Jackson (Energy FM 106.7), DJ Jhai Ho (MOR 101.9), Papa Dudut (Barangay LS 97.1), Nicole Hyala-Chris Tsuper (Love Radio 90.7), DJ Chacha (MOR 101.9), Slick Rick-Toni Tony-Sam YG (Magic 89.9), Papa Obet (Barangay LS 97.1), and Kuya Chico (Energy FM 106.7).
News Personality of the Year (Female and Male)
The chosen news personality female and male has done a great job in the field of journalism. He or she has weathered through all the issues thrown at him or her. Apart from that, he or she has showcased the passion and that brand of dedication and determination to deliver newsworthy and noteworthy stories to the public.
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Nominees for Female are Jessica Soho, Bernadette Sembrano, Vicky Morales, Kara David, Mel Tiangco, Korina Sanchez, Karen Davila, and Gretchen Fullido.
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Nominees for Male are Noli de Castro, Atom Araullo, Ted Failon, Jeff Canoy, Migs Bustos, Julius Babao, Mike Enriquez, and Ivan Mayrina.
Digital Influencer of the Year
He or she mirrors the image of being the most sought-after online influencer as of today. With the rise of digital content creators, the competition immediately became tighter; but there’s only one who emerged and gained the trust of the Netizens. He or she plays a big role in advancing and being a responsible online user via social media platforms.
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Nominees are Lloyd Cadena, Alex Gonzaga, Ethel Booba, Kimpoy Feliciano, Alodia Gosiengfiao, JaMill, Wil Dasovich, and Ranz Kyle-Niana.
Breakthrough Artist of the Year
Not necessarily a newcomer, but he or she is an artist, a personality that rocked the entertainment scene with such a sterling performance and perhaps an achievement that impressed many. It is a matter of leaving a great impact for the Filipino audience to see what he or she can still offer, positively.
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Tony Labrusca, Kyline Alcantara, Joao Constancia, Devon Seron, Pia Wurtzbach, Nash Aguas, Gwen Zamora, and Therese Malvar.
Favorite Group
Aside from individual awards, this category recognizes the best group in the entertainment circuit has. There may be people who shine individually, but surely there is joy to watch a group that does such feat equally.
Nominees are Hashtags, 4th Impact, TOP, MNL 48, JBK One Up, BoybandPH, and Ex Battalion.
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The Advocate
The award recognizes the celebrity whose advocacy has made a difference in the community. That the efforts he or she has put in are not just mere publicity, but all for the good of humanity and leave and impart the people with that sense of humility and unity to support a particular cause.
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Nominees are Angel Locsin (Red Cross), MayWard (ELM Tree Foundation), Anne Curtis (UNICEF), Catriona Gray (Young Focus), Alden Richards (Habitat) Kathryn Bernardo (Noordhoff Craniofacial Foundation Philippines), Pia Wurtzbach (UN AIDS), and Dingdong Dantes (YES Pinoy).
Fan Club of the Year
Fans are the most precious people, celebrities could have. They are the real reason why a star is born and continue to make it big because of their support. They devote time and effort for their idols, but only the responsible ones last.
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Nominees are Popsters, Darrenatics, KathNiel, MayWard, JaDine, LizQuen, Kapuso Brigade, and DonKiss.
TV Station of the Year
The way to success is steep, even the roads going there is rough and bumpy at times. Competitions between stations will forever be fierce; each one trying to outwit, outdone any efforts or initiatives for the ratings’ sake. But at the end of the day, only the one who succeeded in impressing the public with an outstanding branding, quality of output, good public relations and even better service do matter the most.
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Nominees are ABS-CBN, PTV4, TV5, GMA Network, CNN Philippines, UNTV, ABS-CBN Sports+Action, and GMA News TV.
Radio Station of the Year
Even if the digital platform may have somehow overtaken the radio, still the industry refuses to bend but continue to innovate and strive to put up a good fight and be updated or still stay significant over the years. Nothing beats the spontaneity of listening to the radio. Whether inside the office or at the comfort of your own room or even driving or even walking, radio is still and will always stay as a good companion.
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Nominees are MOR 101.9, Love Radio 90.7, YES FM, DWRX Monster Radio 93.1 5, DZMM 630, Barangay LS 97.1, DZBB, and News FM 92.3.
The award seeks to recognize local talents in the entertainment industry, build stronger ties with relevant and like-minded partners, and utilize this as a venue to express LionHearTV.net’s gratitude to everyone who supported the site since its first time to go online.
#RAWRawards2018 would not be made possible without the support of its partners—PLDT Smart and Le Rêve as well as special thanks to the following Lalamove Philippines, Home Credit Philippines, Brother Philippines, CAT PR, Voyager Innovations, CID Communication, Jollibee, Mode Devi, Starbucks Philippines, Akrotiri, Copperazo, Fuentes Manila, and DOJO PR.   
To vote for the nominees in their respective categories, log on to lionheartv.net/rawrawards2018.  Voting is ongoing and will end on November 4, 11:59PM.
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