#because yes he's out of jail but that actually doesn't have influence on the book
daughterofhecata · 2 years
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Have the bonus interview!
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bookishfeylin · 2 years
And if we’re going by SJM’s standards, Tamlin’s red flags in book 1 is her fae standard, and therefore not actually red flags according to her worldbuilding. So even by those standard, Rhysand, Cassian, and Rowan are all worse, often mirroring the bad guys (Beron, Eris, Maeve, Amarantha) more than the bad guy Tamlin is supposed to be.
I haven't read TOG so I truly can't comment, so I'll tag @worldsnotsaid who can hopefully help with the Tamlin-Rowan comparison, but for the other ACOTAR characters--yes!
As I've said in all of my posts where I discuss Tamlin's red flags, he certainly HAS them, but I've yet to see anyone name a red flag he has that Rhysand doesn't also exhibit. While I don't necessarily agree that other characters are more of a bad guy than he is, ACOTAR!Tamlin does not stand out much from any other male in the rest of this series. Is he a significantly older male with power and influence courting a younger less powerful woman? Yes. Is he violent, possessive, and jealous to a degree (though it's not nearly on ACOMAF! Tamlin's level)? Yes.
But so is everyone else. It doesn't work as a red flag because everyone acts that way. If we indict ACOTAR!Tamlin, then either EVERYONE has red flags, or it's "just how faeries are" and we leave it at that. Is Rhysand a significantly older male with power and influence courting a younger less powerful woman? Yes. Is Rhysand violent, possessive, and jealous to a degree? Yes. Is Cassian a significantly older male with power and influence courting a younger less powerful woman? Yes. Is he violent, possessive, and jealous to a degree? Yes.
And i have more to say on Cassian especially in ACOSF because... he literally jailed Nesta and laughed when she tried to leave and hurt herself falling down the stairs? Like at least, at least, ACOMAF!Tamlin didn't LAUGH that Feyre couldn't escape the manor. It's a miserably low bar and Cassian can't even clear it. He locks up Nesta and then enjoys it. Disgusting. How is he on ACOMAF!Tamlin's level of bullshit?
Is Azriel a significantly older male with power and influence courting a younger less powerful woman? Yes. Is Azriel violent, possessive, and jealous to a degree? Yes (from what little of his personality we've seen especially from that ACOSF bonus chapter... yes. Very much so)
ACOTAR!Tamlin is no worse than the bat boys (or at least, he's not worse than Azriel, given Rhysand has molested and drugged and mindraped Feyre and Cassian has locked up Nesta and is comparable to ACOMAF!Tamlin so...) ACOTAR!Tamlin truly doesn't stand out in this series. It makes calling ACOTAR!Tamlin a walking red flag very very HARD when he's objectively not worse than the main heroes of the story--unless they too are walking red flags.
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crithaus · 2 years
Percy being 'like that' in perpetuity is so very in character and funny and I'm still not over it truly. He's a shitty little bastard to literally everyone he knows, this coming from someone who loves him dearly, he's a bratty, snooty posh dickhead to everyone and despite that he had Keyleth, Vax, Vex, Pike and god only knows the guests and NPCs crushing on him at least a little bit, yes his heart is very big and he can be so so so sweet and kind and loving to those who have earned his affections but even to Keyleth, his best friend (re: every moral argument they have ever had), and Vex his beloved wife, (re: truly god I can only remember him flat out telling her absolutely not you scrub go bother someone else when she wanted to help him build her broom's seat but I know there has to be more) he's always had the capacity to be an asshole. Capacity and will without fail or hesitation fall back on being a snooty, aloof, uptight prick. (Edit: no hang on it's time to dogpile on mommy's special little man, in one of the prestream vines he literally threatens to skin someone and make a book out of the people leather and no I don't know the context and I don't need to, there's no way it was justified, this dramatic numbskull has literally always been like this)
Percy's traumatic start was not his fault and I would say that Im on the fence about Orthax being his fault because he says himself that he thought the deal was just a dream, but he does then choose to kick off the whole briarwood arc (starting a fight in Uriel's backyard almost getting them jailed for treason, defingering that one guy, setting that house full of people on fire for a second) and then just go full supervillain for a very long little while, and that most certainly is his fault even if the influencing factors were out of his control, and he fucked up a lot. A lot. And VM, his family, forgave him. Plenty of times. Ressurected him despite the dangers and loved him through his truly worst moments and saved his humanity alongside his life. And now here he is denying Laudna that same chance (while she has altogether done far far less to deserve her death) and I am not at all surprised because he lets his fear direct all of his decisions to an alarming degree. And! Not only that but he is wildly impulsive and has a bad habit of making decisions by himself because by Taliesin's own words Percy always thinks he's the Smartest person in the Room at any given time. He lets fear rule him, he's impulsive, he thinks he knows better than or can outsmart the consequences of his actions, and he's unfortunately very good at eloquently explaining himself. A true recipe for disaster. But, he's scared under it all. Has been for a while.
He's scared of Anna, Delilah, Sylas, it might come off as anger but I'd put money on the fact that that's because he could afford to be angry or at least focus on the anger, cuz he had Orthax gassing him up making him think he actually stood a decent chance at killing them all, he had his family besides him and some decent kills under their belt, he had Anna down an arm locked away in his dungeon cell and they had Pike on their side and Sarenrae with her, but I know they scare him far more deeply than he ever wants to admit (because he doesn't like having situations be out of his control either naturally, cuz the first time that happened he was brutally tortured, orphaned, kicked out of his ancestral home and beset upon by a demon taking maaaajor advantage of him) and now that he's free with most of his soul intact, now that his whitestone is once again full to bursting with life and laughter and children (children he never thought he'd deserve), now that he's settled into the leadership role he never thought he'd be ready for, now that he's settled down into domestic life with his wife whom he loves so much she brought him back to life, he is once again letting that fear (and the certainty as always that his every idea is the only one to have) rule all of his decisions. This is so incredibly on brand for Percy I could puke, and I know he's gonna apologize to Vex for being snippy later so fine Matt, well played I suppose.
Percy might be a dick but he's also a pillar of Vox Machina, these selfish dickheads brought out the very best in that bright young man and I know that with a bit of time he'll pull his enormous head out of his ass and get down to business, righting wrongs and writing lefts in true Vox Machina fashion. He's a hero at heart, even if he is retired, he just needs a bit of time to (over)think it all over.
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x-authorship-x · 11 months
"Did he smile at them" lmao Raido clearly acting like this isn't the first time something similar happened
Honestly I have so much fun with SQ2 because they all do outrageous shit but in specific flavours and it's so fun picking who would freak out over what!!!
Like Kakashi, in his ANBU era before he gets even more publically erratic, is extremely unfazed by anyone's outrageous behavior because 1) he does not care or know where the social line in the sand is and 2) he's not intervening even when it's specifically his circus, his monkeys... And when it comes to doing outrageous shit, Kakashi's rule is that if he can, then he fucking will, and the gods themselves cannot fucking stop him 😂 for example, this man will flaunt porn in public on purpose and theft is only theft if he is the victim
With Shisui, he is painfully aware of social convention (the Elders are BREATHING down his neck, he can already feel Mikoto's eyes burning his skull) BUT it's all about context. Can he get away with it? Yes? FULL STEAM AHEAD. Are there witnesses? Yes? Will Genjutsu fix it? No? FUCK, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES (bursts into flames from the mortifying ordeal of being known and unable to lie). For example, Shisui gaslighting everyone in earshot? A normal Monday. Genma makes a dirty joke at his expense? JAIL, JAIL, WE ARE ALL GOING TO HELL AND SHISUI IS GONNA TAKE THEM THERE 🔥🤡🔥
Tenzo is arguably the funniest because my boy straight up is not in the know 😂 Tenzo will say the most bland shit and it will hit the feels.... Tenzo will also say the most fucked up thing in your entire life and it will be an attempt at humor and you've got to just keep living your life. No, being in the Squad isn't helping. Kakashi is just as bad, if intentional, and Genma is enabling him, Raidou doesn't have the energy to fight a losing battle and Shisui isn't being paid enough to therapy dog the whole group. This is just an incredible wildcard.
Genma....! When he's yelling at the others, it's not because he wants them to stop. It's because HE is supposed to be the hysterical influence and he gets jealous when they upstage him. Shisui batting his eyelashes and getting the spa treatment as a hostage is just too much to bear, Genma tried to give a target a lapdance once and all he got was ten bucks and the desire to shower ASAP 😂😭🤡 he is so so proud of the chaos (he knows EXACTLY what he's doing) but he is also absolutely plotting how to one up the others on the outrageous scale
Raidou.... Oh I saved him for last, Anon, because not only is he the one you were actually commenting on but Raidou's reaction is always my fav. You THINK, looking at the group, that Raidou is the resident normal one. You might have thought that with drinking (nope, Raidou's drunken antics are firmly about 'Me Time' and he's valid, he is NOT designated driving). Or maybe paperwork (Tenzo and Shisui do the paperwork, actually, because Raidou's tends to get ruined by Genma/Kakashi or his own pyrotechnics/ink). Or maybe just being socially conscious individuals.... No. Raidou might be the most normal one because he has a stable home life, civilian parents who are both alive and who love and support him, and he sees the 'other side' of living in Konoha... But he also was the only one to be look at the options in life and PICK being a Shinobi. Like HELLO that's a bit INTERESTING. Raidou is So Done (I'm sorry but *looks at the rest of the SQ* YOUR HOME LIFE WAS WHAT) but simultaneously So On Board (you wanna tattoo your eyelids with fuinjutsu? Say less, bestie) for the bullshit like yes this is deffo the normal Shinobi way to behave, Genma of COURSE Shisui flirted with his captors now please help me steal the bedframe it's solid wood and the slats keep popping out of my bunk at home 👏👏👏 Raidou won't condone being an asshole to service staff but he's more than willing to calmly go back to his book when someone is plotting a murder at the next table.... It's just not his business 💅
This got out of hand, sorry Anon BUT yeah Raidou would classify Shisui's puppy eyes as both a cringe-fail tactic BUT an effective means of manipulation... So long as he doesn't have to watch the car wreck 😂
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
So these groups are fighting and drinking every law in the book and getting pulled in for it. But what they were doing to Lily was just harassment and they're doing it to our son. So we're going to play with them in a big way all over the world let them know they're going to die I'm sending the orders now and why
Thor Freya
It's the only thing that gets your attention Trump and I've got your attention and I'm decimating your forces it's just much too big and you can't see it you have a small narrow-minded Outlook so I'm having my Army do it now and I didn't come up with it and my wife and Thor and Freya and then acting it now and you're going to hate it because it's how you treat people and I have seen a lot of satanists who treat people badly but you people are a stinking heap of s*** you go around bothering people expect them to leave you alone you go on harassing people and don't expect anything back when it comes back you dismiss it until they actually kill you fully now there's nothing really wrong with that right now because we're using it it's just a gosh darned annoying
Zues Hera
What's odd is you send it out and all sorts of people pick it up he says yes that's cover and they go on wackiness is correct it's been happening a little he says no revenge for how he's talking to us and that's another reason why we whack you he says and we kill you before you can get revenge because you're not here to get revenge on me and to cause it to happen after years and years of harassment you're going to prison you're going to jail until you die there because you're violating your people's rules and laws and your violating hours you're not getting anything out of it you're just a suck bag well it says that and it's true and they're all killing us and we should probably shut up and just get killed that's true as we really suck at what we're doing and it hasn't done anything and we're just telling everybody the story and riding and getting beat up and doesn't do anything for us sincerely it does nothing it says this s*** had kid of mine is influencing me and I believe it and it's wrong and it won't stop doing it and I'm already weakened and I'm doing things that are very stupid cuz Tommy f is having me do it and worst part is Dave is and it's his race and we're not bothering to go look for the most part and we're not trying to stop them or revive them ourselves somewhere to get the AI and we're hardly curious why they would go to Saturn I understand what you're saying what pieces of s*** we don't care about the matrix all these people are skinned alive I don't care about that for no reason it's extremely childish and people are bothering us today anyways cuz it's bja he says he has an army and he wants me to shut up and he says the goal is to go in and make it quiet and to do that you have to like wipe out a few areas of us I do understand what you're saying and Dave used to do it so now I'm kind of thinking about it he hits us personally we take huge huge hits and people want that not being fair to ourselves
The attacks and harassment on your clan will continue and two fruition until you're racist erased she can figure out all you want it's someone else is doing something and so on but I'm not a victim okay if I'm victimized we have to get up and over it and Olympus should be aware that we cannot allow it to happen
Zues Hera
We're going after you to s*** heads and the third one and the others and we're going to lay low and we're going to kill you in public just like they die in The pyramid shortly others of you will die beforehand like Dan will die and explosion and be burnt to death while the snake has him entangled and it's in Thailand and it's coming up pretty quick and he died several times in The sopranos and everyone sees it and everyone hates him and we hate him and he's right you can't be looked as being victimized and it's too much and we're going after them and we are sending the orders out now to eliminate their clan
The max approved it more or less they didn't say no the last time we sent it out they can't stand them and there's ruining their plan and they're ruining everyone else's because they're blasphemes they want to prove us doing it but they are saying others should do it before we do
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undercover superhero. ( mario steel x reader )
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gif belongs to me
Kaz was standing in the school hallway waiting for classes to start when you arrived. Oliver was the first to see you and voiced your arrival, causing Kaz to turn around, a groan leaving his lips when you called out to him, a smirk on your lips.
"Hey, baby brother." You held up a brown paper bag. "You forgot your butt ointment."
Your words earned a few stares, and Kaz laughed humourlessly, taking the bag and opening it to find his lunch inside. "Mom told me to drop it off on my way to work."
"Frozen yogurt for dinner?" He asked.
You nodded.
"And that's why you are my favorite sibling." He grinned.
You shook your head with a smile, turning to Oliver. "Are you coming over? I'll bring some for you too."
He nodded, "After trying to break up my mom and her boyfriend by making her think I need her, she's more unbearable than before."
You patted his shoulder as you knew how controlling his mother was. "You're welcome anytime. You know that."
"I can't believe you have a job. Who would hire you?" Kaz scoffed with a chuckle.
"I know, right?" You grinned. "Suckers."
Oliver shook his head as he looked between you both as Kaz suggested bringing him one of the cow-patterned caps you wore, opening his mouth to list the reasons why it was a bad idea. Number one being you would get fired. It wasn't often members of his family chose to stay on the legal side of life, and Oliver knew the only reason Kaz wasn't in jail with your siblings was because of your influence. He paused when he saw a familiar face arrive and hit Kaz's arm to gain his attention.
"Ow!" Kaz complained, his eyes widening when he saw Captain Atomic in a suit with a briefcase. "Yeow!" He laughed off when you raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "Well, it was great seein' you but you must be really busy -"
"Work doesn't start for another half hour. What? Are you embarrassed to be seen with me now?" You pinched his cheek, and he glared at you before he got an idea.
"You know what? Why don't I show you my locker? It's over here." Kaz pulled you away, and you followed him to his locker, raising an eyebrow when he opened it up.
"Gross, it smells like dirty gym shoes." You winced.
Captain Atomic approached Oliver when he called out to him. "What are you doing here?"
"There's been some reports about suspicious activity in this area. I'm here undercover to investigate." Captain Atomic replied.
"Suspicious activity?" Oliver asked.
The tall blond superhero nodded. "There appears to be a villain in the area who -"
"Your locker is lovely, but I better get going." Your voice drew their attention as you bickered with Kaz, who held up a comic book, shielding your view of Captain Atomic.
You took the comic and held it out to Oliver. "Don't give him any sugar." You looked at your brother with pursed lips. "He's had enough."
You noticed the man beside him and sent him a smile. "Hi, are you one of Kaz's teachers?"
He shook your hand. "Yes, it's my first day. I am Mr. Camito. And you are?"
"Y/N. Kaz is my brother. So I apologize for everything he says and does in advance."
He smiled softly, and you realized you were still shaking hands. "So...uh," You awkwardly released his hand. "Welcome to Logan High." You inwardly grimaced at your poor choice of words to break the ice.
"Thank you."
Kaz and Oliver shared a look, confused by the way you were looking at each other. Kaz stepped forward, interrupting your staring contest. "Shouldn't you be going now?"
You looked at your younger brother with a roll of your eyes. "Alright, alright, I'm going." You held your hands up as you backed away, sending the tall blond superhero a smile. "Have a good day, Mr. Camito."
When you were far enough away, Kaz looked up at Captain Atomic, "Dude, stop staring at my sister."
"I have never met such a doll before." He looked down at Kaz, raising an eyebrow. "Are you sure she is related to you?"
Kaz shook his head. "What is a dolly - actually," He held a hand up, "don't tell me. I don't wanna know." The bell rang, and the trio headed to history while Oliver caught Kaz up on why Captain Atomic was at their school.
Later that day, you were waiting outside the high school, and Kaz was walking out with Oliver by his side. The two approached you when they saw you were waiting.
"What are you doing here?" Kaz whispered lousily, gesturing with his hands.
"I thought I could drive you home. You know, I've been away a while, and, well, I thought we could hang out." You shrugged.
"We're busy." Kaz pulled Oliver away, and the latter sent you an apologetic smile as they left. He knew why Kaz had shot you down, but you didn't and hopefully wouldn't know the truth about where they were going. It was safer that way.
You sighed, putting your hands in your pockets, turning to the tall blond when he appeared beside you. "Is everything alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. So, how was your first day?"
You headed to the parking lot, purposely walking slowly to your car, which was preferable for you both. "Interesting." He said, choosing his words carefully.
A giggle left your lips, remembering well how chaotic high school used to be. "I can imagine."
He smiled at the sound of your laughter. "How was your day?" He asked, eager to keep the conversation flowing.
"Well, the fro-yo machine practically exploded this morning, and I've got twenty melting frozen yogurts in my car, so..." You trailed off with a smile. "Say, you wouldn't..." You hesitated as you stopped next to your car, starting to wonder if he was just being polite. "Never mind."
"What is it?" He asked, eyebrows furrowing.
"You wouldn't want one, would you?"
It took him a moment to stop a wide grin from forming on his lips and to act more collected. "I would love one." He replied with a controlled smile, but when you turned around he allowed a grin to form on his lips before suppressing it once more, thanking you when you held out a frozen yogurt to him with a spoon.
You spent over two hours in the parking lot, sitting on the hood of your car, talking to a man you had no idea was a superhero, and not just any superhero, a superhero who was recently released after being trapped in a wormhole, returning decades from his own time. But there was one thing you did know when you went your separate ways. You liked him...a lot.
The next day Kaz was baffled and suspicious of why Captain Atomic asked questions about you, about what you liked and didn't like, but his intentions became clear when he asked what kind of men you were attracted to.
"No!" Kaz exclaimed, pointing at him. "You cannot date my sister."
"Why not? She is a swell gal." He placed his hands on his hips, a smile on his lips at the thought of you.
"This isn't happening." Kaz turned to Oliver. "Tell me this isn't happening."
"Y/N says I shouldn't lie." Oliver shrugged.
As if on cue, you appeared with two frozen yogurts in your hands. "Hey, guys. You ready to go?"
You looked at Captain Atomic, who stepped forward with a smile. "Hello."
"Hey." You returned the smile.
"Okay, stop with the googly eyes!" Kaz complained, throwing his hands up in the air. "And give me my fro-yo." He took the two frozen yogurts, and the two teenagers walked to your car.
After listening to Kaz complain about how weird it was, Oliver asked, "Why can't they get together?" The two looked over at where you were laughing at something Captain Atomic said, the blond superhero smiling down at you. "She seems to really like him, and he likes her."
"First of all, he is not that funny." Kaz pointed at you. "And second, imagine the family get-togethers."
When you walked to your car, you were smiling, and the three of you got into your car, Kaz asking you what you were so happy about as he buckled his seatbelt.
"I have a date."
"Oh no, you cannot go on a date with Captain - with my teacher." He quickly corrected.
You looked at him as you drove off, "I can. And I am. So deal with it."
Kaz looked at Oliver for backup, but the boy only shrugged in response, earning a groan from his friend as he turned to look at you. "I will hate you forever," Kaz said, hoping to make you change your mind.
"I'll live." You patted his shoulder with a smile, irking him further.
That night you were getting ready for your date when you got a phone call from the principal. You were shocked that Kaz was facing a suspension for his behavior and agreed to meet within the half hour. You had two hours before your date, so you were sure you had enough time, and after leaving Kaz an angry voicemail, you drove to the high school.
You were confused when you found it deserted, calling out to Principal Howard moments before you were knocked unconscious. When you didn't arrive for your date, Captain Atomic, filled with confusion and disappointment, went to Mighty Med, where Kaz and Oliver were. Kaz was shocked that you hadn't turned up, and when he saw how it affected Captain Atomic, he remembered the voicemail you left him.
"Wait," He took out his cell phone. "She said something about meeting the Principal about a suspension. That was two hours ago."
Captain Atomic listened to the voicemail, eyebrows furrowing. "You better get your butt home early tonight. I swear - a suspension, Kaz? Are you insane?" He raised an eyebrow when you screamed in frustration, looking at Kaz when the message ended.
"You are facing a suspension?"
"I didn't do it. But that's beside the point." Kaz said, and Captain Atomic held his hands up, not questioning him further.
"We should check the school," Oliver suggested.
"I agree." Captain Atomic nodded.
"Wait!" Kaz stopped the superhero before he could leave, "If you go in that," He gestured to his costume, "she will know you are a superhero."
"Y/N could be in danger. And I'm not prioritizing an outfit change over her life."
Kaz looked at Oliver when Captain Atomic left. "Alright, maybe he's not so bad -" Oliver rolled his eyes and pulled him out of Mighty Med, following Captain Atomic out of the hospital.
The school was deserted when they arrived, and the trio split up, searching for any sign you were there. Oliver swallowed thickly when he found your cell phone and turned to the two, holding it up. "Uh, guys."
Kaz licked his lips nervously, seeing the screen was broken. "Alright, alright -"
Captain Atomic placed a hand on his shoulder in the act of reassurance to calm him down, sensing he was beginning to panic. "It's alright." He looked around the hallway with newfound determination in his eyes, "We'll find her."
You squirmed in your chair, groaning from the pain in your wrists from the rope keeping you tied to the chair. Kaz had briefly told you about his friends, and when you were tied up beside the teenage girl, you knew she was Jordan. What you weren't expecting was for her to claim she was right - that superheroes did exist.
"Shut up!" The Principal, or as he revealed Unit-238, shouted in exasperation to the teenager, who quickly turned silent. "And now, you will be destroyed, and no one can stop me!"
The classroom door burst open, and your eyes widened when you saw Mr. Camito arrive, wearing a red and blue costume with a large A on his chest. "Not so fast."
Kaz and Oliver ducked into the room when a blast was sent their way, and you gasped when it hit Captain Atomic who backed into the hallway, Unit-238 chasing after him. Once Kaz untied you, you rushed to the hallway with the three teenagers hot on your heels.
Unit-238 held his right arm out, pressing a button on the exposed mechanics blasting at Captain Atomic who did a back flip, causing the lockers behind him to lose their doors and their contents. His feet landed on the wall above the lockers and he pushed himself toward the robot and the two grappled for a moment until Captain Atomic pinned him against another row of lockers.
"There's a perfectly reasonable explanation for this...Jordan, Oliver has a crush on you."
"How is that a reasonable explanation for what's happening?" Oliver replied.
Unit-238 attempted to aim at Captain Atomic and you quickly moved Oliver aside to open a locker, blocking the blast as it shot towards you. Kaz grabbed your hand and pulled you with him as he and Oliver rushed for cover. "Jordan, run!"
You held onto the bars of the staircase when Unit-238 managed to push Captain Atomic back, firing at the blond superhero who ducked, the blast bouncing off the locker and hitting a stunned Jordan.
You moved to help but Kaz pulled you back down and he and Oliver rushed to lift Jordan and bring her to your hiding spot. You looked at the robot as he aimed his arm at Captain Atomic who spun a yo-yo, creating a shield that with each blast was weakening.
"On a scale of one to ten how grounded am I?"
You turned your head, sending Kaz a scowl before looking at Oliver when he spoke.
"We've got to help him."
When Captain Atomic stumbled, you stood up and called out to the robot who turned. You quickly ducked when he fired at your head, the blast hitting the wall.
The distraction gave Captain Atomic the time he needed to get back on his feet. He darted towards the robot and swept his legs, causing him to flip and land on his stomach. Captain Atomic hauled the robot to his feet and just when you thought it was all over, Unit-238 broke free and used his body to push the superhero against the lockers.
"We've gotta stop him!" Kaz pulled you down when you tried to stand up. "Not you."
"Do you have a better idea?"
Kaz looked at you, surprised you had raised your voice at him, and for the first time he realized how scared you were. But not for yourself, for Captain Atomic and he realized just how much you had grown to care for the superhero.
"Wait!" Oliver turned to Kaz, "Remember that comic about the rise of the cabal of chaos? I think Principal Howard is the same model android."
"And that helps us how?" You asked.
Kaz called out to the blond superhero, "Captain Atomic, remove the flash drive from behind his ear!"
"Brilliant! One question." The Captain replied as he held the robot in a headlock. "What's a flash drive?"
You screamed, covering your mouth when he was blasted into a row of lockers, his distraction giving the android the opening he was looking for.
When you tried to stand up, Kaz held you down as the android aimed his weapon. Kaz and Oliver quickly got to their feet and tackled the android to the ground. Oliver helped hold him down while Kaz removed the flash drive.
When you saw the android stand up, your brother jumping on his back to stop him from blasting Oliver, you got to your feet as Kaz broke the hard drive in the robot's ear, causing its head to blow off and land on the ground. You watched as the body fled the school and approached them as they looked down at the head.
"Well, we better take our headmaster to Mighty Max prison for detention." Oliver spoke up. When he received stares, he added, "Cause he's just a head and detention is another word for..."
"Yeah, we got it."
Kaz and Oliver rushed over to help Jordan when she woke up and you looked at Captain Atomic, biting the inside of your cheek nervously, "So...you are -"
"Captain Atomic!" Jordan pointed at the blond superhero and you both turned to look at the teenagers.
"Yeah, not now." Kaz led her out of the school with Oliver, giving you both privacy to talk.
"Does that mean everything was a lie? Is your name even Mario Camito?" You asked.
"It's Steel." He said. "I would have told you..." He picked up a backpack and placed the android's head inside, "I was hoping for more time to get to know you before I revealed my secret."
You placed a hand on his arm, "It's fine. I get it. You can't go blabbing about who you are. I'm just glad you're okay." You smiled softly.
Relieved by your understanding, he asked, "So...does this mean you wouldn't be opposed if I proposed we rescheduled our date?"
"I'd like that." You nodded.
He smiled for a moment before looking at the former Principal. "I should -"
"It's okay." You reassured. "Another time."
He smiled softly before leaving with Unit-238, and you followed, standing with Kaz and Oliver. "Here's your phone." Kaz winced, holding out the smashed cell phone.
You thanked him, putting an arm around him. "Let's have a little talk." You grabbed Oliver's shirt before he could turn away. "Let's start with how you know about superheroes..."
Two hours later, you were cooking to help your parents, who would return from work soon, while Kaz and Oliver played video games upstairs. Kaz came down for two sodas and to check on how you were.
"So...are you mad at me?" He asked.
You stopped stirring the sauce, turning to him. "Why would I be mad?" You approached him with a gentle smile. "You save people who save people so they can continue saving people. As far as jobs go, you hit the jackpot." You placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm proud of you. Just...no more surprises."
Kaz scratched the back of his neck, "Then I should probably tell you that no one is coming for dinner. They all went to the diner on ninth."
There was a knock on the door, and your eyebrows furrowed. "You might want to get that," Kaz said, moving towards the staircase as you went to answer it, shocked to find Mario Steel, better known as Captain Atomic, on your doorstep.
"Hi." He greeted.
"Hi." You stepped aside to let him in and smiled at his casual attire. "What are you doing here?"
"Kaz invited me. I hope that's okay."
You realized then that your younger brother had arranged for the house to be empty so you could have your date. You smiled at the superhero who returned it. 
"Yeah, it's definitely okay."
Several minutes later, the two teenagers looked up when you knocked on the bedroom door, walking over with a smile, two dinner plates in your hand. "Thank you." You mouthed as you left, and Kaz nodded, smiling faintly.
As you sat at the dinner table across from Mario, you sent him a small smile. "It's not Rizzoli's but -"
"It's delicious." He cut you off with a smile. Your smile grew when he took your hand across the table. "I have to say, you are the most stunning woman I have ever had the honor to lay eyes upon."
You blushed at his words, "You're not so bad yourself, Captain."
He smiled, shyly glancing at the table for a moment.
A week later, when you picked up Kaz and Oliver to school, they showed you where Mighty Med was, giving you a tour of the hospital.
The tour was nearing the end when you returned to the reception, where you found Mario talking to the Crusher.
You greeted him with a smile, "Hello, Captain."
He smiled as he turned around. "Y/N. How was the tour?"
"Pretty sweet. I shrunk Blue Tornado." You grinned when he raised an eyebrow in shock. "Kidding."
He chuckled, having grown used to your jokes, and leaned down to kiss your forehead.
"Oliver, they're doing it again!" Kaz complained, gesturing to where you were standing next to Mario, his hand on your back, staring at each other with smiles on your lips.
The two teens left, and you giggled when Kaz covered his eyes, walking into a wall.
"I think he's getting used to the idea. That sounded less disgusted than usual." You commented.
"So, he won't mind if I did this..." He placed a hand on your cheek, leaning down to kiss you tenderly.
You pulled away when you heard Kaz shout, "Oh, come on!"
You looked at your brother, knowing he was, in fact, supportive of your relationship. Mario suppressed a smile, looking down at you when you giggled into his chest.
When you found out the truth about his secret identity, you knew life wouldn't be the same, but as you looked up at him, finding him smiling down at you, you knew it was only for the best.
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