#becoming the kharacters of all time
dubiousdisco · 1 year
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He likes people with K in their names? This is how johnlaoshi can still win
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fun-k-board · 1 year
Hey again 😄😄😄
Thank you so so much for the smoke headcanon I really enjoyed it, I was wondering if you could do it again but this time with reptile please ??
Syzoth / Reptile Friendship / General Headcanons
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Note(s) : You're a regular human and not a champion, it's implied you're friends with the human kharacters and meet Reptile through them.
Reptile is extremely anxious around you at first because you're not a champion, you're just an Earthrealmer with no fighting skills or prior knowledge on Outworld, and he finds himself a little confused on your presence most of the time.
As such, he finds himself explaining to you a lot of things that he would believe are just common sense. He doesn't get annoyed though, because he realises his constant questions on regular human ideas must be strange too.
He's still a Zatteran despite his ability to shapeshift into a human form, and so, any human social cues you've mastered will probably be strange to him, and vice versa.
Syzoth will typically eat bugs like cockroaches, spiders, flies, and forgets that some human cultures don't have that normalised, but he's extremely overjoyed when he finds out that certain places consider bugs a delicacy. He basically begs you to take him to those places.
If Johnny invites you to be in a movie, whether acting or stage hand, Syzoth, and by extension a large chunk of the Kast, will a million percent also be there after being coincidentally, also invited by Johnny! He's interested in Earth culture, and after watching Predator, which scared the daylights out of him, he wants to know the process behind movies.
Hundred percent asks to see movies with you, apart from horrors, never show him a horror movie, he will not be able to sleep for weeks.
Movie nights are incredibly common, a lot of other non Earthrealmers join in as well! It becomes very cramped very fast in your house, let's hope Johnny is nice enough to lend you all his mansion for the night.
He's a big fan of superhero media, there's always an invisible person, although he finds the fact a lot of them have to strip incredibly strange, or some type of half human half animal hybrid, he feels at home a lot of the time watching those types of superheros.
He can't stomach human food, so if he ever stays at yours for a sleepover or just to hang out for a day, he'll be an exterminator for you and eat any bugs he can find as his lunch / dinner. It's very helpful during summer.
Speaking of summer, he always wears his usual attire even in unbearable heat, he's uncomfortable with his human form and he feels awkward to show more of it. Besides, he likes to keep warm because he gets cold too easily, and when he's cold he gets slower which is impractical and annoying.
After the death of his wife and children, he's been looking for a distraction, he needs some form of comfort and he feels talking to you and his other friends is a huge help. Especially if you've experienced a close loss before, even if you don't know ways to help cope, you can always find ways to help each other heal together.
He tries to ask you for dating advice with Ashra, this most likely goes over well no matter how horrible your advice is, because Ashra and Syzoth are the best couple and are so wholesome nothing could offend either.
Syzoth is always awkward around dinners, whenever he's invited to Madam Bo's by one of the Kast of you, he sort of just sits around and tries to talk instead of eat. Reptiles learned after a while that it's impolite to humans when you just eat bugs out of the air, which he doesn't understand, and so refrains from eating at most public dinners.
He really wants to bring you to Zattera, but he knows far too well that they don't take kindly to warm blood, and while he understands his people's reason, he's still disappointed.
Luckily! He can visit your home in Earthrealm.
He does unfortunately get a lot of stares when he visits your home, your family and even strangers on the street always assume he's a cosplayer.
After he gets roles for a few of Johnny's movies, he becomes a micro celebrity of some sorts, including you if you decide to star in them. People recognise him on the streets and he gets rather embarrassed, but also very appreciated, he feels a lot of love around fans.
Apart from the weird ones... He tries to tell people that he's taken, with a wonderful girlfriend who'd he'd never betray, but... He needs you to chase them off a lot.
I imagine at first, your family and friends might think he's really weird, like, not even 'wow that was strange' weird, but 'never invite this man to be close to my vicinity again' type weird.
He's always looking around suspiciously, eyes wide, sweaty, sometimes he looks like he's going to speak but then holds a hand over his mouth, always when there's a fly near...
But, it only takes a day of knowing him for them to switch up and genuinely adore him.
They invite him around all the time, he's sweating buckets and terrified of messing up, but they're so taken aback by how goddamn sweet this guy is they don't notice.
Once again, you become his saviour and help him whenever they get too talkative about where he's from. They don't know about Outworld, and Liu Kang would prefer it if you didn't spill to everybody.
He finds human fashion a bit strange, but he actually really likes hoodies, especially the ones with short sleeves, they feel comfortable and he can move around a lot without it being a hassle of detangling and annoyance. He also likes wearing fingerless gloves everywhere.
Introducing him to Earthrealm music is... Interesting, to say the least. He really enjoys a lot of them! Especially classical, they're closer to what he knows from Outworld, but, he's also surprised at how much he likes a lot of modern music.
I'm spreading my Britney Spears fan Syzoth agenda and you can't stop me.
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shangsclaws · 1 year
Congrats on 1k! How about M and X for Raiden?
thank you anon :) also can i just say? i fucking adore this gif look at his little smirk y'all
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M - Moans: How vocal are they in bed?
Elder gods bless his soul.
He’s not loud, but certainly not quiet either, and not because he’s trying to please his partner when he turns into a mess — it’s just too damn good to keep quiet. He's awfully embarrassed by his sensitivity, laughing at himself after the deed every time, but convince him enough that you enjoy hearing his sounds of pleasure, and he’ll gladly be singing in your ear the next time you get to it.
He starts off in low groans and hitched breaths, quiet enough to perhaps go unnoticed. But bring him closer to his peak and his groans become whimpers, your name scattered few and far between such gentle noises, especially for a man who’s been chosen to fight Outworld’s deadliest warriors.
X - Wild card: I write a random hc I have abt the kharacter :)
Raiden is the biggest, sappiest, corniest, most hopeless romantic of them all. Late night serenades? Hand picking flowers everyday on his way home from working the fields? Proudly reciting self-made love poems at sunset? Even Johnny himself thinks it’s over the top, but the thunder champion could care less. He’s a sap and he flaunts it. All for you.
“Look,” said Earthrealm’s champion, holding his hat against his chest in one hand, and a humble assortment of flowers, wild wheat, and blades of grass in the other. “It’s not much compared to yesterday,” he admits sheepishly, “but my heart is still there.”
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atlasofthestaars · 1 year
[MX X READER] New Era - Chapter .003
first part | previous part | next part
NOTE: First off, thank you ALL so much for the support! I sincerely love every one of your comments so far, and feel grateful you all enjoy the story! The comments are lowkey pushing me to write this all, so again tysm for the support!
Hopefully this chapter showcases how I’ll try to implement extra scenes within the story! Because after this chapter we will divulge for a bit storywise to get bonding moments between the kharacters and the reader! I’m doing this due to the months time skip, and thought it’d be a good time to develop some of the relationships before the Outworld arc!
Sorry for how Lin Kuei heavy the interactions have been, but we’ll soon get the champion squad as the focus soon, so I did want to implement some of this groundwork first. That doesn’t mean the Lin Kuei are totally gone soon, especially since I also need to give Smoke his share of time together, but they will be used less often after this chapter so we can bond with the others.
ALSO, for those reading this on tumblr, please reply to the poll here whether you do want Shang Tsung as a love interest! It will affect my planning somewhat so I would like to gauge interest! AO3 fans, leave a comment on your thoughts !
ALSO ALSO! If you want a character included as a love interest that is NOT part of the initial roster mentioned in part one, please send in messages/leave comments mentioning it so I can see what you all want! It’s not a guarantee, but it is helpful to get input on those types of things.
“Only you and Kuai Liang for this mission?”
You eyed the blue clad and yellow clad assassins curiously as you walked into the room where the Lin Kuei trio typically sat when they were awaiting for Liu Kang. You pursed your lips as you walked right up in front of the two brothers, your gaze switching between them before they settled on Bi-Han. You crossed your arms as you watch Bi-Han’s gaze narrow.
“That should be more than enough.” Sub Zero replied gruffly, keeping his gaze on yours. It felt like a staring contest was always happening between you two. While most times you would entertain it, you instead searched his face. It was hard to tell whether Bi-Han was irritated, or if it was his grumpy face that he always wore, but from the years you knew him, you picked up on the tells.
This time, it was simply his natural face. 
“I’m not saying it’s not enough, I’m just surprised.” You replied smoothly as you moved your gaze from Bi-Han’s face to the arm you had patched up yesterday. You sighed as you pulled out the medical kit you had tucked away on your person. “I would have thought that the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei would know how to regularly change his bandages.” You chided as you knelt beside where he was sitting.
“I know how to change my bandages, fool.” Sub Zero scoffed, but as usual let you come close to inspect the wound you had dressed. You let the insult go, you knew at this point any insults towards you were rarely meaningful. If he really hated you, he would have not even let you dress his wounds in the first place.
It was odd, before he used to be diligent about changing his own bandages. But nowadays it felt like he expected you to change it for him. 
Maybe it was because you started to patch him up for him instead of letting the cryomancer do it himself. It had bugged you, how often he left wounds unattended. Never had they turned into infections, but it irritated you to no end. So one day, you just began to do it for him, despite his initial protests.
Now it was like a routine between you two. It didn’t happen often, since Bi-Han had become more proficient in avoiding injuries, but it happened enough that it felt like a routine.
You gently removed the bloodied bandages from around his right bicep. You hummed as you noted how it was healing. Carefully, you brushed your fingers over the wound to see it had begun to scab over. You noted the odd way he seemed to tense at this, and sent him a small glance.
“Relax, I’m not going to stab you.” You teased, a small chuckle leaving your lips as you returned your gaze back to the wound. Even though you weren’t looking at him, you felt Bi-Han’s gaze burn into you. Maybe being the pyromancer would have fit him better with how searing his gaze was like. 
“As if you would get the chance.” He grumbled as he relaxed. You rolled your eyes as you carefully reapplied the bandages over the wound. Proud of yourself, you grinned as you pat the bandages on his bicep. 
“Done.” You declared as you stood back up. You saw Bi-Han sigh as he reluctantly nodded in acknowledgement. You turned your gaze towards the younger brother, sending Kuai Liang a soft smile. 
Strange, why did Bi-Han seem a bit irritated at your smile?
“Do you need any wounds of yours patched up while I’m at it?” You inquired as you walked over to stand in front of Scorpion. Returning your soft smile with one of his own, Kuai Liang shook his head, holding up a dismissive hand. His eyes sent an almost apologetic look towards you, as if apologizing for his brother.
“While appreciative, it is not necessary. I was not cut during the examination.” Kuai Liang reassured you with a small nod. You returned the nod, glad to hear the news. Still, your eyes roamed his body to see if he had any bruises that were beginning to bloom. 
“Good, I’m glad to hear it.” Your smile grew to a grin as you recalled the events of last night. The exam still buzzed in your head, and you could easily replay it in your head over and over. “Good performance, by the way. I didn’t get to tell you that yesterday.” 
“I was simply doing the job as required.” Kuai Liang humbly said, though you could see a hint of what you interpreted as bashfulness within his expression. You laughed. The Lin Kuei trio, so different, yet all people you held close to your heart. They were the ones you considered to be your friends, and you only hoped they returned the sentiment.
“Come, Lord Liu Kang is ready for the both of you.” You beckoned them to follow, and almost in sync they stood up and followed your lead. It was quiet for a few moments as the three of you walked through the Fire Temple. You felt like a leader of a pack, with Kuai Liang on your left and Bi-Han on your right. You briefly wondered if this is how Liu Kang often felt. “Were you both informed of what our mission is, and where we are going?” 
“From what I recall, we are going to California to recruit an actor and a swordsman to see if they will join Lord Liu Kang’s cause.” Scorpion piped up, and you nodded, pleased at how accurate his memory was. 
“It is unnecessary for all three of us to have to go.” Bi-Han commented. Despite his words seeming rough, you could sense he was only speaking his mind and not trying to insult Liu Kang…even if he could definitely word it better.
“It is probably for the best for all of us to go, just in case.” The younger brother interjected, sending his older brother a glance. “Lord Liu Kang has his own reasons.”
The conversation ground to a halt, and you felt the temperature drop around you three by a few degrees. 
You ignored it as you three arrived at the door of the room where Liu Kang was waiting. Best not to linger on that. 
You all had a mission to get to, after all.
So this was California.
You marveled at how different the city around you was. The buildings were so different. Everything was different. You took in the atmosphere as you basked in the small amount of time you all had to stand around before you had to go.
Even though the area you teleported too was on the quieter side, the area around you was so much busier than it was anywhere you’ve recently been. So many lights, noises…it was so foreign. You were so in awe you even let Bi-Han scoff at your amazement without glaring at him.
“Is it possible for you to confirm the location?” Liu Kang inquired, after calling your name. You blinked as you stepped forward to look towards the fire god. You nodded, pointing to a large fancy home up ahead.
“That one, correct, Lord Liu Kang?” You asked, eying the place. You watched as the fire god nodded approvingly. Jumping and leaping into the air, your form turned smoothly into that one a crow and you flew close to the house. 
You always enjoyed being a bird, feeling the wind in your feathers and the feeling of freedom it granted. Circling the house, you spotted how a wall was completely open, and you soared down towards that area, landing just behind the wall beside the pool. You noted the large floating plastic animals in the pool.
“Step one is selling this place.” A woman spoke. Curious, you tilted your head to peek barely in, seeing who you presumed to be Johnny Cage and a woman. Your head pulsed with the all too familiar headache as you peered at the man who paced inside the house. 
Your mind granted you a vision of a similar looking Johnny Cage, so you knew you were in the right place.
Who was the woman though? You peered at her, vaguely listening in on the argument between the duo. You didn’t even bother to hide yourself all too well behind the wall at this rate, they were too deep in their conflict. 
When you gazed at her, no sense of headache arose in your mind. You continued to eavesdrop, learning about the unfortunate circumstances befalling Johnny Cage and who you presumed was his wife with the conversation they were having. You nodded as the words they said confirmed your suspicions.
Cris…Wasn’t his wife supposed to be Sonya Blade?
Your head seemed to pound upon remembering that, and you winced. Sonya Blade…Sonya Blade… If only you had more time to interpret and unravel these memories when convenient, and not when you were on a mission!
Taking a mental note, you told yourself to write this down in your journal within the Fire Temple as soon as you got back.
Either way, you figured out that in this life, Johnny Cage was with a different woman.
You watched with a sense of pity as Cris walked out on Johnny…or John Carlton as you just learned. Although the man seemed distraught, you were surprised to see that he didn’t chase over his wife. You observed as he continued to drink, berating himself.
You felt guilty intruding on such a private moment. 
Your guilt vanished as you watched a swordsman enter the house, dressed in a suit. Carefully, you backed up behind the wall, but you were sure he probably wouldn’t have even seen you. Even without the pulsing of your mind, you knew who this man was due to Liu Kang: Kenshi Takahashi. You watched the beginnings of their confrontation before backing up.
That’s all you needed to know. 
With a quick flap of your wings, you got back into the air and flew back to the trio who were waiting right where you had left them. Landing on the ground, you stood up as you transformed back and no trace of the crow you had been was left.
“It’s the right location.” You began as you rolled your shoulders back, trying to bend your body back into shape. “Johnny Cage is confronting Kenshi Takahashi over a sword named Sento.” You informed Liu Kang, bowing as you told the fire god of what you had seen. 
“As expected.” Liu Kang said before nodding, a smile on his face. You took that as praise as you stepped around to take your spot again at his right side. “Come, the confrontation will be over soon.” With a nod from the others, you all strode down the hill over to Johnny Cage’s house.
Without hesitation, Liu Kang rang the doorbell as the four of you arrived in front of the front door. You looked around, noting how the house looked from the front instead of the back. It was much, much different than what you had been used to in the Fire Temple. 
Instinctively, you straightened your posture as you heard the door open. You stared forward at the perplexed face of Johnny Cage, holding back the amusement you wanted to let out. You had to look professional. Both of the Lin Kuei brothers stood behind you and Liu Kang. 
“What in the actual fu-”
“Good evening, Johnny Cage.” Liu Kang cut him off, his arms uncrossing as he bowed and introduced himself. Johnny recoiled at the action, looking confused as ever. “I am Liu Kang, protector of Earthrealm.” The fire god introduced himself, wasting no time. He gestured to the inside of the house. “May we enter?”
“Uh…” Johnny leaned over, peering at all of you suspiciously. “Nothing’s being shot here tonight. You sure you’re in the right place?” Johnny inquired, looking at all of you as if you were all crazy. 
“Yes.” Liu Kang answered seriously, nodding. “We come here on a matter of grave importance. We must speak to you and your guest.” 
“What?” Johnny seemed shocked at the mention of Kenshi, before squinting at the group in suspicion once more. He leaned close, dropping his voice to be closer to a whisper. “How do you know about him?” 
“Because I am the God of Fire.” Liu Kang responded, his voice holding an authoritative tone. Despite this, Johnny seemed to brush it off. You raised your eyebrows, surprised to see how quickly the man fell into denial. 
“Cris, you vixen. Nicely done.” You bit the inside of your cheek, feeling a pang of guilt in your chest. He thought his wife set him up for an odd prank. You looked away until he spoke up again. “Sure.” Johnny said, drawing out the word in such a way to make it obvious he didn’t believe a word of what Liu Kang had said. “Come on in.” And with that, he opened the door to welcome you all in. “Glowing eyes are a nice touch.”
You all entered the house, and you noted how it looked from this angle. Your eyes fell on the swordsman who was now tied to a chair next to the pool, and you were slightly surprised to see he had lost. You followed Liu Kang swiftly as you approached the tied up man.
“Kenshi Takahashi.” Liu Kang addressed the man. He stopped in front of Kenshi and crossed his arms in a disapproving way. “A tragic figure with a noble cause. Your actions this evening do you no credit.” Liu Kang even threw in a disapproving shake of his head.
“Who are these people?” Kenshi inquired, just as perplexed. You focused your eyes on the swordsman as the tiny voice in your head questioned how the man in front of you had his eyesight. It seemed that way, at least.
Past life. Right.
“You tell me, they’re your scene partners.” Johnny Cage answered back with a shrug, looking towards Liu Kang for an explanation.
“I also know of your struggles, Johnny Cage.” Liu Kang spoke, turning his gaze to Johnny Cage. You nodded subconsciously, having witnessed the struggles Johnny had through the argument he had with Cris. “I am here to offer you both a path forward.” 
“Dun. Dun. Dunnnn.” Johnny retorted dramatically, his carefree attitude shining through. He still didn’t believe the situation, and for a brief moment you recalled how this felt all too familiar. The actor let out a laugh, looking around. “C’mon guys. Let’s call this. Cris was a doll to set this up, but…” He shrugged as he scoffed. “As pranks go this one’s…eh…a bit obvious.” 
“This is no prank.” Liu Kang warned Johnny. He looked at you and spoke your name before gesturing towards Kenshi. “If you please.” You nodded as you strode over to Kenshi’s chair and knelt behind him. You observed the rope. Normally, you would transform your hand into claws to free the man, but you did not want to risk hurting Kenshi, especially with how thick this rope was, it was better to untie it.
You set to work untying it. You struggled, noting how strong and tight the knots were. Did Johnny Cage have experience in typing people up? You grimaced as you continued to try and untie the rope. You were so concentrated on the task in front of you, Johnny’s words didn’t register in your head. 
It wasn’t until he laid a hand on you until you noticed he had been talking to you.
Eyes wide open, you paused as you looked up in shock, your mind reeling as you tried to piece together whatever Johnny had been saying. His grip was strong, but it didn’t hurt. You were just confused at what he had been saying. 
You had no time to do so as you watched Bi-Han shoulder tackle Johnny off of you before sending him flying with a heavy kick.
“Bi-Han!?” You exclaimed, surprised at the sudden action from the cryomancer. You were stunned as you watched Johnny groan as he had a glass fixture drop on him. The grandmaster did not turn around to look at you, but you watched as Kuai Liang stride up, sending you a concerned look before looking towards his brother.
You were surprised that Kuai Liang did not tell him off. For a moment, the two brothers sent each other an unreadable look as they got into a fighting stance against the now angry Johnny Cage. You paused in your actions to watch the fight happen, confused at how it escalated so much. 
It had been an honest mistake on Johnny Cage’s part. 
Somehow, the actor knocked down the brothers. 
“I hope you’re insured, because you’re paying for my Hichuli.” Johnny huffed as he stared at the Lin Kuei duo who got up from the ground. You stood up, trying to speak up, but were cut off by Bi-Han’s outrage.
“Imbecile! You have no idea with whom you are dealing!” Bi-Han pointed towards Johnny Cage, seeming ready to go again and fight. You shook your head as you strode over to make Sub Zero calm down.
You jolted as you side stepped to avoid the burst of flames that emerged from Liu Kang. Loud beeping occurred for a second, and you winced at the noise. You sighed as you continued your walk over to Bi-Han, standing right next to him.
“Uh…” Johnny said, his eyes wide in disbelief as he had shielded away from the flame. “That’s no special effect.” He continued, and the look on his face told you that he was finally piecing things together. 
“Indeed, Johnny Cage.” You could not see Liu Kang’s face right now, but the tone he held said enough about the frustrated look he was sending the actor. The god of fire inhaled and turned to you three. You held the god’s gaze as he examined you before looking towards Scorpion. “Kuai Liang?” He inquired, gesturing towards Kenshi.
You watched as the younger brother walked away to finish the job of freeing Kenshi. As Liu Kang spoke to Johnny and Kenshi, you sent a perplexed and slightly angry glare at Bi-Han. Why had he been so aggressive? 
Yet, despite your glare, you didn’t think you were actually angry. Just mostly…confused.
Bi-Han, despite his knack for wanting staring contests with you, seemed very keen on ignoring your glare this time. You sighed as you looked away and focused on the conversation with Liu Kang. 
“All will be explained, Johnny Cage.” Liu Kang told Johnny Cage as Kenshi was untied and he got to stand up. “For now, what is important is that you both have been chosen to join its champions.” He said, now referring to both Johnny and Kenshi. 
“Why him?” Johnny pointed at Kenshi in confusion. “Or me, for that matter?” He asked, turning to look at Liu Kang with a perplexed look. 
“Because I have faith that you will rise to the challenge.” Liu Kang explains to the actor. “And because your service will change the arcs of your lives.” Liu Kang looked at the three of you and dismissed you all, allowing you to wait outside while he discussed the finer details with the two. Almost immediately, Bi-Han walked off, leaving you in the dust.
“I would advise to not take offense to his attitude.” Kuai Liang said as he stepped up to stand beside you. You sighed as you crossed your arms, looking towards the entrance. You shook your head as you looked towards the younger brother. 
“I’m not offended.” You clarified as you searched Kuai Liang’s expression. “Just…confused why he would do that.” You also had confusion on why Kuai Liang would also help him take down the actor, but you would chalk that up to the brotherly bond the two had…even if it felt like it was waning nowadays.
Memories of two brothers, one corrupted and inky like a shadow, and the other an icy grandmaster flashed in your mind.
You closed your eyes as you tried to push out those memories. It’s been years since you’ve first had them about the Lin Kuei since you’ve met them so long ago, but when you worried over the two, you were always reminded,
Damn these memories.
“I see.” Scorpion said, and although his words seemed final you could sense the hesitant tone in his voice. It was strange, but you assumed it was due to Scorpion’s manners. He was never one to make unnecessary comments. You turned to look at Liu Kang, to try and focus in on the fire god’s words to get your mind off of things.
Still, you felt the gaze of Kuai Liang burn into you.
Thankfully, the protector of Earthrealm quickly wrapped things up with the new recruits. He turned around, and there was a faint look of surprise to see that both you and Scorpion remained inside the manor. Regardless, he nodded and smiled at the two of you before exiting with the both of you in tow.
Outside, Bi-Han had been waiting, arms crossed as he leaned against the wall. His eyes were focused on the ground, and a furrow in his brow. He seemed deep in thought, but his demeanor quickly shifted as he heard the three of you approach. The cyromancer straightened up and came to attention, nodding.
“Excellent work, you three…even if there were some hiccups.” Liu Kang commended as you all followed him to the hill where he had initially teleported you three from. Liu Kang did not look towards Sub Zero, but you all knew who he had been referring to.
The walk back to the hill was silent. That wasn’t unusual, but the uneasy tension between the group certainly was. You held back a sigh as you continued to walk beside Liu Kang, trying to pretend like the source of the tension wasn’t you and Bi-Han.
You disliked this.
“You are all dismissed, thank you for your services.” Liu Kang thanked the three of you as you arrived back in the Fire Temple. Teleporting was always quick, and you were thankful for it. You nodded as you began to walk off. You needed to walk to clear your head. 
It wasn’t long after you set off that you heard your name be called. Surprised, you turned around and stood still. You blinked as you watched Kuai Liang jog over to you, nodding as he came to a stop in front of you.
“Would you mind if I accompanied you?” The pyromancer inquired, and you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. While it was not uncommon that you had been on walks with the assassins before, it was odd to have it occur after a mission.
“Are you not going with Bi-Han back to the clan?” You inquired, crossing your arms as you shifted your weight to one leg. You scanned Kuai Liang’s face, searching for any sort of answer. He shook his head, and you were genuinely surprised.
“I asked brother if I were allowed to stay for a bit. He was fine with it.” Scorpion answered, and you hummed. Odd, but Kuai Liang was anything but a liar. You nodded, shrugging.
“Alright, I don’t see why not.” You said, curious why he had wanted to stay. Was it just to talk to you? That felt a little ridiculous, but you didn’t know what else it could be. A slight expression of relief settled on the assassin’s face as he moved to your side. 
“Thank you.” He said, and you waved off the words. You didn’t see why he’d be thanking you for something so simple.
“Don’t mention it.” You said, and then the two of you walked off. You tried to not think about the odd scenario, but it ended up haunting you as you walked. You lasted about five minutes before you let out a sigh and turned to face Kuai Liang, arms crossing. “Okay, I’ll say it. Why are you here exactly? I’m not ungrateful for your presence, it’s just that I can tell that you came here for a reason.”
“You are perceptive as usual.” Scorpion praised, and you both accepted the compliment, but also wanted him to get to the point already. “I just wanted to see if you were feeling alright. I could sense you were upset with brother and…”
“While appreciated, you do not need to make up for your brother’s actions.” You said quickly, wanting to stop Kuai Liang from going on. You sighed, sending him a weary, but grateful smile. “Look, I know you are close with Bi-Han, but I don’t want our conversations to revolve around him. We’ve known each other for years, I consider you a friend, and I want to be able to talk to you, Kuai Liang, not Bi-Han’s brother.”
For the first time in perhaps forever, you saw a look of surprise on Kuai Liang’s face. With a moment of hesitation, he nodded. He put on a small smile, seeming genuinely grateful for your words.
“Alright, then let me, Kuai Liang, accompany you on this walk.” 
“Good, I’m glad.” You grinned at him as you both set off on your walk. You walked on, feeling more relaxed and relieved now. Words were exchanged here and there, but with Kuai Liang, you didn’t really need words. The two of you could bask in a comforting silence together.
 Still, the memories from earlier still flew around in your mind like an annoying fly. Sensing this, you noticed Kuai Liang’s concerned look.
“I’m fine.” You lied, a worried feeling filling your mind as you looked at the man who often haunted your memories. Your heart squeezed as you looked back ahead. As much as you wanted to confide in anyone, someone about your memories, you couldn’t. Or rather, you didn’t. 
No one needs the burden of the memories that plague you. Of the knowledge of other “lives” they had lived, especially since you did not even know whether these visions were even memories themselves. You just assumed it, seeing as they all seemed to follow a life you once lived. 
Even though you spent time pondering these visions with Liu Kang, you only did so in the most desperate times now. The fire god had no idea just how many more memories you had unlocked that he was unaware of. That whole dilemma leaves a guilty imprint on your soul. 
Still, the honest and welcoming dark eyes of Kuai Liang was tempting. For a moment, you opened your mouth, wanting to confess how worried you were over the trio of brothers. How you knew of a world where they all were torn apart by death and corruption.
Of how he was the only one alive of the three of them by what you could remember.
You couldn’t though. That knowledge wasn’t fair. Plus, there was no way to explain anything well. You’d just seem like a hallucinating amnesiac, and you didn’t need one of your friends thinking of you that way.
“I’m just thinking about how Johnny and Kenshi will fare during training.” You continued to lie. Despite the momentary guilt, your mind did turn to the new topic with open arms. Ah, right, you were going to be in charge of their training. Or at least, somewhat. You still haven’t discussed that whole ordeal with Liu Kang yet.
You really had to get on that.
“I have a feeling the swordsman will be competent.” Kuai Liang mused, his head tilting to the side as he spoke aloud. “The actor, I fear, will be a challenge.” The yellow clad assassin confided in you, and you let out a small chuckle. “I have faith in you that you will be able to instruct them, regardless of the difficulty.”
“How is it that even when you’re insulting someone, you make it sound somewhat eloquent?” You inquired, grinning at the man. Though he did not have a grin that stretched from ear to ear, you could see the subtle smile on his lips. He seemed pleased with himself, and it was a sight you were blessed to see. “Thanks, still, I’m honored to have you think so highly of me.”
“There is no reason to think so, the high regard I have within you is rightfully earned.” Scorpion replied. You looked away, letting out another laugh, though this one was more bashful. Did this man know how he sounded? You couldn’t tell.
“Okay, okay, stop flattering me before I suspect that you want something from me.” You said, managing to find the words to respond to him after the high compliment he gave you, deciding to play off the warm feeling you got from all this as lighthearted. You felt outdone, not knowing how to make him feel the same way he made you feel after his praise. 
“I hope you know I am serious about the praise I give you, but I shall relent.” Scorpion said, the serious tone he seemed to always have was prominent in his tone. You swallowed as you nodded. You knew. Kuai Liang was never one to play around, especially with the feelings of those close to him.
You wished he did though, just for this one moment, so you could pretend that the words he told you didn’t affect you as much as they did.
“You are too kind, Kuai Liang.” You murmur as you find yourself back at the Fire Temple. The walk had gone faster than expected. You supposed that’s what good company does. You watched as the Lin Kuei assassin stopped at the entrance, and for a moment you found yourself slightly saddened at this.
“I am only saying the truth.” He replied. For a moment, you saw him tense, as if considering something. Instead, he nodded as he stared at you with an expression you couldn’t quite understand. You opened your mouth, considering asking him what he was thinking, but thought better of it.
You weren’t certain if you could handle the answer.
“Goodnight, Kuai Liang.”
“Goodnight.” You smiled at the quaint way he spoke your name, and waved him off. You watched him walk off before turning around and walking to the area where you would usually watch the sunrise.
The moon hung high in the sky now, basking you in the moonlight. Your eyes closed as you took in everything that happened recently. Your fingers tapped along the wooden railing, tracing along the grain. The cool breeze passed you by. You had a lot to think about.
part four
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bihansthot · 1 year
Figured I'd pop in and ask you this question:
So I'm writing some lore for my oc and I was wondering if you had any sources for how Bi-Han is as a brother. The thing I'm working on is supposed to be angsty given what Bodaway's backstory is, but I'm afraid that with what little I know about Bi-Han I might accidentally make him into a complete prick. Like I want there to be some tension and distance between my oc and Bi-Han but like not to the point of Bi-Han being ooc if that makes sense?
You don't have to answer this right away, as I understand you've got a lot on your plate. I know I've already said this, but I do hope things get a bit better for you ^.^
Hello love! So, I have a couple posts I’ve made in the past about this that I’ve mentioned it before here, here, here, here and here.
I feel very strongly that at least in Midway and NRS timelines not including MK1 (2023) Bi-Han was a fiercely protective yet asshole of a brother, the type to pick on Kuai Liang himself but kick anyone else’s ass who tries to start anything with his little brother. I’ve often rambled that Bi-Han protected Kuai Liang growing up and would often confess to misdeeds Kuai Liang was actually responsible for because he didn’t want his little brother to suffer. I personally headcanon Bi-Han has a pretty scared up back from being beat with bamboo (which was a common punishment in Imperial China) so often when the brothers were growing up. I don’t think you have to worry about making him too much of a prick because short answer he is one, long answer he’s a prick but he has good reason to be one. He’s the oldest, he has all the responsibilities and burdens that come with being the oldest brother as well as the Grandmaster’s grandson (their Grandfather is Grandmaster before Sektor’s father takes over which leads me to believe in the older time lines Papa Zero is dead, it’s unclear if Bi-Han did it or not). He’s treated and raised differently than Kuai Liang is, he’s raised to be crueler and colder than Kuai Liang because he should be the next Grandmaster or at least that was the game plan until Papa Zero dies. Bi-Han most likely had to kill their Grandfather or their father or maybe both in order to become the next Sub-Zero and to do that he has to kill his emotions at a very young age but he doesn’t want Kuai Liang to be the same way. So, he makes sure he’s always the bad guy so Kuai Liang doesn’t have to be, he always takes care of things. He’s a very dedicated and hardworking individual and had to step into the role of both big brother and father figure for Kuai Liang. They’re all each other had until Tomas joins the Lin Kuei and suddenly Bi-Han finds himself with two little brothers to look out for and protect.
I base a lot off this off of how desperate Kuai Liang is to find out what happened to Bi-Han in MK9 and in Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms (which isn’t really canon but it’s kharacter building so we’re gonna use it) he absolutely sobs about the loss of Bi-Han. You do not hunt down someone or sob about a loss if you don’t genuinely love and care about that person. So, that solidifies to me that Bi-Han was an excellent older brother or else Kuai Liang wouldn’t have hunted Hanzo down, he wouldn’t have been in tears fighting his brother’s killer, he wouldn’t be distraught with grief and loss and wouldn’t live on in his brother’s place if Kuai Liang didn’t love and genuinely admire Bi-Han. A bad older brother doesn’t get that, a bad older brother gets a “oh pity, did he leave a will?” I actually have another piece that touches a bit on their relationship but implies they were actually twins which you can read here. Bi-Han is an asshole yes, but he’s also a good brother, you can be both, my brothers are great examples of this. They are absolute assholes to each other and occasionally to me but still would do absolutely anything for any of us. They teased and bullied me growing up just like Bi-Han teased and bullied Kuai but they covered up for me when I got in trouble just like Bi-Han covered up for Kuai Liang.
Bi-Han is a very complicated, layered asshole, he’s not just pompous ego and bravado. If you haven’t watched it I would really recommend watching a play through of Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero it gives a really good idea on Bi-Han’s attitude of asshole but reluctantly does the right thing when he needs to. The story mode for MK9 is also helpful to see his attitude as a kharacter but unfortunately there’s really nothing showing Bi-Han and Kuai Liang together. So all we have to go off of is how Kuai Liang reacts to Bi-Han’s death. Bi-Han as Noob Saibot famously tell Kuai Liang that “we share blood but we are not brothers” because Noob Saibot is Bi-Han stripped of every positive feeling and emotion. Kuai Liang parrots his back to him in MK11 so they very much have a strained relationship after Bi-Han’s death but not while he was alive, I refuse to believe that.
Basically it’s up to a lot of interpretation because we don’t see any of their childhood or them even interacting with each other but I have written a lot on my take about their relationship. Like I suggested though if you haven’t already, please watch Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero, Mortal Kombat 9, Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle or the Realms and feel free to ask or DM me any questions you have. I’m also more than happy to give you my discord username if you’d rather chat there but I’m more than happy to chat about all things Bi-Han and Lin Kuei and discuss how their kharacter progression looks like.
That invitation is for anyone in the fandom if they have any Sub-Zero Bros or Lin Kuei questions, I’m not Boon or Papa Tobias but I have been playing the games since 1992 and have a very good grasp of the lore. I also love what if situations and extrapolating logical conclusions to those situations and think about Bi-Han basically constantly. I’d much rather you lovelies come to me than try and google things and wind up on the weird fan wiki that says Bi-Han is 36 when he’s 32 and gives Sektor and Cyrax fake names, spoilers Felix is NOT Cyrax’s name, it’s just a made up fan name used by this sketch ass wiki same with Sektor, they don’t have canon names. Bi-Han, Kuai Liang and Tomas Vbrada are the only canon names for the love of the Elder Gods stay off this cursed fanmade wiki. Please. Also, I’ve said this before too but please, please don’t make the mistake of thinking Liang is a surname, it isn’t, Kuai Liang is his full first name, just like Bi-Han is his complete first name, the Sub-Zero brothers do not have a canon last name. Only Tomas has a canon last name in the Lin Kuei.
Ok I think that maybe answers your question, hopefully I know there was some powerful rambling in there. There’s a lot of stuff to sort through so like I said if any of you lovelies have questions please feel free to ask me.
@den-kunn I’m tagging you in this because I’ve seen you use Felix for Cyrax and if that’s a personal choice than by all means go for it but I don’t want you to be mislead by that fan wiki and think it’s his canon name when it’s not. I’m just trying to look out for you if you don’t want me to though that’s totally fine just let me know. I’m not trying to police anyone or anything I just know that fan wiki is notorious for spreading the wrong information and I don’t want you lovelies getting confused or mislead by the misinformation that wiki spreads. Because there are mean people out there that will start shit over the small inaccuracies and I don’t want any of you lovelies getting chewed out because this stupid fan wiki made something up.💙
If anyone else wants to be tagged in Lin Kuei or Sub-Zero Bros lore stuff and rambling then just let me know and I’m more than happy to start a tag list. Have a good night lovelies 💙
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yns-world · 2 years
Hi!! Can I get fluffy hcs for Shang Tsung, Shao Khan, Kotal Khan, (and anyone else you may want!) with an S/O that enjoys showing them their favorite music? I’ve always wondered how some kharacters would react to Earthrealm music and what kind they may like! Thanks! ^_^ (also if you use pronouns could you use she/her or they/them?)
a/n: this was an interesting one to make <3
Shang Tsung, Shao Kahn, and Kotal Kahn Music Hcs
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Shang Tsung:
He’d find your excitement with music adorable
You would be rambling on and on about the lore behind specific artists and music video theories and he’d sit there listening to every word with a gentle smile on his face. He absolutely loves it when you gush like this
When you tried to get him to listen to different genres, he’d object at first because he feels as though he wouldn’t enjoy it. He feels like there’s too much of an age gap between him and the music that’s popular these days
That is, until you introduced him to the old, classical musical of the 16th century
Now THAT he can get behind
Shang Tsung listens to all the villain-sounding piano and violin classical music. It’s not because he specifically goes looking for it, the songs just find him
The first time you caught Shang listening to Earthrealm music, he was in his study with an old record player that looked like it came from the 16th century
“Lacrimosa” was playing from the music device as Shang watched over the hovering feather pen that was possibly writing someone’s eulogy (i hc shang to be able to control things using a soul power similar to telepathy. yes, whatever he controls has a green aura around it. it’s cool as fuck)
He immediately noticed your presence when you walked in and he looked up at you with a smile, but between him hunched over with floating pens and the villainous music playing, you didn’t know whether to walk any further or turn tail and run
Shang would later tell you that classical music helps him focus so if you hear any loud organ playing in the dead of night, that’s just Shang being silly, goofy Shang 💆‍♀️
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Shao Kahn:
When you show him your favorite artists and songs, he’d shrug you off at first and insult your taste
But behind closed doors he’d listen to your mentioned songs on repeat, trying to decode your obsession with it
He’d be a little jealous that there’s something you’re fond of that he isn’t automatically the best at
No, he’d be VERY envious and would become even more of an arrogant asshole just to prove a point
Overtime when you expose him to different genres, he’d discover phonk and rap and he’d 100% start blasting that at maximum volume around the palace
Specific songs he listens to include: “Midnight” by PLAYAMANE, “Draco” by Playboi Carti, and “Nonstop” by Drake
Thanks to you, Shao Kahn is gonna have some kind of Carti song blasting before every battle
shao kahn soundcloud rapper era
shao kahn would also film a music video
Interestingly enough, there will come a time when Shao would prefer Earthrealm music over the music of Outworld, his reasoning being that Outworld music isn’t “loud enough” (the real reason is because Outworld music doesn’t have Playboi Carti on its tracks 💔💔💔)
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Kotal Kahn:
Similar to Shang, he’d find it endearing to see you so happy about something and he’ll be more than willing to give it a listen 
Kotal is man who puts tradition and culture first so he’ll take the time to learn about the music that you enjoy and music from your culture
Even if he doesn’t particularly enjoy a specific genre that you do, he’ll still be respectful and listen to it with you
But for the most part, he enjoys whatever you enjoy
Kotal would also introduce you Rodian music and he’d be elated when he finds out how much you love it <333
if you enjoyed this then please reblog it :) reblogs help my account more than likes do <3 thank you!!
as always, check my pinned post for request rules! i hope y'all have a great day and i'll catch y'all in the next post! <3
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fromthewifecage · 5 years
You’re awesome!!Can you pls write some romantic Raiden headcanons?
You’re awesome! *Keanu pointing* Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! And yes, I can (well I hope I can, if this is bollocks then feel free to hate me).
A Romance with Raiden
This man is deeply romantic, because how else would he be? You are the very light of his existence and he wants you to know how much he loves you.
He’ll do flowers and chocolates if you want them, but he’ll also whisk you away to a mountain top to watch the first sun of the morning break through the thick clouds and warm you both up. A stroll through an orchard whilst a gentle breeze (provided by a hidden and chuckling Fujin, he loves seeing Raiden so happy, and if Raiden loves you, then so does Fujin) stirs the blossoms from the branches to swirl around you as if in a dream. This isn’t going to happen everyday, that would cheapen it, but whenever Raiden feels the moment is right (and he doesn’t stick to traditional dates such as Valentine’s or Birthdays), maybe you’re upset or you’ve shown yourself to be even more loveable, then he’ll let you know just how he feels.
It isn’t all rose petals and a swelling chorus. He loves to take you to places he’s discovered through his many years and travels. One of his favourite places in all the realms is a small Chinese market where the best tea you’ll ever taste is brewed by tiny old man with one tooth and skin so wizened and wrinkled he looks like a mummified apple long forgotten at the bottom of a barrel.
Raiden loves you to meet everyone he considers special in his life. First you’ll be introduced to Fujin who’ll tease you both mercilessly, but will congratulate you for “finally bringing a smile to that grumpy git’s face”. Next will be Liu Kang and Kung Lao, Raiden beaming as brightly as the proudest Father when you meet the pair. When you meet Bo’ Rai Cho it is for brief moments, Raiden’s eye narrowing to slits whenever the man offers you a drink, and despite his protests that “it is only tea, and they’re old enough to have a drink anyway, come on Raiden!”, you never actually get to drink whatever Bo’ Rai Cho offers you, Raiden always tidying it away with a pout and an eyeroll.
Raiden will try to get you to meet the Elder Gods, thankfully Fujin always appears in time to distract Raiden with pictures of teeny baby animals. Raiden loves teeny baby animals (don’t tell Johnny Cage, Raiden will never hear the end of it) and unless you’re falling down a well or his amulet is cracking (again), then Raiden will stop whatever he is doing so he can look at the picture.
(Raiden has a picture of a teeny piglet as his phone background and will sometimes look at it when he is fed up with “those exhausting humans, but not you my love!”).
Raiden doesn’t need to eat, but he can eat and does enjoy it, especially if he’s made the meal. He once surprised you when you came into the kitchen and he was chopping away at the salad, his back to you, wearing nothing but an apron, his magnificent bum on display. Luckily nothing was on the stove because you couldn’t resist that bum and you both ended up sweaty and completely naked on the kitchen floor. (Fujin had made Raiden watch ‘Flamin’ Hot’, a Johnny Cage film about an undercover detective (Detective Sebastian Flame, Johnny obviously chose the kharacter’s name himself) who has to become a chef in order to infiltrate the French mafia, with the most famous scene being Johnny cooking in just an apron, his magnificent bum on display. Raiden will never, ever admit to watching this film. Ever.)
Raiden also doesn’t need to sleep, unless he’s badly injured or exhausted saving the realms, again. But he loves to cuddle with you after sex, or even if you you’re just in the mood for cuddling. Holding you, stroking your hair and/or skin, and feeling you relax in his embrace is one of his most favourite things (after teeny piglets, sorry, but piglets are even cuter than you).
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cage-n-saurian · 5 years
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NAME:  Oscar
NICKNAME(S): Bobby Johnson, Shia LaBeouf, Jesus, Joakim Noah, John Wick, Oscar The Lion, etc.. (All but the first one is because I have long hair lol)
FACECLAIM: Joakim Noah
HEIGHT:  5′7′’
BIRTHDAY:  09/29/1998
AESTHETIC:  gritty abandoned, decaying urban landscapes, 
LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO: Flying Lotus - Do The Astral Plane
FAVORITE  MUSE (S)  YOU’VE  WRITTEN: Hanzo Hasashi (Scorpion)
WHAT  INSPIRED  YOU  TO  TAKE  ON  THIS  MUSE:  It’s mostly because simply he’s my favorite Mortal Kombat kharacter for the longest time. Although, when I first made this blog, it was originally suppose to be a fandomless OC blog. I was inspired by a few rpers who I was following (And still am) and I thought “I should get into this roleplaying shtick.” It was also when I started watching MK kontent on Youtube which ended up reigniting my love for the series after so long. Then soon after I thought about changing my blog to a Scorpion blog and thinking about putting an MK kharacter in such and such situations outside his universe with characters from other fandoms in this weird, little crossover story or plot.
At the time when I was starting out, the Mortal Kombat fandom was dormant, so krossovers was the only thing I can do to plot with others while also representing the MK fandom since there’s barely any blogs active until hopefully one day, a new game were to be announced and hopefully resurrect the fandom back from the dead.
As of now, it is alive and well again thanks to Mortal Kombat 11.
WHAT  ARE  YOUR  FAVORITE  ASPECTS  OF  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE: I would say that his growth from being a spectre on a quest for vengeance to regaining his humanity and trying to change into the person he was once was before becoming Scorpion; to better himself, reestablishing his clan for benefit of Earthrealm’s protection, making peace with the Lin Kuei, and letting go of the painful memories of his past that he held on to and used as weapons to fuel his rage for so long.
WHAT’S  YOUR  BIGGEST  INSPIRATION  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  WRITING: To be real with you, I don’t really know. It could be anything. Music certainly helps with writing and such, but for inspiration? That I’m not sure of.
FAVORITE  TYPES  OF  THREADS: Definitely love doing crossovers for sure. Anything that involves fighting, action, and sagas because I like adding more chapters to Hanzo’s story than just stand alone plot threads. 
BIGGEST  STRUGGLE  IN  REGARDS  TO  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE: Creating more head cannons to help give my muse some more depth than just solely relay on just the cannon lore for the character. Also I feel self conscious about my writing for Hanzo, as well as my side-blogs being bland and uninteresting, or just my writing skills being subpar compared to my peers.
Stolen from: @cutexbrxiser​
Tagging: Come steal it if you wish!
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bihansthot · 1 year
I have a unpopular opinion of sorts and I wanna know if you agree.
I would literally rage if Bi-Han dies in the first game and becomes Noob Saibot. Turning Bi-Han into Noob is character assassination at this point because they do NOTHING with the character, despite multiple opportunities to do so. (I.e D’VORAH KILLS SCORPION? NOT NOOB? IS THIS A JOKE?!)
On top of that, I like Kuai Liang but I feel like Bi-Han is more interesting and has more of an opportunity for character development. He isnt perfect and good and nice all the time. Hes the perfect contrast. He’s prideful, vain, disrespectful, and power hungry. But he can also be strong, brave, and good if he was redeemed. Also we already had Kuai Liang so many times theres not much they can do with him as Sub Zero anymore.
I actually agree pretty much word for word with you nonny. I really won’t be that surprised though if Bi-Han does die in MK1 though, we got him as Sub-Zero for what four chapters in MK9 just to see him get killed? I suppose there’s at least story and plot progression in MK9 but if they do the same in MK1 for the third freaking time I’m driving to Chicago and kicking Boon in the head and plucking every single hair from his unibrow. I’m sick of Bi-Han dying all the time. I’m also sick of them absolutely wasting Noob as a kharacter, he’s supposed to be a stronger version of Bi-Han, ya know the badass who kills gods for fun, yet regular human Sonya can beat him? Regular human Jacqui and her regular human father can beat him? It’s fucking dumb. Btw I’m not trying to bash any of these kharacters it just doesn’t make sense power level wise.
I also feel like we’ve seen all we can with Kuai Liang as Sub-Zero, it’s time for the OG to shine. I want psycho, unbalanced, uses a skull and spinal column for a weapon Sub-Zero. I want to see what they can do with Bi-Han outside of a few epic but hilarious one-liners. He’s a freaking beast, let us see it! I want the good, the bad the everything in between. I want Bi-Han to get the same development and depth Kuai Liang got because even as Noob he’s basically just reduced to a power hungry asshole, and ya know maybe deep down Bi-Han just is a power hungry asshole. Which is fine if they explore it and show us why he’s a power hungry asshole (i.e. to prove to Papa/Grandpa Zero he’s worthy of the mantle of Sub-Zero or he’s worthy of being the Lin Kuei’s number one to protect his brother etc.) there is definitely more to him than just him being a dick and I hope we finally get to see his full range.
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bihansthot · 1 year
I love the mixture of excitement and dread waking up to 74 notifications causes lol it’s a little of oh fuck what did I do and oh probably someone new found me. I’m probably going to take it easy on dumb posts today and maybe just focus on reblogging art, I’m not feeling very spicy today. I say that though and I’m only half way through my coffee so Sobek help us all I might become feral once I top off my caffeine reserves. I just worry I’ve been annoying lately what with all the Hallvard posts and shitposts, I’m just having a hard time focusing on writing because I’m really scared about this upcoming liver biopsy. It’s easier to think about dumb shit like OC things or what Bi-Han likes on pizza than it is to construct a story. They apparently do the liver biopsy the same as a heart biopsy so I’ve had this procedure literally hundreds of times but I haven’t had to do it in probably 15 years at least so it’s nerve wracking. I’m very good at tolerating pain but I’m very bad at waiting and don’t want to be at the hospital for three hours after the procedure. I just want to give a quick shout out to my discord besties too because even though they’re going through really awful and difficult things too they’ve been absolute angels letting me cry and scream and whine about all my medical woes lately and I love them dearly. If any of you lovelies want to gush about MK on discord just dm me and I’ll be happy to share my handle so we can talk about all the things. I do keep kind of odd hours though as dinosaurs are partially nocturnal and are often asleep between the hours of 3 am to 1pm est 🤣 anemic dinosaurs need a lot of sleep in order to post ridiculous nonsense. Also, dearest Taven anon, I AM watching a play through or Mortal Kombat Armageddon and I still do not understand the horny lol 😂 I’m only about halfway through and very much enjoyed the interaction with Rain and Noob. I don’t really remember much so it makes me think I didn’t get very far in Konquest mode? I spent most of that game with Kharacter Kreator mode because I got to make my beloved OC Ice 🥰 she’s been kind of unofficially retired now that I self ship though because she was of course with Bi-Han too. I think at some point they has three sons too? Sleet, Hail and Blizzard, 14 year old me was a creative genius 🤣 I suppose those could still be the code names for my sons with Bi-Han? Older Sol is maybe leaning towards Absolute Zero (since the Chinese for Sub-Zero actually translates to absolute zero), Boreal Dawn (since the twins both have dawn in their names), and Polar Vortex? I’m officially beyond rambling now so I will wrap this up and go finish my coffee. Hope you lovelies have a wonderful day and if you aren’t please imagine a pink trex aggressively roaring and tail slapping whatever is making it suck for you. 💙
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bihansthot · 5 years
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Asking me to write anything about Bi-Han is like leaving me unattended in a room full of salted caramel for me, aka it’s heaven. XD Thank you so much @chilaxchick for this glorious request, I had quite the adventure writing it as you know! I decided to make this a prequel to my concubine AU story which if you haven’t checked that out yet you can do so here. Based on the like count on that one I’d say I did a good job with it, so hopefully this one lives up to those same expectations. This time things are a little different though, all nearly 9 pages are written in first person which is new for me but it’s also from Bi-Han’s perspective because this story really focuses on his coming of age and becoming a man if you will. We also get a glimpse as to what he was like before he becomes the cocky and confident warrior we all know and love him as. There is a reader insert element to this fic, but she’s not the main focus, there’s also a fun little twist at the end I hope you guys enjoy. So, I really appreciate @chilaxchick allowing me to be so free and open with this request so I had the opportunity to play around and really challenge myself. 
I want to give a huge thank you to @fromthewifecage who was kind enough to read the first half of this for me and really help me get a good feel for where to take it and what I wanted to do with it. I couldn’t have done it without you babe. @chilaxchick, @feistyfandomthings , @gojihime99   and @whatamidoingwithmylifeman for all giving me wonderful suggestions and words of encouragement. It really means the world to me guys and I really hope you guys enjoy this one!
So, without further ado onto almost 9 pages worth of Bi-Han’s first trip to the concubine’s quarters! Oh, I should probably add all kharacters in this story are of legal and consensual age for their respective countries, so there’s nothing illegal going on here. As usual I’ve taken some liberties with what life is like within the walls of the Lin Kuei so hope you all enjoy! Also please reblog if you enjoyed it as I’ve been having problems with my posts disappearing from tags lately and it really helps me out if you guys reblog it so others can see it! Ok, this time for real, onto the ask!
Some quick translation notes before getting started (please keep in mind this is all from google and consulting with Chinese friends, I speak Japanese not Chinese so I can’t be sure everything is correct so please feel free to correct any errors!).
fa-zan: jeweled or golden hair ornaments 
Yonghegong:  Palace of Eternal Harmony it’s a literally where the imperial concubines of the Ming and Qing Dynasties were housed, so the Lin Kuei refer to the concubine quarters this way as kind of a cheeky pun and or parallel. 
daxiushan: it literally translate to “long sleeved gown” it’s a dress that was commonly worn by imperial women, if you’ve ever seen a Chinese period drama it’s like that. I’d link these things but Tumblr would then flag my post and hide it from the tags, so sorry you’ll have to google it yourselves. 
sifu: master/teacher/instructor
jiandao shítou bu: Rock, Paper, Scissors
tā mā de: basically like “fuck” but in the sense of angrily saying fuck when something goes wrong
qīn : bae/generic term of endearment
               My arm still stings from the blistering pain of the Lin Kuei crest being seared into my flesh by the unforgiving iron brand. I press my icy palm against the still hot flesh and do what I’ve been trained to do my entire life and push the pain down as I make my way down the dimly lit corridor. It’s an old, forgotten looking stone hallway with torches lining the walls, it didn’t look much different from the rest of the Lin Kuei compound, I didn’t know it yet but it was my first trip of many soon to come, down this hall. I crinkle my nose as the strong smell of perfume and incense assault my senses as the hallway gives way to a lavish, much more well-maintained entry room. The floors are wooden and stained a deep mahogany and there are bright brass braziers mingling with ornate, golden vessels of rich smelling incense and oils. I’d heard stories of this place from my elder classmates, but nothing could have prepared me for its opulence and grandeur once I was finally permitted to see it in the flesh.
               A titter laugh reminiscent of chimes jerks me from my stupor as an elegantly dressed woman approaches, she’s enrobed in lavish silks, black hair twisted up elegantly, adorned with all manner of golden, bejeweled fa-zan*. The ornaments seemed to drip from her hair like pearls with the way they shimmered in the firelight, the sight was unlike anything I had ever seen within the stone walls of the Lin Kuei. “You must be Bi-Han,” she begins, her coal lined eyes narrowing as her painted bright red lips quirk into a knowing smile. “I’ve heard a great deal about you, none of us here in Yonghegong* have even seen a cryomancer since you killed your Grandfather, such a powerful and ruthless young man you are, aren’t you?” The woman practically purrs as she beckons me closer with her cruelly pointed lacquered nail.
               I clear my throat and swallow down my nerves as I try to stride confidently over to her, “I had to kill him to earn my mantle, I’m no longer Bi-Han, I am Sub-Zero and you’d do well to remember it.”
               Her perfectly arched eyebrows shoot up in surprise at my bold claim before her painted lips curl into an even more amused smile, “my apologies, Sub-Zero.”
               A subconscious shiver runs down my spine at the way she says my name making my mouth feel dry. “I was instructed to give this to you,” I find myself saying to her, my voice sounds so foreign to me, deeper and rougher than usual as I hand over the sealed parchment.
               “Oh please, I don’t need this, I know who you are and why you’re here Sub-Zero, like I said all of us within the walls of Yonghegong know who you are,” she replies with an air of confidence waving her hand dismissively. It doesn’t stop her from taking the parchment and tucking it into the folds of her daxiushan* before standing on her tiptoes to grab my chin and pull it closer to her, visibly shivering as her soft fingers made contact with my cold skin.
               It’s like I’m being scrutinized in a way I had never been before, I’m used to the endless scrutiny of my sifus judging every movement of a kata, or criticizing each and every breath I pulled into to steady myself before pulling ice particles from the air. The way this woman stared at me was so different though, it was exhilarating and intoxicating all at the same time and I could feel my confidence and arrogance faltering in her wake.
               “My, my it is true what they say about cryomancer’s, you are positively freezing cold to the touch,” my eyes are transfixed on her bright red lips as her pink tongue darts out to run along her bottom lip. “I suppose I better find someone durable for you, can’t have you freezing one of my girls to death, or would you prefer a boy?”
               I blink rapidly at her question, shocked that the Lin Kuei would even allow such an option when they seemed to discourage even friendship within its ranks. I swallow hard, “I’ll leave it to your discretion, you’re the expert here, not me.”
               “Let’s start you with a pretty girl a little older than you who knows what they’re doing shall we? It is your first time isn’t it?” her lips split into an ever-widening smile as she releases her grip on me, blowing warm air over her fingers. Her smile only grows as I flush with embarrassment and look down at my feet, giving a curt nod in response. “Wait here Sub-Zero, a warrior of your caliber deserves only the finest girls I have to offer.”
               I breathe a sigh of relief, watching the condensed air hanging in the heavily perfumed room as I slump forward. I can feel my legs trembling with a mixture of excitement and nervousness, unsure what to expect as I’m left alone in the fragrant room. I can’t help but shift my weight back and forth between my legs, trying to keep my nerves from taking over. I’m no longer Bi-Han I remind myself sternly, there’s only Sub-Zero now and he’s not a scared little boy, I try frantically to convince myself.
               After a short wait the Madame returns with six girls trailing behind her, it faintly occurs to me that I hadn’t been around this many women since before my Father had stolen my little brother and I from our Mother years ago. I straighten myself up to my full height again, I regret doing so immediately, I’m sure I must be an intimidating enough site to these girls already. I’m a Chinese man with your typical jet-black hair, slicked back into a stylish undercut who sometimes has typical brown eyes but with the way my cock twitches against my pants I can tell it’s no longer the case. I’m sure my eyes must be an unnatural icy blue now which is basically unheard of and being nearly 196 cm only made the situation that much more unnerving.
               I look over at the women lined up, but none of them seem frightened in any capacity, if anything they’re eying me like I’m prey, the whole situation seems so absurd. I may have just received my brand, but I am no stranger to killing, I’m the predator or at least that’s how I had always seen myself. They should be terrified of me but instead the girls appear to be playing jiandao shítou bu* amongst themselves as if competing for which one of them would win me.
               “Girls!” the Madame hisses harshly, “it isn’t your decision, it’s up to the great Sub-Zero to decide which of you is worthy of his time. Don’t make me regret choosing you.”
               My jaw falls open as the women cease their childish antics and fall into line at the Madame’s command, and I’m finally able to get a look at the gorgeous made up beauties in their practically transparent silk robes in front of me. My cock stirs again in my pants, making them seem uncomfortably tight and despite its insistence my feet seem firmly cemented to the floor unable to bring myself to move closer to them.
               “Well come now Sub-Zero, what are you waiting for. Give them a good look over, if none of them are to your liking I have plenty of others to choose from,” the Madame grabs me by the wrist and drags me over to the line of women.
               I grimace as her nails dig into my blistered skin, but I know better than to make a sound or show any discomfort instead I find my courage and shake her off, “what do we have here then?” I ask in the same unfamiliar cocky and deep tone I had earlier. One by one I make my way down the line of girls, each one more beautiful than the last. I can feel my cock stiffening painfully in my pants, throbbing against the seam as I try and decide. “How am I supposed to pick when each one is as lovely as the last?” I turn to look at the Madame, putting on a confident façade as I smirk at her.
               The Madame tuts at me disapprovingly before grabbing one of the girls by the shoulder and pulling her forward, “this lovely little flower right here will be happy to take good care of you Sub-Zero.”
               Before I can even register what’s happening the girl is being thrust into my arms, she shivers as her thinly robed body comes in contact with my freezing cold one. She giggles as she whispers my lucky day, before dragging me off towards the back rooms.
               “Enjoy yourself Bi-Han, I’m sure this won’t be the last time we meet,” the Madame calls after us, as she shoos the other girls away and makes her way to her room.
               I bite my lip nervously as the woman wraps her arms around my arm as she pulls me into what I can only assume is her usual room, I trip and stumble gracelessly as the flooring transitions to hard, unforgiving stone. I don’t even have time to ask her name or properly introduce myself before she forcefully pushes me down onto the piles of plush bedding and pillows strewn across the floor. I feel blood rushing to my cock, making it painfully harder as I watch her stalk her way over to me, with an air of confidence that feels almost overwhelming. I can’t help but feel like a lost little boy again instead of the hardened warrior the Lin Kuei has worked so hard to mold me into.
               I can’t take my eyes off of her as she pulls the silk sash holding her flimsy robe closed, in a fluid motion she shrugs the garment from her delicate shoulders leaving me to gawk open mouthed at the woman before me. “So, Bi-Han was it?” she asks raising a finely arched brow as she slowly runs her hands over her gorgeous body. I had never laid eyes on a naked woman before, the seclusion of the Lin Kuei saw to that; and the sight was magnificent, her perky breasts bounced with each purposeful step towards me. She obviously takes notice of my staring as a confident smile spreads across her beautiful face as she cups her breasts and pushes them together, “like what you see?”
               It takes me a moment to find my voice as I answer “S-sub-Zero,” tā mā de* I curse to myself as I hear my voice cracking as I scowl, frustrated with myself.
               She kneels down next to me and I feel my cock jump against the sudden pressure of her fingers running over it through the rough material of my pants. “Well aren’t you cute, what’s the matter big boy? And I do mean big boy,” she grins and winks at me as she grasps me. “First time?” she laughs softly as the thumb of her small hand rubs back and forth across the head of my cock.
               “S-so what if it is? You should be grateful, not every whore gets to fuck a cryomancer,” I retort harshly, immediately regretting my choice of words. I stubbornly refuse to back down as I bare my teeth trying to cover up my embarrassment with aggression.
               “Whores get paid sweetheart, I’m a concubine I don’t have a choice,” she levels her defiant gaze with mine as she gives my cock a painfully hard squeeze. “Now, I can either make this really good for you or I can just lay on my back and watch you try and figure things out and not do a damn thing. Up to you Sub-Zero.”
               I frown at the tone of her voice, “then make it good,” I challenge her grabbing her by her wrist and jerking her into my lap. She feels so warm against my cold body and the weight of her against my aching cock makes me groan low in the back of my throat. I lean forward to try and kiss the woman, but my attempt is quickly thwarted by her delicate hands pushing against my chest.
               “I don’t kiss,” she replies coldly before adding, “not on the lips at least. Lose the shirt and pants Sub-Zero, unless you want me to make you cum in them.” She stands abruptly and crosses her arms over her chest looking bored and expectant.
               I feel heat rising in my cheeks as I reluctantly obey and pull my shirt off, I’m usually so confident about my body. I know none of my peers have put in the same level of effort I have, not that I had a choice. I am or was the Grandmaster’s grandson, after all. I never had a choice in the matter, but for the first time in my life I feel embarrassment exposing myself in front of her. Pulling my pants off makes the situation all the more uncomfortable, as my stomach clenches with uncertainty, and I feel myself trembling with an odd mixture of nerves and arousal. My cock is the only thing that doesn’t seem to be affected by my current state as it lays hard and proud against my protruding abs, pre-cum smearing against my cold skin.
               “Holy shit,” she mutters, her heavily made up eyes widening in shock and awe before darkening with lust. “You poor boy, that looks painful,” she purrs gesturing to my twitching cock. “Let me take care of that for you,” she licks her lips slowly as she sinks to her knees between my legs.
               My breath suddenly catches in my throat as I feel her hot, wet tongue licking a thick stripe up the length of my cock. My head leans back as I feel her soft lips kissing the head of my dick before she trails light kisses along the shaft. I bite my bottom lip as she licks and kisses her way back to the head, I can’t stifle my loud cry as her hot wet mouth engulfs the tip of my cock, my hips jerk up involuntarily, desperate to feel more of that warmth.
               She pulls back and looks right into my eyes, “I never expected cryomancers to be this cold everywhere. It’s like sucking on a popsicle,” she giggles before a slight shiver runs through her body as I watch her painted lips wrap around my cock again.
               It feels so much better than my hand, I find myself absolutely mesmerized by her lips wrapped around my cock, my stomach lurches as she swallows my cock down in one practiced motion. I bite my fist to keep my shout at bay as my length is engulfed in the searing heat of her mouth, the moisture and suction making my thighs tremble already. My hips move on their own as her tongue undulates against my shaft while she hollows her cheeks sucking my cock deeper into her mouth, I can barely even process what’s happening anymore. She brushes an errant strand of hair behind her ear as she begins to bob her head up and down, never letting up on the delicious pressure as her tongue wraps around the head of my cock. I groan loudly as her teeth scrape lightly against my shaft before she tongues the slit of my cockhead, she moans a bit as my cock leaks against her skillful tongue.
               She pulls suddenly away with an obscenely loud pop, “since this is your fist time, I’ll let you finish in my mouth, consider it my treat.” Her soft, haughty voice breaks through my haze as I lock eyes with her, and my cock disappears into her tantalizing mouth once again. She hums as she resumes bobbing her head up and down around my cock, the vibrations are like a punch to my gut, my thighs tensing with each of her movements.
               I clench my fists in concentration as I try not to cum then and there, but she’s not making it easy for me, each flick of her tongue forcing me to inhale sharply as I push myself back into the overstuffed pillows below me. I can see a small sheen of ice glittering across my chest as my sweat is instantly frozen against my flesh, my cold, condensed breath coming out in harsh puffs. I feel breathless as I try and pull in much needed oxygen as focus on her tongue working along my shaft with hard, eager strokes. My mind goes completely blank as I feel her nose pressing against my pelvis, forcing my cock into the tight confines of her throat causing her eyes to water. The tension is so strong at this point that I can barely stand it. Everything’s wound too tightly. My entire body tingles with pleasure and I feel too hot all over, a sensation I never realized was possible for a cryomancer to feel. I can’t stop my hips from bucking up into her mouth as an embarrassing whine falls from my lips, my whole-body shakes as I cum with a loud groan as my body floods with relief. The pressure finally bursts as I pant helplessly, spilling into her mouth, unable to focus on anything but the pleasurable sensation of release, it’s overwhelming and addicting all at the same time.
               I’m left breathless as stars dance before my half-lidded eyes while I watch her throat in awe as it tenses and flexes while she milks every drop from my still hard cock. I jerk subconsciously as she swallows my load and pulls away from my glistening cock, a small trail of saliva still clinging to her slightly swollen lips. “Cryomancers taste different,” she purrs, making a show of licking her lips, “not nearly as unpleasant as a normal human.”
                I feel a smug grin tugging at my lips at her compliment, but it does little to mask the heat I feel creeping up my cheeks, “well feel free to get a taste whenever you’d like.” I hear myself saying, and it’s that same unfamiliar deep and confident tone I had used with the Madame earlier.
               “Don’t get too far ahead of yourself,” she laughs patronizingly as she stretches out next to me. She turns on her side and props her head up on her hand, “well come on big boy, show me what you’ve got. I’ll let you know if you’re doing it wrong.” She lays flat on her back again, twirling a strand of hair around her finger expectantly, just waiting for me to make a move.
               I take a deep, shaky breath as I roll on top of her straddling her hips, my tongue darts out as I experimentally roll it along her long, exposed neck entranced by the way goosebumps break out over her delicate skin in the wake of my cold tongue. She shivers lightly under me as I lightly nip at her flesh, dragging my teeth over her pronounced collar bone on my way to her tantalizing breasts.
               “Gods your tongue is so cold,” she moans softly arching her back slightly as her hand threads through my dark hair pushing me lower still.
               I try and shake off my hesitation as I run my tongue over her nipple, pulling a soft gasp from her as it hardens instantly. I suck at the nub, trying to mimic her earlier actions, it feels so soft and delicate in my mouth but firm and pliable at the same time.
               “U-use your hands too,” her voices falters as she shivers again from the cold, “you can’t just give one all the attention, you aren’t going to please any woman like that.”
               I frown as best as I can, are all women this bossy I wonder to myself as I bring my hand up to cup her other breast immediately enjoying the weight of it in my hand. I roll her breast around, pressing my cold palm against it before rolling her neglected nipple between my thumb and forefinger. The action pulls another soft sigh from her. I lick her soft skin over to her other breast before pulling the hardened bud into my cold mouth, sucking softly on it, my tongue rolling along the underside trying to ignore my cock throbbing against her taut stomach. I groan against her breasts as I rock my hips against her, her warm body feeling so good against my cock, I feel bolder and more confident as my teeth lightly scrape her nipple.
Her hand tightens in my hair immediately as I feel her tugging more incessantly at it, “this is cute and all, but are you actually going to fuck me or just play with my tits all night?”
I grumble against her breast feeling my cheeks flush, I know my inexperience must be obvious, but I could do without her constant reminders. I pull up from her chest and try and push down my nerves as I reposition myself in between her legs. I swallow hard as my cold hand runs along her thigh, forcing her to part her legs finally getting a glimpse of her shimmering pussy. Any confidence I thought I had gained while attending to her breasts dissipated into thin air as I’m now faced with trying to figure this out.
Mercifully she reaches down to wrap her hand around my twitching cock and helps guide it towards her entrance. “Don’t be too hasty, I’m experienced but if you’re doing this in the future with one of the other girls, you’ll hurt her if you’re too enthusiastic.” I nod slowly, trying to take note of what she’s telling me, “here rub it lightly along the opening, you want to make sure both of you are nice and wet and ready or else it will hurt both of you, not just her.”
I bite down on my lower lip trying to stifle the whimper the action pulls from me; she feels so wet and velvety against my cock that I’m not sure I’ll be able to handle the rest. I have no real time to try and prepare myself as she guides my cock inside her. I can’t stop the low growl that builds in the back of my throat as I start to skin into her wet heat, it’s indescribable. My brain short circuits as my cock sinks further inside her, it’s so much tighter than I anticipated, almost painful for a moment as her walls squeeze and pull my cock inside. The pressure is so intense, it’s like my hand tightly wrapped around my cock but it’s so hot and wet that I almost feel faint. I find myself panting and straining like I would be after a vigorous sparring session and I wasn’t all the way in her yet. I can’t even move the rest of the way as I desperately try and catch my breath and calm down.
She has different plans though and pushes her hips up to meet me the rest of the way, moaning loudly as my cock is finally completely buried in her in her heat. “Ahh just like that Sub-Zero, now stay there for a moment, don’t get greedy and move right away.”
I click my tongue at her in annoyance as my thighs tremble, I couldn’t move right now if I wanted to, her cunt is gripping my cock so tightly it’s making me lightheaded. “Are you always so demanding with your clients,” I gripe at her as I grab her hips to try and stem my shaking.
“No, only with virgins who don’t know what they’re doing,” she quips back as she rolls her hips against mine as her eyes flutter while she squeezes around my hard cock. “You can move now,” she all but commands.
I grit my teeth as I pull out of her warmth slowly finally feeling like I can catch my breath for a moment, I pull in a deep breath before pushing back into her hesitantly. I have no idea what the right pace is, or how deep I should be trying to aim for, but it feels so wet, tight and intoxicating that I just still again savory the sensation.
“Don’t just stop. Keep going, in and out, come on,” she huffs angrily, looping her legs around my waist, heels digging into my back.
I snarl at her, if she wasn’t squeezing my cock so perfectly, I would have walked away, but I’m helpless against her, needing more. My cock twitches inside her in protest of my thoughts as I rock my hips into her more forcefully this time, her back arches slightly as a soft gasp falls from her lips. I take that as a good sign and continue moving more aggressively. She’s so wet that it’s almost hard to stay inside her. I feel that familiar tension returning, my balls are drawn up so tightly that it’s hard to focus on anything else. I groan as I thrust into her again, gripping her hips a little tighter this time, hearing a satisfying smack this time as I burying my cock deeper into her cunt, I inhale sharply as I feel her walls fluttering around my cock.
“No,” she clucks her tongue at me, “that angle’s no good, put your hands under my ass, lift my hips up higher and thrust in that way and do it quicker!” She’s quick to demand as the heels of her feet dig into my back more insistently, trying to spur me on.
I growl with frustration as I do as I’m told, grabbing her supple ass and fondling it roughly as I thrust into her wet heat again. It doesn’t feel any different to me, it still feels as hot and wonderful as it did before, but at this point I’m so determined to show her that I’m a quick learner and can pleasure her as well as she had me. My hips snap forward into her harder now, I finally seem to have figured out the right rhythm to please both of us as I hear her soft cries and whimpers over the loud slapping of skin on skin.
My victory doesn’t last long however, I’m startled as the wind is knocked out of me as she slams me onto my back, “you’re still not getting it,” she grabs my hand and forces two of my cold fingers inside her dripping cunt.
My eyes fly open in surprise as she wriggles my fingers around inside her before they brush against a soft, fleshy bit that causes her to moan in earnest.
“That’s what you’re looking for, you want to try and make sure your cock hits that with every single thrust, it’s not all about your pleasure you know,” she glares down at me.
“H-how am I supposed to know that? I’ve never done this before,” I growl at her exasperatedly. I frown and look down, “I’m trying ok?”
Her expression softens at my uncharacteristic display of vulnerability before she sighs loudly, “at least you listen. So, many of the others don’t.”
I can’t cover up my loud groan as she unexpectedly sinks down on my cock in one fluid motion, my whole-body tenses as I’m plunged back inside her delicious heat, instinctually grab her hips. I throw my head back and pant as she starts moving up and down her tights cunt clenching around my cock with each movement. She rocks them back and forth in a teasing motion pulling a broken off cry from me as the situation spirals quickly out of any control, I thought I had. “Fuck, fuck,” I cry out loudly feeling my cock twitching inside her heat as I feel my restraint slipping.
“Ah! Oh! Fuck! Yes! I should have just done this from the beginning, your cock feels so big inside me, filling me up all the way,” she whines as her cries increase in volume as her hips slam down against mine. Each thrust drives my cock deeper into her tight cunt forcing more moans and cries from both of us.    
I can feel my control faltering as I start bucking up into her tight wetness, trying to find that spot she had shown me moments before, and I must have succeeded as she squeals loudly atop me. It’s a sound I’m determined to hear again as I focus on hard on trying to make her come undone before me. I grab her wrists as I start slamming up into her from below as another loud groan falls from my lips.
She frees her hand and starts rubbing her cunt frantically in time with my thrusts as she continues to buck her hips wildly, driving me into a frenzy. “Oh fuck. Oh shit. Don’t stop, don’t you dare fucking cum yet,” she barks out at me squeezing her eyes shut as she throws her head back, breasts bouncing freely.
I grunt with exertion as I try and hold on a little longer, I do my best to focus on the throbbing pain of my arm instead of how good her cunt feels. My entire body is so tense as I drive up into her heat again and again, the pleasure is so intense I feel like I’m going to go mad.
“Just a little more, oh fuck right there,” she cries before her body stills atop me, her mouth hangs open as her eyes clench shut as her body trembles violently.
Her nails dig into my wrist as I feel her pussy spasm around my cock, it’s so tight now, painfully so, as her walls grip my cock. I can’t hold back any longer as my hips lose their rhythm and I bury myself as deeply in her as I can. My eyes roll back as pleasure floods my senses as I shoot thick ropes of cum inside her quivering cunt. I growl deeply as I finally feel the wound-up pressure and tension release leaving me panting and breathless.
She laughs softly as she stays there just panting softly, “are you going to unfreeze my wrist?”
“Huh?” I start as her voice cuts through my pleasure induced fog.
“You apparently can’t control your powers when you cum, my wrist is frozen solid,” she laughs louder this time her free hand lazily trailing over my taught stomach.
“Shit,” I curse giving her an apologetic look, “I uh, guess not,” I admit feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment again. I carefully break the ice encasing her wrist allowing her to roll off my softened cock. I feel a little guilty when I notice her shaking and shivering, “that was,” I struggle to find the words to describe what I am feeling. All I wanted to do right now was roll over and go to sleep but I give her a tired smile, “incredible,” I managed to get out as I try and stifle a yawn.
“Well it was certainly passable for a first time, Sub-Zero. With a little more practice, you’ll be a real stud,” she laughs again as she pulls on her robe and throws my clothes at me. “Now off you go, have a good time bragging to all your friends about being a proper Lin Kuei. I’m off to sit in a hot tub and try and warm myself back up.” She leans over and presses a featherlight kiss to my cold lips before giving me a coy wink and waltzing out leaving me stunned.
“I thought you didn’t kiss, liar,” I mumble to myself lying there for a few moments before finally rolling over and reluctantly pulling my clothes back on and stumbling out back to the main hall. I can’t seem to stop grinning as the Madame reemerges from her quarters, I give her a tired wave as she titters softly at my disheveled appearance. I make my way slowly back towards the room I share with my little brother, eager to brag about my evening.
“What was her name? You never mentioned her name,” you ask softly looking up from your position on my chest.
I chuckle, “jealous, are we?” I can’t help but tease you, running my cold hand through your soft hair smirking confidently at you. “You’re the one who asked about my first time you know.”
“Just curious if I know her Bi-Han, that’s all,” you pout at him burying your face into his cold chest.
“Osmanthus, that’s all she ever told me. I know it’s not her real name, but that’s what she told me to call her,” I pull you closer to me, dropping a kiss on top of her head. “You have nothing to be worried about qīn, you’re the only one that I’ve cared about enough to actually make sure no one else can ever touch.”
I grin as you look up at me, your eyes are wide and full of adoration, “will you stay tonight?” you ask hopefully.
“I’ll stay as long as the Madame doesn’t kick me out,” I lean forward and press my lips to your warm, tempting lips before pulling you closer to be as we both settle down into the awkward mess of pillows as sleep finally sets in.
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bihansthot · 5 years
Oh look Tumblr ate my ask again, worthless app. “How did feel when OG Sub Zero spank or grab S/O butt at all time” was what it originally said.
Ya know Tealbella sometimes I wonder which one of us is thirstier? Haha I’m just kidding, it’s definitely me, I’m the one that actually writes this filth. LOL Anyway thanks for the ask lovely! As usual asks are open and just a quick reminder for anyone new to my blog here is a list of kharacters I do and don’t write for. 
Growing up in the Lin Kuei where the only physical contact he’s ever had is painful, Bi-Han is a bit on the touch starved side and craves physical contact with his s/o (something that is even more true with Noob, not that he would admit it though). 
He is definitely an ass man, and a tit man (regardless of his s/o’s gender), let’s be honest here, there isn’t a part of his s/o’s body Bi-Han doesn’t love and want to be touching at all times.
He’ll always have his hand in his s/o’s back pocket when the two are out and about shopping or on dates.
He will shamelessly grab and squeeze their luscious booty, especially at the most inopportune moments, like if you’re ordering a coffee he will be squeezing and groping at it the whole time.
He loves watching your face flush and you squirm in his grip as you try and maintain your composure, his ever present cock-sure grin egging you on the whole time.
As for spanking, well that’s a bunch of NSFW goodness under the cut. 😊 It’s gender neutral, y’all gotta specify if you want something specific.
Bi-Han’s not really the type to spank you for disciplinary purposes, unless that’s his s/o’s thing, then he’ll be happy to explore that with them.
Bi-Han’s preferred method of spanking is while he’s fucking his partner.
The crack of his icy palm hitting your quivering ass echoed off the cold stone walls, followed by a loud yelp and a gasp of his name. You could feel your toes curling as the delicious jolt of pain forced you to tighten around his thick cock.
You hear him growl as you tighten around him, and quiet curse falls from his lips. He levels another powerful smack against your oh so inviting ass.
“Bi-Han!” you tighten and cry out again, grasping the sheets beneath you, trying to keep yourself properly up on all fours. A task that was becoming increasingly more difficult as the cryomancer thrusts deep into you at a punishing pace. Despite him chilling you to the core you know your face is a flushed mess. You couldn’t tell at this point if you’re shivering from the cold or from pleasure. Another smack has you shuddering as you bite your lip hard enough to draw blood feeling yourself starting to come undone.
Bi-Han just chuckles behind you, that lofty arrogant noise that you both love and loathe at the same time; “Already?”
“S-shut up!” you whine back at him doing everything in your power not to come, which was no easy task with your oh so arrogant, for good reason; boyfriend fucking you into the mattress.
He gives you a bit of reprieve as he tugs your hips up a little higher, changing his angle just so. “Oh give it up Y/N, I know how badly you want to come hard around my dick. How each thrust is driving you wild, what a little slut you turn into when I’m smacking that perfect ass of yours.” He taunts and inhales sharply as slides back into you, opting to tease you with slow almost gentle movement.
You’re reduced to a panting mess, whimpering his name out teetering right on the cusp of completion. Another satisfying swat was all you needed, “Ah! Fuck, fuck fuck! B-bi-Han!” you practically scream his name as your release hits you hard.
He’s still chuckling as he fucks you through your release, finally ceasing as his breath and hips falter. He gets in one more, almost too painful smack before grabbing you. The grip he has on your hip tightens as frost coats your skin, the groan that falls from his icy lips is music to your ears and has you gasping breathlessly as you feel yourself being filled to the brim with his release.
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fromthewifecage · 5 years
Ok love let’s get personal 😏 tell me what made you fall for Johnny! His gorgeous body? Charming personality? Award winning (ha!) smile? I want all the wonderful (smutty 😏) details you’ve got!
What started it? 2 words. Linden Ashby.
And I mean it. I saw Mortal Kombat at the cinema (and LOVED it) and of course I couldn’t help but immediately fall in love with this Johnny. I’d played MK before then, even had the very first version on the Master System (so old it didn’t even have enough memory to cope with all the fighters so they cut KANO from it *cries*). He was the perfect mixture of hot and hilarious and he (along with Cary and Christophe Lambert) made the film for me. I honestly adore the film and will happily watch it now. We ignore the 2nd film (yeah, replace Linden Ashby with a random and then kill Johnny after 5 seconds?! That’s going to get me on side, wankers.)
After the film I went back to playing the games and Raiden (“the man with the hat” as my Mum calls him) was always my main (mixed in with some Noob and Smoke). After MK Trilogy I missed out on MK until 9 was released, and yeah, Johnny was alright, he’s funny as hell, but after his chapter he becomes a punching bag :( and I was happy blowing kisses at Raiden.
Then we get to MKX and we meet MY Johnny. Andrew Bowen’s voice is hot as hell and he is SUCH a good voice actor, without him I wouldn’t love Johnny nearly as much. Honestly, his voice does very naughty things to me, very good naughty things (in my knickers). Johnny makes MKX, he starts the thing off and if I play it or watch it through on Youtube when I get a hankering, then I always want more of him. I am a greedy slut.
I think the kharacter design is hot. I wasn’t sure of his Special Forces look to start, and when I play MKX I use either his Ninja Mime skin or his topless kostue (again, slut) and wish they’d gone for something more, well, more Johnny. Yes he’d wear the kombat trousers and vest on missions, but the guy takes care of himself and would have adopted “Treat yo self’ as one of his main mottos, so he’d wear more klassic stuff (if you zoom in on his tux shirt he has his own little JC logos on it , amazing detailing, so he has a clothing line and he’s wear that, all sexy designer looks) when not working. I absolutely ADORE the tux look in MK11, he looks incredible in it. (And oh yessss they’ve rolled up the sleeves to show off his forearms. Anyone looks good doing that, any gender, and age, any size, anyone, instantly boosts your hotness.)
The storyline of MKX where he gets together with Sonya is totally believable. If you watch Maximilian Dood play the Johnny vs Shinnok chapter on Youtube when Johnny says “She called me Johnny” Max will say something like “Oh don’t go get charming on me Johnny, you’re making me like you.” And that is exactly what Johnny’s doing, he’s charming the knickers off Sonya and everyone playing the game. Instant love. You totally see why Sonya falls for him, cos you’d be mad not to.Then you meet Older!Johnny and he’s still utterly hilarious, but now he’s more charming, less of a douche, has the sexy salt and pepper hair, still shows off the tattoo, and I wanted him even more. His obvious adoration for Cassie makes my knickers evaporate. I don’t have/want kids, but if I did a Sonya and ended up pregnant with his kiddo, you know that he'd just be the absolute best Dad.
How they treat his split from Sonya is pretty realistic. The comics show that Sonya kept with her career, and Johnny was a stay at home Dad (obviously still doing his films), and that Sonya wouldn’t take time away from her job caused the family to break up. Again, as a non kid person myself I can totally see Sonya’s side. But I can also see Johnny’s and Cassie’s (and isn’t this just forgotten in MK11?! BULLSHIT.)
Johnny interacting with Kenshi is fantastic (yeah, I totally ship it), and with Kuai (yeah, I totally ship it) and with Raiden (yeah, I totally ship it). (The “I’m guessing it’s not your first time in cuffs. What’s your safe word?” to Quan Chi with Kenshi sniggering is HILARIOUS. As is “Oh sorry ma’am, didn’t see you there” to Shinnok.
Now onto MK11. Yeah, he’s GORGEOUS. His face model Colin Ryan is hot as hell (thank you NRS) and thank the Elder Gods they kept Andrew Bowen as his v/a. I’d have gone on a one woman riot if they’d changed him.
Thankfully he is mostly hilarious, and we get to feel his sadness when Sonya dies and he comforts Cassie. The bond between him and his loved ones is beautiful. His fatalities are my favourites (OMG that leer he does at the end of his ventriloquist act is knicker-ruiningly hot. GOD DAMN!)
Young Johnny is an absolute dick until he does that face at Sonya bandaging him up at the end, and we see Older!Johnny start to emerge. He’s a good boy really, his Dad just fucked him up and made him think he had to be a prick.
His clothes. So they kept with the SF styling for Older!Johnny, and it’s still not great. He looks great in it, but he’d look great in a bin bag. I am SO glad they brought out the tux, (I have already squealed on about that, but fuck me it’s amaaaaaaazing) and I LOVE the Ninja Mime kostume. The younger outfits are great too with topless being the icing on the cake. The vests are great, the colours are great, the sunglasses are great.
The non sleezeball intros are hilarious, as are his taunts (the Mime one is especially brilliant, as is the fuck you one!) I love him playing with the toy Johnny, the splits, the autograph (I imagine he’s writing that on my tits).
The bad MK11 stuff: Yeah, MK11 isn’t the best. I honestly can’t buy him and Sonya back together after how their marriage ended. He may have forgiven her, but that would never stop him feeling like she hurt Cassie, and Cassie is his everything, and you just wouldn’t get past that. Sure you could keep the peace, be civil, but feeling his child was abandoned by the other parent is not something that would ever be pushed aside. I think NRS made a huge error in getting them back together, it was obviously to heighten the emotion of Sonya’s death, and that’s pretty pathetic writing on NRS’s part.
Johnny’s intros have him behaving pretty appallingly towards the majority of the female kombatants. There was no need for him to be so sleazy. Sure Younger!Johnny is a sleazy prick, but he’s a ridiculously famous movie star, he can get anyone he wants, why have him sound like a slimeball desperate for pussy? It’s done so badly, ugh. And the non distinction between Older and Younger!Johnny is sheer laziness by NRS. Not hard to make different intros for different variations. Same goes for how they fucked up the revenant skins, kharacters will state they aren’t revenants when they have a revenant skin. Fucking terrible by NRS.
Also I am greedy and wanted more of him in the story, buuuuuut that is appallingly greedy, especially when Kabal, Erron and Bi-Han got 5 fucking seconds of FUCKING BULLSHIT.
And also, what the fuck is up with Johnny’s ending with rehab? Where did that come from? Sure he’s a film star but he never seemed drunk or high or owt so WTF? Sadly I would bet money that they put that in to try to lesson the ‘Sonya fucked up the family’ and shift the blame to Johnny. Go fuck yourselves NRS, go on, go fuck yourselves.
So what is it that makes me love Johnny? The humour and Older!Johnny’s personality, hands down. Make me laugh and I am a very happy woman. Add in muscles and a smile that could kill me?
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
(Ok and I had this ridiculous daydream once about Older!Johnny getting a part in a Tarantino film, and it totally revitalising his career (just like John Travolta) and making everyone sit up and go “Whoa, I didn’t know he could actually act”. Ridiculous I know.)
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