eriyu · 7 months
Ten People, Ten Songs
Share ten songs shuffled at random from a playlist. Tagged by @calico-heart!!!!!!!
ohhhhh this is a fun one, thanks for the tag! i'm going with my live playlist — one song from every artist i've ever seen live (specifically one song they played at the show i was at)! :3
Cyclone by 12012
Mr. Doctor Man by Palaye Royale
Dear Maria, Count Me In by All Time Low
HEART OF SWORD ~夜明け前~ by T.M. Revolution
悲しみのキズ by Nana Kitade
Rock Lobster by the B-52s
Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
Race You to the Bottom by New Medicine
Small Town by Hoodie Allen
I Miss You by blink-182
tagging @beeawolf @straycalamities @grkuvus @happydancerhapsody @whileyoureinschoolidothisallday @talesofamelody @nhaneh @aetherdrol @the-evil-pizza @uldahstreetrat
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girlhorse · 1 year
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@beeawolf hold on I'll get u gooder pictures from breeder websites
Happy Paws King Of Hearts @ Starborn aka "Redman"
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Starborn’s Bright Red Jewel “Ruby”
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Arborway’s Red Hot Tamolly @ Starborn aka “Molly”
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Ch. High Jump Shutter Bug CGC TKN "Ducky" (left)
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there's a cool gallery of havanese too! lots of submissions and u can search by color:
(dont rb please!)
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lostlegendaerie · 1 year
who wants to make 20 bucks by listening to someone talk about their OCs over the phone for an hour?
I'm only gonna open this to people I know (followers, mutuals, etc) bc this is the novel I've been working on for six years and im still chewing on plot points so I am. protective of these concepts but I need a rubber ducky IDEALLY while I do stuff like wash dishes and organize my house.
Be well-versed in novel structure, storytelling pacing, etc. (Degree not required, but at least be like a 5+ year writer. Fanfic counts.)
Have discord and WiFi to make voice calls
Be able to make notes during the call so I can reference key points later
Venmo or PayPal is fine. Pinging a few people whose work I really like for right of first refusal (and who I remember exist, I'm so sorry if I didn't tag you, I am so stupid today)
@lightbenderlin @shanastoryteller @beeawolf @misskhep @eggxalted
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pabulumm · 3 years
For the tea meme: lady grey, Irish breakfast, Turkish tea, peppermint, and green tea
lady grey:favourite outfit? my pajamas lmao which are an oversized graphic sweatshirt, oversized graphic t-shirt, and uniqlo’s 3/4 relaco “shorts” which i just discovered this summer and i am never going back
irish breakfast:what country do you want to visit? i’d love for my mom to show me around germany where she grew up, where we still apparently have relatives. she used to live above a bakery! how cool is that!
turkish tea: where have you travelled? oh boy i can already tell this will be a long boy so forgive me. most notable trips: florida x a million? (orlando in particular bc 1) my grandparents used to live there and 2) my mom is obsessed with disney world; also went to the keys one time), california (lake tahoe, san francisco, sacramento [near where my sister used to live], also saw SEQUOIA TREES--bucket list item), arizona (sedona, the grand canyon), nevada (las vegas, hoover dam)... the big notable cities: new orleans, atlanta (georgia aquarium for WHALE SHARKS), philadelphia (saw sebastian stan and chris evans here hahaaa), chicago (2x), nyc (2x - saw chris evans on broadwayyy for my birthdayyy), toronto (2x @ TIFF--got to see seb on the red carpet here ahhh) and last but not least: japan. which was my big bucket list dream trip. mostly spent time in kyoto and osaka but also went to tokyo for a weekend. also nara for the deer obvs. and a few smaller towns in shiga prefecture where i stayed with a very generous friend for an entire month. whew okay that felt like a lot of bragging fff i love all my travels tho and i’ve been very lucky to go to so many places before i got old and developed near crippling anxiety lmaooooo
peppermint:what’s your favourite holiday and why? can i say i like the lead up to halloween? does that count? just all the cute fall decorations and changing leaves/cooler weather and pumpkin spice lattes with cider donuts fff. it’s such a low pressure holiday too, in terms of like. mandatory family gatherings or mandatory gift buying... you can go all out dressing up to the nines or just wear orange and exist with the trees. pick your own adventure it’s all good. but i also sort of see the leadup to christmas as a distraction that keeps me from wanting to off myself in the winter time LMAO. i'm prone to depression in wintertime ok and i need shiny distractions. also i kind of like some christmas movies.
green tea:where do you feel most at peace? alone... home in bed, reading fanfics on my phone. hahaaa. (i have anxiety about leaving my house ok like i can do it but i hate it every single time)
OMG I TALK SO MUCH i’m sorry ahhh but thank you @beeawolf it’s fun to do these :)
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captain-flint · 4 years
Thank you for making these incredible finnpoe gifsets, they have brightened my day and filled my heart with love
hhhgfdhg YOU brightened my day and filled my heart with love.. thank you! im so happy you like them
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donnajosh · 6 years
If you haven't already, would you be able to gif that scene from (I think) "War Crimes" when Toby is talking to the interns and has that whole "You're my guys, and I'm yours, and there's nothing I wouldn't do for you" speech? Also, thank you for this blog because it makes me really happy and I appreciate all the work you put into it.
hello! thank you so so much for your message. messages like this mean a lot to me. & sure thing!! it’s here
i’ve also done a couple other sets that feature that speech: 1 & 2
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lysspossum · 5 years
hibiscus, peony, & primrose :)
HIBISCUS:Did you ever play an instrument? If so what? I played piano when I was 10 or so, I desperately wish I’d been better encouraged. I hated practicing (now I have an inkling as to why it was so difficult to keep up) and my teacher wasn’t great. i’ve been thinking of learning again but I don’t have a piano
PEONY:What’s your favorite hot beverage? a vanilla latte from one of the good coffee places, or hot cocoa. i love hot cocoa.
PRIMROSE:Favorite kind of soup? tomato soup, completely smooth, no chunks of tomato. especially good if accompanied by a nice grilled cheese!!!
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emotionalties · 7 years
@beeawolf said: You look so happy, I'm so glad you got to go to this <3
<3 It was the best vacation ever! I’m so glad I went! Not just for all the Star Trek but also because there was so much love and inspiration there. I feel like a new person with unlimited possibilities in the future!
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phthalology · 8 years
Today I read the sentence “A sperm whale skeleton installed at Harvard University a century ago still oozes grease”
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multifandomhoodies · 4 years
im thinking about him (beeawolf’s Poe Dameron)
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arthurgalgo · 4 years
answers to some asks under the cut!  🌿✨
@beeawolf Please tell me what Hogwarts House would Arthur be in and why, and/or which pop culture franchise would be Arthur's favorite and why
It’s a pretty close call, but he’d be Gryffindor, with Hufflepuff in close second! His boldness, exuberance, occasional boisterousness and sense of adventure are his outstanding qualities, but he’s also loyal, cheerful, deeply friendly and incredibly pure-hearted (bordering on naive) which made me think twice. I’m quite intensely Slytherin, so in many ways Arthur is pretty different to me. I think he brings out the life in me; he keeps me from retreating too much into my own shell. I gravitate towards Slytherin/Ravenclaw tempered dogs, and those are the dogs I see in my future. However, there’s a tendency for that relationship to form a bit of a bubble - you and your dog reflect each other (which I experienced with my previous greyhound). Not that that’s a negative thing at all - I really enjoy that sort of bond, I guess it’s my preference. But I’ve learned a lot from Arthur and we balance each other out in a way I’ve not experienced before. His favourite pop culture franchise, if it counts, would probably be Shaun the Sheep lol... I could so see him getting into mischief with Shaun and the flock, periodically spooking  the chickens, idolising Bitzer (and inevitably giving him a headache)
also, what are some of your favorite books? and if Arthur goes to college what will he major in?
White Fang by Jack London is my heart book, if that’s a thing. Read it when I was about 10 and it moulded my soul into the shape it was meant to be. I now find reading quite tricky (see: I don’t read), but the little John Muir I’ve read has resonated with me. I keep a little book about pet genetics under my pillow because I find it comforting - go figure lol.  And Arthur would probably study  socioIogy or Iberian languages and history!
@archy-with-a-y I would love to hear about you first meeting Arthur or a favorite memory of him!
It was a little unusual because he was ‘delivered’ to our house by a pet transportation company who work with Arthur’s rescue - we were given an ETA and I remember standing outside the house waiting and waiting for the van to come round the corner. There was actually a group chat for all the people who were awaiting their dogs over that two day period, so one by one we watched online as the dogs were handed over to their new families until it was our turn. The drivers got him out of his crate and and handed him over, he was so wiggly. As I’ve mentioned before he shoved me to the ground and peed on me, and thus a beautiful friendship was born. He smelled quite strongly of other dogs at first. The drivers didn’t stop for long, so we introduced him to his home and the rest is history (he was a complete hurricane for the first few weeks lol). I have so many amazing memories of Arthur, but the day my dad and I took Arthur to the beach for the first time is definitely a favourite. So much sunshine and running around
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simmonsized · 5 years
hello, i got tagged in a long post but i don’t really do long posts so!
the original prompt read:  “ when u get this u have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) c:”
the general thread following seemed to turn into a tagging game, which works just as well! in fact, i was tagged by @chaton-katreal c: hope you don’t mind me making my own post, for simplicity’s sake!
(also i will tag some folks at the top so you don’t have to read this: @hootpoop12 , @ispybluesky , kat u tagged all our mutual friends whY, @beeawolf , annnnddd @docdufresne u3u )
so for fun, and because positivity is a good exercise, here u go:
1. I am extremely good at keeping promises. I can’t boast to being a ray of sunshine all the time but if I say I’m going to do something, I very rarely don’t follow through, especially when it is for other people. I would bend over backwards for my friends so I love to do things for and with them c:
2. At some point I decided to be very honest in a positive way towards everyone I know. I try not to back away from saying “I love you, I care about you, these are the things I like about you.” I am not saying I am always honest, because I don’t believe in needlessly hurting someone’s feelings, and as I tend towards speaking my mind, I try to avoid that? But if I see something I like about someone on any given day, I like to take the time to tell them. It’s hard to be confident, and I’m not hurting anyone by pointing out someone’s clear skin or beautiful nose!!!
3. I really like my hair!!  it is very thick and extremely coarse and never ever gives up regardless of how much i bleach it, but lately i’ve been trying to own my confidence and wear it curly, something i’ve never felt entirely comfortable doing before. I no longer feel awkward or ashamed about it, and instead I feel good when I look in the mirror!! B)
4. I’ve grown to really enjoy my own writing style!!! the first person i write for is always me, and i maintain that it should probably stay that way, at least for my own sake. If I don’t get joy in rereading something i’ve written, it’s not nearly as fun, and since i spent years writing without publishing it, and spent most of 2019 conquering that fear, i find that what i enjoy, other people seem to like, too! c: it is a good feeling.
5. i like how open i am learning to become about my feelings. this is not something that benefits anyone else, and in fact i’m sure can be difficult, but i have been teaching myself how to say “that hurt my feelings” or letting myself cry even if i’m just needlessly frustrated because i spent so long being called a crybaby that quite frankly??? i don’t have time for that anymore!! if i want to cry i’m gonna! if i feel happy i want to share that!! i’m stressed i am stressed!! and that’s okay!!! it does also mean sometimes putting my foot down if people are being kind of insensitive but you know what?? that’s okay too!!
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pabulumm · 5 years
📖 favorite book, ✅ something you’ve checked off your bucket list, 🌸 favorite flower
📖 oh man this answer is pretty unoriginal and underwhelming but harry potter, books 5 through 7 I CAN’T CHOOSE A FAVORITE CHILD OKAY
✅ seeing/hugging a sequoia tree!!! they actually have a tiny bit of give to them and thus are quite hugable a total 10/10 i think everyone should go be in awe of these unbelievable trees at least once in their lifetime even if you are not a nature-y person (i for sure am not), they made me, like, actually believe in dinosaurs for some reason. just. they are such big boys!!! nature is fucking wild!!!
🌸 i don’t know much about flowers tbh uhhh we can go with sunflowers i guess??
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ao3feed-stormpilot · 5 years
All the fallen victors
by beeawolf
He was going to tell Finn. About everything. The POW thing. The torture thing. Muran. He was going to tell Finn, just as soon as the words stopped splintering somewhere on their way to his tongue, catching in his throat and keeping him quiet.
Words: 1800, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 11 of Time of the underdog
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Poe Dameron, Finn (Star Wars), Jessika Pava, Temmin "Snap" Wexley, Muran (Star Wars), Dog BB-8 - Character
Relationships: Poe Dameron/Finn, Poe Dameron & Jessika Pava, Poe Dameron & Muran
Additional Tags: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Canonical Minor Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Trust & healing, Past Torture, Finn makes soup, everyone is always making soup in my stories and i just realized this just now
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/37I8mnQ
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eriyu · 5 years
tagged by @beeawolf​ \o/
rules: put your entire music library on shuffle, post the first ten songs that come up, tag ten other mutuals 
Until the End — Breaking Benjamin
Transformation — Andy from "Sixpin" 
Steady as the Beating Drum — from Pocahontas
This Is What Rock n' Roll Looks Like — Porcelain Black
ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング — BABYMETAL
The Run and Go — twenty one pilots
The Killing Kind — Marianas Trench
Another Brick in the Wall — Vitamin String Quartet
All I Want — A Day To Remember
and im gonna be That Person and say everyone who sees this is tagged :3 pls do it i love seeing other people’s
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lysspossum · 7 years
“Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) 🌈🌈”
i was tagged by @beeawolf​ and @phdpaws​, thank you!!!
(i’ve had this tab open since yesterday, this is a little difficult for me)
(edit: i’ve had this in drafts for WEEKS AND WEEKS AND WEEKS probably months, it is time to finish this)
1. i am improving every day when it comes to my art. i can recognize that while I may not always be able to appreciate my progress, it’s still there and fairly steady.
2. I am a good friend. I ALWAYS always wonder about this because I have such a low opinion of myself sometimes, but I know that i’m a good listener and I like to give gifts and I know that is good.
3. I can sing relatively well
4. I’m not crazy about my body but I‘m learning to appreciate what it can do. I’m fat and not very healthy but I can walk and draw and bake and I’m absolutely capable of making the changes to get better.
5. I REALLY enjoy learning new things and it keeps me growing as a person which is good. I know people who are content to know what they know and don’t seem interested in improving so I’m pleased that I can learn, and learning means I know how to best be a good friend and all around good person
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