#been meaning to dl a bunch of ones I used to have but deleted for various(usually boredom or space) reasons
HAJIME.. Bby… I’m so sorry I nearly missed your birthday.. I haven’t played enstars in ages but yall need to understand-! TTT he is EVERYTHING
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Tag game!!
Tagged by @bi-bats thank u for the tag ily 💕💕💕
name: Bean!!
pronouns: she/her (i dont mind they/them though)
where do you call home: Alaska!
favorite animal: frogs n toads 🐸💚
cereal of choice: really depends on my mood and what my available options are, tbh. recently its been cocoa puffs with chocolate milk 😂
visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner: visual and kinesthetic!! if you try and give me auditory instructions i will bluescreen
first pet: when i was a kid my parents had a german shepherd and two black cats! they all died when i was a kid though, and i havent had a pet since 😔 i want a cat so bad
favorite scent: the woods!! the forest!! trees and dirt and leaves and petrichor and loam and moss and earth. looooove that scent.
do you believe in astrology: not really. growing up i used to read my horoscope with my mom for fun but nowadays i dont put a bunch of stock into it. its fun though, even if i dont know what it all means (my sibling made me calculate my big three and its virgo pisces pisces, in that order. no idea what that means for me tbh but it cracks him up)
how many playlists on spotify/apple music: HEY. listen i already get so much shit from my sibling for this so i dont wanna hear it askjldfhhkasjhdf i dont really use apple music for playlists but spotify... i just clicked create new playlist and it auto-titled it "My Playlist #166" so. 165 of my own playlists. dont ask me how many are basically the same playlist with slight tonal shifts. i dont wanna hear it akfasdlfdfa;dl (and no i WONT go through and delete playlists. spotify is an archive to me lmao)
sharpies or highlighters: sharpies. highlighters have Specific Uses in my brain and sharpies are multi-use and fun
songs that make you cry: im not sure ive cried over a song since i was a teenager that would process my emotions via laying on the floor with my earbuds in, ipod volume set to the max, crying. one of THOSE songs is End of the Line by Henry Jackman. Some songs that make me sad nowadays though are Something in the Orange by Zach Bryan (i KNOW, its country!! how much i like this song surprised me too) and If We Were Vampires by Noah Kahan and Wesley Schultz.
songs that make you happy: not to sound like a snot but i feel sooooo many complex emotions over music and broadening them to reach an overarching 'happy' is askldfjadf im overthinking this one i believe. anyways. Northern Attitude by Noah Kahan, When the Day Met the Night by Panic! at the Disco, Cafe Carnival by Craig Chaquico
do you write/draw/create: sometimes!! id say like 90% of my writing never gets out of the discord rambling stage (sometimes i post that on ao3 if i like it and feel like its long enough) and i wouldnt classify myself as an artist, but for creating i recently got into bookbinding!! ive been typesetting things and when i get to go home this next hitch i want to actually get the woodworking bits i gotta do done so i can move onto the actual binding parts.
no pressure tagging: @skyderman, @cacopheny, @megatraven, and anyone else who might want to do this! again, no pressure :)
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turntechgaysims · 3 years
this is basically a "fuck it, i've been putting off posting these for years, i'm just going to give up on waiting until i can make it look nice" post, so sorry about the extremely shitty previews, they're just what i already had on my google drive from when i first made these. also yeah some items will definitely not have one
i'm going to try to rb this at some point with a master list of all my other homestuck sims cc that i didn't make myself + dl links for anything that's been deleted, recommendations for items that aren't necessarily homestuck (ex: a headband that's usable for rose, multicolored lipstick, gills or fins, etc) but are helpful for homestuck sims, and i might end up rbing with other items of mine as i find the files. but in the meantime, have this!
i honestly barely care, do whatever. though if you find a glitch and fix it or improve an item or anything, sharing it so other people can use it too would be appreciated!
general/i just gave up on sorting
troll blood color blush
page godtier leotard thing
longsleeved undershirt with thumbholes (intended to be used with page godtier, also works separately. will eventually fix current aspect colored swatches so they don't look as much like total shit + add a few more that are more versatile)
shirts for a bunch of beta trolls (AA, TA, GA, GC, and TC. i do not feel like fixing my weird decision to use chumhandles atm but you probably know who that means)
tavros and vriska's shirts with the black button up things over them
fingerless gloves that definitely have nepeta and equius swatches, and i THINK a plain black one since there's something intended for dirk
eridan and karkat sweaters: afab frame and amab frame
jadeblood + black lipstick
equius tank top
roxy shirt one (it's like a layered crop top thing)
azdaja's outfit
aradia shirt (iirc this particular one is more of a blouse + has an aradiasprite swatch)
feferi tank top (more of a halter style)
chixie's dress
assorted egbert shirts
jade harley dresses: 3 am dress and iron lass dress
trickster roxy hair (possibly already posted someplace by my sibling but it's almost 4 am + i did actually make it so i don't feel like asking)
sollux eyes
mallek hoodie
kanaya ampora outfit
terezi peixes top
old "march drag" eridan outfit made as a joke, some of the items included in it are nice and good for other use
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extra eye, dress, socks, eyeshadow:
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boots (requires these boots by simlaughlove. also currently glitched and WILL override first swatch of those boots. will eventually fix that, but in the meantime, download/use at your own risk)
tank top
crop top (possibly shiny? idk if i fixed that or not)
vision eightfold
shirt with jacket/button up (also has tavros's)
anchor tattoo
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et-lesailes · 4 years
the instagram error
pairing: chris evans x reader
word count: 1208
summary: you and chris’ secret relationship is about to become public all because he has no idea how to use instagram...
themes: fluff, comedy
taglist: @evanstush​, @tanyam93​, @bval-1​, @wonderwinchester​, @patzammit​, @rohaintahquil​, @deidrashouseofpain​, @sammyslonglostshoe​, @jadedhillon​, @bohemian-barbie​, @whysparker​, @sebastian-i-stan​, @sebabestianstan101​, @lille-kattunge​, @teller258316​, @peach-acid​, @allsortsofinterests​, @xoxabs88xox​​, @heyiamthatbitch​​, @cptn-sgrogers​​​, @heyyouwiththeassbutt​, @bangtan-serendipity​, @troublermalik​​​, @beardburnsupersoldiers​​​, @bookish-shristi​​, @kind-sober-fullydressed​​,  @gingerninjaprincess16​​, @straightforwardly​​,  @denisemarieangelina​​,  @frencchfries​​, @xlanawriter​​, @littlemoistcarrot​​, @pottxrwolff​​, @arianatheangelworld​​, @ifuseekamyevans​​, @southerngracela​​, @nsfwsebbie​​, @rororo06​​, @savemesteeb​​, @raveviolet​​, @inactivewhore​​, @hurricanerinwrites​​, @captainamerica-is-bae​​, @shaddixlife​​, @tessa-bl​​, @marvelouspottering​​, @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc​​, @thegetawaywriter​​, @dwights-new-plague​​, @rynabarnesrogers​, @fckdeusername​​
notes: this one’s a little short, but it was just something fun i wanted to write since chris made his instagram! :) graphic creds to @thewritingdoll​
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You smile in amusement as you rub lotion on your legs having just gotten out of the shower, watching your boyfriend tapping all over the screen of his phone in confusion. “Chris. It’s really not that complicated,” you remark with a laugh from your current seat at the edge of the bed, and he looks up from the device, scoffing playfully. “Look, I barely use this thing as it is unless it’s to occasionally tweet or take pictures of Dodger. Ya can’t blame me for having no idea how Instagram works.”
You giggle softly, standing up and coming over to his side, craning your neck trying to see what he’s posting. “You’re trying to do multiple pictures? Look, you tap on this first,” you explain, pressing on the icon on the right side of the screen, “then you select all the images you want in order.”
“Ohh.” Chris nods, grinning up at you. “Thanks, baby.” You chuckle softly as you go to the walk in closet, slipping out of your robe to change into pajamas. “Mmhm. Anytime.” He fiddles around with the phone for a few more minutes before finally locking it and setting it aside with a sigh. “Alright. That’s over with,” he exhales playfully as if exhausted, and you come back out of the closet dressed in a simple sleep tank with matching shorts. “What a hard life you lead,” you tease, crawling into the bed and yawning. “You ready for bed soon, babe?”
“Oh yes. I’m fucking exhausted.” Chris peels out of his clothing and you can’t help but stare, feeling incredibly thankful that the man sleeps in the nude every night. However, you soon look over to your nightstand, suddenly realizing your phone’s been going off like crazy. Blinking confused, you pick it up and look at the messages from your friends in your group chat.
“Giiiirl! That picture Chris just posted? SEXYYYYY!”
“Omg I thought you guys were still keeping the relationship on the dl?”
“Is this your way of telling the fans? Lmaoo”
“But why did he post it with a bunch of pictures of his dog….?”
Your eyes immediately widen as you stare at the flood of messages continuing to come in, now from other friends as well. “Chris,” you slowly murmur, “what the hell did you just post…?”
“Huh?” He looks at you in confusion as he’s getting into bed beside you. “Just some pictures of Dodger from our walk today, you know the really cute ones we took by the lake. Why?”
You take a deep breath and go to Instagram- you don’t even have to go to his profile because the photos pop up first on your feed. You swipe through- cute picture of Dodger, cute picture of Dodger, another cute picture of Dodger…
A mirror selfie of you in lingerie, a photo you had taken and sent to him one time just to tease when he was at work.
“Chris!!!” you practically scream, showing him the phone. When he sees it his blue eyes widen; he jolts up and grabs his phone. “Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck!!” He goes to his Instagram frantically, tapping the screen flustered. “How do I delete this?! How do you delete a post?!” You practically tear the phone out of his hands, deleting the pictures yourself before tossing it to the other side of the bed as though it’s a bomb.
The two of you slowly look at each other, panicked, discombobulated, stressed… until both of you suddenly burst out in laughter, realizing just how ridiculous the situation is. “Holy fuck. Thank god it wasn’t a nude,” he practically cackles, and you squeal just thinking about it, giggling breathlessly. “Chris. I can’t believe this. We were doing such a good job keeping our relationship a secret,” you laugh, “and it gets leaked from you? From a goddamn Instagram post?” You clap your hands, practically gasping for breath now, your smile stretched wide across your face as your shoulders shake from laughter. “Only you, Chris, only you!”
“Instagram is confusing, okay! Besides, I was doing the fans a favor. Your body is smoking, baby girl.” He points out with a playful smirk, throwing his arms around you tightly. “Shit, both of us are probably getting flooded with comments and DMs right now. We should probably address this, shouldn’t we…?” You sigh, smiling amused as you lean into his hold, holding his arms around you. “I mean, ever since they saw us in Defending Jacob together, they were “shipping” us anyways. It can’t be too surprising, right?” You yawn softly, tilting your head up to kiss him gently. “We’ll make a more formal announcement tomorrow morning. Let’s go to sleep now though, hm?”
Chris looks somewhat thoughtful but nods, leaning over to turn off the light before lying down with you. “Goodnight, Y/N. Love you,” he murmurs, kissing your forehead, and you smile in content as you close your eyes. “Night, Chris. Love you.”
He doesn’t fall asleep just yet, though, despite the fact that you’re already drifting off beside him. Instead, he picks up his phone again, going to Instagram. This time when he makes a post, he’s very careful about selecting the photo he wants, practically triple checking that he hasn’t added anything else. He types up the caption and presses “Share” before settling down, soon falling asleep with his arms around you.
You wake up the next morning earlier than him, blinking sleepily. Picking up your phone to check it before letting yourself go back to sleep, you blink noticing a flood of messages once again.
“I just DIED at chris’ post. You are so lucky omg”
“CHRIS IS TOO SWEET!!!!! Pls stay together forever”
“I’m still crying rn omg he is so romantic”
You check your other notifications. Chris has tagged you in an Instagram post? You go to the picture and immediately widen your eyes in surprise.
It’s a selfie of you, Chris, and Dodger- Chris has his arms around you and his head on your shoulder, his blue eyes sparkling happily and his lips close to your cheek. Dodger is on your other side, his own mouth practically pulled back into a smile as his tongue hangs out. Your eyes drift to the caption. 
“Alright guys. Pretty sure almost all of you caught my little Instagram mess up, so it’s time to come clean. I don’t normally do stuff like this but I want to with this girl. This girl right here is the love of my life, AND the love of Dodger’s too. We met on the set of Defending Jacob and the rest is history. I’m so lucky to have her. She’s a little ball of love and energy, and she even manages to make this quarantine full of delight and excitement each and every day. I hope you guys can respect our relationship and show her the same love you show me.
And yes, she sends me some pretty sexy pictures. ;)” 
You giggle softly to yourself, glancing down at the sleeping man beside you. God, you love this man.
You set the phone aside and snuggle back into him, closing your eyes to fall back asleep, the soft smile remaining on your lips.
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askaceattorney · 3 years
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Dear Skibot99,
Mod Edgeworth: For me, it’s a combination of google image search, image capture and capturing shots from YouTube walkthroughs via my phone screen capture. I try to be sure the images I get are from the game and, if not, I provide a link to where I found them.
Co-Mod: My computer uses Windows 10, which includes a Snipping Tool that can be searched for in the taskbar.  I’m not sure what other operating systems use, but I imagine they have some sort of equivalent.  I also use gooncam to make GIFs from playthrough videos.  The dumb thing doesn’t seem to want to capture a part of the screen instead of the whole thing, though, so I also use ezgif.com to crop them.  Whatever works, am I right?
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Dear Anonymous,
Mod Edgeworth: Good question, let’s ask Curse Maya and Proto Badger.
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The souls of the damned Holy Mother wishes to consume.
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Dear Anonymous,
Mod Edgeworth: Thank you for the letter. 
The amount of letters they’ve written has decreased by a ton. The issue mostly falls within the letters he’s posted three months ago before this new rule was established. Luckily, we get letters from many others and among the 39, there are only three from them that I found (I checked on the day you send this letter to us). The five from yesterday that were posted were five out of the seven to eight that were originally made that day that I purposely stacked. Originally, there were other letters in between that I snatched. 
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I also do my part to count the amount of letters he writes on that day and delete the ones that break the rules. It’s been working in decreasing their letters.
Co-Mod: Thanks a bunch for the kind words, and for taking the time to peruse our portrayals of these lovable characters.  (Heck, even I haven’t made the time to read through every single one of them.)
I also loved case 3 of AAI2, for all kinds of reasons -- learning more about Edgeworth’s father, DL-6, Raymond Shields, etc., tying up loose ends from 15 years ago, and of course, the hilarious personalities of the newer characters.
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I imagine you’ve either completed or made a lot of progress in the game by now, but if not, be prepared for some more satisfying story-writing.
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(Link in Letter)
(Video 1) (ACE Video 1)
(Video 2) (ACE Video 2)
Dear Gumshoe “Letty” Fan,
Co-Mod: Those are both works of art, my friend.  Great job!
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Both of the Kristoph segments made me chuckle, by the way.  I didn’t realize how good he would be at deadpan humor before watching them.
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Dear Anonymous,
Mod Edgeworth: 
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Incorrect. The sea cucumber breathes through it’s anus. Sea cucumbers have a cloaca, where they breathe, extract waste, mate and other needs. Not what I would’ve chosen personally. I’m quite happy with my arrangement and prefer a bit of distance between the eating and the mating personally. 
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As for where I got this, I’m afraid you’re going to have to figure it out yourself.
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Dear kuromajinevil,
Mod Edgeworth: I like this.
Co-Mod: Same!  Nice job with the lighting effects.  Only now I’m starting to wonder what could’ve led up to this dream.  Did Richard Wellington’s phone somehow end up in Khura’in?
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(Video in Letter -- Epilepsy Warning)
Dear BDC,
Co-Mod: Challenge accepted!  Just as soon as I learn how to do decent video effects...and find the time for it...and the energy...
...and the motivation.  Where do you find those, anyway?
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(Link in Letter)
Dear Gumshoe “Letty” Fan,
Co-Mod: I doubt I’d be able to make it past “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...”
And she’d likely respond with a similar “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...”
And then Widget would respond with “Awkwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard...”
Mod Edgeworth: Scream... probably run to the bathroom with my phone and call the cops... 
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Oh, you’re meaning in a fictional hentai setting? I’d likely say some sexual and inappropriate things.
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Dear draph91,
Co-Mod: Fixed it!  Sorry about that.
Letter-answering has been a bit irregular, since we’re still in the process of playing through the Chronicles games, meaning some of us can’t answer certain letters yet, so we leave them for the Mod(s) who can.  We’re still doing our best to answer them in roughly the same order we receive them, though.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Anonymous,
Mod Edgeworth: Yes. I will take Canadian French for 400.
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Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: Thanks...whatever it is you’re reacting to.
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Dear Anonymous,
Mod Edgeworth: Here’s a better idea, how about we take Honey Pop out for a test run? I told you no promises, Co-Mod.
Co-Mod: Am I gonna have to separate you two?
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(Previous Letter)
Dear dawsongfg,
Mod Edgeworth: The answers from the characters we mod do not match ours. I thought this was common sense, but I guess that doesn’t exist in your dictionary.
Co-Mod: I should also mention that Phoenix did manage to win one case -- namely, Solomon Starbuck’s -- without finding out who the real culprit was.  Yeah, he ended up finding them later, but that at least proves that the Ace Attorney court system can work like the real-life American one does every now and then.
-The Mods
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Converting AAC Or M4A Recordsdata To MP3 Utilizing ITunes Version 7
How to convert M4A to AAC online with M4A to AAC Converter? Converting M4A to MP3 With iTunes. Click the "Convert" button to begin and finish FLAC to AAC audio format. Now, what would be an inexpensive suggestion is to create a function request for youtube-dl so as to add submit-processing support for ffmpeg to transform the most important model of the MP4 container to something extra appropriate. But in the mean time, such a thing doesn't exist.
A file with the M4A file extension is an MPEG-4 Audio file. They're most frequently present in Apple's iTunes Store as the format of track downloads. Many M4A information are encoded with the Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) codec so as to scale back the size of the file. Some M4A information may as an alternative use the Apple Lossless Audio Codec (ALAC). However, there are still many m4a to aac converter mac os x recordsdata that include no AAC codec. That's why we could have to convert M4A to AAC. As soon as add completed, converter will redirect an internet page to point out the conversion consequence. Nonetheless, increasingly more sound packages are able to play Ogg Vorbis recordsdata, and most up-to-date hardware MP3 gamers help the format. Very straightforward to make use of as it targeted solely on converting M4A to MP3. OGG does not stand for anything. Actually, it isn't even a compression format. OGG is a multimedia container that can maintain all types of compression codecs, however is mostly used to hold Vorbis recordsdata — hence why these audio information are called Ogg Vorbis recordsdata. The AMR (.amr) file sort was developed by Ericsson, a well-liked mobile phone producer, and is now used by Android telephones. It was created and optimized for cellphone voice recordings and is a well-liked format for voice memo apps. As a result of the AMR file sort was particularly developed to report speech, telephones and apps that record audio using this format usually are not best for recording extra dynamic sources like natural sound and musical instruments. There are a couple standard video gamers that can open and play AMR information without installing a codec pack on your LAPTOP, like VLC Player and QuickTime. Nevertheless, most media gamers, like Windows Media Player and iPhones, require a conversion. I had a bunch of recordsdata to convert for itunes from my previous Windows and Linux machines as I've been consolidating and downsizing. The app gathered all 500+ WMA and OGG information and tore via them in about 3 minutes! The whole lot went effectively, imported correctly and I am again to normal. If you happen to think of it, possibly add an possibility (except I missed it) to routinely delete the unique files as a substitute of making the user do it manually. Other than that, it was fantastic! Highly advisable for this process. Palm OS PDAs : Many Palm OS based mostly PDAs and smartphones can play AAC and HE-AAC with the third get together software program Pocket Tunes Version four.0, released in December 2006, added assist for native AAC and HE-AAC recordsdata. The AAC codec for TCPMP , a popular video participant, was withdrawn after model zero.66 attributable to patent points, but can still be downloaded from sites aside from CorePlayer, the commercial follow-on to TCPMP, contains AAC support. Other Palm OS applications supporting AAC include Kinoma Player and AeroPlayer. In some cases, the size of the songs is simply too lengthy and you simply need the climax or solely a brief piece of it because the phone ringtone. Luckily, this APE music converter allows you to to trim your music files to take away silence elements or undesirable sections and cut out into several clips to downsize the files. Convert audio and video formats to presets supported by Android, iOS and gaming devices akin to Samsung, iPhone, Xbox amongst others. M4A recordsdata are superior to MP3 by way of the size of compression and audio high quality. The M4A file makes use of Apple's codec and resides all through the MPEG-four container. The primary good thing about online m4a to wav converter is that recordsdata are compressed however are lossless. This means they're often decoded again to the unique quality they had been on the level of compression. One other advantage of M4A information are that don't carry any Digital Rights Management (DRM) safety related to different information which means they are much less restricted. -Convert iTunes music and Audiobooks to MP3, M4A, and so forth. - M4A audio will be set as iPhone Ringtone immediately simply by renaming the file extension from M4A to M4R. You'll be able to easily play and revel in on completely different gadgets similar to iPod Touch, iPad, iPhone, tablets and android telephones. Moreover, applications together with Windows Media Player, M4a to aac Converter mac os x QuickTime , VLC and iTunes supportm4a files.You may change the track's identify, artist, album, 12 months and style. Tags are supported for mp3, ogg, flac, wav. Click on "Add File" button to import the FLAC files which you prefer to convert to AAC audio format. It would not do any tagging, but when all the information are neames artist and title, it shouldn't be onerous to routinely tag them with something like MP3Tag.
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anissagraces · 7 years
Big ass gif tutorial
It’s been a while since I made a coloring tutorial, and I thought it would be useful if I made a full tutorial on how I make my gifs. I will go over: 
how to screencap
making your gif in ps
coloring that gif
putting subtitles on a gif
saving that gif
you will need
a hd copy of the episode/movie you want to gif 
potplayer (or kmplayer)
a version of photoshop (I use CC)
a sharpening action 
A psd or patience to color your own gif
end result:
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Everything will be under the cut. Warning: this will be picture heavy and text heavy. English is my third language so there will probably be some mistakes in here.
If this is the first time using photoshop, your startpage will look pretty blank. I’ll show you what you need to make visible to gif. 
Click on “window”. The screencap I made of the settings is pretty big so click here if you need to see it.
Not seen in the picture but useful: actions, properties, character, paragraph
Okay first of all, you’ll need your file. I recommend downloading µtorrent, then going to a torrent site (like rarbg.to) and searching for your episode or movie. ALWAYS choose 1080p and web dl if possible (web dl means logoless) Example: wynonna earp s01e01, then in your search results, look for one that has both 1080p and web dl in the title. 720p is also good. 
You can also find twitters that post logoless episodes and movies, this is better if you don’t like using torrents or if you live in a country that gives you fines for torrenting (I’m lucky, Belgium doesn’t care). If you want a list of a bunch of twitters that share logoless episodes and movies, message me off anon so I can link you privately. 
When you have your file, download potplayer (or kmplayer). Open the program and open the file you want to cap. 
Search for the moment you want to gif. Tip: hover over the playline thing to see what scene is at what time. Normally it looks somthing like this: 
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  Press ctrl + g when you have the moment you want  This window opens:
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Change your settings to mine ^^. I made a new folder in my Pictures folder where all my caps go bc it’s easier to go to. It’s up to you where you save all of them, but I suggest you pick one you can easily access. Click start.
Click escape and start your video. Pause again when you have what you wanted (this can be a whole scene or a moment, depends on what kind of gifset your making). Press ctrl+g again and click “stop”, then close. 
Now go to the folder where you saved your caps. I always make another new folder inside that one, put all the captures in there (unless I’m doing a scene, then I’ll make 6-8 new folders and distribute all the captures in those folders. Note that with the 3mb limit you’ll be able to use about 60-120 captures per gif, sometimes more. You can always delete layers of your gif in case it goes over 3mb)
Tip: make all your screencaps before opening photoshop. If you’re making a general character/ship gifset, that can take a while, but it’ll save you time if you seperate the two actions. 
After you have taken all your caps, open photoshop. You can download it on any photoshop tumblr like yeahps or itsphotoshop. I cannot give you the link to mine because it doesn’t exist anymore, but I got it from kickass (rip).
We have our caps and our ps open, but now we have to open those captures in photoshop. Do not use ‘open’, but Files > Scripts > Load multiple DICOM files
I know a lot of people choose ‘Load Files into Stack’ but Load Multiple DICOM files is SO much faster. 
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This window will open
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Now you go to the folder where you saved all your caps, choose the file with the screencaps for 1 gif and open it. 
It might take a little bit for everything to load, especially if there’s a lot of screencaps, so just wait. 
When you have everything, click on “Create video timeline”. It might be called something different if you have another version of PS, but whatever it says here:
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(I know I know, I make pretty arrows lmao)
Then click those 3 boxes on the left side
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Next step is ‘make frames from layers’, after that click “flatten frames into layers”
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Obviously our gif doesn’t have to be as big as it is in ps right now, so we’ll crop to make it smaller. For this, you need to know the dimensions Tumblr uses: 
540px for 1 gif in a row 
268px for 2 gifs next to each other
177px - 178px - 177px for 3 gifs in a row (this is something annoying à la tumblr, and because it’s hard to predict which gifs you’ll put in the middle when cropping, I make them all 178px in width and then crop the ones I won’t use in the middle to be 177px after)
You can choose to use the old dimensions which are 500px, 245px and 160px.
These are the widths, you can choose the heights yourself. For this gif I’ll be cropping 268 x 150
This is the cropping tool
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click it and you’ll see this on the topbar of your screen. Type in your dimensions
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Then crop as you wish. This is my result. 
The gif is way too big at this moment, so go to image > image size, this window opens:
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Click “okay” and your gif will be a lot smaller. Use ctrl + “+” to make it bigger 
This is what our photoshop looks like right now
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These steps look like A LOT of work but as soon as you’re used to the steps, it’ll take you about a minute to do all of this. 
Next is sharpening. I use a sharpening action made by ilanawexler but it’s pretty complicated, so I do not recommend it if you’re a beginner. I will however explain it fully here. Note: I had to do something different than the directions the blogger gave, so what I get might not work for others and you might have a different outcome
Select all your frames (from 1 -)
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then click “convert to videotimeline” (it’s possible it’s called differently in your ps)
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when you did that, add two layers on top of your other layers
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Select all your frames (frame 1 to layer 2), right click and click “convert to smart object”
Then, go to your actions. If you just downloaded your action, you have to add it. 
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When that’s done, open the bobbiesdraper sharpen and click “action 2″. Thn click the play icon
It’ll a LOT of stuff, but just let it be. 
Warning: if you changed anything to the frames in the timeline section, this won’t work. I noticed that if I delete frames or change the delay, ... before sharpening, it won’t work. 
If it worked, you now have this
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I’m not sure if it’s normal, but I now have twice the frames I had before, but only the SECOND amount is sharpened. So I delete frame 1-35 now in the timeline section. 
This is my gif after sharpening (you can use this to practice coloring or to follow along with my coloring tutorial below)
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this psd automatically sets the delay for your gif to 0,05, I always change it to 0,06 (sometimes 0,07). Just select all your frames, then click on the 0,05, ‘other’ and choose whatever you like. The max I would go is 0,08 (0,07-0,08 is the speed the episodes go btw when you watch them)
Now the fun part!! You can either choose to use a psd (here are my psds) or you can color it yourself. 
For this tutorial, I’ll be doing a basic coloring. (that means: steps I always use to start my colorings).
We start with curves. For this gif, these are the settings: (this is a pretty bright gif so for darker scenes you’ll have to use more, but don’t start with too much, build it up)
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then some levels to give the gif more depth
I usually enter 10 for the black (unless it’s a very dark gif) and I’ll move the arrow of the white to where the little line starts. 
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Some brightness
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Some black selective color (I always enter 10, unless it’s a dark gif)
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Color balance (also usually start with this, unless it’s a blue gif, then I’ll move the arrows to red, magenta and yellow). If the gif is VERY yellow, I’ll add more in cyan and blue.
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Then I’ll add a vibrance layer, +100 vibrance. 
This is what I have now (with a pretty watermark). These are the layers I will always start with. 
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You can stop here, but I like to add some more to my gif so I’m continueing
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I like adding more blues so I’ll add a selective color layer: (you can also decrease magentas is the “blue” ones to make the blues more cyan)
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For blondes, I like making their hair stand out more so I’ll add a selective color layer for the yellows:
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Of course, there’s a lot of yellow in the skintone so chances are the skin will look very yellow now, I add a color balance layer and change the highlights. (In darker gifs you might need to change the midtones instead)
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Some magentas to make the lips stand out
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and some contrast
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That’s all for coloring. This is what my gif looks like right now:
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If you want to add text, click this icon
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these are the settings for my text
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Then we’ll add some other adjustments to make the text more visible:
click on the fx icon
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then click ‘stroke’
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click okay, and click on the FX icon again, then click “drop shadow”
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when you added all your adjustments, duplicate the textlayer and delete the first one (if not, your adjustments will only show on 1 layer instead of the whole gif)
If your text isn’t in the middle of your gif. Click your text layer, then click this icon
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then in your topbar, adjust with these tools
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this is what the text looks like now:
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here is the psd for the text
Of course, you have to save your gifs. Go to File > Save for web and this window will open
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Make sure your settings look like these:
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Make sure this number isn’t above 3 mb
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That’s all!!! If you have any questions, you can always come ask me. I’m sorry if this wasn’t clear, but I hope it made atleast a bit sense.
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crazymonkeyboy95 · 7 years
Gay ask game
1. describe your idea of a perfect date
Anywhere with my man. I like simple dates and big dates, however, a nice movie night with a bunch of covers, pillows, junk food, and naked cuddling is my idea of a good night. Best date I’ve ever had though, was a reservation dinner at an Italian restaurant with my amazing man.
2. whats your “type”
Hmmmm. I don’t really have one I suppose. I’m a Twink, but I could care less about a type. The man I’m with now is amazing and we are almost the perfect match, so he’s my type. hehehe
3. do you want kids?
I very much do, so that I can give them the environment I never got. I want my future children to be happy, and to know that their Daddies love them very much. 1-2 is probably enough for me as a brother of 3 lol.
4. if you do, will you adopt or use some other form of child birth?
That’s a good question. I like the idea of adopting, because I’d be helping make a child’s life better, but I’d also like to use my semen and a surrogate to have my own as well.
5. describe the cutest date you’ve ever been on
Again, the Italian restaurant. It was cute, but just amazing in general. Something I’ll never forget. <3
6. describe your experience having sex for the first time (were you nervous? or was it easy peasy?)
Well, I can count on one hand the sexual encounters I’ve had (that is the ones that don’t include my babe hahaha), and they were always awkward for me. The first time I topped, it was rushed, awkward, and meh at best. That was the first and last time I did it for 4 years, but once I found my babe, its all been different. He took time to love me and heal me first, so that made me want to have sex with him. Plus, we are very into each other sexually. We do things with each other we wouldn’t do with anyone else, and I like that. Plus he makes me feel super comfortable, which never happened before, so I’m so thankful for that. My sex life has never been better!
7. are you a morning time gay or night time gay?
Both really, it depends. But much more a night time type of guy.
8. opinion on nap dates?
Well first off I believe most people don’t sleep enough anyway, saying “I’ll sleep when I’m dead”, but I’m the opposite. I like to be well rested to enjoy whtever my day holds.With that in mind, Nap dates are fun, and I could stay in bed all day and cuddle/sleep with my man and be happy, so I’m cool with it.
9. opinion on brown eyes?
My Daddy has brown eyes, and I think they are beautiful. Even though he says they're “just brown”, to me, they are one of my favorite things about him. He seriously has beautiful eyes.
10. dog gay or cat gay?
Both, but I form more emotional connections with cats than I do dogs. I had a beautiful orange cat that ran off after a female, and I still miss him so much.
11. would you ever date someone who owned rodents or reptiles?
Well, seeing as I’m with someone I don’t plan on leaving, no, but if he were to ever want some I’d be okay with it as long as I don’t have to touch it lol
12. whats a turn off you look for before you start officially dating someone
Hmmm, to be honest, I don’t think I have any really. I kind of just let people be who they are. Of course if I don’t like something or understand it, I like to have a conversation about it to get a better understanding, but I wouldn’t say I have any tun offs I can think of.
13. what is a misconception you had about lgbt people before you realized you were one?
Well, I didn’t understand Trans individuals, or Drag Queens, but now I do. I also thought every gay man was just sassy and feminine, until I realized that’s only how we are portrayed. Other than that, none really.
14. what is a piece of advice you would give to your younger self
Stop being so careless with who and how you talk to people. You’re too nice and naive. Also, stop feeling guilty about all the things that happened to you in your life that weren’t your fault, or feeling guilty about things you couldn’t stop/change.
15. (if attracted to more than one gender) do you have different “types” for different genders?
16. who is an ex you regret?
My last Ex, mostly because I was so heartbroken and distraught over him because I “loved” him, not knowing that it was closing that door so that I could be with the best man I’ve ever been with and the love of my life. My life has improved SO much over our almost year and a half together, and I am so thankful.
17. night club gay or cafe gay?
Hmmm, neither. Small get-together gay lol
18. who is one person you would “go straight” for
I hate that phrase, but if I had to pick someone, it would totally be Ariana Grande!
19. video game gay, book gay, or movie gay?
all 3, but in particular Horror film gay. lol
20. favourite gay ship (canon or not)
Larry Stylinson
21. favourite gay youtuber
Joey Graceffa
22. have you ever unknowingly asked out a straight person?
No, but flirted.
23. have you ever been in love?
Yes! very deeply currently too.
24. have you ever been heartbroken?
Yes, many times over many things.
25. how do you determine if you want to be them or be with someone
for me, I know i want someone a lot if they are the first and last thing on my mind. I don’t know what “be them” implies, unless you mean just their relationship lol.
26. favourite lgbt musician/band
I don’t know any, and I don’t care for Sam Smith, so lol.
27. what is a piece of advice you have for young / baby gays
DON’T BE A HOE. It’s easy to have sex, but making love to someone you’re in love with is so much more. It just feels right, and you connect on such a deeper level. Also, stay off Grindr. It’s not worth possibly getting killed or jumped for a 5 minute blowjob.
28. are you out? if so how did you come out
LOL! Well I was pressured into it at 15, so I deleted all my family (or so I thought), and made a Facebook post coming out as Bisexual. Only problem is I forgot to delete my mom LOL. Luckily she was accepting, and didn’t care. After that I slowly came out to family.
29. what is the most uncomfortable / strange coming out experience you have
I came out to my middle brother (I’m the oldest) while we were in my grandmas hot tub. hahaha.
30. what is a piece of advice for people who may not be in a safe place to express their sexuality
Stay on the super DL like I did, and always remember, you may be oppressed now, and it may seem like you’ll never be able to be yourself, but it will happen sooner or later. it WILL get better. You have to know that in your heart. STAY SAFE.<3
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What I should be doing
I literally have like tons of stuff that I should be talking about and I promise I will get to them ,
that’s what I should be doing but I don’t feel like it right now.
I’m the kind of person if I don’t feel like doing it or something I won’t until I’m good and ready. That’s partly why I have a problem with authority because like, I hate being told what to do in a timely manner especially if I was already doing the shit. And don’t don’t don’t tell me to hurry up. If I’m cleaning a table and you say hurry up I guarantee you I’ll walk away and not do it at all or I’ll stop and stare at you until you leave me alone. Any of my close friends will probably read that in laugh because I’ve done it a bunch of times. Hey! I understand the urgency in certain situations but if it’s not a urgent matter. Wait. And this coming from a person with not a lot of patience to begin with.
Anyway I was talking to one of my coworkers today and I was trying to use gay terminology but she was like completely oblivious to what I was saying so this post is for you! I’m going to try and remember and define every “gay” term I can think of ( I put gay in quotations because idk they origin ).
Before that I would like to just do a little recap of my life the last couple days. I’ve honestly just been chillin, chillin, chillin. I’ve picked up the habit of smoking and hey, it’s relaxing and as long as it does not get to an uncontrolled habit I’ll be fine. My best friend pointed out something really dope to me the other day he was like “we are young, you graduated college, I’m in college, we both work, live on our own, who gives a fuck if we smoke, let’s live our best life.” That’s dead ass dead ass facts ! And then I was reminded by a bunch of songs that I really am still young and I still have the room to mess up and grow as well as I should be allowed to do whatever the hell I want. I also found out that Suga.Honey.Ice.Tea means SHIT. I don’t know how I’ve never realized that before. (Pause for uncontrollable laughter, okay come back). Also my posts have been all over the place because I’ve been smacked out my mind. Last thing I’ll say about this is that my person that hooks me up, he is one fine af straight man..... oh my god. I wish wish wish he wanted to dabble or was curious because oh my lord.
My work schedule changed for this week so I don’t know how I’m surfing this week. Waking up dumb early in the fuxking morning and getting off work early.
I left my wallet at home today so I didn’t have my id, or metro card or money, nothing I was beyond stressed.
So I mentioned it but I’m back on a few gay social apps, I have a feeling I’m about to delete 2 of them. I won’t mention any of them for (mind your own business) my safety. One because nobody hits me up on it or responds and the other because there is just too much going on and the just keep emailing me, I want to me like “bruh I have a fuxking life, wait till I check you” but I just keep it pushing. I guess I’m feeling good that my phone keeps going off but it’s a quick relief because I know there’s nothing real in what I’m doing. Meaning there’s nothing I can take serious at the moment. There are a lot of handsome, cute, sexy people in the world but I can’t and won’t take anything or anyone serious right now, or without some time.
I’m lit cause where I go to watch my kids sometimes, the mom; she let me go shopping in the pantry and I got me some snacks. 
Now to get to the good stuff: The terminology: So of course I know some if not a lot of the terms but I decided to look up some of them just to be sure and geez, I started to educate myself.
D.L./dl (down low) - 1. a guy that is gay but is not publicly out with his sexuality 
                                2. a guy that is 
Discreet - a guy who is gay but not “broadcasting” his sexuality or its not obvious to someone else. 
I’m going to move this to another post, I think it deserves that!
“All I can do is follow my instincts, because I’ll never please everyone”
                                                       - Pharaoh 
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askaceattorney · 3 years
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(Previous Letter)
Dear dawsongfg,
Mod Edgeworth: I don’t recall ever including Edgeworth blushing when I answered that letter.
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(^ THAT is a blushing Edgeworth sprite) Though, I do agree, he’s hot. Oh wow, is it getting hot in here? Mods, help.
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(Referenced Letter)
Dear Anonymous,
Mod Edgeworth: You will have to ask Mod Justice about that, since he likely deleted them, if they haven’t been seen already. I’ve already said my piece here, so I will not repeat myself.
Honestly, it’s not that big of a deal and is water under the bridge at this point.
Mod Justice: If you must know, they were insulting me because I’m “Mod Justice” and he hated Apollo Justice. That’s it. And I am still a bit salty about that.
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(Referenced Letters)
Dear Dawsongfg,
Mod Edgeworth: I’m sorry about that. Tumblr is messing with other people’s letters too. Some will show without any paragraph skips. 
If you have noticed the lack of paragraphs skipping to the next paragraph (Pay attention to this Gumshoe “Letty” Fan), use HTML formatting. use <p> and </p> between each paragraph and <br> and </br> between paragraphs you only wish to skip halfway. We sincerely apologize for this.
Co-Mod: I’m sorry, too.
(That such a picture exists.)
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(Referenced Letter)
Dear Dawsongfg,
Mod Edgeworth: I love AAI2. It’s my favorite AA game. Though, why did you reference that link?
As for the second question, neither. I’m a bunny person.
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Co-Mod: Same here!  (About loving AAI2, I mean.)  As I’ve mentioned before, it was the only AA game in the series that made me cry, plus I loved learning more about the DL-6 incident and what led up to it.  Not to mention the plot twists were as clever as ever.
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As someone who’s taken care of both dogs and cats, I love them both, but if I had to choose, I’d go with cats.  They’re lighter, cuddlier, and less rambunctious, plus they even bathe themselves.
Mod Justice: Both are cute, but I’m DEATHLY allergic to cats. Gonna have to go with the doggos on this one.
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Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: Hey there!  Has Adrian been taking good care of you?
Ahem...  Please get off my keyboard.
Mod Edgeworth: Away from my bun-bun, you heathen!
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(Previous Letter)
Dear dawsongfg,
Co-Mod: Yep!  According to Google Translate, the Japanese word for “good night” is “oyasuminasai,” or just “oyasumi,” which is where I got “Imu Sayo” from.  I just realized that’s not much of an anagram, though, considering it’s just the same word spelled backward and split into two.
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Dear dawsongfg,
Mod Edgeworth: Hello, Oldbag. At least I don’t go chasing after anyone that’s young enough to be my child or grandson. But sure, if you wanna compete for dat ass, I’ll be more than happy to oblige. Normally, I’d be humble enough to say I have no chance, but considering I am 29, young, have color in my hair and lack any wrinkles, last I checked, I say you’ve already lost this contest before it begun. Not to say I had a chance to win the heart of a fictional character, but I can dream.
(8/10 is my rating)
Co-Mod: ..........Are you finished?
(A little too good, in my opinion.)
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(Picture in Letter)
(Referenced Letters: 1 2 3 4 5)
Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: Thanks for sharing the image, first of all.  I never would’ve thought an adult Shantae could look so fine before I saw her.  Now I’m a believer.
To answer your question...because Tumblr.
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If you want, you can resubmit those letters, and we’ll re-answer them ASAP, or let you know if the images still didn’t load.
Mod Edgeworth: Because of what Tumblr is doing with the anonymous letters, it’s best you send a link to the pictures in its full url. We will make sure to show the picture in our letters. We’re sorry about this.
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(Previous Post)
Dear sweetlaive3,
Co-Mod: Just to be clear, we meant that we’ve made it through all the consecutive mobile posts.  There are still a bunch mixed in with the non-mobile ones, but we’ve made it past the ones that we accidentally skipped for so long.
Oh, and here’s some good news -- Tumblr got their stuff together, and we can now see all letters on our laptops!  Way to be, devs!
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Mod Edgeworth: Oh? You mean this letter?
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I know, we are far behind on letters. We are now in March, wait.... now it’s April. Please keep in mind that we do answer each letter accordingly. 
While there are some exceptions to this where we may answer a letter you wrote earlier first before the later one, that is usually because one mod may not know how to answer that letter. There were times I had to leave certain letters out for Co-Mod to answer and vice versa. Mod Justice also has left us letters to answer before as well. While I don’t recall that particular letter being one I or Mod Justice left for Co-Mod, it’s possible Co-Mod may’ve snatched that letter and needed time to answer it. I don’t do that, but Co-Mod sometimes does that. 
Either way, we do intend to answer any letter that stays within the rules, even if they take time to answer. The only letters we delete are those that don’t follow the rules. 
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(Referenced Post)
Dear dawsongfg,
Co-Mod: She only did that with Mod Kristoph, thankfully.  The rest of us were just hit on the head by her “minions” (we didn’t see who they were, but I guess that’s irrelevant).  And it so happens that I do have black hair.  Dark brown, at least.  You did see the GIF of me after the 2018 April Fools’ Day gag, right?
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Dear Anonymous,
Mod Edgeworth: Of course and thank you for your letter. It is greatly appreciated.
Co-Mod: You’re welcome, and thank you!  I’m just glad the delight is still able to continue after all these years.
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As always, credit goes to the awesome moderators here, to Capcom for creating Ace Attorney, and of course...
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(Art by MJEGameandComicFan89)
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(Video in Letter)
Mod Edgeworth: No, but I’d bet cha it’d be better if Manfred and Apollo had a screaming contest.
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Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: Funny you should say that -- it actually just got revived.
Is anyone else brimming with excitement about it?
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“I know I am!”
Hey, hey, hey!  Back behind the fourth wall, please.
-The Mods
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