thealchemiststudy · 2 years
Calming Fluff starters-
- ML reaches out in their sleep and touches MC on their back while MC is calming down from a painc attack earlier that night and can't sleep
- MC panics about something they can't control and ML has to step in and tell the other to breath
- ML pulls MC into a heart-felt hug as MC breaks down from the lost of something important to them
- MC lays in bed awake, can't sleep due to racing thoughts, and ML pulls the other into a cuddle
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Being Gay Sounds Fun
I was going to take a walk just now. I was like oh its nice out here now I should go for a walk. I’m going to go home first put my bag down, let my phone charge for a little and then go on a walk. COMPLETE NO! The wind tried to carry me away. My almost flew off 2 times. Nooooooobody got time for all that. Even though deep down in my soul I’m still thinking about going. We shall see by the end of this posting. 
I need to smoke a blunt and calm the fuck down, thats actually what I need to do and here’s why:
I went to the hospital to pick up my friend. There’s a longer story there but basically my friend is going through something right now and I’m trying to really be there for her, opened up my home and everything. So I went to the hospital because my friend was supposed to be discharged. Another friend had called the hospital and got all the information because I was at work. I got a name and a guarantee that she was going to be discharged. I get to the hospital and NOBODY knows what the fuck I'm talking about. I go to the guy to get a visitors pass. His like visiting time is over, I’m like I know but I’m getting my friend. He makes 2 calls and they tell him that she's not being discharged. Excuse me? So I said okay and I went outside and called the section of the hospital she's in. NO fucking answer after 5 tries. Okay cool, I’ll move on to the next step. I called the personal number for her room, she picks up the second time. She says she's waiting for me and I’m like I know I’m trying to figure out whats going on now. I ask my friend to get me a nurse or doctor on the phone she says okay. She comes back on the phone 10 minutes later crying. They not discharging me anymore, this is what causes me anxiety blah blah blah.... (I was not being rude to my friend I was just not in the mood to talk to her when I'm trying to get her out the hospital). So I had to hang up and call her part of the hospital again with no answer. I ended up having to call the main line, get transferred through two people and finally reach a nurse. I start talking to the nurse and she was nice but no fucking help. She said a lot that just got me tight and didn't add up. 
1. How you telling your patient she's leaving, get her hyped up, and then she's not going anywhere thats fucked up. 
2. The person who said to drop they name was a Mr. Clark...... nobody knows who the fuck this man is so who is he and who y'all got working here that don’t know what they doing ?
3. The nurse going to tell me there is nothing she can do and all the doctor’s are gone for the day. Then proceeds to put me on hold to check her chart and then magically a doctor appears on the phone. 
(See this is where ya’ll got me fucked up, I honestly hate when adults like to talk down to young adults. Just because I’m younger than you does not mean I don't know what I’m talking about)
4. To sum up this part, the doctor getting crazy on the phone and I had to tell her about herself and hang up the phone like bitch don't play with me. I will come back everyday and turn up. This place is not far from my job. She was like I don't know who you are I only know this friend and that friend and the sister. I was like first of all I did meet you, I’m the friend you guys discharged her to last time so thats number one and number one I’m the one who brought her in the second time. You guys have my name and number because ya’ll been calling me for the last three days and I sat down and talked to a doctor and nurse. Like what the fuck is going on in here, nobody keep records? Then she over trying to rush me off the phone talking about I'm busy right now trying to leave and I have something else important to attend to. Well okay then bitch BYE BYE I didn't tell you to pick up the phone. The nurse told me all the doctors were gone so shit who are you?!
Nahhhhhhhhh I’m still so turnt up that I gotta stay off these apps today, I realized I’m being wild disrespectful today. Someone was like What you doing, where you been I’m like living my life. PLEASE! PLEASE! I don’t need that kinda energy today.!
All of that has nothing to do with my title so I’ll get into that now. 
I’m here talking to two of my coworkers that read my blog, (thanks guys) and a third co-worker (male) is listening to what we were talking about. They were talking to me about yesterday and all those people trying me. He goes and says “being gay sounds fun” When I tell you I had to turn all the way around and go back in the room and was like “bicchhh wah” Like I didn't know if I should have been offended or dumb founded by his reaction. Like do y'all think he gay? I have no idea. In every work environment I have ever been in my gaydar has been off or broken or maybe asleep. Meaning unless a coworkers tells me they are gay I wouldn't know and I don't care. I’m there to work and do what I have to do. I’m not dating a co-worker (or haven't yet) thats messy. 
Yes people gaydar is a real thing: Its that feeling you get when you think someone is gay simple as that. It’s a gay radar (gaydar) ticking off like bing bing bing this guy might like guys , this girl might like girls. 
I’m about to go use the bathroom and then get blown away by the wind. I decided to just fuck it go ahead and take my walk. I’ll let you know if anything happened. 
“Be brave enough to dream” 
                                                 - Pharaoh 
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horrorpatch · 3 years
Myth & Legends Quarterly: Blood PharaohWriter: Jenna Lyn WrightArtwork: Carlos Eduardo Cunha Synopsis: From Hatshepsut to Ramses, the stories of Egypt’s past have been filled with Pharaohs that changed the very course of history itself. And as the blood-stained sands slip through the hands of time, we present the tale of a forgotten prince. A man of great strength and capable of great evil,…
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thealchemiststudy · 2 years
When adding spice to a scene
Make sure that the characters are ready for that step in their relationships. Don't just force them together because that's what you want.
Your readers have been watching the relationship grow between the characters. Take it slow for their first kiss, first spicy scene.
Overall, slow is best for any relationship.
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thealchemiststudy · 2 years
Give me a scene where the love interests turn on each other!
- have the weakest stab a sword into the strongest and have them regret it!
- tears! Snot! I want to see emotions
- let the strongest smile at the weakest and say, "I still love you."
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thealchemiststudy · 3 years
Wanting to live here one day
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thealchemiststudy · 3 years
Random Writing #1
“I cant stand this song!”  “And why cant you?” “Because it reminds me of you!” “And thats a bad thing because?” “Because it makes me want to kiss you.”
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thealchemiststudy · 3 years
Chapters: 8/? Fandom: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Characters: Albedo (Genshin Impact), Diluc (Genshin Impact), Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Klee (Genshin Impact), Rhinedottir | Gold (Genshin Impact), Zhongli (Genshin Impact) Additional Tags: OC character - Freeform, OcxAlbedo, OcxDiluc, Action & Romance, Action/Adventure, Eventual Romance, Slow Burn, OcxZhongli, Viox Hala - Freeform, Violet Hala - Freeform, Rei Lennonx, GenshinImpactNextStories Summary:
“Who’s there?” She called out into the darkness. The voice chuckled, “Settle down. I am known by many names, young one.” They spoke in a gentle tone. Viox blinked, “What is the name I may call you then?” She asked weakly. Her eyes peered through the darkness as a cloaked woman walked into the area. “You may call me Rhinedottir.”
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thealchemiststudy · 3 years
Quick Intro
♡ mid twenties, Bi and Poly
♡ Writing Blog for those who want to write
♡ All writings are/will be based off of real emotions, thoughts, songs, etc.
♡ All my handwritten posts will be hash tagged with #PharaohWrites
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I woke up on time
Today is like eh! Woke up to go to the gym and it was a struggle to get up. I stayed awake because 1. I was supposed to be meeting my friend and 2. I got a flood advisory warning on my phone and those always scare me because I’m not used to that amber alert kinda sound. Well my friends phone was being crazy so she missed my phone calls and we not going to the gym together today. I don't really mind only because 1. I payed for this kickboxing class and thats going to be a hr workout so I think I’m just going to do that and not both. 2. This rain is crazy and I don't have no kinda umbrella so I’m hoping it stops or gets lighter by the time I want to leave which is in like a hour or so. 
Mind you the rain is blowing mine because the tv deciding not to work like its supposed to and I'm trying to watch this movie !
I had some things that I wanted to write but I got crazy distracted with just life I guess, tv and my phone so I’m signing off right now. 
“Never forget the people who take time out of their day to check up on you”
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We might as well be
Tuesday April 10th - First day of me going to workout 
Today is Wednesday and Im going again today. 
Still don’t know what I’m doing but all is well, I’ll figure it out eventually. 
It’s so hard to concentrate when I’m writing if music is on in the background. Music has such a hold over me. I love to really really listen to music, listen and understand the meaning behind the words in relation to what I think it means and what the artist thinks it means. I recently discovered that my favorite genre might have been R&B/Soul this whole time. I love and have always loved that “in my bag” slow jams kinds of music. 
I’m starting to feel better. Like I’m doing things that I want to do when I want. Spending my own money where I want. All I do now is smoke and chill. Of course I’ve had the occasional physical encounter (appointments) but shoot I’m human. I don't what to say really I just feel like a “change is coming , tell darkness to keep on running,” great things are about to happen, or happening in the shadows and I don't know about them yet. I will continue to just do what I’m doing and see what happens. 
So no luck with the guy that got away, he’s really gone, so that sucks but hey I’ll still be hopeful “if it’s meant to be it’ll be.” I have been in communication with other guys and I still am. I feel like another break from these apps is coming honestly. I know one of them has to get the hell off my phone so I’m going to start working on that one going away today. And it should be gone by Sunday. 
Cant make this stuff up: Where I live, someone decided to buy a new shower curtain, great! BUT the dumb asses but the new shower curtain right over the old one so there are two and I’m looking like...... you can't be dead ass? like come on! What was so hard about taking this down you put the other one up. Like i don't get the logic in that. 
I’ve been thinking about doing this sort of like lyrics post. I’m not really sure how exactly, but look forward to it. 
“I lost myself trying to please everyone else. Now I'm losing everyone while I’m finding myself”
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My Friday
I woke up around 5 for no reason.
Layed down.
Got up and smoked.
Fell asleep again because I woke up after 12:00 in the afternoon.
I smoked again.
Watched people sing and did other stuff on my phone.
Decided I couldn’t take it in the house anymore and around 4:50 something I a shower I got dressed and left the house.
Got stopped by my best friends mom , we talked and she said be safe.
Started my walk and ran into a friend , she was like come through I still gotta smoke you up (she owe me).
I’m still on my walk , just enjoying the weather.
Listen to Cardi B new album !!!!!!
Also check out Mo Jamil he’s amazing !
It is now 8:10 and Im just getting in. I was outside moving around for a good 3 hours, I think that’s a good start. Trying to get into a un lazy attitude. I think instead of joining a boxing gym I’ll just like start hitting the gym like plant fitness or something. That could take up a lot of my being bored. 
Eh! I’m tired , or rather feeling a little lazy at the moment but nothing is coming in my mind to chat about, but it will come soon. 
“This is the wrong generation for people with good hearts.” 
                                                     - Pharaoh 
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Ohhhhhhhh snap!
Sooo I ended up falling asleep last night. I guess I was more tired than I thought.
I’ll write again later today.
“There comes a time when you have to choose between turning the page and closing the book”
- Pharaoh
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What I should be doing
I literally have like tons of stuff that I should be talking about and I promise I will get to them ,
that’s what I should be doing but I don’t feel like it right now.
I’m the kind of person if I don’t feel like doing it or something I won’t until I’m good and ready. That’s partly why I have a problem with authority because like, I hate being told what to do in a timely manner especially if I was already doing the shit. And don’t don’t don’t tell me to hurry up. If I’m cleaning a table and you say hurry up I guarantee you I’ll walk away and not do it at all or I’ll stop and stare at you until you leave me alone. Any of my close friends will probably read that in laugh because I’ve done it a bunch of times. Hey! I understand the urgency in certain situations but if it’s not a urgent matter. Wait. And this coming from a person with not a lot of patience to begin with.
Anyway I was talking to one of my coworkers today and I was trying to use gay terminology but she was like completely oblivious to what I was saying so this post is for you! I’m going to try and remember and define every “gay” term I can think of ( I put gay in quotations because idk they origin ).
Before that I would like to just do a little recap of my life the last couple days. I’ve honestly just been chillin, chillin, chillin. I’ve picked up the habit of smoking and hey, it’s relaxing and as long as it does not get to an uncontrolled habit I’ll be fine. My best friend pointed out something really dope to me the other day he was like “we are young, you graduated college, I’m in college, we both work, live on our own, who gives a fuck if we smoke, let’s live our best life.” That’s dead ass dead ass facts ! And then I was reminded by a bunch of songs that I really am still young and I still have the room to mess up and grow as well as I should be allowed to do whatever the hell I want. I also found out that Suga.Honey.Ice.Tea means SHIT. I don’t know how I’ve never realized that before. (Pause for uncontrollable laughter, okay come back). Also my posts have been all over the place because I’ve been smacked out my mind. Last thing I’ll say about this is that my person that hooks me up, he is one fine af straight man..... oh my god. I wish wish wish he wanted to dabble or was curious because oh my lord.
My work schedule changed for this week so I don’t know how I’m surfing this week. Waking up dumb early in the fuxking morning and getting off work early.
I left my wallet at home today so I didn’t have my id, or metro card or money, nothing I was beyond stressed.
So I mentioned it but I’m back on a few gay social apps, I have a feeling I’m about to delete 2 of them. I won’t mention any of them for (mind your own business) my safety. One because nobody hits me up on it or responds and the other because there is just too much going on and the just keep emailing me, I want to me like “bruh I have a fuxking life, wait till I check you” but I just keep it pushing. I guess I’m feeling good that my phone keeps going off but it’s a quick relief because I know there’s nothing real in what I’m doing. Meaning there’s nothing I can take serious at the moment. There are a lot of handsome, cute, sexy people in the world but I can’t and won’t take anything or anyone serious right now, or without some time.
I’m lit cause where I go to watch my kids sometimes, the mom; she let me go shopping in the pantry and I got me some snacks. 
Now to get to the good stuff: The terminology: So of course I know some if not a lot of the terms but I decided to look up some of them just to be sure and geez, I started to educate myself.
D.L./dl (down low) - 1. a guy that is gay but is not publicly out with his sexuality 
                                2. a guy that is 
Discreet - a guy who is gay but not “broadcasting” his sexuality or its not obvious to someone else. 
I’m going to move this to another post, I think it deserves that!
“All I can do is follow my instincts, because I’ll never please everyone”
                                                       - Pharaoh 
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I dead ass need to find a hobby or three. ALL i did this weekend was stay in my room and lay around and eat and relax. To me that gets a little boring. I wanted to get up and go for a walk today but then got to lazy. I’m sitting here writing this while watching this movie with my best friend. My fucking eyes are killing me. My hair, oh no my hair needs to be done like a long time ago. My face looks crazy too, like I need to hit up a barber shop. I know I promised to write about my weekend but they why I called this Urge. I don’t have the urge to write about my weekend, i barley had the urge to get up, grab the computer and write this post. (I could have done the post on my phone buuuuuuut my brain works differently. I promise to write about my weekend eventually I just have to get my mindset back together. I have to find a way to go to sleep earlier because I have to wake up for work earlier this whole week. 
I will say that Im back on a few apps and I’ll get into that. 
I’m going to start working out i think, like a few sit ups and pushups in the morning and or night. I’ll also start going on walks. 
My mind is all over the place and my eyes are like bothering the hell out of me so I think I’ll leave myself here. 
“Knowledge is power, but enthusiasm pulls the switch”
                                                                         - Pharaoh 
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I’ve been asleep like all day. I Woke up this morning and then after that the rest of the day was a haze. Shit I was hazy. I didn't get my life together until about a hour ago. Im getting ready to go out so this will be short. I’m having the most chill day ever, not getting out of bed, relaxing, doing me. Have a good, safe night everyone.
“Admire more, most people don't admire enough” - Van GoGh
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