caseysbrain · 4 years
If you're queer you need to watch Tales of the City in Netflix it features so many queer identities it's an amazing series!
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serdtseparol · 4 years
Ya esta el primer escrito de: La primera vez que te mire, la historia de A
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lofi-lesbiannn · 4 years
My Girlfriend!
My beautiful girlfriend is having a break through tonight! She is super math minded and insanely athletic. She is currently trying to plan out her upcoming freshman year of college and I am so happy to be here helping her. She just had a realization!
I’m finishing my first year of college and I study English Lit and AYA education. This means I can help her with the general side of college but not so much her interests in sports and business.
BUT! It is 1am and her and I are up and she just figured out a great track for her to head on the tie together her love for math and business and athletics! We are looking at a sports management route for her right now and she is absolutely glowing. I genuinely think this could be amazing for her. 
I love her so much!  
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cayw729 · 5 years
One Day
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“Happily ever after”
Finding your forever, building a family, making life long memories; that’s the dream isn’t it?
I’ve been watching friend after friend get married, start a family and live all of the moments I’ve been dreaming of. Measuring my life up against anybody else is a waste of time because I will never be them and they will never be me.
I know “one day” it’ll happen and my time will…
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Hello Whoever Sees This!
I’m a new witch on Tumblr and getting back into my craft after a few years of a hiatus! Looking forward to meeting some lovely people on here and posting a bunch of Wiccan/Aesthetic/LGBT+/whatever else stuff on my blog. Okay this was just a me-saying-hi post so hi! Hope all y’all beautiful people have a magical day 💜🌙
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Non binary stuff
So today we had a class where they talk to you about gender.
They talked about the stereotypes and that stereotyping is bad BUT they literally gave us a board game where you had cards and you had to say if it was a female or male thing.
Some examples:
Most likely to be the boss
Most likely to be at home all day
Excuse me what the fuck
And they talked only about “female and male” like there were only 2 genders
I was not included in this class (cause i’m non binary)
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bloglgbtqia · 2 years
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ladycardinaljen · 3 years
Entry 18 - One called Pink and one called Blue (Part III)
(Part III of III)
Two colors as I thought of what to do. The paper placed down to become my business card background colors. What colors express me personally and would look good with my Lady Cardinal design? Not even green, my favorite color. Nope it was pink, and blue.
Why did I choose these two colors? Was it just a nice pattern or was it based on gender related topics? The truth is probably the latter. I am pretty open about being a transgender woman. The reason I say TRANSGENDER in front of woman, is because, well, I’m transgender. I was trying to explain to someone how saying you’re a trans woman or just woman only matters to the one speaking. There are some people who are trans that I do not identify as trans or transgender at all. That have completely taken that out of the equation and just made their identity simply who they are. Cool!
Everyone identifies differently in some way or another. It doesn’t even have to be about gender, really. But why is gender such a complex subject when the answer is said to be so simple? I think that creates an interesting boarder/boundary that is either broken too soon, or crossed too later. What I’m trying to say is, so many of us say, “Gender is so easy to understand.” but when it’s brought to attention by someone else on a different perspective we’ll get fired up and say that it could only be this way or that way. Because one of those options says that identity, organs, and the individual feeling strongly about their sex or gender, can change; the other way says it does or cannot.
Even writing this blows my mind. Are sex and gender really different? Have we created gender as a construct or do some of those traits remain true? Are those things like stereotypes and cliches real or is that sexist to say? Do certain experiences make us one sex or another? Answers that some would say are easy, I would say differently. Gender has become a very complex subject, so I’ll be taking the time to write about it more tonight in my upcoming book.
Here’s a little poem I came up with, called ‘One called Pink and one called Blue’
What is the world that we see new? Is it here, or is it there? Placed before us without worry or without care, A world grows larger in size and greater in number, All while beings must coexist together.
How do we know who we are in a world so great? Our pieces, our parts, or is it our hearts? Do these minds of us not know truth? Is there a choice or is there absolute? With such a view we only see two. One goes left and one goes right, The one like you, and the other new, Mystery grows, tearing us, ripping us, We are in shreds now with only the hope, In order to exist we must go together, we must be apart, Look further, look deep in your heart, If identities help us see others, then why not look clearer? What is a world really like in only two colors? Must it exist in order to exist, or does a world go beyond?   Can we toss aside all logic, all we know? Just for an opportunity, an opportunity to grow,
But why not open up your mind? Your mind to something new, Is it just pink?  Or is it just blue?
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Trans Representation in the Media is Nothing to Celebrate.
Trans Representation in the Media is Nothing to Celebrate.
Trans representation is a topic I’ve touched on in the past. Here is a deeper look at why trans rep is not satisfactory.
When I was 16, I watched “Boys Don’t Cry” for the first time. This was also the first movie I saw that included a trans man. If you know anything about the movie, you know that it isn’t an empowering film. It follows the adulthood and death of a real trans man who was raped and…
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La primera vez que te mire
Todo comenzó con una vista, como ver a través de la ventana. Estaba yo sentada junto con mis amigos cuando de repente, veo pasar a una persona conocida caminando junto con alguien más, “A”.  La persona conocida era más y nada menos que Fer, así es, la amiga de Kiana, cuando la vi me quede pensando porque no sabía si realmente era Fer o tenia parecido, pero al ver a A, simplemente pensé <<que linda persona>>.
Eso pensé, es muy bonita, lo que más me encantaba de ella era su cabello largo y lacio, creo que aún lo tiene así. Pasaron uno o tres días para darme cuenta que si era Fer la amiga de Kiana.
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caseysbrain · 4 years
I'm sick of my existence being questioned...
Trans women and women.
Trans men are men.
Fuck you J. K. Rowling!
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Being Gay Sounds Fun
I was going to take a walk just now. I was like oh its nice out here now I should go for a walk. I’m going to go home first put my bag down, let my phone charge for a little and then go on a walk. COMPLETE NO! The wind tried to carry me away. My almost flew off 2 times. Nooooooobody got time for all that. Even though deep down in my soul I’m still thinking about going. We shall see by the end of this posting. 
I need to smoke a blunt and calm the fuck down, thats actually what I need to do and here’s why:
I went to the hospital to pick up my friend. There’s a longer story there but basically my friend is going through something right now and I’m trying to really be there for her, opened up my home and everything. So I went to the hospital because my friend was supposed to be discharged. Another friend had called the hospital and got all the information because I was at work. I got a name and a guarantee that she was going to be discharged. I get to the hospital and NOBODY knows what the fuck I'm talking about. I go to the guy to get a visitors pass. His like visiting time is over, I’m like I know but I’m getting my friend. He makes 2 calls and they tell him that she's not being discharged. Excuse me? So I said okay and I went outside and called the section of the hospital she's in. NO fucking answer after 5 tries. Okay cool, I’ll move on to the next step. I called the personal number for her room, she picks up the second time. She says she's waiting for me and I’m like I know I’m trying to figure out whats going on now. I ask my friend to get me a nurse or doctor on the phone she says okay. She comes back on the phone 10 minutes later crying. They not discharging me anymore, this is what causes me anxiety blah blah blah.... (I was not being rude to my friend I was just not in the mood to talk to her when I'm trying to get her out the hospital). So I had to hang up and call her part of the hospital again with no answer. I ended up having to call the main line, get transferred through two people and finally reach a nurse. I start talking to the nurse and she was nice but no fucking help. She said a lot that just got me tight and didn't add up. 
1. How you telling your patient she's leaving, get her hyped up, and then she's not going anywhere thats fucked up. 
2. The person who said to drop they name was a Mr. Clark...... nobody knows who the fuck this man is so who is he and who y'all got working here that don’t know what they doing ?
3. The nurse going to tell me there is nothing she can do and all the doctor’s are gone for the day. Then proceeds to put me on hold to check her chart and then magically a doctor appears on the phone. 
(See this is where ya’ll got me fucked up, I honestly hate when adults like to talk down to young adults. Just because I’m younger than you does not mean I don't know what I’m talking about)
4. To sum up this part, the doctor getting crazy on the phone and I had to tell her about herself and hang up the phone like bitch don't play with me. I will come back everyday and turn up. This place is not far from my job. She was like I don't know who you are I only know this friend and that friend and the sister. I was like first of all I did meet you, I’m the friend you guys discharged her to last time so thats number one and number one I’m the one who brought her in the second time. You guys have my name and number because ya’ll been calling me for the last three days and I sat down and talked to a doctor and nurse. Like what the fuck is going on in here, nobody keep records? Then she over trying to rush me off the phone talking about I'm busy right now trying to leave and I have something else important to attend to. Well okay then bitch BYE BYE I didn't tell you to pick up the phone. The nurse told me all the doctors were gone so shit who are you?!
Nahhhhhhhhh I’m still so turnt up that I gotta stay off these apps today, I realized I’m being wild disrespectful today. Someone was like What you doing, where you been I’m like living my life. PLEASE! PLEASE! I don’t need that kinda energy today.!
All of that has nothing to do with my title so I’ll get into that now. 
I’m here talking to two of my coworkers that read my blog, (thanks guys) and a third co-worker (male) is listening to what we were talking about. They were talking to me about yesterday and all those people trying me. He goes and says “being gay sounds fun” When I tell you I had to turn all the way around and go back in the room and was like “bicchhh wah” Like I didn't know if I should have been offended or dumb founded by his reaction. Like do y'all think he gay? I have no idea. In every work environment I have ever been in my gaydar has been off or broken or maybe asleep. Meaning unless a coworkers tells me they are gay I wouldn't know and I don't care. I’m there to work and do what I have to do. I’m not dating a co-worker (or haven't yet) thats messy. 
Yes people gaydar is a real thing: Its that feeling you get when you think someone is gay simple as that. It’s a gay radar (gaydar) ticking off like bing bing bing this guy might like guys , this girl might like girls. 
I’m about to go use the bathroom and then get blown away by the wind. I decided to just fuck it go ahead and take my walk. I’ll let you know if anything happened. 
“Be brave enough to dream” 
                                                 - Pharaoh 
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lofi-lesbiannn · 4 years
I made this account years ago (apparently). I had a grand total of 6 supernatural posts!
Sadly, my fandom days have ended and I am back on this account to share lovely gay thoughts. They could range anywhere from me gushing about my amazing girlfriend to just ranting about WGSS issues. I’ll see where the wind takes me. Whoever stumbles across this is welcome to come along :)
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lloydlabel · 4 years
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📖 NEW ARTICLE! 🏳️‍🌈 We’ve trawled through the internet to bring you twenty random interestingly short, weird and cool LGBTQ+ facts that you probably don't already know! 🏳️‍🌈 ⬆️ LINK IN BIO ⬆️ #lloydlabel #newblog #lgbtfacts #lgbtblog https://www.instagram.com/p/CDrHq6BhaXi/?igshid=1evy1dbv1ull3
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poddersblog-blog · 4 years
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This is by far my favourite makeup range as it is Vegan Friendly! Check it out in my bio and search 'Distillery' . . #blog #fluid #gay #gayblog #lgbtblog #loveislove #lovewins #photography #photographyislife #photographylover #nature #naturephotography #queer #samesex https://www.instagram.com/p/CDQpL9Wno5X/?igshid=zjkjrtp8bvd5
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Transition Update 6/23
Last Wednesday I went to see a trans specialist at a Planned Parenthood branch. For the second time I was told that the trans specialist was not there. Due to availability and my new job, which I will be starting this Monday, it likely will not be until August that I start testosterone.
The disappointment was crushing but the delays have given me time to think about what exactly it is that I…
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