#beeunion 2.0
peridotite · 2 years
what having back the ship youve shipped since 2014 and also them being on the edge of getting together will do to a mf
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bumblebysupremacy · 2 years
Bumbleby reunions 💛🖤
Beeunion 1.0
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Beeunion 2.0
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Beeunion 3.0
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Here’s a tough question. Top 3 favorite and least favorite things about each RWBY volume?
Sorry for the delay, this is something I've had to really think about.
V1 Faves
The initiation/Nevermore fight. Let's be honest this is where these legends started.
Blake & Yang meeting for the first time
Weiss and Blake coming to terms with each other
V`1 least faves
The animation. I know it was Poser, they had no budget, etc. That doesn't make it any easier to watch
That one line from Yang about boys that has haunted the discourse for nearly a decade.
TBH barely anyone had a character any deeper than surface level
V2 Faves
Yang talking to Blake in Burning The Candle. This is where their relationship became more than partners, deeper than just friendship
The talk between Weiss, Blake and Yang at Mountain Glenn. Something that would be directly referenced much later in V9
"Best Day Ever" - the food fight between RWBY and JNPR is just big dumb fun
V2 least faves
Jaune and his pursuit of Weiss. Obnoxious to the extreme.
Sun - that's it
"Breach" in general was kind of a mess and really was there to have a giant fight scene.
V3 Faves
"Heroes And Monsters" - It feels weird listing something so horrible and tragic as a favorite thing but what happened between Yang, Blake and Adam in this chapter would define these characters going forward all the way until almost the end of V6 and was a significant point in Blake & Yang's relationship
Also from "Heroes And Monsters" - Velvet unleashing Anesidora with "I May Fall" blasting is still so amazing to this day.
Yang being framed for injuring Mercury and Blake deciding to trust in her.
(I really could go on about V3 with many more positives.)
V3 least faves
Might be controversial but Pyrrha's death. I understood the narrative need for it but it doesn't mean I liked it
Same for Penny
V4 Faves
Meeting Blake's parents. Ghira and Kali are treasures.
The fight with Tyrian
Yang getting her new arm and starting her healing process
(Honorable mention to Blake, with Sun's help, starting to understand that sometimes you have to let people in and it's THEIR choice to want to be in your life. Also honorable mention to Ruby's letter in "No Safe Haven")
V4 least faves
Tai's "advice" both in "Family" and "One Step Forward..."
Sun. (I didn't start to be able to tolerate him unti V5)
Not nearly enough Yang
V5 Faves
Yang and Ruby reuniting - I always cry
Weiss' talk with Yang in "Alone Together" (which is also when I'm convinced she realized that Yang loved Blake)
"Yang...?" *Dumbfounded stare from Yang
(Honorable mention to Yang reading Raven for filth)
V5 least faves
The pacing wasn't great and yeah the big fight was lackluster
While the animation was fine the colors always felt very muted to me
Lionheart (not that I resented his use in the story, I just hate the dude)
V6 faves:
The Bees Vs Adam (was I gonna say anything else?)
The Brunswick Arc (why is CRWBY so good at horror?)
The fight with the Leviathan.
V6 least faves:
These are mostly really minor complaints
Dee and Dudley - annoying
The big lore dump, while not BAD was a LOT
Oscar vanishing and getting a new set of clothes off camera not that I care that much but I think it could have been handled better
V7 Faves
The makeovers, with the possible exception of Wess I thought everyone looked great and TBH Yang never looked better
The Bees getting ready to go on a date
Nora spilling the tea ABOUT the Bees
(Honorable mention to RBY standing by Weiss when she confronted Jacqass. Also honorable mention to Yang/Blake VS Elm/Vine)
V7 least faves (not writing critical just characters getting on my nerves)
Harriet is annoying
The AceOps being Ironwood's unthinking lapdogs
Ironwood coming out as a complete dumbass.
V8 Faves
Beeunion 2.0
Yang, Jaune and Ren infiltrating Salem's HQ and the fight that ensues. Especially Yang getting to talk smack to Salem and blowing her tits off.
Penny frying Cinder
(Honorable mention to Maria kicking Neo's ass)
V8 least faves
Ironwood continues to be a complete and total dumbass
Ren being a jerk. Thankfully he gets over it
Yang's fall. (not bad on a value level but it HURT)
V9 Faves:
The Bees confession - absolutely perfect. Could not be improved on
The fight scene in Rude, Red and Royal
Ruby getting her groove back and showing CC just how powerful she really is.
V9 least faves: (and I'm allowing for what I know was a difficult production)
We could have used at least another two chapters because some scenes and transitions were way too brief and as a result didn't have the emotional impact they should have
We didn't get the prologue that was shown at RTX
Minor complaint but in Chapter 1 I wish Blake had been shown as being a bit more worried about Yang since she saw her "die"
Wow, this was a LOT!
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perimorp · 4 years
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i wanted to hold you like I won’t let go you can tie a rope around my soul tapping on the window i can’t be without you
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essay-bees · 3 years
One of my favorite aspects of volume 8 was how they subtly, slowly reminded us that even though Adam, the physical embodiment of her trauma with Blake/her arm, is gone, Yang still hasn’t dealt with a LOT of her personal issues and insecurities. “Yeah... Ruby”, Ren calling her out, the talk about Summer, and even her sacrifice for Ruby were all very important character moments for her that really didn’t have any payoff this volume. I do think we’ll see that payoff in Volume 9, where she can hopefully start to fully heal while surrounded by her team
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yangshair · 3 years
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urbanbirdbud · 4 years
just caught up w rwby
im a bumbleby bitch now
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enderbane · 4 years
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buckle up bumbleby fandom because these are the two images we’ll have to feast on for the next however many weeks
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yangsbandana · 3 years
em yangsbandana’s top 10 bumbleby moments let’s fuckin’ goooooo
so yesterday i got an anon ask that didn’t actually ask me to do this, but it was about a little bees moment that i love. while i was answering i was like. where does that moment actually rank among my favorite moments? and then i was like. what actually ARE my favorite moments???
so i made a top-10 list! (i think i originally said i’d rate the moments, but they’d all be 10+ out of 10 so this is more interesting) this was just fun for me to do and not at all serious. honestly on any given day i would probably create a completely different list. if you care to see it, you can find it under the cut!
and also if you want to make your own lists i would fucking love that i want to know everyone’s favorite bee moments but don’t mind me
let’s gooooo!!!!
10. yang loses her arm attempting to save Blake / “everything you love... starting with her....”
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look. i know it’s not cool or enlightened or anything,,,,, howmever,,,,, i’m a sucker for the ‘rescue the girl’ trope. but only when it is gay. and especially when it is tragic. this,,,,,,,,, just hits. the fact that this happened (and that blake ran after, engendering a fuckton of angst) is why i am here in the first place. but it is low on the list because i also HATE this,, fuck adam lives.
9. “what does she even see in you???!!?”
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speaking of adam lives,,,,,, giving this one its own entry because it drives me fucking up the wall that this is an actual line of dialogue in the show and not,,, you know,,,, from a fic.
pour one out for homophobic ally @dam t@urus
8. burning the candle
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gotta give this scene credit for really kickstarting the bees from ‘oh they’re cute as partners’ to ‘oh what the fuck,,, is this,,,, mutual understanding on a deep emotional level??????? what the fuck????’ also, yang’s ‘i’ll save you a dance,,,’ bitch,,,,,,,
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if you’re not a brand new follower, you’ll have expected this one. just. jesus christ. jesus fucking christ. this stupid little gay glance makes me absolutely lose my stupid fucking marbles what the HELL were they THINKING. this is crwby trying to telegraph blake’s attraction to yang in a pretty unsubtle way and you cannot convince me otherwise,,,,,
6. “what if I needed her here for me?”
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i started watching rwby in a kind of roundabout way, but there’s definitely some parallel universe out there where someone just showed me this scene to successfully sell me on it. this gay shit? this gay nonsense right here? this platonic ideal of gay yearning??? i live for this. the way yang not only wants but needs blake??? the way she’s trying to deny how much she feels for blake? the way it spills over anyway? overwhelming and irrepressible??? gay! gay gay gay!!!!
5. “we’re protecting each other”
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the first time i saw this scene i saw it out of context and was like,,, ‘this is some corny anime shit, isn’t it?’ but after watching the rest of their story up to this point,,,, i now cannot watch this moment without wanting to fuckin’ howl at the moon. fUCK. i’m going to drive to the nearest ocean. i’m going to drive my car directly into the ocean. THEY’RE PROTECTING EACH OTHER.
4. bees go on a not-date in v7
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most of the moments on this list are pretty heavy on drama, angst, and Romance, but the fact that they get to be so light and flirty in v7 also means so much to me??? and this scene shows us so much about this stage in their relationship. the flirty looks? the casual touching? the implication that this is not-a-date-but-actually-absolutely-a-date? for once they get to take a breath and be teenagers falling head-over-heels for one another,,,, the thought of that just warms my stupid gay heart.
3. beeunion 2.0
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might be a little bit of recency bias at play with how high this is on the rankings,,, but is there really??? LOOK AT THIS?!?!? i can’t stand it. the way yang just so tenderly cups blake’s cheek? the way that blake initiates the intimate forehead-touch? the way that all of their pre-relationship anxieties wash away once they’re safe and reunited, basking in one another’s warmth? fuck, man. there’s a fuckin’. treebranch in my eye or something idk.
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NO RECENCY BIAS HERE THO. i’m serious this is fucking everything to me. not literally blake almost jumping--i’m actually pretty glad weiss stopped her or else it would be a whole thing and it would be exhausting. HOWEVER. the drama of blake trying her hardest to save yang,,,, only to come up just short,,,,, seeing a beautiful, warm future she had found herself hoping for vanish before her eyes,,,,,, just the grief and fury that comes after,,,,, you can feel in that scream how much she thinks she’s lost,,,,,, and it hurts real good. just really, really delicious angst. i’m obsessed.
(i also think with this moment there’s also this sense that it’s a major reckoning for blake. she and yang have been dancing around their feelings for a while. in v7 leaving it unsaid was fine--they felt like had all the time in the world. in v8 there wasn’t a moment of quiet for them to address it. but now, after seeing yang fall, blake knows what it feels like to think she’s lost yang forever without telling her how she feels,,,,,, just,,,, the emotional implications of that,,,,, the sheer potential leading into v9,,,, goddddd)
Honorable Mentions
beeunion 1.0 - “yang???” was insane. soulmate behavior.
v7 truck talk - the mature disagreement and compromise! sublime!
emerald forest initiation - blake thirst extravaganza
yang getting flustered over blake’s haircut - yang thirst extravaganza
the v6 angst shed - have i mentioned i love angst
1. “i’m not going to break my promise. i swear.” / “i know you won’t”
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not to be a basic bitch, but this one is IT. until the bees confess and kiss, no scene is gonna match the intimacy and emotional intensity in this one. just,,,,, the vulnerability and comfort and trust and love,,,,,,, and it’s just such a powerful way to conclude their v3-v6 arc,,, finally coming back together after being torn apart,,,, their bond reforged and stronger than ever and also just,,,, transformed? like after this, something just seems to shift for them--they just know at a deeper level how much they mean to one another.
like,,,, it’s just,,,,,,,
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yinyangofnevermore · 3 years
YYON’s favorite parts of V8
Chaotic Nora + Weiss + Pneumatic tube
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Blake and Ruby bonding
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Nora is a motha fucking badass
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Penny and Pietro
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Tiddy go BOOM
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Whale go BOOM
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Beeunion 2.0
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Emerald DEFECTED!!
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Penny is a REAL, real girl™️
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Winter Maiden
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h4lcyonism · 3 years
very interesting that the rooster teeth instagram chose beeunion 2.0 as the scene to post for yang‘s birthday… very interesting indeed
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bees-shitposting · 4 years
We gonna have beeunion 2.0 and 3.0 in the same volume what a time to be alive
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edgeofpanic · 3 years
 @yangsbandana​ ranked her top 10 bees moments and then i got in my feelings about them so fuck it!! here's my top 10 after the cut
10. that little eyeroll and smile blake does in v1 when yang picks up the chess piece in the emerald forest and says "how about a cute little pony?" they've only been partners for about for 30 minutes at this point, and blake has spent multiple episodes practically screaming "I DON'T WANT TO GET CLOSE TO ANYONE, I AM A BAD PERSON WHO DOESN’T DESERVE HAPPINESS." and still yang gets the prickly ex-terrorist to smile. gay.
9. yang's reply to blake at mountain glenn. blake is still so torn up about running away from home, her actions while with the white fang, running from adam, her present, her future. and all yang says is that she knows she won't run away from a challenge. that she's strong enough to face it and come out on the other side better than she was. the utter faith of it all!!
8. all of v4 lmao. but i have narrow that down so it's when yang looks at the pile of books in her very first scene in that volume and then turns away with the saddest look on her face. she misses just blake so much even though she left!!! and she doesn't want to because missing someone has never brought back the people she cares about, but she is anyway! bees angst is usually not my favorite but when it hits it hits and v4 and v5 were it
7. the dummied out cherry stem yang ties with her tongue while staring directly at blake in v2. she is extremely gay and she is trying so, so hard to show the girl she likes that she's interested. bless her. crwby, yall are cowards for taking this away from us
6. nora at the rally going "friends? just friends? i think they have more going on". nora is easily one of the most emotionally intelligent characters on the show so when she says two people wanna kiss i believe her. it's also notable that this is the first time anyone in-show has acknowledged blake and yang have something happening, even if they aren't necessarily together. praying that there's a followup to this in v10 where she outright asks what the deal is now that they're back from survivor island in the Time Pit
top 5...god i suffered for ages over this and i still think i forgot something
5. "i'll destroy everything you love...starting with her." cw for this vid: dismemberment, abusive relationships
i'm a relatively new fan having only picked up rwby in late 2019. my friends who were into it kept telling me it was pretty gay and one friend routinely sent bumbleby fanart because she knew it would entice me to start the show faster. and sure i thought they were cute, but i was still unsure if this was for real or not. but this scene. this one right here is the one where i went, "oh. oh, we're actually doing this.” there is no real way to read this as other than romantic. the framing, the timing, like.... man.
i’m also a sucker for devotion in ships and if sacrificing an arm to save the one you love and not even blaming them for running away isn’t devotion, i don’t know what it is.
4. burning the candle.
if number 5 convinced me, burning the candle was the one that got me on the train. here was my reaction from a friend sending gifs of this without too much context
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and then i finally watched and got hella emotional. it’s a lot of firsts: yang opening up about her past, disagreement, blake allowing herself comfort. but they still manage to talk, work through how they feel, and leave better than they were. and i think it’s what i love about them the most? regardless of what happens, they have each others backs and always work toward a compromise. ugh. god.
also that stupid flirty wink is fooling no one, just say you’ll meet her under the bleachers
3. "what if I needed her there for me"/"yang was strength"
yes it’s kind of cheating to put two different scenes in one spot but they share real estate in my brain. these are the pinnacle of v5 bees angst, for me. there’s a lot left unsaid and literal continents between them, but they’re both saying the same thing. “i miss her a lot. i really wish she was here.” and at this point they haven’t been in the same room for almost 2 seasons. they have a lot of emotional ground to cover when they see each other and even more healing to do.
regardless of it all, they can’t stop thinking about each other. someway, somehow, they want to make their more-than-friendship work.
speaking of seeing each other again
2. beeunion 2.0
blake walks into the battle at haven at the most bizarre time. weiss has a big giant wasp summon (and it looks like she’s been stabbed???? but she’s fine???????), her friends are here, all the bad guys are also here, there’s some random kid fighting a juiced up dude with a cane. everything is fucking happening at once. and all blake can say is "yang?" In that little scared, hopeful voice
and like. the look on yang’s face as she sees blake for the first time is of utter awe. this person she never thought she’d see again singled her out in a room of utter chaos looking just as amazed to see her.
also there’s this gay little moment after yang comes out of the vault
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1. “we’re protecting each other.”
to this day, this is the only scene in rwby that has almost brought me to tears. it really is all about both of them realizing they don’t have to face their ordeals alone ever again. they’ll be each others’ pillar with unwavering faith.
just! fuck me up!!!!!!! JUST FUCK ME UP
quick honorable mentions:
blake's gay little skip in v6
sun saying that yang would never blame blake for what happened with adam
bumblebee the bike ramming into adam at high speed
yangs gay meltdown over the haircut
“do you think...she thinks less of me?”/”you could always try calling yang...”
beeunion 3.0
actually all their moments in v7 (the talk in the truck, the moment in the airship, getting ready for their totally a date but not a date before the election)
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essay-bees · 3 years
My favorite part about bumbleby is that every single scene of theirs is unbelievable. The initial confrontation with Adam? Peak romance. What if I needed her here for me?? Gay longing. Beeunion 1.0? Tunnel vision. Don’t get me started on the waterfall and beeunion 2.0. Every single scene shocks me more than the last. They really all happened and we still haven’t even seen the culmination of this buildup. I will never stop going “okay THIS is the most romantic we’re gonna get” and that’s so exciting
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im-a-dork-so-bork · 4 years
oh god
they got yang back after not hearing from her for like a solid day
then ironwood called and gave them an HOUR and JNOR+ emerald and winter probably took him out with like 5-10 mins left and it probably took 10 mins to get the portals up and stuff and the fight to start....
beeunion 2.0 only happened like an hour ago for them
RWB only had Yang back for an hour before she went to superhell
and there were probably so many things they wanted to say and they only had an HOUR
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almea · 4 years
Utterly obsessed with how there's like so many parallels to yesterday's scene.
• Beeunion 1.0 (V5C13) and Beeunion 2.0
• The forehead touches (V6C12)
• "The promise" tm
• Yang's blush paralleling Blake's (V7C3)
I can't do this, they are so tender and in love, head in hands
Truly amazing how Blake and Yang’s love has developed over the years and their shared past informs their current interactions with each other.
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