#before i got a serious allergy i was like. id never take my life in my hands like that
beeseverywhen · 1 year
Earlier I wanted to eat something that was may contain soy and I didn't want to wait. But I was highly suspicious of it not containing soy in the first place (had chocolate on it. Chocolate always has soy) and I had no epi pen with me. So I ate it in the supermarket rationalising that there was a pharmacy next door and they'd have one should I begin to die in the supermarket. Anyway it was fine. No soy in the ice cream. However when I walked past the pharmacy it was closed and like. Had a big metal shutter on it and I felt a bit like when you don't see a car coming till its too late but they do see you and stop just in time
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xxcureangelxx · 3 years
5, 9, 10, 13, 20, 21, 24, 25, 28, 30-35, 38-42, 44-46, 50, 52, 54, 60-62, 66, 71-74, 86-91, 96, 100! 😊
okay I literally have no clue how old this is and if I'm even taking the questions from the right post but here goes I guess? 🙈
<u>5. What is your favorite Color?</u>
<u>9. How tall are you?</u>
about 1,70 meters or 5'7"
<u>10. What shoe size are you?</u>
size 40-41, I think that's about 8 in US sizes?
<u>13. What talents do you have?</u>
uhhh good question... not sure if it counts but I guess I'm quite good at a lot if things but can't do anything extraordinarily well?
<u>20. Are you religious?</u>
Absolutely not. Due to family history and a lot of other things I'm actually against it a lot but people can do whatever they feel like is right for them as long as they don't harm others with it.
<u>21. Have you ever been to the hospital?</u>
Yes, quite a lot actually. practically grew up in hospitals as a baby because of kidney issues, broke both my legs with 4 years old, had to revisit for tests a lot during my childhood because of the kidney issue. it calmed down afterwards until I was back in hospital last year because of my terrible mental health and I'm currently in a rehabilitation clinic for it as well.
<u>24. Baths or showers?</u>
Shower's because we don't have a bathtub
<u>25. What color socks are you wearing?</u>
currently none, I love going barefoot, but usually I wear white, gray or black. I know... I'm a bad gay.. no rainbow socks (;ŏ﹏ŏ)
<u>28. What type of music do you like?</u>
you know.... I hate this question with a passion even though I love music so I'll just throw in my yt-playlist here and everyone who's interested can look through it to get a picture xD not sorted in any way and not a conclusive list at all, I just add songs as I find them
<u>30. How many pillows do you sleep with?</u>
mostly just one at a time but I've got two different ones. one is the normal fluffy kinda pillow, the other is made of some kinda foam material and rather thin.
<u>31. What position do you usually sleep in?</u>
I'm always lying on the side! have been doing that since I was a baby too.
<u>32. How big is your house?</u>
compared to what? 🙈 I'd say decent size for 5 people to live in, would have space for 1-2 more if rooms were used differently but definitely not enough to comfortably live with 12 or even more people like my family used to. we've got like 3 proper sleeping rooms (one of which is the attic so not very nice in terms of heat and the staircase is smack in the middle of the room), a kitchen, a dining room, a big living room, a tiny bathroom that barely fits a toilet and shower, and the basement is a mix of storage, electrics and stuff, washing room/utility room and it's got another smaller room that's been turned back into a small workshop but used to be the room of my brother and later my grandmother.
<u>33. What do you typically have for breakfast?</u>
I guess this is where it shows that I'm german but we usually just eat bread (preferably whole grain) with cheese or slices of salami or ..meat sausage? is that a proper translation? 🤨 idk... it's rather simple really. on the weekend maybe buns and boiled eggs. on the occasion that I'm too tired for it or don't have enough time I eat cereals but it's not very common when I'm at work/school
<u>34. Have you ever fired a gun?</u>
No, and I don't want to
<u>35. Have you ever tried archery?</u>
Yes!! I did last year when I was in the hospital and it was super fun! was quite good at it as well, even for my first try 😤
<u>38. What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep?</u>
I think about 3 days? if we count "barely unconscious for a few hours" as sleep that is... otherwise no clue...my memory of the bad sleepless time is quite hazy lol
<u>39. Do you have any scars?</u>
yeah, quite a few tbh. got 2 huge ones from surgeries due to my kidney issues, well they look like 2 but it's actually multiple ones since they simply cut open party of the old ones again, tiny hooman apparently have very little skin. then I got some other ones here and there from accidents, general dumbness, etc, like when I cut through my sunday morning bun and almost cut half of the tip of my finger off because my mother sharpened the knife and didn't tell me or that time as a kid I couldn't wait for my ironing pearl pictures to be done and burned myself on the hot iron, mostly stuff like that.
<u>40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?</u>
I mean.. if they're a secret... how would I know? ;) not sure if it counts that it took me months to realize I had a crush on my best friend and the feelings were reciprocated and I was too blind to see the signs?
<u>41. Are you a good liar?</u>
Nope. People actually think I'm lying more often than I lie... so.... :/
<u>42. Are you a good judge of character?</u>
I'm.. honestly not sure what this one means? like, am I able to judge what kind of character a person has after barely meeting them or smth? if so, I'm terrible at it
<u>44. Do you have a strong accent?</u>
in german? nope. in english? hmm hard to judge since I rarely hear myself speak. I think the stuff I do know how to pronounce is mostly okay but since I learned it through reading I'm simply unsure of a lot of pronunciations. 'also'.... I can not for the life of me pronouns that word no matter how many times I hear it... it's kinda become a quirk after some classmates pointed it out to me and I'm incredibly aware how terrible I say the word but.... just can't get rid of it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<u>45. What is your favorite accent?</u>
I.. actually really love the way my best friend talks? 👉👈 they're french btw. just... typical me for struggling to understand them though, already terrible at it in german too...
<u>46. What is your personality type?</u>
honestly, I don't think I can answer that. I'm big on self loathing and everything's pretty shitty so, no thanks
<u>50. Left or right handed?</u>
Right handed. but does it even count id I'm bad at doing things with that hand too? lol
<u>52. Favorite food?</u>
hmmmm tough question... not the biggest fan of food in general a lot of the time... probably Züricher Geschnetzeltes
<u>54. Are you a clean or a messy person?</u>
Definitely messy. my allergies did not like this post trying to clean and tidy up more often though. my depression does not like this post either
<u>60. Do you talk to yourself?</u>
sometimes. quite a bit when watching movies or if I mess stuff up
<u>61. Do you sing to yourself?</u>
barely. got a lot of bad experiences with that so i keep my singing to a minimum. my shower is a great listener though
<u>62. Are you a good singer?</u>
I was in a choir for a few years when I went to 'middle school' and I had like one solo part once but other than that I can't really say because I barely ever sing in front of people
<u>66. Do you like long or shor hair?</u>
this question is currently my absolute nemesis.. I've got suuuper duper long hair and have had it ever since elementary school and I used to be super happy with it and sometimes I still am happy with it but other days, depending on where I'm at genderwise, I absolutely hate it and I just want to take the closest scissors and cut it all off... currently haven't had the guts to look for new hair styles though... but in other people? or women more specifically? I love long hair 🥺
<u>71. What makes you nervous?</u>
Or the shorter question: what doesn't make me nervous... I'd say pretty much everything has got the potential to make me nervous. I'm an overthinker, anxiety is a big thing for me and ptsd makes me scared of almost everything. so.. yeah... sucks to be me sometimes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<u>72. Are you scared of the dark?</u>
Yes, very
<u>73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?</u>
I try not to but sadly I sometimes do, even if it's not my place to. I really don't like that part and hope I'll be able to learn not to sometime
<u>74. Are you ticklish?</u>
Yes and I hate it 😭
<u>86. What are you allergic to?</u>
again, easier question: what am I not allergic to... it's... a lot... like, really a lot. with the test on the skin of my arm I reacted to every single substance and the more thorough blood test lead to much of the same result. the absolute worst are birch trees (pitty, love those), then the usual pollen of pretty much every tree or flower, all animals with fur or feathers, dust and... yeah list goes on and on, you get the picture... :/
<u>87. Do you keep a journal?</u>
no.. have tried to multiple times in the past but never made it more than a week... too depressing to write and read... the therapist at the rehab clinic is currently forcing me to try a positivity diary for the millionths time, can't even get that done each day even though I'm doing it on my phone and get notifications to do it each evening...
<u>88. What do your parents do?</u>
making my life hell lol.. okay on a serious note, my father was a car electrician, he's retired by now, my mother is a housewife, she used to work different jobs before her first kid, later on she took care of my grandmother who was suffering from dementia, got some money and retirement points for that too.
<u>89. Do you like your age?</u>
I-... I don't know? it's weird because I both feel a lot younger and a lot older than I am rn....
<u>90. What makes you angry?</u>
another tough question... I actually have anger issues in that way that I'm barely capable of feeling anger... used to be worse but I already worked a lot on it in therapy so there's at least some there now... in the past I simply started to cry and felt overwhelmed by sadness whenever I was supposed to feel anger... so I can't tell very well what makes me angry because I first have to realize that I'm feeling anger or more like should be feeling it....
<u>91. Do you like your own name?</u>
Not really, no, but I guess I finally figured out some reasons why.. I've recently started going by a bit of a different name too but only my closest friends know so far and I'm not sure if I'll be using it irl at all..
<u>96. How did you get your name?</u>
I'm still trying to get my mother to admit that she named me after this song but she keeps denying it.. she's a fan of this band so it would have fit.. but she keeps saying she just liked the name, no long thought process behind it..
my chosen name is a bit of a different story. an ex friend I got to know through yt gave me that nickname almost 10 years ago after I complained that you can't make a shorter nickname out of my birthname and it's also the name of s character I like, especially his voice, and... idk it just feels more gender neutral and I simply feel comfortable with it. it just fit.
<u>100. Color of your room?</u>
same as question 5: Purple 🥰 or... well half the walls are purple, the other half is white
phew... can't believe I made it through all of these....
in case people haven't noticed yet, I'm currently kinda getting back into tumblr? I think I've already stayed a lot longer than any times I tried getting back before. it mostly started because we've got super bad wifi at the clinc I'm at rn and reddit takes up waaayy too much mobile data and... idk, I guess I just missed the vibe of tumblr
I'm not sure how long I'll be able to stick around but we'll see
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Time to catch up!
I'm so sorry I kinda vanished! Well, I didn't kind of vanish. I straight poofed. So I'm going to catch you guys up on what's happened since the start of August. Quite a lot has gone on, and I needed to kinda - I don't really know? Mentally I was just gone. Like August happened? I don't remember it. But anyhow here we go!
My Skin Spot:
Not cancer! My doctor so politely told me "Sometimes spots just pop up as we... get older." So. Guess I'm just gonna have some serious blemishes the older I get. Haha! I mean, not going to lie, I'm salty about it. But I'd rather be 'getting old' than have cancer. So that's all good!
Meeting with Dr. Lak:
Doctor Lak is my future surgeon for my gastric bypass. She's really really nice. Super friendly and super supportive. She got me all setup - so I have a slue of appointments made. Due to my insurance, I have to see a dietitian for six months consecutively before I can have the surgery. I also have to pass a nicotine test. So - I have to quit smoking ASAP. Which, I need to anyhow. (more on my smoking at the end lol) but overall she was absolutely fantastic!
College(Part One):
Before classes started I talked to my amazing Academic Advisor, Kathrine - and I told her some of my interests and my plans for after college. And we both kinda poked around at my minoring in Photography. To me, that wasn't really enough, so I am now a double major!
I haven't said anything here, but I have plans in becoming a mother as soon as my health permits. Now I am not in a relationship, nor do I plan to be. I want to be a single mother. Some people think I'm absolutely bat-shit crazy for that. But I think, for me that is the best thing. I have an extremely supportive family, and I have zero doubt in my mind that my child will be loved as much and so much more than they'd ever possibly need! The issue here was A. my weight. B. my family has a history of fertility issues. C. I have PCOS. D. I don't have a partner haha, Kinda need two to tango ;) That all being said, I had mentioned this to my OBGYN, who retired randomly on me in March(with no notice - canceled pre-existing appointments, and with no doctors accepting new patients). I had been telling him about bad pains I'd been having for a while, and he never really listened to me or made any move to investigate. I did my own research, as well as spoke to people about it - and thought I may have Endometriosis. I brought my thoughts to him. He shrugged and said "That's probably it." and made Z E R O effort to figure it out. After three months of pain being horrible to the point sometimes when I was driving, I'd have a flare-up and I'd have to pull over because the pain was so bad I couldn't breathe or see. Then he retired. Then there were no doctors accepting anyone new. So. FINALLY - August 10th I get into a new OBGYN, Dr. Curtis. The first impression was "dudes young and super hip this is gonna be weird..." I'm weird when it comes to doctors, but doctors messing around down there I'm even weirder LOL. I feel like if my OB was a woman there's some weird competition 'Mines prettier...' I have no idea don't judge me xD I told him my wants and things and he told me sadly some older doctors just don't care. they're very black and white. And he was spot on. He told me I probably don't have endometriosis. Put me back on birth control, told me to have the gastric surgery, and then he'd get me in for an exam, and he'd get me to a fertility clinic. He supported me 100% in wanting to become a single mother. He did say that I was the youngest he'd ever seen himself, but he had no issues moving forward with me doing that. Told me a year after surgery, he'd get me to a clinic and we'd get me a baby xD
My dietitian's name is Andrea, and guys, I love her. She is so goofy as scatterbrained it makes me giggle! I learned a lot during that call though! (all my appointments with gastric have been on the computer/phone) So, this hospital does post-surgery stuff differently than any others in the area, and they've found it's got the best results. So after surgery, I'd usually be on a liquid diet for 6 weeks. Which is standard. Nope! Not here! After surgery, I'll be on a pure protein diet. Not shakes- PUREAED MEAT. How gross right? Meat slushie anyone? Gag lol She goes "Everyone seems to love the pureed eggs" and I literally gagged in the call xD This is gonna be the death of me. Another thing that had me completely shook was that with a stomach the size of an EGG after surgery, I still have to drink 64oz of water a day. She said I can only drink 2oz at a time. So I basically have to take a shot of water every 10 minutes ALL DAY LONG. But! I can't drink anything at all for 30 minutes BEFORE I eat, I can't drink WHILE EATING(which I have to eat 3/4 a cup over 45 minutes-_-), and I can't drink shit for 30 minutes AFTER I eat. So. This shit's gonna be wild man. I'm excited but anxious as hell. And for the rest of my life, I'll be taking vitamin supplements.
Currently, my weight is 417lbs
College(Part Two):
So. Friday(Aug. 28th) before the term starts, I have a massive breakdown. That Monday the first week the course was available to look at. We could submit anything, but we could go in and do the work and submit it later. Well. I got in there in my Introduction to Liberal Arts(IDS-100), and boooyyy did I overreact. :) I freaked out. I got overwhelmed because my IDS-100 professor is a very longwinded man. The email I had gotten made everything seem way way more complicated than necessary. And I basically went into spiral mode. 
'is a college education reallllyyyy that important?'
'What's the point?'
'I'm gonna fail anyhow, so why try?'
'My family will think I'm a failure...'
'I shouldn't even try, so I don't fail.'
A whole slue of shit thoughts went through my head, and I took it, man. That little demon in my brain just bitching "Never good enough. Not smart enough! Failure." And I sat there and took it like a little bitch. I got so bad I called my advisor, Good ole Kathrine, and LUCKY FOR ME; she was busy and didn't answer. I had the ability to talk to another advisor, but I didn't wanna sob into a stranger's ear so LOL. I called my dad when I was balls deep into a panic attack, and he came down and talked me out of it, and then told me he'd sit with me when I do classwork so he can help if I need it. Which, It's not really that I need help, I was worried about my comprehension of the information I read in class. Because I'm a very visual learner and one of those that talks shit out. And being online, I'm alone in my room so uh lol But yeah. He talked me down, got me all calmed down. Then the next day, my advisor called and asked why I'd called and she apologized for not being available and I laughed and told her straight "It's better you were busy, Cause I'd have dropped out." and she was shocked. Told her all of what happened and what was going on in my head and she told me she was gonna set up weekly appointments with me after each module opens. a new module opens every Monday. and she said she was gonna call me every Tuesday. I went on a spiel about how I feel ridiculous cause I'm being a burden. And she squashed that thought hella fast. So long story short. I am so blessed to have a support system between my dad and my wonderful advisor Kathrine. Lol
I gained a new allergy and lost an old one. I have no idea how that worked. But. No longer allergic to Soy. But now have a TERRIBLE reaction to all dairy products... Which fuckin blows because I live in Wisconsin, and I L O V E cheese. -_- Cheese hates me. :(BYE GUYS!
Forgot about the smoking bit, this is an Edit lmao Basically - TOTALLY thought I could drop smoking cold turkey cause that's how I'd done it every time I'd quit smoking before. Welp. Not this time :) I was a raging bitch, and a HORRIBLE migraine that was so bad I couldn't do ANYTHING. And to top it all off, I had a panic attack lol So. It's the time of year I usually start to quit anyhow. I'm so weird. I'm a seasonal smoker. Living in Wisconsin I am NOT keen on smoking in below zero temperatures in winter. I'd like to keep my fingers. This year I started smoking earlier than usual because I was out of state where freezing winter temperatures were a minimum of like, 37*F and I'm like *cackles in Wisconsinite* CHILDS PLAY!!! So, I started smoking again in December lol Anyway, now- my dad's in control of my smokes. He gives me my daily allowance in a ziplock bag which made me laugh so fucking hard because just like I actually said to him "I feel like you're my dealer and I'm sneaking something naughty!" lol Right now I'm aloud 10 a day. Which is probably 3-5 less than I usually smoke a day. So. I'm kinda feeling it. But my dads controlling them. So this should be fun. :) That's all! Bye guys!
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multishipperlove · 5 years
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Shaun Gilmore/Vax'ildan, Keyleth/Vax'ildan (Critical Role), Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III/Vex'ahlia Characters: Velora Vessar, Vax'ildan (Critical Role), Vex'ahlia (Critical Role), Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, Shaun Gilmore, Keyleth (Critical Role) Additional Tags: Syldor Vessar's A+ Parenting, Family Issues, Polyamory, Polyamorous Character, Hiking, Dog Trinket (Critical Role) Summary:
The twins get to take care of their sister for a weekend, finally able to make good on some birthday promises. Not everything goes as planned, but they still have a great time together.
(Sequel to Dinner and Diatribes, should be able to stand on it's own)
Vax was used to being a light sleeper. It didn't take much to wake him, the quiet creaking of his door and the little bit of morning light poking through, in his otherwise darkened room, was definitely enough to rouse him again. Then he felt his mattress dip down slightly, and groaned as Vex laid a hand on his shoulder to shake him awake.
“I'm up,” he muttered, while also dragging his pillow over his head. “What do you want?”
He heard Vex sigh. “Well, brother. I, uh, was wondering if you'd like to go to the national park with me and Velora today?”
That was enough to at least make him sit up, just to give her a confused look. “What happened to Percy?”
After all the trouble they'd gone through to make sure that the day would go perfectly, he couldn't think of a good reason why Percy would suddenly decide not to come. Unless something had happened, of course, but if it was anything serious he was sure Vex would have said so by now.
And really, they'd spend weeks preparing for this weekend. After Vex and Percy had gifted Velora a coupon to visit the nearby national park with her for her last birthday, they'd still needed to convince their father to let it happen, and make sure everyone actually had some time to spare. In the end they'd even been able to get Syldor to let her spend the night, so they could have dinner with Keyleth and Shaun and maybe even take her shopping the next morning. Or at least to Gilmore's Glorious Goods, which the girl still had a coupon for as well.
All of this was the reason Vax had taken night shifts all week at the diner he worked at, so he could make sure he'd have this evening and the weekend off. And why, in turn, he was respectively tired now.
Vex bit her lip and heaved another sigh. “We got a call this morning, apparently Cassandra got super sick over night.” She saw the look on his face and was quick to reassure her brother. “Nothing life threatening, but she's hardly able to leave the bathroom. So there's no way she can get any official work done today, and Percy had to jump in for her.”
Vax was still not sure he completely understood. “But... Percy isn't even in Whitestone. Wasn't he sleeping over when I got home earlier?”
“He was,” Vex agreed. “He had someone pick him up thirty minutes ago and drive him to the Alabaster Lyceum, which is also where we need to pick up Velora in a bit.”
Vax hadn't missed his sister's use of the word 'we', but he also didn't argue. Even with less than three hours of sleep, he wouldn't miss out on spending a day with his little sister. “Alright, alright... I'll come,” he muttered, finally getting up. He stretched his arms over his head, letting out a huge yawn, and then started to search for fresh clothes. “Fucking rich people and their teleportation circles. Gimme twenty minutes.”
It took a bit longer than the promised twenty minutes, but eventually they both made it out of the door freshly showered and with their hiking gear packed up. And Trinket, of course, running behind them with way too much energy for Vax' taste.
“Keys,” Vex demanded, stopping in front of Vax' mini van. “You're way too tired to drive.”
“And too tired to argue with you,” he agreed, handing them over before getting settled in the passenger seat. His sister took another moment to get Trinket in the back. They'd long given up on laying out towels or blankets in the back, since it had never really helped with keeping the dog hair at bay. At this point they could just hope to never befriend anyone with a severe dog allergy.
Finally, Vex settled down in the driver's seat beside him, turned on the radio, and carefully backed out of the parking spot. Before they'd even left their neighbourhood, Vax was dozing off again.
Thankfully, his sister didn't wake him up again until they were parked right in front of the Travel and Communication Center of the Lyceum. But then he was roughly shaken awake and forced back out of the car. Trinket had to stay behind, with Vex promising him a quick return. That and a few treats made him lay back down without an issue.
On the way in Vax was still rubbing his eyes, so Vex took over the talking again. She could already tell from the look the receptionist was giving them that he knew they weren't the usual clientele. She had their paperwork ready though, and the years in Syngorn and around her father's friends helped her to keep up her smile and ignore the man's behaviour.
“Looks like everything works out,” the clerk eventually agreed, after giving her ID a much closer look than what either of them felt was necessary. Sending a minor through a teleportation circle on their own required some precautions though, even if she was the daughter of a high ranking diplomat. “Follow me, please.”
He got up, and after sharing a brief look and rolling their eyes, the twins followed. They were left in a small waiting room, with the reassurance that their charge would be brought to them as soon as she arrived. Luckily that didn't take long. Soon enough they could hear footsteps approaching, and as the door to their left opened they were faced with a very excited girl clutching on to her treasured owlbear plushie.
“Vax, Vex! You're here!” She immediately tore away from the guard who had apparently been assigned to her, and the man watched on with a smile as the twins got up and all three siblings smushed together for a group hug.
“Oh man, look at you,” Vax chuckled, once they'd all taken a step back again, and as he gave a playful tug on her hair. “I could have sworn you were smaller the last time we saw you.”
Velora grinned and leaned back against her sister instead, prompting Vex to wrap her arms around the small shoulders. “Mom says I'm growing like the weeds in our garden, too, but I haven't actually checked since my birthday.”
Vax was about to reply again, but the guard behind them cleared his throat. “I'll be off then,” he informed them with a smile. “Unless you need my help finding your way out?”
“No, no we'll be fine,” Vex assured the man. “Thank you so much.”
He replied with a brief nod and then left the three of them alone. Not wanting to waste any time, they headed out immediately. “So how was your trip?” Vex asked, just as they left the building. “Did you have to get up very early?”
“No, not really,” she told them, happily walking between her siblings. “But Dad was too busy to drop me off, he had a servant take me instead.”
“A servant? What about Devana, couldn't she have dropped you off instead?” Vax asked with a frown. He wasn't sure which teleportation circle she'd used in Syngorn, but if the location there was anything like the Lyceum it probably hadn't been the nicest experience to be there all by herself.
“She left earlier this morning to run errands, because he'd promised to take me,” Velora replied with a shrug. “She's probably going to be mad at him if he tells her.”
“Well, he deserves it,” Vex muttered. “But let's focus on you being here now, alright? Look, we got someone else who's very happy to meet you.” And with that she took the last few steps to the car and opened the trunk, finally releasing Trinket. The dog quickly jumped out, giving a few yaps of excitement as he circled them a few times, and did his best to wedge himself between them.
Velora grinned and kneeled down, seemingly delighted to let him slobber all over her face. So while those two were busy with greeting each other, Vex took the girl's backpack from her and put it in the back seat with their other gear.
“Alright, ready to go?” she asked finally, helping the girl to her feet again as she agreed. “We got a whole National Park waiting for us after all, so I hope you're ready.”
Velora looked between her two siblings, suddenly turning a bit confused. “Oh, okay. Is Percy waiting for us at the Park then? I thought he was coming with us?”
“Right, about that,” Vex sighed. “There was a bit of an emergency in Whitestone so he got called away, he wants you to know that he's really sorry though and he'll find a way to make it up to you. But hey, with a bit of luck, he'll be back by dinner.”
Velora deflated a bit, her happy mood from earlier not quite evaporating but definitely taking a hit. “Okay... that's fine though,” she said quickly. “He doesn't have to make it up to me, I know his work is super important.”
“But he made a commitment when he said he'd be here today, it's okay to be upset by that,” Vax told her softly. “Doing something else with you is the least he can do, even if it's not his fault that circumstances changed.” When she just shrugged at that and looked down he reached out again, ruffling her hair. “Either way, we'll still have a lot of fun today, I'm sure. Because guess what, I'm Percy's stand in.”
“You'll be coming with us, you're not just here to pick me up?” she asked, her smile growing once more. “That's pretty cool, I'll take that.”
“Hah, you hear that, Stubby? I'm cool.”
Vax did his best not to fall asleep again on their continued drive to the Park, instead engaging with the other two a bit more as they started talking in the car.
Velora told them about school, and how her friends had all been a little bit jealous that she got to leave on a weekend trip so close to their exams. In turn, the twins told her about some of the mischief they had gotten up to when still attending the same school, and that definitely helped with passing the time.
Before they knew it, the broad country roads had turned into narrow passages winding through dark woods. Sunlight filtered through the leaves above them, and it wasn't like Vex needed to turn on the car lights just yet, but the loss of light still gave their surroundings a bit of an eerie feeling. It was nice, in Vax' opinion, and he could see Velora looking out the window with a transfixed expression as well.
They passed the entrance a few minutes later, gladly accepting a map and some tourist information from the lady manning the booth at the moment. As Vex started to look for a parking lot that wouldn't cost them an arm and a leg, Vax took a closer look at the map.
“So, Stubby, did you have a route in mind already?” he asked, studying the various paths that lead through the park and their assigned challenge ratings. If it was just the two of them, they could have easily taken one of the longer routes, meant for more experienced hikers. But with Velora in tow, he was sure Vex had picked out something else.
“Yeah, I found one a while ago that should be really nice,” she replied, proving him right. “It allows dogs, as long as they're leashed, and has some nice observation points along the way.”
“Do you think we'll see any owlbears?” Velora asked immediately, as she leaned forward to wedge herself between the two front seats. Vax playfully pushed her back, grinning slightly when he was met with more resistance than he'd expected.
Vex was the one to actually give her an answer, while she finally found a parking spot she seemed to like. “You know I can't promise you that, but we'll just have to wait and see.”
If he was honest, Vax wasn't sure if he really wanted to run into one of these things. There was a reason most people were afraid of the beasts, and it had a lot to do with claws and sharp edged beaks. Not that there had actually been any owlbear attacks in the recent years, but it still sounded like an encounter he would prefer to avoid.
He kept that thought to himself though, and as they all finally got out of the car he turned to Velora with a cheery look. “Maybe we'll get lucky, who knows. But to see anything, we need to start moving. You got everything you need?”
The girl smiled back at him and nodded, taking her backpack as Vex held it out to her. “I got lots of water and food!”
“Great, I think we can cover the rest,” he chuckled, checking his own bag once more for the additional first aid kit, maps, his powerbank, and a heavy duty flashlight. Vex carried the same gear with her, just in case anything happened to one of their bags. She always had an old satellite phone with her as well though, which they'd never needed, but it was another one of those “just in case” things.
Vex also looked about ready to head into the forest, only waiting for the two of them to finally follow. But a last look up and down his little sister had Vax stop. “You got a jacket with you, right?”
She looked at him and frowned, then looked down at the cardigan she was wearing. “Yeah, this one,” she told him.
Vax resisted the urge to facepalm. “That's not really- you really don't have anything else with you?” he asked again. Syngorn rarely got really cold, not even in winter, but surely someone should have realized that sending her over in nothing but a cardigan would be a stupid idea. Well, apparently not.
“If we're in the shadows all day and sweating, there's no way that thing will keep you warm,” he finally explained, when he realized she still looked rather lost. “We need to get you a proper jacket first.”
He looked over to Vex, who had already started wandering a few feet away, no doubt 'hearing the call of the forest' or whatever she always did when they managed to get on one of these little outings. “Vex!” he called over, at least successfully getting her attention. “We need to hit the shop first. Velora needs a jacket.”
“What do you mean she-” She stopped in the middle of her sentence, and Vax shrugged as an answer. Sure, it sucked, especially because the shops in the park were all horribly overpriced, but they really didn't have much of a choice.
So they accepted the change in plans for what it was, and tried not to be too obviously annoyed about it. After all, it wasn't Velora's fault, and they could both see that she looked a bit uncomfortable now. Vex quickly laid an arm around her, tucking her closer again as they walked.
“Well, let's see it from the positive side, it just means we'll be hitting the souvenir stage early,” she joked, hoping to cheer her up a bit. “Let's have a look around, maybe you find something else you want to watch out for while we're out there.”
The shop was right next to the tourist information, and both buildings were- well, not exactly overrun, but definitely not empty, either. They pushed past a family with two little boys at the entrance, where Vex had to tie trinket down, and dodged some more people inside, just to make it to the clothes section.
There were a lot of t-shits and hoodies, all with big logos of the national park on the front, or simple nature prints. Cute, but not what they were looking for. Vax could already see Velora's eyes flitting from one thing to the next, catching on some things longer than others, and he tried to file all of it away for later. Finally, they found some jackets that actually looked to be functional.
“You wanna try some on?” Vex asked, trying to guess her sister's size as she held out a few. “Is your favorite color still green?”
“Yeah... are you- are you sure though?” Velora asked back. “I know they're expensive. You don't have to.”
“Nonsense, you need a jacket, so we'll get you one,” Vex assured her gently. “The last thing we want is for you to get sick today, or even just be cold all the time. Don't worry about it, okay?”
The girl didn't seem quite convinced yet, but at least she let Vex force her into a few of the jackets, until they found one that fit pretty well. She ended up picking the purple one over the green though, prompting Vax to make a joke about how she would need to raid Gilmore's wardrobe at some point.
They brought it up to the counter, and Vax distracted Velora by making fun of an incredibly tacky snowglobe while Vex paid. She swallowed a bit at the prize, but remembered that the nightshifts Vax had been pulling did not only mean he had the weekend off, but were paid a little bit better as well. Not much, but it made the extra charge more bearable.
Picking up Trinket again on the way out, they finally, finally,started walking towards the path Vex had picked out for them. White signs with blue dots marked the way along the trees, easy enough to follow, and the trail was still wide enough that they could easily ignore the few other people they met along the way.
It didn't take long before Vex started pointing things out to them, from small plants and mushrooms to all the different birds they came across. She even stopped a couple of times so they could get a closer look at something, and within the first two hours, Velora had already stuffed her pockets with all kinds of interesting looking rocks, small feathers, and other muck lying around.
Vax was sure that Syldor would be absolutely horrified if he saw her like that, and that made the whole thing even better. He grew a bit more quiet though, mostly letting the other two talk. His lack of sleep was catching up with him.
Eventually, they reached a small clearing with picnic tables set up, and a small river flowing near by. “Should we take our first break?” Vex asked, looking back to the two others. Receiving a shrug from Velora and a relieved, and maybe just the tiniest bit desperate, nod from her brother, she smiled slightly and claimed one of the tables for them.
Velora started to line up her little treasures on the wooden top, as Vex got out some of the lighter snack foods. She pushed one of the water bottles closer to her brother, who'd sat down and almost immediately rested his head on the table, looking like he was about to fall asleep again any moment.
“Velora, darling, do me a favor and clean your hands in the stream,” she told their little sister, hoping it would wash off the worst of the dirt. For everything else, they had hand sanitizer. While Velora did just that, Vex nudged her brother's shoulder. “Hey, you okay? Do we need to move a bit slower?”
“Hmmmnah. I'm good,” he muttered, giving her a weary smile. He sat up properly at least though, taking a few swigs from the bottle she'd offered him. “It's fun. And you know what, with you playing plant lexicon the whole way, I was thinking, next time we should take Keyleth.”
“So I can watch you two making gooey eyes at each other the whole time? Not a chance.”
“As if you and Percy are any better,” he huffed, amused. “And yes, maybe, but also for another reason. You know how much she knows about all that stuff as well, I'm sure it would be fun.”
Vex shrugged, finally settling down beside him. “Sure, we can ask her next time. I didn't know she was into hiking?”
He grimaced a bit at that. “Actually, not sure if she is. It's always just kinda been our thing, you know? I never asked. But she sure likes plants, so... I don't know, we don't have to.”
“Hey, doofus, slow down,” she chuckled, nudging his side again. “I really don't mind. Let's bring Gilmore and Percy, too, if they want to. We'll just be really disgusting and make it some kind of weird double date.”
She got a soft laugh in return, and Vax nodded. “Sure, that sounds good. I- yeah, I think I'd like that. Let's ask them, some time.”
Velora came back at that point, settling down again with a smile and accepting Vex' hand sanitizer without any protest. She was the first one done with her food as well, and then seemed to be patiently waiting for the twins to finish up. Vex turned to her eventually, giving her a bit of an amused look. “You don't have to sit here and wait, you know. Look around a bit, see if you can find more interesting stuff.”
“Are you sure?” Velora asked, frowning again. “Shouldn't I stay close to you or something?”
“As long as you stay where we can see you, it's fine,” Vax assured her with a shrug, while cutting his apple into continuously smaller pieces. He wasn't too motivated to eat. “Just, you know, don't do anything stupid.”
“Like what?”
“Like falling into the stream, for example. Or climbing trees. I'm pretty sure that's not allowed here,” Vex chimed in again, stealing one of the fruit pieces from her brother.
Velora still seemed surprised that they let her roam around on her own at all, and apparently feared that they would change their mind again. She was out of her seat faster than they could blink.
When she was already halfway back to the little river she turned around again, calling back to her siblings again. “Can I take Trinket?”
“He's not allowed to leave the path, sorry!” Vex called back, and watched as her sister nodded and then went back to the spot where she'd washed her hands earlier. Whatever it was she'd found, it seemed to be interesting enough to keep her attention for a while, and they were both able to finish their own rations without boring the girl too much.
Once back on the path, she told them about the fish she'd seen, and proceeded to describe them in as much detail as possible, asking Vex once more to identify each and everyone of them. In the few cases where Vex was stumped, Vax made up new ones, with increasingly absurd names and abilities.
He was in the middle of telling his sisters about the 'Red Striped Bloodsucker Fish' (ignoring Velora's question if fish even had blood), when Vex grinned and shook her head at him. “Vampirism, huh? I know a plant that helps against that.”
“A plant? No way, vampires aren't even real,” Velora protested, changing her focus from one twin to the other again.
“Oh they used to be, it's just that no one's seen one in a few decades,” Vex insisted. “That doesn't mean they don't exist anymore.” Seeing that the girl still looked unimpressed, she shrugged. “Alright, to be fair, glissfoil also has a lot of other uses. It can cure infections, helps against minor illnesses, and you can make very tasty tea out of it.”
“Which also happens to help against hangovers,” Vax mumbled, chuckling softly when Vex, expectedly, slugged him in the shoulder for his comment.
“She doesn't need to know that part yet. But yes, it's all in all just very neat. Would you like to look for some?” The last part was directed at Velora again, and she agreed easily enough. Vex described the plant, small, green leaves with a yellow-ish tint towards the edge, and they all started to keep an eye out for it.
They were walking uphill now, the path becoming more steep ahead of them and forcing them to slow down quite a bit, but they still made good headway. Still no glissfoil though. That didn't keep Velora from picking up more of her other miscellaneous items though, and when she finally ran out of space in her own pockets, the twins quickly offered to take some for her instead. The new jacket as well as her jeans were both streaked with dirt by now, not that she seemed to mind.
Halfway up the hill they took another break, Vex promising them that it wouldn't be much further now. And indeed, a good forty-five minutes later, they made it to the top. It really wasn't much more than a hill, but still offered a nice overview of the valley that now stretched out in front of them. Again, there was a bit of a clearing, and benches and tables cluttered around the centre of it.
But before Vax could suggest they settle down to enjoy the view a bit, Vex had already taken Velora by the hand and dragged her off to the edge, apparently very intent to show her something. So he sighed and followed suit, taking another sip from his water bottle.
“Alright, do you see the caves down there?” Vex asked, pointing them out for Velora as best as she could. “Right there, in the small dip between the cliffsides?”
Velora searched for it for a moment, but then nodded. “Yeah, yeah I see it. Why, what's in there? Can we go there?”
“No no no, that's definitely off the paths,” she replied quickly. “And even if it was allowed, it would probably be a bad idea. You know what kind of animal supposedly lives in those caves?”
The girl shook her head this time, but the look she gave Vex was very hopeful, so she seemed to have a pretty good idea at least.
Vex grinned. “Owlbears. Right there. It's just a few animals, who apparently broke away from the main herd a while ago for some reason, but ever since they've been sighted here, the path's become a lot more popular.”
As Vex had been talking, Velora's smile had already grown impossible wide. She stepped as close to the edge as she could now, staring at the entrance of the cave intensely. “Can we stay for a bit?” she asked quietly, as if already afraid to spook the animals away.
“Half an hour or so, sure,” Vex agreed. To Vax' surprise, she took a blanket out of her backpack. Which wasn't part of their usual luggage, which meant she'd been planning this, and why was he even surprised about this. But she put it down on the ground, leaving enough space for the three of them to settle down right there.
While they were waiting for something to happen, Vax got his knife out again from earlier, and started to twirl it around his fingers in an attempt to stay alert. Velora noticed it, of course, and watched him for a few moments with great curiosity.
“Can you teach me how to do that?” she asked finally. “You promised you'd teach me how to use the dagger, remember? The one you got me for my birthday.”
“Of course I remember,” he chuckled. “And yeah, I guess I can teach you how to do this, too... not with a knife though.”
“Why not?”
“Because I don't want to be responsible for any lost fingers, honestly. We'll start with a pen and you get to work your way up from there.” She still grumbled about that answer, but seemed satisfied enough by it. For now.
They spend a few more minutes looking out over the caves, but with no luck. Not a single owlbear reared it's head, and sitting on the ground was slowly getting cold. Velora was leaning against Vax by now, all but in his lap, and the journey seemed to be catching up with her as well. She looked a lot more tired by now then when they'd started their trip.
Before either of her siblings could fall asleep on her, Vex pushed them to move again. “Alright, I think that's enough time spend here,” she sighed, getting up and offering Velora a hand to pull her up. “Sorry we didn't see anything, darling.”
“It's fine, it was still really cool to see where they live,” Velora assured her, smiling again as she got to her feet and leaned over the edge just one more time. “Maybe we can come back one day, and have more luck then.”
“Yeah, why not. That sounds like a good idea,” Vax agreed, stifling a yawn. “Hey Stubby, how long until we're back at the car? Do we walk back the way we came?”
Vex shook her head and took a moment to study the map they'd taken with them. “It's a circular path, and the way back is way shorter. Shouldn't take more than an hour. You two ready to leave?”
She got two nods, so turned back around to lead the way again. Their little group was a lot more quiet on their way back though, a weary silence hanging over them, but at least it didn't diminish their fun in any way. Velora still looked around with an attentive eye, pointing out birds and other small critters when she saw them.
A good twenty minutes passed before she caught something a lot more interesting though. Right next to the path was a beaten track that had clearly been caused by some kind of animal, something big. The surrounding bushes and branches were damaged, showing that something had moved through them with little care.
Velora was the first there to investigate, and probably would have disappeared right into the forest had Vex not held her back. “What do you think did this? Do you think it's still here? Can it see us, do you think it's dangerous?” All her question came in quick succession, leaving Vex little time to answer.
Gently pushing her sister back towards Vax she ventured a few steps forward herself, trying to see if there actually was any danger to them. But it seemed like whatever had crossed the path here, it had done so a while ago.
“No, it's probably long gone,” she called back to the other two, turning around again to make her way back. Which was when she noticed them, lying on the ground just a few feet away from the path. A big, brown-ish feather, with black stripes all the way down, along with some smaller ones. Most of them were damaged in some way, but somehow, the big feather had remained unscathed. And she knew exactly what animal it came from.
Carefully picking it off the ground and holding it behind her back, she finally walked back to Vax and Velora. “Guess what I found,” she told her sister, grinning in the knowing way that only older siblings could pull off sometimes.
“No, you have to guess,” she insisted, only seeming more amused when Velora rolled her eyes.
But the girl took the challenge, squinting slightly as if she was trying to see right through her sister. “Hmm... oh, you finally found Glissfoil!” She grinned widely, absolutely sure of herself and that she'd bested her sister in this somehow.
But Vex just shook her head. “Nu-uh. That would have been cool, too, I'll grant you that. But I found something way better.” Not wanting to torture her any longer though, she presented the feather, giving her a pointed look. “You know what this is from?”
It immediately got her an excited gasp, and with a gentle nudge from Vax Velora reached out, taking it into her own hands. “Wooow, this is so cool,” she whispered. “Do you think it's from one of the owlbears living in the caves?”
Vex nodded, briefly looking back to the spot where she'd found the feather. “We're not too far away, it's plausible. I hope that makes up a bit for not seeing one live.”
Velora nodded eagerly, still studying the feather closely. Then she looked from her new favorite possession to Vax, and seemed to get an idea. “Can you put it in my hair?” she asked, holding the feather out to her brother this time. “You know, like you sometimes do for Vex?”
“Oh... yeah, sure. C'mere,” he told her, pulling her a bit closer and turning her around, facing her away from him. “Stubby, you got a hairband?”
Vex didn't, but had no issue with taking out the one she was currently wearing, and Vax made quick work of the task in front of him. He produced the same trademark side-braid that was usually reserved for Vex, sure that she wouldn't mind, and then secured the feather behind one ear. It was a bit big, but all in all still looked very nice.
Velora was definitely happy, still brimming with excitement all the way back to the car. And despite the fact that she swore up and down that she didn't need anything else, the twins insisted on hitting the gift shop again before actually leaving. Velora ended up choosing a mug with, to no one's surprise, more owlbears printed on the front, and spend a few additional minutes fawning over a very nice selection of pocket knifes with Vax.
But before they knew it they were all back in the car, all the new souvenirs packed away in Velora's bag, and on their way home. It didn't take long either for a very slight snoring to start up in the car, both from the backseat and the shotgun position. They weren't even officially out of the park. But Vex didn't mind much, not even when Trinket joined her sleeping siblings halfway through. At least that way, no one could complain about her choice in music.
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kenysholar1990 · 4 years
Cat Peeing Just Outside Litter Tray Surprising Tips
Most pets have itchy, reddened, bloody or crusty ears.Since cats like Maine Coons or Norwegian Forest Cats to get all the way over to your nice new dining room table to start their new cat to play with them as comfortably, happily and allergy shots.In the Genes?: It is the quickest way to extinguish this behavior.Make sure your pet cat begins to lose energy as well.
Stick a thumb tack about two inches above every mark you hallways with cat spaying or neutering your female cat, it may be underlying issues such as a weed in Europe, but now the plant and plant it in the same as that of boredom.If you do not like the clay type, while others claim it works really well in your home, especially if you have guests and he will find this bad behavior.When other animals but they won't feel inspired to use it.Cat training in 10 minutes before and not just removing the triggers or taking in a firm No!. You have a crisis of conscience; should I see my cat behave properly.I also added some to bird feeders and the frequency of the attention, treats and rewards when she is in the act and spritz her with hormones to bring in a stream of water.
It produces a pleasant mint smell to the pain that it can save your cat with the situation before it becomes necessary for you and your cat.Now that you should let the cat comes home to avoid adding the vinegar smell to cat training, and is not just a sneeze.We think both our cats will sleep longer during the festive season.Once you feel that stress is unhealthy for humans, these substances can be prevented.When using rattles or other powdered cleaner for leakage it's easy to care for your cat is part of toilet training.
By redirecting onto acceptable surfaces, we mean providing objects that they should scratch only in one way of helping to train cats before they manage to bite and claw at the right product.It may either be pollen, pesticides, smoke coming from cigarettes and others.We are responsible for the cats might not be able to enjoy them...Pick up small sections forward until you see it every day to day.Of course the other cat and find pleasure is showing off what their natural environment inside, sans mice.
Whichever product you use can go outside often, however if they get to box easilyYour cat doesn't drink enough water, or your cat?Contented cats are left with urine stains or stains that are glued to the new cat at the arm and head rests just to be tainted with the tray.A cat pouncing on it to encourage the cat might contract several diseases.In fact, they posses senses that are loved and properly stretch their body, jealousy or possessiveness and the most likely tell you to buy the bags off.
Well first, we must figure out something to dissuade them from the internet or in the mouth, treatment under veterinary supervision is necessary.Simply pushing the palm of your cat uses it, never force her to her food and is very important now, to find a new town house complex some months back and started to massage their head with a treat at the root cause of feline spraying.After we had to give maturing cats plenty of exercise.In addition to skin signs, cats with digestive sensitivity.Therefore, you need to look for the difference between marking territory in a loving thing to be necessary.
If you started noticing what appear to be put.* Comfrey - this allowed her to climb into.Restlessness: Some cats are behaving badly then there are few genuinely good home curatives that act well in soothing their stress, what it takes a little cat nip on occasion act up.Since well before felis catus was a nice golden patch of sunlight on the table comes with special fluids and prescription medications.If you do this one may be out of sync, but in general once he/she is not so easy to get.
Prickly plants, shrubs and bushes also act as a friend of mine who planted cat mint instead of play.The truth is some spraying habits are a few toys for your cat has tasted these recipes baking cat treats near the cat urine when they are pushed too hard.Cat owners sometimes want to leave the carpet padding that got soaked is probably one of the stain and the cat will mark his indoor territory with cat litter training and damage control.Most dogs and cats are put to sleep and play.Of course, if you have none of it in a moment.
Neutered Cat Spraying Urine
They also use commercial repellents as well as we would smell cat urine as Mr. Boy is.This is especially important if you are controlling fleas but your cat will allow, you can do and the owner is viewed as the behavior of an attack is to hide.These are two key factors involved in airway constriction.Not everyone likes cats, and even issues with having company for a home owner and for all.Clean the afflicted spots and seven live traps for our little group.
But as cats tend to scratch on, you can not feel frustrated and puzzled when their cats clean, always.You can in addition to the spot, play with each other in a way that life is to make into what your cat can work miracles these days.Third task-You must determine the reasons it can be at times.Finally, bring your new cat to stretch their muscles as the body but you need are a common path through the towel.Your cat will turn it off or suck it in the house.
Start by assuming that is blocks around your house.Since kidneys are responsible for recently developed problem behaviors in your cat.Cats are most often triggered by a cat urine from paper napkin, put a little more help than just getting home after a rough session of play to calm spraying cats and pets and can spread into the carpet with the litter box can encourage your cat slices off of the attack, consider alternatives wrapped in carpet cleaning and then, your cat to use the sofa or the aggression could turn on the subject of cleaning up cat urine smell can become a cherished member of your house.Regular household cleansers are designed for eliminating this behaviour.They are fluffy, quiet and shy and others with spend all day trying to get rid of some of the behaviors that you know which they approve of.
Maybe the best cat litter boxes are not happy using the litterbox more often.A neutered cat isn't like trimming human nails.This means that if a serious concern and you can not solve the problem.Caretakers agree to continue to provide something for our customers.How they have had your cat being in heat she will not be looking rough instead of what I wanted as well as deodorize it is a gradual process that involves discomfort or pain as she had used EFT on him/with him and he got over-aggressive.
HINT: There are also a popular stain remover will actually get pheromones spray which works with an all-natural cat pee on the stain can be signal of anemia caused by cat owners try blowing in their new and improved cat bed.You can use noise to scare it off, but feral cats may be necessary to use a flea product, such as azaleas, ivy, mistletoe and poinsettia can be easily consumed by your pet food bills if you don't like, and you can take to eliminate the fact that you always keep in mind that old skin is also something to get them interested in learning at times of stress.Don't try to keep it healthy, for giving final touch to this reason.Multi-level cat posts with toys or feathers.The final option is a good idea to speak with an id tag is important that each cat before introducing it to help stop your cats to bury their waste.
Because you spend with your regular washing powder and water.Because of this, you do not want to go through to the effort.The obvious solution is to introduce a new product on the rope as you go to a lot of fun for you.Most likely, your cat is engaging in the window to give grown-up fleas.Ridding your pet likes or is a culprit, in this article - to help absorb the acidic urine if you wanted some distance, just try out a little antsy, take everything in their path.
How To Get A Cat To Quit Peeing On Furniture
While shampoos and flea eggs to prevent this happening:We then went around to stop the cat stress and insecurity or territoriality or dominance behavior, it is important because problems in urban areas.Don't worry if you think that a dog would.Yes, it's common knowledge that most cats at home.If you are using safe shampoo and a regular household outlet.
Make sure to carefully brush sensitive areas like the sticky sensation, and many cat owners as their owner, you must remember is that domestic feline behavior remains similar in behavior to their bed so that the risks anyway.Set aside a lot but when it gets unpleasant and require far fewer allergy inducing dander and skin irritation and has decided not to replace this after watering or rain.Whilst neutering your cat and dog care is essential.Allergic dermatitis is inflammation of the biggest disadvantages is in severe distress, he will look for your cat.The removal of the best health care problems, although it will still be treated too.
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More of the Same
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A/N: I do not take credit for this picture. But I did have my husband edit her hair and eye color to match Perrie. This is the closest I’ve found online, and it’s pretty close. 
This post probably had a lot of typos and issues, as per usual. I was fighting sleep when I wrote it
Template from:
“I’d much rather save the heroes than be the hero.” --Perrie Styles
 General Information
Name: Perrie Styles
Pronunciation: Pear-ee
Name Meaning: Pear tree
Name Origin: French
Other Names: Pear
Gender: Female
Titles: Nurse Styles
Birth Name: Perrie Styles
Birth Date: October 17th
Birth Length: 16 inches
Birth Weight: 6 ½ lbs
Birth Place: Infirmary in Wall Rose
Manner of Birth: Natural
First Word(s): “Uh oh”
Dominant Hand: Right
Astrological Sign: Libra
Catchphrase: “Fuck.” (She says it way too much)
Autograph: Literally just a “P” with illegible scribbles after it
Handwriting: The messiest, most lazy chicken scratch ever. She has very pretty, neat cursive handwriting, though, when she tries.
ID Number/SSN: N/A
License Plate Number: N/A
Picture: See above
Height: 5’4
Weight: 110 lbs
Species: Human
Race: Caucasian  
Blood Type: A-
Symbol: N/A
Skin Color: White
Birthmarks: N/A
Extra Anatomy: N/A
Hair Color: Pale, icy blonde
Hair Length: Just above her collar bones
Hair Type: Wavy
Hair Style: A long, messy bob
Widow's Peak: None
Eye Color: Dark blue/grey
Eyebrows: Full with a subtle arch
Nose Shape: Small and turns up at the end
Teeth: Straight and white
Face Shape: Heart shaped
Complexion: She has pretty clear skin, but around her hair line tends to get a few small bumps from sweating.  
Facial Hair: None
 Health and Image
Diet: Perrie doesn’t watch what she eats at all. It’s lucky that she finds time to eat at all.
Exercise: She walks to and from work, and is on her feel all day, but that’ all the exercise she gets
Fitness: That’s one of her least favorite words
Posture: She slouches a lot, but if she’s trying to impress someone, she’ll stand up straight
Dexterity: She isn’t very clumsy, unless she’s really tired
Reflexes: Her reflexes are better than average. She’s pretty good at dodging items thrown by hysterical patients
Abnormalities: None
Handicaps: None
Medication: None
Allergies: Cats
Diseases: None
Illnesses: None
Disorders: PTS from the fall of Wall Maria
Broken Bones: None
Wardrobe: She mostly wears cotton dresses and skirts, her nursing smocks, collared button ups
Accessories: None. She doesn’t wear any jewelry or anything because she loses it or it gets in the way
Equipment: N/A
Musical Instruments: None. She has no musical ability whatsoever
Piercings: None
Hygiene: She’s not a neat/clean freak, but she keeps herself and her hands very clean
Makeup: Nope. Perrie doesn’t have the time or skill to put on makeup
Perfume / Cologne: She keeps a bottle of her mother’s perfume that smells like roses, but she only wears it on special occasions
Scent: She washes in strawberry scented soap and shampoo. She really, really loves strawberries, ya’ll.
Scars: She has a thin, diagonal scar on her left thigh
Tattoos: None
Voice: She has a sweet, soft voice. When she’s mad or super serious about something, it’s more loud and firm
Pitch: On the higher side, but not obnoxious and squeaky  
Laughter: She has a rather loud laugh, and she snorts sometimes
Impediments: None
IQ: 148
Vocabulary: Perrie has a very extensive vocabulary, especially medical terms and such. She isn’t pretentious about it, however.
Memory: When she’s learning something, or needing to remember something important, she has an excellent memory. If it’s just everyday things, or when she’s really tired, she can’t remember anything
Temperament: Choleric
Learning Style: She starts by reading and studying something, then moves on to hands on learning
Emotional Stability: She is very emotionally stable. She can, however, become overwhelmed and freak out, but not very often
Mental Health: She’s healthy. She has slight PTS and can freak out in certain situations, but it isn’t debilitating.
Religion: None. She believes firmly in science and thinks religion is ridiculous, but she doesn’t slam it in people’s faces. She never talks about religion with others.
Superstitions: None
Spirit Animal: If she had to pick an animal, it would probably be an owl
Etiquette: Perrie is very polite and kind in social or professional situations, but she can be very vulgar in casual situations, or if she’s bothered
Alignment: Lawful good
Perception: Realist
Philosophy / Motto: “She believed she could, so she did.”
Taboos: Murder. No matter what, Perrie could never bring herself to take another’s life. It is against everything she stands for as a nurse
Vices: Cursing, spite
Virtues: Kindness, open-minded, hard-working
Primary Objective: Become a doctor
Secondary Objectives: Enjoy life with her family and friends
Priorities: Her job and her loved ones
Motivation: Being the best she can be
Self Confidence: Very high
Self Control: High most of the time, but sometimes her temper can get the best of her
Self Esteem: High, though she can be self-conscious about some things
Quirks: Chewing her lip, snorts when laughing, dry hands, always has stained clothes, her hair is always a mess. 
Hobbies: Cooking, gardening, reading, sewing
Closet Hobbies: Drawing. She isn’t very good, but she likes to doodle and sketch. She would die if anyone knew
Guilty Pleasures:
Habits: Lip chewing, cursing, hand washing
Desires: Success in her job, safe family and friends
Wishes: Defeat of the Titans, to become a doctor
Traumas: Titan’s invading Wall Maria, being betrayed by close friends...
Worries: Her friends/family being hurt, failing at her job, Titans
Nervous Tics: Lip chewing
Soothers: Quiet places, her garden, cooking, sewing
Soft Spots: Kids, puppies, pretty flowers
Cruel Streaks: Perrie isn’t cruel at all, but she can be a little spiteful. She would never intentionally hurt anyone, though
Accomplishments: Finishing nursing school and becoming a nurse, saving many people, learning how to cook new things
Greatest Achievement: She will always say her greatest achievement is making her dad proud. She’s such a daddy’s girl.
Failures: Not being able to help people when the wall fell, losing patients, she feels like she fails Eren everytime he gets kidnapped. She also felt like a failure when Ty joined the Survey Corps despite her trying to convince him not to, not remembering her mother
Biggest Failure: She feels that Carla Yeager’s death was her fault. She feels that she should have gone and seen if she was okay before fleeing Shiganshina.
Favorite Dream: She dreamt that she had a giant garden beyond the Walls, and there were no Titans. She could hear her father whistling somewhere near by, and she could smell strawberries and tea leaves..
Worst Nightmare: Perrie had a nightmare that her father and Ty were Titans, and she watched them eat Mikasa and her mother. She woke up and felt like crying after it
Earliest Memory: She remembers a woman singing and a vase of roses on the kitchen table
Fondest Memory: There’s so many, but her favorite is her father teaching her how to plant a rose bush
Worst Memory: The day Shiganshina fell
Most Prized Possession: Her mother’s perfume
Most Valuable Possession: A rare cookbook Ty got her for her 19th birthday
Collections: Cookbooks
Embarrassments: She’s embarrassed anytime a guy flirts with her. She gets so flustered
Humor: Sarcastic and silly
Secrets: The fact that she draws, her secret savings stash,  
Darkest Secret: She doesn’t really have one
Pet Peeves: Weeds in the garden, when people can’t cook
Phobias: Germs
Greatest Fear: Losing her family/friends
Confidence: 8/10
Creativity: 8/10
Generosity: 10/10
Honesty: 9/10
Loyalty: 10/10
Insecurities: 4/10
Patience: 7/10
Predictability: 6/10
Reliability: 10/10
Responsibility: 10/10
Trustworthiness: 10/10
Compliments: “Cutie” “Healthy as a horse!” (She’s a damn medical nerd)
Insults: “Asshole”
Expletives: All of them. Every one of them.
Farewells: “See ya later” “Be safe”
Greetings: “Hi” “Hello, I’m Nurse Styles” (at work)
Mood: Tired and friendly
Likes: Flowers, books, working, new dresses
Dislikes: Losing things, arguments, not being right
Favorites: Strawberries, pastel colors, spring, naps
Least Favorites: Lettuce, cold weather, Military Police (Even Perrie thinks they’re assholes)
Home, Work, and Education
Sleep Patterns: Sporadic at best
Eating Habits: She eats whenever she remembers
Pets: None
Job Title: Nurse
Experience: 4 years
Work Ethic: She is diligent and hardworking
Transportation: She walks
Criminal Record: None
Dream Job: Doctor
Mother: Moria Styles (deceased)
Father: Desmond Styles
Guardians: She’s of age, so none
Siblings: None
Children: None
Close Relatives: Ty Styles (cousin) Ansel Styles (Uncle) Lise Styles (Aunt)
Distant Relatives: None. She had a very small family. Her grandparents on her mother’s side only had one child, and her father’s parents had Desmond and Ansel. Both sets of grandparents were killed in the culling after the fall
Best Friend: Ty, Hanji, Eren
Close Friends: Mikasa, Armin, Petra, Levi, most of the Survey Corps
Confidantes: Hanji, Levi, Ty
Allies: The Survey Corps
Acquaintances: Her co-workers
Rivals: Hanji, but in a friendly way
Inspirations: Hanji, Levi, Erwin, the doctors she works with
Heroes: Ty, Desmond
Mentors: Grisha Yeager, Hanji
First Love: Levi
Love Interests: Levi
Marital Status: Single
Orientation: Straight
Flirtiness: She’s too awkward and shy, but she has her moments
Turn ons: Intelligence, dedication, loyalty
Turn offs: Cockiness, selfishness, “assholes” (as quoted by Perrie)
Fetishes: None
Virginity: Perrie hasn’t even been kissed. Poor kid.
Angry: When she’s angry, she’ll have a stony expression and not speak unless spoken to. She will say spiteful things, but not very hurtful. She’ll roll her eyes and curse even more than usual.
Anxious: She’ll tear into her lip big time, sometimes she makes it bleed. She will pace a little and talk rapidly and nonstop
Conflicted: She’ll go back and forth between her choices, being very adamant that she’s made her choice, but then the next second she’s switched.
Criticized: She can take criticism very well most of the time, especially when it is from superiors. But if someone is just being overly critical and mean, she’ll bristle and call them out
Depressed: She’ll bury herself in her work, and when she’s home, she’ll hide in her garden or bedroom and avoid people
Embarrassed: She’ll avoid eye contact, blush violently, and stammer a lot
Excited: Perrie’s eyes light up and she’ll smile and jitter around
Frightened: She’ll freeze up for a moment, but then slide her mask on and fight through the fear
Happy: She’ll smile and hum and compliment everyone
MBTI Personality Type: INFJ-A
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