#before i remembered id reblogged this lmao
mayahawkins · 1 year
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nic shut up ur so sweet <3 (also charge ur phone, damn!) everything YOU say is great ❤️❤️
ask game
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gyuswhore · 2 months
Grease (the tragedy)
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“Careful, those marks on the floor aren’t just oil and paint.”
jeon wonwoo x reader
word count: 5.8k
warnings: smut [minors DNI], fluff, angst, mechanic!wonu, annoyances to lovers, blind date gone wrong but then gone right, kissing, clit stuff, oral (f. rec), thigh fucking (oop), this all happens at a desk LMAO, title is a what I thought was a funny spin on how people say "grease (the musical)"....has nothing to do with the musical though but lots to do with actual grease!!!
synopsis: In which you have to sit through one of the worst dates of your life, followed by the insistent tug of fate and compulsion that lead you straight back to where you'd sworn you'd never go.
[a/n]: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY WIFE CAMOTHY @highvern everyone go say happy birthday to cam or ill appear in your room at night 🔫 anygays HAVE FUN READING THIS I hope this is all the sexy wonu content you wanted, I cant wait for your reaction hehehhehe
and also bigbigbigbig thank you to jessifer @the-boy-meets-evil for proofing this for me!!! ily heh
and and to everyone reading this who is not cam, I hope you enjoy reading mechanic!wonu as much as I liked writing him heheh PLS REMEMBER TO REBLOG AND TELL ME UR THOTS it could be in the tags, replies, an ask literally anything!!!! id love to hear what you guys think!!!!
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 [You]: do you think he died on the way [Liv]: hes still not there??? [You]: what do you think????? [Liv]: let me ask Amelia [You]: dont bother [You]: he can show up whenever he wants im leaving in 5 [Liv]: you promised you’d sit thru this!! [You]: sit thru what? an empty seat across from me???
Liv doesn’t respond immediately, and you immediately know she’s buggered off to ask her cousin why your date still wasn’t here. 
It’s not like you couldn’t have asked him yourself, the sparse textbox sitting just under Liv’s contact. You open it to inspect the contents. 
[liv’s cousin’s something]: Amelia gave me your number [liv’s cousin’s something]: friday night at the sage&salt at 7  [liv’s cousin’s something]: is that okay [You]: uh hey [You]: yeah that’s fine
Today 7:20 PM
[You]: im here?
The first thread of texts were enough to make you feel like this was some cold business meeting instead of a date, knowing wherever this would lead would be either the city dump or off a cliff. Liv was hearing none of it, taking the guilt tripping route, saying she’d already committed and her cousin was irritating enough even without a scuffle.
So when Friday evening came around you’d pulled on the first dress your fingers could find, took all of ten minutes fighting with your makeup to make it look like you did something and left the house with zero expectations. 
Despite that, as you see a man walk into the establishment dressed like he’d gotten into a fight with a squid and a paper shredder, you feel the stone in your chest tank into the abyss. Zero expectations, and he’s somehow managed to strike out anyway. 
The jacket looks like he’s put it on as a weak cover for the grime stains on his shirt and trousers, a couple jet black splatters across the outfit to really pull the whole thing together. It’s not like he looked homeless or anything, his face surprisingly handsome with his hair pushed away from his forehead. Although he remains looking like he’d been playing football in some neighbourhood parking lot before remembering he had an adult appointment too. 
You’d never seen the man in your life, but your gut told you this was the shit texter who’d kept you waiting for nearly an hour. He seems to notice too, eyes locking from across the restaurant as the waitress leads him to your table. 
“Wonwoo,” you greet with a difficult smile, half sure it came out as a grimace. “Right?”
“Yeah,” he huffs as he practically slams back down on the chair, and you wonder for a moment how the legs didn’t give out. He says your name and you nod. “Sorry I’m late, I got a call in the parking lot.”
He’s been in the parking lot this entire time?!
It’s like you’ve been doused in gasoline and lit on fire, yet somehow needing to give him a shaky reply anyway. 
“O–oh, I see.”
The waitress saves you from spitting in his face when she asks if you were ready to order. 
Dinner was off the table, as you discussed with Liv who forwarded it to her cousin to her–whoever it was that set up this god awful date–and agreed on dessert and perhaps a drink. 
“I’ll have the chocolate cake,” you request in an attempt to make this somewhat better. You consider for a moment before asking for a drink as well, “And a dry gin martini, please.”
“Um,” he staggers as he barely skims the menu, ultimately flipping it closed. “I’ll have the same, I guess.”
Deep voice. You might’ve liked that if you weren’t already so peeved. 
The waitress disappears with the menus, leaving you two alone for the first time. 
“So,” you start with an exhale. “How do you know Amelia?”
“Her husband.”
“I see.”
“How do you know her husband?”
He sighs like this is all inconveniencing him, and it irks you to an irrespective degree. Like you wanted to be here either. 
“He brings his car to the workshop alot, became friends somewhere along the line.”
He looks a little startled, cocking his head to the side. “I’m a mechanic? Did Olivia–was it–not tell you?”
“No, she didn’t.”
It’s silent yet again as the man across from you refuses to elaborate. You curse as you ask him a follow up question. If there was anything you hated more than shouldering a dead conversation, it was sitting through an awkward silence. 
One hour. You’d sit through this for one more hour and then you’d leave. 
“What kind of cars do you work on?”
“Expensive ones,” he answers. You might’ve kicked yourself if he’d ended it at that, but he continues with a purse of his lips. “Ones that rich people abuse to an inch of the machine’s life and wonder why the dealership gives up on it. Vintage pieces too.”
“Have I heard of it?”
“The cars?”
“No, I mean,” you let out a breath. “Your workshop.”
“Jeon Motors, just a couple streets down actually.”
You did know what he was talking about, not expecting to recognise it through the empty question, passing by it on multiple occasions in this part of the city.
“Oh, I’ve seen it a few times.”
“Yeah, we’ve been there for a while.”
“Family business?”
“Uh–sort of.” 
“Okay,” you sigh in an irritated laugh. This was going to be a very difficult hour. “Keep that to yourself too.”
“Is there a problem?”
Just as you lift your eyes to lock with his, a ready yes, there is actually a problem on your tongue, there’s an intrusion. 
“Here are your chocolate cakes,” the waitress places the cakes down, and then the drinks. “And your dry gin martinis. Do you guys need anything else?” By the time the waitress is gone you’ve somewhat forced yourself to put that sudden surge of flames out, to a degree at least. 
“Okay,” he sighs, grabbing his glass and downing nearly half the contents. He emerges, wiping a bit of a spill from the corner of his mouth. “Let’s get this out of the way.”
“Hm?” He’s speaking to you with a very weird surge of intensity, and it confuses you.
“Neither of us wanna be here. You’re clearly trying to be hospitable but I’d really rather you not, especially when we’re both doing this to get our respective ticks off our hides.”
There isn’t much you can do but stare at him. 
“Have I misjudged your advances?” he asks over his glass, sharp eyes piercing. 
“No!” you yelp, reaching for your drink yourself, taking big sips only to emerge sputtering and heaving. 
Your date looks like he’s rising out of his chair when you raise a hand to stop him. 
“No,” you repeat, less jumpy this time. “I guess we could’ve cleared that out from before.”
Did he…snort?
“Sorry.” Dropping his chin to his chest, he composes himself. 
“What?” you ask, remaining annoyed as ever. 
That does it. You slam your now empty glass down on the table, slipping your fork out of the napkin a little forcefully, the metal glinting in the light of the restaurant. You dig into a corner of the cake and shove it in your mouth. 
If he was gonna be rude, you could be too. 
“I don’t know about hospitable.” You swallow. “But I assumed not being an ass was kind of an unwritten rule for any situation really. Including the ones you’d rather not be in.”
Wonwoo stares at you with a blank face, his cake untouched. “I’m being an ass. My laugh couldn’t have offended you that much.”
“So you did pick that up,” you comment. “With the way this conversation’s going I would’ve thought it flew right over your engine.”
“I’d argue your laugh was the least offensive thing you’ve done tonight.” You plunge your fork into your cake again. “But clearly we’re in different realms of etiquette.”
Your eyes meet the rough stains on his attire, and then his own that bore into yours like a challenge. The cake isn’t too sweet, rich just the right amount and texturally sound. Maybe something good did come out of this fiasco. 
“Okay fine,” he announces, sitting up straighter. “I apologise.”
“For laughing?”
“And for being obscenely late.”
“And…” he genuinely looks like he’s struggling to figure it out, but catches your eyes flickering to his tattered and stained outfit. “And for my entirely inappropriate dressing sense. You’ll have to forgive me for that one, oil and grime are my spoils of war.”
“Wear it like a badge, mister mechanic, but perhaps somewhere it’s appreciated.” 
Wonwoo has already finished his drink, his cake remaining untouched. “You’re quite adamant on disliking me.”
“And you’re quite adamant on being a horrid conversationalist.”
The corners of his mouth lift the slightest bit. Opening his mouth to respond, you cut him off. “Cars don’t talk? Or perhaps, machines are easier to understand?”
“More like I don’t care to be personable.”
“That can’t be good for business.”
“The cars speak for themselves.”
He’s a weird one. Even more so when he offers to pay the entire bill, promising you he wasn’t lying when he said he was good at what he does, and to “make up for lost personality points.” You manage to pay your half anyway, considering the circumstances. 
“Can you at least let me drive you home?” Wonwoo asks as you both step out of the establishment soon after. 
“Depends.” You fix the strap of your bag. “Will it fall apart on the highway?”
The blaring white of the restaurant's outdoor lights backlight Wonwoo to make him look like some sad angel. He turns to you, the same slight smirk that seems to be plastered on his face. “Why don’t you find out?”
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“What do you mean sell it? I got this thing a year ago!” 
There isn’t much you can do but sigh loudly as you listen to Olivia talk about the state of her car, the one that cost too much to justify but she seemed to use and abuse like a very replaceable toy truck. 
Leaning against the hood of the darn thing, you talk to her. “The dealership is giving you a shit deal to take it off your hands, you might as well try your luck.”
The look on her face is easy to read as she silences. Not convinced in the slightest, waiting for the conversation to end just so she could figure it out on her own. Sighing loudly, you look back to the dark beauty with a crate of issues that make it spit and sputter to a stop every few weeks. 
“How much did you say the repairs cost again?”
“Enough to put me on food stamps,” she whines through her frustration, tears pricking against her eyes as they glisten under the neighbourhood streetlights. “Why are you smirking like that?!”
“It’s just,” you pause as you consider your next words, pressing your lips together. “This is a little bit your fault.”
Lies, it was entirely her fault. 
Liv stares like you’ve just offended her, which you’re sure you have.
“Care to share how this possible bankruptcy could be my fault?"
“Because you drive the thing like you have a secret reserve buried somewhere in Tenerife.”
“My apologies for making a habit of not being a public nuisance and going forty on a national highway.”
“Your speed-o-metre is not the issue here.”
“Yes, of course, everything’s my fault.”
“Liv, please!” You groan loudly. “Just…let’s try putting up a listing tomorrow. Consider the prospects and you can decide from there.”
Sagging her shoulders and stretching her neck, Liv decides to simply trudge back indoors in silence. You take it as a begrudging yes, and follow her inside. 
That very night, when you were at the very cusp of falling into the dark space of sleep, your brain re-awakens before your eyes do. A jolt as the memory comes back to you of the many months ago, sitting in that restaurant across from a man who was too handsome for the personality he seemed to sire. 
“Expensive ones,” he had said. “Ones that rich people abuse to an inch of the machine’s life and wonder why the dealership gives up on it.”
How fitting. 
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“Are you going to explain or should I explode instead?” 
You’d mentally prepared for the bombardment of accusations from Liv, her questioning perfectly right as you yourself cringed at the thought of showing your face here of all places. The one last one that’d officially banned her from ever setting you up with an individual of her choosing ever again. 
Hearing only silence as her answer, she appeals; “I thought he was the worst date of your life.”
“Nothing to do with his skills as a mechanic,” you mumble, refusing to make eye contact. 
“And everything to do with this being a horrible idea anyway!” Liv stares up at the sign on top of the garage. Jeon Motors. “What makes you think this guy can fix my car?”
What did make you think he could fix Liv’s car? If you’d known you might have given her an answer, but as you stare at the giant signboard that you’ve driven past for longer than you can remember, you can’t help but feel this place has been haunting you. Just a little. 
You can’t help but feel the tingle of goosebumps rise on your skin, the hairs across the expanse standing up at the thought of walking inside. There was no way you could differentiate the reaction from plain nerves or from the cringing drills that sound all the way outside the establishment. Regardless, you make an attempt to look confident as you make your strides into the pungent of the workshop. 
The first thing you note is how…clean everything is. Cleaner than any other workshop you’ve walked into anyway. 
The interior is bigger than it looks from the outside, the ginormous hall hosting about a dozen cars within your eyeshot alone. One side of the great hall holds an array of parked cars in different stages of dismantled and deconstructed, while the other side is lined with contraptions that look like stripped and enlarged elevators. 
Once you’ve inhaled a beyond recommended amount of smoke fumes and listened past all of the clanging, banging and sparks, you register the people that are elbow deep in the hoods of the vehicle they’re working on, enough to leave you and Liv standing at the entrance of an establishment that you can barely make sense of. 
“Can I help you?” A man in stained beige overalls approaches your wide eyed pair, face half covered in his baseball hat and hands occupied with a rag. 
To your slightest dismay, it isn’t the man you’re looking for.
“Uh– is Wonwoo here?” you ask. 
“He’s in a meeting right now. Are you a friend?” 
No, just a failed love interest.
“He,” you falter. If you weren’t a friend…then what were you? “He gave me his card.”
“Do you need help with your car?”
“Mine, actually,” Liv pipes. “It’s outside if you wanna take a look first.”
With one sweeping look across the warehouse, your eyes land on one of the few doors on the left. You register the plain look of it for barely a moment before joining Liv outside. 
By the time her car has been rolled and parked inside for a more thorough inspection, it’s taken you every last grain of your willpower to not stalk back out and wait in your car. For whatever reason, you can’t help but feel a very familiar spasm of irritation spark through you. Here you are, left anxiously waiting for the same man for a second time, merely feet away but remaining occupied with more important things. 
At the very least, the multiple hands prodding around the car’s engine were being somewhat of use, attempting to survey the same issues that had been looked at about a dozen times before. You silently promise to be a better person if this trip wouldn’t be for vain.  
“Am I late for something again?” 
Your throat is suddenly clogged as you open your mouth and no sound graces your presence. The face that meets you has his eyebrows raised as he stares at you in expectation, a ghost of a smile on his face. 
“W–Wonwoo, hi, um.” You clear your throat loudly, heat cursing your cheeks. “No, of course not.”
“To what do I owe the pleasure after…four months?” he asks, hands on his hips and his back straightened.
“I…my friend’s car needed to be looked at so…”
“Ah, of course!” He turns to where you’ve motioned, looking at the popped hood of the car his employees are working on. “I’ll take a look at it myself, don’t worry about it.”
He’s already walking away, towards the car and leaving you a ways away from the action. You stare at his back; the overalls tied at the waist and the stained white T-shirt that clings to his form from the humidity.
Wonwoo remains a man of a few words, and you remain at wits end about it all. 
A loud honk gives you something to do as you jump at the sound so up close, scrambling to move away from the smack centre as another car pulls into the garage. 
“Careful, those marks on the floor aren’t just oil and paint.” Wonwoo snickers from his place hunched over the hood as he cranes his neck to look at you. 
You walk over to where he is to get out of the way. “Was that meant to sound like an innuendo?”
“I was talking about the occasional running over someone’s foot,” he answers. “Not sure what you were thinking.” 
Ignoring the jab, you note that it was now only you and him crowding the car, “Where’s Olivia?”
“Went to look at spare parts.” You watch him as his gloved hands reach further into the enclave and yank at something hard. 
“So you can fix it?” 
“The car? It’ll take a couple days but it’s not really an issue.”
Furrowing your brows, you press on, “But the dealership—”
“Dealerships are the spawn of the devil,” he grunts as he finally wrenches out a spare nut or bolt or something that’s covered in oil. “Let me guess, they wanted her to sell it back to them?”
It’s your turn to raise your brows. “Yes. They tried fixing it, but it'd just stop again.”
“Because they’ve been fixing the symptoms.” He raises his eyes to meet yours, hands occupied with rubbing the part in his hands relatively clean with a rag. “They haven’t bothered to do anything about the actual problem.” 
“Because that’s gonna cost…?”
“Couple hundred, give or take,” he announces nonchalantly, turning his focus back to the engine. 
“But—” That’s it?
“Fifty extra for every question I have to answer after this.” You briefly wonder if Wonwoo’s eyes were always this piercing, boring into your soul like he didn’t need words to know what was going on with you. 
“Fine,” you huff, moving to drag a chair over, mostly just so you could have reason to break eye contact, and plop down as you watch him work. 
The more you think about it, the more you can find yourself unbothered by his strange behaviour. He wasn’t bleak, but nowhere near one of the more interesting people you’ve met. Taking the opportunity to really scan the man head to toe, you can’t say you find anything truly concrete to be this put off by him. 
Not much of a talker, but with the times you’ve prayed for a man that knew when to shut up sometimes, you wonder how much you can actually complain about this boon in particular. 
Besides, he was a looker, and you were completely content shutting your trap if it meant you got to shamelessly ogle at him from this close. 
“You know, this place looks bigger than it does from the outside.”
Wonwoo stares pointedly. 
You raise a shoulder in nonchalance, “Wasn’t a question!”
He simply huffs as he mumbles, “More length than breadth I suppose.”
“What are those things called?” you ask as you watch a sedan get lifted into the on some platform on the other end of the row. 
Glancing back, he answers, “Post lift, car lift, whatever you wanna call it.”
“What does it do?”
“Take a wild guess.”
Glancing back at him, you catch sight of his stained shirt once again. “Is that the same thing you wore to our date?”
Chin to chest, he registers what he’s wearing, hands still working on pulling bolts and boxes out of the hood. “Have about twenty of the same shirt, I can never be too sure.”
“You’re impossible.”
He smirks, “Touché.” 
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You questioned if this was a mistake. 
Olivia could pick up her car herself, so why did you insist to be the one that did it? As you pay the taxi driver, you feel your ankles lock for a moment as you move to slip out of the cab. Frozen, you hear the driver ask you if everything was alright, to which your legs seem to work again, finally foot to gravel in front of the dreaded workshop.
The Jeon Motors sign blares the same as it always has in the afternoon light, glinting as it encourages you to walk in and do one of the stupider things you’ve done in life. Other than the ridiculous outfit you’ve put on, of course. 
But alas, as you hand over your slip to one of the many mechanics in the workshop, you find yourself praying he wasn’t here after all, that perhaps you could miss him as you leave and never have to see him again. 
Somebody yells out his name, and the dream drifts away like smoke. 
Finding the courage, you look up to where the man shouted for him, and immediately wish you hadn’t. 
Wonwoo remains in his overalls, the same ones that he had tied to his waist the last time you saw him. His undershirt however…
The tank top is revealing too much for you to pretend you don’t care, his hair remaining pushed back and away from his forehead as he walks over to you in what feels like slow motion. He takes the slip that he does not need, smiling at you as he says his hellos. 
“Car’s all fixed up, just need some papers that need signing and you’re all set.”
“Oh, but Liv isn’t here today.”
“That’s alright, you can sign them too,” he reassures, motioning for you to walk with him towards the car. “The car was alright in the test drives, revving hasn’t caused any problems either.”
He halts in front of the now (supposedly) fixed black sedan and pats the hood lightly, “If anything happens tell her to bring it straight here, although it shouldn’t have any more problems.”
“What’s your rate of return on customers?” you ask, a slight smirk on your face.
He thinks for a moment, “Pretty crap. But I guess that means I’m doing something right.”
You consider yourself something of a helicopter parent when it comes to your own car, but perhaps you’d change that if it meant you’d get to come here a little more often. 
Goodness, what’s gotten into you.
Wonwoo’s smiling too, and for a brief moment the silence is nearly awkward. A pause before he proposes leaving. 
“Shall we go to the office then?” 
Nodding eagerly, you trail behind him as he leads you towards the other end of the workshop, passing by even more cars in all their stripped or constructed glory. Glancing in front, you catch sight of Wonwoo’s back, ensnared for a moment before you snap your head away, reciting every curse word you know like a mantra. 
“It’s less hot in here too, keep the air on all the time.” Wonwoo stands in front of the plain doors, hands on the handle to wrench it open. You recognise it as the same door you had noted a few days ago. “Would you like anything? Coffee, tea?”
“Um, just water is fine, thanks.”
It’s quite plain, beige and leather against cream walls and unfittingly white lights. There’s a desk on one corner that’s beyond cluttered with more papers than you can register, pens and other office supplies mixed into the disorganised chaos of the large tabletop.
“Sorry about the mess, I can never find time to sort through it.” To your surprise, the light tinge of his cheeks suggest he might actually feel a little embarrassed. 
There’s cabinets that line on one of the far walls, and you watch him take his gloves off to open it and reach for a cup. The white porcelain emerges stained with an ashy grey as his fingers betray him. He looks flustered, glancing at his hands and back up to the cabinet. 
You can’t help but laugh a little, moving forward to help. “It’s alright, let me.”
“Sorry,” he apologised again, with a sheepish look on his face. “I’ll, um, wash this off.”
“Go on, I’m here,” you reassure as you move towards the water dispenser in the corner to fill your clean cup. 
He returns with significantly cleaner hands and apologises one last time. “Seems all I do around you is apologise.”
You have the good humour to chuckle, “So I’ve noticed.”
He does well to clear out most of the clutter that’s on his desk, leaving enough room to set down a few pieces of paper as you take a seat on the opposite side. 
As you scan through the papers, he attempts to make sober conversation. “You should…bring your car around for inspections if you want.”
“Oh? Even if I ask a million questions?”
“I can make an exception or two,” he grins. 
“And if you charge me double?”
“Might not charge you at all.”
“Might?” you question as you lift the pen he’d given you to sign the first space. 
“And what’re the conditions for that?” 
He doesn’t answer as he ponders and you fill in the second blank. “I’ll have to think about that.”
You snort before you can help it, your last signature coming out a little wonky as your hands shake. Turning the papers over to him, you continue, “Well then, let me know when you figure it out.”
He stares pointedly as he accepts the papers before dropping his eyes again, “Can I?”
“Can I? Let you know?” 
It’s like you’ve been frozen over, the typewriter in your mind jamming as it punches out the implications of what he’s saying. 
“It seems, at least to me, that we may have gotten off on the wrong foot,” he continues. 
You hesitate. “I think so too.”
“I…I don’t want to put anything like pressure on you but–” 
“Would you like to try the new gelato place downtown this week?” you ask finally as you save him from his misery. “If…you’d like.”
He looks stunned for a moment before he’s scrambling, “Oh–of course! Yes, anytime is fine with me.”
“Great,” you smile, lifting from your seat. “It’s a date.”
“I’ll promise to wash my hands this time…and my shirt. And I won’t be late.” 
“Let’s not make promises we can’t keep,” you tease. 
You’re nearing the door as he follows behind, and just as you’re about to pull down on the handle, you hear him say your name. 
Turning around, almost too eagerly, you look up at him in expectation. He’s close, almost right behind you as he looks like he’s debating whether opening his mouth is a good idea. 
“Are you doing anything else today?” 
“Um,” you stutter for a moment. “I don’t have to drop off the car till later tonight, that’s all really.”
He swallows. “Do you wanna stay? Just a little while. We can stay in here, nobody comes in anyway.”
You aren’t entirely sure why you said yes, because you did actually have dinner plans with Liv later tonight, but the teeny tiny voice in your mind egged you on anyway. Besides, Liv wouldn’t mind, not if you were cancelling for this.
This entailed the very friendly contact of Wonwoo’s tongue in your mouth, and the extremely cordial way it seemed to caress your insides. If somebody asked you how it led to this, you don’t think you’d have an answer. Not that you care, especially when his hands are grabbing your waist and hips like that.
He’s already locked the door, reassuring you that nobody would find their boss and client in the smack dab middle of the devil’s tango. You take his word for it, relishing in the way his hot breath hits your skin below your ears, his mouth sucking under your earlobes as you whimper ever so quietly. 
Your hands are on his exposed biceps, feeling him up all to your heart's content. “Do you–Do you always wear stuff like this?”
He emerges, wet lipped and eyes trained. “So I wasn’t imagining it.”
“Imagining what?” you ask as you let him unbuckle your trousers.
“Please. Like you weren’t stripping me with your eyes.”
If you were warm before you, you're boiling up now. Were you being so obvious?
“It’s alright,” he reassures as you feel his fingers make contact with the crotch of your panties, pushing in to put pressure on your clit. “Wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t picked up on it.”
You feel his fingers push the dampening fabric away as his fingers make contact with your hole, coating his fingers in the arousal that’s made itself known. It’s hard to not hiss at the way he begins to circle it, thanking the universe that the loud noises of the workshop outside were masking whatever evidence of the heinous crime you were committing inside. 
Back against the couch in his office, you settle into the cushions once you feel him rub at your clit, one hand spreading your lips apart as he continues to massage your own wetness onto your throbbing cunt. 
When he retreats you almost cry out, but are smothered when he plunges two fingers into your hole instead, curling them almost immediately inside you. The consistent brush of the tips of his fingers on your walls are making it difficult to keep your eyes open, and absolutely impossible to keep your moans at bay. 
“Wonwoo, that’s so good, fuck.”
Through your closed eyes, you don’t note when Wonwoo gets on his knees. But you do feel him yank your trousers off entirely, and you definitely feel him place his wet mouth flush on your lower lips, sucking at your clit as he continues to pump his fingers in and out of you mercilessly. 
That’s all it takes for your noises to become increasingly high pitched, hands buried in his beautiful hair as he continues to pleasure you beyond imagination. 
“I’m so close, keep going, please, it feels so–”
He somehow buries his face in deeper, sucking harder, licking faster, and it’s enough for you to finally feel yourself collapsing on the inside, your composure dissolving as you moan so loud you’re sure they can hear it outside, even through all the clanging and revs of cars. 
There’s no way for you to know how long you lay there slumped against the couch cushions, but when you hear Wonwoo speak to you in your ear, you answer. 
“Was that okay?”
“More than okay,” you say as you grab his face and pull his lips to yours, tasting the tang in his mouth from your arousal. “Do you have a condom?”
“I–fuck,” he thinks for a moment. “I don’t think I do.”
You try not to feel too disappointed, but you sigh into his mouth anyway. 
“Can I fuck your thighs?” you hear him ask, and you might have just orgasmed again, untouched. 
“Fuck, yes you can.” 
With a yelp, you feel yourself lifted off the couch as you wrap your arms around Wonwoo’s neck, letting him guide you to his desk. “Wonwoo!”
You hear a loud crash of the desk being stripped of all its inhabitants, and your back hitting the cool of the table top. 
Wonwoo unties the arms of his overalls around his waist, letting the legs pool to the floor before slipping his hard cock out of his boxers. 
You don’t see it as you feel him lock your knees together and lift both your calves to rest on one of his shoulders. But you do feel it as he pushes the head into the seam of your thighs, watching the indent as the pink of his dick appears before you through the skin of your thighs. 
Wonwoo’s face is contorted as he pulls back and pushes back through again, this time brushing against your still sensitive clit. You gasp at contact, and immediately feel him thrusting faster. 
“Wonwoo,” you grunt. “Lower.”
He obliges, pushing his dick lower so it can rub flush against your clit as he begins to roughen up his pace. 
You moan as you feel his free hand that isn’t holding your legs trail to the ends of your shirt, caressing over your stomach to pull it up and reveal your bra clad tits. He pushes his hands under the nearest cup and begins to grope you so wonderfully with his big, warm hands. Rolling the bud between his fingers, you can only grasp onto his wrists as a handheld to keep you down on earth. 
The desk beneath you is rattling with noise, the full drawers making themselves known as Wonwoo pounds into your thighs like he would die if he stopped, mouth coming in contact with whatever skin of your legs he could reach, his breath fanning the side of your knees. 
You’re close again, and you know he is too with the way his thrusts are beginning to grow sloppy. 
“There,” he pants. “Almost.”
You orgasm for the second time, the throb your clit beyond comprehension as the rough of his dick slides across your clit mercilessly. 
“Cum like this, Wonwoo please I need to see you cum.”
And he does, shooting the heft of his load to cover your already wet cunt and thighs, landing on your stomach as he continues to ride out his high between your legs. 
The back of your head hits the table as you take in gulps of air through the aftermath of it all. Wonwoo is putting his weight on the back of your thighs, holding onto the table for support. 
“Oh, Liv is never gonna let me live this down,” you pant, lolling your head to one side as you register him. 
He peers up at you through his hair, the stupid smirk on his face, “Do you care?”
You’re smiling a little too when you answer, “Not really.”
And then your legs are off his shoulders as he nestles between them instead, diving in to lift your head and kiss you. 
And you let him, although you wouldn’t really call it too much of a kiss—not when the both of you were smiling like idiots through the clash. 
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withleeknow · 9 months
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pairing: minho x reader genre/warnings: established relationship, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort; implies that minho has anxiety, unedited bc i am me and you shouldn't expect much from me lmao word count: 1.2k note: hello hello!! i've been meaning to write this since the day of the rock-star comeback but i'm only getting around to finishing it now lol. but the timing's pretty neat so consider this a christmas present from me and mine to you and yours!! <33
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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when the sun rouses you awake in the morning, you feel two arms loosely wrapped around you that weren't there before you fell asleep last night.
you smile to yourself, enjoying the warmth and comfort that he brings you. home, finally.
you turn in his hold, as gently as you can to not disturb your slumbering minho.
you don’t know when exactly he got back, but it couldn’t have been more than a couple of hours ago. sometimes, when he has night schedules, he doesn’t usually return until the sun is peeking over the horizon. you’re used to him having to work throughout the wee hours of the night every other week. you don’t like it, but you’re used to it.
you expect to find him snoozing peacefully beside you, with his handsome face and his lips parted cutely as he lightly snores, but when you finally shuffle around to look at him, you instantly frown.
a frown that matches his own.
baby, you think, what’s wrong?
even in his sleep, minho’s brows are knitted together, the corners of his mouth tugged downward like he’s having a bad dream. the instant concern that rushes through you parts the hazy fog in your brain, and then... you remember.
it was only half past three in the morning when your phone buzzed to life, the vibrations resounding brassily against the wooden surface of your nightstand. reaching out blindly for the device, you only needed to peek through one eye to scan the time and the caller id before you held it to your ear, your face still smushed against your fluffy pillow.
"i'm sorry," minho was quick to apologize. "did i wake you?" he sounded rushed, like he had wandered off to a corner to steal a few minutes for himself before having to go back.
you made a noncommittal noise, already feeling the exhaustion luring you back to dreamland. it had been a long week and you'd endured five whole days just to get to the weekend, to be able to spend hours on end with your boyfriend. it'd be just you and him, wrapped up together in your cozy little bubble, all your stresses and troubles kept at bay. he was always the best part of your days, your weeks, your months, even your years.
even though you were drifting, you still managed to ask, "is everything okay?"
"yeah, everything’s fine. i just missed you."
it made you smile nonetheless. he didn’t often disturb you in the middle of the night just to be sappy with you whenever he was stuck working odd hours, but it wasn’t necessarily anything out of the ordinary. minho could still be needy and clingy sometimes. it was one of the things that you loved most about him - that he could be a grumpy cat most of the time, but underneath that prickly exterior, he was just a big softie. you loved it even more that you were the only person who could bring out that side of him.
"missed you too," you mumbled. it didn’t sound at all lively, but you knew he could tell that you meant it.
you caught a sigh from his end before he continued. though this time, he let his defenses down when he spoke. his voice came out along with a tired exhale, laced with something that you would’ve been able to pick up on had your mind not been delirious with sleep. "wanna be there with you," he said in earnest. "want you to be here with me."
"when are you coming home?" you asked, even though the words came out a little garbled, your voice heavy with sleep.
"in a couple hours. i'll be home right after this."
"okay. we can-" cue a big yawn. "we can stay in bed as long as you want in the morning."
"yeah, that sounds nice."
"then i’ll see you in a bit, okay?"
he paused briefly before his next words came out a little unsteady, hesitant. the unease with which he spoke bypassed your unassuming radar completely. "can we just stay on the phone?"
"you don't have to talk to me. just... stay with me for a while."
you think you might've passed out again after that, the subsequent silence and his breathing on the other end having lulled you back to sleep in a matter of seconds.
my love, it brings tears to your eyes just thinking about it, how could i have missed it?
you quietly move closer to him, shuffling inch by inch until you’re chest to chest, hoping his body could sense your warmth and be comforted by it, even just a little bit. you press a gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth, but even that simple touch stirs him awake even though minho is usually a deep sleeper.
his eyes slowly open, and you suppose the tug on your heartstrings loosens when the furrow between his brows eases as he takes in the sight of you.
he heaves a sigh of relief, and it’s like you can actually see some of the tension leaving his body as he pulls you to him, holding you against him so tightly that it’s impossible to move even if you wanted to.
"hi," you say, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck, snuggling further into him until it’s hard to tell if the heartbeat you feel is yours or his.
"hi," he replies, his soft lips placing a greeting kiss on the top of your head.
"bad day?" night, but oh well. technicalities. 
his answer comes muffled against your hair, though you feel the slight vibration of his chest when he mutters, "it wasn’t that bad. i was just a little overwhelmed."
"but it's better now?"
"much better, now that you’re here."
truthfully, you don’t really know what to say in moments like this. you want to be able to offer him reassuring words that could ease his nerves and calm his raging sea, but you’re not good with words. you never have been. you don’t think you ever will be, as much as you want to. for him.
it makes you feel guilty at times, not being able to give minho the peace he needs.
you do try though, to comfort him as much as you can.
"i love you," you say quietly. your arm wraps around him, your palm landing on his upper back where your fingers tenderly soothe the firm muscles you find. i'm sorry i wasn't there for you. i wish i have the right words to say to you.
"i could listen to you breathe and feel ten times better," he admits, putting some distance between your faces so he can look at you, as if it'll help emphasize his words. "i don’t even need you to do anything. i just need you. you’re more than enough for me."
his eyes bore into yours, glittering with nothing but a kind of sincerity that he never shows anyone but you. you kiss him then, soft and slow. you want to pour as much love into him as you possibly can. and even then you don't think it can amount to a fraction of what he deserves.
but nonetheless, you try. you try because he means the world to you.
i'll do better for you. let me share your burdens with you.
pulling away, you tell him, as your palm gently holds his cheek, a touch which he leans into instantaneously. "go back to sleep. i’ve got you."
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permanent taglist: @onlyycb97wife @starsandrqindrops @borahae-reads @abbiestearsricochet @cutiespaghetti @anthropologykpopmultistan @moonlinos
all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 25.12.2023]
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onboardsorasora · 2 months
So the lovely @andwegogreen advised me that I accidently led my besties astray with a post i didn't realise was trolling lmao and I may have reblogged it thinking it was fax n all that. Not me spreading non maxiel misinformaton besties, im sorry. To make up for it, here's a lil bit of something that I don't remember writing. there was also a part 2 somehow
"Untie me. Now." Daniel growled through gritted teeth, tugging at the rope uselessly. His arms ached from being held behind his back so long.
"Not until you calm down." Max looked at him with wild wide eyes, he bit his bottom lip nervously.
“What the fuck Max?!” Daniel said almost hysterically before he took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. Max watched him warily from the middle of the room, he walked over to the window and looked out through the curtains. 
“Where did you get that?” Daniel just had to keep him talking, Max didn’t know what he was doing– what he was inviting. He eyed the silver pistol in Max’s hand, it looked out of place.
Max jumped as if he was surprised out of his thoughts. He looked at the gun in his hands before putting it gingerly on a table. He ran his sweaty hand down the fabric of his jeans and started pacing. 
“Some guy at the bar gave it to me. He had blonde hair. He said–” Max looked at Daniel with fear in his eyes again. “He said you came to get me.” 
Daniel groaned, knowing exactly who had gotten to Max before he could tell him. Before he could make sure he was safe.
“You– you know who he is… so he– he wasn’t lying?” Max whispered and Daniel pretended to not hear the devastation in his voice.
“Max–” Daniel tugged at the rope again futilely, who knew Max knew how to tie knots?
“Who are you really? Is your name even Daniel?” Max sneered. His face took on a harsh quality that Daniel hadn’t seen since the day they met.
“My name is Daniel. Look– I was sent to get you.” He ignored the betrayed look on Max’s red face. “By your mother. Sophie sent me.” 
“You don’t need to lie anymore Daniel.” Max sneered, grabbing up the gun and swinging it around threateningly.
Daniel shifted his hips, “fuck– just look in my wallet. I keep the fuckin–” he listed his body to the side to show the obvious wallet bulge in his back pocket. Max walked over wearily and tried to pull the worn leather out.
“Why are your pockets so tight?” Max grunted.
“Well soreee, I thought I was coming here to get laid! Not like fuckin roofied then tied to a pipe!” Daniel muttered.
Max blushed but continued to wrestle the wallet from Daniel’s shorts. He stepped away when he finally retrieved it. Looking away from Daniel, he opened the small accessory. Daniel’s drivers license was Italian, his familiar albeit younger face smiled up at Max. He looked in the money slot and saw nothing except the cash Daniel carried on his person, then he looked in the pocket beneath the ID slot. He glanced over at Daniel when he unearthed a folded piece of paper, it was small and thick– a photograph.
The picture was one that Max knew well. It was one of his. One that should be resting in a small, gilded frame in his mother’s office. 
part 2
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shuuen-no-cimory · 4 months
Also of course, it ain't me if I don't crossover my current hyperfixation with my ultimate current hyperfixation. So... Degrees of Lewdity x ProjectMoon! (This post is full of me yapping as I explain each drawing, so I guess, be ready?)
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First, I'll go hard with Whitney as R Corp. 4th Rabbit Team. The initial idea was that he reminds me so much of RHeath LMAO But eventually I love the idea because I think he'd go along with Myo well. Plus... Somehow imagining Whitney in Rabbit Team Hatchery shenanigans seems... Interesting.
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Next is Eden. If anyone notice, I originally designed him based of 2 Abnos: Der Freischutz and Big Bird. Der Frei was, of course, a nod to his title as a Hunter, and a marksman as well. For Big Bird... Yeah definitely there's the Big Bird in DoL, yet I think temperance-wise, Eden does felt similar to Big Bird. A creature living in a forest, thinking they protect others by doing the action that definitely doesn't seems to be out of protection. As for RRH, oh think about this: Being hunted down while getting marked. One by a hunter, and another by a wolf. Oh isn't it just reminds me of something...? Right
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Funny enough, before I designed the school LIs properly, I reimagined them as The City's feathers. "If they're living in the City and has to work with one Wing, which one they'll work on?" I've talked about R. Corp Whitney earlier so I'll talk about the others! Robin, L Corp. - I can imagine him with the pressing needs to survive under the weight of Bailey's rent ends up either being sent or signed himself up as an agent for L Corp. The Wing doesn't ask that much requirement as per Hokmah's story while the agent supposed to have a great pay (being a wing and all). Hence, I think he might work for L Corp. Sydney, K Corp. - The idea was that after graduating, Sydney might follow Sirris path in science. Being the obedient child she is (as we sees on the game before they get corrupted), she probably choose to do what Sirris might do hence her as K Corp. researcher. Oh anyway, truly this is just a fyi that doesn't seems to be related to anything, I reimagined Harper as Dongrang in this scenario, with the whole Teary-Thing problem exist. Oh, lucky enough for Sydney to help producing K Ampule that definitely just as seen in the canon Limbus story. Just saying. Kylar, W Corp. - This one actually a rather fun idea. This is set with the idea that Kylar work as the Clean Up Member, with parents that's definitely unaware with how their child work but nevertheless proud with him. They'd even use WARP Train solely to be sent off by Kylar each time, much to Kylar silent dismay. If only they know what Kylar has to clean up among the 6 seconds they went into the train... Read one of the reblog tag and yeah. It has to do with Love Town. And pretty much how Kylar had to regularly assemble his parents again and again each trip they made.
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LCB! SYDNEY LET'S GOOOO!!!! This idea came as I made my LCB-esque ID Card for Sydney. The idea of LCB Sydney's background was that it's pretty much what happened in the game, but make it The City-esque and seen from Sydney's eyes. It's fun imagining her as a Dieci Fixer who was caught in a complicated issue which she rather dip out from as she hasn't fully grow the backbone to face it yet. Oh right, in this AU I reimagined Ivory as Abnormality and both Sydney and Kylar got their EGO. Sydney got their Longing Phase EGO (HE, Gloom) while Kylar got the Haunting Phase EGO (WAW, Wrath). I actually had a draft of how the EGO works and its gimmick but let's talk it later on lol
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When Yield My Flesh event is up on Limbus, my head doing the funny by thinking, "Damn... Jun Wren sounds cool..." then I remember Tingtang exist like jfgdjfgbjd HE FITS BETTER AS TINGTANG WHY DIDN'T I THINK ABOUT IT ON A SIDE NOTE, I also had the thought on how Bailey MIGHT kills it as either a Kurokumo or a Middle. After all, Middle never forget... Just like how Bailey never forget your rent LOL
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And last but not least: Sydney and Robin as L Corp. Agent! Robin will be a high Temperance agent which work for Safety Team, while Sydney is the high Fortitude, high Prudence Disciplinary Team Captain. Oh, if you do notice: I made Sydney's cross looks like Penitence EGO Weapon. It's actually based of this idea of how One Sin and WhiteNight's dynamic thematically fits Sydney the Faithful and Sydney the Fallen. The name of both Abnos' EGO Set-- "Penitence" and "Paradise Lost" respectively, both fits the image of each Sydneys. Hence, I draw them in both EGO Sets!
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alienaiver · 2 months
Behind the scenes
the lovely @dira333 tagged me in this and its sooo fun!! the questions are so amazing and id like to give it my best with some in depth answers, since learning these facts about one of my favorite writers here was so fun !!!!! behind the scenes of writing is so good to share!!
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Started writing: i think ive always been writing. i remember when we used to have one computer for the entire family in the early 00's and had little screentime, i set alarms to 4-5am (with no concept of what that Would Do To Me emotionally without sleep LMAO) JUST to get some time to write in peace. my first fanfictions i published was on a homemade forum page with a friend when i was 11!
Started blogging: ive had my tumblr since 2009-ish where ive been a rp'er over multiple times and published d gray man and no. 6 fanfictions in 2011-12ish. i was also active on livejournal before i found fanfiction.net !! but this specific blog was made in may 2021!!! the reader inserts came then :3
Followers: i actually JUST hit 300 two days ago!!! which is very exciting. i dont always look at the number, since it doesnt necessarily correlate with engangement, but its fun to see the uptick!!
Communication: i genuinely love love LOVE the social part of social media, and communications so important to me. theres nothing better than reblogs with comments you can bounce off of, asks, dm's and all that! sadly, my disability makes it so hard for me to have continuous contact and im 90% of the time the one to drop the ball when it comes to replying :(( thats why its extra important to me/special with the mutuals who keeps reaching out and dont have the same social expectations about replying. even if im unable to reply the day that i receive the message, it still brings great joy seeing the notif!
Likes: i dont mind them! generally its not that important to me whether or not my followers interact a lot. a like still means the world to me. of course a reblog is much better and engages so much more (+ boosts me!!), but theyre good for my soul, too!
Requests: i get very few requests :( i think i like them, but i havent gotten enough to actually get a feel on whether or not it kills my writing spirit? generally i get very excited to be able to deliver something and it gets me up from the bed to write, but i sometimes fear im not providing what they wanted! its anxiety-inducing in some ways, but i love a good little writing challenge !!
Writing: i loove love love love writing for hours at a time, hyperfixating on it. sadly, my cat snøfle is Very Jealous of both my laptop and pc. giving him a substitution sadly doesnt help</3 so my writing is often limited to specific times of day, and when he gets tired of my keyboard clack-clack-clacking, its time to put on some one piece while he naps on me! i wish i could write more works or just scenes on my phone, but it hurts my hands So Much, so i only write small one shots when im heavily inspired but snøfles in A Mood!!
genre wise im a fluffy type. maybe some hurt/comfort but always leaning towards comfort. id like to write more disability fics to spread both awareness and visibility, but i sometimes struggle with putting in my own disabilities and not make them too personal or too detailed for others to not relate. its an overthinking problem, so i often procrastinate writing them., bcos i fear itll be too niche! but i always get positive feedback (excpet for that one time with inked coffee lmao) so im not sure whats holding me back!!!
i always listen to music when i write, and it differs a lot. when i wrote the star and the earth i listened to a lot of medieval-inspired music, and made a specific playlist for that. but when i write on my modern au's or canon compliant bnha/haikyuu, anything goes!
i love putting in 'boring' every day stuff into my fics, or small scenes that dont necessarily advance the plot but just gives a feel of the characters.
speaking of snøfle ^ i am no longer allowed to write for the evening.... so ill start some apothecary diaries and enjoy a cold soda on this hot and humid evening !!! mwuah mwuah if u read this far thank you, and i love you. i love all of you <3333
no pressure tags as always but would love to hear the answers and get to know u all! @cup-of-fluff @true-deru @mirandabarma @illuminiscentboba @tetsuskei @threadbaresweater @krystalgaia @petriquors @ktsumu @moonbeamwritings @ohtokki
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renegades-garbage · 1 year
Me Relating Taylor Swift to Renegades
This post will appeal to a very small group of people but i love it and im doing it anyway 
As i was writing this i remembered that i saw @amys-books27 do a similar post with just the lover album so i reblogged it and you should def check it out!
please enjoy my thoughts on taylor and renegades 
I Can See You (Speak Now TV)- This is very much serving when nova and adrian kissed and she was like ‘what if i just...never went back’ “What would you do if they never found us out” “I could see you being my addiction, you can see me as a secret mission” aaaaaah Basically Nova’s perspective if she was hornier
Innocent(Speak Now TV)- Winston my baby “Who you are is not what you did, you’re still an innocent” 
Timeless(Speak Now TV)- ive said this before but this song is so nodrian to me like the idea that their love is stronger than anything else dshbfuobfndbfhk
Delicate(Repuation)- “my reputation’s never been worse so you must like me for me.” immediately nodrian like come on babe
I Think He Knows(Lover)- nova babe...everyone knows 
This is Me Trying(Folklore)- Nova. word for word
My Tears Ricochet (Folklore)- This feels very Nova betraying the anarchists to me. “Even on my worst day, did i deserve babe all the hell you gave me?” “I didn’t have it in myself to go with grace.” “you wear the same jewels that i gave you as you bury me.” “I can go anywhere i want just not home.” “when id fight you used to tell me i was brave” ): The “wishing id stayed” line and “you can aim for my heart go for blood but you would still miss me in your bones.” feels so much like a message to Honey bc of their mother daughter relationship and it makes me want to sob. Also “You had to kill me but it killed you just the same” and “Crossing out the good years” sorry that one was long it just fits so well lmao 
Not a song but Ruby and Oscar are so 1989 coded its crazy 
Marjorie (Evermore)- Nova losing her mother figure ): 
Gorgeous(Reputation) - this one is really just the chorus but this is nova being unable to talk to adrian (bc hes hot)
I Did Something Bad (Reputation) - yk I had to add it. nova is just rep coded okay 
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axel-skz · 1 year
A/N: loads going on but this kept swirling in my mind so here we are. The song roulette here gives us GET LIT! Hope yall are doing well and let’s hope it takes me less time for the next story lmao
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You had been crying and you wanted to find a private spot. You remembered a place that you had been to with Chan and you went back there at night. It was a regular spot for you now.
It was by a river.
You were having your moment. The vibes were there.
Then everything was ruined and terror struck you when you saw car lights in the parking lot. You heard the engine turn off and you watched to see who it was.
There appeared a very concerned Bang Chan. You face palmed as he finally located you and made his way over.
‘I’ve been having a dramatic moment of my own looking for you,’ he sighed as he sat next to you.
‘How’d you know I’d be here?’
‘I’d say it was because I’m smart and figured it out but I did no such thing. We share locations on find my.’
You sighed, ‘wow, I did this to myself.’
‘Ok, enough sighing. This is dangerous, Y/N. If you wanted to come out here, you could’ve just told me. I would’ve brought you out here but kept a little space and let you have your moment. That way I know you would be safe.’
‘Forgive me if I don’t want to let you know every time I’m having a breakdown,’ you squinted at him.
‘Why shouldn’t you? I’m your best friend?’ He seemed genuinely flabbergasted.
‘You don’t have to know every single thing about me!’
‘What?! Where is this even coming from?!’
He was taken aback. He sat staring at you in silence for a minute. Like he was looking for what he could say, ‘I…’
‘I’m sorry… for yelling…’ you looked away, ‘I thought id be okay… that I’d be alright with just being friends but…’
He sighed, ‘I don’t know what to say. I mean, if I were to be with someone, I’d like for it to be you. But the problems still stand. I’m always busy and if everything went south then we could lose our friendship.’
You huffed, ‘yeah I know but if anyone can figure it out, it’s us.’
‘Is it really worth the risk?’
You looked at him with a straight face, ‘I don’t know but if I see another person who’s all over you, I might just become a murderer. I know us being together wont change much since we can’t tell people but we’ll know…’
‘You know what… I get it. I don’t like to admit how much it annoys me when you’re back stage and whoever is walking past keeps talking to you. The way they smile and check you out,’ he huffed.
You looked off, ‘so what now?’
‘I guess there isn’t much choice,’ he looked at you with a slight smile.
‘Mhm? And what does that mean?’
‘Well, I don’t think you’ll have to come back here because of me again for a while.’
With all the warm fuzzy feelings and sweet looks, you guys got together.
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A/N: please like and comment and reblog. Now, um, I have a confession.
Chan: mhm?
No no no! You turn around and plug your ears!
Chan: WHY?!
Chan: wow. Ok. Thought we were closer then that…
Yeah yeah, get your old ass far away right now please. Love you!
*he marches inside*
Ok, so, I wasn’t on insta for ages cus I took it off my homepage on my ipad and forgot it existed. But like, not the point. I still managed to find out my boys made their own instagram pages before the 24 hour mark. And do you know what I did when I found out?
I CRIED! I followed them all and then I CRIED! There’s something wrong with me.
Chan from inside: awh, that’s so cute!
Chan: no please don’t! I only have today to relax!
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zoanzon · 7 months
That post with the Tangled gifs was from 2014 how did you find that lmao?? xD
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[Asked in context of me finding this post from 2014.]
Okay, so, I'm genuinely glad someone asked because I'd already been planning to make a post about this. Tumblr code should be vivisected in a medical theater in front of an audience of hooting Victorian students.
So, to open with the TLDR and go into detail afterwards: it turns out if you turn off infinite-scrolling, you can abuse the way tumblr URL updates to bethesda clip your way back into deeper sections of your dashboard or your Drafts folder, but not your own singular blog's published side.
Step 1: Settings -> Dashboard -> Endless Scrolling. Turn off infinite scrolling. Don't worry, you can turn it back on when you're done experimenting.
Step 2: Scroll down to the bottom of your dashboard, or to the bottom of your drafts.
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[image_id: a picture of my Drafts folder, with the 'next page' button predominantly displayed. the url at the top is www(dot)tumblr(dot)com/dashboard/blog/(blog name)/drafts. the post seen has a visible 'posted on' timestamp from 2 days ago. end id.]
Step 3: Go through 'next page', then look at the url.
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[image_id: another picture of my Drafts folder, this time at the top of the next page. with my cursor hovering over the url box, it highlights the full url: https://www(dot)tumblr(dot)com/blog/(blog name)/drafts?before_id=741844798759124992. the only post you can see has a visible 'posted on' timestamp from 2 days ago. end id]
Now, if I remember what I read somewhere right, that huge number at the end is a Unix timestamp. Look up what those are yourself, but what you need to know is that handy-dandy 'before_id' section in the url? It means it starts the page at the first post that comes before the indicated timestamp.
Makes enough sense, right?
So, now we get to Step 4: Cut off 2-3 numbers off the end of the timestamp in the URL, and hit ENTER.
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[image_id: another picture of my Drafts folder, this time at the top of the next page. with my cursor hovering over the url box, it highlights the full url: www(dot)tumblr(dot)com/blog/(blog name)/drafts?before_id=741844798759124, different from the prior id's URL by missing '992' from the end. the only post you can see has a visible 'posted on' timestamp from February 23, 2020. end id]
If I tried to use endless scrolling to get that deep, my computer would've already exploded. But because turning off infinite scrolling means the url starts updating...you can fuck with it. The smaller the number, the farther back you go.
As I said, it also works on your dashboard too!
For dashboard it doesn't seem to be "?before_id="; instead "max_post_id=" is what fills the url for some unknown reason when you click 'next page', but it does the same thing. So, write out www(dot)tumblr(dot)com/dashboard?max_post_id=74184479875912409 and see yourself jump back a bit in your dashboard.
Then, if you start shrinking that number...
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[image_id: A picture of my dashboard, highlighting an ATLA gifset post. The post's original timestamp is Oct 2012, and the reblogged timestamp is August 2014. Highlighted by my cursor is the url: https://www(dot)tumblr(dot)com/dashboard?max_post_id=94200403764. end id.]
So...yeah, use this trick to scare the shit out of your mutuals when you start reblogging stuff that they themselves last reblogged nearly a decade prior, or to dig deep into your Drafts folder if you're like me and its way too large a number to scroll to the bottom of using infinite scrolling!
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mybiasisexo · 8 months
This might be a tmi, and u don’t have to answer if u don’t feel comfortable, but how big do u think Sehun actually is 🧐? Like a rough estimate?
Again, if u don’t feel like comfortable, u can totally ignore this lol. 😂 this is my intrusive thoughts winning
lmao before i get into this, yall see those thirst posts/comments that be like '5 inches slight curve tip color #3990' lmfaooo i just thought of that for this 😂
also also, years ago, like in 2014 there was like a website or something? where you could put someones name in and it would show a diagram of what their dick would look like and i remember ppl putting exo in there. i searched high and low for them, but i either didnt reblog them at the time, didnt probably tag it, or they got deleted 😔
anywhoooo. i feel hes one of those long and skinny types. personally, i think yeol has the biggest dick in the group, but the fact no one (bbh) has ever brought him up, i slightly doubt. sehun def is the 2nd biggest (with yixing right after. have you seen the way that man walks???) id say slightly above average??? 5.5/6 in??? nothing too crazy, they aint carrying shlong yall 😂
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agustdiv1ne · 1 year
i dont wanna reblog on this acc for reasons, but i just finished telepathy (got off track so many times im sorry) and its literally the best thing i have ever read in my entire life. like istg there were a few moments when i laughed out loud (taehyuns "thats nepotism" caught me so off guard i giggled) (there was another moment at the beginning i don't remember the line) and i genuinely laughed when he first found out what she listens too 😭 i think this fic is the most relatable to me, tbh, bc like if you saw me in the street, i look like an innocent chubby girl, not someone who writes hybrid smut about people on the internet 💀 like im totally the type to get off to someone i saw randomly somewhere (ive done it before)
AND THE SCENE WITH HIM JACKING OFF>??????? like i was reading with a straight face until the fUCKING BUTTON UP???? LIKE ITS THE LITTLE DETAILS THAT COUNT ISTG (mental reminder for when i write later)
i already knew what was gonna happen as soon as i read pseudo-fingering in the warnings last night, but reading it was a whole fucking other story, i swear to fucking god. i've become kind of immune to reading smut in my experienced age (😭), so it's rare for me to find a fic that gives, like, ALL the tingles (iykyk)
and this one gave so much more than that- like if i was home alone right now, this would be jackoff material, i am not kidding you. like the pretty girl thing was already a little sjkhbdehdfb to me, and then just the whole "dont make it obvious" was so sjkdhbshjdi
AND THEN THE FUCKING SCENE???? LIKE IM SORRY I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT AT ALL and like, im sorry gyu but if this ever happened to me i would not be able to stay quiet at all. like legitimately i'd be crying.
i was just WAITING for that ending if im being honest, like i LIVE for stuff like this where its so nonchalant at the beginning like "are you alright? ��" and i was just waiting for her to recognize his voice ACK and then the "pretty girl" GOT ME LIKE IF THIS HAPPENED TO ME AND IT WAS SOMEONE SO FUCKING ATTRACTIVE ID FAINT
here's my actual reaction to that last line (the middle is cut off because i had my hand over my mouth going "oh my god oh my god") (and dw im okay that squeak was a laugh)
mannn what if i cry. then what. genuinely that is such an honor :'))) no bc same, like u would never guess what i do on this hellsite j from what i look like LMAO
SCREECHES i loveee adding little details to my scenes (it's also why my fics are becoming obscenely long,, sorry everyone, idk what happened to the 7-8k projection,,,,), idk why but writing that had my heaving trying to hold myself together...yeah
pseudo-fingering LOL i truly still don't know how else to describe it...my guy was mind fucking her fr,,, can't believe i actually broke ur immunity for a hot second that's so funny to me
HGKDJL i was projecting heavily in this one i'm ngl 🤣🤣 like exhibitionism is kinda,,, yeah. Yeah. i also dream abt being called pretty girl one day 🤣 manifesting it rn actually
HAHAHA no bc same, i wouldn't be able to keep it together i'd writhing and crying and disintegrating LMFAO,, mc was so strong ngl i wish i could be like her.........but alas, i am Weak
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tasteleeknow · 2 years
is there a fic or something you’ve written that YOU believe is your best work yet like the best piece you feel like you’ve ever written but it didn’t get as much attention as you anticipated? and is there a post that you didn’t try as much on but the amount of attention it got still shocks you ?? 😅😅
I don’t write fics but I know I get sooo mad when in school i have to write papers & the papers I don’t try very hard on & write in a few hours do WAYY better than the papers I take hours or even days writing 🙄🙄🙄. Just recently I got an A+ on my final report that I did an hour before it was due while another paper that I wrote for a different class & actually tried on (spent DAYYSSSS writing) I received a D- 😭.
Sorry for the little rant but I’m genuinely curious LOL
the amount of work and time i put into writing has ZERO impact on how 'well' it does lmao for sure. hello stranger is my first series and i have a document of thousands of words with tables all full of character building and planning and it's... so much work. the chapters get like 500 notes maybe compared to one shots which usually get between 1 to 4k. i don't actually mind though bc i get way more feedback on the series. like ppl put essays in their reblogs and send me messages and all that. i care more about that than the notes, especially because the majority of notes are likes.
i actually tend to find the things that don't get flooded with likes have more ppl who will message me personally and be really passionate about it. i wrote a fairy!au that didn't do as well as most of my other minho one shots but i had ppl making moodboards for it and edits and all of that. which again, i appreciate more than likes.
koala still has the most notes and its one of the first things i wrote so i KNOW the quality of the writing is worse. also when i posted it i was convinced ppl would hate it like i was ready to hit delete. after that did so well i've just been like no fear tbh like how i feel about something seems to say nothing abt how others will feel. i just post and vibe.
i really don't think there has been anything i've posted where i was disappointed in the amount of attention it got. maybe aftercare with minho ?? it's a drabble but it had a label put on it literally 2 minutes after i posted it so it got very little exposure. i really am just grateful in general like my writing gets a lot more eyes on it than i ever would have expected so i really feel like i have nothing to complain about. i do just wish more of the eyes were... active rather than ya know silent/passive.
lmao in school i literally did everything at the very last second. i had a very severe undiagnosed case of adhd and was really just coasting the entire time. i remember having to convince teachers id hand something in and then just keep stalling until they actually just gave up or forgot about it. then there was like ONE TIME for some reason i really clicked with the content, it was a maths assignment and it was satisfying to my brain, so i spent a week on it and ended up helping a bunch of my class with it at the public library on the weekend and i got the highest mark possible and then never did it again. no lessons learned just 'well thats nice moving on'. but in uni when i was forced to actually do the work the assignments where i started earlier and tried harder did meh and the ones i didn't at all did well. so yeah, i get it. D- on something you'd worked so hard on..... i'd lose it hfjdsk i remember once handing something in that i'd worked harder on than anything else in my entire uni life and i barely passed and i was like yeah never trying again. and i didn't. and everything was fine. what's the lesson?? idk trying is overrated just vibe gfhdjs
sorry for MY rant hjds
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untitled-seven · 2 years
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I posted 8,143 times in 2022
That's 5,231 more posts than 2021!
500 posts created (6%)
7,643 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,331 of my posts in 2022
#crabshit - 726 posts
#hall of fame - 484 posts
#favorites - 256 posts
#boyfriendposting - 58 posts
#tagged in - 51 posts
#playlist - 49 posts
#reference - 39 posts
#holy shit - 29 posts
#tagging in a friend - 29 posts
#help - 25 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#i doubt most of them can even differentiate between romantic love and friend love which adds another spicy layer to the whole shabang
My Top Posts in 2022:
fucking hell . . . was playing through hades. no boons in tartarus, was slain once by alecto. moved on. got the life back with chaos but fucking died again in the process. i expect to taper out before the bone hydra.
NOPE! still almost no boons that improve my fighting, nothing on my cast, etc, very weak build --
i get to patroclus and idk why but i choose full revival. FOUR. FUCKING. LIVES.
im at asterius and theseus & i have almost no way to land good shots. this round is going to last until the end of time, jesus christ in a shopping cart.
16 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
hatsune miku gave my phone a virus
16 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
fondly remembering pirating the sims 4 from tpb and getting a virus so whenever i tried to open it itd set off my antivirus, id disable the antivirus and then play. it worked fine it just uses up my cpu like crazy. i have it quarantined now that i know safer places but no way am i torrenting another 7274673gb file lmao
19 notes - Posted March 25, 2022
i love walking through a door and then closing it behind me and watching kim pace like he knows what hes doing
i go to the next location and he teleports right on top of me who is "supra-natural" now huh?
ok lt. kim "cant open a door" kitsuragi
19 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
orange juice with 155% pulp. orange juice you can chew on
86 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
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cat-with-no-name · 2 years
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I posted 5,499 times in 2022
That's 4,300 more posts than 2021!
9 posts created (0%)
5,490 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 674 of my posts in 2022
#lmao - 8 posts
#mood - 7 posts
#tommy - 6 posts
#yeah - 5 posts
#video - 3 posts
#oh mood - 3 posts
#wolfy - 3 posts
#;) - 3 posts
#everhood - 3 posts
#plurality - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#literally that dream ended with me and her trying to scramble through a drainage ditch full of large rocks while being followed by a police
My Top Posts in 2022:
lets go boiiiiis i'm trying to navigate my dashboard with my keyboard because my mouse died let's see how long before I lose my sanity LMAO
2 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
ok but do you?
honestly I don't get a chance to eat waffles very often, all the glutenfree ones kinda suck tbh I can make some pretty baller glutenfree pancakes, but I don't have a wafflemaker so
4 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
being a system is just like *remembers a childhood event that was pluralcoded* *remembers an old dream that was pluralcoded* *remembers a favorite trope that's pluralcoded* *rememb-
7 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
me: Damn these Blorbos sure do be gettin into Situations
^ (is putting them into Situations)
17 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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[image id: a screenshot of my tumblr dashboard showing a "check out these blogs" section. Only one blog is visible, and it is @one-time-i-dreamt, a popular tumblr blog that publishes submissions of people's weird dreams. Underneath the username it says "Like @strange-aeons", another popular tumblr user who is well known for her youtube channel where she talks about chaotic fandom things that are happening on tumblr. The post being shown is a picture of a pink t-shirt emblazoned with the face of @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses, another popular tumblr user who's well known for their incomprehensible shitposts that focus on strange and disturbing topics.]
500 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
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egret-orchids · 2 years
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I posted 65 times in 2022
That's 65 more posts than 2021!
42 posts created (65%)
23 posts reblogged (35%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 65 of my posts in 2022
#omori - 21 posts
#lorien legacies - 13 posts
#hero omori - 10 posts
#omori hero - 10 posts
#i am number four - 10 posts
#genshin impact - 9 posts
#reblog - 7 posts
#mari omori - 6 posts
#omori mari - 6 posts
#kel omori - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 99 characters
#i remember in like primary school kids were reading the books and my dumb 8 y/o brain was just like
My Top Posts in 2022:
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i think this explains everything
16 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
ok so i said in a previous post that id write smthng with the trans john headcanon, so here take whatever the heck this is-
for some context, i like to think that john and henri would talk a lot abt how john felt, which eventually led to both of them realising john was trans, and when they move, john changes his name to something more fitting for him.
We drive in silence for a while, before I remember that, yet again, I'll need another new name.
'Henri,' I say.
'How about Ethan Barlow? As my new name?' I ask. I've not had a guy's name before, and considering we'd both realised that I'm not a girl, it's a nice change, and more fitting. Henri laughs.
'That's what you've chosen?'
'Alright, then. I'll get the documents done in a bit. I must say, it's nice to meet you, Ethan.'
I smile widely. 'I almost wish we could stay in Texas for longer, I'm probably gonna enjoy being Ethan!' I add. Henri nods.
'I wish we could, too, if it makes you happy being him.' he says, smiling sadly.
19 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
See the full post
44 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
hc: hero wears reading glasses sometimes, but usually just wears contacts
mari calls him a nerd many times because of this
64 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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628 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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minghaoyoudoin · 2 years
Deadly - Part III
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pairing: mafia boss!hyunjin x mafia boss!fem!reader
genre: angst, smut (MINORS DNI FOR REAL), some fluff, mafia au, enemies to lovers, suspense
words: 9.1k
warnings: switch but dom-leaning!hyunjin, switch but sub-leaning!reader, bad language, VIOLENCE, active use of a gun, russian roulette, mentions of injury and gore, death, very brief alcohol consumption, crying, hyunjin fretting over y/n, pain, LOTS of kissing, use of the color system, oral sex (m. receiving), praise, these two are vocal lmao, swallowing, slight body worship, shower sex, fingering, unprotected sex (don't be embarrassing), mentions of cum, begging, multiple orgasms, slight overstimulation, aftercare, some fluff, PLOT TWIIIIIST MWAHAHAHA
a/n: here it is, the long-awaited part three!! thank you so much for your patience while I was writing this, finals week really hindered the creative process lol. I say it all the time, but I am so grateful that you all love this story as much as I do and continue to read it. please like or reblog if you enjoyed it! this part contains actual violence and dark themes, readers please beware!
read part one here read part two here
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There was a special place in hell reserved for whatever bastard had designed this building.
Sure, the casino was gorgeous, a sprawling complex filled to the brim with gilded architecture and marble and red velvet. Slot machines and other various games of luck created a mighty wave of sound, the scent of people desperate to escape nine-to-five misery hanging in the air. But unfortunately, the layout looked nothing in person like it had on the blueprints.
You walked slowly through one of the main halls, glad for the swells of people around you to provide cover. Though you would likely fit right in if any of the guards spotted you, it still made you nervous. You had chosen a skintight crimson dress for the occasion, the hem just brushing the middle of your thighs and the long sleeves clasped in diamond cuffs around your wrists. The air inside was brisk despite the volume of bodies, raising chills on your bare back.
Somehow, in the middle of a crowd of women dressed in floor-length gowns, you felt tragically underdressed.
“Are you in yet?”
You jumped at Felix’s too-loud voice in your ear, the small wire extending from your earpiece tickling your neck beneath your hair. Once again, you wondered why you had let him convince you to do this.
“I told you I’d let you know, Lix.” You huffed an agitated breath and took a casual sip of your champagne. “You’re distracting me.”
Felix mumbled a soft, “Sorry,” at the same time another voice, this one further away from the microphone, added, “Yeah, you’re distracting her.”
You rolled your eyes before you could think better of it. You lifted your champagne flute to your mouth so you could whisper behind it, “Why are you even here, Chan?”
“Because unlike some people, I am willing to be a voice of reason. I can’t believe you let Felix rope you into this.”
The instinct to scoff was enormous, but the adrenaline pumping through your body distracted you from your tendency to be a smartass.
“Hey, she agreed, didn’t she? Don’t act like this is all my f—”
“We still don’t know why she agreed—”
“Seriously, guys, shut up.” You scanned the room with your eyes, making sure to keep a soft smile plastered on your face. You couldn’t keep speaking to them like this—if anyone saw you talking to yourself all hell would break loose.
In truth, you weren’t quite sure why you had agreed, either. It was like someone else had taken over your body the moment Felix’s caller ID showed up on your phone. It was Felix, for god’s sake.
Much to your despair, he didn’t listen to your request to stop talking. “You remember what you have to do, right?”
You didn’t answer right away, instead taking a moment to casually saunter behind a column, facing the wall as you leaned against it.
“Yeah, I remember.” You whispered at last, watching through your periphery for any unsuspecting passerby. “Do you remember what I told you?”
“Yeah, yeah. He doesn’t even know I’ve been talking to you.” There was an edge to Felix’s tone which you determinedly ignored. You knew he was all but chomping at the bit for you to speak to Hyunjin, but you couldn’t bring yourself to tackle that particular problem quite yet. Things like this were much more your speed.
At the end of the day, heists were easier than proposals.
You took a deep breath as you reassembled the blasé smile onto your face. “Okay, seriously, stop talking to me.”
Chan’s staticky laugh filtered through your earpiece, followed swiftly by a muted thud like Felix had swatted him on the arm.
You reemerged from behind the column and joined the steady stream of people milling between rooms. Though the casino looked far different in person than it had in the blueprints Felix had sent you, you at least knew that you were one level higher than you needed to be.
You made your way toward the grand staircase at the end of the hall at an unhurried pace. The only thing that calmed your nerves was the coolness of the revolver holstered to your lower back, concealed by the fur wrap you held casually around your waist.
Seriously, why had you let Felix convince you to do this? This, of course, meaning stealing a diamond the size of your fist from the office of the owner of this casino. The payout would be enormous, but money wasn’t your primary motive for helping Felix steal the gem.
Ugh, Jihyo was going to wring your neck for this one.
“I wish you would have let me come in there with you.” Felix said, once again ignoring your request to keep quiet. You didn’t respond, not now that you were in the open, but he didn’t seem to mind. “We worry about you.”
“We?” You whispered back before you could stop yourself.
There was a beat of silence like Felix had nodded, forgetting you couldn’t see him. “Well, yeah. I know you can hold your own nowadays and all, but you can’t blame me for wanting to help. You remember the panic word, right?”
You chuckled quietly. Yes, you definitely remembered the panic word. Why Felix had chosen “brownie” as the word that meant you were about to die and the mission was compromised, you had no idea.
“I think she’ll be fine, Lix,” Chan interjected. “She didn’t get a title like “Viper Queen” from sitting around doing needlepoint.”
You fought the urge to smile. Chan was right about that, at least. You descended the grand staircase, keeping your face angled downwards so your hair fell in a curtain around your features.
“I guess. Just be careful in there, okay? Hyunjin is gonna have all our asses if anything happens to you.”
Your stomach twisted. You wished your friend would cool it with the pointed mentions of your almost-fiancée, but you couldn’t really blame him. He was rooting for you.
You reached the bottom of the staircase and veered right, towards the seemingly endless rows of slot machines and warm, finely-dressed bodies. Security were everywhere. A few were dressed in some variation of police uniforms, attempting to look more trained than they actually were, but others—the ones you really needed to worry about—were clad in midnight blue, spotless suits. Those were the ones on the owner’s payroll.
You set your empty champagne flute on the tray of a passing waiter as you strode into a smaller, shadowy hallway. Here, unlike in the larger room from which you’d come, there was no one.
It quieted the longer you walked, the crushed velvet beneath your feet muting the ambient casino noise. Black doors lined either side of the hall, intricate paintings of elderly, unkind-looking men hanging between each.
“Turn the corner ahead, his office is the fourth door on the right.” Felix instructed.
“How do you know where I am?”
“Chan hacked into the cameras on his laptop. I’ve got like six angles on you right now.”
You stiffened at the knowledge you were being watched, but there wasn’t much you could do about it. At least you knew Chan would erase the footage as it was recorded, covering your tracks before anyone could realize you were there.
Felix’s instructions proved unnecessary. You couldn’t have missed the office door if you tried. It was bigger than the rest, the doorframe gilded in the same shade of gold as the accents in the main room.
You hesitated with your hand on the knob. “You’re sure he won’t be in here?”
“Positive.” It was Chan who answered this time. “Boss is in front of the casino right now. Looks like he’s talking to valet, maybe waiting for someone.”
“Let’s do this fast though, just in case. Once you’re in, use his computer to disable the cameras. We’ll lose your visual, but it’ll cover you while you get out.”
You took a steadying breath. It wasn’t the first time you’d done something like this, not by a long shot, but it still made you nervous.
You opened the door.
The hinges didn’t squeak as it swung inward, revealing a lavish, dimly-lit office. Dark hardwood floors were mostly covered by a plush black rug, marble walls giving way to floor-to-ceiling windows opposite you. You eyed the long dining table in the center of the room, lit from above by tasteful glass chandeliers. Armchairs were angled around a lit fireplace, a crystal decanter still sweating condensation onto the table between them.
Your stomach twisted a bit at the sight. If the drink was still cold, it meant someone had been here recently. And judging by the half-finished glass sitting beside it, they planned on returning.
“I’m in,” you whispered as you strode through the doorway, shedding your fur wrap on the loveseat by the door. You walked around the dining table without taking your eyes from the grand mahogany desk beneath the windows.
“Good. We’ll tell you when the cameras go out.”
The computer on the desk was miraculously left unlocked, but the discovery did not comfort you. It only confirmed that the man who owned this office certainly planned on coming back soon.
You hastily pulled up the camera feed without looking at any of the footage. Every second you spent in this office was the ringing of your death knell. You clicked through screens as quickly as you could manage without tripping any cyber alarms, but it was still too slow.
“Anything?” Your voice was strained.
“Not yet,” Chan responded tightly. “Keep trying.”
You opened the computer’s control panel and typed in a few codes. God, why hadn’t you paid more attention when Lee Know showed you how to do this shit?
The computer screen flashed and you jumped, but Felix made an excited noise through your earpiece.
“Nice! Cameras are down.”
You straightened away from the desk and released a heavy breath. “Okay, where’s the safe?”
“Fireplace. One of our guys watched boss-man open the painting above the hearth.”
You laughed incredulously. “That’s not very creative.”
“I suppose you don’t have to be when you’re richer than sin.” Chan’s voice dripped with sarcasm and you grinned.
The fire burning was barely more than cinders at this point, but it warmed your bare legs as you approached the painting Felix had spoken of. You barely looked at it, only glimpsing dark hair and lifeless eyes as it swung away from the wall on hidden hinges.
Felix’s intel was right. Behind the painting was a small metal safe that was built into the wall, its digital screen lighting up as it detected motion.
“Code?” You stared at the number pad while Felix ruffled through his notes, the sound of papers moving filling your right ear.
“There are several written here. We’ve got three tries before the safe permanently locks and calls authorities.”
“Thanks, that’s reassuring,” you said through clenched teeth.
“Sorry. Try 0908.”
You obeyed. Your stomach nearly fell through the floor when the safe beeped angrily, the screen flashing red.
“Shit, okay.” Felix’s anxiety was palpable. Your hands were beginning to shake, much to your annoyance. As much as you liked being on the ground like this rather than sending people to do it for you, it was stressful enough to give you an aneurysm. “Try 0419.”
The screen flashed again. “One more chance. Please don’t get me killed.”
Neither of them laughed, but you hadn’t expected them to. Jihyo was going to be so pissed if you died today.
It was Chan who spoke this time. “2518.”
You took another deep breath before punching in the numbers, pausing to pray between each. Your palms were sweating, your dress suddenly much too tight and scratchy against your skin.
The digital screen turned green. “Got it,” you breathed. The safe beeped cheerfully and the door popped open at the same moment Chan and Felix heaved identical sighs of relief.
You froze at the feeling of cold metal pressed against your temple.
You didn’t move to look at the person holding the gun. You just held your breath, your hand still resting lightly on the door of the safe.
“Brownie.” Your whisper was barely more than a breath of air moving.
“What did you say?” Felix asked, his voice raised with alarm.
You swallowed the panic in your throat as the owner of the gun released the safety with a soft click. The hammer pulled back and you resisted the urge to flinch.
You closed your eyes.
“Fuck, call H—”
The gun fired.
            You woke with what had to be the worst headache of your entire life.
There was an incessant buzzing in your left ear, the area of your scalp above it white-hot and pounding. You struggled to lift your head, instantly aware of the wetness along your hairline.
Blood. Shit. You were going to knock heads if it ruined your dress. You made a silent vow to kill whatever asshole had fired a blank at you from less than a foot away.
It took far too much effort to examine your surroundings, your vision blurry and breaths shallow. God, you couldn’t even think around the throbbing in your temple.
You noticed first that you were still in the office. Only now, you were seated at the dining table in the center of the room, your hands tied to the chair behind you. The gun you had brought with you on this mission, your father’s revolver, was laying in the center of the table.
All thoughts eddied from your mind when you noticed the seat across from you was occupied.
“Hello again, little bird.”
Mr. Chae smiled softly, his ruddy features made gaunt by the dim overhead lighting. You attempted to return the smile, but you were sure it looked more like a grimace.
“Fancy seeing you here,” you replied. Your voice was too weak, your throat too thick, for your quip to hit its mark. You couldn’t find it within yourself to be surprised that Mr. Chae was involved with the gang who owned this casino. All the billionaires were criminals in one way or another.
“I could say the same.” Mr. Chae leaned forward to rest his elbows on the table and smiled again. “This, little bird, is not your turf.”
“Not yours either, last time I checked.” You subtly pulled against the ropes binding your wrists and winced when they bit into your skin. “Where’s your boss?”
“Where’s your lover?”
You stilled. Was he… talking about Hyunjin? You cleared any of your surprise from your face before it could show. “I asked first.”
He shrugged. “What is he but always preoccupied?”
“Fascinating answer, you should go on Jeopardy.”
Perhaps taunting the man wasn’t your best option, but acting meek wasn’t your typical choice.
“Why are you here, little bird?”
You tugged on your bindings again as you straightened in your seat. “Stop calling me that. And why do you think? I came to gamble.” No chance in hell would you sell out Felix to this bastard.
Mr. Chae’s smile turned threatening and you worried that you’d said something wrong. You had the terrible feeling that he had been waiting for you to walk into a verbal trap.
He nodded with his chin to the revolver on the table. “And gamble you shall.” Mr. Chae stood and cracked his knuckles—was he seriously trying to intimidate you?—before walking slowly to your side of the dining table.
You didn’t bother to conceal the wary curiosity on your face when he cut the rope around your wrists. You rubbed the deep red lines on the joint as he returned to his seat. Your head was still pounding. The drying blood on your scalp was beginning to itch and you fought the urge to scratch it with a vengeance.
When he didn’t immediately speak again, you raised a brow. “So… what? If I win the staring contest I get to leave?”
Mr. Chae laughed, the sound gratingly fake in your ears. “No, little bird. You get to leave if the bullet in that gun doesn’t wind up in your head.” He motioned to your father’s revolver, the metal glittering ominously in the low light.
So this was his game. Russian roulette. Fine, then. You had played before and obviously hadn’t lost yet.
You leaned back in your seat, feigning nonchalance. The ache in your head was getting worse—you feared that if you so much as breathed wrong, you would vomit from the pain.
“What do you get out of this? Is my attempted theft of your boss really worth dying for?” You asked.
“Of course not. But the threat of death makes it interesting, no?”
Psycho. You switched gears, your eyes narrowed. “And who’s to say I won’t pick up that gun and shoot you? It would certainly be easier that way.”
Mr. Chae’s grin was so wide it slashed his face in half. “Because I know who killed your father.”
You scoffed immediately. “I hate to tell you this, Chae, but I already know who murdered my father. And Hwang has been dead for almost a year.”
“Are you certain of that?”
When he answered, the entire world fell from beneath you.
“The late Mr. Hwang was not responsible for your father’s death.”
This time, you could not master the shock on your face. You opened and closed your mouth several times, unable to find words suitable for the storm of thoughts in your mind.
You settled on, “Then who did?”
“The same individual who killed your lover’s father in a play for control of the city.” Mr. Chae watched your reaction with glittering eyes, obviously savoring that he possessed information you didn’t.
It was impossible. There was absolutely no way.
Your eyes fell to the gun between you. “If we play… you’ll tell me who killed my dad?”
“One question per shot. Whoever lives, wins.”
You chewed on your lower lip, considering. Though you still didn’t understand what Mr. Chae would get out of this, he obviously had some agenda that he wasn’t telling you about. Whatever it was, it was obviously important enough to die for.
Mr. Chae saw your decision on your face before you spoke. He motioned with a hand toward the gun and smiled again. “Ladies first.”
You picked up the gun, attempting to hide the shakiness of your hands. Your head hurt so badly you wanted to scream. You checked through bleary eyes that there was only one bullet in the revolver, then spun the cylinder.
You raised your chin as you pressed the barrel to your temple. “Who murdered my father?”
Mr. Chae clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “Well that’s no fun, is it? Try again.”
You rolled your eyes. “Fine. How do you know who killed him?”
The bastard paused expectantly, watching you with poorly-concealed excitement on his face. You licked your lips and sucked in a deep breath as you pulled the trigger.
Empty. The gun clicked and the air whooshed from your lungs in a rush. Mr. Chae leaned back in his seat, obviously disappointed.
“I am not only employed by the owner of this lovely establishment. My other boss, the more important of the two, was responsible for your father’s death. That’s how I know. Not only that, but I was aware of the scheme before it was carried out.”
You ignored the rage that coursed through you at his admission. Even if Mr. Chae hadn’t killed your father himself, he had known it was going to happen.
You slid the gun across the table, more than a little relieved to get the thing away from you. He picked it up and spun the cylinder immediately, wasting no time pressing it against his receded hairline.
“Why are you in this casino?”
You smiled softly. “Helping an old friend. Trying to get back in their good graces, I guess.”
“Liar. Tell me more.”
“That’s not how this works.”
Mr. Chae’s eyes flashed but he said nothing further. He sucked in a tight breath through his mouth, held it, and pulled the trigger as he exhaled.
You couldn’t help but be disappointed when the shot was blank. You were getting rather sick of the smile on Mr. Chae’s face, but it was still there as he pushed the gun across the table once again.
“There’s nothing more to tell,” you conceded as you picked up the revolver. “I wasn’t lying.” You held the barrel against your head and tried not to gag as your vision went in and out of focus. “I was in the next room when Hwang shot my father. I heard the shot go off, then saw him bolt. How is it possible he’s not the one who killed him?”
Mr. Chae leaned forward as you pulled the trigger, then slumped back in frustration when it was blank.
“He was there to warn him. The elder Hwang became aware of the plot to kill your father mere hours before the mission was completed.”
His casual referral to your father as a “mission” nearly made you vomit, but you gathered your wits before you could reveal how weak you felt.
Mr. Chae was slower to pick up the gun this time. You cocked your head with interest as he glanced nervously at the revolver, repeatedly wetting his lips with his tongue.
“No more questions?” You prodded, forcing your expression to remain aloof.
The smile he gave you would haunt you until the day you died, you were certain of it.
“Don’t say yes to his proposal. Most people flee from death, yet you are choosing to run into his arms.”
You froze. There was no way he could know about Hyunjin’s proposal. You could count on your fingers how many people knew he had asked you to marry him and none of them would dare spread that information.
“What are you talking about?” You bit out.
Mr. Chae held the gun to his temple, his hand surprisingly steady considering the game you were playing. “I suppose I’ve already asked my question, then. What will your answer be, little bird? Yes or no?”
A voice within you told you to close your eyes. Mr. Chae said something else, then, something that sent painful chills skittering across your skin.
The gun fired, the sound earsplitting in such a small space, and your ears rang in the wake of it.
You didn’t open your eyes. You knew what you would see.
The silence that followed was deafening. You drowned in it, your eyes screwed closed, as your stomach lurched.
His final words repeated through your mind in a sick mantra, going off like fireworks.
Your father’s killer calls themselves your friend.
The pounding in your head worsened and you stopped resisting it. Alone with Mr. Chae’s corpse and no idea as to why he pulled the trigger, you tumbled into unconsciousness.
Hyunjin had never felt fear like this in his entire life.
He strode through the casino with feral intent, completely disregarding every person he passed. The suit-clad security straightened at the sight of him, but they didn’t dare approach. Not with the small army of men he’d brought with him hot on his heels.
“The office is this way,” Chan instructed from Hyunjin’s side, a teary-eyed Felix beside him. The blond boy had been unable to speak upon Hyunjin’s arrival—every time he tried, tears threatened to spill onto his cheeks and his throat tightened beyond words.
It’s my fault, it’s my fault, Felix had kept repeating.
That hadn’t alarmed Hyunjin. Felix often cried, and it was one of the reasons he was so dear to him. What had truly set panic roiling in his gut, though, was the alarm on Chan’s face.
We don’t know what happened. A gun fired and she went dark.
It’s my fault—
I’m sorry, Jin, I think she’s—
It’s my fault, it’s all my fault—
Hyunjin’s heart galloped unsteadily in his chest as they rounded the corner into a smaller hallway branching off from the main room. He didn’t need instruction to find the office his friend had spoken of. A little ways down the corridor, one of the doors was ajar.
A gunshot echoed through the air, originating from the office they walked toward. Hyunjin immediately broke into a run and the men around him did the same, guns drawn and cocked in less than a second.
If there was anyone left in there, if they had hurt you…
Every ounce of rage in his mind bowed to panic when he stepped through the doorway.
There were bodies in this room.
And one of them was yours.
Hyunjin stumbled forward, completely ignoring the man’s corpse slumped at the table across from you. There was a revolver in his hand, the barrel still smoking. So much blood, on the man, on the table, the floor, everything. Hyunjin forced himself not to look, to focus on you—
He tossed his gun on the table as his men fanned into the room and he took your face in his hands. He could have wept with relief when you took a shuddering breath.
Not dead, not dead, not dead
Your eyes were closed, your breathing too shallow, and blood caked your hair to your head and the side of your face. But you weren’t dead. Hyunjin thanked every star in the sky for each rattling breath you took.
“Look at me, baby. Please, open your eyes.” His voice was surprisingly steady, and somewhere in your subconscious you were certain an angel was speaking to you. “Look at me.”
Your eyes did not open. Beneath the blood on your face, there was a shallow wound—a burn, it looked like, and Hyunjin realized abruptly that a blank had been fired directly against your temple.
He was going to murder someone. Anyone, everyone, it didn’t matter.
Hyunjin was distantly aware of Chan looking over you for other injuries as he urged you again to open your eyes. The moment his friend nodded, he slid his arms beneath you and hauled you into his arms. There was blood all over you, staining the formal dress you wore, but Hyunjin didn’t care in the slightest.
He strode from the room without looking back at the dead man you’d been seated across from. He looked familiar, but between the wounds and blood, it was difficult to discern his face. His men would find out—no, you would tell him when you woke up. You, no one else.
Hyunjin caught Felix’s eye as he passed through the doorway. His friend was still crying, worse now than before he’d seen the state of you.
“I told her to let me come with her,” Felix breathed, his eyes wide. “She… I’m so sorry.”
He couldn’t be angry with him. Not until he knew what had happened here.
You stirred in Hyunjin’s arms as he walked, unconsciously nestling closer to his warmth. You were shaking, likely from more than just the cold.
Hyunjin didn’t slow as you spoke, though he tilted his head down to catch your whispers. “What did you say? Say it again for me, baby.”
“I… I didn’t… kill him.”
“…Mr. Chae.”
That was Mr. Chae in there? Hyunjin drew back a little, surprised, but leaned toward you again when you continued speaking.
“He asked—asked me…”
“What did he ask you?”
“The answer… is—is yes.” You grimaced as Hyunjin exited the casino doors, immediately striding for the nondescript black SUV waiting in the shadows. “I would have said yes.”
For seven glorious seconds after waking, you were blissfully unaware.
But the moment the memories came crashing back, your eyes snapped open like a gun had gone off. You looked around, disoriented, at a bedroom that did not belong to you.
You had been here before.
Though Hyunjin’s bedroom looked very much the same as it had a month ago, its décor was softened by the dim morning light filtering through the windows.
Your head hurt. You probed your sore temple with your fingertips and grimaced at the sharp pain that echoed through your skull. Mercifully, though, the blood had been washed away while you slept. Your hair was soft and clean, your ruined dress replaced by a large cotton t-shirt.
Who had cleaned you? Hyunjin?
The moment his name crossed your mind, you noticed the long body that was draped over yours. His breathing was deep and even, his arm slung over your waist as he held you to him. He was deliciously warm, almost fever-hot against your skin.
You gazed down at Hyunjin’s sleeping face, his cheek pressed against your sternum. His eyelashes fluttered as he dreamed, his expression more relaxed than you had ever seen it awake.
“…Hyunjin?” You croaked. Your voice was a hoarse whisper, like you hadn’t spoken in years.
His nose scrunched as he stirred. Hyunjin’s eyes cracked open and he looked up at you, eyes bleary. For half a moment, there was only exhausted affection on his face.
Hyunjin shot upright, instantly alert. Concern contorted his expression as he looked over you, his hands hovering like he wasn’t sure where he could touch you without causing you pain.
“What happened?” You roughly cleared your throat. “How did I get here?”
Hyunjin’s shoulders slumped, seemingly with relief. His hands at last fell to rest on top of your thighs and his fingers gently squeezed the muscles there.
“I brought you.”
“Why? How long have I been out?”
“Two days.” You tried not to gape as he spoke. Two days? “I’m sorry, I wanted to be awake when you woke up.”
It was obvious that he’d tried. There were deep, bruise-like shadows beneath his eyes and you were certain this was the first time he’d slept since you’d been here.
“What happened?” You asked again.
Hyunjin’s eyes lifted to meet yours and you bristled at the angry light that abruptly filled them. “Care to tell me why you were playing Russian roulette with Chae Shinwon?”
Your head throbbed as you frowned. “Trust me, I wouldn’t have if I had the choice.” You tried to rid the image of Mr. Chae’s smile from your mind, still contorting his face mere seconds before he pulled the trigger.
“Then why were you even in the casino?”
“It doesn’t matter.” You weren’t sure how much Hyunjin knew and no way would you get Felix in trouble.
A muscle in Hyunjin’s jaw ticked as he ground his teeth. “Fine. You’re aware that you could have died?”
“I’m not stupid, Jin.”
“Could have fooled me.”
You stared at one another in terse silence while you seethed. You had almost died and Hyunjin had the nerve to sit here and interrogate you?
You leaned back against the pillows, abruptly exhausted. “I can’t do this right now. My head hurts and you’re being a dick.”
Hyunjin’s expression softened and he leaned forward to examine the side of your head. You watched him through narrowed eyes but made no move to get away from him.
You remained motionless as he shifted and winced in pain when his lips ghosted over the wound on your temple. No wonder your head hurt. A blank fired at such close range should have killed you and it was a miracle that it hadn’t.
“How are you feeling?” He breathed against your skin, moving his head so his lips could trail across your jaw. Chills rose on your bare legs.
“Like I lost a fight with a semi.”
Hyunjin laughed breathily. “Understandable.”
“And you?” Your voice was strained, though not from pain this time. You were hyperaware of Hyunjin’s hands still gently massaging your thighs and the heat of his body seeping into yours. “You must be exhausted, having watched me sleep like a creep for two days.”
“Nothing I can’t handle. I was having a wonderful dream before you woke me up, though.”
Hyunjin’s mouth worked its way to the other side of your face, pressing feather-light kisses to your chin, your jaw, your cheekbone. Your fists bunched the sheets on either side of you, your body suddenly much too warm.
“What were you dreaming about?”
“You and me. We were in Fiji.”
You laughed, though it sounded more like a heavy exhale. Over the course of yours and Hyunjin’s relationship, you had spoken of Fiji more times than you could count.
“That sounds like a wonderful dream.” You meant it. In another life, you had wanted nothing greater in the world than to lay out on a beach with the man currently worshipping your cheekbones.
This was dangerous. To let him kiss you like this, with such peace and fondness, was a bad idea considering everything that had happened.
Regardless, you remained perfectly still. Your breathing deepened as your core tightened, wetness pooling between your legs when Hyunjin’s teeth gently nipped at your jaw.
“Have you thought any more on my question?”
That brought you back to reality. He seemed to notice when your breath caught because he leaned back to examine your expression. Your heart thudded unevenly when the subtle hope in his eyes dimmed.
“Jin…” You trailed off and swallowed thickly.
“Don’t do that.”
You moved your hands to rest lightly on his waist, appreciating the lean muscle that flexed beneath your touch. “I haven’t stopped thinking about it.”
Your throat worked, completely at a loss for an answer. To marry him… it wasn’t possible. The idea of joining your Families, most of which had spent generations hating one another, was a task that felt too overwhelming to even consider. Not even taking into account your own feelings.
“I…” You blinked rapidly, frustrated with the tightness in your throat. “Jin, I—”
“Don’t say it.” Hyunjin’s expression turned unexpectedly earnest as he took your face between his hands. “Say nothing. Choose to say nothing.”
“You know I can’t do that.”
“You can. I beg of you, just…” Hyunjin pressed his forehead to yours and your eyes fluttered closed. “Let me show you. I can prove to you that it’s possible.”
“I love you.” Your heart stilled. He continued, his voice no more than a strained whisper, “I never stopped loving you, not for a moment. You are my life, as I know I am yours. Why are you so desperate to push me away?”
You had no answer he would accept. In truth, no one you loved was safe. If you allowed yourself to love him, even for a moment, it was as good as putting a bullet in his head.
 “Hyunjin, please—”
Rather than respond with words, he crushed his lips to yours. Your mouth parted for him immediately, his tongue sweeping in to taste you. His hands still on your face fell to your neck and he tugged you closer.
You arched your back into him and groaned low in your throat. All thoughts of your headache fled from your mind in lieu of pounding, incessant need.
“Please, please,” Hyunjin murmured into your mouth. “Let me show you. Marry me. Just let me—” He cut himself off as he once again captured your lips in his own. Your fingers tangled into his hair, tugging on the soft strands with urgency.
You laid back against the pillows and Hyunjin followed. Your legs raised to wrap around his hips immediately, trapping him to you as he ground against your clothed core. You moaned into his mouth at the sensation—the hard length of him that was already pressing insistently into you.
This was a terrible idea. Hyunjin had just asked you to marry him. Again.
You moaned in unison when he rolled his hips into yours. He panted as he hastily moved from your lips to your throat, sucking harsh marks onto your skin. You savored the sting, the subtle pain that woke something deep inside you.
His warm tongue laved across your throat and he bit down on your collarbone. You gasped and clenched around nothing, still woefully empty. Your hands dove beneath his sleep shirt, savoring the hard muscle beneath your palms.
Hyunjin worked his way down your body slowly, stopping to worship any part of you that was within his reach. He had your soft t-shirt—his shirt—off your body in less than a second, leaving you only in your underwear.
He kneaded your breasts in his hands for all of three seconds before he was overcome with the desire to taste them. His mouth was hot and wet, drawing whimpers from your throat as he swirled his tongue around one of your nipples. The sensitive bud pebbled when he moved to your other breast, wet with his saliva in the chill room.
A continuous stream of whines and moans left your mouth that you were completely helpless to stop. No one, no one, made you feel as good as Hyunjin did. He knew your body like he had created it himself in one of his paintings.
You stopped him when he moved to wedge his shoulders between your thighs. He gazed up at you, confusion coloring his pretty cheeks, and you smiled.
“Take off your shirt.”
Hyunjin had never followed your instruction so quickly in his life. He sat up to strip his t-shirt from his body and you took a moment to admire him in silence. He was perfect. Literally perfect.
Chills danced across his skin, growing in intensity when you reached out to trail your fingernails across his toned stomach. If there were ever a question as to if you affected him, this sight was answer enough.
He allowed you to roll him until he was on his back with you straddling his hips. You pressed your open mouth to one of his pecs, taking his nipple into your mouth the way he had with yours. He released a vulgar moan as one of his hands wound into your hair, pulling lightly at the roots.
You left hasty kisses across his skin, aware of his impatience the longer you stalled. You couldn’t help yourself. He was so pretty when he was worked up. This had always been the easy part of your relationship with Hyunjin—no matter what else happened, your bodies had been crafted for one another.
When you reached the waistband of his pants, you stopped to gaze up at him from beneath your lashes. His eyes were hooded with lust and glittering when they met yours, his face and neck flushed.
“What’s your color, baby?” You breathed, allowing your fingertips to trail over the clothed length of him. His cock twitched in response and you smiled at the way his chest heaved.
“The greenest it’s ever fucking been,” he half-groaned.
He lifted his hips to help you pull his pants down and off, and your mouth dried when his achingly hard cock sprang free. It, like his face, was flushed an angry red, an obscene amount of precum gathering at the tip.
You licked his slit with the tip of your tongue and he released what had to be the hottest moan you’d ever fucking heard.
He quickly proved you wrong when you wrapped your lips around him and sucked hard. You hollowed your cheeks and bobbed your head immediately, pumping the length you couldn’t fit with your hand. Hyunjin’s hips jerked upward involuntarily and he lewdly groaned again.
“Oh my god—ah, god—doing so well for me, baby.”
He wasn’t going to last a minute, he was sure of it. You took him into your throat like it was your life’s mission to do so, and he seriously thought he would die the first time you swallowed around him.
You gagged, tears beading at the corners of your eyes. You ignored it completely as his fingers tangled into your hair, gentle around the small burn mark on your temple. He guided you up and down on his length, using your mouth as he recklessly climbed higher.
You looked up at his face as you continued to bob your head. The sight made you clench again, your core white-hot in your desperation to be touched. Hyunjin looked completely overcome by pleasure, his full lips parted and one of his forearms thrown over his face.
“Please, baby, pleasepleaseplease—”
You hummed around him at the same time your tongue dragged across the vein on the underside of his cock, and he was gone. Hyunjin’s entire body locked as he came. His breaths ceased completely for several seconds before resuming in a rush, his entire body shaking as he released down your throat.
“Holy shit—thank you, thank you…”
This time, you took everything he gave you. You swallowed greedily, attempting to prolong his pleasure with your tongue as long as you could.
It was only when he was shaking with overstimulation that you allowed him to push you off of him. You wiped the corners of your mouth with your thumb and proceeded to suck the drops of his cum off of it, ensuring he was watching before you did so. He groaned again, low in his throat.
Hyunjin gazed at you with nothing short of pure adoration. His hands raised to cradle your face again, his fingers exploring your features with heartbreaking gentleness.
You laid your hands atop his and just stared at one another in careful silence for several moments. This, the part you knew was coming, was the hard part.
“I am…” Hyunjin swallowed roughly and began again. “I am very glad you’re not dead.”
You laughed softly, though your voice broke in the middle. “Me too, Jinnie. Thank you for finding me.”
“I’ll always find you.”
You chose to ignore the way your heart shattered. “How did you, anyway?”
“Find you?” Hyunjin’s expression darkened slightly. “Felix called me. He was… very scared for you.”
You swallowed the guilty lump in your throat. “I’m sorry.”
“I know. He’ll probably burst into tears again when he sees that you’re awake. He really thought he killed you for a minute there.”
“Not quite.” You winced as you spoke and probed your injured temple with your fingertips. Perhaps sex wasn’t the best idea, but you truly couldn’t help yourself around Hyunjin.
He noticed your pained expression and his face tightened with alarm. “Shit, did I hurt you?” You stilled as he leaned forward to examine the side of your face. His fingers drifted over the wound and came away red. “Fuck, baby, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t even thinking—come on.”
You didn’t have time to protest as he took your hand and, both of you naked except for your still soaked underwear, dragged you to the door he had once indicated as the bathroom.
You looked around as he started the shower. The décor matched his bedroom, for the most part, except there were more touches of modernism in here. Black marble countertops and waterfall sinks, the glass walk-in shower taking up one of the walls completely; one of his paintings hung above a deep porcelain tub and another by the door.
He placed one of your hands on his shoulder to balance yourself as he helped you step out of your underwear. Your body hurt more than you’d realized—muscles you hadn’t even known you possessed were aching.
You relaxed the moment you stepped beneath the stream of hot water. Hyunjin followed you into the shower and immediately grabbed the shampoo sitting on the bench.
You eyed him warily as he dumped what was definitely too much of the soap into his hand. “What are you doing?”
Hyunjin scrunched his nose at you, one of the most human expressions you’d ever seen him make. “What does it look like?” He gently tilted your head back, unintentionally making you step closer to him at the same time. You stopped protesting the moment his fingers threaded into your hair, working the shampoo into a lather. “I’m taking care of you.”
Your eyes fluttered closed and you sighed. He was careful to avoid the reopened wound on your temple, occasionally leaning forward to press a soft kiss to your forehead, your cheekbone, your nose. Each occurrence broke your heart more than the one before.
You allowed him to turn you so the water could rinse your hair, then remained motionless as he repeated his ministrations with conditioner. The products smelled like him—the knowledge that now you would too made your throat constrict.
It wasn’t until he was cleaning the small amount of blood from your temple with a washcloth that he spoke again. “I wish you would stop putting yourself in danger.”
You opened your eyes to find his face mere inches from yours. Though he was careful to look only at the injury he was cleaning, his mouth was bracketed with tension.
“I can’t do that. It’s the nature of what we do.” You replied softly. It wasn’t a lie, though you once again chose not to mention Felix’s involvement in your presence at the casino. You made a mental note to talk to your friend later, if only to convince him that you were fine.
“I still wish we could run away from all this.”
You smiled sadly. “So do I.”
Hyunjin finished cleaning your temple and discarded the washcloth on the bench, but he didn’t look you in the eye. Rather than force him to speak, you picked up the same shampoo he’d used and squeezed a dollop into your hand.
“What are you doing?” He repeated your question back to you but didn’t move away as you stood on your tiptoes to reach his hair.
Your attempt to rein in your smile didn’t quite work. Skepticism, it seemed, was also in the nature of what you did.
“Taking care of you.” You whispered. Hyunjin stood motionless as you massaged the shampoo into his scalp. He appeared to relax the longer you worked and you were certain that if he could start purring, he would.
Chills rose on your skin when Hyunjin’s wet hands ghosted over your waist. His fingers drew gentle shapes across your ribs, your stomach, your hipbones, and you determinedly tried to ignore the slickness once again growing between your thighs.
His hands did not drift lower, to your relief and frustration. He just continued to touch you simply because he could. You moved on to conditioner, then carefully rinsed the product from his hair. He stared down at you once you’d finished, neither of you daring to break the silence.
When he at last pressed his lips to yours, it felt like waking up. He kissed you softly, slowly, like he had all the time in the world to do so. And somehow, this kiss turned you on more than the desperate, hasty ones you had exchanged earlier.
You moaned breathily when his hands found your ass, languidly massaging the pillowy skin there. He walked you backwards until your back hit the tile wall. It was startlingly cold compared to his heated torso pressed against your front, but you couldn’t bring yourself to mind as you brought your arms up over his shoulders.
He bent to kiss your throat, trailing kisses over the marks he’d left earlier. At this point, you would never have a day that you could walk around without evidence of Hyunjin decorating your body.
One of his hands worked its way to the front of your body and finally, finally, between your thighs. He dragged his fingers through your slick, stopping briefly to tease your clit while you exhaled shakily. You had been turned on for so long without any contact that his touch felt like fireworks.
He groaned when his fingertips found your soaked entrance and were sucked in slightly by your walls. “Always so wet for me.”
 His other hand hiked your leg up around his waist and your head fell against the wall behind you. He could reach so much deeper in this position, effortlessly finding that spot inside of you that was begging for his attention. You watched him through hooded eyes as he watched you. Something in his expression twitched every time you moaned, like your responses to his touch were driving him wild.
“Hyunjin,” you gasped out, grasping uselessly at his slick biceps. With his pelvis pressed snugly against your hip, you could feel without looking that he was completely hard again. He thrusted against you gently, seeking any degree of friction he could find.
You groaned particularly loud when his thumb circled your clit and Hyunjin reached his limit. He effortlessly picked up your other leg so you weren’t touching the ground at all, instead supported only by his hold and the wall behind you.
You both released twin sighs of relief when his cock slid easily into you. The stretch took your breath away. Hyunjin thrusted into you slowly and his forehead fell against yours.
Your fingernails dragged through his wet hair at the base of his skull as you kissed him again. Hyunjin’s hips picked up their pace just enough to make you clench around him and he groaned.
“You fucking terrify me.” He moaned into your mouth. His hips snapped into yours and you couldn’t find the words to respond around the pleasure. “I have never felt as afraid as I did when I saw you in that casino.”
You couldn’t imagine what he must have seen when he walked into that godforsaken office. He’d probably thought you were dead.
“What do I have to do to get you to admit you love me?” The head of his cock bumped your g-spot in time with his words. You were tumbling dangerously close to your orgasm.
“Fuck, Hyunjin—”
“You’re fucking perfect, you know that? I will never fucking deserve you.” Hyunjin took you in an open-mouthed kiss, his tongue dominating yours.
His fingers found your clit again, expertly rubbing the shapes he knew you loved onto it. Your walls clamped down hard around him and he whimpered desperately.
“Come on, baby, cum for me. I’ve got you—”
“Holy shit, Hyunjin—”
When you came, it felt like a star was exploding in your veins. Warmth blossomed in your core and spread to the tips of your toes, momentarily paralyzing you as pleasure crested over you.
Hyunjin continued thrusting into you as your walls repeatedly fluttered around his cock. He gasped as he, too, found his release for the second time. His cum was warm as it filled you, mixing with your own release and dripping down your thighs.
Your orgasm felt like it would never end. Waves of euphoria rocked through you to the point of pain, and Hyunjin kissed you through it all. When you at last returned to earth, you felt like nothing more than air.
For several minutes, neither of you moved. He held you against the wall, his softening cock still nestled in your walls as the water began to cool.
“Thank you for saving me,” you finally whispered. You voice was barely audible over the sound of the shower running.
Hyunjin smiled softly. “I don’t think you need anyone to save you.”
He nodded and let you down, waiting to release you until he was sure you had your footing. You allowed him to clean you up without speaking, recoiling a little from overstimulation when he paused to push his release back into you.
Hyunjin turned off the water and used a towel to dry you off, then himself.
“Are you ever going to tell me why you were playing Russian roulette with Chae?” He asked at last. You had been waiting for him to continue pushing, but you were hoping to at least be dressed before that conversation happened.
While you considered your answer, Hyunjin left briefly to grab clean clothes. Once dressed in a new t-shirt and sweatpants, he leaned against the marble counter to wait.
You pulled the sweater he’d given you over your head, inwardly savoring the scent of him that clung to it. “He knocked me out with a blank to my head. When I came to, I was tied to a chair at the dining table and my father’s revolver between us. Did you ever find that?”
Hyunjin nodded tightly. “It’s with Felix.”
“Good. I didn’t really have a choice as to whether I wanted to play or not. It was either take my chances in the game or he would shoot me outright. I chose the former.”
Hyunjin’s eyes glittered darkly. “I’m glad he’s dead.”
You were inclined to share the sentiment. You continued, “Anyway, he claimed to have information about my father’s—”
You stopped short.
Your father’s killer calls themselves your friend.
“What is it?” Hyunjin asked, concern lighting his features. You swallowed the lump in your throat. It was suddenly very difficult to look him in the eye. You were drawn back to the present when his hand cupped your cheek, forcing you to raise your gaze. “Seriously, what happened just now? Where did you go?”
You cleared your throat. “Chae… he told me something.”
“He… said he knew who murdered my father.”
Hyunjin’s expression turned to one of confusion. “We know who killed your father.”
“I thought so too. But… Hyunjin, we were wrong. Your father didn’t kill mine.”
Hyunjin stepped away from you, his face slack with shock. You crossed your arms over your chest and nodded. You understood his disbelief—you were still feeling much of it yourself.
“The coward shot himself before he could tell me who did it. All he said was that the person who killed my dad is the same one who killed yours, and he seemed to think I already knew them. That they’re parading around as a friend.”
Hyunjin stared at you blankly. You stared back, attempting to get a read on his expression, but there was nothing. His eyes were abruptly guarded, any trace of affection he felt put aside for the time being.
“And you believe him?” He finally asked. You hesitated, considering, but nodded a moment later.
“He had no real reason to lie. Why he was willing to die, though, I still have no idea.”
Hyunjin nodded. “This… complicates things. Whoever killed our fathers was looking for control of the city. They obviously didn’t expect for us to rise to power like we did.”
You could agree with that. Yours and Hyunjin’s ascension to your respective thrones had been unprecedented. You were the youngest leaders to assume control in generations and it seemed no one had expected for you to excel at it as much as you did.
Hyunjin’s expression shifted before he spoke again. “You know what this means, right?” He asked.
You raised an eyebrow. “No, what?”
When Hyunjin smiled, it was the face of an avenging angel staring back at you. “You and I have work to do, Viper Queen.”
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part four here!
YUHHH PART THREE!!! I hope you all enjoyed reading, part four coming to a neighborhood near you soon! please like/reblog if you liked it, bye loves!
masterlist here :)
© minghaoyoudoin 2022 - all rights reserved. reposts/translations not allowed. I do not assume to know the personal lives of the idol(s) depicted in this fic, this is for entertainment purposes only!
taglist: @midnightchanis @aerastus @a-person-with-void @xhazmania @coquette-amor @lenfilms
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