#before you just slap them together 4eva
tuckersdeslauriers · 2 years
Hi! Just curious... I was reading one of your previous answers and you said you feel they're building toward a breaking point with chenford this season. I hadn't seen it that way and I'm just wondering if you can share more about what you think is leading towards this and what kind of breaking point you're expecting? Thanks!
sure thing! just noting this is like...purely conjecture, but ultimately what i would like to see coming up. i also think a lot of people don't want to see this and i respect that, so as a blanket statement since i am posting this publicly: all i ask in sharing this is that you please reciprocate that respect.
so, i think it's incredibly telling that chenford has yet to really talk about their feelings. if you look at 5x08, 5x09, 5x10 – everything is actionable, leading towards something (their first date, then their first time, etc) rather than them tackling how they feel for one another. right now, they're in this blissful happy little space where they're each other's most important person who they can now freely be with. they don't have to shrink back, pretend they don't want to touch, push feelings off – but they still haven't said much, which matters. if they were just going to be settled and together, we'd have seen a bigger moment of confession, a somewhat more dramatic arc of getting together, etc. it's been fairly easy up until now, and i think that's incredibly telling – because it shouldn't be, and it isn't actually easy.
the other shoe is going to drop, and i personally think that'll come in the form of a breakup. i know some hate the idea of this, but i honestly think it'll serve to see them pining for one another now that they know how incredible it feels to be together. whether it be some greater force (work, the powers that be at the LAPD, etc) that keep them from continuing their relationship, a miscommunication (tim went over lucy's head to take the desk job, lucy's now gone over tim's head to get him into metro – and in lucy's case, she's now actively deceiving tim about it, lying to his face when she says "i don't know how you keep that all straight" after orchestrating the whole thing), or a mixture of things (metro's hard on tim, they're missing each other because of shifts, and then it comes out lucy's been lying to him this whole time)...something's going to drive a wedge between these two.
a lot of people saw lucy orchestrating tim's move to metro as a thing tim would be okay with – and i don't think he wouldn't be okay with the move, but the way lucy went about it and the way she kept him in the dark...even after he got the promotion? i don't think tim's going to be cool with that. i could be wrong, but the idea that she's lied to him and actively kept it from him, even when all their colleagues/friends know doesn't seem like it'll sit well when it inevitably comes out.
ultimately, as a viewer i will be more satisfied with their story if it's difficult – and up until now, i don't feel it has been. sure: we have waited for them – but i don't think chenford understood there was even the potential for something until 4x21/4x22 (feelings are a different thing, but literal potential i don't think happened until the fake proposal/first kiss). like, i'm loving the content we're getting but there's no way (imo) that there isn't trouble afoot for them. it wouldn't make sense to me to just let them be – especially with the way problems have cropped up left and right for them from the second they even considered being together. every time something gets resolved, two new issues pop up – so i won't be surprised to see it all come to a head and blow up in their faces for a while.
plus, i would love to see a version of chenford who knows how deeply they feel for one another try to walk it back even a little and be like...we're still friends. we can still be friends! totally! when they know they cannot – when they know they are still (and will always be) each other's most important person. melissa and eric would be bonkers in an exes we-almost-had-it-all-and-i-never-got-to-tell-you-i-love-you arc...and i for one would like to see that happen.
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lottiecrabie · 6 months
hello sweet lottie, I’ve just reread cyosa and I am back on my hands and knees begging for the alternate cuddle ending before you inevitably leave us (still can’t think about that without wanting to die btw xx). as a cuddle truther I must say there are not many days I go without thinking about what may have been hahaha. lots of love 4eva and eva ily
if i could directly send u this and Never give the shower truthers any resolution I would
you lay on the bed, still sweaty and panting, covers and limbs crisscrossing all together. your head rests on his arm, clutching his hand as though holding onto the buoyancy of him, as though you’d be drowning without. the room smells of sex. a grin teases your lips, too proud and fucked-out to be disgusted yet.
‘thank you,’ you speak, quiet and comfortable in the heat of the room. bone-deep happiness curls inside of you. you want to stick to him and the bed and never leave this moment.
matty presses the back of your hand with his thumb. ‘you’re welcome.’ you want to laugh at the absurdity of it all. ‘thank you for trusting me.’
‘of course,’ you say easily. ‘though, it’s not really a compliment on me. you did all the work; i just let myself trust a completely dependable person.’ matty hums, musing.
after a moment of silence, your eyes dropping with exhaustion, he finally asks, ‘so why did you choose me?’
you readjust in his arm, the pinpricks of discomfort on your skin. reality, and the immensity of the ignored, presses your chest. ‘i mean, as we’ve said, i trust you. and—‘ you bite your lip, wondering how much you want to share, how much there even is to say. ‘you’re a good person. a good friend. you never make fun of me for all my pro-con lists or my neuroses. i knew— i don’t know.’ he’s quiet, pensive, and it all feels too much. you force out a laugh, joking, ‘plus, you know, there were all these rumors on campus that you’re a sex god or whatever.’
matty laughs. ‘so am i?’
‘you don’t need me to answer that.’
‘oh, come on. i deserve a little compliment for that performance.’ you slap his belly, shaking your head, but he just laughs harder. ‘so that was all?’ he asks again. you wonder what he’s searching for.
you sigh. bite your lip. ‘well, i guess i found you pretty too, if we are being honest.’
‘glad to hear it.’
‘don’t let it get to your head.’
‘too late.’ you can hear the smirk. you tsk. ‘you know, you’re a very quick study,’ matty declares to the room. you flush, ego and pride curling pleasantly up your spine. your smile widens in earnest ways you’d bother to hide any other times.
‘you’ve a very good teacher,’ you praise back, tilting up to look at him. he still gazes up at the ceiling, hair sticking to his forehead, cheeks red and glistening. god, he’s so pretty. you bite your lip. ‘we’re very good at this,’ you try, dipping a toe in the terrifying.
‘yeah.’ he says, quiet, thoughtful. ‘too good. i think we’ll wake up to many complaints from your neighbors.’
‘oh, yeah. you’re about to have the most watched walk-of-shame ever.’
‘everyone trying to catch a glimpse at the talent,’ matty tsks, faux-mournful. you roll your eyes, vaguely slapping his stomach again. ‘y’know, it might be wise to avoid it altogether.’ again, his eyes stubbornly face the ceiling, but you can feel how his breath hitches and holds under your hand. your grin curls in your cheek.
‘right,’ you nod. ‘wait a few days. give them time to forget.’
‘exactly.’ his thumb rubs the back of your hand. from nerves or from the desperate need to feel you, you’re not sure. ‘and, while we’re here, we might want to check a few other items off your list. just to maximize our time.’
‘smart,’ you laugh. ‘two birds, one stone, and all of that.’
‘of course, i don’t want you to think i’m only using you for things related to your bed. i’m very open to having dinner and any other activities to pass the time as well.’
you can’t take it anymore. you flutter your eyelashes at him, teasing, ‘matty, is there something you want to ask me?’
finally, he looks down and locks eyes with yours. something gets relieved at the sight of you. his smile grows, his hand tightening in yours. ‘do you want to go on a date with me?’ your heart rushes, a flutter of feelings in the depth of your belly.
‘yes,’ you say, grin shining on your cheeks. he can’t hold back the joy either; his head dips down, catching your lips. you push against him to tease, ‘kissing me before our first date? what’s next, you think i’ll put out, too?’
‘oh, i’d never.’
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plutowrites · 4 years
Team Gai 4eva...pt2
Neji watches his sensei across from him as he intensely reads over the entire menu from start to finish. Neji occasionally rolls his eyes when he sees Gai using his pointer finger to read some of the items. "We come here so often, how do you not know what you want to get?" He asks.
Tenten immediately elbows him in the side and Neji stifles his groan. "The longer he takes to order, the longer we have to tell him about us." She aggressively whispers into his ear.
"Fine, but we might want to tell him soon, or else our friend Lee here will do it for us."
Tenten looks across her at her teammate who is sending Neji and her winks and sly smiles. Lee loves being part of a secret, the only problem is secrets don't last very long when he's involved.
"Alright. Have you all decided?" Gai Sensei asks his team.
"Like 10 minutes ago."
He calls a waiter over and everyone puts in their orders. Once the worker leaves their table, Tenten shifts around in her seat.
"Neji and I have something to tell you." She awkwardly states, twirling the straw in her drink around. Neji detects her uncertainty and places a hand on her thigh for support.
Gai sits up straight in his seat and cocks his head to one side, he’s intrigued. "Let's hear it then." 
Tenten opens her mouth then closes it right away. She doesn't know how to say it, unsure of which words to use. She glances over at Lee who's sending her two thumbs up and an encouraging smile that eases a bit of her nervousness.
"Neji and I are..." She begins but is interrupted by Gai.
"Sad that we haven't been spending much time together?" He adds, already tearing up at the thought.
"Err. no..I mean well yeah, but that's not what I mean." She scratches her head. "We are.."
"Training to become a sensei like your favourite teacher?" Suddenly his tears are gone and he has a devilish, wide grin on his face.
Sheesh, is he going to interrupt me each time? Tenten asks herself, he's making this way harder than it needs to be.
She leans over to Neji and bumps shoulders with him, secretly asking for his help. He sighs deeply before adding, "That's not it."
"They're dating Gai Sensei! They're romantically involved!" Lee shouts out, loud enough for the entire restaurant to hear. Tenten blushes and Neji curses under his breath. "Oh, I'm sorry! I couldn't hold it in any longer." He sends them an apologetic smile.
"Is that so?" Gai mutters to himself. His face becomes unreadable and for a few moments Tenten and Neji worry that he's unhappy with their union, but then he does something unpredictable.
Gai laughs.
"I was wondering when you were finally going to tell me."
"Huh?" Tenten spits out. "Don't tell me you already knew?"
"Of course I knew! I am your sensei!" He exclaims, clawing at his heart dramatically. "I knew right away something was brewing between you two. You both drank from the fountain of youthful love."
"I want to drink from that fountain too!" Lee slaps his hands down at the table.
"Don't you worry Lee. Your time will surely come." Gai replies, slinging an arm around him.
Neji and Tenten send each other a bewildered look, one they've grown accustomed to using whenever in the presence of their sensei and other teammate.
"How did you find out?" The long-haired Hyuuga asks with a frown.
"I've known longer than you two have been together. I watched as you would nonchalantly insist on walking Tenten home after training, each time without fail. I knew deep down you were eager to do so despite your unbothered and cold facade."
Tenten giggles and Neji shoots her a glare.
"And I noticed how you, Tenten, would make sure you were always in the field where Neji meditates at the same exact time he was there. You would call it a coincidence but I knew that it wasn't."
"Oh..I-well.. I wanted to..." Her cheeks grew pink from her embarrassment. "Was it that obvious?"
"Not that obvious if Lee didn't find out." Neji smirks, taking a sip from his drink.
"I just thought you guys were really good friends! I thought we are all just really good friends." Lee folds his arms across his chest.
"We still are!" Tenten insists.
"I think it's time." Gai says, placing his hand out with a pleased expression painting his face.
"Here?" Tenten groans. Lee doesn't hesitate before putting his hand on top of Gai's. Tenten huffs but then adds her hand on top of Lee's.
They all turn their heads to Neji, waiting for him to join but he looks away disgusted.
"Please?" Lee pouts.
Neji sighs loudly before finally placing his hand at the top.
"1..2..3" Gai Sensei begins.
"Team Gai!" They all shout in unison, some more loudly than others.
They all laugh warmly, even Neji cracks a small smile.
It will always be Team Gai, forever.
Thank you @tamale104 for the suggestion <3 you always come through with the best ideas!! 
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kaisooficrec · 4 years
hi admins!!! u know how some artists have one-hit-wonder songs that are so good they get remembered for that their entire life? well, r there any authors with the same thing going on? like authors who write really great stories but for some reason only has one to four stories in their repertoire? xxoo
Whew this was difficult to put together because many authors are not active in the fandom anymore and many also moved on and took down their only exo fics that were popular during their time :( A number of authors who have written famous but less than 4 fics were also part of our KFR project so we really recommend you to check them out here ♥ That being said, these are the ones that we could find or think of! 
lababoreine: the name may not sound familiar to you but their fic Gicleur is one of the ‘it’ fics in the early kaisoo ficdom times! the author is not active anymore and the fic was posted in an exo fest ‘runandgun’ hence you’ll only find it there. indeed a classic. which means angsty (:
teddyescher/shikae (39smooth): also one of the og kd authors. most notable fic is are you going to age with grace? - one-sided love, yes hello angst!! other only kaisoo works are so i closed the curtains - songfic & waterworks. - pwp
starsthatlast:  they’re also unfortunately not in the fandom anymore but their famous fic is hands down summer, 21 - early kaisoo classics are very angsty so yes, what else :)) hospital au and a love story in 21 days before one of them is gone
Soomise: there are still a handful of kaisoo ft. other member or drabbles that are no less amazing and most notable kd fics are past ten & dress-up games - both pwp where jongin is a kitty hybrid or he wears make-up and lingerie for kyungsoo sobs :’) they are only on lj and not active anymore :(
peonysoo: aka our former Admin K!!!! the impact that Mr. Do has left. age gap, dilf, inspiration to many other ficdoms as well. a cultural reset. Sweet Like Sugar - we got a sugar daddy au by popular demand (aka Mr. Do) also Hidden Treasure - the underdog but also sweet and mellow with rich/poor au, countryside and romance!
hobash: Sins of the Flesh aka kaisoo smut has over 10k subs that’s a legendary status, other no less popular are Glory Days and Hold Down My Shaking Body (all smut :)) + Reign O'er Me written for our KFR project ^^
HOJICHADUST: this author just put breathplay on the map with like liquid gold (how your love runs through me) and two fics for special occassions  - thorny skin, blooming heart - sweet high school au and the third path - fantasy, the witcher!au written also for our project *screams*
byun-b: Between Us - this got so many hyped but it’s not finished TTshy jongin has a fat crush on his brother’s friend kyungsoo and turns out kyungsoo also likes him (kyungsoo seduction game strong lmao)
TAHC: I just found out they deactivated :( fell in love with Smile which is such a beautiful hurt/comfort and I also remember Somebody Waits for You which is the only second exo fic but fluffy this time!
0KKULTiC: Flesh to Fabrication - aka the only kd fic! kyungsoo orders a maid droid baek but receive a sexdoll kai model instead. it’s crack+smut in one, it got very popular and i can see why! 
Layittofire: has two popular kd fics and the other one is also not finished ;_; Hello Chibi: Demo Version - yes kyungsoo takes care of chibi jongin & Shining Knight - early famous wolf au. alpha jongin lives on his own never wanting to form a pack until an abused omega ksoo hides in his place and asks to help him (incomplete)
sailorsoo: The White Collar - the one and only fic i’Ve ever seen from this account and it made everyone shook. priest!soo got me feeling some type of way
Quaila: A demon Who Came To Tea - comedy, wizard!au shy and awkward Jongin + demon soo, Jongin summons a demon and gets infatuated with him so hard. This is the only kd fic the author has written and it’s also early popular fic (2013)
floraxiu:  Maintenance - jongin is a catholic school boy and he gets madly attracted (sexually) to kyungsoo, his brother’s friend. which makes jongin feel conflicted. internalized homophobia. can’t believe they dropped this bomb and never finished rip i’ll 4eva wait for an update
FeliciaSueLynn / FelishNavidad: one kaisoo office au The Rough World of Business - this is pretty much well-known fic too, the author’s only kd fic also one of the og topsoos from 2013 kyungsoo is cold, downright jerk and only uses jongin first but then he changes for better
taegyungie: out of all exo fics they’ve written only one is kaisoo and it’s so nice! Come One, Come All - med student kyungsoo wants to run away and he joins a group of friends owning and working in a circus and he is mesmerized by a graceful acrobat jongin. set in 1920′s and it slaps okay!
Hajinnie: one kaisoo that is Across - jongin works as a cashier at a grocery store where kyungsoo frequently buys stuff and jongin is very interested in him. but kyungsoo is not just your regular customer. but neither is jongin your regular clerk a very intense and a bit dark fic with a plot you can’t predict (read tw) but i really enjoyed this! (also happy ending)
Chlexcer: has 2 fics! Seasons (college student!nini and prof!kyungsoo) & This Could Be Messy (neighbours!kd) are two cute fluff fics with some small age gap!! can i read moar juiceyoo
Red_Threads: has two fics which are Black Magic - which is very popular also almost 200k so understandably they quality > quantity!! and my fave The Last of the Wilds - the pining here got me crazyyy. both are amazing fantasy fics and i love them a lot!
rhewoon: i’m sure there are many many lj authors with amazing fics that left the ficdom now :( one of them is rhewoon with Blackboards and Sweet Things - teacher kyungsoo is flustered whenhe sees one of his students has a very handsome brother riding a motorcycle and introuces himself as jongin. flustere!soo and jongin with sweet tooth is so cute + sassy bestfriend tao lol
teatimetaemint: i remember this author having more kd fics but for some reason could only find one kd that’s still up and it’s Popular Vote - where jongin really likes kyungsoo but is shy to confess so he avoids him to not embarrass himself :))) it’s the fluffy ‘they like each other but think the other doesn’t like them’ ♥
annafeu: the author’s most intense and crazy kaisoo psychological thriller Egg Head (not for the the fainthearted!) is not available anymore, but you can still read From Your Arms the the Floor and Back Again, 3rd Arabesque & El Dorado if you’re into dark but brilliantly writen fics
Lalaluhanne: everybody knows and adores Siren Song (pirate au), but there’s also Love Game (non au) also written for us ;)
We’re always open to suggestions (not just in this req but any req really!) so feel free to either tweet it to us or share on our fanboard :)
- Admin J
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weepingstudentnacho · 2 years
my favorite rap mixtapes from a time to another time
my favorite mixtapes
based upon influence and mostly from the last gasp of the fire mixtape era, hidden scrolls in here enjoy them and find them on youtube if you want some good recs for great music that i enjoyed as a yuuuuuuute. alright. this is just kind of a freestyle but it has a lot of cool shit in here, im sure someone else knows more, but this is all me.
A$AP Rocky - Live.Love.A$AP (5stars) just changed the sound of the industry and had some of the most legendary songs of the decade fr…cant really understate how this influenced the "lean sound" of the mid 2010s. really brought the aesthetic together and laid the gameplan. just slaps man too. hadnt seen independent dudes w a camera just hustling like this making real classics before here. it was some different shit.
action bronson-blue chips (5stars) super cool sample beats and fun lyrics
freddie gibbs-cold day in hell (5stars) next level gangster rap really
freddie gibbs-bfk (4stars)
currensy - this aint no mixtape (but it was), (4stars)
weekend at burnies and pilot talk 1-2 are great too but not mixtapes theyre albums
rick ross -rich forever (5stars) stay schemin, rich forever, triple beam dreams
migos - no label (bando, versace - invented the flow for a lot of the next 10years)
migos - no label 2 (fight night is an uber banger and a nostalgic song for me personally)
migos invented a whole flow and vibe with their shit and culture series is pretty much hard af, you can even toss that 21/Offset without warning tape on there.
krit- 4eva and a day (5 starsssss) krit - return of 4eva (5 stars) rotation, get right, this is a full banger front to back. this might be my fav of the whole damn group if not for rich homie, gucci, and thug. krit - krit wuz here (4 stars)
danny brown - xxx -(abstract but pretty fire, not fully my bag)
flocka - duflocka rant halftime show (just a sample is sooooo hard)
flocka - lebron flocka james
frank ocean - nostalgia, ultra (influential) 5stars novacaine come onnnnnnnn everyone was having sex to this one fr
Gucci just was releasing hours and hours of quality music on mixtapes and even non-mixtape leftovers. he was just so good during this period, his post prison stuff was good but this stuff was so good. Everybody looking the album was good and his other artists like Scarr, Foogiano, Pooh had a chokehold later but this is from before.
gucci mane - world war 3 lean (activist fire)
gucci mane - trap god (get lost and more)
gucci mane - trap house 1-3 (bangers)
gucci mane - burrprint 2 (everybody lookin)
gucci - mr zone 6
gucci - return of mr zone 6
trap god 2 is pretty good too
2 chainz - TRU Realigion
also his RIP pimp C song was great too
rich homie quan - i promise i will never stop goin in
rich homie quan - still goin in (influential) probably one of my fav mixtapes right here 5 stars easily, investments and type of way omg
young thug - slime season 1+2
young thug - slime season 3 (5stars) come on man this is so amazing
young thug - jeffery 5stars (the 2016 young thug had was like future's 2015 with ds2 and what a time, just fucking insane, maybe even better) five stars for both, two five star tapes same year. right in sequence. melodies insane
gunna - drip season 3 (top off goddamn goat song) jeezy - trap or die jeezy - gangsta party lil wayne could prob make 1 fire dedication tape from the 3 good songs off each of the first 5 dedication tapes wayne - no ceilings yung lean - unknown death 2002 (influential) yelawolf - trunk muzik 50 cent - 50 cent is the future 50 cent - guess who's back dipset - the diplomats vol 1 (influential) tyler - bastard (these were mixtapes bc i got them for free on datpiff, f you) earl - earl (these were mixtapes bc i got them for free on datpiff odd future - radical dj esco - 56 nights dj esco - ET 21 savage - savage mode 21 savage - slaughter king lil b - lots of them: evil red flame, everything based, white flame, i'm thraxx, rain in england [lmfao] god's father i own swag he invented swag, being based, all his digital drip shit was really valuable at the time, best stuff: his 6 kiss album and the song "i'm god" pretty bitch, wonton soup, obviously most of the pack songs, suck my dick hoe, charlie sheen,fuck kevin durant lol
the pack - skateboards 2 scrapers (super classic songs) *
future - beast mode
future - purple reign
future - astronaut status
uzi - perfect love tape uzi - luv is rage 2 future - astronaut status
bankroll fresh - life of a hotboy 2
kevin gates - luca brasi 2 (5stars might be my fav mixtape ever, so consistent so many bangers so much good singing and rapping on this one) kevin gates - luca brasi 1 kevin gates - by any means (****) peewee longway - blue mnm 3 (rerocc is an ultimate fire song) lil bibby - free crack 2
doe b - baby jesus one of my lw sleepers of all time just pure fire. hit you with that thunder, ibaka. god flow is a heater. members only. i was listening to this for days.
kodak black - lil big pac (this one is a super banger 5 stars) vibin in this bih omg, so many heaters on here
chief keef prob the 2nd most influential of this era maybe most influential, him, lil b, migos all way up there. lil b changed the marketing self promotion video making social media game forever and chief keef changed the sound, the stories behind the music and kind of changed the mold in rap from pro wrestling to real fighting with regards to gang politics.
chief keef - back from the dead 1+2 (influential) chief keef - bang chief keef - finally rich (an album but like mannnnn so good, some trash songs tho with the classics) ****
playboi carti - playboi carti lil ugly mane - mista thug isolation (influential) juicy j - blue dream and lean doughboyz cashout - they have so many good mixtapes spaceghostpurrp - blackland radio 666 (influential) dom kennedy - yellow album (my type of party) young dolph had a bunch….east atlanta memphis, rich crack baby…my favs from him thinking out loud/bulletproof/rich slave are not mixtapes though OG Ron C - Fuck Action Series (all screwed bangers, my favs) Chamillionaire DJ Screw Michael Watts Paul Wall Slim Thug ESG Ferrari boyz was an album but i liked it as a mixtape better lol Not My Bag but generally accepted: wiz khalifa - kush and oj (not a fan but Never Been is groundbreaking af, also ink my whole body is a sick ass classic from another tape) acid rap, das racist (pizza hut taco bell is classic), joe budden mood muziks, clipse - we got it 4 cheap (not a personal banger but a lot of ppl like all 3), jay z - s carter, j cole - friday night lights, joey badass - 1999 flatbush zombies first big tape around 2011 mac miller - kids older DJs and tapes (you can just look up their name and try out any of their shit honestly, very historical shit) Tony Touch - Piecemaker series (all of them are great old school NY jams highly highly recommend) DJ Kay Slay - Streetsweeper series (all time classics really) --i think he had papoose, saigon, grafh, those type of rappers but they did do that paul wall song with papoose and alphabetical slaughter which were good DJ Whoo Kid Mr Cee's biggie mixtape Green Lantern (meh) Flex/Fatman Scoop were important but i dont remember bangers mostly like TV show/media DJs.
--i used to get all my culture from datpiff, livemixtapes, worldstar, worldstar youtube, youtube, soundcloud…good sources. and the record stores and random shit
Soundcloud Era mixtapes are diff but idk… 6ix9ine - day 69 (just too influential to not have, music was not that bad) Lil Pump Xxxtentacion Lil Peep $uicideboy$ Denzel Curry Trippe Redd Juice Wrld Lil Yachty Playboi Carti Lil Uzi Vert Wifisfuneral Xavier Wulf Lil Skies Smokepurpp $not Ski Mask Bones chris travis starfoxlaflare idk lol suicideboys, pouya, fat nick,ramirez weiland - packrunner (weiland taught yeat how to record and is more influential than his music is fire but he has some fire like money fetish with yeat and this one is good too for plug stuff) father - whos gonna get fucked first lil mosey kinda counts too, Northsbest is just still a classic lw shoreline mafia ---- the newer mixtape guys like flint crew with Rio, YN Jay or the BlueBucksClan/Drakeo/03 Greedo etc idk if they count but goddamn they make BANGERS, I kinda cut the shit off around 2015 where the distinction between mixtape/album really stopped overall. Some of the shit is after though, it just depends. Houdini from Toronto had a crazy mixtape too…
i think when u put it all together chief keef, lil b, migos, gucci mane, rich homie, young thug so influential and if there was 1 rapper who could have been way more than what he was it might have been Doe B. i think krit and gates prob had the best shit too.
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resmarted · 7 years
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we are eight years old when we have our first lovers’ quarrel. for being second graders, we are very darla and alfalfa, sitting together in the sandbox during our recess period because it is considered something for little kids and we are supposed to be too old for it now. we aren’t. it’s the only place we can seem to be alone, and that’s where all the trouble starts. my friends are sick of me trading them out for a girl, and i’m never sure if their jealousy is over you or me, mainly because we are all nerds and it’s weird if anyone even talks to us let alone a girl. we talk about all kinds of stuff though. you tell me what you dreamt of the night before and i dig piles of sand for you to sculpt things out of, and then we discuss what we had for lunch earlier. we don’t eat lunch together, that’s just too much. i sit with my friends and you with yours and we both hang out by the monkey bars with all our other friends at first, but slowly migrate to the sandbox and that’s when the ooh’s and ahh’s and kissy noises start. we think nothing of it at first, but the tension builds over time. one day i can be heard from across the blacktop screaming, no you’re mean! i slam a rock down when i say it in a frustrated angst and sand blows up into your eyes. you start to cry but i drop to my knees like no no, i’m so sorry, stop. i didn’t mean to, i’m so sorry! hold still and look at me and try not to blink. you do begrudgingly and suddenly i am blowing softly into them and asking if it’s helping. it’s too late though and the teacher on yard duty has been alerted, and before we know it both of our parents have been called in and i’m being suspended and have to see a therapist about my anger issues. i keep saying i didn’t hit her, it wasn’t even on purpose, but it doesn’t matter because it was an act of aggression and now i’m a problem child. you’re too scared to say anything because your parents are there and we are all in the principal’s office and the room is swelling up with pressure, everyone’s eyes are on you. i can’t even remember what we fought about, but i think it had to do with how my friends wanted to hang out that day and i figured just this once i could throw them a bone. i’ve barely seen them since our love blossomed from being randomly paired as fingerpainting buddies. ever since we’ve been inseparable and i was just trying to be fair, you know? my parents tell me to leave you alone and yours forbid you to talk to me. the teachers all know now to keep an eye on us and everyone’s watching us now, for real. we stop talking or acknowledging each other, but we deal with it in fucked up ways, like when your friends convinced you act like you were grossed out by me or when mine would suggest i still wasn’t over you and i would respond by acting like you were just another science experiment. we both bottle our feelings up until seventh grade when we are caught holding hands and kissing at a birthday party, which causes a whole new ruckus when you’ve barely recovered from the first one years earlier. by high school you have become a really surly goth girl, nothing like you were with the abercrombie crowd you were once so loyal to. in all the unlikely scenarios to happen, i became somewhat of a jock once i learned to take my aggression out with a baseball bat and eventually football. one day during junior year i get into a fight with my cheerleader girlfriend, someone whose name you once wrote next to friends 4eva on your trapperkeeper in white-out, was supposed to be my ride that day. i hadn’t taken the school bus in years and almost decided to just walk home, but then i saw you get on. something came over me and i jumped in as soon as they were about to shut the doors. you were looking out your window in a daze, music blasting into your ears, and i walk directly to the back to slide in beside you. you don’t even notice me until the bus starts moving and the first thing you do is shoot me a very angry browed stare. i start to say something but you pull your earphones off and just go, what? i try to say how’s it going and you say no i mean what are you doing here? i say there were no other seats, but there are plenty of seats. this bus doesn’t even go anywhere near my house and we both know it. you say something really vicious like the angry little chihuahua you’ve become, something like, i didn’t know your nose could detach this far from kelly’s asshole, and i can only laugh and say that’s a good one. i’m not as smart or as witty as you, i’m actually terrified of you on most days. i ask if your parents still hate me and you scoff like, why do you even care? i care. i have always cared. i’m the worst thing that’s ever happened to you as far as they’re concerned, and you laugh like yeah that makes three of us. i follow you out to your stop and you look at me like i’m a crazy person before calmly walking ahead. and maybe i am a crazy person, this is a crazy person thing to do, i live nowhere near you and was banned from your life years ago. but here i am chasing after you like it’s another game of tag, except i’m following you home, uninvited and unperplexed. i just want to know why you hate me, or that’s what i say anyway. i want to know everything about you and to find a sandbox for us to dig in together and just erase all the bad parts of our impalpable history. i want to see what’s under your black nylons and what your tiny hand with the chipped black nails would look like in my beast paw. you turn around and say that you don’t hate me, in this way like i’m supposed to know. you grasp at your forehead in this frustrated way like you’re trying to explain where babies come from to a child, and these little wisps of bangs fly out from under a black beanie in the process. look i know your dad doesn’t like me and i’m not the wholesome image of the strapping young man that he expects to be in your life but, and you stop me. what? since when do you want to be in my life? ever since you let kelly give you a blowie at the spring formal you two have been inseparable. i look at you like i’m surprised you even know anything about me, and i am. look, i know kelly was your friend, and you let out a loud scream-grunt into the air. the fucked up part is that i only started talking to kelly in hopes it would get me closer to you, that maybe she would bring you up in conversation and give me hints about your life and who you are. all she did was complain and soon the friendship crumbled and after losing all hope i settled for a vapid drama queen that was just someone to kill time with. i can see your black lace bra through your white blouse, and you’ve got this black sweater and these black boots and i want to know why you’ve drained yourself of color but can’t stop staring at the way your mouth moves and how hard your stare is when you rant at me. i don’t even know what you’re saying anymore and the whole world stops when i lean in to kiss you and you grab onto my face, clawing like the little black cat that you are, and kissing me back with a force i have never felt before. you pull back and smack the shit out of me, my face beating red when you go there, is that what you wanted? we’re in a quiet suburb and everyone is inside watch tv when i drop to my knees in the middle of the street and say yes, and a million more, it’s worth every slap to me. you sneak me into your backyard and the garden your mother grew protects us from being seen when i taste you until midnight and your fingernails clench into the soil. you wear your same goth clothes the next day to school but with my letterman jacket and everyone oohs and ahhs. someone makes a shitty comment about how i’m trading a barbie like kelly for dracula’s daughter and i nearly go postal, grabbing him by the collar and slamming him against the nearest locker. i ask him to repeat what he said and he gives me that shit eating grin that i hate so i grab him by the throat. it isn’t until i hear your little voice speak up beside me like, please don’t. and so i don’t. i let him go and walk away, grabbing your hand with proudest posture. we eat lunch together alone and everyone around us gossips about it the same way they’ve done time and time again. i don’t give any fucks. you give a few fucks, but your shyness is slowly replaced with a flirtatious kind of vibrancy. we make out on the steps outside the library, my grabby hands and your thighs, god those thighs. you have been my forbidden lover since the beginning of time now and all i want to do is to feel and squeeze and touch and grab and god don’t go yet, i haven’t even felt up your boobs, your blouse still has all the buttons done. you start going to my games and i go to concerts with you for bands with names like fragile monsters and fully loaded impostors, and we manage to keep it from your parents for an entire year. when they find out, they’re too tired to even be mad about it at this point. in a surprising twist they see you as someone who is adult enough to make her own decisions and there must be something drawing us back together again and again like this. i actually end up becoming friends with your dad, the most sensational part of all. he’s glad that i got you to open up more to color again and i don’t tell him that i actually love when you dress like the craft and that is basically a form of lingerie at this point, because i don’t want to give the guy a heart attack. same goes for when he asks about the scratch mark on my face, i play it off as something that happened at practice but really i just don’t want to be like actually i was eating your daughter’s pussy so good that in a euphoric spasm it made her involuntarily claw half my face off and i fucking loved it. i fucking love you.
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