#beforus culling
So Kankri is a bad person and sucks and is annoying and all that but honestly I think we should let him be that way a little bit.
Dude was not allowed to have a personality and a life until he was 13 years old. Kankri was literally not allowed to do ANYTHING on his own. By LAW. Who knows what his culler was like? We never MET Kankri’s culler, but judging from Kankri I think it’s safe to assume they’re (and this is nothing against Kankri we love Kankri) a monstrously stupid sewer person (that was a reference to a tiktok audio in case you didn’t get it but its also accurate to my feelings on Kankri’s childhood). 
So honestly if they guy wants to cancel people on twitter, I’m gonna let him cancel people on twitter. He was probably not allowed to openly disagree or have issue with anything the people around him said for his entire fucking life or else his life would have been hell. It’s part of the reason why he’s such a boot licker, it’s because if he wasn’t everything would suck really bad for him. I’m not excusing his actions, Kankri has said and done some pretty fucked up shit, but if he wants to be an annoying douche that enjoys cancel culture im gonna let him be an annoying douche that enjoys cancel culture.
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chimericaldomicile · 6 months
VvV | I have had experiences (near-death, near-...whatever culling is) for both types of culling. They both are horrifying. | VvV
* are you beforan?? *
* alternia sounds awful, i can't imagine how bad our culling can be in comparison to theirs... *
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[] This sh[]uld start a discussi[]n! What ab[]ut culling? If y[]u were t[] write the system's laws, what w[]uld y[]u decide, as the best way t[] handle it? []
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. mmy culler took mmy palmmhusk. oh well, here I amm againn imm usinng a backup
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⎈ Misconceptions about culling ⎈
⎈ So, now that I've settled back in, I see that (Beforus) culling is once again a hot-button topic around here. ⎈
⎈ As I've seen some less than savory claims from non-cullers - and some rather despicable displays of incompetence from certain cullers as well - I'll be attempting to debunk some common misconceptions about culling. ⎈
Your cullee would survive on their own just fine!
⎈ Incorrect. While not all trolls in the system require constant supervision, attention, assistance, and resources, the culling system is built to assist cullees like mine. Disabilities come in all shapes and sizes, from being physically maimed, mentally ill, or emotionally unstable. A cullee may have a disorder such as schizophrenia, which cannot exactly be 'timed' to match a mediculller visit, or 'cured' through any means. In such a situation, a culler will be the best option for them. They can rely on someone being there to help ground them, take care of them, and clean up after their episodes. Without a culler, they would be completely on their own and possibly could hurt themself. ⎈
2. Culling is just keeping a pet!
⎈ Wrong and disturbing. Genuinely rather gross to imply. Cullees are not pets. First of all, they are capable of speech, which pets are not. Cullees are able to negotiate, vocalize, and communicate, and furthermore, they have considerably more rights than a pet does. If you consider culling to be in any way similar to keeping a pet, not only do I strongly suggest you never even consider speaking to a cullee, but also consider not keeping a pet. ⎈
3. Cullers just keep cullees to get into quadrants with!
⎈ Sigh. While the act of culling may dredge up many pale feelings for a culler and cullee duo, they are not mandatory, nor would any good culler go into that system in order to get a quadrant ticked off. What a repulsive notion! In other words, no. A culler and cullee may end up leaning more towards pale, due to the amount of care and affection which goes into culling, but that does not mean all are, nor does it mean anyone goes into this sort of situation with that kind of expectation. It would be ridiculous to assume that, and further ridiculous to apply a label of quadrants to any culler and cullee unless otherwise stated. It isn't uncommon, though, for an ablebodied troll to cull their disabled quadrantmate as a means of protecting them. Perhaps you're thinking of pre-established relationships as newly established ones. In my three sweeps of being a culler, I have only met two cullers who were in a quadrant with their cullee, both starting before the culling itself took place. ⎈
4. Cullees are all being abused!
⎈ While I don't doubt that there are some cullers who are less than savory, and perhaps treating their cullees rather horrifically, that does not shame the entire system. In fact, I have helped a cullee file to be removed from a culler before, so I'm well aware that this is an instance where the system typically fails to properly address concerns. There are several reasons for a cullee to take issue with their culler - perhaps due to neglect, verbal abuse, overly strict rules, etc. - and none apply to all cullers. As a caretaker, of course it is possible for a culler to leverage an unfair and toxic power dynamic, but that is possible in any interpersonal relationship. ⎈
5. Cullers only take on a cullee to avoid being culled themselves!
⎈ I have genuinely no idea why this strange idea exists. Nobody I know of has ever done this, and moreover, no record of someone doing this has ever been brought to my personal attention. But that isn't how it works, regardless. ⎈
⎈ In short, while there are many fair criticisms one can take up with culling, these five in particular are nothing more than nasty rumors, spread based off of misinformation, if I had to guess. Of course there are many qualms one can take with the system, but not all are applicable to every culler and their cullee, and to assume they are is rather ridiculous at best and vile attempts to poison the well at worst. I hope this clears some things up. ⎈
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thedarkbringer · 1 year
Beforus culling.... On the mind fo today.
Imagine being deemed worthless from birth in general--any kind of culling, beforan or alternian, is fucking shit, but I've felt sumn similar to beforan culling before and it's stuck with me.
Imagine being a lowblood with some sort of defect--say your eye just never developed. No fucking right eye for you. You don't know that anything is wrong with you. You're put in the hands of some highblood, so they can cull you. You will never live a normal life with a normal lusus or normal quadrants. You only exist to make your culler look like a saint.
Idk. It's On the mind.
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canisbeasts-ooc · 5 months
I realize I should actually use this blog to talk more about the critters we got-
Anyway, Beforus Ancestor thoughts, they don’t have names as of right now, sooo. S for Sphinx’s ancestor and R for Respit’s.
S was originally an avid lover and collector of beasts, and it eventually morphed into the sanctuary he runs under Her Altruistic Affirmation (though a bit further removed from her direct command). He tries his best to stay out of the limelight but is quite the supporter for the beforus culling system, even having his own cullee, one the public very rarely sees. R was originally one of his first employees and managers of the sanctuary, specializing in the diet of beasts and their habitats, the flora to S’s fauna. Such a difference in caste, however, may lead to quite a difference in lifespan. And someone with power and a desire? What will they do but abuse it to further their goals? R’s body begins to age and deteriorate over time, something S tries his hardest to prevent. How much of someone can you replace before they are not the same? How can someone so accustomed to the cycle of life and death try their hardest to prevent it?
R always was S’s favorite specimen.
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culleerightsnow · 7 months
grumblr learn nuance challenge
(culling can both be life-saving and also opens up more types of abuse due to the power imbalance and cullers can limit outside contact with theirtheirtheir cullees, at the same time!!!)
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cringefail-clown · 7 months
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hateful gaze
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dayvan · 1 year
i need to have a heated debate about quadrants (at least in the way we understand them) not surviving earth C cultural shifts throughout its history because they’re residual subjugation systems from Alternia that were very specific to life in Alternia
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drustvar · 3 months
I know Beforus is usually regarded as a "nicer" more "compassionate" version of Alternia, but I have a LOT of thoughts about it especially how it would probably be just as, if not MORE fucked up than Alternia, considering Feferi's idea of culling being to instead essentially put would be cull-ees into conservatorships. I can easily see Beforus having stepford wives / "No war in Ba Sing Se" vibes.
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nekropsii · 1 year
I always figured that culling was similar to what Munchausen by proxy is
Um… Nope. That is a very specific medical condition that real people suffer with, and Beforan Culling quite frankly does not fit the terms of it. There is a reason why Munchausen by Proxy is also referred to as Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another- it’s a highly specific form of abuse and manipulation.
That would imply that the Cullee is falsely imposing onto the Culled what they’re culling them over- like they’re manipulating them over a long period of time to believe that… They’re actually a Lowblood, or actually Disabled, or actually a woman, et cetera, when they factually are not. That just isn’t true, the Cullee isn’t inherently making anything up, they’re following their society’s rules by responding that way to what is in front of them. The Cullee isn’t making anything up, their society just genuinely sees the Cullable as lesser, wholly incompetent subhumans. This is not inherently a problem with the Cullee, the Cullee isn’t manipulating the Culled into believing something that isn’t true, it is a genuine social issue.
Beforan Culling, like Alternian Culling, is not a clear cut metaphor. Hemoloyalty is also not a clear cut metaphor. It’s very, very individualized, and you can take any angle you want with it. It can be an allegory for racism, for classism, for misogyny, et cetera. But I personally find Beforan Culling tends to lean in the direction of being an ableism metaphor.
The coddling aspect of it reminds me, personally, of overbearing parents viewing their disabled (late teen/adult) child as what is essentially a toddler. It doesn’t help that disability is a specific thing that’s focused on quite a bit during the conversation of Culling on Beforus. Cullees feel not unlike the stereotypical Autism Mom… to the point where I genuinely wonder if that was intentional.
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chimericaldomicile · 6 months
feVow beforan cuVee here...WHAT'RE YOU IN FOR???
* it's a long story! i had to go back and ask my dad for the beginning. *
* basically, he wanted to try and raise a grub like a lusus would and was talking to the jadebloods about it...then he saw a tiny little rustblood grub that could barely move and looked half dead. that was yours truly! *
* apparently they wouldn't let him take a healthy grub, but he was able to sign up and become a culler to take me in! *
* ever since then, i've had really bad fatigue. some nights i can hardly get out of my recuperacoon! but dad takes really good care of me. i really lucked out on the culler situation. <3 *
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containeranalyzer · 17 days
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. annyonne innterested inn beinng eatenn
. imm hunngry annd mmy culler is out at the mmommennt, probably wonnt be back for a while sinnce they had to take the inndigo to get a check up at the mediculler or somme shit annd the bitch of a purple ate all the food
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trollocs-ooc · 5 months
HELP I DIDN'T EVEN THINK OF TA IN THE BEFORUS AU. .... i jsut realized holy shit
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