#begging you to dare him
sardonic-sprite · 1 year
Oh my fucking GOD ok so I just "read" Lonely Place of Dying and...
Ok first off, Tim's first appearance as Robin is actually fighting 2face not Bane but whatevs, this CHILD THIS 13YO CHILD IS *LITERALLY*...
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Like this tiny twat is just DAMNED AND DETERMINED to MAKE Bruce get a new Robin, to save Bruce and Dick when they're in trouble, like. LORDY CHILD. AND HE'S FUCKING DOING OK.
He lands a punch on 2face puts a tracker on him digs bruce and dick out from under an exploded building and goes with them to the next fight where he warns them of an attack and saves himself from the same attack thanks to quick thinking and at the end he's tying up 2face himself like timothy istg wtf.
So in all the fics Jasons like HOW COULD BRUCE GET A NEW ROBIN SO SOON HE DOESNT CARE ABOUT THE RISKS and like its bruce he wants to murder for it... but LITERALLY bruce is the one who fights this the LONGEST like panel after panel he's saying "no, stop, robin is done, its too dangerous, i wont put another child in danger". And Tims just saying BATMAN NEEDS ROBIN over and over in every imaginable way.
And like this little shit who WAS in the batcave with alfred weaponizes alfred's fear for the others to get him to drive tim to the site and then the two of them as a badass grandpa grandson duo like 2shot 2face (temporarily), and then despite dick dramatically leaving the cave going ROBIN DIED WITH JASON in like 5 pages as he watches Tim hes like. "Damn hes good. Damn. Look at him go. You know what, hired." And bruce is the FINAL HOLDOUT even though he agrees to like train tim, he would not have if it weren't for Tim's beating him over the damn head with BATMAN NEEDS ROBIN and then the other two braincellholding family members agreeing. So literally Bruce is the last person Jason should be angry at 😂😂😂😂😂
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krampus-chai · 1 year
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I drew Astarion.
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katierosefun · 8 months
actually as much as i love mike and harvey together. i feel so sad for rachel zane because imagine falling in love with your coworker and then you learn that your coworker is a fake lawyer but not only that, your coworker is a fake lawyer who would literally do anything for his boss. he'll literally leave you at the altar to go to prison for his boss. he'll try to quit his job multiple times but keep coming back because his boss asked him to come back. he'll move to seattle with you, and you'll breathe a sigh of relief because it means that it can finally just be the two of you, but then you learn that he's inviting his stupid former boss to join them. and his stupid former boss agrees. you smile because your husband is so stupid happy at the idea of working with his former boss again, but you've seen this film one too many times before, and you are going to be subject to watching your husband choose his stupid former boss-slash-friend over you again and again and again and again and again and ag
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skotiwolves · 5 months
Y’all are aware that Omega was gone for six months and their priority was her, right? Or before that when Wrecker nearly started crying, Hunter had to give the news to Omega, and Omega pleaded for them to go back because she thought they could still find him?
What about before Barton IV? When they were all gathered around the table and his name was mentioned and everyone fell silent and hung their heads? Even Crosshair?
If the creators didn’t want to keep his memory alive, they would’ve never mentioned his name again. They wouldn’t have kept his goggles in the show. They wouldn’t have shown very Tech qualities in Omega’s personality.
Instead, he’s seen in their decisions. He was felt in every scene when the Marauder was flown. He’s felt in every scene that involves tech, to any degree (because I know everyone has had a ‘tech could solve this’ moment while watching)
The characters don’t have to cry, hit a wall, and shout to the heavens in some big scene to show their grief. We’ve seen it already, and I think it suffices.
These characters are cloned soldiers who were created for war—nothing else. I think that’s forgotten quite often. Their mindset is different than your regular Joe. How they approach situations is different. How they grieve is going to be different.
They lost Tech, and almost immediately lost Omega. Their priority was finding any leads that could pinpoint them to Tantiss/Omega. Taking jobs, spending resources, and losing sleep until she was brought home. We have no idea what those six months held. We have no idea what Hunter and Wrecker went through without them there. Tech could’ve found her easily, and they know that. His goggles were sat on the shelf, and they probably felt his presence every single day
Omega wanted to preserve his goggles in that room on Pabu for a reason. He is still a part of their team. He’s still a part of their hearts and someone that the people of Pabu knew and appreciated. His character hasn’t been neglected, and the team hasn’t forgotten about him.
Sometimes you need to read between the lines 🗣️🗣️🗣️
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saturnsorbits · 2 years
Thinking about lipstick stains…
About the dark mauve circle that encompasses just past half-way down Sero’s cock. How the colour looks creamy against his skin, bringing out the darker shades in the nest of black pubic hair at his base.
About bright red just to the side of Bakugo’s collar. Stark enough to look like a hickey without closer inspection, vivid and obvious against his pale throat whenever he turns his head.
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money-and-dandellions · 7 months
Characters pulling their dear ones out of danger but, instead, taking the damage themselves
and smiling because their dear ones are fine and safe and—
why are they crying?
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doomednarrative · 4 months
Everyday I hear KR opinons that I disagree so strongly with.
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cult leader geto is a loserboy btw 🙏🙏
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and-stir-the-stars · 2 years
"Not okay" was in fact implying Both of those two things and I applaud you for getting that. I have Feelings about the ghost children and Evan especially but I cannot properly articulate them all in a single ask. Your faulty springlock idea is scarier & sadder because it implies it'd be *slower.* Michael desperately trying to get out of the suit, while Evan just as desperately pleads for him to stay. ("It's just like a hug, Mikey. Please just stay still. Please, stay. We can be friends again.")
"It's just like a hug" anon i ADORE your eye for angst; please know that I am shaking you by the shoulders in the most affectionate way possible for that heartbreaking line of dialogue.
Now I'm stuck daydreaming about Michael trying to claw his way out as Evan slowly but nonetheless desperately opens the springlocks on him + your line of dialogue from your last ask, with Evan saying "it will only hurt for a moment."
Despite how slow and agonizing impaling Michael with the faulty springlocks proves to be, Evan wasn't lying when he said it would only hurt for a moment. At least, he didn't think he was lying.
At this point, Evan was been in alone and in pain for years. In his perception, a few minutes, hours, or even days of Michael slowly bleeding out from the springlocks is nothing compared to the endless pain Evan has already been through-- and is even less when compared to the eternity of peace, love, and happiness he and Mikey will have together when the springlocks finally finish.
That's why it hurts so much more when Michael keeps trying to claw his way out and escape-- doesn't Michael see that the "brief moment" of pain will be nothing compared to the two of them having each other forever once its done? Michael said that he was sorry, that he loves Evan-- so shouldn't Mike be willing to do this for him? Why is Mike still going so far out of his way to hurt him when Evan is clearly presenting Michael the better-- no, the best possible option for the both of them?
I'm also currently toying with the idea of Evan physically feeling the pain as Michael tears apart the suit while trying to escape.
It hurt when Michael took apart the suit to hide inside it, but Evan looked past that at the realization that this was the first human touch and interaction he had gotten in a long, long time. But when Mikey tries ripping the suit off to escape? Evan feels that, too-- feels Michael not just emotionally tearing him apart, but physically as well.
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palalabu · 1 year
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orviposition · 1 year
kdj is so bisexual coded it's insane
fork found in the kitchen, anon
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thebookworm0001 · 2 years
I chose pain today and listened to the trespasser dlc soundtrack
I wanna talk about the difference between dark solas theme and the lost elf theme
Because both of them are solas, right? These are the two big pieces that play as you find out what solas’s part in everything is and it’s just
Fuck it is heartbreaking
You get these giant war drums and this sense of grandiose power and threat and they just. fade. and even though solas is still that - still a threat - we see that underneath all that there is mourning and loss
Solas himself is lost - lost in time, lost from his people, lost to the inquisitor, lost to himself, and lost in his mission
And you can spend 10 minutes in-game listening to these strings absolutely cry over that
Or you can ignore that, and hear nothing but the drums of war
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lordofthestrix · 1 year
-casually drapes herself on a chair with absolutely no ulterior motive-
First five asks get a kiss. "The portrait of irreproachable innocence itself. The most dulcet muses and nymphs inspire nothing but wild, reckless devilment compared to the clear purity of your intentions." Tristan introduced her draped figure with an air of complicit amusement. "It is hardly believable. To think that those radiantly beautiful eyes of green and that beckoning spark of mischief have never harbored anything but blameless intentions. And yet...Here you are" He descended upon her like her corresponding shadow. In felt, teasing approach. Soon his lips found her forehead in a latent admission of unending, unmatched and indescribable affection. That and the calling of one of his rarest epithets for his eternal beloved. "My angel."
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dilf pierre but :(
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fellandcrow · 1 year
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So someone on Reddit was saying people calling Aziraphale anything but that was a pet peeve of theirs. And then this happened.
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mutatiio · 1 year
"i'm here to offer you a choice, maul. i want you to leave this castle, forget it exists, and take your first step on the path towards a different destiny." "if you quench your thirst for revenge, who will you become?" "you and i both know it's not anger you feel." "all your losses - your mother, your brother, your place at your master's side. you don't have to be ashamed." "you feel pain," the jedi says. "and while your anger may be the weapon you use to destroy others, your pain will be the weapon that is used to destroy you."
please mr qui-gon,, i'm already mentally ill.
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