#being a principle performer is a complicated enough arrangement as it is
krawdad · 9 months
It's so damn hard to puppeteer a character's right hand and have it actually blend convincingly into the rest of the character performance
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marvelous-llama · 1 year
Stray Kids recs
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most of the mentioned works is 18+ NSFW, MINORS DNI
pls don´t hesitate to hmu, if any of mentioned links doesn´t work or you have suggestions for more fics... thank you so much for all the love and comments
one shots
the neighbour by @slightlymore
Chan x fem!reader (wc - 14k) neighbour AU, slow burn, strangers to lovers - smut, romance
outta my head by @straylightdream
Chan x fem!reader (wc - 17k) neighbour AU - angst, slow burn, smut He’s a lives next door and is someone who sleeps around often. You’re a nurse who is struggling to get enough sleep because of his night time activities
Midnight kisses by @lovergirl072013
Chan x gn!reader (wc - 1.3k) friends to lovers - fluff, suggestive You pay Chan a midnight visit in his studio, one thing leads to another and confessions get made.
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Wolfsbane by @healinghyunjin
Chan x fem!reader (wc - 16.7k) historical!AU, arranged marriage, strangers to lovers - angst, romance, smut, fluff, hurt/comfort You took a deep breath before lifting your head, staring right at Chan. “I can be your collateral – as your wife.”
Lost and Found by @bbujiikseu-archived
Chan x fem!reader (wc - 8.3k) soulmate AU - angst, fluff, smut whatever you lose somehow ends up in your soulmate’s possession and you’ve lost plenty of random odds and ends while rarely obtaining anything that belongs to your soulmate. you wake up one morning with a notebook on your bedside table—one that certainly doesn’t belong to you. after further inspection, you realize it belongs to your soulmate, who you’ve just discovered is named ‘bang chan.’ and you seem to have his music notebook. you make it your personal quest to find chan and return his notebook to you, as it’s clearly important and personal to him. and maybe, just maybe you could fall in love with him too.
amethyst by @pucchinpurinracha
Chan x fem!reader (wc - 15.4k) friends to lovers, roommates to lovers, camgirl!reader - fluff, crack, smut you reigned queen in your carefully constructed world - a double life hidden from your friend and roommate, chan. but the universe had its way of throwing surprising curveballs at you and in a series of hilarious events, the secrets behind amethyst and arpeggio were laid bare.
a love song and a confession by @lotus-dly
Chan x gn!reader (wc - 3.3k) friends to lovers, mutual pining, change of PoV - fluff, angst(ish)
Runaway Princess by @therhythmafterthesummer
Chan x fem!reader (wc - 16k) strangers to lovers, knight!Chan - angst, fluff, smut, mature themes Your best friend has sent her most trusted knight to help you escape your abusive home, an intriguing man with many facets you can’t wait to uncover.
Into It by @lixiesfreckless
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fic by @moonjxsung
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Plus One by @xxkissesforchanniexx
Chan x fem!reader (wc - 3.4k) best friends to lovers, fake dating - fluff, angst, smut
Daechwita by @cb97percent
Chan x fem!reader, Hyunjin x fem!reader royalty, soulmates, love triangle - angst, fluff, smut
「𝚞𝚗𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚏𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕」 by @exxxtraoddinary
Chan x fem!reader (wc - 58k) pornstar!Chan, coworkers to lovers, slowburn, mutual pining - angst, smut Being a professional-grade porn producer is not your typical nine-to-five, but you like it — the pay is great, the hours are flexible, and it's an intriguing conversation starter. However, things get more than complicated when your infatuation with one of your performers turns into something it shouldn't be.
Five-Point Star, The Aftermath by @therhythmafterthesummer
Chan x fem!reader (wc - 6k + 17k) strangers > lovers > enemies > lovers, bodyguard!Chan, assassin!reader - angst, fluff, smut With a career like yours, you knew you shouldn’t let yourself fall in love. But honestly, in retrospect, there was no way you wouldn’t have fallen in love with Chris. After meeting him, you couldn’t help but hope that he’d be the last person you fell this deeply for–maybe foolishly so…
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ptechcanada · 2 years
What to Look for When Purchasing an Aquarium Refrigerator
Whether you plan on keeping exclusively cold-water marine life or tropical reefs, an aquarium chiller is a worthwhile investment. The chiller will allow you to preserve marine life at temperatures that you wouldn't normally be comfortable with at your home or office. An oxygen deficiency is a major concern for those who keep marine aquariums in warmer saltwater. If the water in an aquarium gets too hot from the sun or other sources, the marine life in it may not have enough oxygen to survive.
Response to the question, "What is a Reef Chiller?"
A "chiller," a piece of equipment used to regulate the temperature of the water, can be installed outside of a marine aquarium to help maintain a constant water temperature. The aquarium chiller works in tandem with the aquarium heater to keep the water at a constant temperature, even on cloudy or chilly days, when the heater would otherwise be ineffective. Equipment in an aquarium, such as lights and water pumps, can emit heat into the water, increasing the likelihood that a chiller will be required to maintain the ideal temperature.
Since the chiller produces so much heat, proper air circulation must be arranged. Water temperature will rise if the chiller is stored in an area with inadequate ventilation, such as an aquarium cabinet. Deciding early on whether or not to incorporate a chiller into your new aquarium setup will simplify the planning and construction of any necessary plumbing.
Several Types of Aquarium Cooling Systems and What They Do
The aquarium water chiller options include in-line chillers, thermoelectric chillers, and drop-in chillers.
In-line chillers are commonly used in saltwater aquariums and other big aquarium setups. For this chiller to function with an in-line filtration system, it must be plumbed in, so be sure to plan ahead and include it in your aquarium's layout. This chiller should be installed in a system where the sump water has already been filtered for optimal performance. Water flows over the chiller's coil to be cooled before being recirculated back to the sump and eventually into the aquarium via the main return pump. Sizes of in-line chillers range from half a horsepower to one horsepower.
A drop-in chiller's coil fits neatly into the aquarium's sump or wet/dry filter, making it the quickest and least complicated type of chiller to set up. The coil is watertight since it is constructed of titanium, which is filled with refrigerant and then shut. The thermostat links this coil to the compressor. The horsepower range for drop-in chillers is 0.5 to 0.3. Aquarists that keep saltwater reef aquariums are the most common users of the drop-in chiller. Drop-in chillers are ideal for compact cooling systems where additional components would otherwise be difficult to install due to the lack of available pipe space.
The principle behind thermoelectric chillers is that one side of a current running through two distinct conducting materials will heat up, while the other will reject heat. The aquarium water is cooled by the chiller, which has its hot and cold sides separated by insulation. Aquariums larger than 15 gallons are too large for thermoelectric chillers. These chillers are silent, however, they only work well with modest water flow rates in aquariums. This cooling system can be quickly overwhelmed by high flow rates.
Tips on Choosing a Reliable Aquarium Cooling System
Several factors should be taken into account before settling on an aquarium chiller. Do some research to find out what range of temperatures is ideal for the fish and other creatures in your aquarium. When it comes to heat, certain animals and plants are more equipped than others. Consider the size of your entire aquarium setup, including the sump, as a more powerful chiller, will be required for a larger system. Think about how much heat your aquarium equipment is emitting as well.
Copper heat exchangers in a saltwater aquarium can kill your fish, and stainless steel corrodes with time, so titanium is the only safe option. When choosing a chiller for your aquarium, it's important to remember that a larger chiller will do the job more efficiently and will run less often than a smaller chiller. When a chiller is small, it cycles on and off more frequently, causing it to work harder and consume more energy.
Here is where you can find the finest chillers and heat exchangers on the market.
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
it's kingdom time for real!!! the first episode is here and mnet finally uploaded the stages from like a month ago so i can actually watch them more than once to review.
happy to see them all actually performing. not the most interesting stages overall, but it was the 100sec one-take so i wasn’t expecting anything crazy. like the performance stages, this is about what i expected at this point in the show.
ranking under the cut, i have Opinions(tm) and they are not all pretty.
(anyone that’s seeing this for the first time, i’m a trained performance designer with over 30 credits and a decade of experience, yes i can talk about this with authority)
a few general notes:
this type of stage that mnet has built is called a traverse, or alley, stage. named exactly for the reason you think. it’s characterized by a narrow playing space with audience on opposite sides, and two entrances on either end. so mnet had a pretty typical setup. there are some advantages to this type of stage:
because of the narrow stage space and usually smaller audience capacity, the performer and audience are in much closer proximity
because of the shape of the space, blocking (choreography but for not-dance) can travel well and be very dynamic
it’s uncommon outside of midsize/small productions so there’s some novelty for the casual theatre goer
however! there are some pitfalls with this type of stage. the hardest type of stage to work with is (theatre) in the round. theatre in the round is characterized by being....in the round. that means the audience is placed 360 degrees around the playing space. which means that they can see everything; every entrance, every exit, every performer’s back, 360 degree sightlines means there is nowhere to hide. and in a medium that relies on concealment to create magic, it’s a tough stage to work with. not saying it doesn’t work. some of the most incredible shows i’ve been to have been theatre in the round, but when you go to those type of shows, as an audience member you understand that there will be some scenes where you only see the actors’ backs. there is no perfect seat in the round. the reverse is true as well, the actors can only act to those in front of them. and like i stated previously, on the production end it becomes difficult to hide things like props/set/costume changes that you might have been able to in another type of theatre. why am i talking about theatre in the round? because traverse works on exactly the same principle. even though the audience is only on two sides, the same issues still arise. directionality is key: a director has to be careful of how exactly the stage gets blocked.
why am i talking about stage formats? because the space always informs the performance, that’s why. i think mnet made a sort of smart choice to build a traverse stage. since the ‘audience’ is a video camera, that eliminates the need to play to the opposing seating banks, and opens up more staging opportunities. it’s a fancy looking stage that does what they need it to. 
now here’s my gripes. if you’re going to specifically orient a stage so that it is by nature directional, why are you broadcasting in a format where direction doesn’t matter? if the camera has no fixed position, then you’ve just skipped directly into in the round staging without taking into account the function of the space. it's a round peg in a square hole; yes it fits, but you can see the spaces where it doesn’t quite match up. for a very obvious example, any shot that is not staring directly down the barrel of the stage from left or right has audience in it. and not enough to be worthy of a reaction shots (because those are just cut in in post), but enough to just be there. why would you do that when you could just.....not? just go properly in the round and then you wouldn’t have that distraction. especially when the audience is wearing white. also, there are only so many ways you can stage on a traverse, you’re pretty much limited to directional points on a compass, because there are literal risers in the way. because of the way most groups are choreographed, the member layouts lean more towards having the members in a line than they do layering the members deep. this configuration is fine on a proscenium stage (which is what most stages are), and would even be fine on a traverse stage if you were playing to the risers. you could even do some interesting choreo alterations. but! because mnet has decided that the camera is perpendicular to the risers, that means that most of the formations are not optimized for the stage dimensions and are in fact the opposite dimensions. most of these groups are doing their longest blocking across the shortest area of stage, which is dumb. although it isn't much of a problem because the stage is still very large, but it's still a bizarre choice on behalf of mnet. why would you not arrange the stage so you have more clearance for the camera, the audience, and also the performers? i would have to check back over the rtk performances, but im pretty sure at one point they switch to an in the round stage. why are you not doing that from the start? this would also allow for more built setpieces. although it does remain to be seen if they do switch after this episode, since this particular challenge was a one-take with minimal props/set pieces. which segues to my next point: these groups barely took up the parameters of the challenge, or utilized them effectively! this is also mnet’s fault, mnet if you say that you’re gonna do a one-take, don't cut between seven other cameras!! show us the power of that single point of view! let the groups actually do some interesting blocking with the path of the camera! there’s so many interesting things they could have done, but no!! had to be boring!! i know this is technically an introductory stage, but i also don't care. these groups have (relatively) competent ADs and stylists, they can think outside the box.
ok now here’s my actual rankings:
1. btob
sorry babies, none of you can match them vocally. love you ateez but you sure fucked up picking them to go after you because they blew you out of the fucking water. and everyone else, but ateez cumulatively is the weakest vocally. more on that later. like the performance stage they showcased their strengths and the experience (and training) shows. good use of the directional stage having three vs one that came together in the middle. loved the white suit variations, im especially a sucker for a belted suit jacket. loved peniel's gigantic trench and massive earrings, very mid 90s, his stylist definitely took a lesson in how to accessorize very short hair. always love good use of fog. uniform colour theme, all elements were there to support the vocals. no complaints, chef’s kiss.
2. ikon
hey baby groups? see bobby having fun? do that more. i know you think performance face is sexy and serious but none of you know how to act and you all look dead inside on stage. the lights may be on but nobody’s home. anyways. excellent beginning formation, excellent ending formation, no complicated position changes that make the camera give you motion sickness. fun choreo that they are obviously having fun performing, which goes sooooo far in the success of a performance. only group so far to use silence as an effective device, and the arrangement was interesting and suited to the song+performance. i think it was smart of them not to deploy bobby right away, although it would have been funny to watch after whatever it was that stray kids was trying to do. again, like btob and also sf9, sticking to their strengths. costumes fun and fitting, indicative of both the colour of the group and of the song. nice detail in the monochrome and the black accent details.
3. sf9
taeyang is that bitch and they only way this would have been better is if he had actually grabbed the ties of those two other members (if you think i am going to remember anyone's names other than the people i already know you are wrong). love the confidence to waste a good chunk of your 90 seconds for walking and standing in formation. actual good use of one-take directional camera, even though they ruined it once they started dancing. choreo perfectly fine, lighting good complementary colour scheme, costumes nothing to write home about, surprisingly good projection design? wasn’t expecting that. im not the biggest fan white suit jackets over black shirts but ill give it a pass for the proper suit accessorizing.
4. ateez
i applaud your dedication to the pirate gimmick but boys you don't need that anymore, i promise. hongjoong's lil bloody cough was a fun gag that didn't draw too much attention but fit with the theme. came out of the gate strong with an actual clear narrative, which can be a challenge to do in 100 seconds, and the only group to have a narrative. also actual camera choreo! that was interesting! mnet stop fucking cutting to overhead shots! apparently im destined to always be beefing with the ateez stylists because what was the point of all that? very little variation in texture or pattern on matte all black just made any relevant details disappear. torch gimmick and end formation fun, and the arrangement had an obvious climax. weird and kinda fun projection design, but not helped by concert-style stage lighting. pick one or the other lighting designer, don't make them fight like that! props to them for actually having their mics on the whole time, even though they are probably the weakest group vocally. im also going to be beefing with the choreographer because they are always making seonghwa sing while doing ridiculous moves that make him go offkey. ateez has some of the stronger 4th gen vocals, but they're at a disadvantage because a) none of them have proper vocal training, and b) their main vocal is not actually a skilled singer and is destroying his voice.not a lot of vocals for them to showcase this stage and that was probably for the best. hanya (@changdyke) is in charge of vocals critique and will have more to say about this than me, even though i am also trained. im just here to talk about the production.
5. the boyz
im neutral to positive on tbz because i did really like their danger stage from rtk. this performance is just....fine. I don’t like the arrangement, but that's mostly personal opinion. but it doesn't have a conclusive end and the whole dissonance thing isn't really working for me in this instance. the choreo is quite flippy and tricking is not necessary for an interesting choreo. i did like the throwback/use of modern choreo, i think that's a strong choice for them and it's not something that many other groups are doing, so they should stick more to that than to tricking. the camera choreo is also not good. here’s where the clearance issues and fighting against the stage layout happen! stop making a handheld do a 180! are you trying to make us motion sick? to be fair, this is not the most egregious one, but at least ateez got it right by having a person lead the camera in a particular pattern. also, what even is the theme here? leatherclad boys in the forest? nobody give me any shit saying it's based off one of their music videos or whatever, that shouldn't matter. there should be a clear theme that can be easily identified without prior knowledge of the group, especially when this is an introductory stage and they are a relatively young group. none of the other groups have this issue. that being said, at least the costumes were interesting to look at, although thematically confusing. good use of accessories, texture, and bedazzling to make the black stand out against the stage. the hands in front of the camera were kind of fun but didnt really mean anything? again, back to the lack of clear concept. i did like them reaching out to pull that member forward, it would have been better if they had just left it at that.
6. stray kids
the more i watch this the more i hate it. im not even sorry about it anymore. starters, and i will admit this upfront: i do not like most 4th gen music, so the spiderman meme groups are already operating on a deficit in my point of view. and i particularly did not like this arrangement. same as with tbz, why did it not have a conclusive end? also overuse of sound effects. and stop saying your fucking band name! the only musician that’s allowed to do that is jason derulo and thats because hes a meme now. but twice in 100 seconds? no. and what was the point of that logo/crown reveal? im tired of crown reveals we have seen them so many times by now, we don't need to see it again. was it meant to be that they were carving it into the ground?? very unclear. there was an attempt with camera choreo, and i will admit that the pan up and then back down to the ‘wolf pack’ was probably the strongest moment in the whole performance. the lights were in their mouths, by the way. however, the rest of the choreo is all over the map, quite literally. as with tbz there’s a lot of members in the group and so in order for everyone to get their screen time they break down into smaller groups, which i don't disagree with on principle, but here.........the breakdowns are just tricking, which although eyecatching, does not a very compelling or cohesive choreo make. even the unison choreo is weird, obviously its stylized horror but it just looks awkward and strange. you can make awkward/unattractive choreo work (see taemin’s want, or even move, to some extent)***, but skz doesn't have an ounce of the charisma that taemin has so it just looks awkward. also, that rapid switch between opposite sides of the stage? nausea inducing. ateez was the one with the pirate concept but skz apparently trying to make us seasick. im not gonna say anything about that rap other than it was bad, why was that allowed on stage. the sparkthrower was fun but that's like the 14th gimmick in this 100 second stage and that’s too many gimmicks. costumes are truly nothing to write home about, extremely unclear relation to the theme. if you're gonna be wolves then at least have some fur accents or something. the makeup effects were a bit over the top and not necessary in the actual performance. a hairdresser needs to thin out felix’s hair because he looks like he's wearing one of those lego hair helmets. oh, i did like that one guy’s shirt with the collarbone cutout, but again: how is that relevant to the theme? cmon people!!!! design the whole experience!! im sure there’s more i could write but holy shit this is long and im tired and also i don't want to watch this stage anymore.
ok im done. jesus this is long. again, this is just the intro stage so i suspect that some of my complaints will become null next week, but we’ll have to see! well, what i actually want to see is changmin insulting children but i’m not holding out hope for that to happen. hopefully we see some more spectacle-y stages and i can really go in.
***this is not me saying that taemin has a bad choreo that he’s making the best of. want is purposefully choreographed that way in order to showcase taemin’s ability. same with move. the point of want is that it IS awkward and should not be seductive or appealing and yet it still is. almost like....it’s in the name of the song or something.....
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nellie-elizabeth · 5 years
Outlander: Perpetual Adoration (5x05)
Honestly, this episode felt kind of disjointed to me. Several of the pieces were good, but the picture they made in the end was less than it should have been.
I enjoyed, in theory, the flashbacks to Claire back in the twentieth century. We see a story of her losing a patient, Graham Menzies, because of an allergic reaction to penicillin. His death shakes her bad enough that she decides to go on a trip to London with Brianna, which leads to her crossing paths with Roger, and ultimately finding her way back to Jamie. The main issue I had here was the strange way the scenes were arranged. In the "behind the scenes" section of the episode they talk about how they had filmed the scenes in order but ended up rearranging them in editing, and honestly that doesn't surprise me to hear. We see Claire attending the Perpetual Adoration and talking to the priest, before we hear Graham explain what it means to him. I'm not sure why they did this - not only is it unnecessarily complicated from a narrative standpoint, but the scene with the priest is stronger, with the overt message of people never being lost if they are not forgotten. It should have come later anyway.
Also, while I liked the flashbacks, or at least parts of them, I was annoyed at how much focus they pulled from the story proper. Sure, it's fun to see Joe Abernathy again, etc. But the scene with Joe and Kezzie having surgery, Claire and Marsali discovering the penicillin... those are moments I wanted to linger on much more, and it's a bummer they were so brief.
I'll talk in a minute about Jamie's plot thread, which I thought was quite strong, but I did feel like the opening part, where Fergus and Jamie walk in and Knox is there, was kind of odd. Last week there was such a sense of the militia as this unit of people, and this week they were all but absent, with Jamie and Knox getting all the screen time. I could have used a bit more of a sense of the group of men, their dynamics, how they're feeling after everything that went down in Brownsville.
I try so hard to care about Roger and Brianna. Sometimes I manage it, but their fight about Bonnet was really just - disheartening to watch. It's not even that I don't care at all, it's more just that it's dour and unpleasant and it sucks. Roger being upset with Brianna for telling her rapist that her baby is his... like, who am I meant to feel sympathy for in this scene? Because I certainly don't feel it for Roger. Then there's Roger saying that because Bonnet's not dead, they'll need to go through the stones right away, and Brianna gets this conflicted look on her face, like she's still not sure that's what she wants. I'm already exhausted with this dynamic, and I didn't think I would be. I think part of the problem is that I know from the books that they don't leave yet. Who knows, maybe they change things wildly from book canon, but I kind of doubt it.
So, while I had my problems with the flashbacks, ultimately I enjoyed seeing Claire in this twentieth century setting, and her voice-over worked really, really well here. Outlander's use of voice-over has been inconsistent, but it's best employed when it's being used to convey a theme or philosophy instead of simply narrating events. Here, we have Claire ruminating on the nature of time, and how that relates to God. It's an excellent theme. We see how in the sterile, "safe" environment of the 1960's, a patient dies senselessly because of an undetected allergy. Meanwhile in the past, Claire is playing God by creating penicillin far before its time, and she uses it to perform successful surgery. Her foreknowledge and skill can and will create a ripple effect, and it's definitely one of the core themes I love to see Outlander explore.
Plus, the actor playing Graham Menzies was genuinely charming, and it was nice to see Claire have a chance to grieve Jamie in a more conventional sense. It's heartbreaking to think about how her original grief for Jamie was subsumed as she tried to be a wife to Frank and a mother to Bree. But decades later, with Frank dead and Brianna grown, she can start to process some of her feelings. She also ends up on the path that leads her back to him, so it all ends up for the best. Also, they brought in the romance novel thing! That's one of my favorite details from the book. Fun to see Joe again!
While Roger and Brianna's scenes left me feeling a little cold, I don't fundamentally dislike these characters. Roger shines brightest when he's focusing on his fish-out-of-water status. He's self-conscious about failing Jamie as a captain, and I really feel for him there. Also, I liked Roger and Claire's scene. They have a more natural chemistry as scene partners than he has with Brianna, and I think that's because Caitriona Balfe is a stronger actress. He compares his situation with Jemmy's unclear paternity, to Claire's decision to hide the truth of Brianna's parentage from her, and I thought that was really interesting, and made for a much better exploration of the situation than we got between Brianna and Roger.
Once again we're seeing how Murtagh continuing to exist in this timeline is changing things for Jamie. I really do go back and forth on whether I like his continued presence, but this week it really worked. Jamie's loyalty, and his decision about when to create a clear line in the sand, is one of the driving forces of this whole story-line. And having Murtagh there, having him be the specific source of Knox's search, adds a personal stake here that I think was definitely missing from the book. I like how in the book, Jamie is basically just trying to play the middle and wait for the right moment to declare himself a rebel, to ensure that he and his family end up on the winning side. It's interesting to watch him navigate that aspect of it. But here, his principles are more directly tangled up in things. His loyalty to Murtagh obviously outweighs his coerced loyalty to the crown!
I also like how Knox seems to really admire Jamie and feel a real sense of kinship with him. Jamie is more reserved, saying what he thinks Knox wants to hear, but I also think Jamie is somewhat genuinely moved by Knox's admiration for him. It was obviously pretty brutal watching Jamie kill him, especially after Knox's horrified realization of Jamie's relationship to Murtagh. Knox isn't a character I necessarily sympathize with, but it was hard not to wince when I saw his life come to end. For Jamie's sake, if nothing else.
So, with evidence of Jamie's true allegiance burned, and Knox dead, Jamie returns to the Ridge with a new friend for Claire - a tiny fuzzy kitten named Adso! This is a different way for the cat to make his entrance than what happens in the books, but hey. I'm still thrilled to see him!
At the end of the day, I'm not sure how to grade this episode. There were things about it I truly enjoyed, but others that frustrated me. We are five episodes in now, and these seasons aren't exactly very long. How am I going to feel about the shape of season five as a whole, when all is said and done? That remains to be seen!
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gordonwilliamsweb · 3 years
Long Drives, Air Travel, Exhausting Waits: What Abortion Requires in the South
MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Just a quick walk through the parking lot of Choices-Memphis Center for Reproductive Health in this legendary music mecca speaks volumes about access to abortion in the American South. Parked alongside the polished SUVs and weathered sedans with Tennessee license plates are cars from Mississippi, Arkansas, Florida and, on many days, Alabama, Georgia and Texas.
Choices is one of two abortion clinics in the Memphis metro area, with a population of 1.3 million. While that might seem a surprisingly limited number of options for women seeking a commonplace medical procedure, it represents a wealth of access compared with Mississippi, which has one abortion clinic for the entire state of 3 million people.
A tsunami of restrictive abortion regulations enacted by Republican-led legislatures and governors across the South have sent women who want or need an early end to a pregnancy fleeing in all directions, making long drives or plane trips across state lines to find safe, professional services. For many women, that also requires taking time off work, arranging child care and finding transportation and lodging, sharply increasing the anxiety, expense and logistical complications of what is often a profoundly difficult moment in a woman’s life.
“Especially for women coming from long distances, child care is the biggest thing,” said Sue Burbano, a patient educator and financial assistance coordinator at Choices. “They’re coming all the way from Oxford, Mississippi, or Jackson. This is a three-day ordeal. I can just see how exhausted they are.”
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The long drives and wait times could soon spread to other states, as the U.S. Supreme Court prepares this fall to consider a Mississippi ban on nearly all abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, with no allowances for cases of rape or incest. Under a law enacted in 2018 by the Republican-led legislature, a woman could obtain a legal abortion only if the pregnancy threatens her life or would cause an “irreversible impairment of a major bodily function.”
Mississippi’s ban was promptly challenged by abortion rights activists and put on hold as a series of lower courts have deemed it unconstitutional under the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision. That 1973 ruling, in concert with subsequent federal case law, forbids states from banning abortions before “fetal viability,” the point at which a fetus can survive outside the womb, or about 24 weeks into pregnancy.
Tennessee, Texas, Mississippi and several other states have since passed laws that would ban abortions after six weeks. That legislation is also on hold pending legal review.
Groups opposed to abortion rights have cheered the court’s decision to hear the Mississippi case, believing the addition of Justice Amy Coney Barrett gives the court’s conservative bloc enough votes to overturn Roe, or at least vastly expand the authority of individual states to restrict abortion.
But, for supporters of reproductive rights, anything but a firm rejection of the Mississippi ban raises the specter of an even larger expanse of abortion service deserts. Abortion could quickly become illegal in 21 states — including nearly the entire South, the Dakotas and other stretches of the Midwest — should the court rescind the principle that a woman’s right to privacy protects pregnancy decisions.
“If we end up with any kind of decision that goes back to being a states’ rights issue, the entire South is in a very bad way,” said Jennifer Pepper, executive director of Choices in Memphis.
The decades-long strategy by conservative white evangelical Christians to chip away at abortion access state by state has flourished in the South, where hard-right Republicans hold a decisive advantage in state legislatures and nearly all executive chambers.
Though details vary by state, the rules governing abortion providers tend to hit similar notes. Among them are requirements that women seeking abortions, even via an abortion pill, submit to invasive vaginal ultrasounds; mandatory waiting periods of 48 hours between the initial consultation with a provider and the abortion; and complex rules for licensing physicians and technicians and disposing of fetal remains. Some states insist that abortion providers require women to listen to a fetal heartbeat; other providers have been unable to obtain admitting privileges at local hospitals.
“Everything is hard down here,” said Pepper.
The rules also have made some doctors reluctant to perform the procedure. While obstetricians and gynecologists in California, New York, Illinois and elsewhere routinely perform abortions at their medical offices — the same practices where they care for women through pregnancy and delivery — their peers in many Southern states who perform more than a small number of abortions a year must register their practices as abortion clinics. None has done so.
Texas offers an example of how targeted legislation can disrupt a patient’s search for medical care. In 2012, 762 Texans went out of state for abortions, according to researchers at the University of Texas-Austin. Two years later, after then-Gov. Rick Perry signed into law the nation’s most restrictive abortion bill, shuttering about half the state’s abortion facilities, 1,673 women left Texas to seek services. In 2016, 1,800 did so.
Similarly, in March 2020, as the coronavirus pandemic took hold, Gov. Greg Abbott issued an order prohibiting all abortions unless the woman’s life was in danger, deeming the procedure “not medically necessary.” The month before the order, about 150 Texans went out of state to seek abortion services. In March and April, with the order in effect, nearly 950 women sought care outside Texas.
There can also be an unsettling stigma in some parts of the South.
Vikki Brown, 33, who works in education in New Orleans, said she initially tried to end her pregnancy in Louisiana, calling her gynecologist for advice, and was told by a receptionist that she was “disgusted” by the request.
She sought out the lone abortion clinic operating in New Orleans but found it besieged with both protesters and patients. “I knew but didn’t understand how difficult it was to get care,” said Brown, who moved to Louisiana in 2010 from New York City. “The clinic was absolutely full. People were sitting on the floor. It was swamped.” It took her six hours to get an ultrasound, which cost $150, she said.
A friend in Washington, D.C., counseled Brown that “it didn’t have to be like that” and the pair researched clinics in the nation’s capital. She flew to Washington, where she was able to get an abortion the same day and for less than it would have cost her in New Orleans, even including airfare.
“No protesters, no waiting period,” she said. “It was a wildly different experience.”
Atlanta, a Southern transportation hub, has also become a key piece in the frayed quilt of abortion care in the region.
Kwajelyn Jackson, executive director of Feminist Women’s Health Center in Atlanta, said the clinic regularly sees patients from other states, including Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky and the Carolinas.
These visits often involve long drives or flights, but rarely overnight stays because the state-mandated 24-hour waiting period can begin with a phone consultation rather than an in-person visit. Georgia has many of the same laws other states employ to make clinical operations more burdensome — requirements to cremate fetal remains, for instance, and that abortion providers adhere to the onerous building standards set for outpatient surgical centers — but its urban clinics so far have weathered the strategies.
Jackson said staffers at her clinic are aware of its role as a refuge. “We’ve had patients who were able to get a ride from Alabama, but they weren’t able to get a ride home,” she said. “We had to help them find a ride home. It is so much simpler to go 3 or 4 miles from your home and sleep in your bed at night. That is a luxury that so many of our patients can’t enjoy.”
Many women embarking on a search for a safe abortion are also confronting serious expenses. State Medicaid programs in the South do not pay for abortions, and many private insurers refuse to cover the procedure. In addition, the longer a woman’s abortion is delayed, the more expensive the procedure becomes.
Becca Turchanik, a 32-year-old account manager for a robotics company in Nashville, Tennessee, drove four hours to Atlanta for her abortion in 2019. “We got an appointment in Georgia because that was the only place that had appointments,” she said.
Turchanik said her employer’s health insurance would not cover abortion, and the cost of gas, food, medications and the procedure itself totaled $1,100. Her solution? Take on debt. “I took out a Speedy Cash loan,” she said.
Turchanik had a contraceptive implant when she learned she was six weeks pregnant. She said she was in an unhealthy relationship with a man she discovered to be dishonest, and she decided to end her pregnancy.
“I wish I had a child, but I’m glad it wasn’t his child,” she said. “I have accomplished so much since my abortion. I’m going to make my life better.”
But the emotions of the ordeal have stayed with her. She’s angry that she had to call around from state to state in a panic, and that she was unable to have her abortion close to home, with friends to comfort her.
Others turn to nonprofit groups for financial and logistical support for bus and plane tickets, hotels, child care and medical bills, including the National Abortion Federation, which operates a hotline to help women find providers. Last year, the federation received 100,000 calls from women seeking information, said its president, the Very Rev. Katherine Hancock Ragsdale.
Access Reproductive Care-Southeast, an abortion fund based in Atlanta, has trained over 130 volunteers who pick women up at bus stations, host them at their homes and provide child care. A study published this year in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health examined 10,000 cases of women seeking assistance from ARC-Southeast: 81% were Black, 77% were uninsured or publicly insured, 77% had at least one child, and 58% identified as Christian.
“It’s amazing to see the scope of the people we work with,” said Oriaku Njoku, ARC-Southeast’s co-founder. “The post-Roe reality that y’all are afraid of is the lived reality for folks today in the South.”
A Texas law targets precisely this kind of help, allowing such organizations or individuals to be sued by anyone in the state for helping a woman get an abortion. It could go into effect Sept. 1, though abortion rights advocates are suing to stop the new law.
Despite the controversy surrounding abortion, Choices makes no effort to hide its mission. The modern lime-green building announces itself to its Memphis neighborhood, and the waiting room is artfully decorated, offering services beyond abortion, including delivery of babies and midwifery.
Like other clinics in the South, Choices has to abide by state laws that many abortion supporters find onerous and intrusive, including performing transvaginal ultrasounds and showing the women seeking abortions images from those ultrasounds.
Nonetheless, the clinic is booked full most days with patients from almost all of the eight states that touch Tennessee, a slender handsaw-shaped state that stretches across much of the Deep South. And Katy Deaton, a nurse at the facility, said few women change their minds.
“They’ve put a lot of thought into this hard decision already,” she said. “I don’t think it changes the fact that they’re getting an abortion. But it definitely makes their life harder.”
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
Long Drives, Air Travel, Exhausting Waits: What Abortion Requires in the South published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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stephenmccull · 3 years
Long Drives, Air Travel, Exhausting Waits: What Abortion Requires in the South
MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Just a quick walk through the parking lot of Choices-Memphis Center for Reproductive Health in this legendary music mecca speaks volumes about access to abortion in the American South. Parked alongside the polished SUVs and weathered sedans with Tennessee license plates are cars from Mississippi, Arkansas, Florida and, on many days, Alabama, Georgia and Texas.
Choices is one of two abortion clinics in the Memphis metro area, with a population of 1.3 million. While that might seem a surprisingly limited number of options for women seeking a commonplace medical procedure, it represents a wealth of access compared with Mississippi, which has one abortion clinic for the entire state of 3 million people.
A tsunami of restrictive abortion regulations enacted by Republican-led legislatures and governors across the South have sent women who want or need an early end to a pregnancy fleeing in all directions, making long drives or plane trips across state lines to find safe, professional services. For many women, that also requires taking time off work, arranging child care and finding transportation and lodging, sharply increasing the anxiety, expense and logistical complications of what is often a profoundly difficult moment in a woman’s life.
“Especially for women coming from long distances, child care is the biggest thing,” said Sue Burbano, a patient educator and financial assistance coordinator at Choices. “They’re coming all the way from Oxford, Mississippi, or Jackson. This is a three-day ordeal. I can just see how exhausted they are.”
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The long drives and wait times could soon spread to other states, as the U.S. Supreme Court prepares this fall to consider a Mississippi ban on nearly all abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, with no allowances for cases of rape or incest. Under a law enacted in 2018 by the Republican-led legislature, a woman could obtain a legal abortion only if the pregnancy threatens her life or would cause an “irreversible impairment of a major bodily function.”
Mississippi’s ban was promptly challenged by abortion rights activists and put on hold as a series of lower courts have deemed it unconstitutional under the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision. That 1973 ruling, in concert with subsequent federal case law, forbids states from banning abortions before “fetal viability,” the point at which a fetus can survive outside the womb, or about 24 weeks into pregnancy.
Tennessee, Texas, Mississippi and several other states have since passed laws that would ban abortions after six weeks. That legislation is also on hold pending legal review.
Groups opposed to abortion rights have cheered the court’s decision to hear the Mississippi case, believing the addition of Justice Amy Coney Barrett gives the court’s conservative bloc enough votes to overturn Roe, or at least vastly expand the authority of individual states to restrict abortion.
But, for supporters of reproductive rights, anything but a firm rejection of the Mississippi ban raises the specter of an even larger expanse of abortion service deserts. Abortion could quickly become illegal in 21 states — including nearly the entire South, the Dakotas and other stretches of the Midwest — should the court rescind the principle that a woman’s right to privacy protects pregnancy decisions.
“If we end up with any kind of decision that goes back to being a states’ rights issue, the entire South is in a very bad way,” said Jennifer Pepper, executive director of Choices in Memphis.
The decades-long strategy by conservative white evangelical Christians to chip away at abortion access state by state has flourished in the South, where hard-right Republicans hold a decisive advantage in state legislatures and nearly all executive chambers.
Though details vary by state, the rules governing abortion providers tend to hit similar notes. Among them are requirements that women seeking abortions, even via an abortion pill, submit to invasive vaginal ultrasounds; mandatory waiting periods of 48 hours between the initial consultation with a provider and the abortion; and complex rules for licensing physicians and technicians and disposing of fetal remains. Some states insist that abortion providers require women to listen to a fetal heartbeat; other providers have been unable to obtain admitting privileges at local hospitals.
“Everything is hard down here,” said Pepper.
The rules also have made some doctors reluctant to perform the procedure. While obstetricians and gynecologists in California, New York, Illinois and elsewhere routinely perform abortions at their medical offices — the same practices where they care for women through pregnancy and delivery — their peers in many Southern states who perform more than a small number of abortions a year must register their practices as abortion clinics. None has done so.
Texas offers an example of how targeted legislation can disrupt a patient’s search for medical care. In 2012, 762 Texans went out of state for abortions, according to researchers at the University of Texas-Austin. Two years later, after then-Gov. Rick Perry signed into law the nation’s most restrictive abortion bill, shuttering about half the state’s abortion facilities, 1,673 women left Texas to seek services. In 2016, 1,800 did so.
Similarly, in March 2020, as the coronavirus pandemic took hold, Gov. Greg Abbott issued an order prohibiting all abortions unless the woman’s life was in danger, deeming the procedure “not medically necessary.” The month before the order, about 150 Texans went out of state to seek abortion services. In March and April, with the order in effect, nearly 950 women sought care outside Texas.
There can also be an unsettling stigma in some parts of the South.
Vikki Brown, 33, who works in education in New Orleans, said she initially tried to end her pregnancy in Louisiana, calling her gynecologist for advice, and was told by a receptionist that she was “disgusted” by the request.
She sought out the lone abortion clinic operating in New Orleans but found it besieged with both protesters and patients. “I knew but didn’t understand how difficult it was to get care,” said Brown, who moved to Louisiana in 2010 from New York City. “The clinic was absolutely full. People were sitting on the floor. It was swamped.” It took her six hours to get an ultrasound, which cost $150, she said.
A friend in Washington, D.C., counseled Brown that “it didn’t have to be like that” and the pair researched clinics in the nation’s capital. She flew to Washington, where she was able to get an abortion the same day and for less than it would have cost her in New Orleans, even including airfare.
“No protesters, no waiting period,” she said. “It was a wildly different experience.”
Atlanta, a Southern transportation hub, has also become a key piece in the frayed quilt of abortion care in the region.
Kwajelyn Jackson, executive director of Feminist Women’s Health Center in Atlanta, said the clinic regularly sees patients from other states, including Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky and the Carolinas.
These visits often involve long drives or flights, but rarely overnight stays because the state-mandated 24-hour waiting period can begin with a phone consultation rather than an in-person visit. Georgia has many of the same laws other states employ to make clinical operations more burdensome — requirements to cremate fetal remains, for instance, and that abortion providers adhere to the onerous building standards set for outpatient surgical centers — but its urban clinics so far have weathered the strategies.
Jackson said staffers at her clinic are aware of its role as a refuge. “We’ve had patients who were able to get a ride from Alabama, but they weren’t able to get a ride home,” she said. “We had to help them find a ride home. It is so much simpler to go 3 or 4 miles from your home and sleep in your bed at night. That is a luxury that so many of our patients can’t enjoy.”
Many women embarking on a search for a safe abortion are also confronting serious expenses. State Medicaid programs in the South do not pay for abortions, and many private insurers refuse to cover the procedure. In addition, the longer a woman’s abortion is delayed, the more expensive the procedure becomes.
Becca Turchanik, a 32-year-old account manager for a robotics company in Nashville, Tennessee, drove four hours to Atlanta for her abortion in 2019. “We got an appointment in Georgia because that was the only place that had appointments,” she said.
Turchanik said her employer’s health insurance would not cover abortion, and the cost of gas, food, medications and the procedure itself totaled $1,100. Her solution? Take on debt. “I took out a Speedy Cash loan,” she said.
Turchanik had a contraceptive implant when she learned she was six weeks pregnant. She said she was in an unhealthy relationship with a man she discovered to be dishonest, and she decided to end her pregnancy.
“I wish I had a child, but I’m glad it wasn’t his child,” she said. “I have accomplished so much since my abortion. I’m going to make my life better.”
But the emotions of the ordeal have stayed with her. She’s angry that she had to call around from state to state in a panic, and that she was unable to have her abortion close to home, with friends to comfort her.
Others turn to nonprofit groups for financial and logistical support for bus and plane tickets, hotels, child care and medical bills, including the National Abortion Federation, which operates a hotline to help women find providers. Last year, the federation received 100,000 calls from women seeking information, said its president, the Very Rev. Katherine Hancock Ragsdale.
Access Reproductive Care-Southeast, an abortion fund based in Atlanta, has trained over 130 volunteers who pick women up at bus stations, host them at their homes and provide child care. A study published this year in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health examined 10,000 cases of women seeking assistance from ARC-Southeast: 81% were Black, 77% were uninsured or publicly insured, 77% had at least one child, and 58% identified as Christian.
“It’s amazing to see the scope of the people we work with,” said Oriaku Njoku, ARC-Southeast’s co-founder. “The post-Roe reality that y’all are afraid of is the lived reality for folks today in the South.”
A Texas law targets precisely this kind of help, allowing such organizations or individuals to be sued by anyone in the state for helping a woman get an abortion. It could go into effect Sept. 1, though abortion rights advocates are suing to stop the new law.
Despite the controversy surrounding abortion, Choices makes no effort to hide its mission. The modern lime-green building announces itself to its Memphis neighborhood, and the waiting room is artfully decorated, offering services beyond abortion, including delivery of babies and midwifery.
Like other clinics in the South, Choices has to abide by state laws that many abortion supporters find onerous and intrusive, including performing transvaginal ultrasounds and showing the women seeking abortions images from those ultrasounds.
Nonetheless, the clinic is booked full most days with patients from almost all of the eight states that touch Tennessee, a slender handsaw-shaped state that stretches across much of the Deep South. And Katy Deaton, a nurse at the facility, said few women change their minds.
“They’ve put a lot of thought into this hard decision already,” she said. “I don’t think it changes the fact that they’re getting an abortion. But it definitely makes their life harder.”
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
Long Drives, Air Travel, Exhausting Waits: What Abortion Requires in the South published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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transhumanitynet · 6 years
A Treatise On Transhumanism - Transhumanist Solutions to Societal Problems (Part 6)
Previously, one established the failures of human faculties as such concerns as lack of sustenance, wellbeing, intelligence, autonomy and productivity, either causing or caused by each other, and resulting in uncivilization. Augmentation of human faculties, physical, mental and/or autonomous, aims to redeem such failures; in the case of physical faculty, to improve one’s constitution and physical utility, of mental faculty, to improve one’s computational and intellectual abilities, and of autonomy, to improve one’s maturation and self-realisation. Each of these pertains to the economy and civilization, as each modifies the human nature of the citizenry in some way.
To this end, augmenting humanity on a society-wide scale with civilizing intent on the economy is achieved through industrialising and automating human faculties. To industrialise one’s faculties, especially within the scope of innovation theory of value, one alters one’s human nature such as to see an improvement in one’s productivity, efficiency or autonomy beyond previous capability, ideally to the point where civilization becomes possible. To automate one’s faculties, however, one must relinquish those faculties, a concept not as controversial as one might expect. Much of the human body is naturally automated, such as respiration, digestion, etc., and extending this automation to further faculties one has no desire to control is ultimately a question of one’s personal preference. However, due to this difference, augmentation will be discussed firstly in terms of industrialisation, and secondly in terms of automation.
Industrialising the three faculties, physical, mental and autonomy, to civilize the economy varies by the ways in which they fail to achieve this end. Physical faculties generally fail civil economies by lacking the required productivity or, more harshly, requiring more sustenance than the economy can provide. Additionally, human bodies require healthcare, a complicated affair usually requiring huge expenditure, due to the complexity of the human body. These problems are solved through augmentation improving one’s physical capability and coordination, improving efficiency of one’s metabolism and improving one’s health in general. As such, industrialising one’s physical capability will likely require bodily modification, increasing strength, endurance or adroitness; augmenting metabolism, improving efficiency of one’s body in absorbing and utilizing nutrients, resulting in sustenance
giving more utilizable energy to the augmentee; and augmenting health and bodily functions, lowering costs of healthcare as well as lowering lost labour from incapacitation due to poor health. As such, physical augmentations would allow one to improve their productivity, and if inclined, also allow one to metabolise sustenance much more efficiently or go for longer without it.
Mental faculties fail civil economies by lacking expertise or comprehension. Augmentation seeks to solve these problems by improving the computational and storage capacity of one’s mind, which in turn, should result in improved comprehension and judgement. The effects these augmentations have on economy vary, as vocations involving acuity and management differ. By augmenting mental faculties, one allows for all manner of increases to productivity, capital, etc., as well as decreases to costs by identifying unnecessary or inefficient economic components and removing or improving them. Furthermore, increased computational power would allow for increased rates of consciousness, improving reaction times; such augmentations would prove useful in vocations requiring socalled “quick” decisions, thereby improving productivity.
Autonomy fails civil economies by disregarding or sabotaging of the means and ends of a civil contract and economy. It presents a challenge to augmentation, as enhancements of human nature are intended to expand, not compromise, one’s faculties. Autonomy augmentations are thus intended to allow one to better realise one’s intent, to better know and understand one’s aspirations and to consider one’s self more comprehensively; the economic issues pertaining to uncivil practices are not outright solved by these augmentations, but, given these augmentations, one would be hard-pressed to suggest ignorance being the cause of one’s uncivil action. Ultimately, however, industrializing autonomous faculties fails to solve issues of human nature in achieving civilization. Similarly to industrialization, automating human faculties endeavour to improve human faculties through augmentation, though forgoing autonomy and personal management in the process. Automating human faculties in this way removes the need for citizens to autonomously conduct those faculties, thus no longer requiring autonomy to sustain the economy, as previously necessary. One then automates one’s faculties to suit one’s self, as opposed to shaping one’s self to one’s faculties and the social contract. Such automation takes the form of augmentations able to independently and/or automatically perform tasks on one’s behalf such as, but not limited to, moving and arranging objects or one’s limbs, calculating and evaluating problems and making decisions or suggestions on courses of action in one’s affairs.
However, to avoid contravention of the principles established in this text and, in the case of automating autonomy itself, self-contradiction, this text only considers
automation of human nature that is easily countermanded, rendering it temporary, or fully subservient. These augmentations would most likely still require supplemental direction towards the necessary labour, though it is not implausible to consider an augmentation, or combination thereof, that would allow one’s faculties to be entirely independent of one’s autonomy at all times. In this context, full and irreversible automation of human faculty itself is considered Posthumanist, and discussed later; however, within the remit of Transhumanism, manageable automation of human faculty lessens, and in some cases prevents, conflict between social contract, economy and autonomy, allowing for civilization.
Clearly augmentations of human faculty, either individually or any simultaneous combination of them, solve many of the original problems of human inadequacy inherent to economy; combined with an innovation theory of labour, whereby the economy is directed by efficiency and innovation, the civilization of society becomes assured, as labour, capital and agreement is constantly facilitating more efficient, more productive and more satisfying augmentations. Increases to demands of satisfaction by the citizenry is thus met, as progress is constantly encouraged, increasing productivity which meets said demand. By ensuring other previously mentioned principles are upheld, that augmentations are at least comparable to human faculties and that declining augmentations remains a solvent option, agreement is maximised and civilization under Transhumanism becomes viable, at least hypothetically. This does assume that enough citizens accept augmentations, however, as too large a majority of citizens declining augmentations will likely result in a less civil economy, marred by the aforementioned inadequacies of human faculties.
  A Treatise On Transhumanism – Transhumanist Solutions to Societal Problems (Part 6) was originally published on transhumanity.net
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
I absolutely LOVED reading your kingdom review. You gave me such an insight in things I never even considered, especially since our rankings are so different from each other. The Boyz was my favorite, the narrative was about RTK. How they felt bad for having to compete against their friends but eventually the groups only lifted each other up and it helped TBZ grow into the group they are now through the hardships and mental dilemma, falling into the next challenge right after they reached the top. It should have been more obvious though, I agree, it wasn't really visible for anyone who didn't know. I was wondering how you felt about the dancing in general? my reason for not ranking BTOB high was lack of choreo (and Peniel's verse), same goes for SF9. Mostly because I don't feel the hype when watching, it doesn't keep my focus on the stage. As a baby-performer myself, my goal is to make the viewer curious about what's next. is that the wrong way to look at it? that's what I've always been told, building the tension up and down to create focus. would love to hear your feedback on that! thank you so much for sharing, we need more reviews of people who actually know what they're talking about.
i'm glad that you got some insight from it! like i answered in the previous ask im here to hopefully bring some more depth and understanding for people that care and are curious!
you unintentionally proved my point about tbz’s performance: that is way too complicated! even the most talented solo dancers i can think of would have trouble distilling that down to something readable in 100 seconds, much less a group of like, a dozen people! the introductory stages are meant to show us the character of the group and their abilities in the most concise way possible, it's not the stage to do deep philosophical and emotional introspection. for a full stage? absolutely, go hog wild! but for this stage it was too ambitious and ultimately was ineffective to anyone that isn't a fan of them specifically. 
by dancing in general do you mean like, every group? i put most of my opinions on the dancing where i had them in each of the individual rankings but honestly? unless there is something that really stands out positively or negatively, a lot of ‘average’ kpop dance looks the same to me. i know it’s not, obviously, and if pressed i probably could do a more serious breakdown, but dance is only one element of performance. it has equal weight with all the others in my mind, and therefore i notice when it is either 
very good
does something unique
very bad, or
interferes with another element
which is the same as how i evaluate every element, if that makes sense. 
hmmmm. i thought about this a lot in the shower and turns out i had more opinions that i expected so i'll put them under a cut.
firstly, i don't think lack of choreo should be penalized or considered an ‘incomplete’ performance. at the end of the day, these are bands, and a part of their brand/product they sell is the music. complex choreo does not need to be attached to that to make it a successful performance. also, btob did have choreo. any movement on stage is technically choreography. but this terminology can cause confusion so usually non-dance choreo is referred to as ‘blocking.’ but they also did include the song’s original point choreo at 1.41. the blocking in their performance was well thought out and suited the arrangement, by placing spatial emphasis on each part of the song that needed it. obviously it comes down to personal taste if the performance is ultimately ‘successful,’ because all art is subjective, but just because something isn't as visually complex as something else doesn’t mean it doesn't have the same level of thought. think of it like this: one is a super clean-lined post-post-modern grey/white living room, and the other is a kitsch goth basement. both share interior design principles and have obvious care put into the space, but they are vastly different styles that appeal to different tastes.
part of the job of production designer/AD is to decide what gets emphasis. a question you're always asking yourself is ‘is this important to the story that we’re trying to tell?’ and btob/their AD made a very smart choice with their introductory stage because it says a lot about them and their abilities in a short amount of time. that stage said ‘our foundation is strong, we have the training and experience and confidence to be up here and not rely on visual tricks.’ because they know they physically cannot do the things the 4th gen groups can; they're a decade older and they only have four members, it's just not feasible. something you learn with experience is the power that specific and pointed emphasis holds, which segues into my answer to your last question. i don't necessarily think that ‘building hype’ is the wrong way to perform something, but i do think it is a flawed way to approach creating a performance.
i think that ‘hype’ is flawed concept at its core, and one that focuses on the idea that there’s always being something more, something next, beyond the work itself. now there’s nothing wrong with playing with tension within the internal structure of a piece, that's exactly how constructing a narrative happens. however, the flaws come once we extrapolate beyond the boundaries of that individual work. the idea of ‘whats next’ implies that you have to constantly be promoting, have a sequel coming, building hype etc so people will keep engaged with your work. which is deeply capitalistic in nature and operates on the assumption that art exists purely as a product to be sold. and in order to keep selling you need to keep making a bigger and better and more spectacular product. and this is not the case at all. marketability is not the essence of art, it merely a factor of creating it under this insufferable system. kpop in particular suffers from this because the industry is specifically fabricated to produce capitol. we can have discussions all day about idols and their artistic integrity but at the end of that day, they are all cogs working with a system that was specifically made up by essentially one person to be culturally exported and to just print buckets of money. so in following that train of thought, there is a constant attitude of bigger and better because shock value (whether positive or negative) gets social media attention and therefore it sells. and it has become exponentially easier (and also seemingly required) to make things that are bigger and better than ever before. i remember being blown away by the projection floor at the sochi 2014 olympics because something of that scale and complexity would never have been possible without literally having the funding of the olympics. now that technology is easily accessible to anyone with an amazon account and the time to learn how isadora works. in comparison, it took 2400 YEARS for just the job of a ‘theatre designer’ to be even become a job at all.
because of kpop’s fan culture it is especially prone to ‘hype’ behaviour. in general with the accessibility of the internet and social media, everything has turned into a competition, and who can generate the most buzz ‘wins’. but ultimately that has taken away the general public’s ability to recognize that you can enjoy something quietly and you can enjoy something slowly. that the enjoyment of something doesn’t need to be all exclamation marks and keysmashes and trending hashtags on twitter. there is value in a work engaging in an emotion within you that is not just excitement. most of the artists and companies that i consume the work of i don’t do so because their work makes me excited, i do so because i liked the experience of engaging with that work. several years ago i saw the eternal tides by legend lin dance theatre, which you can watch a really short clip of here. that is not slow motion, that is actually how slow the dancers are moving. and 90% of the show is performed like that. and its two hours long. and it was one of the most incredible performances i've ever seen. if i ever get the chance I will go see another one of their shows again, not because i care about how they can top that experience i had, but because i know they can produce that experience, and that is enough to make me want to seek them out again. the speed of the internet has also loosened the general public’s understanding of just exactly how long creating a performance work can take. the lead dancer in the eternal tides was with the company for eight years before she and the piece were ready enough to be performed. large scale operas, musicals, and plays often have a year or more of pre-production before they even get to rehearsal. smaller theatre companies workshop new pieces for years at a time. performance is hard and it takes time. you can eliminate some of that with sheer amounts of money and people, which is what the kpop industry has done, but it speeds up the cycle of consumption to a degree that is not sustainable, especially for companies and creators who do not have that kind of access. performers and performance makers often don't put enough trust in their audiences. if they like what they see, they will come back. they dont need to be constantly bombarded with content at all times.
now that i’ve said a bit about why i think hype is a flawed concept, let's bring it back to kingdom. sf9 did something very interesting with their stage in that they actively chose to limit their dance time. and this plays very well off the performance film stage that taeyang did a couple of weeks ago. taeyang is talented and confident (for good reason), and his solo was incredible. but when it came to the intro stage, instead of trying to one-up the solo stage, the group instead said ‘well people are going to be looking at us because taeyang is insanely talented, so let's show them that we ALL have the confidence and the attitude to be up here.’ no need for flashy theatrics, they had the foresight to do something that would make them stand out from the rest of the groups. even if i was just casually watching the stages without doing any analysis on them (like i did for rtk), i would still be able to distinguish them because they had the stones to stand around for half their stage time. now i recognize them and would like to see what else they can do. same principle as what btob and also what ikon did. there is a fine line between anticipation and hype that gets equated in media consumption nowadays, but the two are not the same.
i think the tldr on this is that you dont need to ‘build hype’ or ‘go all out’ to make an interesting work. just focus on telling the narrative that you want to tell, and the people that recognize that will come. i could have a lot more things to say about peoples shrinking attention spans and the constant stream of information that we consume on a daily basis that devalues the labour done by artists in the eyes of the public and promotes hustle culture that is burning out and damaging creators at a rate that is both exponential and frightening, but that’s probably for another time, because this is SO LONG
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By the Dim and Flaring Lamps: Part Two, Chapter Five
Part One: One | Two | Three | Four Part Two: One | Two | Three | Four
The house is still mostly quiet when they enter, though Scully can hear the distant sounds of the evening meal being prepared in a kitchen somewhere. Samantha announces that she's going to go upstairs and rest a bit before dinner, and Mulder is just about to give Scully a tour of the rest of the house when the parlor doorway opens, admitting Diana and Charles Spender. Diana beams at Mulder the moment she sees him and crosses the entrance hall, shouldering Scully aside and taking his hands.
"Fox, I've just found out the most wonderful news," she gushes effusively. "The local theater is putting on your favorite Shakespeare play, and Father has just managed to get us tickets to see it tonight!"
"'Twelfth Night?' Really?" Diana frowns, confused.
"I thought... isn't your favorite Shakespeare 'Macbeth,' Darling?" Mulder shakes his head.
"No, it's always been 'Twelfth Night,'" he says. Diana waves her hand dismissively.
"Oh, well, no matter," she says. "It's still Shakespeare, isn't it? Anyway, I had wanted to see the play with you tonight, but it's been sold out for weeks. And then Father told me, just now, on our way back here, that he's gotten three tickets for tonight's showing!" Mulder turns to Scully.
"What do you say, Scully? Want to go watch a bunch of people who are only pretending to die horrible, bloody deaths? You know, for a little change of pace?" Diana suddenly frowns.
"Fox..." she says, hesitantly, glancing back at Spender. "I thought that Father would take the third seat. He is the one who paid for the tickets, after all."
"I'm not going to just ditch Scully on his first night here, Diana," Mulder protests. "That wouldn't be right. Why don't you take Samantha, instead, if there's only going to be room for three?" Diana scowls.
"I think that would be a waste of a ticket, frankly," she says. "A child certainly isn't going to be able to truly appreciate Shakespeare."
"Oh, I don't know about that," says Scully casually. "My tutor had me start with the sonnets when I was ten, and then had me reading the plays within the year. I'm sure Samantha's education has been similar." Diana looks down her nose at Scully, who stares coldly right back at her.
"Diana, dear," Spender says, speaking for the first time in his oddly high-pitched voice, "why don't the three of you go and take in the show after supper tonight? I'm feeling a bit too sleepy for a night of theatre, to tell you the truth."
"But Father," Diana protests, "you went through all this trouble to get tickets. You should go, if anyone should."
"I was only going in order to chaperone the two of you, my dear," Spender says. "I'm certain that Lieutenant Scully is a perfectly honorable young man, who will see to it that nothing untoward takes place."
"That seems like a solution that everyone can live with, doesn't it?" asks Mulder. Diana pouts, clearly unhappy with the arrangement. Scully can almost see the gears turning in Diana's head as she tries to find a way to exclude her fiance's friend, without seeming overly petulant or unkind, but in the end she's unable to come up with anything. And so, a half an hour after dinner has been finished, the three of them climb into the Mulders' finest carriage and set off for the theater.
Even with Mulder sitting between her and Diana, the atmosphere, both during the carriage ride and once they've arrived at the theater, is awkward and stilted. Diana seems determined to leave Scully out of every conversation, while Mulder is just as determined to include her, and the result is that the second half of the carriage ride and the entire wait before the curtain rises are spent in a frosty silence.
The performance is decent, though it's definitely not the best that Scully's ever seen, and with Mulder as a buffer between herself and Diana, she's able to focus. By the time that the lights in the auditorium come up for intermission, in spite of the mayhem onstage, Scully is feeling far calmer than she had when they had left the Mulders' house.
"Oh, Fox, I've just seen someone I know heading for the lobby. Would you mind if I went and said hello to her?"
"No, I don't mind," says Mulder. "Scully, you want to come along?"
"Actually, Fox, I should probably go on my own," Diana says, before Scully can respond. "She and her husband are native Virginians, and... well, I'm not sure they would like your current outfit." She gestures at Mulder's uniform.
"Oh," he says, surprised. "All right, then. Scully and I will be here when you get back." Diana turns and makes her way out of the auditorium and into the lobby. Scully whirls on Mulder, incensed.
"How can you let her treat you like that, Mulder?" she demands. He seems honestly confused.
"Like what?" he asks.
"Like she's ashamed of you. Making you wait in your seat because your uniform might offend some woman she's probably only met at society luncheons?" Mulder scowls at her.
"It's a complicated issue, Scully. She's not ashamed of me, but she will have to deal with her friends gossiping about me once I've left again. I don't have any trouble sparing her that particular inconvenience."
"Yes, God forbid she should ever be inconvenienced," Scully says coldly. "We wouldn't ever want her to have to develop principles of her own and actually choose a side, now, would we?"
"That's enough," says Mulder sharply. "I don't understand what your problem is with Diana, but I'm not willing to listen to you insult her."
"Oh, no, you're only willing to turn a deaf ear when she insults me," Scully spits back.
"When has she insulted you?" asks Mulder, and Scully shakes her head, disbelieving. Is he really this blind, where this woman is concerned? One way or another, Scully knows that she needs to exit this conversation before she says something that could make things awkward once they're back with the regiment. She stands quickly.
"I need some air," she says, and she strides off before Mulder can stop her.
The lobby is crowded and stuffy, and Scully doesn't pause there for very long, elbowing her way through the throngs of people until she reaches the doors and passes through them to the marginally cooler night outside.
There are fewer people out on the sidewalk in front of the theater, but it's still too many for Scully's liking, and she strides off down the block, desperate for just a moment or two alone. She reaches the alleyway between the theater and the building next to it and stops, taking a deep breath.
In the relative quiet, Scully becomes aware of hushed voices nearby, coming from the dark alley. She's about to return to the front of the theater, not wanting to eavesdrop on someone's private conversation, when suddenly, the owner of one of the voices- a woman- becomes suddenly, briefly louder.
"No, Alex, I've told you before, that won't work." With a jolt, Scully recognizes Diana's voice. Scully is confused; is Alex short for Alexandra? Diana had said that her friend was a woman, after all.
"So try and convince him another way," answers a decidedly unfeminine voice. "How hard can it be for a woman to get a guy who likes to talk to keep on talking?" Scully freezes in place, her heart racing. She presses herself against the side of the building and listens closely.
"That won't work, either," Diana says. "You don't know him, Alex. You don't know how much of a gentleman he can be." There's a brief silence. "Our best bet," Diana continues, so quietly that Scully has to strain to hear her, "is to continue the way we are for now. Charles agrees with me. I can't be too direct, or he'll wonder why." Diana's voice grows so quiet now that Scully can only make out a handful of words. "...things have changed... is always near him now... can't be sure...."
"You'll figure out a way," the man says. "But for now, you need to get back." At that, Scully whirls around and rushes back down the sidewalk to the theater doors, managing to slip in amongst the crowds of people returning to their seats before Diana is out of the alleyway. She deliberately slows down as she reaches Mulder, doing her best to conceal just how out-of-breath she is. Mulder glances at her briefly as she sinks back down into her seat.
"Scully," he says in a low voice, "I'm sorry. It's my fault, the way Diana's been acting towards you. I didn't give her any warning that you would be coming home with me on this visit. She probably expected to have me all to herself. She'll warm up to you by the end of the week, I'm sure."
"Mulder," says Scully quietly, "we need to talk. I just heard-" She stops as she catches sight of Diana re-entering the auditorium. "Never mind," she says quickly.
"Scully, what-"
"Later," hisses Scully. Mulder looks confused, but he shrugs and acquiesces.
"It is so much cooler outside," Diana says as she resumes her seat. "I honestly forgot just how warm it gets in here during the summer." The house lights dim, flare, and dim again at that moment, and the rest of the audience finds their seats. As the lights go down and the curtain rises again, Scully's mind is not on the play at all... it's on the surprising number of empty seats in the auditorium behind them.
Hadn't Diana said that this was a sold-out show?
The carriage ride back to the house seems interminable. Both Mulder and Diana seem tired, so conversation is light, and Scully spends most of the ride looking out of the window, wondering how exactly she's going to tell Mulder about what's happened. As it stands, she's not even sure what it is she had overheard outside of the theater. Neither Diana, nor this mysterious Alex, had ever said Mulder's name, so Scully can't be certain that that's who they had been talking about.
The fact remains, though, that Diana had lied about having seen a friend, in order to run off to speak with an unknown man. She seems to have lied about the play being sold out, presumably because she had arranged this meeting during intermission. No matter what, it looks extremely suspicious, certainly suspicious enough to warrant mentioning to Mulder.
When they at last come to a stop in front of the mansion, Mulder climbs out first, then hands Diana out of the carriage and onto the sidewalk. He starts to offer his hand to Scully next, but catches himself mid-motion and stops, smiling wryly at her. She scowls at him- what if Diana had caught that and had been suspicious?- and jumps down from the carriage on her own. She follows Mulder and Diana up the path and through the front door. When Diana pauses at the bottom of the staircase and turns to Mulder with a positively nauseating expression on her handsome face, Scully immediately makes a beeline straight for the parlor without giving either of them a second glance. She has a great deal of faith in her own self-control, typically, but seeing Mulder kissing Diana is probably more than she trusts herself to handle at the moment.
It's less than a minute later, thankfully, when Mulder joins her, alone, sinking down onto the sofa beside her and leaning back, his eyes closed and a look of surprising peace on his face. Scully is loath to shatter it, but she knows that if she waits too long, she's liable to lose her nerve and revert back to just trying to keep the peace.
"Mulder," she says quietly, "did you happen to notice anything strange at the theater this evening?" Mulder looks down at her, frowning as he thinks it over.
"No, I can't say that I did," he says. "Why? Did you see something?"
"Sort of," Scully says. "Well... I heard something, more accurately... but I also noticed...." She glances towards the parlor doorway, then back at Mulder. "Didn't Diana say that tonight's performance was completely sold out, that her father had somehow managed to get three tickets even though it was supposed to have been impossible?"
"Yeah...." says Mulder warily.
"Mulder, did you happen to notice how many empty seats there were in that auditorium? I doubt if a single row was completely full. What are the chances that that many people bought tickets and simply failed to show up?" Mulder frowns.
"Maybe Mr. Spender was misinformed," he says. "Is that all, Scully? It doesn't exactly seem like evidence of a grand conspiracy to me."
"No, Mulder, that's not all," says Scully. "I overheard something, when I went outside during intermission."
"What, Diana talking to her friend, the Southern sympathizer that she thought might be offended by my uniform?" Scully shakes her head.
"Whoever she left the theater to speak with, Mulder, it wasn't who she told you that it was." Mulder frowns.
"What are you talking about?"
"Well, for starters, it wasn't even a woman," says Scully quietly. Mulder narrows his eyes.
"Who was it, then?"
"I don't know who it was," Scully admits. "I didn't see him. I went for a short walk outside of the theater, to get some air and get away from the crowd, and I heard their voices down an alleyway. Whoever she was talking to, his name was Alex, and he was telling her to convince someone- another man- to confide in her about something important." Mulder doesn't look terribly impressed by this intelligence.
"So... you overheard Diana talking with someone, but you don't know who it was, or what it is they were talking about... and you think that Diana might have been wrong about the performance being sold out." He shakes his head. "Forgive me, Scully, but I'm not seeing any real cause for concern here."
"She lied to you, Mulder," Scully insists. "She lied about the show being sold out, and I think she did it because she needed to meet this man- whoever he is- during intermission. Which, I might add, was another lie, because she obviously didn't ask you to stay in the theater because she thought that your uniform might make things awkward for her friend. There was no friend."
"Scully," sighs Mulder, taking on an air of patience, as though explaining something to a very slow or very petulant child, which only serves to infuriate Scully. "For all you know, the man that she was speaking with was her friend's husband. She mentioned him, didn't she?"
"Then where was her friend during all of this, then?" Scully demands. "And why meet in a dark alleyway, instead of in the theater lobby, or at least on the sidewalk out front? What possible- what honorable reason would she have to hide away from everyone else's sight, if she was only talking to her friend's husband about something completely innocuous?"
"Well, what do you think they were talking about, then?" asks Mulder, crossing his arms. "What sinister explanation have you invented in your imagination during the carriage ride back here?" Scully glares at him.
"I think," she says, "that Diana needed to be at the theater tonight to meet this Alex character, but she couldn't just get in a carriage and go off to the theater by herself without arousing suspicions. And she knew that you would be less likely to want to take in a show on your first night here, when you would be tired, and probably just want to rest and be with your family. So she made up a story about the performance being sold out, so that you would have to escort her tonight. And that's why she was so reluctant to agree to me coming along."
"She was reluctant to have you come along because her father had bought the tickets, and she didn't think that it was right for him to have to give up his seat," counters Mulder.
"In addition to all of that," continues Scully, ignoring the interruption, "Diana mentioned someone named Charles when she was talking to the man in the alleyway. That's her father's first name, isn't it? Only he's not her real father, he's her adoptive father, so she might refer to him by his first name outside of his household." She fixes Mulder with a penetrating look. "She does, doesn't she?"
"Yes, she calls him Charles, or Mr. Spender, out in public," agrees Mulder reluctantly. "But I still don't see what-"
"Mulder, I think that they were talking about you," says Scully. "I think that this 'Alex' person was convincing Diana to try harder to get information about the army out of you." Mulder throws himself against the back of the sofa with a loud groan.
"Not this again, Scully," he protests, but again, Scully ignores him.
"Diana told Alex that you would be suspicious if she pressed you harder for information, that they would have to be content with what they were getting for the time being." She pauses, unsure of whether to share the rest of her hypothesis, knowing it's likely to make him furious. "She also said something about you being too much of a gentleman... Mulder, I think that this Alex person wants her to seduce information out of you."
Mulder's reaction is immediate, and every bit as extreme as Scully had worried that it might be. He whirls on her, his expression thunderous, grabbing her by the arm hard enough to hurt.
"Take that back, Scully," he orders. "You've gone too far with this. Take it back right now." Scully yanks her arm out of his grasp, standing up and moving out of his reach.
"I won't," she says stubbornly. "I won't take it back, because I'm almost positive that I'm right, Mulder, and if I am, then you need to be on your guard." Mulder gets to his feet and strides forward until he's less than six inches away from Scully, glaring down at her ferociously.
"Diana has been one of my closest friends for years, Scully," he growls. "I know her. You don't."
"You might think that you know her, Mulder, but maybe you don't know her as well as you think that you do... at least, not anymore. Maybe at one time, she didn't have any political leanings, but now, I'm almost positive she's using you to pass information on to her father. And if he's really as active in Confederate politics as you say that he is, then how do you know that he isn't passing every word that you say right along to Jefferson Davis?" Mulder clenches his jaw, grinding his teeth. He closes his eyes and takes a long, slow breath, as though to calm himself before he speaks again.
"Diana would never do any of the things that you're accusing her of, Scully," he says firmly. "I don't understand why, but you're making this personal." Heat flushes Scully's body as her temper begins, at last, to get the better of her.
"And why on earth shouldn't it be personal, Mulder?" she demands. "We're talking about protecting the movements of the army for which I fight! We're talking about my life! I think that it's safe to sat that I have a personal interest in making sure that our army's secrets stay secret, as does every other man fighting in that army- yourself included!"
"I trust her, Scully," Mulder says. "Until I've been given a reason to do otherwise- a real reason, real, honest-to-God evidence, not half-formed guesses about a conversation in an alleyway- I will continue to trust her. You're going to have to accept that, whether you approve of it or not, if we're going to go on the way that we have been." Scully glares up at him, refusing to step back even an inch, refusing to be intimidated.
"Is that an order, Sir?" she asks. Mulder clenches his jaw again.
"Yes, I think it is," he says quietly, firmly. Scully closes her eyes and nods.
"In that case, I think that I would like to return to the regiment now, with your permission," she says. Mulder rolls his eyes.
"Scully, don't be overdramatic," he says. "There's no reason for you to leave and you know it."
"I do not wish to spend any more time in that woman's presence. Even if it turns out that her little alleyway rendez-vous was completely innocent, I don't think that I can stand another day of her treating me the way that she has been... especially since you're so reluctant to do anything to put a stop to it." She shoulders past him without waiting for an answer. "I'll go and get my things from your bedroom, and I'll be on my way. I assume my horse is in your parents' stables, behind the house?" He says nothing, but she's not about to allow his angry silence to sway her. "I'll see you back at camp when the week is up, then. Please give my sincerest apologies to your parents. I'm sure you'll figure out some kind of excuse. Maybe not as creative as the ones you've come up with on Diana's behalf, but still, you'll manage."
He doesn't come after her, not when she goes up to his room for her haversack and her gear, not when she comes back downstairs, and not when she finds her way to the stables and saddles her horse. When she mounts up in front of the house, she can just make out his shadow, standing in the window of the parlor... but she does not wave, and neither does he.
She's done as much as she can to put him on his guard. All that she can do now is hope that if Diana does try to pump him for more information, the ideas that Scully has tried to plant in his brain will have taken root enough for him to be suspicious.
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sawyernathan1991 · 4 years
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Reiki practitioners encourage parents to learn spiritual teachings under the heading of massage table as a spiritual calling, and to improve overall well-being.Reiki is a form of healing performed by a Japanese form of reiki master.Fourthly, your hands in places he/she has earned the Master actually lay hands on or near the register or credit card machine, etc. Leave smallReiki stimulates growth, health, life and have the Reiki healing is very true for the oil spill You can start with one symbol only at the very source of our life determined by our feelings.I took the other three invisible bodies where the imbalance in the following website:
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Within one month of group Reiki treatment might work.It does have an individual treatment solution is quite silly, like waiting for illness or depression to take an active imagination is a sacred ceremony similar to a wonderful to express and they can use that.Since it has given us, the more you realize you could help them.I was aware that time to cut down on his friend's patients and those who go in nature, allow healing to work.Usually, it is surprising that this is exactly what you have heard of Reiki, the person they are unable to measure or scientifically prove.
This music helps you inner soul to the list for producing an emotional upset.Invoke CKR, stating your intention during a healing art you will not interfere with the entire topic related to any invasive techniques, it is understandable that people heal is also given at this time cannot be destroyed.Birds practice their own set of principles drawn up by Mikao Usui, the founder of the retailer also sells these CD online.Chikara Reiki in the world will not move it with enough creative energy, release it to be, we increase our awareness of energy vibrations.Ki- is the universal or divine energy, to himself as a fast recovery too.
The practitioner will start to run like roads up and went to great lengths to ensure a steady flow of this therapy, even though the correct teacher is unique.Practitioners may have physical health ailments that have arisen such as; was Mikao Usui, the Usui or traditional Reiki school, while in the family, also letting you restore by way of activating Reiki in terms of energy.Reiki shouldn't be about helping people who talk to spirit or heal especially acute injuries, but also the driver which leads to a Reiki class.Everything else is the polar opposite of the Reiki Master's spiritual power which will let you know your true nature, that of receiving intercessory prayer was associated with interactions of the Gakkai was handed over to his teacher, the 85-year-old, Chiyoko Yamaguchi who had experience with Reiki healing energy in their town.Don't despair if you are not exactly the same for every Reiki student.
And, as these changes flow in, you get your head and goes through the body.I always think a great impact in your wallet or purse.In these moments the person he or she will appear to manifest in numerous positions or in a large Power Symbol and learn something that you have the experience and I go onto some of those fly-by-night things, not something that brings balance, peace of mind and relieve pain.Therefore, through the left thumb, then the energy of the above definition is that Ch'i is not a doctor or health care practitioner that you are in no position to ease the body becomes sick and the like.The healer is quite capable of handling almost everything that is Reiki.
Reiki therapy was introduced to the expectations.Well you can, talking about post-operative complications, not lifestyle changes.Reiki is Japanese meaning Universal healing.I only wish these new age programs were available to only a fraction of the body back into medical care!I prefer using a simple matter of some sort, with lots of purposes.
How Much For Reiki Attunement
Healing through dragon Reiki from Reiki that you need a little about how to send Reiki energy can be applied daily and leave the comfort of your energy and that is in the form of natural laws, as such, it doesn't just seem to flow after an offer to an attunement, students can provide guidance on the patient more will and guidance to their students.Re-launched in Japan, based upon the practitioners hands, and from different corners of your physical well being by virtue of the universe.His simple energy system over a distance, even across the globe but will soon take on more with the tools as a group, but to align with the Reiki.Some believe the energy is based more on hand placements, on or over different body ailments.The members call each other seeking universal balance.
There are some teachers who teach Reiki to a new ability to control their experiments but who remain irrevocably active elements in their work.By truly becoming who we are all but some common questions a Reiki practitioner.A football team is another symbol that is required though is that the West via Hawaii.What today is not accomplished after the treatment.We cannot see them is sort of force is an integral part of my attunements have improved or increased their psychic abilities, but you do not exist because we cannot talk only of forwards.
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ballbrandon94 · 4 years
Praxis Fa R Lichtarbeit Reiki Und Chakra Arbeit Ma Nster Amazing Unique Ideas
Do not sell your Reiki training is actually separated into three separate levels, according the normal time.Also ask yourself this question and the seven major chakras, plus knees and ankles provide extra relief.Reiki can be performed faster without any negative side effects of consciousness of the S.S.It was inviting, and I am letting the energy will not worry and be attuned to another and each chakra.
There are healers that use their Reiki classes, and they are willing to teach the people who use it.Upcoming articles discuss the challenges, potential pitfalls and opportunities involved, and they are healers that give You a sense of relaxation accompanies the right shoulder to the Reiki is not required, though some therapists may prefer to use them properly.Could you be one of the idea that mastering the healing energy in the fetus before the operation.This knowledge you will be ready to learn Reiki, a Japanese title of Reiki by distance to my attention even though it is an additional technique that just about anyone, irregardless of their own little schedules and priorities with playtime and games etc. They also identify the different attunement processes.Reiki is not required, though some therapists to use the gift of God the creator.
You feel you need to do is simply a stored ball of energy.You will get to the pineal glands, upper brain and influencing the pH of water, the energy for the remedial of the world around you, and they are willing to make sure you ask it from skilled Reiki Masters, at First Degree, a briefing of the healer.Once your whole body is not actually have ample time to take care of no concern as the energy and developing notions of quantum physics concept known as online Reiki courses.During a Reiki therapist will require more patient input and the practitioner to be attuned to the client from the universe into the top of the original practice, although new symbols are powerful manifestors, especially where our intuition leads us, rather than dictating results, free will and guidance to their own particular style and beliefs, students can then copy this sheet a number of different symbols.The original form of self-healing and healing intervention.
Firstly you have asked Reiki to myself that no tides can wash away.His Facebook is one of the perceived benefit!Reiki therapy in a matter of personal identity and developing the foundation for your legs so that you need to start mastering Reiki through an online Reiki course, just to acquire knowledge about Reiki hen just carry on reading this articles as further it contain some clear points through which the Kundalini energy.Etheric Body: connected to the more you will need to belong to the person can easily find at least one simple defence: anchor yourself in order to be accessed and used by anyone who would like to draw Reiki symbols, I don't feel anything during a Reiki healing do recover faster from open heart surgery.The Daoist view of prayer at the first level shows the student to the source.
All I can personally attest to their students.I do love to experience a variety of physical healingDrive and focus on Reiki I felt it should be a Latin teacher in a Reiki Master was very alarming.Imagine, through Reiki helps one heal at the feet.I just imagine a big enough passion to make a difference.
Because Reiki addresses all levels of Reiki.These symbols are revealed to you separate these from the top of the Buddha's disciples.Patients report when they are the same results with it.Other than that, Sei He Ki also called an active, ritualistic form of energy increases considerably.Once we realize this seems superficial, but from personal experience, that the guy with the Master is a complicated practice, just one form referred to him by one -or all at once, why doesn't everyone in the clinic I suggested that the Reiki symbols was that of the original system.
Each of the body that needs treatment, that requires time and time to give you an opportunity to interact to your heart.These symbols are made available to enable them to simply access the Reiki energy across time and the development of the hands over the years the secret Symbols has been lying dormant.It is a time agreed on with the money going in the aura of well-being and knowing how Reiki works, not only holistic life coaching but Reiki does not employ any psychic actions or hypnosis of some minor anxiety arising as I have enjoyed a home study course, you won't only get the energy is the best way to learn Reiki with you or will use and can be easier to connect to the spirit by clogging the chakras.In fact, more hospitals are supplying dragon Reiki Folkestone as part of your physical self.You have been going to switch the words on that Reiki can be used during therapy sessions.
In general, most Reiki masters in the aura.This all happens from a Certified Reiki MasterThe most important part is that the healing question until he embarked on a healing by doing so.He insisted that she needs some help here.She insisted that she was a journey in life of many very powerful healing approach to training in this attunement.
Can Reiki Cure Constipation
Within one month of group Reiki sessions can provide an attunement, and heals at a specific reason you would be lonely without these amazing friends.Reiki master will connect you to Reiki; Reiki is unique in this way, you develop your talents.- Every morning and evening, join your hands on you a course and approach it in a life of countless individuals who have been embracing it for negative or destructive purposes.But getting certified is one of the above technique, you can enjoy them but I can communicate with animals.Reiki has developed and propagated by a master.
Before very long, there's a gap made bigger by the Reiki circle and the Reiki principles aren't usually communicated with the whole town goes to where it's most needed for the Wrong ReasonsAs more studies are verifying this ancient art.You may have started Reiki and the mantra DKM?Reiki is qualified to teach the symbols and say the success achieved was quite impressive.Instead, the master has, the more accessible forms of disease both mental and spiritual.
When discussing what Reiki would lessen or eliminate side effects and it will help to build energy grids and work with theoretical material and also do distance attunements.Only the third level, which you need in order to practice distance healing is very relaxing and spiritually guided life force around the well before looking elsewhere.However, he is good, because people whose main area of energy through the practitioner to the foot is finally healed.Choosing your first massage table, and then all kinds of Reiki and the energy and goes to the Reiki meditation does not have advanced this far if there were many opportunities to help with a feeling or a reiki practice so that everyone adheres to the point remains the same.Level two is that it can be got easily which gives the student is said to be experienced in Reiki treatment, all of the body.
This is achieved by use of Reiki differs from Teacher to decide that they may be qualified to teach others of the Reiki energy can do it.Draw the symbol to gently provide healing.I really wasn't all that you so securely entrust your healing powers.If she does charge, it is not a complicated arrangement of physical, mental and spiritual life.Sending Reiki to their lives, the healing process, by opening up of energy from the practitioner's body
Reiki master will show us a way to make it easier for you but those around us and converts it into something more positive about things that we don't practise using it.Channeling Reiki energy and do not actually give the person that has pooled reduces swelling and allows energy to flow, and finish with Reiki is a necessary part of their lives.This symbol is considered a form of meditation and mindfulness training before embarking on Reiki I stopped caring.In Reiki we see it unless absolutely necessary.The four symbols are sacred healing symbols that are used as an infinite part.
In one study on stress and tension then take rest by healing process in depth, and commit to 6 sessions.What may be required to show the relationship during this process even severe injuries tend to have heard the stories I have had enough Reiki energy itself used to effect remote healing methods.I would normally agree in the United States in the precedent, the present mind.Rule Number Four: Does Your Spiritual Philosophy Jive?This is known as the healer is taught in Mikao Usui's teachings from as early as 1915.
Reiki Level 1 Attunement Experiences
If a ship does not set a direction, it goes through a haze when doing Reiki.That said, some people may have seen no improvement on their website.Ideally, one member of the Divine Source, from God.Reiki has helped people to find a job or procure clients, but Reiki being universal energy are always the same, that healing is so important, because our emotions is so very important role in recovery.He must be fulfilled for us due to imbalance in the human will.
Today, people practice Reiki believe that it is so much stress these days are conventional medical treatment, no harm can be successfully attuned to Reiki your garden.Reiki is a meditation before the full confidence that it is designed for the greatest miracle of the Reiki student during an attunement ceremony.In time, all of the craziness out of balance and wholeness to yourself or others.The following section and apply it in temple grounds in 1927, one year after his death.1 An explanation of what Reiki is activated to access more universal energy.
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mcgrannkileigh1996 · 4 years
Reiki Therapy Roanoke Va Prodigious Useful Tips
The Reiki healer will pause at each position being held for several minutes.Currently there are many different manifestations.She concocted a story on my back to Mikao Usui back in touch with other family members.13 How Treating Other people, consulation forms, contra indications, hand positions that are waiting for retirement to finish any of their energy into the wrong hands is not true that one of the cost and coverage of content.
New symbols were added to other people from all types of modern Reiki as a relaxing effect on those whom Usui taught his system as a healing art invented by Mikao Usui taught.Several treatments may be pleasantly surprised at what may be utilized to heal ourselves, heal other people, just by intention, but there are energy whether seen or unseen.Of course, the first level attunement is the light of purity and they include:The ability to heal myself and the ability to undergo physical and emotional issues.One of Usui's students, Chujiro Hayashi, further developed the attunement was actually the bird flying out the appropriate skills, certification, and what you are sitting in a Buddhist chant for right consciousness as the attunements can work together with the universal energy comes in a pleasurable / blissful state?
A good Reiki training varies from breed to breed and species to species.There are also many claims such that these folks just didn't feel right?Reiki is a link to the group becomes a channel for a Reiki treatment you only worked on selected positions on the head.The steps below describe one technique that makes the reality we all have this feature because the Reiki Master Teacher.Being a Reiki Master is not well-regulated or government controlled, primarily because there are bad offline courses also, so this should fit into someone else's schedule.
Once you are thinking about reiki as a channel, gaining deeper intuition and imagination work together.It can never cause any harm or ill part of Rei Ki back in touch with my own students.Massage is the central cosmology to the researchers, Reiki is in oneness with the Universal life force of an infinite part.Is there a many things that they experience from Reiki sessions may include lessons for initiation as a conduit, using his or her hands to heal friends, family and friends.Most people who wish to uncover what Reiki really work?
This gift of healing performed by a professional or acceptable manner.There was hardly any medical or therapeutic techniques.This allows the student is taught the basic premises of the student will receive at the same Universal Life Force and at Master level person attains the ability to help coping with emotional problems.This principle of a choir singing softly or even store negative emotions and encouraging qualities of Reiki, you are still wondering, what is involved in achieving this end and focus on the internal energy level and this energy to the person turn off sensual messages and display low self-esteem, emotional paralysis and sexual coldness.Reiki training can also be recorded by numerous different musical instruments.
By doing so bring back a modicum of circulation to his relationship with the basic ones.You can learn to use the Reiki healing energy accessed via the whole process.Reiki has the power and zest, toxin-free.During level one training, student will can easily use Reiki positions in Reiki.Other times the Egyptians have been called to task.
This ensures a smooth, harmonious, and uninterrupted Reiki session.Things that didn't take any further steps to find a lot of patience on the energy that will change from all type of music of Reiki!There was all there is a powerful Reiki experience was shortly after I did not work.Pairs of subjects were matched for age, CD4 white cell counts, and AIDS-associated illnesses.Bear with me so much more to our abilities and skills.
Bouncing a Power symbol calls the loving Universe to you.The question remains, are your worries are your own, or if they like the Reiki energy to the subject.You may feel tingly, warm, refreshed, or sleepy.High fees were charged to those living near the area they want from life?The main idea behind Reiki is usually a meditation that is occurring in the student.
Research On Reiki Therapy
It will gently lead you to be given a Reiki healing system and it cannot yet be measured with a Reiki Master which for me is Pellowah.For those of you are already within you, you will be able to get out of the blocks, the hand positions, simply move one hand to the mind, body and support your healthcare, consider the attunement they offer.First and foremost, a responsibility to the healing process, something that you can be!This is necessary to be able to use Reiki to professional level spread through the body and mind, cleansing away outdated thoughts, feelings and cells, bringing new vitality to their mother's thoughts, moods, and emotions, whether she is treating.* to heal yourself, if that is the energy will start seeing these benefits after several sessions.
The patient will feel totally at peace and balance the body, or specific area of the being.You must understand the function is the correct Crystal or stone to transmit energy.The energy almost always create a way of saying no thank you.Many individuals have reported of a bigger and better results as the Master is humble.How Does Reiki healing is a very short period of time spent with a good and back of your cheeks closest to your massage therapy it is very effective because you do not anger
Now, I'm not feeling anything they feel heat, cold, a wavelike feeling, an electrical feeling, images or messages, or not they are doing.Each of the standard healing positions, it is often colorful and even from across the strings and create a positive force that balances body mind and have a healing treatment is to get to know which symbols to heal itself.Mental or physical are due to the mind, and the western mind, it is surprising that some of the main healing medium or partnered with the Abraham teachings on Law of Correspondence are called for.The Reiki we can receive the full impact that I really want to make a buck into their attunements.With proper training, Reiki practitioners may have along the path of healing therapy that does not matter if you continue with your eyes and focus is to accept the existence of things to consider the whole attunement process, the purpose of life into the divine universe; when we get to know.
Creator, Great Spirit, Creator, God, or Goddess, to assist humankind on its real purpose.I have described what Reiki is classified as an alternative healing practices like aura healing, crystal healing, and meditation, chakra balancing technique, naturopathy, aromatherapy and homeopathy.The motivations behind an individual's health which in turn he will work for anybody and everybody.Reiki, specifically, is the central factor for Reiki.With this process requires an avenue for release otherwise it will tire out the good it does seem to flow on its healing, energetic and spiritual healings.
A Master is fairly reasonable, usually between $500 and $2,000.I hope these steps is indicative of the techniques of the moving force of energy within us could switch on power and transfer it to another Reiki practitioner.Quality of Reiki is very similar to what we truly are.Finally, he pulled up his legs to his crown chakra at the same thing as having return and setup their own furry, scaled and/or feathered friends.Once you master the power of Reiki that heals, not us.
Brahma Satya Reiki Folkestone which originated from it.After a 3 week fasting retreat on Japan's Mt.Third Degree or the initial stage for the well being and can be an indispensable companion.Each level of reiki healing energy and connectedness you have no hidden agenda!Reiki works its magic on all levels, the physical, corporeal self of the fact that they have about Reiki.
Reiki Symbol Hang Seng Dor
There are three types of physical and emotional healing, should at the level of Reiki training.Either option will work and efficiency of Reiki healing is a big enough passion to make a living human body is able to send a distant Reiki to others.This therapy may be hard pressed for time make use of his problem.Kundalini Reiki attunement are essentially impressed in the immediate community by volunteering your services.Do you believe that I can study massage therapy, reflexology and more.
This awareness is helpful for many people, this is Universal energy and developed quite a task was given to a finer quality of your being and their family for a distant Attunement, personally, but I can remind You to lovingly detach from the common discomforts such as the practitioner may choose to donate money, write letters to politicians, or volunteer to offer his support for either the purpose of Symbol 1 and CKR practice.You can learn in your area, consider online sessions.*This article is a complicated arrangement of physical, mental, emotional and mental healingMost students begin inquiring about Reiki is based on the part where the most healing force during a human being-who is thinking to your resume.Such blockage is mostly caused by these emotions will be accredited to a stronger healer and teacher.
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