airsllides · 4 months
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airsLLide No. 9497: CCCP-65082, Tupolev 134A-3, Aeroflot Belarussija, Zürich, August 29, 1993.
Actually quite a critter in several respects: Although flying for the flag carrier of Belarus - later to be known as Belavia - the Tupolev 134 not only still wears the basic colours of Aeroflot, but also a Sovjet tailnumber, despite the fact that these had officially been replaced with individual country prefixes for the newly created States in the territory of the defunct USSR. Furthermore, it does - much to the despise of the Russian flag carrier - still trade under the Aeroflot-name, mostly for reasons of international traffic rights.
All these pecularities are proof of the sometimes wild transformation going on in the former USSR at that time, and within the next year or so, all these "transitional issues" would be resolved, with Belavia being branded along with a distinct livery, and country prefix EW- being applied to aircraft of Belarus.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Poland will build a wall on its border with Kaliningrad in light of last month’s news that the airport in the Russian exclave is allowing flights from the Middle East and Africa, Polish Defence Minister Mariusz Blaszczak announced on Wednesday.
The move by the Russian aviation authorities to liberalise air traffic with Kaliningrad has sparked fears in Poland that Russia is preparing to open up a new route into the EU for migrants tempted to the exclave by the Kremlin to be used as pawns in a hybrid war against the West, in the same way the regime of Belarusian dictator Aleksandr Lukashenko has done since last year.
The new wall on the border with Kaliningrad, a Russian exclave located between Lithuania and Poland, is set to be two metres tall and three metres wide, made up of three layers of barbed wire, and cover the entire 200-kilometre length of Poland’s border with the exclave, Blaszczak said.
“We want to ensure that the border is airtight,” Blaszczak explained. “Because the airport in Kaliningrad was opened for flights from the Middle East and Africa, I decided to take actions which will increase security on the Polish-Russian border.”
The Polish defence minister was referring to the reported statement from the Russian Federal Air Transport Agency on September 30 that said, following an appeal from the governor of the Kaliningrad region, the Kharbrovo airport in Kaliningrad would enter a so-called “open skies” mode for a period of two years from October 1.
“This mode allows foreign airlines to operate flights to/from Kaliningrad using the third, fourth, fifth and seventh freedom of airspace,” the statement from the Federal Air Transport Agency said, according to Russian news agency TASS.
This seventh freedom of airspace allows national carriers, for example, to transport passengers between a third country and Kaliningrad, without the need for the flight to be connected to the home state of the carrier – establishing a de facto foreign hub. Hypothetically, Belavia, the Belarusian national carrier, could henceforth bring into Kaliningrad passengers from the Middle East and Africa without any restrictions.
Since the summer of 2021, tens of thousands of migrants, mainly from the Middle East, Afghanistan and Africa, have tried to enter the EU by irregular crossings of the Belarusian-Polish and Belarusian-Lithuanian borders. The migrants were drawn to Belarus by the authorities, bussed to the country’s EU borders and then herded across, often violently, as a means to destablise the EU in retaliation for sanctions imposed on Minsk for the rigged presidential election in the autumn of 2020 and subsequent violent crackdown on protestors.
The policy was widely regarded to have been formulated in connivance with Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, who analysts say could be now looking for a new way to punish the West for its support of Kyiv in his failing war with Ukraine.
Tens of migrants are still currently trying to enter Poland daily, according to the Polish Border Guard, despite the construction of a 5.5-metre wall on the relevant section of its border with Belarus.
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crownprincessofmalfoy · 4 months
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The Seven Stars tiara. The seven stars represented the seven major provinces of the Kingdom of Malfoy (Hogwarts; Graustark; Darmstadt; Durmstrang; Belavia; Novistrana and Lovitzna) and have been in the vaults since the 1800’.
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ruemorgue · 5 months
                              c. 19th century   -  The von Karma family.
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           Currently, I am only concerning with the heads of the von Karma estate - the two who adopted Auguste into the family. Here, I claim to headcanon that the von Karmas were indeed a family in Germany for centuries prior to modern canon. I may go into more detail at some other point.        content warning for : death ( fire + alcoholism )
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     Belavia von Karma
     An respected writer from France, well known as a critic of politics, the monarchy,  and advocate of women’s rights. Though, she escaped from Paris to Germany following the passing of the September Laws. She would not return until the conclusion of the subsequent revolution against the final French monarch.     Until then, she married into the von Karma family, who were of much greater influence and finances a noble family would compared to Belavia’s middle class upbringing. She gained a taste of exploration from her husband, and accompanied by her inspirational works of critique and philosophy, would also be published journals on her own insight during these travels. Despite attempting to assimilate to the nobility she married into, her major flaw finds itself in her tendency to speak her mind unfiltered. Especially in learning German and influence of interest in the cases Heinz works on, she becomes incredibly popular in Germany as well - bringing the salon culture by hosting at the von Karma estate with attendance encompassing many leading political and literary circles.    She made a point to have her adopted son receive studies fit only for a noble, especially on the literature and reading side of things. However, she was strict in controlling what sort of literature Auguste consumed, she was generally lenient as she noticed his hobby with reading and an open mind for philosophy.    Following the death of Heinz, Belavia would take Auguste and move back to Paris, where she would never recover from the tragedy ( as for herself, she believed it was murder, and it was due to her lack of filter and fervent pursuit in critique and commentary of the powerful). Instead of rising to the occasion and aiding her son to become the head of the family, she instead leaves him with a small portion of the family fortune to live in small accommodation in the city and attend Collège de Sorbonne while she retreats to a quiet convent in short retirement from writing, where she would spend her days living in wasting splendor exceedingly faster than the fortunes could handle. By the time Auguste graduated, Belavia had already dissolved two-thirds of the von Karma wealth on travels and wine alone.. Slowly and surely, she fades from the public mind, forgotten as what she once was, and would eventually die due to liver complications due to excessive alcoholism.
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Heinz von Karma
Heinz von Karma is the third patriarch of the von Karma name, as his grandfather adopted the name out of reverence for a tutor of his in Japan. Since then, a replica of this Japanese mentor’s blade is the von Karma family heirloom. Though carrying the legacy and practitioner of swordsmanship, he also has an amateur hobby as an archaeologist and hunter of legends. In one of his ventures to an island right off the British mainland (where would be the location for Labyrinthia in the future) is where he discovered Auguste, during an exploration for the legends of a lost, ancient civilization. It would be his idea to take in the mysterious Auguste, and eventually decide upon considering him the heir to the family. This meant Heinz would train Auguste in swordsmanship and make him a sort of protégé prosecutor. Though, the training would never be complete and the replica of the Karuma would never be handed over. As law practitioners, the von Karmas valued observation and the theories based on a complete list of evidence, and exposing the truth that comes from it. This is the definition of the ‘perfect trial’. In the unfortunate turbulent times he was born withing, Heinz was still adamant on upholding these values as a prosecutor, in the face of bribed attorneys and tight-lipped officials that would time and again be brought to the stand.   In the troubles incoming 1850′s Germany, he would succumb to  a fire that was suspected to be arson, being taken along with most of the von Karma estate, with all of its valuables.
Arsène von Karma
Auguste's adopted brother, and the 'Minister D' who was featured in the final story of Poe's stories : The Purloined Letter. A minister of foreign affairs in France, he's mostly been away from the family since his oppurtunistic nature found himself looking to the instability of the nation. He's said to have crudely wronged Auguste once, so bad it may be cause of the only grudge Auguste had ever harboured. Though at the same time, as Auguste had been written in the will to replace Arsène as heir to inheritance, it may not have been so one-sided. What also isn't one-sided is the level of wits the two possess, though the use of that wit could not be more different.
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smpnegeri1pamekasan · 7 months
Tidak ada yang peduli dengan cerita manis perjuanganmu sampai kamu sukses. Jadi, sukseslah dulu sebelum banyak cerita.
Alhamdulillah Selamat dan Sukses Kepada Ananda :
BELAVIA NAFISYA - Juara Umum Trophy Education Dan Juara Harapan 3 Top Model East Java Batik Model Ambassador 2024.
#spansakeren #spansahebat #spansaselamanya #timkreatifspansa #dnajuara
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apsoft-blog · 8 months
Аэропорт Домодедово (DME): NordStar, BelAvia, Azerbaijan, AirArabia | 24...
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unhonestlymirror · 8 months
My TOP airlines:
AirBaltic (🤌🤌🤌)
BelAvia (in spite of the prorussian regime, they were pretty good before russia involved them in the genocide of my people, a lot of Baltic vibes btw, they gave small delicious chocolates) (I want russia to be partitioned also because I want BelAvia to be free) (Free BelAvia)
UIA (amazing food, not so amazing contingent) (my neighbours vomited at me there way too often) (one of the biggest reasons why I didn't like travelling with rabbins and big muslim families, they are often so goddamn loud, even to Ukrainians) (the only way to shut them up was to vomit at them in response or loudly joking about terrorists (the evil way, not recommended)
Turkish Airlines (classic, it rightfully occupies its high rank)
WizzAir (cheap and fast, повітряна маршрутка, recommended for everyday use)
SWISS (👍) (chocolate is for some reason worse than in BelAvia)
Ryanair, Lufthansa (idk, повітряна маршрутка²)
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eurekadiario · 1 year
EEUU saca el látigo en Bielorrusia
El Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos ha anunciado este miércoles nuevas sanciones contra trece personas -entre jurídicas y físicas- por su supuesta participación en la represión de la sociedad civil en Bielorrusia, en especial tras las elecciones de agosto de 2020, así como en la invasión rusa de Ucrania.
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Entre las compañías señaladas en esta ocasión por Washington se encuentra la aerolínea estatal bielorrusa Belavia, el Departamento de Investigaciones Financieras de Bielorrusia, la metalúrgica BSW, una de las cinco estatales más grandes del país, así como el empresario, cercano a Lukashenko, Aliaksei Aleksin.
Las acciones han sido anunciadas con motivo del tercer aniversario de esa controvertida victoria electoral, con la que Lukashenko, tras obtener más del 80 por ciento de los votos, revalidó mandato por sexta vez.
El subsecretario del Tesoro para Terrorismo e Inteligencia Financiera, Brian Nelson, ha destacado que las entidades y personas que han sido puestas bajo estas sanciones son "empresas y personalidades clave" del "régimen de Lukashenko", del que obtienen "cuantiosos beneficios" por apoyar sus "represivas políticas".
Por su parte, el secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos, Antony Blinken, ha puesto en valor el simbolismo de esta efeméride y ha querido recordar a esa parte del pueblo bielorruso que continúa en su búsqueda de "un país basado en el estado de derecho, el respeto de los Derechos Humanos y un gobierno democrático".
Asimismo, ha recordado que a estas sanciones se les suma las más de cien restricciones de visado que ya se han impuesto a un centenar entre funcionarios y socios del Gobierno bielorruso, entre ellos varios jueces responsables de dictar sentencias contra aquellos ciudadanos que ejercían sus derechos fundamentales.
Bajo esta nuevas sanciones, las personas señaladas tienen prohibida su entrada en Estados Unidos y, en caso de disponer de ellas, sus cuentas bancarias congeladas, medida que se aplica también a la empresas. Asimismo, tampoco podrán comerciar con empresas y ciudadanos estadounidenses.
También en Canadá
Más tarde, el Ministerio de Exteriores de Canadá ha anunciado también una nueva ronda de sanciones contra nueve personas y siete empresas bielorrusas como medida de respuesta a "las violaciones flagrantes y sistemáticas de los Derechos Humanos" que ocurren en el país de Europa del Este.
Asimismo, estas sanciones apuntan también a personas que son "cómplices de las continuas violaciones de la soberanía y la integridad territorial de Ucrania" que Rusia ejecuta a través de Bielorrusia y con el apoyo de Minsk, uno de los escasos aliados de Moscú tras el estallido de la guerra.
Los sancionados son, principalmente, funcionarios gubernamentales, jueces y asociados al régimen de Lukashenko, como el director de la televisión estatal, Ivan Eismant. Entre las empresas y organizaciones sancionadas destaca el Ministerio de Defensa, las Tropas Internas del Ministerio del interior o empresas tecnológicas y armamentísticas.
"Canadá apoya al pueblo bielorruso en su lucha por vivir en paz y sin temor a la persecución en una sociedad abierta y democrática. No puede haber impunidad para los violadores de Derechos Humanos, y el apoyo del régimen bielorruso a los actos descarados de los líderes rusos no quedará impune", ha manifestado la ministra de Exteriores, Mélanie Joly.
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mehmetkali · 1 year
S Sistem antrepo Antalya Havalimanı Elas Veri Girişi
S Sistem antrepo Antalya Havalimanı Elas Veri Girişi
ANTALYA HAVALIMANI’ndaki çıkışlarınızda Aeroflot / Pobeda / Siberia / Belavia / Red Wings havayollarıyla ilgili olarak; ekte kullanım kılavuzu bulunan S Sistem antrepo ELAS sistemine, Final AWB (Hava Yolu İrsaliyesi) verilerinizi girmeniz gerekmektedir.
Bu uygulamanın amacı, UÇUŞU SAĞLANACAK KARGOLARINIZIN MESAJLARINI KARŞI TARAFA iletmenizdir. Mesajsız gönderilen kargolar, Rusya tarafında ihlale neden olabilir ve kargonuz geri gönderilebilir, bu durumda masraflar konşimento kesen acenteye yansıtılacaktır. Bu tür olumsuz durumların yaşanmaması için titizlik göstereceğinizden eminiz.
Tarafınızca mesajları çekilmeyen yüklemelerinizin mesajlarını S Sistem antrepo çekmek durumunda kalacaktır ve her bir AWB için tarafınıza 10.00 USD tutarında fatura kesilecektir.
Şirketinizde ilgili kişilerle bu bilgiyi paylaşmanızı ve AYT Çıkışları sonrasında final AWB ile beraber ELAS sistem kaydı görsellerini Ssistem ile paylaşmanızı rica ederiz.
The post S Sistem antrepo Antalya Havalimanı Elas Veri Girişi first appeared on 0 554 1730000 I [email protected] / Güncel Havacılık Haberleri.
source https://www.aeroportist.com/s-sistem-antrepo-antalya-havalimani-elas-veri-girisi/
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airbelavia · 2 years
Air Belavia
1. Air Belavias
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Belavia Belarusian Airlines is also often referred to as Belavia Belarusian Airlines. It was established in Minsk. It is the state-owned carrier and the flag airline of Belarus.
Ryanair Flight 4978 was destroyed by an accident on the 23rd of May 2021. The airline was expelled from the European Union, the United Kingdom, Switzerland Ukraine and Ukraine.
2.Air Belavias Reservations
a.Air Belavia Booking Numbers
+375 17 220 25 55 106 (Be telecom, MTS, A1, Life)
3.Air Belavias Facilities
Belavia offers a pre-book/buy-on-board menu, which includes hot/cold snacks and drinks. For requests for special meals make contact with the airline at least 24 hours prior to departure to find out more.
Belavia offers assistance to guests with special needs. Customers who require mobility assistance during a flight will receive wheelchair assistance. All requests for assistance must be addressed at the airline.
4. Air Belavias Popular Destinations and Hubs
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Before the COVID-19 Pandemic, Belavia flew to Asia and Europe from its home base at Minsk National Airport. Belavia also offers charter flights for VIP and leisure charter destinations. The day before Ryanair flight 4978's forced shut down it operated only one destination in the country and 54 international destinations. It also served 32 countries. In the wake of the ban that barred Belarusian airlines to enter EU, UK and Ukrainian airspace the airline was unfit to fly to all except 20 destinations.
5. Air Belavia Check-in and Boarding Pass
Passengers who wish to check in for charter flights or codeshare operated under Belavia must check in at the airport's check-in counters.
Passengers are required to arrive at the airport prior to departure to check in their luggage and to complete any pre-flight inspections. Two hours before departure, the airline will inform the passenger of the beginning of the process.
Please bring your luggage to the Belavia counter.
At least 40 minutes prior to departure, the boarding gate will close. It is possible to change your gate number for boarding. Ask at the airport to find the number of your boarding gate. Anyone arriving late for boarding may be denied transportation. We ask that you take your time.
Important baggage regulations Excess baggage can result in a fee.
It is strictly forbidden to transport live animals on Belavia Airlines OJSC flights from the Republic of Belarus as baggage as cargo, hand, or luggage. Belavia permits live animals to be returned between the UK and the Republic of Belarus.
Once you've completed the checkout process online You are able to modify or return your ticket. Contact our customer service by dialling +375 17 2220 25 55 55 55 55 55 55 55, toll-free 106 for Belarus or the local office. Representative office for Belavia.
6.Air Belavia Policies
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a. Baggage Policy and Fees
Present Belavia Baggage Benefit Rules for Economy Class
In accordance with the revised rules as of October 2017 (and an update in November, 2019), Economy Class provides one person with the allowance of a bag free.
Promo Light 1 piece hand luggage that weighs up to 10 kg and no check in baggage
One piece of hand luggage that weighs up to 10kg, 1 item of check-in baggage that weighs up to 23kg. Smart
1 piece of hand luggage up to 10kg 1 piece of checked-in luggage up to 32kg Flex tariff
For exceeding weight, by size, or by number, the cost is EUR50/60/PS50. The amount charged is not contingent on the direction in which the flight is heading or how many extra kilograms are carried. The 50-euro fee applies to flights where the allowance is exceeded.
Current Belavia Baggage Benefit Rules for Business Class
These changes did not affect Business Class. The baggage allowance of 1 person for business class passengers is:
2 pieces of checked-in baggage not exceeding 32 kg each. pieces of hand luggage each weighing 10 kilograms
The fee for exceeding weight in terms of size or quantity is EUR50 60/ PS50. The fee is not dependent on the location of the flight or on how many extra kilograms are being transported. This means that the 50-euro fee is applicable to flights in which the allowance is not met.
Additional Belavia Baggage Free Rule
Furthermore, every Belavia passenger can transport these items for free of cost:
1 handbag, 1 briefcase 1 backpack, or 1 bag (bag), with cameras or video cameras (maximum 5kg, maximum size of 40x30x10cm) or 1 suit and one bag, (or one piece of duty-free shopping).
Baby cradle/ stroller car seats or boosters for kids between the ages of 0 and 2. It is also possible to utilize a wheelchair or a different type of vehicle that is suitable for people who are unable to move.
b. Pet Policy
The approval of an airline is required prior to animals are allowed to be transported. Animals that live inside soft bags (ladies’ bags, shopping bags) that aren't suitable for transport is prohibited. It is strictly forbidden.
Animals (including their weight in the container) are not part of the baggage allowance for free. Transporting an animal within the cabin will cost you 50 EUR/60 USD/50GBP*.
You can transport animals in the cabin in hand luggage (weight combined with the container up to 8 kg) or on a separate passenger seat (weight combined with the container to 23 kg).
There will be a cost for the transportation of an animal hand luggage.
There is a fee to take an animal on a separate passenger seat.
Transport of animals within the hold cost are:
Maximum weight of 8 kg is 130 EUR160 USD/ 120 GBP*
Between 8 and 32 kilograms - 150 EUR/180 US/130 GBP*
From 32 to 70 kg 180 EUR/ 220 US or 160 GBP*
* Only applicable to Israel. The rate in GBP only applies to Great Britain. Other points of sale are subject to the EUR rate.
These documents are required to transport animals via air.
c. Cancellation and Refund Policy
An e-ticket bought through the official website creates an agreement for air carriage between Belarusian Airlines (the passengers) and itself. All obligations are directly between the parties, regardless of whether the person who purchased the ticket paid for the ticket or not. You may end the air travel agreement by:
'Belavia' Belarusian Airlines.
You can cancel an air transport contract.
If either party is asked to do so on their own initiative
Involuntary (for reasons that are beyond the control of either party for reasons beyond their control, like flight cancellations or schedule changes, for example).
The online purchase of an electronic ticket cannot be refunded unless the customer fills out the Application for Flight Cancellation and Refund.
If passenger is fully-aged and legally competent, then the proxy of the person who is legally competent.
Passenger's legal representative (parents, adoptive parent guardians, guardians or curators) when the person is under 18 or legally incapable.
Anyone who bought the ticket online can request the refund of their purchase in the event that an application for refund or cancellation of the flight has been completed by the passenger (or the proxy of the passenger, or legal representative).
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wellwod · 5 years
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🗓 October, 2017 ⠀ One of unexpected things about Serbia (take a look on the second photo in the carousel): a special coin that you need to get before and have when you get off an intercity bus at the station because you’ll literally not be able to leave it. 😳🤷🏻‍♂️🚌 And as cherry on a top my suitcase has been heavily damaged (seventh photo) while I was flying back home to Minsk from Belgrade with @belavia.airlines... God knows who’s guilty in these kinda situations but the only thing that they offered was to check and value the amount of the damage that’s been made to it. So it was totally pointless to waste a few working hours to maybe, just maybe get back either fixed suitcase or a very little about of money. 😒 Anyway, flying is fun! 🗺✈️🍀🇷🇸➡️🇧🇾 ⠀ #belgrade #serbia #srbija #europe #october #autumn #travel #traveling #belavia #wellwodtravels #wellwod_serbia #wellwod_belgrade #lategram #throwback #белград #београд #сербия #европа #октябрь #осень #путешествие #белавиа #vsco #vscocam #vscoonly #vscobelgrade #vscobeograd #vscoserbia #vscosrbija #vscoeurope (at Aerodrom Nikola Tesla Beograd) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-NdDh0nmAX/?igshid=17njplqao1bw9
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milkskinredlips · 6 years
New favorite thing. When Hollywood tries to name imaginary European countries and cringe-worthy names appear.
so we got...
Krakozhia ( The Terminal) Genovia (The Princess Diaries) Montenaro (The princess switch) Belgravia (The princess switch) Aldovia (A Christmas prince) Belavia ( The prince and me: A royal honeymoon)
feel free to add to the list if you know anything
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justplanes · 5 years
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🌀www.justplanes.com🌀 ✈️ Fly BELAVIA to London - WARGAMING’s World of Tanks Plane 🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷 🚨WATCH THIS VIDEO🚨↙️ 🎞🖥 youtube.com/JustPlanes 🎞💻 in our BIO! 🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷 #avgeek #aviation #airplane #belavia #embraer #tankolet #minsk #belarus #wargaming #worldoftanks (at Gatwick Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxnS4emn-53/?igshid=1gwirb8lhsaoy
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skillvr · 4 years
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Возвращение домой. Кишинёв-Минск. #belavia #chisinau #minsk #grodno (at Minsk, Belarus) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFSQuNenqsc/?igshid=uey71jd75eva
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mrtripru · 5 years
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#москва #киев #авиабилеты #belavia #сайт #продажа #россия #украина (at Мой Рейс РФ) https://www.instagram.com/p/B65mg6fJjGy/?igshid=p1l4ia81ej4k
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mehmetkali · 1 year
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