#bellerose sisters
endlessly-cursed · 1 year
HL- Angelique Bellerose
“𝑰 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒇𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒐 𝒐𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒍𝒚.”
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Name: Angelique Rosetta Bellerose 
Nicknames: Angie, Ange 
Birthdate: 20th September, 1878 
Zodiac Sign: Virgo 
Personality Type (MBTI): TBD 
Nationality: French 
Blood Status: Pureblood 
Physical Appearance
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Hair: Auburn red 
Eyes: Light blue 
Height: 1.62m 
Weight: 58kg 
Body Type: Average build 
Skin Tone: Fair 
Distinguishing Marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.): None 
Angie grew up in Chateau de Bellerose in Marseille, France, in the lap of luxury and with everything handed to her. She grew up with Pureblood values, though never truly bought them. She had a fairly nice childhood. 
Mother: Chantal Bellerose, neé Billancourt 
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A quiet, calm and gentle woman, she’s also assertive when she needs to be and an old fashioned woman. She met her husband Pierre on a debutante ball in Versailles and both families saw it fit for them to marry. The marriage was a good one. She didn’t love him, but held him in high esteem and respect. 
Father: Pierre Bellerose
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An old-fashioned man as well, he’s someone who aims to make his own father proud and doing what’s best for the business, which ends up neglecting his own daughters, leaving the nannies to do the actual raising. 
Oldest sister: Odette Lilou Bellerose ( @kathrynalicemc​ ) 
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Angelique and Odette, though have little in common, appreciate and love one another greatly and always go to the other for advice and solace. 
Younger sister: Alethea Gloriana Bellerose ( @cursebreakerfarrier​ ) 
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Angie has always admired her sister’s courage and creativiness, and she missed her dearly when she exchanged to Hogwarts and was a maid of honour in her wedding to Ace Brokenshire, whom she thoroughly approved, gifting the couple a beautiful steed with flowers on their beautifully groomed hair whom she called Roseshire, in honour of the newlyweds. She always sent her a letter after she left the manor about what she was up to. 
Youngest sister: Sabine Margaux Bellerose ( @magicallymalted​ ) 
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Being the closest in age, they got along well, though they often clashed, for Sabine was a bit more like her parents, meanwhile Ange was more free-spirited and juvenile, and they’re always clear with one another. 
House: Ombrelune 
Best Class: Charms, Divination, Herbology, Astronomy and Drama 
Worst Class: Etiquette, Potions and Flying 
Core Concentration Class: Humanities (Philosophy, Sculpture and Horse-back riding) 
Boggart: Being in chains and silenced 
Riddikulus: The chains start bobbing and she does a saumersault 
Patronus: Abraxan 
Patronus Memory: Running through the fields, carefree and giggling 
Mirror of Erised: Herself, being free and able to be herself 
Amortentia (what she smells like): lillies, lemon, eau de cologne imperiale, honey and freshly made bread 
Amortentia (what she smells): tbd 
11-18: Beauxbatons student 
19-28: Wanderer across Europe and the US & Canada 
30-Retirement: Author 
Personality & Attitude
Priorities: Her freedom, her sisters’ safety and reach the majority of age 
Strengths: Smart, free-spirited, kind, funny and quick-witted 
Weaknesses: Stubborn, a bit entitled and proud 
Stressed: Around her father 
Calm/Comforted: Riding horses and the harp 
Colors: Orange, gold, purple and blue 
Weather: Sunny with a strong wind 
Hobbies: History, arithmetic, horseback riding, recite poetry, embroidery, several dances, calligraphy, singing & painting 
Fashion: Angelique dresses to the latest Parisian fashion, always following the trends 
Significant Other/Love Interest: TBD 
Friends: TBD 
Rivals: TBD 
Given by her position, she learned Greek and Latin, as well as English and Italian for spellcasting purposes 
She also knows court etiquette (though rarely uses it) and how to manage a household 
She knows also all kinds of courting 
She’s also ann avid reader and loves all kinds of books 
The moment she turned eighteen, she moved to Paris and bought a small but expensive flat, near the theater 
She travelled the world for nine years, exploring all of Europe, the US and Canada 
She also met several royals and networked in all of those countries 
Her favourite dance is the fox-trot 
She wrote a book about four sisters who were talented in ballet and lived in France, which would inspire the Twelve Dancing Princesses 
She reconnected with her sister Odette years later when they ran at one another at the local library, browsing the books 
Angelique broke the rules by enjoying her twenties and settling on her thirties 
To survive and not overspend, she learned how to cook in an academy, secretly supported financially by her mother 
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canigetahoyaaa2007 · 1 year
Love & Legends The Harem Sisters.
New character information.
So this is only a new character info and after this will be first chapter, I try to do it well enjoying but I won't promise it'll be cringe. Let me introduce the new character of the story... Natalia Harem!.
Natalia Harem.
Age: 28.
Sexuality: Lesbian.
Has any abilities?: Yes, she can turn into a wolf if she wants she can be partially wolf meaning she has her wolf ears and tail. Her rank is also an Alpha but as she is a human she doesn't belong to any pack. Her only pack is her sister and their new friends (and future sister in law).
Personality: Protective, cold, soft (if needed), overprotective big sister mode is always on.
Look: Natalia has the same hair color as her younger sister, her eyes are brown, she used to have her hair down with a bun. She mostly wearing black clothes instead others. She always has a cold stare on becouse she promised her parents that she will protect Halsey (MC's name of mine) from anything and anyone also she killed many ex of her younger sister.
Nicknames: Nati (by her best friend and Halsey), Sis (By Halsey), Furry (By Koda (her best friend and older brother of Sophie (idk what Sophie's age might me)), Little Wolf (By Altea Bellerose), Puppy (By Helena Klein).
Was in relationship: Never, but it'll change in the story.
Also story will contain Altea's Route, what later you find out yourself.
That's all. See you in the first chapter!.
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acircusfullofdemons · 2 years
Tamagotchi AU (specifically False Moon being placed in Wonderland/taking on the roles of the book characters):
Emory is the Cheshire Cat. I mean, duh. Talking cat with the ability to vanish/teleport as he pleases? They're basically the same lol.
Calypso is the Hatter. Feel like I don't need to explain this one.
Now here's where it gets Tricky. Because originally, Rowan was gonna be the March Hare (for obvious reasons) but. Imagine. Him as Alice & Kelly/Blair as the White Rabbit.
Alice was chasing the rabbit, trying to catch up to him. Rowan is chasing after his memories of Kelly & Blair, holding onto his guilt & trauma. He wants them to live. He wants them there with him. But they can't, it's simply not possible. They're dead. He'll always be "chasing" after them unless he lets go and accepts he can never "catch" them (aka accept that they're dead & gone).
"not everything is about Rowan's trauma" EXCEPT WHEN IT OBVIOUSLY IS LMAO
.........im gonna be nice & list off who everyone else is under the cut lol
Rowan as the March Hare. Despite my little rant/debate above to do like thinking about him being happy, believe it or not.
Blair and/or Elliott as Alice. Blair bc she's a little girl & Elliott bc of her dimension hopping abilities. Honestly both could be Alice at the same time, with Elliott trying to get Blair out of Wonderland.
Toby as the White Rabbit. Uh, time, obviously.
Kelly as the White Queen. She's (WQ) often depicted as peaceful and kind, much like how Kelly usually is (tho a 12yo queen probably isn't...the best idea, I can't say that Book!Alice being queen made any more sense).
Macbeth is the King of Hearts, making Glitch the Queen of Hearts. Again, this makes perfect sense in my mind and goes without explanation.
Jane is the White Knight. She is an actual knight. Moving on.
And as a bonus: Malware as the Caterpillar. Solely bc Mal does drugs lol.
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aquagirl1978 · 1 year
Chasing Fireflies - Chevalier Michel x Reader (Ikemen Prince)
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A/N: Part of the Summer Days Sultry Night writing event I am co-hosting with @violettduchess
Pairing: Chevalier Michel x Reader
Prompt: fireflies and summer festival
Tags: fluff
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“Look, Papa!”
The young boy proudly held out his cupped hands to his father; nestled inside was a firefly, its abdomen glowing brightly in the fading twilight sky. 
Chevalier smiled softly as he watched his son gaze at the firefly, his face alight with joy, amazed that amidst all the lights and sounds of the summer festival that this small creature captured his full attention.
“What are you going to do with him?” Chevalier asked his son as the firefly crawled along one of his small fingers.
The boy looked up at his father, his attention finally pulled from the tiny insect. “I’ll let him go,” he replied quickly, as if there was no other answer in the world. “I just wish Mama was here to see.”
“Your mother and sister will be back shortly. With a pile of books, I’m sure.” The firefly fluttered his wings before flying away, his flickering light soon disappearing in the distance.
“Goodbye, firefly.”
Something stirred inside Chevalier as he watched his young son wave goodbye to his friend the firefly. Looking back on his own childhood, he couldn’t recall a single, innocent moment like this shared with either of his parents. This. This affection, this connection, this love was everything he had been missing and craving for so many years.
That all changed when he met you.
Chevalier looked up, his smile bright like the firefly, as soon as he spotted your figure approaching. In one of your hands was a small stack of books pressed against your chest; the other hand held a smaller hand, that of your young daughter. 
Warmth filled his body with his family reunited, his queen by his side. No longer a strange feeling, it was something he secretly wished would never go away.
“What did you two do while we were shopping?” you asked, genuinely curious.
“I caught a firefly, Mama. But…he flew away before you came back.”
“Oh, that’s a shame. I wish I could have seen him. 
Something in the air caught Chevalier’s eye; he reached out, his fingers outstretched, quickly closing into a loose fist. He turned over his hand, his fingers opening to reveal a tiny firefly in his large palm. 
“Papa, you caught one!” the boy and girl exclaimed together excitedly.
Chevalier turned to you, proud to present you this prize. He cupped his hands like his son did earlier, careful to not let the firefly fly away just yet. He stood there silently, simply enjoying the childlike joy that filled your face.
Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady @queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @violettduchess @umi-adxhira @bellerose-arcana @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile @lancelotscloak @scorchieart @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @melodiousramblings @wendolrea @aceuuuu @randonauticrap @aria-chikage
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Once Upon A Dream
> lady lesso x fem!reader
> warnings: none
> note: i based your family [Prince Phillip, King Hubert, etc.] on Disney's Sleeping Beauty.
> most characters came from different series related to the Grimm Brothers stories.
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“I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream”
“Oh it's so nice watching them find their happy ever afters!” Dovey gushed at you.
Humming, you nodded and stayed silent. It was a known fact that you, the sister of Prince Philip, has not yet found her own happy ever after. And now, it's most likely that your niece is going to find hers before you.
Speaking of the ever, you heard a squeal and then a body collided with yours. “Aunt Y/N!”
“Careful now, Beatrix.” You held her by the arms and smiled at her. “You wouldn't want your aunt to fall over, would you?”
Beatrix laughed and twirled. “Never!”
“But, I'm here to tell you...” Beatrix leaned and whispered. “Neal kissed me!” Dovey gasped, overhearing the conversation and clapped.
“Oh I'm so happy for you, Beatrix!”
Smiling, Beatrix replied. “Thank you Professor. Now I do believe that a certain prince is waiting for me.” Beatrix winked at you and left.
“Have fun!” You called. “But not too much fun!” You laughed as Beatrix tripped because of embarrassment.
“Oh don't be so strict, Y/N.” Professor Emma Anemone poked your side, causing you to flinch.
Rolling your eyes, you scoffed. “I can't have a new Bellerose running around before my niece even gets to the middle of her story.”
“Bellerose?” Dovey and Anemone asked simultaneously.
“Our surname.”
Professor Anemone nodded and pursed her lips. “I always forget your last name.”
“Well, don't bother memorizing it. King Hubert's last name isn't that special.” You gave a shrug and took a wine glass from a server's tray.
“Yes it is! Don't you remember? You brother slayed–” As Dovey started to narrate the story of your families life, you tuned her out and looked at the window. It was pitch black outside, yet all of you inside were covered by the brightest lights ever imagined.
You only left your reverie when someone knocked the wine glass out of your hands.
“Oh dear! My apologies! I'm so sorry!” You looked down and saw a man's back, he was picking up the shards of the broken glass. Deciding to help, you crouched down and picked up a piece.
“I am really sorry–” The man was cut off as he saw your face.
“Y/N.” You said with a smile, before snapping your finger and all the shards were gone.
Shaking his head, the man stood up and helped you up. “Well, Y/N. I'm really sorry, it's not normal for a prince to bump into princesses.” He shrugged and scratched his nape. “But hey, not everyone needs to be normal.”
You smiled at him and raised you eyebrow. “What's your name? You keep rambling but you never say your name... Prince?”
“Oh! It's Prince James.”
“Prince Charming's brother?”
Prince James gave a chuckle and glanced behind you. “Well, there's my date. I'll see you later Princess Y/N.”
Dovey and Emma crowded around you as Prince James left.
“Not a catch?”
“Too princey?”
Rolling your eyes, you smirked. “More like too occupied with his date.” You pointed to another teacher and Prince James talking.
Dovey and Emma nodded in understanding and left you, again. ‘They really like leaving me alone and then coming back to pester me for some reason.’
Sighing, you grabbed another wine glass and wandered outside. Walking through the corridors of the school, you suddenly remembered what it was like being a student. What is was like being with her–
Huffing, you shook your head and pushed the castle door open. “No, you will not think of her.”
Welcomed by the gentle yet cold breeze of the night, you shivered and regretted not wearing a sleeved gown. You rubbed your palms together and walked towards the side of the bridge.
Leaning against the concrete, you closed your eyes and exhaled. After 18 years, you finally had a moment in silence. Ever since Beatrix was born, you were always beside her, not even having a time for yourself. Although you loved your niece, it was time for her to distance herself from you to finally start her own story.
“I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
Yet I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you, I know what you'll do
Singing your sister-in-laws song, you started to dance by yourself. Basking yourself in the moonlight, you didn't even notice a figure looking and watching you dance on the other side of the bridge.
You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream”
Clapping was all you heard as you finished your song. After a few moments, you opened your eyes and whirled around, only to see the dean of the school for evil, Lady Lesso.
“Such a marvelous performance, dear.”
“What? No thank yous? And I thought Evers were polite.”
“Well spare me from your stereotyping, Lesso.” You huffed and looked away.
Lesso raised her eyebrow and walked towards you, once in front of you, she put her finger under your chin and guided you to look at her. “Look at me when we're talking.”
Narrowing your eyes, you pushed her hands and turned to leave but she caught your wrist and tugged you towards her. “Now now, don't be disrespectful, princess.” she whispered, you felt her presence so close to you that it didn't take you enough strength to lean against her. After all, she was the one tou considered your ‘happy ever after’.
“That's right.” Lesso gripped your waist and put her chin on your shoulder, lightly kissing the bridge between your neck and shoulders.
“This isn't a dream, right?” You whispered, fearing that this was only an illusion made by your own mind.
“Only if you want it to be.”
Lesso brought your hands up and kissed the back of your palms. She closed her eyes and whispered,
“But I have to tell you. For me, this isn't just a once upon a dream.”
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vacantgodling · 1 year
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re. wip master list
an ever updating list of all of my wips and ideas that i juggle in my brain at any given moment, laid out as simply as possible for y’all’s convenience. obviously PARAMOUR & TCOL are my main wips right now so you can check my main pinned for more information about those, however, these are for all my other wips that are backburner in some way.
this list will probably update often as i revamp old ideas or come up with new ones
these are also in no particular order
summary: five adventurers from different backgrounds must face The Labyrinth as the deep magic that keeps the chaos within it at bay begins to rip apart at their seams
wip intro || character intros || crash course || s: tcol (main tag)
summary: a series of 5 continuous books and 1 spinoff tale centered around this universe’s concept of liminal spaces. what they all have in common is they center on death, Reapers, Witches, magic, possession, and horror, but above all liminal spaces.
Liminal Spaces are defined as the place a person is in during a transitional period. this can be emotionally, physically, metaphysically or all of the above. in this series liminal spaces are more akin to separate planes of existence where death and horror reign supreme and magic is in the air. nothing is impossible and your worst nightmares usually come true.
wip intro || tags -> s: donut wip / s: noi alone / s: jenna the reaper / s: jenna the witch king / s: mason at the airport
summary: the sun is stolen, drenching the upper in darkness and spelling certain doomsday for the world as its known it if it’s not returned. nevaeh is sent down to the treacherous under to find the god responsible for the sun’s disappearance and return it as soon as possible. to do that, they’ll need to find the last god eater. and they only have 13 weeks.
wip intro || character list || tag -> s: god eater
summary: graves is a bounty hunter on the run after betraying his organization following the death of his partner, dove, in a mission gone horribly askew. however, one night in a seedy saloon far removed from their old stomping grounds of the city of rapture, dove shows up and demands that graves finish what they started before he “died.” emotional turmoil ensues.
wip intro || playlist || chapter one || tag -> s: the graves we dug
summary: 20 year old darren de leon is content with just living his life as is, with his father dave, step-sister (kinda) olice, and not including his father’s girlfriend veronica as much as possible. that is, until someone he never thought he would meet shows up at their doorstep—his absentee mother, lizette rouzet blanc who… incidentally is a vampire. someone is out to hunt darren down and so they have to leave town to get to safety… leading to the most awkward and life changing road trip he’s ever been on.
wip intro || powerpoint intro (more accurate than the wip intro tbh) || how vampires work || tag -> s: darren and co
summary: nathali “n” blackburn is the top reporter at the small firm aurora press, and has had it up to here with the fear mongering surrounding the vampire group the marauders after the death of rising politician richard lindsey, which they have no proven involvement with. seeking the truth, n manages to arrange a meeting with a marauders chapter worker, a vampire named beau bellerose, and the rabbit hole his search leads them down may start a civil war.
wip intro || tag -> s: dead rites
summary: aidan “di” absyna has it all—or so he thinks. he’s a guitarist in a punk band with his best friends, his boyfriend, the lead singer maverick loverde, is perfect, so what if he’s not out to his extremely controlling religious parents yet? things however come crashing down around him when the day before they’re supposed to go on stage at the biggest and probably most important event in their budding careers, maverick walks out on them, ending he and di’s relationship suddenly in the process. their leader nix, frantic to not let them crash in burn calls in a “best friend” that none of them have ever heard of—a mysterious, good looking, powerhouse vocalist toph. and toph well… toph’s a demon. literally.
wip intro || tag -> s: lukewarm rejection
summary: kirsi sunniva and her aunt lady jeanna sunniva (posing as her governess) make their (hopefully) triumphant return to alizath’s social scene; to repair the tarnished reputation their family and of her father who still waits outside of the country for his banishment to be lifted. in order to do this, kirsi must make connections, and connections she makes. but even from the beginning something seemed slightly… off about why her family was banished—and who she even is. and if she happens to uncover those secrets… what will the state of alizath be once they come to light?
wip intro || the major courts & characters || tag -> s: alizath
summary: calvin im and jake deluna have been best friends since they were 5 years old. they’ve been with each other through thick and thin, all throughout high school… at least until two things happen on the eve of their high school graduation: jake tries and fails to commit suicide, and calvin’s long term girlfriend breaks up with him without warning shortly after that. both spiraling, but trying to put the pieces together two years removed from these events, they must slowly learn to heal, to love, and to remember what best friends are for in the first place.
wip intro || tag -> s: purple haze
summary: nyoka is destined to die. a foreigner in this land that worships gods unfamiliar to them, nyoka was taken in by the council of elders when their parents passed away from a strange illness many years ago. this grace came with a caveat; that when their time came, they would be thrown into the mountain as a sacrifice to the gods. nyoka has no intention of dying for a cause they have no stake in—however when they’re suddenly bumped up the chopping block and are next in line to die, they need to think fast. the only way to get out of this? well, if they’re no longer a virgin. and perhaps, the mysterious spice merchant verin is the key to defying this fate.
s: wip intro || character intro || tag -> s: mount heredosa
summary: nyseah nicoletti is an overworked nurse who suddenly has psychic powers awakened in her after a one night stand. alona springwell is a college student who works part time at the largest corporation in the city and during her first night shift sees a trail of blood leading from one of the rooms she’s forbidden to enter. donte macbride is a jaded PI who’s dragged into one last case by an offer he can’t refuse. 3 storylines, each seemingly unrelated, weave together to uncover a sinister underground of extortion, experimentation, and evil—even more than what’s already expected from the city.
wip intro || tag -> s: nad
GOTHICA (title pending)
summary: lennon rhapsody granger is sent to a private prep institute for troubled youth after she gets expelled from school for the fifth time. there, she meets and becomes romantically involved with bad boy heartthrob aurora o’rion, who is a lackey of a group called the centurion, who do not take kindly to outsiders being so close to their secrets. but lennon has always liked playing with fire… she just isn’t prepared for it to burn this badly.
wip intro || tag -> s: gofficka
summary: found adrift in space, noh bell is taken in by a cargo vessel and dropped off at the nearest planet. he doesn’t remember anything about himself, other than the rudimentary finger spelling for his name. yet, when he enters the tavern with the crew who saved his life, his name and face are plastered all over message boards, a billion dollar bounty on his head. he’ll need to find out what he did, and find out fast before he’s killed.
wip intro || tag -> s: noble
summary: twins prosper and jane morning have been living life in a rural town in what used to be the united states, it’s backbone the fire department—tasked with stopping the endless raging fires that the dry heat blows in through the prairie. but everything changed when men in white button down shirts showed up, armed to the teeth, and raze their town, leaving them as the only survivors. but the thing is: there aren’t meant to be survivors. faced with annihilation without a cause, the twins begin to run with no destination in mind until they meet a fellow survivor of a white shirt massacre marin; who’s heard rumors of a ship on the east coast that can take them away from here to europe. the only problem is making it there alive.
wip intro || tag -> s: the white shirts
SUPERNATURAL DADS (title pending)
summary: hue rvynwell really doesn’t know what he’s doing with himself. as a recently divorced werewolf single-ish father of two overly powerful witch girls, he’s kind of got his work cut out for him. meddling family and friends can’t understand why he left his vampire husband of over 20 years, jihan, but so much of it boils down to that age old struggle of mortality. but he’ll have to face his demons, and his ex, when the government requires the two of them to cohabitate so that their eldest daughter can start at (essentially) witch U. and their daughters are more than ready to parent trap this situation.
wip intro || tag -> s: supernatural dads
summary: kaspian or kas, has made a lot of mistakes in his life - and chief among them is unintentionally having so many litters! with so many children to look after, having custody of none of them, and trying to just get by, romance and doing things for himself are a huge afterthought. however, he knows that he should try to live a little more. its just... hard when you have your hands full. (this takes place in the same universe as supernatural dads)
wip intro || tag -> s: litter support
summary: dagmar of dattenmaow (or the 8th sphere) is one of the eight hopefuls set to try their hand at becoming the new celestial ruler; after the previous one rava died only 50 years into their reign. after 27 years of rigorous training by the celestial lovers, the hopefuls begin the most important part of their journey; traveling to each realm to woo and marry a member of the royal family of each sphere. polyamory, love, weddings, and uncovering the truth behind rava’s demise await.
wip intro || pinterest board || tag -> s: celestial weddings
summary: chidori jonson just hit his 1 year anniversary of being a train master—and things are just starting to kick off!
notes: train master chidori is more of an art project/potential webcomic so not much writing mostly art will you see if this wip.
playlist || tag -> s: train master chidori
summary: ranger, nanette, tucker, vani, and roger have been friends for 16 years, and with that much history in one group chat? shenanigans ensue.
notes: this is a chat-style wip, so any writing will be in the form of characters messaging each other. i love the emerging language that is internet linguistics, so there will be a lot of playing around with how words are showcased. remember: no typo is just a typo in this wip!
character list || tag -> s: sixteen candles
summary: quill is half-merman; he’s known this since he was a boy, but the fear of capture by his pirate father has kept him from returning home to the sea. until, a string of town decimating pillages begin down the coast—quill knows his father is coming to look for him. and frankly, it’s high tide (heh) that quill get revenge for everything that man did to him.
wip intro || tag -> s: teardrops
summary: red like blood, that’s what she named herself when her sister was stolen. red like death. she has been scouring the land for her missing sister and it has been endless years of empty leads and dead ends until she finally meets the man called oracle, hel lovendusky. he, who knows everything about everything and could know the whereabouts of her sister, and with the promise of protection and one unnamed favor, he agrees to traverse these war battered lands with her to find her.
wip intro || tag -> s: red and hel
summary: when you die, your spirit is taken to the library—a world between worlds where you’re allowed to read your book of life, make peace with it, and pass on to whatever your idea of an afterlife is. librarians guard these sacred spaces; not man, nor woman, but angels or bookkeepers, who guide souls on. one spirit has always been the sacred rule. so what is she to do, when two souls show up at the exact same time; named vesper “peri” and andrew “dandy”. and this is not the first time they have died at the same time. in fact, this ongoing phenomena may break the very fabric and principles that she holds dear. what can you do, when a soul loves itself so much that it splits in two to never be apart?
wip intro || tag -> s: peri & dandy
summary: yeah tbh no fancy summary here, 4 kids traverse to a fantasy world in their dreams where they’re the chosen ones meant to stop a great evil. they continue to visit dream world every time they fall asleep and they can see the changes irl but eventually when they all go to the same college they end up meeting in person for the first time. which is yknow. bad cuz that means the evil is about to strike but yknow. GOOD bc shenanigans.
notes: this wip will probably never be formally written it’s just funny to think about and i’m allowing myself to be a kid with it since i technically thought of this idea as a kid. bless.
wip intro || tag -> s: dream team
summary: after finishing a recon mission with freelance special agent “linda”, “marvin” is ready to finish these file downloads and get onto his next mission. they receive sudden correspondence from his employers however, that they will need to wait (i have to decide how long) before they can be extracted and they are not to leave the hotel. this forces two extremely private and dangerous agents in one room to unfortunately tear each others walls down and bear each others souls before parting once again.
wip intro || ending || tag -> s: marvin and linda
summary: i’m still working on the plot but this is a thumbelina adjacent reimagining. i’m thinking itri is a “dwarf but not how we think about them” and his nickname is thumbs because he’s great with his hands and always has the “thumbs” to fix things. i know the giants to them are essentially like past gods or something like that. So. gotta figure this out.
wip intro || tag -> s: thumbs and the giants
summary: utah and slug's mother has been missing since slug was born, and almost 20 years later, utah wants to find her. at the same time, their aunt, official but absentee caretaker, and their mother's elder sister, risky game, receives a letter in the post from someone claiming to be her long lost sister. this leads to the three of them, plus utah's hacker partner gator to head out on a fucked up roadtrip to find out what happened to their mom annnnd a bunch of other shit happens too.
wip intro || s: broken clouds
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magicallymalted · 10 months
HPHL Character Sheet - Sabine Bellerose
There's nothing wrong with wanting a comfortable life.
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࿐ General ࿐
Full Name: Sabine Margaux Bellerose
Name Meanings: Sabine, "Woman of the Sabine people" | Margaux "Pearl" | Bellerose, "Beautiful Rose"
Nicknames: 'Bine, Margaux
Birthdate: June 24, 1881
Zodiac Sign: Cancer Sun, Pisces Moon
Personality Type (MBTI): ENFJ
Blood Status: Pureblood
Nationality: French
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Residence: Marseille, France
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࿐ Physical Appearance ࿐
Hair: Dirty blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height: 169 cm (5'6")
Weight: 63 kg (138 lbs)
Body Type: Mesomorph
Skin Tone: Pale
Faceclaim(s): Aleksandra Nikiforova
࿐ Background ࿐
Hometown: Marseille, France
The Bellerose family reside in a chateau overlooking their vineyard in Southern France. Sabine always loved it there, growing up. It reminded her of a fairytale of sorts and she greatly enjoyed the luxury of her surroundings.
࿐ Family ࿐
Mother: Chantal Bellerose (née Billancourt)
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Chantal met Pierre at a pureblood ball, conveniently while her parents were on her case to find a partner. They were worried about her and wished for her to settle down soon, especially as she seemed to have all of just the right qualities for the perfect bride. Pierre and her seemed to have an instant connection, and thus it wasn't long until they married.
Sabine has a slightly complicated relationship with her mother. As much as she loves her, she finds that she'd rather spend time with her father. While Sabine does fear about pleasing them both, something about her mother makes her worry that she won't ever live up to the high standard that she seems to set. After all, how can you measure up to perfection not only in your sisters, but also in your mother?
Father: Pierre Bellerose
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Sabine has always had a fairly stable relationship with her father, as she is not often one to disobey the framework that he and her mother have laid out for the sisters.
Eldest Sister: Odette Bellerose (@kathrynalicemc)
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Sabine looks to Odette the most as an example of how to compose herself. As the oldest of them all and acting as a pillar with the most responsibility of all this sisters, Sabine holds her in high regard. Thus, in the moments when her actions break from what their parents have in store, Sabine often finds herself very conflicted with what to feel and think.
Older Sister: Alethea Gloriana Bellerose (@cursebreakerfarrier)
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The passion and artistry that Alethea exudes never cease to fascinate Sabine and if anyone could ever succeed in getting Sabine to fall back into her more imaginative side, it would be Alethea. She missed her dearly when she ended up transferring schools to Hogwarts, but would then always cherish when she would come back home.
Older Sister: Angelique Rosetta Bellerose (@endlessly-cursed)
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As the sister closest in age to Sabine, Angelique and her get on quite well though her free-spiritedness often is a cause of concern for Sabine in spite of her longing to be more free-spirited herself. The authenticity that Ange exhibits is the major thing that Sabine appreciates about her, though, as she can always trust her to be clear about where they stand with each other.
࿐ Magic ࿐
Wood: Willow
Core: Dragon Heartstring
Length: 9 1/2"
Flexibility: Springy
House: Bellefeuille
Best Class: Care of Magical Creatures
Worst Class: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Boggart: Her family saying hateful words toward her (particularly in relation to her insecurities)
Riddikulus: Her family fumbling over tongue twisters
Patronus: Dove
Patronus Memory: Seeing the Beauxbatons Abraxan winged horses for the first time
Amortentia (what she smells like): Honeysuckle, gingerbread, hay, sea salt
Amortentia (what she smells): tbd
Quidditch: No
Prefect: No
Clubs: No
OWL Classes:
Transfiguration - Acceptable
Charms - Outstanding
Herbology - Acceptable
Care of Magical Creatures - Outstanding
Potions - Exceeds Expectations
History of Magic - Exceeds Expectations
Defense Against the Dark Arts - Acceptable
NEWT Classes:
Charms - Outstanding
Potions - Exceeds Expectations
History of Magic - Acceptable
Care of Magical Creatures - Outstanding
࿐ Career & Persona ࿐
11-17: Beauxbatons Student 17-?: TBD
Personality & Attitude: Sabine is a bon vivant in all senses of the word, enjoying a life of luxury and comfort and basking in the beauty that high society pureblood life provided—but this has also led to a naïveté that she will eventually have to break out of. She's prone to rule-following, often with the sisters torn between worrying about getting in trouble and yet at the same time wishing she could be a little more free-flowing and less uptight in life. She's quite the hopeless romantic and dreamer at heart but is constantly bringing herself back down to earth and criticizing this part of herself as too fantastical. It's a matter of trying to keep her idealism in check but her imagination can sometimes run ahead of her.
Thus, Sabine may long for the grandiose stories she reads in books but considers/presents herself more pragmatic than she truly is—especially as her perception of romance in real life is more of one of having it all and not "settling" in any regard. She has a nature that is quite compassionate, determined, and one of keeping the peace, yet on the flipside her pickiness, pride, and jealousy can be quite large obstacles to overcome—particularly as it can lead her to act vindictively in certain situations. She is quite sensitive and in spite of her confident outward expression, Sabine is very self-critical and so any disapproval from others is not taken lightly.
Strengths: Romance, compassion, determination, socially adept, peacekeeping
Weaknesses: Jealousy, rule-following, pickiness, sensitivity, pride, naïveté, uppity
Favorites: Animals, gingerbread, luxurious things, sweets
Colors: Light blue and gold
Hobbies: Horseback riding, pen pal-ing, spending time by the sea or reading in the vineyard
࿐ Relationships ࿐
*Anyone can feel free to reach out if they'd like to discuss a potential plot or relationship!
࿐ Misc & Trivia ࿐
She's had a love of horses ever since seeing the Abraxan winged horses that pulled the Beauxbatons chariot to take Odette off to school
In her youth, she had a terrible issue with sleepwalking which somewhat persisted into her adult years to a less prominent degree
One of her more prominent hobbies is writing to students at other wizarding schools — she cherishes all of her pen pal connections very much
She has never been very musically inclined but enjoys hearing it nonetheless, in spite of being compelled to learn to play the piano
Blood status never really mattered to her when it comes to platonic social interaction, but romantic is a whole other ball game
She is proficient in Latin, ancient Greek, and English
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traegics · 2 months
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[ Josephine Langford | she/her] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. SKYLA FAIRLIGHT, an 23 year old FAIRY, is one of those from the PRESENT learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re DETACHED but the truth is that they’re really BUBBLY. Their style can best be described as FLOWER SHOPS, CUPCAKES, AND SUNDRESSES, and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( Sushi )
Name: Skyla Anastasia Fairlight Nicknames/Alias: Sky Face Claim: Josephine Langford Age: 21 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual Date of Birth: February 15th Currently: New Orleans, LA Species: Fairy Occupation: Florist
Positives/Virtues/Skills: Botany Flower Arrangement Water bending Earth bending Flaws/Weaknesses: Naive Detached Moral Alignment: Lawful Good
Parents: Aether Fairlight † (Father) Amphitrite Fairlight † (Mother) Siblings: Unnamed Fairlight † (Older Brother) Unnamed Fairlight (Older Brother) Children: N/A Other family: N/A Spouse: N/A Current Partner: Jesse Kenner (Fiance) Ex-Partners: N/A Boss/Employer: TBD Co-Workers: TBD Friends: Blossom Bellerose Georgie Kenner Enemies: TBD
Skyla was born to two loving and doting parents and the youngest of 3. hHer father was air fairy and her mother an earth and water fairy. She grew up in a hollow of faries on the outskirts of New Orleans. It wasn't until she was 13 that her life was turned upside down. While on vacation, Skyla's parents were killed by who, the fairy has still yet to figure out. She spent most of her teen years moving from foster home to foster home. When Skyla finally aged out of the system, she returned to her hollow in search of her older brother who had already aged out of the system, only to find the hollow deserted. Atlas and her twin sister stuck together through all of the twists and turns life has thrown at them. She's been searching desperately for her older brother or even any sign of the fairies from her old hollow to no avail. She refuses to stop looking wanting nothing more than to connect with her older brother and her people. Skyla came into her powers pretty early on, though her parents and brothers always reiterated for her to not be so open with her abilities, reminding her that not everyone could be trusted. She came into her Earth abilities first soon after followed by air and water. While her strong suit is most definitely Earth, Skyla truly loves being able to get in touch with each of her elements and hopes to one day even discover fire.
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hyba · 1 year
WIP INTRO : Marie/Elise
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A week after Adrian White moves to Blackwood to live with his father, town darling Elise Bellerose is murdered at her home - and he's the primary suspect. Adrian knows he didn't do it, but there's a whole chunk of time missing from his memories of that night.
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Adrian White - Recent addition to Blackwood. Early 20s. Reluctant university student, part-time custodian at the public library. A plethora of mental health issues due to a traumatic period in his life. (POV Character)
Marie Bellerose - Elise's younger sister. Early 20s. Businesswoman, university student, and public figure. Grew up with everything she could ever want, yet seems to be weighed down with a persistent melancholy. Difficult to read. (POV Character)
Rupert Baxley - Childhood friend and confidant to Elise and Marie. Perhaps his relationship with Elise was stronger than it seemed? Hobby photographer. In a state of constant rebellion against his parents.
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Tag list open!
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have you NEVER even called off a wedding?
I have actually! I was engaged to my now sister, but I fell in love with her amazing best friend and I called off the wedding to be with them!
@ask-may-bellerose I love you so much <3
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endlessly-cursed · 1 year
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the bellerose sisters
remake of this post tagging @kathrynalicemc @cursebreakerfarrier @magicallymalted
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kathrynalicemc · 1 year
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Name: Odette Bellerose
Nicknames: TBD
Pronouns: She/her
Birth Date: April 6th, 1876
Species: Human
Blood Status: Pureblood
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: British-French
Residence: Chateaux de Bellerose, Marseilles, France
Languages: French, English, Latin, Ancient Greek
Faceclaim: Amanda Seyfried
Height: 5’2”
Physique: Average
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Sandy beige
Hair style: Long and slightly wavy/curly
Clothing: French style dresses, Victorian style dresses, colors of blue, turquoise, pink, and maybe green. Gloves and sun hats with bows.
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House: Papillonlisse
Wand: Pear, Unicorn Horn
“This golden-toned wood produces wands of splendid magical powers, which give of their best in the hands of the warm-hearted, the generous and the wise.”
Best Classes: Herbology, COMC, History of Magic, Charms
Worst Classes: Potions, DADA
Misc Magical Abilities: None
Boggart Form: Her life being crafted by her parents and having no say in it
Amortentia: Various flowers, citrus, parchment, petrichor, candle wax
Patronus: Ermine/Stoat
Animagus: None
Patronus Memory: Having a picnic as a child with all of her sisters in the garden on a perfect day
Dementor worst memory: The day she was told about her arranged marriage
Mirror of Erised: Herself standing next to Unnamed Stable boy
11-18: Beauxbatons Student
18+: Author of children’s books and fairytales, more TBD
Parents: Chantal Billancourt & Pierre Bellerose
Sisters: Alethea @cursebreakerfarrier, Angelique @endlessly-cursed & Sabine @magicallymalted
Eventual Descendant: Ann Bellerose and Devon Marlowe
Love Interest: Unnamed muggle stable boy (name tbd)
Best Friends: Her sisters
Friends: TBD
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Child: As the first girl born to the family, she loved running around at a young age outside in the vineyard and gardens. Soon that was joined by her sister Alethea who was a year younger. They would run and play around together and were spoiled by their parents and especially the kitchen staff who gave them treats.
Teenage: Life started to get harder for Odette. All of the daughters had various studies and tutors outside of Wizarding school. Odette being the oldest was expected to follow her fathers life plan set out for her. She had to marry rich and only to a pureblood. She would also take over the vineyard and winery business. This is when she discovered she had an arranged marriage planned for the moment she graduated. Odette was mad but she put all of it aside and accepted her duties. She also spent most of her time helping to raise her sisters and get them out of trouble and protect them from her own fate.
Adulthood: All of the weight and expectations to be perfect crashed down on her right before graduation and she snapped. Helped along by her secret romance Stable boy, Odette decided she should have a choice in her fate and nobody should sculpt her life for her, even if she is the oldest and it’s her duty. She would always feel guilty thinking about it as it would then fall to one of her sisters and she didn’t want that and would rather take it to spare her sisters. However, she was done being obedient and decided she needed to do more for herself and not prioritize others feelings. Therefore, the second she graduated she ran away with Stable boy to get away from her arranged marriage. She still kept in contact with her sisters and eventually after many years, regained the relationship with her parents.
Most at Ease When: Dancing ballet, reading books, enjoying nature
Stressed When: Having her life chosen for her and having the pressure of being perfect on her
Priorities: Her sisters
Strength: Compassion, warmth, sacrifice for others, intelligence, patience
Weakness: Takes care of others before herself, easily taken advantage of and walked over, quiet
Color: Turquoise, pink, yellow, blue
Food: Lemon scones with afternoon tea
Drink: Bellerose wine, tea
Weather: Warm sunny days
Book: Textbooks, fairy tales, poetry, shakespeare
Hobbies: Ballet, reading/writing, piano, violin, embroidery, singing
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acircusfullofdemons · 3 months
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Name: Calypso Cecil Raymond (neé Morningstar)
Alias: Cali/Cal, Jester, Cecil/Ringmaster
Age: 18 (January 12, 1996)
Gender: cis male, he/him
Species: Human (earth ii [pureblood], all seasons / arcadia [witch], s1), Spirit (arcadia [poltergeist], s2a), God (arcadia, s2b)
Orientation: biromantic bisexual
Occupation: Prince (birth - current), Ringleader of DreamSet Circus (18 - current)
Languages Spoken: english, greek, latin
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Calypso is a very energetic and hyper person. He's always ready to make friends, and is very extroverted. He enjoys making people laugh and/or smile, as well as anything creative; such as dancing and drawing. Despite his extrovertedness, Calypso has very few friends. Well, real friends, at least. Most just hang out and put up with him because he's royalty & a God. He's fairly isolated from those his own age and doesn't really get the concept of how expensive things are. Calypso is also very used to getting his way and being pampered. With his actual friends, and by that I mean those who are truly his friends, Calypso is a massive dork. Seriously, anyone who knows him will confirm that if they didn't know he was a prince, they never would have guessed. He also just….likes buying expensive stuff. Mostly for his friends, of course.
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Calypso is a short male with white skin and freckles, standing at 5'2'' with wild dark purple hair that falls just past his jaw. His front bangs are snowy white. His typical outfit is a pink cold shoulder top with brown shorts and white leggings, often paired with a dark red cape. His eyes are turquoise/light green with dark purple sclera.
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Parents: Rose Morningstar (biological mother, alive), Luscious Morningstar (biological father, alive), Isaac Raymond (adoptive father, alive), Reagan Morningstar (adoptive mother, alive)
Siblings: Merlin Morningstar (biological brother, alive), Tezrah Morningstar (biological sister, alive), Reverie Cenred (biological sister, alive), Seraphina Morningstar (biological sister, alive), Sybil Morningstar (biological sister, alive)
S/Os: Rowan Dellacroy (current husband / boyfriend, alive), James Porter (ex boyfriend, alive)
Children: Kelly Cooper (adoptive daughter, alive), Blair Ceres (adoptive daughter, alive), Gabriel Raymond-Dellacroy (biological son, alive), Valerie Raymond-Dellacroy (biological daughter, alive), Adrien Raymond-Dellacroy (biological son, alive)
Other: Lullaby Cenered (nephew, alive), Lux Morningstar (nephew, alive), Blair Ceres (cousin, alive)
Friends: Elliott Hart, Toby Reynolds, Jane Bellerose, Kelly Cooper, everyone at dreamset
Pets: Gold (lioness, alive), Winston (bullfrog, alive)
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Playlist | Default / Cecil / Idol
Mini Intro
Fun Facts
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phillytheclown · 6 months
I'd like to rant about my 1960s southpark/Dip AU thing, because it's cool to me and I know I have no intention on working on it unless it's like a fic or something
(1961-1963, haven't decided yet)
Damien went up to the living world with his father (Satan but with a disguise ofc) and drives by a construction sight, seeing a newspaper boy (Pip) handing out the latest news to the nearby workers.
He has some gay feelings they talk or smth whatever yah
A couple months later Pip introduces Damien to some of his friends (who are in the army) Christoph DeLalorne and Gregory H. Bellerose, along with Greg's sister, Estella B. Havisham who is a Navy admiral.
At this time, it wasn't very acceptable to be gay, so Pip and Damien had to go on secret dates, or had to act as simply close friends. They often share late night walks through parks and boat dates on Starks pond.
I'm planning to include a certain death of a certain someone, but I'm not fully sure yet, I've been focusing on designs and not story/lore :)
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snowbird-down · 1 year
Character Summary: Laelia (jen) Belisar
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alias/nicknames: Lee, Jeanne, Snowbird, Valkyrie
gender: female
age: 23
zodiac: ----
abilities  + talents:
A highly skilled if not batshit reckless pilot who can pull off stunts that probably shouldn’t be possible in all manner of machina
A crackshot gunslinger with the kind of draw time that Marty Robbins writes ballads about
Cooks a mean plate of spaghetti
alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
languages: Fluent in Garlean and Common, can speak haltingly conversational Ala Mhigan (but only in the present-tense) and knows all the swear words in Old Elezen.
family: Justus Belisar (father), Tacitus Belisar (older brother), Marco Belisar (younger brother), Verina Belisar (younger sister), Alfonso Belisar (estranged cousin)
friends: While the survivors of III Squad are by technical definition her ‘friends’, the bond that exists between them is probably more familial than anything. Laelia is quite literally inseparable from Victoria Castellus and Maxima Sawyer, and she’d do absolutely anything for either of them. Ride or die? You bet.
More recently she’s gotten close to Arym Ord, who she shares a love of adrenaline (among other things) with. She even would have considered him an ‘honorary’ squad member who they’d ‘adopted’, except he’s being Very Difficult right now.
For some reason fate keeps sending her through hell alongside a girl named Reima Awen, so the two share a mutual understanding of each others’ trauma and do their best to support each other while dreaming of -- and striving for -- better days.
The healer Norhi Morovine helped her settle into Gridanian life back when she first deserted Garlemald and was hiding out in the Shroud, and continues to be her go-to for all manner of Eorzean expertise.
And while she thinks that Ser Basile Bellerose is currently just her friend (with extensive benefits), the reality is that she is much, much closer to him than she realizes.
sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
relationship: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating yet / it’s complicated
libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent / who knows
build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy / other
hair: white / blonde (platinum) / brunette / red / black
eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other
skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other
height: 6'0"
scars: Surprisingly few for all the stunts she pulls. There’s a puncture wound from an arrow on the back of her left calf; by the way it healed it looks like it got infected at one point. There’s a hand-sized patch of burnt skin over her ribs on her righthand side. And there’s a more recent bullet wound in her left shoulder.
dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword shield dagger or bow gun|| summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future present
A few songs that remind you of them:
Kenny Loggins - Danger Zone ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Green Day - Holiday ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Some Nights - Fun
D’Angelo - Unshaken
The Ecstasy of Gold -- Ennio Morricone
Coyote Kisses - Six Shooter
Primo the Alien - Heart on the Run
Hunter as a Horse - The Train :)
Tagged by: @rhotanored Thank you this was due for an updatew fhweuidkfjhewrkjdghkjer
Tagging: @high-and-away @autochthonousone @endangered-liaison @norhimorovine​ @daughter-of-fire-and-dreams​ idk who’s done this forgive me!
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autochthonousone · 1 year
Character Summary: Basile
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alias/nicknames: Bas, Bellerose, Hunk, Luscious Locks, Dumbass
gender: he/him/his
age: Early-to-Mid Twenties. Time Is Very Wimey Here In This House!
zodiac: (Real world: Libra; Eorzea: Halone)
abilities + talents: Basile possesses a impressive innate ability for martial combat. He took to it readily as a young boy and his days as a squire only reinforced it. He's the sort of guy that was just infuriatingly good any he decided to try. At least when to came to athletics. Academics are a different story.
He also uses a particularly unorthodox method of battlefield traversal in which he captures an aetheric detonation from his gunblade within a ward only to release the pressure in a single direction. Effectively jet-propelling himself through the air.
Basile's real ability and talent, however, is his unwavering and unassailable sense of justice and optimism. He believes whole-heartedly that he will always be able to pull through in the end to see the the day is saved. He will be the ever-burning light in the dark.
alignment:  lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
languages: Common
family: Garland Bellerose (Father), Yvonne Bellerose (Mother), Violette Bellerose (Older Sister), Valérie Bellerose (Older Sister)
friends: Basile is the sort to quickly make friends. He's gregarious, charismatic, and kind. He's not one to force his company on anyone, but unless he's told to go away he probably will try to be your friend in one way or another. Friends of note would be his comrades amongst the Knight-Lieutenants in House Requingris.
sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
relationship: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating yet / it’s complicated
libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low /very low / non-existent
build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy / other
hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black
eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other
skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other
height: 7'2'', Exceptionally tall for an elezen.
scars: None of note.
dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword shield dagger or bow || summer or winter || spring or autumn ||past or future
A few songs that remind you of them:
Drill to Heaven with Your XXX!! (Gurren Lagann) The feeling in this song sums up Basile's energy 1000%
Aftermath (MechWarrior 4)
I'm Still Here (Treasure Planet)
Zero To Hero (Hercules)
It Doesn't Matter (Sonic Adventure)
tagged by: @dragons-ire and @tea-and-conspiracy
tagging: Seeing as how I'm late to the game, whoever wishes to do it!!
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