#belmont cameli icons
shitedits · 2 years
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Belmont Cameli in Along for the Ride (2022)
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beevean · 9 months
Really enjoy reading your analyses of Netflixvania. Makes me feel like I'm not crazy for disliking the series, since it seems most people really like it. I'm not a huge Castlevania fan (I wasn't even aware of any Castlevania manga until I read your posts), but the fight with Dracula at the end of season 2 just felt really off to me. Like every single character came out of it ten times worse than when they started. So I'm curious, what do you think of how Dracula was defeated?
I'm glad you liked it! <3 And I completely understand. The show gets praised to high heavens from everyone, and while I can dismiss the occasional "god i want to smother myself in alucard's tiddies" post, the long articles gushing about the stellar animation and carefully woven characters leave me more at loss... And like I said, it's not even a matter of being a fan of the games, the writing itself is seriously flawed.
Anyway, the Dracula sequence has me conflicted.
Dracula is appropriately shown to be an absolute beast in combat. Three against one can barely scratch the guy. And Godbrand says in an earlier episode that Dracula hasn't been feeding regularly, meaning he's also in a weakened state. It is, in theory, viscerally satisfying to see.
The animation finally reaches the standards that the general praise attributes to it. That is to say, it's really fucking cool. I appreciated the focus given to his giant Hellfire attack, since it's his most iconic one (although I don't think it should be touched with anything, but eh)
The "my boy" sequence is the most heartwrenching scene in the show, both because it's simply well written, because I like the poetry that a monster like Dracula can only be put down by his own human emotions, and because Graham McTavish's back must have hurt so bad, carrying the show like that. Seriously, he's leagues above every other voice actor.
Dracula being an absolute beast only makes me angrier in retrospect because the rest of S2 painted him as a Depressed Old Man™ slumping in his chair and being too Tired to properly supervise the war he started. "Carmilla has made her move" no shit you absolute dumbass, you and your lackey Isaac allowed her to do so! You were aware that she was dangerous and you didn't care!! Where were you all this time!!!
(and don't give me "well drac doesn't lift his own ass until the very last possible moment in the games either, it's lore accurate". that is a sign of arrogance and power. like drac doesn't need to lift a finger to stop intruders in their tracks, his legions of hell can do all the work. only if you actually, physically reach him, then he starts to fight. In the show he was so apathetic, that I almost lowkey agree with Carmilla's frustrations... and that's the point. It was artificial conflict for the sake of propping this OC.)
Dracula no-selling every attack paints the heroes as weak. Especially Trevor, who after making such a scene of the Morning Star in a previous episode can only piss him off with it.
Trevor punching Dracula, and him recognizing him as a Belmont because of that. The sheer lack of respect towards Trevor as a character and the source material cannot be contained :^)
(and this is minor, but I don't like how Sypha is the one getting scarred by the encounter. Alucard also got scarred by his father way back at the beginning, as he loves to flaunt. Meaning, Trevor is the only one who wasn't impacted by him, which boggles my mind - the scars that game Trevor has on his face and chest aren't there for show! They mark him as the Legendary Belmont who first survived against the Dark Lord! Why do y'all hate this guy so much?)
Alucard steals the entire glory. In a vacuum, it makes sense because they have the closest, most interesting relationship. Lore wise, this should have been Trevor's moment and once again he gets deprived of it. The Belmonts just don't have a legacy in the show.
Overall, For Love is a very well written emotional payoff to a huge waste of time. I don't care that Alucard is setting to kill his father because we barely know how he feels about that. I don't care that Trevor is finally about to fulfill his own legacy because the show kept spitting on it. Sypha is just there to be OP I guess. Their entire "arc" in S2 was them getting cooped up in the Belmont Hold, and Alucard and Sypha having fun being the biggest dicks to Trevor. They didn't even train! The most they did was to conveniently find that the castle uses an engine to move.
dracula doesn't even turn into anything :< where's my giant goat/bat monster form :<
... so I have more negatives than positives lmao. I agree with your general assertion that everyone looks worse than they should. However, there are genuine aspects to praise. I guess the scene is beautiful if you're a fan of Dracula and Alucard, and really disappointing if you're a fan of Trevor :P
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spinningbuster98 · 10 months
Castlevania (NES) Part 2: Old school sclerosis
Is Classic Castlevania gameplay outdated?
I think that many newcomers might immediately say yes. How can it not be outdated? It controls super stiff and it’s bullshit hard!
Not to play the part of an old school elitist telling others to git gud, but those stiff controls? They’re not the product of their time, they’re intentionally made that way, they are largely the point of this gameplay
First off: this game was made in 1986, the first Super Mario Bros came out a year earlier and allowed you to control your jumps in mid air. Mega Man would come out just a year after and it also has mid air jump controls, so this can’t be a case of “old NES era limitations”. Even if it were then how would you explain the games keeping these controls well after Super Castlevania 4?
The reason the Belmonts can’t change the direction of their jumps mid air and can’t whip in more than a single direction is the same reason why Mega Man can’t aim in multiple directions or why Sonic can’t stop on a dime in the Genesis games: these are intentional limitations that work in-tandem with the level design and enemy placement in order to provide the player with a specific challenge. You can’t aim in multiple directions in Mega Man so you have to aim very carefully and make use of your other weapons. You can’t stop on a dime in Sonic because the focus is learning how to make the physics-based gameplay work to your advantage.
The reason why the jump is so stiff in these games is because the games want the players to be really precise and meticulous with their jumps, while also being very precise in regards to how you deal with enemies: you’ll notice that your whip attacks aren’t instantaneous, there’s a brief wind up before it hits which not only makes each hit have more punch imo but it also serves to test the player’s timing in a subtle way: if you just spam the attack button you’ll get inconsistent hit rates, you have to time your button presses precisely in order to execute attacks at a fast rate, following a sort of rythm. Keep in mind: this idea of purposefully delaying the player’s attack in order to force them to find a rythm of sorts is still used in games today, like Dark Souls
The Classic Castlevania gameplay is not outdated, it’s about tough as nails platforming and combat that requires precision, quick reflexes and for the player to find ways to circumvent the limited movement. Make no mistake: everything can be avoided and defeated with this control scheme. That’s not to say that if you don’t like it you’re a disgrace to the series’ name or “not a real gamer” or anything like that, I’m just saying that not every design decision of old retro games was due to an “outdated mentality”
... that said however the original Castlevania is indeed pretty janky at times by virtue of still being a mid 80s game
Sometimes the enemy placement is just straight up unfair, especially whenever stairs are involved: these are another intentional design element, with the fact that you can’t jump or off of them thus having to carefully maneouver on them while dealing with enemies...but when you’re dealing with enemies that have pretty much random patterns like those bone throwing skeletons and with the fact that sub weapons will often refuse to activate while you’re climbing some stairs since the command to activate your sub weapon requires you to hold up on the D Pad and that’s also what you do to climb them
Then there’s the bosses
I must give credit where it’s due: these guys have lots of personality for the time. NES bosses back then were usually not very special: Mario just had you throw Bowser in lava about 8 times. Zelda just had you fight random monsters before you finally reach Ganon. Castlevania actually features completely unique and memorable bosses for each stage a whole year before Mega Man and the fact that they’re all iconic horror monsters definitely helps out
But the actual quality of the fights leaves a lot to be desired: the giant Bat is a joke but ok it’s the first boss. Medusa won’t even know what hit her since she’s the only boss vulnerable to the Stop Watch
The Mummies of Stage 3 are where shit starts hitting the fan: these guys have no real pattern that I know of, they just lumber back and forth randomly and throw bandages at you making the process of dodging them almost impossible. Frankenstein’s monster is even worse: the Creature itself will just go back and forth like a moron but its little helper will start hopping all over the place at complete random and its invincible! This is where the tried and true Classicvania strategy starts shining through: when in doubt douse it with Holy Water
Holy Water, in these games especially, can be disgustingly OP, thus making it the best weapon against the bosses. However using it against them will often require you to do a no-death run of the stage since you usually only find it at the start of the stage (and for the love of God don’t accidentaly pick up another weapon in the process, ESPECIALLY the knife), which can...certainly be an experience though to be fair here: the stages of Castlevania 1 are pretty short and there’s only 6 of them in total
Also Wicked Child is my favorite track in the game, more than even Vampire Killer, come at me!
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sweetsmalldog · 10 months
Castlevania: Nocturne Episode 5 liveblog
Starting out with beautifully drawn flowers we love to see it
Ritcher ;-;
Don’t fall in the lake
He ran because it was the last thing his mother told him to do ;—;
Aww Annette’s little smile
Drolta has a new outfit almost every scene fashion icon
Annette your gonna die if you go alone
Annette I understand what your saying but trauma works differently for everyone
Your trauma gave you rage because you knew you had no power you knew your mother had no power it was an injustice you had to live with while you saw her killer day after day. Ritcher thought their wasn’t anyone stronger than his mother that she was invincible like all the ancestors who came before who traveled Europe killing the undead and then she was gone that innocence was brutally ripped away
Olrox liking his blood blue is based as hell
Oh it’s this bitch again
More beautifully drawn flowers!!!
Ritcher how you doing king
This girl is flirting with him so hard
“Maybe I’m tired of fighting” ;-;
Maria is my daughter now get out motherfucker
I hate that the Abbot has a point but yeah the French revolution was not black and white and they killed innocents
Don’t compare yourself to fucking Charlemagne 
Why is he calling himself Judas
Maria my sweet oh no
Ritcher did get his great something’s alcoholism huh
Who is this old guy?
Why the vampire here?
Tell us your name old man!! That’s his grandfather isn’t he
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ozzyscollectiblehub · 1 month
Sports Illustrated 1973: The Triple Threat of Secretariat and Owner Penny Chenery Tweedy
In 1973, the world of sports witnessed an extraordinary feat—one that transcended the racetrack and captured the imagination of millions. At the heart of this story was Secretariat, the chestnut thoroughbred whose dominance on the track made him a legend, and his owner, Penny Chenery Tweedy, whose vision and determination helped make history. Sports Illustrated recognized this monumental achievement, dedicating a memorable cover story to the Triple Crown-winning horse and his trailblazing owner. This coverage immortalized their journey in the annals of sports history.
Secretariat: The Horse of a Lifetime
Secretariat’s story is one of unparalleled athleticism and sheer will. Born on March 30, 1970, at Meadow Stable in Virginia, Secretariat quickly showed signs of greatness. Trained by Lucien Laurin and ridden by jockey Ron Turcotte, he was known for his powerful build, speed, and striking chestnut coat. But it was his performance during the 1973 Triple Crown that solidified his status as one of the greatest racehorses of all time.
The Triple Crown, consisting of the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness Stakes, and the Belmont Stakes, had not been won since Citation’s victory in 1948. The pressure was immense, but Secretariat proved more than capable. He won the Kentucky Derby in a record time of 1:59 2/5, a mark that still stands today. He then took the Preakness Stakes with another record-breaking run. But it was in the Belmont Stakes that Secretariat’s legend was truly forged.
On June 9, 1973, Secretariat delivered what many consider the greatest performance in the history of horse racing. He won the Belmont Stakes by an astounding 31 lengths, shattering the record for the fastest 1.5 miles ever run on dirt—2:24 flat. The image of Secretariat pulling away from the field, his powerful stride unmatched, remains one of the most iconic moments in sports history.
Penny Chenery Tweedy: The Woman Behind the Legend
While Secretariat was the star on the track, his success would not have been possible without the determination and leadership of his owner, Penny Chenery Tweedy. In an era when the world of horse racing was dominated by men, Chenery stood out as a pioneer. Taking over the management of her father’s Meadow Stable after his health declined, Chenery faced skepticism and resistance, but she was undeterred.
Chenery’s faith in Secretariat was unwavering. She made bold decisions, from choosing the right trainer and jockey to negotiating syndication deals that would ensure the horse’s legacy long after his racing days were over. Her belief in Secretariat’s potential and her willingness to challenge the status quo made her a trailblazer in the sport.
Sports Illustrated’s coverage of Secretariat’s Triple Crown victory in 1973 was not just a celebration of the horse’s achievements, but also of Chenery’s remarkable leadership. The magazine highlighted the unique bond between Chenery and Secretariat, as well as her role in navigating the challenges that came with managing a champion racehorse.
The Legacy: A Moment Frozen in Time
The 1973 Sports Illustrated cover featuring Secretariat and Penny Chenery Tweedy is more than just a piece of sports memorabilia; it is a snapshot of a historic moment in American sports. The image of Secretariat, powerful and regal, with Chenery by his side, represents the pinnacle of success in horse racing. It is a testament to the extraordinary talent of one horse and the unshakable resolve of one woman.
Secretariat’s legacy has endured for decades. His records still stand, and his name remains synonymous with greatness. Penny Chenery Tweedy continued to be a prominent figure in horse racing, advocating for the sport and the well-being of its athletes. She passed away in 2017, but her impact on the sport remains profound.
The story of Secretariat and Penny Chenery Tweedy is one of triumph against the odds, a tale of a legendary horse and the woman who believed in him. Sports Illustrated’s 1973 coverage captured this story for the world to see, ensuring that the legacy of Secretariat and Chenery would be remembered for generations to come.
Sports Illustrated Magazine 1973 Triple Threat Secretariat and Owner Tweedy VTG | eBay
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swisxysims · 5 months
Willow Creek - SwisxySims Revamp
So hey guys on my patreon that I was working on a big project! Well here's just a part of it. I plan on revamping every world I have in my sims game. I added some new townies with some back stories along with them having birthdays along with zodiac signs (thanks to the zodiac mod). I didn't keep all the townies but removed the less iconic ones. The iconic sims in willow creek that I have kept and even gave them a make over (didn't change them that much) are The Goths for sure we can't have the sims with Bella, I also kept the pancakes and the BFF household. This post I will be showing you just the buildings and I will make a whole another post with the new townies and their back stories. I also came up with street names for the areas in the world.
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Booth Heights (Foundry Cove Area)
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7723 Booth Heights 1 bed 1 bath , Owned by Jayda Mueler
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7724 Booth Heights Willow Creek 2 beds 1 bath , Owned by the Seay's
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7725 Booth Heights Willow Creek 3 beds 2 baths , Owned by the BFF's
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7726 Booth Heights Willow Creek 2 beds 1 bath , Owned by The Burk's
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The Fill-up Gas station Located in Booth Heights next to the Burk's
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Broad Oaks (Courtyard Lane Area)
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8930 Broad Oaks Willow Creek 2 beds 1 bath , owned by the Senior Clifford's
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8931 Broad Oaks Willow Creek 2 beds 1 bath , Owned by The Windom's
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8932 Broad Oaks Willow Creek 2 beds 1 bath , Owned by The Karim's
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8933 Broad Oaks Willow Creek 3 beds 1 1/2 baths , Owned by The Marsh's
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Willow Creek's Postal Service
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Peony Road (Pendula View)
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9212 Peony Road Willow Creek 1 bed 1 bath , Owned by Eleanore Briggs
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9213 Peony Road Willow Creek 2 beds 1 bath , Owned by The Pancakes
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9214 Peony Road Willow Creek 3 beds 1 bath , Owned by The Goths
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9215 Peony Road Willow Creek 1 bed 1 bath , Owned by Jacob Davies
Belmont View ( Sage Estates Area )
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Mayor's House 6148 Belmont View Willow Creek 4 beds 1 bath , Owned by the Jenkins
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6149 Belmont View Willow Creek 2 beds 1 1/2 baths , Owned by the Matthews
Weeping Quarters ( Crawdad Quarters Area )
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Willow Creek's National Park
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Thrift & Sip and Willow Creek's Library
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Bella Divine (Bella Goth's Occult Store) and Walgreens confected to a Krispy Kreme restaurant
This is just the willow creek town! just wait till you get to meet the townies and learn of their back stories because some of them are messyyyy. ANYWAYS I appreciate every single one of you guys <3
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justpbfstuff · 2 years
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petutunias · 2 years
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*   🐸 : 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠…   at the source link you will find 193 gifs icons [ 85px ] of the white american actor, BELMONT CAMELI on along for the ride [ 2022 ]. he born in 1998, cast him accordingly. cw: kissing, crying. flashing lights, car scenes, body image, open sea. food waste :(.
IMPORTANT : each gif were made by me from scratch, so please, read and follow my rules before using. this is a free pack. enjoy ♡
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wickedgifs-moved · 4 years
— belmont cameli gif icons.
CLICK HERE OR THE SOURCE LINK BELOW to be redirected to +325 gif icons of belmont cameli from his role as jamie spano in saved by the bell. belmont is white (italian) and was twenty-two at the time, so please keep all of this in mind when casting him. all these gifs were made by me from scratch so do not steal or edit them in any way. if you found any of this helpful, please consider liking and reblogging this post!
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cursezone · 2 years
my FAVORITE thing about richter is the duality. its such a look into how the belmont legacy is like a curse itself. i REALLY wish the games went into more detail about why richter became possessed, what the intentions ACTUALLY were and how they came to be. i think thats why i dislike the notion richter just wanted to be a famous hunter or that the possession was ENTIRELY out of richters control. my favorite thing about richter is the compassion, the need to do the right thing, the anger in being persecuted and repressed, and how that was manipulated. how richter was controlled by the church and in the attempt to free those under their control richter was led straight into another persons control. literally obsessed with this flawed legend who destroyed their whole family legacy. WHAT AN ICON FR.
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missmewts · 3 years
music//the evans
(seasons 1-7, luke cooper, peter maximoff, there will be more in part two!)
rating; pg
warnings; none???
basically some music artists and songs evan's roles might listen to. the gif isn't evan but gaga is iconic so don't complain
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LUKE COOPER...the office, 2010
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MGK. don't even argue. he's obsessed with machine gun kelly
but if someone asks, it's kanye west
he's never heard a single song of kanye's
his favorite radio station on sirius xm is the pulse
he really likes sunflower and best friend by rex orange county, but those are the only ones
he gets chills everytime ben platt's 'imagine' comes on. don't ask why.
TATE LANGDON...ahs: murder house, 2011
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but specifically my axe or boogie-woogie-woo tho
he doesn't mention liking them tho cause it's sorta out of place with everything else he likes
nirvana obvi
probably stevie nicks/fleetwood mac
the doors
build me up buttercup, specifically
crosby stills nash & young
he loves the classic vinyl and classic rewind stations on sirius xm
bargain by who ofc ofc
sorry i'm just like a nerd for classic rock
KIT WALKER...ahs: asylum, 2012
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the drifters, of course
i count the tears and there goes my baby
AIN'T TOO PROUD TO BEG WHILE HE'S COOKING!!? i could write a whole fic of kit dancing in the kitchen while he makes cookies
sea of love by phil phillips KAKDJED
def brandy (you're a fine girl) by looking glass
listens to elvis and jackie wilson
loves the 50s on 50 station
KYLE SPENCER...ahs: coven, 2013
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he's totally an 80's nerd but he's lowkey about it
that one song from matilda where it's like mmm m mm mmm
need you tonight. TOTALLY.
maybe the occasional nirvana song, but he prefers 80s pop
speaking of-
it's the only title he can pronounce so that's the only song he says he likes <3
he did try to learn the japanese in the song, but he gave up
JIMMY DARLING...ahs: freakshow, 2014
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(a lot of inspiration came from "vintage playlist but youre a teenager in love" by rainbeary on youtube)
imagine kit
we all totally know he loves love songs but don't tell him that
he loves the ronnetes
he totally just dances around his caravan, 'we make 'em turn their heads every place we go, so won't you please be my, be my baby!!'
whenever i think of jimmy, soul kitchen comes STRAIGHT to mind. he would totally fuck someone to that
PETER MAXIMOFF...xmen, 2014-19
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a sucker for classic rock
sweet dreams (are made of this) obvi
billy joel!!!
i love rock n roll by joan jett and the black hearts
the joker by the steve miller band!!
JAMES PATRICK MARCH...ahs: hotel, 2015
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he loves swing and big band!!
moonlight serenade by glenn miller and his orchestra
loves glenn miller
it's been a long, long time
yk, that song that we all cry to?
he totally dances around with elizabeth to that song, just singing along all quiet, 'kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again.'
star dust by artie shaw and his orchestra
'darling, did you know, ella's voice, according to ancient studies, is utterly perfect?'
can you tell i adore james
RORY MONAHAN...ahs: roanoke, 2016
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totally has one of those spotify radio things
he loves 2000s pop
he loves yellow by coldplay, though
lady marmalade is his ANTHEM
he lives for salt n peppa
KAI ANDERSON...ahs: cult, 2017
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he says he likes death metal and shit but he's a sucker for softies
yellow by coldplay, bubly by colbie caillat, and home by phillip phillips are his top three
he loves mac demarco and girl in red
888 specifically, ugh he loves it
he loves how the guitar comes in nearing the end, like it gets more intense
he relates to hot rod way too much
ugh kai is a softie
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beevean · 1 year
Here's a trickier question: between IDW and NFCV which displays the worst amount of favoritism towards their OCs? :P
Of course in NFCV's case we're counting Isaac as an OC
Oh, then NFCV, no doubt. Motherfucker became the true protagonist of the show.
"But Sonic also lost relevance in IDW!" Very true, I did not forget how the main cover of #50 featured Surge, Kit and Starline instead of him. But at least he has appeared in meaningful arcs, although always glued to Tails or other OCs. At least he has had memorable moments, although in the worst of ways. It's only in the last arc that Sonic has felt like he's been included because of obligation, but generally speaking, even when it became clear that the writers vastly preferred their own characters to avoid dealing with guidelines, Sonic still mattered in a way - c'mon bro let's not forget all the horrible morality discourse that came with him. Also, to be fair, IDW is a comic with an episodic format: it's not really meant to have a cohesive theme, it's meant to be a collection of adventures of Sonic & co. The main problem is that "& co" are now mainly OCs.
I have no idea what NFCV is about.
I realized recently that I can describe what the game series is about very easily: "The Belmont family and their allies vs. Dracula, stuck in a cycle of revenge and rebirth". But NFCV? Sure, it starts pretending to be a CV3 adapation, fair; then it starts to be rather unbalanced in S2, where it technically splits between heroes and villains but the villain plotline is far more fleshed out and complex than the heroes sitting in a library bitching to each other... but then in S3 and S4 you have:
Isaac and the real Hector's his character arc about becoming more than a tool, finding agency for himself, and learning to respect mankind
Hector's Torture Porn show
Alucard literally wasting his life away in his old home that his friends abandoned him in, then going to save a random village
Trevor & Sypha doing... hero shit, I guess
The #girlboss council replacing Dracula as the main villains in theory, but in practice being mostly Carmilla "scheming" or going on cliché villain/radfem rants, and Lenore intersecting with the aforementioned Hector Torture Porn show (+ Striga and Morana being kept around for Representation)
exclusive to S4, St. Germain's descent into villainy and Death's plan to completely nullify the whole point of Dracula and Lisa being dead, sticking it up canon's ass
This is too much. No wonder most of these plotlines were rushed to death. Most importantly, which are the plotlines that get the most importance? That's right: Isaac's, the #girlbosses', and the S4 villains. All of them are OCs. The main trio of canon protagonists is essentially put on a bus. (Hector is a special case: he has a fair amount of screentime, but he's not treated like a character)
Hell even S2 was all about how much better the OC villain Carmilla was than canon Dracula and his silly plan! "Oh but IDW did the same!" True, Starline couldn't shut the fuck up about how smarter he was than Eggman. But at least he died before Eggman. And not to forgive how mistreated Eggman is in IDW, but Dracula wasn't exactly better, sitting around all Depressed and apathetic for two seasons until he gave one (1) great fight and then died and then was resurrected at the very end without his iconic hatred for mankind... which is almost like as if Eggman got put on a bus for three years, then returned, then decided to become Mr. Tinker.
IDW is bad, but everything it does to piss me off, NFCV will always do worse.
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randomvarious · 2 years
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Today’s compilation:
Best of Doo Wop Ballads, Vol. 2: Golden Archive Series 1989 Doo Wop / R&B / Soul / Pop
Folks, if you fancy yourself a good doo wop ballad, then this is simply your comp. I mean, we kick things off with maybe the most famous doo wop song of all time in "I Only Have Eyes for You" by The Flamingos, which features that super iconic "D'bop-sh'bop" backing vocal that's come to more or less define the genre as a whole.
But if you're the type who more prefers the finger-snappin' kind of doo wop with backing sections that more prominently feature dynamic vocal ranges, listen to the highly underrated and overlooked "What Time Is It?" by The Jive Five and then dump out. Because, in all honesty, while I totally dig that Flamingos tune, what I really came for are those combinations of searing falsettos and "bum-bum" vocal bass stylings, and unfortunately, I didn't really get much of either. I know I'm not alone in thinking that one of doo wop's greatest aspects is those top-to-bottom vocal ranges playing integral roles in the songs. And a lot of these merely have those singers providing light accompaniment in the form of smooth harmonies instead, either on equal footing with the instrumentation or sometimes even less so. And that's really just not nearly as fun or interesting to me. 😔
Less Makeout Point, more Sock hop, please.
The Flamingos - "I Only Have Eyes for You" Dion & The Belmonts - "That's My Desire" The Jive Five - "What Time Is It?"
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pinacolanagifs · 4 years
what’s this? starring as jamie spano in the show saved by the bell reboot (season 1, episode 1). you ‘ll find #21 (268x151) gifs of belmont cameli in the source link below. if you find these gifs helpful please give this post a like or reblog. i’d love to see these as gif icons or in crackships, but please tag or contact me so i’m aware they’re being used (and also because i love to see the content!! ).
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gifftings · 3 years
she / her
trying my best
this is a sideblog, so i follow from surfmusics !
if you see me mistag something or forget to tag something, please please please do not hesitate to message and correct me!
if suggesting, please be respectful and remember your manners !
if suggesting, please use my name. makes it feel more personal and not like a copy + paste to a bunch of different people
if you’re using my gifs:
please do not use them in smut rps / smut threads
please do not use them to rp taboo subjects
please do not use them to rp real people ( ex. playing ariana grande as herself in a celeb rp )
please do not use them to rp minors
if you want to edit my gifs in any way ( gif icons, crackships, etc. ):
please reach out to me OFF ANON.
please include credit
please link my original pack
belmont cameli -- saved by the bell reboot ( 166 / ? )
toheeb jimoh -- s1 ted lasso
dylan llewellyn -- derry girls
spence moore ii -- ap bio
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justpbfstuff · 2 years
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