#belmont cameli gif hunt
villainsimpqueen · 6 months
Eternal Bloodlines
Adriana tepes/ Alucard x Male Dhampire reader
This fanfic is for 18+ Audience's due to it containing gorey themes and later on smut.
Also available on A03
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chp 9
Traveling was something you always have done. On ships to other clan lands or villages that were to be raided. Ships filled with men and sometimes a few women. Packed so tightly that you would have to sleep pressed against each other sometimes.
Traveling alone was something you had grown so used to within the year you had arrived in Wallachia may have changed something within you. So much that now suddenly traveling with three other people is driving you almost mad.
"We should take the northern roads." Sypha's voice clipped from the caravan, her normally soft and soothing voice had now turned into an annoying woodpecker thrumming on bark.
"Taking the northern roads will only make us reach snow quicker, we should take the eastern roads." Trevor bickered back like a screeching barn owl who somehow forgot to be silent in its hunting.
"A route like that will surely delay us half a week.Taking the northern roads would keep us on time." Alucards pointed out his observation, He was like…
You allowed a huff leaving you as Haldin who also seemed to share your annoyance of the new part huffed as well. The horse sped up in its pace now ahead of the caravan beside the leading pulling horse. You ran your hand through Haldins thick glossy mane and leaned forwards to the horse's ears.
"Think we could lose em?" You whispered into the gentle beast ear feeling it flick hitt8ng your lips. Haldin let out a noise that could only be horse laughter as if you told the horse the world's greatest joke. It pulled a smirk to your lips as you pressed back up eyes staring ahead of the trails while the threes bickering of routes chartered behind you.
"Oh what do you both know!" Sypha whined out, before calling your name bringing you to turn back and look at them.
"What do you say?" She asked you, Once again bringing you into a conversation you'd prefer to stay away from. She had been doing that alot these past few weeks. Bringing you into conversations, asking you to at least join them at breakfast and dinners where the three liked to bicker nonsense and she would try to get you to join in their bickering. Which only made the other two males tense up and stare at you as you stared back blankly and dully answer her questions. Yet you still looked at her while you felt two pairs of eyes burn into you.
"The route that has the nearest village." You told her, hoping that was satisfactory and she would let you leave this conversation.
"So you can bury your fangs into some poor woman's neck." Trevor accused you of sneering in his tone. It always intrigued me at how fast he was to trust the other half breed who sat so comfortably beside him but he still was always ready to lash his whip at you.
Nevertheless you blankly looked at the Belmont.
"So that I can buy a tavern room with a wash bin with hot water to wash my arse, something you could also benefit from." You clipped back at him turning on your horse to face back to the road ahead.
"With what coin? Gotta have coins to buy-" Trevors words were cut off when you reached into your boot holding up a small leather bag that jingled as you held it into the air.
"I have a coin. Plenty of it." You called back and you pocketed the bag into your boot.
"How the hell do you have coins?"
"Trevor, that is very rude!" Syphas scolding came to your ears but the man's questioning had too made you turn all the way on Haldin riding him backwards staring at him.
"Easy. Hunt. Kill animals. Sell their meat, sell their fur if they have shitty hands. If not, take fur and make hoods. Make gloves sell em at markets more coin." You explained using your hands to talk with them. Seeing how Trevor, Sypha and even Alucard were staring at you. You should've stopped there, knowing you made your point, but that was before your lips tugged to a smirk.
"Ah. One last thing, Don't spend every last coin on rotten ale cause you're a waking drunkard."
There was a flash of silver and your hand moved faster from the backside of Haldin into the hard, claws snapping shut around a wooden handle to a dagger, its blade narrowly by your face. You moved your eyes to it before twisting your hand to admire its state. The smirk pulled to a grin as you flicked your eyes to the brewing vampire hunter.
"I am keeping this. " You grinned, pocketing the blade well on your person before turning back to ride Haldin correctly.
"Bloody bastard." Trevor had muttered as Sypha scolded him and you.
"At least one of you has class." She groaned, moving deeper inside of the caravan.
Alucard's eyes had moved to watch her but they soon swept away and towards the other Dhampire ahead of the group.
"Class my ass, Alucard is just as bad if not worse." Trevor snipped back, making him glance at him.
"I haven't the faintest idea what you are speaking of. You wish to tarnish my person Belmont." He spoke towards the Man but his eyes focused on you. The moment that had passed allowed him to see a playful side of you, that moment that had went right over the hunters head. You were strange to Alucard, by human and vampire standards. You were unusually quiet and if it wasn't for your fainest of heartbeats he would have easily assumed you were a figment of all three of their imaginations. The moments you did speak it was straight to the point and of a few words. You hardly spoke to the group and Sypha out of three of them would purposely spar you into conversation with her and even then you barely spoke more than a few words at a time choosing to hum or grunt as yes or no.
He had first thought it was because you saw all of them as beneath you much like a full blooded vampire would easily do so, but He began to wonder if it was more so the fact you didn't know how to respond to them.
They all were far closer to your age than the people of your village if the way you very vaguely explained your home was like how he presumed it to be.
You only had Elders, No one your age or younger around.
Your words didn't exactly speak with your words or expressions for that matter.
If one asked for help you would glare at them until the question fell flat on the cold air, and yet you carried out whatever task that died on the cold fronts wind.
Your actions spoke more about your character than the thick bundled volumes Alucard read in his studies alone.
Even now as the Belmont, The speaker and himself busy themselves with idleness chatter your horse merely a few paces ahead of the caravan and you seemingly sitting backwards in the saddle to lay your back against the gentle beasts neck to slumber, Your limbs seem to be burning with a fire ready to burn down forests at a moments notice. Your soundly snores seem to be better actors than most performers as your eyes moved behind your eyelids to every Subtle sound and twig snap mostly due to the wildlife fucking in the bushes. You were very alert that he was sure if there was even the faintest hint of danger you would be wide awake hand on your Ax and flying off your loyal steed within the barest of a second.
You also were oddly polite, not in the form of Politeness one would think, no you were Wallachia polite if anything you would be savage.
But you were Polite in the ways like a few days prior when Sypha had cooked up something truly dubious that was so bitter it made her own eyes water, so sour that it made the Belmont curse not so quietly by the taste and foul that Even himself mustered a few hidden grimaces. You, however, remained silent and brought the bowl of such substance to your lips chewing on burnt liquid and chewy meat, Not a word, a watering tear or a change in your nonchalant face as you went down mouthful after mouthful. And when you were questioned how you could bare such tartness you simply looked at them and muttered
‘She cooks, I eat.’
Or even now as they finally enter the village they change routes as you pull out your coins and place a handful of them in Syphas hands.
“Grab room and baths and supper. I'll be at the markets.”
A simple string of instructions that were to take care of all of them, not just yourself and before the woman could protest or bring up the cost that came heavily from your pocket alone you were walking away slipping your bag of coins back to your hip.
While the room may have been fairly cheap and the supper wouldn't have put any dents in that coin bag of yours, the luxury of paying for four baths that included the most simple of soaps, certainly had.
It didn't take long for Trevor to ditch them in favor of the nearest tavern ale, and as He and Sypha charged themselves with securing a room, selecting a pot of stew and what kind of meat pieces was easy. The question of how long of a bath they should pay for and kind of soaps they should use your coins to indulge in came to stump them both as they stared at the full hand Sypha held in front of them and the inn lad.
“It would be rude to buy the more expensive baths and soaps.” Sypha started as she looked towards him.
“Though he washes with the collected rain water every night and morning, Vikings are very thorough with their hygiene, a cheap bath may be considered an insult towards him.” Alucard countered.
“It's not like he said what kind of bath to buy, just room, supper, baths..” The speaker hummed out unsurely.
You had given her a lot of coins for such things.
“Perhaps we settle with the simpler baths and get him the better ones.” Alucard reasoned and it seemed good enough for Sypha as She paid the inn lad the funds and collected the bath tokens before heading out of the Inn with him in tow.
“Trevor would most likely be in a tavern.” She announced as they both walked away from the inn.
“And Y/n would be in the markets.” He simply recounted your words from before.
They both silenced for just merely a minute before the words slipped from their mouths.
“To the markets then.”
You weren't exactly sure how you ended up in the position, sitting down in front of this village's old and mostly drying water well with little hands buried deeply into your hair, nor ears filled with delighted squeals and giggles but it had happened.
You were once strolling through the village's small market buying simple things like spices or sweating cloths, newer socks when you soon noticed the small crowd of very small feet following you. Tiny whispers about the giant man who wore no shirt and hair had specs of fire in it.
Such tiny little strangers who had become so fascinated with the imposter in their village as you peeked over your shoulder to see them quickly scatter behind carts or crates. One of them crashes into a cart causing a few of the merchant's apples to go rolling on the ground and the older woman making a fuss and raising a crane at the small lassie who caused the scene.
Two small fearful eyes squeezing shut for a lashing that never came for the woman's cane had struck your palm before your fingers gripped it tightly.
“I'll pay for them.” You forced back a snarl as you flung three coins onto the merchants table and pushed back letting go of the cane watching the woman stumble. She spoke words fouler than your own tongue but moved to be friendly to some women looking to buy her fruits. You had bent down to grab the appless cleaning on your pants leg before holding it out to the small stranger whose eyes were wide and filled with so much lively emotion at you.
Like a little lamb.
And it seems all the others had seen you proven yourself not a foe for they had surrounded you with their never ending questions.
“Why do you not wear a shirt?”
“How are you so large?”
“Is your hair always so wild?”
The little lambs had cornered you away from the market tables and towards the well where you sat on its steps.
Their questions kept going as they asked about everything you wore on your person and mostly your hair.
Such strange little things, and to think they grow up into the most vile things.
“Is your hair like fire?” A small little lassy ask and you grunted.
“Are you brave to touch?” You asked and soon you had not only several little lasses hands into your hair but a small lad as well.
two more lads sitting in front of you fascinated with your ax you had moved from your back to keep the lasses from cutting their tiny little hands.
You felt small tugs here and there of your hair as it was taken in small handfuls being twisted and turned as the little ones braided and tied your hair all up.
Had it been grown folk you would've snarled and snapped necks but you did not feel no annoyance, no disgust at the small little strangers who giggled and squealed around you like little piglets.
The little lads in front of you took turns trying to pick up your weapon and failing under your watchful eye as you carved apples into slices with the Belmonts dagger.
slices that got plucked away from your large palm by tiny little fingers.
And you still felt no anger or annoyances in you as it happened, simply grabbing another one of the apples and carving into them.
You had been this small once a time, you must've been just as grabby with your once tiny little hands towards everything your mother had.
You watched them with fascination of your own, and wondered if you had acted the same way, when you once were a little stranger yourself, by yourself. Alone.
Yet as they played together and chatted about nothing and everything, you did not feel envy of it at all, but a sense of….happiness for them?
The little lambs had other lambs to play with, instead of being just only a lamb.
It oddly gave you a sense of compassion, and you were continent at being the center of the childrens temporary happiness. Answering their endless questions and having apple slices snatched away from your palm by tiny fingers. Simply ignoring the feeling of eyes landing on you as adults watched with various emotional faces.
Men scowling and whispering questioning of your manhood because you let the little lasses braid ribbons into your hair strands.
The fawning of women to see a seemingly giant brute be so gentle with children and how they wouldn't mind being split by him to provide a few more of their own.
The eyes of once little strangers grew into vile livestock that made your teeth itch with the need to rip the life from those eyes and make the other staring livestock run and scatter.
Yet you did not move from your seat as you dugg the dagger into the flesh of a bruised apple keeping your eyes on it as it cut through the red peel, reminding you how easy it was to take your blade and slice through a grown man's neck and spinal cord.
“Where are you from?” the smallest lad that had joined the lassies in braiding your hair had seemed to find his voice causing you to shift your head to glance at him.
“Overseas.” You spoke as you finished carving the apple, plucking a slice behind your lips, teeth crunching down into it.
“Overseas..” The little lad had whispered before his forest eyes seemed to glimmer.
“Are there monsters in the sea?” excitement came from him.
“Aye. Plenty of them.” You told him and it seemed to be the response that had all the little ones stop in their playing, their braiding as they moved to settle down, eyes wide of innocent wonder.
“Have you fought some?”
“How big are they?”
“Tell us!”
“Tell us! Please! Please!”
“Tell us a story!”
the bleating little lambs cried.
And it almost saddens you at the thought of how many of these little strangers would die less by sickness of the winter, but more to the snarling teeth of night creatures that would drag them from their beds, mauled little necks snapped. A quick death if such creatures had any mercy for the true innocents of the livestock.
Perhaps that thought was the reason why you indulge their curiosity and tell them stories your mother or the few Villagers who helped in your raising had told you when you too were once, just a little stranger.
The sight was baffling. It threw them off more than the sound of your voice and the laughter of wee children. But the sight of you sitting down with children circled around you and you telling them a story, your hands moving as if mimicking characters. It was not a scene the two and soon third to join them weren't prepared to see.
“Am i drunk already?” Trevor spoke with confusion as he glanced at the pint of ale in his hand.
“For once I am unsure.” Alucard answered, his eyes not moving from the sight.
“So speakers aren't the only ones he warms up towards.” Sypha spoked as she watched you interact with the children, a smile forming on her face as she watched. She heard the other make jokes causing her to roll her eyes and nudge them both to silence themselves.
“I think it suits him.” She told them, causing both men to give her looks of questioning and she nodded towards you brushing your hands on your pants legs, you had leaned forward to the group of children, a faint grin flinching on your lips as your story seemed to grow tension drawing their little heads closer.
“Fatherhood.” Sypha answered their looks making them look towards you. A snort leaving Trevor.
“No, more like an uncle or something.” He muttered. Yet Alucard had not spoken a word as he watched you. Sypha's eyes did not leave the moment you found yourself in, This was good for you. She just knew it was, From your and her previous conversations she knew you had a strange mix of ideals towards humans from your parents. You had a strong view built from your father, due to losing your mother at such a young age, yet your mothers side poked out of you as it refused to leave you. A rarer side but still laced into your mind as a storm of water and fire fight each other inside it.
But seeing you sit at the village's old well, seeming eager to tell the small village children stories earning squeals of excitement and giggles of glee. She could see a glimpse of a man you could've been had your mother survived,
A man you still could be if you wanted to be.
Sypha didn't Lie when she said this suited you, She could see you being a gentle Father. Perhaps after their mission to stop this war on humans Dracula had started you could travel away from Wallachia, perhaps even further away from your home and find a good woman who can soften your half dead heart and give it life. The chances of her being human are greater, since from how Alucard explained the vampiric society, very very very few are around His and your age and they are most likely all across the world and seas..Perhaps you can see that woman more than just the lowly livestock, but someone you cam deeply cherish and love. She liked the small fantasy of you having a future of a Man than one that seemed so lonely as a Vampire. She liked to think you would find a nice woman and settle down, have children if you were lucky to sire your own or even adopt some little strangers into your home with warm arms.
But as a Man stormed to the Well to snatch up a little boy who was playing in your hair with the little girls she saw that grin leave your face in a scowl that showed a glimpse of the two sharpened teeth that ripped a peaceful life away from you, As you stood up to tower over the man.
The moment you had found yourself in was ruined and Sypha was already making her way quickly to you and the man with the Belmont and Tepes behind each step to get between you and the man.
The man shouting at you for daring to allow his boy to be a priss his grip too tight around the lads wrist making him cry out as the other children scrambled away from the man's fury and you behind pushed back by Alucard when you went to take a step forward.
“There's no need to cause trouble.” She quickly spoke for you, over you and Trevor stepping in to charm the man's rage down into a mutter of insults as he dragged the lad away.
When she turned to try to comfort you you had a snarl deep on your face.
“You allowed him to continue to hurt Ians wrist.” Was all you growled out as your snarl that once was on the man fell onto her.
“He is his father.” Trevor answered, stepping in front of her once again, always stepping in to be a shield she did not ask for.
“A Drunkard.” You snapped “And a coward.”
“Still his father.”
The conversation did not last long as she watched you storm away, The scowl remained on your face as They later found you at the inn when the sun was setting. Lean against one of its walls head towards the sun set. Trevor had left you there in favor of going into the warmth of the Inns tavern and eventually to the shared bedroom you had paid for. Sypha guilty right after his footsteps as the cold bit at her nose and ears for far too long as its temperatures plummet far quicker than any other night since you all had joined forces. She would try approaching you another time, and she silently swore.
It was Alucard who joined your side by the wall being greeted with a side glance of your eyes before they flicked back to the setting sun.
“I was surprised you cared.” His voice slowly crawled into yours and he watched your brows furrowed as you began to glare more at the sky.
“I tasted his fear when that bastard grabbed him.” You replied dryly.
“You tasted?” It was an unusual claim you had spoken, to taste one's emotions did not sound right.
“I did not know you Wallachian strike your children as if they were slaves.” You grunted out and shifted against the wall as your head turned to settle your eyes upon him fully.
“Your father never struck you for being in trouble?” Alucard questioned and watched as your brows furrowed.
“No he yelled, then he lectured and then I scrubbed ships.. He never struck me unless we were in a spar and I was to learn to fight.” You had answered before looking back at the setting sun. A silence growing over the both of you as the sun was both of yall's focus.
“He will be beaten when he is forced into his home full of fear. He will grow to beat his own children and they will grow to beat theirs…Fear does not make a strong man only cowardly.” Your voice was soft and quiet as if you were merely thinking out loud then continuing a conversation with him.
“What did he do that was so wrong to be beaten?”
Alucard looked at you and had to remind himself of the differences of knowledge that lay between you.
“He was caught doing manly things.” He had told you watching how your brows knitted more together and your lips curled flashing the tips of your sharpened fangs.
“Braiding hair?” The disbelief was strong in your tone as your hand went to a loose and messy braid among many other messy ones.
“Learning to care and tidy one's hair is not just a woman's place. He should learn to care for his hair, how to keep it clean and tidy to keep bugs from it.”
You twirled the braid over your fingers as you remember how even after your mothers death and despite how busy he always was, Your father had sat down and taught you the basics on braiding your hair and keeping it up to keep it clean for long periods of time. How to put selves in it to keep it fresher while on ships until you got to clean unsalted waters to wash the seabreeze and sweat out of your roots. How to run thinly made bone combs through to pick out dead skin from your scalp and any small head fleas should you become unfortunate to catch them.
Who you should allow to braid your hair, for you should be wary if they have the worst intentions of whispering hushed prayers of your downfall within each plait. How you should only let those who only have good intentions and ones who would whisper your victory into your hair strands braid them together than one with an ill tongue.
How could something so important be seen as just a womanly thing here? Is being seen as shameful for a boy to partake in and to be beaten by his drunken father justified?
“It's just how things are expected here.” Alucard had answered, had excused. it brought a bitter taste on your tongue much worse than the sour one you tasted when the drunken bastard had stormed towards you and the group of little ones to snatch the poor lad, Ian away. The sour taste of the pathetic dragging down one's light. And while this village had yet seen the terror of night creatures, you wished for the first one's death of this village was that drunken bastard. You silently wished for his downfall being ripped to shreds by a night demon but also hoped that little Ian would be able to escape soundly and survive long enough until no more night creatures roamed the earth and that the boy could grow to be a strong man, and teach his own little strangers the things he was wrongly punished for, You then hoped that all Wallachian children who were wrongly punished for things that were oddly gender based would be able to grow up and be able to praise their little ones for wanting to learn. Whether it was sewing or doing one's hair.
Perhaps when humans could learn to do so without basing basic life knowledge on being womanly and manly things they would be less like livestock and actually be considered beings that are not lowly animals.
You looked at Alucard sharply.
“Your Wallachian expectations are bullshit.”
chp 10
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embermoonsworld · 9 months
Olrox Headcanons
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.Olrox was the son of a Tetechutin, a high lord of Aztec culture (he seems too regal and sophisticated to have just been a commoner. Another tell he was probably royalty or nobility is his emerald earring as only royals/nobles could wear them).
.Though polygamy was common among Aztec nobility, his father was loyal only to his mother. This is what inspired him to be a loyal, devoted partner.
.He was young when the conquistadors came, about in his mid to late teens.
.He blames Montezuma for his empire's downfall because he foolishly let the invaders live instead of killing them on sight. He believes it would've saved them so much trouble.
.He and his family kept their titles as a result of the conquest and the implementation of the Spanish order (because the Spanish king saw it as a way of pacifying the local nobles). However, the rest of his people were forced into hard labor under the Spanish encomtenda (landlord). He hated every moment he was forced to bear the Spainards but kept it in for the sake of his remaining family.
.He saw many friends and family members die either by warfare or disease. He suffers survivor's guilt as a result. This also began his greatest fear- losing loved ones and feeling helpless to stop it.
.Olrox was turned in the year 1533 and was between his late 20s-early thirties.
.His sire was an incredibly ancient and powerful Olmec vampire (Olmecs were the ancestors of the Aztecs and lived thousands of years before they did). He/she was a priest/priestess of the god Quetzalcoatl in their human life and, for whatever reason, made a pact with the serpent deity to become a vampire. Olrox then made a similar pact when they turned him and that's why Olrox is so powerful- his sire was very powerful and very ancient, at least 1500-2000+ years old.
.Olrox slaughtered the encomtenda and other local oppressors that had indentured his people, freeing many of the Aztec slaves as well, some of them following Olrox and being turned by him. After that, he began traveling the world. He would cross paths with many so called vampire hunters. Well, you all know how that fared for them.
.After two centuries, Olrox had long become the lord of the vampires in the Americas, (possibly being one of the first vampires in the New World). His reputation is what possibly drove Julia Belmont to hunt vampires in America.
.His feathered serpent form is the result of his sire's pact with Quetzalcoatl.
.He met his Mohican lover at least a decade or so before the Native American was killed by Julia.
.His lover refused to feed on human blood, only animal blood. Olrox respected his wishes. Olrox even followed his example by splitting his feedings between animals and humans.
.Olrox protected his lover on the battlefield when he fought in the Revolutionary War.
.Olrox is bisexual but leans more towards men. Homosexuality was frowned upon in Aztec society and for a long time he struggled with it.
.His favorite color is purple.
.His favorite flowers are orchids.
.His favorite food was tamales.
.His eyes were light green even as human. According to him, he got the color from his mother.
.His preference for feeding on the rich stems from his deeply ingrained grudge against rich white men. Although, he equates rich white men to diseased vermin at times since they brought plagues to his people.
.He would never feed on women, children or the elderly. He's not that cruel.
.In vampire society, he's attained the status of an aristocrat. He understands that power and wealth is what drives the world and plays the game if just to survive and keep from ever being powerless or enslaved again.
. It's not that he hates money and wealth, it's that he hates corrupt people using money and status to harm others.
.In his 250+ years as a vampire noble, he's accumulated an insane amount of wealth, power and influence. He gets his wealth mainly from his own trading company and has many trade partners all over the world (most of them vampires). You won't find him complaining about his massive bank account.
.He's come to love British tea and began trading in it. He was PISSED when one of his shipments was ruined in the Boston Tea Party.
.The earrings he wears are relics from his Aztec culture and from his days as a human, as is his obsidian dagger.
.He's acquired a taste for fine wine, as well as all the finer things in life. He's also more than a bit vain, dressing in only the finest clothes and using only the most expensive soaps and oils for his skin and hair. He was born into wealth and luxury after all. He also detests getting dirty but still will if he has no other choice.
.The ghostly skulls he summons in battle come from the Spirit World as he can open portals to the realm.
.He knows a lot of spells and magic and is quite the mystical scholar.
.He has a large python and a jaguar as pets back home.
.He still enjoys eating regular food very much, like most vampires do.
.He's very much an avid reader, and has taken a liking to English literature.
.He'll admit: he loves European fashions and loves the way silk and satin feels against his skin. He will NOT however in this, or any lifetime, wear a powdered wig! You won't catch him staked with one on and whoever came up with them was obviously mentally retarded.
.He goes back to Mexico every year to visit and honor the graves of his loved ones on Dia Del Los Muertos.
.He took his lover's body back to Stockbridge and buried him in a spot that held sentimental value to the both of them- like underneath a favorite tree or by the river where they spent so much time together.
.Olrox combs his hair at least one hundred times.
.One of the hardest parts Olrox went through when he first became a vampire was learning to eat and talk without stabbing his lip or tongue with his newly acquired, lethally sharp fangs
.Olrox doesn't feel the need to drain humans dry when he feeds- he can get by perfectly fine on a small, safe amount. To him, such an act is quite barbaric, not to mention a gluttonous waste. That is, of course, unless said human truly pisses him off.
.He abhors slavery and sympathizes with slaves- he knew what it was like to have his people become enslaved. All of his subjects follow him willingly because he inspires great loyalty in them as well as ruling them with fairness and compassion. He's even freed a number of human slaves across the globe as well.
.Olrox is a very devoted, passionate and affectionate lover. His significant others or lovers would experience unparalled romance and pampering at the Aztec vampire's side. He loves to cuddle and is very "touchy-feely.'' The sex is also out of this world!!!
.Olrox doesn't like to be referred to as an "Aztec'' as that was a term coined by the Spanish. His people were really called the Mexica (that's how Mexico got its name).
.He is either immune or is at least resistant to sunlight (we've seen him out in daylight twice- once when he went to the Abbey and once when he stood in front of a window with sunlight streaming in).
.He's read the Bible, but considers it preachy and hypocritical. He once laughed at the thought of it making him "burn up."
.He is disgusted by the practice of devil forging because he feels it's an abomination as well as completely disrespectful and inhumane to the souls of the deceased.
.He has a soft spot for children and goes out of his way to protect the human children in the vicinity of his home from other vampires, robbers, monsters etc.
.Deep down, Olrox knows undeniably that if they had met other different circumstances, if he (Olrox) had never had his previous lover, if the Belmont family were not so adamantly sold on killing vampires, Olrox would've definitely pursued Richter as a love interest (the boy is a pretty, feisty little thing after all).
.He lives in a large manor somewhere in New England, possibly close to Stockbridge, because that's where his lover was from and by living there, he feels like he is keeping some part of him alive.
.The beads Olrox wears in his braid belonged to his lover. They are tokens he kept to remember him.
.His style of flirting includes teasing and provoking the object of his affections with touches or jibes. He loves to see them get riled up and display great fire and passion. That's what he loves the most about his potential lovers- a fiery spirit.
.If he takes a fancy to you, good luck trying to shake him; baby boy will stick to you like a shadow.
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krysanthii · 10 months
I'm thinking about Julia and what led to her death. We all know the gist of it that she killed Olrox's lover because he turned him into a vampire.
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The opening of Nocturne took place during American revolution was happening at the same time in 1783 in Massachusettes. From Juste that Julia had fled to the New World and most likely Richter was born there too about 1773. Leading up to that the American revolutionary war took place in 1775-1783.
From what Annette said that white colonist worked along side the vampires and aristocrats and I doubt Julia was working with the white colonists and the vampires because that’s everything she goes against. So she happened to be in Stockbridge Massachusetts with some of the revolutionaries, Iroquois confederacy, and Mohicans. She probably known Olrox but he was allied and fighting on the same side. Perhaps were close friends or had a mutual respect for each other.
She had left to the New World and most likely a lone wolf at the time hunting vampires as she was the only Belmont alive and activitly hunting them. Juste is too old and Richter is only a child at the time and so she fought with the revolutionaries, Iroquis confederecy and Mohicans.
They worked together to take out the white colonists and vampires that started the revolutionary war conflict the same thing that happened in France and on Saint-Domingue. With vampires pulling the strings over the colonists.
Olrox wasn’t the only vampire in the New World and that was turned by settler vampires from centuries ago. Most likely he was followed by the mistrust by the North American natives because vampires came from the Old World and distrusting of Olrox.
Olrox wasn't the only New World vampire and had others like him that were forcefully turned by the conquistadors and wanted to make an alliance with the New World vampires and the Iroquis, Mohicans, and Revolutionaries.
New World vampires are a lot different than the Old World vampires and vampires from the New World absolutely loath the Old World vampires. So Olrox found it beneficial to find allyship between the three parties to take out the same enemy as the white colonists and vampires.
Olrox met his Mohican lover who was working with the revolutionaries and faught against the colonists and vampires but got mortally injured and Olrox didn’t want him to die and turned him into a vampire without his consent. (Because you can’t technically give your consent when you’re bleeding out and dying) And so there might’ve been a treaty that Olrox broke that vampires shall not turn human into vampires and so he and his lover were kicked off and Julia and the rest were sent to hunt Olrox and his lover. Eventually Julia killed his lover and which lead to her death by Olrox getting his revenge.
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x-heesy · 2 years
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Gif mood board 🏄‍♀️
Stills in your pocket, see inside light
What do you want me to do?
I don't know my name, and I don't care for friends
How can I take care of you?
The stars left, the morning came
You know I'm just a good time girl
Leaving you lonely, I don't care at all
No, I can't be good for you
I become weary, you won't get to know me
But what you receive will be pure
I gave you small doses 'cause my heart's been wasted
And I can't belong anymore
It's closing time and the aftermath
His heartache's been coming on slow
Warm and he's curling, our lips are enfolding
Gold on my chest as he falls
Don't be imprisoned by judgments and wisdom
Come to my lap, be a man
I'm off the breast and I'm learning to hunt
Regiani, yeah, he'd understand
Be bold, but don't fight me and don't try to move me, no
No need for Rowlands to wake up the dormant
The seasons are coming around
Stills in your pocket, see inside light
What do you want me to do?
I don't know my name, and I don't care for friends
How can I take care of you?
The stars left, the morning came
You know I'm just a good time girl
Leaving you lonely, I don't care at all
No, I can't be good for you
I become weary, you won't get to know me
But what you receive will be pure
I gave you small doses 'cause my heart's been wasted
And I can't belong anymore
It's closing time, and the aftermath
His heartache's been coming on slow
Warm and he's curling, our lips are enfolding
Gold on my chest as he falls
@shadowanndeath 💃🏽🕺🏼
New Stole by Tricky, Francesca Belmonte
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alpaca-clouds · 2 years
Fluffcember Day 13: Sibling Rivalry
My prompt for Day 13 of Fluffcember is Snowball fight.
Fandom: Castlevania (Netflix)
Genre: Humor and Fluff
Characters: Marie, Simon, Anna Belmon & Greta
Length: 1328 words
[Ao3 Link]
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The icy winter cold seemed to be cutting into Marie's fingers, as she focused on her target. It was just a training target, but it had to do for now. She did not want to torture a poor animal with her still less than perfect archery skills – not that her parents would allow her to go hunting for at least two more years.
She let go of the string and the arrow flew… and hit the outer ring of the target.
“Fuck,” she cussed, as she took out another arrow. Why was she still so bad at this? She had trained since autumn and should be great, really. While she would probably never be a bloody monster hunter – not that she wanted to – she still wanted to help her little town by hunting down some game from time to time. Just as aunt Greta did – or her papi.
She tried to remember what Greta had told her. Breathing was important. She had to breath out in the moment she let go of the string. Hence she tried to focus on her breathing. In and out. In and out. Calm down, she reminded herself. You can do this. You are a Belmont after all! The target seemed to be so much closer suddenly. She was certain she could do it this time. She let go…
And something hit her right into the back of the head, sending her arrow flying somewhere into the forest.
Marie did not even have to turn around to know who the culprit was. “Simon!” she growled and threw her bow into the snow.
The blond-haired boy was laughing at her. Even though he was five and a half years younger than her, he looked about her age, because that stupid dhampir bastard was growing so much quicker. It really wasn't fair. “You look stupid!” he teased, as she quickly gathered up some snow to take her revenge.
Of course revenge was not easy. With superhuman speed he vanished seemingly into air, only to appear behind her, throwing another snowball.
Somehow Marie managed to evade. She really did not have those stupid hunter reflexes her father was always talking about, but she knew her stupid little brother. Throwing her snowball she at least managed to hit his shoulder.
It sucked so much to be the only human in her entire fucking family! Why did nobody get it?
“You throw like a girl,” Simon laughed. “Oh, I forgot, you are one!”
He really had a knack for making her blood boil! Why was she cursed with a stupid brother like this? What had she done to deserve it? She ran for him, trying to grapple him before he disappeared, but once again, nothing of this shit was bloody fair.
That asshole little brother of hers could even fly. So fucking unfair!
“Simon! Marie!” That indignant shout belonged to the youngest Belmont child. Anna. Who had either been outside the entire time – fuck did Marie know – or had heard them and came to intervene. Because of course she had to intervene. Little miss perfect.
At least it distracted Simon for a split second, allowing Marie to grab him. She was maybe not a good hunter, but she did manage to take him by surprise and throw him face first into the snow. He yelped in surprise, before she pressed his head further down into the icy cold. Not that he felt cold that much. Again: Unfair.
“Marie,” groaned Anna and came over to them, her step light. She was a dhampir, too, though her hair was fiery red like their mother’s. “Let him go.”
Marie grunted. “He started it.” She really did not like the idea of letting her brother go. He deserved a little revenge.
“Don't get down on his level,” Anna chided. “You are just…”
She did not get any further, as Simon broke lose. Even Marie had not seen it coming, as it was now her who slammed face first into the snow.
“I don't need your help, lil' sis,” he said, making Anna groan once more.
“I am not trying to help you, I am just saying you should stop behaving like little kids and grow up!” Cute of her to say, of course, considering she was only six years old – though she looked like nine or ten.
“Make me.” Marie could almost hear her brother grin, before he let go of her – no doubt attacking the younger sister.
Anna was not cursed with being a human though. While Marie's stupid mortal eyes had a hard time following, she could make out her sister evading the incoming hand full of snow, as she almost fairy like glid back over the snow, her feet barely breaking through it.
Next thing Marie knew, Anna had managed to grapple Simon. While he was half a head taller than her, she managed to hold his hand behind his back. “Now stop it!” she grunted.
“Stupid bitch!” Simon protested and tried to break free.
Out of the two of them, Anna had the greater strength for one reason or another. She easily kept him held.
“Just stop annoying Marie,” she asked. “You two are so embarrassing. We should be role models, you know?”
“Role model yourself,” Simon spat.
And Marie could not help but see a chance. While her sister was still wrestling Simon, she formed another snow ball and tried to focus. Then she threw it and – somehow – actually fucking managed it: She hit Simon in his stupid face.
“You!” he groaned, when an exasperated sigh sounded from right behind Marie.
“What are you kids doing again?” The voice was all-too familiar to Marie of course.
She turned around to see her aunt standing behind her, arms akimbo, looking at them with a gaze that told her, she was not surprised, but still felt let down.
“We are just having a snowball fight.” Simon tried to play innocent.
“Simon is just an idiot,” Marie said and did her best to give her voice a firm tone.
Anna looked at their aunt. “They are arguing again.”
“Simon started it,” Marie quickly said, before she could stop herself. That sounded totally childish. Stupid her.
Greta, of course, still saw her as a child – even though Marie was already 13. She ruffled Marie's brown hair, before going over to the struggling dhampir children. “Let him go, Anna.”
And Anna listened, of course. Nobody did argue with Greta, after all.
“So, did you start it, Simon?” Greta asked.
Simon shrugged, not looking at her. “I just threw a snowball.”
“And why did you do it?”
“Because I felt like it. It's just a fucking snowball.”
“It is still not a nice thing to do just like that,” Greta said.
At this he grunted.
“And you?” Greta looked at Anna.
“I just tried to get them to stop.”
This made their town's major sigh. “Of course you did.” She shook her head. “All three of you. You need to learn to get along. You are not little children anymore.”
Marie did no look at her aunt. Of course she was not a little child anymore? But what was she to fucking do, when Simon just kept being a dick? She crossed her arms and Greta sighed.
“Simon. Say you're sorry.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Simon.” There was a dangerous tone in Greta's voice now.
Simon just crossed his arms as well.
This got him to sigh. “Fine,” he groaned. “I'm sorry.”
“Now look at your sister, while you say it,” Greta said.
Simon rolled his eyes, before looking at Marie. “I am sorry, okay?”
Marie shrugged. “Fine.”
At this display of affection Greta just shook her head. “You know what? I can use some help in the smithy. So all three of you will help.”
Looking over at her stupid brother, Marie sighed. She loved helping Greta – though she could most certainly do without Simon. Still she smiled at her aunt. “Of course.”
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gifftings · 2 years
.  ✧  .  *  .  ˚ belmont cameli gif pack
by clicking the source link below you will find 166 gifs ( 268 x 155 ) of belmont cameli, best known for his role in the saved by the bell reboot! i made all of these from scratch, so please do not redistribute or claim as your own! he is white and was born march 1, 1998, so please cast him accordingly. these are all from the saved by the bell reboot. if y’all want more gifs of him, just let me know!
please do not use my gifs if: you rp taboo subjects, you are using them to portray belmont in a celebrity rp, or if you are in a smut rp. thank you!
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wildwcmenrxs · 2 years
in the source link there are 83 gifs of belmont cameli in along for the ride, made for roleplaying purposes. feel free to edit for personal use! please do not use for ‘t*boo’ plots. like and reblog if you want to support my work. content warnings: kissing, ocean, harsh lighting.
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wickedgifs-moved · 4 years
— belmont cameli gif icons.
CLICK HERE OR THE SOURCE LINK BELOW to be redirected to +325 gif icons of belmont cameli from his role as jamie spano in saved by the bell. belmont is white (italian) and was twenty-two at the time, so please keep all of this in mind when casting him. all these gifs were made by me from scratch so do not steal or edit them in any way. if you found any of this helpful, please consider liking and reblogging this post!
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 years
Hi hi! How are you doing? 💕 If possible, could you please write headcanons for Trevor Belmont as an adoptive father? Like, maybe he found teenage reader on one of his travels and thought: my child
Idk why the moment I saw him I immediately thought he could be a good dad 🤣 Have a good day/night lovely! ✨
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A/n: I’m doing alright, a little bit in a writing slump but I’m alright overall.
Now Trevor wasn’t the most qualified to be taking care of another human being never less himself, which was a story for another time.
I feel like the moment he met you was when you stole his stuff in search of food or some money to buy food with which less to an chase through the market square before finishing in a dead end within an alleyway. When Trevor asked where your parents where you told him that they died the day Dracula released the monsters seeing as they were amongst the religious nutters who watched on, celebrating as an innocent woman burned under false pretences.
So you weren’t all that sad that they died because they muttered the most heinous words under their breath behind closed doors whilst claiming their ‘god’ loved all his creations. You called Bullshit. Trevor saw himself in you. From your stance, your attitude towards everything, to the thickening of your skin against any and all scrutiny you’d face in this life whilst also protecting yourself from monsters.
To Trevor you were so young to be put in a situation such as the one you were in now. He couldn’t just leave you here, you still had his stuff for starters clutched within your grasp but also because he felt this immense guilt that would come if he were to leave you to your own reckless and Indecisive devices. So he just groans before walking away from the alleyway only to notice that you weren’t following him like a lost puppy that he stopped walking, looking at you over his shoulder and motioning with his head towards town centre in a silent gesture as to follow. He pretends not to notice the silent cheer you did behind his back but he couldn’t ignore the urge to smile that stretched across his face.
Now he has something to protect, something to come back ‘home’ to that he decided the best course of action was to become more vigilant during his hunts whilst spending most of his time training you as you wouldn’t stop bugging him about them. He wanted you to keep save and equipped to deal with physical confrontations yet would outright deny you joining him, sypha and Alucard on hunts because he doesn’t want you to become gravely hurt whether by a miscalculated action his his behalf or otherwise. He preferred to keep you and his job desperate but knew that it was wishful thinking because of your growing desire to help give aid to those in need that he would sometimes give you shit about it albeit playfully; to which you’d scoff at before chatting shit about him in exchange which becomes a thing you share much to the confusion to everyone else.
You call him old man (endearingly)
He called you little shit (endearingly)
Speaking of Sypha and Alucard. Trevor would try to sick you on one or both of them so that you would be safe and or learn new things so that you wouldn’t be caught slacking in departments you weren’t familiar with that sooner or later they became apart of your little family.
Alucard would take this opportunity to tell you of all the stupid shit Trevor has ever done prior to meeting you in favour of just showing him up but also to give you something good to cling onto when things got dark. Sypha would defiantly teach you all she could in her craft and would be the person you could go to whenever you had issues or just needed to rant. They were your home away from from when Trevor wasn’t nearby.
You grew accustomed to helping patch Trevor up whenever he came back a little worst for wear from his hunts. That on the more nastiest days you’d find yourself struggling to keep your composure because you had lead yourself to believe that you weren’t going to loose anyone else but the tears in your eyes made it harder to see what was a wound and what wasn’t that Trevor had to stop you for a brief moment in order to calm your down. He doesn’t sugar coat shit and tells you upfront so that you wouldn’t go out of your way and placing yourself in danger just to find the truth. He wasn’t going to allow you to be reckless as he is but that doesn’t mean you don’t have your ‘we share one braincell’ moments.
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linkemon · 3 years
Alucard x Reader (selfship)
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Selfship made for hopeless_hope_ on Wattpad with a special wish for husband/wife relationship.
Friendly reminder that English is not my first languge. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here.
Beta: fittsythesnail​ ​
Check out my oneshot with Alucard here.
❧ You met Alucard when you moved to the recently founded village next to his castle. You've been wandering around for a long time. In return for your promise to help build houses, you got your corner.
❧ In your spare time, you taught the surviving children all your knowledge. Adrian came over to play with them from time to time and you got his attention. He was surprised to discover that you know a lot. He invited you to use the library and its surviving instruments. It was a joy for him to know that you would use them to convey something good.
❧ You once mentioned to him that your dream is to build a school. Until now, you have taught outside or in the free chambers of the castle. The next day, he showed you the construction plans. You threw your arms around his neck, overjoyed. It was that moment he realized that he was in love.
This fact absolutely terrified him. He was feeling better after the last heartbreak and didn't want to repeat it. To his surprise, Greta noticed what was happening. She talked to him. She assured him that you are neither Sumi nor Taka.
❧ He was unsure at first. It took him a long time to fully trust you. When he was ready, he told you about everything. He did not omit any details. He even prepared a wonderful dinner just for you. It was one of the longest and saddest evenings of your life. You were very touched by his story.
When he finished, he asked if there was any chance you would be interested in him. You hugged him tight. He didn't need words to understand that you agreed.
❧ Surprisingly, you didn't wait too long with the wedding. Perhaps because your feelings took a long time to develop. Alucard's confession was only an addition.
He proposed to you on the river bank. The village was celebrating Midsummer Night. He fished out your wreath when it was running downstream. He put it on your head and asked if you would be his wife. He had prepared one of his mother's rings for you. He really wanted you to wear it. Of course, you agreed. Everyone in the village had another reason to celebrate.
❧ The wedding was open to everyone. You were especially pleased with how your students congratulated you.
Belmont got totally drunk and had a fight competition with your husband. This became the highlight of the evening.
❧ Adrian is the definition of delicacy. He never made you do anything. He himself had a hard time not that long ago and his wedding night was a milestone for him. He waited until you both were ready.
He has never thought about fatherhood, but when he looks at the group of laughing kids in front of the castle, he seriously thinks about it. He doesn't want to become the new Dracula someday. Yet there is something wonderful about the thought that he could have children with you. He's curious as to what you think about it.
❧ Alucard loves to cook for you. He hunts for meat and fish himself. From time to time, he prepares dinner only for you with fresh ingredients. He always remembers what you love to eat. If you like wine, he will try to find a good vintage. Trevor drank half of all the bottles...
❧ He loves to lie on the meadow with you. Especially in summer when the weather is good. He also does not mind exploring the knowledge in the castle. If you want to continue your education, he will travel with you to the largest universities. After all, he can now leave his home in the hands of others without worrying about it.
❧ You like to play with his hair. Long, golden waves are perfect for braiding. You practice different hairstyles on him. He even allows you to weave flowers into them.
❧ It is a big responsibility to develop the village. There are many people helping you, but you think more ahead than the inhabitants. You deal with the planning and distribution of tasks. Many decisions are up to you. You learn and take advantage of Sypha's advice. Brought up among speakers, she knows what she is dealing with.
❧ After all the hard work, Adrian's favourite moment of the day is holding you in his arms. He doesn't need sleep, but he lays down anyway. Your presence calms him down. He repeats how lucky he is to met you and kisses you on the forehead. You stay in his arms until dawn, just like his parents used to do.
❧ As a dhampir, he has a lot of time. Eternity, in fact. There is a melancholy to the thought that you will leave this world before him. He is not sure what he will do with himself afterwards. Perhaps he will also choose to die.
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juviasmel · 3 years
“I love you but I don’t trust these two” (Alucard x Fem! reader fic)
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Dracula was finally dead and you were dreading this very moment, it was finally time where you had to part ways with three of your closest friends. Over the course of your journey with them you noticed how Trevor and Sypha were slowly falling in love. Joining them would only be getting in their way.
Sypha hopped into the wagon and Trevor followed, “Y/N if you’d like…you may travel with us. We aren’t sure where we’re gonna go, but we will figure something out.” Trevor didn’t look at you or even agree with Sypha’s offer.
Her offer brought joy to you but you’ve been crushing on Alucard for a while and thought it was best to stay with him, “I think I’m going to stay here with Alucard” you grabbed his hand and a slight smile formed on his face “Thank you Y/N”
Trevor scoffed, “We’ll see you guys soon…Alucard don’t die on me you bastard” Trevor turned to look at Alucard and for once he smiled.
“I won’t belmont” You laughed at Trevor’s remark and watched the two go into the forest with their wagon. You spent the next month with Alucard and became partners…he ended up confessing his love for you one night and you admitted your closeness with him, and how your life has improved since you met him. You spent time hunting in the forest, cooking dinner, training in the woods, and catching fish in the lake. It was an early morning and you were getting ready for training as you walked outside, you took a deep breath and let the fresh wind hit your face. it was early in the morning and you made your way to the lake to catch fish for the week. Alucard followed behind holding your hand, as you arrived to the lake Alucard pulled out his basket meant for putting all the fish in.
Alucard stood up, “Y/N don’t move” You listened to his order and stood still. You didn’t hear any noises but then a twig snapped in the woods and an arrow shot out from the forest but you couldn’t see who shot it. Next thing you knew Alucard moved at the speed of lightening and put his hands around this woman’s neck.
She looked him in the eyes and begged, “Please don’t hurt me” You heard a masculine voice call out from the woods and a blade was put to your neck, “Put her down or else I’ll slit her throat” Alucard hissed and revealed his fangs, this caused the man to back off of you and he let go of the woman’s neck,“Who are you, and what do you want?”
The two introduced themselves, “My name is Sumi and this is Taka. We’ve heard about you…you’re the Alucard correct?”
“Just alucard is fine. What are you doing here” Alucard crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow, confused by their presence.
“We want to know more about killing vampires and how Dracula moved his castle” You didn’t like the conversation that was taking place, and you were hoping Alucard would make the two leave. They continued to converse with another, and he invited them into his castle. You followed them but didn’t say anything.
Alucard stopped and turned to you, Y/N you haven’t said anything, what’s the matter?”
“Alucard you know I love you, but I don’t trust these two. I don’t want them here” You said as you continued to walk into the castle, avoiding eye contact with Alucard. He looked at Sumi and Taka then back at you, “No, they’re allowed to stay. Let’s give them a chance” You loved him so you went with his decision, but you weren’t going to trust them no matter what.
After spending a week training with Sumi and Taka, you decided to pack some supplies and food and leave for the week. You spent time out in the woods alone, training and exploring the area that surrounded the castle. Plus, you wanted some time to yourself and thought it would be best to leave Alucard with Sumi and Taka. Eventually, you didn’t enjoy the quietness in the woods and missed hearing Alucard’s voice. You hopped back onto your horse and made your way back to the castle.
It was close to night time and could barely see anything, as you got closer to the castle you could see Sumi and Taka’s dead bodies with a wooden stake going out of their mouth, “what the fuck happened here?” You got off your horse leaving your supplies behind and approached the entrance of the castle, “Alucard!” You shouted out but there was no response.
Mixed feelings filled your brain “what if someone came by and killed all three of them?” “Was alucard the one that did this?” “Where is he?” You took a moment to yourself and then felt a cold hand grab your shoulder and turn you around, “Alucard you’re alive…” it looked as if he’s been crying and worry filled your face. He held onto you for dear life, and you weren’t sure what to do besides hug him back, “Alucard what happened?”
“Y/N…I’m so sorry” He didn’t look at you, his head was resting against your shoulder, and his voice began to crack.
You place your hand on his back and started to rub small circles, “For what?”
“Come inside and I’ll explain” He let go of his tight grip on you and made his way into the castle, you followed behind and he pulled out a chair for you in the dining room.
He sat down and by looking at his face you could tell he needed to make you aware of something, “Y/N…Sumi and Taka betrayed me. They came into my bedroom when you weren’t here and said they wanted to give me a “reward” turns out they wanted to have sex with me…they started to touch me and I returned the favor. Y/N Im sorry if you can no longer trust me because of this…but if you’re willing to give me a second chance I would be the happiest man alive”
Part of you wanted to get up and leave the castle breaking down in tears and the other part wanted to slap Alucard, “I see” You were close to breaking down in front of him so you rose from your chair, storming off to the outside of the castle. Alucard let you go and knew he fucked up, he took this time to reflect on his actions and figure out a way to get your trust back.
You sat down and sighed, “only if Sypha was here…she might have some good advice for me right now” Mixed feelings went through your heard, Alucard needed you and you understood that but you couldn’t bare the fact that he let two other people put their hands on him in a sexual way. Alucard was your first love and you felt betrayed…you let all your anger out by punching a tree and pretending it was Sumi and Taka, “damn you…”
Weeks had passed and you decided to stay with Alucard, You both had an agreement to rebuild your relationship and put those events in the past. You were angry with him for a while, but you knew he truly felt sorry and tried to do everything he could to fix the situation. Eventually, you two became happy again and Alucard never let any man or woman lay their hands on him again.
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demigoddessqueens · 3 years
When I Love You
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(Drabble update on AO3, featuring Trevor centric feels post S4)
For the first time in his life, Trevor Belmont felt afraid. He said so himself that he feared no man, demon, vampire or beast, but now he truly felt fear. Fear of finally being able to have a life of peace for once. And Trevor was all the more grateful that she was a part of his life now.
In the two weeks he had been absent, so much had changed without Trevor’s knowledge. A new village and way of life had been resurrected, Alucard had gotten closer to a profound woman, and Sypha had agreed that their new roots and life would be within the Danesti-Belmont village.
Settling into the new life did not come easily. The fight and the hunt were all he knew as a Belmont, but this now? Becoming a father and a life partner for Sypha? It was still so foreign to him. He was grateful that he had the two who he started this journey with, but deep down, there was a part of him that knew who gave him hope now.
In his final moments, Trevor defied Death, claiming that it was time to give back to those who knew how to build and create. Now, he was seeing that vision being fulfilled before his eyes. His child, becoming a part of a new legacy and family that eagerly awaited its arrival, and it was all there for him to live and revel in.
Loving Alucard and Sypha came easily to Trevor. They started and finished this hellish journey together, but it’s always darkest before the dawn. That new and hopeful dawn came in the form of the alderwoman who never hesitated to welcome and accept him. In return, he heard of the effect she had on the broody dhamphir he came to accept and how Sypha accepted to become a part of the life Greta was forming.
Whether she knew it or not, Trevor felt at peace with her. She reminded him of a life that he wanted to have as a child, a kindness that rarely came to him ever since he had been on his own. Greta’s kind smile, warm golden brown eyes, and acceptance used to be a rarity, but with a new chance at life, Trevor did not intend to waste any of the second chances at hand.
As time flowed on, Trevor accepted the love he held for her in his heart. It was new, but it was a love that still reminded him of the kindness in humanity. Alucard and Sypha were the pieces of his heart that gave him support and drive. But Greta? Greta reminded him of his purpose. She reminded him of his own humanity, that there was more than being the hunter and the hunted. Scars and bruises and burns sought solace in soft, strong hands that welcomed him freely.
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dommyqueenwrites · 4 years
Be Okay
Alucard x Reader
Summary: He was sure he could never love or be loved until you came along.
Side note: More Alucard agnst cuz I hate my life sksjsjsj
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Before that night, he had nightmares all the time.
As if the universe decided to punish him for allowing his mother to die, and then killing his own father.
He saw his mother burn again and again, and then he stabbed his father again and again whenever he slept.
While eating he had visions of the happy meals they had together when he was a child. Taunting him.
After that night however, they only got worse.
He barely slept and the silence hunted him.
He couldn’t stop hearing their voices, remembering their faces in that moment, and imagining his mother’s disappointed face.
But hen his fathers voice says they deserved it. He says he should’ve tortured them more for thinking they could come into his home, eat his food, wear his clothes, sleep in his bed, and then abuse him like that.
Which only makes his pain much more intense.
He tried to drink to forget, but that was to no use. He just felt lonelier.
Everyday the castle was more unbearable.
He tried to spend his time working on the Belmont hold, but he was just reminded of his kind being mutilated for generations upon generations and then there were his friends.
His friends.
What would they say when they come back?
He scoffed at that thought. Yeah right. As if they’ll ever come back.
Ultimately sleeping became unavoidable, and he resorted to 2-3 hours of sleep a week.
Was it healthy? No. But maybe if he was lucky it’d kill him, ‘since I’m such a coward to do it myself anyways’.
And just when the days grew darker, the castle grew colder and his nightmares marked the start of his panic attacks, you came along.
One day he was in one of his daily walks to a river not far from the castle, only this time he hadn’t slept in a while and he felt really dizzy, yet he went anyways thinking it’d be better to avoid sleeping.
But it seemed his body was way too overworked, and before he could do anything about it he blacked out, close to the edge of the river.
This time was no exception. He was tormented by his nightmares just like the weeks before, and right when he was about to stab his father again, he woke up.
After sprinting up on the bed, sweaty and breathless, a skull crushing headache hit him, and he felt very dizzy again.
“Woah there!” A stranger pushed him back on the bed. “Your body is exhausted. I wouldn’t move so suddenly if I were you.”
He didn’t recognize your voice, and after a few seconds he realized he also didn’t recognize his surroundings. That’s right! He blacked out.
‘Where am I? And who are you?’ Were you also trying to hurt him?
You placed your hand on his forehead to see if his temperature had gone down when he snarled at you, and then you saw them.
His fangs.
You immediately backed away. ‘Vampire. But how? He’s so...
A dhampir? It made sense. That’s why he was so sick.
You were pulled from your thoughts by the sound of him falling on the floor since his legs gave out, and you jumped to help him which only caused him to growl and try to shake your hands off.
“Stop it!” He still didn’t give in, even though he was becoming more suffocated by the minute. “Enough!” You mustered all your strength and pinned him on the bed again, which wasn’t difficult, given that he was so weak.
“Enough, you asshole. Get your shit together and stay still before you hurt yourself even further.” That made him falter for a second, you reminded him so much of someone he hadn’t seen for a long time.
But your position reminded him of that night, and since breathing was already difficult, he could tell he was on the brink of a panic attack. All at once, he couldn’t move and breathing became even more difficult.
“G-get off me.” You saw his state and got off of him at once. You recognized it as a panic attack, but what triggered it? Was it you? Why is he so afraid of you?
You back away calmly before trying to get his attention. “Hey, you’re alright. I’m not going to hurt you.” He still wasn’t getting better, but you knew approaching him would only make things more difficult.
“I know what you are feeling is scary, but it is not dangerous. You’re safe.” He was trying, hard, to recover his breath, but if he didn’t calm down he would soon make it worse for himself. If only you knew his name, you could ground him.
“Focus on your breathing. Look at me.” He looked at you and you tried to give him a smile. “Good. Now place your hand on your chest and we’ll take a few deep breaths, okay?”
He did as you told, but he still couldn’t breathe. You could tell he was getting frustrated by the way he scrunched his eyes. “Hey, you’re doing great, don’t give up on me just yet, alright? Let’s try it together.”
He opened his eyes and they made contact with yours before you took a deep breath, and he tried to do the same forcefully, “Slowly.”
It took a couple of tries before he could properly breathe again, shaky, but certainly better than before. You maintained your distance and helped him inhale and exhale from afar while throwing in some praises here and there.
And that was the first time it happened.
That was the first time you got him through a rough episode, and you’ve been doing that ever since.
Now his nightmares don’t come as often as before, but they still hunt him in his dreams sometimes.
But it’s okay now, because you’re here.
He knows you’ll be next to him when he needs you, and you’ll get him through the roughest of episodes like you did all those times.
You’ll hold him through the night and kiss his tears away when he needs it the most, and he’ll feel so safe in your arms it won’t be hard for you to ground him again.
But it didn’t stop there. You helped him come up with ways to stabilize himself incase you’re not around, and he felt more secure now that he knew his nightmares couldn’t take over his life anymore.
He is going to be okay, and he’ll be able to feel what being truly loved feels like.
With you.
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deadlydiviniity · 4 years
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(DJ COTRONA, 35, HE/HIM) We have been waiting for a while, but COLE BELMONT was finally spotted in the village today. People heard whispers that they are a HUNTER that is hellbent on STAYING AWAY FROM the veils. Will they succeed? Only time can tell. Until then we will keep a close eye on them as they listen to SHORT CHANGE HERO BY THE HEAVY.
First born into a family of hunters, both Cole’s mother and father hunted before they met each other. Initially trying to settle into a normal life, thier past caught up to them and they found themselves fighting to protect their son as well. Eventually, they trained Cole to be a hunter as well.
Once his brother was at an acceptable age, Cole took him under his wing, both protective and encouraging. Lots of days were spent training him to be a better hunter.
As he grew older, Cole felt drawn to the life of a hunter, desiring to protect people from threats that the majority of them had no idea about. He threw himself into his work.
While on a hunt, Cole learned that his parents had died, unsure if it was natural or something else. When he showed up for the funeral he realized just how distant he had grown from his brother. The two drifted even further apart as the years went on and Cole has no idea what became of him.
At a somewhat young age, Cole met a young woman, while she wasn’t a hunter, he told her about his job and she was accepting of it. Years passed, the two grew closer and eventually Cole decided that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Even considering retirement.
Fate intervened however, a hunter makes enemies, powerful ones, and they decided to take the person he cared about most. Cole never found her body, but after years of searching, he gradually came to accept that she had been killed.
This effected him deeply. He no longer hunted for the “right reasons”, acting more like a mercenary than a hunter. It was only ever about the paycheck from that point on, but his reputation as a skilled hunter persisted regardless. 
He was in Wildemount on a job when the dome went up, despite having completed his job, he now finds himself stranded.
While he acknowledges that some hunters might be the more “heroic” sort to take on the veils or various supernatural creatures in the town, nobody has paid him to do either. Until that changes, he remains a neutral party.
Additional info can be found HERE
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