emilyjunk · 2 years
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Bemily Week 2022 - Day 6: Supernatural
Ever since she was little, Emily has heard the whispers. They call to her from behind the veil, an invisible place she can’t quite reach. The whispers have always been a mystery she hasn’t been able to answer, until one day she stumbles, quite literally, through the curtain to the next dimension and right into Beca Mitchell -- a girl whose musical talent might have something to do with the phenomenon that has plagued Emily for as long as she can remember. As Emily discovers the nature of the whispers that call to her, she’ll learn all about the true power of music, destiny, and, above all else, love.
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@bemilyweek Day 6-Supernatural
Shadowhunters/Mortal Instruments AU
-Emily is a Shadowhunter of the New Yorker Institute
-One day a Werewolf gets mysteriously murders, which fuels a tense atmosphere between the two already hostile species vampires and werewolves
-To prevent a conflict, Emily gets send out to find the true murder and therefore she has to work together with the leader of one of the Werewolf-packs, Beca Mitchell
-During their investigations, the two grow closer and closer, until a love starts to form, that has only rarely happened this way before…
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becaeffingmitchell · 3 years
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Bemily Week Day 1 - Coffee Shop
(and also Day 4 - Snow Day and Day 6 - Dancing)
Freelance music producer Beca Mitchell doesn't actually need this barista gig. She already has a well-paying job that covers the bills and lets her work from the comfort of her own apartment — none of that backbreaking minimum wage customer service bullshit. When Chloe, her best friend and the owner of Caffè Bella, proposes some major changes to the shop that'll surely save it from its current path into bankruptcy, Beca doesn't think too much of it...
...until she learns that one of those changes involves hiring a delivery person.
[ao3 link]
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littleblackgoldfish · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Pitch Perfect (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Emily Junk/Beca Mitchell Characters: Emily Junk, Beca Mitchell Additional Tags: Dancing, Alternate Universe - Science Fiction, discussion of science fiction pejoratives Series: Part 6 of Bemily Week 2021 Summary:
Married and heading off on their honeymoon Beca takes Emily 'dancing.'
Sequel to Day 5 of Bemily Week 2020
Bemily Week 2021 Day 6 - Dancing
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solaert · 4 years
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late for @bemilyweek day 6 - jealousy
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normalhollywoodnerd · 5 years
Bemily Week  Day 6- Harry Potter AU
Masterpost                                                                                                     Title: Lesbians in the corridor                                                                         Word Count: 1,5k
Emily was surprised when Flitwick told her her tutor for Charms class would be Beca Mitchell. When she asked him if someone could help her get ready for her OWL’s, she thought he would have ask someone like her fellow Hufflepuff friend, Chloe Beale. Actually, anybody but Beca Mitchell.
Emily wouldn’t say she was scared of her, just a bit intimidated. She was just too perfect to be real. She was this though badass Slytherin who didn’t let anything get in her way. Plus she was like super smart and incredibly beautiful. But Beca wasn’t the kind of girl to volunteer for tutoring. Emily figured she must have gotten in trouble and that must be her punishment.
[read the rest on ao3]
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erikahenningsen · 6 years
For Bemily Week day 5: marching band/cheer captain.
Beca never planned on joining marching band.
The only instrument she played before last year was piano—and she was a shitty piano at that.
But her dad said he wouldn’t pay for her to study music theory in college if she didn’t play an instrument, so the clarinet it was.
Plus, she gets to watch the cute cheerleaders during the football games. 
That’s exactly what she’s doing right now: watching the cheerleaders stretching as the rest of the band warms up before the halftime show.
Beca, in theory, should also be warming up, but she finds watching Emily Junk, the captain of the cheer team, sink into a split much more interesting.
In retrospect, maybe she shouldn’t have been standing quite so close to the cheerleaders, and maybe if she had been warming up with the rest of the band it wouldn’t have happened, but Beca has a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Beca hits the ground as a literal human falls out of the sky and lands on top of her.
“Ow! What the fuck?” Beca says, pressing a hand to her head.
“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry,” whomever landed on top of her says, rolling off of Beca.
“You should be—” Beca starts to say, but she cuts herself off when she sees Emily looking at her with concern.
Right. Cheerleaders throw each other into the air for sport.
“Are you okay?” Emily asks, picking up Beca’s clarinet and handing it back to her.
“Fine,” Beca says, even though she’s pretty sure she has the keys of her clarinet imprinted on her hand.
“You’re bleeding,” Emily says, pointing to Beca’s cheek.
Beca frowns, and gingerly touches the spot, hissing at the sting when her fingers make contact.
“We have a first aid kit over by the bleachers,” Emily tells her, holding out her hand to help Beca up.
“Thanks,” Beca says, checking her clarinet over for damage as they head over to the bleachers. (It’s a rental.)
“I really am sorry,” Emily apologizes again as she opens the first aid kit. “The girls were supposed to catch me.”
“It’s alright,” Beca says, wincing as Emily spritzes some kind of antibacterial spray on her cheek. “It’s my fault for standing too close.”
Emily pokes her tongue out adorably of the corner of her mouth as she focuses on applying a bandage. 
“There!” Emily says, stepping back to admire her handiwork. “Good as new.”
“Thanks.” Beca stands to head back to join the band when Emily catches her hand.
“Almost forgot,” Emily says. She leans forward and very lightly and carefully touches her lips to the bandage, the pulls away with a smile. “To make it heal faster.”
“Uh-huh,” Beca says, coughing awkwardly as she blushes. “I should, um, get back.”
“Have a good half-time show,” Emily tells her with a bright smile before jogging back to the cheerleaders. 
Maybe, Beca thinks, should get hit by falling cheerleaders more often.
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slushhpuppy · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Pitch Perfect (Movies) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Emily Junk/Beca Mitchell Characters: Beca Mitchell, Emily Junk, Fat Amy, Chloe Beale, Aubrey Posen Additional Tags: Bemily Week 2018, Day 6, Alternate Universe - Marching Band, Cheerleaders, This is cute y'all Series: Part 6 of Bemily Week 2018 Summary:
Beca turned and came face to face with an extremely pretty cheerleader. Despite Beca standing up on the second level of the bleachers, this tall girl was eye-level with her. And did she mention that she was really really pretty?
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zulasdubu · 6 years
For Bemily week day 6. Better late then never but school wifi turns off it an hour. Honestly this is all thanks to my friend Joško who prompted this and it spiralled into this and i actually like it?? Anyways, enjoy my otp. 
Warning: strong language, (detailed) implied sexual content and slight/implied homophobia. 
Overall fluff though so yeah. 
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luckyfaeth · 6 years
bemily week day 6 - marching band/cheerleader au
Beca hated being in the marching band. It sucked. It was sweaty, boring, and every person in band was absolutely insufferable. At least she had built up kind of a reputation as “that punk bitch”. People tended to avoid her now. Which was fine by her. The less attention, the better.
She wasn’t even good at it. When she expressed that she wanted to pursue music to her dad, he insisted that she join band her junior year to give her “experience” and “make sure this was really what she wanted to do”. Well, surprise, Dad. This isn’t what she wants to do. But he shoved his own old clarinet in her hand (he wouldn’t let her join the percussion session, despite that being the one instrument she had interest in) and pushed her off to rehearsal.
And, dear god, the football games. Her best friends Chloe and Jesse had been trying to get Beca to go to games for years. Imagine their excitement when they saw her marching (more like trudging, but no one paid attention to the tiny clarinet player’s poor form) out onto the field for the halftime show. Beca swears he could hear Chloe’s shrieks from where the cheerleaders were standing, and she definitely didn’t miss the outcry of “Be-CAW!” from the stands either.
[read the rest on ao3!]
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becaeffingmitchell · 3 years
Bemily Week Day 6 - Overprotective/Jealous
She knows she's being irrational, but when has that ever stopped her from lashing out?
Beca’s never been great at keeping her emotions under control when she’s angry. 
A massive understatement, really, considering all the public meltdowns she’s had, a majority of them right in front of the Bellas — in her defense, though, those were usually caused by or in the vicinity of Aubrey, whose presence alone warrants those kinds of reactions. It’s ugly, the way her temper flares and explodes out like a solar flare, burning and destroying everything in its path. 
[ao3 link]
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littleblackgoldfish · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Pitch Perfect (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Emily Junk/Beca Mitchell Characters: Beca Mitchell, Benji Applebaum, Cynthia-Rose Adams, Flo Fuentes, Stacie Conrad Additional Tags: Overprotective/Jealous, Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, Alternate Universe - High School, they play dnd and there's some jealousy, seriously i did way too much planning, there is an entire campaign Series: Part 6 of Bemily Week 2020 Summary:
Benji runs a D&D game for Stacie, Beca, Emily, Cynthia-Rose, and Flo. Emotions get involved.
Bemily Week 2020 Day 6 - Overprotective/Jealous
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emilyjunk · 5 years
Pairing: Beca/Emily Words: 18.7k Summary: "Beca likes the way Emily turns her face to the sun sometimes, trying to soak in the warmth of summer. She likes the way Emily wiggles in her seat when a song she particularly loves comes on. She likes the simple back and forth between them, no pressure to talk or live up to some kind of expectation. It’s just her and Emily, the road and the music and everything in between."
for bemily week 2019 days 3, 5, and 6 - road trip, oh no there's only one bed, and harry potter (somehow). this is just full of tropes and stuff idek but they’re soft
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becaeffingmitchell · 5 years
Bemily Week Day 6 - Harry Potter
Beca's been to quite a few weddings throughout her life, a memorable one being her dad's second marriage to the step-monster, but she's never been to a...theme wedding? That's a thing? Whatever, Emily's excited to go, and it's not like she'd keep her from getting what she wants...right?
Sometimes Beca forgets that she’s a full four years older than Emily. 
Things like that tend to get more arbitrary the farther they get from college and its age-based nonsense like grade levels, and given that they both have their fair share of mature and immature moments, there’re no glaring differences between them that would set them apart. 
But then there’re the rare occasions when the easily excitable toddler side of Emily jumps out and smacks Beca across the face. 
Like this mundane, uneventful Thursday night, when the comfortable tranquility of their apartment is broken by Emily’s palpable elation as she shuffles through the mail. It starts with a quiet but unbelievably long inhalation, slowly growing in intensity and volume to the point that Beca glances up from her phone to make sure Emily isn’t having a seizure. 
“No waaaaaaay!” she gasps, letting out all the air she’d collected, and Beca relaxes a little. Before she can ask what kind of mail warranted that much happiness, Emily jumps up from the kitchen table and starts dancing in their tiny living space. 
[ao3 link]
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emilyjunk · 5 years
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Bemily Week Day 6 - Harry Potter
The Bellas take a trip to Miami and on the way, they stop to see The Wonderful Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Stuidos Orlando
[read the fic]
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emilyjunk · 6 years
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“Beca has a crush. And boy does she have it bad.
It’s like every goddamn lame cliche where the nerdy band kid falls for the cute cheerleader. It’s straight out of some stupid movie.
God Jesse is never going to let her live this down.”
[Read the fic on AO3]
(credit to @aca-trash for some of the ideas in this and photoshopping Emily’s name on that letter jacket when i asked her to)
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