#benefit of having a brain that's a sieve
bread-ghost · 1 year
love reading thru my own blog bc i have dogshit memory. im like "damn these are things i'd post, what blog is this?" and its my own fucking blog. i get to sift thru previous posts with fresh eyes and experience their joys all over again. sieve brain has its drawbacks but it also has its benefits. or something
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forsacworld · 3 months
The benefits of Dabber Amla Hair Oil
How is it prepared
Amla oil is made by drying dried amla fruit in some type of oil, often coconut, sesame or mineral oil, for several days.
This promotes the release of the fruit’s own oils full of nutrients into the mixture. Before use, the mixture is filtered and cleaned to remove the fruit.
Many health food stores, health pharmacies and Indian supermarkets sell dried, fresh or frozen amla fruit as well as amla powder and juices.
Amla fruits are usually in season from October to March. Some health food stores also sell Amla products. And Amla powder and formulas can be easily bought online.The benefits of Dabber
By making amla oil at home, people can choose the strength and oil base, customize the dosage, nutrients and ultimately the health benefits of the blend. And there are different ways to make amla oil, depending on the intended use or individual preference.
How to make amla oil
Steps to make amla oil at home from fresh or dried amla fruit or juice are:
Grate or blend 1 cup dried, fresh or frozen amla fruit or juice.
Extract the juice from the amla fruit by squeezing it and then straining it through a sieve over a cup or bowl.
Measure out 1 tablespoon of oil. Many people use extra virgin oils such as coconut, olive or sesame oil to ensure the base is as pure and potent as possible.
Blend the amla fruit or amla powder and the oil for a few minutes or until the mixture looks smooth. Many people use a blender or whisk the mixture.
If using solid oils, heat the mixture on very low heat until the oil is completely melted and blended.
While the mixture is still slightly warm, apply the oil to the scalp for one to two hours and then rinse. The mixture can also be left overnight or until the next shower or bath. The mixture can also be applied to the skin and left there.
Steps to make amla oil from amla powder at home are:
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Heat the pan on the lowest possible heat, stirring occasionally, until the mixture begins to smell pleasant and bubble slightly, about 10 minutes.The benefits of Dabber
Cook for another 2 to 3 minutes, being careful not to let the mixture boil.
Turn off the stove and cover the pan.
Let the mixture steep for at least 24 hours.
Pour the mixture through a strainer or cloth into a jar or bottle.
Apply the oil mixture to the scalp or body for as long as you like before washing it off.
Most research shows that glass jars help natural oils stay fresh longer than plastic products. Glass is also less likely to react with the compounds in the mixture and change their strength or effect. Most natural oils can be kept fresh for about a year if stored in a cool, dark place.
Uses of oil
The most common uses for amla oil include:
Improve the immune system
lower or control cholesterol levels
lower or control blood sugar levels
Improve brain health and function
reduce the effects of premature aging
Improve vision
reduce dry skin
Reduce dehydration
lighten or lighten the skin
Improve respiratory function and cough
Shortens recovery time for colds and flu
reduce the risk of cancer and chronic diseases
Improvement of blood pressure
Improve cardiovascular health
Improve vision and eye health
relieves inflammation
Reduces sinus congestion
Improve digestion and absorption
improves male fertility
Improve urinary tract health
Does it work
But amla fruits are known to contain many powerful antioxidants and other nutrients that have been shown to have health benefits. Amla oils also contain additional nutrients and antioxidants depending on the type of oil used.The benefits of Dabber
Common compounds and nutrients in Amla fruits and oils:
Vitamin C
Vitamin A
• Polyphenols
• Protein
• Calcium
• Magnesium
• The carotene
• Gallotannins
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Aging Efficient
[this is an unfinished post! I may never finish it, or may substantially rewrite, add-to, or split up parts of it; some sentences trail off, and it has no ending]
It is well recognized that code can age poorly, but like many things, code can also age well. Like a fine cheese or wine, code can get better when left unattended.
In particular, I want to talk about how code "ages efficient" - as optimizations improve, and your language or system gets those optimizations implemented, your code will sometimes get more efficient for free.
But! Just like aging grapes need the right preparation to turn into wine instead of rotting slush, your code needs to be written in the right ways to be amenable to optimizations, instead of resisting and defeating optimizations.
Remember the XOR swap? For a brief moment in history, it was a more efficient way to swap variable values than using a temporary variable, because a compiler with no or minimal optimizations would just save that temporary variable on the stack. Then one day, compilers learned to keep a map in memory between registers used by the machine code and variables used by the source code - this was very simple, and had huge sweeping efficiency benefits across almost all code, because the compiler no longer had to keep moving stuff between the stack and registers for every single operation. And just like that, with no deliberate optimization of that specific special case, variable swaps through a temporary variables became free no-ops. Meanwhile the XOR swap remained three XOR operations, because it is much harder, and far less universally valuable, to write analysis that can symbolically simulate several operations on all possible inputs and notice when they cancel each other out, what effects they may have, and what other operations have the same effects but are more efficient.
We see this pattern repeat across software history.
Manual loop unrolling was more efficient once, but a good compiler or JIT optimizing VM can unroll your loops for you, and unlike you manually tweaking the source, the automatic optimization is in a better position where to choose the unrolling that best for the current target hardware.
Duff's Device was more efficient once, but it's easier and more broadly useful to have algorithms that can turn a clear simple loop into one of several options including a Duff's Device, than to have algorithms that can reverse-engineer the clear simpler loop from a Duff's Device.
And so on.
The thing is, it comes down to just one simple principle: write easy-to-analyze code:
Write code that sieves out and collapses possibilities as soon as possible. The sooner you error out on bad data or programmer error, the more of the code paths after can be transformed in ways that are more efficient but only produce the same result for the correct inputs.
Write code that maximizes locality of behavior and correctness.
Write code that most clearly and directly expresses your big-picture intended result. The more the intended result has to be inferred from the code, the harder it is
Write code that says what you mean in the semantics of that programming language,
Conveniently, you have a human brain, which is very limited in terms of working memory and speed, so when rigorously stepping through code, you can literally feel when code is harder or easier to analyze based on how much effort it takes to keep track of the full possibility space of what could happen at each operation.
This, by the way, is why coding for the human is incidentally often coding for the optimizer. An optimizer needs to prove that certain things can't happen to apply optimizations. The further it has to look to
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honeyjackspancakes · 3 years
Ginger Pancakes with Honey
"No matter how flat you make a pancake, its still got 2 sides"
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Pancakes are thin, flat cakes that are cooked on both sides in a pan and topped with brown sugar and Cinnamon then rolled up as well as honey poured over it . These delicious pancakes are suitable for both breakfast and dessert. They go well with both coffee and tea. The good news is that they're simple to prepare and don't take long.
Production of Ginger
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Ginger is a seasonal crop that is grown as a flowering crop. It's a Zingiberaceae plant's rhizome. Cardamom and turmeric are other members of this plant family. Above that the growth dies off after 8 to 9 months of growth (June/July). If the underwater creeping stems (rhizomes) are not picked, they will begin to grow immediately as the soil temperature rises (October/November).
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Fresh, dried, powdered, or as an oil or juice, ginger can be utilized in a variety of ways. It's a widely used ingredient in cooking. It's sometimes used in cosmetics and processed meals.
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Health benefits of Ginger
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Help to reduce cholesterol levels
Low Density Lipoprotein (bad) cholesterol, total cholesterol, and blood triglyceride levels can all be greatly reduced when ginger is consumed.
Reduces menstrual pain
When eaten at the start of the menstrual cycle, ginger appears to be highly beneficial in reducing menstrual discomfort.
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Helps to treat chronic indigestion
Ginger tends to quicken stomach emptying, which may be useful for those who suffer from indigestion or other stomach pain.
Lower blood sugars and improve heart disease risk factors
In patients with type 2 diabetes, ginger has been found to decrease blood sugar and improve a variety of heart disease risk factors.
Help with weight loss
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ginger may help with weight loss. Ginger's ability to affect weight reduction might be due to a variety of processes, including its capacity to boost calorie burn and decrease inflammation.
Treat nausea and Morning sicknesses
It may assist patients who are having certain types of surgery feel better by reducing nausea and vomiting. Ginger may also assist with nausea caused by chemotherapy.
Helps with osteoarthritis
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Ginger has been shown to help with the symptoms of osteoarthritis, particularly knee osteoarthritis
Lower blood sugar and improve heart disease risk factors
In patients with type 2 diabetes, ginger has been found to decrease blood sugar levels and improve a variety of heart disease risk factors.
Contains a substance that may help prevent cancer
Ginger includes gingerol, a chemical that appears to have cancer-fighting properties.
Improve brain function and protect against Alzheimer’s disease
Ginger has been shown to protect the brain from age-related damage. It can also assist middle-aged women boost their brain abi
Fight infections
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Fresh ginger contains chemical components that assist your body fight infections. They are particularly effective at stopping the growth of germs such as E. coli and Shigella.
Getting rid of Germs
The antimicrobial properties of ginger may also help to brighten your smile. Gingerols, which are active chemicals in ginger, prevent germs from developing in the mouth. These are the same germs that cause periodontitis, a severe gum illness.
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Ginger Pancakes with honey
15g(1 tbspn) ground ginger
150g(1/2 cup) Self Raising flour (Sifted)
3ml (1/2 tspn) Salt
120g eggs ( 2 Medium)
300ml (1 cup) milk
75ml oil
2ml Vinegar
to serve:
40g brown sugar
5g(1 tspn) Ground Cinnamon
150g lemon, sliced
30g Honey
Sift flour, ground ginger and salt in a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, Milk, vinegar and oil.
Make a hollow in the dry ingredients and add the egg mixture and Whisk until the batter become smooth. Pour through a sieve to remove any small lumps .
Heat a non-stick frying using a medium heat(190 degrees celsius). when the pan is hot a few drops of oil. Stir the oil to just cover the bottom of the pan. The pan is only oiled for the first pancake.
Pour 50ml of batter into the pan and turn it to create round, thin pancake. Cook until the top is slightly dry, Turn-over and cook the outer side till golden.
Mix the cinnamon and brown sugar and put them aside.
Remove from the pan and stack in an enamel plate. immediately sprinkle each pancake with cinnamon and sugar. Roll up using a fork.
Keep warm over simmering water. serve with a lemon wedge.
Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Serving: 4-6 servings
add more ginger to taste approximately 30ml(2 tbspn).
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What is a Portable Oxygen Concentrator? (Benefits, Uses, and Limitations)
At the point when you’re battling with a lung sickness or a breathing issue that expects you to utilize supplemental oxygen, there are a few things you can do to make it simpler to adapt to these issues. Oxygen offers many advantages and since you have the choice of a versatile oxygen concentrator, you would now be able to inhale simpler while you partake in your opportunity and autonomy.
What is a Portable Oxygen Concentrator (POC)?
Portable Oxygen Concentrator definition: A POC is a medical device that helps individuals with a low level of blood oxygen. You can plug them into an electrical outlet or power them by a battery. If the battery is spent, you’ll need to charge it back up by plugging it into the electrical outlet. Many of the portable oxygen concentrators also come with an adapter so you can use your device while driving.
Portable oxygen concentrators receive air, purify it and then distribute the changed air. Air is made up of mostly nitrogen and some oxygen before it goes into the concentrator. After going through the concentrator, the air comes out almost all oxygen and very little nitrogen. The device then separates the nitrogen to give the individual as much oxygen as possible, since it’s hard to get the perfect percentage of oxygen without using a medical device like this.
Benefits of a Portable Oxygen Concentrator
There are a number of benefits to a portable oxygen concentrator. Some benefits of a portable oxygen concentrator are:
Easy to Use
Many POCs can be a little confusing to operate. There are what seems to be an endless amount of:
These can make it very challenging to modify your oxygen therapy and will have your device beeping back at you to let you know you’re not doing it correctly. This is why it’s important to use a device that’s user-friendly like the Inogen One G5 portable oxygen concentrator.
An easy-to-understand and clean control panel will allow you to monitor your liter flow and battery life easily. It will also make adjustments as simple as pressing one button on the touch screen control display. And there are no worries about exasperating battery belts, irritating internal batteries and confusing connectors. Instead, there’s a lightweight battery that’s very accessible that you can change in just a minute or two.
A Better Night’s Sleep
While you’re sleeping, your oxygen saturation levels tend to drop, even in individuals with healthy lungs. If you have COPD or another type of chronic lung disease, you may suffer with transient nocturnal desaturation which can interfere in your good night’s sleep, leading to substantial health issues.
If your sleep is being frequently disrupted, you should consult with your doctor about having an overnight oximetry test performed. They may end up prescribing you supplemental oxygen therapy during sleep, helping you to sleep better.
The newest oxygen concentrators are lightweight and compact as well as very discreet. You can take them with you just about anywhere:
Car Rides
Walks in the Park
Baseball Games
Many individuals using a POC can work, take part in social events and participate in physical activities. Some POCs are smaller, weighing only six pounds and being only one foot in height.
Increases Stamina
If you don’t have enough energy during your day, it might be because you have low oxygen levels. Oxygen therapy provides you with the stamina you require to perform every day, normal functions like:
Cleaning the House
Getting Dressed
Walking the Dog
Preparing Meals
Customized To Meet Your Needs
Whether you have chronic bronchitis, emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, you’ll have different needs than the next person who needs oxygen therapy. And, this is why it’s essential your POC is more than a one-size-fits all device. You might want to choose an oxygen concentrator that provides both pulse-flow and continuous flow delivery so you can decide on the best form of oxygen therapy for your needs.
Improves Mental Alertness
Do you feel like you’re always in a mental fog? When you’re not getting the oxygen you need, every one of your body’s organs are affected; even your brain. The first sign that an individual with lung disease isn’t getting enough oxygen is confusion. Supplemental oxygen use helps keep your brain and other important organs healthy.
Independent Lifestyle
POCs make independence obtainable. Individuals can often lead energetic and active lives. Machines are made for mobility and carrying cases, wheeled carts and many other accessories are available to make it easier to get around. You can do anything and go anywhere easily because of the battery life. Not to mention, you can have oxygen in any place that has a plug.
Portable Oxygen Concentrator Uses
People who require oxygen therapy are choosing portable oxygen concentrator because they allow them to continue maintaining their standard and quality of life.
If you’re struggling with severe COPD and you have low oxygen levels in your blood, a POC could help you live a healthier, longer life.
Among the standard treatment approaches for chronic lung diseases like pulmonary fibrosis (PF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and emphysema, supplemental oxygen use at the most advanced stages is often prescribed near-universally.
While there are other types of medicine used in tandem, like corticosteroids, inhalers and prescription medicines, supplemental oxygen use has stayed a staple in lung disease treatment for its ability to offer continued respiratory support for individuals struggling with their oxygen intake on a daily level.
The Top Best  Portable Oxygen Concentrator
1. Inogen One G5 Portable Oxygen Concentrator
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The Inogen One G5 offers the most oxygen per pound for a portable oxygen concentrator on the market today.
The Inogen One G5 offers an impressive 1,260 mL of oxygen output per minute, 6 oxygen flow settings, and weighs only 4.7 pounds with the 16-Cell battery, making it the most powerful Inogen model and most powerful oxygen concentrator available among lightweight, compact models. The Inogen One G5 also boasts a longer battery life than all other models, allowing you to more freedom in your day-to-day activities and for extended travel, removing barriers to a vibrant, active life.
Like the Inogen One G4, the Inogen One G5 is Bluetooth enabled and can be used with the Inogen Connect App. This free mobile app allows you the ability to monitor your Inogen One concentrator through your mobile device. With Inogen Connect you can check your battery life, monitor sieve column life status, perform column resets when replacing columns, get the latest software updates for your Inogen One machine, easily access the user manual, and view troubleshooting tips. Most of all, Inogen Connect provides you with peace of mind knowing that your Inogen concentrator, or that of a loved one in your care, is working properly.
Features and Benefits
Flow settings 1 – 6, delivers double the amount of oxygen over Inogen One G4
Longer battery life – at setting 2, a 16-Cell battery runs for up to 13 hours
Can be charged at home or in the car while in use or not
Designed for low and hi-flow oxygen users
Utilizes Inogen’s Intelligent Pulse Delivery Technology
Bluetooth enabled and can be monitored via the Inogen Connect App
2. Oxlife Independence Transportable Oxygen Concentrator
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The OxLife Independence Portable Oxygen Concentrator System is designed to make oxygen easily accessible and portable no matter where you want to go, boasting a compact size and integrated travel cart for easy transport. The long-lasting battery and quick charging time make it easy to pick up and go without feeling limited, making sure you spend less time charging and more time out living your life.
The Oxlife Independence features an integrated travel cart with a convenient travel arm that flips up and locks down with just the touch of a button. This concentrator is approved for travel on airplanes and cruise ships, giving you the freedom to explore, travel, and live your life wherever you want to without feeling limited by your concentrator.
This concentrator is constructed with high-quality materials to ensure durability, resisting the bumps and bruises that come along with frequent travel. The sleek design and black coloration make it blend easily into the background for a more discreet oxygenation system.
Backlit LCD screen with colored background makes monitoring and changing settings effortless. Continuous and pulse modes can be switched between for versatile use, accommodating a variety of user needs.
This concentrator boasts the best battery life in its class with a two-battery configuration that allows you to swap batteries while the machine is still running with no loss of oxygen. Additionally, it performs better in vehicles than most competitors, offering DC run power on all settings, plus run and charge up to 2 LPM continuous and 4 LPM pulse.
Features and Benefits
Quiet and easy to use
Integrated wheels and handle for transport
Longest battery life in its class
Sleek modern design blends in easily
Ultra-lightweight at 16.7 pounds
Better vehicle performance with DC run power on all settings
Continuous flow up to 3.0 LPM
Two-battery configuration allows you to swap batteries while the machine is running
Approved for airline and cruise ship use
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arsonanddahlias · 4 years
You’re my rock
Here’s a little Alex for you lovelies, because i had this in my mind and i had to do a little rescue. Trigger warning for period typical homophobia, I think its pretty obvious this is a coming out fic, hope you enjoy!
“I’m gay” Alex had prepared for this. He’d prepared for acceptance, and love, the unconditional love that his parents had promised him. He’d prepared for that even with the knowledge it was probably wishful thinking. He’d also prepared for violent rejection, to be kicked out and forgotten - he’d even packed a backpack to be able to leave quickly. He’d thought of every possibility, some might say he was an overthinker, but in situations like this he didn’t want to make any stupid mistakes.
What he hadn’t prepared for, however, was silence. 
He hadn't expected it to be so loud. 
He hadn’t expected the not-so-subtle glances at each other, almost blaming, or maybe guilty. He hadn't expected the fear. 
His mother took a deep breath, sounding like her lungs had collapsed under the weight of the seemingly simple statement. Rage seemed to be building in his fathers eyes, as he opened his mouth to say something that was lost in his throat. 
His mother choked out a quiet “no”, and it sounded so different from his mother, you’d think she’d been possessed by the ghost of a mouse. Where there seemed to be anger and disappointment on his fathers face, in hers she could only find fear. 
The tears started welling up in Alex’s eyes, he could handle violent rejections, going to cry into his boys arms with Reggie holding him tightly while Luke and Bobby loudly discussed the different ways they would murder his parents. What he couldn't handle was the knowing that, technically, nothing would change but, in reality, everything that made them love him was cast aside. He couldn't look his parents in the eyes, so he cast them down, watching the floorboards start to swim beneath his feet. 
“Boys don’t cry” his fathers voice swam in his head, you’d think it was the family motto with how much it was tossed around the Mercer house and, although Alex wasn’t sure he wanted to be a Mercer anymore, the words were so branded onto his brain that he felt a pang of guilt when he saw a tear splash to the ground. 
He thought about baking french patisseries with his mother, the way she smiled and sang along to whatever was on the radio, the way she gently scolded him for adding too much milk and held his hand to help him sieve in a little more flour. He thought about family board games night, every Thursday, when the Mercer’s all gathered at the dining table and played board games, and laughed at his little sisters consistently rolling dice off of the table, and groaning at his dad’s bad jokes. He didn’t think they would be the same now, not with the spark in his mother’s eyes gone, and his fathers clenching and unclenching fists. 
“I think you should go to your room, Alexander” Alex’s mother said curtly, “Your father and I have something to discuss”
His father followed him up the stairs, from a distance, making sure he made it to his room and didn’t eavesdrop. He, of course, was going to eavesdrop anyway, but gave his father the courtesy of going into his room. He heard a gentle click from his door, and when he tried the handle, it was locked. Okay, he thought, don’t panic. They just want privacy. He willed himself not to hyperventilate, not to cry, not to clench up and panic and get sweaty hands and dizzy, and pushed his ear up against the door, so he could hear the faint conversation from downstairs. 
“This is because you let him go to dance class” His mother’s usually melodic voice drifted up the stairs, sounding way too harsh. 
“Don’t be ridiculous. This is that band you let him join. Drumming was fine, but those boys have turned him… like this. They broke him, we should have been more suspicious of that… Lucas” his father said, avoiding the word “gay” as if they said it too many times it would infect them like a disease. 
“Don’t blame me for his friends. Look, we’ll ground him, and make sure he doesn’t talk to those boys again. Call his teachers to move him in class, make sure he stays at home after school and on weekends. And we can sign him up for a… healthier activity. Soccer, or baseball. We’ll fix him.” 
Take away his boys? He’d tried to give them the benefit of the doubt, but he couldn’t survive without his boys. And he had an aching feeling that “making sure he stayed home” was code for locking him in his room. “Fix him” lingered in his head and sent shivers down his spine, and called out memories of finding out about conversion camps and - he couldn’t do that. He desperately tried to think of something else.
Luckily, he’d prepared to leave tonight, so he grabbed his fully prepared backpack and went over to his bedroom window, scouting out a route from it to the ground. He reached up to grab the key to his window and-
Good forward thinking, Alex. Well done on the whole overthinking-the-wrong-thing-and-forgetting-to-steal-back-his-sisters-window-key-after-she-lost-hers. Nice one. He sat on his bed, before laying down uncomfortably on top of the backpack. He desperately raked his mind for ideas, but came up short, sighing gently and cursing his own stupidity. 
Tap. Tap tap. 
Alex looked up sharply, and turned his head towards the source of the tapping, only to see none other than Luke, his boyfriend, tapping frantically on his bedroom window. Alex jumped up immediately, checking quickly over his shoulder out of instinct - Bobby would call it paranoia - for his parents. 
“Luke? Why are you here?”
“Dude, you haven't missed practice in 3 years, what's going on?” 
“Shit, that's tonight.” Alex once again cursed himself for overthinking the wrong things.
“Lexi tell me what's going on.”
“I-” Alex’s voice cracked a little and he turned his eyes to the ground again “I came out. I told them. They don't want me to see you again.” He cast his eyes back over his shoulder at the door, paranoid.
“Screw that, we’re commencing operation Break Alex Out of His House” someone else shouted from outside his window, and Alex looked down out of his window to see Reggie and Bobby holding up a ladder that Luke was perched precariously on, Reggie not so much holding as he cupped his hands around his mouth to shout to Alex. Bobby gave him a quick slap on the arm to remind him that Luke was literally going to fall if he didn’t stabilize this ladder. 
“Where did you get that- okay. Look, I don’t know how to get out, my dad locked the door to my room and I don’t have a window key.” 
“Okay, step back.”
“Luke I swear, if you throw a rock at my window I’ll kill you”
“Dude do you want to be locked in your room forever and never see us again, or do you want me to throw a rock at your window.”
“You're going to be arrested for property damage”
“Bobby pass me a rock”
“I feel like there’s another way to-”
“That’s fucking tiny Bobbers a bigger one”
“Lucas, please, for the love of-”
“Do you have double glazing”
“I don’t think so I-”
“It needs to be sharp, Luke, i've got a screwdriver you can hit with a rock, that'll break it” Reggie called up
“Physics genius Reggie” He called back “Step back, Lexi”
Alex complied - protesting but not being willing to get hit by a rock - as Luke whacked a rock against Reggie’s screwdriver and the window shattered. Suddenly, Alex was in fight or flight, and ignored the pain of climbing through a broken window - thanks Luke - in his panic to get outside before his parents caught up to him, it was inevitable that they would catch on with the noise. He slid down the ladder, like a cartoon, he thought absentmindedly, and ran as fast as he could to the van, his boys in tow. Reggie hopped in the driver's seat (he did not have his license yet and Alex made a mental note to scold him later, but for now they just needed to leave fast), while the other 3 went to the back, and they were gone. 
Bobby, forever the only member of Sunset Curve with a brain cell, pulled out the first aid kit they kept in the van and started dressing the cuts Alex had gained from climbing through a broken window - thanks Luke - while Alex sat, completely shell-shocked and completely still, until his boyfriend started rubbing his back in a way that they both knew Luke had learned for Alex’s panic attacks. 
Alex rested his head on Luke’s shoulder, squeezing his eyes tight to try and stop the flow of tears. He allowed himself to be pulled up and led to the studio behind Bobby’s house, the whole band's safe space. He sat down on the sofa, and Reggie was immediately by his side, hugging him tightly in a way that let Alex know he wasn’t going to be released in a long time. He leaned into the hug, thankful for the contact he so desperately needed, and listened as Bobby breathed out sharply.
“I am going to murder your parents Lex”
He wasn’t prepared. But at least he had his beautiful, predictable boys to fall back on.
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mischieftomake · 4 years
@fuascailt​: ✔
Send me ✔ and I will bold my preferences for your muse! And also italicise situational stuff because I’m the one answering the ask and I’ve decided that’s how this is going to work.
Do I know your muse(s): yes | no | a little (in that I have read your about etc but my brain is like a damn sieve) | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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bestrapeeshop-blog · 5 years
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Rapé (pronounced "ha-pay") is a snuff that's originally used by indigenous tribes from Brazil. There are many different types of Rapé, all with different herbs in it. The main component, however , is always tobacco of an variety called Nicotiana Rustica, which contains a high level connected with nicotine. Due to the stimulating effects of nicotine, Rapé has an positive effect. The tobacco plant is sacred to the native Brazilian tribes, who usually sniff this plant with powdered form. Sometimes, the tobacco gets soaked around water, after which they sniff the infusion. Smoking using tobacco is unusual to them. Herbs that can occur in Rapé include things like cinnamon, camphor, mint, tonka beans, banana peel, appreciation flower and clover. Sometimes, Rapé contains psychoactive crops as well. Azarius offers several different blends, put together with some of your favourite herbs. Lately, Rapé has been getting increasingly popular inside Netherlands. It's often sold through online retailers. Due to its stimulating effects, people sometimes use it as a recreational substance. The number of Rapé ceremonies offered in the Netherlands is growing vastly. In this article, below take a look at this substance in more detail. We'll discuss the history, quantity and usage, as well as risks, We will also discuss the Rapé blends that are sold by Azarius. HISTORY Rapé has been used since tobacco was discovered, which is in relation to 5000 years ago. The indigenous people from the American prude were the first ones to inhale, chew and ingest the plant. About 500 years ago, when Columbus returned to help Europe from his expedition to Amerika, the Europeans first encountered tobacco, and therefore Rapé. The Franciscan monk Friar Ramón Pané, who returned with Columbus on 1493, was the one who brought Rapé to Europe. Often the oldest European report on the use of this product dates by 1723. At the time, the way Inca's used Rapé to treat a number of respiratory diseases and to 'purify' the head was described in writing. It also described how the Inca's used the substance for many several ceremonies. Rapé was used to make inner journeys and bring to mind visions. It was considered a medicine that could take undesirable energy away. However , it was also used in a social and recreative context, just like we take coffee nowadays. Rapé has only recently been introduced into Dutch nightlife. Several years ago, a new scene developed, of people who want to live in an increasingly pure, healthy and conscious way - whilst even now enjoying life. To them, things like raw cocoa, coca leaf of tea powder and Rapé are healthy alternatives to tricky drugs, which increases the popularity of Rapé in this 'health community'. HOW IS RAPÉ MADE? The strong tobacco, identified as Nicotiana Rustica is chopped into very fine portions before it's hung above a fire to dry. After that, the item gets pulverized with a pestle made of rosewood, which gives the actual Rapé a nice, sweet flavour. The commercial snuffs that happen to be currently on the market are not always made with such a pestle and can miss this authentic flavour. After grinding, it is sieved and ground again. This process is repeated until a very fine powder is left. Rapé contains nicotine. Rapé is absolutely not suitable for smoking, and (unlike cigarettes) doesn't contain almost any chemical additives. Therefore , it damages the body way a lot less than cigarettes do. It's also less addictive since many chemical preservatives in cigarettes are addictive and unhealthy. RAPÉ SCHEDULE During a rapé ritual - in which nothing but Rapé is needed - the ceremonial leader first determines who needs which blend. After all, everyone has their own needs. The protocolo leader tunes in and gets through who requirements which kind of rapé. Afterwards, everyone expresses their intention: 'For what purpose do you follow the ceremony? What do you want to get an answer to? ' After that, the ceremonial leader blows the particular personalized rapé-blend into the nose of each participant. The use of Rapé results in a strong stimulation of the mucous membranes, which can be seasoned as a hard, internal slap. This intense blow brings about the mind to open up, allowing the set intentions to try and do their work. Rapé helps the user to let go with emotional, physical and mental illnesses. It releases negative energies and confusion. Shamans use Rapé to reconnect with their bigger self, which is said to connect them to the Holy Energy. Tobacco contains two other alkaloids: harman and norharman. These alkaloids are closely related to harmine and harmaline, which occur in Ayahuasca. Tobacco, therefore , enhances the effect of Ayahuasca. Both substances are therefore inextricably linked during these Ayahuasca rituals. Rapé is also often combined with other shamanic ceremonies, such as a Kambo- or sweat lodge rituals. RAPÉ BLENDS There are many different types of Rapé. Azarius offers the following combinations: Bobinsana Rapé gives a warm, empathic feeling. It can also encourage lucid dreaming. Caapi Rapé provides a dreamy, trance-like outcome. Caapi is a key ingredient of the Ayahuasca mixture. Seeing that explained earlier, both plants enhance each other's results, because of the similarity in the alkaloids. Caapi Rapé is a very robust blend. Matico Rapé contains Cecropia and Matico ashes. Due to its antibacterial properties, matico is used in the Amazon spot to help wounds heal faster. This blend helps to minimize respiratory problems. It is also used as a stimulant and aphrodisiac. Rapé Guayusa is a natural energizer. It gives you a long-lasting, energised feeling. For that reason, this blend is ideal for dancing or performing. It is also said to induce lucid dreaming. Rapé Wildmint possesses a strong refreshing aroma due to the mint. This blend comes with a deep sense of silence. Rapé Guarumo has a exciting effect. It also helps you to relax and have better sleep. Rapé Macambo Passion Flower is a powerful, invigorating formula. Its content has finely ground macambo bean, which is closely related to typically the cocoa bean and smells delicious. It also boosts your personal serotonin level. Macambo gives you energy and lifts your mood. Rapé Kanna has a relaxing and socially stimulating consequence. Right after ingestion, it has a stimulating effect. After about an hour, the negative impacts are more relaxing. Some also experience an increased sensitivity to touch and an increase in libido. BIOCHEMICAL The main ingredient of Rapé is Nicotiana Rustica, which contains a high nicotine information of up to 5 %. When it's ingested nasally, the which can be enters the brain directly via the mucous membranes. At this time there, it attaches to the nicotine receptors, which results in a higher dopamine production. This will make you feel relaxed. In addition , the acetylcholine as well as epinephrine content also increase, making you feel more alert. [1] EXPERIENCE Taking Rapé for the first time is not always an agreeable experience. People who are used to sniffing other substances might find the issue less scary when they sniff Rapé for the first time. Either way, it definitely hurts your mucous membranes, similar to what inhaling a new snuff of pepper would feel like. Your eyes will begin to tear immediately. For some people, this first experience might be consequently unpleasant that they may refrain from further use. Others will probably experience this intense excitement as something pleasant mainly because, after the 'slap', a feeling of increased alertness immediately arises. It also makes you more talkative and you may experience an increase in creativity. Most people who continue using Rapé find that the painful practical experience is absolutely worth it. If you appreciate the effect, you may even start associating the pain with something pleasant. Most people don't like coffee or beer the first time they try it. Yet you can still be able to appreciate the taste of these drinks. The same goes for smoking your cigarette - hardly anyone likes it straight away. Because our body 'learns' that the bitter taste of coffee, often the somewhat bland taste of beer and the smelly smoke cigars of a cigarette is a sign of an emergent pleasant benefit, the body starts to experience it as tasty. However , negative physical fitness of a taste can also take place. For example , if you get very ill from a certain product once, you might dislike the taste of it from that moment on. Taste, but also physical experiencing, are only signals that indicate something is pleasant or upsetting - and thus, taste can be learnt. In the same way, you can learn to increase in value a pain stimulus. As a result, it can happen that the pain due to a medicine as a rapé is eventually experienced seeing that something pleasant - however strange that may sound. WORK WITH If you take Rapé, you can use an elongated hollow tube for bamboo or bone and have the Rapé blown up your nasal by someone else. A straight tube is called a Tepi. It's very important not to inhale while getting the Rapé administered. Just simply sit down, relax and breathe slowly. Don't exhale way too hard . to prevent getting Rapé in your eyes. When the Rapé is definitely blown into your nose, you can choose not to breathe for a while. In the event you keep breathing, the herbs may end up in the as well as, which will make you cough like crazy. This is very unpleasant and should be avoided. By using a V-shaped tube it is also possible to self-administer the exact Rapé. This self-applicator is called a Kuripe. Stick just one end in your nose and put the other end in your mouth, in that case blow gently. The great thing about self-application is that if you do so , you won't inhale it, so it generally goes well. DOSAGE Only some rapé mixtures are equally strong. However , it's not relaxing to have your whole nose stuffed with herbs. Therefore , you should never work with more than an amount the size of a pea. If you want to, you can take a whole new dose after one hour. MEDICAL USE South Africa's ancient people use tobacco to help to wounds to mend more quickly, combat ulcers and repel insects. It is familiar with reduce fatigue, pain, hunger and thirst, and to raise stamina. Rapé can also clean the airways. Many people notice that immediately after sniffing Rapé, they can breathe more freely and have a greater sense of smell. There are special Rapé blends that are used resistant to the flu, although this is mainly the work of other herbal remedies that are present in the Rapé. In high dosages, Rapé can cleanse the body by inducing sweating and sometimes even queasiness. The alkaloids in tobacco have an antidepressant and stimulative effect. Some claim that rapé can repair the pineal gland by decalcifying it. The pineal gland delivers melatonin, and thus regulates your sleeping pattern. It is also the third eye and is located in the centre of your mental. The pineal gland has an important function in the cns and is potentially involved in diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. Although there is no medical evidence yet, there is a idea that nicotine from tobacco could help to control these ailments. This currently being researched. About 90% of schizophrenic persons smoke. They might do so as a form of self-medication. Because Rapé is far less harmful than smoking, schizophrenic people may benefit from using the tobacco plant nasally, in the form of Rapé, therefore avoid the harmful use of cigarettes. ADDICTION The riskiest matter about Rapé is the nicotine that the tobacco plant has. The risk of getting addicted to this substance is often underestimated. People who have give up smoking cigarettes for years and start using Rapé may unnoticedly get dependent on nicotine and might find themselves craving for cigarettes again. The experience of sniffing Rapé is in no way similar to the experience of smoking a good cigarette. Still, the substance that got you endlaved by cigarettes is present in Rapé. People like to sniff Rapé for a good reason, even though it has a painful effect on the mucous membranes. Some daily Rapé users even temporarily switch out to smoking cigarettes if Rapé is not available. It's clear that the substance should not be underestimated. The advantage is that Rapé is not really harmful - unlike smoking cigarettes. Rapé could, in fact , guide smokers quit smoking, in the same way as nicotine patches do. In place of smoking, one can use rapé to satisfy the need for nicotine. Outstanding over a nicotine patch is that Rapé, like smoking, gives you aware of your breathing whilst using it, plus that it will involve a little 'ritual'. These two things are an important part of cigarette dependency. A nicotine patch doesn't do either one of these stuff, which might make Rapé an even more effective way to quit smoking. Simply because rapé does not contain any additional addictive chemicals, quitting Rapé much easier than giving up smoking. So switching from tobacco to Rapé makes it easier to eventually quit nicotine fully. CONCLUSION In the Netherlands, Rapé is used as a ceremonial or even recreational drug. It is hardly ever used for medical purposes. I highly recommend you, be aware that if you use Rapé as a recreational drug, there is a likelihood of addiction. You might become increasingly dependent, and eventually, find yourself taking your on a daily basis. There are several known cases of people who have become dependent on Rapé. We should ask ourselves if this is really a problem. There are many local tribes where people use Rapé on a daily basis. They might get it right after breakfast to enhance their workflow, or after dinner, though having a conversation with each other. Rapé use is built into their interpersonal life. To them, Rapé has the same function as coffee does indeed for us. Coffee is also incredibly addictive, but due to the minimal health risks and the advantage of getting better concentration, this product is generally established. Perhaps the same should apply to Rapé.
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tea-talks-blog · 5 years
Tea and Tisane
What’s the Difference Between Tea and Tisane?
Black, green, white, and oolong teas come from a plant called Camellia sinensis. Herbal teas, which are also referred to as tisanes, are infusions of spices, barks, roots, leaves, flowers, fruits, etc. that are steeped in liquid (usually water). Note that the steeping time is different; in general, tea requires a shorter time to steep than tisane requires.
Unlike black, green, white, and oolong tea, herbal tea is caffeine free, and therefore, a good coffee substitute!
Chamomile is one of my favorites sense I was a child, my grandmother use to make it for us before bed. So I would like to share a recipe with you all that is great for all.
Chamomile Tea
According to Wikipedia, Chamaemelum nobile, commonly known as chamomile, has daisy-like flowers with a yellow disk and white petals, and a sweet, fruity, and herbaceous aroma. It’s also known as Roman chamomile, English chamomile, garden chamomile, ground apple, low chamomile, mother’s daisy, or whig plant.
Health Benefits of Chamomile Tea
Studies indicate that chamomile tea can lead to improved sleep quality and fewer symptoms of depression. Additionally, it may have antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects; it may also be beneficial for blood glucose, insulin, and blood lipid levels. (Read more about the health benefits of chamomile on.
How Long Before Bed Should You Drink Chamomile Tea?
Chamomile is thought of as a mild sleep inducer or tranquilizer. Its calming effects may be attributed to an antioxidant called apigenin, which binds to benzodiazepine receptors in the brain and may assist in reducing anxiety and initiating sleep. (Read more about chamomile as a sleep inducer on HealthLine.) It’s generally recommended to drink chamomile tea about 30 minutes before bed, but remember that it needs to steep for about 10 minutes.
Chamomile Tea Latte
Ingredients in This Spiced Chamomile Tea Latte Recipe:
Plain, unsweetened almond milk
Looseleaf chamomile
Pure vanilla extract
Ground cinnamon
Ground cloves
Sweetener, to taste (such as honey, maple syrup, stevia, etc.)
Making a chamomile tea latte is as easy as making a cup of tea. Simply heat the liquid and steep the chamomile, and add any spices or sweetener you like.
1 cup plain unsweetened almond milk
1 tablespoon looseleaf chamomile
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 pinch ground cloves
Sweetener to taste (such as honey, maple syrup, stevia, etc.)
Add the almond milk and chamomile to a small pot. Bring to a simmer over medium heat, and then cover the pot and let it steep for 5 to 10 minutes.
Mix in the vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, and sweetener to taste.
Strain the mixture 2 times through a fine mesh sieve. I like to add it to a French press, slowly push the plunger down, and then strain it into my mug.
To make it more frothy, you can use a hand-held frother, or once it’s strained add it back into your French press and plunge up and down a few times.
Enjoy for more recipes visit our website www.thetespot.com
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goodrapeeshop-blog · 5 years
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Rapé (pronounced “ha-pay”) is a snuff this is originally used by indigenous tribes from Brazil. There are many different varieties of Rapé, all with different herbs in it. The main component, nonetheless is always tobacco of an variety called Nicotiana Rustica, which often contains a high level connected with nicotine. Due to the stimulating effects of cigarette smoking, Rapé has an positive effect. The tobacco plant is definitely sacred to the native Brazilian tribes, who usually smell this plant with powdered form. Sometimes, the cigarette gets soaked around water, after which they sniff the very infusion. Smoking using tobacco is unusual to them. Herbs which could occur in Rapé include things like cinnamon, camphor, mint, tonka chili, banana peel, appreciation flower and clover. Sometimes, Rapé contains psychoactive crops as well. Azarius offers several different combines, put together with some of your favourite herbs. Lately, Rapé has become getting increasingly popular inside Netherlands. It’s often sold by way of online retailers. Due to its stimulating effects, people sometimes use it being a recreational substance. The number of Rapé ceremonies offered in the Netherlands is growing vastly. In this article, below take a look at this substance in more aspect. We’ll discuss the history, quantity and usage, as well as challenges, We will also discuss the Rapé blends that are available by Azarius. HISTORY Rapé has been used since cigarettes was discovered, which is in relation to 5000 years ago. The local people from the American prude were the first ones in order to inhale, chew and ingest the plant. About 500 yrs ago, when Columbus returned to help Europe from his adventure to Amerika, the Europeans first encountered tobacco, and so Rapé. The Franciscan monk Friar Ramón Pané, who have returned with Columbus on 1493, was the one who produced Rapé to Europe. Often the oldest European report about the use of this product dates by 1723. At the time, the way Inca’s used Rapé to treat a number of respiratory diseases and to ‘purify’ the head was described in writing. It also described how the Inca’s used the substance for many several ceremonies. Rapé was used to generate inner journeys and bring to mind visions. It was considered a good medicine that could take undesirable energy away. However , ?t had been also used in a social and recreative context, the same as we take coffee nowadays. Rapé has only recently been presented into Dutch nightlife. Several years ago, a new scene developed, of people who want to live in an increasingly pure, healthy and conscious technique - whilst even now enjoying life. To them, things like natural cocoa, coca leaf of tea powder and Rapé are healthy alternatives to tricky drugs, which improves the popularity of Rapé in this 'health community’. HOW IS RAPÉ MADE? The strong tobacco, identified as Nicotiana Rustica can be chopped into very fine portions before it’s put above a fire to dry. After that, the item gets pulverized which has a pestle made of rosewood, which gives the actual Rapé a nice, fairly sweet flavour. The commercial snuffs that happen to be currently on the market are definitely not always made with such a pestle and can miss this real flavour. After grinding, it is sieved and ground yet again. This process is repeated until a very fine powder is still left. Rapé contains nicotine. Rapé is absolutely not suitable for smoking, as well as (unlike cigarettes) doesn’t contain almost any chemical additives. Therefore , it damages the body way a lot less than cigarettes do. Is considered also less addictive since many chemical preservatives in cigarettes are actually addictive and unhealthy. RAPÉ SCHEDULE During a rapé habit - in which nothing but Rapé is needed - the ceremonia leader first determines who needs which blend. All things considered, everyone has their own needs. The protocolo leader tunes throughout and gets through who requirements which kind of rapé. Later, everyone expresses their intention: 'For what purpose does one follow the ceremony? What do you want to get an answer to? ’ Afterward, the ceremonial leader blows the particular personalized rapé-blend in the nose of each participant. The use of Rapé results in a strong arousal of the mucous membranes, which can be seasoned as a hard, dimensions slap. This intense blow brings about the mind to open upwards, allowing the set intentions to try and do their work. Rapé helps the user to let go with emotional, physical and mental illnesses. The idea releases negative energies and confusion. Shamans use Rapé to reconnect with their bigger self, which is said to be connected them to the Holy Energy. Tobacco contains two various other alkaloids: harman and norharman. These alkaloids are tightly related to harmine and harmaline, which occur in Ayahuasca. Smoking cigarettes, therefore , enhances the effect of Ayahuasca. Both substances are for that reason inextricably linked during these Ayahuasca rituals. Rapé is also generally combined with other shamanic ceremonies, such as a Kambo- or perspire lodge rituals. RAPÉ BLENDS There are many different types of Rapé. Azarius offers the following combinations: Bobinsana Rapé gives a warm, empathic feeling. It can also encourage lucid dreaming. Caapi Rapé gives a dreamy, trance-like outcome. Caapi is a key ingredient on the Ayahuasca mixture. Seeing that explained earlier, both plants enrich each other’s results, because of the similarity in the alkaloids. Caapi Rapé is a very robust blend. Matico Rapé contains Cecropia and Matico ashes. Due to its antibacterial properties, matico is employed in the Amazon spot to help wounds heal faster. This kind of blend helps to minimize respiratory problems. It is also used as a stimulating and aphrodisiac. Rapé Guayusa is a natural energizer. Provides you a long-lasting, energised feeling. For that reason, this blend is fantastic for dancing or performing. It is also said to induce lucid daydreaming. Rapé Wildmint possesses a strong refreshing aroma due to the mint. This blend comes with a deep sense of silence. Rapé Guarumo has a exciting effect. It also helps you to relax and still have better sleep. Rapé Macambo Passion Flower is a highly effective, invigorating formula. Its content has finely ground macambo bean, which is closely related to typically the cocoa bean and also smells delicious. It also boosts your personal serotonin level. Macambo gives you energy and lifts your mood. Rapé Kanna carries a relaxing and socially stimulating consequence. Right after ingestion, it has a stimulating effect. After about an hour, the negative impacts are usually more relaxing. Some also experience an increased sensitivity to touch along with an increase in libido. BIOCHEMICAL The main ingredient of Rapé is certainly Nicotiana Rustica, which contains a high nicotine information all the way to 5 %. When it’s ingested nasally, the that can be enters the brain directly via the mucous membranes. Truth be told there, it attaches to the nicotine receptors, which results in a higher dopamine production. This will make you feel relaxed. In addition , the acetylcholine in addition to epinephrine content also increase, making you feel more alert. [1] EXPERIENCE Taking Rapé for the first time is not always a agreeable experience. People who are used to sniffing other substances may experience the issue less scary when they sniff Rapé for the first time. No matter what, it definitely hurts your mucous membranes, similar to what deep breathing a new snuff of pepper would feel like. Your little brown eyes will begin to tear immediately. For some people, this first experience could possibly be consequently unpleasant that they may refrain from further use. Some others will probably experience this intense excitement as something satisfying mainly because, after the 'slap’, a feeling of increased alertness immediately develops. It also makes you more talkative and you may experience an increase in ingenuity. Most people who continue using Rapé find that the distressing practical experience is absolutely worth it. If you appreciate the effect, you may even start off associating the pain with something pleasant. Most people don’t similar to coffee or beer the first time they try it. Yet you may still be able to appreciate the taste of these drinks. The same goes for using cigarettes your cigarette - hardly anyone likes it instantly. Because our body 'learns’ that the bitter taste of gourmet coffee, often the somewhat bland taste of beer and the smelly smoke cigars of a cigarette is a sign of an upcoming pleasant benefit, the body starts to experience it as tasty. Nonetheless negative physical fitness of a taste can also take place. For example , when you get very ill from a certain product once, you could possibly dislike the taste of it from that moment on. Taste, and also physical experiencing, are only signals that indicate something is agreeable or upsetting - and thus, taste can be learnt. Just like, you can learn to increase in value a pain stimulus. As a result, it might happen that the pain due to a medicine as a rapé is normally eventually experienced seeing that something pleasant - however peculiar that may sound. WORK WITH If you take Rapé, you can use an pointed hollow tube for bamboo or bone and have the Rapé blown up your nasal by someone else. A straight tube is referred to as a Tepi. It’s very important not to inhale while getting the main Rapé administered. Just simply sit down, relax and breathe slowly and gradually. Don’t exhale way too hard. to prevent getting Rapé in your eye lids. When the Rapé is definitely blown into your nose, you can choose not to ever breathe for a while. In the event you keep breathing, the herbs may well end up in the as well as, which will make you cough like crazy. Will be unpleasant and should be avoided. By using a V-shaped tube it is also probable to self-administer the exact Rapé. This self-applicator is called some Kuripe. Stick just one end in your nose and put other end in your mouth, in that case blow gently. The great thing about self-application is if you do so , you won’t inhale it, so it normally goes well. DOSAGE Only some rapé mixtures happen to be equally strong. However , it’s not relaxing to have the whole nose stuffed with herbs. Therefore , you should never work with more than what can the size of a pea. If you want to, you can take a whole new measure after one hour. MEDICAL USE South Africa’s ancient men and women use tobacco to help to wounds to mend more quickly, battle ulcers and repel insects. It is familiar with reduce low energy, pain, hunger and thirst, and to raise stamina. Rapé can also clean the airways. Many people notice that immediately after sniffing Rapé, they can breathe more freely and have a greater sense of smell. There are actually special Rapé blends that are used resistant to the flu virus, although this is mainly the work of other herbal remedies which might be present in the Rapé. In high dosages, Rapé could cleanse the body by inducing sweating and sometimes even queasiness. Typically the alkaloids in tobacco have an antidepressant and stimulative influence. Some claim that rapé can repair the pineal glandular by decalcifying it. The pineal gland delivers melatonin, and thus regulates your sleeping pattern. It is also the third eyesight and is located in the centre of your mental. The pineal gland has an important function in the cns and is most likely involved in diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. However is no medical evidence yet, there is a idea that nicotine via tobacco could help to control these ailments. This currently being reviewed. About 90% of schizophrenic persons smoke. They might do as a form of self-medication. Because Rapé is far less unhealthy than smoking, schizophrenic people may benefit from using the smoking cigarettes plant nasally, in the form of Rapé, therefore avoid the harmful using cigarettes. ADDICTION The riskiest matter about Rapé could be the nicotine that the tobacco plant has. The risk of getting endlaved by this substance is often underestimated. People who have give up smoking cigarettes for years and initiate using Rapé may unnoticedly get dependent on nicotine and will find themselves craving for cigarettes again. The experience of sniffing Rapé is in no way similar to the experience of smoking a good cigarette. Nonetheless, the substance that got you endlaved by cigs is present in Rapé. People like to sniff Rapé for the good reason, even though it has a painful effect on the mucous écorce. Some daily Rapé users even temporarily switch out to be able to smoking cigarettes if Rapé is not available. It’s clear how the substance should not be underestimated. The advantage is that Rapé is not really risky - unlike smoking cigarettes. Rapé could, in fact , guide those that smoke quit smoking, in the same way as nicotine patches do. In place of tobacco, one can use rapé to satisfy the need for nicotine. Outstanding spanning a nicotine patch is that Rapé, like smoking, gives you mindful of your breathing whilst using it, plus that it will involve a bit 'ritual’. These two things are an important part of cigarette dependency. Some sort of nicotine patch doesn’t do either one of these stuff, which could make Rapé an even more effective way to quit smoking. Simply because rapé does not contain any additional addictive chemicals, quitting Rapé less difficult than giving up smoking. So switching from tobacco for you to Rapé makes it easier to eventually quit nicotine fully. REALIZATION In the Netherlands, Rapé is used as a ceremonial or even fun drug. It is hardly ever used for medical purposes. I endorse you, be aware that if you use Rapé as a recreational drug, you will find a likelihood of addiction. You might become increasingly dependent, and eventually, get taking your on a daily basis. There are several known cases of people who have become relying on Rapé. We should ask ourselves if this is really a problem. There are several local tribes where people use Rapé on a daily basis. Some may get it right after breakfast to enhance their workflow, or after evening meal, though having a conversation with each other. Rapé use is built into their very own interpersonal life. To them, Rapé has the same function as a drink does indeed for us. Coffee is also incredibly addictive, nevertheless due to the minimal health risks and the advantage of getting better concentration, this system is generally established. Perhaps the same should apply to Rapé.
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tabletshablet · 3 years
Ashwagandha Herbal Immunity Booster for Health
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The ayurveda system of medicine uses ashwagandha as a key herb. It's also known as winter cherry or Indian ginseng. The herb's root has a unique odour that is reminiscent of sweat. Due to its Rasayana and vata balancing characteristics, it is recognized to help manage difficulties related with stress and anxiety. These qualities may also aid in the control of diabetes. It also contains vajikarana, which aids in the improvement of stamina and the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
It's used to treat a variety of nerve-related issues. It assists in the reduction of stress and anxiety. It helps to keep the body's response to stressful situations in check. Chemicals in ashwagandha may aid to relax the brain, reduce edoema, lower blood pressure, and boost the immune system TabletShablet Adaptogens are considered to assist the body resist physical and mental stress and can be used for a variety of stress-related disorders. [tabletshablet.com]
Dabur Ashwagandha Churna 60Gm / 100Gm
Ashwagandha churna is an ayurvedic recipe that aids in the improvement of endurance, energy levels, and the treatment of weakness and stress. It's sold as a fine sieved powder that can be blended with water, clarified butter, or honey as a churna. It boosts memory and improves the function of the brain and neurological system. It promotes a healthy sexual and reproductive balance by improving the function of the reproductive system.
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Churna is an ayurvedic herbal powder that is designed to help the body's stamina and energy levels. The medicinal herbs utilized have been employed in ayurveda formulations to treat physical weakness and stress. Ashwangadha churn relieves stress while also improving your health and immunity. It is made from the goodness of ashwagandha, commonly known as Indian ginseng, which helps you recover from worry and despair and regain vigor.
Benefits of ashwagandha churna:-
Ø Ashwagandha has a powerful immune-boosting effect on the body.
Ø The supplements aids in enhancing energy levels while also improving strength and heart and lung function.
Ø It has been demonstrated to have an adaptogenic impact, which aids in the reduction of physical and mental stress while also improving overall well-being.
Himalaya Ashwagandha Tablet
Ashwagandha tablet is a natural immunity booster that contains all of the benefits of premium ashwagandha in a tablet form. In Ayurveda, it is one of the most significant plants. It has been used to improve attention, boost immunity, decrease stress, and increase energy levels.
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Ashwagandha Tablet is a natural immune booster that comes in tablet form and has the goodness of quality ashwagandha. In Ayurveda, ashwagandha is one of the most significant herbs. For years, it has been used to strengthen immunity, decrease stress, promote energy, and improve attention.
Benefits of Ashwagandha Tablet:-
Ø It's possible that it'll aid in the reduction of tension and anxiety. Athletic performance may be aided.
Ø May help improve testosterone and increase fertility in men, as well as lessen the symptoms of various mental health issues.
Ø It has the potential to lower blood sugar levels.
Ø It has the potential to decrease inflammation.
Ø It has the potential to boost brain function, particularly memory.
Patanjali Ashwagandha Capsules
Ashwagandha capsule is an ayurvedic medicine that helps to relieve stress general debility, fatigue, anxiety, neurosis and delay premature old age related issues. The pills include ashwagandha, which is a potent adaptogen and an efficient anti-stress agent, according to Ayurveda.
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Immunity boosters are a powerful herb with a wide range of health advantages, including the ability to fight diabetes, reduce inflammation, and block arthritis, asthma, hypertension, stress, and rheumatism.
Benefits of Ashwagandha Capsules:-
Ø Ashwagandha supplements help to boost the body's immune system.
Ø It aids in the improvement of the user's physical stamina.
Ø It is usually beneficial in reducing tension and anxiety.
Ø Ashwagandha is beneficial to the skin, hair, and has anti-wrinkle qualities.
Ashwagandha Powder
By improving energy, strength, and stamina, Ashwagandha powder helps the body adapt to the detrimental effects of persistent stress. Before sleep, drink a beverage containing a teaspoon of powdered ashwangandha to get the most out of this Indian ginseng.
Chemicals in ashwagandha may help to calm the mind, reduce edema, regulate blood pressure, and alter the immune system. Because it is traditionally used as an adaptogen, ashwagandha is used to treat a number of stress-related disorders. Adaptogens are natural compounds that help the body cope with physical and emotional stress.
Benefits of Ashwagandha Powder:-
Ø It aids in the reduction of tension and anxiety, as well as the development of muscle and strength.
Ø It enhances the health of the heart.
Ø It helps memory processes as well as brain function.
Ø It is anti-inflammatory in nature.
Ashwagandha Product
In ayurveda, which is a traditional form of alternative medicine based on Indian concepts of natural healing, ashwagandha is an important herb Tabletshablet, for thousands of years, people have taken ashwagandha to relieve stress, promote energy, and improve concentration.
Ashwagandha product available on our site tabletshablet.com
·        Patanjali Ashwagandha Capsule 20Gm
·        Sri Sri Ayurveda Ashwagandha Tablets
·        Zindagi Ashwagandha Capsule
·        Dabur Ashwagandha Churna
Ashwagandha Online
Ashwagandha, a prominent ayurvedic substance, is frequently used in formulations for stress, anti-inflammatory, and other purposes. If you require these items, you can easily obtain them from an internet store. On TableShablet, we have a selection of ashwagandha products at the greatest prices.
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VitaHemp - Buy Hemp Seed Protein Powder
100% Australian Grown and Manufactured Organic Superior Quality Tasmanian product
VitaHemp - Hemp Seed Protein Powder is a quality, premium organic product. AGN contracts whole hemp seeds from certified organic growers in Tasmania. The super fresh, natural raw seeds are then transported to Queensland where they are graded and hulled in state of the art facilities. The raw seed is then expelled to access the seeds’ precious oil. The by-product, or cake, from this process is then milled to produce flour. Protein flour is then produced via a series of sieves during which hemp seed protein becomes separated from the fibre
Health Benefits to expect when you buy Hemp Seed Protein Powder
Hemp Seeds are the most nutritious seeds in the world. They are a complete protein in and of themselves as well as having one of the most concentrated mixes of proteins, essential fats and fibre. Naturally low in starches and saturated fats, the many health advantages of adding Hemp Seed Protein Powder to your diet include:
Gluten, wheat and grain free - perfect for those suffering from gluten intolerance and/or coealiac disease.
Highly nutritious: Contains Omega-3 (cardiovascular health), Omega-6 (brain functioning, bone health, metabolism) and GLA - gamma linolenic acid.
Good source of amino acids -including the 9 essential amino acids that our body cannot produce.
High in fibre - important for bowel function and digestive health.
Very high in protein - up to 52% for our product.
Rich in minerals - calcium (bones, teeth), magnesium (muscles), iron (healthy oxygen rich red blood cells), potassium (healthy blood pressure, acid base balance), phosphorous (strong teeth and bones), niacin (lowers bad cholesterol LDL levels in diabetics), riboflavin (growth, overall health) and thiamin (helps convert food into glucose).
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tipsycad147 · 3 years
Sweet The Sting : Nettles Plant Profile
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Often when I think of Nettles I am drawn back to a beautiful memory from my time living in Maine.
I was visiting Avena Botanicals when the herbalist and owner Deb Soule stepped out from the garden with a jar full of fresh Nettle tea. Deb glows with an inner radiance and she smiled commenting on how much she enjoyed her Nettles in the morning. We all agreed that Nettles was an abundant medicine that more folks would benefit from using. And then we went back to washing roots and enjoying the warmth of the growing morning light with the scent of Nettle tea in the air.
Now, I didn't grow up with Nettles in my backyard and didn't have to worry about falling into its sting when out on walks as a kid. When I think of Nettles I find myself drawn into feelings of gentleness. And while the sting of Nettles has left many wary of the plant, the affect of Nettles as an internal remedy is so nourishing that the simple act of drinking fresh Nettle tea can be a clear invocation of gentleness. Combine it with other herbs like Milky Oat (Avena sativa) and you're brewing up a hug in a mug (recipe below).
I explore both the sting and sweetness of Nettles in my plant profile. What are your favorite ways to use Nettles? Let me know in the comments below. If you're looking for all my plant profiles click here and you can learn how to connect with any plant with the Plant Ally Project. Enjoy!
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Common + Folk Names : Stinging nettle, wild spinach, bee sting nettle, devil’s leaf, hidgy-pidgy, hoky-poky
Planet : Mars
Element : Fire
Signs : Aries (Guardian), Scorpio (Guardian + Remedy), Capricorn (Remedy), Pisces (Remedy)
Moon Phase : Waxing Quarter Moon
Parts used : Leaves, seeds, roots, and young tops
Habitat : Just about everywhere.
Growing conditions : Grow in wet, rich soil – think compost heaps and old manure.
Collection : Cut three to four inches off the early spring plants. Seeds can be collected in the early fall when plants are brown.
Flavor : Salty, slightly bitter
Temperature : Cool
Moisture : Dry
Tissue State : Cold/Depression, Damp/Stagnation
Constituents : Amines (acetylcholine, histamine, serotonin), ascorbic acid, flavonoids, minerals such as iron, potassium, calcium, silica, vitamin B, C, E, K, silicon, manganese, zinc, magnesium, chromium, protein, tannins.
Actions : Alterative, antihaemorrhagic, antiallergenic, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, blood tonic, circulation stimulant, decongestant, diuretic, expectorant, haemostatic, hypoglycemic, hypotensive, immune-stimulant, nutritive, vasodilator, thyroid tonic, antiseptic
Main Uses : Herbalist David Hoffman has a wonderful quote about Nettles that I heartily agree with: “When in doubt, Nettles.” A wonderfully nutritive herb, Nettles has a nourishing effect on the entire body with a broad range of uses.
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Nettles has an affinity for the blood. It moves stagnant blood, improves circulation, and is a rich source of iron. The herb is also useful in reducing blood sugar levels and balancing blood pressure. Use in cases of anemia and general weakness and debility. The herb helps alleviate heavy and prolonged periods, nosebleeds, and to stops excess bleeding both internally and externally. Nettle also has a strong relationship with the kidneys, stimulating sluggish kidneys, moving stagnant water, and generally cleansing the fluids of the body.
During pregnancy, Nettles, in combination with other herbs such as Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus), is a wonderful daily multivitamin for parent and growing fetus. Use in postpartum, too, especially if there has been blood loss. Nettles has an amphoteric affect on the milk supply meaning that it increases milk if there is too little or reduces it if there is too much.
For reproductive systems in general, Nettle root has been used to treat prostatitis, vaginitis, and vaginal discharges. If infertility is an issue, Nettles is almost always useful for nourishing and revitalizing the body attempting to conceive. If low libido, erectile dysfunction or general sexual anxiety is present, Nettles helps to resettle and center the nervous system (combine with Avena sativa for an especially nourishing brew). Use during menopause for nightsweats - take as a tea before bed combined with Sage (Salvia officinalis). The root reduces prostate enlargement.
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Nettles are a strengthening herb to use when a person’s constituent is weak or weakened – when anemia is present or with a weak digestive system and especially during convalescence. Helps increase energy and overcome fatigue. Restores a worn-down emotional system. Nettles strengthens the kidneys and adrenal glands, activates the metabolism, nourishes the liver and blood, and improves elasticity of veins. The diuretic and anti-inflammatory actions of Nettles are useful in treating rheumatism and gout. The herb enlivens the immune system and has been used traditionally in the treatment of cancer. Overall, Nettles are great spring medicine - they help to brush off the heaviness of winter and enrich our bodies with an injection of Vitamin C amongst other nutrients. Include the tea in your morning routine and cook the young greens like spinach for your spring green meals.
As an anti-allergen, Nettles strengthens the outer membranes of cells which makes them less vulnerable to inflammation and allergic reactions. Nettles are used to treat eczema, hayfever, asthma, acne, and food allergies. Warm Nettle tea helps the body to release excess mucus from the lungs and colon and stops the cycle of mucous membrane hyperactivity.
Use externally as an oil or wash for bedsores, diaper rash, burns and wounds, brittle nails, and to treat the sting of Nettles itself. Traditional use includes hitting arthritic joints with fresh Nettles to alleviate pain and stiffness. Matthew Wood uses Nettles topically for muscle weakness of the inner thighs (especially for the middle-aged and older) to great success. I have found Nettles to be good (both internally and externally) for growing pains of all sorts, emotional and physical.
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"No plant is more useful in domestic medicine."
- Hilda Leyel -
Magickal Uses : Protective powers employed to reverse curses and return negative energy to the sender. Use as a protective powder around the boundaries of the house and to keep away ghosts. Tossed into a fire it averts danger and combined with Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) it turns away fear. As a “carnivorous” plant it is used in purification baths to eat harmful energies. Used in wash to consecrate athames.  Lucky for fishing. Silver Ravenwolf suggests an association with the Greek Goddess Hekate and the Egyptian Scorpion Goddess Selkhet.
The Nettles Personality : The Nettles personality struggles to live in the moment. They are often dazed, brain-fogged, and worn down. Many are simply going through the motions of their day, the little pleasant details of life are simply a blur, and pass by unappreciated. There can be a lingering feeling of sadness, wariness, and uncertainty. The blur and sameness of it all can make a Nettles person feel like their are boundary-less but not in an expansive and blissful sort of way. They can get walked all over by others and begin to feel resentful for not being appreciated. Fortunately, Nettles helps to bring us rapidly back to the moment (think about how their sting does just that when you accidentally stumble upon them). For the muddled and unmoored a healthy re-centering can go a long way in helping them to feel better. In addition to re-centering, Nettles also helps us to set boundaries with our selves which, in turn, allows us to set healthy boundaries with others. With the heat and stimulation of Nettles, the fog can lift and the excitement of life come rushing back in.
Contraindications : Do not take root during pregnancy. Nettle Seed can be too stimulating for some. Avoid overstraining the kidneys by using Nettles for 3 weeks on and 1 week off.
Drug interactions : Use with caution with blood thinners.
Dosage : Leaf: 1 teaspoon per of 1 cup of water. 3 -  40 drops (1:5, 60% alcohol extract).
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Remedies + CharmsA General Sense of Wellbeing Tea | Alexis J. Cunningfolk
Combine equal parts of the following:
Oats (Avena sativa)
Nettles (Urtica dioica)
Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)
Let steep for 20 minutes and then add in a generous amount of your milk of choice for a nourishing and relaxing brew.
Menopause Nightsweats Tea | Deb Soule
from The Roots of Healing
Combine equal parts of :
Sage (Salvia officinalis)
Nettles (Urtica dioica)
Prepare as standard infusion and enjoy 1 hour before bed.
Electuary of Nettles | Elisabeth Brooke
from An Astrological Herbal for Women
Beat some dried nettle leaves into a fine powder and pass through a hair sieve to remove any large particles. To 25 g (1 oz) of powder, add 75 g (3 oz) clarified honey and mix well in a mortar. Store in an earthenware pot.
Dose: 15 g to 25 g (1/2 to 1 oz) to purge the body of phlegm.
By  Alexis J. Cunningfolk
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jozeprodan · 7 years
The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives
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“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together” – Al Gore.
Startups live and die by the people that bring them to life.
This is the start of a short series of blog posts called “Start you up.” It’s a compilation of information, focusing on what we’ve seen and learnt from startup teams over the past few years (in the hope that budding entrepreneurs can learn something from it).
Why a Team?
While there’s nothing wrong with being a solopreneur, you have to realize that you’re making it harder for yourself from the get-go. It’ll be vastly more challenging and personally taxing to get the same outcome (if you make it).
According to the Startup Genome Report, solo founders, on average, take 3.6 times longer to scale when compared to startup teams of two or more. It also found that teams were more likely to attract investors and experience success in comparison to solo founders.
I’d attribute this to the multiple different benefits of teamwork, but I’d like to highlight these four benefits in particular:
Constructive Criticism. Starting up is no easy task. No matter how much you believe in your idea and the execution, it’s almost impossible to continually counter-check yourself and ensure you are managing your business the best way possible (if it’s your first time, presume you are the real world equivalent of Jon Snow)
There’s no such thing as a perfect plan, so flaws (that are sometimes HUGE!) are easily overlooked when an entrepreneur is deeply rooted in all the intricacies of launching a business – we’re only human.
This is where a team comes into play. It’s important to have team members that will not hesitate to point out your mistakes (in a respectful/constructive manner) and work towards offering productive solutions. You never know, that mistake your partner just corrected could be the difference between the success and failure of your business.
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Different Perspectives. There’s always more than one way to tackle a problem. The more ideas taken into consideration, the stronger the solution.
As individuals, we all have our own particular way of thinking and solving problems. Regardless of how successful you are, using the same problem-solving tactics will not always work (looking at you Petyr Baelish!). There is something to be said about an entrepreneur that can strategically pick the brain of a group of people, sieve out the best ideas and merge them into a combined superior solution (this is also where advisors/mentors have a huge part to play – more on that in a later blog).
Two heads are better than one and having a team to bump ideas off will undoubtedly teach you to better appreciate and understand the importance of listening to other’s ideas and ensuring your start-up gets the best of both worlds.
Expanding your network. Recruiting a team is more than just bringing people to sit around a table and make decisions.
Every individual you bring on board comes with their own network (just have a look at LinkedIn!), which at some point could be very useful to your business. From what we’ve seen, expanding your network is one of the most important things you can do for your business. In fact, our first contract came about as a direct result of personal connections – and it grew from there.
Personal Support. Something will go wrong at some point and it (as with everything in life) is easier when you have someone beside you. In the startup world, the highs are high, and the lows are low. When you inevitably hit the trough of sorrow, it’ll hurt, and picking yourself back up is a hell of a task. Having a friend to talk to (and supply chocolate), who understands exactly what you’re going through, to be there when you need it makes all the difference in the world.
A startup is hard enough, so why go it alone?
That draws us to the end of the first iteration of Start You Up, thank you for reading.
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gvehiclerecycling · 3 years
Understanding Automobile Recycling And Its Benefits
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Fortunately, experts in Scrap Cars Manchester and recyclers  can recycle scrap metal from vehicles, reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. Here are some additional advantages of automobile recycling that you may not have heard of.
What Are The Benefits Of Recycling?
One of the most significant advantages of automotive recycling is that the steel from its components can be recycled for other purposes. This ensures that no fresh ore has to be extracted, and recycled steel requires less energy to produce. As a result, there is less environmental damage, water pollution, and mining waste, both of which are positive for the world.
Car recycling often securely disposes of toxic materials such as gasoline, cooling system, brake fluid, and central heating gases, which are bad for the environment and humans.
Why Should Waste Oil Be Recycled?
Oil from automobile engines is highly polluting to the atmosphere and should be properly disposed of rather than discarded in landfills or other areas where it can pollute rivers and groundwater. According to the experts, "it only takes one liter of oil to pollute one billion gallons of water," and that "oil can be washed, re-used, and integrated into other items" despite its filth. Despite the fact that  the world is  getting better at recycling oil, 25% of waste oil may still be recycled.
Why Should Batteries Be Recycled?
Sulphuric acid and lead are not released into the atmosphere when lead-acid car batteries are recycled. Since lead is a heavy material that can cause health problems including brain and kidney harm if eaten, the less lead in the atmosphere, the better. The good news is that 99 percent of battery parts can be reused to make new batteries. In addition, recovering lead from batteries consumes much less energy than producing it from ore.
Why Should Scrap Metals Be Recycled?
Since the average vehicle includes over a metric ton of metal, it should stand to reason that auto Scrap Car Manchester recyclers have traditionally concentrated on steel car parts. Most steel pieces can be magnetically removed from other recyclables, melted down, and formed into new flat sheet steel with no reduction in quality after a car has been demolished. Recycled metal can be used for a number of uses, including vehicles, building products, and steel containers, at a lower cost of sieving ‘virgin' iron ore in terms of energy and money.
Why Should Plastic Car Parts Be Recycled?
Since cars now use hundreds of tough, compact plastics, the restoration of plastic auto parts like control panels, bumpers, and other components is another valid reason to reuse your car for cash. A typical car contains up to 200kg of plastic pieces, often injection molded, that can be removed, shredded, and broken into chain length molecules known as polymers. Plastic recycling keeps useful raw products out of landfills and enables them to be recycled in items like recycled car parts, bedspreads, and garden furniture.
Why Do You Recycle Mats And Carpets?
Polystyrene and fabric carpet mats, as well as carpeting, can be hard to decompose of, but there are many explanations why they can be recycled. Carpet, for instance, is occasionally, if ever, environmentally friendly, but can be recycled and reused into brand-new flooring, home furnishings, building products, and car parts instead of going to the landfill. When compared to ‘virgin' rubber, recycled rubber saves large quantities of energy, money, and emissions.
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renegadesrpg · 4 years
Dark Angels Creation, Part 32: Hope in Strange Places. Sean and Declan
Sean: *I’d stalked into the house, intent on ripping  Declan a new one over letting Sin get shot, but so far that wasn’t going according to plan. The ghost shifter was growling right back at me*
Just how the FUCK did you let him walk into a shit storm of bullets? You’re supposed to keep him OUT of trouble, not aid and abet it!
 Declan:  I looked at the irate reaper and tried to put myself in his place. Really. I tried. But dammit, I don’t work for him! Glaring right back at him, I retort…
“I would have liked to see you try to stop him! You know as well as I do, he only allowed me to be his “bodyguard” as a bone to you four.”
 Sean: Gods dammit Declan….*running a hand through my dark blonde hair in frustration as I turn away from him for a moment, only to turn back,*
What in the seven hells were you doing on the streets of Caldwell anyway? You were only supposed to be checking the warding around the Brotherhood’s mountain and Layla’s cabin. You were supposed to go back to Brazil after that! And fighting lessers? That’s outside our jurisdiction. Annalise was specific in what she wanted of the Reaper Corps and she’s never exactly been a fan of Sin’s anyway. She’s a rule follower and he’s a rule-maker or breaker, but not a follower. He doesn’t bow to any of the deities but he does try to respect them and interfering in the destiny of a member of her species is going to create ripples.
 Declan: Leaning back against the wall, crossing my arms.
“The way I hear it, she’s not in charge anymore anyway and the new guy is a little more lax, so get your panties out of a twist.” Shrugging, “We were going for a drink.”
 Sean: A DRINK? *My head’s about to explode. I don’t fucking believe this!* You let him get shot over a DRINK?
 Declan: My wolf growls at me internally. ‘Who the hell does this puny reaper think he is? We could rip his throat out!’  I growl back mentally ‘this “puny reaper” wields a hell of a lot of power. More than we do. And he’s pissed and worried, but yelling at Sin didn’t work so he’s transferring it to us. So calm down and let me do the talking. We all have the same goal. Helping Sin put the worlds back in balance and seeing he lives through it!’ Pushing myself away from the wall, I square off with Sean.
“You can take a fucking breath and listen or we can have at it. Either way is fine by me, but my wolf is in favor taking your throat out. Not that it’d actually kill you, but he can have fantasies and it’d still get bloody.”
 Sean: *My eyes narrow as I look darkly at him. I’d like nothing so much as to take him up on that at this point. Growling at Sin hadn’t gotten me anywhere and my frustration at the failure to contain him and keep his movements concealed from the Horseman needed an outlet. But I only spit out,*
So talk.
 Declan: For a few seconds there it looked like he was gonna’ take me up on punchin’ this out, but Sean’s not a hothead by nature. Yeah, I’ve been told he’d been a warrior as a human, but I’ve also seen enough to know the sword is never his first inclination unless it’s life or death.
“After we looked at the warding -- Zav did a good job there, by the way, so your female’s as safe as anyone on this plane can be right now -- Sin took us into Caldwell. Misted us onto a penthouse balcony overlooking the city. I didn’t have a say in it. I know he had an interest in a female in the city not so long ago so I thought maybe it was his way of closing down the emotional tie there, but it was more than that. We stood on that damned balcony and I watched his face. He was looking back, letting his regrets come to the surface…remembering her. Not the young female I first thought he’d come to get closure on, but HER. His wife. Eve.” Shaking my head, “He was saying goodbye to his hope of finding her, goodbye to the mortal world, Sean. He doesn’t intend to survive this. I could read it in his face, in the way he held himself. So I suggested we go get a drink. Sometimes a guy will talk over a drink about things he won’t talk about any other way.”
 Sean:  *I rubbed both hands over my face, my anger not gone, but certainly taking a backseat to worry.*
I’ve sensed before that he’s gotten a kind of fatalistic attitude about this fight. He wants this battle. He’d prefer it was just him going into it, but knows that’s not possible. His emotions are – resigned. Like his entire existence as a reaper has been building to this moment. He feels like it’s an ending and he’ doesn’t have any curiosity about what comes next. If he goes into it like that, he’s going to go in reckless. And he’s going to die. I can’t let that happen. Sin is the only one of us who could take on Lucifer and that’s who’s behind the Horseman, egging him on, whispering that he could take down the Creator if only he had enough power. No matter what it takes, Sin is coming out of this alive.
 Declan: I hold my peace for a minute as I eye the reaper. I may not be the empath he is, but even I can sense the steely determination behind that declaration.
“Even if it costs you your existence? The one that you now share with another? Knowing you’ll go into the ‘long sleep’ of angels and reapers and there’s no chance you’ll ever be reunited with her soul?”
 Sean: *Damn, Declan knows where to hit. It hurts unbearably to think about leaving Layla behind. Setting my jaw, I answer.*
Even if it costs /all /of us our lives. The stakes are too high. If we lose, not only does the mortal realm become a slave existence, if mortal souls are allowed to live at all, but the Planes of Ascension will fall, their guardian gods will be slain, and all those pure, ascended souls they had protected will be consumed by the Horseman as well. His power will be unimaginable and Lucifer will fire him like a loaded gun at the Creator. If we win but Sin dies, it only changes the face of the enemy. Lucifer wants to rule it all anyway. He’ll roll through us like water through a sieve and do the same. No, *grimly* we have to win and Sin has to survive. Somehow we have to help him find a reason to survive it.
 Declan: “Well then, letting him get shot might have solved that problem.”
 Sean:*I shoot the dark-eyed ghost-shifter a hard look, stony-eyed and grim.*
Just what do you mean by that?
 Declan: “The reason we got involved is we heard a female shout out. Sin’s sat on the sidelines while you prep for the battle because you asked him to, but I’ve never known him to be inactive this long. A week, maybe two, yeah, but not like this. The Fates have kept him well occupied with voluntary ‘assignments’ up until now.  Since the five of you met in Hawaii nothing has come in. They must know what’s going down and want him under wraps too, but the fact is, he’s gotten antsy with the inactivity. So a female in trouble gave him the excuse he needed to play Lone Ranger again. You and I both know he’s never gonna’ walk away from that, and I kid you not, his eyes actually lit up when he heard her yell. But this was no ordinary woman.”
 Sean: What do you mean, “no ordinary woman”?  *Shaking my head in confusion.* Why does that matter?
 Declan: “When I scented her I picked up vampire, but also something else. She smelled like Zav, too. An angel. She was a vampire/angel hybrid and what’s more she was a frigging warrior.  She fought like a celtic banféinní and she caught Sin’s eye. To the point where after she de-matted out he talked about there being no place he couldn’t find her after this battle was done. And to do that he has to survive, Sean. He talked about surviving.”
 Sean: *My jaw dropped.*
He what?
*Sin has had liaisons before. Hell, Danu, Freya, Kali and Bastet had all been his lovers at one point or another in the last 35,000 years. He kind of ‘fell’ into them when one thing led to another and when that part of it was over, the friendship was even more solid and a kind of platonic affection remained. Though the sex had been casual, the alliances were deep and enduring. But the only female he’d ever actually looked for was the one he’d finally despaired of finding -- his wife.*
 Declan:  I repeat myself...
“He said he was going to find her again.” Shrugging, “It surprised me too, but I’ll take it. It means he’s beginning to think there’s a reason for there to be an ‘after’ for him and that means he’ll fight for it. And so him getting shot up might have been the best thing that could have happened.
 Sean: But why….?
*The reasons that a female could spur Sin to go looking for her churn through my brain. Surely, he would have recognized his late wife’s soul if it had been reborn? Zav had recognized Kalare’s immediately. But how could a human soul be reborn into a vampire anyway? They only get one life. And an angel? The Nephilim soul of a vampire/angel hybrid would probably be interesting, but /that/ interesting?  Finally I shake my head and give up.*
It doesn’t matter /why/ it happened. It just matter’s that it did. The Fates may have withheld requests from Sin but it seems it’s not because they lost interest. They just gave him a new door and he walked right through it. Maybe they’ve got a vested interest in seeing him come through this, too. I don’t try to understand those females. The sisters of the Creator are above my pay grade.  Whatever they have up their sleeves, it seems like it benefits all of us.  
 Declan: “Exactly. So you wanna calm down? The risk was worth the outcome. You got the bullets out and Sin will be completely healed within another couple of hours.”
Walking to the refrigerator, I pull out a longneck. “You wanna beer? Boss is gonna be out there on the beach for at least another hour. You know it’s where he goes to think things through and I’m betting SHE’S what he’s thinkin’ through right now.”
 Sean: *With a shake of my head I decline.*
Sorry, not this time. I want to get back to Layla. *smiling a little* With the end of this so close, I try to spend as much time with her as I can.
 Declan: “I hear you. I miss Celia. It’s like having half of me gone.” Taking a long drink, and then sitting the bottle on the counter.
“Go on, get outta here. I got this. I’ll let you know if he needs you.”
 Sean: Thanks Declan. And I’m sorry I jumped down your throat.
 Declan: Waving my hand dismissively, “Water under the bridge, man. I get you. We’re good.”
 Sean: *He’s given me a lot to think about, but more, he’s given me hope that Sin’s going to find the will to get through this on his own. And that if the Fates decided to step in we may have more powerful allies than we first believed.*
Yeah, we’re good man. *With a nod, I mist away to Caldwell, to the mountain, to Layla.*
#DarkAngelsCreation #HopeInStrangePlaces #Renegades #RRPG #BDB #AU #Reapers #Vampires #Angels #Wolfen #Ghosts
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