#benefits of cdl
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The California CDL renewal test can be challenging, but a trucking school makes preparation straightforward. Explore the benefits of CDL renewal and get expert training to help you confidently navigate the renewal process and maintain your driving license.
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Unlock Your Future: Utah CDL Training School
CDL Training at Utah's premier Trucking School is your key to a brighter future. Discover a comprehensive curriculum, experienced instructors, and hands-on experience that prepares you for a successful career in trucking. Enroll today and unlock the doors to endless opportunities on the open road.
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Libraries have traditionally operated on a basic premise: Once they purchase a book, they can lend it out to patrons as much (or as little) as they like. Library copies often come from publishers, but they can also come from donations, used book sales, or other libraries. However the library obtains the book, once the library legally owns it, it is theirs to lend as they see fit.  Not so for digital books. To make licensed e-books available to patrons, libraries have to pay publishers multiple times over. First, they must subscribe (for a fee) to aggregator platforms such as Overdrive. Aggregators, like streaming services such as HBO’s Max, have total control over adding or removing content from their catalogue. Content can be removed at any time, for any reason, without input from your local library. The decision happens not at the community level but at the corporate one, thousands of miles from the patrons affected.  Then libraries must purchase each individual copy of each individual title that they want to offer as an e-book. These e-book copies are not only priced at a steep markup—up to 300% over consumer retail—but are also time- and loan-limited, meaning the files self-destruct after a certain number of loans. The library then needs to repurchase the same book, at a new price, in order to keep it in stock.  This upending of the traditional order puts massive financial strain on libraries and the taxpayers that fund them. It also opens up a world of privacy concerns; while libraries are restricted in the reader data they can collect and share, private companies are under no such obligation. Some libraries have turned to another solution: controlled digital lending, or CDL, a process by which a library scans the physical books it already has in its collection, makes secure digital copies, and lends those out on a one-to-one “owned to loaned” ratio.  The Internet Archive was an early pioneer of this technique. When the digital copy is loaned, the physical copy is sequestered from borrowing; when the physical copy is checked out, the digital copy becomes unavailable. The benefits to libraries are obvious; delicate books can be circulated without fear of damage, volumes can be moved off-site for facilities work without interrupting patron access, and older and endangered works become searchable and can get a second chance at life. Library patrons, who fund their local library’s purchases with their tax dollars, also benefit from the ability to freely access the books. Publishers are, unfortunately, not a fan of this model, and in 2020 four of them sued the Internet Archive over its CDL program. The suit ultimately focused on the Internet Archive’s lending of 127 books that were already commercially available through licensed aggregators. The publisher plaintiffs accused the Internet Archive of mass copyright infringement, while the Internet Archive argued that its digitization and lending program was a fair use. The trial court sided with the publishers, and on September 4, the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit reaffirmed that decision with some alterations to the underlying reasoning.  This decision harms libraries. It locks them into an e-book ecosystem designed to extract as much money as possible while harvesting (and reselling) reader data en masse. It leaves local communities’ reading habits at the mercy of curatorial decisions made by four dominant publishing companies thousands of miles away. It steers Americans away from one of the few remaining bastions of privacy protection and funnels them into a surveillance ecosystem that, like Big Tech, becomes more dangerous with each passing data breach. And by increasing the price for access to knowledge, it puts up even more barriers between underserved communities and the American dream.
11 September 2024
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theoutcastrogue · 9 months
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A copyright lawsuit filed by several major publishers puts the future of the Internet Archive's scan-and-lend library at risk. In a recent appeal, the non-profit organization argued that its solution is protected fair use and critical to preserving digital books. This position is shared by copyright scholars, the Authors Alliance, and other supporters now backing IA in court.
The Internet Archive (IA) is a non-profit organization that aims to preserve digital history for generations to come. The digital library is a staunch supporter of a free and open Internet and began meticulously archiving the web over a quarter century ago.
In addition to archiving the web, IA also operates a library that offers a broad collection of digital media, including books. Staying true to the centuries-old library concept, IA patrons can also borrow books that are scanned and digitized in-house.
Publishers vs. Internet Archive
The self-scanning service is different from the licensing deals other libraries enter into. Not all publishers are happy with IA’s approach which triggered a massive legal battle two years ago.
Publishers Hachette, HarperCollins, John Wiley, and Penguin Random House filed a lawsuit, equating IA’s controlled digital lending (CDL) operation to copyright infringement. Earlier this year a New York Federal court concluded that the library is indeed liable for copyright infringement.
The Court’s decision effectively put an end to IA’s self-scanning library, at least for books from the publishers in suit. However, IA is not letting this go without a fight and last week the non-profit filed its opening brief at the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, hoping to reverse the judgment.
Support from Authors Alliance
IA doesn’t stand alone in this legal battle. As the week progressed, several parties submitted amicus curiae briefs to the court supporting IA’s library. This includes the Authors Alliance.
The Authors Alliance represents thousands of members, including two Nobel Laureates, a Poet Laureate of the United States, and three MacArthur Fellows. All benefit from making their work available to a broad public.
If IA’s lending operation is outlawed, the authors fear that their books would become less accessible, allowing the major publishers to increase their power and control. The Alliance argues that the federal court failed to take the position of authors into account, focusing heavily on the publishers instead. However, the interests of these groups are not always aligned.
“Many authors strongly oppose the actions of the publishers in bringing this suit because they support libraries and their ability to innovate. Authors rely on libraries to reach readers and many are proud to have their works preserved and made available through libraries in service of the public.
“Because these publishers have such concentrated market power […], authors that want to reach wide audiences rarely have the negotiating power to retain sufficient control from publishers to independently authorize public access like that at issue here,” the Alliance adds.
This critique from the authors is not new. Hundreds of writers came out in support of IA’s digital book library at an earlier stage of this lawsuit, urging the publishers to drop their case. [...]
Copyright Scholars Back IA
In a separate amicus brief, several prominent legal and copyright scholars, many of whom hold professor titles, raise similar arguments. They believe that IA’s lending system is not that different from the physical libraries that are an integral part of culture.
“Libraries have always been free under copyright law to lend materials they own as they see fit. This is a feature of copyright law, not a bug,” the brief reads.
What is new here, is that publishers now assert full control over how their digital books are treated. Instead of allowing libraries to own copies, they have to license them, which makes it impossible to add them to the permanent archive.
“The major publishers refuse to sell digital books to libraries, forcing them to settle for restrictive licenses of digital content rather than genuine ownership. Moreover, publishers insist they can prevent libraries from scanning their lawfully purchased physical books and lending the resulting digital copies.” [...]
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crossdreamers · 1 year
Puberty blockers have almost universally been shown to result in positive outcomes and to be safe
Over at CDL Lost247365 answers a question about the safety of puberty blockers in the treatment of transgender kids, and provides some really useful references to relevant science papers.
She writes:
Puberty blockers have almost universally been shown to result in positive outcomes and to be safe.
QUOTE: "Studies reviewed had samples ranging from 1 to 192 (N = 543). The majority (71%) of participants in these studies required a diagnosis of gender dysphoria to qualify for puberty suppression and were administered medication during Tanner stages 2 through 4. Positive outcomes were decreased suicidality in adulthood, improved affect and psychological functioning, and improved social life. Adverse factors associated with use were changes in body composition, slow growth, decreased height velocity, decreased bone turnover, cost of drugs, and lack of insurance coverage. One study met all quality criteria and was judged 'excellent', five studies met the majority of quality criteria resulting in 'good' ratings, whereas three studies were judged fair and had serious risks of bias."
https://www.aap.org/en/news-room/news-r ... -blockers/
QUOTE: "Researchers found a 60% decrease in moderate and severe depression and 73% decrease in suicidality among transgender and non-binary youth who received puberty blockers or gender-affirming hormones over a 12-month period, according to a study abstract presented during the virtual American Academy of Pediatrics 2021 National Conference & Exhibition."
https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics ... redirected
QUOTE: "This is the first study in which associations between access to pubertal suppression and suicidality are examined. There is a significant inverse association between treatment with pubertal suppression during adolescence and lifetime suicidal ideation among transgender adults who ever wanted this treatment. These results align with past literature, suggesting that pubertal suppression for transgender adolescents who want this treatment is associated with favorable mental health outcomes."
https://www.thelancet.com/journals/land ... cestitle70
QUOTE: Gender incongruence in children and adolescents is complex, and medical treatment raises several ethical considerations. Clinical decision making has been fostered by research efforts, but there are still substantial knowledge gaps that warrant examination to inform best clinical practice (panel 4). The limited available evidence suggests that puberty suppression, when clearly indicated, is reasonably safe. The few studies that have examined the psychological effects of suppressing puberty, as the first stage before possible future commencement of CSH therapy, have shown benefits.
All of this should also show that puberty blockers are not experimental and are life saving:
QUOTE: "Puberty delaying medications are currently provided off label to adolescents affected by gender dysphoria and this particular use cannot be investigated by a RCT. We have shown that this does not mean they are experimental drugs or are provided experimentally. Whether or not these (or even approved drugs) are ethically prescribed depends on whether they are likely to serve the patient’s health interests based on the evidence available at the time of prescription. "The published literature provides insight into the likely benefits of GnRHa. In summary, they reduce the patient’s dysphoria (Cohen-Kettenis & Pfäfflin, 2003, p. 171; Kreukels & Cohen-Kettenis, 2011, p. 467), reduce the invasiveness of future surgery (for example, mastectomy in trans men; treatment for facial and body hair, thyroid chondroplasty to improve appearance and cricothyroid approximation to raise the pitch of the voice in trans women) (Cohen-Kettenis & Pfäfflin, 2003, p. 171); GnRHa is correlated with improved psychosocial adaptation (Cohen-Kettenis & Pfäfflin, 2003, p. 171; Kreukels & Cohen-Kettenis, 2011, p. 467) and reduced suicidal ideation and attempts. Hembree noted increased suicidal ideation where blockers were not given (Hembree, 2011; see further, Imbimbo et al., 2009; Kreukels & Cohen-Kettenis, 2011; Murad et al., 2010; Spack, 2008)."
Some people think that puberty blockers might cause kids to think they are transgender and convince them to wrongfully go on to take HRT. The research shows this not to be true:
QUOTE: "In this cohort study of TGD adolescents, GnRHa use was not associated with increased subsequent GAH use. These findings suggest that clinicians can offer the benefits of GnRHa treatment without concern for increasing rates of future GAH use." Puberty blockers are in fact a wonder drug. Extremely safe and they can prevent trans kids from experiencing irreversible changes to their body due to the wrong puberty while they reach an age where they are old enough to consent. Similarly, they prevent confused Cis Children (who make up only about 2% of all the kids pursuing puberty blockers) from making a mistake that would create irreversible changes to their body as well. Meaning that this drug helps both trans and cis kids!
You can read the whole post here.
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myalgias · 2 years
From the article:
When it comes to physical books, copyright laws are relatively straightforward. Libraries purchase a book and lend it to patrons one at a time. But with digital copies, libraries usually rent e-books from publishers, lending them out a few dozen times before they have to renew licenses which can cost upwards of four to five times the amount of buying the book.
But the IA and other libraries have tried a different tack by buying and scanning copies of books to lend out to patrons one at a time through a model called Controlled Digital Lending (CDL).
What has become clear during this lawsuit, according to IA policy counsel Peter Routhier, is that publishers want CDL as a whole declared illegal. Moreso, Routhier writes that the lawsuit shows “publishers will continue to sue libraries over digital practices that were long considered fair uses in the physical world — even if they are done on a nonprofit basis with no measurable economic harm.”
In the current case, publishers argue that digital lending harms markets they claim to own and that CDL is not a fair use under copyright law. But library advocates argue that behind their argument of copyright infringement, publishers are simply trying to increase their profits while wresting control of the use of digital books away from libraries.
As Kyle K. Courtney, chair of Library Futures, argues, CDL is “not some form of library-sanctioned piracy,” but expressly based in copyright law, no different than lending a print book, while also offering the benefit of “broadening access to the books that library systems spend billions of dollars to collect and maintain for the public,” including out-of-print books that lack e-book licenses.
While libraries have tried to keep up with the growing demand for digital books, turning to a number of lending platforms like Libby and OverDrive, the high price of e-books can be a strain for any library, and even the most well-funded systems are struggling to keep up with demand.
That’s why many librarians believe lending digital books should be treated in the same way as physical books, and support for that belief has only grown since the lawsuit began, including from authors who originally opposed the NEL.
In an open letter, more than 300 authors organized by the digital rights advocacy group Fight for the Future said that publishers are “undermining the traditional rights of libraries to own and preserve books, intimidating libraries with lawsuits, and smearing librarians.”
Besides growing their e-book market and forcing libraries to pay heavy licensing fees, there is also a fear that publishers could gain more power in restricting access to information as they see fit, with libraries ultimately becoming “beholden to the whims of third parties, who might decide not to carry books on queer rights, abortion or other sensitive political issues,” and books being chosen by corporations as opposed to communities.
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Every job posting near me on glassdoor is like. $12 an hour Retail/Restaurant no benefits poor work conditions, $16 an hour retail/restaurant almost benefits poor working conditions, then like. CDL-A Liscense jobs, nurses, certified construction personnel, attorneys, and manager positions that pay anything upwards of $20 per hour provided it's not on a salary.. idk if some certifications are easier to get than others or like if I should just try to figure out school or something idk.
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continuations · 1 year
Power and Progress (Book Review)
A couple of weeks ago I participated in Creative Destruction Lab's (CDL) "Super Session" event in Toronto. It was an amazing convocation of CDL alumni from around the world, as well as new companies and mentors. The event kicked off with a 2 hour summary and critique of the new book "Power and Progress" by Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson. There were eleven of us charged with summarizing and commenting on one chapter each, with Daron replying after 3-4 speakers. This was the idea of Ajay Agrawal, who started CDL and is a professor of strategic management at the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Business. I was thrilled to see a book given a two hour intensive treatment like this at a conference, as I believe books are one of humanity's signature accomplishments.
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Power and Progress is an important book but also deeply problematic. As it turns out the discussion format provided a good opportunity both for people to agree with the authors as well as to voice criticism.
Let me start with why the book is important. Acemoglu is a leading economist and so it is a crucial step for that discipline to have the book explicitly acknowledge that the distribution of gains from technological innovation depends on the distribution of power in societies. It is ironic to see Marc Andreessen dismissing concerns about Artificial Intelligence (AI) by harping on about the "lump of labor" fallacy at just the time when economists are soundly distancing themselves from that overly facile position (see my reply thread here). Power and Progress is full of historic examples of when productivity innovations resulted in gains for a few elites while impoverishing the broader population. And we are not talking about a few years here but for many generations. The most memorable example of this is how agricultural innovation wound up resulting in richer churches building ever bigger cathedrals while the peasants were suffering more than before. It is worth reading the book for these examples alone.
As it turns out I was tasked with summarizing Chapter 3, which discusses why some ideas find more popularity in society than others. The chapter makes some good points, such as persuasion being much more common in modern societies than outright coercion. The success of persuasion makes it harder to criticize the status quo because it feels as if people are voluntarily participating in it. The chapter also gives several examples of how as individuals and societies we tend to over-index on ideas coming from people who already have status and power thus resulting in a self-reinforcing loop. There is a curious absence though of any mention of media -- either mainstream or social (for this I strongly recommend Martin Gurri's "Revolt of the Public"). But the biggest oversight in the chapter is that the authors themselves are in positions of power and status and thus their ideas will carry a lot of weight. This should have been explicitly acknowledged.
And that's exactly why the book is also problematic. The authors follow an incisive diagnosis with a whimper of a recommendation chapter. It feels almost tacked on somewhat akin to the last chapter of Gurri's book, which similarly excels at analysis and falls dramatically short on solutions. What's particularly off is that "Power and Progress" embraces marginal changes, such as shifts in taxation, while dismissing more systematic changes, such as universal basic income (UBI). The book is over 500 pages long and there are exactly 2 pages on UBI, which use arguments to dismiss UBI that have lots of evidence against them from numerous trials in the US and around the world.
When I pressed this point, Acemoglu in his response said they were just looking to open the discussion on what could be done to distribute the benefits more broadly. But the dismissal of more systematic change doesn't read at all like the beginning of a discussion but rather like the end of it. Ultimately while moving the ball forward a lot relative to prior economic thinking on technology, the book may wind up playing an unfortunate role in keeping us trapped in incrementalism, exactly because Acemoglu is so well respected and thus his opinion carries a lot of weight.
In Chapter 3 the authors write how one can easily be in "... a vision trap. Once a vision becomes dominant, its shackles are difficult to throw off." They don't seem to recognize that they might be stuck in just such a vision trap themselves, where they cannot imagine a society in which people are much more profoundly free than today. This is all the more ironic in that they explicitly acknowledge that hunter gatherers had much more freedom than humanity has enjoyed in either the agrarian age or the industrial age. Why should our vision for AI not be a return to a more freedom? Why keep people's attention trapped in the job loop?
The authors call for more democracy as a way of "avoiding the tyranny of narrow visions." I too am a big believer in more democracy. I just wish that the authors had taken a much more open approach to which ideas we should be considering as part of that.
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bhdrivingschoolil · 2 years
Business Name: Blue Horizon Driving Academy - CDL Driving School
Street Address: 6814 W Archer Ave
City: Chicago
State: Illinois (IL)
Zip Code: 60638
Country: United States
Business Phone: (844) 235-4968
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.bhdrivingschool.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BlueHorizonTruckDrivingSchool
Business Description: WE CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE IN 30 DAYS! With Blue Horizon Driving Academy - CDL Driving School Chicago you'll be on your way to a career with an average pay of $80,000. Many students benefit from government-sponsored training aid or full tuition reimbursement from our trucking firm partners at our truck driving school. Other compelling reasons to train with Blue Horizon CDL truck driving school for a new job include: - After graduation, you’ll be in great demand — our typical student earns up to $80,000*. - Instructors who are dedicated and concerned - There are several tuition alternatives available. - Our instructors speak Polish, English, Spanish and Russian. You may be eligible to get free CDL training in Chicago. To start CDL classes and begin career in trucking, give us a call today!
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=10747975150428475595
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 8:30am-5:00pm Tuesday 8:30am-5:00pm Wednesday 8:30am-5:00pm Thursday 8:30am-5:00pm Friday 8:30am-5:00pm Saturday Closed
Payment Methods: Cash, Check, Debit Card, Credit Card, Visa, Master, Amex, Discover, PayPal, Cash App, Venmo
Services: TRUCK DRIVING CLASSES, CDL Training, CDL Class A, CDL Refresher Course, CDL Test Preps
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swabproab · 6 days
Top Swab Rig Operators in Grande Prairie: How to Choose the Best Service Provider
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Grande Prairie is in the thick of oilfield country, so choosing the best swab rig operator you can find can literally make or break your success and effectiveness. As there are many operators out there, you need to know what differentiates the best from the rest. We have already mentioned top 5 CDL swab rig operators in Western Canada, In this guide we will help you with the selection process to make sure you deal with one of the best and experienced swab rigs operator in your region.
Why a Quality Swab Rig Operation is Significant
Grande Prairie swab rigs are an essential part of keeping wells efficient and maximizing oil and gas recovery. By doing so, it saves costs, and time as the ideal operator can increase well production, reduce downtime and improve any oilfield project overall.
Critical Things to Look for in a Swab Rig Operator
1. Experience and Expertise
Find a truthful reliable operator IN the Grande Prairie area Organizations such as Swab Pro Ltd. (swabpro.ca) typically have many years of local experience and they know the quirks of both the geology and operating environment in that particular region.
2. Quality of Equipment and Maintenance
Investment in modern, high-maintained swab rigs by top operators When comparing providers, ask about:
· The age and condition of their swab rigs
· Regular maintenance schedules
· Meeting safety compliances, adhering to certifications
3. Safety Record and Protocols
Safety is an absolute necessity in oilfield operations. Safety first, Best swab rig operators in Grande Prairie are those who put safety at the top by :
· Fully Developed Safety Training Programs for All Staff
· Compliance with the safety norms enforced by industry
· The first, a history of operating without incident
4. Range of Services
That is where versatility can be a huge benefit. Operators that offer a broad range of services beyond the swab…
· Well testing and analysis
· Consulting for production optimization
· Ability to respond in event of emergency
5. Technology and Innovation
Operators who succeed in exceeding the curve do so through adopting the newest technologies. This might include:
· More advanced logging and analysis tools
· Swabbing Techniques That Are Kind to The Environment
· Simultaneous Recording and Monitoring
6. Customer service and turnaround
That can make a big difference in how quickly they will respond to your needs. Potential operators should be judged on the following grounds.
· The time they have and the speed of answering.
· Flexibility in scheduling
· Communication and reporting Quality
The Swab Pro Ltd. Advantage
Swab Rigs for Grande Prairie- The Best Company in Its Field Backed by best-in-class processes, proprietary yard management systems and an in-depth knowledge of the local environment, they deliver unremarkably lower risk services to oilfield operators in their localized area.
Making Your Decision
1. To choose the best swab rig operator for your projects:
2. Do your research & compile a list of suitable suppliers
3. Get proposals and cost estimates with itemized breakdowns
4. Consider the overall value, not just the price.
5. Evaluate their alignment with your company's values and goals
Paint them beneath the business area and note how well they resonate to your company values and roles
You must be selective about the swab rig operator you hire in Grande Prairie for your oilfield projects, and here's why. In addition to experience, the quality of a service provider's equipment, safety record and range of services can also be considered when choosing one that fits your requirements.
If you are in search of dependable, cost-effective and inventive swab rig services in Grande Prairie then Swab Pro Ltd. (https://www.swabpro.ca/) has the ultimate answer for you with more than a decade of local experience. You are not only buying a service when you choose a top-tier operator. You are investing in the success and longevity of your oilfield operations.
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Confidence is key when tackling the California CDL renewal test. A professional trucking school can help you stay updated on new regulations and sharpen your driving skills. Reap the benefits of CDL renewal, including continued employment and the chance to unlock new career opportunities.
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adianasblogs · 10 days
How Much Do FedEx Drivers Make?
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FedEx is a well-known name in the logistics world. But how much do their drivers actually make? With competitive pay and a variety of job types, FedEx is a desirable employer for many people looking to make a good living. But pay can vary depending on experience, location, and role. This article provides a breakdown of the salary details for FedEx drivers.
What Types of Drivers Does FedEx Hire?
FedEx hires drivers for a range of roles. Each type of driver has different responsibilities and pay structures.
FedEx Ground Drivers
FedEx Ground drivers handle packages delivered to homes and businesses within a specific area. These drivers operate within local regions and are responsible for timely deliveries.
FedEx Express Drivers
FedEx Express drivers deliver packages on a quicker schedule, often dealing with time-sensitive packages. This role requires a higher level of coordination as the delivery windows are much smaller compared to Ground drivers.
FedEx Freight Drivers
Freight drivers handle large, heavy shipments that travel longer distances. These drivers usually require a commercial driver’s license (CDL) and handle shipments between businesses, typically on long-haul trips.
What Factors Affect FedEx Driver Pay?
Several factors can influence how much a FedEx driver makes. Experience, location, and job type all play significant roles in determining the salary.
Drivers with more experience tend to earn more. New drivers may start with a lower wage but can expect raises as they gain experience.
Where you work matters. Drivers in higher-cost-of-living states or major metropolitan areas generally earn more than those in smaller towns or rural regions.
Driver Type
Ground, Express, and Freight drivers all have different pay scales. Freight drivers tend to make more due to the need for specialized licenses and the longer distances they travel.
Average Salary of FedEx Drivers
The average salary for a FedEx driver varies depending on the type of driver and the location.
FedEx Ground Driver Salary
FedEx Ground drivers earn around $18 to $25 per hour. With overtime, the annual salary can range from $40,000 to $60,000.
FedEx Express Driver Salary
Express drivers typically make between $20 and $28 per hour. Due to the time-sensitive nature of their deliveries, they can expect to earn slightly more than Ground drivers.
FedEx Freight Driver Salary
Freight drivers, who require a CDL, can make anywhere from $50,000 to $75,000 per year. Long-haul drivers generally earn more than local freight drivers.
How Do FedEx Salaries Compare to UPS?
Many people wonder how FedEx compares to UPS in terms of pay.
Differences in Pay Scales
UPS drivers tend to make slightly more than FedEx drivers, especially long-haul drivers. However, the pay difference often comes down to location and experience.
Benefits and Perks
Both companies offer excellent benefits, but UPS may have an edge when it comes to pension plans and long-term retirement benefits.
How Do FedEx Salaries Compare Across the U.S.?
Salary depends on where the driver works. The variation in salary is great depending on the location.
Highest Paying States
States like California, New York, and Illinois typically offer the highest pay for FedEx drivers due to the high cost of living.
Lowest Paying States
States like Mississippi, Arkansas, and South Dakota have lower average salaries for FedEx drivers.
What Benefits Do FedEx Drivers Receive?
FedEx drivers receive a comprehensive benefits package.
Health Insurance
FedEx offers health, dental, and vision insurance to its drivers.
Retirement Plans
The company provides 401(k) plans with company matching.
Paid Time Off
Drivers receive paid vacation days. They also receive sick leave.
Are There Overtime Opportunities for FedEx Drivers?
Yes, FedEx drivers can work overtime and get compensated accordingly.
Typical Work Hours
Most drivers work around 40 hours per week, but overtime is available, especially during peak seasons.
Overtime Pay Structure
Overtime is paid at 1.5 times the normal hourly rate, providing a significant income boost during busy times.
Is There Career Growth for FedEx Drivers?
FedEx encourages career growth and offers plenty of opportunities for advancement.
Moving Up the Ladder
Many drivers move into supervisory roles or transition into management.
Opportunities in Management
FedEx has a well-structured management track for drivers looking to advance beyond their current role.
How to Apply for a FedEx Driver Job?
Applying for a FedEx driver job is straightforward.
Application Process
Prospective drivers can apply online or at a FedEx hub. Prepare for a background check. Undergo a drug test.
Qualifications Required
A clean driving record and, in some cases, a CDL are necessary for most positions.
What Are Some Common Challenges for FedEx Drivers?
FedEx drivers face challenges like difficult weather and tight delivery schedules.
Weather Conditions
Rain can make delivery tricky. Snow and other adverse weather can also make delivery tricky.
Delivery Deadlines
Drivers often have to meet strict deadlines, adding pressure to the job.
What Skills Are Necessary to Succeed as a FedEx Driver?
Certain skills make for a successful FedEx driver.
Time Management
Drivers must be able to plan their routes efficiently to meet delivery deadlines.
Customer Service
Interacting with customers in a friendly and professional manner is a key part of the job.
Can You Work Part-Time as a FedEx Driver?
Yes, FedEx offers part-time positions.
FedEx Part-Time Driver Roles
Part-time drivers typically work shorter shifts and may handle weekend deliveries.
Pay for Part-Time Drivers
Part-time drivers make less per year but are often paid the same hourly rate as full-time drivers.
What Is the Work-Life Balance for FedEx Drivers?
Work-life balance depends on the role and schedule.
Typical Workweek
Full-time drivers usually work Monday through Friday, but during peak seasons, weekend work may be required.
Flexibility in Scheduling
FedEx offers flexible scheduling for some driver roles, allowing for a better balance between work and personal life.
FedEx offers competitive pay and benefits for its drivers. Whether you're looking for a full-time career or part-time work, FedEx has a range of opportunities with room for growth. While the job can be challenging, it also offers a stable income with good benefits.
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cdl-360 · 14 days
Complete Guide To Managing Your CSA Score
CSA (Compliance, Safety, Accountability) scores are part of a program run by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to improve the safety of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs). Managing your CSA score is essential for trucking companies and drivers because it impacts both the reputation and legal standing of the company. Here's a guide on how to manage and improve CSA scores:
Key CSA Score Factors:
CSA scores are calculated based on seven Behavioral Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories (BASICs). These include:
Unsafe Driving: Violations related to dangerous driving behavior such as speeding, reckless driving, or improper lane changes.
Hours-of-Service (HOS) Compliance: Violations of hours-of-service rules, such as driving for too long without rest.
Driver Fitness: Violations for operating without a valid commercial driver’s license (CDL), being medically unfit to drive, or lack of proper training.
Controlled Substances/Alcohol: Violations involving the use of drugs or alcohol while driving.
Vehicle Maintenance: Violations for poor vehicle maintenance, such as faulty brakes, lights, or other mechanical issues.
Hazardous Materials Compliance: Violations in the transportation of hazardous materials, like improper packaging or labeling.
Crash Indicator: Records of crashes, especially where the driver is at fault, impact this category.
Steps to Manage and Improve CSA Scores:
1. Regular Inspections and Maintenance
Ensure vehicles are regularly inspected and maintained to prevent breakdowns and reduce the risk of violations during roadside inspections.
Keep thorough documentation of all maintenance and repairs.
2. Driver Training and Compliance
Conduct regular training sessions for drivers on CSA regulations, hours-of-service rules, and safety protocols.
Ensure drivers are medically fit and have all necessary certifications, including a valid CDL.
3. Implement Safety Policies
Enforce strict policies for safe driving, including adherence to speed limits, seatbelt use, and proper driving behavior.
Equip vehicles with safety technologies like dash cams, speed governors, or telematics to monitor and correct unsafe driving behaviors.
4. Monitor Driver Behavior
Use electronic logging devices (ELDs) to track hours-of-service compliance and prevent violations.
Install fleet management software to monitor driver behavior and provide feedback to drivers in real-time.
5. Review CSA Scores Regularly
Check your company’s CSA scores frequently on the FMCSA website to identify trends and problem areas.
Review violation reports and address issues immediately to prevent repeated infractions.
6. Challenge Incorrect Violations
If you believe a violation has been recorded incorrectly, you can submit a DataQs challenge to dispute the violation.
Maintain documentation to support your claim, such as repair receipts, driver logs, and inspection reports.
7. Promote a Safety-First Culture
Foster a company-wide culture where safety is a priority. Reward drivers for safe driving records and compliance.
Conduct regular safety meetings and encourage open communication regarding safety concerns.
8. Use Preventive Tools
Invest in preventive technologies, such as advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), collision mitigation systems, and GPS tracking, to help avoid accidents and violations.
9. Hire Qualified Drivers
Hiring experienced, qualified drivers who have a clean driving record is key to maintaining a low CSA score.
Conduct thorough background checks and ensure that potential hires meet all safety and compliance standards.
10. Maintain Proper Documentation
Keep accurate records of all inspections, driver certifications, and safety protocols. This can be helpful during audits or when contesting violations.
Benefits of Maintaining a Good CSA Score:
Lower Insurance Costs: Insurance providers may offer better rates to companies with low CSA scores.
Improved Reputation: A good CSA score enhances the company’s credibility and can help attract more business.
Reduced Risk of FMCSA Intervention: High CSA scores may lead to increased scrutiny, audits, or penalties from FMCSA.
Improved Driver Retention: Drivers prefer working for companies that prioritize safety and compliance, leading to higher driver satisfaction and retention.
By focusing on preventive measures, training, and regular monitoring, companies can effectively manage their CSA scores and maintain compliance with FMCSA standards.
Blog Source: https://sites.google.com/view/csa-score-management-cdl360/home
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jobkash · 20 days
CDL A Delivery Driver
JOIN THE US FOODS TEAM!Ready to build a career with a company that’s leading the foodservice industry?Schedule:Tuesday-Saturday (Home Daily)2am- 4am Dispatch – until completeCompetitive Salary: Average $115,000 in the first yearNow Offering: $12,000 Bonus$20,000 for verified year or more food and/or beverage local delivery experience.Full Benefits after Day 1!Benefits medical, dental, vision,…
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solvedprojectblog · 24 days
Why IMT CDL Students Are Choosing Solved Projects for Academic Excellence
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In the competitive academic environment of IMT CDL (Institute of Management Technology Centre for Distance Learning), students are constantly seeking ways to enhance their performance and achieve excellence. One strategy that has gained popularity is the use of solved projects. Here’s why IMT CDL students are increasingly turning to solved projects as a key resource for academic success.
1. A Proven Resource for Better Understanding
Comprehensive Learning
- Detailed Solutions: IMT solved projects offer detailed explanations and step-by-step solutions that help students grasp complex concepts more effectively.
- Application of Theory: These projects demonstrate how theoretical knowledge can be applied to real-world scenarios, making learning more practical and relevant.
Clarity and Structure
- Well-Organized Content: Solved projects are often well-structured, providing clear insights into how to organize and present your own work.
- Guidance on Formatting: They also serve as examples for proper formatting and adherence to IMT CDL guidelines, which is crucial for academic success.
2. Enhancing Time Management and Efficiency
Time-Saving Tool
- Quick Reference: Instead of spending countless hours trying to figure out the right approach, students can refer to solved projects for guidance, saving valuable time.
- Focus on Key Areas: By using these projects as a reference, students can focus more on refining their understanding and enhancing the quality of their work.
Better Planning
- Structured Approach: Solved projects help students break down complex assignments into manageable tasks, allowing for better planning and execution.
- Consistency in Quality: With a reliable structure to follow, students can consistently produce high-quality work that meets academic standards.
3. Boosting Confidence and Reducing Stress
Building Confidence
- Learning from Success: Seeing how others have successfully completed similar projects can boost students' confidence in their own abilities.
- Clarifying Doubts: Solved projects can help clarify any doubts or uncertainties, ensuring that students feel more prepared and less anxious about their assignments.
Reducing Academic Pressure
- Support System: Having access to solved projects provides students with a safety net, reducing the pressure of meeting deadlines and academic expectations.
- Stress Management: By easing the workload, solved projects allow students to manage their time better, reducing stress and improving overall academic performance.
4. Ensuring Academic Integrity
Guidance, Not Copying
- Educational Tool: IMT solved projects should be used as a learning tool to guide students in their studies, rather than a source for direct copying.
- Encouraging Originality: By studying these projects, students can develop their own ideas and approaches, ensuring that their work is both original and of high quality.
Ethical Use
- Proper Citation: Students are encouraged to use solved projects responsibly by citing them appropriately if they draw directly from them.
- Maintaining Integrity: Using solved projects ethically ensures that students maintain academic integrity and avoid plagiarism.
IMT CDL students are increasingly recognizing the value of solved projects as a resource for achieving academic excellence. By offering detailed insights, saving time, boosting confidence, and providing a structured approach, solved projects are becoming an indispensable tool for students striving for success. However, it is essential to use these resources ethically and responsibly to maximize their benefits while maintaining academic integrity.
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prattush · 25 days
The Benefits of a 2-Year PGDM Program at IMT CDL
The decision to pursue a Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) is often influenced by career aspirations, the desire for professional growth, and the need to acquire specialized knowledge in the field of management. The 2-year PGDM program offered by IMT CDL (Institute of Management Technology, Centre for Distance Learning) stands out as a viable option for many aspiring managers and business leaders. With a blend of rigorous academics, flexible learning options, and industry-oriented curriculum, the program offers several benefits that cater to the needs of working professionals and fresh graduates alike.
1. Flexibility and Accessibility
One of the most significant advantages of the 2-year PGDM program at IMT CDL is the flexibility it offers. Designed to accommodate the schedules of working professionals, the program provides an opportunity to balance work, life, and studies. The distance learning format ensures that students can access course materials, attend virtual classes, and participate in discussions from anywhere, making it ideal for those who cannot commit to full-time, on-campus programs due to geographical or time constraints.
2. Comprehensive Curriculum
The curriculum of the 2-year PGDM program at IMT CDL is meticulously designed to cover all essential aspects of management. The program offers specializations in areas such as Finance, Marketing, Human Resource Management, and Operations, allowing students to tailor their education according to their career goals. The course structure is periodically updated to reflect the latest trends and practices in the industry, ensuring that students are equipped with relevant knowledge and skills.
3. Industry-Relevant Skills
IMT CDL’s PGDM program emphasizes the development of industry-relevant skills. Through case studies, live projects, and industry interactions, students are exposed to real-world business scenarios, helping them to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities. The program also includes workshops and webinars led by industry experts, providing students with insights into the latest industry trends and practices.
4. Networking Opportunities
A 2-year program allows students to build meaningful connections with peers, faculty, and industry professionals. IMT CDL offers a platform for students to interact with a diverse group of individuals from various industries, enhancing their professional network. These connections can be invaluable when seeking job opportunities or career advancement, as they provide access to a broad network of professionals who can offer guidance, mentorship, and support.
5. Affordability
Compared to full-time MBA programs, the 2-year PGDM program at IMT CDL is more affordable, making it accessible to a broader range of students. The cost-effectiveness of the program, combined with its high academic standards, makes it a preferred choice for individuals seeking quality management education without incurring significant debt. The program also offers the flexibility to pay fees in installments, further easing the financial burden.
6. Career Advancement
For working professionals, a 2-year PGDM from IMT CDL can be a catalyst for career advancement. The program equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to take on leadership roles within their organizations. The specialized knowledge gained through the program can also open doors to new job opportunities in various sectors, including finance, marketing, and human resources.
7. Accreditation and Recognition
IMT CDL’s PGDM program is well-recognized and accredited, adding value to the qualification. Employers appreciate the rigor and depth of the curriculum, and the degree is widely recognized across industries, both in India and abroad. This recognition ensures that graduates are competitive in the job market and can leverage their PGDM to achieve their career goals.
The 2-year PGDM program at IMT CDL offers a comprehensive, flexible, and affordable route to acquiring advanced management education. Whether you are a working professional looking to enhance your skills or a fresh graduate aiming to enter the corporate world, this program provides the tools and opportunities necessary to succeed. With a curriculum designed to meet industry demands, numerous networking opportunities, and a strong emphasis on practical skills, the program stands out as an excellent choice for anyone looking to advance their career in management.
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