#benelux siblings
fireandiceland · 1 year
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putagal · 2 months
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benelux redraw. they’re so cute. so silly. the results of letting money roll!
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maivalkov · 1 year
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Redraw 🌷🌷🌷
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hetagrammy · 1 year
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Sitting in Dublin Airport for hours made me realize that the Aer Lingus uniforms are kinda cute
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orbitinghetalia · 2 years
He was not about to run to his older siblings, he refused to. Henri was his own independent person. A few strange noises in some foreign hotel would not scare him. So what if the building was old. At his age, not that many buildings were older than him.
There had been that odd feeling about this recently renovated hotel that had him feeling off since the moment stepped inside of it and that feeling had only grown stronger the longer he remained there. Almost succeeding in falling asleep, the small nation was quickly awakened by a sharp and loud noise.
Sitting upright nearly immediately, the blond turned on the light but saw nothing in his room. Hearing the sound again yet seeing nothing, he threw the blanket off of himself. The only things he grabbed on his way out were his phone and his key card.
Making his way down the hall quickly, mainly to put distance between himself and his room, he found himself in front of his sister’s door. He didn’t want to knock and wake up Emma up in the middle of the night because he heard some noises in his room, but he couldn’t wander the hall all night in his pyjamas and he certainly wasn’t going back to that room alone.
So he knocked on the door. There was no reaction and he knocked again, harder this time. Believing the sound had gone unnoticed by his sleeping sister, he was about to knock on the door again just as Emma opened the door. “What’s wrong? Why are you still awake?” she asked him, not sounding like she had been sleeping at all.
Against his better judgment, still standing out in the hall, he blurted out “I can’t stand the sounds in my room.” His sister nodded in understanding and stepped aside to let him into her room.
Once inside he noticed some Halloween movie was playing on the television and how loud the volume was. No wonder his sister hadn’t opened the door sooner. Emma was already settled on the couch the room offered, where she had obviously been sitting before. She was eating some popcorn and held out the bowl to him, while staring straight at the screen and clearly doing her best to ignore all the small sounds that could be heard in the room.
Not knowing what else to do, he took some of the popcorn and turned the sound up just a little more.
Neither mentioned it, until they heard an unearthly noise. Emma grabbed hold of her little brother and they ran out of her room and towards their big brother’s room, a floor above theirs and on the other side of the hotel.
The rapid and urgent sounding knocking on his door roused him from his well earned sleep. He tried to ignore it but the noise wouldn’t allow him to fall asleep again. Throwing the covers of him he walked to the door of his hotel room and threw it wide open.
Ready to throw insults at however was disturbing his sleep, he saw his brother and sister huddled together. Seeing the fear on their faces he quickly ushered them inside. “What happened?” He asked as he shut the door.
“You’re not going to like this answer.” Emma said silently while Henri looked at him with those begging, hopeful eyes.
She was right and he didn’t like their answer. They had awoken him because they were scared of the noises. They were grown, independent nations. Their fear of some noises should have annoyed him, instead the look on their faces had worried him. There simply were a lot of noises in this building. It might have been renovated recently, but it seemed it hadn’t been the greatest renovating.
That is how the Benelux siblings had somehow ended up trying to sleep in one bed. It was a large bed, but it wasn’t easy to fit all of them on it.
So he held both of his siblings close and waited for them to fall asleep, before going back to sleep himself.
A sudden and loud knocking that seemed to come from the room’s ceiling startled all of them awake. Their frightened looks angered him and he stormed to his door and threw it open.
No one.
Stepping out of his room he looked around the hallway but still didn’t see anyone and with the layout of this place they couldn’t have been fast enough to be out of sight already. Alright, so no one had been knocking on his door. Going back inside, he picked up the phone to make the hotel staff get whoever had the room above him stay quiet.
He would have walked up there himself, but he didn’t want to leave Emma and Henri alone. Also, the woman minding the phone had told him he would have been standing in front of the door to an empty room.
Empty room. No one staying there. Okay. He wasn’t going to share that information.
He went back to bed and waited for them to fall asleep again.
Loud noises coming from the wall nearest to the bed woke them all up. He was about to stalk off to the room next door before remembering the was a closet next to his room. How could he forget, he had a friendly conversation with the lady from room cleaning while she had collected some things from that exact closet.
Silencing the hushed whispers of his siblings, he got out of bed and walked over to the desk and wrote down something on a piece of paper.
Opening his door, he stuck the note on the other side and shut the door again.
Once back in the bed he gathered his family in his arms and told them to go back to sleep, leaving no room for arguments.
Next morning found Henri smiling at his brother after he showed him the sign.
Next morning found Emma sighing at him after she read what he had written down.
“Really Johan, you told whatever was making that noise it had to pay toll before getting inside your room?”
Prompt "I thought I heard something." for @hetaween-event-2022 with the Benelux siblings.
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nordickies · 11 months
Can we please see your version of the Benelux siblings? 🩷
Uhh, I have these for the redesign piece!
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ifindus · 6 months
Who do you ship denmark with? If anyone?
I don't really have a specific go-to ship for him, but I like seeing exploration of his relationship with nations that aren't Norway ✨
I think he'd be very close to the BeNeLux siblings, and both Nethlands and Belgium can be good ship options for him in my opinion.
Ireland is also an option ofc, but then leaning more towards a nyo!Ireland for Denmark. He does strike me as the token straight brother of the Scandis 😅
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bitchapalooza · 9 months
Imagine the Nations go to this “international gala” thing every year and it’s always organized with a new theme in mind. But literally no one follows the theme. It’s unspoken rule not to.
The previous Gala’s theme was the Roaring 20s. The Benelux siblings came in matching footie pajamas. Poland came wearing a slutty nurse’s costume. America came as Superman. China and Germany both coincidently came dressed up as princesses and partnered up for the night and Liechtenstein was also their knight. Sweden came wearing his Snuggie so he could curl up in the corner and watch tv on his phone until Finland was ready to go home— oh and Finland was matching with Norway with ugly Christmas sweaters they made themselves!
It seriously hasn’t gotten through the planners’ heads that these guys will not follow theme, they’re literally just there for free booze and to act stupid. The gala is kind of a way to show the public that these guys are normal, they’re like us, it’s a worldwide event that is often heavily reported on. Despite the very unserious way they all take the gala, it’s still up and running because people genuinely love to see these idiots act goofy and have fun.
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nekochan08 · 2 months
Because I have more Hetalia theme park head cannons. Here are some Nordics and Benelux at a theme park.
Here’s part 1 for the Main 8 + Canada & Prussia
And part 2 for Romano, Spain, Lithuania, and Poland
Denmark 🇩🇰: A thrill-seeker for sure! Looking to be upside down most of the time since he likes feeling the blood rushing to his head. The pendulum rides that swing upside down and roller coasters with many loops and corkscrews are his go-to. Rides these same rides in quick succession without breaks. Sleeps like a baby on the way home. Iffy about slingshot rides.
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Norway 🇳🇴: Doesn’t mind speed, doesn’t like heights. Denmark pulled him onto a REALLY tall free-fall ride and hated it. Was actually scared but stayed silent and was shaking when he got off. Goes on the Ferris Wheel a few times with Iceland.
Iceland 🇮🇸: Constantly talking about how he doesn’t wanna be there. That’s a lie he loves theme parks. He goes on a few small roller coasters or go-carts if he se sees them. It’s a hit or miss with him. Goes on the ship ride with Denmark and screams when it swings too high that he’ll never go on it again (he goes on it again).
Finland 🇫🇮: LOVES intense rides. Will go on large roller coasters but scream-cries throughout the ride. He can feel the tears travel away from his eyes towards his ears. He’s totally fine after they’re back at the station “that was fun, we should do it again!”
Sweden 🇸🇪: Nothing is too scary for him. He’ll go on anything. Gets on roller coasters with Finland but just stone faces the entire time. Doesn’t budge at all, just 🗿all the way no matter how hard the ride thrashes him around. Will go on slingshot rides with Denmark to watch him scream in fear.
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Netherlands 🇳🇱: HATES waiting on lines and doesn’t wanna pay for fast passes. He wants to be at the park gates before it even opens to make sure he can get on rides without having long wait times. If the wait is more than 20 minutes then he’s not getting on. Honestly, he’s there because his siblings convinced him to go
Belgium 🇧🇪: Absorbed in the atmosphere of the park. Has to take pictures with any actors/performers she sees. Takes pictures of the cool park desserts and judges if they’re good or not. Likes any ride that spins really fast and free fall rides. Not the tall ones, though. Enjoys funhouse mazes.
Lux 🇱🇺: Always has a fast pass for every ride he goes on. Goes on roller coasters that are big and fast because it makes him feel like he’s flying. Convinces Belgium to go with him on the bigger rides to see her get scared. Has gotten on line for a ride thinking it was a certain ride, but turned out he got on the wrong line and got on a gigacoaster by accident. Most scared he’s ever been on a ride.
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tejennnn · 1 year
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ArTejennnn (not) Summer sh0p update ☀️🥥🌴
(Because it’s summer all year-long in Indonesia...)
A kind of sudden update because I got things ready earlier than expected 🤣 My Etsy sh0p will reopen on Saturday, July 15th, 9PM EST/EDT (Sunday, July 16th 8AM GMT+7)! In this update there will be:
Previous batch designs restock (Germany & Italy bros, North America & UK bros)
[New!] Benelux siblings keychain & sticker design set!
Discounted B-grade items (The imperfect but still ok ones ❤️‍🩹)
🌏 For the Asian region (mainly local ID & SEA), PO preparation for ASEAN month in August is still on progress! Please stay tuned on my socials for any further updates \(^o^)/
Some items are in low stock, so get them while they last! Please look forward to it~
✨Shares and reblogs are greatly appreciated! Thank you✨
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doueverwonder · 1 year
okay I know I just finished writing NedAme but I think it'd be inherently funny if NedCan, AmeBelg, and ZeaLux existed together and the Benelux and Pacific siblings all decided to gaslight England into thinking there's a fourth Benelux sibling who Australia is dating.
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BENELUX trio as the House of the Hearth siblings of Genshin Impact
Benelux siblings from Hetalia, as the House of the Hearth siblings (Freminet, Lynette and Lyney) from Genshin Impact.
Despite being Lyney and Freminet the oldest and youngest brothers, I swapped their roles to Luxembourg and the Netherlands, as Luxembourg couldn´t be a good diver, and Netherlands could had suffered pressure to be a charm and good magician
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darcymariaphoster · 10 months
UK bros or Benelux siblings?
UK Bros. They're funny and, honestly, I'm not super invested in the Benelux siblings. 🤷
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snifekinner · 7 months
17 and 18?
idk who you are or what fandom you're from anon, so i'm going to do it for hetalia because i'm morally corrupt and queer coded.
there should be more of this type of fic/art
i'm trying to help fill this deficit myself but PLATONIC SHIPS. more fics where they are just some dudes hanging out. more fics where there's not necessarily a big historical moment happening and no one is out to shag anyone else. also i feel like we don't see many fics set at the world meetings anymore and i always loved those for the pure chaos.
i love seeing body/height headcanon fan art so i would love more of that, that's probably just me being greedy though.
also fics where norway gets to have fun and be a menace. more of those.
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
this would originally have been bulgaria my favourite shitty little man, but he is getting some recognition and love now! so i'm changing my focus to luxembourg and the benelux siblings in general, there's so much comedy potential there. all three of them are unhinged in their own ways which play off each other beautifully.
it's also criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on my soviet-era house-sharing fic, go read Haunting Houses on AO3 if you want me to live: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46421110
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hetagrammy · 2 years
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Belgium talking about her brothers
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aph-netherlands · 11 months
What kind of partners would the Benelux siblings be? And what kind of partners are they looking for? (any romance or sexuality headcanons?)
i personally think in terms of sexuality:
Laurens 🇳🇱 — bisexual with a preference for men
Elliot 🇱🇺 — pansexual, no preference
Emma 🇧🇪 — pansexual with a preference for women
in terms of what kind of traits they’d look for in partners…
Ned: prefers a partner who is into academia, things like history and art and sciences. he’s massively tall so his partners always end up shorter than him, and he actually loves this fact. he also prefers someone on the heavier side, the man is an unapologetic lover of chonk (and these are all reasons why we are actually irl dating <3)
Bel: needs someone who can keep up with her chaos!!! whether it be to calm her down or join her in the zoomies, she just needs someone who won’t get fed up with her. also loves a partner who is very giving and devoted because she loves the attention, and she will return it ten fold!!
Lux: he’s not picky when it comes to a ‘type’, but an absolute necessity is to be willing to give him attention as much as possible. yes this is a toxic trait of his. he also loves a partner with an eccentric side, he finds weirdness fascinating!
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