#benjamin bruns
mozart2006 · 11 months
Staatsoper Stuttgart -Die Frau ohne Schatten (in italiano)
Foto ©Matthias Baus Per i lettori poco pratici della lingua tedesca, ecco la mia recensione tradotta in italiano
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josefavomjaaga · 8 months
When writing Soult I’d like to mention and write his aides as well, but I don’t think I have a very good grasp on their personalities rather than treating them as a collective excitable drunk blob - if you had to describe each of them in a few words/traits, what would that be?
That's a harder question than I thought because "collective excitable drunk blob" is precisely how I see them, too, most of the time. 😁
So, looking at them a little more closely:
Saint-Chamans: not exactly the brightest one, stubborn, feeling rather entitled, more adventurer than soldier, childlike to the point of childishness
Petiet: similar sense of entitledness, but whinier and somewhat insecure, often feels like he's left out, the "silent kid" (?), loves getting presents, extremely proud when he feels Soult is pleased with him
Lameth: outspoken, rather clever, ambitious and courageous, great sense of humour, also the least scared of his imposing marshal/dragon, dares to contradict him on occasion
Brun: the "good kid" who feels he needs to clean up after his unruly siblings and occasionally even his marshal/dragon, good education, silent, independent thinker, hard worker
That's the main four during the imperial period, I guess, of the others I do not have a very clear picture myself. Little Anthoine de Saint-Joseph seems to have been the Benjamin of the military family, the little one everybody felt they needed to protect a little (and who probably was very proud when the "big brothers" included him in their shenanigans). You could also include Bory de Saint-Vincent as the guy who is always off doing stuff that has nothing to do with the campaign, like collecting plants or drawing landscapes. Not sure what you would do with Pierre Soult and Coco Lefebvre - in your AU, they would need to be dragons, I guess?
Then there's of course Franceschi who started out as Soult's aide but had moved on to become a cavalry general and aide-de-camp to Joseph Bonaparte. He seems to have been very brave personally, but also a very affable, accomodating character, often trying to mediate (between Soult and Saint-Chamans but also Soult and Joseph). As a painter and close friend of Dragon!Soult, maybe Soult would put him in charge of the painting collection?
(And now I have an image in my head of the ADCs clumsily hanging up Soult's treasured hoard of human artwork in whatever place Soult dozes in, with Soult barking orders because the paintings are not placed correctly, are crooked, Louise trying to calm him down and Franceschi finally taking over and arranging the collection as it should be.)
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tuttocenere · 10 months
Schubert, Winterreise, Lars David Nilsson / Peter Mattei, 2019
I listened to this album out of some completionist impulse. See, I have internet acquaintances who really like this singer. So when I saw he had recorded a Winterreise, naturally I had to hear it.
I like how the cover is the exact opposite of Benjamin Bruns'. Drawing up the coat collar, hair all gelled, but staring at the viewer in front of a light background instead of walking away towards a dark forest.
But enough about the visuals. Is it good? Honestly, yes. I really like the piano. It has a nice pearly sound like a little river. The singing is beautiful and even has a bit of emotional expression here and there. The pronunciation is not really wrong, but mushy and incomprehensible, not how I prefer it. It does help the music flow and flow if you're just listening to it for ambiance and don't want to understand the text.
In short, this record makes every part of the Winterreise lovely, even the ones that aren't really meant to be. That might sound like I don't like it, but I do.
How I found it: searched for winterreise in my music app
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shaddad · 1 year
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da série le nouveau monde de benjamin le brun
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canadianabroadvery · 1 year
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The Photography of Benjamin Le Brun
1) Entertainment workers
2)  The three Nymphs
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grompf3 · 3 months
Politique française : la gauche, le verre d'eau et le crachat.
Causons politique française.
Petite allégorie de la gauche.
Vous marchez dans le désert. Vous avez soif.
Vous avez très soif.
Vous avez très, très soif.
Vous crevez de soif.
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Et moi, Tonton Grompf, je débarque, et je vous propose un verre d'eau. Un grand verre d'eau.
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Et je crache, ostensiblement, dans le grand verre d'eau. Devant vous.
Un gros crachat, bien épais, bien jaune.
Et je vous tends le grand verre d'eau. Avec ce gros crachat, bien épais, bien jaune.
Vous ne le prenez pas. Vous reculez, avec une expression mêlant dégoût et colère.
Et moi je vous fais : "Quoi ? Pourquoi tu le prends pas ce verre d'eau ? Tu prétendais avoir soif ! TU FAISAIS SEMBLANT, C'EST ÇA ? TU DIS QUE TU AS SOIF, MAIS DANS LE FOND C'EST PAS VRAI ! TU TE FOCALISES SUR CETTE HISTOIRE DE CRACHAT, MAIS CE N'EST QU'UN PRÉTEXTE !"
Vous arrivez à imaginer la scène ?
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J'écrivais ça début avril 2022 :
Et je peux le réécrire maintenant. Et je pourrai sans doute le réécrire encore en 2027. Ça dure depuis des années.
Les débats chez les sympathisants de gauche en France me font penser à ce verre d'eau que je vous tends, avec un gros crachat dedans.
Et je vous accuse de chercher des prétextes, des excuses pour ne pas boire.
Le prétexte. L'excuse.
Pourtant, si vraiment je voulais vous désaltérer, je me contenterais de vous tendre un verre d'eau. Je ne m'amuserais pas à cracher dedans avant de vous le tendre.
Ça veut dire quoi avoir des idéaux de gauche ?
Vaste question et je vais pas y répondre.
Mais je vais vous poser 2-3 questions.
Première question. Est-ce que c'est un truc fondamental de gauche que de raconter n'importe quoi sur la Russie et l'Ukraine depuis des années, en prônant une politique qui reviendrait à laisser Poutine asservir les Ukrainiens et massacrer ceux qui refuseraient son joug ?
Vous voyez pas de quoi je cause ? Je vous donne des exemples alors...
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Deuxième question. Est-ce que c'est un truc fondamental de la gauche que de soutenir un charlatan fraudeur dans le cadre d'une crise sanitaire très grave et de s'en prendre à celles et ceux qui dénoncent ce charlatanisme et cette fraude ? Autre question, très liée à celle-ci. Est-ce que c'est un truc fondamental de la gauche que de semer la peur et la confusion sur les vaccins, alors que toute l'ED, toute la complosphère et tous les rouge-bruns s'amusent déjà à ça ?
Vous voyez pas de quoi je cause ? Je vous donne des exemples alors...
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Troisième question. Est-ce que c'est un truc fondamental de gauche que de diffuser des sous-entendus conspis à quasiment chaque élection, par exemple en remettant en cause les résultat ?
Et je pourrais vous poser plein d'autres questions sur d'autres sujets.
Je reviens à mon allégorie.
Vous avez soif, très soif.
Je vous tends ce verre d'eau.
Je crache dedans. Devant vous. Impossible pour vous de faire semblant de ne pas voir. Vous m'avez vu cracher. Vous le voyez ce truc jaunâtre flottant dans l'eau.
Alors ? Vous buvez ?
Hein ?
C'est urgent ? Y'a pas de temps à perdre ? Y'a pas le choix ? On réfléchira après ? Ceux qui refuseront seront complices de la droite et de l'extrême-droite ?
Ça fait combien d'années que c'est urgent ? Qu'il n'y a pas de temps à perdre ? Qu'il n'y a pas le choix ? Qu'on réfléchira après ? Que ceux qui refusent sont complices de la droite et de l'extrême-droite ?
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Et ça va durer encore combien d'années ?
Petite parenthèse me concernant. Je suis l'actu française... Mais je ne suis ni de nationalité française, ni résident en France. Je suis binational suisse et espagnol.
Je suis l'actu française.
Entre autres parce que les conséquences vont au-delà de querelles franco-françaises.
À l'échelle du continent européen, je m'imagine par exemple ce que ça donnerait d'avoir en France une Assemblée sans majorité claire... Mais où il y aurait quand-même une majorité pour bloquer l'aide militaire à l'Ukraine.
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J'essaie d'imaginer.
Et ne me dites pas que le Président de la République gère la politique étrangère et la défense. S'il faut envoyer de l'aide, il faut du pognon. Donc il faut des budgets votés à l'Assemblée.
Bon, je vous laisse. Je vais me servir un verre d'eau du robinet. Bien claire et bien fraîche.
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gtaradi · 11 months
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philippedurand8900 · 2 years
RETRAITES - Meetings unitaire partout en France !
Retrouvez les meetings unitaires près de chez vous !
(Ordre chronologique. Liste mise à jour régulièrement avec les compléments d'informations et de nouvelles dates. )
PARIS - 25/01 à 19h30 Digital Village, 21 rue Albert Bayet. Avec Elsa Faucillon pour le PCF, Sandrine Rousseau (EELV), Arthur Delaporte ( PS), Sophie Taillé-Polian (EELV), Danielle Simonnet (LFI).
BEAUVAIS - 26/01 à 19h30 Salle du Pré-Martinet. Avec Stéphane Peu pour le PCF, Cyrielle Châtelain (EELV), Antoine Léaument ( LFI), Benjamin Lucas (Génération·s), Philippe Brun (PS).
AUXERRE - 27/01 à 19h - Salle de réception Jules Ferry rive droite. Avec Pascal Savoldelli pour le PCF, Florence Loury (EELV), Mani Cambfort (secrétaire départementale PS), Arnaud Legall (LFI).
NYONS - 27/01. Avec Jean-Marc Durand pour le PCF, Manuel Bompard (LFI), Marie Pochon (EELV).
MOULINS - 27/01 à 18h30. Avec Yannick Monnet pour le PCF, Marianne Maximi (LFI).
SOTTEVILLE-LES-ROUEN - 30/01 à 19h Salle buddicum. Avec Hubert Wulfranc pour le PCF, Alma Dufour (LFI), Gérard Leseul (PS), Julie Godichaud (conseillère municipale EELV).
TULLE - 30/01 à 19h30 Salle Latreille bas. Avec Nicolas Marlin pour le PCF, Damien Maudet (LFI), François Piquemal (LFI), Chloé Herzhaft (EELV).
LA COURNEUVE - 1/02 Salle des fêtes rue Gabriel Péri. Avec Soumya Bourouaha pour le PCF, Raquel Garrido (LFI), Fathia Keloua-Hachi et Stéphane Troussel (PS), parlementaire EELV.
SAINT-NAZAIRE - 1/02 à 20h Salle Alvéole. Avec Véronique Mahé pour le PCF, Matthias Tavel (LFI), Mathilde Panot (présidente du groupe parlementaire LFI), Philippe Brun (PS), Julie Laernoes (EELV), Arash Saedi (coordinateur national Generation·s).
DIEPPE - 2/02 à 18H Salle des congrès. Avec Sébastien Jumel et Fabien Gay pour le PCF, François Ruffin (LFI), Marie-Charlotte Garin (EELV).
LILLE - 2/02 à 19h. Avec Fabien Roussel pour le PCF, Marine Tondelier (EELV) ; Roger Vicot (PS), LFI, Generation·s.
TOURS - 2/02 à 19h30 Centre de vie du Sanitas, 10 Pl. Neuve avec Ian Brossat pour le PCF, François Piquemal (LFI), Charles Fournier (EELV), Evelyne Dourille-Feer, (économiste et membre d’Attac).
SAINT-AGATHON - 3/02 à 19h30 Salle de la Grande Ourse, 9 rue de Hent Meur. Avec Pascal Bonneau pour le PCF, Murielle LEPVRAUD, Manon AUBRY et François Piquemal (LFI), Hervé Guihard (Place publique), Gérard Mauduit (Ensemble), Christian Renard (POI), Tugdual Le Lay (Génération·s).
NÎMES - 10/02 à 19h Centre Andre Malraux 2 Avenue de Lattre de Tassigny 30000 Nîmes. Avec Fabien Roussel pour le PCF, Boris Vallaud (PS), Manuel Bompard (LFI), Raymonde Poncet (EELV).
CLERMONT-FERRAND - 10/02 à 19h Maison du Peuple. Avec André Chassaigne pour le PCF, Sophie Taillé-Polian (Génération·s), Christine Pires-Beaune (PS), Marianne Maximi (LFI).
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verite-jesus-libre · 2 years
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mozart2006 · 11 months
Staatsoper Stuttgart - Die Frau ohne Schatten
Foto ©Matthias Baus Die Neuproduktion von Die Frau ohne Schatten, mit der die Staatsoper Stuttgart die Spielzeit 2023/24 eröffnete, war ursprünglich vor drei Jahren geplant Continue reading Untitled
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monotonous-minutia · 4 years
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favorite Sesto moments from the Vienna 2016 La clemenza di Tito
(Margarita Gritskova as Sesto)
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tuttocenere · 11 months
Schubert, Winterreise, Karola Theill / Benjamin Bruns, 2021
This one's very beautiful to me. I listened to it while walking along the castle walls in 15° light rain and I did not want to turn around, spent the whole time just gazing down at the city. Saw some geese leave for the winter, saw all the people already decked out in their black and grey winter gear, really enjoyed all of it.
The piano stays in the background here, the focus is on the singing. And that I like a lot. It's very expressive from the very first note. And it has some really cool character development over the course of the piece.
Winterreise is often played as the narrator starting out relatively calm and becoming increasingly desperate as the story goes on. But I think it should be the opposite. The singer starts out in turmoil, and walking through the frozen landscape, he slowly comes to terms with his fate. Whether the hurdy-gurdy man at the end represents death or some sort of new goal, at least he now knows where he's going.
And this is what I am hearing in this recording. So naturally I like it.
How I found it: I have liked this singer ever since he appeared in that 2010ish Flying Dutchman recording.
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shaddad · 1 year
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da série le centre des loisirs de benjamin le brun
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verdiprati · 7 years
Mostly mezzo Mondays: rarities with DiDonato and Desandre, recitals with Padmore and Gens
Mostly Mezzo Mondays: a recurring (though not weekly) feature where, on Monday nights, I blog a list of the upcoming broadcasts that have caught my eye on World Concert Hall. My interests: baroque vocal music, art song recitals, and a list of favorite singers.
This week’s list has two themes: rarely-performed works with notable performers and recitals by singers whose work I’m not very familiar with, but who are liked by people who also like singers I like (can you follow that?).
Mark Padmore and Roger Vignoles perform Schubert’s song cycle Die schöne Müllerin at the Teatro de la Zarzuela. Thursday, May 4 on Radio Clásica. 
The rarely-performed French baroque opera Alcione, with a cast led by up-and-comers Lea Desandre and Cyril Auvity, will be livestreamed from the Opera Comique (performance info here). Jordi Savall conducts Le Concert des Nations performing the music by Marin Marais. Saturday, May 6 on Culturebox. (Video livestream of a fully staged opera.)
Schubert’s Mass No. 5 in A Major might or might not count as “rare” but I don’t think it’s very commonly performed. A recent performance by the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin with standout soloists (Genia Kühmeier, Claudia Huckle, Benjamin Bruns, and Matthew Rose) will be broadcast Saturday, May 6 on Kulturradio RBB. 
Joyce DiDonato made her solo debut with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra last fall singing a work that was also new to the CSO: “La Canzone dei Ricordi,” a song cycle by Giuseppe Martucci. (Review here; full program in PDF here.) Sunday, May 7 on WFMT.
Véronique Gens and Susan Manoff perform a program of French song in a short lunchtime recital at the Wigmore Hall. Monday, May 8 on BBC Radio 3.
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
My Peaky Playlist
I was trying to think of the best way to do this because I don’t have Spotify (please don’t roast me), so I couldn’t just post a playlist.
So down below I’ve listed the songs that I have on my ‘Peaky playlist’ aka songs that remind me of Tommy/Peaky Blinders and help me get into writing.
Disclaimer: I started this playlist when I started writing To Be Alone, so a lot of the songs will probably be reminiscent of that story, but I’ve found it helpful/fitting as I continued to keep writing for Peaky. Also the songs are in no particular order...I just copied my playlist from how I added them
State Lines - Novo Amor
I Am A Poor Wayfaring Stranger - Jos Slovick
How to Win - The Native Sibling
To Be Alone - Hozier
March of Flames - Erick Serna and The Killing Floor
All My Tears - Ane Brun
Dipped In Bleach - Liam St. John
Grandfather Collar - Liam St. John (HUGE Tommy vibes)
Climbing up the Walls - Radiohead
Work Song - Hozier
False God - Ryan Hurd
Anything You Want - Bishop Gunn
Devil Is a Woman - Bishop Gunn
Silver Street - Bishop Gunn
Makin’ It - Bishop Gunn
Is This Desire? - PJ Harvey
Red Right Hand - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds (duh)
Woman at the Well - Israel Nash
Just Like Water - Israel Nash
Rain Plans - Israel Nash
Harder to Breathe - Maroon 5
Shiver - Maroon 5
Secret - Maroon 5
Ticking Bomb - Aloe Blacc
Shackles & Chains - Benjamin Josif & Rupert Pope
River Run - Benjamin Josif & Rupert Pope
Colors - Black Pumas
Come to Your Senses - Alexandria Shipp & Vanessa Hudgens
To Build a Home - The Cinematic Orchestra
Put Me in the Ground - Daniel Nunnelee
Rear View - Rafael Casal
No Feels - Rafael Casal & Daveed Diggs
Shivers - Ed Sheeran
Afterglow - Ed Sheeran
Make It Rain - Ed Sheeran
I’m a Mess - Ed Sheeran
Bloodstream - Ed Sheeran
I See Fire - Ed Sheeran
Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran
This - Ed Sheeran
Give Me Love - Ed Sheeran
Stardust Chords - Greta Van Fleet
Broken Bells - Greta Van Fleet
Woman - Harry Styles
No Plan - Hozier
Take Me to Church - Hozier
My Fair Lady - KALEO
Free the Slave - KALEO
Brother Run Fast - KALEO
Backbone - KALEO
Into My Mother’s Arms - KALEO
Way Down We Go - KALEO
Broken Bones - KALEO
Save Yourself - KALEO
I Can’t Go On Without You - KALEO
All the Pretty Girls - KALEO
Heaven Loves a Fire - LAOUD
FOR YOUR LOVE - Måneskin
VENT’ANNI - Måneskin
Brother - Kodaline
High Hopes - Kodaline
The Beach - The Neighbourhood
Prey - The Neighbourhood
Single - The Neighbourhood
Afraid - The Neighbourhood
Quicksand - Rafael Casal
Between Heaven & Hell - Rob Saffi
Copy Comic - Robert Francis
Please - Sawyer Fredericks
Crossfire - Stephen
Remembering Myself - Stephen
The War - SYML
Lady May - Tyler Childers
All Your’n - Tyler Childers
Nose on the Grindstone - Tyler Childers
Mountain Hymn - Rhiannon Giddens
Unshaken - D’Angelo
Crash of Worlds - Rocco DeLuca
Something in the Water - Daveed Diggs
The Devil Inside - Daniel Murphy, Anthony Sanudo & Eric Serna
I Know You - Skylar Grey
I Need You - M83
Young and Beautiful - Lana Del Ray
Wicked Games - The Weeknd
Unsteady - X Ambassadors
Intro - The xx
casual sabotage - YUNGBLUD
love song - YUNGBLUD
11 Minutes - YUNGBLUD
Lonely Heart - 5 Seconds of Summer
Lover of Mine - 5 Seconds of Summer
Easier (Live From The Vault) - 5 Seconds of Summer
Lie to Me (Acoustic) - 5 Seconds of Summer
Teeth (Live From The Vault) - 5 Seconds of Summer
No Shame (Live From The Vault) - 5 Seconds of Summer
All Along the Watchtower - Billy Valentine & The Forest Rangers
House of the Rising Sun - The White Buffalo
Your Hand In Mine - Explosions In the Sky
Toxic - Liam St. John
Ozark - Liam St. John
Eleanor Thornton - Liam St. John
Sleeping on the Blacktop - Colter Wall
Outlaw - Morgan Wallen
Cover Me Up - Morgan Wallen
Alabama - Bishop Gunn
Pyramid Song - Radiohead
Love Is Blindness - Jack White
Come On Over - Royal Blood
Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys
To Bring You My Love - PJ Harvey
Therefore I Am - Billie Eilish
when the party’s over - Billie Eilish
bury a friend - Billie Eilish
bellyache - Billie Eilish
Catherine - PJ Harvey
Breathless - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Bring It On - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Abattoir Blues - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Sex, Drugs, Etc. - Beach Weather
Rexanimarum - Israel Nash
Catch the Sun - Doves
Seven Day Mile - The Frames
You and Whose Army - Radiohead
1979 - The Smashing Pumpkins
Arabella - Arctic Monkeys
The Meetings of the Waters - Fionn Regan
I Might Be Wrong - Radiohead
Stone - Whiskey Myers
Frogman - Whiskey Myers
COMPLETE MESS - 5 Seconds of Summer
Can’t You See - The Marshall Tucker Band
War Pigs - Black Sabbath
Ballad of a Thin Man - Richard Hawley
Turning Page - Sleeping At Last
A Hard Rain’s a-Gonna Fall - Laura Marling
Forefathers - Liam St. John
Bury My Bones - Whiskey Myers
Reckoning - Whiskey Myers
Song of a Dead Man - Taylor John Williams
Blue Veins - The Raconteurs
Into It - Chase Atlantic
When Under Ether - PJ Harvey
Go It Alone - Beck
What He Wrote - Laura Marling
Held On Too Long - Hueston
Unmade - Thom Yorke
Pana-Vision - The Smile
Nothing Personal - Des Rocs
Skinny - KALEO
I Want More (Live at Skalholt) - KALEO
I’m Here - Celeste
Top Yourself - The Raconteurs
Ain’t Nobody - Bones Owens
Burning House - Cam
Bad Man - Dustin Douglas & the Electric Gentlemen
Heavy - The Glorious Sons
Too Bad - Rival Sons
Sacred Tongue - Rival Sons
I Will Destroy the Void in You - The Glorious Sons
Where I’ve Been - Rival Sons
There’s already a lot, but I’m sure I’ll be adding more. Let me know what you think of the selections I made, or if you have any other suggestions — I always enjoy talking music!
You’re amazing if you made it down to the bottom here. ☺️💕
@look-at-the-soul & @holacia2 thanks for asking me to share — I hope you find some good songs amongst this list!
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surrealistnyc · 3 years
New Year's Day, 2022
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Newly and recently published:
Victor BRAUNER, Je suis le rêve. Je suis l'inspiration, exhibition catalogue, (Le Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris, 2020)
Robert DESNOS, The Die is Cast, (Wakefield Press, 2021)
Pierre DHAINAUT, Ici, (Arfuyen, 2021)
Guy GIRARD, Ciel de paille, (Sonambula, 2020), for availability email [email protected]
Raul HENAO, La Llave oculta, (self-published, 2020) for availability email [email protected]
Jacques LACOMBLEZ, Caies d’ombre, (Sonambula, 2020)
Antoine-Vincent L'AMOUR & Sabatini LA SIESTA, Rêves hybrides, (Sonambula, 2021)
César MORO, Eternidad de la Noche. Cartas de César Moro a Emilio Westphalen 1939-1955, (FCE, 2021)
Gérard de NERVAL, The Illuminated, (Wakefield Press, 2022)
Paul NOUGÉ, Subversion of Images, (Wakefield Press, 2021)
Wolfgang PAALEN, Wolfgang Paalen, exhibition catalogue (Belvedere, 2019)
Benjamin PÉRET, Cahiers Benjamin Péret, no. 10, Sept. 2021
André PIEYRE DE MANDIARGUES, Visions de Mandiargues, edited by Alexandre Castant and Iwona Tokarska-Castant, (Filigranes Editions, 2020)
Jean RAY, Malpertuis (Wakefield Press, 2021)
Bertrand SCHMITT, Znamení Surrealismu, essays, (Analogon, 2021)
Jindřich ŠTYRSKY, Poésie de Jindřich Štyrský, a bilingual Czech/French edition translated and presented by Petr Kral, (Ab irato, 2021)
TOYEN, The Dreaming Rebel: Toyen, exhibition catalogue, edited by Anna Pravdová, Annie Le Brun, Annabelle Görgen-Lammers, (National Gallery Prague, 2021)
Also of interest:
J.G. Ballard, hardback reprint of RE/Search #8/9 devoted to Ballard, with much related to his interest in Surrealism, edited by V. Vale
Richard Khaitzine, Secrets d’Alcôve: Fulcanelli et la cosmosphère, (Arts et Symboles, 2021)
See Publications A-Z for many more titles published from 2012 to the present
Image: The Shooting Gallery, IV (1940), Toyen
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