#benn is right btw.
reineydraws · 4 months
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benn is actually praying for himself bc he knows that this is somehow going to turn into his problem 😔🙏
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franeridan · 1 year
i KNOW that oda is aware he's drawn some extremely gorgeous ladies since he obviously does that on purpose (though i believe he's unaware of just how beautiful some ladies he's drawn that stray too far from his usual model are), but I'm, like, pretty much convinced he has absolutely no clue he's also drawn some of the most good looking manga dudes out there. I'm sure he has no idea. He puts down lines and then he's like "???? why are people so obsessed with this guy he has barely shown up ever????" while we're all sitting here going heart eyes or whatever. It's been twenty-six years maybe it's time for him to get on with the program. It's like his experience with benn and ace in the very beginning taught him absolutely nothing
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aimbutmiss · 8 months
So, we know that Shanks didn't leave East Blue after the Loguetown incident. He heard of Yasopp's fame as a sniper and went to recruit him. Then we skip to Foosha, after he's formed a crew, where he meets Luffy. And we all know how the story goes from there. He stays there for a year, leaves for the Grand Line and is recognised as as a yonko six years later.
Now, here's the problem: That "skip" from Loguetown to Foosha is a whopping 12 years. What the fuck was this man doing all those years??? We have no idea. All we know is that he regularly dueled with Mihawk and had that infamous fight with Blackbeard that left him with his scar (exact time unknown). But other than that? Absolutely nothing.
Here is what we do know though: Benn Beckman is from the North Blue, and Lucky Roux is from the South Blue. So, Shanks was just possibly going around all four blues recruiting people before going into the Grand Line? Makes sense. Except 12 years seems like an awfully long amount of time for that... Especially considering in the main storyline of One Piece, not even a full year has passed, ignoring the timeskip.
Blackbeard was part of Whitebeard's crew back then too, so he must have been in the Grand Line, right? So either;
A) Shanks entered the Grand Line once before, had his fight with Blackbeard there, and came back to the East Blue for an unknown reason. Or,
B) Blackbeard left the Grand Line for whatever reason and they had their fight in one of the four blues.
I think option A is more plausible. But that begs the question, what was Shanks doing in the Grand Line if not building his reputation, and why did he come back to the East Blue? The most accepted theory (I think?) is about what Roger said to him after returning from Laugh Tale. Whatever information was passed between them (which made Shanks cry btw, so maybe he also told him he'd be dying soon?) it must have been somehow related to Joy Boy, even though we can't exactly know what it is. Roger has said that he was sad about missing Joy Boy's time, being a bit early. And he's also said that he wishes his son would be the one to find One Piece even though he didn't have a son back then. So, if Shanks was aware of Joy Boy and the devil fruit, he probably spent his time in the Grand Line looking for it, after forming a reliable crew for which he traveled tne whole world. When he eventually found it, he stole it, and brought it to the East Blue. Why? Who's in the East Blue? It's Ace. It's always been Ace. Shanks wanted to fulfill his captain's dream and pass on the title of new generation's hope onto his son. That's why he told Buggy he wouldn't look for the One Piece, which led to their falling out. Buggy always believed Shanks would become the next Pirate King, but Shanks knew he wasn't meant to be the one, it was Ace. But things didn't go according to plan when Luffy ate the fruit. We have two possibilities once again. Either;
A) Shanks saw Roger in Luffy before the boy ate the fruit, and arranged it so that he would find it and eat it.
B) Luffy found and ate the fruit before Shanks saw his potential by pure coincidence.
I honestly don't know which one it is, and I don't think it matters much. Either way, Shanks' plan didn't go like what he had in mind but fate made it so that things would work out anyway. Only after making sure the future was in safe hands could he go on to the Grand Line once again to make a name for himself. He did say that he bet his arm on the future after all.
So, what do you think?? I think this theory makes the most sense but I'd be interested in hearing other opinions, or add ons to this one.
Also, six years in the Grand Line before becoming an emperor is quite long too, I think. I wonder how Shanks rose to that status? Who was his predecessor and what happened to them?? Or was there no predecessor and only three emperors??? (I've seen people say Rocks pirates ruled the seas and the emperor system didn't exist yet but let me remind you all, Rocks pirates disbanded at God Valley when Shanks was only one year old. So emperors have existed for more than 30 years probably.) Shanks probably had a plan for his second (technically third) journey on the Grand Line too but what was his goal this time??? So many questions about this man and I didn't even bring up the case of how he was found by the Roger pirates exactly during the God Valley incident, which is a very important event that ties into so many plot points. And inside a treasure chest of all things??? This guy drives me insane STOP BEING MYSTERIOUS STUPID RED HAIRED MAN
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clumsyexpression · 2 years
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚ dont sweat the petty stuff and dont pet the sweaty stuff ˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
⋆some annoying things that i've experienced but of course i use one piece men to interpret c:⋆
Mihawk, driving, and Y/N being a passenger princess or sumn: “Y/N, if you don’t get your funky, foul feet off of my dashboard..” “Oh look, you did an allegory, I learned that from one of your poems ♡” “….its alliteration”
“I mean this in the nicest way possible when I say I will smash your phone into smithereens the next time I can hear your phone through my calm sphere – particularly when your are on the OTHER SIDE OF THE HOUSE WITH IT ON FULL BLAST, SPEAKER BARELY HANGING ON THE LAST COIL OF LIFE AT 3 IN THE MORNING, WATCHING THE MOST OBNOXIOUS TIKTOK TO EVER BE CREATED ON THAT GOD FORSAKEN APP.” “….sorry I didn’t realize it was so loud…” Y/N opens the phone only for a shrill ‘oh noo’ to ring out,  causing Rosinante to yeet it on the ground as result, just like this ⇩⇩⇩⇩:
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*rapid succession of knocking on the bathroom door* “The faster you knock DOES NOT mean I will poop any faster!!” “…..” *rapid succession of open palm slaps against the door*
“Calling me a stinky ass hoe and following it with ‘no offense’ is still pretty offensive, Y/N. I definitely took a shower this morning and even used a new 50-in-1 shampoo, sooo..”
*Y/N takes a giant chomp out of kitkat bar* “I know you didn’t just eat that Kitkat bar like that.” “Give me a break, Law.” “Get out.”
Y/N patiently waits in the right-turn lane for the red light to turn green without a signal on through 2 traffic cycles and for at least 10 minutes until there is an opening to go. “Wait, you really did that?” “Did what?” “You Really Sat In This Lane, Only To Turn???” “Well, yeah, it’s the safest way to turn, especially at this intersection! ♡” “YOU REALLY SAT HERE FOR 3 HOURS WHEN WE COULD HAVE GONE FROM JUMP STREET????!” “I-its better safe than sorry, there’s still oncoming traffic when you make the turn-“ “JUST TURN.” “Only when the light is green for go and not red for stop!” Y/N’s driving privileges consequently has been revoked when driving with others
the intersection may or may not have looked like this btw: ↑  ↿↱   ↱
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Hey so as a fanfic writer who wants to write at AO3. Is that okay if you have an invitation or at least help me with something like this.
'Sorry, we can't find the email address you entered. If you had used it to join our invitation queue, it's possible that your invitation may have already been emailed to you; please check your spam folder, as your spam filters may have placed it there.'
And yes I tried to look at my spam folder, but there was nothing in my spam folder that included this which is weird, but at the same time I put my email in there which is right BTW and I still use it for my invitation. Also I think I have benn doing this since May 16th or around the 20s on that month.
But if you can help, I would really appreciate it 😊🙏
Ooh, gosh, it's been so long since I signed up that I don't even remember how that was done at all. 😅
No worries, it can't be that hard to find out.
I think I only had to wait a few days before my account was activated, so if it's been nearly a month, it sounds like they're either very backed up or it didn't take originally.
I suppose if you PM me your email, I can send you an invite, I seem to have one that hasn't been used yet that I can spare and see if that can get you signed up there then. My account is from 2018 ((I'd been using FFN since 2003, so I'm an old fanfic writer, lol)), so it should be considered old enough to not get flagged as a spam invite. 👀
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Headcanons for my One Piece hotties: Drunk texts they send to their S/O
Kizaru: baby, when I get home I want kisses and to love with all my very essence! You are the best thing that ever happened to me and the shining light in my life. I don’t know where I’d be with you and I appreciate everything you to do for me!😍😍😍
S/O: are you drunk?
Kizaru: 🤔 how’d you know?
S/O: ⬆️⬆️⬆️
Akainu: I’m amgry
S/O: You’re supposed to be having fun with your friends, babe
Akainu: Kizaru is dancing on a pole and Aokiji is throwing money at him. I’m too pure for this.
S/O: babe, take a video! Right now
Akainu: I can’t…I’m laying on the floor and looking at the stars…they remind me of you when you’re all happy and cute
Ryokugyu 🌱
Ryokugyu: if this was my last night alive, I would spend it cuddled up to you and not my plants I promise
S/O: omg, are you drunk!? Where are you?
Ryokugyu: oh man, one thing I was in a pub with the guys…next thing I know is I was sitting on a bridge with a bottle in my hand..and someone’s walking stick…I think I beat someone up or won this walking stick in a drinking game…either way…your man is a winner 🥇
S/O: omg share your fucking location!? I’m calling Kizaru rn!
Sir Crocodile 🐊
Crocodile: grrrr I’m a crocodile, I bite *nom nom*
S/O: …what in the actual hell? Did someone steal this phone? Also he can’t text with one hand so it’s definitely stolen
Crocodile: I’m using the voice to text thingy…if I was a real crocodile would you love me?
S/O: fuck no, that’s weird
Crocodile: What! This is why I’d eat you if I was a real crocodile
S/O: pretty sure you eat me regardless of being a crocodile or not 😏
Crocodile: wait…was that a dirty comeback? Daddy’s coming home
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩
Doffy: I’ve decided
S/O: on what? And where are you btw?
Doffy: you are the chosen one! And you shall bear my heir!
S/O: deal
Doffy: 😭😭😭 really baby, you’re gonna have my babies?! Omg I’m gonna be a mom
Doffy: I mean a dad
Doffy: I can’t stop crying
Doffy: halp me
Benn Beckman 🔫
Benn: I think my aim is better when I’m drunk, want to see?
S/O: that’s not a good idea, come home rn
Benn: babe, you were right…I accidentally shot Shanks while we were drinking and we have to go to the hospital
Benn: I’m a supportive husband
Benn: I meant first mate! Not husband!
Benn: babe, don’t be mad! I didn’t mean it like that…I panicked and texted…also the cops are here
Benn: bail me out of jail, please
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡
Katakuri: babe, someone put something in my drink…I swear I just had one and now…I’m all shakey and shit
S/O: oh no! Love, just drink some water. I’m on my way
Katakuri: nah, I’m gonna find my brothers and kick their asses first
Katakuri: I found them and threw them into the river nearby lol
Katakuri: ah shit, I forgot they can’t swim…I have to go save them brb
Katakuri: omg, Y/N, it’s Smoothie, we had to fish big bro out of the water…come to the hospital asap
Killer: I think I’m gonna stop wearing my mask and just embrace myself
S/O: baby, did you have too much liquid courage?
Killer: babe, someone said I looked like a Barbie so I beat him up
Killer: so apparently there’s a guy Barbie called Ken and he thought I looked like that…I thought he said I looked like a girl
Killer: okay I felt bad so I sang I’m a Barbie girl for karaoke for him…he’s a fan I guess..also I don’t want him to have me arrested
Killer: omg babe he’s a marine, I’m fucked …call Kidd…I need help
Kaido: 👁️ ❤️🫵
S/O: you discovered emojis, love?
Kaido: 🙈
S/O: everything alright?
Kaido: need booze…send help
King: would you love me if I was a worm?
S/O: omg what is this shit?
King: answer the question, Y/N
S/O: yes, I would
King: I had a bet with Queen that you would said no…I have to drink 5 bottles of tequila.
S/O: oh no…are you okay?
King: babe, I started breathing fire?! Did you know I could do that! I also fell over and can’t get up…everyone else is on the floor too…I feel so old rn
King: well at least I know you’d love me as a worm
King: also I lost my mask so I’m the one of the floor with the bag on my head
King: Queen drew a grumpy face on it so you know it’s me…it has a crown too
Queen: zoom zoom zoom zoom
S/O: getting lit, baby?
Queen: you know it, I think I can stage dive this time
S/O: omg no babe! That’s not a good idea!
Queen: babe, I did it…and I’m in the hospital now… hurt my back…but I saved my beer babe! I’m awesome!
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the-lunar-city · 1 month
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Benn Buggleski
Benn is an angel who had a passion for winter sports in his past life. Nowadays he travels with his cousin, Leonardo (a little demon guy) on a quest to help those in need. While he always does what he see’s as the right thing, he is somewhat cocky and steals the spotlight away from his cousin most of the time. He does mean well, however. Both him and his cousin (who will be shown later on) try their best to hide their angelic and hellish identities from the rest of the world.
(Btw this isn’t a Hazbin/Helluva oc)
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sethjarvy · 4 years
at this point im 100% sure the only reason why nino got fined is because saros got pulled from the game injured
which is just bullshit because things like this shouldn't take into account the outcome, either a hit to the head or checking a goalie is a fine/suspension, or it isn't, players need and should know what they can and cannot do
the only thing you're getting by doing this is players just hitting and crosschecking others in the head because they know that the chances of causing a concussion aren't that big, and in most cases they're just getting away with it (ie ekholm crosschecking svech to the head, that hit jamie benn did on ned a few games ago, or that bruins player crosschecking oskar on the back of the head)
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nathanprscott · 5 years
I started playing rdr2 & can already tell this will be a long and painful ride because my adhd brain can't concentrate on the english dialogue while reading german subtitles plus doing all of the controls and while doing that, I'm totally missing all the scenery. I also have to play with headphones which I never do on console but without having the audio "near my brain", I have an even harder time listening to it @_@ this is why I'm a big defender of german voice acting even if it doesn't come close to the original but I'd rather have lesser quality of acting than a headache from sensory overload on multiple levels
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arielxlazarus · 3 years
I almost forgot about that fanfic appreciation week, but I wanted to at least do something for it! So here's a rec list for some of my favorite fics in the one piece fandom!
This list is not at all exhaustive btw (there's still loads of other fics in the fandom that I love), so please don't feel bad if you weren't included! Also if anyone wants more recommendations from me, you can check out my bookmarks on my ao3!
Who Knows (what could happen) by Chromi
Rating: T
Pairing: Masked Deuce/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: For as long as he could remember, he had wanted to set out to sea as an adventurer. His father, unfortunately, dictated that he was to follow the family tradition and become a doctor instead.
Following a lifetime of hurt and sorrow at the hands of his family, he eventually breaks free and takes to the sea alone - determined to keep it that way. Fate has other ideas in store for him; fate crosses his path with Portgas D. Ace's, a brand new pirate.
And what does he hate more than pirates?
Or: from Sixis to the Moby Dick - the lives of the Spade pirates.
First Time by Chromi
Rating: E
Pairing: Masked Deuce/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: "Because it is Ace, and it will only ever be Ace, that he wants to see like this, and he wants to be responsible for unravelling him down to his core and loving him to his very center."
In which Ace and Deuce go all the way for the first time.
Seabound by AnkhPosts
Rating: T
Pairing: Masked Deuce/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Ace is a selkie, making one of his periodic stops on land to catch a breather and get some ridiculously tasty human food, maybe see some sights if there are any. His pelt is safely hidden, he'll stay a day or two at most and be on his way.
Deuce is a mer, alone on the sea and traveling as he pleases for the first time in his life, and while he might not be terribly interested in actually interacting with humans it's hard not to see them as fascinating.
Ace meets Deuce. Deuce meets Ace. Neither knows the other isn't human.
Death is only the beginning by Chizyk
Rating: T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: “Ankhreshet?” he whipped his head round at the sound of a raspy voice so fast he almost got whiplash. He could feel his body going completely cold as he saw the mummy’s empty eye sockets staring right at him.
I'm Still Here (part of a series) by theprodigypenguin
Rating: M
Pairing: Masked Deuce/Portgas D. Ace (also Izou/Sabo later in the series)
Summary: "When I do die, don't bother burying me in that empty grave. Put my body in a boat and set me out to sea. Let me sleep eternal on the ocean that my father loved so much; because before everything else in this world, I am a child of the sea, and when I die, I want to return to it. Put me in a boat and set it aflame so I can go down in the same fire I lived."
Forget-Me-Not Fall by theprodigypenguin
Rating: M
Pairing: Izou/Sabo
Summary: “Most of the nobles I’ve met tonight look meticulously put together. They look like they were built to portray a certain image paralleled a hundred times over. People who were copied and pasted. Flawless clothes, flawless faces, flawless makeup, flawless hair.”
“Not me though,” Sabo stated, and Izou hummed.
“It’s comforting.”
Izou met Sabo’s eye. “Everyone else in this place hides their worst attributes with a mask they modified to fit their faces. They don’t seem to comprehend that those perfect masks only make their worst characteristics more pronounced and defined.” His expression was terribly gentle as his eyes wandered across Sabo’s face. “It’s comforting to be approached by someone not trying to be something else.”
Sabo tilted his head. “How do you know I’m not manipulating you like some common Goa aristocrat?”
Izou smiled. “There are a few reasons.”
A Light To Guide You Home by TheSkyIsMyHome
Rating: T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: In a world that despises mutants, Ace lives purely to protect his little brother.
Until the flames inside him find their perfect match and opposite, and he doesn't know what to feel anymore.
The Phoenix's Mate by TheSkyIsMyHome
Rating: E
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Marco is a handsome man. Ace really can't be blamed for being attracted to him. Nobody minds, either.
But Marco isn't always a man. Ace still loves him regardless, and his sexual urges are catching up to that fact.
Marco indulges him, but he might just find himself enjoying it more than he thought he would.
ASL in Red (series) by Kereea
Rating: G-T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace, Monkey D. Luffy/Trafalgar D. Water Law (both asexual), Koala/Sabo, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks/Benn Beckman, Donquixote "Corazon" Rosinante/Aokiji | Kuzan, Roronoa Zoro/Sanji, and several other minor ones
Summary: In an alternate universe, forces conspired to put Ace, Sabo, and Luffy in the care of the Red Hair pirates as children.
The Grand Line would never know what hit it.
Mates (part of a series) by Deubatty
Rating: E
Pairing: Masked Deuce/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Deuce just wanted to go searching for plants! A nice walk in the woods. Except, he ends up becoming the mate to a very persistent naga
His First Mate The Mermaid (part of a series) by Deubatty
Rating: T
Pairing: Masked Deuce/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Instead of finding another person on Sixis, Ace finds a mermaid
Being Human by MaiKusakabe
Rating: E (no smut)
Pairing: None (heavy focus on the platonic relationships between Marco, Whitebeard, and the rest of the crew as they form)
Summary: The line that differentiates human from object appears to be clear, but sometimes it blurs to the point where it is impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins.
The Unknown Devil by MaiKusakabe
Rating: E
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Ace hadn’t expected his last week of imprisonment before his execution to be any different from all the years preceding it. Then again, he hadn’t expected to have Marco the Phoenix as a cellmate for that week, or that Marco’s presence would shake his bleak world so much.
Ripple Effect by MaiKusakabe
Rating: E
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: After the incident with Shanks, Garp didn't take Luffy to Dadan's, unaware of how much that would change the life of his other grandson.
To Build a Home by endlessblankpages
Rating: G
Pairing: None (heavy focus on the platonic relationships between the ASL bros and the Whitebeard Pirates)
Summary: The ASL pirates are used to being accused of crimes they didn't commit. But when they're accused of destroying a small village in the New World, it sends them hurtling toward a deadly confrontation with the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard. The results are not what they were expecting.
Persistence & The Impossible (part of a series) by dragonsfall
Rating: T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: In order to keep himself from losing his job, Ace takes on an impossible story. Get an interview with the ever-elusive Phoenix. Guess he might as well kiss his job goodbye.
Self Discovery (part of a series) by dragonsfall
Rating: E
Pairing: Izou/Sabo (sort of, it's technically masturbation)
Summary: Sabo has been waiting for a day like this for a while but it doesn’t go quite how he planned it.
A Breach of Intention by Depths
Rating: T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: It was unspoken, but some pirate crews and mermaids had an unspoken solidarity. Pirates throw their enemies overboard, and the merfolk will take care of them.
mer!ace au
Running on All Sixes by lunarshores
Rating: E
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace, minor Izou/Thatch
Summary: The Whitebeard gang might be one of the most influential in the city, but to Marco they're just his family. Though he sometimes wishes they'd just leave him alone, especially when Izo's playing matchmaker, and Ace is his usual oblivious self. When a brother betrays them, they'll have to fight to show why no one ever messes with their family.
nothing is impossible with you by lunarshores
Rating: T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Five times Ace and Marco accidentally mixed their flames on accident and one time that was entirely on purpose.
I Want You to Look at Me by shockandlock
Rating: E
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: One night, Marco is missing from dinner, so Ace decides to bring dinner to him. He's surprised to see Marco wearing glasses and now he can't stop thinking about the way he looks. Now with additional chapter(s) including more miscellaneous MarcoAce PWP!
To My Dear Fire (part of a series) by shockandlock
Rating: T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Living in the city is a new thing for Ace. After being raised near a cozy coastal mountain town through his childhood, it's definitely a change of pace, but it doesn't help when he loses his new job after an unfortunate encounter with actor Marco Newgate. He just wants to live-- and meet his long time pen pal, Phoenix.
Marco knows that being an actor is hard, so he takes the little things when he can: writing his pen pal (and honestly one of his best friends) Fire Fist, flirting with the cute new waiter at his favorite café-- not that he has a chance after a disaster on social media. But maybe fate really does give him a second chance when Ace shows up at Four Emperor Studios...
Uncharted Territory by silverwolf_fox
Rating: E
Pairing: Masked Deuce/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: This was by far one of Ace's most ridiculous ideas.
When Deuce keeps getting flustered everytime he tries to dominate Ace, they created an opportunity where he didn't have to be afraid of messing up.
Now he's free to do and try whatever he wants...
...so long as Ace doesn't wake up.
Watching the Sunrise (part of a series) by silverwolf_fox
Rating: T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Many years have passed since Rouge gave up her life for her son’s...except she didn’t die, but she thinks Ace did. Living her life on Baterilla, she’s mourned each and every day until the morning she receives his bounty poster. She sets off immediately to find him, but finds their meeting isn’t as easy as she’d imagined.
never shall i forget, how you climbed out of a dream by siojo
Rating: T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: “Kaido,” Ace smirks, flames burning around his feet as he shifts in preparation for Kaido’s next attack, already trying to decide what he’s going to do in response. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it? You’ve seemed to have been enjoying yourself here.”
“I thought you would be smarter than this, Portgas. You’ve never tried to fight another Yonko before, your bounty won’t matter much when you lose.”
Ace barks a laugh, his teeth bared in a facsimile of a grin, “You must have missed out on the brawl I had with Big Mom after she sent two of her daughters and a son for me to consider marrying. This is a bit more personal than that.”
Reborn in Fire by aerle
Rating: M
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Fireman Marco has earned the nickname 'the Phoenix' by saving numerous people from a certain death. After an accident however, he has to relearn to walk and gets a new job as arson inspector at a different fire station. There he gets confronted with a boy from his past, now all grown up and gorgeous.
Three's a Crowd, Four's a Double Date by aerle
Rating: M
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace (main), Izou/Thatch (secondary)
Summary: "We're not dating," Marco said definitively. "That we're sharing a bed tonight is a total coincidence."
Universal Dive by EmpressKira
Rating: M
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Ace had been making his way through the city to go to one of his favorite cafes. Well, that was until this hole ripped in the sky and some pirate fell out with the flaming bird guy following. Getting targeted, he is dragged into a different world with pirates and everything defying the reality he is used to. Will he make it home? Will he go back when the time comes?
Blue moon (series) by de_Winter
Rating: T-M
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Urban fantasy AU, werewolf Marco and witch Ace
Red Velvet by de_Winter
Rating: E
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Ace already knew their routine by heart, just from observing them for a couple of mornings when he had early delivery, and from Izou’s daily long winded—and probably sexually frustrated—rants. Big Blond would come out of the bakery wearing a shirt too tight for him and too thin for the weather as soon as he was done setting up the tables inside the storefront, holding a take out cup and a small box in his big hands. They looked really, pleasantly big from where Ace was standing, and he honestly wished he wasn't standing that far away.
We'll Look Back and Laugh at Ourselves by JuHuaTai
Rating: M
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace, minor Gol D. Roger/Portgas D. Rouge
Summary: Between his new boyfriend and his workaholic boss, Marco felt like he was surrounded by family issues of the father and son dispute variety. Maybe it was just a coincidence.
Or maybe he should've listened to the office gossip more. Maybe then he'd figure it out sooner.
Gratitude of the Phoenix (part of a series) by JuHuaTai
Rating: M
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: [Based on 'The Crane Wife' Folklore]
One day, he saved a bird from freezing to death in a trap. Then, a stranger saved him from suffering the same fate, and a request to stay for one night turned into having someone to fill the void left in the small cottage and in his heart ever since his brothers left.
These two incident doesn’t seem to be related to one another, but they both changed Ace’s life in ways he could never have imagined.
Watashitachi wa Roger kaizoku desu (we still stand proud) by stereden
Rating: T
Pairing: None (heavy focus on Buggy, Shanks, and Crocus)
Summary: The Roger Pirates disappeared after their Captain's death, and were happy enough to let the Marines forget about them.
Until the Marines decide to execute their Captain's son, that is.
This Bites! by Xomniac
Rating: M
Pairing: None (heavy focus on a main character oc and the strawhat pirates)
Summary: Sea Kings, sea-sickness, sunburns, a 95% genocidal Navy and more than a million and one other assorted ways to die. It's official: Being inserted into an anime sucks ass... Buuut I guess it could be worse. I mean, look on the bright side: At least I'm sailing with the future king of the pirates.
A Fortune that Never Grows Old by imperialmint
Rating: E
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: It's one thing to get butterflies in your stomach when you seen an attractive person but it's another thing entirely for Marco to want to stomp out a courtship ritual and lay foundations for a nest when he meets the navy's new (hot) secret weapon.
Most of the authors on this list have many other excellent one piece fics I'd definitely suggest checking out! Enjoy your reading and try to show them all some love if you can!
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*pops in* hello!
How are you today?
Soo cause you have open requests.. ( and writes for Benn 👉👈) could I ask for Benn Beckman with fem reader. And Benn is impossibly busy few weeks (cause Shanks and the rest of the went batshit crazy once upon a time ) and he is taking care of the chaos and not spending proper alone time with the reader and she is sad, but understanding and tries to hide how much is hurts her and her captain finds out at makes sure Benn will spend some time with her?
It can be nsfw or sfw I really dont mind either..
Thank you so much! I really really enjoyied the event btw 😁
Take care!
A/N: Hello Ochizo love!!! doing well thank you for asking! Oh of course I can do this. Thank you so much I'm glad you enjoyed it, it was fun to do I'm looking forward to doing more!!! I hope you enjoy!Take care as well!
Benn Beckman x Fem reader: I'm here SFW
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Sitting on the deck watching Benn giving the crew orders on what to do. He could never leave them unsupervised for one minute alone. "That goes there make sure it is not upside down those are perishables." his arms were cross his eyes follow the crew to make sure they were doing everything right. Maybe you just wanted his attention for a bit but he had duties because he was the right hand man for Shanks that came first. Its been so long since you and Benn have had some private time together. When he was done with the bullshit on the ship for the day he was exhausted at times falling asleep before you could even get a word to him. You didn't want to become one of those girlfriends to always nag or bug him on wanting to spend time together either.
Passing by Shanks as he tried to wave to get your attention but you kept going looking down on the deck floor. Seeing the sadden expression on your face. "oii ____________." he patted your head.
Waking you out of your sadden state " Yes captain." twirling around to see him.
"You feeling okay you don't seem to be your glowing ball of sunshine. Whats on your mind?" Your captain asked you. Shanks did care about each and everyone of his crew members. Since you were dating Benn his right hand man he wanted to mark sure you were alright you guys did form a bond, both can be very loud and crazy together keeping Benn on his toes.
"Its nothing just tired." putting up a fake smile.
"I know you better than that." Shanks scratching his goatee. He was thinking long and hard to see if he could find the issue without having it come out of your mouth.( shanks is a smart cookie okay ya'll) managing to figure it out. "go get some rest." patting your head once again giving a comforting smile.
Shanks seen you off to your room maybe he has been relying on Benn for a lot the past few weeks and he is barley noticing the effect on you. He did feeling guilty, Shanks began to Search for Benn who was still having the men move the cargo around. "Hey Benn." shanks said cooling tone.
"Hey captain." his eyes still watching the men work. "Did you need anything?"
"Nah I'm good just bumped into ______ down the hall. She was out of it." Shanks sighed. Catchings Benn's attention "when was the last time you both spent time together." he asked.
Benn thought about it . He was caught up in his work he failed to realized how you were doing. "Its been a while."
"Maybe you should go spend sometime with her. Plus you been a bit grouchy too maybe you need to relieve some stress." shanks giving him a shoulder squeeze. "I can take over."
You were in your room laying on your side facing the wall your legs slightly curled up. The door opened,"Strange to see you in bed already." hearing your boyfriends voice. You sat up looking at him as he closed the door, making his way to the bed.
"I thought you had work to do?" asking him. You knew he had work to do but he was here with you.
"Shanks is taking care of it for the meantime.I wanted to check on you."
"im fine really everyone needs to stop worrying." the same fake smiled
"I know when you're lying to me your nose grows." he lightly flicked your nose.
"Ouch." you covered your nose. "Benn I d...." he cut you off
"I want to apologize to you."
"You didn't do anything you don't need to apologize." you shook your head and waving your hands.
"I do... I got caught up in working and fix the shit show on the ship I neglected you for sometime. I'm sorry ______.."his hand was rubbing the top of your hand.
Taking a deep breath in then releasing it."You are forgiven." you smiled slightly.
"You know you do owe me an apologize as well for not coming to me sooner. I need you to come to me when your are feeling down or want my attention. Just so you know I wont turn you down.. You're my girl." his hand running through your hair.
"I"m sorry Benn. I will be more vocal the next time."
"Sorry just won't cut it this time." He crawled on his hands and knee towards you on the bed trapping you underneath him "I think we both been neglecting other needs that are important." on his knees he sat up slightly taking his shirt off throwing it on the floor then his came too you.
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Hihi♡ Can I please have an angst scenario for Benn Beckman where he had an argument with his fem S/O and said something rude then the S/O gets off at an island and is captured; and he finds her tortured and stuff. Sorry if it's too much hehe,, I've been soo deprived of angst lately. And if you don't write for Benn, can you do it for Ace or Shanks instead? Tysm in advance😘 love your writing btw😌 Keep up the amazing work honey💕
Hi dearest, I’m sorry for taking so long to get this up but here it is. I hope you enjoy it. Also, you may have seen this but here's something kind of similar I did awhile ago with Shanks. Love you!
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1,243
Benn flung open the cellar door. The musky smell of dust and rot floated past the pirate. He wrinkled his nose, and he took his first steps down into the cellar. The stone steps were crumbling under his feet as if they hadn't been touched in years. The unsettling cold of the near-empty cellar clung to his skin. Benn had to crouch to protect his head from hitting the ceiling. The farther he traveled from the steps, the meaner the chill became, and the smell of mildew became stronger. Benn let out a long low whistle; the sound bounced off the walls and into darkness. He listened keenly for his responses. His heart jumped into his throat as a broken-sounding whistle replied. It was broken, but it was her whistle. They continued their game of Marco-Polo until (Name) finally came into view.
Benn knelt in front of her. In the darkness, he cupped (Name) 's face and whispered, "Hey Sugarcane, are you with me?"
(Name) nodded her head yes before whispering in a hoarse voice, "I think I'm hurt."
Benn sucked in a breath, "Where? Where are you hurt, (Name)?" His hands gently began trailing down her skin. His warm fingers soothed the goosebumps for a moment. In response to her silence, Benn draped his coat over her shoulders as he began trying to find her wounds. His lips pursed as his fingers felt the rusted metal on the cuffs clamped far too tight on (Name) 's wrists. Benn struggled to pry them apart, then began investigating the chains attached to the wall. He was sure he looked pretty foolish at the moment; if a light turned on at the moment, it would certainly look as if Benn was the feral beast keeping (Name) captive.
He pulled his gun from his waist and began bashing the butt of the weapon against the chains. Benn desperately pulled on the chains, and the wall the chains were attached to began to give. With more furious beating against the cracks and then a final pull on the chains, the first one popped out of place.
(Name) watched with a tired but relieved expression as Benn began to work on the second chain. She couldn't help but reach out to him while working on getting the next chain free. She managed to grasp the hem of Benn's dark shirt before whispering, "What if they catch us?"
Benn looked over his shoulder with a sly grin on his face, but it's not like (Name) could see it. "Do you really think it was just me coming for you?" he chuckled, "I'm not the only one who loves you, Sugarcane." 
(Name) couldn't help but smile back at Benn. "The captain is coming?" she asked as Benn pulled the final chain free.
"Of course he is. Shanks is probably tearing the town upside down as we speak in search of you," Benn pulled (Name) to his chest, "Can you walk at all?"
In her stubbornness (Name) did make an attempt to walk. She managed to take a few awkward steps before her legs couldn't move anymore.
Benn did his best to hold (Name) as he moved through the tight cellar. "Damn, I'm sure you're the only one who fits down here, Shortie," Benn swore as he awkwardly moved about.
When they finally reached the steps, Benn sighed in relief. Not only could he stand up straight now, but the sunlight poured in from the surface. He held her close to his chest and hurried up the steps; there was no time to waste now that he could move properly.
(Name) squinted and groaned at the light and hid her face in Benn's chest. "It's so bright," she murmured.
Benn smiled a little before jostling her in his arms, "Let me get a better look at you now that I can see." His breath caught in his throat when he saw (Name) 's face clearly. Blood caked on the side of her face. It was beginning to crust at the edges. Part of her hairline was sticky, and her scalp was stained red. Her face and arms had been sliced and bruised. Benn couldn’t bear to imagine what other horrors were hidden beneath his cloak.
Benn's entire body started to tremble as he looked at her bloody and beaten face. "(Name) I'm so sorry," his mouth was dry, and he looked sick, "Gods, (Name). I'm so sorry, if I had known this would happen, I would've never…" Benn trailed off as she tried to turn away from him. He swallowed hard, then began heading towards the docks. As they left, Benn was murmuring apologies between stern reminders. "I know you're angry with me, but keep your eyes on me," he kept saying.
Benn managed to fish his handheld responder snail out of his pocket. He called his captain and confirmed that (Name) was alive but badly injured. She managed to croak out a hello to the captain as well. In which the Shanks-like face became upset at the state of his fellow crew member.
Once Benn got on deck, he was met with a serious-faced captain. Shanks’ face was dark with concern, and followed a very silent Benn toward the ship's infirmary. The captain watched Benn bring (Name) inside the infirmary and promptly get kicked out.
Benn tapped his foot impatiently and watched the door waiting for the doctor to let him back in. He was so focused on his thought that he jumped when Shanks patted his back.
"You can unclench your jaw now," Shanks said with a hint of a smile on his face, "She'll be just fine."
"Liar," Benn muttered, "She was trapped in a warehouse cellar." Benn began to fidget and pulled out a cigarette. After lighting it, he took a long drag from it and tilted his head away from Shakes.
"You can't wait out here forever, Beckman," Shanks sighed before turning to leave, "Have faith in your crewmates, won't you?"
And Benn did have faith. He waited and waited, and his faith rewarded him. He nearly collapsed with relief when the physician said (Name) would be alright. They asked him if he wanted to see her, and Benn said yes, but saying and doing are very different. The guilt began to bubble up in his mind and effectively make his stomach ache. If only he hadn't had shouted at her, maybe things would be different.
He took a deep breath and stepped inside the recovery room. Benn grit his teeth at the sight of his partner curled up on the bed. In a low voice, he called her name, the cowardly part of him hoping she'd be asleep. That part of him was overjoyed to hear the soft snore come out of (Name). The part of himself made of sheer grit and grease was agitated. Not with her, not really. Benn just wanted to kiss and make up.
Benn sat on the edge of the bed with a sigh. "You need to get better soon (Name). I need to apologize to you properly. Besides, if you leave me without at least getting the apology you deserve, I'll have to be grumpy for the rest of my life. And I'm far too scary as it is to win the heart of anyone else, so unless I'm destined to be a crotchety bachelor, you gotta get better. Please, have faith in me to do the right thing."
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nanamis-bigtie · 3 years
Hello, Bas! This isn't a request (although I did want to say you're doing great ❤), but I had a question! How do you do the edits for the images you use in your posts? (Like the rules, pending requests, etc) I'm a noob and I'm genuinely amazed at how cool they look and was wondering if there was some hidden secret to it! Thank you as always for your hard work ❤❤❤
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Thank you so much! ❤
There's no secret behind it to be honest and it's pretty simple. I'm using photoshop though (don't come @ me, I don't choose working tools, my boss does lol), but it uses very basic options that any graphic program should have.
First, I look for a suitable panel in manga (absolutely do not go on site like this one that absolutely doesn't have One Piece manga in HQ, it's forbidden to check that link) and cut out what you need. You can use any select/cut tool available, I'm usually a lazy hoe and just use a white brush/eraser as you can see around Benn here.
Sometimes, especially if you experiment with levels the cut image can look a bit grainy. There's a way to fix it, here you have it explained better.
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Then I slap simple white background underneath.
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(Though, I'm using #f4f4f4 too, to make sure I erased everything I wanted.)
A little sprinkle of title/name/whatever I want. I usually place text somewhere more or less in the middle, but it depends on your vision tbh.
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I'm not the best at lettering design (still learning), but there's a basic rule that whatever you want on banner needs to be readable for everyone, this included nd people and people with various problems with sight (as autistic astigmatic... yeah, it hurts to deal with various designs). Generally, I avoid the "handwritten" fonts unless I want to accent a single word OR the letters are clear and big enough on the banner. (Small handwritten texts are one of things I want to bite designers for.) Serifs for bigger texts, sans serifs for smaller texts since they're easier to be read.
I don't work with colors (1st I suck at it, 2nd I prefer monochromes, 3rd Oda's official art is one hell of chaotic shit to work with, this man slaps colors everywhere but inside lines lol), but you shouldn't use colors too contrastive because of eyestrain. Thus, why I don't use black & white.
Sometimes I use colors, especially very bright and sticking out, if I want to stress something. Case of one's purpose and sense of aesthetic.
(Font I used here is Start Today Sans with basic typography settings, btw. Sometimes I tweak letter width, kerning etc. Which I recommend to play with, sometimes the shape of font is perfect but letters are too little, too close to each other etc.)
Finally, to avoid said black & white eye yolo I slap some levels on top of everything.
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So the final effect looks like this:
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And that's it. Ironically, the most time consuming thing is finding that one right panel and cutting out what you want. As you can see, I'm not the biggest fan of those fancy, aesthetic banners and such - each extra addition, even if pretty and more interesting, is a distraction. And my goal is simply to show what's happening in post ^^"
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hoochy-coo · 3 years
Omg ws anon is online 👀 can I ask a few questions? Ws anon which else pr stunt like holivia are there that you don't buy thing that they're trying to sell? I remember you said you didn't buy Benn a and ana D, I cloud be wrong but correct me anyway, lovee to know your opinion
Most of these are just my opinion and some I've learned through friends who worked closely with celebs. But yeah I don't buy BenAnna. I could buy they could have had a relationship of some sort, but imo it was mostly pr run. I don't buy Bennifer 2.0 as entirely sincere either although I think there's something real because I don't think JLo is capable of being single. Anyway I'm not saying I think these are pure pr but Kaley/Henry, Abelena, Hiddleswift, Haylor, Taylor2x, Chris/Jenny, Tyler/Gigi, Timmy/Lily
That's all I can think off right now
ws anon, who is known to be extremely natural but has a had a looot of work done and who is known to have had a lot of work done but hasn’t?
I can't say with confidence whom, but I do think a lot of women who claim they're all natural aren't or had at least had botox/filler. I told you guys before that I had my nose done so I'm never shaming anyone for having work done anyway.
ws anon, who would you say in the industry is a lot nicer than they are known publicly and who would you dayz known publicly as being nice but actually isn’t?
Angie? She had a lot of bad rep awhile back but I heard from a friend she's nice. Guarded and not exactly friendly but she's nice. I've never personally had a bad experience with Kendall, but I won't discount the possibility of other people's encounters. Kim K is really nice as well. Brie Larson tends to be awkward and introverted from what I heard but she's actually nicer than the aura she gives off.
As for those publicly known as being nice but actually isn't. I'm just going on with popular celebs since I think the b-c listers just don't get talked about a lot to have a rep. Anyway Ryan Reynolds first comes to mind. Idk what's Cate Blanchett's rep if she's nice but apparently she isn't lmao.
ws anon: any tea on ms billie eilish???
None sorry
WS anon: anything good or bad on Florence Pugh?
A friend worked on Midsommar and said she's really nice and professional. She's really easy to bond with but she also expects you to work professionally when it's time. My friend said despite the fact Flo's really nice, she won't hesitate to correct you or be straight when she needs to. My friend actually likes the way Flo doesn't sugarcoat.
WS anon have you ever met Angelina? Do you have any tea on her or just any story about her? She seems to be really nice
When I was a kid my dad brought me to see her on set but in general she's really guarded. I did hear she was nice though, even my dad says so. But she doesn't easily let people in her circle.
Ws anon or you or any other anon, there was any bad blood at the little women bts? I personally think it was weird Emma lack of interaction with others, not only not really promoting but the other march sister actress stayed together and she was apart, pictures and such and such. I’ve also heard thoughts that flopugh and saoirse do not vibe. What do you think about it?
I heard the Emma rumors with the cast and the director were real.
ws anon!! any inside info on Kobe or Vanessa Bryant? 🥰🥰
Do you want me to break your heart?
Has WS annon got any gossip about Taylor Swift?
Just pre-1989 and even pre-red Taylor. I heard Taylor squared she wasn't really into and that she has even thinner skin than people think she just happens to be very well media trained. During 1989 and beyond her info security is incredibly tight though. If you're asking if she's nice, my friend who works for awards show events says Taylor is nice but you also know she's incredibly media trained.
- Worcestershire Sauce Anon
I've seen the Eternals btw
Break our hearts with the Kobe and Vanessa tea (if it’s what I think it is then I feel like I already know)
Also, is the eternals as bad as everyone says it is or are marvel fans just unable to appreciate it?
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colorsinautumn · 4 years
Ok I'm not even American but that anon is just plain dumb, yes you have a constitutional right to vote, for whoever you like, just like everyone else, and that right has not benn violated by anyone, it just happens that the candidate you chose lose the election but you were still able to vote for him, and about him being a tyrant, maybe he's not ordering mass killing but his attitude towards a lot of marginalized communities is very disturbing to say the least
I did say “borderline tyrant” not outright tyrant btw but yeah like, that’s my whole point.
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how would the op hotties react it their s/o picked up a little flower off of the ground and gave it to them? (idk if i wrote it right english isnt my first language... i love your blog btw!!)
Thank you! 💛💛💛
Kizaru ✨: takes the flower and puts it behind his ear.
Akainu🌋: takes the flower and tries to grow many from it.
Ryokugyu 🌱: uses it to grow dozens in their garden.
Fujitora 🐅: treasures it like gold.
Sir Crocodile 🐊: presses it in a book and keeps it framed.
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩: puts it behind his ear.
Benn Beckman 🔫: keeps it in his office on the ship.
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡: keeps it in his wallet.
Killer🔪: puts it behind his ear and blushes .
Kaido🐉: puts it behind his ear and drunk cries about how precious it is.
King 👑: presses it in a book and then makes a bookmark.
Queen👑: puts it behind his ear and makes lyrics about his flower.
Izou🔫🔫: gently places it in his hair like an ornament.
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒: keeps it in his office.
Oven Charlotte 🍞: keeps it on his person at all times.
Buggy🤡: holds it close and treasures it forever.
Marco the Phoenix 🦅: keeps it behind his ear and constantly checks if it’s there.
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸: keeps it in his coat pocket.
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