sebbianas · 11 months
you just know james, sirius, and remus spied on peter and benjy’s first date with stupid disguises like big fake mustache and shit like that
peter just apologizing and benjy just laughing and telling him its all good he thinks its funny
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jamespotterismommy · 8 months
ravenrock coded
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rosekillerismylife · 11 months
Okay, hear me out. Alex Strangelove is marauders coded but in a very, very, very subtle way.
The first thing I noticed was the relationship between Alex and Elliot. It is so ravenrock/benpete, you cannot unsee it. The whole movie would be a story where Peter was the main character, you know what I mean? Like, Blake is the total Remus, Josh is extremely Sirius and Dell displays James. Or you can switch them and make Dell Barty, Blake Marlene and Josh James, I do not care. But Alex and Elliot are ravenrock. And Claire is Mary because maybe Peter was the closest to Mary, we don't know. So the whole movie is about finding your sexuality or at least deal with the consequences or whatever and Alex (just like I imagine Peter) just assumes that he is straight. And he denies it for a very long time. Also, Alex and Elliot seem to be like a chill couple and that's definitely a character trait of a ravenrock relationship.
(I did not come up with the ravenrock ship, I just read it on tumblr and it fit perfectly)
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workstatus · 1 year
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vinnypanesars · 4 years
benbobby scene instead of benpeter please...
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benjorazon-blog · 11 years
Yo! Check out my Chinese New year-ish photo spread!
CHECK IT PLOX! http://benpete.tumblr.com
p.s. beware of the autoplay playlist. }:o
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sebbianas · 11 months
Tumblr media
just peter and benjy watching wolfstar and jegulus be idiots while they are happily in love and in a healthy relationship
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sebbianas · 11 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
this is what its like to date peter pettigrew… benjy seems up to the challenge so its good
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sebbianas · 11 months
i just imagine benjy being a bit more financially stable because he was already working for a year when the marauders left hogwarts so his apartment became their go to place since the house was already opened to peter and where peter goes the others follow
i just imagine peter and benjy chilling at the living room and they hear the sound the floo and peter turns to look at benjy with this apologetic look and goes
peter: sorry i told them not to come here unannounced
benjy: nah its okay
benjy: i knew dating you comes with 3 other idiots
benjy: i’ll go buy more butterbeers
peter: love you babe
benjy: love you more
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sebbianas · 11 months
many many thoughts about the marauders ending up on ravenrock’s couch and just peter and benjy looking after them sometimes its james crying over regulus sometimes its remus after storming out of his apartment with sirius after a fight sometimes its sirius after running away from remus after a fight
and peter just so grateful for benjy and his patience when it comes to his friends
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sebbianas · 11 months
who is benjy fenwick
ravenclaw prefect
one year older than the marauders
is a nerd with a giant heart
he loves quidditch but prioritized his studies so he didnt try out for the team - a decent keeper
originally wanted to be an alchemist but joined the auror instead to help with the war
has a love for animals, would visit the owlery just to feed the owls
claimed that he was able to pet mrs norris once no one believes him but peter
great with younger students, helps them with school works and tutors them with his free time
was headboy during his 7th year (cried when he recieved the letter)
was a bit jealous of james at the start of his relationship with peter because of peter’s old crush on him but after sometime he started to warm up to james (especially when he saw how james was with regulus)
got along easily with the marauders and the girls when he started hanging out with peter more and his friends
he, lily, and remus have a lot of study sessions that ends when peter arrives and tells him he’s been waiting for him - he packs his things very fast
an actual simp but peter is equally a simp for him so its balanced
I WILL NOT GET INTO THE ANGST OF THEIR RELATIONSHIP BECAUSE ITS NEW NAD FRESH (maybe i’ll detail the betrayal and shit someday)
possible shipnames:
clawtail - claw from ravenclaw and tail from wormtail
southstone - south from the name benjy which means son of the south and stone from the name peter which means rock or stone
benpete - which is just their name mushed up lol
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sebbianas · 11 months
For the Peter/Benjy name thing, what do you think about:
gonna be real with you ravenrock sounds so good
im gonna use that now thanks anon 🫶🫶🫶🫶 i have also been using benpete just so its easy to understand
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