online-khabar · 2 months
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bepractical1 · 4 months
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bepractical · 2 years
Kin: Season 1, Episode 9, Part 3
It’s here! My final recap for season 1 of Kin. 
Before I get into it, a little ramble. I first watched Kin as free in-flight entertainment on a plane from NYC to Dublin. I made it halfway through the third episode. By the time Michael killed Caolan Moore, got locked in the bar, freaked out and possibly triggered a seizure, I was done. It was too much to take in on public transit. Hours later, safely ensconced in my Dublin hotel, I hunted down some episode recaps to spoil the hell out of me until I was able to sate my fears, re: Michael having a seizure in the middle of a hit. Then I discovered RTÉ player and watched the remaining episodes from my phone. Yes, I spent my first day in Ireland getting over my jetlag and watching Kin. Worth it. 
Sometime later, I got the idea to do some recaps. There’s a real dearth of lengthy episode recaps out there, especially for shorter run shows. I started making them for me and still do, though I’m always delighted when people interact with my posts. Now the season is finally coming to an end and I need a new project. All that blabber to say, I’ve had a good time, and I’m gonna ride this wave of productivity right on into Daredevil. So if you like Charlie Cox but sassier, with tighter clothes, morals and occasional fights in hallways, stick around. I can't promise I'll be timely but I'm committing to the first season at least, though I hope to do the whole series.
Now you may be thinking, 'But bepractical, why not do recaps for Treason? That’s a short run show with little coverage.' The truth is, I read a spoiler for Treason on accident and my heart is not prepared to watch. Maybe one day.
Back to Kin! For previous parts see the masterlist here. Now onto the recap, where shit is going down! And by shit I mean, Eamon. And by down I mean, to the floor of a parking garage somewhere in Spain.
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At the compound, Amanda arrives home and books it over to Birdy’s for a debrief with Birdy and Frank.
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She tells them Eamon is down for peace, but he wants Eric. So that’s decided then. Birdy is 50 flavors of shocked but Frank is pissed. He correctly deduces that Amanda is at least partially responsible but I don’t care because seriously, fuck Frank.
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Remember, Amanda has no intention of going through with this deal. The plan was always to kill Eamon. This charade has two purposes I can see: 1) to give Amanda and Anthony safe passage to attend Jamie’s mass and 2) to fuck with Frank. Frank has shown the bare minimum of consideration for Amanda and Jimmy’s loss. I wager Amanda wanted Frank to have a taste of what it feels like to lose your son. 
Amanda: It’s hard, even considering the idea of losing a child. You can try to imagine how painful it’s gonna be, how empty you’ll feel, how much you’ll blame yourself every day for what happened, but you won’t even get fucking close. But you’re the boss Frank. I’m sure you’ll do what’s best for everyone.
Go go go Amanda! She walks out of there with the hint of a smirk on her face while Frank overreacts like the overcompensating dickbag he is. He accuses Amanda of conspiring against him and even Birdy gets fed up. BIRDY. 
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Birdy: Stop being so fucking pathetic. ‘You’re the boss’ then show it! Stop stamping your feet and shouting and do something! 
Birdy truly speaks for us all. She reasons that Eamon was always going to want a head, and if Frank wants to save Eric he’s going to have to do something. Good luck with that, sister.
Meanwhile, at the jail, Eric is trying to save himself. Good boy! Nikki's come to see him in the jail infirmary, where he’s recovering from beating himself up and where there are no cameras. I’m so proud! 
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The two have a hushed conversation where Eric apologizes for not thinking of Nikki more. That’s good. Then he asks her to help find the eye witness who saw him do the shooting and to set up a hit on them. He needs her help but he wants her hands clean so he tells her to leave all the details of the hit up to Kem. KEM. Poor Eric's so far out of the loop, he may as well be in Mars. I am curious to see if and how this bites him in the ass next season. Nikki agrees and I’m so happy to see someone in this family other than Amanda do some plotting. It’s not much but I’ll take it.
Side note but apparently the cost of a hit is 20K, with 10K on top, when the job is done.
Amanda and Anthony show up for mass at the church where Jamie’s funeral was held. Amanda’s parents are there. I have this fear they’re going to kill Anthony next season, some kind of full circle bologna, but man do I hope I’m wrong. Look at this sweet face.
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I’m gonna fly over most of these church scenes, which are cut throughout the next few scenes, where we catch up with Frank, Jimmy and Michael. I’ve read the mass portion is an homage to a scene in The Godfather Part II, which I have never seen. It’s possible it would have read more heavy handed if I had seen it but the gist is, the mass signals a transformation for Amanda, both in terms of her devotion to the family and her role as acting head. More on that later. 
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Back at the compound, Birdy’s cleansing fire has sputtered out. She’s just a sucker for her brother, I guess. She offers to call Eamon and see what other deals can be made while Frank pouts on the couch. 
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In the wilds of Ireland, Kem and Con meet clandestinley to discuss Kem’s supposed tip on Kinsella whereabouts. It’s a trap! 
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Jimmy comes up on them, face covered and gun out, but dude cannot shoot. Con hits the gas and Kem, like a boss, grabs the wheel and forces him to crash. 
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Con hops out of the car and tries to run but Jimmy’s finally found his trigger finger and shoots him till he runs out of bullets. Kem freaks and hightails it out of there. Even behind his mask Jimmy is horrified at himself.
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Back at the compound, sad boi Frank snorts an entire handful of coke. For the first time in like, six episodes, I feel a little bit of pity for him. He was just not equipped to deal with this situation. 
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While Frank’s od’ing, Birdy is on the phone with Eamon. She begs for a compromise that doesn’t involve Eric’s death and Eamon spills the beans on his deal with Amanda.
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This whole thing frustrates me so much. It doesn’t matter if Amanda hypothetically chose Eric to die, she had no intention of honoring her deal with Eamon in the first place. Also, Eamon makes it clear that Amanda chose which Kinsella to die, which means someone was dying to appease Eamon. What better option is there? It’s just a cheap way to set up conflict with the family next season and I really hope they blow past it. 
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Birdy runs inside to tell Frank that he was right, Amanda was out to get Eric all along! She finds him passed out on the carpet in a puddle of blood, from the nosebleed he got from his handful of coke. It’s pretty gnarly. She tries to wake him and calls emergency services. As much as Frank frustrates me I like this sibling relationship. I'm not sure if it's worth keeping Frank alive but I'd also like to see some development on his part. His spiral into ineptitude deserves a recovery.
And then, my favorite thing that may or may not have been intentional in this episode. We flip back to the church right as the priest announces, 'This is the gospel according to Matthew,' then immediately flash to the airport with Eamon. Guess who’s on his way? It’s Michael, aka Charlie Cox, aka MATTHEW MURDOCK! Intentional or not, you decide.
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Eamon’s heading out of the airport with his luggage and his ex-wife’s birthday gift when he runs into Man Bun. He’s come to take Eamon directly to his dad, Eamon’s supplier, to discuss all that missing drug money.
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Eamon’s visibly freaked but has no choice but to go with Man Bun and his flunky. 
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They enter the parking garage and are almost to their car when Man Bun and his flunky go down with matching single shots to the head. Eamon turns around in shock and the camera spins to reveal Michael. Heck yeah! 
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Eamon tries to plead his case- Amanda made a deal! The feud is over! Michael, cool as cucumber tells him Amanda lied.
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He shoots Eamon right in the eyeball. Man oh man, did he deserve it. There’s a quick flash as Eamon falls of the woman from his vision that I still don’t understand and then he’s gone. 
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That’s the stuff.
There’s a few danglers in this scene that I’m guessing next season will address. First off, Michael just killed three men in an airport parking garage. Yes, he was wearing a hat, and he left his gun behind (which is apparently The Move when you’re an assassin) but that place had to be chockfull of cameras. For now I’m choosing to believe that Michael is a good assassin who knows what he’s doing and didn’t put himself at unnecessary risk. We’ll see how that plays out next season. Second, Michael killed Man Bun, the son of a big time drug lord. They can handwave killing multiple people in a heavily monitored public space in the middle of the day, but they can’t handwave that. 
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In the wilds, Jimmy pukes his guts up before setting fire to Con’s body and all the rest of the evidence. There’s a shot of a white sneaker that is definitely not Con’s. At first I was worried it was Kem’s, then I thought it might have been Jimmy’s. Until further notice I’m calling it an error. 
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Cut to Michael leaving the garage. 
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Let's take a minute to discuss how the two Kinsella brothers react to murder. Jimmy-the-softy, who had never murdered anyone before, threw up immediately. He scrambled through the clean up but that initial, visceral reaction got me. I really hope he doesn't lose his softness next season. It's the best part of his character, I think. Meanwhile, Michael showed no emotion whatsoever. Not a hint of enjoyment, for finally getting to kill the man who had terrorized him and his family, HIS DAUGHTER, for so long, but also no doubt or regret. This complete detachment is alarming and very Michael. The show has blugeoned us over the head again and again with the fact that this life is not good for Michael. He'll do what needs to be done but he gets no joy out of it.
Finally, Amanda lights a candle, presumably for Jamie.
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Her mom approaches her with a plan her and her husband concocted, Operation: Get Amanda Out of This Damn Crime Family Already. Unforunately it’s too little, too late. Amanda’s a Kinsella now.  
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And that's all folks! The first season of Kin. What do you think? Any thoughts or feedback? I may do one more wrap up post before I move on, we'll see. Otherwise, I hope to see you in Season 2!
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dubaisetup · 2 years
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idtnashik · 3 years
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parthexy-blog · 6 years
That Night
well, hi there. This is the second blog of the day...:)
This is about that night that I did not sleep at all. I am really very sleepy and snoozy person. I really need rest and I love my sleep. Mostly I don’t compromise with my sleep but that day I did. You may wonder I would have done that to study the whole night!!?? But that's not the case... I am a studious guy but I don't spend my night studying tho...
So it was the night of 18th June 2018. It was my cousin’s wedding in Chandigarh. The photo ceremony was over and guests started disappearing after having their dinner and some dance. So now it was approx 12 when almost all the guests went back to their homes or wherever they lived. It was our family who was there. There were about a 30 people and I was amongst them. The wedding, the actual cultural wedding had just started when my parents called me to go back to hotel oyster ( where we stayed ). My mom and dad would also have stayed up if I and papa did not have a flight to San Fransisco the next day at 4. To catch the flight at 4pm we had to leave Chandigarh at least at 4am keeping the traffic and packing time in mind... So our plan was that we would go back to the hotel and sleep for few hours and then leave at 4. It was important for Papa to get some sleep to drive so much. and mom dad would pick me up from the place and we move on. I felt that I could sleep in the car, so I decided to stay up that night... I stayed at the wedding place, “wedlock manor” and decided to attend the whole wedding, rituals and the “saat phere”.
I never woke up a whole night to attend any wedding, ever. So, this blog is not about the wedding however, it's about the thoughts I got when I was seeing the stupid rituals. Sorry to say stupid, but I clearly don't believe in such stuff. I don't believe.
So when I was seeing this stuff I thought many things and my own wedding was amongst it. Idk why but I started thinking about my marriage that’s gonna happen at least after 15-20 years... I thought that at my wedding, I would do this and that... But after a thought struck my brain, I felt stupid. We spend so much money on feeding the one who already are capable enough and can afford their own meals at least 3 times a day... Why not feed the one who cannot afford to have a meal even twice a day.!!! I felt stupid, I felt shame, I felt guilty, I felt naked at that very instant. 
My cousins' wedding was a love marriage. I felt that these stupid rituals cannot make their love or relationship stronger or any deeper. It can just waste their precious time and money which they spend in preparation of all this. I am not against them, he did his part very correctly because her mother ( my bua ) wanted all that. 
My Cousin is just like me, young, thoughtful and doesn't believe in this bullshit. He is in the air force as a pilot and even her to-be-wife was in the air force. If the marriage was done according to them, it would just be a court marriage maybe. and they would just throw a party for the family members and friends. 
Another thought that struck my mind was these stupid rituals doesn't allow the mother of the groom to see the marriage. How does that even make any sense!!??? I was shocked when my bua went back to the hotel before the ritualistic wedding started. When I asked some people about it, they told me that the groom’s mother cannot attend the “vidhis” that are done completing the marriage ceremony. 
So, at about 3.30am, everything was done and it was time for “vidaai”. Even before the rituals were over, the bride’s mother started crying. And at the time of vidaai, the father, my mother, and dozen full of brothers and cousins started crying and hugging each other. This almost took 30 minutes or so... Now it was already 4 and I called mom and dad to leave from there and pick me up and leave Chandigarh asap. In about 10 minutes or so mom and dad came. They met the bride’s family and told that we had to leave at our earliest because had to catch our flight, and soon we went back........
And therefore at my end what happened, my cousin, her wife were again busy in their lives at air force, I am busy with my life studying and my parents doing their job and other relatives minding their own business. So what happens in the last is same that used to happen before. Nothing changed... so whats the point of doing such a “dhoom dhaam waali shaadi””?????
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