enkamanaenka · 1 month
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The first art is almost a year old, and I was inspired to draw the sequel arts just recently. That's because my friends and I decided to make a group of four friends going to the bar after hard matches and relaxing to the maximum.
Berhold (my medic) appears in each image. In the first image, he is with D'yuol (@redheadpumpkin's demoman), in the second with Isla (@cringefortress2's demo... woman?), and in the third with his beloved Louis (also pumpkin's character)
progress is impossible without beer 💪
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weimardamon · 6 months
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The doodles that I decorated with stickers :D
@enkamanaenka look your Berhold is hiding here!!! :³
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july-snek · 2 years
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I can’t believe I haven’t posted it in here. But I can’t find it on my page so I guess I’ll just post it now..?? Drawing for my friends with our TF2 OCs: Finley (my pyro) Dirk (my friend’s soldier) Berhold (another firend’s Medic) Ollie (another friend’s scout)
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titansealgair · 7 years
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Here ya go @treacherousarlcrt ! I did my best to basically draw bubble gum Bertholdt for you. Sorry it took a while!
ps. i tried making him look evil with the toothy smirk but i just couldnt draw the mouth right or the eyebrow
Meme: http://pawville.tumblr.com/post/141239620820/i-wanted-to-do-one-here-i-go
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renee-writer · 4 years
A Druid Healer Chapter 3 A Matter of Trust
Now that the heir has been born safely, she lies in the cot by the fire and dreams of the trees and fields of home. Of her mother and father. They had a good life, harvesting the land. Their laird had been a fair man. He needed people to work the land and didn't try to cheat them out of their harvest. But then the plague came.
It hit every house, including the Laird’s. The cries of anguish were heard everywhere. She went to her aunt and uncles but the pox followed. Alone, she was taken in by Master Flynn and his band of druids. He taught her of healing and that the earth was full of life. That the trees and fields held the breath of life too. How to listen for it. She cannot wait to return to her land and people.
The cry of the baby drew her out of her dreams. “Healer, I've need of you.” The queen called out. She rose and walked up to her. “The infant, he will not stop crying.”
“He may be just hungry, your Highness. If I could see him?” She hands him over to her. “Oh little man, what is wrong?” she coos to him before checking his clod. He is wet so she changes him before lifting him back up. When he starts to root, Claire lays him down at his mother's chest. “He is hungry. Newborns eat every two hours or so. If you have a wet nurse, she can help.”
“No, I will feed him. I thank you Healer. For seeing him safely here and for your care of us after. I do need someone to help with him.”
“Yes your Highness. I am sure there are qualified nannies.”
“No. I want you. I trust you. I want no one else helping with his care.”
“But your Highness, I was to return to my people after.”
“You shall stay, for awhile longer. I will have a letter sent to Master Flynn.” It was decided that easy. “I will inform my husband in the morrow.”
Meanwhile, In another part of the castle.
Jamie paces back in forth. He must find a way to get of the druid. She isn’t to be trusted. He has tried to tell His Majesty. He must try again. The queen and the heir are in danger! After what happened to his Berhold. He sighs and takes the locket out of his sporeen. It contains a lock of her hair. Tara Campbell was her name. They would have long been married with bairns if it hadn't been for the druids.
Her father hired two druids to educate her and her brother in all that was needed to be a future Laird and Laird's daughter and sister. But, they were evil. They killed the entire family. The druid clan did take them back and locked them behind stone where they could never hurt another. But, the damage was done. Leery and Dougal behind stone doesn't bring back Tara and her family. He will talk to the King again tomorrow. He prays he will listen.
Claire his called before the king the next morning. She curtsies low to the ground. “Your Highness.”
“Healer Claire, my wife requests your presence In the service of her and our son but Earl Marsichal strongly wishes you sent back to where you came from. Any idea why?”
“I am afraid I do. We druids are as human as all others. Though mostly a peaceful kind people, there are a few that have given in to the evil inherent In all of us. I fear the earl has had contact with some of the later.”
“Just so. See Earl Marsichal, she knows.”
“Your Highness, I still don't trust her.”
“But my wife does. A compromise, you will stay on as healer here. For a year and a day. Time to see my son through the perils of infancy and see my people healthy. But, you will not be trusted alone until Earl Marsichal says you can be. You will stay close to Elizabeth and our son and work as healer here. You will have all you need and some coin. But no freedom until the earl agrees. I want my people healthy. After the year and day, you may leave if that is still your wish. Acceptable?”
“Yes Your Highness.” She knows she has no choice.
“Aye, but I will be keeping a close eye on her.”
“Splendid. Now healer, do you have something for my wame. I overindulged a bit yesterday.”
“I do. A tea that will settle your wame right down.” She sees the earl's warrior eyes on her. “I will make two cups, shall I. I will drink out of one. The earl out of the other. Then give one to Your Highness.”
“You are a smart lass and brave.” She smiles and curtsies again before leaving to get the tea. She may have the King and Queen's trust, but she needs to earn the earl's to truly be free.
Over the next week, she sees nearly everyone in the castle. Most are fairly healthy. She pulls some bad teeth, treats wame's that are sick from drink, bandages cuts, and treats burns. Willie, her guard, talks to her. He gives her the names of must of the people she treats. She knows it will be hopeless to recall them all.
“Most are Mackenzie’s?”
“Aye, myself included. Our clan was chosen to help keep Scotland free. Ye ken England wishes to take control of her?”
“Yes. What of the Earl Marsichal?”
“Jamie is the second son of Laird Fraser. His brother will be Laird at their father's death. He chose to serve his king.”
Their conversation was interrupted by the breathless entry of one of the many Mackenzie men. “Healer, you must come quick. The earl is injured.” She and Willie follow him out. Claire is thinking that this will be fun.
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electronicgallery · 5 years
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Art by Caitlyn Kurilich
1. Berhold and Avelina 2. Cainhurst Knight 3. Elira 4. Character from Starguild 5. Magi
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itsavonell · 6 years
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this verse and gif defines kathryn mckinnon berhold as a person [gif source]
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saksthriftavenue · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Marchenwelt Neue Marchen von Berhold Bergelt Heft 1-6 1949.
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forzalazio15 · 3 years
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Encontrando el Berhold. https://www.instagram.com/p/CPOBnG0nOL8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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angelicaabigailhall · 5 years
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Reflecting back on my placement. I learnt a lot! I improved on my sewing, pattern cutting, illustrator, communication and grew more confidence! I did feel my placement was a challenge! Occasionally working at BERHOLD was unpleasant, and I did feel under appreciated. My manger didn’t know how to handle stressful situations, so therefore took this out on me and other interns. Raimund was also very harsh in the process, however it did make me thicker skinned. Overall I can say it did give me a realistic insight to how the fashion industry works, and I will take what I have learnt through to university and the rest of my career.
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enkamanaenka · 1 year
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Just a Halloween illustration with my Medic Berhold! He becomes a mage during this period, so be careful when you cross his path…
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There is a loadout of him!
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Blutjung und liebeshungrig ist ein deutsches Sexfilm-Lustspiel von Franz Antel aus dem Jahr 1972 mit Sybil Danning und Sascha Hehn in den Hauptrollen.
Sybil Danning (* 24. Mai 1947 in Ried im Innkreis, Oberösterreich) ist eine österreichische Schauspielerin, die vor allem durch freizügige Auftritte in deutschen Sexfilmen der 1970er-Jahre bekannt wurde.
Blutjung und liebeshungrig (lief auch unter dem Titel: Die liebestollen Apothekerstöchter) wurde im Sommer 1972 gedreht und am 13. Oktober 1972 uraufgeführt. Es ist der einzige Ausflug des österreichischen Starregisseurs Franz Antel in die Untiefen des Bahnhofskino-Sexfilms. „Stumpfsinniger Sexfilm.“
Sybil Danning: Elisabeth
Eva Garden: Maria
Alena Penz: Christl
Sascha Hehn: Peter Foster
Paul Löwinger: Willibald Bumshäuptl, Apotheker
Siegfried und das sagenhafte Liebesleben der Nibelungen ist ein komödiantischer Sex- und Abenteuerfilm aus dem Jahre 1970 von Adrian Hoven mit Raimund Harmstorf in der Titelrolle.
Raimund Harmstorf: Siegfried
Sybil Danning: Kriemhild
Heidy Bohlen: Brunhild
Carlheinz Heitmann: König Gunther
Fred Coplan: Hagen von Tronje
Fred Berhold: Giselher
Walter Kraus: Gernot
Peter Berling: Hansel
Céline Bernier: Loreley
Achim Kaden: Hauptmann Locker
Rosy Rosy: Nackte im Heu
Der Film hält sich in seinem Handlungsgerüst, von einer wichtigen Ausnahme abgesehen, weitgehend an die bekannte Nibelungensage, garniert die Geschichte aber mit zahlreichen Nackt- und Sex- aber auch mehreren Actionszenen.
Im mittelalterlichen Worms kehrt der als Drachentöter zu frischem Ruhm gekommene Jung-Siegfried ein. Der kraftstrotzende und mit einem enormen Selbstbewusstsein wie notorischer Dauerfröhlichkeit gesegnete Held bricht rasch die Herzen aller junger Maiden in der Stadt und am Hofe König Gunthers. Diesem ist nicht nur Siegfrieds Heldentat zu Ohren bekommen, sondern auch, dass der Drachentöter zwischen den Beinen außerordentlich gut bestückt sein soll. Gunther befindet, dass der „Beste“ gerade gut genug für seine Schwester Kriemhild ist, und verspricht ihm, die blonde Prinzessin zur Frau geben zu wollen. Doch zuvor möchte Siegfried erst einmal die weibliche Damenwelt vor Ort erforschen, und zwar von Kopf bis Fuß, im Heu, auf der Wiese und im Lotterbett. Infolge einer ausufernden Sexorgie entjungfert Siegfried nahezu die gesamte weibliche Dienerschaft sowie einen Knappen, der sich als Mädchen herausstellen soll.
Anschließend machen sich Gunther und Kriemhild nach Island auf, um dort mit Siegfrieds Hilfe um die Gunst der sagenhaften Königin Brunhild zu werben. Mit Siegfrieds „bestem Stück“ im Einsatz, so hofft Gunther, könne ihm Brunhild keinen Korb geben.
Danning arbeitete zunächst als Zahnarzthelferin und Operationsschwester in einer Salzburger kieferorthopädischen Klinik, bevor sie sich für eine Karriere als Schauspielerin entschied. Ihr Filmdebüt gab sie 1968 als Lorelei unter der Regie von Rolf Thiele in dessen satirisch-frivoler Sexkomödie Komm nur, mein liebstes Vögelein; in der Folgezeit erhielt sie zunächst weiterhin Rollen in deutschen Sexkomödien. Nebenbei jobbte sie als Kosmetikerin und betätigte sich als Fotomodell, auch für Nacktaufnahmen.
1972 zog sie nach Rom und wirkte nun vor allem in internationalen Abenteuer- und Kriminalfilmen mit, ohne sich vollständig von dem ihr anhaftenden Ruf des „Salzburger Nackerls“' lösen zu können. 1977 ließ sich Sybil Danning dauerhaft in Los Angeles nieder und etablierte sich Anfang der 1980er-Jahre als einer der führenden weiblichen Actionstars des B-Films. Danning spielte dabei in fast allen Filmgenres, in Katastrophenfilmen, Horrorfilmen und in Abenteuerfilmen. Immer wieder kehrte sie jedoch zum erotischen Filmgenre zurück, so auch 1985 in dem Sexfilm Young Lady Chatterley II, in dem sie Lord Chatterleys heuchlerische Schwester Judith verkörpert, die sich mit dem attraktiven Gärtner (gespielt von Brett Clark) einlässt.
Ende der 1980er-Jahre gründete Danning ihre eigene Filmproduktionsfirma. Heute ist sie Präsidentin und Chief Operating Officer ihrer Firma Adventuress Productions, die sie 1989 mit S.C. Dacy und Robert P. Palazzo gegründet hat.
Von 2002 bis 2003 war Danning zusammen mit ihrem Mann Horst Lasse Gesellschafter des SC Riessersee.
Casanova & Co. ist eine österreichisch-italienisch-französische Ausstattungs- und Erotikfilmkomödie aus dem Jahre 1976 von Franz Antel mit Tony Curtis als Giacomo Casanova und sein Doppelgänger.
Franz Josef Antel (* 28. Juni 1913 in Wien; † 12. August 2007ebenda) war ein österreichischer Filmregisseur, Produzent und Autor. Mehr als 100 Spielfilme entstanden unter seiner Regie. Bei einigen internationalen Koproduktionen verwendete er den Künstlernamen François Legrand.
1955: Der Kongreß tanzt
1962: Das ist die Liebe der Matrosen
1964: Liebesgrüße aus Tirol
1965: Ruf der Wälder
1969: Liebe durch die Hintertür
1969: Frau Wirtin bläst auch gern Trompete
1970: Frau Wirtin treibt es jetzt noch toller
1973: Blau blüht der Enzian
1973: Frau Wirtins tolle Töchterlein
1973: Das Wandern ist Herrn Müllers Lust
1974: Wenn Mädchen zum Manöver blasen
1993: Almenrausch und Pulverschnee (TV-Serie, auch Co-Drehbuch)
1994: Mein Freund, der Lipizzaner
1996: Der Bockerer II – Österreich ist frei
2000: Der Bockerer III – Die Brücke von Andau
2003: Der Bockerer IV – Prager Frühling
Im Jahr 1947 kam sein erster Film Das singende Haus in die Kinos. Fortan war er in Österreich und Deutschland ein gefragter Filmemacher für Unterhaltungsfilme, vorwiegend für Heimatfilme und Filme aus der Kaiserzeit Österreichs (die so genannten „K.-u.-k.-Filme“). Ab Mitte der 1960er-Jahre war er einer der ersten Produzenten erotischer Filme. Bekannt wurden hier vor allem seine in Ungarn gedrehten Frau Wirtin…-Filme und 1976 Casanova & Co.mit Weltstar Tony Curtis in der Hauptrolle. Antel arbeitete mit vielen beliebten österreichischen Schauspielern seiner Zeit, so mit Hans Moser, Paul Hörbiger, Rudolf Prack, Oskar Sima, Waltraut Haas, Oskar Werner, Ewald Balser, Heinrich Schweiger, Klausjürgen Wussow, Peter Weck und Herbert Fux. Der junge Mario Girotti, besser bekannt unter seinem Künstlernamen Terence Hill, war einer der Hauptdarsteller in Ruf der Wälder (1965), einem seiner wenigen Filme mit ernsthaftem Hintergrund. Andere Schauspieler, die mit Antel arbeiteten, waren unter anderem Curd Jürgens, Karl Merkatz, Edwige Fenech, Carroll Baker, Arthur Kennedy, Britt Ekland, Andréa Ferréol, George Hilton. Eine Jahrzehnte dauernde Zusammenarbeit verband Antel mit Carl Szokoll (u. a. als Produktionsleiter) und Gunther Philipp (als Darsteller und Drehbuchautor).
Im Jahr 1956 nannte Antel den österreichischen Journalisten Hans Weigel im Zug der „Ohrfeigen-Affäre“ um Käthe Dorsch einen „miesen Juden“. Daraufhin warf man ihm vor, er sei ein Nazi. In Rage replizierte er, darauf wäre er „stolz“.
Antel galt als einer der prominentesten Anhänger des First Vienna FC; am 13. Oktober 1964 wählte der Club ihn zu seinem Präsidenten.
Mit seiner letzten Ehefrau Sibylla, geb. Thin, einer ehemaligen Sekretärin von Curd Jürgens, war er von 1978 bis 1989 verheiratet und dann erneut ab 1995.
Tony Curtis: Giacomo Casanova / Giacomino, der Taschendieb
Marisa Mell: Francesca, Herzogin von Cornaro
Marisa Berenson: Frau des Kalifen
Hugh Griffith: Kalif
Britt Ekland: Herzogin von Trivulzi
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marley-warriors · 7 years
Hi. Just wanted to say I love rping with you. You're one of the best berhold's I've interacted with.
That is so beautiful of you! Thank you so much for making me feel so special. Hearing that from you means so much to me, I mean you have so much more experience and practice. I love your rp's. I never know what to expect with you, seriously there is never a dull moment. XD
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lantinev · 7 years
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NICHTS Frontale Leere -  Interventionen im Gasthaus Hofer, mit Oliver Marceta, Jasmin B. Hirtl, Daniel Krammer, Dieter Puntigam, Karin Goldgruber, René Berhold, Rebekka Dober, Paul Plut, XhansXfranz und Valentin Aigner, Rottenmann, 2017
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sirinjikith · 8 years
Of Coffee and Love
Fandom: Captain America
Pairing: ReaderxBucky
A short fanfic written to a friend in homage to her fandom; Which I am not in myself so it wasn’t an easy task.
The clock hit 7 before the doors once again swung open, another hectic day was before you. Customers coming in and out of the shop on the corner of Carling st. and Berholds rd. Not much, had never been more than a cozy place who lived on their regulars. But they had good coffee and those nifty little sweets that you never could get enough of. It was a good job.
As a barista you always got the strangers people that came in, all who wanted their coffee faster than the person before. Grumpy office workers that was on they way to another day of torture, loud students that always ordered the strangest thing on the menu. Some mothers that had the whole day free but was strangely stressed out anyway, and that man.
You knew you shouldn’t favourite customers, as an employee of Lunar Latte you were not allowed to have a relationship with any other workers, but it never said anything about customers. It was that special guy, the one that came in every other day, smiled a heart-melting smile at you and ordered a plain Coffee. Always with the same treat on the side and the same torturous lovely smile when he left. You could die happily after every encounter. Those dark locks and turquoise eyes was enchanting, to the point that you couldn't help yourself staring after his retreating form. Only feeling like a fool when the next customer cleared their throat to get your attention.
You lived for those encounters, the girl you worked with was persistent that you got his name and number, but it felt wrong. If he were to know you were interested, maybe he would never come back. He looked so sweet, always put together and was certainly already taken. A guy like that could never be single.
It was just your luck, not that you were ugly or something. Just a little bit eccentric, you could get over the top when talking about your favourite hobbies and you could never hide your feelings from your eyes. Classmates had always said you were easy to read, easy to like or dislike depending on the mood.  
A guy like him would surely want a more stable girl in his life, more normal. And who ever hooked up with the barista anyway? Baristas were the easy flirts, the one you saw every day and mentioned to your friends, but never one you started something serious with.
You hated being single at a place like this. Looking at all the attractive people coming and going and be forced to smile to them whenever you felt like it or not.
The day had begun like every other, a bunch of students that sat on their computers for hours and a bunch of boring people. Nothing new, nothing exciting. The door chimed and when you turned around it felt like your heart would stop. Of course it was Mr. Lovely with two other people in tow. You had never seen these other people before, but they were clearly friends with your secret crush. Why did he have to have such attractive friends.
Despite the obvious, Mr. Lovely with his auburn hair, sweet face and happy eyes. His male friend was tall, blond and well built, had one of those open faces everyone could fall for. Maybe a little too young looking for your taste but no doubt handsome. The woman was more refined, with incredibly curves and red lipstick, complementing her brown smooth locks.
There was no line so they came right up to you. Stay cool, please don’t embarrass yourself now (Y/N).
“Hi, I would like one…
plain coffee and a sweet-treat”
“plain coffee and a sweet-treat”
You didn’t mean to interrupt him or to speak over him, but it was always the same and you had known his order by heart after the second day.
The silence that followed was creepy quiet and you hoped you wasn’t as red in the face as it felt.
“Yes, that. And one White chocolate smoothie for this guy here” He smiled somewhat nervous and jerked his thumb backwards, to the other people staring between you and him with raised eyebrows.
You must have just ruined every chance you ever had of seeing him again, this was the end, you were so fucked. Why did you have to go and opened your big mouth before he had finished talking, why oh why…
“No, no come on. I haven’t drunk that since… forever. Come on Bucky. No I want something with blueberry in, do you have those cream-like decaf drinks?” His friend stepped forward and gave Mr. Right (Bucky, of fuck, you knew his name now) a playful shove. Of course he would have lovely friends as well.
“Aww, come now Steve, I was just jerking with you. Can’t keep your eight-pack on fruits and eggs you know. You need sugar sometimes too”
“Don’t you think he gets enough sugar due to all those pop tarts he was eating yesterday?” The lady who hadn't said a word so far piped up. She had a lovely low voice, one that made chocolate melt. Steve looked embarrassed and mumbled something about ‘Peggy not being fair’. Bucky laughed at the two.
He had such an amazing laugh, rich and mysterious as the glint in his eyes whenever he smiled. This would be your best day ever, now you could definitely die happy. Before things became awkward again, you hurried to ring up their orders and blended something with blueberry and cream in to Steve, he looked pleased when he tasted so apparently you did good.
Before they left and you had resigned to stare mournfully after them, Bucky turned around.
“I’m sorry for before, I’m not really used to people knowing things about me like that. Guess it isn’t that hard since I come here so often. Anyway, thank you for, you know...”
This was your chance you thought, this was it. Now you have to ask him for his number, it was now or never.
“I… It’s no problem, Wha… Thank you too, enjoy... your coffee” Why oh why did you have to stutter so, what were you, five?
There it was again, that smile that could melt mountains.
“I’ll see you around (Y/N)”
And with that he left, with a wave and you feeling like a pool with goo on the floor. It didn’t register to you at first. You had talked, said more than the usual ‘hello’ ‘that’ll be 2.40’ ‘thank you, please come again’ that was the company standards. But you had had an actual conversation. And he knew your name, how did he know your name? Maybe...
Then it hit you that you never got the nerves to ask for his number, damn why didn’t you do it. This had been you chance, maybe the only you’ll ever got. Why did you have to be so stupid all the time.
Slowly sinking down on a chair behind the counter in misery, this day had been the best and the worst you ever experienced. Taking notice of the name tag on your apron made your mood even worse. Of course he had known your name, he had certainly stared at it every time he ordered coffee, and you had just only getting to know his. Life wasn’t fair. There was nothing into it, there had been no hope from the beginning, he just wanted to be nice. He was just a nice person that you would have to love from a distance for the rest of this life.
Your mood didn’t improve the next few days, in fact it only became worse when you with a heavy heart noticed that Bucky didn’t show the days after your encounter. So you had screwed it up in the end, was too weird so now he didn’t want to come back. Your colleagues kept a remarkable safe distant from you, left you alone whenever you glared at them. No one dared to ask about Mr. Lovely or what could have happened to get you in such a foul mood.
 During the first week you sulked, dragged your feet around, had the manager yell at you a couple of times for not doing your job properly. Never listened to any of your co-workers encouraging words.
 During the second week you were angry. How dare he just not show up again? What was his problem. If you had said something upsetting then he could at least be a man and tell you. Not just avoid you and think it would all be okay.
 During the third week you were worried. Could something have happened? What if he had had an accident? had he been forced to move, or maybe his job had sent him somewhere far away. After all, you had no idea what he was doing for a living, you knew nothing at all about him but somehow, his work seemed important right now.
 During the fourth week you had stopped caring, at least on the outside. Inside you felt dead. This had become ridiculous, that so much of your thought, your happiness depended on a person that you didn’t even know.
Maybe he had moved away with his girlfriend, maybe he had changed rout to his office. Maybe he had just grown tired of this place and wanted to try out something new. The possibilities was endless and none of them included telling you of why. You weren’t in his life, you weren’t friends and not important enough to be told anything really. But it still felt like a breakup, still ached in your heart that you probably never got to see him again.
One day in the beginning of week five, over a month without Mr. Lovely one of your friends/co-workers got enough of your strange mood swings. She punched you hard and shouted at you to ‘get it together girl’.
“Life doesn't end with this you know. Come on and woman up for Christ sake. Take it as it is, you had a crush that didn’t work out and now you just have to move on”
There wasn’t any people in the store, too early yet and you were grateful for that. It was pretty embarrassing to be beaten and yelled at by a smaller readhead. Natasha was terrifying and knew karate, and you were sure some other martial-arts that wasn’t even allowed in this country. She always acted sweet towards anyone on the outside but you knew that truth, knew to not mess with Nat.
“I know you felt something for James a good while,” She continued. “but you had to take it upon yourself to do something about it. And now maybe it’s too late so you just have to accept it and move on”
“I know Nat, it’s just so… wait did you say James?”
She looked at you strangely, but certainly you gave her a just as confused look.
“yes, James. The guy you have been swooning over the past few months? Did I get something wrong?”
“No, just… I thought his name was Bucky?”
“That’s just a nickname, one that Steve likes to use since they were small. His real name is James Barnes”
Something in you ran cold and screamed in celebration at the same time.
“You know him? all this time you have known him and never said a word?” You felt betrayed somehow, by the person you thought was your friend, she had hidden such valuable information from you all this time.
“I told you, I wanted you to take the steps yourself, not having me meddle in you love-life. Besides, I don’t know James, just Steve. Know that they work together though, can always ask him to take his lazy ass back here if you really are that bad at it yourselves”
“Why didn’t you do it from the start? why Nat why?!”
Nat just looked at you with raised eyebrows, maybe that was a thing for them, and you saw in her eyes why. She wanted you to reach out and do it yourselves, not having her baby you all the time. You knew you should have done something long ago, but you always backed out the last moment.
“So you haven’t told Steve?” you were suddenly nervous, what if they knew, what if they secretly laughed at  you behind your back after every time he came in.
“Hey, calm down. I haven’t said anything to Steve but if you are just as easy to read whenever he is here as you are when he isn’t, I’m sure he knows anyway”
Oh crap, your life was ruined. You would have to move to Finland and start your new life inside one if those ice-houses and never come out again. This was the worst that could happened. What if Bucky had known all along and treated it like a game or something, and now he had grown tired of the game and not come back. Nat who was still staring at you heaved a sigh. She must have seen you were on the brink to tears, either from a panic attack or just the thought of being laughed at by the one you loved.
“Look girl, I can’t help you with your crush okay, but I maybe can help you with his whereabouts, I haven’t talked to Steve in a while but I can try to call a mutual friend who might know where he may be, okay?”
She had put her hands on your shoulders and looked into your eyes, daring you to stop hyperventilating and listen to her. You just nodded, this was too much for you.
You had always heard of the expression ‘you never realise what you have until you lost it’ but never considered it true, not until this moment. The thought of being hated by Bucky was devastating, heart breaking and you just couldn’t take it. This was far more than just a silly crush, could it really be that you had fallen in love with someone you barely knew?  
You chewed on your nails and tried to serve the few customers that came and went as you waited for Natasha to come back from her conversation with some ‘Tony’ when she finally did, you could almost throw up with anxiety.
“So?” you asked, looking at Natasha with big round eyes. The news didn’t look good.
“Well, not sure where I shall begin to be honest. I got a hold of Tony, he have been helping us with some stuff in the past and have stayed in contact with Steve and the old gang. But he hadn’t heard from Steve either for a while, so he looked into it. Tony have a bad habit of hacking private files, companies and hospitals and so on. And he found out there had indeed been an accident”
All the while she was talking your blood ran cold, your worst fear had come true.
“They have been at a hospital for a few weeks,” she continued “maybe as long as a month. Steve is okay, just few cracked ribs and some light concussion. James on the other hand... “
You never believed that you could feel like this, like the ocean suddenly have swallowed you whole and the pressure of the water is crushing your skull. The waves are burning into your lungs and devouring your heart. Taking all that you ever felt and washes it away to a place you’ll never find it again. was this what it felt like to die? Natasha had continued to talk but you didn’t hear her, had stopped to listen long ago and the only thing you could ever comprehend was that the love of your life was dead.
Suddenly a loud smack and a ringing in your left ear was the only thing left. It took a few seconds before you realised Natasha had slapped you, you could only stare at her in disbelief.
“What are you doing idiot? Don’t just stand there looking as the world has come to an end, go and see how he’s feeling. I bet he could use a cup of your magical coffee right now. You know I always thought it was strange, James never drank coffee when we were younger, just tea. Wonder what made him change?”
“He.. he is alive?” Was she just pulling your legs, certainly you must have missed something.
“Alive? of course he is alive, what did you think? Only because he had to operate his arm, I do not think the doctors are that bad”
“But you said…”
“That it looked much worse when he was brought in, but they manage to save his arm so it should be fully functioning again soon, God girl did you not just listen to me?”
“I… I guess I didn’t, sorry” You held your aching cheek with a pout. Did she have to hit you again, and that hard too.
“Then what are you still doing here, go to him. I can cover for you, we do not have that many customers today anyway”
“But Nat, I still don’t know if he even likes me back…”
“Girl, do you really think he would travel four blocks in the wrong direction every other day when you work the morning shift if he didn’t like you?”
She gave you one of those raised eyebrow-looks again, silently calling you stupid and this time you could do nothing but to agree with her.
“Don’t forget his coffee” She yelled after you while you rushed out the door, not even thinking to ask Nat which hospital they were in. Oh well, you could always call her later when you had stopped smiling that stupid happy smile of yours.
The End.
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ungroovygords-blog · 7 years
Ungroovygords music playlist: 1
Ungroovygords music playlist: 1
A list written by: Lee sonogan
“Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” – Berhold Auerbach
Here is a list of songs of the hard rock, metal and electronic genre of music. The playlist of music is interesting and you should listen to it. Some of the list contains some of my favourite songs from bands. The following playlist is below:
Down Payment blues – Powerage – ACDC
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