yakoalyarin · 8 months
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Everyone look at the cute little duck! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Full and more spicier stuff on my Patreon _(:3 」∠)_
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kayakin064 · 4 months
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Happi chrismins.
@pakkigeckome @scardy-crow
( Original reference from @draw-the-squad-like-this )
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seddieymisim · 1 year
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bunedycom · 1 year
Okan Buruk'u şok eden istek: Ayrılmak istiyor
Okan Buruk’u şok eden istek: Ayrılmak istiyor
Galatasaray’ın geçtiğimiz sezon Alanyaspor’dan 4 milyon Euro bonservis bedeliyle kadrosuna kattığı Berkan Kutlu’nun takımdan ayrılmak istediğini Teknik Direktör Okan Buruk’a ilettiği iddia edildi. 24 yaşındaki oyuncunun Nef Stadı’nda Villarreal ile oynanan hazırlık maçında taraftarların yoğun ıslıklarına maruz kaldığı ve Okan Buruk’a “Taraftarlar bana cephe almış durumda. Bu şekilde devam edemem…
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yasinsuresi · 2 years
Yasin Suresi - Abdallah Abdal
Yasin Suresi - Abdallah Abdal Yasin Suresi, Mekke döneminde inmiştir. 83 âyettir. Sûre, adını ilk âyeti oluşturan “Yâ-Sîn” harflerinden almıştır. Sûrede başlıca insanın ahlâkî sorumlulukları, vahiy, Hz. Peygamber’i yalanlayan Kureyş kabilesi, Antakya halkına gönderilen peygamberler, Allah’ın birliğini ve kudretini gösteren deliller, öldükten sonra dirilme,hesap ve ceza konu edilmektedir.
Yasin Suresi https://yasin.suresi.gen.tr/
Yasin Suresi Arapça https://yasin.suresi.gen.tr/p/yasinsuresiarapcaoku.html
Yasin Suresi Türkçe https://yasin.suresi.gen.tr/p/yasinsuresiturkceoku.html
Yasin Suresi Meali https://yasin.suresi.gen.tr/p/yasinsuresimeali.html Yasin Duası https://yasin.suresi.gen.tr/p/yasinsuresiduasi.html
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sairceketli · 3 months
Lan oğlum zaten döke saça geldik biz bu günlere. Elimizde, avucumuzda, yüreğimizde ne varsa bitti gitti işte. Mesleğe başlayalı 21 yıl olmuş. Al, bak. Yok işte. Koku falan almıyorum. Bir tek ceset kokusu alıyorum. Koca şehir mezarlık oldu bana.
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katesqeckoa · 7 months
[ almost ] (safiye/berkan)
[ almost ] sender and receiver are centimeters apart, about to kiss, but something interrupts them.
How long had this been going on between the two of them? Berkan lost track of time at some point, but he knew months had passed since they started sleeping together. They eventually told Hazal the truth and that was it so far. If he was being honest with himself, Berkan was surprised Safiye kept it from her younger sister for as long as she had. The fact that Hazal lived with Safiye made things difficult and they made it work for as long as they could while keeping it a secret, but even he was glad they didn’t have to hide it all the time. "You look incredible," he spoke while leaning against the doorway of Saf’s bathroom. Eyes trailed over her backside as she stood in front of the mirror, using it as a way to look back at him. He waited to hear something along the lines of ‘I know’, since that was very much a thing for her to say, but he only watched the smile appear on her lips before she ducked her head down for a moment. That gave him the push to enter the room and stand directly behind her, both hands resting against her sides. "Don’t you dare distract me." Berkan could swear he heard something to her words that seemed more like ‘I dare you to distract me’ and it had his hands trailing up her sides in the slightest. "Are you sure you don’t want me to?" "Berkan." The words barely passed his lips before he heard his name come from her, then he watch her turn around to face him while leaning back against the sink. A smile pulled at the corner of his lips with his hands now on the sink countertop behind her, somewhat keeping her trapped there. "Yes?" He could see the grin on her lips as well, causing him to lean a little closer until there was barely any space between their lips. This wasn’t something that happened often, but Hazal knowing the truth of their relationship made it possible at times. "Cemile is here!" Then he heard those three words from Hazal downstairs and swiftly stood up straight, as if there hadn’t been barely any space between them moments ago. The disappointment was clear on her face, just as it was clear on his, and he forced himself to remain there rather than kissing her like he wanted. "Later," he spoke the single word with a hand lifting to brush the hair back behind her ear, giving them another few seconds and nothing more when even that was too risky.
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piperbellinger · 1 year
“  i thought you left.  ” (berkan & rüya)
morning after starters.
status: accepting !
rüya navruz se revirou na cama, puxando o cobertor para cobrir o corpo, sentindo uma lufada de ar frio contra a pele desnuda. uma das pernas longas foi parar involuntariamente no quadril de berkan, enquanto ela se remexia nos segundos que antecederam o ruído alto e as vibrações do despertador de se celular. os olhos arderam quando os abriu, ainda muito sonolenta, e ela fez um esforço considerável para mantê-los aberto. a luz brilhante do sol em seu ponto mais alto que penetrava a janela pelos pequenos vãos da cortina persiana, não foram o suficiente para que a turca se desse conta do horário, porque assim que os olhos castanhos repousaram sobre o celular e rüya diminuiu a iluminação da tela para poder enxergar sem sentir os olhos queimarem, eles se arregalaram e ela quase saltou da cama.
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procurava suas roupas amarrotadas no chão do quarto do hotel numa tentativa fracassada de ser rápida e silenciosa quando bateu o dedo mindinho na ponta da cama e um grito de dor excruciante ficou preso em sua garganta. a tela do celular vibrava e acendia com a chegada de mensagens, fazendo a morena dar pulinhos na direção da cômoda com um pé só. as bochechas queimaram quando o nome do marido surgiu na fala e culpa apertou o peito de rüya por estar o traindo — mesmo que ele viesse fazendo isso há muito tempo — e os olhos se arrastaram até berkan deitado na cama, dormindo pacificamente. seu coração também se apertou ao vê-lo, porque ao contrário do marido, berkan a fazia sentir coisas, não só a excitação de ter um homem atraente a desejando, mas aquelas borboletas no estômago descritas na literatura. com berkan ela se sentia uma criatura estimada, adorada, talvez até mesmo amada, além de só uma pessoa que deveria estar lá esquentando a cama e fazendo sabe-se lá o que uma esposa prendada deveria fazer. enquanto o marido esperava que rüya largasse o emprego na escolinha e vivesse em prol do casamento malfadado, o amante gostava de ouvi-la tagarelar sobre o seu trabalho, sobre as crianças que ela tanto amava. era estranho para ela não poder se imaginar formando uma família com um homem que estava casada e sim com um homem que tinha uma relação extraconjugal e mesmo assim todas as vezes que berkan a olhava com atenção e cobiça naqueles olhos cor de chocolate, ela se derretia e se permitia pensar em um futuro com ele.
todavia, como sempre a realidade a trazia de volta para onde ela devia estar, em casa, esperando marido voltar da tal viagem de negócios — provavelmente de um hotel com uma de suas várias amantes — como uma boa esposa faria. voltando do banheiro após um longo mais longo do que o devido, com um roupão e uma toalha na cabeça, rüya recolhia as peças de roupa que tinha conseguido juntar quando se virou para cama e encontrou berkan acordado. cada fibra de seu corpo respondia aquele olhar e àquelas palavras, que a faziam desejar jogar jogar o roupão no chão e voltar para cama. “ainda não.” disse, dando um sorrisinho de desculpas. “mas você sabe que preciso ir pra casa, ele está me esperando.” ela não dizia o nome do marido, ou nem mesmo a palavra marido porque não queria se sentir ainda mais culpada e também porque não queria que berkan sentisse que era o que era: o homem com quem ela passava as horas em que a pessoa com quem realmente era casada estava ausente. “eu realmente gostaria de poder ficar.” sussurrou enquanto se vestia, passando o suéter pela cabeça, o que tornou o tom de sua voz quase inaudível aos ouvidos dele, as palavras abafadas pelo tecido da roupa. recolhendo o restante dos seus pertences, rüya deu uma corridinha até a cama e deixou um beijo estalado na bochecha do editor antes de caminhar até a porta. “te mando uma mensagem quando chegar em casa!”
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moonflowcr · 8 months
[ TILT ] - saf/berkan
nsfw prompts.
[ TILT ] sender tilts receiver’s head to the side to kiss their neck
It wasn’t the first time they ended up on Berkan’s bed at the guesthouse. While the first few times in her bedroom were great, Safiye knew they would always be lucky to not have her sister away on a date so they could have the house for themselves. Plus, the lack of privacy mattered to her, especially when there could be consequences if someone knew about them. Knowing there could be someone taking pics of her from outside the window made it a very dangerous place to keep such a big secret, which made the guesthouse the perfect place to meet each other in the middle of the night to get rid of their clothes and keep getting each other in ways they never did before. They always did the same thing: Safiye sneaked away from the main house after midnight, knocked at Berkan’s door to let him know she was there and then left, sometimes even after having one round and getting enough energy after sex. Whether Hazal was around or not, it felt like the safest thing they could do, both for the the sake of the little privacy the influencer could have and of his job, but it seemed like Berkan didn’t care about that too much that night. Safiye knew her sister was home by the way the lights were on and she had to leave as soon as possible so she wouldn’t suspect, but her bodyguard had other ideas. Berkan started kissing her neck and tilting her head slightly to have more room to leave more kisses on her skin as he wrapped his arms around her waist to prevent her from getting up and leave. She was torn between the idea of staying in his arms for a bit longer and the idea of getting dressed to go back to her room, but those kisses and the things he mumbled against her skin were very tempting. “Stay,” he whispered in her ear before leaving a kiss behind her ear, a very soft spot that could melt her when done properly. And he definitely had learned how to do it. Safiye turned her head to him and he stopped, paying attention to her lips, “Fine, five more minutes,” she said with a smile before turning around and pushing him to lay on his back, which was a feat in itself considering he was much stronger than her, and straddled him. “But this time I’m on top.” A smirk appeared on her lips as she started grinding against his hips, feeling him getting hard again against her front.
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nisaxkaplan · 2 years
starter for berkan arslan ( @pullumtendies​ )  location: his office 
For as long as she could remember, she was often seen at the Bosnak household and tonight was no different. She honestly didn't know where her childhood friend had taken off too, but probably got distracted with the other female companion that he had over, which left Nisa wandering to the kitchen for a snack. When she got to the kitchen, a familiar shiver ran down her spine. "Berkan," she spun on her heel to face the one person she found herself loathing more days than not, "come to get a snack yourself? I didn't know you indulged in joy."
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dipnotski · 25 days
Ludwig Wittgenstein – Renkler Üzerine Düşünceler (2024)
Ludwig Wittgenstein’ın ölümünden bir yıl önce, 1950’de Oxford’da yazdığı, son eserlerinden olan ‘Renkler Üzerine Düşünceler’ yazarın tek bir felsefi konuya odaklandığı birkaç metinden biri. Renklerle ilgili felsefi sorunların ancak ilgili dil oyunlarına dikkat edilerek çözülebileceğine inanan Wittgenstein, renklerin dildeki kullanımını açıklığa kavuşturmak için Goethe’nin Renk Öğretisi’ni ve…
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yakoalyarin · 19 days
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This dress has been trending on Twitter for a long time and I finally decided to try dressing Larikon-Echidna in it. I was not sure whether these clothes would suit him because my earlier attempts were unsuccessful (I mean other clothes). But even at the sketch stage I realized, damn, this is what we need... Well... Now it’s better for Lari to sleep with her eyes open 😄
more spicier stuff on my Patreon _(:3 」∠)_
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kayakin064 · 3 months
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The sillies. (@pakkigeckome @scardy-crow)
A redraw of this very old thing from 2012:
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movienized-com · 2 months
Çok Aşk
Çok Aşk (2023) #KivancBaruonu #BerkanSal #SebnemSonmez #HasanCanKaya #BusraPekin #UgurYucel Mehr auf:
Much LoveJahr: 2023 (Oktober) Genre: Comedy / Drama / Romantik Regie: Kıvanç Baruönü Hauptrollen: Berkan Şal, Sebnem Sönmez, Hasan Can Kaya, Büşra Pekin, Uğur Yücel, Ege Aydan, Barış Yıldız, Bahtiyar Engin, Kerem Alp Kabul … Filmbeschreibung: Coşkun und sein Bruder İrfan leben vom Verkauf raubkopierter Filme. Während Coşkun von einer Karriere als berühmter Comedian und Filmemacher träumt,…
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bizimcocuklar · 5 months
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Altay shared this on his IG story, 📍 Cardiff
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rmechmachines · 7 months
Exporter of Zig Zag Classifier Machine In Morocco
R Mech Machines LLP is an Exporter of Zig Zag Classifier Machine In Morocco. Zig Zag Classifier Machine is a type of gravity classifier that utilizes a zigzag-shaped channel to separate materials based on their density. The machine operates by introducing a mixed material stream into the top of the classifier. As the material flows down the zigzag channel, it carries lighter materials upward by air currents, while heavier materials settle at the bottom. At the top of the classifier, we collect the lighter materials, while we discharge the heavier materials from the bottom. Operating a PVC label removing machine involves several steps: Setup Adjust Settings Loading Initiate Process Monitor Operation Quality Check Unload Maintenance Safety Key Features of our PVC Label Removing Machine: Label Removal Efficiency: Effectively removes PVC labels from products or containers, saving time and labor. Accommodates Multiple Label Sizes: Versatile, accommodating various label sizes and shapes. Low Maintenance: Requires minimal upkeep to ensure optimal performance. Quiet Operation: Operates with minimal noise, providing a comfortable working environment. R Mech Machines is Exporter of Zig Zag Classifier Machine In Morocco and various locations including Fes, Agadir, Chefchaouen, Ksar el-Kebir, Taroudant, Oujda, Tangier, Guelmim, Berkane, Drarga, Nador, Kenitra, Essaouira, Marrakesh, and Inezgane. If you are interested in our high-quality products, please feel free to contact us for further information. Read the full article
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